Southern Colonies History Test - High School Level

The Southern Colonies Test Do Not Write On the Test
1. The harsh winter of 1609-1610 which killed all but 60
colonists was known as?
A. The starvation period
B. The hunger time
C. The starving time
D. The suffering time
2. The toleration act of 1649 was the first law passed that
A. Religious tolerance
B. Rights of indentured servants
C. Indian tolerance
D. Slave codes
3. John Smith forced the remaining Jamestown settlers to…
A. Work harder
B. Build better shelters
C. Quit searching for gold and riches
D. All of the above
4. In the 1620’s ____________ asked King Charles I for a charter
to establish a new colony for Catholics
A. Cecilius Calvert
B. George Calvert
C. John Rolfe
D. James Oglethorpe
5. Which tribe captured and almost executed John Smith?
A. Osage
B. Cherokee
C. Choctaw
D. Powhatan
6. Colonies with the largest number of slaves had the strictest
A. Indian codes
B. Trading codes
C. Slave codes
D. Religious codes
7. What helped unite the colonists and the Powhatan tribe for a
short period of time?
A. Treaty
B. Feast
C. Marriage
D. Friendship
8. Most of the colonist in North Carolina were farmers who had
moved from _________
A. South Carolina
B. Georgia
C. Europe
D. Virginia
9. Which type of colonist came to Maryland but not to Jamestown?
A. Servants
B. The wealthy
C. Farmers
D. Landowners
According to the royal crown, Georgia’s purpose was to
A. Invade Spanish Florida
B. Protect the other colonies
C. Start a trading post
D. Plant tobacco
11. By 1730, how many enslaved Africans were living in the South
Carolina colony?
A. 2,000
B. 15,000
C. 10,000
D. 20,000
12.Who led a rebellion and burned Jamestown in 1676?
A. Powhatan
B. Nathaniel Bacon
C. John Smith
D. John Rolfe
13.Who did Pocahontas marry in 1614?
A. John Smith
B. James Smith
C. John Rolfe
D. James Oglethorpe
14.In 1732, King George II granted a charter to _____________ to
found Georgia
A. John Rolfe
B. George Calvert
C. Cecilius Calvert
D. James Oglethorpe
15.____________ was the first permanent English settlement in
North America
A. Baltimore
B. Jamestown
C. Charlestown
D. Roanoke
16.Jamestown was surrounded by ___________
A. Spanish Florida
B. Marshes
C. Water
D. Indians
17.Colonist primarily from ______ settled in South Carolina
A. Europe
B. Georgia
C. North Carolina
D. Virginia
18.How old was Pocahontas when she met John Smith?
A. 15
B. 12
C. 10
D. 21
19.In the beginning years of the colonies, a majority of the
workers were ____________
A. Slaves
B. Native Americans
C. Adventurers
D. Indentured servants
20.The headright system made ___________ possible
A. Slavery
B. Indentured servitude
C. Religious freedom
D. Large plantations
21.John Rolfe introduced ___________ to Jamestown
A. Tobacco
B. Slavery
C. Headright system
D. Cotton
22.The colony of Carolina was separated into North Carolina and
South Carolina in what year?
A. 1712
B. 1702
C. 1622
D. 1632
23.Although Catholics founded Maryland, ____________ began to move
there in the 1640s
A. Protestants
B. Virginians
C. Indians
D. Europeans
24.By the time of the first winter at Jamestown how many of the
original colonists were still ALIVE?
A. 2/3
B. 1/3
C. 3/4
D. 1/2
25.Who took control of Jamestown in 1608?
A. Nathaniel Bacon
B. John Rolfe
C. Jack Smith
D. John Smith
26.The original Jamestown colonists spent most of their time
A. Trading with the Powhatan Tribe
B. Farming
C. Searching for riches and gold
D. Building houses
27.In 1752, The English Crown gave Georgia new laws and was soon
filled with ________
A. Slaves
B. Plantations
C. Rice
D. All of the above
28.By 1730, how many white settlers were living in the South
Carolina colony?
A. 1,000
B. 20,000
C. 10,000
D. 100,000
29.Which group of colonists came to the colonies due to
religious persecution?
A. Jamestown Colonists
B. Georgia Colonists
C. Protestants
D. Catholics
30.Pocahontas was a Powhatan __________
A. Spy
B. Princess
C. Chief
D. Slave
31.How did Pocahontas help
A. She showed him how
B. She married him
C. She saved him from
D. She taught him how
John Smith?
to build a shelter
to farm
32.A __________ received free passage to the colonies in exchange
for working without pay for a certain number of years.
A. Slave
B. Protestant
C. Indentured Servant
D. Catholic
33.Many of the first men who came to Jamestown died because they
had no experience in ___________
A. Farming
B. Useful skills
C. Both A and B
D. None of the Above
34.Pocahontas’ last words were?
A. “Not everyone truly lives”
B. “Just around the river bend”
C. “We all die, in the end”
D. “Everyone must die”
35.Why were the Slave codes introduced into the colonies?
A. To help the slaves become citizens
B. Fear of a slave revolt
C. The cost of slave labor was cheap
D. A lack of indentured servants
36.In 1632, __________ founded the colony of Maryland
A. Cecilius Calvert
B. James Oglethorpe
C. George Calvert
D. Nathaniel Bacon
37.Many of the colonists lost their lives to disease spread by
A. Mice
B. Native Americans
C. Mosquitos
D. Ticks
38.When was Jamestown founded?
A. April 26, 1638
B. April 26, 1607
C. April 26, 1608
D. April 26, 1622
39.What act made it a crime to restrict the religious rights of
christians in Maryland in 1649?
A. The Religious Freedom act of 1649
B. The faith act of 1649
C. The toleration Act of 1649
D. The protestant act of 1649
A _________ is a crop produced for its commercial value rather
than use by the grower
A. Slave Crop
B. Cash Crop
C. Staple Crop
D. Money crop
#40- 50 short answer questions
Name the three most important cash crops in the beginning of the
southern colonies.
List the three reasons that agriculture thrived in the southern
List four slave codes that affected slaves in the southern colonies
50. I studied enough and will be happy with my grade on this test.
A. True
B. False
C. See, what had happened was……
D. It wasn’t my fault because……