UNIT # 8 : Electromagnetism (20 Days) (2015

UNIT # 8 : Electromagnetism (20 Days) (2015‐2016) UNIT FOCUS: Explore the effects of nuclear, gravitational, and electromagnetic forces on objects and systems such as motors and generators to describe and predict outcomes in real‐world applications on Earth’s surface and in space. Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings:  What does it mean for charge to be quantized?  Charge is quantized.  Electricity and Magnetism are linked.  How is Coulomb’s Law similar to the Universal Law of Gravitation? How  The manipulation of the connection between electricity and magnetism is the foundation of our technical society. are they different?  Electricity is a form of energy that can be transformed by moving  How does an electric field compare to a gravitational field? electric charges doing work in various devices  Electric fields provide the force that moves charged particles  How would you determine the direction of an electric field?  A potential difference has to be maintained in order to move charges between two points.  How can conductors and insulators be identified on a periodic table?  Magnetic fields are produced around moving charges. A changing magnetic field can induce a current in a closed conductor  How do thermal conduction to electrical conduction compare? TEKS Science Processes Science Content 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F, 5G 
What are some natural comparisons between an electrical circuit and a roller coaster? 
How does a high current differ from a lower current? RESOURCES/STRATEGIES Electric Charge Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 30: Electric Charges and Coulomb’s Law; Charge Quiz; Charge Quizb; Concept Development Practice Page 32‐2; Website: Book of Phyz (Baird) – 1.07 Intro to Electricity: Balancing Charge 1; PhET Simulations: Balloons and Static Electricity, John Travoltage Ranking Tasks  Induced Charges—Positive and Negative  Induced Charges—Near a Rod PERFORMANCE INDICATORS I can…  explain how an electromagnet works and test it to prove that it works.  Describe the electrical repulsion and attraction (and ways to obtain a charged particle).  State Coulomb’s Law and use it (conceptually and analytically) to compute electrical force. Assessment Formative: 
Vocabulary Concept Review Demonstrations Homework Quizzes Chapter Test Summative:  Observations  Lab Activities Academic Vocabulary Charge, Coulomb’s Law, Electric charge, Electric field, Electric field lines, Electric force, Electron, Grounding, Induction, Ion, Neutron , Polarization , Proton, Repulsion , Conductor, Insulator, Superconductor, Alternating current, Battery, Capacitor, Conventional current, Complex Circuit, Dielectric, Direct current, Electric potential, Electrical energy, Emf, Load, Parallel circuit, Potential difference, Power, Resistance, Schematic diagram, Series circuit, Short circuit, Voltage, Domain, Electromagnet, Ferromagnetic, Magnetic field, Magnetic force, Magnetic poles, Right‐hand rule, Electric motor, Generator, Solenoid, Transformer 
 Pairs of Charges—Attractive and Repulsive Force  Transfer of Charge in Conductors—Left Conductor Electric Force Teacher Resources: Coulomb's Law Calculator Simulation; Coulomb's Law Calculator Simulation #2; Coulomb’s Law; Electric Forces Superposition WS (+ ans); Electrostatics; Electrostatics Practice; Electrostatics Quiz; Concept Development Practice Page32‐1; Website: Book of Physics (Baird): 1.07 Intro to Electricity: Electric Force by the Numbers; Ranking Tasks: Three Linear Electric Charges—Electric Force Electric Field Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 31: Electric Fields; Electric Field Strength and Electric Field Lines; PhET‐‐Charges and Fields (E field superposition); Concept Development Practice Page 33‐1; Website: Book of Phyz (Baird)– 1.07 Intro to Electricity: Fields Springboard, Field Plots; Website: Book of Phyz (Baird)–2.07 Advanced Electricity: Field Calculation, Field Concepts; PhET Simulations: Charges and Fields, Electric Field of Dreams, Electric Field Hockey Ranking Tasks  Two Nonlinear Electric Charges—Electric Force  Charged Conducting Sphere—Electric Field at the Center  Charged Conducting Sphere—Electric Field at Various Points  Charged Outside a Conducting Sphere—Force on Enclosed Charge  Two Electric Charges—Electric Field Along Line  Uniform Electric Field—Electric Force on Various Charge at Rest 
Understand Ohm’s Law Apply the concept of power to electricity. Explain (qualitatively and quantitatively) basic DC circuits that include voltage source and combinations of resistors. Show the relationship between magnetic fields and electricity by describe the nature of a moving electric charge. 
Lab Reports Essays Graphic Organizers Unit Test Conductors vs. Insulators Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 33: Electrostatics with Conductors; Electricity Puzzle; PhET Simulations: Conductivity, Semiconductors Electrical Potential Energy Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 32: Electric Potential; Concept Development Practice Page33‐2; Website: Book of Physics (Baird): 2.07 Advanced Electricity: Electrical Potential, Electrical Potential Energy; Ranking Tasks: Charged Conducting Sphere—
Electric Potential at the Center, Charged Conducting Sphere—Electric Potential at Various Points Potential Difference Teacher Resources: Potential Practice, PhET Simulations: Battery Voltage Ranking Tasks 
Uniform Electric Field—Change Potential Energy of Positive Charge Uniform Electric Field—Change Potential Energy of Negative Charge Uniform Electric Field—Potential Difference Uniform Electric Field—Electric Potential at Different Point II Uniform Electric Field—Potential Energy of a Positive Charge Uniform Electric Field—Potential Energy of a Negative Charge Electric Current Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 35: Current, Resistance, Power, Current, Current Vocabulary, Concept Development Practice Page 34‐1; Ranking Tasks: Current Carrying Wires with Different Length—
Net Charge Resistance Teacher Resources: Voltage – Resistance; PhET Simulations: Resistance in a Wire, Ohm’s Law Ohm’s Law Teacher Resources: Current and Voltage, Voltage‐
Resistance; Ranking Tasks: Batteries and Bulbs—Bulb Brightness, Simple Resistor Circuits—Current Electric Power Teacher Resources: Current Voltage Resistance Power; Voltage‐PowerProblems; Concept Development Practice Page 34‐2; Website: Mr. Martin’s IPC Worksheet: Electric Power; Website: Mr. Martin’s Physics Worksheet: Review for Chapter 20 Electric Circuits Teacher Resources: Website Lesson 36: DC Circuits with Batteries and Resistors: Schematic Diagram, Schematic Diagram2; PhET Simulations: Battery – Resistor Circuit, Signal Circuit, Circuit Construction Kit (DC only), Circuit Construction Kit (AC + DC) Ranking Tasks  Simple Series Circuit—Voltage Across Bulb X  Simple Resistor Circuits—Voltage Drop  Parallel Circuits—Voltmeter Readings Across Open Switches I  Parallel Circuits—Voltmeter Readings Across Open Switches II  Simple Series Circuit with Various Resistors—
Current I 
Simple Series Circuit with Various Resistors—
Voltmeter Circuit Problem – Solving Teacher Resources: SeriesParallel Math1; SeriesParallel Math2; Concept Development Practice Page 35‐1, 35‐2; Website: Book of Physics (Baird): 1.07 Intro to Electricity: Simple Circuit Wrap‐Up; Website: Book of Physics (Baird): 1.08 Circuits: Series Circuits Springboard, Series Circuits Number Puzzles, Parallel Circuits Springboard, Parallel Circuits Number Puzzles; PhET Simulations: Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab, Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC Only), Virtual Lab Complex Circuits Teacher Resources: PhET‐‐DC Circuits Construction; Electric Circuits Light Lab ; DC Circuits – Resistors; SeriesParallel Math Capacitor; Circuit Quiz – Capacitor; Website: Mr. Martin’s Physics Worksheet: Circuit Math Problem, Physics 1H Review for Electric Circuits, Worksheet Series and Parallel Ranking Tasks  Circuit with Two Open and Closed Switches—
Ammeter Readings  Circuit with Two Open and Closed Switches—
Voltmeter Readings  Circuit with Three Open and Closed Switches—Voltmeter Readings I  Circuit with Three Open and Closed Switches—Voltmeter Readings II  Circuit with Three Open and Closed Switches—Ammeter Readings Magnetic Fields Teacher Resources: Magnet Lab; Website: Mr. Martin’s Physics Worksheet: Magnetic Field Assessment; PhET Simulations: Magnet and Compass, Magnets and Electromagnets; Ranking Tasks: Pairs of Long Current Carrying Wires—Magnetic Field, Unequal Current Electromagnets— Magnetic Field at Ends Magnetic Forces (Right‐Hand Rule) Teacher Resources: Right Hand Rule Show Practice, Magnets and Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields Practice Worksheet, Magnetic Fields on Charge Particles, Magnetism20.1, Magnetism20.1 ans Ranking Tasks  Moving Charges in Uniform Magnetic Field—
Acceleration  Moving Charges in Uniform Magnetic Field—
Change in Kinetic Energy  Charges Near Magnets—Magnetic Force  Pairs of Equal Current Electromagnets—Force Connection Between Electricity‐Magnetism Teacher Resources: PhET‐‐Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab; Electromagnet Lab; Improved Electromagnet Lab; Concept Development Practice Page 36‐1, 37‐2; Phet Simulations: Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab, Faraday’s Law, Magnets and Electromagnets Motors Teacher Resources: MAGNET_5QA Overheating Motor Generators Teacher Resources: PhET Simulations: Generator Transformers Teacher Resources: Concept Development Practice Page 37‐1 Teacher can/will demonstrate through the following activities: Roundtable/Group Work, Demonstrations/Visuals, Practice problems, Anticipation Chat/Brainstorming, Think, Pair, Share, Graphic Organizers, Experiments/Labs, Vocabulary Card, Word Wall Readiness standards are bolded *Instruction should be spiraled throughout the year. 