pp exam 5

Pp exam 5
1. Freud reasoned that just as the body used energy to carry out its functions, the mind must
similarly use an energy, which he called __________ energy.
Free association works in leading a patient to reveal unconscious thoughts in theory because:
when a patient relaxes, so does their mental censor or monitor.
In the topographic model, thoughts that are just outside our awareness but are easily accessible
are contained in the’
In Ainsworth’s experiments into the nature of attachment, what preceded the Strange Situation?
A year of observations of mother-infant interactions
Bowlby theorized that the attachment system __________ to keep infants close to their mothers
and safe from harm
You are looking for a mature, logical manager for a company, who can weigh the costs and
rewards of possible actions soberly. You have hired a psychoanalyst trained in the use of
projective tests to find someone strong in:
secondary process thinking.
Freud defined __________ as a theory of personality, a method for investigating unconscious
processes, and a technique of treatment.
Many neo-Freudians objected to Freud’s __________ psychology and sought to introduce
__________ psychology.
Id, ego
The topographic model of personality contains all of the following concepts EXCEPT:
Contemporary cognitive psychology still contains a concept of a cognitive unconscious that is
motivated and goal driven. The concept is different from Freud’s ideas about the unconscious
primarily in that the modern concept conceives of the unconscious as:
more of a helper with the regulation of thoughts, emotions, etc.
In Freudian theory, the term for the energy of the life instincts is
You are a consultant to a children’s hospital in a developing country where it is the tradition to
keep hospitalized children separated from the family for fear of infection. What the staff has
noticed, however, is that children tend to get very listless and sad-looking the longer this
procedure goes on. You have been reading John Bowlby and about St. Jude’s Children’s
Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Based on these sources, you recommend that the current
be discontinued and either children should be cared for at home or families be encouraged to
spend as much time as possible with the child.
All of the following are neo-Freudians EXCEPT
Elizabeth loftus
On waking, many people are able to describe what they experience in their dreams. Freud’s term
for this information was __________ content
In Freudian theory, the ego must try to match the wishes of the id with objects and events in the
real world through a process of:
Freud’s structural model of personality contained all of the following EXCEPT:
Rotter found evidence that __________ are more likely to believe in fate, astrology, and chance
18. Locus of control leads to differences in how individuals interact with others. All of the following
have been found EXCEPT
internals are more sensitive to the social demands of a situation.
19. Psychologist Julian Rotter was the first modern psychologist to define the concept of __________
as people’s beliefs about the control of reinforcement and outcomes in their lives.
Locus of control
20. In almost any situation, such as a school or long-term care facility, the way to avoid learned
helplessness in the children or residents is to allow them:
control, especially over potentially aversive situations
21. The general expectation that good things will happen in the future is labeled as:
Dispositional optimism
22. Ainsworth and her colleagues identified three patterns of attachment including all of the following
23. The term for Freud’s talk therapy is
24. Freud’s structural model of personality contained all of the following EXCEPT
25. According to Freudian theory, the function of defense mechanisms is to:
lessen anxiety by working towards a balance between id and superego.
26. Later in attachment research, a fourth pattern of attachment labeled __________ was identified.
Parents of these infants tended to be full of fear themselves, or inadvertently behaved in ways that
were frightening to the infant
27. What famous question appeared on the cover of Time magazine in 1993
Is freud dead?
28. According to __________ theory, we form emotional bonds with our early caregivers which
become mental representations or internal working models of all future intimate relationships
29. According to the textbook, the flip side of helplessness for humans is:
Personal control
30. There is evidence of cultural differences in explanatory style. In one study, which group of
students was found to make the most pessimistic statements?
Mainland Chinese
31. People who are defined as field-independent tend to
rely on their own physical sensation
32. Giving up on goals, distancing, denying, abusing substance, etc., is known as __________
33. Some psychologists have identified individual differences between people in the way they
perceive and think about the world. Some people are more dependent on visual cues and are
more sensitive to the context. They are categorized as __________ and tend to see the big
picture rather than details.
Field dependent
34. The general expectation that good things will happen in the future is labeled as
Dispositional optimism
35. In designing a program to reduce pessimistic thinking among inner city children, you might include
all of the following EXCEPT
group discussions about how futile it is to try to change one’s way of thinking and about learning to
accept thoughts as they roll through the mind.
36. It is clearly unethical to experimentally put people into traumatic situations. Even temporarily telling
a group of subjects that their families had been killed, even though they had not, would be highly
unethical and would never be approved by a research committee. However, social scientists can
study groups of people who have had traumatic events happen even though the researchers now
have less control over the situation. This type of research is described as:
Quasi experimental