Foreword In 2011, many developed and emerging economies were affected by a series of crises, including severe public debt crisis in European regions, high unemployment rate, and low public confidence, while recovery from natural disaster is still in progress. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global economic growth in 2011 is 4% , a drop of 1.1% as compared to 2010. Cambodia managed to make a satisfactory progress in its development and stabilized its macroeconomic condition despite the impacts of the global economic crises and, especially, flood that affected some parts of the country in 2011. With the National Bank of Cambodia’s efforts in improving access to finance, banking intermediation showed noticeable improvement as reflected in the increasing numbers of banks and their branch networks over the last year. The performance of banking institutions was satisfactory in 2011. The capital base of banking sector was strengthened through the injection of paid-up capital from banks, while liquidity was maintained over the regulatory requirement. In addition, assets and profitability of banking institutions displayed a trend of gradual increment since 2009. Furthermore, micro-finance institutions (MFIs) continue to play significant roles in improving access to finance in the rural area and contribute to the economic growth. In 2011, total lending by MFIs increased by approximately 50%, while saving in microfinance deposit taking institutions (MDIs) tripled compared to 2010. As Cambodian financial sector is still at its early stage of development, there is significant room for improvement both at the industry level as well as at the regulatory and supervisory level. The Royal Government of Cambodia under the leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Senapadei Techo Hun Sen, developed in the year 2000, Cambodia’s first financial sector blueprint to serve as a 10-years plan and guidance for important infrastructure, capacity and legal and regulatory development in the financial sector in the country. Since then, the Blueprint has been updated to reflect the changes in domestic as well as global financial system landscape. In 2011, the National Bank of Cambodia, Ministry of Economic and Finance, and other relevant ministries and authorities reviewed and discussed the Financial Sector Development plan 2011-2020. The updated blueprint is expected to be launched in 2012. -i- In order to achieve efficiency in its supervisory and regulatory function, the National Bank of Cambodia restructured and upgraded the Banking Supervision Department into a Banking Supervision General Directorate which consists of 4 departments: Off-site Supervision, On-site Supervision, Legal and Licensing Department. The total staff has also increased from 64 in 2009 to 82 in 2011 including both new recruitment and internal transfer. All staff have received regular trainings from international experts in Cambodia and oversea. In line with international best practices and to keep up with the fast changing financial environment, the National Bank of Cambodia has been reviewing the existing prudential regulations and issuing new ones to ensure that banking and financial institutions are operating in a safe and sound manner. The adoption of these regulations is expected to strengthen the development of banking and financial institutions as Cambodia is progressively integrating into the regional and world market. In collaboration with International Financial Corporation, the National Bank of Cambodia, Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) established a private credit bureau company (CBC). The establishment of this company is an important milestone in our effort to promote the quality of lending, transparency, and, especially, prevent credit risk resulting from excessive lending to one borrower by different institutions. In conclusion, the performance and accomplishment of banking institutions in 2011 has contributed to the development of Cambodia’s financial system as well as economic growth. However new challenges continue to emerge and will require close monitoring from supervisors. As such the National Bank of Cambodia will continue its supervisory and regulatory function in a prudent manner incorporating risk-based and forward looking approach. As these functions required skills and experiences, building the capacity of our supervisors continues to be our top priority. To this end, the National Bank of Cambodia actively engages in bilateral cooperation with various supervisory authorities to share information and exchange knowledge. Despite the constraints and challenges, we remain poised and resolute in our commitment to ensure a safe and vibrant banking system. Phnom Penh, April 4, 2012 CHEA CHANTO Governor National Bank of Cambodia -ii- CONTENTS 1. Structure of the Banking System ........................................................................................ 1 2. Banking Sector Performance ............................................................................................. 1 3. Operation in the Microfinance Sector............................................................................... 2 4. Development in the Banking Supervision ......................................................................... 3 4.1. Regulatory Development ....................................................................................... 3 4.2. Supervisory Development ...................................................................................... 4 4.3. Financial Products and Services Development .................................................... 4 4.4. Infrastructure Development.................................................................................... 4 5. Risks and Vulnerabilities................................................................................................. 5 5.1. Credit Risk ................................................................................................................ 5 5.2. Liquidity Risk ............................................................................................................ 6 5.3. Operational Risk ...................................................................................................... 7 5.4. Profitability ............................................................................................................... 7 5.5. Capital ..................................................................................................................... 8 6. Issues and Challenges ................................................................................................... 8 7. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 1: Data of Banks and Microfinance Institutions 2011........................................ 10 Appendix 2: Interest Rates Trends ....................................................................................... 47 Appendix 3: Banking System in Cambodia ....................................................................... 49 -iii- All data are unaudited and as reported by Banks and MFIs -iv- 1. Structure of the Banking System By the end of 2011, the banking sector in Cambodia consisted of 31 commercial banks of which 22 local incorporated banks and 9 foreign bank branches, 7 specialized banks including one state owned bank, 32 licensed microfinance institutions where 7 eligible to collect customer deposits, and 29 registered microfinance institutions. Under the banking law, banking institutions in Cambodia are subject to the same regulatory and prudential requirements irrespective of their legal status as local incorporated banks or foreign bank branches. 2. Banking Sector Performance Banking sector grew significantly in 2011. Total assets increased by 24.39% from the previous year, at the same time credit grew by 33%, or USD 1,085 million. This credit growth was made possible as a result of deposit growth of 20% or USD 880 million and growth in the capital base of 9.85% or USD 112 million. The level of intermediation increased from 75% in 2010 to 83% in 2011. Total assets to gross domestic products (GDP) reached 63% in 2011 from 56% in 2010. Total credits and total deposits to GDP both increased to 34% and 41% respectively, from 28% and 37% previous year. Assets to GDP (Banks) 14,000 12,676 In Million of USD 12,000 77% 8,631 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - 4,656 21% 955 5,315 22% 22% 1,169 6,293 22% 16% 1,354 7,275 26% 40% 39% 3,359 1,902 10,337 10,335 4,165 24% 63% 7,945 48% 40% 80% 11,344 56% 70% 60% 50% 6,387 40% 4,996 30% 28% 20% 24.39% 12% 2003 90% 20% 10% 0% 2004 Total assets 2005 GDP 2006 2007 2008 Growth of total assets 2009 2010 2011 Total assets to GDP In term of outreach, performance in the banking sector presented substantial progress. Though the number of borrowers increased slightly by only 3% to 294,533 accounts, the number of depositors jumped by 19% reaching 1,266,412 accounts by the year end 2011. The number of branches network and service posts for banks increased by 7.1% in 2011 to 421 offices in the country wide. Other platforms of modern banking services such as Automate Teller Machine (ATM), Debit Card, and Credit Card also expanded rapidly. The number of ATM terminals rose by 17%, totaling of 588 terminals. New credit cards and debit cards issued in 2011 increased by 53% to 21,364 cards, and 29% to 761,876 cards respectively compared to 2010. As of year end 2011, total number of money changers country wide was 1,296 of which 47 licensed money changers and 1,249 registered counters. -1- Number of Depositors and Borrowers (Banks) Number of Debit and Credit Cards (Banks) 800,000 25,000 1,400 21,364 700,000 1,200 20,000 600,000 1,266 1,067 928 1,000 14,003 5,279 2006 2007 100,000 - 322,339 150,546 4,953 36,013 200,000 453,471 Thousands 9,146 300,000 10,576 592,317 400,000 15,000 761,876 500,000 10,000 800 600 2009 2010 Number of Debit card 456 400 5,000 200 2008 700 149 124 206 145 286 165 197 230 295 286 263 - 2011 2004 Number of Credit card 2005 2006 2007 2008 Number of Depositors 2009 2010 2011 Number of Borrowers 3. Operation in the Microfinance Sector Cambodian Microfinance Sector continues to grow rapidly in term of number, size, and operation, providing financial services to Small and Medium Enterprises as well as to people in the remote area who do not have access to financial services from commercial banks. As of year end 2011, there are 32 licensed microfinance institutions, of which 7 are microfinance deposit taking institutions. This development is shown through the increase of total assets of the whole sector of 47.97% from KHR 2,051,484 million (USD 506.16 million) at the end of 2010 to KHR 3,025,083 million (USD 748.97 million) at the end of 2011. Microfinance sector not only contributes to poverty reduction of the poor in rural areas through microfinance services, but also provides job opportunities to many Cambodian graduate students. As of December 2011 the total number of staff employed in the microfinance sector was 9,744, of which 2,617 were women. Growth of Total Assets (MFIs) Share of Paid-up Capital (MFIs) 100% 3,500,000 3,025,083 87% 3,000,000 80% Million of KHR 2,500,000 73% 1,361,449 1,524,983 50% 47% 35% 40% 20% 0% Total Assets 2009 23% 23% 73% 74% 77% 77% 77% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20% 10% 2008 23% 60% 30% 12% 2007 26% 40% 726,358 500,000 27% 80% 60% 2,000,000 1,500,000 100% 70% 2,051,484 1,000,000 120% 90% 2010 0% 2011 Foreign Share Asset Growth -2- Cambodian Share With favorable business, regulatory and policy environment, the microfinance sector has gained significant confidence from the public including both debtors and creditors, particularly from the poor in rural areas and foreign investors. As of 31 December 2011, 23% and 77% of total registered capital is owned by Cambodian and foreign shareholders respectively. Total loans increased by 50% from KHR 1,724,841 million (USD 426 million) at the end of 2010 to KHR 2,591,263 million (USD 641.53 million) at the end of 2011. The number of borrowers rose by 17% from 978,077 to 1,141,913. Aggregate amount of deposits, on the other hand, surged by 180% from KHR 164,014 million (USD 41 million) to KHR 459,473 million (USD 114 million) in the same period. Loans and Non-Performing Loans (MFIs) Loans and Deposits (MFIs) 3,000,000 3% 2.80% 2,500,000 1,724,841 1,108,225 1,244,597 459,473 617,907 21,211 Million of KHR In Million KHR 2,591,263 22,082 39,627 2,591,263 2,000,000 2% 1,724,841 1,500,000 1,000,000 616,953 1,130,216 500,000 164,014 2008 Loans 2009 2010 Deposits 1.18% 1,244,597 2008 Loans 2009 1% 1% 0.22% 0% 0.19% 2007 2011 2% 0.42% 2007 3% 2010 2011 NPL Ratios The average delinquency ratio is 0.22%, decreasing from 1.18% in 2010 despite the severe flooding in the country in the third quarter. In compliance with the regulations of the National Bank of Cambodia, the average solvency ratio is 21.25 % and the liquidity ratio is 398.66%. MFIs’ profitability continues to increase. In 2011, total net profit is KHR 110,117 million (USD 27.26 million), a 63% increased from the end of 2010. Return on asset and return on equity ratios were 3.64% and 15.10% respectively. 4. Development in the Banking Supervision 4.1 Regulatory Development The National Bank of Cambodia revised many of its regulations and circulars to achieve a more effective supervision and be in line with recent developments in financial sector. During 2011, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a circular related to net worth calculation, and 5 other regulations, including Prakas on risk based and forward looking supervision, Prakas on credit information sharing system, Prakas on transparency in granting credit facilities of banks and financial institutions, Prakas on financial leasing business, and Prakas on licensing of financial lease companies. -3- 4.2 Supervisory Development As the supervisory authority, the National Bank of Cambodia, regularly conducts off-site and on-site examination on banking and financial institutions to protect depositors’ money, maintain safety and soundness, and promote fair competition in the banking sector. The supervisory approach is progressively moving from rule-based supervision to risk-based and forward-looking supervision. To enhance data and information flow, the National Bank of Cambodia has also revised and updated supervisory reporting system for both banking institutions and microfinance institutions. This new reporting system is an online based submission that would provide timely and accurate information on the condition of the banking and financial institutions. It also helps to reduce burden and cost related to reporting submission by banking and financial institutions and also exemplify the development in Cambodia’s banking sector in response to rapid technological advancement and the fast changing environment of the industry. 4.3 Financial Products and Services Development As the banking sector’s growth continues to accelerate and increase in sophistication, new banking products and services also develop. Leasing and hire purchase products have been increasingly prevalently used mainly for consumer goods financing. Both bank centric and mobile banking centric models are operating Cambodia. Regardless the models are forms mobile banking business are strictly and subjected to the regulation and supervision of the National Bank of Cambodia to ensure the protection of customers. 4.4 Infrastructure Development The National Bank of Cambodia has recognizes the importance of enhancing the existing infrastructure in the banking sector in order to further facilitate the role of banking sector in promoting economic growth. As a result, the National Bank of Cambodia has undertaken extensive work to upgrade its national payment system, creating regulatory platform for an interbank market and has supported the creation of a private-owned credit bureau expected to be launched early in 2012 to enhance intermediary function and risk management function of regulated entities. This credit bureau is expected to facilitate credit flow in the economy by reducing information asymmetry between banking institutions and their customers. Strengthening accounting practices within banking institutions is also recognized as an important milestone for banking sector development and for the banking sector integration in the region. Cambodia banks are expected to implement the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) by 2016. The roadmap toward full adoption of the IFRS for banking institutions is in the study process. The roadmap would provide areas for improvement of current practices for both authority and market players. This will lead to changes of accounting policy, information system, personals/skills set, and prudential regulations. Enhancing cooperation among financial regulators within the country is also recognized as a crucial step to ensure sustainable development. As demonstrated by -4- the global financial, there is a need for closer coordination between on site supervisors and off site regulators in order to avoid regulatory arbitrage. 5. Risks and Vulnerabilities 5.1 Credit Risk Despite relatively high credit growth as of year-end 2011 of 33.5% and the flood disaster affecting agriculture sector, nonperforming loans in the banking sector declined to 2.43% from 3.05% in 2010. Net nonperforming loans decreased from 1.37% to only 1.09%, while total provisioning reserves remained stable at 55% of the nonperforming assets. Nonperforming Loans Ratio 12% 10% 9.87% 9.64% 7.26% 8% 4.84% 6% 4% 2% 1.60% 0.83% 2005 1.61% 2.52% 1.72% 1.37% 1.09% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 3.05% 2.43% 4.07% 0% 2004 3.44% 3.68% 2006 NPL/Loans NPL Net-off Provision/Loans Related party lending is reported to be within prudential limit of 10.7% of net worth. Total large exposure loans in proportion of the net worth surged to 97% from 80% in 2010. Fixed Assets Ratio, Real Estate to Net Worth, and Related Lending Ratio 25.0% 18.7% 18.0% 20.0% 10.0% 19.0% 17.9% 17.0% 15.9% 15.0% 15.0% 1.2% 18.6% 15.0% 15.4% 17.0% 11.9% 7.6% 20.0% 22.7% 16.8% 1.7% 1.2% 16.0% 12.0% 1.3% 1.8% 10.0% 10.7% 9.8% 1.4% 5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% -5.0% 2004 2005 Fixed Assets Ratio 2006 2007 2008 2009 Loans to Real Estate to Net Worth -5- 2010 2011 Related Lending Retail and wholesale sector captured one-third of the total portfolios. Manufacturing, nonfinancial services, and agriculture sector each absorbed around 9% of the portfolios. Tourism and construction accumulated the same shares of 7.4%. Though all indicators provide satisfactory outlook on credits performance, vigilance is exercised to closely monitor credit’s growth and concentrated in the real estate sector. Credit by Economic Sectors Mining and Quarrying Credit Cards Rental and Operational Leasing Activities Other Lending Utilities Financial Institutions Transport and Storage Owner-Occupied Housing only Information Media and Telecommunications Real Estate Activities Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Personal Lending Construction Other Non-Financial Services Manufacturing Hotels and Restaurants Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 0% 5% 10% 15% 2011 20% 2010 5.2 Liquidity Risk Bank liquid assets remained relatively stable while stress coverage within one month period increased. Off-balance sheet commitments doubled from previous year. Development of money market and capital market is expected to provide more room for liquidity management in banking institutions. Liquidity & Uses of Funds Ratio 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 117% 118% 108% 104% 108% 104% 100% 100% 2004 2005 2006 2007 136% 81% 123% 91% 121% 91% 120% 83% 60% 40% 20% 0% Liquidity Ratio 2008 2009 Uses of Funds Ratio -6- 2010 2011 Maturity Mismatch 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Maturity Gap (1,000) Cumulative Gap (2,000) (3,000) (4,000) Up to 1 M >1 Y up to 2 Ys >1 M up to 3Ms >2 Ys up to 5 Ys >3 Ms up to 6 Ms >5 Ys up to 10 Ys >6 Ms up to 12 Ms >10 Ys Interest Rate Trend 20% 18.2% 18% 17.3% 18.8% 16.2% 16.7% 16.0% 16% 15.8% 16.4% 17.2% 15.4% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 4.2% 4.0% 1.6% 1.4% 2002 2003 4.8% 4.9% 6.3% 3.6% 4.0% 0.9% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 1.1% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5.3% 4.4% 4.3% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 2009 2010 2011 0% Saving Deposits Fixed Deposits Loans 5.3 Operational Risk Numbers of prudential measures have been adopted to address the issue of operational risk including the regulation on governance, fit and proper test, and internal control. Progress to date proved satisfactory in term of risk management including operational risk. Despite such progress, additional prudential measures especially capital charge for operational risk is under consideration for adoption in response to the growing scope and scale of operation of banking institutions. 5.4 Profitability Profitability in the banking sector showed significant improvement compared to previous year’s performance. Average return on assets increased to 1.89% while average return on equity was 9.02% by the end of 2011. -7- Banks – Return on Assets and Return on Equity 18% 16.58% 14% 13.11% 12% 8% 1.89% 9.02% 1.25% 5.63% 2.83% 1.44% 6.63% 10% 2.88% 14.18% 2.84% 1.76% 7.87% 1.20% 5.73% 0.93% 3.83% 1.06% 3.92% 0.58% 1.73% 16% 6% 4% 2% 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Return on Assets 2008 2009 2010 2011 Return on Equity 5.5 Capital Solvency ratio dropped from 31.38% by year end 2010 to 26.23% by the end of 2011 but still remained above the prudential limit and the early-warning threshold. This decrease is mainly due to rapid credit expansion thus an increase in risk weighted asset. Tier I Capital is 24.96% showing a strong stable capital base of banks in 2011. Tier I CAR and Tier I + Tier II CAR 32.28% 2004 2005 2006 31.38% 26.23% 2007 2008 Tier I CAR 2009 30.80% 30.85% 23.57% 26.03% 25.25% 29.56% 32.01% 26.46% 27.64% 2010 24.96% 31.89% 22.81% 34.50% 2011 Tier I + Tier II CAR 6. Issues and Challenges Despite significant progresses achieved, numerous challenges remain for the development and stability within the banking sector. Currently, the National Bank of Cambodia conducts review on existing regulations to minimize possibility of regulatory arbitrage and, at the same time, assesses on the need for introducing additional prudential regulations. Key regulations related to credit and liquidity risk need to be reviewed whereas regulations related to market risk and operational risk need to be put in place. -8- Capacity building continues to be the National Bank of Cambodia top priority. The National Bank of Cambodia recognizes the need to have sufficient human resources in place and the time needed to build the right skills and expertise. Institutionalized the capacity building program, in this context, is a priority in order to improve and optimize the quality and qualification of our human resources. 7. Conclusion Vulnerabilities within the banking sector remains at manageable level despite some concerns on credit and liquidity risk. Banking sector’s performance returns back on track with all signs indicating a positive outlook for both the speed and depth of growths. Intermediary function keeps expanding rapidly, resulting in greater depth and outreach of the financial system. -9- Appendix 1 Data of Banks and Microfinance Institutions 2011 Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by Banks and MFIs - 10 - Number of Offices of Cambodian banks As of December 31, 2011 Table 1 Total 2011 2010 Phnom Penh1 Phnom Penh1 Provincial Total Provincial Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 3 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 234 14 220 234 14 220 33 13 20 27 13 14 3 Cambodian Public Bank 23 14 9 21 13 8 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 19 11 8 19 11 8 5 Singapore Banking Corporation3 6 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 16 10 6 15 10 5 11 7 4 9 6 3 7 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 8 OSK Indochina Bank Ltd 10 7 3 8 6 2 9 5 4 9 5 9 CIMB Bank 10 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 7 5 2 1 1 6 4 2 6 2 4 11 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia PLc 2 6 2 4 4 2 2 12 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 5 2 3 5 2 3 13 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 4 1 3 4 1 3 14 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 4 3 1 4 3 1 15 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 16 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 4 3 1 3 2 4 4 - 2 2 - 17 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 18 HwangDBS Commercial Bank Plc. 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 19 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 3 3 - 2 2 - 20 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 2 1 2 1 21 Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* 22 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 23 Booyong Khmer Bank 1 1 - 1 1 - 24 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 1 1 - 1 1 - 25 Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 26 M Maruhan Bank h Japan J B k Plc Pl 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - - - - 414 123 291 388 109 279 29 First Investment Specialized Bank 1 1 - 1 1 - 30 Anco Specialized Bank 31 Tomato Specialized Bank 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 32 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 33 Rural Development Bank 34 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 35 PHSME Specialized Bank 1 1 - 1 1 - 7 7 - 7 7 - 421 130 395 116 27 Shinhan Khmer Bank 28 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-total 1 1 4 - 1 1 Specialized Banks Sub-total Total * Foreign branches 1 Including head office Incuding Branches in Vietnam 2 3 Including Sevices Post - Excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -11- 291 279 Number of staff As of December 31, 2011 Table 2 % Change 2011 over 2010 2011 2010 1 ACLEDA Acleda Bank Plc. 7,038 6,982 0.8% 2 CNB Canadia Bank Plc. 1,191 1,041 14% 3 ANZR ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 536 577 -7% 4 CPB Cambodian Public Bank 479 449 7% 5 CAB Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 281 86 227% Commercial Banks 6 ABA Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 243 196 24% 7 BIDC Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc 222 132 68% 8 SBC Singapore Banking Corporation 214 223 -4% 9 VB Vattanac Bank Ltd. 207 165 25% 10 UCB Union Commercial Bank Plc. 176 170 4% 11 MYB May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 164 120 37% 12 OSK OSK Indochina Bank Ltd 154 153 1% 13 FTB Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 136 121 12% 129 125 3% 110 64 72% 144% 14 CMB Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 15 Sacomb Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 16 CIMB 17 CCB CIMB Bank 95 39 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 78 77 1% 18 PPCB Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 67 40 68% 19 MJB Maruhan Japan Bank Plc 58 55 5% 20 FCB First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 53 49 8% 21 BOC Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* 52 22 HDBS Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc* 48 37 30% 23 KBC Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 28 27 4% 24 SKB Shinhan Khmer Bank 25 24 4% 25 AGRI Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* 24 23 4% 26 KTB Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 18 18 0% 27 BKB Booyong Khmer Bank 12 15 -20% 28 BIPP Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* 9 11,847 9 11,017 0% Specialized Banks - 0% 8% 29 FISB First Investment Specialized Bank 47 49 -4% 30 RDB Rural Development Bank 46 48 -4% 31 PHSME PHSME Specialized Bank Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 45 48 -6% 19 20 -5% 18 15 20% 34 TSB Anco Specialized Bank Tomato Specialized Bank 15 14 7% 35 CKSB CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 14 204 18 212 -22% 12,051 11,229 7% 32 ACSB 33 ASB Total -4% * Foreign branches - Excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* 1,191 Total Employees of all banks1 as of December 2011 1,200 1,000 - 1 Excluding total employees of ACLEDA Bank Plc (7,038) -12- 9 14 12 18 15 18 24 19 28 25 46 45 48 47 53 52 58 78 67 110 95 129 154 136 176 214 207 243 164 200 222 479 400 281 600 536 800 COMPARISON OF TOTAL ASSETS As of December 31, 2011 Table 3 (millions of KHR) 2011 2010 Growth Rate (%) Share Commercial Banks Share 2011 over 2010 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 6,063,681 18.9% 4,745,962 18.3% 27.8% 5,279,836 16.5% 4,351,832 16.8% 21.3% 3 Cambodian Public Bank 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 4,093,420 12.8% 4,087,116 15.8% 0.2% 2,840,347 8.9% 2,462,684 9.5% 15.3% 1,820,359 5 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc 6 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 5.7% 1,050,562 4.1% 73.3% 1,654,958 5.2% 1,355,408 5.2% 22.1% 7 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 1,290,251 4.0% 949,967 3.7% 35.8% 8 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 9 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* 1,025,197 833,832 3.2% 3.2% 24.7% 2.6% 822,285 - 0.0% 0.0% 10 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 817,998 2.5% 616,791 2.4% 32.6% 11 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 763,629 2.4% 828,402 3.2% -7.8% 12 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 578,187 1.8% 415,759 1.6% 39.1% 13 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc 501,262 1.6% 354,099 1.4% 41.6% 14 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 15 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 474,833 413,934 1.5% 1.6% 11.3% 1.3% 426,485 237,535 0.9% 74.3% 16 OSK Indochina Bank Ltd 413,896 1.3% 255,773 1.0% 61.8% 17 CIMB Bank 18 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 363,255 353,082 1.1% 0.6% 116.8% 1.1% 167,575 458,965 1.8% -23.1% 19 Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* 274,034 0.9% 171,250 0.7% 60.0% 20 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 271,189 0.8% 233,705 0.9% 16.0% 21 Singapore Banking Corporation 256,538 0.8% 225,497 0.9% 13.8% 22 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 229,641 0.7% 212,170 0.8% 8.2% 23 Shinhan Khmer Bank 198,916 0.6% 186,445 0.7% 6.7% 24 Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc 198,540 0.6% 201,562 0.8% -1.5% 25 Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 187,653 0.6% 142,801 0.6% 31.4% 26 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 27 Booyong Khmer Bank 183,550 152,422 0.6% 172,594 148,690 0.7% 6.3% 0.6% 2.5% 28 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-total 67,478 0.2% 55,778 0.2% 21.0% 31,601,920 98.5% 25,337,692 97.9% 24.7% 0.5% Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 First Investment Specialized Bank 209,828 0.7% 164,650 0.6% 27.4% 61,268 0.2% 68,595 0.3% -10.7% 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 55,480 54,824 0.2% 114,385 94,969 0.4% -51.5% 0.2% 0.4% -42.3% 33 Anco Specialized Bank 34 PHSME Specialized Bank 38,350 0.1% 34,851 0.1% 10.0% 34,659 0.1% 32,752 0.1% 5.8% 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-total 34,601 489,010 0.1% 0.1% 1.1% 1.5% 34,214 544,414 2.1% -10.2% 32,090,929 100% 25,882,106 100% 24.0% Total * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* Growth of Total Assets 35,000.00 30,000.00 In Billion of KHR 32,091 74% 10,000.00 60% 20,830 20,000.00 15,000.00 70% 25,888 25,000.00 39% 50% 16,996 40% 13,445 26% 7,716 80% 23% 24% 24% 5,000.00 30% 20% 10% - 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Assets 2010 Growth of Total Assets -13- 2011 SHARE OF PAID-UP CAPITAL As of December 31, 2011 Table 4 (millions of KHR) Foriegn share Share(%) Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CNB CPB ACLEDA MJB ANZR BIDC OSK HDBS AGRI PPCB FTB Sacomb UCB VB CIMB CMB CAB BKB ABA MAYB FCB CCB KTB SKB SBC KBC BOC BIPP Canadia Bank Plc. Cambodian Public Bank Plc Acleda Bank Plc. Amount paid 100.0% 49.0% 100.0% 55.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 11.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Maruhan Japan Bank ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc OSK Indochina Bank Ltd Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Union Commercial Bank Plc. Vattanac Bank Ltd. CIMB Bank Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Booyong Khmer Bank Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* Shinhan Khmer Bank Singapore Banking Corporation Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Rural Development Bank 34 ASB CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. First Investment Specialized Bank Angkor Capital Bank Tomato Specialized Bank Anco Specialized Bank 35 PHSME PHSME Specialized Bank 100.0% 100.0% 71.7% Total Paid-up Capital Amount paid 100.0% 51.0% 45.0% 100.0% 88.6% 100.0% 100.0% - 444,290 161,439 129,046 155,502 134,151 151,463 149,443 - 3,399,177 Specialized Banks RDB CKSB FISB ACB TSB Share(%) 363,510 155,108 298,886 157,723 282,730 161,560 161,560 157,521 157,521 153,482 17,312 149,443 147,424 145,404 145,404 121,170 113,092 100,975 82,194 80,780 68,663 64,624 60,585 52,507 Sub Total 29 30 31 32 33 Cambodian share Market Share 444,290 363,510 80,780 68,663 64,624 60,585 52,507 8.8% 7.2% 6.3% 5.9% 5.7% 5.6% 3.2% 3.2% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.6% 1.6% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 1.0% 1,325,333 4,724,510 93.6% 316,547 298,886 286,769 282,730 161,560 161,560 157,521 157,521 155,502 153,482 151,463 151,463 149,443 149,443 147,424 145,404 145,404 121,170 113,092 100,975 82,194 52,507 40,370 23,467 100.0% 100.0% 0.1% 28.7% 82,284 48,468 20 9,380 82,284 52,507 48,468 40,390 32,716 1.6% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% - - 100.0% 32,716 32,716 0.6% - - 100.0% 31,282 31,282 0.6% 116,344 204,149 320,362 6.4% 3,515,521 1,529,482 5,044,872 100.0% Sub Total Total * Foreign Branch Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* Minimum paid up capital of commercial bank and specialized bank is 150,000 million riel and 30,000 million riel respectively. 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 1.0% 0.8% 1.6% 1.0% 1.0% 1.3% 1.2% 1.6% 1.4% 1.6% 2.2% 2.0% 2.9% 2.4% 2.9% 2.9% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.1% 3.1% 3.2% 3.1% 5.6% 3.2% 5.9% 5.7% 7.2% 6.3% 8.8% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% MARKET SHARES OF PAID-UP CAPITAL FOREIGN AND CAMBODIAN SHARE OF PAID-UP CAPITAL 100% 54% 53% 58% 52% 56% 67% 71% 73% 70% Foreign Share (%) 46% 47% 42% 48% 44% 33% 29% 27% 30% Cambodian Share (%) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 50% 0% -14- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 Table 5 (millions of KHR) Cash, Loans, Deposits with NBC and Banks Total Assets Cash Gold Deposits with NBC Due from Banks Loans and Advances to Customers Deposits with, Loans and advances to, Banks Loans and advances to state enterprises Loans and advances to private sector Accrued interest receivable Securities Claims on goverment Prepaid Expenses Fixed assets Other assets Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Acleda Bank Plc. Canadia Bank Plc. Cambodian Public Bank Plc ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. BIDC Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* Union Commercial Bank Plc. Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. Vattanac Bank Ltd. First Commercial Bank, P.P Branch* Maruhan Japan Bank Plc Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Phnom Penh Commercial Bank OSK Indochina Bank Ltd CIMB Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Singapore Banking Corporation Krung Thai Bank Public Ltd., P.P Branch* Shinhan Khmer Bank Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc. Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Booyong Khmer Bank Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-Total Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 First Investment Specialized Bank 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 Angkor Capital Bank 33 Anco Specialized Bank 34 PHSME Specialized Bank 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-Total Total 6,063,681 5,279,836 4,093,420 2,840,347 1,820,359 1,654,958 1,290,251 1,025,197 833,832 817,998 763,629 578,187 501,262 474,833 413,934 413,896 , 363,255 353,082 274,034 271,189 256,538 229,641 198,916 198,540 187,653 183,550 152,422 67,478 31,601,920 490,351 370,566 149,331 139,389 17,377 35,098 64,251 208,114 12,873 38,922 97,846 54,031 9,335 22,022 17,195 12,214 , 18,858 13,066 4,163 85,074 41,501 4,455 6,490 3,361 8,214 16,980 590 357 1,942,024 209,828 61,268 55,480 54,824 38,350 34,659 34,601 489,010 3,255 22,573 1,315 148 2,289 6,283 106 35,969 32,090,929 1,977,993 9,959 28 9,987 9,987 961,628 1,182,801 871,529 959,695 142,364 667,592 412,394 143,561 379,679 106,149 166,415 59,867 232,685 280,530 47,042 93,301 , 124,140 45,542 44,882 28,833 39,040 46,197 25,579 22,475 24,119 46,687 15,587 8,255 7,178,568 336,057 286,526 54,657 23,617 211,442 131,048 115,919 43,468 57,520 8,496 27,476 22,064 11,767 28,973 15,244 795 26,615 7,911 13,012 15,064 9,439 2 9,698 3,284 24,366 11,632 2,661 1,441 1,500,194 10,882 95,375 404,042 276,181 97,259 159,673 20,201 14,250 353,023 269,836 74,672 60,809 111,783 152,719 52,602 , 24,466 130,638 2,467 1,766 64,810 62,332 26,443 2,032 130,954 39,974 2,639,187 - 4,061,344 2,977,665 2,417,590 1,301,854 1,145,998 595,172 656,117 586,079 24,618 373,634 342,187 375,703 122,495 126,296 173,301 232,426 , 171,173 225,083 77,750 134,392 137,411 111,329 152,566 74,118 98,147 80,175 16,698 16,791,317 37,145 41,538 22,880 105 9,992 5,832 3,815 1,202 8 3,043 822 2,039 481 427 1,036 814 752 3,333 250 1,394 729 678 438 736 854 399 71 140,813 62,552 8,205 6,266 3,292 1,639 4,204 1,929 88,087 4,664 3,601 6,109 133 27 1,306 15,841 8,331 606 6,542 15,479 - 127,320 22,892 39,838 34,910 33,677 22,748 20,763 302,148 1,400 441 1,525 348 654 438 534 5,339 7,266,655 1,516,035 2,654,666 - 17,093,464 146,152 * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -15- 39,119 873 101 7,173 47,266 - 17,400 17,588 9,322 937 2,012 2,317 4,448 1,258 820 3,623 1,735 1,318 7,990 250 2,688 1,718 , 1,291 19,965 340 1,897 5,665 15 250 875 2,300 2,223 113 110,359 132,591 193,226 165,270 42,129 35,281 57,589 10,766 22,286 3,791 14,167 52,369 1,599 4,624 10,842 4,429 20,023 , 20,418 3,757 2,952 729 19,526 2,071 3,685 24,306 4,636 3,211 407 569 857,246 16,283 114,551 (1,199) 96,441 119,517 638 2,340 4,106 1,500 27 108 757 103 5,494 282 4 8 46 1,339 1,460 57 460 504 20,134 1 384,959 - - 35 842 244 295 4 38 240 1,697 2,258 2,098 184 15,092 87 922 2,970 23,611 13 616 210 839 47,266 - 112,056 880,857 385,798 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS OF INDIVIDUAL BANKS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 Table 6 Cash, Loans, Deposits with NBC and Banks Total Assets Cash Gold Deposits with NBC Due from Banks Loans and Advances to Customers Deposits with, Loans and advances to, Banks Loans and advances to state enterprises Loans and advances to private sector Accrued interest receivable Securities Claims on goverment Prepaid Expenses Fixed assets Other assets Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8.1 7.0 3.6 4.9 1.0 2.1 5.0 20.3 1.5 4.8 12.8 9.3 1.9 4.6 4.2 3.0 5.2 3.7 1.5 31.4 16.2 1.9 3.3 1.7 4.4 9.3 0.4 0.5 6.1 2.8 0.0 0.0 15.9 22.4 21.3 33.8 7.8 40.3 32.0 14.0 45.5 13.0 21.8 10.4 46.4 59.1 11.4 22.5 34.2 12.9 16.4 10.6 15.2 20.1 12.9 11.3 12.9 25.4 10.2 12.2 22.7 5.5 5.4 1.3 0.8 11.6 7.9 9.0 4.2 6.9 1.0 3.6 3.8 2.3 6.1 3.7 0.2 7.3 2.2 4.7 5.6 3.7 0.0 4.9 1.7 13.0 6.3 1.7 2.1 4.7 0.2 1.8 9.9 9.7 5.3 9.6 1.6 1.4 42.3 33.0 9.8 10.5 22.3 36.9 12.7 6.9 47.7 0.9 0.7 28.2 31.4 14.1 1.1 85.9 59.2 8.4 - 67.0 56.4 59.1 45.8 63.0 36.0 50.9 57.2 3.0 45.7 44.8 65.0 24.4 26.6 41.9 56.2 47.1 63.7 28.4 49.6 53.6 48.5 76.7 37.3 52.3 43.7 24.7 53.1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.4 2.1 0.1 0.0 3.6 0.1 - 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 1.6 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.4 5.7 0.1 0.7 2.2 0.0 0.1 0.5 1.3 1.5 0.2 0.3 2.2 3.7 4.0 1.5 1.9 3.5 0.8 2.2 0.5 1.7 6.9 0.3 0.9 2.3 1.1 4.8 5.6 1.1 1.1 0.3 7.6 0.9 1.9 12.2 2.5 1.7 0.3 0.8 2.7 0.3 2.2 (0.0) 3.4 6.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.3 11.0 0.0 1.2 Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 First Investment Specialized Bank 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 Angkor Capital Bank 33 Anco Specialized Bank 34 PHSME Specialized Bank 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.6 36.8 2.4 0.3 6.0 18.1 0.3 7.4 - 29.8 13.4 11.3 6.0 4.3 12.1 5.6 18.0 2.2 5.9 11.0 0.2 0.1 3.8 3.2 4.0 1.1 18.9 3.2 - 60.7 37.4 71.8 63.7 87.8 65.6 60.0 61.8 0.7 0.7 2.7 0.6 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.1 - - 0.0 1.4 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.3 1.1 3.4 0.3 27.5 0.2 2.7 8.6 4.8 0.0 1.0 0.6 0.2 Total 100 6.2 0.0 22.6 4.7 8.3 - 53.3 0.5 0.1 - 0.3 2.7 1.2 Acleda Bank Plc. Canadia Bank Plc. Cambodian Public Bank Plc ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. BIDC Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* Union Commercial Bank Plc. Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. Vattanac Bank Ltd. First Commercial Bank, P.P Branch* Maruhan Japan Bank Plc Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Phnom Penh Commercial Bank OSK Indochina Bank Ltd CIMB Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Singapore Banking Corporation Krung Thai Bank Public Ltd., P.P Branch* Shinhan Khmer Bank Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc. Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Booyong Khmer Bank Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-Total * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -16- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 Table 7 (millions of KHR) Total Liabilities and Equity Owed to NBC Owed to Banks Borrowed Funds Other liabilities Customer's deposit Shareholder's equity Reserves Subordinated loans (after NBC's agreement) General provisions & other 316,547 444,290 363,510 286,769 282,730 155,502 121,170 151,463 60,585 145,404 151,463 113,092 298,886 100,975 157,521 161,560 149 443 149,443 153,482 157,521 147,424 68,663 82,194 80,780 161,560 64,624 149,443 145,404 52,507 4,724,510 161,560 546 162,106 266,878 28,596 40,390 4,039 339,903 206,183 651 244 124 706 207,908 5,047 508 286 5,660 1,500 841 82,284 48,468 52,507 40,390 32,716 31,282 10,837 - 6,325 - - 0 838 14,681 32,716 320,362 10,837 6,325 - 393,214 1,034,661 5,044,872 172,943 346,228 Demand deposits Saving deposits Fixed deposits Accrued interest payable Other deposits 17,776 9,658 2,343 24,199 5,956 1,135 2,157 236,121 2,818 956 993 1 1,445 1,459 377 75,395 539 0 72 36 1,151 8,626 0 393,214 290,140 201,237 79,735 148,286 33,171 22,375 21,859 22,702 103,496 5,506 8,171 4,315 3,417 6,669 3,083 4,894 16 647 16,647 11,523 12,890 2,932 5,092 2,487 3,205 1,158 2,073 1,889 380 649 1,019,980 0 Paid up Capital Retained and Current Profit/Loss Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Acleda Bank Plc. Canadia Bank Plc. Cambodian Public Bank Plc ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. BIDC Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* Union Commercial Bank Plc. Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. Vattanac Bank Ltd. First Commercial Bank, P.P Branch* Maruhan Japan Bank Plc Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Phnom Penh Commercial Bank OSK Indochina Bank Ltd C CIMB Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Singapore Banking Corporation Krung Thai Bank Public Ltd., P.P Branch* Shinhan Khmer Bank Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc. Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Booyong Khmer Bank Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-Total 6,063,681 5,279,836 4,093,420 2,840,347 1,820,359 1,654,958 1,290,251 1,025,197 833,832 817,998 763,629 578,187 501,262 474,833 413,934 413,896 363 256 363,256 353,082 274,034 271,189 256,538 229,641 198,916 198,540 187,653 183,550 152,422 67,478 31,601,920 - 169,959 405,036 11,956 50,476 1,019,875 89,275 510,825 48,868 86,011 15,087 440 139,756 17,153 81 158,311 71,680 12 253 12,253 120,154 20 9,170 8,373 29,476 59,148 47 8,089 3,041,520 145,054 284 55,149 200,487 482,818 233,685 755,659 948,425 129,125 260,271 272,696 135,947 185,015 20,145 149,756 42,400 6,373 67,581 3,564 53,047 45 696 45,696 7,848 22,204 20,186 61,317 5,253 18,628 4,441 8,603 42,860 51 533 3,984,127 2,017,137 1,336,694 789,139 923,735 11,387 360,408 135,889 213,732 86,570 375,141 117,380 151,596 125,170 245,079 31,259 23,165 18 995 18,995 27,316 689 26,578 77,455 58,386 57,376 4,836 42,850 23,835 3,425 1,266 7,286,486 1,946,771 2,343,246 1,568,680 431,112 287,840 678,760 195,922 405,333 41,318 255,721 308,540 90,297 77,969 23,524 50,726 110,317 135 072 135,072 21,978 3,414 64,595 53,443 391 15,757 3,120 13,055 1,551 9,128,450 27,547 51,139 21,157 2,821 11,989 9,694 1,075 21,470 413 5,866 3,704 8,764 1,799 41 827 1,719 570 168 85 1,570 1,052 0 20 34 75 58 0 33 173,690 209,828 61,268 55,480 54,824 38,350 34,659 - 534 22,426 - 96,983 - 3,018 30 442 1,918 858 138 4 - 1,441 - 25 - 34,601 489,010 - 22,960 1,616 98,599 8 5,415 1,001 1,441 25 32,090,929 - 3,064,480 299,086 3,989,543 7,287,487 9,129,892 173,716 176,873 226,255 339,682 48,724 19,393 71,928 29,681 23,401 (6,371) (7,690) 23,220 26,974 (29,507) 29,438 7,183 (12,862) (15 421) (15,421) 10,613 1,835 7,906 (11,043) 15,906 14,704 (6,120) (3,925) (43,207) 3,162 (1,189) 939,539 Specialized Banks 29 30 31 32 33 34 Rural Development Bank First Investment Specialized Bank CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. Angkor Capital Bank Anco Specialized Bank PHSME Specialized Bank 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-Total Total * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -17- - 207,908 13,312 1,455 2,519 (14,099) 4,135 618 (577) 7,362 946,901 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LIABILITIES & EQUITY OF INDIVIDUAL BANKS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 Table 8 Total Liabilities and Equity Owed to NBC Owed to Banks Borrowed Funds Other liabilities Customer's deposit Demand deposits Saving deposits Fixed deposits Accrued interest payable Other deposits Shareholder's equity Paid up Capital Reserves Subordinated loans (after NBC's agreement) General provisions & other Retained and Current Profit/Loss Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Acleda Bank Plc. Canadia Bank Plc. Cambodian Public Bank Plc ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. BIDC Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* Union Commercial Bank Plc. Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. Vattanac Bank Ltd. First Commercial Bank, P.P Branch* Maruhan Japan Bank Plc Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Phnom Penh Commercial Bank OSK Indochina Bank Ltd CIMB Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Singapore Banking Corporation Krung Thai Bank Public Ltd., P.P Branch* Shinhan Khmer Bank Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc. Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Booyong Khmer Bank Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - 2.8 7.7 0.3 1.8 56.0 5.4 39.6 4.8 10.3 1.8 0.1 24.2 3.4 0.0 38.2 17.3 3.4 34.0 0.0 4.0 4.2 14.8 31.5 0.0 12.0 9.6 2.4 0.0 24.0 0.6 8.0 4.4 18.5 33.4 7.1 15.7 21.1 13.3 22.2 2.5 19.6 7.3 1.3 14.2 0.9 12.8 12.6 2.2 8.1 7.4 23.9 2.3 9.4 2.2 4.6 23.4 0.0 0.8 12.6 33.3 25.3 19.3 32.5 0.6 21.8 10.5 20.8 10.4 45.9 15.4 26.2 25.0 51.6 7.6 5.6 5.2 7.7 0.3 9.8 30.2 25.4 28.8 2.4 22.8 13.0 2.2 1.9 23.1 32.1 44.4 38.3 15.2 15.8 41.0 15.2 39.5 5.0 31.3 40.4 15.6 15.6 5.0 12.3 26.7 37.2 6.2 1.2 23.8 20.8 0.2 7.9 1.6 7.0 2.3 28.9 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.1 2.1 0.0 0.7 0.5 1.5 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 28.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.1 27.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 4.7 0.0 1.2 4.8 3.8 1.9 5.2 1.8 1.4 1.7 2.2 12.4 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.7 1.4 0.7 1.2 4.6 3.3 4.7 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.6 0.6 1.1 1.0 0.2 1.0 3.2 5.2 8.4 8.9 10.1 15.5 9.4 9.4 14.8 7.3 17.8 19.8 19.6 59.6 21.3 38.1 39.0 41.1 43.5 57.5 54.4 26.8 35.8 40.6 81.4 34.4 81.4 95.4 77.8 15.0 3.9 0.0 0.5 4.4 0.5 4.8 6.0 1.1 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.7 2.9 4.3 8.3 1.7 1.1 4.3 2.3 2.3 (0.8) (0.9) 3.0 4.7 (5.9) 6.2 1.7 (3.1) (4.2) 3.0 0.7 2.9 (4.3) 6.9 7.4 (3.1) (2.1) (23.5) 2.1 (1.8) 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - 0.3 40.9 4.7 46.2 4.7 20.2 1.4 0.1 0.8 5.5 0.0 1.1 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.8 0.5 10.3 3.9 2.4 2.4 3.0 39.2 79.1 94.6 73.7 85.3 90.3 94.6 65.5 17.7 2.2 3.0 1.3 - 6.3 2.4 4.5 (25.7) 10.8 1.8 (1.7) 1.5 100.0 - 9.5 0.9 12.4 22.7 28.5 0.5 1.2 3.2 15.7 0.5 1.1 0.6 Specialized Banks 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Total Rural Development Bank First Investment Specialized Bank CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. Angkor Capital Bank Anco Specialized Bank PHSME Specialized Bank Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-Total * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -18- 3.0 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31, 2011 Table 9 Interest income Interest Expenses Net interest Income Non Interest Income 1 2 3=1-2 4 GOI (Gross Operating Inc or loss) 5=3+4 Operating Expenses (Excluding depriciation) 6 Provision Expenses Depreciation Bad debts & Doubtful 7 8 Recoveries P&L Before Tax Profit Tax 9 10=5-6-7-8+9 11 Extra gains or Losses Prior year Adjustment G/Reserves 12 (millions of KHR) Net profit & Loss for 12 months 13=10-11+/-12 Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 6 First Commercial Bank, P.P. Branch 7 Bank for Investment and development of Cambodia Plc. 8 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 9 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 586,905 116,392 470,514 101,556 572,070 316,048 21,522 14,760 3,888 223,627 44,218 268,698 118,023 150,676 59,605 210,280 65,492 11,562 26,659 35,963 142,531 - 251,654 85,507 166,147 51,090 217,236 51,351 10,523 39,211 3,413 119,565 22,824 114,919 19,168 95,751 64,044 159,794 85,651 10,426 2,622 - 61,095 12,233 (2,536) 176,873 (34) 142,497 (1,021) 72 72,392 34,352 38,040 10,182 48,222 14,780 836 3,353 6,463 35,717 - - 32,941 3,371 29,570 4,739 34,309 7,702 480 2,533 - 23,594 - - 117,012 74,341 42,671 11,889 54,560 22,059 1,892 5,889 - 24,720 5,318 57,965 26,936 31,029 17,648 48,677 18,221 1,796 5,036 355 23,979 5,477 95,720 48,933 35,717 23,594 (9) 19,393 123 18,625 32,200 11,929 20,271 8,857 29,128 13,935 2,334 (2,809) - 15,667 3,146 61 12,583 10 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 11 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 49,584 6,098 43,486 8,479 51,965 15,919 4,088 13,653 - 18,305 6,990 129 11,443 21,574 2,467 19,107 18,832 7,041 867 739 - 10,184 2,102 2,531 10,613 12 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 13 Shinhan Khmer Bank 53,446 27,159 26,287 9,543 35,830 19,099 4,403 4,433 973 8,868 666 11,469 511 10,958 3,287 14,245 5,685 518 279 - 7,763 18,421 5,354 13,067 2,904 15,971 8,238 853 825 - 7,481 , 475 7,006 , 5,650 , 12,656 , 5,880 , 1,313 , - - 14 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 15 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 16 Agriculture Bank 17 Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd. 18 Krung Thai Bank Public P.P. Branch 19 Booyong Khmer Bank 20 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 21 Kookmin Bank Cambodia 22 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 23 Bank of India PP branch 24 Hwang DBS 25 Bank of China* 26 OSK Indochina Bank Ltd 27 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc 28 CIMB Bank Plc. Sub total (276) 8,402 624 7,778 462 8,240 3,636 484 264 12,750 2,413 10,337 7,042 17,379 12,743 1,103 1,008 3,978 110 3,868 2,701 6,569 2,817 319 (137) 2,507 14 2,492 398 2,890 1,508 385 (6) (29) 8,173 1,767 48 6,044 6,055 1,355 720 5,419 5,463 , 1,340 , 613 4,735 , 3,855 315 6 3,547 2,530 - 37 2,567 - 3,570 890 808 1,811 395 0 1,416 5 (225) 2,455 9,069 3,158 5,911 13,786 19,698 13,483 808 4,224 56 1,239 303 321 1,257 9,413 1,388 8,025 2,626 10,652 6,272 810 2,690 35 915 112 2 805 8,182 764 7,418 1,541 8,959 8,292 1,577 (1,763) 3 857 154 0 1,725 93 1,633 216 1,848 1,325 17 351 - 155 26 7,560 297 7,263 6,960 6,164 247 1,195 - (646) 2,090 1,349 741 4,173 (303) 4,914 8,459 1,567 1,054 - (6,166) 17,748 5,972 11,776 2,829 14,605 15,673 2,787 1,386 - (5,240) 10,608 5,370 5,238 3,376 8,614 8,268 4,393 1,416 - (5,463) 6,467 1,797,161 2,003 555,637 4,464 1,241,524 664 398,707 5,127 1,640,231 10,915 756,656 5,936 93,846 1,712 130,575 51,961 8,408 4,860 6,385 2,600 3,187 3,440 4,588 233 1,231 55 8,175 4,860 5,154 2,600 3,187 3,440 4,533 457 187 122 949 226 306 347 8,632 5,048 5,277 3,549 3,413 3,746 4,880 3,787 607 2,671 1,663 1,943 2,211 1,706 350 100 329 245 125 650 1,468 567 372 1,024 855 812 9,500 851 255 - 33,468 1,519 31,949 2,595 34,544 14,587 3,266 13,130 1,106 1,830,629 557,156 1,273,473 401,302 1,674,775 771,244 97,113 143,705 53,067 - 83 (1,020) 703 129 3 (726) - (5,146) 211 - (5,451) 145 (61) (5,669) (13,436) 711,114 75 109,125 (84) 665 (13,594) 602,653 3,928 3,969 2,276 1,468 746 72 (7,793) 81 794 66 40 51 (191) (0) (1) (13) (130) 2 0 3,656 3,175 2,209 1,455 615 34 (7,844) 4,666 1,032 (334) 3,301 715,780 110,157 Specialized Banks 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Rural Development Bank Anco Specialized Bank Ltd. CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. First Investment Specialized Bank Ltd. PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. Tomato Specialized Bank Angkor Capital Specialized Bank Sub total Total * Foreign Branch Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -19- 331 605,954 NET PROFITS For the Year Ending December 31, 2011 Table 10 (millions of KHR) Net profit Total Assets As Percentage of Assets Loans 1 As Percentage of Loans Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 176,873 6,063,681 2.9% 4,102,821 4.3% 142,497 5,279,836 2.7% 3,079,009 4.6% 95,720 4,093,420 2.3% 2,484,017 3.9% 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 48,933 2,840,347 1.7% 1,332,837 3.7% 35,717 1,654,958 2.2% 608,553 5.9% 6 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 7 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc 23,594 578,187 4.1% 19,393 1,820,359 1.1% 379,811 1,156,250 1.7% 8 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 18,625 1,025,197 1.8% 12,583 763,629 1.6% 589,874 343,242 3.2% 9 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 11,443 1,290,251 0.9% 682,814 1.7% 10,613 353,082 3.0% 229,563 4.6% 12 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 8,173 817,998 1.0% 379,903 2.2% 13 Shinhan Khmer Bank 14 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 6,044 198,916 3.0% 153,058 3.9% 5,419 413,934 1.3% 174,337 3.1% 15 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 4,735 474,833 1.0% 126,722 3.7% 16 Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* 3,547 274,034 1.3% 78,057 4.5% 17 Singapore Banking Corporation 2,567 256,538 1.0% 138,281 1.9% 18 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 19 Booyong Khmer Bank 2,455 229,641 1.1% 112,006 2.2% 1,416 152,422 0.9% 20 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 1,257 271,189 0.5% 142,366 0.9% 21 Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 805 187,653 0.4% 101,414 0.8% 22 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 23 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* 703 183,550 0.4% 87,481 0.8% 129 67,478 0.2% 16,769 0.8% 10 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 11 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 6.2% 3.7% 0.0% 24 Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc 25 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* (726) 198,540 -0.4% 75,668 -1.0% (5,146) 833,832 -0.6% -20.9% 26 OSK Indochina Bank Ltd (5,451) 413,896 -1.3% 24,626 233,588 27 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc (5,669) 501,262 -1.1% 133,163 -4.3% (13,594) 602,653 363,255 31,601,920 -3.7% 1.9% 171,925 17,138,155 -7.9% 3.5% 28 CIMB Bank Sub total -2.3% Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 Anco Specialized Bank 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 First Investment Specialized Bank 33 PHSME Specialized Bank 3,656 209,828 1.7% 130,811 2.8% 3,175 38,350 8.3% 39,261 8.1% 2,209 55,480 4.0% 44,259 5.0% 1,455 61,268 34,659 2.4% 24,327 6.0% 1.8% 24,102 2.6% 34,601 54,824 0.1% 22,143 0.2% -14.3% 51,319 -15.3% 3,301 489,010 0.7% 336,222 1.0% 605,954 32,090,929 1.9% 17,474,377 3.5% 615 34 Tomato Specialized Bank 35 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 34 (7,844) Sub total Total * Foreign Branch 1 Gross Loans (excluding loans to government & banks) Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* 600,000 Net Profits 129% 800,000 73% 67% 150% 42% 31% 62% 50% 400,000 - 0% -46% 200,000 98,014 224,148 373,815 489,478 263,108 374,018 605,954 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -20- 100% -50% -100% Net profits Percentage changes COMPARISON OF TOTAL DEPOSITS1 As of December 31, 2011 Table 11 2011 (millions of KHR) Growth Rate (%) 2010 Share Share 2011 over 2010 Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 4,492,049 21.4% 3,606,757 20.6% 24.5% 3,974,422 18.9% 3,101,796 17.7% 28.1% 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 3,136,978 15.0% 3,231,618 18.5% -2.9% 2,306,093 11.0% 2,059,786 11.8% 12.0% 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 6 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 1,315,089 6.3% 1,076,071 6.2% 22.2% 778,639 3.7% 631,136 3.6% 23.4% 7 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 8 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 659,691 3.1% 477,593 2.7% 38.1% 606,716 2.9% 788,443 4.5% -23.0% 9 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 10 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* 11 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc 12 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 580,336 2.8% 660,287 3.8% -12.1% 549,437 2.6% 464,539 2.2% 337,670 13 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 14 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. 294,051 15 CIMB Bank 16 Singapore Banking Corporation - 0.0% 0.0% 394,786 2.3% 17.7% 1.6% 291,111 1.7% 16.0% 1.4% 163,477 0.9% 79.9% 211,313 1.0% 164,965 0.9% 28.1% 200,333 1.0% 12,214 0.1% 1540.2% 193,807 0.9% 167,513 1.0% 15.7% 17 OSK Indochina Bank 18 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 188,624 0.9% 95,594 0.5% 97.3% 112,929 0.5% 76,788 0.4% 47.1% 19 Agri Bank Cambodia Bank* 20 Shinhan Khmer Bank 101,788 0.5% 14,882 0.1% 584.0% 91,853 0.4% 93,519 0.5% -1.8% 21 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 22 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 87,836 0.4% 44,254 0.3% 98.5% 75,379 0.4% 64,928 0.4% 16.1% 23 Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 24 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 65,734 0.3% 37,238 0.2% 76.5% 64,030 0.3% 50,408 0.3% 27.0% 25 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 57,310 0.3% 63,744 0.4% -10.1% 26 Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc 27 Booyoung Khmer Bank 12,466 0.1% 12,935 0.1% -3.6% 3,477 0.0% 634 0.0% 448.3% 28 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-total 3,383 0.0% 4,137 0.0% -18.2% 20,965,968 100.0% 17,386,611 99.5% 20.6% Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 PHSME Specialized Bank 31 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 5,343 0.0% 5,122 0.0% 4.1% 1,918 0.0% 409 0.0% 78.7% -98.3% 446 0.0% 25,742 0.1% 32 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 33 Tomato Specialized Bank 168 8 0.0% 61,238 85 0.4% -99.7% 0.0% -1007.2% 34 First Investment Specialized Bank 35 Anco Specialized Bank - 0.0% 18 0.0% 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 0.0% 7,883 0.0% 92,613 0.5% -91.5% 20,973,851 100.0% 17,479,224 100.0% 20.0% Sub-total Total 0.0% * Foreign branches Excluding deposits from Banks and Other Financial Institutions (OFIs), both local and abroad. Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* 1 Total Deposits1 and Deposits Total deposit asGrowth at Dec. 31 80% 75% 70% 44% 35% 9,922 18% 5,655 5,000 10,287 10,000 2005 2006 20,974 17,479 15,000 13,842 20,000 3,927 Billions of KHR 25,000 26% 2007 2008 Deposits 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% 2009 Growth rate -21- 50% 40% 4% - 60% 2010 2011 TOTAL DEPOSITS CLASSIFIED BY CUSTOMER TYPE As of December 31, 2011 Table 12 (millions of KHR) Total Deposits Government State Enterprise Bank Municipality Incorporated in Camobodia Other local Financial Institutions Business Enterprise Individuals Non-profit Organization Bank Other abroad Incorporated Financial Abroad Institutions NonResident Others Commercial Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ACLEDA Bank Canadia Bank Ltd. Cambodian Public Bank Plc ANZ Royal Cambodia Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia May Bank Union Commercial Bank Plc. Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch Ltd. Vattanac Bank First Commercial Bank Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. OSK Indochina Bank Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. CIMB Bank Plc. Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd. Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc KOOKMIN Bank Cambodia Plc. Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. AGRI Bank Cambodia Branch Shinhan Khmer Bank Cambodia Mekong Bank Ltd. Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd. HwangDBS Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch Booyoung Khmer Bank Sub total 4,662,007 4,379,457 3,148,934 2,326,659 1,484,414 1,404,364 1,117,540 827,507 674,778 635,448 580,776 433,807 337,670 259,820 246,147 228,466 212,586 193,826 177,464 124,882 112,929 101,788 100,226 75,425 64,030 41,942 4,192 3,477 23,960,561 176,801 76,154 570 128,434 185 2 - 19,633 162,430 7,120 14,711 334,467 9,893 - 1,427 1,149 60 - 169,802 285,606 11,956 517 89,057 89,275 501,393 48,868 12,448 86,011 440 68,990 125,395 16,314 12,253 20 120,154 37,990 8,160 47 8,345 809 - 41,423 20,049 36,763 2,639 32,916 839 21,158 157 - 721,779 1,564,834 1,405,663 771,004 207,599 308,601 317,371 210,165 162,284 426,862 130,111 187,232 228,093 83,424 24,424 33,753 36,285 39,808 7,659 30,694 20,766 95,098 64,250 41,697 53,870 2,468 368 3,194 3,268,806 2,084,142 1,621,288 1,371,531 38,110 529,110 280,327 551,532 467,312 89,138 427,505 106,819 83,985 89,420 60,421 80,505 61,306 146,352 49,625 35,040 92,163 6,688 18,040 32,986 10,159 8,534 3,002 282 48,119 73,293 37,402 12,742 13,322 2 1,767 113 - 157 894,054 9,432 139,756 1,818 213 858 - 78,007 388 20,116 - 254,722 70,314 36,735 65,647 194,951 7,372 9,018 16,942 27,277 33,437 25 12,085 15,404 1,540 97,054 7,646 26 3 7,306 1,315 13 - 762 16,547 52,818 9,167 5,956 2,818 377 1,448 102,739 490 696 36 - 382,147 548,254 2,636 1,693,851 155,944 7,179,359 11,614,128 186,760 1,046,288 98,511 858,831 193,853 191 191 519 249 30 798 2,345 1,399 197 125 4,066 0 14 14 2,998 8 3,005 156,135 7,180,156 11,618,194 858,846 196,858 Specialized Banks 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Rural Development Bank PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. Angkor Capital Specialized Bank CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. Tomato Specialized Bank First Investment Specialized Bank ANCO Specialized Bank Sub total Total As Percentage of Total deposits 5,534 1,918 446 168 8 8,074 23,968,635 100.0% 382,147 1.59% 548,254 2.29% 2,636 0.01% 1,693,851 7.07% *F Foreign i B Branches h Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -22- 0.65% 29.96% 48.47% 186,760 0.78% 1,046,288 4.37% 98,511 0.41% 3.58% 0.82% LOANS AND NON-PERFORMING LOANS (NPLs) As of December 31, 2011 Table 13 Dec-11 NPLs Loans1 Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 5 Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Plc 6 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 7 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 8 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 9 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 10 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 11 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OSK Indochina Bank Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc Phnom Penh Commercial Bank CIMB Bank Shinhan Khmer Bank Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. Singapore Banking Corporation Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc3 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Booyoung Khmer Bank Sub total 4,102,821 3,079,009 2,484,017 1,332,837 1,156,250 682,814 608,553 589,874 379,903 379,811 343,242 7,299 131,061 89,715 50,520 360 24,616 17,263 2,593 13,652 4,226 - 233,588 229,563 174,337 171,925 153,058 142,366 138,281 133,163 126,722 112,006 101,414 87,481 78,057 75,668 24,626 16,769 17,138,155 (millions of KHR) Loans1 NPL/Loans Dec-10 NPLs NPL/Loans 0.18% 4.26% 3.61% 3.79% 0.03% 3.61% 2.84% 0.44% 3.59% 1.11% 3,047,511 2,140,373 2,326,613 1,193,835 606,506 367,835 527,311 361,091 302,097 303,650 13,599 140,095 78,293 68,079 14,815 17,030 247 2,359 - 0.4% 6.5% 3.4% 5.7% 0.0% 4.0% 3.2% 0.1% 0.8% 0.0% 799 160 2,020 1,893 10,187 593 6,601 22,701 112 386,371 0.00% 0.34% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.42% 1.37% 7.65% 0.00% 0.53% 6.51% 25.95% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.25% 230,171 113,346 281,742 96,667 125,767 99,437 107,766 56,971 142,633 101,887 66,230 78,885 56,030 26,457 5,757 1,668 12,768,235 32,381 393 329 20,316 474 897 389,305 14.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.8% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 53.8% 3.0% 130,811 51,319 44,259 39,261 24,327 24,102 22,143 336,222 591 16,976 888 14,614 1,589 2,053 1,600 38,311 0.45% 33.08% 2.01% 37.22% 6.53% 8.52% 7.23% 11.39% 110,127 67,028 85,515 37,173 20,790 23,084 21,828 365,544 593 89 7,532 2,709 342 11,265 0.5% 0.1% 0.0% 20.3% 13.0% 1.5% 0.0% 3.1% 17,474,377 424,682 2.43% 13,133,779 400,570 3.0% Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 Anco Specialized Bank 33 First Investment Specialized Bank 34 PHSME Specialized Bank 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub total * Foreign branches 1 Gross Loans (excluding loans to government and banks) Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* 17,474 9.5% 180 2005 340 2006 218 2007 Loans 360 4.4% 10,467 3.7% 9,804 6,335 3.4% 3.0% 457 2008 2009 NPLs NPLs/Loans -23- 13,135 7.5% 3,579 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - 2,411 Billions of KHR Loans and Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) 401 2010 2.43% 425 2011 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% TOTAL CREDITS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF INDUSTRY As at December 31, 2011 Table 14 (millions of KHR) 2011 2010 Growth Rate (%) Share Type of Industries 1 Retail Trade 2 Wholesale Trade 3 Other Non-Financial Services Share 2011 over 2010 34.5% 3,187,382 18.0% 2,369,452 17.9% 2,545,005 14.4% 2,316,275 17.5% 9.9% 1,624,405 9.2% 1,309,328 9.9% 24.1% 4 Manufacturing 5 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1,621,658 9.2% 1,149,889 8.7% 41.0% 1,569,397 8.9% 883,695 6.7% 77.6% 6 Construction 7 Hotels and Restaurants 1,316,915 7.4% 930,667 7.0% 41.5% 1,312,275 7.4% 1,287,877 9.7% 1.9% 8 Mortgages, Owner-Occupied Housing only 1,096,184 6.2% 476,143 3.6% 130.2% 27.8% 873,504 4.9% 683,655 5.2% 10 Real estate and Public utilities 11 Information Media and Telecom 564,804 3.2% 613,332 4.6% -7.9% 527,975 3.0% 355,704 2.7% 48.4% 12 Financial Institutions 323,384 1.8% 177,214 1.3% 82.5% 13 Other 14 Rental and Operational Leasing Activities* 297,072 1.7% 165,468 1.3% 79.5% 293,376 1.7% 98,589 0.7% 197.6% 15 Transport and Storage 16 Utilities 271,896 1.5% 251,858 1.9% 8.0% 208,689 1.2% 72,878 0.6% 186.4% 32,626 0.2% 23,508 0.2% 38.8% 13,342 0.1% 55,404 0.4% -75.9% 17,679,890 100.0% 13,220,939 100.0% 33.7% 9 Personal consumption 17 Credit Cards 18 Mining and Quarrying Total Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* * Excluded Real Estate Leasing and Rentals Other 1.7% Financial Institutions 1.8% Rental and Operational Leasing Activities* 1.7% Information Media and Telecom 3.0% Real estate and Public utilities 3.2% Transport and Storage 1.5% Utilities 1.2% Credit Cards 0.2% Mining and Quarrying 0.1% Retail Trade 18.0% Personal consumption 4.9% Wholesale Trade 14.4% Mortgages, Owner-Occupied Housing only 6.2% Other Non-Financial Services 9.2% Construction 7.4% Hotels and Restaurants 7.4% Manufacturing 9.2% Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 8.9% Total Credits classified by type of business (billions of KHR) 20,000 Services 18,000 Whole sale and Retail 16,000 Manufacturing Real estate and Public utilities 14,000 Construction 12,000 Agriculture 10,000 Import 8,000 28% Personal 6,000 consumption Other 4,000 2,000 2,438 2005 90% 80% 80% 17,680 57% 42% 13,221 9,833 6,260 25% 60% 34% 50% 40% 30% 10,540 20% 7% 3,472 70% 10% 0% 2006 2007 2008 Total credits 2009 Growth rate -24- 2010 2011 TOTAL CREDITS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF BUSINESS As at December 31, 2011 Table 15 (millions of KHR) Total Financial Institutions Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Utilities Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Hotels and Restaurants Transport and Storage Information media & Telecom. Rental and Operational Leasing Activities Real Estate Activities Other NonFinancial Services Personal Essentials Other Lending 77,000 Commercial banks 1 ACLEDA Bank 4,102,821 17,060 674,444 - 187,173 - 646,908 1,011,163 55,803 - 25,218 782,392 625,662 2 Canadia Bank Ltd. 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 3,081,029 14,835 265,811 5,234 230,397 23,028 204,556 384,989 610,103 450,668 30,506 140,026 141,421 58,623 71,565 449,268 - 2,484,017 7,465 51,845 1,794 272,186 13,699 307,668 188,229 611,485 393,623 108,853 27,847 89,743 105,344 104,925 194,984 4,326 4 ANZ Royal Cambodia 1,332,837 7,466 2,080 2,273 171,848 1,255 30,393 542,317 40,347 17,714 43,296 204,856 571 31,314 16,670 220,435 5 BIDC 1,156,250 - 133,702 2,198 216,829 31,326 123,557 99,396 210,138 3,882 29,114 50,917 - 56,178 - 73,472 - - - 6 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 696,471 84,323 115,803 - 32,867 24,254 25,282 18,926 58,274 - - - - 7 May Bank 682,814 16,821 35,579 - 118,633 16,487 52,535 84,657 42,057 4,958 7,145 1,586 - 121,519 8 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 589,874 24,839 15,853 - 88,416 28,006 159,919 79,325 65,408 31,145 494 10,708 6,152 37,911 9 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 379,903 - 9,617 1,273 25,633 1,146 18,988 17,525 76,926 34,752 2,069 14,220 1,218 4,058 10 First Commercial Bank 379,811 - 5,534 - 54,683 - 29,952 119,601 18,239 25,587 2,690 1,423 - 15,301 87,724 11 Vattanac Bank 343,242 - 13,735 - 43,348 - 55,315 58,691 51,787 54,774 20,614 - 1,865 13,892 12 OSK Indochina Bank 13 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 233,588 851 3,363 - 37,244 173 9,151 8,264 52,359 64,164 3,813 3,287 22,593 - 229,563 - - - 40,779 406 19,003 51,682 53,145 6,934 6,494 122 - - - 125,540 322,989 13,753 13,260 166,951 626 - 13,738 22,780 5,180 93,506 78,974 - 4,040 15,037 24,771 4,275 174 3,788 24,538 - - 3,732 47,266 14 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. 198,663 65,582 26,558 - 7,175 4,018 21,260 40,401 298 30,523 1,514 - 632 - - 15 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 175,905 6,060 1,686 - 18,866 543 25,268 23,026 36,792 27,486 3,439 - 14,395 9,543 3,880 4,879 16 CIMB Bank Plc. 171,925 3,881 - - 5,657 - 14,344 22,227 18,175 13,959 3,351 23,603 - 36,411 10,259 20,059 - 703 41 17 Shinhan Khmer Bank 153,058 - 11,968 29,665 11,307 7,126 32,369 5,034 805 - - 17,630 1,988 18 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 142,366 - - - - - 131,875 - - - - - - - - 10,490 - 19 Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd. 138,281 1,794 224 - 8,012 3,896 10,501 2,855 - - - - 6,854 5,432 569 33,754 844 242 98,369 101 20 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 126,722 - - - - - - 88,526 33,754 - - - - 2,984 652 - 21 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd. 112,006 - 48,478 - 1,091 36,399 14,524 10,171 1,344 - - - - - - - - 22 KOOKMIN Bank Cambodia Plc. 101,414 - 11,531 - - - 5,409 38,062 - 6,747 - - - 14,955 24,709 - - 23 Cambodia Mekong Bank Ltd. 87,481 - 9,115 - 4,118 18,700 145 10,233 964 2,215 - - - 18,026 20,595 1,426 1,945 24 AGRI Bank Cambodia Branch 78,057 - 3,433 - 6,467 - 6,719 11,306 - 6,177 71 40,437 - 25 HwangDBS 75,667 2,423 562 - 495 146 1,631 6,965 8,188 5,658 503 967 26 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch 27 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch 56,743 39,973 4,050 - 5,604 121 2,816 2,290 - - - 24,626 - - - 5,447 - - 14,954 - - - 28 Booyoung Khmer Bank Sub total 17,335,136 293,374 1,444,971 108,205 13,342 1,616,723 807 204,448 1,301,283 2,491,694 3,161,212 1,302,992 271,858 - - 10,429 3,555 - - - - - - 520,802 289,020 551,847 3,435 12 19,573 14,492 - 1,887 - 4,225 - - 79 1,619,688 1,954,809 297,072 Specialized banks 139,343 28,430 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,679 - 30 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 29 Rural Development Bank 51,319 - - - - - - 51,319 - - - - - - - - - 31 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 44,259 - - - - - 3,479 - - - - - - 8,923 31,734 - 32 ANCO Specialized Bank 39,261 1,016 11,543 - 893 3,421 1,224 - 7,740 5,281 - - - 906 - 7,237 - 33 First Investment Specialized Bank 24,327 - 1,335 - 1,581 140 3,103 326 3,763 1,165 7,172 - - 1,007 4,698 - 34 PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. 24,102 442 1,327 - 2,151 651 5,671 - 6,687 37 - 87 3,128 3,545 376 - 22,143 344,754 17,679,890 122 30,010 323,384 2,017 124,426 1,569,397 311 4,935 1,621,658 4,241 208,689 2,156 15,632 1,316,915 7,980 26,171 3,187,382 2,800 9,284 1,312,275 - 4,269 4,356 293,376 12,957 564,804 41 4,717 1,624,405 782 47,505 2,002,314 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub total Total 100.0% 1.8% 8.9% 13,342 0.1% 9.2% 30 1.2% 7.4% * Foreign branches Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -25- 1,666 53,311 2,545,005 14.4% 18.0% 7.4% 38 38 271,896 1.5% 7,172 527,975 3.0% 1.7% 3.2% 124 9.2% 11.3% 297,072 1.7% LOANS AS PERCENTAGE OF DEPOSITS As of December 31, 2011 Table 16 (millions of KHR) 2011 Deposits1 Commercial Banks 1 Acleda Bank Plc. 2 Canadia Bank Plc. 3 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 4 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 6 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 7 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 8 May Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 9 Vattanac Bank Ltd. 10 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch* 11 Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Plc. 12 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 13 First Commercial Bank, Phnom Penh Branch* 14 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. 15 CIMB Bank 16 Singapore Banking Corporation 17 OSK Indochina Bank 18 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 19 Agri Bank Cambodia Branch* 20 Shinhan Khmer Bank 21 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 22 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 23 Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc3 24 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., P.P. Branch* 25 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 26 Hwang DBS Commercial Bank Plc 27 Booyoung Khmer Bank 28 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch* Sub-total Loans2 Loans to deposits ratio Deposits1 Loans2 4,102,821 3,079,009 2,484,017 1,332,837 608,553 589,874 379,903 682,814 343,242 24,626 1,156,250 126,722 379,811 133,163 171,925 138,281 233,588 142,366 78,057 153,058 174,337 87,481 101,414 112,006 229,563 75,668 16,769 17,138,155 91% 77% 79% 58% 46% 76% 58% 113% 59% 4% 249% 38% 129% 63% 86% 71% 124% 126% 77% 167% 198% 116% 154% 175% 401% 607% 0% 496% 81.7% 3,606,757 3,101,796 3,231,618 2,059,786 1,076,071 631,136 477,593 788,443 660,287 394,786 291,111 163,477 164,965 12,214 167,513 95,594 76,788 14,882 93,519 44,254 64,928 37,238 50,408 63,744 12,935 634 4,137 17,386,611 3,047,511 2,140,373 2,326,613 1,193,835 527,311 361,091 302,097 367,835 230,171 606,506 142,633 303,650 56,971 107,766 113,346 99,437 56,030 125,767 96,667 78,885 66,230 101,887 281,742 26,457 1,668 5,757 12,768,235 84% 69% 72% 58% 49% 57% 63% 47% 35% 154% 49% 186% 35% 0% 64% 119% 129% 377% 134% 218% 121% 178% 202% 442% 205% 263% 139% 73.4% 5,343 1,918 446 168 8 7,883 130,811 24,102 51,319 44,259 22,143 24,327 39,261 336,222 2448% 1257% 11494% 26348% 289832% 4265.0% 5,122 409 25,742 61,238 85 18 92,613 110,127 23,084 67,028 85,515 21,828 20,790 37,173 365,544 2150% 5651% 260% 140% 25804% 116601% 0% 394.7% 20,973,851 17,474,377 83.3% 17,479,224 13,133,779 75.1% * Foreign branches Excluding deposits from Banks and Other Financial Institutions (OFIs), both local and abroad. 1 2 Gross Loans (excluding loans to government & banks) Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* Loans to Deposits Ratio 25,000 120% 95% 76% 10,287 9,922 5,687 3,927 10,467 2006 9,804 2005 6,336 - 3,579 2,347 5,000 100% 80% 20,974 60% 17,474 10,000 17,479 60% 13,842 15,000 75% 83% 64% 13,135 Billions of KHR 20,000 63% Loans to deposits ratio 4,492,049 3,974,422 3,136,978 2,306,093 1,315,089 778,639 659,691 606,716 580,336 549,437 464,539 337,670 294,051 211,313 200,333 193,807 188,624 112,929 101,788 91,853 87,836 75,379 65,734 64,030 57,310 12,466 3,477 3,383 20,965,968 Specialized Banks 29 Rural Development Bank 30 PHSME Specialized Bank 31 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 32 CAMKO Specialized Bank Ltd. 33 Tomato Specialized Bank 34 First Investment Specialized Bank 35 Anco Specialized Bank Sub-total Total 2010 40% 20% 0% 2007 Deposits 2008 Loans -26- 2009 2010 Loans to Deposits Ratio 2011 Number of ATM terminals, ATM Cards, Debit Cards, and Credit Cards As of December 31, 2011 Table 17 ATM terminals POS** Debit Cards Credit Cards Commercial Banks 1 ACLEDA Bank Plc. 134 640 504,173 - 2 ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) Ltd. 127 671 92,011 3,941 3 Canadia Bank Ltd. 68 863 41,490 3,953 4 Singapore Banking Corporation 62 359 17,058 1,889 5 Cambodian Public Bank Plc 40 293 53,258 4,705 6 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 32 115 12,132 214 7 Vattanac Bank 21 16 356 170 8 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 15 12 5,013 906 9 Maybank Phnom Penh Branch* 12 - 4,301 - 10 Cambodia Mekong Bank Public Ltd. 12 478 - 1,197 11 OSK Indochina Bank Ltd 11 - 10,764 - 12 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 10 147 2,285 1,516 13 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 10 - 9,241 - 14 CIMB Bank Plc. 10 - 1,575 - 15 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia 5 200 - 2,862 16 Shinhan Khmer Bank 4 - - - 17 Saigon Thuong Tin (Cambodia) Plc 4 - - - 18 HwangDBS Commercial Bank Plc. 4 - 1,385 - 19 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 3 - - - 20 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc 2 - 2,353 - 21 KOOKMIN BANK CAMBODIA PLC 2 - 4,481 - 22 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. - - - - 23 Krung Thai Bank Pulic Co.Ltd. P.Penh Branch* - - - - 24 First Commercial Bank Phnom Penh Branch* - - - - 25 Booyoung Khmer Bank - - - - 26 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch - - - - 27 Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development* - - - - 28 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch - - - - Sub-total 588 3,794 761,876 21,353 Specialized Banks 29 Anco Specialized Bank - - - - 30 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank - - - - 31 Camko Specialized Bank - - - - 32 First Inverstment Specialized Bank - - - - 33 PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. - - - - 34 Rural Development Bank - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 Tomato Specialized Bank Sub-total Total 588 * Foreign branches ** Point of Sale terminal Note: As reported by banks (Unaudited) and excluded Mega Bank*, ICBC*, MB* -27- 3,794 761,876 21,353 Number of Offices of Micro Finance Institutions As of December 31, 2011 Table 18 Head Office Branch Office Total Phnom Penh Provincial Branch Province District Branch Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hattakaksekar PRASAC Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea SATHAPANA AMRET Vision Fund Cambodia KREDIT Total MDIs Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 SEILANITHIH 10 Chamroeun 11 SAMIC 12 Green Central Micro Finance 13 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 14 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 15 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 16 Cam Capital 17 Camma Microfinance 18 MAXIMA 19 Malis Finance 20 Y C P Microfinance 21 Angkor ACE Star Credit 22 Khemarak Microfinance 23 First Finance 24 Samrithisak Microfinance 25 Prime MF Microfinance 26 Sonatra 27 Active People 28 Farmer Union Development Fund 29 AEON 30 Farmer Finance Total MFIs Total MDIs and MFIs 307 207 206 192 128 121 113 1,274 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 124 65 61 41 33 30 30 27 22 20 18 16 15 15 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 4 620 1,894 1 1 1 1 1 -28- - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 29 1 1 18 24 21 23 15 12 11 124 288 182 184 168 112 108 101 1,143 17 7 9 7 6 5 5 6 2 3 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 92 216 106 57 51 33 26 24 24 20 19 16 15 14 12 10 12 11 11 10 10 9 5 8 2 505 1,648 Number of staff As of December 31, 2011 Table 19 2011 Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 AMRET AMRET 2010 Change%10-11 1,693 1,297 2 PRASAC PRASAC 1,501 1,440 4% 3 SATHAPANA SATHAPANA 1,339 965 39% 4 HATTAKAKSEKAR Hattakaksekar 1,096 776 41% 5 AMK Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 973 844 15% 6 KREDIT CREDIT 717 586 22% 7 VFC Vision Fund Cambodia 700 8,019 627 6,535 12% 23% Total Staff of MDIs Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 31% 8 TPC Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 545 457 19% 9 SEILANITHIH SEILANITHIH 207 187 11% 10 CHAMROEUN Chamroeun Microfinance Limited 163 - 11 SAMIC SAMIC 146 141 4% 12 IPR Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 93 75 24% 13 CBIRD Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 68 64 6% 14 GCMF Green Central Micro Finance 67 42 60% 15 MAXIMA MAXIMA 65 55 18% 16 CAM CAPITAL Cam Capital 49 20 145% 17 MALIS 18 SAMRITHISAK Malis Finance Ltd 44 Samrithisak Microfinance 40 19 SONATRA Sonatra Microfinance Institution Plc 34 20 YCP Y C P Microfinance 29 21 AEON AEON Microfinance (Cambodia) Private Company Limited 27 - - 22 PRIME Prime MF Microfinance Institution LTD 26 - - 23 KHEMARAK Khemarak Limited 26 - 24 AASC Angkor ACE Star Credit 24 17 25 EAP 26 CAMMA Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 18 18 0% Camma Microfinance 17 14 21% 27 FIRST FINANCE First Finance 14 11 27% 28 FUDF Farmer Union Development Fund 8 8 0% 29 FARMER FINANCE Farmer Finance 8 7 14% 30 ACTIVE PEOPLE Active People Ltd 7 1,725 1,180 9,744 7,715 46% Total Staff of MFIs Total - - 40 - - 24 21% 41% 26% Total Employee of Each MFIs in 2011 2,000 1,500 1,693 1,501 1,339 1,096 973 1,000 717 700 500 545 207 163 146 93 68 67 65 49 44 40 34 29 27 26 26 24 18 17 14 - Total Employee of All MFIs As at December 2011 12,000 10,000 50% 47% 40% 40% 8,000 6,000 22% 4,000 2,000 - 8 8 23% 26% 30% 20% 10% 3,511 5,148 6,330 7,715 9744 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Number of Staff -29- Change 0% 7 COMPARISION OF TOTAL ASSETS As of December 31,2011 Table 20 (millions of KHR) 2011 Amount Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 2010 Share Amount Growth Rate (%) Share 2011/2010 629,015 20.79% 455,272 22.19% 38.16% 2 AMRET 482,109 15.94% 355,983 17.35% 35.43% 3 SATHAPANA 436,195 14.42% 270,497 13.19% 61.26% 4 Hattakaksekar 350,431 11.58% 193,084 9.41% 81.49% 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 276,335 9.13% 177,918 8.67% 55.32% 6 KREDIT 198,857 6.57% 147,233 7.18% 35.06% 7 Vision Fund Cambodia 178,689 5.91% 148,672 7.25% 20.19% 2,551,631 84.35% 1,748,659 85.24% 45.92% 185,573 6.13% 127,899 6.23% 45.09% 48,290 1.60% 22,185 1.08% 117.67% Total MDIs Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 Cam Capital 10 SEILANITHIH 35,391 1.17% 33,828 1.65% 4.62% 11 SAMIC 32,808 1.08% 26,383 1.29% 24.35% 12 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 22,466 0.74% 22,493 1.10% -0.12% 13 Green Central Micro Finance 20,640 0.68% 12,649 0.62% 63.18% 14 CHAMROEUN 17,607 0.58% - - - 15 First Finance 15,336 0.51% 9,341 0.46% 64.18% 16 MALIS 12,448 0.41% - - - 17 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 11,356 0.38% 10,967 0.53% 3.54% 18 MAXIMA 11,179 0.37% 8,882 0.43% 25.86% 19 Samrithisak Microfinance 10,783 0.36% 5,711 0.28% 88.81% 20 KHEMARAK 9,895 0.33% - - - 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 8,478 0.28% 8,657 0.42% -2.06% 22 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 8,111 0.27% 6,001 0.29% 35.16% 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 4,816 0.16% 3,775 0.18% 27.58% 24 AEON 4,211 0.14% - - - 25 SONATRA 3,897 0.13% - - - 26 PRIME 3,631 0.12% - - - 27 Camma Microfinance 2,591 0.09% 1,314 0.06% 97.16% 28 Farmer Finance 1,880 0.06% 1,345 0.07% 39.75% 29 Y C P Microfinance 1,245 0.04% 1,395 0.07% -10.78% 30 Active People 819 0.03% - - 473,452 15.65% 302,825 14.76% 56.35% 3,025,083 100% 2,051,484 100% 47.46% Total MFIs Total - Growth of Total Assets 3,500,000 87% Million of KHR 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,051,484 1,361,449 1,500,000 1,524,983 60% 47% 35% 726,358 500,000 2008 0% 2009 Total Asset Asset Growth -30- 40% 20% 12% 2007 100% 80% 73% 2,000,000 1,000,000 3,025,083 2010 2011 SHARE OF PAID-UP CAPITAL As of December 31, 2011 Table 21 (millions of KHR) Foreign share Share(%) Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 SATHAPANA 2 Vision Fund Cambodia 3 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 4 Hattakaksekar 5 KREDIT 6 PRASAC 7 AMRET Total MDIs Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Green Central Micro Finance 9 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 10 Malis Finance Cambodian share Amount paid Share(%) 90% 33,162 10% 100% 35,969 - Amount paid Total Paid-up Capital Market Share 3,595 36,757 12.6% - 35,969 12.3% 99% 34,069 1% 510 34,579 11.8% 76% 12,314 24% 3,991 16,305 5.6% 100% 15,473 - - 15,473 5.3% 90% 13,863 10% 1,540 15,403 5.3% 98% 11,133 2% 246 11,379 3.9% 94% 155,982 6% 9,882 165,864 56.7% 100% 14,137 - 14,137 4.8% 34% 4,198 66% 8,277 12,475 4.3% 100% 12,117 - - 12,117 4.1% 10,098 10,098 3.5% 11 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 12 Samrithisak Microfinance - - 100% 10,098 10,098 3.5% 13 Khemarak Microfinance - - 100% 10,098 10,098 3.5% 14 First Finance 15 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 85% 7,884 15% 1,363 9,247 3.2% 90% 5,547 10% 629 6,176 2.1% 17 Cam Capital 18 SAMIC 96% 5,816 4% 242 6,059 2.1% 48% 2,504 52% 2,747 5,251 1.8% 19 SEILANITHIH 20 Angkor ACE Star Credit 40% 1,616 60% 2,423 4,039 1.4% 100% 4,039 - - 4,039 1.4% 6% 242 3,797 4,039 1.4% 100% 4,039 - 4,039 1.4% 3,231 3,231 1.1% 0.7% - 20 Sonatra 21 AEON 22 MAXIMA 23 Prime MF Microfinance - - 24 Chamroeun 25 Camma Microfinance - 100% 2,020 - - 2,020 1,913 - - 1,913 0.7% - 100% 1,414 1,414 0.5% - 100% 1,212 1,212 0.4% 85% 1,030 15% 182 1,212 0.4% 33% 400 67% 800 1,200 0.4% - - 100% 1,010 1,010 0.3% - 100% 521 521 0.2% - 800 0.3% 100% 323 323 0.1% - 31 Farmer Finance 32 Y C P Microfinance - 100% - 29 Bayon Credit Limited 30 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 94% 100% - 26 BORRIBO Microfinance Institution PLC 27 Active People 28 Farmer Union Development Fund 100% 100% 800 - - - Total MFIs 54% 68,302 46% 58,462 126,764 43% Total 77% 224,284 23% 68,343 292,628 100% Market Share of Paid-up Capital 12.6% 12.3% 11.8% 15.0% 5.6% 5.3% 5.3% 3.9% 4.8% 4.3% 4.1% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.2% 2.1% 2.1% 1.8% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.1% 0.7% 0.7% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% FOREIGN AND CAMBODIAN SHARE OF PAID UP CAPITAL 100% 27% 26% 23% 23% 23% 73% 74% 77% 77% 77% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 0% Foreign share % Cambodian share % -31- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION As of December 31, 2011 (millions of KHR) Table 22 Cash and Balance with NBC and Other Banks Loans and Advances to Customers Prepayment and short term Receiable Long Term Investment Property and Equipment Other Assets Total Assets Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 9,870 609,367 2,362 114 2 AMRET 7,128 174 629,015 63,960 405,216 6,225 3 SATHAPANA 29,602 385,779 4,863 101 5,820 787 482,109 101 15,850 - 4 Hattakaksekar 34,173 305,598 436,195 1,510 87 8,478 585 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 74,054 350,431 193,313 2,660 101 6,208 - 6 KREDIT 276,335 12,280 182,234 1,732 225 2,043 344 198,857 21,315 245,254 154,027 2,235,533 1,308 20,659 61 789 1,979 47,506 1,890 178,689 2,551,631 46,571 136,037 1,347 61 1,533 25 185,573 1,253 45,338 341 1,166 192 48,290 10 SEILANITHIH 987 33,609 464 50 281 - 35,391 11 SAMIC 968 30,460 22 78 267 1,013 32,808 12 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 2,698 18,768 435 565 - 13 Green Central Micro Finance 804 18,986 93 14 Chamroeun 3,933 13,087 378 15 First Finance 1,549 13,463 100 17 Malis Finance 1,215 10,017 - 18 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 4,358 6,796 501 10,434 20 Samrithisak Microfinance 1,596 8,892 20 Khemrak 6,908 2,673 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 3,245 5,165 687 6,962 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 1,365 24 AEON 25 Sonatra 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 Cam Capital - 20 - 22,466 736 209 1 20,640 - 17,607 5 217 2 15,336 724 493 12,448 13 40 139 10 11,356 59 67 103 16 11,179 - 279 16 10,783 - 260 0 9,895 - 68 34 - 347 3,105 163 - 183 - 4,816 3,620 132 145 - 315 - 4,211 2,051 1,658 1 - 187 - 26 PRIME 191 3,184 1 - 211 43 3,631 27 Camma Microfinance 215 2,321 1 - 38 17 2,591 28 Farmer Finance 239 1,304 8 305 20 1,880 29 Y C P Microfinance 616 577 1 76 85,645 697 373,665 1 3,658 325 29 8,213 17 1,947 819 473,452 330,899 2,609,198 24,317 1,114 55,719 3,837 3,025,083 19 MAXIMA 22 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 30 Active People Sub Total TOTAL -32- - 54 - 4 - 51 - 8,478 81 8,111 3,897 - 1,245 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS OF INDIVIDUAL MFIs As of December 31, 2011 Table 23 Cash and Balance with NBC and Other Banks Loans and Advances to Customers Prepayment and short term Receivable Long Term Investment Property and Equipment Other Assets Total Assets Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 1.57 96.88 0.38 0.02 1.13 0.03 100 13.27 84.05 1.29 0.02 1.21 0.16 100 3 SATHAPANA 6.79 88.44 1.11 0.02 3.63 4 Hattakaksekar 9.75 87.21 0.43 0.02 2.42 26.80 69.96 0.96 0.04 2.25 6.18 91.64 0.87 0.11 1.03 11.93 86.20 0.73 0.03 1.11 - 100 9.61 87.61 0.81 0.03 1.86 0.07 100 0.03 0.83 0.01 100 2.42 0.40 100 2 AMRET 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 6 KREDIT 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total 0.17 0.17 100 100 100 100 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 25.10 73.31 0.73 9 Cam Capital 2.59 93.89 0.71 10 SEILANITHIH 2.79 94.96 1.31 0.14 0.79 11 SAMIC 2.95 92.84 0.07 0.24 0.82 12.01 83.54 1.94 12 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 13 Green Central Micro Finance 3.90 91.98 0.45 14 Chamroeun 22.34 74.33 2.15 15 First Finance 10.10 87.78 0.65 16 Malis Finance 9.76 80.47 38.38 59.84 0.11 0.53 17 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 18 MAXIMA 4.48 93.34 19 Samrithisak Microfinance 14.80 82.46 20 Khemrak 69.81 27.01 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 38.27 60.92 8.47 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 24 AEON - - 0.10 0.03 2.52 3.56 1.19 3.09 0.01 - 100 100 100 100 100 1.41 0.01 100 5.81 3.96 100 0.36 1.22 0.09 100 0.60 - 0.92 0.14 100 - 2.59 0.15 100 - 2.63 0.00 100 - - 0.81 - 100 85.84 0.41 - 4.28 1.00 100 28.33 64.47 3.39 - 3.80 - 100 85.95 3.14 3.43 - 7.48 - 100 25 Sonatra 52.62 42.55 0.03 - 4.80 - 100 26 PRIME 5.27 87.70 0.02 - 5.82 1.19 100 1.45 0.65 100 16.22 1.07 100 22 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 27 Camma Microfinance 0.54 8.29 89.59 0.02 28 Farmer Finance 12.70 69.36 0.43 29 Y C P Microfinance 49.49 46.36 0.07 - 4.09 30 Active People 9.26 85.04 0.10 - 3.53 2.08 100 Sub Total 18.09 78.92 0.77 0.07 1.73 0.41 100 Total 10.94 86.25 0.80 0.04 1.84 0.13 100 -33- 0.21 - 100 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION As of December 31, 2011 Table 24 (millions of KHR) Customer's deposit Compulsory Saving Voluntary Saving Shareholder's Equity Interest Payable Accountpayable and Others Liabilities Accrued Expenses and Provision Loans Payable Deferred Revenue Suspense Clearing and interbranch Account Other Liabilities Paid up Capital Premium on Share Capital Hybrid Capital Investment 5,536 45,658 4,040 Retained Total Liabilities Reserves and and Current and Equity Appropriations Profit/Loss Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC - 24,118 323 2 AMRET - 170,074 3,654 3 SATHAPANA 4 Hattakaksekar 9,349 6,897 19,957 14,031 434,868 175,690 - (3) (70) - 632 156,453 990 8,024 4,611 184,984 - 7,764 55,954 307 4,829 8,061 192,362 378 2 21,544 349 2,111 4,534 188,512 - 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 248 275 21 27 - 15,403 11,379 8,925 7,234 70,169 83,377 629,015 482,116 436,195 36,757 707 9,343 - 33,673 - 16,305 22,278 11,024 1,097 30,046 350,431 3,054 34,579 96 - 3,304 18,251 276,335 6 KREDIT - 13,871 359 480 7,734 135,794 262 628 178 15,473 - 9,314 941 13,817 198,851 7 Vision Fund Cambodia - 2,980 61 8,397 444,993 6,043 4,939 36,630 2,977 61,904 117,999 1,430,209 640 173 755 3,776 35,969 165,864 28,616 79,378 21,501 13,593 262,926 178,689 2,551,632 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 156 136 - 306 4,683 147,713 - - 6,176 - - 1,956 24,434 185,573 9 Cam Capital - - - - 288 38,479 - 150 205 6,059 - - 2,827 282 48,290 10 SEILANITHIH 1 645 1,645 - - 1,361 1,286 22,589 138 - 172 4,039 - 1,881 63 2,216 35,391 71 32,808 Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 11 SAMIC 12 - - 468 1,217 20,759 - 348 1,529 5,251 - - 518 2,647 12 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung - - - 1,438 77 3,837 - - - 12,475 - - - 4,638 22,466 13 Green Central Micro Finance - - - 2 9 5,655 - - - 14,137 - - - 837 20,640 1,145 17,607 14 Chamroeun 1,685 15 Farmer Finance 16 First Finance 6 - 1,839 140 - - - - 1,909 - 8,977 - - - 1,913 - - - - - 1,090 - - - 800 - - - (16) 1,880 94 5,314 - - 9,247 - - - 654 15,336 - (696) 12,448 16 17 Malis Finance - - - 2 11 1,010 - 18 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun - - - 16 132 - - 19 MAXIMA - - - 150 35 7,003 - 20 Samrithisak Microfinance - - - 1 122 - 21 Khemarak Microfinance - - - 8 1 22 Farmer Union Development Fund - - - - 23 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 544 - - 24 Angkor ACE Star Credit - - 12 4 12,117 - - - 6 10,098 - - - - 282 3,231 - - - - 1 10,098 - - - - - 10,098 207 4,443 - - - 1,200 - 129 5,952 - - 521 - 157 - 727 - - 4,039 25 AEON - - - 531 26 Sonatra - - - - 27 Prime MF Microfinance - - - - 28 Camma Microfinance - - - 29 Y C P Microfinance - - - - - - - - - - 3 1,810 - - 17 1,212 - 1,212 - - 15 8 - 25 26 - 1,094 11,356 143 335 11,179 - - 562 10,783 - - - (211) 9,895 - - - 29 - 202 - 2,628 13 8,478 712 8,111 - (107) 4,816 - 4,039 - - - (393) 4,211 - 4,039 - - - (142) 3,897 - 2,020 - - - (202) 3,631 - 1,414 - - - (92) 2,591 - 323 - - - (290) 1,245 - 30 Active People - - 7 111 745 - - 2 1,212 - - (1,257) Sub Total 4,107 1,975 140 6,387 8,434 278,528 150 568 2,212 124,542 29 2,083 5,519 38,778 473,451 12,504 446,968 6,183 43,016 70,338 1,708,737 790 1,323 5,989 290,406 28,645 81,461 27,020 301,704 3,025,083 TOTAL - 9 11 -34- 819 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LIABILITIES AND EQUITY OF INDIVIDUAL MFIs As of December 31, 2011 Table 25 Customer's deposit Compulsory Saving Voluntary Saving Shareholder's Equity Interest Payable Accountpayable and Others Liabilities Accrued Expenses and Provision Loans Payable Deferred Revenue Suspense Clearing and interbranch Account Other Liabilities Paid up Capital Premium on Share Capital Hybrid Capital Investment Retained Reserves and and Current Appropriations Profit/Loss TOTAL Liabilities and Equity Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC - 3.83 0.05 1.49 3.17 69.13 - (0.00) 0.04 2.45 7.26 1.42 11.16 100 2 AMRET - 35.28 0.76 1.43 2.91 36.44 - (0.01) 0.06 2.36 1.15 0.84 1.50 17.29 100 - - 0.00 8.43 0.16 2.14 4.65 6.36 3.15 0.03 3 SATHAPANA 0.14 35.87 0.23 1.84 1.06 42.41 4 Hattakaksekar 2.22 15.97 0.09 1.38 2.30 54.89 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 0.00 7.80 0.13 0.76 1.64 68.22 1.11 12.51 6.98 0.18 0.24 3.89 68.29 0.13 0.32 0.09 7.78 2.76 1.44 1.67 2.43 66.04 56.05 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.15 20.13 6.50 0.16 2.52 79.60 0.01 0.60 79.68 6 KREDIT 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total - 1.67 0.03 0.33 - 17.44 0.24 0.08 0.07 0.11 - 0.01 - - - 1.12 - 0.31 7.72 100 8.57 100 1.20 6.60 100 4.68 0.47 6.95 100 3.11 0.84 7.61 10.30 100 100 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 Cam Capital - - - - - 10 SEILANITHIH 4 65 4.65 - - 3 85 3.85 3 63 3.63 63 83 63.83 11 SAMIC 0.22 - - 1.43 3.71 63.27 0 39 0.39 - 0.31 1.06 3.33 - - 1.05 13.17 100 0.42 - 12.55 - - 5.85 0.58 100 0 49 0.49 11 41 11.41 - 0 18 0.18 6 26 6.26 100 4.66 16.00 - 1.58 8.07 100 5 31 5.31 - 12 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung - - - 6.40 0.34 17.08 - - - 55.53 - - - 20.65 100 13 Green Central Micro Finance - - - 0.01 0.04 27.40 - - - 68.49 - - - 4.06 100 14 Chamroeun 9.57 10.44 15 Farmer Finance 0.32 - 0.80 - 10.84 - 50.99 - - - 10.86 - - - 6.50 100 - - 57.99 - - - 42.56 - - - (0.87) 100 16 First Finance - - - 0.11 0.61 34.65 - - 0.08 60.29 - - - 4.26 100 17 Malis Finance - - - 0.02 0.09 8.11 - - 0.03 97.34 - - - (5.59) 100 18 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun - - - 0.14 1.16 - - 19 MAXIMA - - - 1.35 0.32 62.64 - 0.09 0.06 88.92 - - - 2.52 28.90 - - 0.01 20 Samrithisak Microfinance - - - 0.01 1.13 - - - 21 Khemarak Microfinance - - - 0.08 0.01 - - - - - - - 2.45 52.40 - - - - 1.59 73.39 - - - 3.27 15.10 - 22 Farmer Union Development Fund 23 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 6.71 24 Angkor ACE Star Credit - 25 AEON - - - 12.60 26 Sonatra - - - - 27 Prime MF Microfinance - - - 28 Camma Microfinance - - - 29 Y C P Microfinance - - - 30 Active People - - - 0.59 - 0.22 - - - - 0.09 49.84 - 0.64 46.77 - - 97.36 - - 0.10 0.60 1.28 100 100 93.64 - - - 5.21 100 - 102.04 - - - (2.13) 100 - 31.00 100 - 14.15 - 6.42 - 83.86 0.35 - 2.49 - 0.16 - 8.78 100 (2.23) 100 - 95.91 - - - (9.33) 100 - - 103.63 - - - (3.63) 100 - - 55.62 - - - (5.55) 100 - 54.57 - - - (3.55) 100 - 25.96 - - - (23.32) 100 (153.50) 8.19 100 100 0.98 - Sub Total 0.87 0.42 0.03 0.84 1.35 13.61 1.78 90.94 58.83 0.03 0.12 0.20 0.47 147.92 26.31 0.01 0.44 1.17 Total 0.41 14.78 0.20 1.42 2.33 56.49 0.03 0.04 0.20 9.60 0.95 2.69 0.89 -35- 9.63 2.99 9.97 100 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT For Year Ended December 31, 2011 Table 26 (millions of KHR) Interest income Interest Expenses Net Interest Income Non-interest income Foreign Exchage Gain 1 2 3=1-2 4 5 Other Operation Income income 6 7=3+4+5+6 Program Expense General adminitrative Expensen Taxes Others Charge Loan and Interest loss Provision (Net) 8 9 10 11 12 Profit from operation Grant Income 13=7-8-9-10-11-12 14 Extraordinary Item 15 Profit before Taxes Tax on profit Net Profit &Loss for 12 months 16=13+14+15 17 18=16-17 Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 129,441 31,238 98,203 (820) 558 99 98,040 - 51,533 38 - 43,491 288 278 44,057 8,955 2 AMRET 106,448 23,136 83,312 652 338 1,666 85,968 - 55,763 72 203 (65) 29,995 496 - 30,491 6,212 24,278 69,007 22,412 46,595 5,186 (60) 248 51,969 - 34,799 202 221 (314) 17,062 - - 17,062 3,716 13,346 305 606 30,367 - 20,819 35 27 696 8,789 502 - 9,291 1,873 7,419 (42) 189 40,859 - 30,131 87 93 1,889 8,659 517 - 9,176 1,991 7,184 - - 28,411 - 20,956 (360) 7,814 1,099 - 8,913 1,793 7,120 - - 4,285 1,243 3,041 123,275 25,784 97,491 - 7,421 1,529 5,892 - 3,010 626 2,385 3 SATHAPANA 2,978 35,102 4 Vision Fund Cambodia 40,540 10,525 30,015 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 56,730 17,111 39,619 1,093 6 KREDIT 40,745 12,380 28,365 46 7 Hattakaksekar 18,417 5,199 13,218 562 168 549 14,497 - 9,377 1 485 349 4,285 461,328 122,001 339,327 6,160 1,266 3,357 350,110 - 223,377 436 1,029 5,174 120,094 35,538 11,365 24,173 (580) (70) 567 24,089 - 16,541 192 8,790 2,154 6,637 119 (5) 44 6,795 3,707 12 10 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 4,886 328 4,558 4 (295) 327 4,595 - 2,637 - 241 1,692 - - 1,692 378 1,313 11 Green Central Micro Finance 3,661 72 3,589 17 0 3,606 - 2,428 - - 1 1,178 - - 1,178 - 1,178 2 8,172 - 6,579 289 - 70 1,234 4,895 - 3,461 - - 227 1,207 4,405 - 3,741 - 1,917 - 1,079 Sub Total (559) - - 2,903 278 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 SAMIC 12 SEILANITHIH 0 10,419 2,316 8,103 56 13 Cam Capital 6,117 2,026 4,092 803 - 14 Chamroeun 4,421 481 3,939 540 (75) 15 First Finance 1,884 219 1,665 250 (0) 11 - 17 Samrithisak Microfinance 1,537 - 1,537 50 18 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 1,205 - 1,205 72 (5) 19 MAXIMA 2,421 406 2,015 16 3 2 - 0 64 1,587 - 987 1,272 - 698 21 2,055 - 1,546 63 - 25 309 (60) 7,417 (308) 3,010 77 3 58 9 4 - 3 99 - 1,237 305 933 - 1,207 276 931 2 662 - 761 152 609 136 615 - - 615 19 596 478 - 4 594 - - 594 116 - (6) 580 - - 580 130 450 - 7 444 - - 444 110 335 21 216 20 CBIRD 2,132 455 1,677 (46) (37) 1,656 - 1,312 - 85 216 - 20 Angkor ACE Star Credit 1,308 101 1,207 1 (1) - 1,207 - 965 - - 69 173 - - 173 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 801 365 436 0 - 436 - 291 - - 145 - - 145 22 Camma Microfinance 386 59 326 14 (0) - 340 13 - - 13 - 13 23 Farmer Finance 239 84 155 10 2 - 167 (70) - - (70) - (70) 24 Khemarak 245 245 55 - - 25 SONATRA 253 7 245 18 - - 26 Y C P Microfinance 199 81 118 5 - 27 PRIME 643 98 545 (20) 1 28 AEON 1 29 MALIS 1,248 30 Active People Sub Total Total 46 - 33 - - 8 42 - - 173 29 116 4 - 179 57 300 - 440 - - (141) - - (141) - (141) 264 - 405 - - - (142) - - (142) - (142) - 123 - 267 - - - (145) - - (145) - (0) - 525 - 619 - - (140) - - (140) 7 (147) (0) (0) - 0 - 393 - - (393) - - (393) 0 (393) 1,215 1 2 - 1,218 - 1,902 - - (684) - - (684) 12 46 1 0 - 47 17 (1,257) - - (1,257) 1 - 19 236 279 1,285 17 20 1 46 0 2 - (145) - (696) (1,257) 88,377 20,651 67,726 1,387 (468) 1,025 69,671 89 51,743 759 337 535 16,208 107 20 16,335 3,709 12,626 549,705 142,651 407,053 7,547 798 4,383 419,781 89 275,121 1,195 1,366 5,710 136,302 3,009 298 139,609 29,493 110,117 Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by MFIs -36- Net Profit For Year Ending December 31, 2011 Table 27 (millions of KHR) 2011 Net profit As percentage of Assets Total Assets As percentage of Loans Loans 1 Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 35,102 629,015 5.6% 610,857 5.7% 2 AMRET 24,278 482,109 5.0% 399,065 6.1% 3 SATHAPANA 13,346 436,195 3.1% 382,354 3.5% 4 Vision Fund Cambodia 7,419 178,689 4.2% 152,347 4.9% 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 7,184 276,335 2.6% 192,759 3.7% 6 KREDIT 7,120 198,857 3.6% 180,106 4.0% 3,041 97,491 350,431 2,551,631 0.9% 3.8% 304,198 2,221,686 1.0% 4.4% 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 5,892 185,573 3.2% 133,914 4.4% 9 SAMIC 2,385 32,808 7.3% 30,403 7.8% 10 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 1,313 22,466 5.8% 18,544 7.1% 11 Green Central Micro Finance 5.7% 18,807 6.3% 7 Hattakaksekar Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 1,178 20,640 12 SEILANITHIH 933 35,391 2.6% 33,400 2.8% 13 Cam Capital 931 48,290 1.9% 45,227 2.1% 14 Chamroeun 609 17,607 3.5% 12,980 4.7% 15 First Finance 596 15,336 3.9% 13,462 4.4% 16 Samrithisak Microfinance 478 10,783 4.4% 8,827 5.4% 17 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 450 11,356 4.0% 6,810 6.6% 18 MAXIMA 3.0% 10,329 3.2% 335 11,179 19 CBIRD 216 8,111 2.7% 6,877 3.1% 20 Angkor ACE Star Credit 173 4,816 3.6% 3,112 5.6% 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 116 8,478 1.4% 4,629 2.5% 13 2,591 0.5% 2,307 0.6% (70) 1,880 -3.7% 1,280 -5.5% (141) 9,895 -1.4% 2,641 -5.3% 22 Camma Microfinance 23 Farmer Finance 24 Khemarak 25 SONATRA (142) 3,897 -3.6% 1,636 -8.7% 26 Y C P Microfinance (145) 1,245 -11.6% 568 -25.5% 27 PRIME (147) 3,631 -4.0% 3,205 -4.6% 28 AEON (393) 4,211 -9.3% 132 -298.1% 29 MALIS (696) 12,448 -5.6% 9,900 -7.0% (1,257) 12,626 819 473,452 -153.5% 2.7% 585 369,577 -214.9% 3.4% 3,025,083 3.6% 2,591,263 4.2% 30 Active People Sub Total Total 110,117 1-Loan and Advance to Customers Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by MFIs NET PROFIT (Million of KHR) 150,000 150% 110% 62% -25% 67,650 42% 47,714 63,315 39,058 22,309 65% 13,519 50,000 75% 110,117 100% 100,000 63% 50% 0% -50% 2005 2006 2007 2008 Net Profits 2009 Percentage change -37- 2010 2011 COMPARISION OF TOTAL DEPOSITS As of December 31,2011 Table 28 (millions of KHR) 2011 2010 Change 2011/2010 Share Share Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 AMRET 170,074 37.0% 61,559 37.5% 176.3% 2 SATHAPANA 157,084 34.2% 68,915 42.0% 127.9% 3 Hattakaksekar 63,718 13.9% 18,768 11.4% 239.5% 4 PRASAC 24,118 5.2% 750 0.5% 3115.7% 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 21,545 4.7% 7,821 4.8% 175.5% 6 KREDIT 13,871 3.0% 3,256 2.0% 326.0% 2,980 0.6% 1 0.0% 297854.0% 453,390 98.7% 161,070 98.2% 181.5% 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Chamroeun 3,524 0.02 - 0.0% - 9 SEILANITHIH 1,645 1.0% 1,888 0.4% -12.9% 10 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 544 0.3% 462 0.1% 17.9% 11 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 292 0.2% 395 0.1% -26.0% 71 0.0% 94 0.0% -24.7% 6 0.0% 104 0.0% -94.1% 12 SAMIC 13 Farmer Finance 14 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun - - - - - 15 Green Central Micro Finance - - - - - 16 Farmer Union Development Fund - - - - - 17 MAXIMA - - - - - 18 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung - - - - - 19 First Finance - - - - - 20 Y C P Microfinance - - - - - 21 Cam Capital - - - - - 22 Samrithisak Microfinance - - - - - 23 Camma Microfinance - - - - - 24 Angkor ACE Star Credit - - - - - 25 PRIME - - - - - 26 Khemarak - - - - - 27 Sonatra - - - - - 28 Malis Finance - - - - - 29 Active People - - - - - 30 AEON Sub Total TOTAL - - - - 6,083 1.32% 2,943 1.79% 107% 164,013 100% 180% 459,473 100% Total Deposits and Deposit Growth 500,000 400,000 Million of KHR 459,473 275% 250% 300,000 180% 200,000 100,000 - 98% 104% 10,412 0% 21,211 2006 2007 22,082 4% 2008 -38- 300% 164,013 200% 150% 100% 43,764 50% 0% 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL DEPOSITS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF ACCOUNTS As of December 31, 2011 Table 29 (millions of KHR) 2011 Voluntary Saving Compusary Saving Saving deposits Demand deposits Term deposits Other deposit Interest payable TOTAL DEPOSITS Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 AMRET - 23,384 - 146,689 - 3,654 173,728 2 SATHAPANA 632 30,265 - 126,187 - 990 158,075 7,764 10,055 45,898 - 307 64,025 - 5,574 - 18,544 - 323 24,441 3,287 1,930 16,327 - 349 21,894 14,231 3 Hattakaksekar 4 PRASAC 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 2 1 6 KREDIT - 1,283 - 10,886 1,702 359 7 Vision Fund Cambodia - 0.45 - 2,979 - 61 3,040 1,702 6,043 459,433 8,397 Sub Total 73,850 1,931 367,510 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Chamroeun 1,685 - - - 1,839 140 3,664 9 SEILANITHIH 1,645 - - - - - 1,645 10 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 544 - - - - - 544 11 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 156 136 - - - - 292 71 - - - - - 71 6 - - - - - 12 SAMIC 13 Farmer Finance 6 14 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 15 Green Central Micro Finance - - 16 Farmer Union Development Fund - - - - - - - 17 MAXIMA - - - - - - - 18 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung - - - - - - - 19 First Finance - - - - - - - 20 Y C P Microfinance - - - - - - - 21 Cam Capital - - - - - - - 22 Samrithisak Microfinance - - - - - - - 23 Camma Microfinance - - - - - - - 24 Angkor ACE Star Credit - - - - - - - 25 PRIME - - - - - - - 26 Khemarak - - - - - - - 27 Sonatra - - - - - - - 28 Malis Finance - - - - - - - 29 Active People - - - - - - - 30 AEON - - - - - - 4,107 136 - - 1,839 140 6,223 12,504 73,986 3,541 6,183 465,656 Sub Total TOTAL As Percentage of Total Deposits 2.7% 1,931 15.9% 0.4% 367,510 78.9% 0.8% Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by MFIs Interest payable 1.3% Other deposit 0.8% Total Deposits As at December 31, 2011 Compusary Saving 2.7% Saving deposits 15.9% Demand deposit 0.4% Term deposits 78.9% -39- 1.3% - 100% LOAN AND NON-PERFORMING LOANS ( NPLS) As of December 31,2011 Table 30 (millions of KHR) 2010 2011 NPLs NPLs Ratio Loans NPLs Loans NPLs Ratio Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 854 610,857 0.14% 4,344 425,374 1.02% 2 AMRET 295 399,065 0.07% 1,715 270,119 0.63% 3 SATHAPANA 839 382,354 0.22% 2,187 234,140 0.93% 4 Hattakaksekar 220 304,198 0.07% 1,611 179,588 0.90% 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 187 192,759 0.10% 2,013 128,544 1.57% 6 KREDIT 602 180,106 0.33% 1,954 132,760 1.47% 121,659 1,492,184 0.50% 0.97% 7 Vision Fund Cambodia 221 152,347 0.14% 3,218 2,221,686 0.14% 612 14,436 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 171 133,914 0.13% 1,770 90,230 1.96% 9 Cam Capital 473 45,227 1.05% 234 19,461 1.20% Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 10 SEILANITHIH 420 33,400 1.26% 809 31,178 2.59% 11 SAMIC 437 30,403 1.44% 1,004 24,547 4.09% 12 Green Central Micro Finance 1 18,807 0.00% - 11,537 - 13 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 174 18,544 0.94% 1,877 14,173 13.24% 14 First Finance 299 13,462 2.22% - 8,305 - 6 12,980 0.05% 21 10,329 0.20% 19 8,306 0.23% 1 9,900 0.01% - - - 15 Chamroeun 16 MAXIMA 17 Malis Finance 18 Samrithisak Microfinance 19 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 20 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 22 PRIME 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 24 Khemarak 25 Camma Microfinance 8 8,827 0.09% 8 569 65 6,877 0.94% 101 5,199 1.94% 100 6,810 1.47% 92 7,760 1.19% - 4,629 - - 4,656 - - - - 58 3,205 1.82% 119 3,112 3.83% - 1,019 - - - 3,509 - 0 2,641 0.01% - 154 2,307 6.68% - 26 Sonatra 27 Farmer Finance - 1,636 0.00% 26 1,280 2.04% 28 Active People 29 Y C P Microfinance - 585 - - 568 - 30 AEON - 132 Sub Total Total 1.41% - - 1,119 0.98% - - - - 1,089 - - - - 11 - 2,535 369,577 0.69% 5,925 232,657 2.55% 5,753 2,591,263 0.22% 20,361 1,724,841 1.18% Loans and Non-Performing Loans 3,000,000 3.00% 2.80% 2,591,263 2,000,000 2007 2008 NPLs 2009 2010 Loans NPL Ratios -40- 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1,724,841 1.00% 0.22% 5,753 20,361 1,244,597 34,847 0.19% 4,716 - 0.42% 1,130,216 1,000,000 500,000 1.18% 616,953 1,500,000 1,169 Million of KHR 2,500,000 2011 0.50% 0.00% TOTAL LOANS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF BUSINESSES As of December 31,2011 Table 31 (millions of KHR) 2011 2010 Share Amount Amount Growth Rate (%) Share 2011/2010 Type of Businesses 1 Agriculture 1,066,669 41.16% 730,543 42.35% 46.01% 2 Trade and Commerce 666,772 25.73% 497,057 28.82% 34.14% 3 Household 372,670 14.38% 185,834 10.77% 100.54% 268,684 10.37% 162,903 9.44% 64.93% 3.66% 21.15% 4 Services 5 Transprotation 76,469 2.95% 63,122 6 Contruction 73,463 2.84% 44,460 2.58% 65.23% 7 Others 66,537 2.57% 40,922 2.37% 62.59% 1,724,841 100% 50.23% 2,591,263 Total 100% Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by MFIs Total Loans Classified by Type of Businesses Others Million of KHR Household Contruction Transprotation Services Trade and Commerce Agriculture - 200,000 400,000 2011 600,000 800,000 2010 -41- 1,000,000 1,200,000 LOANS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF BUSINESSES As of December 31, 2011 Table 32 (millions of KHR) Agriculture Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC Trade and Commerce Service Transportation Contruction Household Others Total 202,163 193,270 57,645 44,547 4,776 108,456 - 610,857 2 AMRET 3 SATHAPANA 222,523 33,999 27,071 1,625 21,150 71,628 21,069 399,065 117,406 122,459 60,466 9,397 13,017 54,588 5,020 382,354 4 Hattakaksekar 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 100,473 96,932 26,658 9,223 25,485 43,658 1,769 304,198 129,844 31,329 11,241 368 976 17,309 1,692 192,759 54,300 46,539 29,403 - - 36,176 13,688 180,106 104,416 21,317 7,911 3,626 - - 15,078 152,347 931,124 545,845 220,396 68,786 65,403 331,815 58,316 2,221,686 69,072 35,627 11,434 548 1,194 12,590 3,449 133,914 19,407 11,984 1,761 - - 15 233 33,400 11,391 9,926 3,207 2,536 1,824 450 1,070 30,403 3,601 26,907 13,140 127 1,453 - - 45,227 - 6 KREDIT 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 9 Cam Capital 10 SEILANITHIH 11 SAMIC 12 Green Central Micro Finance 13 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 14 First Finance 15 Chamroeun 16 MAXIMA 17 Malis Finance 18 Samrithisak Microfinance 19 CBIRD 20 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun - - 18,544 18,046 498 - - 605 8,202 9,460 56 272 199 13 1,029 3,511 844 104 466 701 154 - - - - - 13,462 - 13,462 2,507 1,341 2,617 - 1,953 1,111 10,329 4,629 - - - - - 3,836 1,913 828 12 802 - 39 89 163 56 605 18,807 6,810 4,629 9 6,877 57 8,827 7,889 208 - - 3,112 - - - 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 22 PRIME - 1,340 - - 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 24 Khemarak 25 Camma Microfinance 165 - - - - 395 703 171 216 26 Sonatra 27 Farmer Finance - - - - 1,636 204 4,896 4,180 90 346 53 133 9,900 28 Active People 29 Y C P Microfinance 559 1,998 1,667 1,191 287 7,217 60 12,980 10 - - - - 525 50 585 30 AEON Sub Total - - - - - 132 78 - Total As Percentage of Total Loans 985 494 95 70 93 - 1,050 287 528 3,205 950 13 51 2,641 14 825 - - 568 568 735 2,307 90 - 59 - 28 1,636 1,280 - 132 135,545 120,927 48,287 7,683 8,060 40,855 8,221 369,577 1,066,669 666,772 268,684 76,469 73,463 372,670 66,537 2,591,263 41.16% 25.73% 10.37% 2.95% 2.84% Note: All figures are unaudited and as reported by MFIs Total Loans Classified by Type of Businesses Others 3% Contruction 3% 3,112 - Household 14% Transportation 3% Agriculture 41% Services 10% Trade and Commerce 26% -42- 14.38% 2.57% 100% LOANS AS PERCENTAGE OF DEPOSIT As of December 31, 2011 Table 33 (millions of KHR) 2011 Loans Type of Businesses Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs) 1 PRASAC 2 AMRET 3 SATHAPANA 4 Hattakaksekar 5 Angkor Microherhvatho Kampuchea 6 KREDIT 7 Vision Fund Cambodia Sub Total Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) 8 Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 2010 Loans to Deposit Ratio Deposits Loans Loans to Deposit Ratio Deposits 610,857 24,118 2533% 425,374 750 399,065 170,074 235% 270,119 61,560 439% 382,354 157,084 243% 234,140 68,915 340% 56752% 304,198 63,718 0% 179,588 18,768 0% 192,759 21,545 895% 128,544 7,821 1644% 180,106 13,871 1298% 132,760 3,256 4077% 152,347 5113% 121,659 0.44 0% 2,221,686 2,979.5 453,390 490% 1,492,184 161,070 926% 133,914 292 45789% 90,230 395 22844% - 9 Cam Capital 10 SEILANITHIH 11 SAMIC 45,227 - 33,400 1,645 12 Green Central Micro Finance 13 Intean Poalroath Rongroeung 18,807 - 18,544 - 14 First Finance 15 Chamroeun 16 MAXIMA 13,462 - 12,980 10,329 3,524 - - 17 Malis Finance 9,900 - 18 Samrithisak Microfinance 8,827 - 19 Cambodian Business Intergrate in Rural Development 6,877 544 20 Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 6,810 - 30,403 71 19,461 - 0% 31,178 1,888 1651% 42948% 24,547 94 26020% - 11,537 - - 0% 14,173 - - 0% 8,305 - - 368% 8,306 - - - - - - - 569 - - 0% - 5,199 462 - 7,760 - - 0% - 21 Farmer Union Development Fund 4,629 - - 4,656 - 22 PRIME 3,205 - - - - 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit 3,112 - - 1,019 - 24 Khemarak 2,641 - - - - - 25 Camma Microfinance 2,307 - - 3,509 - - 26 Sonatra 1,636 - - - 27 Farmer Finance 1,280 - - 6 0% 1,119 104 0% - 0% 28 Active People 585 - - - - - 29 Y C P Microfinance 568 - - 1,089 - - 30 AEON 132 - 369,577 6,083 6076% 232,657 2,943 7904% 2,591,263 459,473 564% 1,724,841 164,014 1052% Sub Total Total Loans and Deposits (million of KHR) 459,473 2011 2,591,263 164,014 2010 1,724,841 67,307 2009 1,244,597 20,791 2008 - 1,108,225 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 Deposits 2,000,000 Loans -43- 2,500,000 3,000,000 Head Office Address of Microfinance Institutions Year 2011 1 AMRET # 35 BA, Street 169, Sangkat Veal Vong, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 880 942 Fax: (855-23) 881 342 2 ANGKOR MIKROHERANHVATHO (KAMPUCHEA) # 442, Street 193, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey 1, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 993 062 3 CAMBODIAN BUSINESS INTEGRATED IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT #715, Group 6, Romchek 4 Village, Sangkat Rathanak Battambang City, Battambang Province Tel: (855-53) 953 044 4 SATHAPANA # 831 C,Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Phsar Deumtkov, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 996 201 5 KREDIT # 71, Street 163, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey 1, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 217 942 Fax: (855-23) 638 0002 6 SAMIC # 276, Street 156, Sangkat Teuk Laak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 998 226 Fax: (855-23) 998 226 7 ENTEAN AKPEVATH PRACHEACHUN # 189 Eo-191 Eo, Stree Kampuchea Krom , Sangkat Mettapheap, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 884 355 Fax: (855-23) 884 377 8 FARMER UNION DEVELOPMENT FUND # 753, Preah Monivong Blvd, Sangkat Boeung Trabaek, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 364 005 Fax: (855-23) 364 454 9 FARMER FINANCE # 1071,National Road No. 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Leu, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 636 3172 Fax: (855-23) 720 210 10 GREEN CENTRAL MICRO FINANCE # 640 EF,Street 217, Village 6, Sangkat Phsar Doeum Thkov, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 994 455 Fax: (855-23) 994 447 11 HATTHA KAKSEKAR # 606, Street 271,Village 6, Sangkat Phsar Daeum Thkov, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Te l: (855-23) 994 304 Fax: (855-23) 996 306 -44- 12 INTEAN POALROATH RONG ROEURNG # 108, St Confederation de la Russei Blvd, Sangkat Toek Laak 1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh Tel : (855-23) 990 237 Fax: (855-23) 990 237 13 MAXIMA MIKROHERANHVATHO # 39, Street 374, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey 1, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 214 240 Fax: (855-23) 214 240 14 PRASAC MICROFINANCE INSTITUTION # 25, Street 294 and 57, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 220 102 Fax: (855-23) 216 362 15 SEILANITHIH # 35, Street 360, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 1, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 367 089 Fax: (855-23) 990 225 16 THANEAKEA PHUM (CAMBODIA) # 94, Street 360, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 3, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 220 641 Fax: (855-23) 220 642 17 VISION FUND # 20, Street 71, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 216 052 Fax: (855-23) 216 220 18 FISRT FINANCE A-15, A-17, Street 271, Sangkat Tumnub Tek, Khan Chamkomorn, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 997 937 Fax: (665-23) 997 937 19 Y-C-P Micro Finance # 73, Street 118, Sangkat Teuk Laak 1, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 882 777 Fax: (855-23) 885 877 20 Cam Capital # 689 B, Kampucheakrom Blvd, Sangkat Teuk Laak 1 Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 999 990 Fax: (855-23) 996 002 21 Samrithisak Microfinance # BB 8 H5, Street 101, Sangkat Boeung Trabek Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 997 688 Fax: (855-23) 997 688 22 CAMMA Microfinance # 49, Street 294, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 1, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-92) 361 995 -45- 23 Angkor ACE Star Credit # 99, Street 274 ( Prah Sihanuouk Blvd.) Sangkat Chaktomouk, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 224 224 Fax: (855-23) 224 704 24 KHEMARAK Microfinance # 30 Eo, Street No 128, Sangkat Phsar Thmey 2, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 989 023 25 PRIME MF Microfinance # 19 A, Street No 271, Sangkat Tomnub Teuk, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 993 909 26 SONATRA Building A137-139, Russian Blvd, Sangkat Toek Thlar Khan Sien Sok, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 888 898 27 MALIS FINANCE # 119 B, Street No 271, Sangkat Phsar Deum Thkov, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 999 661 Fax: (855-23) 999 663 28 ACTIVE PEOPLE #149C, Street 143, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 3 Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 224 156 Fax: (855-23) 224 165 29 CHAMROEUN #42D, Street 320, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 3, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) 987 566 Fax: (855-23) 30 AEON #320, Monivong Blvd, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) 988 700 Fax: (855-23) 987 711 31 BAYON #142Eo, Street 169, Sangkat Veal Vong Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh Tel: (855-23) Fax: (855-23) 32 BORIBO #63BEo, Street 386, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 3, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-23) Fax: (855-23) -46- Appendix 2A RIEL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INTEREST RATE ON LOANS (Rate per Annum) (As of December 2011) LOAN IN KHR No. NAME OF BANKS Daily 1 month LOAN IN USD 3 months 6 months 12 months 12.00% 12.00% 16.80% Daily OTHER FOREIGN CURRENCY 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months 12.00% 12.00% 12.96% 24.68% 24.68% 24.68% 24.68% 1 ACLEDA Bank 2 Cambodian Public Bank Ltd. 3 Canadia Bank Ltd. 4 ANZ Royal Cambodia 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 6 Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Plc. 10.00% 7 May Bank 11.00% 8 Vattanac Bank 9 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 24.00% 24.00% 24.00% 24.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 18.00% 9.02% 9.00% 10.80% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 10 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 14.00% 15.00% 16.00% 18.00% 11 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 12 First Commercial Bank 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 13 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd. 13.00% 14 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 18.00% 15 Cambodia Mekong Bank Ltd. 14.40% 16 Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd. 14.40% 14.40% 15.00% 15.00% 3 months 6 months 12 months 12.00% 12.00% 16.80% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 10.00% 15.00% 13.00% 18 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. 16.00% 19 Booyoung Khmer Bank 23.00% 14.40% 17 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch 15.00% 20 Shinhan Khmer Bank 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 21 KOOKMIN Bank Cambodia Plc. 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 15.00% 14.00% 22 OSK Indochina Bank 14.00% 23 HwangDBS 12.00% 24 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 19.00% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 26 CIMB Bank Plc. 27 AGRI Bank Cambodia Branch 1 month 8.25% 8.50% 25 SACOMBANK Daily 16.80% 16.80% 16.80% 16.80% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 16.20% 16.20% 16.20% 28 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch Ltd. 16.20% 12.00% 29 Camko Specialized Bank Limited 15.00% 30 Rural Development Bank 15.00% 12.00% 31 PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. 18.00% 32 First Investment Specialized Bank 18.00% 33 ANCO Specialized Bank 14.99% 34 Tomato Specialized Bank 15.13% 35 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 24.00% 24.00% 24.00% 24.00% Wieghted Average Interest rate 22.09% 16.99% 16.99% 19.35% 18.57% 16.35% 16.38% 15.36% 11.25% 11.98% 11.98% 17.84% Average Rate 17.45% 16.36% 16.36% 16.93% 15.22% 15.09% 15.15% 14.76% 11.25% 11.63% 11.63% 15.26% -47- Appendix 2B RIEL AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INTEREST RATE ON DEPOSITS (As of December 2011) Deposit in Riel Nº BANKS' NAME Saving Fixed Deposits 1 month Fixed Deposit 1 month 3 months 6 months 12months 2 Cambodian Public Bank Ltd. 0.50% 3 Canadia Bank Ltd. 2.00% 4 ANZ Royal Cambodia 0.50% 5 Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 1.50% 6 Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Plc. 2.00% 1.00% 2.50% 3.00% 4.00% 4.85% 7 May Bank 0.50% 1.50% 2.25% 3.25% 4.25% 8 Vattanac Bank 0.50% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% 3.50% 9 Union Commercial Bank Plc. 1.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 0.75% 2.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.20% 1.40% 1.80% 0.75% 11 Cambodian Commercial Bank Ltd. 0.10% 6.50% Saving 1.25% 3.55% 6.00% 12 months ACLEDA Bank 3.25% 5.00% 6 months Other Foreign Currency 1 10 Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. 3.00% 3 months (Rate per Annum) Deposit in USD 0.50% 1.50% 2.50% 3.75% 4.25% 0.50% 0.50% 1.75% 2.50% 3.50% 4.25% 0.50% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 0.75% 2.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.75% 3.50% 4.00% 5.50% 0.25% 1.05% 1.45% 2.75% 3.75% 4.50% 5.50% 6.50% 0.75% 1.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.75% 4.60% 5.55% 6.50% 1.00% 0.10% 12 First Commercial Bank 0.40% 13 Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd. 0.10% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 14 Cambodia Asia Bank Ltd. 2.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 2.00% 2.25% 2.75% 3.25% 3.50% 2.50% 3.00% 4.00% 15 Cambodia Mekong Bank Ltd. 3.50% 16 Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd. 1.00% 0.50% 17 Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch 0.75% 1.00% 2.25% 3.00% 4.00% 18 Maruhan Japan Bank Plc. 3.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.50% 3.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.50% 19 Booyoung Khmer Bank 1.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 0.50% 1.50% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 0.25% 1.25% 1.25% 3.20% 3.50% 3.10% 20 Shinhan Khmer Bank 21 KOOKMIN Bank Cambodia Plc. 0.70% 1.70% 2.50% 3.20% 3.60% 0.50% 1.20% 2.00% 2.70% 22 OSK Indochina Bank 1.50% 3.50% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 1.50% 2.25% 2.75% 3.50% 4.75% 1.00% 2.25% 2.75% 3.75% 4.25% 1.20% 2.50% 4.20% 5.20% 6.20% 0.50% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 1.50% 2.25% 2.50% 3.50% 4.25% 23 HwangDBS 24 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 25 SACOMBANK 1.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 26 CIMB Bank Plc. Saving 0.40% Fixed Deposit 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months 2.00% 2.50% 3.25% 3.75% 0.50% 0.65% 0.75% 0.95% 0.10% 1.00% 2.00% 27 AGRI Bank Cambodia Branch 1.25% 3.00% 4.00% 4.25% 5.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 28 Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch Ltd. 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.50% 1.25% 2.25% 2.75% 3.25% 1.50% 3.50% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 1.00% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 5.00% Weighted Average Interest Rate 1.18% 2.86% 4.33% 5.28% 6.16% 0.63% 1.65% 2.39% 3.43% 4.29% 0.48% 1.49% 1.83% 2.40% 2.80% AVERAGE Interest Rate 1.30% 2.60% 3.45% 4.43% 5.33% 0.86% 1.79% 2.43% 3.27% 4.03% 0.70% 1.25% 1.38% 2.00% 2.35% 29 Camko Specialized Bank Limited 30 Rural Development Bank 31 PHSME Specialized Bank Ltd. 32 First Investment Specialized Bank 33 ANCO Specialized Bank 34 Tomato Specialized Bank 35 Angkor Capital Specialized Bank -48- THE BANKING SYSTEM IN CAMBODIA As at December 31, 2011 NATIONAL BANK OF CAMBODIA (CENTRAL BANK) 7 Specialized Banks 31 Commercial Banks 1 State owned 9 Foreign Branch Banks 1- First Commercial Bank 2- Krung Thai Bank 3- May Bank 4- Bank of India Phnom Penh Branch 5- Vietnam Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development Cambodia Branch 6- Bank of China Phnom Penh Branch 7- Mega International Commercial Bank 8- ICBC Ltd. 9- MB Bank Plc 13 Locally incorporated 1- Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia 2- Advanced Bank of Asia 3- Cambodia Asia Bank 4- Canadia Bank Plc. 5 - Cambodia Mekong Bank 6- Singapore Banking Corpor 7- Union Commercial Bank 8- Vattanac Bank 9- ACLEDA Bank Plc 10- Bank for Investment & Development of Cambodia Plc. 11- Maruhan Japan Bank 12- Booyoung khmer Bank 13- Phnom Penh Commercial Bank 1- Rural Development Bank 6 Privately owned 1- PHSME Specialized Bank 2- First Investment Specialized Bank 3- ANCO Specialized Bank 4- TOMATO Specialized Bank 5- Angkor Capital Specialized Bank 6- Camko Specialized Bank 2 Representative Offices 9 Subsidiary Banks 1- Cambodian Commercial Bank 2- Cambodian Public Bank 3- ANZ Royal Bank Cambodia 4- Shinhan Khmer Bank 5- Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc 6- OSK Indochina Bank 7- Hwang DBS Commercial Bank 8- CIMB Bank 9- Siagon Thoeung Tin Cambodia Bank 1- Standard Chartered 2-Bank for Investment-Development of Vietnam -49- Micro Finance Institutions 21 NBC Provincial Branches 32 Licensed 1- AMRET Co Ltd. 2- Hatthakaksekar 3- Thaneakea Phum Cambodia 4- Sathapana Limited. 5- Seilanithih 6- Angkor Microheranhvatho Kampuchea 7- Vision Fund (Cambodia) Ltd. 8- CREDIT Co. Ltd. 9- Prasac Micro Finance Institution 10. Farmer Union Dev.Fund 11. Cambodia Business Integrate in rural Development 12- Maxima Mikroheranhvatho 13- Intean Poalroath Rongroeurng 14- SAMIC Limited 15- Entean Akpevath Pracheachun 16- Farmer Finance Ltd. 17- Green Central Micrifinance 18 First Finance 19- YCP Microfinance 20- Cam Capital 21- Samrithisak Microfinance 22-Camma Microfinance 23-Angkor ACE Star Credit 24-Khemarak 25-Prime MF 26-Sonatra 27-Malis Finance 28-Chamroeun Microfinance 29- Active People’s Microfinance 30-Bayon Credit 31-AEON Microfinance (Cambodia) Private Company 32- BORRIBO 1- Krung Phnom Penh 2- Kampong Cham 3- Sihanouk Ville 4- Siemreap 5- Battambang 6- Bunteay Meanchey 7- Svay Rieng 8- Kandal 9- Kampot 10-Kampong Thom 11-Pursath 12-Kampong Speu 13-Koh kong 14-Ratanakiri 15-Prey Veng 16-TaKeo 17-Kampong Chnaing 18-Preah Vihear 19-Kratie 20-Stung Treng 21-Mondolkiri Money Changer Phnom Penh: - License: 37 - Authorization: 40 - License: 2 - Authorisation:1548 Registered Non Government Organizations December 2011 No. Name of Institution No. Name of Institution 1 Cambodia Rural Economic Development Organization 16 Ta Ong Soybean Development Association 2 Social Development in Rural 17 Cambodia Mutual 3 Khmer Rural Development Association 18 Association of Samnang Rural Development 4 Lotheran World Service, Cambodia Program 19 Cambodia Economic Network 5 Cambodia Credit to Abolish Poverty Organization 20 Community Support Improve Development 6 Aid Farmers Association 21 Peace and Development Institute 7 Kratie Women Welfare Association 22 Chan Soksan Organization 8 New Economic Workers Organization 23 SABORAS Organization 9 Ministry of Rural Development Credit Scheme 24 Farmer Livehood Development Organization 10 Cambodian Community Savings Federation 25 Village Development Association 11 Association for Business Initiative 26 CKMFG (Cambodia) 12 Crop Supporting National Association 27 Lokrou Organization 13 Northwest Development Association 28 Khmer Farmers Association 14 Agriculture and Tourism Development Association 29 15 CICM Cambodia -50- Development of Agricultural System for Poor Families Organization in Cambodia