S. MnAtirn^ *3 i^«r 'Jr» ''•leh>'«Ji{»l c^/I;o/i '« r«f«r to eiar tei«"?feon« '^nv«j'»ail'>a of y^i^tfiygr frrts w lr«..m«4 ihAt tfee for Sh« vlli '-a® %c-c«y tl^ci a number af eA-^ln* v!.Xl &ftnt t« '4t» tofoithtfr vlkh a xt»^rt •« \o Dt#'-** ytiTi ln%9a4 ie In t!b« us /-o^t ia onl^r Ir r«nrt A p^^iefe- «wi f^vefj^bl^ <<»elsi«c« ivAi^nm eo-y ©f ft ifrt»t*f' •''!*« 4?^. '.£';n<5fu»r Av-rll IC, and yi»> t» »drts« I'r# f^^vsArt* he# h}» t*( '«iy to on* aSnioA frva«* AvI?/-,, t© *lv« ds^it «?f Wb aw th«Tiifor*» •-t*:"**#'*! ie w«k* ie -rwllvy« 'bl-»nn4h-jr Ikirl* fcr tH« OJfP :'«H» Offle«| en ih9 cf t.'"* d»rtl«lrn!i ift V th» '''tsumfflAl Oentrel t^« Usti /gtrl© ir4*tfe% te fr« 69O,0CK>. )>* Jm* JOt ^f# •hall jwgr thlr .wjot, i««f frit >*^',250, fjir«Arfy ^ u» to ^r. fjpnf iftice tMouRi whieh -r. Htr'feic^r ho*^ tn h»«d or 1b on J^'inry Ax thlc ftADUsi In np% V-tionn to u» md L-r* Is In laftO'tlflt# a*«4 of !«in®gr, v* '.r* traa*f«rriR|5 t<* hl» ftsr cf >«gr iin<i 'hmn frt ?iO,0'!O, wold a*lf f«n tft Vrtftttljr let u» >i>ww thr ea»p ust ^r. .'<#rRf«16<'y had nt hit on J«a.M»r3r 1, I'/^O, y>«ih«r h« fubnitt*# to r»'j •Rrtthaft n^rt«« 7>»«r* Is ft f'lrth** atacusit of frt 73,C»0. :b.l6 'sy u» to tr. la l'5'O epae»»# Uj* for i!«:w»Rtft«*itl?'R aftttwr* i»<,lll %t* flrsd • ••• « ~ 2 • lU.* t feijis xi(n yea a» \«f tu*« ov#* Ifr. ff-fcysfnW#*W>0,'.>00. fey th# S»d9J- .lfc4#K iB th<» yott md« 0ipy^;^a4p«i"nt^ tn trMiMRit nafte:r to Ur* «• «iw-4id 11V« i«3 i«t% y'ft^T •>•. "MlttfT »«« i?i i* eiw^i b# Ic nako >••»•. — <L^vU •hf^'';J.4S «l»o Jtir# te K«T» yniir r«<rMiti <9«Rt lAlac ftWut UT» !K ftnuft»«ljid sitmtiea ar ^^oujrjr 1. l'^*0. liVul J"HT*h<<»r fc« bla im«3 alwat fci» wjntely r#'«rli. far ifarUBi •• i=»»Al«.»«i3r -ii «fc«eif»ti <ttr film Mid rc«7«>t lufom y«?a t'M»% v* SLrr*3f* tft -:^#riln ef *fe« 1^.3,04)0, fer &nS wlthmit -T. Tmu triil p«»wssi;»r ih&t £« raa* ef «. of 2)1.J«,'500, dniy imi •«»«« All f^rlRrr «yr'«Rtt c;»r«£«i.i»* ?5le '«think It 94rl**fei0 thttt >4Mid«a«rr Mi :^T«n%7^rf^r to ARd 9.1^^ tii4i« t^r ^ fviMtrti s.y"'rt:''^'i- f>f ut Vb* yjMi Cffltw» In iita fr#.i» ef »&«• ^«elslo»t sht .*iaiia«lal Contrel Cie«Mltt«» is iHortn^icr 2«et* te«i ftftk th«« for <^tle r*:-!?. «o ^><91 %ii« la* «he>rt &• :«esibi«» U u«'iiC W 9f4ylt«1»l« w* t«« r<o«i»« a oaaie re-iy /rvcs -,t. mAfcr -r, «e Uust V* <sidi*i.#k !^, ?er«aer. W eff«et,tt«V^ '.-eyw^at, litiHar ilttflir* a«<< i i4r« i'«r*Rez isfonc^iS ;£« vT« hg^ it ia urcoat ae^. ef itllarv* .«^rt pr«*-&]«4 t« <!y^ \i-tn ytaut r«a-i*»t •&« dd >m asi » «t«ft«r!>eHV aono*mlB« %hc fiiu^neisi *SstT?s tst Um AltA ia-KAt ^fsaoisrjr X, i'50« IX.. t% vl^ U Itifora tMs.% the £. U.« of &*«t. l.;02.. ^'£«n«p to -it, <sm. Atrril /r.Ffs l.irTO.OOd. Xour« •lAear^Xy* i/r, ¥urt '^'«hlt copiM JEWISH ACENCI FOR PALBSTINB H£&D OFPICB U.S.ZOHK CSRMUH h&mloh) Mar::a TherGsienatrasse 11 18th April 1950. CL/tSa M. Jerome J. Jacobson Aioerloan Joint Distribution Cosaslttee 1191 Rue St* Dosdnique Paris VlXe Dear Mr, Jacobsont I had hoped to have been able to see you in Parijs but this^ appareotly, will be possible only In after hqt return from the oonftareno* which viU take place in Jerusalem next week* There are a mzober of questions i^ch ve should discuss* IT. Relchmana of URO> London, has asked me to confirm to you that the Jewish AgencQr is prepared to repe7 to the Joint an advance of 1 million F^renoh Prancs on account of % 7000«-y the Jevldi Agent's share in thid year*s URO budget* | Althou^ we had not cdntemplatad psyaent in ft^ch Francs, we are prepared to make this exception and the confirmation, asked for liy Mr* Relchaann is, therefore, given herewith to Ajse* with kindest regards. yours sincerely. (s0i) Dr* Qeorg IrfindHiiiff