F R A U N H O F E R R esear c h I nstitution for M i c ros y stems an d S o l i d S tate T e c hno l o g ies E M F T 1 2 1 Qualification test with the M-CDM ESD test system developed at Fraunhofer EMFT 2 M-CDM test head including the ground plane and cameras Modular ESD-Tester for the Charged Device Model M-CDM Future trends Advantages Upcoming mega trends to be considered Modular system setup for CDM testing are: • Measurement of discharge currents ber (e.g. Cascade PA 200 with 200 mm • Extremely small size pads and balls chuck), single shot GHz-oscilloscope even for 3D-stacked circuits and high voltage source are robust off- • Solid State Technologies EMFT • Hansastrasse 27 d Increasing GHz-frequencies prohibiting the-shelf components controlled via an larger protection Agilent VEE program that is customized Increasing package sizes with imped- High positioning accuracy (wafer prober) • • Complex pin layouts and test plans Phone: +49 89 54 75 90 • Fully automated handling and assembly E-Mail: contact@emft.fraunhofer.de to the needs of the test lab ance controlled interconnects 80686 München Fax: +49 89 54 75 95 50 All key components such as wafer pro- • Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and 3 Deployment of a standard wafer prober provides a high positioning accuracy systems required for small size pads and balls These trends require precise CDM test sys- Individual adaption to customer needs tems providing maximum testing flexibility. • The program interfaces to descriptions Building on 20 years of experience of of device layouts and test plans in a Project Manager: Fraunhofer EMFT with CDM tester develop- Microsoft Excel® spread sheet. The Dr. Heinrich Wolf ment, analytical CDM test and CDM pro- program interface can be adapted to heinrich.wolf@emft.fraunhofer.de tection development for many industrial cli- individual needs ents, the modular M-CDM is flexibly tackling Large field charge plate www.emft.fraunhofer.de the demands and complexity of today’s and tomorrow’s CDM test. • Allows testing of larger devices (also Charged Board Model) 4 3 Arbitrary charging and discharging System Description Technical Data sequences (timing, sequence) • Allows testing of complex pin layouts • M-CDM control unit which contains a commercial high voltage (HV) source Max. CDM User specific, automated data FUG HCP 14-3500, a HV switch which voltage acquisition and evaluation of stress enables and disables the HV during parameters operation, and relay switch matrix for • controlling an optional, electrically Supported ANSI/ESD- switchable attenuator standards STM5.3.1-2009; Field Charge Plate FCP, which is (adaptable): JEDEC JESD22- and test plans All discharge currents are automatically measured and stored. The relevant stress parameters are summarized in a • prober and which connects to the HV up for tests during maintenance • C101F 2013 mounted on the chuck of the wafer suitable output file Fraunhofer EMFT lab serves as a back- output of the control unit Two ground planes (GP) which are Size of the CDM testing services for its customers, compliant with the standards ANSI/ESD- Field Charge Plate a continuous test flow even during the S5.3.1-2009 and JEDEC JESD22-C101D Since Fraunhofer EMFT provides also • • Further advantages of the M-CDM system are the flexible use of the wafer prober for 19 cm x 22 cm 2008 maintenance of your M-CDM system is ensured 3.0 kV Two USB cameras for convenient device Precision of +/- 2µm (wafer outline definition and monitoring of the positioning prober PA200) discharge pin during the test • System controller (Win7 PC including other test set-ups like TLP and vf-TLP or 17’’16:9 flat screen) with the M-CDM pad probing for checking leakage criteria. controller SW Service It can also be easily upgraded to a spark free contact mode method such as Capa- Support can be tailored to your require- citive Coupled TLP (CC-TLP). Existing equip- ments. From on-demand maintenance ment can be integrated into the system. to an “all inclusive” package with preventive maintenance including CDM The adaption and integration into a CE- testing services during the maintenance compliant test system will be done within of the tester. an individual R&D project by Fraunhofer EMFT. 3 Capacitive Coupled TLP probe for BGA and Wafer Test level 4 M-CDM screenshot with discharge pulse (4GHz-Oscilloscope)