Education Campaign on sustainable energy

Last update: October 2008
Title of the measure:
MAL1 – Education campaign on sustainable energy use
General description
Education campaign
A national educational campaign was carried out in 2007 to increase the level of the general public and
consumers’ awareness on sustainable energy use. The aims of this campaign were:
• to educate consumers through dissemination of information and knowledge :
on Malta’s dependency of oil;
associated measures that may be implemented to reduce this dependency
on oil including energy efficiency measures, energy conservation
measures and integration of renewable energy sources;
benefits of sustainable energy use to the environment and society as a
• to increase public participation and change consumers’ behaviour towards more sustainable
energy use.
The project was divided in 3 phases with the target audiences in Phases 1 and 2 being domestic
consumers, school children and environmental NGOs and opinion leaders. Phase 3 of the campaign
targeted professional bodies and associations, government departments and entities, importers and
industry associations and organisations and other heavy consumers.
Another education campaign is being planned for the year 2009. The strategic vision of this educational
campaign is to have energy consumers that make sustainable environmental choices on their energy
usage. The expected results are:
• Energy efficiency and conservation of electricity;
• Increased utilisation of renewable energy sources;
• Energy efficiency in transport;
• Energy performance in buildings.
The education campaign will provide information on ‘savings potential and hidden costs of inefficient energy
use and lack of knowledge on the cost-effectiveness, returns and risks of investments in energy end-use
efficiency’ as required by the policy area 1B: Energy end-use efficiency of ‘A proposal for an energy policy’.
The scope of this educational campaign is to:
• raise public awareness on energy efficiency, energy conservation and integration of renewable
energy resources in Malta;
• educate all consumers (domestic, educational, NGO’s, SME’s and large enterprises) on
measures and best practices for sustainable energy use;
• educate heavy consumers on sustainable energy use,
• disseminate information on Government’s policies, measures and support mechanisms to assist
consumers in energy efficiency, energy conservation and use of renewable energy sources;
• ensure that consumers become more aware of their energy consumption and understand the
benefits associated with energy efficiency and conservation and contribution of micro generation
from RES (wind and solar);
• change consumers behaviour towards energy saving and sustainable energy use not only for
electricity sector but also for the transport, water and waste sectors.
End-use action targeted
National information campaign
Information conservation tips by Enemalta
Last update: October 2008
Informative activities - World energy saving day, Car free day, Mobility week
Labelling enforcement for appliances
RESE demo projects by Enemalta
Development of teacher support material to promote energy efficiency
Proāett Eco-skola – a project to promote environmental awareness in schools
Proāett dawl – assistance to families needing social assistance to utilise energy in the best
possible way.
Information on energy savings by the electricity supplier. Information on current energy
consumption with previous energy consumption when meter is read.
Impact evaluation (methods and results)
(Describe here methods used for the evaluation)
(Describe here results of the evaluation)
Ex-post evaluation
direct CO2 (kt)
Energy (TJ)
Ex-ante evaluation
direct CO2 (kt)
Energy (TJ)
Measure Impact Level
Interaction of measures
There is a substantial interaction with the information campaign on sustainable energy use, and with the
rebate schemes that are in place to encourage investment in energy efficient appliances, thermal insulation
of roofs, solar water heaters and micro RES-E generation.
Historical data
Information was provided to customers by the energy distributor in Malta in the past.
Date of start and end of implementation of measure
Last update: October 2008
Start: January 2007 to January 2008. Some actions such as the energy conservation tips by Enemalta and
information on bills started earlier.
End: none envisaged
If you use other sources than the main reference which was already cited in the list of classifiers, you
should also cite these sources (e. g. evaluation studies) in the end of the detailed description (with
internet link, if available).