Selover Research Fund for American and Japanese Studies Application

Selover Research Fund for American and Japanese Studies Application
Requests of up to $1000 will be reviewed throughout the academic year and will be awarded as funding permits.
Please apply at least 4 weeks prior to any travel. Expenses must occur after the application is submitted.
Please email applications to for review.
Name________________________________ Class____________ Date___________
ID________________ Email______________________ Major ______________________
Faculty Advisor _________________________ Dept: __ American Studies __ Japanese Studies
Title of Research or Conference:
Research or Travel Time Period:
Research or Conference Description:
Budget: A complete project budget with line items of each expense in as much detail as you can provide with a
total at the bottom. The line items can be grouped by category as long as there is a detailed description. For
Airfare- airfare to Seattle WA.
Lodging- 1 night in Seattle
Transportation- taxi, subway
Food- 2 days meals
Research Supplies- Archive fee, copies
Budget Total
Statement of Faculty support emailed to
A one paragraph statement of support from your sponsoring faculty member of why and how they will support this proposal must be
received before the application will be reviewed.
Note: The maximum amount of support available from this fund to a single student is $1000 per academic
year. If you have any questions please contact the Undergraduate Research Office at