Authorship, good publication practice and copyright

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Authorship, good publication practice and copyright transfer statement
The Editors of the journal remind authors that the content of all manuscripts must be original
and unpublished. Material published previously in whole or in part, or currently under review at
another journal, will be accepted only if the reasons for the duplication are stated and a reference
to the earlier article is provided.
All authors of the article must have contributed to the design, performance and development of
the study, and must also have contributed to obtaining the data, interpreting the results, and
drafting and revising the manuscript. All persons who contributed to these tasks must be named
as authors.
The author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript must complete the form below.
All authors must complete and sign this form. The corresponding author must collect all authors’
signatures on a single sheet or on as many copies of the sheet as are needed to obtain all
signatures, and must attach the sheet(s) to the rest of the manuscript submission form.
The completed form must be submitted to the journal together with the manuscript.
Before you submit your manuscript, we recommend that you read the Good Publication Practice
Guidelines for CSIC Journals at
This form can be downloaded from this site:
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Title of the manuscript:
Title of the journal
Title of the manuscript (max. 300 characters)
Statement of originality and lack of prior publication (All boxes must be checked.)
This manuscript is original and unpublished, and has not been nor will be submitted to
another journal for consideration unless it is rejected.
None of the data presented in this manuscript have been plagiarized, fabricated,
manipulated or falsified. All original data are distinguished clearly from previously
published data.
All original sources upon which information in the manuscript is based, and all theories
and data from previously published sources, have been properly identified and cited.
The sources of all previously published figures, tables, data, photographs, etc. in the
manuscript have been cited, and all necessary permissions to reproduce them in any
medium have been provided.
Permission has been obtained from all persons who provided unpublished data verbally or
in writing, and all verbal and written communications are clearly identified as such and
attributed to their author(s).
Statement of partial or total overlap (Please check only those boxes that apply)
Parts of this manuscript have been published previously (Please provide relevant details
below in the Comments box, along with the overlapping text.)
This manuscript is a translation of a previously published article and permission has been
obtained from the publisher of the initial version. The secondary nature (translation) of
this manuscript will be explicitly noted in the final publication. (Please provide relevant
details in the Comments box below, along with the originally published text.)
Authorship (Both boxes must be checked.)
All persons named as authors in this manuscript have participated in the planning, design
and performance of the research, and in the interpretation of the results. In addition, all
persons named as authors critically reviewed the manuscript, approved the final version
and consent to its publication.
No person responsible for the manuscript and who meets the criteria for scientific
authorship has been omitted from the list of authors.
Data collection and interpretation of the results (Both boxes must be checked.)
All authors of this manuscript have avoided errors in the experimental or theoretical
design, presentation and interpretation of the results. If any such errors are detected in the
manuscript before or after publication, the authors will immediately alert the Editors.
The results of this study have been interpreted objectively. Any results that contradict the
authors’ point of view have been discussed in the manuscript.
Acknowledgments (Both boxes must be checked.)
All sources of funding provided for this study are acknowledged, with a concise mention
of the funding organization and identification code.
All persons who contributed to the manuscript but who are not authors and who are not
responsible for preparation of the manuscript are mentioned in the Acknowledgments.
Conflicts of interest (Please check only if applicable.)
In the Comments box below the authors provide information regarding any commercial,
financial or personal relationships with people or institutions that might have an interest of
any nature in the research reported in this manuscript.
Copyright transfer and dissemination (This box must be checked.)
Publication of this manuscript implies the transfer of copyright to Editorial CSIC, which
reserves the right to distribute the published version of the article on the Internet under
the terms of use and distribution of a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC Spain license
(Attribution, NonCommercial reuse). Distribution of the article in this manner ensures
that authors are in compliance with current Spanish legislation (Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio,
de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación, artículo 37.3) regarding the requirement to provide
open access to research results obtained with funding from public research organizations.
Title of the journal
Title of the manuscript (max. 300 characters)
Comments (max. 4000 characters)