Search Home Professional Learning Instructional Strategies Lesson Plans Log In Science High School Chemistry (Raymond Stadt) Unit 2 Lesson 5 Objective Background Opener Notes Review + Practice Closer Determining Valence Electrons Add to Favorites 15 teachers like this lesson Print Lesson SHARE Objective SWBAT recognize patterns in valence electrons in elements as organized in the periodic table. Big Idea Elements in the same group share the same number of valence electrons; the number of valence electrons determines their chemical behavior. LESSON AUTHOR Raymond Stadt Blue Island, IL GRADE LEVEL Ninth grade Tenth grade Eleventh grade Twelfth grade SUBJECTS Science Chemistry Bohr Model electrons (Bonding) STANDARDS HS-PS1-1 Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms. XC-P-HS-4 Mathematical representations are needed to identify some patterns. Sign Up Background This lesson is NGSS aligned two ways: HS-PS1-1 Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms. This will be the true application of this performance expectation, as we are now directly connecting patterns of valence electrons to location on the periodic table. Patterns Cross Cutting Concept As stated above, this will show the patterns present in the periodic table and help students understand how the behavior of atoms is related to the number of valence electrons. I have chosen to directly instruct this material because my students are continuing to struggle with the structure of the atom. Students will have the material presented via notes, and then a chance to apply what they know in the review + practice. I want to present some certainty to build my students' confidence in their ability to work with the periodic table. Students have experienced this concept in both the Build An Atom and Drawing the Atom simulations in Unit 1. The ExploreLearning activity on Atomic Structure was used as a reteaching opportunity for Unit 1 with all students, and introduced both valence electrons and Lewis Dot Diagrams. EXPAND Opener 6 MINUTES The previous day the students made their Bohr-Rutherford models. On entering the classroom, I ask the students to draw an atom with four electron shells in their notebooks, and label each shell with how many electrons can fit in each shell. Next I ask the students to get out their periodic tables. I ask students to compare the numbers in their shells with the first four periods of the periodic table and see if they recognize any similarities. Some students will engage in this, others are content to wait back for another student to take the lead. To ensure everyone makes an attempt at the relationships, I ask the students to write down one similarity they notice between the electrons in each level and the first four periods. Some students recall from the day before that the maximum number of electrons in the level is equal to the number of elements in the period. Others recognize that an individual shell corresponds to a particular period, such as two electrons in the first shell and two elements in period 1. After students have had a couple minutes to think and write, we share what students noticed, drawing particular attention to the correct correlations. I then ask students to predict how many electrons would fit in the 5th level, and many students will correctly count the 5th period and come up with 18. EXPAND Notes 25 MINUTES Personalizing the atom Personalizing atoms.wmv Notes I ask students to keep out their periodic tables, and to turn to a clean page in their notebooks to take notes. While students are getting ready, I turn on the projector and load the Valence Electrons PowerPoint. I tend towards simpler PowerPoints to avoid student distractions. When we do notes, I prefer them to be concrete and to the point to keep students focused. I do not dictate a notes style, some students copy the slides word for word, others hardly write anything besides examples. I do require all students to write something, and check for it in my binder checks. For more on my philosophy of note taking -- see the Notes Reflection. We begin with how to figure out the number of valence electrons using the periodic table. Students ask why we leave out groups 3-12 and I explain that the transition metals have some complications that are beyond what we need to understand at this point. If they press on the issue, I explain that because they Valence Electrons.pptx EXPAND 15 MINUTES Review + Practice I ask students to keep their notes out, and pass out the valence electron practice sheet. I give students 10 minutes to work through the sheet and then we go over it via the document camera. An example of a completed sheet is available here. Many students do just fine on determining how many valence electrons, excepting Helium. Most students see it in group 18 and write down 8 valence electrons for it. I refer back to the periodic table and ask what period it is, and what the maximum number of electrons for the first shell is? Students realize then why it is 2, and I show the wall-mounted periodic table which represents Hydrogen and Helium above their group numbers to show that they can be exceptions to the rules. We then go over the questions, and students readily identify that elements are using valence electrons for reactions, and that metals lose electrons and nonmetals gain electrons. Students refer to the top of the paper to answer question 4, pointing out that elements want a full valence shell, which usually means 8 valence electrons. They then explain that since group 18 already has 8, it is not reactive with other elements. determining valence electrons student.jpg valenceelectronpractice. docx EXPAND 4 MINUTES Closer To close the lesson, I ask students to select three of the elements from the list, and write the Lewis Dot Diagrams for the elements on the back of their paper using the example from their notes. The most common mistake at this point is pairing electrons when there are four or less. I note these mistakes for upcoming lessons when we will do more practice with the Lewis Dot Diagrams. EXPAND PREVIOUS LESSON NEXT LESSON RELATED LESSONS Magnetism and Complex Text High School Chemistry » Chemical and Physical Properties Keith Wright Westhampton MA Suburban Common Groups of Elements High School Chemistry » Atomic Structure & the Periodic Table Emilie Hill Los Angeles CA Urban Modeling the Atomic Structure High School Chemistry » Unit 1-The Atom Eric Girard Palos Heights IL Suburban SHARE 15 teachers like this Lesson LESSON AUTHOR Raymond Stadt Blue Island, IL GRADE LEVEL Ninth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade SUBJECTS Science Chemistry Bohr Model Electrons (Bonding) TIME 50 Minutes STANDARDS HS-PS1-1 XC-P-HS-4 Professional Learning Reimagined About Us Our Story Our Mission Our Leadership Our Team Job Opportunities Professional Learning Lesson Plans Blog Contact Us Site Support Instructional Coaching Workshops Our Coaches Our Impact Learning Domains © 2018 BetterLesson. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Legal