Tourism 4 Schools programme Course Information Subject Breakdown National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills)(Level 2) Version 3 A full breakdown of the National Certificate can be found in Appendix A Compulsory Subjects Unit No. 24728 24729 24730 24731 24732 Unit Standard Title Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourist Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics & needs Level 2 2 2 2 2 Credit 3 4 4 4 3 Elective 1 Set A – 6 credits at Level 2 (refer to English department at your school) Elective 1 Set B – 8 credits at Level 1 (refer to Maths department at your school) Elective 2 - a minimum of 22 credits which can be from various domains. We offer the following: Unit No. 18237 23761 23767 24724 24725 24726 24727 24733 3727 18211 23766 Unit Standard Title Perform calculations for a tourism workplace Read & comprehend work-related documents in English for a tourism workplace Demonstrate knowledge of and use the Internet for a tourism workplace Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tourism Describe & analyse the economic significance of tourism Describe & compare social & cultural impacts of tourism Describe & compare impacts of tourism on the physical environment Describe & promote a New Zealand tourist destination Demonstrate knowledge of Pacific Island countries as tourist destinations Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination Demonstrate knowledge of the tourism industry Level 2 2 Credit 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 8 3 8 3 5 Outline of Unit standards National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory skills) Level 2 Version 3 24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism Level 2 Credits 3 Students will have a great understanding of the different work roles involved in the airline, travel and tourism industry across the five main sectors – Transportation, Accommodation, Sales, Attractions/Activities and Visitor Services. Students will understand the skills, knowledge, attributes and personal presentation required for various different roles. This subject gives the students the chance to reflect on what type of role they see themselves going into, what skills/knowledge etc they will need to do this role and what other roles there are in the industry that they may not have heard of, that perhaps they are suited to. 24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations Level 2 Credits 4 Students will have a greater understanding of different tourist destinations around the world as well as being able to locate the major regions of the world/different countries on a map. Various attractions/activities and events in each major region of the world will be researched and students should understand the major host countries/generating tourist markets in the world. 24730 Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism Level 2 Credits 4 Students should have a great understanding of the worldwide business of tourism, how it works and why it is such a successful global industry. Students will gain understanding of the three main components of tourism, the origindestination model of tourism and the nature of a New Zealand tourism business. 24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand Level 2 Credits 4 Students will have learnt how to analyse statistical data related to tourism in New Zealand and also learnt about the various different types of tourism/tourists. The unit also goes through a range of popular New Zealand attractions/activities and events, giving the students a great overview of tourism in this country and why it is so important. 24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs Level 2 Credits 3 Students will have an understanding of the characteristics and needs of tourists. The subject explores what is a tourist, reasons for travel; what motivates people to travel, what the needs of different tourist types may be and the different types of international tourists. Students will learn how to determine the needs of a tourist and analyse what they want. They will be asked to do tasks which teach them how to ‘read’ customers – this is an important skill to have in the tourism industry. 18237 Perform calculations for a tourism workplace Level 2 Credits 3 Students will be reminded how to do basic calculations such as addition/subtraction and time calculations, they will also be introduced to those calculations important in the travel and tourism industry – commission, GST, foreign Exchange and time differences. 23761 Read and comprehend work-related documents in English for a tourism workplace Level 2 Credits 3 Students will have a great understanding of how to read and interpret the various work related documents necessary for a tourism workplace. The students will also learn about how to write a business letter, fax and email correctly and to a tourism workplace’s expectations. 23767 Demonstrate knowledge of and use the Internet in a tourism workplace Level 2 Credits 2 Students will have a good understanding of how the internet is used in a specific tourism workplace as well as be able to access tourism related information. The students will gain knowledge in regards to methods of access certain information and will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages as well as the security issues surrounding the internet. 24724 Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tourism Level 2 Credits 4 Students will have a greater understanding of the history of tourism. The subject looks at what methods of transportation and types of accommodation were used through the centuries together with reasons why peopled travelled. This unit shows how tourism is an ever-changing industry and will give students an understanding of how dramatically tourism has changed through the ages and therefore how much tourism may change in the future. 24725 Describe and analyse the economic significance of tourism Level 3 Credits 4 Students will gain a good understanding of the economic significance of tourism to the world economy and our local (New Zealand) economy. This subject looks at the importance of tourism to the economy by describing and analysing the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) of the world and New Zealand. 24726 Describe and compare social and cultural impacts of tourism Level 2 Credits 3 This unit explores what impacts tourism has had on people (society), both socially and culturally. By the end of this unit, the students will be able to compare and describe these impacts in terms of tourism within New Zealand and also international tourism. 24727 Describe and compare impacts of tourism on the physical environment Level 2 Credits 3 In this unit students will learn all about the effects of tourism on the environment, they will gain an insight into the damage that has been in the past and through what they have learnt they will become more environmentally aware. 24733 Describe and promote a New Zealand tourist destination Level 3 Credits 4 This unit will enable students to have an in depth knowledge of Queenstown and Wanaka as tourist destinations. They will be aware of the statistical data for the region, which will help them understand about the Domestic and International visitor numbers to the area. They will know all about the many attractions, activities, events and festivals that bring tourists from all over the country and even the world to Queenstown/Wanaka every year. This is vitally important as students may be in a position in employment where they will need to sell Queenstown/Wanaka as a destination and so it is important they are familiar with the product so the client feels confident with their service. It is also very important that students know New Zealand well, when students are being interviewed for employment within Travel agents, for example, it is not uncommon now for them to be quizzed on their New Zealand knowledge. 3727 Demonstrate knowledge of Pacific Island countries as tourist destinations Level 3 Credits 8 The Pacific Islands are a major tourist destination and knowledge of these islands is vital for anyone wishing to sell these destinations. The workbook is very extensive and includes quizzes, Wordfinds, crossword puzzles and numerous research exercises to get students finding out information about the tourism industry in these locations. The assessments are varied and challenging and include making up an itinerary, producing an educational report, carrying out a role play or simulated role play, making up a newspaper, presentations and written assessments. This subject may form part of the National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) Level 2 Version 3 or can stand alone and give your student credits towards their NCEA Level 2 or 3 or both. 18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination Level 3 Credits 8 Knowledge of our nearest neighbouring country is very important and this subject provides information about the following: Facts for the visitor including customs and duty free allowances, health and safety, currency, travel times, climate and so on Location of tourist destinations and geographical features Information about transportation and accommodation options Attractions and activities available throughout the country Travel products available in Australia All of these are covered through a variety of assessments throughout the course including case studies, open book written assessments and educational reports. This subject may form part of the National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) Level 2 Version 3 or can stand alone and give your student credits towards their NCEA Level 2 or 3 or both. National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) Level 2 Version 3. Level 2 Credits 54 Purpose This qualification has been specifically designed for secondary school students and provides students with an introduction to the tourism industry. It recognises the knowledge and skills required as a base for further training in the tourism industry. The Compulsory section ensures people awarded with this qualification are able to demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs, the business of tourism, destination New Zealand, world tourist destinations, and work roles in tourism. Elective 1 includes basic literacy and numeracy skills. In Elective 2, Set A is intended for use in New Zealand secondary schools and provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of knowledge and skills required in the New Zealand tourism industry. Set B is intended for secondary schools in the Cook Islands and covers knowledge and skills relevant to the Cook Islands tourism industry. This qualification prepares people for entry to the National Certificate in Tourism (Core Skills) (Level 3) [Ref: 0876], which in turn can lead to qualifications and careers in outbound travel such as travel consultancy or wholesale travel, and inbound tourism within the New Zealand tourism industry. Replacement Information This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Tourism (Level 2) [Ref: 0310]. Credit Range Compulsory Level 1 credits Level 2 credits Level 3 or above credits Minimum totals Summary of Requirements Compulsory standards Elective 1 – as specified Elective 2 – as specified 18 18 Elective 1 Set A Set B 8 6 6 8 Elective 2 Set A Set B 0-18 6-22 4-22 0-16 22 Detailed Requirements Compulsory The following standards are required Service Sector > Tourism > Visitor Services ID Title Level Credit 24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism 2 3 24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations 2 4 24730 Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism 2 4 24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand 2 4 24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs 2 3 Level Credit 2 3 Level Credit 2 4 Elective 1 Meet the requirements of all of the following sets Elective 1 Set A Elective 1 Set B Elective 1 Set A A minimum of 6 credits at Level 2 Humanities > Communication Skills > Interpersonal Communications ID Title 1277 Communicate information in a specified workplace Humanities > Communication Skills > Reading ID Title 2989 Read and assess texts to gain knowledge Field Subfield Domain Humanities English English Oral Language English Written Language Field Subfield Domain Sciences Mathematics Statistics and Probability Any Any Elective 1 Set B A minimum of 8 credits at Level 1 Elective 2 Meet the requirements of 1 of the following sets Elective 2 Set A Elective 2 Set B Elective 2 Set A A minimum of 22 credits Service Sector > Tourism > Travel ID Title 3727 18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Pacific Island countries as tourist destinations Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination Service Sector > Tourism > Visitor Services ID Title Level Credit 3 8 3 8 Level Credit 18237 Perform calculations for a tourism workplace 2 3 23761 2 3 2 2 24724 Read and comprehend work-related documents in English for a tourism workplace Demonstrate knowledge of and use the Internet in a tourism workplace Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tourism 2 4 24725 Describe and analyse the economic significance of tourism 3 4 24726 Describe and compare social and cultural impacts of tourism 2 3 24727 Describe and compare impacts of tourism on the physical environment Describe and promote a New Zealand tourist destination 2 3 3 4 23767 24733 Transition Arrangements Version 3 Version 3 was issued following review, to update content and change structure. Changes to structure and content The title of the qualification was changed The credit total was changed from 40-42 credits to 54 credits Unit standard 18236 has been removed from the Compulsory section Expiring standards 18231 and 18234 have been replaced Unit standards 2989 and 1277 have been substituted for compulsory standards 18232 and 18233 respectively and included in Elective 1 along with domains English Oral Language and English Written Language and subfields Mathematics and Statistics and Probability Unit standard 18230 has been replaced by standard 23767, which, along with standard 18237, has been moved from the Compulsory section to Elective 2 Unit standards 24730-24732 have been added to the Compulsory section Elective 1 has two sets, Set A covering literacy skills, and Set B covering numeracy skills standards 9717 and 9719 from Elective 1 have been replaced and the replacement standards 24724-24727 included in Elective 2 Elective 2 has two sets, Set A for New Zealand secondary school students, and Set B for Cook Islands secondary school students Unit standards 18212, 18224, and 18228 and the classifications have been removed from Elective 2 Unit standards 16878, 16880-16884, 23761, and 24733 were added to Elective 2 Purpose statement was updated to provide more information Standard titles, levels, and credits were updated. For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website. Transition People currently working towards version 2 may either complete the requirements for that version or transfer their results to version 3. It is not intended that any person should be disadvantaged by the review of this qualification. Candidates who feel they have been disadvantaged by these transition arrangements should contact ATTTO at the address below. This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below. Credit for Exempt from 9717 24724 9719 24725, 24726, 24727 18231 24728 18234 24729 Frequently asked questions Can the whole Level 2 National Certificate (Version 2 or 3) programme be covered in one year? It is recommended that the programme is run over a two year period. If the programme is run as two subject lines, or you have some very motivated students, then it may be possible to do over one year. We do have some schools that complete the whole National Certificate in one year and this is fantastic, however other schools prefer to have a little more time so they are able to offer industry visits, visits to our Campus, STAR taster days, visits from industry or SGS team to your classroom, games and activities, DVD’s and MORE to their students during their Tourism classes! Can I return books if I order too many? Books cannot be refunded once purchased. It is therefore important that you order only what books you need. In order to avoid the inevitable rush that occurs when schools start back at the end of January/early February, it is recommended that you fax/email/phone your order in as early as possible with the minimum number of students you expect for that year, and then top up the order when you know the final numbers. Do you offer any discounts? Yes! You will note on our extensive order form at the back of this book that we can offer you a 20% discount from the retail price of all Lonely Planets. These Lonely Planets are excellent resources that can be used alongside our courses, helps students with their own research and gives real travellers points of views, recommendations and suggestions. Our new Level 3 package options also allow for savings of $80 to $120 per student! Will the school be moderated by you or ServicesIQ? All of our assessments have been pre-moderated and approved by ServicesIQ so you can be secure in the knowledge that this has already been taken care of. ServicesIQ will moderate the school on the way in which the assessments are marked, and this is no different if you were using ServicesIQ’s own material and Common Assessment Tasks. You need to advise which units you are offering students every year as per the annual Assessment Plan, and then ServicesIQ will advise you how they intend to carry out the moderation and which units are involved.