A W e lco m i n g C o m m u n i t y , H e l p i n g O n e A n ot h e r Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time to L i v e H o ly L i v e s in J e s u s C hr i s t . July 31, 2016 PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry, P.A. • ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Joseph Kammerer, Rev. Rick Prindle DEACONS: Fred Rose, Derek Brown, Chris Amantea, Dick Williams • BUSINESS MANAGER: Bob Hodges Weekend Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5pm | Sunday: 7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 5pm Weekday Mass: Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am, 12:10pm and 5pm | Tues/Thurs: 6:30am, 8am, 12:10pm and 5pm | Sat: 8am Holy Day Mass: Vigil: 5pm | Holy Day: 6:30am, 8am, 12:10pm, 5pm and 7:30pm Reconciliation: Tues: 7 am -7:15 am | Wed: 5:30 pm -6 pm | Thurs: 7 am -7:15 am | Wed: 5:30 pm -6 pm |Sat: 8:30 am -9 am , 4 pm -4:30 pm Eves of Holy Days: 4 pm -4:30 pm | Confessions by request at anytime; call Rectory for appointment. 624 15t h Street, Ma nha tta n Bea ch, CA 9 0 2 6 6 | 3 1 0 - 5 4 5 - 5 6 5 1 | w w w. Am e r i c an Mar tyrs . o rg A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y We welcome you to American Martyrs Catholic Community Parish Facilities Start your morning with The Minute Message RECTORY 624 15th Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9703 Mailing Address: PO Box 3639, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-1639 PARISH OFFICE and MEETING ROOMS Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm | Sunday, 8:30am-11:30am 1400 Deegan Place, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9702 Temporary Parish Offices are on 15th Street between the Gym and the Parish House SS. BRIGID/BRENDAN (closed for remodel) O'DONNELL HALL (enter from O'Donnell parking lot, south east side of the building ST. KATERI ROOM (enter from Deegan Place) GYM - 701 15th Street | 310-802-8720 Click the link at the top of our Homepage. Follow Msgr. Barry on Twitter @msgrjohnbar r y Daily Prayers of the Church ADORATION / MEDITATION CHAPEL Mon-Fri, 7:00am-8:00pm Saturday, 7:00am-5:00pm Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm SPIRITUALITY CENTER - 770 17th Street St. Joseph's Chapel, Meditation Garden Upper Room Library (open Sunday,10am-4pm) RESERVING A PARISH FACILITY To reserve a parish facility for your ministry or group, contact facilities@Americ anMar t yrs.org, with the date and time of your event, number of people attending, purpose of the event, and the contact person's name, phone and email. We will make every effort to reserve a space that will accommodate your needs. We do not use our facilities for private parties. for the Sick (DEVOTION & BENEDICTION) ROSARY FOR THE UNBORN In Memoriam Contact: Jim Quilliam AdorationChapel@Americ anMar t yrs.org DAILY ROSARY: HOLY FAMILY HOUSE - 700 17th Street Do not park on 17th Street. Use lower level entrance next to Gym Do not park on 18th Street. Park in O'Donnell or School lots and enter from schoolyard. Pray Julia Delaney Michael Lesser Doreen Sadaairo Maureen McPharlin Kent Kirkpatrick Kathy Rico Baichtal Samantha Concetti Paul Schaffer Jack Radville Maria Babick Wendy Leroy Closed during regular Sunday Masses. Monday , following the 6:30am Mass SACRED HEART HOUSE - 720 18 Street Fr. Joe Kammerer Fr. Paul Siebenand Fr. Paul Siebenand Msgr. John Barry (Livestream) Fr. Peter McCarthy Fr. Joe Kammerer Please pray for the sick in our community that they may find comfort and healing in Christ, especially: Monday - Saturday, 7:30am, in the Church th Sat 5:00pm: Sun 7:00am: 8:00am: 9:30am: 11:30am: 5:00pm: This schedule is subject to change. Do not park on 15th Street. Use parking structure and crosswalk PARISH HOUSE - 659 15th Street Next Weekend's Mass Celebrants MORNING PRAYER: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Tuesday following the 8:00am Mass Wednesday following the 5:00pm Mass, followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet A r med Forces We pray for those serving overseas in our Armed Forces, especially: Sgt Ciriaco Ayala - U.S.M.C. CPT Maureen Bannon - U.S. Army LTJG Joshua Bergen - U.S. Navy Capt Evan Bernstein - U.S.M.C. Jonathan Concetti - U.S.M.C. SSG Eric Cothren - U.S. Army PVT Julia Cothren - U.S. Army LCpl Fred Hoffman - U.S.M.C. SGT Charles Koffman - U.S. Army 1LT Nicholas Marquez - National Guard SSgt Kyle Nesbitt - U.S.A.F. Brendan Quinn - U.S. Navy LT Marissa Watson - U.S. Navy Sacramental Information Baptism for Infants - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays at 1:00pm Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 310-545-5651, for appointment. Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required. Next class is Sunday, August 14. Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist (RCIA) Deacon Derek & Terri Brown, RCIA@Americ anMar t yrs.org Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults welcomes and prepares adults for full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Classes begin in September. Marriage - Contact Rectory at least 6 months prior to wedding date. Robert Lojewski Robert Ades Del Reis Lauren McLemoore Thomas Davis Angelita Tanedo Jacob Conde Carissa Enright John Sullivan Elizabeth Holt Smith Darrel Beatty Pauline Madera Jean St. Clare Elaine Stieritz May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Holy Matrimony Second Banns: David Hicks and Tabitha Qassom Assistive Listening Devices Headphones are available for 9:30am & 11:30am Sunday Mass. If you have trouble hearing at Mass, check one out in the vestibule, and return the device after Mass. Anointing of the Sick - Celebrated throughout the year. Call anytime in case of serious illness. Mass Intentions - Request in person at the Parish Offices. Prayers for the Sick and Deceased - Contact the Rectory with the names of family members who are ill or deceased. Funeral Planning Contact the Rectory to arrange Funeral or Memorial Services. Bereavement Support Deacon Chris & Yvonne Amantea camantea@AmericanMar tyrs.org | yamantea@AmericanMar tyrs.org July 31, 2016 | E ig ht e e nt h S unday in Or din a ry Ti m e Calendar, Mass Intentions & Readings This Week N ext Weekend MONDAY, August 1 SATURDAY, August 6 9:00am SK 7:00pmHFH 10:00amHFH Career BridgeBuilders Workshop Al-Anon TUESDAY, August 2 5:30amPH 3:30pm PH 7:00pmHFH 7:00pmSK 7:00pm SpC 7:30pmSHH 7:30pm SpC Men’s AA Meeting Legion of Mary Beginning Again Matthew 25 Meeting Bereavement Support Group Al-Anon Contemplative Prayer AA Women SUNDAY, August 7 7:00amODH 10:00amSpL 1:00pm PH 6:30pm SK Coffee & Donuts Spiritual Library (open until 4:00pm) Alzheimer's Support Group Social Justice & Outreach "The True Cost" WEDNESDAY, August 3 Mass Intentions THURSDAY, August 4 5:30amPH Men’s AA Meeting FRIDAY, August 5 11:15am SpC 12:00pmSpC 3:30pmSCH Silent Meditation Matthew 25 Saturday's Blessings Irish Dance NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change without notice. Please check with the ministry to verify event. Facilities: BB-SS. Brigid/Brendan ∙ BBP-SS. Brigid/Brendan Patio ∙ CH-Church ChP-Church Patio ∙ GYM-Gym ∙ HFH-Holy Family House ∙ ODH-O’Donnell Hall PH-Parish House ∙ SpC-Spirituality Center ∙ SpG-Spirituality Garden SpL-Spirituality Center Library ∙ SCH-School ∙ SHH-Sacred Heart House SJC-St. Joseph’s Chapel ∙ SK-St. Kateri ∙ SKMR-St. Kateri Music Room and Readings for the Week MONDAY, August 1 - St. Alphonsus Liguori Readings: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 8:00 Larson Girls (Drewry Family) 12:10 Maria Zadra - RIP (Helen Dapoz) 5:00 Hedelisa C. Bosch (Joyce Payne) TUESDAY, August 2 - St. Eusebius of Vercelli, St. Peter Julian Eymard Readings: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29, and 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14 6:30 Laurene Anastasi – RIP (Patti & Dick Williams) 8:00 Bob Komick – RIP (Komick Family) 12:10 Virginia Kelley – RIP (Greg Stuart) 5:00 Ramona Clinton – RIP (Gail Geppert Family) WEDNESDAY, August 3 Readings: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 8:00 Rosa Alicia Andaya – RIP (Betty Nery) 12:10 Ricky Nuzzo – RIP (Carol Quinlan) 5:00 Edward Rumsey – RIP (The Rumsey Family) THURSDAY, August 4 - St. John Vianney Readings: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 6:30 Zachery Kiernan - RIP 8:00 Joseph Licciardone – RIP (Casey & Sharon Law) 12:10 Suzie Rose – RIP (Debra & Wayne Duncan & Family) 5:00 Special Intention FRIDAY, August 5 - The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Readings: Na 2:1, 3, 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 8:00 Elaine Scholz – RIP (Catherine Luthardt) 12:10 John MacEachern – RIP (Frank Scott) 5:00 Fefe Heres – RIP (Mercedes Leon) SATURDAY, August 6 - The Transfiguration of the Lord Readings: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 P lanned G iving Do you have an appreciated asset that you would like to turn into income today, but you don’t want to pay the capital gains taxes? You have options. For information, contact Bob Hodges at 310-545-5651 or b h o d ge s@ Ame r ic anMar t yrs. org 8:00 Patrick Flynn – RIP (The Leach Family) 5:00 Barbara Hammerstrom – RIP (Traci & John Britton) SUNDAY, August 7 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 7:00 8:00 9:30 11:30 5:00 Tom Vavrek (Judy Vavrek) Barbara McFadden – RIP (Eileen Stallings) For the Parishioners, Living and Deceased Amory Michelle Olivadoti – RIP (Ron & Enza De Cenzo) Joseph Clifford – RIP (American Martyrs Ushers) Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y 46th ANNUAL AMERICAN MARTYRS PARISH FAIR SPONSORSHIPS NEEDED The 2016 Parish Fair is just around the corner!! October 15-16 We are seeking Corporate Sponsorships that will provide great advertising exposure - before, during, and after the fair. There are several sponsorship levels, and all contributions are tax deductible. If you and/or your company are interested in helping to underwrite this cherished Parish tradition, contact Dick Taw at 310-460-6900 | r t aw @ Am e r i c an M ar t yrs.org. It might be summer vacation, but planning for this fall’s Parish Fair Live Auction has already begun, and we’re determined to make this the best year yet! As always our goal is to create amazing one-of-a-kind experiences that you and your friends can’t resist. We’re so excited to put these extraordinary packages together for you, but first we need YOUR help! Do you or a friend/colleague or family member have connections or access to: • • • • • • • • • A venue for a unique party Airline tickets or miles A vacation home or hotel accommodations Limo, luxury car or perhaps a bus A boat or yacht for an oceanic adventure Tickets to a Broadway play, filming of a hit TV show or access to the set of a blockbuster movie Tickets, boxes or VIP experiences at top entertainment or sports venues A winery or craft brewery A meet and greet with a professional athlete, famous actor or musician If you think you can help us with any of these items or if you have other unique ideas and experiences to share, please let us know. There’s no item too big or too small. Thanks for your time. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Megan Acuna | meganacuna13@gmail.com | 310.528.2193 Joy Hryniewicz | joy.rillo@gmail.com | 310.809.5522 July 31, 2016 | E ig ht e e nt h S unday in Or din a ry Ti m e P arish L ife Coffee & Donuts in O'Donnell Hall Senior Fellowship Group will serve Coffee & Donuts after the 7am, 8am, and 9:30am Masses. NEXT WEEK: Career BridgeBuilders will serve Coffee and Donuts. A.M.C. S eniors (fk a S ingle S eniors) Join us for brunch TODAY, Sunday, July 31 at 1:00pm at California Pizza Kitchen (3820 Sepulveda Blvd., Manhattan Beach). Please RSVP below. Ministry Contacts: Thelma, 310-621-1690 or Magda, 323-447-0565 SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND: Mission Co-op Appeal Want to Register to Vote? Look for the Voter Registration Table after Mass Today, July 31. Alternatively, go to w w w.l avote.n e t 4th Annual Men's Cornerstone Softball Tournament Saturday, August 20, 8:00am - 7:00pm Cornerstone Brothers, come and join us for our annual Softball Tournament on the AMS baseball field. Parishioner Mike Simms and Simmzys will keep us fed when we aren't tearing muscles on the baseball diamond. All Cornerstone Brothers are invited to play or watch...whatever your choice. Families are invited to watch the fun too! We'll see you there! Contact Greg Maffei with any questions: 310-800-0388 or G re g@Pri m e S ou th B ay Re al E s tate.com . Next weekend, August 6-7, Fr. Peter Mc Carthy, C.Ss.R., a missionary from Brazil, will speak at all Masses about the Mission of the Redemptorist Vice-Province of Fortaleza, Brazil. Originally begun as an overseas mission of the Redemptorist Province of Dublin, Ireland, it is now being administered by native Brazilian Redemptorists. Their work is to spread the Good News of the love of God for all, especially for the poor, abandoned and excluded in this region, which is the poorest in all of Brazil. $crip $ense U pcoming W orkshops - C areer B ridge B uilders •Resume and You - Grace Moniz Monday, August 1 (Part 2 of a 2-part series) 9:00–11:30am, St. Kateri In a competitive job market, learn how to develop a compelling resume that showcases the essence of you and how to set yourself apart from the competition. Bring your resume and your laptop, if available. •Support Group: Successes in Your Life - Jan Tribble Friday, August 29, 10:00–11:00am, Holy Family House For More Information: Andrea Connolly, careerbridgebuilders@AmericanMar tyrs.org Historical Ministry: Stained glass window tours of the Church, upon request. Contact Rita Hanretty at 310-545-5651. Have you pulled your school supply list yet? Number one on the list should be scrip since all scrip gift card purchases support our schools and ministries. We have in stock Office Depot, Staples, Target, CVS and a number of other vendors for your list. There is also Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Best Buy for books and electronics. Looking to find the best Summer Produce in town? Then check out the expanded Grow, the Produce Shop at 1830 Sepulveda Blvd. in Manhattan Beach. They have fresh farm grown fruits and vegetables, and meat and fish, and bread and groceries, and more. Plus they will deliver! Grow has been a tremendous supporter of our scrip program and many parish events. Stop by their store or check them out at w w w. Grow D e l i ve r s. co m . The Scrip office is open all summer. Mon-Thurs:9 am - 3 pm Friday: 9 am - 12 noon Sunday:8:30am - 11:30am Special Orders or Other Info: Contact the Scrip office at 424-327-9608 | S c ri p@Am e ri c an M ar t y rs.org Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y Stewardship time talent treasure Commission Chair: Jim LaVerda Stew ar d ship @Am er ic anMar t y r s.o r g S t e wa rdsh ip ... moving us closer to God The message in today's Scripture readings is a familiar one and this message is not limited to Scripture. If you try a search on "famous quotes about greed", you will find that it has been a topic for philosophers, authors, politicians and others dating back thousands of years. In the Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus says, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” (Lk 12:15). Many of the parables shared by the Lord address the issue of possessions and how we treat them and, unfortunately, how we use them as a measure of success. Those who write about the challenges we face in living a stewardship way of life consistently point to the problem of striving for over abundance, and Jesus certainly understood this. Christ was living in a society very different from today, but the difficulty with greed existed then too. The problem is not that possessions are nice to have, but that they can become the dominant motivation in our lives. The Lord cautions us, as He does in the parable from today’s Gospel that storing up treasure and possessions on earth means that we may be wealthy in the eyes of society, but not in “what matters to God.” This is one of our ongoing stumbling blocks to being stewards living a life in Christ. Our Holy Father Pope Francis speaks often about this problem. In a recent homily he said, “True joy does not come from things or from possessing. It is born from the relationship with others; it is born from feeling accepted, understood, and loved, and from accepting, understanding, and loving. It is saying to one another, ‘You are important to me,’ not ‘What you have is important to me.’ Possessions are nothing but an illusion.” In stewardship we recognize that we are indeed gifted, but that all we have really comes from and belongs to God, and it is in service to God that we plan the direction for our lives, prioritizing our life and its proper motivation towards heavenly, not earthly ways. Please contact us, Stewardship@AmericanMar tyrs.org with questions or comments on this article or about Stewardship. Join a Choir! We have a number of choirs, each with a different style. If you have a talent that you would like to share, please contact Music Director, Bill Svarda, to find the best place to use your gifts. Bill Svarda, 310-640-8505 | we s vard a@ s oc a l.rr.com Pastoral Care B eginning A gain Our group offers a welcoming and healing atmosphere for those experiencing separation or divorce. The next meeting is Tuesday, August 2, from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Holy Family House. The topic is "Transition." For more information call Jenny Attanasio, 310-545-5651. Stephen M inistry Deacon Dick & Patti Williams, 310-545-8244 Other people are storing up treasures. Why am I left out? When we look around, it can seems like everyone else is happy. They have things that we don’t have. Other families don’t seem to have the problems that our own family has. Other people don’t seem to have the money problems, the loneliness, or the fears that we have. It’s enough to make us feel embarrassed and like failures! Every family and every person has struggles. A Stephen Minister can help you put yours in perspective. If you know of a person down on him or herself, let that person know that a Stephen Minister can help. For more information, there are brochures in the back of the church or please call our confidential phone line, 310-545-8244. Deacon Dick and Patti Williams will meet with you to explore whether a Stephen Minister may be a good fit for you. C are N otes C an H elp You C ope If you want to become more involved at American Martyrs, contact Jenny Attanasio at 310-545-5651. Check out the Care Note rack in the Church vestibule. There are many topics that change frequently. Teaching Children Simple Ways to Pray Short Healing Prayers for Times of Illness Please deposit donations in the Poor Box. July 31, 2016 | E ig ht e e nt h S unday in Or din a ry Ti m e Commission Chair: Jim Kaltsas SJO@Americ a nMa r t yrs.org Fair Trade Los Angeles, in partnership with American Martyrs and the Social Justice and Outreach Commission’s Creation Care Team, Present the Documentary Film “The True Cost” ; WHEN: Sunday, August 7, 6:30pm WHERE: St. Kateri Room All are welcome but some of the subject matter is not suited for young children. WHO: This film is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a groundbreaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider who really pays the price for our clothing. WHAT: The film will be followed by a panel’s reflections on the film and a Q & A period. The panelists are: • Mike Farid, Owner of Nature USA and America’s first Fair Trade certified factory and a FairTrade Los Angeles Member. • Sica Schmitz Founder Curator of Bead & Reel, an Ethical Boutique and a Fair Trade Los Angeles. • A representative from the Garment Worker Center of Los Angeles. Refreshments will be served; good will offerings will be accepted. For questions and further details, email Tony Fadale at fadaleanthony@gmail.com. "May this Year of Mercy be the one campaign in 2016 that makes a difference for the least of our brothers and sisters." L ife & F amily M inistry ( fka R espect L ife ) California Bishops Announce Support for Prop. 62 to End the Use of the Death Penalty “During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we, the Catholic Bishops of California, support Prop. 62 which would end the use of the death penalty in California. Our commitment to halt the practice of capital punishment is rooted both in the Catholic faith and our pastoral experience. All life is sacred – innocent or flawed – just as Jesus Christ taught us and demonstrated repeatedly throughout His ministry. This focus on the preciousness of human life is fundamental to Christianity and most eloquently expressed in the two great commandments: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…..love your neighbor as yourself.‘ (Mk 12:30-31) Jesus makes clear that to love God we must love our neighbor. Each of us holds an inherent worth derived from being created in God’s own image. Each of us has a duty to love this divine image imprinted on every person. ‘Whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.’ (1Jn 4:20) Our support to end the use of the death penalty is also rooted in our unshakeable resolve to accompany and support all victims of crime. They suffer the very painful consequences of criminal acts. With the violent loss of a loved one, a sword has pierced their heart. Their enduring anguish is not addressed by the state-sanctioned perpetuation of the culture of death. As we pray with them and mourn with them we must also stress that the current use of the death penalty does not promote healing. It only brings more violence to a world that has too much violence already. We will continue to promote responsibility, rehabilitation and restoration for everyone impacted by the criminal justice system. Only through their healing will the entire community be healed. The Bishops of the United States have long opposed the use of capital punishment. In the past, it was sometimes morally justified in order to protect society, but those times have passed. Prop. 62 provides voters with the opportunity to end this practice in California, just as 19 other states have already done.” California Catholic Conference, July 14, 2016 Part 2 of the Bishops’ announcement will continue in the August 7 Bulletin. Please continue to pray for those at the end of life: M25 O utreach - H earts for the H ungry Saturday Blessings: Every Saturday to downtown LA Contact : PJ Murphy, 310-430-5676 p j m u r phy 90266@ g m ail. com St. Francis Center: 1st Saturday of every month, (next trip is August 6) Contact : Matt Conway, matt. conway. 16 18 @gma il. com St. Lawrence of Brindisi: 2nd Saturday of every month, (next trip is August 13) Contact : Jim Quilliam, j imquillia m@ou tlook . com Santa Monica: last Saturday of every month, 7am - noon O God, source of all life and hope, look kindly on our brothers and sisters facing the end of their lives, fill them with the hope of your mercy and give them peace and comfort. We pray for our citizens to choose life and fight against assisted suicide. Lord, move our hearts to work for life and for the protection of the elderly, the sick and the disabled. Renew our commitment to building a community where every human life is welcomed and wanted, valued and defended, from conception to natural death. We ask this through the intercession of St. John Paul II. Amen. For information about Life and Family Ministry, contact Steve Perry, 818-800-5653 | LifeandFamily@AmericanMar tyrs.org (next trip is August 27) Contact : Michael Concannon, 714-852-2112 m i c h a el.co n c an n o n@ bovislendlease. com Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y Faith Formation C ontemplative P r ayer SPIRIT UALIT Y CENTER Every Tuesday evening, 7:30 - 8:30pm St. Joseph’s Chapel in the Spirituality Center L a b y r i n t h , M e d i tat i o n G a r d e n , S pi r i t ual L i b r ary & Chapel 770 17 t h S t “If you’d stop rushing ‘round and ‘round, you’d find God as your ground.” The Cherubic Wanderer, Bd. Angelus Silesius 16th c The spiritual life is like a journey, an unending one to eternal life. Along the way we have need of a resting place. Our resting place is in God through prayer. Our rest is God’s delight. God’s delight is our blessing. Please join us in prayer. We begin with a brief reading from one of the saints or mystics of the Church, followed by two 20 minute periods of silent prayer, closing with the Lord’s prayer. Newcomers are always welcome. Join us once, often or always, for the Love of it! For information, call Donna Ennis 310-941-1349 “Contemplative prayer is the simplest expression of the mystery of prayer.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church (N 2713) F aith E nrichment & P rayer G roups W hat is a L abyrinth ? Labyrinth walking is an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual centering, contemplation and prayer. Entering the serpentine path of a labyrinth, one walks slowly while quieting their minds and focusing on a spiritual question or prayer. A labyrinth is not a maze. It has only one path to the center and back out, described by the term unicursal (one line). It has no blind alleys or dead ends. The path twists and turns back on itself many times before reaching the center. Once at the center, there is only one way back out. In this way, it symbolizes a journey to a predetermined destination (such as a pilgrimage to a holy site), or the journey through life (from birth, to spiritual awakening, to death.) H ow D o I W alk a L abyrinth ? There is no set ritual for walking a labyrinth, but there are books and lectures to assist you in performing a labyrinth walk. The basic advice is to enter the labyrinth slowly, calming and clearing your mind. This may be done by repeating a prayer or chant. Open your senses and focus on the process of taking slow and deliberate steps. Bring to mind a prayer or spiritual question to contemplate during the walk to the center. Reaching the center, pause to reflect, pray, listen for an answer or for deeper revelation. Now begin the return journey. Pray or reflect further. Upon exiting, use further reflection, prayer, or journaling to absorb the experience. S piritual L ibrary A nd C hapel Before or after your Labyrinth experience, you are invited to visit the Chapel and the "Upper Room" Spiritual Library and check out a book (to take home). When we pray, we join a steady stream of prayer that began more than 2,000 years ago. With our world around us constantly in a state of flux, there is a special grace in knowing there is a place that is sacred and unchanging, a place where we can go to be renewed in the love that is ours by way of God’s grace. We all have gifts differing. There are many pathways to prayer. BIBLE STUDIES Sunday’s Readings In Context (On Summer Break) Contact: John D'Isacco, 310-546-1302 Tuesday Morning Scripture Group (On Summer Break) Contact: Alvin Fletcher, 310-379-5241 Weekly Scripture Reading with Fr. Joe (On Summer Break) Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: Tuesday, 7:30-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel (Please use Pacific Ave. entrance.) Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349 MONDAY MORNING FAITH SHARING (On Summer Break) Contact: Joanne Dispoto, jodispoto@gmail.com | 310-344-5833 MONDAY EVENING PRAYER GROUP 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00-8:30pm in the Spirituality Center Evening Prayer, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet Contact: Cheryl Schlicht, Cher y l.S chlicht1@gmail.co m | 310-456-7236 PEACE MEDITATION (On Summer Break) 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00-8:30pm Contact: Beverly Busby, 310-376-2056 SILENT MEDITATION Friday, 11:15-12:00noon, in the Spirituality Center Chapel (Please use Pacific Ave. entrance.) Contact: Beverly Busby, 310-376-2056 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Contact: Jenny Attanasio for referral, 310-545-5651 SPIRITUAL LIBRARY (The Upper Room) Open Sunday, 10:00am-4:00pm, in the Spirituality Center, 2nd floor Contact: Anna, 310-374-0863 or Millie, 310-938-3125 July 31, 2016 | E ig ht e e nt h S unday in Or din a ry Ti m e Faith Formation American Martyrs Youth Ministry Registration for 2016-17 Confirmation is Open Registration for Year 1 Confirmation and Re-registration for Year 2 Confirmation is online. See the links from the Confirmation page on our website. Friday-Sunday, August 5 - 7 at UCLA Don't miss an amazing retreat experience this Summer, hosted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This is a weekend filled with inspiring speakers, worship, prayer, and Mass, all in the company of thousands of other teenagers from across the country - it's truly a life changing experience and all high school aged teens are invited to join AMYM Life Teen on this weekend! Space is VERY limited. First come, first serve. We will carpool to and from the retreat. To register your teen, find the link on our website under Youth Ministry or Confirmation Summer Teen Tuesdays begin in August! 8/9 – Game Night/Ice Cream Social @ 5:30pm Ice cream, group competitions, board games, and other sports activities. 8/16 – Sky Zone- details to follow for all who show interest 8/23 – Dodger Game (vs. Giants) details to follow for all who show interest 8/30 – Bonfire @ 5:30pm at Dockweiler State Beach Find us on Facebook at American-Martyrs YM Contacts: Monica Leon, mleon@Americ a nMa r t yrs.org or Rachel Brown, rbrown@Americ anMa r t yrs.o rg S u n day P r e s ch o o l R eg is t r at i o n fo r 2016-17 Links to Sunday Preschool Registration are on the A m e r i c a nM a r t yrs.org website. Don’t wait! Interested in working with our parish preschoolers? Join us on Sunday mornings! Come rediscover the beauty of God’s creation through the eyes of a child and make new friends along the way. Thinking about it? Questions? Please contact us! Kristen Holleran, S und ayPrescho o l@Amer ic anM ar t yr s. o rg Fa milies in Faith Registration for 2016-17 SRE is Open SRE is our afterschool Religious Education Program for Grades 1-8, and registration is available online through our Families in Faith tab on our website. Parents new to the SRE program are required to attend an SRE New Parent Orientation on one of the following dates: • Sunday, August 28, 7:30-9:00pm • Wednesday August 31, 7:30-9:00pm • Tuesday, September 6, 9:30-11:00am The First Communion Parent Meeting is for parents of the First Communion Class of 2017. Please calendar one of the following dates to attend this important meeting: • Sunday, August 28, 6:30-7:30pm • Wednesday August 31, 6:30-7:30pm • Tuesday, September 6, 8:30-9:30am All Orientation Meetings will be in the St. Kateri Room. Thinking of teaching in our SRE program? Our “teachers” are catechists - ministers who follow the call of Jesus to bring the Good News to others. We would love to have you join our team! “In the heart of the catechist, there always lives a 'systolic-diastolic' movement: Union with Jesus, encounter with the other. If one of these two movements is no longer beating, then you do not live.” Follow the beat of your heart - follow Christ. A great joy awaits you in this ministry! Director of Religious Education: Patti Williams, 310-546-4734 pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c an M ar t y rs.org SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Keep your kids safe in parks this summer The weather outside is beautiful, and one of the best places to play is the park. However, parents should start every visit to the park with a discussion with their kids about safety plan. Kids should know what to do if a stranger were to approach them, and who to go to if they feel uncomfortable or threatened. Public parks are a great place to play, but they are exposed to the public. Having a safety plan in place can help parents and kids feel secure and play safely this summer. For a copy of the article, contact jvienna@la-archdiocese.org or 213-637-7227. For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650. Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y C ontact I nformation & R esources Priests and Deacons Msgr John Barry 310-545-5651 Fr. Joe Kammerer frjoe@AmericanMartyrs.org Fr. Rick Prindle frrick@AmericanMartyrs.org Deacon Chris Amantea camantea@AmericanMartyrs.org Deacon Derek Brown dbrown@AmericanMartyrs.org Deacon Fred Rose deaconfred@AmericanMartyrs.org Deacon Dick Williams dwilliams@AmericanMartyrs.org Administrative Staff Business Manager Bob Hodges Community Services & Facilities Bob Visty Finance Director Pattie Johnson Liturgy & Worship Monica Hughes Music Director Bill Svarda Parish Communications Anne Riordan Parish Stewardship Jenny Attanasio Pastoral Center Administrator Dottie Arias Plant Manager Tony Hatfield Technology Scott Dixon A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER is available for Sunday 5:00pm Mass, weddings, and funerals. Please call Gigi 310-528-9024 CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS Maternity Home, 310-325-8208 24 HOUR Pregnancy Helpline, 310-787-HELP ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES SEXUAL MISCONDUCT REPORTING LINE 800-355-2545 VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY, Suzanne Healy, 213-637-7650 SUNDAY 9:30am MASS is shown LIVE each week 424-327-9630 bhodges@AmericanMartyrs.org Click this button on our website, r visty@AmericanMartyrs.org and watch Mass as it happens, pjohnson@AmericanMartyrs.org mhughes@AmericanMartyrs.org 310-640-8505 ariordan@AmericanMartyrs.org 424-327-9605 jattanasio@AmericanMartyrs.org dottie@AmericanMartyrs.org w w w.Am e ri c an M ar t yr s. o rg or anytime after that. AMC Apparel Now Available! Check out the caps and polos at w w w.Store.AmericanMar tyrs.org Items are delivered (no shipping) to the Parish Office about two weeks after placing your online order. Questions? Vanessa Reyes Smith, 310-748-0873 ahatfield@AmericanMartyrs.org sdixon@AmericanMartyrs.org Lay Leadership Pastoral Council President Mark Kemple Finance Council Chair Chuck Dapoz Religious Education Director, Religious Education Patti Williams Director, Youth Ministry Monica Leon Director, Sunday Preschool Kristen Holleran American Martyrs School Principal, Camryn Friel, Ed.D. pcpresident@AmericanMartyrs.org financecouncil@AmericanMartyrs.org 310-546-4734 1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 pwilliams@Americ anMar t yrs.org mleon@Americ anMar t yrs.org sundaypreschool@AmericanMartyrs.org 310-545-8559 | fax 310-546-7219 1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 AMS@Americ anMar t yrs.org American Martyrs Preschool 310-802-8149 Director, Mara Zepeda 1705 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 mzepeda@Americ anMar t yrs.org WHERE IS THE PARISH OFFICE? • Our Welcome Center offices and staff and the Scrip Office have relocated to the trailer on 15th Street between the Gym and the Parish House. • Deacon Fred’s office is in the Parish House. O'DONNELL HALL IS OPEN • However, the entrance is through the south east doors located behind the kitchen. THERE ARE CHANGES TO THE PARKING LOT • 15th Street is now ENTRY ONLY to the parking lot. • Laurel Avenue stays as entry/exit • You may also use the exit ramp behind O'Donnell We know this construction comes with temporary disruptions and inconveniences; our goal is improving our facilities for the long term. Thank you for your extra patience and understanding. July 31, 2016 | E ig ht e e nt h S unday in Or din a ry Ti m e Gym, Field & Athletics Lou Ann Selsky, 424-327-9578 | lselsky@Americ anMa r t y rs.org y org Summer Fun ForFun Everyone American Martyrs Summer ForatEveryone CAMP IS OPEN TO EVERYONE! G ym & Field R eservations: Contact Pat Breen, Gym Committee Chair, Gym@Amer ic anM ar t yr s.o rg Early Sign-Up Discount! All players welcome, from beginners to advanced. Tuesdays are instructional and Thursdays are free play. Rocky Wade, rockyvball1@hotmail.com Men’s and Women’s Coed Volleyball - Tuesday, 8:00-10:00pm Intermediate skill levels and recreational play. John Wargnier, 310-796-1058 | johnwargnier@AmericanMartyrs.org Gym Contact: Lou Ann Selsky, 424-327-9578 | lselsky@Americ anMa r t y rs.org Everyone is invited to join in the FUN at the summer long sports camps held every week at American Martyrs. The only skill required is how to have fun! We will be having fun with games that every kid loves to play all day long, Whiffle ball, Kickball, Capture the Flag, water games and lots of creative games to keep your child having fun all day long. Extended care and lunch available. Fun Directors: Andrew Zahn and Scott McGarry Fun Week 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - $240 Drop-In/Hourly rate $10 an hour Register online at: americanmartyrs.org More info: 424-327-9578 or lselsky@americanmartyrs.org BR 776760 0310 Seniors Exercise - Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-11:00am Women's Volleyball - Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00-10:00am The fun starts June 13th - August 19th Ages 5-12 BR 640851 0312 Men's Basketball League Anyone interested in joining the Monday and Wednesday night Men’s Basketball League at American Martyrs Gym, please sign up at w w w.amsmensleague.com B eyond O ur Parish PREGNANCY HELP CENTER - Part-time Staff Positions The Center has two job openings: 1) Development Manager to coordinate all aspects of foundation funding and individual donor cultivation as well as assist with all fundraising events 2) School & Sexual Integrity Education Coordinator to speak at local schools and church youth groups utilizing the Reality Check Program. If interested, send your resume to m t h o m p s o n @ p h c to r r an ce.o r g . Cost is $25/person; lunch included. Pre-register for $20 by August 5. Catholic books, DVDs and gift items for sale all day. Information? Call Elizabeth Swenson at 310-322-4392 x440. LMU CENTER FOR RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY "The Christian Mystics: A Call to the Desert" Saturday, September 3, 9:00am, LMU University Hall This workshop will examine questions arising out of ancient traditions of spiritual practice from the desert, giving particular attention to the question of what it might mean to retrieve the image of the desert as a central part of contemporary Christian spirtual life R egistration : cal.lmu.edu | I n f o : c rs@ lm u.e du | 310-338-2799 HOUSE OF YAHWEH - Fundraiser-Estate Sale - Saturday, August 13 The House Of Yahweh Fundraiser-Estate Sale is 8:00am-1:00pm on at our Lawndale location (4046 Marine Avenue). Take home some of our treasures and help support our community outreach programs. We are also accepting larger items for donation. Call Trish, 310-379-0163 or visit w w w. h oy-s o u t hb ay.o rg Reservations are now being accepted! 12th Annual Los Angeles Catholic Prayer Breakfast Tuesday, September 20 6:30 - 9:00am Rosary, Mass, Breakfast & Guest Speaker: His Eminence Daniel DiNardo Cardinal, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston Cardinal DiNardo is the second and current Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, serving since 2006. He previously served as Bishop of Sioux City. In November 2013, he was elected as the Vice President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Cardinal plans to theme his keynote remarks in the context of the pastoral challenges facing Christian families in the modern world. Tickets: $40/each or tables of 10 for $350. Purchase at w w w.l ac ath ol i c pb.org | 800-838-1356 Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y BECOMING CATHOLIC - RCIA INFORMATION MEETING Sunday, August 21 immediately following 9:30am Mass in the PARISH HOUSE (659 15th St.) Are You Someone, or Do You Know Someone Who • Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? • Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? Adults considering entering the Catholic Church follow a process known as the RCIA - the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, come to an Information Meeting on Sunday, August 21 to explain the process of becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Christian Church: We offer an opportunity to come together to learn more about our faith. RCIA Sessions begin Wednesday, September 14 and focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information, please contact: Terri Brown, t b row n@Ame ric a nM a r t y rs.org or Deacon Derek, dbrown@AmericanMartyrs.org | 310-220-9368 EXPANDING WELCOME EMBRACING COMMUNITY amcc_expndg_pewcard_cfo_rev2.indd 1 WE ALL CAN HELP 5/20/16 12:27 PM Monsignor Barry asks all of us to give to the campaign after prayerfully reflecting on God’s blessings: MAKE A ONE-TIME GIFT by check, by Faith Direct electronically, or by donation of securities. MAKE A PLEDGE using the campaign pledge form provided in the pews and in the campaign brochure or available at the Parish Office. Pledge payments may be made over two years by check or automatically through Faith Direct. PRAY FOR OUR PARISH if a financial contribution is not possible. And please pray for the success of our Campaign as we work to expand our welcoming spirit and embrace our mission to be the community of faith God calls us to be.