Ancient Egypt & Kush Study Guide

Name: _______________________________
6th Grade World History Chapter 4: Ancient Egypt & Kush STUDY GUIDE
Directions: Define each term. Use the words provided in the word bank
A. Hatshepsut
B. Kush
C. Piye
D. Ramses II
F. dynasty
G. embalm
H. hieroglyphs
K. linen L. papyrus
M. mummy
N. afterlife
E. step pyramid
I. scribes
J. fertile
O. pyramid
1. ________________________Nubian kingdom that conquered all of upper and lower Egypt in the 700s B.C.
2. ________________________pharaoh who ruled Egypt for 66 years and greatly expanded the Egyptian
empire by conquering surrounding territories
3. ________________________ancient Egyptian structure, built over or around a tomb
4. ________________________family or group that rules for several generations
5. ________________________a life believed to follow death
6. ________________________body prepared for burial according to ancient Egyptian practice
7. ________________________paperlike material made from the stems of the papyrus reed
8. ________________________pictures that stand for words or sounds
9. ________________________people who specialized in writing and record keeping
10. ________________________fabric woven from fibers of the flax plant
11. ________________________favorable for the growth of crops and other plants
12. ________________________to preserve a body after death
13. ________________________type of pyramid with sides that rise in giant steps
14. ________________________king of Kush around 750 B.C., who gained control of Egypt, becoming pharaoh
and uniting Egypt and Kush
15. ________________________woman pharaoh who strengthened Egypt through trade
Multiple Choice
16. _______ What natural obstacle occasionally blocked the progress of boats on the Nile?
A. silt
B. deltas
C. cataracts
D. shadoofs
17. _______ What did heavy rains on the Ethiopian Plateau cause every summer?
A. cataracts
B. the flight of the ibises
C. Nile River flooding
D. red land
18. _______ The land of Nubia had large amounts of what resource?
A. copper
B. turquoise
C. limestone
D. gold
19. _______ The basic elements of Egyptian writing are pictures that stand for words called
A. papyrus
B. rituals
C. scrolls
D. hieroglyphs
20. _______ Egyptians’ generally positive outlook led them to believe that they
A. keep their gods satisfied
B. should specialize their professions
C. might expect a happy afterlife
D. grave robbers might rob their tombs in the future
21. _______ What is meant by the term succession?
A. a group of different families that live in the same neighborhood
B. the order in which members of a royal family inherit a throne
C. the unification of a divided country
D. the belief that a ruler is also a god
22. _______ In an attempt to protect against grave robbers, where did the pharaohs begin building their tombs?
A. the Valley of the Kings
B. Giza
C. Mexico
D. Rehoboam
23. _______ Along with a massive temple cut into rock, what monument did Hapshepsut erect to honor herself?
A. a pyramid
B. a statue
C. an obelisk
D. a city
24. _______ What waterway did Hatshepsut’s biggest trading expedition take to get to the land of Punt?
A. the Red Sea
B. the Indian Ocean
C. Lake Michigan
D. the Faiyum
25. _______ Who defeated the Kushites in Egypt?
A. the Chinese
B. the Macedonians
C. the British
D. the Assyrians