Privite school

Learning is always remains the most popular and necessary industry in our lives.
But not always the level of educational institutions is convenient for parents, and then
they send their children to alternative private schools. Today, these educational
institutions are becoming increasingly popular, therefore, according to the demand
grows and the number of proposals.
According to recent statistics, private education on the territory of Russia
covered by no more than one percent.
The vast majority of educational institutions are concentrated in the capital,
the suburbs and, of course, in St. Petersburg.
In other words, the sector of private educational institutions is not saturated
and is characterized by a minimum level of competition.
It is also worth noting that today about seventy per cent of all private
educational institutions have their own kindergartens, but also provide services for
preparing kids for school.
All private educational institutions is the next part of the Russian market:
Eighty percent are employed by private sector educational institutions
middle segment;
Five percent occupied by religious and national private educational
Fifteen percent of the industry is occupied by private schools Premium.
We aim to establish the first place among the best educational institutions in these
fifteen percent.
The fiercest competitions for private school are public schools with similar
profound studying of subjects.
When selecting a educational institution, parents of students pay special attention
to the following points:
what is the reputation of the institution;
how long does school;
what material resources has the educational institution;
availability of accreditation and the relevant license;
the number of students in one class.
Often play an important role such factors as proximity to home and the
comments of friends.
If put before a choice: private or public - I would choose private. I pay for
quality education and my child needs to get it. But this raises the question of financial
At private schools more opportunities - but they still should be implemented.
And here everything depends on the people.
I believe that private schools are better than government in many respects.
First and foremost is a quality education. Private institutions are small classes of 10-12
people. Nobody is forgotten by the teacher, an individual approach to everyone. Many
of them focuses on languages as on a part of the main technical education. The private
school has so powerful knowledge base that helps even in high school. Comfortable
learning environment in private schools can’t be compared to public schools.. So for my
children, I choose private school.
We need to convey directly to customers, parents, private school is much better
state. The level of education in private schools is checked more strictly than usual.
Private education is provided for the same mandatory program of the Ministry of
Education of that state. The only difference in the methods of teaching and additional
Opportunity and Market
* The tuition in private schools – 135 thousand rubles (per academic year) +
20 thousand rubles entrance fee.
* The annual profit of 12.33 millions.
* Net income – 4.83 millions
* The business associated with the operation of private schools, should pay off
in 5 years.
Competitive Advantages
highly qualified teaching staff;
innovative teaching methods;
in-depth study of certain subjects;
optional classes.
Option for high school students - private education abroad.
Many European private schools recruit students from other countries. Of course, it
is expensive, requires a knowledge of the English language,
Financial Roadmap
* The size of the initial capital for opening a private school is 25 mln.
* The acquisition of the building, renovations and landscaping of the adjacent
territory – 20 mln
* The coordination with supervising training public services (fire, sanitaryepidemiological and other state agencies) – 200 thousand rubles.
* Purchase of furniture and equipment – 4 million rubles.
* In addition to the initial costs in the first year of operation will be added the
current expenses, which also should be considered in the formulation of the
business plan. Such costs include:
* Pay of staff – 6 million rubles a year.
* Building maintenance, repair and updating of equipment other expenses –
1,5 million rubles.
The revenue part of the financial plan of the project depends on the profits received
tuition at school. This fee is subject to change depending on some factors:
regional location of the school;
the students visited a number of electives.
Experts are selected based on their professional and personal qualities of
enthusiasm, creativity and desire to work for result. A core team of founders of the
school is: Ignatov Marat Aleksandrovich, Lokalova Natalia Valentinovna, Angelina
Nikolaevna Trofimova
70% of all school teachers must be specialists of higher and first qualifying
categories. Now we are working on finding good teachers that would fit our criteria.
Go-go market strategy
* The conditions of admission:
* The preparatory Department, preparatory (zero) and 1 class admits children
on a competitive basis, subject to availability of places based on interviews
with a psychologist and a speech therapist.
* In grades 2-4 students are accepted on a competitive basis, subject to
availability of seats according to the test results (mathematics, Russian
language, English language, literary reading) and the results of interviews
with a psychologist and a speech therapist.
* In grades 5-7 students are accepted on a competitive basis, subject to
availability of places, according to the test results in various academic
disciplines in the volume, studied under the State program of secondary
school and the results of interviews with a psychologist.
* To enroll in classes 5-7 the test is assessed the level of proficiency in the
Russian language, mathematics and English. When testing the knowledge
and practical skills in English is required advanced level.
* ///
* Definitely final interview of the school Director with the student and
parents, which determines the compliance of the values of family and school
and setting educational objectives.
* If places are not available, the data successfully passed testing student
placed on a "waiting list".
* All relationships between school and family on a contractual basis. Payment
of educational services is carried out through the Bank. There is no entry
At present, almost all caregivers/ gurdians including parents prefer to send children
for the proper knowledge and other useful skills in individual schools. This is due to the
fact. what is needed in todays world, and only high-quality education can give it,
prepare our children for the future. Private educational institutions take into account
individual peculiarities of each child.
Despite the relatively high payback period, the project of opening a private school
may become a successful business, subject to certain factors of the business in the field
of education and drawing up a relevant business plan.