Common Stressors and Warning Signs of Stress

Common Stressors and Side Effects
- Self doubt
- Fear of the unknown
- Traffic
- Uncomfortable situations
- Life experiences: death or illness
- of loved one, marriage, divorce,
- having a child
- Pressure to succeed
- Speaking in public
- Financial trouble
- Physical problems
- Lack of emotional support
- Job demands
- Too many activities and not
- enough time
- Technology issues
- New or uncomfortable
- living situation
- Poor academic performance
- Overcommitment
- Relationship/Family demands
- Friendship change
Warning Signs
- Sadness, feeling of failure
- Heart racing
- Increased irritability
- Low grade physical discomfort (sore
- throat, headaches, upset stomach)
- Avoiding academic task – more
- Facebooking, hanging with friends
- Shakiness
- Nausea
- Exhaustion
- Frustration
- Rage
- Change in sleep pattern
- Anxiety
- Change in eating patterns (more fast
- food on the go, forgetting to eat)
- Poor focus, lack of concentration
- Giggles, hiccups, excessive yawning
- Hair loss, nail biting
- Loss of energy/restlessness or
- "nervous" energy
- Disinterest in social events, isolation
- Letting go of exercise routine
- Drinking more caffeine