Student _________________________________ Item Task Verify Order OEWIPES Hand Hygiene PPE PT ID and Privacy PT Teaching Body Mechanics and side rails Assess VS, bowel, and lung sounds prior to insertion Have suction available and set up Place PT in high Fowler’s position Assess nares/deviated septum/prior surgery Re-explain procedure: PT teaching. Cover PT with towel or disposal absorbent pad. Explain water. Reassurance. Emesis basin. Measure NG tube for placement and mark for length with tape or permanent marker Coat tip with water-based lubricant Instruct PT chin to chest technique while sipping water NG Insertion Prompt Comment Student _________________________________ Slowly insert tube into the naris. Stop if resistance is met. Advance the tube with each swallow until reaching marked spot Auscultate for breath sounds Using syringe, withdraw gastric content, assess, and test pH. Reinsert gastric content. Anchor tubing at the nose and chest Hook-up to suction. Assess amount of collection. HOB must remain at 30 degrees or higher Clean up Patient comfort: call light, side rails, items, pain Pass/Fail NG Insertion