Predicting Chemical Equations: Rule Summary Synthesis: • Element + Element Binary Compound • Metal Oxide + Water Metal Hydroxide • Nonmetal Oxide + Water Oxyacids • Metal Oxide + Nonmetal Oxide Salt Decomposition: • Binary compounds Element + Element • Metal Carbonate Metal Oxide + Carbon Dioxide • Metal Hydroxide Metal Oxide + Water • Metal Chlorate Metal Chloride + Oxygen • Oxyacids Nonmetal Oxide + Water Single Replacement: • Metals can replace other metals if allowed according to reactivity on Activity Series • Metals replace hydrogen in an acid if allowed according to Activity Series • Metals replacing hydrogen in water: o 1st section: metal hydroxide and Hydrogen o 2nd section: metal oxide and hydrogen o 3rd section: no reaction • Halogens can replaced other halogens if allowed according to reactivity on Activity Series Double Replacement: • Could need to analyze products using solubility chart: does at least one of your products meet one of the three requirements for a double replacement reaction to occur? Combustion: • Hydrocarbon + Oxygen • Element + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + Water Oxide **Remember the compounds that decompose upon forming (H2SO3, H2CO3, and NH4OH