Optical Engineering 46共5兲, 054401 共May 2007兲 Effects of boron in Ge-B co-doped fiber on the spectral characteristics of optical fiber gratings Dae Seung Moon Youngjoo Chung Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 共GIST兲 Department of Information and Communications 1 Oryong-Dong, Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea E-mail: ychung@gist.ac.kr Young-Geun Han Hanyang University Department of Physics 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu Seoul 133-791, Korea Abstract. We investigate the effects of co-doping of boron on the index difference between the core and cladding of the optical fiber, the temperature and bending sensitivities of a long-period fiber grating 共LPFG兲, and the resonance wavelength separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode of a fiber Bragg grating 共FBG兲. We observe that the index difference between the core and cladding decreases with the slope of 1.69⫻ 10−4 / SCCM and that the temperature sensitivity of the resonance wavelength shift of LPFG decreased with the slope of 0.01145 nm/ ° C / SCCM. The measurement results indicate that, as the amount of the co-doped boron is increased, the bending sensitivity of LPFGs increases, while the resonance wavelength separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode of FBGs decreases. These results may be used for design of Ge-B co-doped optical fibers with the desired characteristics suitable for optical fiber communication and sensing applications. © 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 关DOI: 10.1117/1.2740747兴 Subject terms: optical fiber sensor; optical fiber gratings; Ge-B co-doped optical fiber. Paper 060588R received Jul. 24, 2006; revised manuscript received Nov. 3, 2006; accepted for publication Nov. 5, 2006; published online May 17, 2007. 1 Introduction Photosensitivity, which denotes the change of the refractive index due to exposure of optical fiber to UV light, has been studied extensively, since it can be utilized for fabrication of various optical fiber–based devices incorporating optical fiber gratings. It is well known that photosensitivity can be enhanced using hydrogen loading.1 However, hydrogen loading has disadvantages, among which are that it takes a long time to load hydrogen and that the required high temperature/pressure entails hazardous conditions. In addition, fibers loaded with hydrogen cannot be spliced using the fusion arc. It has been reported recently by Williams et al. that the optical fiber based on core compositions containing boron and germanium had enhanced photosensitivity,2 and the Ge-B co-doping method at the core deposition process of Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition 共MCVD兲 is widely used to enhance the photosensitivity of optical fiber. In this paper, we will present the measurement results on the effect of Ge-B co-doping on the index difference between the core and cladding, photosensitivity, temperature, and bending sensitivities of a long-period fiber grating 共LPFG兲 and the resonance wavelength separation of the core mode and the first cladding mode of a fiber Bragg grating 共FBG兲. Other experimental conditions, such as the amounts of germanium and other gases used for the MCVD process, the heating temperature of boron, and the drawing temperature, were held constant in order to isolate the effects of the amount of boron. 0091-3286/2007/$25.00 © 2007 SPIE Optical Engineering 2 Experiments and Results It is well known that boron induces the refractive index change in optical fiber upon exposure to UV light. It was reported that the amount of the induced index change due to boron is about one order of magnitude larger than that of fibers containing the same amount of germanium without boron.1 For the measurements, we fabricated four types of preforms with different amounts of boron, i.e., 30, 35, 40, and 65 SCCM, respectively. Other conditions of the MCVD process were the same. The amount of germanium was 300 SCCM, and the heating temperature of boron was 45° C. Figure 1 shows the variation of the index difference between the core and cladding versus the amount of boron. It is seen that the index difference decreases as the amount of boron is increased. The linear fitting of the data points yield the slope equal to 共−1.68± 0.06兲 ⫻ 10−4 / SCCM. It was reported that the addition of boron to the core increases the photoinduced index change resulting from the densification and that such compositions give rise to photoinduced index changes far in excess of standard germanosilicate glass fibers.2 Boron co-doped fiber has an excellent photosensitive response far greater than a fiber with an equivalent germanium concentration.3 For the quantitative measurement of the effect, we fabricated LPFGs using a KrF excimer laser and four types of fibers with different amounts of co-doped boron. The core diameters were in the range of 5.3 m 共⌬n = 0.011兲 to 7.9 m 共⌬n = 0.005兲, the outer diameter was ⬃125 m, and the LP11-mode cutoff wavelength was ⬃1.25 m, respectively. Fibers with large boron co-doping had low core index and thus large core radius. The hydrogen loading was not done. The period of 054401-1 May 2007/Vol. 46共5兲 Moon, Chung, and Han: Effects of boron in Ge-B co-doped fiber… Fig. 3 The temperature sensitivity of the LPFG versus the amount of boron and the linear fitting of the data. Fig. 1 The variation of the index difference ⌬n between the core and cladding versus the amount of boron and the linear fitting of the data. the amplitude mask was 450 m, the repetition rate of the laser pulses was 10 Hz, and the output energy of the laser was 160 mJ per pulse. Several resonance peaks appear in the transmission spectra of the LPFGs, and we measured the largest peak depth while varying the UV exposure time between 0 and 300 s at intervals of 30 s. The result is shown in Fig. 2. It is seen that the peak depth increases as the amount of codoped boron was increased, which indicates that photonsensitivity is enhanced due to the co-doping of boron. In the case of 65 SCCM, the peak depth decreases after 60 s, which is attributed to the overcoupling between the core and cladding modes. While germanium has positive temperature dependence of the refractive indices,4,5 i.e., dn / dT ⬎ 0, boron has negative temperature dependence, i.e., dn / dT ⬍ 0. This can be utilized for control of the temperature sensitivity of LPFGs by adjusting the amount of boron in order to cancel the effect of the germanium. The Fig. 2 The variation of the maximum transmission peak versus the UV exposure time. The increase for the 65 SCCM case after 60 s is due to overcoupling in the LPFG. Optical Engineering phase-matching condition of LPFG between the guided core mode and the p’th forward-propagating cladding mode can be expressed as 共p兲 = ⌳共n01 − n共p兲兲, where 共p兲 is the resonance wavelength of the LPFG, ⌳ is the grating period, and n01 and n共p兲 are the effective indices of the fundamental mode and the HE1p cladding mode, respectively.6 In the case of conventional fibers doped with germanium only, d共p兲 / dT is positive. Boron co-doping during the core deposition process of MCVD can partially cancel the positive temperature sensitivity of germanium and thus lower the temperature sensitivity of LPFG. For the quantitative analysis, we again used four types of preforms with different amounts of boron. The fibers were drawn at the temperature of 1930° C, and the capstan speed was 30 m / min. LPFGs were inscribed in these fibers, without hydrogen loading, using a KrF excimer laser. The fabricated LPFGs were placed in a temperature-controlled dry oven, and the transmission spectra were measured using an optical spectral analyzer 共OSA兲 while monitoring the temperature inside the oven. The initial temperature in the oven was set to below 0 ° C using dry ice, and the temperature was increased slowly at the rate of ⬃1 ° C / min. The measurements were made for the temperature range of 0 to 190° C. The measured temperature sensitivity of the resonance wavelength versus the amount of boron is shown in Fig. 3. The linear fitting of the data points yield the slope equal to 共−0.01145± 0.00146兲 nm/ ° C / SCCM. We also performed measurements of bending sensitivities of the resonance wavelengths of LPFGs with different core-cladding index differences ⌬n of 0.011, 0.009, and 0.005, respectively. The LPFGs were fabricated using a KrF excimer laser and a 2-cm-long amplitude mask with a period of 500 m. The fiber with the LPFG inscribed within was 30-cm long and was suspended between two states, one of which was translated in the longitudinal direction to induce bending of the fiber. The geometric configuration of the four-point bending system was used to calculate the curvature.7,8 We measured the resonance wavelength shift ⌬ for two different values of the curvature, 4.21 m−1 and 5.96 m−1, respectively. The results are shown in Fig. 4: 共a兲 for ⌬n = 0.011, ⌬ = 3.4 nm and 12.8 nm; 共b兲 for ⌬n = 0.009, ⌬ = 16.4 nm and 23.2 nm; and 共c兲 for ⌬n = 0.005, ⌬ = 34.8 nm and 42 nm. Since bo- 054401-2 May 2007/Vol. 46共5兲 Moon, Chung, and Han: Effects of boron in Ge-B co-doped fiber… Fig. 4 The variation of the LPFG transmission spectra versus the bending for different values of the core-cladding index difference: 共a兲 0.011, 共b兲 0.009, and 共c兲 0.005. ron co-doping decreases ⌬n, these results indicate that the bending sensitivity of LPFGs is increased by boron co-doping. A significant amount of loss can occur in the short wavelength side of the resonance peak of an FBG due to the coupling of the LP01 core mode and the backward cladding modes. These losses impose restrictions on the use of FBGs in DWDM systems,9 unless a sufficient wavelength separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode is achieved. For measurements on the effect of boron codoping on the wavelength separation, we fabricated FBGs Optical Engineering Fig. 5 The separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode of FBG for different values of the core-cladding index difference: 共a兲 0.011, 共b兲 0.009, and 共c兲 0.005. using fibers with different core-cladding index differences ⌬n of 0.011, 0.009, and 0.005. These are the same fibers used for the bending sensitivity measurements described in the preceding paragraph. A frequency-doubled argon-ion laser was used as the UV light source, and the interferometric method was used for inscription of the FBGs. Figure 5 shows the separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode of the FBG for different values of the corecladding index difference. The wavelength separation was 共a兲 ⬃2.2 nm with ⌬n = 0.011, 共b兲 ⬃2.0 nm with ⌬n = 0.009, and 共c兲 ⬃1.6 nm with ⌬n = 0.005. These results 054401-3 May 2007/Vol. 46共5兲 Moon, Chung, and Han: Effects of boron in Ge-B co-doped fiber… indicate that the wavelength separation decreases as the core-cladding index difference decreases or as the amount of boron increases. In general, boron co-doping in the core has the effect of increased attenuation at longer wavelengths. It was reported10 that the absorption edge was shifted by ⬃80 nm toward shorter wavelengths in the case of large boron codoping, and the loss was ⬃8 dB/ km at 1550 nm. Even though this is not acceptable for long-distance communication systems, the effect is negligible for short fiber-based devices such as fiber gratings with lengths in the order of centimeters. 3 Conclusions In this work, the effects of boron in Ge-B co-doped optical fibers on the spectral characteristics of optical fiber gratings were experimentally investigated. We fabricated preforms with different amounts of boron and the core-cladding index difference was measured, and it was shown that the index difference decreased as the doping amount increased with the slope of 共−1.68± 0.06兲 ⫻ 10−4 / SCCM. After the drawing process, the photosensitivity and the temperature and bending sensitivities were measured of LPFGs fabricated without hydrogen loading for different doping amounts of boron. The measurement results indicated that the temperature sensitivity decreased with the slope of 共−0.01145± 0.00146兲 nm/ ° C / SCCM and that the bending sensitivity of LPFGs was increased by boron co-doping. Moreover, the separation between the core mode and the first cladding mode of FBGs due boron co-doping was investigated, and it was shown that the wavelength separation decreased as the amount of boron increased. These results will be helpful for fabrication of the photosensitivity fiber, and the measured data can be utilized for fabrication of LPFGs used for sensor applications and for fabrication of FBGs used for WDM devices. Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by KOSEF through Grant No. R01-2006-000-11088-0 from the Basic Program and by the Second-Phase of Brain Korea 21 Project. References 1. P. J. Lemaire, R. M. Atkins, V. Mizrahi, and W. A. 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J. Ainslie, C. R. Day, P. W. France, K. J. Beales, and G. R. Newns, “Preparation of long length of ultra-low-loss single-mode fiber,” Electron. Lett. 15共14兲, 411–413 共1979兲. Dae Seung Moon received a BS degree in electrical engineering from SungKyunKwan University, Suwon, Korea, in 1997 and a master’s degree in information and communications engineering from the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 共GIST兲, Korea, in 2003. He is currently working toward a PhD degree at GIST. His main research interests are in the areas of fiber gratings, fiber lasers, holey fibers, and optical fiber sensors. Youngjoo Chung received a BS degree in physics from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1982 and a PhD degree in plasma physics from Princeton University, New Jersey, in 1989. He was with the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, between 1989 and 1996. He returned to Korea as an associate professor in the Department of Information and Communications, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju in 1996. He has been a full professor since 2001. His current research interests include fabrication and device application of optical fiber and optical fiber gratings for communication and sensing, nonlinear optics, nanostructures and molecular electronics, and development of simulation tools based on grid computing. Young-Geun Han received his MS degree and PhD in information and communications engineering from the Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology 共K-JIST兲, Korea, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. He was a visiting researcher at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland in 2002. He was a senior member of the technical staff at Korea Institute of Science and Technology 共KIST兲, Seoul, Korea, from 2003 to 2006. He was a visiting researcher at the Integrated Research Center for Photonic Networks and Technologies 共CNIT兲, Pisa, Italy, in 2006. In 2007, he joined the faculty of the Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. His research interests include optical fibers, nonlinear fiber optics, photonic crystal fibers, fiber gratings, all-optical signal processing, optical communication systems, optical fiber amplifiers, and optical fiber sensors. He is an author and/or coauthor of more than 130 international journal papers and conference technical papers. He received the 2003 K-JIST Best Paper Award and the 2003 COOC Best Paper Award. He is a member of the Optical Society of Korea 共OSK兲 and the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 共LEOS兲. 054401-4 May 2007/Vol. 46共5兲