Jennifer Zonira
The establishment of full cycle private school
Target: 25 ml rub
sector of private educational institutions is not
saturated and is characterized by a minimum level of
*All private educational institutions is the next part of
the Russian market:
percent are employed by private sector
educational institutions middle segment;
percent occupied by religious and national
private educational institutions;
percent of the industry is occupied by
private schools Premium.
When selecting a educational institution, parents of students pay
special attention to the following points:
 what is the reputation of the institution;
 how long does school works;
 what material resources has the educational institution;
 availability of accreditation and the relevant license;
 the number of students in one class;
 a proximity to home and the comments of friends play an
important role.
*If put
before a choice: private or public - I would choose
private. I pay for quality education and my child needs to
get it. But this raises the question of financial capacity.
Marina Gulpinina (teacher at a public school, has a child of
school age)
*At private schools more opportunities - but they still should
be implemented. And here everything depends on the
people. You know, for example, the excellent experience I.
M. Chaykovskogo, but it is not universal: there are children
for whom his school is ideal, but there are those who feels
better in a more traditional system of education.
Michail Rudnik (economist, has a small child)
believe that private schools are better than public in
many respects. First and foremost is a quality education.
Private institutions are small classes of 10-12 people.
Nobody is forgotten by the teacher, an individual approach
to everyone. Many of them focuses on languages as a part
of the main technical education. The private school gives
so powerful knowledge base that helps even in high
school. Comfortable learning environment in private
schools can’t be compared to public schools.. So for my
children, I choose private school.
*Yulia Yaltunina (housewife, has two children)
We should convey to customers (parents):
*the level of education in private schools is checked
* the
same mandatory program of the Ministry of
methods of teaching are unique and give info
about additional items
*the school has a good base of material resources
*the private school is licensed and accredited
*The tuition in private schools – 135 thousand
rubles (per academic year) + 20 thousand rubles
entrance fee.
*The annual profit of 12.33 millions.
*Net income – 4.83 millions
*The business associated with the operation of
private schools, should pay off in 5 years.
*highly qualified teaching staff
*innovative teaching methods
*high-tech equipment (electronic diaries, multimedia,
Internet, interactive whiteboard and LAN computers)
*in-depth study of certain subjects
*optional classes
*option for high school students – private education
*a high level of security
 Educational Technology "Intellect" (OTI), established by M. A.
Piganovym. OTI has passed expert evaluation and recognized as the
best health care for children.
 OTI is represented by a system of exercises that develop intellectual
abilities: memory, attention, thinking, imagination and forming the
subject of the concept (thesaurus). The game is intended for 2-5
minutes, assuming a self-test by keys.
 Studies have shown that training with the use of OTI help the child
better absorb information and successfully apply it in practice, but
also lead to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
 1 - 7, the class – a separate subject
 1 - 8 class – system developmental exercises on the main subjects
(subject-specific intelligence)
 9 - 11th grade modules.
*In addition to the main educational government
program and system “Intelect”:
• Short-term
*classic highly specialized classes
*elitist type classes
• Long-term
*classical and specialized training programs
*elite programs
* The conditions of admission:
* The preparatory Department, preparatory (zero) and 1 class admits children on a
competitive basis, subject to availability of places based on interviews with a
psychologist and a speech therapist.
* In grades 2-4 students are accepted on a competitive basis, subject to availability
of seats according to the test results (mathematics, Russian language, English
language, literary reading) and the results of interviews with a psychologist and a
speech therapist.
* In grades 5-7 students - the test results in academic disciplines in the volume;
* High school students are accepted on a competitive basis subject to availability of
places, according to the test results in various academic disciplines and the results
of interviews with a psychologist.
* For admission in 9th, 10th and 11th grades testing verified the level of
proficiency in the Russian language, mathematics, English and history. When
testing knowledge English is required advanced level.
*The size of the initial capital for opening a private school is 25 mln.
*The acquisition of the building, renovations and landscaping of the
adjacent territory – 20 mln
*The coordination with supervising training public services (fire,
sanitary-epidemiological and other state agencies) – 200 thousand
*Purchase of furniture and equipment – 4 million rubles.
*Pay of staff – 6 million rubles a year.
*Building maintenance, repair and updating of equipment other
expenses – 1,5 million rubles.
*Ignatov Marat Aleksandrovich
“The development of intellectual abilities - the General education
line of the 21st century”
*Doctor of pedagogical Sciences. Member of the European
coordinating Council of the International reading Association.
*Author of 4 textbooks, 12 books and over 200 scientific and
popular articles.
*Creator of Educational Technology "Intellect" (OTI) to significantly
improve the effectiveness of training activities. OTI was presented
at the Academy of Sciences (USSR, 1991) and the International
reading Association (USA, 1997). Elements of the technology
protected the dissertation of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
*Lokalova Natalia Valentinovna
*“An individual approach implies joint efforts of teachers, caregivers,
psychologists, doctors and parents in the education of the individual
and the becoming of a world Outlook of a young man”
*Teaching career is 29 years old. Is the head of the highest qualification
*Angelina Nikolaevna Trofimova
*The elementary school principal.
*“At school very much depends on the teacher. Experienced teacher – a
successful student – happy parents!”
*Teaching career is 16 years. Is the head of the first qualification
Despite the relatively high payback period, the project of
opening a private school may become a successful business,
subject to certain factors of the business in the field of
Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela