i V I desire to attest to (be merit ni rihm. berlam's Coogb Remedy as one of the most valuable and efficient preparations on the rrarket. It broke to exceedingly dangerous oongh for me in 24 hours, and "Cure talk "in favor in gratitude I desire to inform of Hood's Sarsaparilla, M fSr yon that I willtherefor, never be without it and 1 Cift medino other u as for you should feel proud of the high esteem cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and in which your remedies are held by peo- women, constitute its most effective adie in general. is the one remedy vertising. Many of these cures are mar- among ten thousand. 8uocess lo it. O. velous. They have won the confidence of R. Downey, editor Demoorat, Albiou, the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- Ind. . For sale bv Co rilla the largest sales In the world, and Jas. Harvey died in Hejpner this have made necessary tor its manufacture morning, at the home of Wm. Lord, of the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's heart disease. Deceased had been ill for Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and some time and his death was not udpx. eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia peoted. He was a member of the Fossil and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver lodge of the Woodmen of the World, end will be buried 8unday under the troubles, catarrh cures which prove aospiot-- of that order. His polioy of $2,000 is payable to bis sister. The old lady was right when she said, tbe child might die if they wailed for the doctor. She saved the little one's life J. sua mods Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. PlIlS IlOOd S A. cure "ver IIls: easy to take, easy to operate. ibe. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. flow that too great political campaign is over and the winter season again with us, all will waDt an hdrquate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of thin the Considerable Activity In Mntton and Stock Sheep Prices Better, Sheepmen Happy-Not- es. Succombs After Under going a Painful Operation. Eastern sbeepbnyers are beginning to oome in and each succeeding day brings news of othere contemplating a visit to Morrow Oregon's greatest sheep-camp- , eonnty. J. M. Yeate, representing LEFT LEG AMPUTATED, lin & Co., of Kansas City, is HIS a baud or two which be will drive East. all he thinks he will pnrohasa 10,000 bead. A. M. Cree, of Nebraska, is here pre paratory for spring operations. Hs will drive to Nebraska. Dr. Wilson and E. Boetoher are ex peered in soon and will take out a lot of sheep this season. Jas. Wright is bujiog mutton tor Sound markets. Frank Laoey is in the field for mutton sbeep for shipment. Poktlasd, March 10. Joseph N. Dolph, ex United States senator from Oregon, died At 11 o'clock in this city this morning. ' His left leg was ampu tated about four itiobes above ,tbe knee Monday afternoon a oourse adopted by bis physician an the only hope of saving bis life from blod poisoning from a gangrene sore on his left foot. .The deceased was born in Heotar, Torakin oonnty, New York. October 19,1835; was admitted to tbe bar in 1861; prac ticed law in Schuyler cuoty, New York. was orderly sergeant in the"Ore gon Esoort," 1862; settled iu Portlai.d in 1865; heoame oity attorney and district attorney in 1864; state senator, 1866 8, 1872 4, uud was chosen Uuited H'att senator in 1883 and re eleoted iu 1881). s with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure, cine had used it for oroup before Ounser & Brock. Hiok Mathews aud V. Gentry, under the arm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the birber business iu the new stand, two doors south of the postt ffioe. They solioit a call. tf. Heppner is having consilerahlo pno aud ould weather at pit sent, n quiring stock to be fed. Hpriuutim., "Gentle Annie," Inter-Ocea- O. A. Rhea, one of Morrow oounty'e largest sbeepowners, says that there is no enow down at bis lower ranch on Willow creek. Lambing will oommence with him about March 23. 01 Justice is reported to have sold wethers at $2.10 per srvmi head. i rices for sbeep are good this year. There is a marked demand for mutton sheep in the Est and the expectation that wool will nhortly be tftkeo tffthe free list is stimulating woelgrowers to A Point to Remember. their bands. Morrow oouoty is eohrge It jou wii'b to purity your bl mil you feeling . better. should take a medioiue wbinh cures blood discHBes. Th reoord of cures 'y Hood's Snrs ipurilU provis that this is the best medioiue for the blood ever produced stale Hood's Sarenpnrilla oures the most stub born oases and it in the medicine for yon is in to take if your btco.l is impure. Tea sold loose gets Schillings Best air tight packages moneyback tea at grocers'. k recover short! v. A. J. Knol- here to bny In Bore np Manfully Under the Trying Ordeal-H- ad Been Confin d to His Bed bat a Few Days. is not hoveriug over this part ot Gazette has made clubbing arrangements Oretjou worth meutuiuiug j ist now. . with a number of periodicals and now At Heppuer's warehouse Phill Oiliu offers the following to nil new aud renew will pa the highest market pnos for full al subscribers;: 'J Phill sells GAZETTK and 50 Club Rate wool pells, ui.ie, fura, eto The Weekly OreRonlan, $1.60...: 13. 50 direct to Euater.i buyers. Sjb him be " 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75 fore you Boll jour pelts tf " N. Y. Tribune, 1.00 8.00 E. L. Matlock got home from Salem " $1.00 8 25 " 8. F. Chronicle, Jl.ftO 8 75 yeHlnidtiy morning liere he had been to N. Y. World, 11.00 8 25 onuvoy li. 11. Bishop to the asylum. It 2 50 Webfoot Planter, 50n is thought (hut the old gtrntlenun will , Leslie's Weekly, 14 00 5.00 Thrtce-a-Wee- N. DOLPH IS Pennoyer Talks. HSRE. SHEEP BUYERS . Hood's Pil's are the best pill ; assist digesti a, cure headache. after-dinn- 25 A Schilling & Company ban Krmcisco cents. A BLACKWELUS From the Oregonlan. Portland, March 6. (To tbe Editor ) Will you permit me to speak bru2y in your paper on a most important matter? A regular session ot tbe Oregon legislature bas been prevented. It this bad been boo implished by an armed force, it would have been criminal. If it bad been accomplished by an nnorganized mob, it would have been alarming. Bat is it any the less criminal and alarming when accomplished by tbe chosen representatives of the people, who, reoreant to their duty, refused for 49 days after the time set for the commencement of tbe session, to take their oath ot office and assist in making tbe required quorum in the h Mis? Tbe 27 populists aud republican conspirators who tbns strnok a treasonable blow at our established ate guilty of a most grave dime. And those 13 pot ulists who, by thus refusing to perform their duty as legislators, have directly become instru mental in the appointment of a mono metallic, national bank president as sen ator from Oregon, oan expect to inherit notbioc but tbe pity and contempt of tbe people. And let me say, in oonolu-siothat if the oitiznnsot Oregon, of all parties, fail in rebuking this first step toward tbe overturning of onr civil government, already taken, then, indeed, will our free institutions be destroyed end liberty will be lst. II HW' Ik I II jWiv 1 SEE? Tow will And one coupon tnild each two ounce bag, and two coupons Inside each 's four onnce bag of Black-well- Durham. Bay bag ot this celebrated tobacco nd read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and bow to get them. n, t'YtVESTBH PeNNOYKB. .....HEPPNER, OREGON How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that oaunot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Corel F. J. Chenby & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the nodersignel, have known F. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all busi-uee- s transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale 42 Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the beat of accommodations iu every respect. The Trouble is Over! d This moruiog Frank Roborte from Portiuud au Australian ruuuiug IN TROUBLE AGAIN. W! AT OUR IXCHANQES SAY. Druggists, Toledo, 0. Harry Bduuett stalliou, Ortlplnrum. Hall'sCatarrbCnreis taken internally, brought bim up. He is a VuocuUtjhbieJ Sheriff Honxer, of I'matiHa Comity, Arrests Milt Powell was in Tuesday from Ais claimed that Governor Lord, in acting direotly upon the blood and muIt J unci Wiley for the Larceny of An Overuud looks well. lpine. appointing Mr. Corbett, made a bargain cous surfaces of the system. Prioe 75o. coat at Pendleton. InTu an heal to all cure old sores, with Mr. Simon that the governor shall per botlle. Sold by all Droggists. TesHon. J. N. Brown is down to Salem piles, yon or speedily oure dolent nicer, Senator MoBride four years timonials free. succeed on business. Sheriff Z eth Houser, of Pendleton, need simply Bpply DeWitt's Wiloh Salve Umatilla county, arrived here Wedneshenoe, Nioh a claim has an appearance Asa Thomson and wife have returned accoidiug to direolious. Its magio-likTo Clean Velvet. day and immediately dispatched J.' J. of probability, sinoe the governor is re from Portland. uctiuu willboprme vou. Couser & Brook. McGoe, one of Sheriff Matlock's dep Diited to have bad a whole hive of bees while remembering in is worth It Tackle tbe Gazette for job pnntirg electrician for tbe Heppntr uties, down toGeorgs Swnggart's sbeep buzziog ab.iut bis gnbernatorial bonnet. these days when everyone of us who can IseEuuts, and advertising. Light k Water Co., lluuks thtt the dam- ranch for Judd Wiley who is oharged This is unhesitatingly asserted by tbe possibly afford it intends to have a vel vet waist or wrap or pown that velvet The Heppner Transfer Co. have wood aged dynamo will have bono repaired with having stolen an overcoat out of a Mitohell men E. O. should always be brushed against the 23 lm for sale. Call on them. aud in position by the last of next week. saloon in Pendleton. Judd was easily grain to remove dust, and if in very bad The Payton Comedy Company. Some wood on subscription or on old condition should.be sprinkled with fine Fraik Lacy is bere looking after some found and brought to Heppner at once, Tbe week's engagement ot the Payton white sand and then brushed till none debts will be gracionsly acoepUd. He aud brother will Sheriff Houser leaving witb bis prisoner muttou sheep. Comedy Company, wbioh conoludei witb of this remains. The cleansing power Senator A. R. Prioe, of Umatilla oouu ship several train loads of sheep east on Wednesday evening's train. tomorrow evening's performance, bas of common seashore sand is very great, from penitentiary to sent was the ty, was in Heppner Weduesdny Inst. Judd during the mouths of May and Juue. per- certainly been a successful one for the and if collected after use and washed ago for year one county about this Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cntter Geo. F. Baud arrived from Yamhill St. Louis term of three years, but was oompony and no less pleasant and enter- can do service many times. whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. couutj, where he speut the winter, yes jury, for a Republican. Heppner, ot people for tbe in a little over six months, taining G. A. Taylor, representing Glass & terday moruiug. lie has been suffctriiig liberated was quite Every night's performance bas been pre be faot owing to the that Bucklen's A rules, Salve. of late. from rheumatism considerably Prndbomme, was in town Wednesday. youthful and on promise of his relatives sented iu a pleasing manner, and as Tbe Best Salve iu the world for Outs, ''Old Sport" bas evidently played the Tbe Redlight people will treat yon and friends wbo are all well respeoted result the oompany has reoeived a very Mores, Uloers, Salt Kbenm, Bruises, right. Call on them when in town, tf grouudhog and holed np, but be may and h'flneotial that Judd wonld reform. liberal and well deserved patronage Tetter, Chapped Hands, Bores, He a is Fever early the in out ibaw spring. oannot evening. Too be muoh J, N. Fordioe and Ben Risenfeld were There as no donbt as to bis guilt, but each and all Skin Erup Corns, Chilblains, here Wednesday to see our merobatits. noble old "Neversweat." it was thought by many that he com said for the tronpe in personal character positively cures Piles or no and tions, ever fbey should Dr. J. M. Bjyd oame down from Spo mitted tbe orime in a misguided eff jrt to and dramatic skill, and Mrs. 8. A. Tillard is over from Pendleto give guaranteed is required. It may rest as pay ton to visit her sons, Low, William and kane Sunday, acoompanying the rebield friends and muoh sympathy was return to Henpner they money refunded. or perfeot satisfaction Payton mains of bis daughter, Rath, says tbe expressed on this acoonot. However. sured ot a orowded bouse. Mr. Andrew, For sale by 26 ceDts per box. Wall a Walla Uuion. Jn-tto this part is an artist, and the Indies, Luoy, Vina Prioe to return not nromiaed Frank Clem got in Wednesday from & Brock. Couser k..t ,ov a en rxnuse ana loia rayion ana mrs. uuns nave .i.. Alvafi Boyuton was in from the Mat-Missouri where he bad beau since last came re h bere because be was in certainly pleased the audience in every th yesterday. lie traiuing ranob look fall, lie is glad to get back lo Oregon. Tbe length of life may be inoreused by neonle in HeDPner. was production. Mr. Ourts bas also played ports tbe horses as doing well. lessening dangers. The majority ot peo Budd Haoey came up from lone satisfactory very parts in a oonld the heavy Jas. Bradley oame in yesterday from desirous of paving np and that hs lung troubles. These may from Wednesday with E. C Warren, a knight die pie ny ooiu tnusio mnnoer. rnroisnea get The better nrnrnre work here eaeier aud .,,. be averted by promptly useing One . , I of the grip, who stopped off at tbe little Swuggarl's sheep ruuch and will leave r for it tbao in moat any other toe Dana nnu orunwri una oanuu euou for Loue R iok. Minnte Conah Cure. Conser & Brook 'burg to tee some oustomers. Oreaon. As be left town ira- - a great deal of favorable comment and nl in from returned Qiaid bas Thos. Mrs. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as mediated to take a job down on Oeorge well merited applause. for Beat. Although toe oompsiy aia noi reBcn ociated together down at Charley's Portland wbere she bid been to receive Hauoaart's sheen ranch this was aooep- toompapy have lor yet evening, Dit.ih Bailey Monday until late Heppner The old plaoa in the toneorial business. medio! attention. beat dlooood faith, though Judd's "Doo" Robertson bas been superceded fri.n.t. thonoht thai be should never tbelrproanotionot "driven rrom uome rent three or four 40 sore traots ot fruit Call on them and set your whiskers pushed In. by Hon. John Myers as duel ot polics was np to tbe stsndard. This was fol snd garden land nndei this ditch on tbe have returned to Morrow county. by a faros and speoisities. erlues Colombia lifer below Dmatilla wbioh lowed Representative Krnse, ot OUokamoa of Portland. o? stols the Jodd denies that hs . . " a r I a ast V Sa mare, a they desire to lease tor a term of one or county, died of typhoid fever at tbe Gid Hatt is training a race omit. Of nnnr.a man who Las been Id oT mgnt "is uiarnaKo lem boDitaL on last Tuesday. Lie was Gladdyt, we bope with oil. mate suooess. trouble once that took bim to prisoa bas presented to a very large and sppreois- - more years for o. e fourth ot orop raised Wednesday svemng me the renter to plant such trees as are one ot the representatives who assisieJ Orval Rasmus is oouQued to bis bed by little show in the courts, but if bs is Uve andienoe. Whltcotnb," Joeb and oare for them during the fares, "Uorle roaring furnished to hold np tbe legislature. not guilty Le deserves as muoh to be set a threatening attaok of pneumonia. . lands are welt irrigated, vw- .w leass. Tbe comwui. prewnieu, A grandmother Hubbard ball will be who nver betors Mrs. Julia Bradley bas si tar reoov free si lbs roan noos was tbe water and lay well are io of Cuba," Yankee plenty bave edy, "A given at tbe opera bonts on the evening milted a orime. Tbe Oaiette does sol ered as to be able to be np. oompaoy or will sell oo essy to railroad Tonight tbe dose laogbsble. less priooi. in narsaantion od Bnerl of St. Patriok's Day, Wednesday, Marob TOhut ia Hod Ooldf Best beer on etrongest oome- - terms, long time snd low rats o( Interest. 17th, sod Mnelo by Wattenbarger Dies and whenever tbal spirit U msol- - will present one ot their earth. Wee ad. elsewhere. Kor information write to tbe Bailey "A Noble Outcast j" tomorrow 2 5. Iograhsm. Don't miss it. tested this psper will not support it, Cummiogs was in yesterday though it insists that io this ease of "Rip Van Winkle" a a matinee and io Ditch Company, Umatilla Or., or call at Harrison Herman Trobisoh, Henry Blabn's closing, performance the company's farm. Wilev, tf be Is guilty, after all that has tbe eveoing as a partner, was brought in We lues Jay tram Hardoiao. onmedi,"Katb-lee- n ot all Irish greatest the sent be ehonld beo dons for bim. he from Bleok Horse, where be bad been Msvourneeu." In tbe future tbe back to Halern for the longest term pis-Healy eruption oo the bead, herding sheep. Hs ws suffering with r Comedy Compsny will Hanti-snd lips, out, brnise. soalds, bands very bad ease of snow blindness, end you stole. But he should not be eoovicted ecrlainlrPavton care be irreat (svritee with tbe till ba is proven guilty. burns are quickly oureJ by DeWitt'S when brought lo was entirely blind. 100 Heppner people. for food Wltob U- -l S iWe. It I at present tbe "Excuse me" obeerved tbe man In Hrhlsg Pile. flint Pit'! ? artiole m oed for pile, snd it always Nolle to Wonlsrewers! spectacles "but X am a surgeon. aud (bat ilohiug Comer Brock. intense Moisture; yo never Symptom" is do! where the liver The sonnet meeting ot the Wo'ilgrow mtnd wbere tbe liver Is." retorted tbe sod stinging J ronat si fiigni, worsemm-or-j e ere' Association of Morrow oonnty will eeratcbiog' If allnwert lo wutinna other. it was in bis big toe or bis t.Hn oowiter US opiioiti uliy. s"d nlcera' be ueld at the eourt bouae Saturday, Till Is Ciivmifli tutscts mil left ear DeWitt's Little Earl Risers fom wliioh often ane tpi. nwayoes tini-m- nt March 13'b. at 1 39 p m. At this meettods On receipt "f tin c'H. ensh or beecming very sore, would reach il end sbsks i for bim. Oo i.t'itMrmitf Minnie iu i' hwh". . slope Ibe itching and blwding, mg will ooonr a that yon bet your gig- - lamps." Cod-ee- r and money-bac- k. Cure i pulnr Cutiinh eni'i in Bim nasea re uio.t k..u a xerstloo. anaAtdinggtsls, k Brook. o( offlaere. Mattere ot inlereet (lily's Cream Jinlin) snf.Viont to dciuon- or by tumor. the nders "Tbe cantata. Tbe rebeatwela of the For sale by ttrst the Re t hk tii" 'i m rwunu. mail, for bOevnts. Dr. Swayne A Hon, 10 Da sheepmen will also bs discoased Besolifol Qit'een Esther," ere now being 11. V Midi 1I.1.B. E. W. Rhea & Co. I biladelpbia. attendsDcsot tbs msmbers and all full 4 beld twioe week ooder tbe direction ot tti Wurrua 1 1., I'tw York City woolgrowsra la desirsd. Wot Ire lo Fsrsif rs. Prof. Hcny who eipscte that it will be It.. John tlel.1. Jr.. i f Cir.1 nt raMs.M'MlL, 24 O. E. FaamwoRTB, Pre. 5PORT3 A?l PASTIMES. I k ,.....! ready fit'.- Criisui . .ui Omsw at presentation lbs last of this sals for will plaoa .... toi i I i,t ft'oli iiieiii. "it is a .!...;,, t.nulicr playlnff f of ..n chit Heppnxoi.AMi'e of people month la Ibis play tbe Rrnck'e a reoeipt for kl'llng squirrels The Oh"te will take potatoes, epplee, ti cur fur rulnrrh u Used BsrlirccUd. car.K Ui.lall. ba dlod, leavlnif hj0, nob and ner snd vioiuity are promised wbiflh la easily prepared ttee. Francis W. I'mile. I'aMor Leliirsirrea. t r butter eo sobsoript'on aoconnts. tnaJioal treat. MotiL and etn be made at a ooel not le eieed In Mancliea- - Any ooe owing this offWren settle their Church, II '.Una, a revut At take , Flv' Cream JVm I the acinowladged jPaytoo's band, yesterday about Doon. K at.ta ner allon. Tbey radity every Ilnkir.il, tiroc lnroa vrblch ran sreooot io Ibis maoner and san'l do it o mercury cur for enterrh and and It is a nnes lo poured forth lively strains which were hi in c!: i ra-- o were na:ned Traoby t roft, ns. to sooo oo eenta. soil nos, drug, aoy inlurtou nor i Tranby the apparent cause of e Hiwaeb dancing a nartienUr. I will fornUh wim reeeipi hUiruiiii(iarlraiid lUicoorat. ' won. bait boot's j g oo tbe sidewalk in front rlrnes to make twenty all"BS of the ! tmoe;lit atmuttba Ti:n gnafantea tbe dru to No doubt be poison for M ot Uilliam k Cishee'e. Nearly all piinrra are now type-fit tbe ot many rrtijHTiin:? look this oppoitouity ot warming bis 0 e Us Iban 5 rents taifn. tlmiunwiiU are en- had France, which thouifii in U IxiU rrittcn. eouniiy B. F. 8wooat. Oeppoer, ur. o ld test which eonditl io was eo doubt tf t.n.1 thru which have nuiiirid because of the i n tro rln!.t-I'li'U' a dealers more restxiosibte for the "bmdowu' written out by the Hfo ll uc lion of railroad. Re reetretialil Well Travslisf rattlieg gnd turn ruiuiM-lThr f f iban Ibe appreciation ot the i im everywhere prrfect nf police baa . I'ari Tn n . band ttine. 10 Kin . isruio l a.w.1 vii tllUllt y to the lmllt of wrttinir - - weether. Tbe . .ny warned wmrn rycllala that the new r UHnalty old parx-are heir own which they ...t.m be.U its train Ibroegnooi ratl'itiat cyrlin.t A drowning ouan wunld have little oe s have donn-Infringe the law against awcrs often ot C"kk1 practice, who from the englee, Ibu steam t Hie ,iii'it a "'iiiii!n'late which would I'm'! rat (he I mm ml tlm: UW H4 Bjmena (or a mrlhoJ of womrn wearlnff tiun'a tlwtbra. The au of all ta ears ple.s.e DC every lew ordrr of llitntf. Y'jnif lwcra, ihMB i Urn Th. qtire dajs. A djiprptid doesn't weolto and eoraf tflsble. It ele lights H ears uiuot drck difli rt ntly. I 31 II I practice, small their io mutter b' M 14 tt4 i of New leM tk hMl d mrA Capt. Wim.ux b. thsr aitb a remedr that Is going lo ,v ' Ui olitain way ' or In other I'M. one Ih eelebraled Pielech Ltgbl uannge enp-deof the rap'ain ff who els beueflaial Ms sbvw km weeks ! tabs Ihera brilliant at rtlgb. I'seeetra fenler Vigilant dunnir her rare with .he service, of a alrnoarapber. w Oeirolt, Si lee V. Tbe Moon! Lehsnos Kbukers are offer rerrled daily oa the fat H. tor tbe ValUyrio, ha signed a enntract Ui f the older men find 11 practicall- m.- elenog-aphof name with a Hbkr leg a prodnot oad'f tbe lo work eir reer valines, lirketa, r In- sail the schooner yacht yulcUnU-p- . of ,w,IUle at hand. wbioh yields itnujsdl Plgeetfve H on r aiTd'e New York Yacht club fleet, for a typvwritrr tbe fomitoa, proves ale relief. Tbe frry Oral O-- a. 133 Third BU, Tofl. Frederick Crinorll the coming eteeoo. rec-ive- Here and There. We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference With e HOWARD. R Wbo never lets polities interfere with business. At tbe some old stand, next door to M. Lichteothal's. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. - T. R. HOWARD, Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOEOHERS, Prop. Ultnmtni Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars This Space Belongs to 4 ma- I GILLIAM &BISBEE, Hcppncr's Hardware Dealers. di, i. 1 rnri-stbe- . lur bld tan. - en hi hi pe chpd whether Do you and eat pay sorts of trash with it Schilling's Best are pure and J'y r'vr :W1TH 1 n. lt t gobr. eia r U-r- ,r pr old-tim- e rw leading nwv Leaves No Constipation, Cures II, ss wsll aa all Blllioosneee, Hick Ileadsebe and Malaria. Tbe only Hold by all rlrngsiste or sent by well oriMroRTARLB pill in tbs world. FUF.NTIhH MEDICAL CO.. receipt ot prioe, 25 oent per box. Hso Franolsoo, Cat. Itl l'er. bl'-yi- 'l 1 Youro BOUlSrr to Take 'Km. ctaln fnft ofi The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. sell . -- rcae ctume hlprl t- d ) lUssr. oklr de andiltaowlo beoefkUl ta lo Ibeir pi.boosdfd eobflJvare ia It, that tbey bavs pal 10 cent ssmpls boltle on ibe Biarket Tbe tea be b ; eed It will repay Ihroogh aey drog-lo-efflk-tel lb tr.fl!o soia Ibe namaaarv la make a trial. rlive Tbe Hbsker V' lr ba l rri an 1 eKlU'S IU tl Lt d IetieC"fdil Las-.- l le ret.. Cevetor UiL i b' NtoOiiifuJ t'p'e eii"t- e.r-- .1 t tilltte Hod-for- fri. Bst.er, AU land. Oregoa. SAVE tf er Traaa. yon waet lleptar prr.prlr Hals DieiNIC THIS IcAIVIOUS YOCI 0EAIS. d.m't dea-troIf Few real'te that eaeb efjulrrel the Tut rmw. M W. fail tie nelt J. 11 &1 wortfc ef grala annaally rig' t peraimwie who weals tn gardes, WkIee'e turret and Oopber cblrkeo. ste , I fne,...f the rro--l . rai aet ssttk a pff" f' f'riee fedie ,,. ete' knee a Be fifwiwlitoe ('... eef A f " e ledVior r ' - rt)e-It p "t O-- n, .I.V.I .,11 ea Er- IIo-- eff-e'- le e - llii.'l f lrne. y'l '' U il I 1 I' . . ,1 I 1.0 Uii e-- 13 V lV) f A - . e t. I ". Mfi "'! Iell',"a- - N 'VH.U k le0b, ' ' "'". jl, g 0GUSKBIISINS mmm etl O-idi- ml w; FERRY'S SEEDS 1 o A COOL, Gold REFnESMO AND Star &.,Brewery 203 WaaMwareaw Partem a, Or. ll Coiiipfiny, nuALint uifirtft. vancouvch, wash. LATH L ' .'...k 1 .V"t 1m Yr, HA 7 IT I PCOLLEGE mm posTWiO Full English course. COOKKrCPlNO, SHORTHAND, TtLtCSArHY. MA3MKS KPASTftCHT'1 LA11F.S 1 Uui- -: ' I PINCH AND CtftHAH 4