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Nursing at MD Anderson
Fiscal Year 2012
-Quality caring
-Clinical excellence
-Innovations in
professional practice
Thank you for the meaningful work you performed in FY12.
You showed caring by actively participating in many efforts to improve our patients’ experience.
From learning the Language of Caring to adopting best practices related to patient and family centered
care, you made our patients feel cared for – a foundational principle of a nurse’s practice. You worked
with fellow nurse colleagues and with physicians, leaders and staff to take care of each other, which
allowed us to provide the best possible care to our patients.
Fiscal Year 2012
Nursing Annual Report
Barbara L. Summers, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Nursing
Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Head, Division of Nursing
Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP
Executive Director, Nursing Professional Practice
Project Team
Jacqueline Anderson, Ph.D.
Beverly Nelson, Ph.D.
Tammy Dawson
Nursing Professional Portfolio Steward
Wendy Robertson
Content Experts
MD Anderson Nurses
MD Anderson Communications Office
Graphic Design and Photography
MD Anderson Medical Graphics and Photography
For information on nursing at MD Anderson, visit
For information on nursing careers at MD Anderson,
2.......The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Nursing Professional Practice Model (PPM)
4.......Quality-Caring Model©
• About the Quality-Caring Model
• Theoretical Framework Across Nursing Disciplines
7.......Patient Care Delivery System
• Primary Team Nursing: Leading Change for the Future
• Bedside Generalist: Clinical Nurse Leader
• Operating Teams in Ambulatory
11.....Professional Values
• Evidence-Based Practice Program
–E vidence-Based Resources Unit Nurse Project: Caregiver Support
• Rounding Strategies:
– Quality Rounds
– Leadership Rounds
– Bedside Shift Report
– Ambulatory Rounds
• Patient Experience
– Ambulatory Patient Experience
– Division of Nursing-Caring About Patient Experiences Committee
16.....Professional Partnerships
• Regional Care Centers: Caring in the Community
• Banner MD Anderson: Nurses and Knowledge Sharing
• Nursing Collaboration with Texas Women’s University (TWU)
and The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)
20.....Shared Governance
• National Magnet Nurse of the Year Award
• Shared Governance Professional Action Coordinating Team Member
• Clinical Nurse Advancement Program
• 100% Certified: Cardiopulmonary Center and
Cardiac Catheterization Lab
• Surgical Team Recognized for Advanced Skills by Association
of Perioperative Registered Nurses
• The Beacon Award
22.....Nursing Accomplishments
• Awards
• Publications
• Presentations
• Certifications
• Research
You also demonstrated your integrity. You continued to support and participate in the shared
governance processes that advance our institutional nursing practice. You were truthful and
transparent in your actions and conversations with patients, family members and colleagues. You
adopted bedside shift reporting with enthusiasm and improved our handoff communications to ensure
the delivery of safe, quality care. We had the pleasure of observing your reliability in action through
our rounding efforts. In FY12, you rounded on your patients more frequently, and nursing leaders
rounded on you and your patients. This allowed an open flow of information and through that, we
were able to recognize your exceptional work through acknowledgment of countless individuals.
Finally, you embraced discovery. Through the Evidence-Based Practice and Research Programs,
which celebrated its fifth year in FY12, we witnessed the development of 53 projects with
measurable outcomes and were proud when 72 abstracts were accepted at local and national
conferences such as the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), The American Organization of Nurse
Executives (AONE), American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC), American Society of Bone
Marrow Transplant (ASBMT) and many others. This allowed others in our field to recognize the
breadth of the nurses’ role in patient care, research, education and prevention at MD Anderson.
In addition, all our nurses discovered their own ability to advance their practice. Many of you began
the rewarding road toward achieving the Clinical Nurse Advancement Program (CNAP) levels of
progression. In FY12, a total of 41 nurses achieved proficient, which is the highest required level
in the program. Also in FY12, we had 55 nurses enrolled in a doctoral program, with 32 pursuing
a Ph.D. (research expertise) and 23 pursuing a D.N.P. — doctorate in nursing practice (applied
leadership/clinical expertise). Our Nursing Academic Cohort Program supported 567 students
in pursuit of formal academic advancements; we supported 198 new graduates RNs in residency
classes; and our Nursing Workforce Development Program provided academic students with
1,094 academic clinical placements.
You lived our Core Values in FY12, as you do every year. As you will see in this report, we are better
defining our professional practice model for FY13 and beyond to reflect the work you already perform
within the context of our institutional Core Values.
Our professional practice model is designed to resonate with all nurses at MD Anderson. You will
see that it is based upon the principles of relationship-based caring, clearly defines our eight caring
factors, and identifies five key components of our practice.
We invite you now to take time to read about the revised model, complete with examples of how
you already live this model through extraordinary practice day-to-day.
Barbara L. Summers, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Professor and Chair, Department of Nursing
Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Division Head, Nursing
Thomas Burke, M.D.
Executive Vice President and
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Nursing Professional Practice Model
The organizational framework of the FY12 Nursing
Annual Report reflects the re-designed MD Anderson
Nursing Professional Practice Model (PPM), a major
initiative for the year.
MD Anderson
Nursing Professional Practice Model
Professional Action Coordinating Team
Each section of this report defines and explains key components
of the PPM and shares the stories of how nursing colleagues
across the organization relate the PPM to their practice and to the
major initiatives of the Division of Nursing.
Molding our practice
Because nursing uses and refers to a number of models in practice and in the
literature, “model confusion” can be common. Professional practice models,
care delivery models and shared governance models are not the same, but these
terms sometimes are used interchangeably, erroneously.
To clarify, a PPM is a visual that schematically describes how nurses in a
particular organization practice, collaborate, communicate and grow professionally
(ANCC, Magnet Manual, 2008). The focus of a PPM includes structures, processes,
and the philosophical background or values that support and guide how nurses
perform their work. It is specific to the organization and context driven; what
represents nursing in one organization does not necessarily apply to another.
A PPM helps give structure to nursing practice, defines how care is delivered
and describes professional values and the practice environment. It clarifies
expectations, accountability, and authority for practice and connects the dots
between goals and initiatives, helping us move together in the same direction.
The literature describes five essential components of a PPM
(Hoffart & Woods, 1996):
•Professional values:
shared beliefs about what is good or desirable practice
•Professional relationships:
approaches such as teamwork and collaboration that help define how
individuals work together to achieve outcomes
•Patient care delivery:
structures that focus on how the work of nursing occurs and processes by
which patient care responsibilities are assigned and work is coordinated among
staff (Shirey, 2008; Hoffart & Woods, 1996)
•Shared governance:
the decision-making framework of nurses that affects accountability and
autonomy for practice (Porter-O’Grady, 2003)
•Professional recognition:
how an organization acknowledges professional achievements, addresses
educational needs, provides career advancement programs, and engages
nurses in evidence-based practice and research
Required reading
It is important that nurses understand
how their practice fits within a PPM,
especially in Magnet-designated
hospitals. Although we had a PPM
with the essential components in
place, the PPM was not something
nurses easily recognized or related to.
From January to March 2012, the PACT met weekly.
All the members read Quality Caring in Nursing: Applying
Theory to Clinical Practice, Education, and Leadership by
Joanne R. Duffy, Ph.D. This was the theoretical framework
chosen to support our model. Over a series of meetings,
participants developed, shared, and discussed written
reports on each chapter. The team spent several weeks
reviewing existing components of our professional
practice that members wished to incorporate in the
re-designed PPM.
The re-birth of our model
Drawing on our shared governance
model, Dr. Summers presented
the issue to the Nursing
Practice Congress and asked
that a Professional Action
Coordinating Team (PACT)
be formed to explore a re-design
of our PPM. Thirteen nurses
volunteered in response to the
PACT call-out for members
and were charged with
updating and revising the
MD Anderson Nursing
Professional Practice Model.
Two directors in the Division
of Nursing facilitated the group.
•Jackie Anderson, Ph.D .
Director, Nursing Programs Nursing Administration
• Beverly Nelson, Ph.D.
Project Director, Clinical Nursing Practice Nursing Administration
• Virginia Alphonso
Clinical Nurse, G16
• Roxy Blackburn
Associate Director, Clinical Nursing G11
• Debra Castro
Coordinator, Clinical Care Supportive Care Center
• Mary Cline
Advance Practice Nurse, P9
• James Cavalier
Nursing Education Specialist, Nursing Extramural Programs
• Jane Falk
Associate Director, Clinical Nursing G15
Putting it on paper
The group was divided into two smaller groups. Armed
with flip charts, sticky notes and markers, they drew
pictures of how the model and the components should
look at MD Anderson. When both groups were pulled
back together, they found a number of similarities and
worked together to ensure the final model included
elements from both drawings. Model drafts were
shared with nursing leadership and Dr. Duffy during
an on-site consultation, and the design was finalized.
A communication, education, and implementation plan
officially kicked off in February 2013.
• Susan Ferguson
Clinical Administrative Director, Nellie B. Connally Breast Center
• Sheranda Fesler
Assistant Nurse Manager, G10 West
• Nancy Gilbert
Clinical Nurse, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center
• Ylaine Ong-Gabat
Assistant Nurse Manager, Nursing Resource Pool
• Cicely Scarlett
Nurse Manager, Bay Area Regional Care Center
• Andrew Sine
Assistant Nurse Manager
• Patsy Stocklin
Assistant Nurse Manager, Nursing Resource Pool
• Elissa Venable
Clinical Nurse, P9
Quality-Caring Model
The Quality-Caring Model©, which was developed
by Joanne Duffy, Ph.D., serves as the theoretical
framework for our professional practice model.
About The
MD Anderson
Dr. Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model© is a
mid-level theory of nursing. This model
informs and guides the practice of
professional nursing at MD Anderson.
According to Duffy (2009), caring professional
practice requires:
1.Knowledge of the caring factors and
relationships among, patients and caregivers,
the health care team and the community;
2.Skills, which can be both behaviors and
3.Intentions, which are the attitudes and beliefs
that lead to choices; and
This nursing theory guides the practice
of professional nursing at MD Anderson.
4.Time, with a primary focus on relationships;
this involves the integration of “being”
and “doing.”
The role of the nurse in this model is to
engage in caring relationships that lead to
feeling “cared for.” The caring relationships
include caring for self, caring for patients and
caregivers, and caring for community. Feeling
“cared for” assists patients and caregivers in
improving short- and long-term outcomes,
including those that are nurse-sensitive.
The relationships described and the parties
involved in those relationships are found in
the center of the PPM.
The eight caring factors
Our Quality-Caring Model© has eight caring
factors. Each factor independently explains the
concept of caring. It is within these factors that
relationships are developed by the professional
nurse. The eight factors are:
• Mutual problem solving describes nursing
behaviors that help patients and caregivers understand how to confront, learn and think about their
health and illness. This gives patients information
they need to be better partners in decisionmaking regarding their care and treatment.
• Attentive reassurance refers to availability and
hopeful outlook. Patients learn that they can rely
on the nurse, and they feel a sense of security.
This requires conscious effort on the part of the
nurse to concentrate fully on the patient at that
• Human respect refers to honoring the worth
of humans through unconditional acceptance,
kind and careful handling of the human body, and
recognition of rights and responsibilities.
• Encouraging manner displays caring through
the demeanor or attitude of the nurse. Messages
of support, positive thoughts and feelings, and
openness to the feelings of others are what make
patients feel cared for in this factor.
• Appreciation of unique meanings refers to
knowing what is important to patients, including
distinctive sociocultural connections associated
with their experiences. Nurses use those
features that are important to them in the
provision of care.
• Healing environment refers to the setting
where care is taking place. This environment is
focused on holistic care and strives to maintain
patient privacy, safety and control.
• Basic human needs refers to those needs
identified by Maslow – physical needs, safety
and security needs, social and relational needs,
self-esteem, and self-actualization.
• Affiliation needs refer to needs for belonging and membership in families or other social
contexts. This factor focuses on the importance
of families and other caregivers to the health and
well-being of patients in the hospital.
The Quality-Caring Model© provides a framework
for nursing that resonates with professional nurses
and is readily applicable in their daily practice.
Duffy, J.R. (2009). Quality Caring in Nursing:
Applying Theory to Clinical Practice, Education,
and Leadership. Springer Publishing Company:
New York.
Quality-Caring Model©
Nancy Gilbert, outpatient clinical nurse,
Lymphoma/Myeloma Center
“Dr. Duffy states that nurses need to ‘integrate
being with doing.’ In our outpatient clinics, we
have to move at a rapid pace to keep the clinic
flowing and minimize patient wait times. Many
interactions with our patients occur over the
telephone and email. Even though our time may
be limited, we need to be present in the moment
with the patient and family. The tone of our voice,
the words we choose, and our body language all
send a message to our patients. As a nurse,
I focus my efforts on being present and limit
distractions so I can attend to each patient in a
respectful, caring manner”.
Susan Ferguson, clinical administrative director, Nellie B. Connally Breast Center
“I had the privilege of participating in the PACT that re-designed our PPM. Dr. Duffy’s theoretical framework
guided the development of a model that fits nursing across all settings, creating a common focus and language
for the nursing force at MD Anderson. The Quality-Caring Model© will help sustain our momentum in providing
quality outcomes and promotes the value of nursing in our organization.”
Patient Care Delivery System
Primary Team Nursing (PTN) is the patient care delivery system nurses use
to guide how patient care is delivered at MD Anderson.
Principles of primary team nursing include: safe and
effective care, synergy of patient needs and nursing expertise,
nursing team satisfaction and vitality, team-based professional
practice development, interdisciplinary/interprofessional collaboration,
and continuity of care providers/care coordination.
These principles are applicable in all patient care settings.
Carla Willis, associate director, Nursing Education
“I am excited about our new Nursing Professional Practice Model. It is simple and easy to understand and yet it
embodies all the most important aspects, qualities, and values that I believe, as a nurse at MD Anderson, describe
what we do in our quest to provide the best quality care and service for our patients. It visually describes what
most of us went into nursing to do.”
Cicely Scarlett, nurse manager, Bay Area Regional Care Center
“As health care continues to evolve, it is imperative that nurses, while spending much of their time involved in
non-direct patient care, come full circle and re-establish activities that makes our patients feel ‘cared for.’”
Roxy Blackburn, associate director, clinical nursing, Nursing G18
“The concept in Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model© that resonates with me revolves around caring for self. The idea
that professional nurses must acknowledge and allow themselves to feel the meaning of their experiences with
patients has profound implications when caring for others. Engaging in reflective analysis through increased
self-awareness and soliciting formal feedback from colleagues help nurses know and value the self – a prerequisite
for caring interactions. The statement that describes caring as an intentional process that requires self-awareness,
choice, specific knowledge and time captures what it means to be a nurse.”
Elissa Venable, clinical nurse, Nursing P9
“The Quality-Caring Model© is the framework for what I base my nursing practice on. It applies to all aspects of
my practice: how I interact with my patients and anyone else involved in his or her care. It helps to refocus my
attention from accomplishing tasks during my shift to making sure the patient’s needs are addressed. This makes
them feel cared for, increasing their trust in our prescribed interventions and compliance with those interventions,
the end goal of which is improving patient outcomes. As inpatient nurses, we have the most consistent and
prolonged contact with the patient, which makes this crucial while patients are admitted. The aspects of the
model that most resonated with me, as a new graduate and nurse, are the relationships between the nursing
leadership and nursing staff and how much they shape what kind of nurse we will become.”
Patient Care Delivery System
Primary Team Nursing:
Leading change for the future
Primary Team Nursing is the patient care delivery system used by nursing at MD Anderson.
We formally adopted this system of care in September 2012 with the implementation of
four inpatient demonstration units. Development of PTN has been a multi-year process
begun in response to a number of driving forces converging on and shaping the future
of health care delivery. Some practices that served nursing and hospital-based care well
in the past will not add value in the changing health care environment. It was clear to
Dr. Summers and her senior nursing leaders that transformation of nursing care delivery
would be necessary to assure patients continue to receive quality nursing care.
Primary Team Nursing Model
Nurses & CNLs
A perfect storm
From our hospital to our centers
Driving forces for PTN include increasing acuity
and complexity of patients cared for in the inpatient
setting, and fragmentation of patient care delivery in
the context of multidisciplinary care, affecting the
“connecting work” of nurses. As fewer nurses opt
to become clinical nurse specialists and shift toward
nurse practitioner roles, hospitals lose valuable
clinical nursing coaching and development roles to
support nurses at the bedside. The aging nursing
workforce and those in the Baby Boom generation
are beginning to retire, resulting in the loss of clinical
wisdom and greater reliance on new graduates.
These losses will fuel the nursing shortage at a
time when salaries are increasing, yet resources are
diminishing. Compressed work schedules, although
appealing to many nurses, result in less continuity of
care and increasing numbers of hand-offs.
Although PTN is operationalized as described
previously in the inpatient areas, the principles of
primary team nursing can be applied to nursing
practice in all settings and areas where nurses
practice at MD Anderson. Each ambulatory nurse
functions as a part of the patient’s care team. The
nurse works daily with the physician, mid-level
provider, and patient services coordinator to
coordinate the care of the patient. The registered
nurse is a vital part of this team, providing
assessment, education, and support during each of
those steps. Based on the plan of care, the nurse will
spend time educating the patient about treatment
regimens, teaching side effects management, and
answering questions. The continuity that the
RN provides to the patients allows her or him to
notice subtle changes that could impact the life of
a patient. This same continuity increases trust and
communication between the team members
because of the experience of working together,
which in turn improves patient care by providing
consistent information, assessment and follow up.
Patients want a point person for their questions and
concerns. The nurse serves as the point person for
patients and is able to answer questions about their
care. The coordinated efforts of the nurse, in
conjunction with the team members, promote an
optimal patient care experience.
These driving forces actually pose opportunities for
nursing leaders to re-think traditional models and
frameworks, and look to alternative systems and
roles with the potential to use resources creatively
to assure that quality care continues to be delivered
in a fiscally responsible way. Primary Team Nursing
combines selected aspects of primary nursing and
team nursing, with the integration of a new role, the
Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), as the leader of the
primary team.
A new role for nurses
Our patient care delivery system is designed to
sustain a group practice culture of nursing care
in which members of each primary nursing team,
led by a CNL, are collectively responsible and
accountable for outcomes of care to patients in the
group practice. Primary teams are delineated by
geography of inpatient units, with each practice
team consistently assigned and focused on a
“pod” of patient rooms.
Patient Care
Support Staff
Noel Mendez, clinical nurse leader, Nursing P10
Nurses also provide positive feedback regarding
being part of a team in ambulatory care, both in their
individual teams as well as in the nursing team as a
whole. They enjoy the professional relationships that
develop from working together for many years and
state that this makes working in an ambulatory
setting much more desirable, because they are
appreciated and respected. The nurses also enjoy
getting to know their patients and their families
during their time at MD Anderson; they are able
to be a part of their patients’ lives and share the
patients’ journeys.
“The teams are really evolving. There is more communication
among team members; the team has taken steps to become
really effective and high functioning. Daily briefings give us the
opportunity to have team discussions and problem-solve
issues immediately.”
Darci Blackmon, clinical nurse leader, Nursing G10
“Being a clinical nurse leader has made me more connected. When I was a bedside nurse,
my goal was to take care of a set of patients each day. I did not have time to figure out the
behind-the-scenes workings of supplies and finances – you know the thermometer is on the
wall but you may not know how it got there. Now I have gotten exposure to so many of the
departments that affect patient care. Moreover, that helps when you are trying to understand
a process or recommend a change.”
Clinical Nurse Leaders are nurses who want to continue being nurses at the point of care.
In the past, a nurse had two options for advancing; get a master’s degree and become an
administrator, or get a master’s degree and become an advanced practice nurse. Both
mean leaving behind the day-to-day direct care of patients.
Now there is a third option: get a master’s degree and use it to improve patient care
outcomes at the unit level. By leading and overseeing a “practice team” of nurses and care
partners, the CNL brings evidence-based quality improvement to the bedside. The Primary
Team Nursing model puts nurses back at the helm in driving positive patient outcomes.
Patient Care Delivery System
Bedside generalist: Clinical Nurse Leader
The role of clinical nurse leader is integral to our patient care delivery system.
Rapid change and increasing complexity have driven health care leaders to re-evaluate
how care is delivered and what changes need to be made to facilitate safe, effective
care delivery. Nursing’s response has been multi-faceted and has included efforts by
key professional nursing organizations including The American Organization of Nurse
Executives (AONE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
(Haase-Herrick & Herrin, 2007;Tornabeni, Stanhope et al., 2006). In 2004, AONE
joined with AACN, and through that work, the vision of the CNL role evolved and the
task force published the AACN White Paper on the Education and Role of the Clinical
Nurse Leader (AACN 2007).
Professional Values
The role of the CNL as developed at MD Anderson is true to the initial intent of the
white paper. Others have implemented the role across the country, but with variation.
Who is a CNL?
A CNL is a master’s prepared generalist who delivers and
manages care at the bedside to patients and families at the
microsystem level. Through coordination and teamwork,
the CNL leads the clinical team in the provision of safe,
effective care to a cohort of patients, using evidence-based
practice to improve and sustain quality outcomes. The CNL
provides a structured leadership role at the bedside that
strengthens nursing leadership at the point at which care is
delivered while also focusing on patient outcomes
(Monaghan & Swihart, 2010; AACN, 2007). The role is
integral to Primary Team Nursing and provides a context
for practice, and a framework in which the CNL influences
improvements in clinical, financial, and human resource
outcomes. The CNL is focused on improving patient
outcomes, fostering continuity of care and care
coordination, collaboration with interprofessional and
interdisciplinary colleagues, accessing and using clinical
care resources effectively, and practicing patient and family
relationship-centered care. To achieve these functions, the
CNL works to develop the professional practice of the
nursing team; promotes teamwork, practice satisfaction,
and vitality; serves as a consistent point of contact for the
health care team, patients, and families; evaluates and
implements evidence-based practice; and uses quality
improvement strategies to affect improved outcomes.
Interested candidates went through a competitive
application process to be selected for the CNL program.
The first cohort of 12 graduated in December 2012, and
the second cohort of 10 CNLs will graduate in December
2013 and May 2014. MD Anderson partnered with Texas
Woman’s University, Houston, and The University of
Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, to develop graduate
programs for the CNL. There are currently students
enrolled in both programs.
The PTN model will be implemented on new units
annually as CNL students complete their programs.
The goal is to implement PTN and the CNL role
throughout the inpatient units over the next three years.
AACN (2007). White Paper on the Education and Role of the
Clinical Nurse Leader.
Haase-Herrick, K. S. and D. M. Herrin (2007). “The American
Organization of Nurse Executives’ Guiding Principles and
American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Clinical Nurse
Leader: a lesson in synergy.” Journal of Nursing Administration
37(2): 55-60.
Tornabeni, J., M. Stanhope, et al. (2006). “Clinical nurse leader
evolution of a revolution. The CNL vision.” Journal of Nursing
Administration 36(3): 103-108.
Myrna Martinez, clinical nurse leader, Nursing P10
Autonomy, accountability and excellence in practice
are the professional practice values
of nurses at MD Anderson.
“As a clinical nurse leader, I enjoy being out on the unit with the
nursing team and being there for the patients. It gives me the
opportunity to provide reliability to nurses and the patients,
because I can see the big picture, thus increasing patient safety.
“I believe the continuity of care has improved with the implementation of the PTN model. Being on the unit five days a week allows
the clinical nurse leaders to share important patient information
with nurses who have been off for a few days.”
Professional Values
Rounding strategies
Rounding is an integral part of the strategic and quality plan for
nursing at MD Anderson. Rounds are conducted by nurses at all
levels of the organization to enhance visibility and communication
with both patients and clinical staff. Multiple rounding strategies
and formats are used to reach all of the constituent groups and
meet the assigned purpose of the rounds.
“Rounding is just as much for the staff as it is for the patient,” says
Hyacinth Gordon, director of Clinical Nursing. “Staff need to know
when they’re appreciated by their leaders and our patients. This
motivates them to focus on providing the best possible care.”
Inpatient nurse leaders are
re-implementing rounding
as a formal process, in
part, to share positive
feedback with employees.
EB-RUN Best Practice Program
The Evidence-Based Practice program provides
nursing staff at all levels the guiding principles
for developing excellence in nursing practice,
based on the most current and best evidence.
The program’s first initiative was the development
of the Evidence-Based Resource Unit Nurse
(EB-RUN) program. The EB-RUN program educates
a minimum of two nurses a year per unit on the
principles of research and evidence-based practice.
The program develops unit-specific nurse champions
who lead the development of unit-specific evidencebased practice projects. Unit-based projects are
developed and presented at an annual poster
presentation during Nurses’ Week. Over the years,
projects have grown in depth and breath, becoming
more sophisticated and leading to multiple changes
in practice in the organization and report of these
changes to external audiences.
Through the program, we now offer an abstract
preparation class at least once a month to teach
nurses about the avenues of external presentation.
The class provides nurses with the information and
tools they need to prepare and submit an abstract of
their work to a professional organization. In addition,
members of the program review the abstracts of
all nurses who are presenting externally to provide
constructive feedback to nurses who are developing
abstracts for external review and consideration.
The abstracts are submitted electronically via a link
on the Nursing and Evidence-Based Practice site.
This programmatic feature has provided feedback
and mentorship for many nurses across the
institution, and allows the institution a chance to
annually review approximately 200 abstracts
submitted by MD Anderson nurses.
Gordon says this strategy
pays off by improving
morale and promoting
teamwork among nursing
staff. “We make an extra
effort to recognize
employees when patients
mention them by name,”
she says. “Appreciation of
each other is one of many
ways we can encourage
positive outcomes for our
Evidence-Based Resource Unit Nurse
(EB-RUN) Project: caregiver support
As a result of the EB-RUN Program, nurses have the
opportunity to improve patient and patient caregiver
outcomes. The EB-RUN Caregiver Support Project was
aimed at developing measures to assist caregivers and
reflects the autonomy and excellence in practice that
MD Anderson nurses value.
The melanoma-sarcoma medical unit (P10) completed an
evidence-based practice project about caregiver burden and
strain. As the patients’ caregivers observe and go through
the different phases of cancer treatment – from diagnosis to
survivorship – with their loved ones, they experience many
changes in their lives. These changes include psychosocial
challenges, financial concerns, emotional highs and lows,
and physical and spiritual issues that they face with their
loved ones.
After conducting a literature review, the project team
identified valid and reliable assessment tools to assess
caregiver burden and strain. The team compared several
tools and selected two that best captured the burden and
strain of oncology patients’ caregivers’ experiences.
The nurses distributed the Caregiver Quality of Life
Index-Cancer (CQOLC) and the Caregiver Demand Scale
(CDS) to 54 caregivers who were chosen to participate
based on established criteria. Each participating caregiver
was asked to provide answers to a short demographic
questionnaire and indicate which of the tools best addressed
the issues that they experienced as a caregiver. The CDS
was the preferred tool among survey participants.
The project helped underscore that nurses are critical
to facilitating and supporting caregivers’ coping
mechanisms. The team’s future steps include using
a caregiver assessment at specified intervals and
implementation of interventions focused on decreasing
caregiver burden and strain.
We base our rounding
models on “Rounding for
Outcomes,” as outlined by Quint Studer in the book, Hardwiring
Excellence. Rounds are also an important strategy in developing
the relationships required with the patient, family, nursing team
members and other groups in Dr. Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model©.
These relationships are necessary to create a sense of trust,
transparency and commitment that make all feel “cared for.”
Quality rounds
Nursing Quality Rounds formally began in August 2012 on each
of the inpatient units. At the first meeting, led by the director of
Nursing Quality, participants reviewed the nurse-sensitive indicators
that are tracked, identified data sources, and became familiar with
the data collection methods and tools. The unit-based quality
committee members hold quarterly meetings with nursing leaders.
The focus of these rounds is to engage the nursing staff in quality
and have closer involvement of leadership with unit staff,
specifically focusing on quality improvement. The goal of the
initiative was to ensure staff members share quality data, discuss
unit projects with their peers, and are afforded the opportunity to
openly share with leadership the unit accomplishments and quality
efforts. The initiative has increased staff’s awareness and focus on
unit efforts for addressing patient safety, patient satisfaction, nurse
satisfaction and other quality endeavors.
Leadership rounds
Leadership rounds provide the opportunity
for nursing leaders to connect with patients, families
and staff. This allows nurses to gain insight into
processes that work well and those in need of
improvement as part of the leadership commitment
to improving the patient experience. Leadership
rounds take place every Friday morning, and leaders are
asked to protect this time to focus fully on the activity.
Anecdotal comments indicate that staff members
appreciate leadership rounds. They welcome the
opportunity to share their concerns and provide
feedback. Often, patients and their families provide
complimentary comments about staff members who go
beyond to make their stay exceptional. When possible,
nursing leaders provide such feedback immediately to
those team members or their managers. Additionally, the
chief nursing officer shares the names of team members
who were commended in a weekly email. Team members
look forward to this recognition and are eager for their
names to be included in this communication. Providing
recognition and positive feedback has the potential to
increase staff satisfaction and engagement, which the
literature suggests increases staff satisfaction and
engagement and translates to better patient care and
improved patient satisfaction.
Leadership rounds have provided the opportunity for
nursing leaders to hear firsthand comments from
patients about their experiences. One patient cited a
time when he had difficulty sleeping. The nurse came to
his room around 1 a.m. and talked with him until he was
able to fall asleep. He said that made such an impact
that when he was discharged from the hospital, it was
the only story about his hospital stay that he shared with
friends and family. He said the nurse’s action made him
feel “cared for and valued.” Another patient related that
she was having difficulty breathing and was not feeling
well. The nursing assistant offered to remain with her,
held her hands, and just remained calm. The patient said
she felt at peace and began to pray. This simple gesture
had an impact on the patient, who believed the nursing
assistant changed the course of her situation and
made her feel better.
Professional Values
Bedside shift
Bedside shift report increases patient safety,
satisfaction and participation in care. The
Nursing Practice Congress formed a PACT
to further develop our bedside shift report
process, after the DoN-CAPE Committee
recommended the process as a best practice.
Nursing implemented the current process for
bedside shift reporting on all inpatient units in
January 2012.
The benefits of bedside shift reporting are
• Patients who are informed about their plan
of care are more likely to be compliant.
• The process builds teamwork, transparency
and trust.
• Incoming and outgoing nurses can see
the patient at the same time, and nurses
can share crucial care information in the
presence of the patient.
• It offers an opportunity for clarifying
outstanding issues and addressing patients’
comments, questions and concerns.
• Nurses experience fewer interruptions
while giving reports and are able to leave
work in a timely manner, eliminating the
need for overtime.
Bedside shift report feedback
One patient said he liked the exchange of
information at shift change because it gave
him the opportunity to hear his nurses discuss
his care. He had the chance to provide input
and make corrections.
A family member shared that he and his
siblings had a rotating schedule to care for his
mother, and the end-of-shift report at the
bedside provided a summary of care events
for the 12-hour shift that was informative and
Ambulatory rounds
The ambulatory rounding project entailed developing and
implementing a formal, standardized and sustainable
rounding process in the ambulatory centers by collecting,
analyzing and reporting patient experiences and feedback.
The aim was to examine ways to improve wait time and
staff courtesy, and to determine what is important to our
Nursing leaders posed the following questions
to patients during rounds:
1. What could we have done better with regard to your
visit with us today?
2. Has there been anything about your stay so far that
you have been very pleased with?
3.Is there someone in particular who provided exceptional
care for you?
4.Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?
I have the time.
A free-text box on the rounding log allowed an opportunity
for open dialogue outside of the structured questions.
Nursing leadership visited with a minimum of five patients
per week in their home center. Effective June 2012, these
individuals partnered with other managers/directors in
other centers, and for two weeks per month, each pair
rounded in their partner’s respective center. The rounds
are documented in an electronic Leader Customer
Rounding Log.
Team members are responsible for collecting, reviewing,
analyzing, and reporting any patient feedback trends;
recommending opportunities for improvement; and
submitting them to the leadership of the respective
multidisciplinary care center on a monthly basis.
Centers will report these on a multidisciplinary care
center scorecard each month.
Conversations make connections
For Sue Ferguson, clinical administrative director of
the Nellie B. Connally Breast Center, patient rounding
is about having a conversation.
“I don’t walk up to someone, introduce myself and
tell them I’m rounding,” she says. “I just start a
conversation while I’m straightening up our lobby.”
Ferguson adds that communicating openly makes
patients feel as though you’re paying attention to
their individual needs. “When we talk to patients,
we establish an important connection,” she says.
“It lets them know that we’re here and willing to
listen if they need to talk.”
Duffy, J. R. (2009). Quality Caring in Nursing: Applying Theory to Clinical Practice, Education,
and Leadership. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Studer Group, L.L.C. (2003). Hardwiring Excellence. Gulf Breeze, FL: Fire Starter Publishing.
Cahill, J. (1998). Patient’s perceptions of bedside handovers. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
(7), 351-359.
Anderson, C.D., & Mangino, R.R., (2006). Nurse shift report; Who says you can’t talk in front
of the patient. Nursing Administration Quarterly 30(2), 112-122.
Chaboyer, W., McMurray, A., Johnson, J., Hardy, L., Wallis, M., & Chu, F. Y. (2009). Bedside
handover; quality improvement strategy to transform care at the bedside. Journal of Nursing
Care Quality, 24(2), 136-142.
Laws, D., & Amato, S. (2010). Incorporating bedside reporting into change-of-shift report.
Rehabilitation Nursing, 35(2), 70-4.
Bedside Reporting at Shift Change. Retrieved from
Regional Care Centers:
Caring in the community
Professional Partnerships
Successful professional partnerships result when all partners collaborate,
merging their collective knowledge, expertise and perspectives to improve
patient outcomes. This cannot occur when individual professionals act on
their own. Internal professional partnerships include nurses, physicians,
other professionals and volunteers. External partners include the
National Cancer Institute (NCI), professional nursing organizations,
schools of nursing, affiliate sites and global partners.
The extension of the community of nurses who provide exemplary
care for MD Anderson patients offers the option for patient care
closer to home. Presently there are 102 clinical team members,
including registered nurses, medical assistants and nursing
assistants working at the Bay Area, Katy, Sugar Land, and
The Woodlands Regional Care Centers. A total of 11 advanced
practice nurses and three nurse navigators assist with the multidisciplinary team for services such as: medical oncology, radiation
oncology and surgical oncology, pain management, dermatology,
head and neck, genitourinary, and gynecologic oncology services.
The nurse navigator participates in the patient care referral process,
diagnostic testing, and relationship building. Weekly interdisciplinary
rounds offer a review of treatment plans, service coordination with
the Texas Medical Center (TMC) Campus and clinical trial participation from a multidisciplinary plan of care. Information technology supports community networking with the TMC Campus through group
video conferences and computer screen sharing for in-services. This
optimizes relationship building and participation in Nurse Practice
Congress, nursing leadership and Magnet Champions meetings.
Clinical nurses are aligned with the team to offer support for clinical
trial research, patient education and community partnership. One
nurse notes, “Regional care allows me to bring the care closer to our
patients’ homes and this is important to patients and nurses.”
A TMC Campus
research nurse
works collaboratively
with the clinical
team to offer
research trials
within the regional
care centers and
follow up as needed.
Clinical nurses
engage the local
community nurses
by offering expertise
and education for
oncology patients.
offers additional
support for the
patient through
annual events such
as Relay for Life,
Pink Lighting
ceremonies and
festivals, as well as
monthly support
Claudine Jreissaty, clinical nurse,
Sugar Land Regional Care Center.
First Regional Care Center
nurse to win the Ethel Fleming
Arceneaux Award.
“I’m so honored to receive this award
for doing something I love,” Jreissaty
told the crowd in the Sugar Land center.
“I just try to treat our patients the way
I would want to be treated, so I’m truly
honored by this recognition.”
Susan Cluff, clinical nurse,
Bay Area Regional Care Center
“My patients have given me far more than
I have given them! I have developed a
profound respect for the gift of life, and for
the proper order of priorities. I am fortunate
for the experiences and challenges I have
had as a nurse.”
Professional Partnerships
Banner MD Anderson: nurses and knowledge sharing
MD Anderson’s affiliation with Banner Health in Arizona
has provided an excellent opportunity to partner with
another institution and facilitate sharing of knowledge
and skills with other health care professionals. In fall of
2012, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center initiated a
program to provide head and neck cancer (HNC) care
to the patients it serves. Nursing leadership in both
organizations undertook a collaborative effort to ensure
that Banner MD Anderson staff members were offered
the opportunity to gain knowledge about this patient
population and develop the skills they needed to care
for these patients. Initial steps included the sharing of
policies, plans of care, standardized order sets and
patient education materials. Regularly scheduled
conference calls allow the Banner clinical leadership
team opportunities to engage in routine discussions
with the clinical experts at MD Anderson in Houston.
The Banner nursing leadership team, including the chief
nursing officer and several directors, made an initial visit
to Houston in November 2012 and met with the HNC
nursing leadership team, which included both inpatient
and ambulatory care representatives.
Throughout this process, plans were developed to
bring Banner MD Anderson nurses to Houston for
clinical experiences with HNC patients. Five nurses from
Banner spent several days at MD Anderson in Houston
in January 2013, where they were given the opportunity
to see patients and provide hands-on care to patients,
under the oversight of Ginny Bowman, the clinical
expert for HNC nursing care. Later that month, three
additional staff members came to Houston, learned
about processes in the operating room, and gained
more knowledge about the flow of patient care across
the continuum. Bowman offered education in the form of
lectures and discussion of patient scenarios. Following
the visits to Houston, Bowman traveled to MD Anderson
Banner, and over a period of several days, provided
educational lectures to Banner health care professionals
about HNC. She also spoke at two “lunch and learn”
sessions open to all employees about demonstrating care
and respect to patients who may have significant change in
appearance and function during and after their cancer
treatment. Throughout the visit to Banner MD Anderson,
Bowman met with health care providers in all areas of
patient care and discussed concerns, special needs and
opportunities to provide safe, effective care to the HNC
patient population. Since the visit to Banner, there has
been an ongoing exchange of information through emails
and phone calls, as the nursing leadership team at Banner
MD Anderson continues to implement staff education
and develop competencies aimed at enabling nursing staff
to provide excellent patient care to HNC patients.
Nursing collaboration with
Texas Woman’s University (TWU)
and The University of Texas
Medical Branch (UTMB)
When the Division of Nursing chose to incorporate the role of the clinical
nurse leader as part of Primary Team Nursing, partnerships between the
hospital and two local universities were developed, enabling the vision
of Primary Team Nursing to be actualized using the role of clinical nurse
leader as a core component. Unique to these partnerships was the vision
that the hospital and the university would work together to create the
curriculum for this program.
In 2011, we solidified formal partnerships with Texas Woman’s University
(Houston) and UTMB Health School of Nursing (Galveston). Through
collaboration, teamwork and communication, the curriculum for the
clinical nurse leader program was developed.
Essential to the process were the initial face-to-face discussions between
key faculty and hospital nursing leaders to establish common ground and
the vision each party had for the role. Additional meetings with key
stakeholders to discuss further mutual expectations, timelines, critical
accomplishments, and potential issues transpired over two years.
A critical component in the success of the partnership was the
identification of hospital and university liaisons. These individuals
became the first contacts to discuss and determine how to address
issues. Channeling discussions through the liaisons kept communication
focused and reduced the opportunity for multiple interpretations. These
liaisons allowed the hospital and university to raise student and program
concerns or issues, and led to modifications in the programs over time to
best meet the needs of MD Anderson and the universities.
Establishing non-tenured faculty appointments for designated nursing
leaders within the institution has allowed participation in the education
of the program candidates. Professional relationships have formed and
a deeper understanding of the needs of the participants and limitations
of both the institution and the universities has occurred. Successful
partnerships support preparing clinical nurse leader graduates to
function effectively and add value to the settings in which they work, and
to increase the desirability of the academic programs that prepare them.
Adjunct Faculty at
The University of Texas
Medical Branch (UTMB)
•Barbara Summers, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair,
Department of Nursing
Vice President and
Chief Nursing Officer
Head, Division of Nursing
•Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP
Executive Director,
Nursing Professional Practice
•Debbie Cline
Associate Director,
Nursing Workforce Planning
and Development
•Ginny Bowman
Director, Nursing Programs,
Clinical Nurse Leader Program
National Magnet Nurse of the Year - Nancy Tomczak
MD Anderson was honored to have one
of its own recognized as a 2012 National
Magnet Nurse of the Year. But what made
this award even more exceptional was
that it recognized a leader of our nursing
shared governance body.
Shared Governance
Nancy Tomczak, clinical nurse resource,
Inpatient Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular
Therapy Unit, was recognized for her contributions
in the area of Transformational Leadership.
Tomczak epitomizes the characteristics of a
transformational leader as chair of the Nursing
Practice Congress. She revolutionized the congress
by bringing in multidisciplinary members, resulting
in increased engagement and a global vision for
de-compartmentalizing clinical issues to achieve
workable, interdisciplinary solutions. She devotes
equal attention to research and evidence-based
practice, nurse advocacy and mentoring, and a
commitment to high-quality care. Her research
efforts resulted in a grant-funded physical activity
program that engages both patients and staff. In
2011, she received the Arceneaux Award, recognizing her outstanding delivery of hands-on care
and excellence in daily contact with patients in the
clinical setting.
“I got to have my real mom and my ‘work mom’
there,” Tomczak says, referring to Patty Johnston,
a director for Clinical Nursing, who was one of
her first managers and still is a key mentor for her.
“It was fun to have them and others with me to
cheer me on and to share this success.” Tomczak was joined by her associate director, Roxy
Blackburn and other Nursing leaders, including Dr. Summers.
“It was an honor to see Nancy represent MD Anderson,” says Dr. Summers. “She’s an
exceptional clinical nurse who has worked hard to develop her leadership skills. Her work
has benefited so many nurses and patients.”
The Shared Governance body at MD Anderson is a multidisciplinary team
of representatives from across the institution charged with the task of defining,
implementing and maintaining institutional standards for clinical practice that
are consistent with national, state and community standards of practice.
The American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) National Magnet Nurse of the
Year™ awards recognize the outstanding contributions of clinical nurses in each of the five
Magnet® Model components: Transformational Leadership; Structural Empowerment;
Exemplary Professional Practice; New Knowledge, Innovations & Improvements; and
Empirical Outcomes. The 2012 award winners were recognized at the ANCC National
Magnet Conference® in Los Angeles.
“It’s a great responsibility and
honor to be the voice of the
constituents I represent.”
– Felicia Selman
Nursing Practice
Congress Representative
As an elected representative to the Nursing
Practice Congress, Felicia Selman, clinical
nurse, Ambulatory Surgery Center Short Stay
Nursing Unit, attends monthly meetings to
represent the outpatient nursing constituents.
Selman, a clinical nurse with the Ambulatory
Surgery Center Short Stay Nursing Unit, has
served on the congress for two terms, each
with a two-year commitment. Starting out,
she did not know what to expect but the
unique experience far surpassed any of her
expectations. Selman was amazed that such
a large institution could bring together a
body of multidisciplinary professionals to
collaborate and address clinical practice
issues through exploration of potential
solutions, with the common goal of
improving patient outcomes.
This experience has allowed Selman to
network and encourage others to respond to
PACT call-outs, where the work of the congress occurs. These smaller work groups are
open to all nurses across the institution. She
is able to experience first-hand the effectiveness of this process in maintaining control
over nursing practice.
Selman believes that nurses must continue to
use their voices in decisions affecting clinical
practice through shared governance, as outlined in our PPM. This framework gives nurses
the ability and the power to drive needed
changes in collaboration and partnership with
the multidisciplinary team to achieve a culture
of safety for patients and our workforce.
Mary West, clinical nurse, Emergency Center
“I have been on two PACTs and am hoping to chair a PACT. When I went to my first PACT meeting, I had no idea what to expect. When I walked
in and learned that Geri Lobiondo-Wood, Ph.D., associate professor, Division of Nursing, would be mentoring our PACT, I realized that
MD Anderson really takes nurses’ involvement in the decision making process at the institutional level seriously. I found it very empowering
to be part of a truly multidisciplinary team that shared my passion for a particular topic.
I appreciate the Emergency Center Leadership Team for always supporting me, as attending PACT meetings can be a challenging on days that
I am scheduled to provide patient care at the bedside. I look forward to PACT meetings. As a PACT member, I now have a better understanding
of how change evolves and that each of us has the power to initiate the changes that we feel would benefit our deserving patients.”
Clinical NurseAdvancement Program
Professional Recognition
and Rewards
In 2010, the Division of Nursing adopted Benner’s
Novice to Expert theory as the conceptual framework for the Clinical Nurse Advancement Program
(CNAP). The three core competency levels are
apprentice, competent and proficient. All current
staff members who had completed one of the two
highest levels of the previous professional development model have been challenged to complete
the proficient level by April 2014.
A new standard in clinical practice requires
specialty certification at the proficient level.
Additional documentation includes case studies,
a value statement and other examples provided
by the clinical nurse completing the application,
in addition to peer evaluation. The promotion to
the next level is approved by a committee of
unit or division clinical nurse peers. A group of
22 “proficient pioneers” were the first to complete
the process. They served as the first review
committees and were an inspiration to their
nursing colleagues.
Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to Expert:
Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing
Practice. Prentice Hall Heath.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Joseph Brown, clinical nurse,
Main Operating Room
Joseph Brown was the first proficient
pioneer in the Perioperative Services.
He says he learned a lot about who
he was as a clinical nurse on his journey to reach the proficient level.
“I approached the CNAP process as
a challenge. It was a learning and
improvement process for me and my
clinical nursing practice. I made it fun
either through a daily review of my
CNAP folder to the self-satisfaction
of highlighting each section as I completed it. Knowing I was that much
closer in achieving this goal was very
“Being the first circulating nurse in
the Main Operating Room to complete
the CNAP, I really do feel honored. I
have new confidence in knowing that
I went through the CNAP Process. I
was challenged, and I came out shining. In the end, this makes me a better
circulating nurse for MD Anderson
and, most importantly, for my surgical
patients and families.”
Surgical Team Recognized for Advanced Skills by
Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses
The formal acknowledgement of an individual’s education, clinical expertise,
and professional status. This ensures nursing expertise is visible, valued and
understood, and that professional autonomy is maintained. Additionally, it values
and rewards clinical practice, provides a structure for ongoing education,
encourages the achievement of specialty certification and supports nurse retention.
More than 50% of MD Anderson perioperative registered nurses have taken steps
to strengthen their professional knowledge and earn CNOR certification from the
Competency & Credentialing Institute of the Association of PeriOperative Registered
Nurses (AORN).
The institute recently distinguished MD Anderson as a CNOR Strong facility, based
on this team achievement and our reward and recognition programs to encourage
CNOR once stood for certified nurse operating room. Today, it is referenced only by its
acronym to denote perioperative nurses who strive to exceed standard competence in
the perioperative setting. The credential is awarded for five years.
“Specialty knowledge of operating room practices helps perioperative nurses handle a variety of cases and challenges, leading to improved patient
outcomes,” says Deborah Alpers, director of Perioperative Nursing. “We’re especially pleased so many of our nurses have achieved this advanced
certification and that we have programs in place to encourage certification and the continued professional development of our OR nursing teams.”
AORN is a non-profit organization that provides nursing education and standards for perioperative quality and safety.
The CNOR Strong designation signifies our commitment to national standards for evidence-based perioperative practice and to fostering a team
environment that encourages each member to pursue the highest credentials and education in support of safe patient care, Alpers says.
The Beacon Award
One of the proudest moments for the staff of P7 in 2012
was the day the thoracic surgical step-down unit was
awarded the Beacon Award for Nursing Excellence from
the American Association for Critical Care Nurse (AACN).
The Beacon award, created by AACN, recognizes individual
units for improving all elements of patient care, and includes
criteria that address the leadership structure, patient outcomes, evidenced-based practice and process, effective
communication, appropriate staffing, and staff engagement.
Staff worked together and supported each other as a team
during the two-and-one-half year journey, even creating
T-shirts with the motto of “Seekin’ the Beacon” that they
wore every Wednesday.
A core group met weekly to work on the areas of
opportunity identified from the initial assessment that
needed strengthening.
Katie Lewis, associate director, credits the team’s success
to the support shown by leadership. Bob Massey, Ph.D., an
assistant professor of Nursing, sponsored and mentored the
team. Dr. Summers met with the team at its kick-off and
signed a commitment statement for the application to
demonstrate her support.
After a lot of hard work, networking and collaboration
with others, the document was submitted to AACN.
Achieving this award brought a great deal of pride to the
staff, knowing that this was the first Beacon award to be
awarded at MD Anderson and that they were recognized
for excellence in nursing. The award reminds staff of our
responsibility to our patients and of the need to look critically
at processes, outcomes, and the environment – assuring
the promise to excellence is continually being evaluated.
“It’s such a testament to the level of teamwork and
collaboration that MD Anderson is all about,” Lewis says.
Nursing Accomplishments
Honors and Awards
Sugar Land nurse Claudine Jreissaty wins 2012 Arceneaux award
Each year, one deserving nurse at MD Anderson is named the Ethel Fleming
Arceneaux Outstanding Nurse-Oncologist. The award honors the exceptional
patient care this nurse delivers and celebrates the winner as an ambassador
for the nursing profession.
In 2012, that honor belonged to Claudine Jreissaty, an outpatient clinical nurse
at our Sugar Land Regional Care Center.
Jreissaty has been with MD Anderson since 2008. She started her career here
with the Nellie B. Connally Breast Center and joined the Sugar Land Regional Care
Center in 2010. She has nearly 15 years of experience as a nurse and is a certified
breast care nurse.
Thanks to the Brown Foundation Inc., Jreissaty will receive a $15,000 prize in
recognition of the superior hands-on care she provides to her patients.
She hopes other units will be spurred to action by their
success. “We look forward to sharing the lessons we’ve
learned with other teams, and we’re not done yet.”
2012 Nursing Excellence Award Recipients
The team plans to aim for the gold with its next
• Ashley White, senior research nurse
Thoracic and Head and Neck Medical Oncology, in the category of Clinical Trials Research
• Celine Chacko, clinical nurse
Gynecology Radiation, G10E, who won the Community Service Award in Nursing
100% Certified Cardiopulmonary Center and Cardiac Catheterization Lab
The path towards 100% certification was a thrill ride for
the Cardiopulmonary Center and Cardiac Catheterization
Lab. As a team, they decided to complete certification
together at close intervals, to maximize momentum
and support from each other. First, the appropriate
certification that all areas could take was identified.
There are many specialty practices in one area:
Cardiac clinic, Stress lab, Pulmonary clinic, Pulmonary
function tests Bronchoscopy procedures, and Cardiac
Catheterization. The team found a certification test that fit
all areas in the CVRN Level I Cardiovascular Nursing Board
Certification Exam, which was developed specifically for
nurses working in cardiology arenas such as telemetry,
the cardiac catheterization lab, chest pain centers,
cardiac rehabilitation units and office-based private
practice cardiac nurses. The leadership team and
medical team cheered the group on. The team worked
together so all received time to attend the review classes
and take the test itself. The medical team also provided
review on topics with CE credit that were going to be
covered in the exam. In June 2012, the team was 100%
certified, from the managers to all the clinical nurses. This
center was the first at MD Anderson to achieve 100%
certification. The nurses reported a sense of validation of
their clinical practice, and this empowered them to drive
better patient outcomes.
• Kelly Faltus, advanced practice nurse
Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, G11, in the category of Advanced Practice Nursing
• George Prado, clinical nurse
Telemetry/Thoracic Surgery, P7, in the category of Clinical Leadership
• Sonny Budiatmodjo, nursing assistant
P12, in the category of Supporting Patient Care
• Cheryl Gomez, clinical nurse
Urology and Orthopedics, P4, in the category of Nursing Excellence as a New Graduate Nurse (Rookie of the Year)
• Susan Cluff, clinical nurse
Bay Area Regional Care Center, who earned the Stephanie Perez Award for Nursing Excellence in
Clinical Practice–Outpatient Setting
• Kristin Johnson, clinical nurse
Gynecology Radiation, G10E, who earned the Stephanie Perez Award for Nursing Excellence in Clinical Practice
in an Inpatient Setting
• Jean Asonye, Clinical Nurse, P10
New Attendee Scholarship
Awarded by: Dermatology Nurses Association, February 2012
• Hyacinth Gordon, Director, Clinical Nursing, Nursing Administration
• Margaret A Bell, Clinical Administrative Director,
Cancer Prevention Center
• Sarah J Goss, Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support
Gold Award - Create Solutions: A Lean Survivorship Program
Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center, October 2011
Sustaining Improvements $1,000 Award:
Sustaining/Improving Access to Dermatology
Awarded by: University of Texas System Annual CS&E Conference
October 2011
• Sonny Budiatmodjo, Nursing Assistant, P12
Nursing Excellence: Supporting Patient Care
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
• Alita A J Campbell, Assistant Manager, Nurse, Nursing Post
Anesthesia Care Unit
Silver Award - Process Improvement in Non-OR Pediatric Procedures
Awarded by: Celebrating Solutions - Transforming Care at the Bedside
October 2011
• James Cavalier, Nursing Education Specialist,
Nursing Extramural Programs
Outstanding Service Award,
Awarded by: Department of Anesthesiology, MD Anderson Cancer
Center, December 2011
• Myra Lynn A Granada, Assistant Manager, Nurse, Nursing G18
Outstanding Patient Educator Award
Awarded by: Patient Education Office, MD Anderson Cancer Center
October 2011
• Georgeanne G Green, Clinical Nurse, Main OR Nursing
Perioperative Nurse of the Year
Awarded by: Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)
November 2011
• Lynn M Grimes, Advanced Practice Nurse, Surgical Oncology
The Alice Judkins Surgical Oncology MLP Award for Excellence
Awarded by: Alice Judkins Endowed Lecture Series, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, May 2012
• Lois Hamblin, Research Nurse Supervisor, Radiation Oncology
Educator of the Quarter, Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center
October 2011
Clinical Research Nurse Committee Nurse Excellence Award
Awarded by: Clinical Research Nurse Committee, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, April 2012
• Celine Chacko, Clinical Nurse, Nursing G10 East
• Kelle Ingram, Clinical Nurse, P10
Nursing Excellence: Community Service Award in Nursing
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
• Susan Cluff, Clinical Nurse, Bay Area - Regional Care Center
Nursing Excellence: Clinical Practice Outpatient Setting
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
• Joyce Dains, DrPH, Associate Professor,
Nursing Faculty Department
2012 Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Awarded by: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, June 2012
• Lourine Davis, Assistant Manager, Nurse, Nursing G17 West Stem
Cell Transplantation
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, February 2012
• Vivian C Esquivel, Clinical Nurse, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, June 2012
• Kelly Faltus, Advanced Practice Nurse,
Stem Cell Transplant & Cellular Therapy - G11
Nursing Excellence: Advanced Practice Nursing
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
• Anne M Ferguson, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient,
Pedi - Child & Adolescent Ctr
Annual Fellowship Teaching Award,
Awarded by: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellows,
MD Anderson Cancer Center, June 2012
• Melissa P Gilhart, Clinical Nurse, Nursing Resource Pool
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, June 2012
• Cheryl P Gomez, Clinical Nurse, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Outstanding Graduate Student,
Awarded by: Texas Woman’s University, April 2012
Nursing Excellence: New Graduate Nurse (Rookie of the Year)
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, October 2011
• Ann C Jernigan, Ph.D., Clinical Administrative Director,
Sarcoma Center
Golden Nugget - Outstanding Alumni, Awarded by: University of
Texas, El Paso - College of Nursing, October 2011
• Kristin G. Johnson, Assistant Manager, Nurse, Nursing G10 East
• Cynthia A Powers, Clinical Administrative Director, Leukemia Center
Exemplary Employee Award
Awarded by: Division of Cancer Medicine, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, May 2012
George E Prado, Clinical Nurse, Nursing 7P
Nursing Excellence Award: Clinical Leadership.
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
• Elsy F Puthenparampil, Clinical Resource Nurse, Nursing Post
Anesthesia Care Unit
Heart of MD Anderson Outstanding Employee Award
Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center, September 2011
• Nita Pyle, Associate Director, Patient Education,
Patient Education Office
Top 20 Outstanding Nurses for 2011
Awarded by: Texas Nurses Association, District 9, October 2011
• Portia Ramillano, Clinical Nurse, Nursing 9P
Patient Safety Awareness Week /Poster Contest Won 1st Prize
Awarded by: Office of Performance Improvement/ Patient Safety and
Accreditation, MD Anderson Cancer Center
March 2012
• Beatriz Rozo, Advanced Practice Nurse, Children’s Cancer Hospital
Heart of MD Anderson Outstanding Employee Award
Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center, May 2012
• Annamma V Sam, Advanced Practice Nurse
Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine
Lois E. Nickerson, RN Endowed Scholarship, Awarded by: University
of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, August 2012
• Cicely Scarlett, Nurse Manager, Bay Area - Regional Care Center
Heart of MD Anderson Outstanding Employee Award
Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center, August 2012
Nursing Excellence: Stephanie Perez Award for Clinical Practice in
Inpatient Setting, Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, May 2012
• Cherry Sloan-Medrano, Case Manager, Physicians Network
Top 20 Outstanding Nurses for 2011
Awarded by: Texas Nurses Association, District 9, October 2011
• Claudine S Jreissaty, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient, Surgery Sugar Land Regional Care Center
• Kay Swint, Clinical Administrative Director, Supportive Care Center
2011 Emma Josephine Loffelholz McMorris RN Spirituality Award
Awarded by: Institute of Spirituality and Health, November 2011
Ethel Fleming Arceneaux Oustanding Nurse Oncologist Award
Awarded by: The Brown Foundation, May 2012
• Clemente E Logronio Jr, Clinical Nurse,
Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, June 2012
• Riza Mauricio, Ph.D., Advanced Practice Nurse,
Pediatrics - Patient Care
John WInston Carter Award of Excellence
Awarded by: Texas Woman’s University, May 2012
• Elizabeth McCall, Senior Patient Affairs Specialist, Patient Affairs
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, February 2012
• Lorene Payne, Associate Director, Patient Education,
Patient Education Office
Top 20 Outstanding Nurses for 2011
Awarded by: Texas Nurses Association, District 9, October 2011
Book of the Year Award 2011 in the category of Professional
Development for The Nursing Student’s Guide to Clinical Success
Awarded by: American Journal of Nursing, January 2012
Educator of the Quarter, Awarded by: MD Anderson Cancer Center
April 2012
• Kenneth W Tarleton, Senior Research Nurse, Proton Therapy Support
Clinical Nurse Research Committee Award for Outstanding Clinical
Research Nurse, Awarded by: Clinical Nurse Research Committee,
MD Anderson Cancer Center, October 2011
• Portia Y Tse, Assistant Manager, Nurse, CTRC
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, February 2012
• Effie Upshaw, Clinical Nurse, Melanoma and Skin Center
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, October 2011
• Richard Wangerin, Clinical Nurse, Nursing Resource Pool
DAISY Award, Awarded by: The DAISY Foundation, October 2011
• Ashley M White, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology
Nursing Excellence Award: Clinical Trials Research
Awarded by: Division of Nursing, MD Anderson Cancer Center
May 2012
2012 Good Samaritan Foundation’s Excellence in Nursing Award
Bronze Winner, Awarded by: Good Samaritan Foundation, July 2012
Research Studies
MD Anderson is committed to cancer research.
The following nurse-directed studies are active or pending
activation during fiscal year 2012.
• Kelly Brassil
Principal Investigator, Pilot study of the impact of a mobility
program on QOL outcomes in SCT patients - Active
• Anecita Fadol, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, REcovery of left ventricular dysfunction in
CAncer Patients (RECAP trial) – Active
Principal Investigator, Cancer patients with heart failure:
A retrospective review for eligibility for cardiac resynchronization
therapy (CAPTURE-CRT) – Pending
• Hyacinth Gordon
Principal Investigator, Lived experience of men with penile
ancer - Active
• Robert Massey, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Rocking motion: Physiologic effect on the
surgical stress response - Active
• Riza Mauricio, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, The voices of comfort in adolescents and
young adults with metastatic cancer - Active
• Beverly Nelson, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Validation of the MD Anderson adult
inpatient fall risk assessment scale - Active
• Cynthia Segal, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Evaluation of SOFA score patients - Active
• Julie Segovia
Principal Investigator, Uncertainty mood and quality of life in
young adults undergoing SCT - Active
• Faith Strunk
Principal Investigator, Symptoms in early and long-term breast
cancer survivors who have completed primary therapy - Active
• Lori Williams, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Symptom burden in patients with
cancer-and treatment-related skin problems - Active
• Geri Wood, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Cervical cancer symptoms - Active
• Cynthia Abarado
Cynthia Abarado (2012, July). Prostate, Renal and Bladder Cancer:
Implications to Primary Care. Lecture Presentation at Houston Area
Nurse Practitioners, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Faisal H Aboul-Enein
Faisal Aboul-Enein (2011, November). Management Principles of
Dr. William Gorgas During the Panama Canal Construction: What
Nurses Can Learn. Poster Presentation at International Congress of
Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Paris, France.
• Mechele J Adrian
Parikshet Babber, Mechele Adrian, William Atkinson (2012, August).
Team Triage. Poster Presentation at The University of Texas System
Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
• Pamela A Alizadeh
Pamela Alizadeh (2012, February). When Mastitis Kills: Inflammatory
Breast Cancer. Podium Presentation at Annual Kaleidescope Perinatal
and Women’s Health Nursing Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA.
Pamela Alizadeh (2012, March). Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Podium
Presentation at United Health Services Hospitals 20th Annual Oncology
Teaching Day, Houston, Texas, USA.
Pamela Alizadeh (2012, June). When Mastitis Kills: Inflammatory
Breast Cancer. Podium Presentation at the American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP
Debra Adornetto-Garcia (2012, January). Implementation of the
CNL Role: An Innovative Approach. Podium Presentation at American
Association of Colleges of Nursing - 2012 CNL Summit, Tampa,
Florida, USA.
• Colette A Badeaux
Colette Badeaux, Colleen Leonard (2011, September). Pediatric
Assessment Tools: An Evidence Based Approach to the Evaluation of
Two Different Tools Utilized in the Pediatric Setting. Poster Presentation
at the Association of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Nurses, Anaheim,
California, USA.
Angela Yarbrough, Sung Kim, Colette Badeaux, Angela Xu, Joann Ater
(2012, June). Lipid Profile Abnormality in Childhood Cancer Survivors:
A Potential Target for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. Poster
Presentation at 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications
of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg,
Virginia, USA.
• Carla M Baker
Carla Baker, Kathleen Lewis (2011, October). Fast-Tracking
Esophagectomies. Poster Presentation at American Nurses Credentialing
Center Magnet National Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
• Margaret A Bell
Margaret Bell (2011, October). Cancer Prevention. Lecture Presentation
at Aso-Iizuka Hospital, Japan.
Margaret Bell (2011, October). Sustaining Access to Dermatology.
Podium Presentation at The University of Texas System Clinical Safety
and Effectiveness Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Margaret Bell (2011, December). Applying Lean Kaizen in Your Center.
Poster Presentation at Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
• Madonna D Berry
Madonna Berry (2011, October). Detection, Diagnosis and Management
of Lung Cancer. Lecture Presentation at University of Texas Medical
Branch - Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USA.
• Roxann K Blackburn
Roxann Blackburn, Kristin Doyle, Jaine Jewell (2012, February).
Same Quality, Fewer Resources: Preparing Patients for Discharge after
HSCT. Poster Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference,
San Diego, California, USA.
• Sarah Bottomley
Sarah Bottomley (2011, October). Adrenal Insufficency and
Adrenal Crisis. Podium Presentation at Philippine Nurses Association Houston Chapter, Houston, Texas, USA.
Sarah Bottomley (2012, April). Thyroid Cancer: Not Just for Adults.
Podium Presentation at Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society,
Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Virginia B Bowman
Virginia Bowman (2012, May). Breathing Easier: A Patient and
Family Education Module. Podium Presentation at Global Academic
Programs (GAP) Conference, Oslo, Norway.
• Veronica J Brady
Veronica Brady (2011, September). Diabetes and Cancer. Podium
Presentation at Texas Nurse Practitioners, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
Veronica Brady (2011, October). Vitamin D: Who Needs It? Podium
Presentation at American College of Nurse Practitioners, Denver,
Colorado, USA.
Victor Lavis, Veronica Brady, Kathleen Crawford, Celia Levesque
(2012, May). What Keeps People From Taking Metformin? Poster
Presentation at General Internal Medicine Research Retreat, Houston,
Texas, USA.
Veronica Brady (2012, July). Management of Diabetes in Special
Situations. Podium Presentation at University of Texas Health Science
Center, Houston, Texas, USA.
Veronica Brady (2012, August). Endocrinology Update: Issues in
Primary Care. Podium Presentation at Houston Area Nurse Practitioners,
The Woodlands, Texas, USA.
• Jacqueline Broadway-Duren
Jacqueline Broadway-Duren (2011, October). Hematology Oncologic
Emergencies. Lecture Presentation at MD Anderson Hematologic
Malignancies Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
Jacqueline Broadway-Duren (2012, February). Hematology Oncologic Emergencies. Lecture Presentation at MD Anderson Hematologic
Malignancies Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
Jacqueline Broadway-Duren (2012, June). Autoimmune Hemolytic
Anemia in CLL. Podium Presentation at American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Elizabeth D Brown
Lindsey Pimentel, Elizabeth Brown, Debra Castro (2011, November).
Telephone Supportive Care: Challenges of Caring for Ambulatory
Distressed Patients. Podium Presentation at Interdisciplinary Approach
to Symptom Control, Paliative and Hospice Care Conference, Houston,
Texas, USA.
• Kathleen A Bugarin
Kathleen Bugarin, Yu-Fan Ma (2011, November). An Urgent Response
Team in Diagnostic Imaging: Better, Faster and More Consistent Care.
Podium Presentation at Radiological Society of North America, Chicago,
Illinois, USA.
• Joaquin A Buitrago
Roxann Blackburn, Joaquin Buitrago (2012, February). Discharge
Nurses’ Role in Long Term Admissions. Poster Presentation at the
American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Conference,
San Diego, California, USA.
• Catherine C Burke
Catherine Burke (2012, August). Survivorship. Podium Presentation
at the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Conference, Charlotte,
North Carolina, USA.
• Michelle O Butaud
Michelle Butaud (2012, February). Breast Cancer Staging.
Lecture Presentation at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of
Texas, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Aleli Cabali
Aleli Cabali, Evelyn Acosta, Dwayne Brown, Arlene Lastimoso,
Imelda Laxa, Elsy Puthenparampil (2012, March). EtCO2 Monitoring
in Epidural Infusion for Acute Post-Op Pain Management. Podium
Presentation at Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, Houston,
Texas, USA.
Aleli Cabali, Evelyn Acosta, Dwayne Brown, Arlene Lastimoso,
Imelda Laxa, Elsy Puthenparampil (2012, April). EtCO2 Monitoring
in Epidural Infusion for Acute Post-Op Pain Management. Poster
Presentation at American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
• Alita A J Campbell
Alita Campbell, Cynthia Segal, Mini Sabu, Leslie Hale, Sheryl de Asis,
Tennille Campbell, Karen Salinas, Jenise Rice (2011, October). Process
Improvement in Non-OR Pediatric Procedures for Children with Cancer.
Poster Presentation at The University of Texas System Clinical Safety and
Effectiveness Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Alita Campbell, Mini Sabu, Leslie Hale, Jenise Rice, Cynthia Segal
(2011, October). Process Improvement in Non-OR Pediatric Procedures.
Poster Presentation at American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Alita Campbell, Mini Sabu, Leslie Hale, Karen Salinas, Sheryl de Asis,
Tennille Campbell, Elsy Puthenparampil, Jenise Rice, Cindy Segal (2012,
April). Process Improvement in Non-OR Pediatric Procedures for Children
with Cancer. Poster Presentation at American Society of PeriAnesthesia
Nurses, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Natalie J Clanton
Melissa McLennon, Gregory Botz, Natalie Clanton, LaToi Tatum, Blake
Brookshire (2011, December). Reducing the Frequency of Blood Draws
in the ICU. Poster Presentation at Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
Orlando, Florida, USA.
Melissa McLennon, Gregory Botz, Natalie Clanton, LaToi Tatum, Blake
Brookshire (2012, June). Reducing the Frequency of Blood Draws in the
ICU. Poster Presentation at Society of Critical Care Medicine, Houston,
Texas, USA.
Melissa McLennon, Gregory Botz, Natalie Clanton, Latoya Tatum, Blake
Brookshire (2012, August). Reducing Lab Draws in the ICU. Podium
Presentation at The University of Texas System Clinical Safety and
Effectiveness Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Melissa McLennon, Gregory Botz, Natalie Clanton, Latoya Tatum, Blake
Brookshire (2012, August). Reducing the Frequency of Blood Draws in
the ICU. Poster Presentation at The University of Texas System Clinical
Safety and Effectiveness Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
• Deborah B Cline
Deborah Cline, Virginia Bowman (2012, January). Partnering:
Ensuring a Successful Academic Partnership. Podium Presentation at
American Association of Colleges of Nursing - 2012 CNL Summit,
Tampa, Florida, USA.
• Kathleen M Crawford
Kathleen Crawford (2011, October). The Metabolic Syndrome: Obesity,
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Lecture Presentation at American
College of Nurse Practitioners, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Victor Lavis, Veronica Brady, Kathleen Crawford, Celia Levesque
(2012, May). What Keeps People from Taking Metformin? Poster
Presentation at MD Anderson Physicians Network Symposium, Houston,
Texas, USA.
• Joyce Dains, DrPH
Carol Vreeland Dallred, Joyce Dains, Gwendolyn Corrigan (2011,
November). Cancer Screening Education for Nurses in Rural and
Medically Underserved Areas of Texas. Poster Presentation for Cancer
Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA.
Joyce Dains (2011, November). Human Genome: Ethics and the
Law. Lecture Presentation at The Swedish Workplace HIV and AIDS
Programme, El Paso, Texas, USA.
Joyce Dains, Carol Vreeland Dallred, Gwendolyn Corrigan, Molly
Frankel (2012, June). Partnering to Improve Cancer Screening in Rural
and Medically Underserved Communities in Texas. Poster Presentation
at 25th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved
and Health Equity; Empowering Communities in the Era of Health Care
Reform, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Suzanne F Day
Suzanne Day (2012, June). Breast Cancer Survivorship: Assessing Risk
and Preventing Second Primary Breast Cancers. Video Presentation for
Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Houston, Texas, USA.
Suzanne Day (2012, June). The Dark Side of Cancer Screening:
Risk Associated with Three Cancer Screening Tests. Podium Presentation
at American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Conference, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
• Paula F Demasi
• Marites R Domine
Marites Domine (2012, May). Ultraviolet Light Therapy for Mycosis
Fungoides Patients: Nursing Implications Before, During and After
Treatment. Poster Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference,
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
• Pamela B Douglas-Ntagha
Pamela Douglas-Ntagha, Thanayi Thomas (2011, October). Increasing
Important Message from Medicare Letter Compliance in a Large
Academic Health Care Institution. Poster Presentation at The University
of Texas System Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference, San
Antonio, Texas, USA.
• Kristin L Doyle
Kristin Doyle (2012, February). A Taste of Home for the Holidays:
Providing a Traditional Holiday Dinner for Inpatient Stem Cell Transplant
Patients and Caregivers. Poster Presentation at the American Society of
Blood and Marrow Transplantation Conference, San Diego, California,
• Michael Eckenfels
Michael Eckenfels (2012, May). Initiation of Subcutaneous Bortezomib
in an Outpatient Clinic Setting: A Nurse-led Project to Reduce the
Incidence of Peripheral Neuropathy in Multiple Myeloma Patients. Poster
Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA.
• Julieta A Fajardo
Julieta Fajardo, Yu Hu, Ruben Rivera, Chanelle Clerc (2011,
November). Accommodation of Religious and Spiritual Practices in
the Acute Palliative Care Unit. Poster Presentation at Interdisciplinary
Approach to Symptom Control, Paliative and Hospice Care Conference,
Houston, Texas, USA.
• Margaret M Fields
Margaret Fields (2012, January). Seizures. Podium Presentation
at 4th Annual Kempfer Functional Brain Anatomy Seminar, Houston,
Texas, USA.
Margaret Fields (2012, June). Gynecologic Cancer: What NOT to
Miss. Podium Presentation at American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Margaret Fields (2012, June). Long Term Complications of Cancer
Therapy. Podium Presentation at American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Sherrie L Flores
Sherrie Flores, Lynn Waldmann (2011, October). Taking Charge:
My Body, My Choice. Podium Presentation at Thyroid Cancer
Survivorship Association, Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA.
Sherrie Flores (2012, May). What is All the Fuss About the Thyroid?
Podium Presentation at Association of Womens Health, Obstetrics, and
Neonatal Nurses, Katy, Texas, USA.
• Nicki L Flowers
Nicki Flowers (2011, December). Survivors Teaching Students: Saving
Women’s Lives. Podium Presentation at 9th International Conference on
Ovarian Cancer, Houston, Texas, USA.
Paula Demasi (2012, January). Anatomy and Physiology of Pituitary
Gland: Treatment Options. Podium Presentation at the Annual Kempfer
Functional Neuroanatomy Seminar, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Alison E Gardner, Ph.D.
• Stella N Dike
• Janice L Garza
Stella Dike (2012, April). Assessing and Addressing Health Care
Disparities in Cancer Prevention and Treatment: Perspectives on Nurse
Initiated Community Health Assessment in Underdeveloped Countries.
Podium Presentation at the Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Alison Gardner (2012, August). Acute Leukemia. Lecture Presentation at Oncology Nursing Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA.
Ninotchka Brydges, Jeffrey Bryan, Susan Gaeta, Janice Garza, Sonia
Mathews, Karen Plexman (2012, April). Sepsis in Adult Leukemia
Patients. Poster Presentation at The University of Sheffield Late Effects of
Cancer Survivorship Conference, Sheffield, England.
• Donna L Gerber, Ph.D.
Donna Gerber (2012, May). Patient Education and Monitoring
Requirements for New Drugs for Treating Metastatic Melanoma.
Poster Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference,
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
• Hyacinth Gordon
Hyacinth Gordon (2011, September). Huddle Up to Improve
Communication and Teamwork. Poster Presentation at Nursing
Management Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
• Sarah J Goss
Sarah Goss (2011, September). Fluid Management: A Paradigm
Shift. Lecture Presentation at Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists,
Plano, Texas, USA.
• Lisa G Green
Lisa Green (2012, March). ELNEC Course at Scott and White Hospital.
Seminar Presentation at End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium,
Temple, Texas, USA.
• Rhea Herrington
Rhea Herrington (2012, January). Overview of How to Set up an External
Ventricular Drain. Podium Presentation at 5th Annual Kempfer Functional
Brain Anatomy Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Mary K Hughes
Mary Hughes (2011, September). Assessment and Treatment of
Cancer-related Sexuality Changes in Women with Breast Cancer.
Podium Presentation at 4th Annual Breast Cancer Symposium,
East Peoria, Illinois, USA.
Mary Hughes (2011, September). Living with Uncertainty. Lecture
Presentation at GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors) Patient Summit,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Mary Hughes (2011, September). You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
(Women). Lecture Presentation at Anderson Network Annual Patient and
Caregiver Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Rachel M McDonald
• Charlita L Pacana
Sharon Jamison (2011, September). Anaplastology: Changing
Appearances/Changing Lives. Poster Presentation at Society of
Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses Conference, San Francisco,
California, USA.
Rachel McDonald, Constance Dias (2011, October). Implementing a
Patient Classification System Using an Oncology-specific Acuity Tool:
Determining Inter-rater Reliabilitly. Poster Presentation at Nursing
Management Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Charlita Pacana (2011, October). Outcomes of Ultrasound Guidance for
Subclavian Vein Catheterizations. Podium Presentation at Association for
Vascular Access Conference, San Jose, California, USA.
• Kristin G. Johnson
• Antonio Greg Mercado
Kristin Johnson (2012, April). Psychosocial Needs of Gynecologic
Oncology Patients. Podium Presentation at Society of Gynecologic
Nurse Oncologists Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Greg Mercado, Huong Tran, Chitra Hosing, Veronica Smith,
Sherry Sorensen, Cherlita Samaniego, Josil Lastimoso,
Zoe Douglas (2012, April). Study Comparing the Efficiency of UVARXTS to the CellEX System for Extracorporeal Photopheresis. Podium
Presentation at American Society for Apheresis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Araceli Pascual (2012, April). Passing the Baton: Transitioning PUPS
to Clinical Nurse at Point of Care. Poster Presentation at Symposium on
Advanced Wound Care - Spring 2012 Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
• Shaini E Joy
Shaini Joy (2011, October). Late Effects. Lecture Presentation at
Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses, Houston,
Texas, USA.
• Torina L Lane
Torina Lane (2011, October). Nursing Grand Rounds: Promoting
Nursing Excellence. Poster Presentation at Nursing Management
Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
• Eileen M Le
Eileen Le, Evalu Lee (2011, November). Tools of the Trade: Nurse
Practitioner Role in Bevacizumab Related Toxicities in Glioblasoma
Patients. Poster Presentation at Society for Neuro-Oncology Conference,
Anaheim, California, USA.
• Soo-Hyun Lee-Kim
Soo-Hyun Lee-Kim (2012, January). Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. Seminar
Presentation at Annual Kempfer Functional Neuroanatomy Seminar,
Houston, Texas, USA.
• Colleen A Leonard
Colette Badeaux, Colleen Leonard (2011, September). Pediatric Skin
Assessment Tools: An Evidence-based Approach to the Evaluation
of Tools Utilized in the Pediatric Oncology Acute Care Setting. Poster
Presentation at Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses
Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.
• Celia M Levesque
Mary Hughes (2011, September). You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (Men).
Lecture Presentation at Anderson Network Annual Patient and Caregiver
Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
Celia Levesque (2012, January). Diabetes and Cancer. Podium
Presentation at American Association of Diabetes Education,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Mary Hughes (2011, October). Assessment and Interventions for
Diabetic-Related Sexuality Changes. Podium Presentation at 8th Annual
Faces of Diabetes Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA.
• Clemente E Logronio Jr
Mary Hughes (2011, October). Survivor Stress: Assessment and
Management. Podium Presentation at Survivorship Conference for
Physicians and Other Health Care Professionals, Houston, Texas, USA.
Mary Hughes (2011, December). Assessing and Treating Sexuality
Changes in the Medically Ill Patient. Lecture Presentation at Texas
Women’s University, Houston, Texas, USA.
Mary Hughes (2012, March). Using Popular Media to Help Clients with
Their Grief. Podium Presentation at Association for Death Education and
Counseling, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Mary Hughes (2012, July). Psychosocial Issues in Cancer Care. Lecture
Presentation at MD Anderson Integrative Medicine Oncology Training
Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Lisa W Huynh
Lisa Huynh (2011, December). Does Regional Anesthesia Correlate
with Better Outcomes in Surgical Patients? A Review of Clinical
Data and Immunological Evidence. Poster Presentation at The Post
Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology, The New York State Society of
Anesthesiologists, New York, New York, USA.
• Deborah L James
• Sharon J Jamison
Deborah James (2012, August). Near-Death Experiencers’ Perspectives
Regarding Relationships. Panel Presentation at Near-Death Experiences
Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Clemente Logronio Jr (2012, April). Principles of Pharmacology. Lecture
Presentation at The University of Texas School of Health Professions,
Houston, Texas, USA.
• Riza Mauricio, Ph.D.
Riza Mauricio (2011, October). Leadership Training. Lecture Presentation
at Philippine Nurses Association, Beaumont, Texas, USA.
Riza Mauricio (2011, October). Pediatric Cancer: Complex Surgeries
- Difficult Decisions. Lecture Presentation at MD Anderson Children’s
Hospital Pediatric Update, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Lynora J Metoyer
Lynora Metoyer (2012, February). Individualized Education for the
Transplant Caregiver in Preparation for Their Role. Poster Presentation at
American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Conference, San
Diego, California, USA.
• Vernelee Nagle
Vernelee Nagle (2012, April). APN Orientation and Retention. Podium
Presentation at Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists, Nashville,
Tennessee, USA.
Vernelee Nagle (2012, July). Quality Improvement in Communication
Enhances Patient Care. Poster Presentation at National Nurse
Practitioners Symposium, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA.
• Kathleen T Nelson
Kathleen Nelson (2012, July). Dermatologic Side Effects of Lenalidomide
and Rituximab in Indolent Lymphoma. Poster Presentation at Pan Pacific
Lymphoma Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
• Joyce L Neumann
Joyce Neumann (2012, February). Moral Distress in BMT. Lecture
Presentation at American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Joyce Neumann (2012, May). Advanced Care Planning Before
Aggressive Cancer Treatment Begins. Poster Presentation at Oncology
Nursing Society Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Joyce Neumann (2012, August). Nursing Care Updates on Chronic
GVHD. Podium Presentation at the XVI Bone Marrow Transplantation
Congress, Prieto Riberto, Brazil.
Joyce Neumann (2012, August). Late Effects and Their Impact on
Patient Quality of Life: Approach of the Nursing Multidisciplinary Team.
Podium Presentation at the XVI Bone Marrow Transplantation Congress,
Prieto Riberto, Brazil.
• Tilu Ninan
Neha Reddy, Tilu Ninan, Laszlo Tabar, Therese Bevers (2011, October).
The Results of a Breast Cancer Screening Camp at a District Level in
Rural India. Poster Presentation at European Forum for Evidence Based
Prevention, University of Danube, KremsAUT.
Tilu Ninan (2012, February). Breast and Gynecologic Cancers. Lecture
Presentation at University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Araceli C Pascual
• Tri D Pham, Ph.D.
Tri Pham (2011, October). Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Podium Presentation at Advanced Practice Nursing Conference, Houston,
Texas, USA.
• Rae Zyn Reynolds
Rae Brana Reynolds (2012, March). The Role of MLPs in
Long-term Surveillance Clinics. Podium Presentation at American
Hepato Pancreatico Biliary Association, Miami, Florida, USA.
Rae Brana Reynolds (2012, June). Evaluation and Management of
Adrenal Incidentalomas. Podium Presentation at American Academy of
Nurse Practitioners Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Kathleen J Rickman, DrPH
Kathleen Rickman (2011, September). Depression and Cancer: Real or
Imagined? Podium Presentation at Anderson Network Annual Patient and
Caregiver Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
Kathleen Rickman (2012, February). Screening for Substance Abuse
in Cancer Patients. Podium Presentation at American Psychosocial
Oncology Society, Miami, Florida, USA.
Kathleen Rickman (2012, April). Substance Abuse and Mental Illness.
Podium Presentation at Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nurses, Houston,
Texas, USA.
Kathleen Rickman (2012, July). Boundaries and Self-Care. Podium
Presentation at Nursing Excellence: A Patient Centered Approach to
Oncology Care, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Kathleen Rickman (2012, July). Depression and Anxiety in Cancer
Patients. Podium Presentation at MD Anderson Physicians Network
Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Kathleen Rickman (2012, August). Detecting Mental Health Problems
in Primary Care Settings. Podium Presentation at Houston Area Nurse
Practitioners, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.
• Sue A Rimes
Andrea Milbourne, Sue A Rimes (2012, June). Pregnancy Outcomes in
Women with Cancer. Poster Presentation at American Society of Clinical
Oncology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
• Babylyn C Roos
Jeremy Morris, Babylyn Roos (2012, May). Neutropenic Precautions.
Poster Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, New
Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
• Beatriz N Rozo
Riza Mauricio (2011, November). Voices of Comfort Among Adolescents.
Poster Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Nursing, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Tilu Ninan (2012, June). Breast Cancer Survivorship: Etiology. Video
Presentation at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Beatriz Rozo, Angela Yarbrough, Wanda Nolen (2011, October).
Methotrexate Toxicity in Pediatric Patients. Poster Presentation at
Connective Tissue Oncology Society Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Riza Mauricio (2012, January). Global Initiative in Asthma Care. Lecture
Presentation at Philippine Nurses Association, Manila, The Philippines.
• Wanda K Nolen
• Sanjuanita C Rutledge
Riza Mauricio (2012, August). Oncologic Emergencies. Lecture
Presentation at Philippine Nurses Association, Beaumont, Texas, USA.
• Andrea E Mayfield
Andrea Mayfield, Julia Sarkar, Portia Velasquez (2011, October).
Give Me a Break! Improving Nurse Satisfaction One Break at a Time.
Poster Presentation at Nursing Management Congress, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA.
Wanda Nolen, Beatriz Rozo, Angela Yarbrough (2011, September).
The Importance of the Nursing Assessment in Detection of Acute
Methotrexate Toxicity In Pediatric Oncology Patients. Poster Presentation
at Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Conference,
Anaheim, California, USA.
Laetitia Simeral, Sanjuanita Rutledge, Matthew Pope (2011,
November). Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Tumor Board. Podium
Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA.
• Lisa J Norman
Maritza Salazar-Abshire, Carmelita Prokopiou, Faisal Aboul-Enein,
Paula Garroutte (2011, September). Taking the Koala Approach: A
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Education Program for Adult Emergency
Center Nurses. Poster Presentation at Association of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Nurses Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.
Lisa Norman (2011, October). Hope in the Palliative Care Setting.
Poster Presentation at University of Texas School of Nursing, Houston,
Texas, USA.
• Maritza Salazar-Abshire
Presentations • Publications
• Joyzelle M Santos
Joyzelle Santos, Pascal Owusu-Agyemang (2011, December).
Anesthetic Management of the Pediatric Patient Undergoing Nephrectomy
for Left-sided Wilms Tumor. Poster Presentation at The Post
Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology, The New York State Society of
Anesthesiologists, New York, New York, USA.
• Diana L Schultz
Diana Schultz, Julie Walker (2011, November). Neuro Assessment.
Podium Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA.
• Pamela A Stanford
Pamela Stanford (2012, June). Utility of Volunteer Medical Health Care
Teams to Provide Basic Health Care to Medically Underserved and
Refugees in Kibera Slum Nairobi, Kenya. Poster Presentation at American
Academy of Nurse Practitioners Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
• Susan J Stary
Laurie Sturdevant, Susan Stary, Dawn Sandlin, Laurie Hughes,
Zeynab Luckett, Richard Ehlers II, Loren Rourke (2011, December).
Development of a Patient Navigation Data and Outcomes Tool.
Poster Presentation at Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
Orland, Florida, USA.
Susan Stary, Patrice Stephens, Deborah Stalaske, Patty Mullenhoff
(2012, July). Navigation: Overcoming Obstacles - A Panel Discussion.
Panel Presentation at 6th Annual Physician’s Network Nursing Conference,
Chicago, Illinois, USA.
• Karen R Stolar
Karen Stolar (2011, November). Providing Survivorship Care for a Unique
Subset of Cancer Survivors. Poster Presentation at Cancer Prevention
and Research Institute of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA.
Karen Stolar (2011, December). Chemotherapy Induced Painful
Neuropathies. Podium Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society
Conference, San Francisco, California, USA.
Karen Stolar (2012, February). Cancer Survivorship: Protecting Your
Health Along the Way. Podium Presentation at Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Karen Stolar (2012, February). Stem Cell Transplant Survivorship.
Podium Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, San
Diego, California, USA.
• Barbara L Summers, Ph.D.
Barbara Summers, Debra Adornetto-Garcia (2012, January).
Clinical Nurse Leader: The Strategic Advantage in Transforming Nursing
Practice. Podium Presentation at American Association of Colleges of
Nursing - 2012 CNL Summit, Tampa, Florida, USA.
• Nicholas A Szewczyk
Joyce Neumann, Nicholas Szewczyk (2011, November). Advanced
Practice Nursing. Lecture Presentation at Kyoto International Cancer
Nursing Seminar, Kyoto, Japan.
Hillary Prescott, Naoto Ueno, Zhongxing Liao, Paul Mansfield, Joyce
Neumann, Richard Theriault, Janis Yadiny, Jeffrey Bryan, Nicholas
Szewczyk, Katherine Tipton Patel (2011, November). The 5th Team
Oncology Workshop. Seminar Presentation at Japanese Team Oncology
Program, Tokyo, Japan.
• Mildred A Toth
Mildred Toth (2012, August). Not Even a Retch... Because it’s Not Easy
Being Green. Podium Presentation at McNeese University, Lake Charles,
Louisiana, USA.
• Cynthia M Trevino
• Sherry L Wright
• Rebecca F DeLa Cruz
Cynthia Trevino (2012, July). Manejo del Eich Cronico. Lecture
Presentation at Venezuelan Hematology Society, Valencia , Venezuela.
Sherry Wright (2012, May). Developing an Approach to Managing
Vascular Problems in a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Poster
Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Conference, New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA.
Rebecca DeLa Cruz, Brenda Caillouet, Susan Guerrero (2012).
Strategic Patient Education Program to Prevent Catheter-Related
Bloodstream Infection. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(1),
• Frances A Zandstra
• Sanghee L Kang
Frances Zandstra (2011, November). A Tertiary Care Center’s
Experience Developing Cancer Survivorship Algorithms. Poster
Presentation at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas,
Austin, Texas, USA.
Pierre Giglio, Megha Dhamne, Kenneth Hess, Mark Gilbert, Morris
Groves, Victor Levin, Sanghee Kang, Sandra Ictech, Vivien Liu,
Howard Colman, Charles Conrad, Monica Loghin, John de Groot,
WK Alfred Yung, Vinay Puduvalli (2011). Phase 2 Trial of Irinotecan and
Thalidomide in Adults with Recurrent Anaplastic Glioma. Cancer, 118(14),
Published Online.
Cynthia Trevino (2012, July). Prevencion de Infecciones en Transplantes de Medula Osea. Lecture Presentation at Venezuelan Hematology
Society, Valencia, Venezuela.
• Lisa L Triche
Rachael Bingham, Lisa Triche (2011, September). Ommaya Reservoirs
in Pediatric Oncology: A Resource for Advanced Practice Nursing. Poster
Presentation at Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses
Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.
Lisa Triche (2012, April). Bexarotene in a Child with Panniculitis-like
T cell Lymhoma. Poster Presentation at American Society of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
• Margie A Trojanowsky
Margie Trojanowsky (2012, April). Pulse Dose Radiation: An Enhanced
Treatment Option for Gynecologic Cancer Patients. Panel Presentation at
Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
• Donna A Ukanowicz
Donna Ukanowicz (2012, April). Taking A Closer Look at Cost Effective
Post Discharge Service Options for the Underinsured and Uninsured.
Poster Presentation at American Case Management Association, Denver,
Colorado, USA.
• Carol S Vreeland Dallred
Carol Vreeland Dallred (2011, November). Progress
of Cancer Screening
Education for Nurses in Rural or Medically Underserved Areas of Texas.
Poster Presentation at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of
Texas, Austin, Texas, USA.
Frances Zandstra (2011, November). Lessons Learned in Reporting
Metrics From a Survivorship Plan of Care: The Passport. Podium
Presentation at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas,
Austin, Texas, USA.
Frances Zandstra (2012, March). Cancer Survivorship Programs:
Who, What and When. Podium Presentation at National Comprehensive
Cancer Network, Hollywood, Florida, USA.
Frances Zandstra (2012, April). Cancer Survivorship. Teleconference
Presentation at MD Anderson Physicians Network Symposium,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Frances Zandstra (2012, July). Nuts and Bolts of Building a
Survivorship Program. Podium Presentation at MD Anderson
Physicians Network Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
• Rose M Zuazua
Rose Zuazua (2011, October). Nurse Practitioner Role in the
Management of the Patient with Fatty Liver Disease. Podium Presentation
at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital – Annual Hot Topics in Liver Disease
Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
• Jane T Williams
Jane Williams (2011, November). Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Podium Presentation at Nurse Oncology Education Program, San
Antonio, Texas, USA.
Jane Williams (2012, January). Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Podium Presentation at Nurse Oncology Education Program,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Jane Williams (2012, April). Nutrition and Physical Activity. Podium
Presentation at Nurse Oncology Education Program, Fort Worth,
Texas, USA.
Jane Williams (2012, June). Nutrition and Physical Activity: Roadmaps
to School Health. Podium Presentation at Nurse Oncology Education
Program, Waco, Texas, USA.
• Loretta A Williams, Ph.D.
Julia Eggert, Loretta Williams (2012, May). PARP is a Perp: Update on
the Biology of Cancer. Podium Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Loretta Williams (2012, June). Inflammatory Markers and Symptom
Burden in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Undergoing Autologous Stem
Cell Transplantation. Poster Presentation at American Society of Clinical
Oncology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Loretta Williams (2012, June). Longitudinal Symptom Burden of Patients
with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. Poster Presentation at Multinational
Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, New York, New York, USA.
Loretta Williams (2012, June). Symptoms in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Survivors on Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy at Two Cancer Centers.
Poster Presentation at Multinational Association of Supportive Care in
Cancer, New York, New York, USA.
Barbara Lubejko, Marjorie Good, Patricia Weiss, Linda Schmeider,
David Leos, Penny Daugherty (2011). Oncology Clinical Trials Nursing:
Developing Competencies for the Novice Nurse. Clinical Journal of
Oncology Nursing, 15(6), 637.
• Robert L Massey, Ph.D.
Robert Massey (2012). Return of Bowel Sounds Indicating an End
of Postoperative Ileus: Is it Time to Cease this Longstanding Nursing
Tradition? Medsurg Nursing, 21(3), 146-150.
• Joyce L Neumann, PhD
Marlene Z Cohen, Cathy L Rozmus, Tito R Mendoza, Nikhil Padhye,
Joyce Neumann, Ibrahima Gning, Ana Aleman, Sergio Giralt, Charles
Cleeland (2012). Symptoms and Quality of Life in Diverse Patients
Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Journal of Pain
and Symptom Management, 44(2), 168-179.
Man-Yin Connie Poon
• Christella Whitcher
Gloria Spencer, Janelle Kister, Christella Whitcher (2011, October).
Nursing Management of Oncology Patient Receiving Chemotherapy.
Poster Presentation at American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses,
Toronto, Canada.
• David Leos
Journal Articles
• Pamela A Alizadeh
Pamela Alizadeh (2011). Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Breast Cancer
Without a Lump. Journal of Advanced Practice in Oncology, 2(5),
Published Online.
• Fedricker D Barber, Ph.D.
Fedricker Barber (2011). Cancer Survivorship and Physical Activity:
What’s the Evidence? National Black Nurses Association Newsletter
(Fall), 15, 18.
Siqing Fu, Fedricker Barber, Aung Naing, Jennifer Wheler, David Hong,
Gerald Falchook, Sarina Piha-Paul, Apostolia Tsimeridou, Adrienne
Howard, Razell Kurzrock (2012). Advanced Care Planning in Patients
With Cancer Referred to a Phase I Clinical Trials Program: The MD
Anderson Cancer Center Experience. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
Published Online.
• Brandi Barosh
Brandi Barosh, Cynthia Holmes, Lovely Keerikattu, Mary
Manappurathu, Julie Segovia, Patricia Hasen, Shobha Pai, Geraldine
LoBiondo-Wood, Razelle Kurzrock (2011). Advancing the Scope of
Nursing Practice: Hepatic Arterial Catheter Removal. Clinical Journal of
Oncology Nursing, 15(5), 465-8.
• Garry J Brydges, DNP
Garry Brydges, Roxanne Atkinson, Travis Laqua, Darline
Hurst, James Perry, John Wiemers (2012). Update for Nurse
Anesthetists - Part 6 - Awake Craniotomy: A Practice Overview.
AANA Journal, 80(1), 61-68.
Cheryl Rodgers, Robbie Norville, Olga Taylor, Man-Yin Poon, Joy
Hesselgrave, Mary Ann Gregurich, Marilyn Hockenberry (2012).
Children’s Coping Strategies for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and
Vomiting. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(2), 202-208.
• Valerie A Poulter
Sriram Yennu, Diana Urbauer, Katie Casper, Cielito Reyes-Gibby, Ray
Chacko, Valerie Poulter, Eduardo Bruera (2011). Impact of a Palliative
Care Consultation Team on Cancer-Related Symptoms in Advanced
Cancer Patients Referred to an Outpatient Supportive Care Clinic.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 41(1), 49-56.
• Kathleen J Rickman, DrPH
Kathleen Rickman (Editor) (2011). Loneliness, Depression and Social
Support of Patients with Cancer and Their Caregivers. Japan Journal of
Nursing Science.
• Susan J Stary
Lisa Kenedy Sheldon, Kathleen Leonard, Anne Gross, Erin Harnett,
Ellen Poage, Jennifer Squires, Vicki Ullemeyer, Mary Schuller, Susan
Stary, Mary Alice Miller (2012). Oncology Nursing in Cuba: Report of the
Delegation. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(4), 421-424.
• Carol S Vreeland Dallred
Carol Vreeland Dallred, Joyce Dains (2012). Nursing Workforce Issues:
Strategically Positioning Nurses to Facilitate Cancer Prevention and
Control. Journal of Cancer Education, 27(2 Supplement), 144-148.
• Elizabeth S Waxman
Elizabeth Waxman (2012). Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Current
Options for Treatment. ONCOLOGY - Nurse Edition, 26(8), 7-11.
• Yazhen Zhong
Yazhen Zhong (2012). Epstein-Barr Virus Infection and
Lymphoproliferative Disorder After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(2), 211-214.
Book Chapters
• Anecita P Fadol, Ph.D.
Anecita Fadol (2012). Psychosocial Considerations of Heart Disease in
the Cancer Patient. In Edward Yeh and Michael Ewer (Ed.). Cancer and
the Heart (pp. 365-374). B. C. Decker.
• Sharon J Jamison
Sharon Jamison (2011). Xerostomia. In Cindy J. Dawson, Margaret M.
Hickey, Susan Newton (Ed.). Telephone Triage for Otorhinolaryngology
and Head-Neck Nurses (pp. 219-222). Oncology Nursing Society.
Sharon Jamison (2011). Desquamation. In Dawson, C., Hickey, M.,
Newton, S. (Ed.). Telephone Triage for Otorhinolaryngology and
Head-Neck Nurses (pp. 79-82). Oncology Nursing Society.
• Guadalupe Palos, DrPH
Guadalupe Palos (2011). Diversity and Cultural Competence in
Health Care. In Mary MM Gillette (Ed.). Nursing Management
(pp. 199-215). Oncology Nursing Society.
• Debra M Sivesind
Debra Sivesind, Rony Dev (2012). Depression. In A Elsayem and
E Bruera (Ed.)., MD Anderson Supportive and Palliative Care
Handbook - 4th Edition (pp. 135-140). University of Texas Health
Science Center - Houston.
Debra Sivesind (2012). Anxiety. In A. Elsayem & E. Bruera (Ed.).
MD Anderson Supportive and Palliative Care Handbook - 4th Edition
(pp. 141-146). University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston.
• Stephanie A Williams
Stephanie Williams (2011). Breast. In Ryan Iwamoto, Marilyn Haas,
Tracy Gosselin (Ed.). Manual for Radiation Oncology Nursing Practice
and Education (pp. 145-162). Oncology Nursing Society.
• Cindy L Zabka
Cindy Zabka (2011). Ambulatory Care Management in Oncology.
In Mary Magee Gullatte (Ed.). Nursing Management (pp. 449-468).
Oncology Nursing Society.
• Joyce Dains, Ph.D.
Joyce Dains, Linda Baumann, Pamela Scheibel (2012). Advanced
Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care – 4th Edition.
Mosby Elsevier.
Jane Ball, Joyce Dains, John Flynn, Henry Seidel, Barry Solomon,
Roslyn Stewart (2011). Instructor’s Resource Manual to Accompany
Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination – 7th Edition. Mosby Elsevier.
Henry Seidel, Jane Ball, Joyce Dains, John Flynn, Barry Solomon,
Roslyn Stewart (2011). Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination –
7th Edition. Elsevier.
Henry Seidel, Jane Ball, Joyce Dains, John Flynn, Barry Solomon,
Roslyn Stewart (2011). Mosby’s Physical Examination Handbook –
7th Edition. Elsevier.
Jane Ball, Joyce Dains, John Flynn, Henry Seidel, Barry Solomon,
Roslyn Stewart (2011). Student Laboratory Manual to Accompany
Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination – 7th Edition. Mosby Elsevier.
ACM - Accredited Case Manager
American Case Management Association
Abouzanat, Rachad M, Case Management, Case Manager
Armstrong, Katina S, Case Management, Case Manager
Artis, Karolyn A, Case Management, Case Manager
Bing, Johanna H, Case Management, Supervisor, Case Management
Bussey, Stella J, Case Management, Associate Director, Case Management
Champagne, Scarlett R, Proton Therapy, Coordinator, Denials Management
Colbert, Althea Y, Case Management, Supervisor, Case Management
Dannug, Rizalina B, Case Management, Case Manager
De Leon, Maria S, Case Management, Case Manager
Dedman, Shantell N, Case Management, Case Manager
Duque, Carmen D, Case Management, Case Manager
Fortin, Jocelyn M, Case Management, Case Manager
Gomez, Loretta, HIM Clinical Coding, Clinical Documentation Specialist
Grace, Julie A, Proton Therapy Support, Supervisor, Patient Access
Koshy, Susan, Case Management, Case Manager
Phillips, Alanda Y, Case Management, Case Manager
Roberts, Patsy W, Case Management, Case Manager
Rooney, Pamela J, Case Management, Case Manager
Terry, Autrey B, Case Management, Case Manager
Traje, Elizabeth G, Proton Therapy Support, Coordinator, Patient Access
Ukanowicz, Donna A, Case Management, Director, Case Management Program
White, Angela R, Cancer Prevention Center, Supervisor, Patient Access
Yere, Marite R, Case Management, Case Manager
ACNP-BC - Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Antony, Siji P, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Baker, Carla M, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Berry, Madonna D, Leukemia, Supervisor, Mid-Level Provider
Brydges, Garry J, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Chief Nurse Anesthetist
Brydges, Ninotchka B, Critical Care, Manager, Mid-Level Provider
Catallo, Angela L, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Cloutier, Lynn M, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Daly, Michael B, Nursing Administration, Director, Clinical Nursing
Fields, Margaret M, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hooker, Deborah T, Urology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Jones, Wendi A, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Krolczyk, Molly S, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Marzetta, Martha R, Critical Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mauricio, Riza, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mok, Joy A, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Paul, Prince, Acute Care Procedure Team, MLP, Acute Care Services
Peters, Dolores J, Critical Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Segal, Cynthia G, Perioperative Administrative Office,
Perioperative Qualitative Analyst
Varghese, Jaimole T, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Williams, Stephanie A, Surgery - Sugar Land, Advanced Practice Nurse
ACNS-BC - Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Beil, Lisa A, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Berlin, Sheila M, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Brassil, Kelly J, Nursing Administration, Associate Director, Nursing Programs
Curtin, Kimberly D, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Gaido, Lindsay C, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Johnson, Jennifer K, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Levesque, Celia M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Segal, Cynthia G, Perioperative Administrative Office,
Perioperative Qualitative Analyst
Sorensen, Elizabeth R, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Warren, Mary L, Critical Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
ANP - Adult Nurse Practitioner,
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Lincks, Lindy A, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Martin, Tracy D, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Masalta, Evangeline T, Rehabilitation Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
McEntee, Meaghan C, Proton Therapy, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mullen, Ellen C, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Salire, Edgar C, Cardiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Stephenson, Ricci N H, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Trueman, Agnes, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
ANP-BC - Adult Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified,
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Atmar, Jill S, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Balmaceda, Gayle A.C Z, Sarcoma Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Barber, Fedricker D, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Baumgartner, Karen E, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Burke, Catherine C, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Busch, Glady S, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Advanced Practice Nurse
Butaud, Michelle O, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Cai, Haihong, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Daigle, Tina R, Cardiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
De La Cruz, Sally S, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Evetts, Phyllis A, Regional Care Center Bay Area, Advanced Practice Nurse
Grimes, Lynn M, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hanneken, Jan M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Higham, Karen S, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
L ai, Chaoming, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lazzaro, Marita V, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lee, Evalu T, Neuro-Oncology, Supervisor, Mid-Level Provider
Lindsey, Annette J, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Ly, Tai T, Proton Therapy, Advanced Practice Nurse
Maldonado, Jana J, Pulmonary Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Massey, Alice H, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Michaelson, Jacqueline M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Nader, Kathleen M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Ninan, Stanley M, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Oishi, Karen J, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Rabel, Karen D, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Reynolds, Rae Zyn, Surgical Oncology, Manager, Mid-Level Provider
Rhodes, Beverly A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Richards, Tiffany A, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rivera, Zandra R, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Sanchez, Gisela, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Shannon-McAdams, Kathleen, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Supervisor,
Mid-Level Provider
Simar, Kristin A, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Trevino, Cynthia M, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Watson, Ashley M, Anesthesia Assessment Center,
Per Diem Mid-Level Provider
Wray, Tara C, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wright, Sherry L, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Zhong, Yazhen, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
AOCN - Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Adornetto-Garcia, Debra L, Nursing Administration, Executive Director,
Nursing Professional Practice
Alizadeh, Pamela A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Austin, Wendy P, Cancer Medicine, Division Administrator, Cancer Medicine
Barber, Fedricker D, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Burke, Catherine C, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Cloutier, Lynn M, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Gerber, Donna L, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Per Diem Mid-Level Provider
Green, Lisa G, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Guerrero, Maria D, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Jernigan, Ann C, Sarcoma Center, Clinical Administrative Director
Keenan, Cheryl H, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lincks, Lindy A, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Neumann, Joyce L, Stem Cell Transplantation, Program Director, BMT
Prokopiou, Carmelita, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Nurse Manager
Stolar, Karen R, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Toth, Mildred A, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Waxman, Elizabeth S, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Williams, Loretta A, Symptom Research CAO, Assistant Professor
Wright, Sherry L, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
AOCNP - Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Bowe, Anna C, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Brice, Bonnie M, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Butaud, Michelle O, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Fields, Margaret M, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Garza, Janice L, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hagen, Brenda L, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Mid-Level Provider
Hanzik, Kavin G, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Limmer, Karen E, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lindsey, Annette J, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Martin, Tracy D, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Pfennig, Cheryl E, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Pham, Tri D, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Richards, Tiffany A, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rohlfs, Michelle L, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Salinas, Karen M, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Stanford, Pamela A, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Strunk, Faith A, Breast Medical Oncology, Per Diem Mid-Level Provider
Trevino, Cynthia M, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Walker, Julie G, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Williams, Stephanie A, Surgery - Sugar Land, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wright, Sherry L, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Zhong, Yazhen, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
AOCNS - Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Barnes, Tamara G, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Bowman, Virginia B, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
Brassil, Kelly J, Nursing Administration, Associate Director, Nursing Programs
Cohen, Deborah, Patient Affairs, Manager, Patient Affairs
Gardner, Alison E, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Johnson, Jennifer K, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Madsen, Lydia T, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Manager, Mid-Level Provider
Sorensen, Elizabeth R, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
APRN-BC - Advanced Practice Certification
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Akpa, Esther G, Clinical Cancer Prevention, Manager,
Clinical Protocol Administration
Berry, Jenny R, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, Advanced Practice Nurse
Burke, Catherine C, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Caranto, Melody M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Kaled, Elizabeth S, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Patterson, Clover J, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rutledge, Sanjuanita C, Orthopedic Oncology, Supervisor, Mid-Level Provider
Westcarth, Laurel J, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
BC – Medical-Surgical Nurse
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Antony, Siji P, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Butaud, Michelle O, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Clark, Celaysheia S, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Mok, Joy A, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Morris, Bessie B, Regional Care Center - Katy, Coordinator, Patient Access
Paul, Saji J, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Ranin, Lydia V, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
BC-ADM - Advance Diabetes Management Nurse Practitioner
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Brady, Veronica J, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Crawford, Kathleen M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Levesque, Celia M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
CAPA - Certified Ambulatory PeriAnesthesia
American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc.
Del Rosario, Mary Ann, ASC Short Stay Nursing Unit, Clinical Nurse
Galloway, Mary K, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Hale, Leslie A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Hampton, Sharon B, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, P. C. Nurse Manager
Harper, Mildred L, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Jones, Celestine P, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Kister, Janelle, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Perioperative Clinical Development Specialist
Moon, Mary E, Anesthesia Assessment Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Quizon, Amelia, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Revilla, Elvira R, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Sabu, Mini, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Smith, Miranda E, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Veazie, Mark Q, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Manager,
Anesthesiology Services
White, Deborah A, ASC Short Stay Nursing Unit, Clinical Nurse
Wilson, Bobbie C, ASC Short Stay Nursing Unit, Clinical Nurse
CBCN - Certified Breast Care Nurse,
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Alizadeh, Pamela A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Anderson, Lauren A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Biedermann, Kelly Y, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Castaneda, Juana B, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Davis, Cindy L, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Dolutan-Panes, Joy, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Dothager, Teresa A, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Fourie, Jeannine A, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Fuson, Lisa A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Gosbee, Amiee M, Cancer Prevention Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Grimes, Lynn M, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Guajardo, Graciela S, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Guzman, Maricruz, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Henderson, Krista P, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hughes, Laurie L, Medical Oncology - Sugar Land, Advanced Practice Nurse
Johnson, Theresa A, Breast Center, Nurse Manager
Jreissaty, Claudine S, Surgery - Sugar Land, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Kurtz, Kristin M, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
McCall, Elizabeth A, Patient Affairs, Senior Patient Affairs Specialist
McKenzie, Jennifer L, Nursing Extramural Programs,
Nursing Instructor, Technical Design
Moore, Julia A, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Muhammad-Ali, Angela T, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Porter, Teresa M, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Robinson, Jazzmun E, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Stalzer, Carol J, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Warfield, Amy S, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Williams, Stephanie A, Surgery - Sugar Land, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wipf, Nancy, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
CCCN Continence Care
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board
Frnka, Jacquelyn P, Nursing WOC, Per Diem Nurse
Werner, Linda K, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
CCM - Certified Case Manager
Commission for Case Manager Certification
Archer, Mary L, Denials Management, Coordinator, Denials Management
Boening, Janice K, Case Management, Supervisor, Case Management
Carlson, Mary B, Employee Health & Well-being, Supervisor,
Occupational Health
Champagne, Scarlett R, Proton Therapy, Coordinator, Denials Management
Duque, Carmen D, Case Management, Case Manager
Gonzalez, Esther, Case Management, Case Manager
Hudson, Elizabeth A, Employee Health & Well-being, Advanced Practice Nurse
Ip, Mee-Chung P, Physicians Network, Quality Management Analyst
Koshy, Susan, Case Management, Case Manager
Kraft-Soniat, Linda, Denials Management, Associate Director,
Denials Management
Lehmann, Rebecca A, Patient Access Services Administration,
Quality Coordinator, Patient Access Services
Mungo-Harris, Charmaine, Case Management, Case Manager
Rooney, Pamela J, Case Management, Case Manager
Ussin, Joyace G, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Wiggins, Peggy B, HR Total Rewards Benefits, Leave Administration Clinical Lead
CCNS - Acute & Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Certification Corporation
Warren, Mary L, Critical Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
CCRA - Certified Clinical Research Associate
Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Beach, Jennifer L, Multicenter Clinical Research, Senior Clinical Research
Billings, Leslie A, Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research,
Administrator, CABIR
Hatten, Chicquita, IND Office, Director, IND Office
Mathews, Leni A, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research Educator
McCullough, Cecilia L, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Morris, Gloria J, IND Office, Senior Project Manager, IND Office
Yancey, Linda J, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Administrative Director,
Protocol Research
CCRC - Certified Clinical Research Coordinator
Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Alden, Christine M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Supervisor, Research Nurse
Amolenda, Kuldip K, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Baker, Jackie, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Bartos, Claudia I, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Senior Research Nurse
Beach, Jennifer L, Multicenter Clinical Research,
Senior Clinical Research Specialist
Billings, Leslie A, Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research,
Administrator, CABIR
Bogaard, Karla R, Multicenter Clinical Research,
Senior Clinical Research Specialist
De Gracia, Lilybeth C, Proton Therapy Support, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Duron, Cecilia C, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Frisbee-Hume, Susan E, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine,
Research Nurse Manager
Grossman, Patricia L, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Habal, Barbara C, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Hatten, Chicquita, IND Office, Director, IND Office
Henceroth, Catherine A, IND Office, Manager, IND Office
Howell, Cindy A, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Iwasaki, Michiko, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Supervisor,
Research Nurse
Lassere, Yvonne M, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Manager,
Clinical Protocol Administration
Massey, Mona R, Cardiology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Mathews, Leni A, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research Educator
Mathews, Sheela, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Matura, Alice R, Surgical Oncology, Administrative Director, Protocol Research
Mize, Cheryl R, Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research,
Research Nurse
Moomey, Brenda H, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Mooring, Deidre L, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Research Nurse Manager
Morris, Gloria J, IND Office, Senior Project Manager, IND Office
Nealy, Kimberly M, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research
Quality Specialist
Pantoja, Laura M, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Peeples, Beverly O, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology, Associate
Director, Research Planning & Development
Price, Justina S, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology, Senior
Research Nurse
Riall, Dianna L, Surgical Oncology, Research Nurse
Rodriguez, Maria Jovie, Surgical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
San Miguel, Aileen, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Thompson, Nancy E, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical
Research Quality Specialist
Tong, Peggy L, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
White, Ashley M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Supervisor, Research Nurse
Wright, Faye, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
CCRN - Adult, Neonatal, Pediatric Critical Care Nurse
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Certification Corporation
Abraham, Tissy A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Andrews, Ligi, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Antony, Anuja, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Antony, Siji P, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Auzenne, Raina I, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Baton, Beverly A, Case Management, Case Manager
Chin, Hazel J, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Nurse
Clanton, Natalie J, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Corales, Clinton H, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Curtin, Kimberly D, Nursing Administration, Associate Director, Nursing
Dalusung, Joanne, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Delumpa, Corazon L, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Eguia, Staci E, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Enabe, Jennifer T, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Enriquez, Jules A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Esquivel, Kathryn C, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Esteban, Wilma, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Evangelio, Lorely C, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Garner, Danya T, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
George, Bency A J, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
George, Priya, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Guzman, MariaPatricia T, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Herrington, Rhea, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
ILagan, Melanie M, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Inawat, Carina N, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Jawe, Neetha T, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Jayachandran, Leela S, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
John, Saramma R, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Julie, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Mini F, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Joy, Reetha, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Kister, Janelle, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Perioperative Clinical
Development Specialist
Lane, Torina L, Nursing 11P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Lappay, Mary R, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Laqua, Travis D, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Ly, Tai T, Proton Therapy, Advanced Practice Nurse
Madtha, Prescilla, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Maningat, Lourdes P, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Asha, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Elizabeth C, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Mauricio, Riza, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
McSwain, Megan E, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Nurse
Mendoza, Anna L L, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Neifert, Ingrid L, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Nunez, Jorge, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Nuval, Maria Liza M, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
O’Donnell, Rosalina A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Oliver, Kortney N, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Ow, Karla V, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Pansacola-Rouchon, Marie J, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Paul, Prince, Acute Care Procedure Team, MLP, Acute Care Services
Perron, Patti G, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Philip, Shony, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Polackal, Anitha G, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Radford Jr, Marvin L, Simulation Center, Clinical Quality
Improvement Consultant
Reed, Elizabeth C, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Revilla, Elvira R, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Saban, Kunjumol, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Sajith, Bilja K, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Sasuman, Divina S, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Stephen, Nishamol, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Stocklin, Patsy N, Nursing 9P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Thomas, Jimmy M, Melanoma & Skin Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Thomas, Jinu, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Sophia, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Teny, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Jaimole T, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Varghese, Molly, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Varughese, Saley, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Viray, Fausto, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Warren, Mary L, Critical Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wilson, Annie, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Xu, Sally X, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Yau, Yuk-Chun J, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Zuckero, Lance D, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
CCRN-CSC - Critical Care Registered Nurse Cardiovascular Surgery Subspecialty
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Certification Corporation
Cruz, Evelyn A, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
CCRP - Certified Clinical Research Professional
The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
Aaron, Marie E, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Abril, Caroline M, IND Office, Clinical Research Monitor
Atwell, Anthea, Clinical Research Support Center, Manager,
Clinical Research Support Center
Autry, Jane A, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Baccus, Melanie D, IND Office, Clinical Research Monitor
Baker, Jackie, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Boone, Patricia A, Multicenter Clinical Research, Senior Clinical
Research Specialist
Bosque, Doyle M, Stem Cell Transplantation, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Brown, Cynthia A, DR Translational & Clinical Research, Supervisor,
Research Nurse
Brown, Joyce E, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Bullock, Donalyn S, Clinical Research Support Center, Manager,
Clinical Research Support Center
Cain, Suzanne, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Chang, Hsiu-Yin, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research
Quality Specialist
Chiv, Vivian Y, Managed Care, Clinical Liaison Specialist
Crutcher, Lamonne M, Neurosurgery, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Du, Min, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Edwards, Tonya, Supportive Care Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Eng, Larae M, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Feliu, Jennie B, Leukemia, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Foudray, Maria C, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Francisco, Ma Rhodora D, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery,
Senior Research Nurse
Gaupp, Patricia A, IND Office, Supervisor, IND Ofc Monitoring Services
Gavino, Maria B, Leukemia, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Glass, Michelle R, Neurosurgery, Senior Research Nurse
Guerra-Sanchez, Maria, Supportive Care Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Habal, Barbara C, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Halpin, Angela K, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Clinical Measures Nurse
Harden-Harrison, Marlys M, General Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Harleaux, Dina M, Clinical Translational Research Center, Manager,
Clinical Protocol Administration
Henry, Laura D, Surgical Oncology, Research Nurse
Hodge, Silvia, Breast Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Hofweber, Marsha M, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical
Research Educator
Hunter, Kathy L, Neuro-Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
CCRP - Certified Clinical Research Professional
The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc. - continued
Jacobs, Carmen B, Multicenter Clinical Research, Senior Clinical
Research Specialist
Jalayer, Annette D, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Jiang, Chengrong, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Kang, Sanghee L, Multicenter Clinical Research, Senior Clinical
Research Specialist
Ladewig, Dianne H, Plastic Surgery, Senior Research Nurse
Lassere, Yvonne M, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Manager,
Clinical Protocol Administration
Lewis, Catherine D, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Liu, Hong, Multicenter Clinical Research, Manager, Clinical Research Projects
Madrigal, Aurora G, Breast Medical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
Mickler, Kerry L, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Mogab, Linda L, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Mok, Isabel D, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Morris, Gail M, Leukemia, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Nauling, Forlisa N, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
Nickerson, Paula S, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Pasia Jr, Manolo G, Clinical Research Support Center,
Clinical Research Quality Specialist
Pei, Be-Lian, Neuro-Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Perez, Cherie A, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Quality Assurance Specialist
Pool, Madonna M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Research Nurse
Poulter, Valerie A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Rey, Jennifer K, IND Office, Clinical Research Monitor
Richie, Mary Ann, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Rios, Mary Beth, Leukemia, Research Nurse Manager
Rodriguez, Maria Jovie, Surgical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
Samuel, Christine O, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
Sanders, Deborah L, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Showalter, Brandi L, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical
Research Educator
Torma, Ritva, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research
Quality Specialist
Ukegbu, Lerma T, Proton Therapy, Research Nurse
Vardeleon, Anna G, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
Williams, Betsy, Breast Medical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
Wilson, Carol L, Dermatology, Senior Research Nurse
Woodall, Misty L, Surgical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Yungclas, Jan M, Clinical Research Support Center, Manager,
Clinical Research Support Center
Zacharian, Gracy, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Zanoria, Ma Lourdes Y, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator
National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators
Greenberg, Edythe M, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Isaacs, Elizabeth F, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Keaveny, Judy M, Internal Medicine Center, Coordinator, Diabetes Education
Levesque, Celia M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Orin, Vicki L, Endocrine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CEN - Certified Emergency Nurse
Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing
Adrian, Mechele J, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Curtin, Kimberly D, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Greenberg, Edythe M, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
CFRN - Certified Flight Registered Nurse
Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing
Adrian, Mechele J, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
CGRN - Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse
American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses
Benitez-Romero, Marcela, Endoscopy Center, P. C. Nurse Manager
Fanaey, Rhonda L, Gastrointestinal Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
McAllister, Robbie F, Endoscopy Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Montalvo, Albert, Gastrointestinal Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Sacueza, Jenny E, Endoscopy Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Welch, Pamela H, Endoscopy Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CHAM - Certified Healthcare Access Manager
National Association of Healthcare Access Management
Bearden, Linda J, Gynecologic Oncology Center, Supervisor, Patient Access
Harvey, Paula M, Gastrointestinal Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
LaFontaine, Joanna A, Melanoma & Skin Center, Supervisor, Patient Access
Murray, Bridgette L, Patient Access Services Administration,
Associate Director, Patient Access
CHPN - Certified Hospice Palliative Nurse
National Board for Certification of Hospice and Palliative Nurses
Basa, Emylinda M, Psychiatry Oncology Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Castro, Debra K, Supportive Care Center, Coordinator, Clinical Care
Clerc, Chanelle L, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Fajardo, Julieta A, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Green, Gary M, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Haworth, Amelia P, Supportive Care Center, Per Diem Nurse
Hu, Yu, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Kuriakose, Leela, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Le, Phuc H, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
McKinney, Dana M, Supportive Care Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
McMillan, Teresa L, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Modlin, Max, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Thuc T, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Pimentel, Lindsey E, Supportive Care Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Rivera, Ruben C, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Sarkar, Julia S R, Nursing 10P, Nurse Manager
Schuster, Julie D, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Smith, Michael L, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Swint, Mary K, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
Zhu, Jian, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Ku, Mi Jung, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Kurian, Jolly C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Le, Thu-A T, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Manalo, Annette C, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Lucy, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Muanya, Ernestine A, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Murthy, Balqis N, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Hong T, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Julie T, Nursing Extramural Programs, Nursing Instructor,
Technical Design
O’Brien, Sarah A, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Organo, Filame C, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Panganiban, Avena O, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Perinjelil, Shiny S, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Perry, Rebecca T, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Poulose, Deepa, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Quinn, Linda S, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Randle, Eureka N, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Ray, Jeffrey N, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Remonde, Sheila D, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Rivera, Ruben C, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Roy, Sherly T, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Saji, Alice, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Sam, Sheen P, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Siby, Tessy, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Simon, Sheeba T, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Stephen, Laly J, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Tadiar, Kristine M, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, LillyKutty, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Thysheril, Thresiamma, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Raji A, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Shiela, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Susan M, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Susy, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Veloso, Guadalupe P, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Venturina, Angie E, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Wilson, Shiby M, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Xavier, Minimol A, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Zita, Cristina C, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
CMLSO - Certified Medical Laser Safety
Board of Laser Safety
Howell, Cindy A, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CNE - Certified Nurse Educator
National League for Nursing
Payne, Lorene, Patient Education Office, Associate Director, Patient Education
CMPE - Certified Medical Practice Executive
Medical Group Management Association
Bell, Margaret A, Cancer Prevention Center, Clinical Administrative Director
CNL - Clinical Nurse Leader
Commission on Nurse Certification
Washington, LaKisha D, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
CMSRN - Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse
Medical Surgical Nursing Certification Board
Alphonso, Virginia H, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Aruj, Leon C, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Barton-Williams, Scherleen J, Surgery - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bautista, Joan, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Cabauatan, Ursula P, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Carampatan, Maria-Theresa F, Thoracic Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
Catedral, Colleen T, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Chandy, Rachel, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Cheriyan, Moly S, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Collantes, Charina S, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Coquilla, Mary Jane B, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Dizon, Nida A, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Ferrer, Ma Cecilia, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Finny, Reji, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Fitch, Tina L, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
George, Annie V, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Gillani, Shahnaz M, Colorectal Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hembree, Jessica L, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Jacob, Jovitta O, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Jacob, Roby, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
James, Valsa, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Catherine, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Somia, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Kass, Katherine P, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Keerikattu, Lovely M, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CNOR - Certified Nurse Operating Room
Competency and Credentialing Institute
Alpers, Deborah A, Main OR Nursing, Director, Perioperative Nursing
Alvarez, Juan D, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Andres, Joseph R, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Baezner, Carole G, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Bennett, Terry R, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Bledsoe, Judy E, Main OR Nursing, Per Diem Nurse
Bragg, Robin M, ASC OR Nursing, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Branch, Jermeca M, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Brents, Michelle, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Brown, Joseph L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Bujnoch, Lucy C, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Burkhead, Tina A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Bustamante, Mirna I, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Byrd, Heather, Radiation Oncology Department, Coordinator, Patient Access
Castillo, Aracely, Main OR Nursing, Nurse Manager
Castro, Bernadette M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Cheung, Coramarie C, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Clark, Holly S, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Cloud Jackson, Allegra, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Curtis, Amy L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Diaz, Maria C, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Didic, Engijad R, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Engerman, LaVerne, Surgical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Familar Jr, Eugenio V, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ferrante, Linda A, Main OR Nursing, Coordinator, Clinical Care
Ford, Hilda M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
CHC - Certified in Healthcare Compliance
Health Care Compliance Association
Frija, Rachael L, Clinical Research Finance, Project Director
CHES - Certified Health Education Specialist
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc
Stepan, Karen A, Ofc/VP Medical Affairs, Program Manager,
Psychosocial Oncology
Gidney, Alice A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Gonzalez, Margarita E, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Green, Georgeanne G, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Hadfield, Donna L, Main OR Nursing, Nurse Manager
Hammett, Catherine M, Main OR Nursing, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Harmon, Carolyn, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Hisole-Dizon, Lisa M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Hodges, Brenda R, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Howell, Cindy A, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Jagodilla, Gerardo G, Main OR Nursing, Nurse Manager
Jahrsdoerfer, Brian M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Jones, Harold G, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Kunze, Laura A, Main OR Nursing, Nurse Manager
Lang, Lillian M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Levy, Melony R, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Surgical Clinical Reviewer
Llamas, Victoria A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Lue, Lee L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Maghanoy, Elaine Jan G, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Martinec, Janene L, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Martinez, Erik, Main OR Nursing, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Mira, Wilfredo S, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Morlock, Theresa J, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Morton, Chloe T, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Neumann, Terri L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Okpokpo, Peter M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Orlino, Audrey K, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Padgett, Zachary D, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Pataray, Edwin V, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Patton, Catherine A, Main OR Nursing, Per Diem Nurse
Prince, Regina M, Main OR Nursing, Perioperative Clinical
Development Specialist
Renjit, Gracy, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Rich, Sonia S, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Richards, Kathy K, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Rounsaville, Heidi A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Rys, Alejandra A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Sakaris, John, Main OR Nursing, Perioperative LASER Coordinator
Sales, Myra D, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Scates, Mary E, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Scott, Trudy H, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Segal, Cynthia G, Perioperative Administrative Office, Perioperative
Qualitative Analyst
Sibi, Shelna, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Siosan, Corazon O, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Souza, Christine A, ASC OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Tabon, Larry, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Terrell, Susan E, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Turner, Nadine S, Main OR Nursing, Associate Director, Perioperative Nursing
Uy, Sofia, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Venters, LaRuth A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Vicencio, Charito B, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Viernes, Josephine S, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Wallingford, Sharon, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Whitnell, Lori A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Wilcox, Deborah M, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Yambao, Della K, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Yanga, Sheryl S, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Yniesta, Harvey L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
CNRN - Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
Keenan, Cheryl H, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Laqua, Travis D, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Pfennig, Cheryl E, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Shellhamer, Anne M, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Simpson-Giwa, Katherine D, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
COCN - Certified Ostomy Care Nurse
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board
Werner, Linda K, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
COHN - Certified Occupational Health Nurse
American Board of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.
Kunz, Kimberly F, Employee Health & Well-being, Senior Occupational
Health Nurse
COHN-S - Certified Occupational Health Nurse Specialist
American Board of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc.
Hudson, Elizabeth A, Employee Health & Well-being, Advanced Practice Nurse
Torma, Ritva, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research
Quality Specialist
Tyler, Angela M, Case Management, Case Manager
CORLN - Certified Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Nurse
National Certifying Board of Otorhinolaryngology and
Head-Neck Nurse
Bowman, Virginia B, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
DeGraaf, Craig E, Head & Neck Surgery, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Jamison, Sharon J, Head & Neck Center, Coordinator, Clinical Care
Oberrender, Linda B, Sugarland Surgery, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CPAN - Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse
American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc.
Acosta, Evelyn J, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Bahiru, Elsa F, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Benitez-Romero, Marcela, Endoscopy Center, P. C. Nurse Manager
Brown, Dwayne E, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Carson, Sharon P, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Conde, Donna B, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Enriquez, Jules A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Faris, Carl J, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Hale, Leslie A, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
House, Joan G, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Immanivong, Nang Nok, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Jimenez, Angeline L, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
John, Susan N, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Jordan, Stacy M, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Josue, Anna Mae T, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Kuriakose, Abraham T, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Lastimoso, Arlene A, Nursing 3P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
MacIntyre, Brittnee M, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Mendonsa, Florine, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Nderitu-Show, Stella W, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Perez, Jill J, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Puthenparampil, Elsy F, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Clinical Resource Nurse
Rice, Jenise B, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Associate Director,
Clinical Nursing
Rodriguez, Cecilia R, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Sabu, Mini, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Salinas, Karen M, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Saquiton, Llana, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Sarasamma, Rajamma, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Annamma, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Tiu, Maria Victoria R, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Surgical Clinical Reviewer
Zimmermann, Claire R, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
CPHIMS - Certified Professional in Healthcare Information
and Management Systems
Healthcare Information and Management Systems
Houston, Deborah A, Chief Information Officer, Director, Information Systems
Clinical Operations & Projects
CPHON - Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Leonard, Colleen A, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse Leader
Ndje, Amandine P, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Nolen, Wanda K, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Peterson, Katie J, Nursing G9 East Pediatric ICU, Clinical Nurse
Samuel, Jaisamma, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Vasquez, Diana R, Surgery - Bay Area, Nurse Navigator, RCC
Washington, Krystal N, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CPHQ - Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality
National Association for Healthcare Quality
Anderson, Jacqueline J, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
Bofil, Sheilah P, Patient Safety & Accreditation, Clinical Patient Safety Specialist
Ferguson, Susan E, Breast Center, Clinical Administrative Director
Ip, Mee-Chung P, Physicians Network, Quality Management Analyst
Kidin, Lisa M, Quality Measurement and Engineering, Manager,
Clinical Quality Measures
Prokopiou, Carmelita, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Nurse Manager
Sorensen, Sherry H, Genitourinary Cancer Center,
Clinical Administrative Director
CPN - Certified Pediatric Nurse
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
Al Jahdhami, Vivian P, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Bon, Rowena L, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Cebrun, Clara H, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
George, Bindhu, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Hartley, Rebekah C, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Kerr, Ashley P, Sarcoma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Larsen, Keri M, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Lyde, Marieper B, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Neal, Soraya, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Nolen, Wanda K, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Thomas, Alicekutty A, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Venecia, Cynthia, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
CPNP - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
Bottomley, Sarah, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Manager, Mid-Level Provider
Mauricio, Riza, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rozo, Beatriz N, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Triche, Lisa L, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Zietz, Hallie A, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center, Contingent Worker
CPON - Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Adenic, Maria O, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Badeaux, Colette A, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Cannon, Robin M, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Carmouche, Alaundra Y, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Carstens, Kimberly A, Radiation Oncology - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Castaneda, Mara L, Sarcoma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Cerda-Juarez, Monica, Regional Care Center - Katy, Nurse Navigator, RCC
Christison, Leslie H, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, P. C. Nurse Manager
Curtis, Constance R, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Surgical Clinical Reviewer
Fernandes, Maureen J, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Folloder, Tina E, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Gilhart, Melissa P, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Hoffman, Erin L, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Knight, Sandra M, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Nurse Manager
Kunjumon, Nimmi, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Lara, Carmen R, Nursing G10 West, Nurse Manager
Luckett, Zeynab N, Regional Care Center - Woodlands, Nurse Navigator, RCC
Mathews, Lydia, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
McCarty, Jessica M, Stem Cell Transplantation, Research Nurse
Neal, Soraya, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Nietes Geren, Maria A, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Odom, Sarah A, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Nurse
Ourso, Stephanie L, Regional Care Center - Woodlands, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Poon, Man-Yin C, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Research Nurse
Poon, Timothy W, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Prokopiou, Carmelita, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Nurse Manager
Rocha, Jaclyne A, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center, Clinical Nurse,
Rozo, Beatriz N, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Salazar-Abshire, Maritza, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Smith, Anna K, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Smith, Janet M, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Assistant Manager, Nurse
Thomas, Bessy M, Patient Access Services Administration, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Triche, Lisa L, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Vogel, Tenna K, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Wallace, Harolyn W, Surgery - Bay Area, Advanced Practice Nurse
Weinman, Stacy D, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center, Clinical Nurse,
Woodworth, Glenda G, Stem Cell Transplantation, Senior Research Nurse
CRN - Certified Radiologic Nurse
Radiologic Nurse Certification Board
Bugarin, Kathleen A, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Nurse
Chacko, Mariyamma, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Nurse
Daniel, Anie A, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Kuan, Amelia M, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Lindog, Francia R, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Ma, Yu-Fan, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Diagnostic Imaging
Clinical Development Specialist
McGavin, Anna M, Interventional Radiology, Nurse Manager
Olivares, Alexis A, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Perry, Rebecca T, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Stone, Danna G, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Associate Director,
Clinical Nursing
CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
Council on Certification of Nurse Anesthetists
Adalsteinsson, Suzanne T, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Bennett, Julie C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Benton, Monica C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Berger, Joel S, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Brydges, Garry J, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Chief Nurse Anesthetist
Burke, Karen M, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Chaloupka, Lora J, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Cleckler Hughes, Karen V, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Cournoyer, Nicole M, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Dang, Johnny, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Gilmore, Randol G, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support,
Per Diem Nurse Anesthetist
Gonzalez, Anna C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Gross, Randall J, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Per Diem Nurse Anesthetist
Huffard, Elliott C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Huynh, Lisa W, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Koshy, Shibu, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Lee, Shelly C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Lee, Sun C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Per Diem Nurse Anesthetist
Li, Xin, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Mani, Manju K, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Martin, Shelley, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Morris, Melissa A, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Myers, Paul R, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Nguyen, Nina, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Njoroge, Marion W, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Njoroge, Pauline N, Nursing 3P, Nursing Assistant
Perry, James M, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Pichon, Alvin, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Pollard, Maxie D, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Ruiz, Javier, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Shrout, Young S, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Manager,
Anesthesiology Services
Silva, Elizabeth, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Staes II, Robert A., Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Sun, Mingli, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Van Wagenen, Kathleen A, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Villanueva, Michael D, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Welsh, Leslie A, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
West, Cindy B, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Wiemers, Tonya M, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Williams, Cynthia C, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support,
Per Diem Nurse Anesthetist
Zhang, Wei H, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
CRNFA - Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant
Competency & Credentialing Institute
Rich, Sonia S, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
CRNI - Certified Registered Nurse Infusion
Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation
Basada, Evamarie R, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Castillo, Lucilleta S, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Chan, Monica M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Chiu, Melann Y, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Cluff, Susan K, ATC - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Coleman, Denise E, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Cordero, Elizabeth A, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
De La Cruz, Haydee I, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Del Rosario, Lucia D, Infusion Therapy, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Derecho, Monette, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Farooque, Marie B, Infusion Therapy, Per Diem Nurse
Garcia, Erma O, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Hinson, Patricia A, Anes Services: TMC Campus, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Landrito, Libia Ruby M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Lautchang, Angelina P, Infusion Therapy, Per Diem Nurse
Lawson, Genie G, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Manuel, Linda L, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Maranon, Susan P, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Moser, Richard C, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Natividad, Elizabeth L, Infusion Therapy, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Obrero, Lani S, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Ocado, Esperanza C, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Ong, Karen S, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Rosas, Juanario L, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Satayarekha, Sukanya O, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Sevilla, Omar T, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Silagan, Dean M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Sriyunyongwat, Saard, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Stanley, Karen M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Torres, Gladys H, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Tudlong, Winston B, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Valderrama, Ma Theresa G, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Villamayor, Antonio G, Infusion Therapy, Per Diem Nurse
Ward, Linda M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
CRRN - Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
Rehabilitation Nursing Certification Board
Boening, Janice K, Case Management, Supervisor, Case Management
Cavalier Jr, James, Simulation Center, Associate Director, QuaIity
Improvement, Education & Evaluation
Gordon, Hyacinth, Nursing Administration, Director, Clinical Nursing
CRT - Certified Respiratory Therapy
National Board for Respiratory Care
Acevedo, Martha L, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
CURN - Certified Urologic Registered Nurse
Certification Board for Urologic Nurses and Associates
Abraham, Prasanth V, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Campana, Elena F, Surgery - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Colina, Marisol, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Inguillo, Irene A, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CVRN-I - Cardiovascular Nurse - Level I
American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine
Acedera Jr, Urbano U, Cardiology Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ainslie, Richard D, Catheter Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Amado, Sherryl A, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Arnold, Betty, Cardiology Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Asokan, Shaiji, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bailey, Gwendolyn J, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Balean, Gemma, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bellard, Serina, Pulmonary Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bueron, Mary A, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Carter, Alexandra D, Nursing Resource Pool Outpatient, Clinical
Nurse, Outpatient
Dy, Evelyn J, Pulmonary Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Houston, Sharonda L, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Jayan, Shiny, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Martinez, Macrina R, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Norada, Luisa P, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Oberhelman, Shu Ha V, Cardiopulmonary Center, Nurse Manager
Simpson, Carla L, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Simpson-Giwa, Katherine D, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Thurman, Chantielle J, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Tomakin, Gerryross U, Catheter Laboratory, Nurse Manager
Villarreal, Veronica E, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Whaley, Ria A, Cardiopulmonary Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CVRN-I - Cardiovascular Nurse - Level II
American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine
Nunez, Jorge, Anesthesiology - CRNA Support, Nurse Anesthetist
Palma, Susana G, Thoracic Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
CWCN - Certified Wound Care Nurse
Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Certification Board
Hu, Shean-Lih L, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Werner, Linda K, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
CWOCN - Certified Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Certification Board
Cho, Diane C, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Frnka, Jacquelyn P, Nursing WOC, Per Diem Nurse
Hu, Shean-Lih L, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Pascual, Araceli C, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Reeves, Colleen, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Taglorin, Evelyn M, Nursing WOC, Senior Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Worley, Cynthia A, Nursing WOC, Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
CWS - Certified Wound Specialist
American Academy of Wound Management
Greenberg, Edythe M, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Daniel, Mary, Cytokine & Supportive Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hua, Olivia S, Diagnostic Radiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kurian, Jessy S, Anesthesia Assessment Center, Advanced Practice Nurse
Marzan, Amelita B, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mathews, Sally A, General Internal Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
McVay, Kaimei L, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
FNP-BC - Family Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Aboul-Enein, Faisal H, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Amistad, Wesley J, Cardiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Boutte, Susan B, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Brady, Veronica J, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Broadway-Duren, Jacqueline, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Chenevert, Latira P, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Coyne, Robin L, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Dains, Joyce E, Nursing, Department of, Associate Professor
Davis, Dietrich k, General Internal Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Day, Suzanne F, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Delao, Laura D, Medical Oncology - The Woodlands, Advanced Practice Nurse
Desai, Unnati N, Proton Therapy, Advanced Practice Nurse
Fadol, Anecita P, Nursing, Department of, Assistant Professor
Greenberg, Edythe M, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Grisdale, Kathleen A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hagen, Brenda L, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Mid-Level Provider
Herndon, Katherine M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Hiles, Linda A, Pulmonary Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hossan, Elizabeth A, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hudson, Elizabeth A, Employee Health & Well-being, Advanced Practice Nurse
Isaacs, Elizabeth F, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Jones, Patricia, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Jularbal, Fe A, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kaled, Elizabeth S, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Keenan, Cheryl H, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kenebrew, Marilyn J, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lynn, Alice, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mante, Rosario C, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mattox, Sharon W, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
McMahon, Leslie A, Acute Care Procedure Team, MLP, Acute Care Services
Metoyer, Lynora J, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Nagle, Vernelee, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Nelson, Ana C, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Oro, Marilou O, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rohlfs, Michelle L, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Sbach, Alma C, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Stanford, Pamela A, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Stolar, Karen R, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Williams, Jane T, General Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wilson, Michelle G, General Internal Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
GNP - Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Mullen, Ellen C, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
GNP-BC - Gerontological Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Abarado, Cynthia, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Balmaceda, Gayle A.C Z, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, Advanced
Practice Nurse
Caranto, Melody M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Le, Eileen M, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Maldonado, Jana J, Pulmonary Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mullen, Ellen C, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Oishi, Karen J, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Saldanha, Gloria P, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Shannon-McAdams, Kathleen, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Supervisor,
Mid-Level Provider
HP - Hemapheresis Practitioner
American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification
Tran, Huong T, Pheresis Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
MCHES - Master Certified Health Education Specialist
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc
Horace, Patricia H, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Stepan, Karen A, Ofc/VP Medical Affairs, Program Manager,
Psychosocial Oncology
NEA-BC - Nurse Executive, Advanced
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Adornetto-Garcia, Debra L, Nursing Administration, Executive Director,
Nursing Professional Practice
Anderson, Jacqueline J, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
Austin, Wendy P, Cancer Medicine, Division Administrator, Cancer Medicine
Baumgarten, Jason E, Nursing WOC, Assistant Manager, Nurse
DeCoteau, Silvestina S, Nursing 4P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Eby, Anthonia I, Gastrointestinal Center, Clinical Administrative Director
Garcia, Elizabeth A, Gynecologic Oncology Center,
Clinical Administrative Director
Hall, Stacy A, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Lewis-Patterson, Paula, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Administrative Director
Massey, Robert L, Nursing, Department of, Assistant Professor
Nelson, Beverly A, Nursing Administration, Project Director,
Clinical Nursing Practice
Sorensen, Sherry H, Genitourinary Cancer Center,
Clinical Administrative Director
Summers, Barbara L, Ofc/EVP, Physician-in-Chief, Vice President,
Nursing Practice and Chief Nursing Officer
Tulio, Arlene D, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Zabka, Cindy L, Melanoma & Skin Center, Clinical Administrative Director
NE-BC - Nurse Executive
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Benitez, Sandy E, Nursing Administration, Director, Nursing Programs
Daly, Michael B, Nursing Administration, Director, Clinical Nursing
Edwards, Lacrista D, Regional Care Center - Sugarland, Nurse Manager
Fesler, Sheranda, Nursing G10 West, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Ganey, Elizabeth K, Nursing G16, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Ong, Yvette C B, Nursing 10P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Organ, Catherine M, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
NP-C - Nurse Practitioner, Certified
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Bell, Donna A, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Bhakhri, Amy L, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Bowe, Anna C, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Brice, Bonnie M, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Brunelle, Nicole M, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Clegg, Carol E, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Crawford, Kathleen M, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Daniels, Suzanne M, Head & Neck Surgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Duffy, Sylvia, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
Flores, Sherrie L, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Fuson, Lisa A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Garza, Janice L, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
General, Rosaly D, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Gonzalez, Nydia, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Guerrero, Maria D, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Holder, Megan J, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Holloway, Marcia K, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hua, Olivia S, Diagnostic Radiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Hwang, Li-Ling, Diagnostic Radiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Joy, Shaini E, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kaled, Elizabeth S, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Knippel, Susan L, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Supervisor,
Mid-Level Provider
Kuruvilla, Mercy A, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Le, Eileen M, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Limmer, Karen E, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lincks, Lindy A, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Masalta, Evangeline T, Rehabilitation Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mendoza, Claudette A, Genitourinary Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Mullen, Ellen C, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Ninan, Tilu, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Osai, William E, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Pacana, Charlita L, Acute Care Procedure Team, MLP, Acute Care Services
Peters, Amy A, Regional Care Center - Katy, Advanced Practice Nurse
Pham, Tri D, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Reeves, Colleen, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rogers, Dorathea E, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Rollins, Johnny L, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Salire, Edgar C, Cardiology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Stone, Wendi J, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Swanson, William D, Genitourinary Medical Oncology,
Per Diem Mid-Level Provider
Szewczyk, Nicholas A, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Varghese, Susan, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Walker, Julie G, Neuro-Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Washington, Tiffanie Jo-Reighme, General Internal Medicine, Advanced
Practice Nurse
Waxman, Elizabeth S, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
NP-CA - Adult Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Librojo, Alma L, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Barkley, Patti L, Anesthesia Assessment Center, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kaur, Dhanvinder, Pain Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
NP-CF - Family Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Avbovbo, Ufuoma E, Neurosurgery, Advanced Practice Nurse
George, Julie Mary, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Moise, Michaelle, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Woodward, Jennifer M, Dermatology, Advanced Practice Nurse
OCN - Oncology Certified Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Abraham, Sherly S, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Accos, Grace B, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Acevedo, Martha L, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Aguilar, Virginia C, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Aing, Marina D, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Alalay, Marco A, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Alba, Michael C, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Alden, Christine M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Supervisor, Research Nurse
Aleman, Andrea A, Sarcoma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Alexander, Kristen A, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Alexander, Stefanie L, Medical Oncology - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse,
Alfonso, Marilou, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Allsen, Carolyn J, Proton Therapy, Nurse Manager
Alphonso, Virginia H, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Ames, Angie L, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Anderson, Brian J, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Anderson, Jason P, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Antony, Binu, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Antony, Siji P, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Aquino, Theresa M, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Ards, Marie J, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Arevalo, Venus R, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Arriaga, Lisa, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Arterbery, Otitolola G, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Ashu, Alda J, Nursing Resource Pool Outpatient, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Asonye, Jean, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Austria, Eulivia R, Cancer Prevention Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ayeni, Olanike A, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Azarian, Mina V, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Badillo, Maria R, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
Baird, Vanessa B, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Baltazar, Ma Ellen, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Barrera, Brandon V, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Bartek, Jalen R, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Basa, Emylinda M, Psychiatry Oncology Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bautista, Susan A, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Beaty, Loretta A, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Beetle, Katherine C, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Beil, Lisa A, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Berly, Anniemol, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Bernadas, Petronila A, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Bills, Diana M, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Blackburn, Roxann K, Nursing G18, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Blue Schaneville, Anna K, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Boado, Glaiza M, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Bofil, Sheilah P, Patient Safety & Accreditation, Clinical Patient Safety Specialist
Bolfing, Janey K, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Boonpanya, Naphpa, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Boyd, April E, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Boyles, Jennifer V, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Branham, Donna W, Women’s Gynecology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Bratten, Marlene G, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Brion, Cecilia V, Proton Therapy Support, Coordinator, Patient Access
Broussard, Lyndsey D, Gynecologic Oncology Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Brown, Elizabeth D, Supportive Care Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Brown, Joyce E, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Brown, Linda D, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Brown, Renee D, ATC - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Brown, Sylvia L, Nursing G10 West, Clinical Resource Nurse
Bueno, Marcela L, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Buitrago, Joaquin A, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Bullock, Donalyn S, Clinical Research Support Center, Manager,
Clinical Research Support Center
OCN - Oncology Certified Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation - continued
Burgess, Jessica Ann, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Assistant Manager, Nurse
Byrd, Anna L, IND Office, Clinical Research Monitor
Caballero, Juanita D, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Cabauatan, Ursula P, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Cabrera, Alicia, ATC - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Caguioa, Nicole, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Cain, Suzanne, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Callanta, Aileen L, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Calmo, Melisa C, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Campbell, Alita A J, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Assistant Manager, Nurse
Campbell, Holly L, Case Management, Case Manager
Campbell, Monica R, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Campos, Denise E, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Capalad, Mary Ann M C, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Capili, Khosmelyn A, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Carmichael-Bishop, Alison, Nursing 7P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Carroll, Alma Lopez, Radiation Oncology Department, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Carry-Littles, Kim D, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology,
Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Casey, Beverly D, IND Office, Clinical Research Monitor
Castillo, Audrey L, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Chacko, Mary K, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Chanco, Maria J, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Chang, Hsueh L, Breast Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Charles, Rachel, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Chen, Audrey Y, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Chen, Jessica C, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Cherian, Asha R, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Cherian, Mariamma R, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Cherian, Mercy L, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Clinical Measures Nurse
Cherian, Valsa, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Chiang, Mingrong W, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Chilton, Connie G, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Chovanetz, Cori L, Medical Oncology - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Christison, Leslie H, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, P. C. Nurse Manager
Chua, Cindy G, Endocrine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Clemings, Michael R, Interventional Radiology, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Clemons, Marilyn V, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Cline, Deborah B, Nursing Workforce Development, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Cloud Jackson, Allegra, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Coleman, Martha C, International Center, Nurse Manager
Collins, Sherry A, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Colson, Roselynne D, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Comer, Lisa M, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Concepcion, Patsy, Multicenter Clinical Research, Manager,
Clinical Research Projects
Conlon, David A, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Cooke, Sheryl S, Leukemia, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Copeland, Aquanetta D, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Copelin, Evelyn J A, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Corales, Roleen, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Coronado III, Simon, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Cortez, Christina S, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Cortez, Eunice M, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Cortez, Karen L, Physicians Network, Contingent Worker
Costales, Rosie B, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Counts, Valerie R, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Cruz, Blesilda B, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Cruz, Thelma B, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Curtis, Constance R, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Surgical Clinical Reviewer
Dalusung, Joanne, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Dang, Hai T, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Dang, Jade N, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Daniel, Mary, Cytokine & Supportive Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Daniels, Alicia N, Regional Care Center - Katy, Assistant Manager, Nurse
D’Avignon, Seanna V, Medical Oncology - The Woodlands,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Davis, Dietrich k, General Internal Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Davis, Lourine, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Assistant
Manager, Nurse
Davis, Teresa A, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center, Supervisor,
Patient Access
Davis, Vanessa L, Melanoma & Skin Center, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Dawson, Vivian, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
De Gracia, Lilybeth C, Proton Therapy Support, Supervisor, Research Nurse
De Guzman, Jocelyn Z, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
De Jesus, Marlene P, Leukemia Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
De Lumban, Tamara C, Internal Medicine ACB Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Deadmon, Nekita S, Case Management, Case Manager
Dela Cruz, Buenagracia P, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Delaney, Frances J, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Delanoix, Catherine L, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Delao, Laura D, Medical Oncology - The Woodlands, Advanced Practice Nurse
Delossantos, Melissa A, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Devereaux, Joyce M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
DeYoung, Karen T, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Dike, Stella N, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Dimaculangan, Mercedita M, Cancer Prevention Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Dorsey, Vivian S, Clinical Translational Research Center, Nurse Manager
Douglas, Angela D, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Dovalina, Stephanie L, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Doyle, Kristin L, Nursing G12, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Drumgoole, Joyce L, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Dsouza, Juliet S, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Dumandan, Alan S, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Dumlao, Grace M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Dunlap, Cara L, Breast Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Duremdes, AlmiraJean A, Nursing Resource Pool, Per Diem Nurse
Eapen, Leena, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Eckenfels, Michael, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Ede, Yan P, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Elenzano, Teodora S, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Emmons, Greg, Ofc/VP, Chief Nursing Officer, Nursing Off-Shift Administrator
Enojo Jr., Eliseo M, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Erdman, Denise M, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Escobar, Amber N, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Esop, Agnes U, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Estrada, Ethel C, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Estrada, Salvacion, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Estrella, Joylynmae E, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Etuk, Natalia D, Case Management, Case Manager
Evetts, Phyllis A, Regional Care Center - Bay Area, Advanced Practice Nurse
Ewing, Angela N, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Falk, Jane M, Nursing G15, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Farek, Mary A, Nursing 11P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Febryani, Imelda, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Fehrenbach, Francelyn V, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Fenwick, Jocelyn N, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Fetea, Mihaela V., Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Fielder, Sharon K, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Fitzgerald, Natalie M, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Flach, Stacy M, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Flores, Marilou E, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Flotildes, Zenaida, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Foster, Kimberly R, Sarcoma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Fourie, Jeannine A, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Freeman, Janice K, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Freeman, Jennifer N, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Gage, Arin L, ATC - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Gallagher, Natalie A, Nursing WOC, Clinical Nurse
Ganey, Elizabeth K, Nursing G16, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Garchitorena, Leah N, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Garcia, Erma O, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Garcia, Kristine P, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Garcia-Hocker, Miriam, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Nurse
Garibay, Gabriela, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Garza, Christina, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Garza, Dayana, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Garza, Janice L, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Gaspard, Jana J, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
Gayle, Vicki M, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine, Research Nurse
George, Leelamma, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
George, Nissy, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
George, Shirley V, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
George, Solly, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research
Quality Specialist
Gilbert, Nancy R, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Gomilla, Avelina K, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Gonzalez, Melissa K, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Gonzalez, Paula, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Goswami, Poonam, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Granada, Myra Lynn A, Nursing G18, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Gray, Janet, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Green, Kimberly C, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Groneck, Catherine M, ATC - The Woodlands, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Guerrero, Maria D, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Guest-Donald, Sherry L, Nursing Resource Pool Outpatient,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Guk-Ong, Bethel, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Gutierrez, Helen G, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Guzman, Maricruz, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Habal, Barbara C, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Hagad, Clayde M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Hagelberger, Shani M, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Coordinator,
Nurse Transplantation
Halberg, Candace L, Medical Oncology - The Woodlands,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hanks, Jodi L, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Hanohano, Jeanine N, Nursing WOC, Clinical Nurse
Hariri, Marie, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Haroz, Ellaine G, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Harris, Deborah R, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Harris, Sheila H, Head & Neck Center, Supervisor, Patient Access
Hart, Loren D, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Hawkins, Sharon, Brain & Spine Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
Heitz, Patricia A, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Henry, Ashley M, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Henye, Kathleen E, Radiation Oncology - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hermis, Kimberly A, Regional Care Center - Katy, Nurse Manager
Hernandez, Tessie M, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Hernandez, Yolanda, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Hill, Jennifer V, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Hill, Karen L, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Hinson, Patricia A, Anes Services: TMC Campus, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hirani, Salima S, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hoffman, Erin L, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Holder, Megan J, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Holloway, Marcia K, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Holmes, Cynthia C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Hosford, Martha D, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Hu, Yu, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Huang, Eve Y, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Huang, Jin, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Hubbs, Cheryl A, Gynecologic Oncology Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Hunter, Kathy L, Neuro-Oncology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Hurley, Marianne L, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Hutchison, Mitzi V, Gynecologic Oncology Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ingram, Kelle P, Nursing 10P, Per Diem Nurse
Intarakomhea, Anong A, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Ip, Mee-Chung P, Physicians Network, Quality Management Analyst
Ittoop, Shycy A, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Jacob, Jancy, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Jacob, Reji M, Nursing G18, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Jacob, Sally, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Jacob, Susan, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Jacobs, Carmen B, Multicenter Clinical Research, Senior Clinical
Research Specialist
Jameel, Firoze B, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
James, Lija C, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
James, Marie U, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
James, Misty D, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Jamieson, Heather J, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Javaluyas, Elvie S, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Jeetom, Mary S, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Jewell, Jaine, Ofc/VP, Chief Nursing Officer, Nursing Off-Shift Administrator
Jiang, Chengrong, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
John, Rosmy Biji, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Johnson, Kristin G., Nursing G10 East, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Johnson, Raji, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Johnston, Diane W, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Advanced Practice Nurse
Johnston, Janet A, Leukemia Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Johnston, Patricia A, Nursing Administration, Director, Clinical Nursing
Johnston, Taren A, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Research Nurse Manager
Jose, Marykutty, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Cissimol P, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Elsy, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Mercy, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Joseph, Somia, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Joy, Sarah, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Joy, Shaini E, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
Juguilon, Ana L A, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Jung, Maria S, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Senior Research Nurse
Kan, Louisa C, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Keifer, Sharon S, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Kelly, Debra N, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Kelly, Mary A, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Kerr, Stacy D, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Coordinator, Nurse
Ketchum, Jennifer E, Nursing 4P, Nurse Manager
Khiev, Sorin, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Khuu, Kelly N, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Kinahan, Holly L, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, Advanced
Practice Nurse
Kirk, Maria L, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Kirkpatrick, Katherine F, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Knape, Cristina G, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
Kohlleppel, Terry, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Kopecky, Cori A, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Korulla, Aleyamma, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Koshy, Santhi M, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Kraft-Soniat, Linda, Denials Management, Associate Director,
Denials Management
Kuncheria, Jinsu E, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Kunnacherry, Minimol M, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Kurian, Jolly C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Kurien, Ansamma A, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Kuruvilla, Mercy A, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kuzhivila Simon, Akhila, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Kwong, Laura L C L, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Lacro, Eden, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Lagmay, Bernard R, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Lalani, Saleema S, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Lane, Michael R, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Lang, Kelly D, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Langner, Rita J, Head & Neck Center, Coordinator, Clinical Care
Lardizabal, Marian M, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Lassere, Yvonne M, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Manager,
Clinical Protocol Administration
Laura, Candice D, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Lawler, Peter, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Lawrence, Michelle J, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Le, Thuy-Nhien P, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Lebato, April L, Gynecologic Oncology Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Lecagoonporn, Srisuda, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Leos, David, Radiation Oncology - Research, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Levin, Sherrie R, Breast Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
Li, Yuhua, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Liboon, Mary Joy O, Leukemia, Senior Research Nurse
Lim, Ma Eleanor R, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Limmer, Karen E, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lin, Qiao, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Lind, Mary L, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Ling, Li, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Lira, Cynthia, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Liu, Hong, Multicenter Clinical Research, Manager, Clinical Research Projects
Lohmann, Mary E, Nursing Fellowship, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lopez, Abigail J, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
OCN - Oncology Certified Nurse
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation - continued
Lozano, Maria L, Urology, Supervisor, Research Nurse
Lujan, Maria L A, Regional Care Center - Woodlands, Nurse Manager
Lukose, Shainimol P, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Madsen, Lydia T, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Manager, Mid-Level Provider
Maghanoy, Nerissa G, Nursing G15, Nurse Manager
Magno, Carlo G, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Makasiar, Glendel O, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Maldonado, Marisol, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Mallon, Eileen A, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Manahan, Elizabeth F, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Manalo, Annette C, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Manalo, Maria T, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Manappurathu, Mary S, Case Management, Case Manager
Manning, Rochelle H, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Manu, Salomi, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Mark, John, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Martin, Ashley, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Martinez, Myrna, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Martinez, Wendi L, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Marzan, Amelita B, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Mathew, Boby, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Laila, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Lucy, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Rachel, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Mathews, Lata, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Mathews, Leni A, Clinical Research Support Center, Clinical Research Educator
Matibag, Belen G, ATC - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Matillano, Sherry L, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Matt, Diann C, ATC - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Matthews, Reena M, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Mayfield, Andrea E, Nursing 9P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Mays, Carrie A, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
McDonald, Rachel M, Nursing Resource Center, Nursing Resource Specialist
McGriff, April L, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
McKenzie, Jennifer L, Nursing Extramural Programs,
Nursing Instructor, Technical Design
McMillan, Teresa L, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Melliza, Deory M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Per Diem Nurse
Mendez, Noel B, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Mendoza, Gina B, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Mendoza, Joana S, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Mendoza, Kathleen S, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Mercado, Catherine M, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Meschwitz, Anne M, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Senior Research Nurse
Metzger, Beverly J, Nursing Resource Pool, Per Diem Nurse
Meyers, Glenn T, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Mickler, Kerry L, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Milan, Ruth C, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Moehring, Jody M, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
Mogab, Linda L, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Montecillo, Vivian C, Leukemia Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Montinez, Suzy V, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Montoya, Anya M, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Moore, Carla L, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Senior Research Nurse
Morrison, Mary E, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Morse, Kristen D, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Muhammad-Ali, Angela T, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Murphy, Cynthia A, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Nash, Velma L, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Navar, Chichi, Clinical Center for Targeted Therapy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Nazareno, Janette S, Nursing G12, Clinical Resource Nurse
Nazario, Lou Ellen F, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Neal, Joy C, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Nelson, Kathleen T, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Research Nurse
Ngabesong, Fese E, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Ngo, Julie M, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ngo, Yenphi H, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Julie T, Nursing Extramural Programs, Nursing Instructor,
Technical Design
Nguyen, Thuy T, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Vu K, Internal Medicine ACB Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Niangar, Giovanni A, Nursing G12, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Nicks, Andrea K, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Nicolas, Maria, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Novicke, Bryn K, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Nugent, Amanda M, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
O’Brien, Michelle M, Breast Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Ocado, Esperanza C, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
ODonnell, Kelly V, Regional Care Center - Bay Area, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Oishi, Karen J, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
O’Neal, Erika P, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Ong - Gabat, Ylaine C, Nursing Resource Pool, Nurse Manager
Ong, Yvette C B, Nursing 10P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Onyedum, Nkechinyelu N, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Oommen, Saloma V, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Organ, Catherine M, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
Oriabure, Onyekachukwu N, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Orsak Mehan, Annie M, Nursing 11P, Per Diem Nurse
Ortiz, Michelle S, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Ourso, Stephanie L, Regional Care Center - Woodlands, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Ouzounian, Souzanne T, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
Pamittan, Iris V, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Panes, Loven Y, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Panganiban, Avena O, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Paningbatan, Marilyn M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Panjwani, Nadya H, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Panto, Cynthia K, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Pantoja, Laura M, Physicians Network, Coordinator, Quality Management
Paradela, Susan H, Nursing G16, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Parker, Katherine C, Gastrointestinal Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Parker, Norman D, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Parton, Ruthanne, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Pascua, Christine C, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Patel, Ginger M, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Paterson, Lucy L, Leukemia Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Patterson, Bettina K, Case Management, Case Manager
Pena, Jessica E, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Perales, Monica, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse Leader
Pereira, Elveera R, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Perkins, Vivian A, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Perron, Patti G, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Pestano, Leilani P, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Pfeffer, Julie D, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Pfennig, Cheryl E, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Phan, Diemthuy T, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Polanco, Delma, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Polk-Davis, Sonya R, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Polsgrove, Criselda Valdez, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Pom, Glenn A, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Pomilla, Whitney L, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Poon, Timothy W, Pediatrics - Child & Adolescent Center,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Potts, Kimberly A, Main OR Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Prichard, Kathy L, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Puig Jr, Jesus F, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Quarles, Arlene J, Nursing G10 East, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Raby, Christine R, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Raja, Merlin, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Ramillano, Portia, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Ramirez, Ann N, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Ramirez, Maria P T, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Ramos, Jennifer D, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Coordinator,
Nurse Transplantation
Ramsey, Veronica, Proton Therapy Support, Coordinator, Patient Access
Rangel, Filipinas T, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Ranin, Lydia V, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Reasonda, Liezl G, Radiation Oncology Department, Senior Research Nurse
Redl, Amy C, Stem Cell Transplantation, Research Nurse
Reglos, Shirley A, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Reine, Sharon A, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Revilla, Maria V, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Riccardi, Gemma, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Richardson, Goley B, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Risulme, Francis W, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Ritterhouse, Melesa G, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Rivera, Ruben C, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Rock, Raina, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Rodil, Virginia C, ATC - Sugar Land, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Rodriguez, Amanda M, Nursing Workforce Development, Contingent Worker
Rodriguez, Narcisima A, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Roegelein, Megan E, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Roos, Babylyn C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Rosales, Merlinda U, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Rossi, Stephanie A, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Rossman, Kathleen, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Rowe, Todd, Infusion Therapy, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Rummel, Jeane M, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Sadasivan, Sandhya P, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Sajan, Blessy, Breast Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Sajith, Bilja K, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Samuel, Christine O, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
San Miguel, Aileen, Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Senior Research Nurse
Sanjorjo, Perpetua, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Senior Research Nurse
Santiago, Minifrida S, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Santos, Josephine P, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Santos, Marcial A, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Sapit-Bermudo, Miriam T, Leukemia Center, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Saquin, Evelyn C, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Sarabia, Melna C, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Sarkar, Julia S R, Nursing 10P, Nurse Manager
Scaria, Shini K, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Scott, Sheba L, Nursing Resource Pool Outpatient, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Shackelford, Naty J, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Shaik, Anna Marie B, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Shajimon, Alice, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Sharp, Christen N, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Shepard, Agnes C, Nursing G18, Per Diem Nurse
Shinn, Nancy A, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine,
Senior Research Nurse
Showalter, Brandi L, Clinical Research Support Center,
Clinical Research Educator
Siason, Lorina B, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Siler, Jan G, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Simon, Shea, Nursing G16, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Simoneau, Peggy S, ATC - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Singh, Cindy, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Sisemore, Diana F, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Sorensen, Sherry H, Genitourinary Cancer Center,
Clinical Administrative Director
Soria, Lita M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Stanley, Mercy, Leukemia, Advanced Practice Nurse
Stiner, Valerie A, Lymphoma/Myeloma Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Stonebrook, Emily M, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation,
Clinical Nurse
Suello, Sheila B, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Sun, Yang X, Radiation Oncology - Sugar Land, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Sunil, Mariamma, Nursing G17 West Stem Cell Transplantation, Clinical Nurse
Switzer, Mindy A, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse Leader
Ta, Mai T, Nursing 5P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Tabao, Shirlene D, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Tamayo, Victoria L, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Tayam, Elizabeth V, Nursing G12, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Taylor, Oguna F, Melanoma & Skin Center, Nurse Manager
Tee, Ma Encarlita C, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Terry, Autrey B, Case Management, Case Manager
Tezak, Lauren A, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Thai, Linh T, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Bessy M, Patient Access Services Administration, Coordinator,
Patient Access
Thomas, Elsy, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Laila, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Thompson, Nancy E, Clinical Research Support Center,
Clinical Research Quality Specialist
Throssel, Marla M, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Tian, Dana D, Clinical Translational Research Center, Clinical Nurse
Tiangco III, Enrique, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Titus, Anu, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Tolentino, Lori A, Brain & Spine Center, Nurse Manager
Tomczak, Nancy, Nursing G18, Clinical Resource Nurse
Toro, Juliana, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Tran, Huong T, Pheresis Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Tran, Linh T, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Trapp, Michelle B, Stem Cell Transplantation Center,
Lead Transplantation Coordinator
Trojanowsky, Margie A, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Trudell, Michelle J, Nursing G16, Per Diem Nurse
Tse, Portia Y, Clinical Translational Research Center, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Tupas, Rose D, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Turner, Kuristeen I, Nursing 5P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Urbanovsky, Dawn C, Leukemia Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Vadakekara, Kunjumol D, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Vadakkan, Princy P, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Van, Kimchi T, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Vardeleon, Anna G, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Research Nurse Manager
Varghese, Anitha, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Annamma, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Varughese, Sheeba, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Vaughan-Adams, Nicole A, Nursing G19, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Velasquez, Portia G, Melanoma Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Veloso, Guadalupe P, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Venkatesan, Vivien B, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Venturina, Rosella A, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Villamayor, Antonio G, Infusion Therapy, Per Diem Nurse
Villamin, Colleen E, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Villanueva, Marilou C, Medical Oncology - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Villaruel, Rosario L, ATC - Sugar Land, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Vinzon, Carmela G, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Vo, Cathy, Employee Health & Well-being, Occupational Health Nurse
Vo, Jennifer Q, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Vo, Micah M, EMR Development & Support, Business Systems Analyst
Vu, Corazon B, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Vu, Linda L, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Vu, Truc, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Wangerin, Richard C, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Warren, Tracy W, ATC - The Woodlands, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Webb, Laura L, ATC - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
West, Mary L, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Whitcher, Christella, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
White, Maria F, Nursing G19, Assistant Manager, Nurse
White, Misty D, Surgery - Sugar Land, Advanced Practice Nurse
Whitmore - Radford, Karen Y, Internal Medicine ACB Center, Nurse Manager
Wildrick, Carol L, ATC - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Williams, Cynthia A, Pain Management Center, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Williams, Kimberly D, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Wilson, Carol L, Dermatology, Senior Research Nurse
Wipf, Nancy, Surgical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Wongsa, Sirilak, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Woody, Timothy L, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Wyatt, Jennifer B, Nursing G12, Clinical Nurse
Xiao, Yuhua, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Yan, Sheng, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Yerrow, Kimberly A, Radiation Oncology - Katy, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Zacharia, Christy, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Zaebst, Denise J, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Nurse Manager
Zambrano, Kristine J, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse
Zandstra, Frances A, Ofc/VP Medical Affairs, Executive Director,
Cancer Survivorship
Zanoria, Ma Lourdes Y, IND Office, Senior Clinical Research Monitor
Zhu, Jian, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Zhu, Wei, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Zita, Cristina C, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
PCCN - Progressive Care Certified Nurse
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Certification Corporation
Alex, Seline, Endoscopy Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Banaglorioso, Clemen C, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Conlon, David A, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Grapeson, Soya, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Kan, Louisa C, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Kanjirathingal, Elsy, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Keerikattu, Lovely M, ASC Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Kuriacose, Bindu, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse Leader
Kurian, Jolly C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Kurian, Treasa B, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Kurien, Ansamma A, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Lewis, Kathleen M, Nursing 7P, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Manoje, Priya S, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Jaya, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Clinical Nurse
Mathews, Jacqueline, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Mathews, Sally A, General Internal Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Meng, Lillie M, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Morris, Jeremy D, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse Leader
Oyardo, Ana B, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Paningbatan, Marilyn M, ATC - Bed/Chair Unit, Clinical Nurse
Reyes, Dana M, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Rivera, Ruben C, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Saji, Sheeba, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse
Saldanha, Gloria P, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Salian, Francina U, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Sam, Joyce, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Sanchez, Natalie E M, Nursing 7P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Sequitin, Marilou E, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Annamma K, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Varghese, Bindu, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Varughese, Sheeba, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
White, Maria F, Nursing G19, Assistant Manager, Nurse
PMHNP-BC - Family/Adult PsychologicalMental Health Nurse Practitioner
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Sivesind, Debra M, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
PMP - Project Management Professional
Project Management Institute
Easley, Mary K, Project Support & Coordination Services, Information
Technology Portfolio Manager
Thompson, Lourdes N, Ofc/VP Medical Affairs, Project Director, Medical Affairs
PNP-BC - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Mauricio, Riza, Pediatrics - Patient Care, Advanced Practice Nurse
RN-BC - Specialty Certification
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Abreu, Tamu M, Brain & Spine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Adcox, Leticia O, Anesthesia Assessment Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Agyekum, Edna, Nursing ICU, Clinical Nurse
Anicete, Marialorena S, Stem Cell Transplantation, Advanced Practice Nurse
Armstrong, Terri S, Neuro-Oncology, Professor
Burns, Latasha R, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
Carry-Littles, Kim D, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology,
Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
Chen, Lili, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Clayton, Marybeth, Catheter Laboratory, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Collins, Sherry A, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Gachimova, Evguenia, Leukemia, Research Nurse
Granger, Sonya D, Cancer Prevention Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Green, Kimberly C, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Guk-Ong, Bethel, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Johnson, Raji, Nursing 9P, Clinical Nurse
Jose, Susan S, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Kuriacose, Bindu, Nursing G15, Clinical Nurse Leader
Kurian, Mary K, Acute Pain Medicine, Clinical Nurse
LaFrentz, Kelly V, Nursing Workforce Development, Project Manager,
Nursing Workforce
Lopez, Melissa, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Mathew, Boby, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
McKenzie, Jennifer L, Nursing Extramural Programs, Nursing Instructor,
Technical Design
McPhee, Paula T, Thoracic Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Mendez, Noel B, Nursing 10P, Clinical Nurse Leader
Murphy, Cynthia A, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Naranjo, Myrla B, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Nguyen, Van N, Experimental Therapeutics, Research Assistant II
Nguyen, Van T, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Obregon, Betty J, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
Omerhi, Justina U, Internal Medicine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Orsak Mehan, Annie M, Nursing 11P, Per Diem Nurse
Oyardo, Ana B, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Payne, Lorene, Patient Education Office, Associate Director, Patient Education
Po, Joanna V, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Director, Clinical Nursing
Preston, Sherry J, EMR Development & Support, Manager,
Enterprise Applications
Rutland, Natasha M, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Sajith, Bilja K, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Saldanha, Gloria P, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Stephenson, Ricci N H, Nocturnal Program, Nocturnal Mid-Level Provider
Toliao, Cecile R, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Toliao, Robert A, Head & Neck Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Viajar, Maria Carmen V, Nursing 11P, Clinical Nurse
White, Maria F, Nursing G19, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Willis, Daunay T, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
RN-BC - Specialty Certification - Ambulatory Care
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Linder, Candace T, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology, Research Nurse
Orin, Vicki L, Endocrine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Patterson, Clover J, Lymphoma/Myeloma, Advanced Practice Nurse
Revilla, Maria V, Stem Cell Transplantation Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
RN-BC - Specialty Certification - Gerontological
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Perkins, Vivian A, Nursing 4P, Clinical Nurse
Cruz, Madonna S, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Jenkins, Natosha D, Genitourinary Cancer Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
RN-BC - Specialty Certification - Informatics Nurse
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Thompson, Lourdes N, Ofc/VP Medical Affairs, Project Director, Medical Affairs
RN-BC - Specialty Certification - Medical-Surgical Nurse
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Agu, Ann C, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Baksh, Hamidan N, Internal Medicine Center, Supervisor, Patient Access
Cao, Lihui, Nursing 5P, Clinical Nurse
Delapaz, Lucia B, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Demen, Sofonia A, Diagnostic Imaging - Nursing, Clinical Nurse
Eshareturi, Onorie E, Internal Medicine ACB Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Holmes, Cynthia C, Nursing G19, Clinical Nurse
Joshi, Priya, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Li, Yuhua, Nursing G16, Clinical Nurse
Magno, Carlo G, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Manahan, Elizabeth F, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
Manappurathu, Mary S, Case Management, Case Manager
Pritchett, Rosario T, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Scurlock, Mary A, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Shaji, Deepa, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Sunga, Mona P, Nursing G17 East Mixed Hematology, Clinical Nurse
Wade, Carla V, Emergency Center, Clinical Nurse
Wilson, Carol L, Dermatology, Senior Research Nurse
RN-BC - Specialty Certification Nursing Professional Development
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Aranzamendez, Gina D R, Process Improvement & Quality Education,
Clinical Quality Improvement Consultant
Sprague, Marsha L, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
Whitcher, Christella, Nursing Education, Nursing Educator
RN-BC - Specialty Certification - Pain Management
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Cherian, Mercy L, Quality Measurement and Engineering,
Clinical Measures Nurse
Conlon, David A, Nursing Resource Pool, Clinical Nurse
Copelin, Evelyn J A, Nursing 8P, Clinical Nurse
Farek, Mary A, Nursing 11P, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Gallagher, Natalie A, Nursing WOC, Clinical Nurse
Guerrero, Alina A, Patient Safety & Accreditation,
Clinical Accreditation Specialist
Jacinto, Mary E, Regional Care Center - Bay Area, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Kaur, Dhanvinder, Pain Medicine, Advanced Practice Nurse
Ketchum, Jennifer E, Nursing 4P, Nurse Manager
Kurian, Jessy S, Anesthesia Assessment Center, Advanced Practice Nurse
Laxa, Imelda M, Pain Management Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Meyers, Thelma F, Colorectal Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
Obioma, Okey M, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Puthenparampil, Elsy F, Nursing Post Anesthesia Care Unit,
Clinical Resource Nurse
Scales, Charlotte M, Gastrointestinal Center, Coordinator, Patient Access
Shaik, Ghouse B, Acute Pain Medicine, Clinical Nurse
Thomas, Marian B, Emergency Center, Director, Clinical Nursing
Vaughan-Adams, Nicole A, Nursing G19, Associate Director, Clinical Nursing
RN-C - Specialty Certification - Ambulatory Care
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Chua, Cindy G, Endocrine Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Gonzalez, Esther, Case Management, Case Manager
RN-C - Specialty Certification - Pain Management
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Manahan, Elizabeth F, Nursing G18, Clinical Nurse
VA-BC - Vascular Access - Board Certified
Vascular Access Certification Corporation
Basada, Evamarie R, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Bourne, Janice H, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Dukes, Toren A, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Gaviola, Paul G, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Hajicek, Sara K, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Hirth, Bhumarat S, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Jacinto, Wendy L, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Kennedy, Kerry M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Lavilla, Ceasar C, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Mercado-Nuyda, Imelda P, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Natividad, Elizabeth L, Infusion Therapy, Assistant Manager, Nurse
Ocado, Esperanza C, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Silagan, Dean M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Stern, Judith M, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Tagab, Edwin T, Nursing 3P, Clinical Nurse
Tudlong, Winston B, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Viray, Fausto, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
Zamora, Perla, Infusion Therapy, Clinical Nurse
WHNP - Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner
National Certification Corporation
Anderson, Lauren A, Breast Medical Oncology, Advanced Practice Nurse
Burns, Kimberly A, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Fischer, Diane E, Stem Cell Transplantation Business Services,
Coordinator, Patient Access
Flores, Sherrie L, Endocrine Neoplasia and HD, Advanced Practice Nurse
Flowers, Nicki L, Women’s Gynencology Clinic, Advanced Practice Nurse
Frankel, Molly A, Nursing, Department of, Advanced Practice Nurse
Johnston, Diane W, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Advanced Practice Nurse
Kurian, Shiney, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Lazzaro, Marita V, CPC Provider Income & Activity, Advanced Practice Nurse
Lind, Mary L, Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Meyer, Donna O, Nursing G10 East, Clinical Nurse
Salinas, Wendy A, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
Sam, Annamma V, Gynecology Oncology & Reproductive Medicine,
Advanced Practice Nurse
RN-C - Specialty Certification
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Banaglorioso, Clemen C, Nursing 7P, Clinical Nurse
Burns, Latasha R, Nursing Administration, Associate Director,
Nursing Programs
McPhee, Paula T, Thoracic Center, Clinical Nurse, Outpatient
Rivera, Ruben C, Nursing G12 NW Palliative, Clinical Nurse
Nursing at MD Anderson
Fiscal Year 2012