Analysis of Distributed Peak Power Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems Shahab Poshtkouhi, Jordan Varley, Rahul Popuri, Olivier Trescases University of Toronto, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G4, Canada Abstract— It has been demonstrated that performing localized maximum peak power tracking (MPPT) on each photovoltaic (PV) panel, instead of using a single MPPT controller across the PV string can substantially increase the total harvested power, since each panel experiences unique illumination and temperature conditions. In this work, the effect of the dc-dc converter efficiency on the power savings from distributed MPPT (DMPPT) is analyzed for a wide range of test cases and different PV panel parameters. The benefit of DMPPT for a practical system is shown to be up to 25% for a standard deviation of σ = 0.2. A set of modular hardware-based PV panel emulators (ePVs) is presented. The ePVs can be programmed to match the unique i/v curves of real panels under various conditions and can therefore be used to optimize future DMPPT systems. I. I NTRODUCTION Performing maximum peak power tracking (MPPT) on an array of series-connected photovoltaic panels (PV) as shown in Fig. 1(a) has been extensively used to continuously optimize the total harvested power under time-varying environmental conditions, such as temperature and lighting fluctuations [1]. It has recently been demonstrated that performing MPPT on a per-panel basis, instead of using a single MPPT controller across the PV string can substantially increase the total harvested power, since each panel typically experiences unique light and temperature conditions [2]–[5]. This is especially true for installations in urban environments, where complex time-varying shading patterns appear on the PV array. The use of dedicated series-connected dc-dc converters for performing localized, or distributed MPPT (DMPPT) is shown in Fig. 1(b). The dc-dc converter on each panel allows the PV voltage Vpv to be individually optimized for peak power harvesting [2]. The dc-dc converters may either operate using a communication link, or as standalone master-less units [2], where a four-switch non-inverting buck-boost topology was demonstrated on a DMPPT system having four panels. Seriesconnected dc-dc converters used for DMPPT are often referred to as micro-converters, as opposed to micro-inverters, which are used in parallel connected DMPPT systems. Micro-inverter systems result in increased the wiring costs, since the lowvoltage AC bus must be wired in parallel to each panel. The wiring must also be thicker to accommodate a higher bus current due low-voltage operation. On the other hand, micro-inverter systems offer more flexibility and scalability compared to series connected micro-converter systems. Microinverter and micro-converter technology is rapidly evolving, as a number of startup and established PV companies has raced to release new products in recent years [6]–[10]. These recent offerings have generated a significant amount of excitement in the solar industry, but remain quite expensive due to packaging and semiconductor costs and have yet to be widely accepted. In addition to the cost considerations, long-term reliability concerns are likely to delay the large scale adoption of such schemes. Manufacturers have responded by eliminating electrolytic capacitors from their designs and increasing the level of integration. In at least one-case, an application IC was (ASIC) was specifically developed for optimizing the DMPPT performance [10]. Existing micro-inverter systems use powerline communication schemes for harvesting data from each panel, which eliminates the need for additional wiring. Today DMPPT is also exclusively intended to be used at the panel level, however one can envision four separate levels of granularity. The fourth possible level extends all the way down to individual PV cell, as shown in Fig. 2. As the granularity increases, the energy harvesting capability of the system improves under partial shading, however at this point in time the total cost of the micro-converters is prohibitive beyond level 2. This is despite the fact that high-density, lowvoltage dc-dc converter technologies could potentially be used at the cell level. PV Module 1 (ePV 1) + vpv1 MPPT + vstring PV Module 2 (ePV 2) + vpvn (ePV n) - PV Module 1 (ePV 1) Inverter (a) + vpv1 - DMPPT dc-dc Converter PV Module 2 dc-dc (ePV 2) Converter (ePV n) + vpvn - istring + vpvm1 + vstring Inverter ~ AC - ipvn PV Module n ~ AC - PV Module n ipv1 istring - dc-dc Converter + vpvmn - (b) Fig. 1. (a) Standard PV system, where MPPT is performed on the seriesconnected string. (b) DMPPT system with one dc-dc converter per panel. While it is clear that DMPPT has a good potential for efficiency improvements, determining the actual power savings of an experimental DMPPT system under realistic conditions IV. 1. Multipanel Communication Bus AC ~ 120V 60 Hz 2. Panel 3. Sub-panel Emulated PV Array DMPPT System LabVIEW GUI Vstring 0-24V, < 5 A 12V Isolated Power Supply 4. Cell BuckBoost Converter ipv1 + vpv1 - dc-dc 1 T1, G1 Opto-isolator SPI Istring Controller Vpv Ipv Emulated PV (ePV) Fig. 2. Four possible levels of DMPPT granularity. is very challenging. A purely software-based approach is a good starting point, however the results are highly sensitive to the accuracy of the dc-dc converter modeling. Low dc-dc converter efficiency can easily overshadow the relatively modest improvement in harvested power resulting from DMPPT. In addition to evaluating the harvested power, the interaction of the multiple micro-converters during transient events, faults and startup must be verified experimentally. A combination of software modeling and hardware-based proof-of-concept is clearly the best approach for demonstrating a complex DMPPT system. A hardware based platform for the DMPPT system is also useful for evaluating the dynamic performance of the downstream inverter. The focus of this paper is two-fold; firstly the impact of converter efficiency on DMPPT is analyzed and secondly a flexible hardware platform is developed to test and optimize future DMPPT architectures. Applying complex time-varying light and temperature patterns to each PV panel in an array is not necessarily practical in a lab environment. The approach proposed in this work is shown in Fig. 3. The real PV panels in the testbed are replaced by programmable hardware-based PV emulators (ePV). Each ePV contains a regulated dc-dc converter that implements the unique I/V characteristic of each PV panel under specific light and temperature conditions. The parameters of the emulated PV panel, as well as the light and temperature conditions can be programmed using a graphical user interface. The resulting modular system is a highly scalable and provides a flexible platform for DMPPT testing. The proposed solution is more flexible then existing solar emulators [11]–[13] since it provides true hardware emulation with flexible software control of temperature and illumination. The approach used in this work does not rely on analog power amplifiers or light sensors as in [12]. This paper is organized as follows. The simulated power savings for a representative six-panel PV system with DMPPT are reported in Section II, both for ideal and non-ideal dc-dc converters. The implementation of the ePV system is described in Section III and experimental results are provided in Section DMPPT ePV 2 dc-dc 2 ePV n dc-dc n Fig. 3. Emulated PV Architecture for modular testing and evaluating of DMPPT systems. II. P OWER SAVINGS USING DMPPT A standard PV system with DMPPT is shown in Fig. 1(a), while a DMPPT system having one dc-dc converter per panel is shown in Fig. 1(b). The net benefit of DMPPT over standard MPPT is calculated by considering the efficiency of the dcdc converters that must be introduced into the PV array. The power ratio kp is defined as the ratio between the power obtained using DMPPT and MPPT n Pdmppt pvi · ipvi ) i=1 max(v (1) = kp = Pmppt max(istring · ni=1 vpvi ) Where Pdmppt is the maximum power obtained when each panel is operated at the peak power point, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b) and Pmppt is the power obtained when the power is optimized at the bus-level as shown in Fig. 1(a). The maximizing function max() is implemented by the PPT algorithm. The following analysis assumes that the peak power tracking algorithm is functioning perfectly in all cases. A. Benefit of DMPPT with Ideal DC-DC Converters The power ratio kp was evaluated for two representative PV arrays having the parameters given in Table I. The simulated PV arrays consists of 6 panels, each having individual illuminations of G1:6 . The ratio kp is calculated for 10k cases having different randomly distributed combinations of G1:6 ranging from G = 1100 W/m2 to 600 W/m2 . The power versus voltage curves for the panel #2 is shown in Fig 4. The resulting power ratio kp versus standard deviation σ in G1:6 is shown in Fig. 5, where each point represents one test case. The simulation data was obtained for the two sets of PV parameters as listed in Table I. In this section, the efficiency of the dc-dc converters is assumed to be 100 %, which results TABLE I PV PANEL S PECIFICATIONS Parameter Short Circuit Current, Isc Open Circuit Voltage, Voc Current at Max. Power, Imp Voltage at Max. Power, Vmp Max. Power, Pmax Temp. Coefficient of Isc , Ki Temp. Coefficient of Voc , Kv Diode Constant, a Number of series cells PV Sys.#1 [14] 3.35 18 3.15 14.6 45.99 3.18 -0.123 1.3 54 PV Sys. #2 [15] 5.99 48.7 5.61 41 230.01 3.5 -0.1235 1.3 72 Units A V A V W mA/K V/K 120 0.5603 kW/m^2 0.534 kW/m^2 100 Power (W) 0.507 kW/m^2 0.479 kW/m^2 80 0.450 kW/m^2 60 0.45 kW/m2 40 20 0 0 5 Fig. 4. 10 15 20 Voltage VPV (V) 25 30 35 P/V characteristics of panel #2. B. Benefit of DMPPT with Non-ideal DC-DC Converters The four-switch non-inverting buck-boost converter shown in Fig. 6 is the most flexible choice of topology for MPPT applications, since it allows both vpvm > vpv and vpvm < vpv 1.35 1.3 PV System # 2 PV System # 1 1.25 1.2 Power Ratio, kp in kp ≥ 1. The kp is unity for all test cases where the 6 panels have identical G, regardless of the value. These test cases correspond to σ = 0, where DMPPT has no benefit over MPPT. Secondly, while kp is correlated to σ as expected, the spread in kp increases with σ. Interestingly, the results show that DMPPT does not necessarily lead to large power benefits even for large σ. For the PV system #1, a maximum kp of 1.31 was obtained, corresponding to a 31 % improvement in harvested power for σ = 0.2. The maximum benefit is 35 % for the second PV system. The maximum value, as well as the spread of kp is clearly dependent on the panel parameters. The maximum kp is generally obtained for cases where the large σ comes from a single panel operating at a large deviation from the others, which forces all panels to operate far from the individual peak power points with the MPPT approach. This analysis is useful for determining an upper bound on the potential benefits of DMPPT, since the efficiency of the dc-dc converters was neglected. Predicting the actual energy benefits of DMPPT requires knowing the time profile of G1:6 and kp , which is highly dependent on the geographic location of the array. 1.15 1.1 DMPPT has a benefit 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Standard deviation in lighting, σ Fig. 5. Power ratio versus standard deviation in G for two PV systems, assuming ideal dc-dc converter. [2]. The topology of Fig. 6 is rarely operated as a true buckboost converter, where all four transistors are switched at the switching frequency fs . This is primarily due to high switching losses and poor efficiency. Instead, the converter is operated in either buck, boost or pass-through mode according to Table II [2]. The dc-dc converter is designed to regulate and maximize the input power coming from the PV panel Ppv = ipv × vpv . As a result, the output voltage of each dc-dc converter vpvm fluctuates according to the local peak-power point, while the output current istring is common to all the series-connected dc-dc converters. As suggested by [2], the string current istring can be regulated by the inverter to maintain a constant bus voltage vbus . The buck-boost converter has higher conduction losses compared to the standard boost and buck topologies due to the additional switch in series with the current path. Using a buck or boost converter reduces the system cost, however it constrains the operating range of the string current istring as shown in Fig. 7. For the buck topology, the string current must be kept above istring,crit , which is determined by the panel operating at the highest illumination and corresponding power P2 . The duty cycle saturates to D = 1 for istring < istring,crit , as shown in Fig. 7(a). Similarly, the duty cycle saturates to D = 0 for istring > istring,crit for the boost converter. In this case, istring,crit is determined by the panel that operates at the lowest illumination and corresponding power P1 , as shown in Fig. 7(b). In this section, the benefit of DMPPT is analyzed for the same range of incident light levels as in previous section, with the exception that the efficiency of the dc-dc converter η is included in the calculation of the power ratio kp n η(ipvi , vpvi ) · max(vpvi · ipvi ) Pdmppt n kp = = i=1 (2) Pmppt max(istring · i=1 vpvi ) The converter efficiency η depends on the mode of operation, which is determined by the relationship between istring and ipv according to Table II. The DMPPT analysis for the 6panel PV system #1 was repeated with the same 10k test cases as Fig. 5, but using (2) for a more accurate evaluation of DMPPT. For each test case, the istring was adjusted to TABLE II O PERATING M ODE OF F OUR -S WITCH B UCK -B OOST C ONVERTER Condition istring > ipv istring > ipv istring ≈ ipv Mode Buck Boost Pass through M1 pwm on on M2 pwm off off M3 on pwm on M4 off pwm off M (D) D 1/D 1 Ipv Ipv1 M1 + vpv Buck DMPPT D=1: PV does not operate at peak power: limitation of buck P1 Istring1 Istring,crit Vpv Vpv1 Vpv2 Vpvm1 Vpvm2 Vpv1 Vpv2 Vpvm (a) Ipv Istring PV Characteristic Ipv2 Ipv1 Boost DMPPT Istring,crit P2 D=0: PV does not operate at peak power: limitation of boost P1 P2 Istring1 P1 Vpv Vpv1 Vpv2 Vpv1 Vpvm Vpvm2 Vpv2 Vpvm1 (b) Fig. 7. Limited operating range for DMPPT when using the (a) buck and (b) boost converter. 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 Buck Mode Boost Mode Passïthrough Mode 0.9 0.88 0.86 G=1000 W/m2, T=50C 2 G=800 W/m , T=25C 0.84 0.8 0 istring P2 P1 P2 0.82 ipv Istring PV Characteristic Ipv2 DCïDC Converter Efficiency (%) achieve a constant bus voltage of vbus = 160 V. The dc-dc converter parameters used in the efficiency calculations are given in Table III. The dc-dc converter efficiency versus istring is shown in Fig. 8 for different G. The calculated efficiency includes the switching losses, gate-drive losses and conduction losses in all components. For each test case, the mode and resulting efficiency η was calculated for each of the 6 panels according to the incident light G1:6 . The kp is plotted in Fig. 9. The result shows that kp < 1 for small deviations in G16 since the benefit of DMPPT is outweighed by the power lost in the dc-dc converter. This clearly shows the need for having an extremely high-quality power-stage in the dc-dc converters, resulting in a significant cost overhead. This cost overhead needs to be carefully considered in the context of potential power savings due to DMPPT and the incremental cost of additional PV panels. The maximum kp is significantly reduced from 1.31 for the system #1 in Fig. 5 to 1.25 in Fig. 9. This is a conservative number since in reality the DMPPT system will avoid the need to have an additional MPPT stage in the central inverter. It is important to state that the actual kWh savings in a DMPPT savings is clearly dependent on the time distribution of the light across the PV array. If only a relatively small amount of time is spent with a large value of σ, then the benefit of DMPPT is expected to be negligible or even negative. Further work is required to determine realistic time distributions of G across PV arrays through experimental measurements. 2 G=600 W/m , T=15C G=400 W/m2,T=15C 1 2 3 4 Istring (A) 5 6 7 8 Fig. 8. Efficiency of the multi-mode dc-dc converter for different levels of incident light G. M3 + L C vpvm - M2 Fig. 6. M4 Four-switch non-inverting buck-boost converter. III. E MULATED PV I MPLEMENTATION The implementation of the hardware PV emulator (ePV) of Fig. 3 is shown in Fig. 10. The system parameters are listed in Table III. For each ePV, an isolated off-the-shelf AC-DC power supply provides a 12 V input voltage to the dc-dc converter, which is implemented using the same noninverting buck-boost topology as Fig. 6. Digital voltage-mode control is implemented in an FPGA using a digital PID (DPID) compensator. The voltage reference Vref is generated by the I/V lookup table (LUT) that is stored in a RAM memory module. The LUT contains the pre-calculated I/V characteristic of the ePV for a particular combination of incident light G and junction temperature T . This configuration operates well beyond the peak power point, for vpv > Vmp , since the PV cell operate more like a constant voltage source in this region. The system can also be re-configured to operate in average current mode, where vpv is sensed to generate a reference current in the lookup table. This provide superior stability in the region vpv < Vmp , where the PV cell operates essentially as a current source. The ePVs are linked together using an opticallyisolated serial communication bus, which is managed by a ipv 1.35 1.3 Power Ratio, kp 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 M1 + 12 V - DMPPT has a benefit M3 + vpv - C L M2 1.05 M4 1 0.95 0.9 0 Hsense 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Vpv 0.2 Standard Deviation in Lighting, σ Fig. 9. Power ratio versus standard deviation for 10k test cases. d[n] Digital Compensator DPWM TABLE III mode vpv[n] e[n] - Ipv ADC + Vref [n] SPI Receiver DC-DC C ONVERTER PARAMETERS FOR EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS Parameter On Resistance of MOSFETs, Ron Switching Frequency, fs Inductance, L Inductor DCR, Rl Capacitance, C Value 15.4 234 22 10 50 Units mΩ kHz µH mΩ µF PC USB interface. The PC acts as the master and uploads the individual I/V characteristics to each ePV, based on interrupts from the user input. The individual I/V characteristics are precalculated in the PC, based on the input from a LabVIEW graphical user interface (GUI). The calculation is based on the modeling approach of [16] using the parameters of the PV system #1 panel [14]. The GUI allows the user to enter the PV parameters listed in Table I, as well as the temperature and illumination conditions for each ePV. The current GUI is configured for a 4 ePV system, as shown in Fig. 11. The ePV operates in one of two possible modes depending on the PV parameters selected by the user in the GUI. If the opencircuit voltage Voc is below the 12 V output of the off-the-shelf AC-DC converter, the ePV operates in buck mode. If Voc > 12 V the ePV is programmed to operate in buck-boost mode to cover the full range of the I/V curve. Efficiency is not a major concern in the epV, therefore it is operated strictly in buck-boost mode to simplify the controller and avoid having to dynamically changing modes during operation. Fig. 10. RAM Architecture of the emulated PV prototype. Fig. 11. LabVIEW GUI for the 4 ePV system. peak power point, where the dv/di in the i/v curve is low. The mismatch in the experimental data is primarily due to accuracy limitations in the current and voltage sensing hardware, as well as the finite precision of the i/v curve stored in the RAM. The platform provides a flexible platform for testing future DMPPT controllers. V. C ONCLUSION IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS One of the fabricated ePVs is shown in Fig. 12. The measured ipv /vpv and ppv /vpv characteristics of the fabricated ePVs are shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b) respectively, for four different combinations of T and G . The solid lines correspond to the ideal values calculated inside the PC. The ePV voltageloop compensation is optimized for high stability near the peak power point, where the DMPPT system is intended to operate. The ePVs are unable to regulate voltages below 300 mV due to duty-cycle saturation. The voltage mode controller used for the experimental work is inherently more stable beyond the It was shown that DMPPT can result in up to 25 % power savings compared to standard MPPT, depending on the standard deviation in incident light. Further work is required to determine the actual time distribution of the illumination. Nonetheless, the efficiency of the local DMPPT block must be carefully considered, since it was shown that the benefits of DMPPT can be outweighed by losses in the dc-dc converter for near-uniform lighting conditions on the array. The PV panel emulator achieves a close matching with programmed i/v characteristics and provides a flexible platform for optimizing future DMPPT systems. Buck-boost power stage [3] [4] RAM (stores dynamic I/V table) [5] [6] CPLD (non volatile) [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Fig. 12. Emulated PV panel prototype. [12] 4 G=1000 W/m2, T=25C G=950 W/m2, T=23C 3.5 [13] 2.5 PV Current, I pv (A) 3 2 [14] G=850 W/m , T=40C 2 2 G=900 W/m , T=50C [15] 1.5 [16] 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 PV Voltage, vv (V) (a) 40 35 G=1000W/m2,T=25C 2 G=950W/m , T=23C PV Power, Ppv, (W) 30 2 G=900W/m ,T=50C G=850W/m2,T=40C 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 PV Voltage, vpv (V) (b) Fig. 13. (a) Measured I/V and (b) P/V characteristics for the ePV under 4 conditions. 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