Science Curriculum Matrix - Albemarle County Public Schools

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Albemarle County Public Schools
K-12 Science Curriculum Matrix
July 2007
Science Vertical Team
June, 2007
This curriculum document represents the collective thinking of numerous individuals who have
dedicated themselves to research and conversation about science curriculum and instruction over the
past three academic years (2004-2007).
Science Vertical Team (2006-2007)
Catrina Sims
Beth Tice
Laurel Gillette
Eileen Merritt
Cheryl Thomasen
Beth Evans
Ciara Imbert
Kim Gibson
Roni Jennings
Jean Foss
Michael Farabaugh
Tony Borash
Chuck Pace
Grade/Content Area
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Life Science
Physical Science
Earth Science
Science Coordinator
Baker-Butler Elementary School
Cale Elementary School
Red Hill Elementary School
Stone-Robinson Elementary School
Baker-Butler Elementary School
Sutherland Middle School
Henley Middle School
Henley Middle School
Albemarle High School
Western Albemarle High School
Monticello High School
Albemarle High School
Department of Instruction
Other teachers served on the Science Vertical Team during the 2004 – 2005 school year and made
significant contributions to this document:
Sandra Griffin
Colleen Larisey
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Grade 1
Grade 3
Brownsville Elementary School
Brownsville Elementary School
Table of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………
Philosophy …………………………………………………………………………………………
Lifelong-Learner Standards ……………………………………………………………………...
Science Concepts and Enduring Understandings …………………………………………
Habits of Mind of a Scientist …………………………………………………………………….
Organization of the Science Curriculum Document .………………………………………
Assessment in the Science Curriculum Matrix
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Science Curriculum Matrix K-12 Vertical Sample 1 …………………………………………..
Science Curriculum Matrix K-12 Vertical Sample 2 …………………………………………..
Science Curriculum Matrix K-12 Vertical Sample 3 …………………………………………..
Appendix - A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning ………..
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
This document represents the work of the Science Vertical Team, which received its mandate to develop a
comprehensive K-12 science curriculum to support the development of the Framework for Quality Learning (FQL). As
stated in the FQL:
The Albemarle County Public Schools’ core purpose is to establish a community of learners and learning,
through rigor, relevance, and relationships one student at a time. The Framework for Quality Learning
guides and supports teachers’ development and implementation of a system for high-quality curricula,
assessment, and instruction as they act on this vision and facilitate all students attaining deep
understanding of the disciplines … By organizing standards around key concepts and understandings of
the discipline, we engage the personal intellect and emotions of the students (Erickson, 2002). When
students explore concepts over time as opposed to facts in isolation, they develop deeper
understanding and are able to transfer knowledge across disciplines and situations.
The Framework for Quality Learning sets rigorous expectations for how students learn, analyze
information, and communicate, leading to increased student engagement, content mastery, and
higher-order thinking. Application of the Framework for Quality Learning advances the Division’s vision:
‘All learners believe in their power to embrace learning, to excel, and to own their future’
(Framework for Quality Learning, 2006).
Supporting the FQL, the science curriculum is rooted in standards-based and concept-centered instruction and
curriculum with connections to the Lifelong-Learner Standards (p. 6), Virginia’s Science Standards of Learning (SOL), and
the process and content standards articulated in the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and the Benchmarks
for Science Literacy. These various standards provide insight into what all students must know, understand, and be able
to do in authentic science-related contexts.
The Science Concepts and Enduring Understandings are outlined in the Framework for Quality Learning (FQL) connecting
the Science (Discipline Level) Concepts and the Interdisciplinary Concepts to the topics or content area of inquiry (pgs. 6
& 7).
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Dewey said the most important role of school is learning. And learning is a consequence of thinking. Today’s society
demands trained and agile thinkers, and today’s students must learn to make meaning for themselves and to solve
problems for which they do not have answers (Costa, 1997). The Life-Long Learner Standards (p. 6) identified in the
Framework for Quality Learning (FQL) set expectations for the way students will develop a wide variety of knowledge,
understanding, and skills. It is also important to consider the desired characteristics (values, attitudes, and skills) of a
student and ultimately an adult working within the discipline. For the purposes of this document, we developed the
Habits of Mind of a Scientist (p. 8) through incorporation of what are commonly considered the process standards of
learning about and doing science.
What would we wish for students to know, understand, and be able to do when they complete K-12 science? Our
ultimate goal would be for a student to exhibit the habits of mind of scientists, to understand how to think about scientific
concepts, and to apply science skills and the life-long learner standards to real-world situations. From kindergarten to
twelfth grade, discipline-level enduring understandings continue to develop in support of the Life-Long Learner
Standards; we designed the science curriculum document to illustrate this spiraling of concepts. The curriculum
document is not intended to replace the Virginia Science Standards of Learning, or to be interpreted as a complete
science curriculum. It offers connections among the content standards, essential questions and understandings,
processes and skills, various cognitive levels of assessment, and vocabulary to guide instruction through the strands of
science content. The Science Curriculum Matrix presents the movement of the K-12 science concepts across the
grades, impacting instruction at every level by creating consistency and continuity across the division. The document is a
means of providing equal access to quality science instruction for all students; it creates a vision of a continuous,
seamless integration of content and process standards that travel with increasing sophistication through the K-12 science
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
The Lifelong-Learner Standards
The Division has identified 12 Lifelong-Learner Standards that set expectations for how students develop a wide variety of
knowledge, understanding, and skills. These standards articulate the necessary components of lifelong learning that
allow all students to succeed as members of a global community and in a global economy. The Lifelong-Learner
Standards are overarching process-based standards, not discrete fact-based standards that can be addressed in a
single lesson or even a single unit. These standards demand attention over time and across all disciplines (FQL, 2006).
Lifelong-Learner Standards:
1. Plan and conduct research;
2. Gather, organize, and analyze data, evaluate processes and products, and draw conclusions;
3. Think analytically, critically, and creatively to pursue new ideas, acquire new knowledge, and make decisions;
4. Understand and apply principles of logic and reasoning; develop, evaluate, and defend arguments;
5. Seek, recognize and understand systems, patterns, themes, and interactions;
6. Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve new and increasingly complex problems;
7. Acquire and use precise language to clearly communicate ideas, knowledge, and processes;
8. Explore and express ideas and opinions using multiple media, the arts, and technology;
9. Demonstrate ethical behavior and respect for diversity through daily actions and decision making;
10. Participate fully in civic life, and act on democratic ideals within the context of community and global
11. Understand and follow a physically active lifestyle that promotes good health and wellness; and,
12. Apply habits of mind and metacognitive strategies to plan, monitor, and evaluate one’s own work.
Interdisciplinary Concepts, Science Concepts, and Enduring Understandings
The Science Vertical Team originally developed broad interdisciplinary concepts, more specific, science-related
concepts, and science-focused enduring understandings for the Framework for Quality Learning in 2005. This work
proved critical to all the subsequent work of the Science Vertical Team. Interdisciplinary concepts are generally shared
across disciplines. These broad concepts provide connections between the core disciplines (i.e. language arts, history
and social science, mathematics, and science), thereby creating potential for future integration through a conceptual
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
lens. The science specific concepts and their associated enduring understandings represent the “big ideas” of science
and are foundational to the curriculum development process.
Change and
Science Concepts
Enduring Understandings
Cause and Effect
Change can be identified and analyzed.
Natural processes and human activity can cause changes over time.
Change occurs in patterns, trends, and cycles.
Stability exists or otherwise occurs when changes are counterbalanced.
Models facilitate understanding through the use of familiar concepts.
Models vary in complexity to represent different levels of understanding.
Theories may evolve to incorporate new knowledge.
Data can be collected, verified, organized, and communicated in purposeful ways.
Properties characterize objects, organisms, and substances.
Measurement represents properties on a numerical scale.
Scale compares objects, living things, and events.
Scientists use tools and equipment to gather data.
Systems consist of organized groups of interactive and related parts that form a
Systems can be open or closed with respect to matter and energy.
The properties of a system are different and more complex than its individual parts.
Systems can be interdependent.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Habits of Mind of a Scientist
The Science Vertical Team believes that students develop a deeper understanding about science by actually “doing”
science. In other words, students should be given every opportunity to think and act like real scientists. The Habits of
Mind of a Scientist were developed as a guide for how scientists think and behave.
A Scientist:
Shows curiosity and pursues answers to questions about the world.
Maintains a balance of open-mindedness and skepticism, entertains new ideas, and challenges information not
supported by good evidence.
Respects the importance of reproducible data and testable hypotheses.
Tolerates complexity, ambiguity and persists in the face of procedural uncertainties.
Observes and expresses wonder about the natural world.
Thinks and communicates with clarity and precision.
Considers the impact of scientific decisions and activities.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
The Organization of the Science Curriculum Document
The Science Curriculum Document is a system of documents that will be organized electronically through the Science
Curriculum Matrix, which will eventually lie within the context of SchoolNet. The beauty of this model is its flexibility in
meeting the specific needs of individual teachers by linking concepts and topics with standards. In other words, teachers
can approach instructional planning either conceptually or topically. This model is a creation of both the Mathematics
and Science Vertical Teams, informed by the ideas of various education researchers connected to the work of
Albemarle County (i.e. Erickson, Wiggins and McTighe, Antonetti, DuFour, etc).
The Science Curriculum Document is still very much a work in progress. Science Vertical Team members have developed
the core documents of the science curriculum matrix (see map and key on the next two pages and examples beginning
on page 13) at each grade level and subject area for science in grades K-12. These core documents are organized both
by concepts and topics that are correlated in the Science Standards of Learning. In the next phase of our work, the
Science Vertical Team will endeavor to tighten the organizational scheme of the Science Curriculum Matrix. At the same
time, teachers at all levels will be asked to evaluate and, in some cases, pilot the use of these core documents.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Core Matrix Document Map
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Key to Core Matrix Document Map
Letter in Diagram
Name of Page Attribute
Function of Page Attribute
Each core page collects relevant curricular materials mapped to each of
the Virginia Standards of Learning at every grade level.
Essential Understandings
The core pages also embrace the major Essential Understandings—the
conceptual organizers championed by Erickson, Wiggins & McTighe—
that were previously compiled in the state’s Curriculum Framework.
Assessment Samples
Vertical Team members have written differentiated assessment
samples—included either as a single question or a worksheet added as
an Appendix—that help teachers develop thought-provoking
assessments to establish the extent of student understanding.
Concept Header
Any terms that are integral to the understanding of this particular state
standard will be included on this page, whether the vocabulary is new
(bold text) or a review (plain text).
Each core page has been mapped to a corresponding interdisciplinary
(macro) conceptual strand within the science curriculum, allowing for
horizontal collaboration across disciplines. We have also established a
way to link science-specific (micro) concepts to the division’s
overarching conceptual framework.
Content Header
Each core page has been sorted according to the topically based
organizational scheme that the state has used at the elementary and
secondary levels. We have established a method of linking the
elementary level’s central organizers with that of the secondary level.
Menu Buttons
The menu buttons on each page facilitate the use of these pages for
teachers, in that they allow users to “backtrack” to the spiraling set of
content that best matches the qualities of this standard.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Assessment in the Science Curriculum Matrix
The assessment section of the Science Curriculum Matrix provides samples within the hierarchy of Bloom’s Taxonomy of
the Cognitive Domain to provide teachers with a better understanding of the different levels of challenge required to
meet the intent of a particular standard. These assessment samples are intended as examples to help a teacher focus
on the level of questioning and performance needed for a student to gain deep understanding of a particular standard.
There is not a specific assessment provided for all six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, but the assessment examples have been
placed in three tiers of the domain to represent low level (Knowledge and Comprehension), middle level (Application
and Analysis), and high level (Synthesis and Evaluation) cognitive demands.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Students recall information; students exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic
concepts, and answers.
Students recognize what they know in context; students identify relationships between pieces of information; students
demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions,
and stating main ideas.
Students use what they know and comprehend in the performance of a skill; students solve problems applied to new
situations by using acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in new ways.
Students draw conclusions from new data, making interpretations based on familiar patterns in what they know and
comprehend; students examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes; students make
inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Students create a new work that demonstrates their ability to apply their knowledge, comprehension, and analysis of
information in a student-generated product; students compile information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions based on the application of knowledge and understanding.
Students develop, argue and defend opinions based on what they know and comprehend after making an analysis;
students present and defend opinions by making judgments about information; students validate ideas or quality of
work based on a set of criteria.
Science for All Americans. (1990). American Association for the Advancement of Science: Project 2061.
Benchmarks for Science Literacy. (1993). American Association for the Advancement of Science: Project 2061.
National Science Education Standards. (1995). National Research Council.
DuFour, Robert; Eaker, R.; & DuFour, Rebecca (Editors). (2005).
On Common Ground: The Power of Professional Learning
Erickson, L. (1998). Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction: Teaching Beyond the Facts.
Erickson, L. (1994). Stirring the Head, Heart, and Soul: Redefining Curriculum and Instruction.
Lappan, G.; Fey, J.; Fitzgerald, W.; Friel, S.; & Phillips, E. D. (Editors). (2004). Connected Mathematics, shapes and
designs, two-dimensional geometry.
Marzano, R. (2004). Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools.
Marzano, R. (2003). What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. (2001). Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing
Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Marzano, R. (2000). Designing a New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
McTighe, J., Seif, E., & Wiggins, G. (2004). You can teach for meaning. Educational Leadership, 62(1), 26-30.
Stiggins, R. J., Arter, J. A., Chappius, J., & Chappius, S.. (2004). Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it right – using
it well.
Tomlinson, Carol Ann (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, 2nd Edition.
Tomlinson, Carol Ann. (1999) The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners.
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (1998).
Science Vertical Team, July, 2007
Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Sample 1
Sample 1 includes examples from second grade science and biology following the interdisciplinary
(macro) concept of systems and the science (micro) concept of relationships within the topic of
Sample 1A: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept - Relationships/Topic – Ecosystems
Life Science: Living Systems: Ecosystems
CONCEPTS: SYSTEMS: Relationships and CHANGE AND CONSTANCY: Cause and Effect
Essential Understandings
• Students understand
that animals interact
with and are dependent
on their surroundings.
• Students understand
that habitats change
over time.
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
• Have student describe the fox’s surroundings in terms of water, space,
Application/Analysis Level
and shelter. See Appendix A for sheet titled “The Fox’s Forest Home”.
• Have student draw and explain how the forest changes over the four
seasons. See Appendix B for sheet titled “The Forest Changes”.
Have student compare a forest in the winter with the same forest in the
spring using the sheet titled “Winter Forest, Spring Forest”. See
Appendix C for the sheet.
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
Students will determine the damage to animals when a habitat gets
destroyed. They will then compare this kind of change to the seasonal
changes that a forest goes through. See Appendix D for the sheet titled
SOL: Science Standard 2.5
The student will investigate and understand that living things are part of a system.
a) living organisms are interdependent with their living and nonliving surroundings; and
b) habitats change over time due to many influences.
SOL 2.5 – Appendix A
The Fox’s Forest Home
What is in a
fox’s space?
Where does a
fox get
Where is a
fox’s shelter?
Where does a
fox get food?
Why does a fox need the forest?
SOL 2.5 – Appendix B
The Forest Changes
SOL 2.5 – Appendix C
Winter Forest, Spring Forest
Why do animals have a
harder time surviving in the
winter than in the spring?
SOL 2.5 – Appendix D
What would happen to this fox if the
forest was cut down?
Why does the fox need the forest?
In the winter, the forest changes too.
Why doesn’t this hurt the fox like if the forest was cut down?
Sample 1B: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Ecosystems
Life Science: Living Systems: Ecosystems
CONCEPTS: SYSTEMS: Relationships
High School Biology
Essential Understandings
• As the human population
increases, so does human
impact on the
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
• Investigations of local
ecosystems provide
opportunities for students
to enhance their
understanding and
stimulate their interest in
local environmental
issues by applying
ecological principles in
the field.
Describe the environment in Virginia where you live and list the flora
and fauna.
Create a food web of a familiar ecosystem and describe the abiotic and
biotic components.
Label the steps of the water, CO2/O2, N2 and NO4 cycles.
Application/Analysis Level
• Explain how the drainage basin affects the health of the Bay.
Identify ways the increase in the human populations has affected the
environment of Virginia.
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
abiotic factors
biotic factors
human impact
Hypothesize what would happen if nitrates and phosphates spilling into
the Chesapeake Bay continue to increase unchecked.
• Defend why wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park.
• Compare and contrast the environmental issues of the Ridge and Valley
region, the Piedmont region, and the Tidewater region.
SOL: Science Standard BIO.9
The student will investigate and understand dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, and ecosystems.
Key concepts include:
d) the effects of natural events and human activities on ecosystems; and
e) analysis of the flora, fauna, and microorganisms of Virginia ecosystems including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Supporting Skills and Processes:
• Human activities, such as reducing the amount of forest cover, increasing the amount and variety of chemicals released into the
atmosphere, and intensive farming, have changed the Earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere.
• Some of these changes have decreased the capacity of the environment to support some life forms.
Sample 1B: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Ecosystems
Observe and identify flora and fauna in a local community, using field guides and dichotomous keys for identifying and
describing organisms that characterize the local ecosystem.
• Identify and describe an ecosystem in terms of the following:
- effects of biotic and abiotic components
- examples of interdependence
- evidence of human influences
- energy flow and nutrient cycling
- diversity analysis
- ecological succession.
Sample 2
Sample 2 again focuses on the interdisciplinary (macro) concept of systems and the science (micro)
concept of relationships, but this time with examples from fourth grade science, sixth grade
science, and Earth science within the topic of astronomy.
Sample 2A: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
Earth Science: Interrelationships in Earth/ Space Systems: Astronomy
CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Relationships and COMMUNICATION: Models, Theories
Our understanding of the
solar system has changed
from an Earth-centered
model of Aristotle and
Ptolemy to the suncentered model of
Copernicus and Galileo.
The NASA Apollo
missions added greatly to
our understanding of the
• Our understanding of the
sun, moon, and the solar
system continues to
change with new
scientific discoveries.
The Earth completes one
revolution around the sun
every 365 days. The
moon revolves around
the Earth about once
every month.
Due to its axial tilt, the
Earth experiences
seasons during its
revolution around the
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
Describe the major characteristics of the sun, including approximate
size, color, age, and overall composition.
Describe a contribution of the NASA Apollo missions to our
understanding of the moon.
Application/Analysis Level
Model the formation of the eight moon phases, sequence the phases
in order, and describe how the phases occur.
Analyze the differences in what Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, and
Galileo observed and what influenced their conclusions.
Compare and contrast the surface conditions of the Earth, moon, and
Apollo missions
axial tilt
moon phase
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
Write a persuasive essay arguing in favor of one of the
misconceptions about the causes for the Earth’s seasons. Then, with
a partner, write a paragraph and draw a diagram explaining why the
partner’s misconception is not scientifically accurate. Examples to
- the earth has seasons because the orbital path is an ellipse, not a
- we have summer when we are closer to the sun
- when we are facing the sun it is summer and when we are not it is
• The phases of the moon
Sample 2A: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
are caused by its position
relative to the Earth and
the sun. The phases of
the moon include the
new, waxing crescent,
first quarter, waxing
gibbous, full, waning
gibbous, last quarter, and
waning crescent.
Students will understand
the motions of the Earth,
moon, and sun.
Students will explain the
causes for the Earth’s
seasons and the phases of
the moon.
Students will understand
the relative size, position,
age, and makeup of the
Earth, sun and moon.
• Students will explain the
historical contributions in
understanding the Earthmoon-sun system.
SOL: Science Standard 4.7
The student will investigate and understand the relationships among the Earth, moon, and sun.
a) the motions of the Earth, moon, and sun (revolution and rotation);
b) the causes for the Earth’s seasons and phases of the moon;
c) the relative size, position, age, and makeup of the Earth, moon, and sun; and
d) historical contributions in understanding the Earth-moon-sun system.
Sample 2B: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
Earth Science: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems: Astronomy
CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Relationships and CHANGE & CONSTANCY: Cause and Effect
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
• Our Solar System consists
of planets, moons, asteroids,
comets, and meteors, all in
orbit about the Sun.
• We characterize the planets
based on their distance from
the sun, their size, and their
• Moons revolve around
planets; planets revolve
around the sun.
• Planets rotate on an axis.
• Tilted axes result in
• Gravity holds the solar
system together and the
moon’s gravity causes tides
on the Earth.
• Lunar phases appear
because of the moon’s
position relative to the Sun
and the Earth.
• Earth is unique because of
its liquid waters and
protective atmosphere and
magnetic field.
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
Label a diagram with parts of the solar system.
Label the phases of the moon.
Application/Analysis Level
Compare the seasons on Venus with those on Earth. Explain how
and why they are different.
Given part of a lunar phase chart, estimate the time of month for the
next night in the sequence.
axial tilt
lunar phase
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
Predict what would happen if the Earth stopped rotating.
You are establishing a resort on a new planet rotating about a
horizontal axis, “Resortosphere”. The hotels are located at the
equator and at the poles. Write a description of the likely activities
vacationers might enjoy at each position.
What would happen to the seasons if the Earth stopped revolving
around the sun and simply rotated in one position?
Do you agree with NASA’s position in changing the status of Pluto?
Use your knowledge of what a planet is to support your opinion.
Sample 2B: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
SOL: Science Standard 6.8
The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system and the relationships among the various bodies that
comprise it. Key concepts include
a) the, sun, moon, Earth, other planets and their moons, meteors, asteroids, and comets;
b) relative size of and distance between planets;
c) the role of gravity;
d) revolution and rotation;
e) the mechanics of day and night and phases of the moon;
f) the unique properties of Earth as a planet;
g) the relationship of the Earth’s tilt and seasons;
h) the cause of tides
Sample 2C: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
Earth Science: Astronomy
CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Relationships
Essential Understandings
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
• Earth is one of nine
planets in the solar
Locate and label the members of the solar system in accurate
position from the Sun
asteroid belt
Application/Analysis Level
Sketch the positions of Sun, Earth, and Moon required for a solar
and a lunar eclipse to occur. Compare the moon phases for each
moon phases
Solar eclipses
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
Construct diagrams to support the relative influence of solar and
lunar gravitational pull on Earth’s oceans (tides). Consider
seasonal variations in your explanation.
lunar eclipses
SOL: Science Standard ES4
The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of the Earth and the solar system. Key concepts include:
a) position of the earth in the solar system; and
b) sun-Earth-moon relationships (seasons, tides, and eclipses).
Sample 2C: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Relationships/Topic – Astronomy
Essential Knowledge and Skills:
• Earth is the third planet from the sun and is located between the sun and the asteroid belt. It has one natural satellite, the moon.
• Earth revolves around the sun, tilted on its axis, causing seasons (equinoxes and solstices).
• The moon revolves around Earth creating the moon phases and eclipses.
• Solar eclipses occur when the moon blocks sunlight from Earth’s surface, while lunar eclipses occur when Earth blocks sunlight
from reaching the moon’s surface.
• The tides are the daily, periodic rise and fall of water level caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon.
• Water occurs on Earth as a solid (ice), a liquid, or a gas (water vapor) due to Earth’s position in the solar system.
Sample 3
Sample 3 includes examples from fifth grade science and life science (seventh grade) within
the topic of organisms and again following the interdisciplinary (macro) concept of systems, but
this time across the different science (micro) concepts of organization (fifth grade science) and
properties (seventh grade life science).
Sample 3A: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Organization/Topic – Organisms
Life Science: Living Systems: Organisms
Essential Understandings
• Organisms that share
similar characteristics can
be organized into groups in
order to help understand
similarities and differences.
• Living things can be
categorized into kingdoms:
monerans protists, fungi,
plants, and animals.
• Plants can be categorized as
vascular (having special
tissues to transport food
and water — for example,
trees and flowering plants)
and nonvascular (not
having tissues to transport
food and water — for
example, moss). Most
plants are vascular
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
Application/Analysis Level
Compare and contrast the distinguishing characteristics of each
Use a dichotomous key to identify an organism.
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
• Animals can be categorized
as vertebrates (having
backbones) or invertebrates
(not having backbones).
Name and describe two examples from each kingdom.
Make a facts chart of the distinguishing characteristics of each
Explain the difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate.
Identify examples of vertebrates and invertebrates.
Distinguish the difference between a vascular and nonvascular plant.
Identify examples of vascular and nonvascular plants.
Create a dichotomous key to classify everyday items.
Research and create a presentation on an organism in the Kingdom
Animalia based on the life processes.
Create new animal species. They should draw a picture of their animal,
describe its physical and behavioral characteristics, describe its habitat,
and make up a name for it that would fit into the system of binomial
Hypothesize what would happen to the world’s variety of life forms if
plants really did disappear off the face of the Earth.
Design an investigation which will demonstrate transportation of water
within a vascular plant.
dictomous key
SOL: Science Standard 5.5
The student will investigate and understand that organisms are made of cells and have distinguishing characteristics.
Key concepts include:
Sample 3A: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Organization/Topic – Organisms
a) basic cell structures and functions;
b) kingdoms of living things;
c) vascular and nonvascular plants; and
d) vertebrates and invertebrates.
For additional resources see The Enhanced Scope and Sequence from the school division’s science website.
Sample 3B: Interdisciplinary Concept – Systems/Science Concept – Processes/Topic – Organisms
Life Science: Life Processes: Organisms
CONCEPT: SYSTEMS: Processes and CHANGE and CONSTANCY: Cause and Effect
Grade 7
Essential Understandings
• Identify the basic needs
of all living things.
• Distinguish between the
needs of plants and
Assessment Samples – SOL/Blooms
Knowledge/Comprehension Level
List the basic needs of all living things.
Describe the niche of a bird in our community.
Application/Analysis Level
• Understand that there is a
specific range or
continuum of conditions
that will meet the needs
of organisms.
• Explain how organisms
obtain the materials that
they need.
Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the needs of plants and
Research and write about a local animal species, and describe its
limiting factors in our ecosystem.
Synthesis/Evaluation Level
• Create an organism that can live in a given environment with specific
conditions. Describe its adaptations to that environment.
Create plausible hypotheses about the effects that change in available
materials might have on particular life processes in plants and in
Design an investigation from a testable question related to animal and
plant life needs. The investigation may be a complete experimental
design or may focus on systematic observation, description,
measurement, and/or data collection and analysis.
carrying capacity
learned behavior
limiting factors
SOL: Science Standard LS.4
The student will investigate and understand that the basic needs of organisms must be met in order to carry out life processes.
Key concepts include:
a) plant needs (light, water, gases, nutrients);
b) animal needs (food, water, gases, shelter, space); and
c) factors that influence life processes.
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
The following is a working document that the Science Vertical team created to help organize each
standard/substandard into a conceptual framework consistent with the Framework for Quality
Learning. This document was actually used in the creation of each of the core matrix documents
and it will continue to evolve as we refine the Science Curriculum Matrix.
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
Cause & Effect
Interdisciplinary Concept of Change and Constancy
K.3 magnet affects other materials
K.9 Change occurs over time, rates may be fast or slow
a.- natural and human-made things change
b.- changes can be noted and measured
2.7 Weather and seasonal changes affect plants, animals, and their
b.- weathering and erosion of the land surface
3.8a, 6.8 day/night, seasons, …
3.10 Natural events and human influences can affect the survival of the
a.- interdependency of plants and animals
b.- human effects on the quality of air, water and habitat
c.- the effects of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms
d.- conservation and resource renewal
4.2b,c force causes change in motion, friction stops motion
4.7b causes for seasons, moon phases
5.4c effect of heat on states of matter
5.7 How the Earth’s surface is constantly changing
a. rock cycle and identification
c. structure of Earth’s interior
d. plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes)
e. weathering and erosion
f. human impact
6.2b-d role of sun in forming energy sources on Earth, renewable and non
renewable energy
6.3a,b,e energy budget, storms, (electrostatics borrow from Tony B and 8 )
6.5f importance of water for agriculture, power generation, and public health
6.6c, d change in atmosphere with altitude, natural and human-caused
changes to atmosphere
6.7a health of ecosystems, abiotic factors of a watershed
LS.4c factors influencing life processes
LS.8b influence of behavior on a population
LS.10c adaptations of organisms within an ecosystem
LS.11 ecosystems & organisms change over time
PS.5.a, c, b Law of Conservation of Mass/Energy
PS.8.b technological applications of sound
PS.10.a motion
ES5b uses of minerals
ES7b-e renewable and non-renewable energy—advantages and
disadvantages, resources in VA, resource use, environmental costs and
ES9e dependence on freshwater resources, effects of human usage on water
ES10a, d traces of ancient/extinct life are preserved by various means in
sedimentary rocks; rocks and fossils of different geologic periods, epochs
found in Virginia
ES11a, b, e physical and chemical changes in oceans; environmental and
geologic implications of oceans; economic and public policy issues re oceans
and coastal zone;
ES12e atmospheric compositional changes: human, biologic, geologic activity
ES13c energy transfer and severe weather occurrences BIO.2 develoment of
organisms through time
BIO.3a water chemistry impact on life
BIO.6d-f inheritance, variation, DNA/RNA effects
BIO.8 a-d population change through time
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
K.10 Materials can be reused, recycled,
and conserved
a.materials and objects can be used over and over
b.everyday materials can be recycled
1.8 Natural resources are limited
a.- identification of natural resources
b.- factors that affect air and water quality
3.9d H2O supply/conservation
4.3d changing sun’s energy into heat and light, …
4.8 Important Virginia natural resources
a. watershed and water resources
b. animals and plants
6.2a,e energy transformations
6.2c,d energy sources (renewable/nonrenewable)
6.3a Earth’s energy budget
6.4c,c radiation, convection, motion of atmosphere & oceans
6.4f chemical equations
6.4g limited number of elements on Earth
6.5e origin and occurrence of water on Earth
6.5g importance of protecting and maintaining water resources
6.6g importance of protecting, maintaining air quality
6.7f conservation, health and safety issues with watersheds
6.9a-d public policy decisions relating to environment
ES13d weather phenomena and factors affecting climate
PS.6.b energy transformations
PS.7.a & b heat transfer and applications
BIO.3d energy and photosynthesis and respiration
BIO.9b nutrient cycling
BIO.9c succession patterns
BIO.9d effects of natural and human activies
CH.3b balancing chemical equations
PH.6a mass, energy conservation: potential and kinetic
PH.6b mass, momentum, energy conservation: elastic & inelastic collisions
PH.6c mass, charge conservation: electric power
PH.8a,b transformation of energy among forms
K.5b H2O flows downhill
2.6Basic types, changes, and patterns of weather
a. temperature, wind, precipitation, drought, flood, and storms
4.8 Important Virginia natural resources
a. watershed and water resources
b. animals and plants
6.4b,c radiation/convection, motion of atmosphere/oceans
6.5d ability of large water bodies to store hear and moderate climate
ES11 ocean system interactions: energy transfer, density differences, weather
, climate
ES12d atmospheric regulation mechanisms: density differences, energy
BIO.4d diffusion, osmosis, active transport through cell membrane
BIO.5c,d response to environment; maintenance of homeostasis
BIO.9 dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, ecosystems
CH.4f chemical equilibrium
CH.5b vapor pressure
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
Interdisciplinary Concept of Communication
5.2 model a compression wave
6.4c,e,f chemical symbols; chemical formula and equations
6.6f information from weather maps: fronts systems, measurements
ES4a position of Earth in solar system
ES13b prediction of weather patterns
PS.3 atomic models
BIO.1 observation/recording
BIO.1 graphing
CH.1e accurate reading, organization, analysis of data through trials
CH.1g graphing
CH.1h using technology to communicate results
CH.2i historical and quantum models
CH.3a chemical nomenclature
CH.3c writing chemical formulas (molecular, structural, empirical, and
PH.11b optics: construction of ray diagrams
PH.11c optics: mirror and lens equations
PH.11d optics: prediction of image type
PH.12 fields & field forces
4.3f history and contribution: electricity
4.7d history and contribution: sun, earth, moon
5.3c history and contribution: visible light
6.5f,g water uses and resource protection
6.5e,f,g water origin, occurrence, uses and resource protection
6.6d,f,g changes to atmosphere, weather maps, air quality
6.9 public policy (renewable/nonrenewable resources)
LS14b organisms change over time; fossil record as evidence
LS.2d cell theory
ES12b current theories related to effects of early life on chemical make-up of
ES14a-e origin and evolution of universe
PS.2a particle theory of matter
PS.9.a particle/wave theory of light
BIO.2 history of biological concepts
BIO.8 scientific explanations for biological evolution
CH1.i construction and defense of a scientific viewpoint (the nature of science)
CH4.g acid-base theory
Interdisciplinary Concept of Scale
2.6Basic types, changes, and patterns of weather
c.-uses and importance of measuring and recording weather data
4.6a weather, meteorology, measurement tools
4.7 Relationships among the Earth, moon, and sun
d. relative size, position, age, and makeup of Earth, moon, and sun
6.1c precise/estimated metric measurement, scale models
6.7g water-monitoring and analysis using field equipment
6.8b relative size and distance between planets
ES4b relative size and distance between planets
ES10c absolute and relative dating have different applications but can be used
together to determine age of rocks and structures
ES13a energy transfer: observation and collection of weather data
CH.1d manipulation of multiple variables with repeated tials
CH1.f mathematical/procedural error analysis
CH1.g mathematical manipulations (SI units, scientific notation, linear
equations, graphing, significant figures, dimensional analysis)
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
CH1.h using technology to gather data
K.5a, c H2O phases, density
K.7 Shadows occur when light is blocked by an object
a.shadows from blocked sunlight,
b.shadows from blocked artificial light
1.3 interactivities of matter with H2O
2.2 properties of magnets
2.3a properties of solids, liquids, gases
3.2a,b types of simple machines, functions
3.3a,c physical properties of materials
3.7 Major components of soil, its origin, and importance
a.- soil provides support and nutrients needed for plants
b. - topsoil is a natural product of subsoil and bedrock
c.- rock, clay, silt, sand and humus are components of soils
3.11 energy sources (sun, wind, water, fossil fuels)
4.2d kinetic energy
4.3a,c conductors, insulators, circuits
4.6 Weather conditions and phenomena occur and can be predicted phenomena
5.2a,b,c sound (waves), travel in different media
5.3a,d light spectrum, waves; opaque, transparent, translucent
5.6 Ocean environment
a. geological characteristics (continental shelf, slope, rise)
b.physical characteristics (depth, salinity, major currents)
c.biological characteristics
5.7 How the Earth’s surface is constantly changing
a. rock cycle and identification
6.2a potential/kinetic energy
6.4a,b atomic parts, atoms of same elements are the same…
6.5 properties of water
6.6 properties of air
LS.5c characteristics of species
PS.2b,d,e,f elements, etc., characteristics and properties of matter
PS.6.a forms of energy (PE, KE)
PS.7 a properties of heat and temp scales
PS.8 a characteristics of waves
PS.9.a properties of light
PS.10.a force basics
PS.11.a electricity basics
ES5a physical and chemical properties of rock forming and ore minerals:
hardness, color and streak, cleavage, fracture, unique properties
BIO3.b structure and function of macromolecules
BIO3.c nature of enzymes
CH.1a-c lab techniques, lab safety
CH.2 placement of elements on periodic table is a function of their atomic
CH.2a average atomic mass, mass number, atomic number
CH.2b isotopes, half-lives, radioactive decay
CH.2h chemical and physical properties
CH.4e solution concentrations
CH.5a pressure, volume, temperature
CH.5c-f phase changes, molar heats of fusion/vaporization, and specific heat
capacity, colligative properties
PH.7a-d properties of fluids (density, pressure, buoyancy)
PH.9a wave characteristics
PH.9c light and sound as waves
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
PH.10a,b frequency and wavelengths (properties) of electromagnetic spectrum
PH.14 Non-Newtonian physics
Interdisciplinary Concept of Systems
K.10 Materials can be reused, recycled,
and conserved
c. - water and energy conservation helps preserve resources
1.8 Natural resources are limited
c.- recycling, reusing, and reducing consumption
2.3b change from solid to liquid to gas
2.6Basic types, changes, and patterns of weather
a. temperature, wind, precipitation, drought, flood, and storms
3.8 Basic patterns and cycles in nature
a.-patterns of natural events (day/night, seasons, moon phases, tides)
3.9a,b water cycle
5.7 How the Earth’s surface is constantly changing
- rock cycle and identification
6.3d,e cloud formation, storms
6.5b properties of water in all three states
6.6b air pressure, temperature, humidity
LS.2d cell division
LS.3b life functions
LS.4a,b plant and animal needs
LS.6 photosynthesis processes
LS14c conduction, convection, radiation
PS2.c solids, liquids, gases
ES7a fossil fuels, minerals, rocks, water, vegetation
ES8 a,b,c geologic processes; physiographic provinces, tectonic processes,
ES9a,b soil development, karst topography
BIO.6a-b cell growth, division, gamete formation
CH.3f reaction rates and kinetics (activation energy, catalysis, degree of
3.3b matter has parts too small to see
4.8 Important Virginia natural resources
c.minerals, rocks, ores, and energy sources
d. forests, soil, and land
5.4a,b atom, elements, mixtures, compounds, solutions
6.4a,d electrons, protons, neutrons in atoms; 2+ elements make compounds
6.4c,e elements have chemical symbols, compounds have formulas
6.7b, d, e location and structure of VA’s watersheds, wetlands and estuaries
6.8a Sun, Earth, Moon, other planets, moons, comets, meteors, asteroids
LS.2a cell structure
LS.3a cell, tissues, organs, systems
LS.5a,b classificatio of organisms
LS.10a,b ecosystems/biomes, land/marine/freshwater ecosystems
PS.4.a Periodic Table of the Elements
PS.9.a EM Spectrum
PS.11.b electromagnets and magnetic fields
ES4c characteristics of Sun, planets, their moons, comets, meteors, asteroids
ES6 a,b,c rock cycle- origin and transformation of rock types, identify based on
composition and texture
ES9f major watershed systems in VA, Chesapeake Bay, tribs
BIO.7 basis for modern classification systems
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
CH.2c mass and charge characteristics of subatomic particles
CH.2d,e families/groups and periods on the periodic table
CH.2f periodic table trends, including atomic radii, electronegativity, ionization
CH,2g electron configurations, valence electrons, and oxidation numbers
CH,3d bonding types (ionic and covalent)
CH.3e reaction types (synthesis, decomposition, single & double replacement,
neutralization, exothermic, endothermic)
K.4e position (relative), speed
K.8 Simple patterns in daily life
a. weather observations
b. shapes and forms of natural objects
c. home and school routines
1.2a-d motion
1.6 Basic relationships between the sun and the Earth
a.-sun is source of heat and light, warms the land, air and water
b.- night and day are caused by Earth’s rotation
3.2c,d compound machines, applications
3.10 Natural events and human influences can affect the survival of the
a.- interdependency of plants and animals
b.- human effects on the quality of air, water and habitat
c.- the effects of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms
d.- conservation and resource renewal
4.2a motion= direction and speed
4.3b,e basic circuits, electromagnets
4.7 Relationships among the Earth, moon, and sun
a. rotation and revolution
b. causes for seasons
c. phases of the moon
d. relative size, position, age, and makeup of Earth, moon, and sun
5.3b,c refraction, reflection of light
5.6 Ocean environment
a. geological characteristics (continental shelf, slope, rise)
b. physical characteristics (depth, salinity, major currents)
c. biological characteristics
6.3e role of heat energy in weather-related phenomena
6.4f chemical equations model chemical changes
6.5b, c water in three states; action of water in physical and chemical
6.7 weather – relates energy and matter
6.8 earth – moon – sun relationships
LS.2b plant vs animal cells
LS.7 relationships between organisms and their environment
LS.8a interactions among members of a population
LS.9 interactions among populations within a community
PS7b phase change, freezing point, melting point, boiling point, vaporization,
PS.9.a reflection and refraction of light
PS.10.a, b Newton’s Laws of motion and machines
ES4b Sun-Earth-Moon: tides, seasons, eclipses
ES4d revolution and rotation
ES9c,d groundwater zones, hydrologic cycle
ES10b studying rocks and fossils, superposition, cross-cutting relationships,
fossils, radioactive decay
ES11c ocean systems interactions: energy transfer, density differences,
A Conceptual Framework for the Science Standards of Learning
weather, climate
ES11d features of the sea floor
ES12c, e comparison of Earth’s atmosphere to that of other planets; potential
atmospheric compositional changes due to human, biologic, and geologic
BIO.4a-c relationships between cell structure and function
BIO.5 life functions
BIO.6c, g cell specialization, protein construction
BIO.6h,I misuse of genetic information, impact of DNA technologies
CH.1g dimensional analysis
CH.4a Avogadro’s principle and molar volume (relationship between volume
and number of particles)
CH.4b stoichiometric relationships
CH.4c,d partial pressure of gases and gas laws
PH.5 a-g mass, distance, force, and time are interrelated in specific ways
PH.7 e, f fluid dynamics & Bernoulli’s principle
PH.9 b reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, polarization, Doppler
effect as related to all waves
PH.11a optics: refraction and reflection
PH.13a,b electrical circuits using basic circuit components
PH.13c electrical circuits using resistors, batteries, generators, fuses, switches
and transformers