2272339 1 pmp-575-homework-5--raci-sp217

Company: XYZ Consulting
Is a 100-person consulting company that specializes in data management, data governance, and
BI. They are a 10 year old company having difficulties understanding how to estimate future
revenue and costs. You are assigned as the PM, you have a business analyst and technical
resource assigned to your team. The BA is brand new to the company and the technical
resource is currently part of 4 project teams. The project has high visibility and importance to
the CEO. He wants to do periodic check-ins and treat this like an Agile project.
Timeline: 6 months
Key Stakeholders: CEO, controller, consulting lead
What I want: A forecasting and budget tool that outlines both income and costs for 6 months
by month.
Income Inputs
 Existing business by month
 New business/sales by Month
Cost Inputs
 Number of resources, two types: senior and junior
 Resource hiring and attrition
 Training expense
 Meals and entertainment
General Requirements
 Dashboard
 Dynamic – can change an input and everything changes
 Tied to company metrics
 Allows us to understand who we hire, type, comp level, what can we afford, and impact
to budget
 What if one month is off
 What if/scenario planning
 Integrated with time tracking and financial systems
 Accounts for historical trends and seasonality
Assignment: Using the work you did in a WBS, create a RACI in excel.