POE, EDMUND A., Cora, Neb., or Morgantown, N. C.-

POE, EDMUND A., Cora, Neb., or Morgantown, N. C.--Born, Chatham Co, N. C.;
Grad. W.F.C.; Lie.
1855, Rock Spring Ch.; Ord.
Bruington, Union and Mt. Zion,
1 68-70;
'60, Wake Forest Ch.; P.
'63-67; Zion,
69; Ed. "Western Enterprise," Marion, '62.
73-75; Dallas,
. . ...... Rev . E. A. Poe died of heart failure yesterday morning at his home
near Nort h Catawba .
He had been in fai I ing health for several months , but
confined to his room for only ten days and was able to sit up ti I I the end.
Deceased was about eighty-one years of age, and had been a Baptist minister for
probably sixty years .
Lenoir , being a son.
He is survived by ten children, Mr . Edgar A. Poe of
The burial took place to- day at I I o ' clock a.m ., at the
old North Catawba church . - - Lenoir Topic, Nov. 16 .
23, 1910, p. 6
t. Paul's Sl.Ot ,
Oak Grove .;:s"'-1-.00, P. Hiil ~10.00,
Smyrna ~5.00, Shoup ·s Grove Sl.OO, ·wilkie'., Groq~
S:2.00, Zion .::5.00.
Adjourned O!le hou r. Praver by J . "'. G\Taltne\· .
EVE::c-<I:::-iG SE SIO::c-<.
Called to o r de r.
Praver bv-~l. F . Pvatte.
clerk was in.st ru cted to ban"' 300 copies of the minutes printed anJ di.-tributed to the churches and n.:ta i n the balance of the money for hi· , en·ices.
)loderator, clerk ai"Hl J . I. rnith were appointed tn
ar r atu.; e ·en·ices for Sunt.la ·. • ?o report on -;tate of
the ch u rches. Hull, J. _\ . Rector a~ J E. _\. p, e
make rema r k· urg-ing the chu rchcs to take a. deeper
intere-;t in all our wo r k . Report on- obituaries a::;
follow· :
Sister Elizabeth A. Poe, the \<·ife of Rt!v. E. _\. Poe. on tht!
morniug of September the :nth, 1902, pass<!<! from earth to the re·
v•aru of the faithful. 1 .Mrs. Poe, who w<l:> ~Iis.; ElizaLeth .\maml:l
Corpenin-g-, was born September he 2/:h, 1 3<), and <lieu ~eptcmber
_ the :3oth, 190'2. and ,..,-as burie<l in the cemetery at Xorth C"ta .\'h<L
chur.:h '>11 her t>3nl birthday. She w:t::! marri.:d to Re,·. E . •\. P .
Dece-mber 23nl. 1860, and in the mvnth ot .\u:_:-ust, l%7, ,.1e ~.~~
baptb.:d into the fellow hip of Bru;m.;ton church, Gaston ~ounty.
::-<. C., by her husband, wh•J wa th~n p.t::.tor of that .:hurch. .\t l:er
death he was a member of Zion c!lurcl'\ of this county. wh·•re her
hu:sban<l hulds his membt::r~hip. She ldt a tlemtcd :tntl f;tithiu!
husband, who,;e hand,; .sht:: held up iJr m~re than -tO yean, ·,,hi\ he
"preache<! the Go~pel of the bit:,., ·•l .:;l)n of Goo. Four :>.n!,. two f
whom are in the West, and :si1t.d •u~hters are left to m ,urn he lo~
of a faithful and godly mother. Sister Poe had been ill for ;L !on.::
time ami fo r ,;e,·eral days before her death she had becr1 uncon·
scious, but ju:;t a few momt::nt.; before the spirit took it,. J:ii:;ht inti)
the prese!1ce of Him who ga,·e it, eemed to be perfectly cons.:iouaml looked up a t the an.xious one::. who "toot! by her and smiled as .f
she wanted to te:;tify to the pre;,ence rA the Sa\iour whom -:1e h. J
loved and scr\"etl ~o lon:;. Tv he .sorrnwin.., husband and ;.:ne ·
:;tncken children we extt:nd our deepe~t ::.ymp«thy, and c n11nen 1
them to the ·pirit of God, ,-ho can comfort them.
Re,pectfully -mhmitted,
P . .\. WHITE.·!-~R.
·General Catalogue
Wake Forest College.
Robeson Co.
Stud. \\'. F. Col.
Robeson County.
Stud. \V. F. Col.
(/1 Robeson Co~nty.
Debater So. Orator 81 . B. L., 8r, \V. F . Col. 8r S. B. Theo. Sem. Ord., 8r,
Flat Rock Ch., Franklin Co. Bap. Min. Pastor. Oct., Sr -Aug. 82,
Wadesboro. 82-4 Macon City, Mo. Apr., 84-Patee Park Ch., St. Josephs,
:Mo. 86-Asso. E<litor of Central Baptist.
Chatham County. 55-9.
Ord., 6o, W. F. Col. Bap. lllin. Pastor. Teacher. Burke, Gaston and
McDowell Cos. Morganton.
Chatham County.
Richmond, Va.
A. B., 6o, \V. F. CoL 6o-r Teacher. Alabama. 61-4 Capt. Co. K., 26th Va.
Inf., C. S. Ar. Killed Battle of the Crater, July 30, 64.
3d Va. Cav.
(/) Halifax County,
Killed on "Peninsula Campaign," Nov., 6r.
Anson County.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
M. D., Univ. of N. York. Capt. Co. H. , 55th N.C. In f., C. S. Ar.
Milton, Florida. Pensacola, Fla.
• Lawyer.
PooLE, Moscow.
Lenoir County.
(/) Johnston County.
Archer Lodge.
Wake County.
Alexander County.
Ord., Mar., 68, Three Forks Ch. Bap. Min. Pastor. 68-72 Alexander Co.
73 Missionary, Da:vie C'o. 74-83 Taylorsville. Clerk of Superior Court.
Probate Judge for Alexander Co. Preaching on Sundays. 83-91 Lenoir.
89-Pastor. Statesville.
A. B., 48, A. i.:L, 55, W. F. CoL Teacher. Physician.
den Cos. Surgeon in C. S. Ar. Dead.
Hertford and Cam-
cl authorities, aided by the Pennsylvania
tral Railroad, to put on a system of reduced
e tickets (one and a half cents per mile) in
r of all settlers coming to settle in the
uth. He published his monthly filled with
rrect information about the resources of the
uth, made speeches in the ~orthern States,
ued circlars, and in this way guided thous of people into the PiP.dmont Belt of the
uthern States, being largely instrumental in
ing the attention of capitalists to the bron-down condition of our Southern railroads,
d showing them the great opportunities for
·estments in railroad property, lands, mines,
. All can now see the fruits of such labors
the millions of capital coming South. When
. Gaines gave up the ministry and his religs publications, it was doubtless solely for the
ose of devoting his life and energies to the
ding of the Southern States, and espely his native Carolina. In all of this \vork
has probably had the unthankful task of
ing the work of a pioneer, and of doing it ir.
own way. He has had no States to back
, and had even to work up the railroads to
_their_ own interest in helping themselves, by
ng h1m, but as soon as the work was built
so as it would begin to pay him, the railroad
ents assumed control of the scheme and
led themseh·es of the benefits to be derived,
d thus, like all pioneers, Mr. Gaines (alugh entitled to remuneration) was left withanything to console him but the consciousof ha\·ing done a good and unselfish work
e South.
~ d<? not know anything about the last part
h1s life. He has a son living at Gaffney,
C:, but he has not written us anything conng the latter par-t of his father's life. Be
may be living, but it is not likely that he is. We
cannot get his son, A. B. Gaines, to say about
Elder E. A. Poe
( 1869-1870)
(This pastorate was tinisheJ by Elder E.
Elder Edgar Allen Poe was called to the pastorate of Union the 4th Sunday in • ovember,
1868, and took charge the fourth Sunday in
January, 1869. He did not give regular service because of his health. Elder E. Allison
supplied for him during the latter pa1t of 1869
and the first part of 1870. He seems to have
left the church before the regular meeting in
May. The church was terribly torn up at this
time. Many of the members had been intoxicated and many were practicing immoral
things. When a preacher does not give regular
service to a church, many e\'il things are likely
to arise. The church did not have Saturday
meetings during Elder Poe's pastorate.
had a bad effect. It undertook to have service
twice a month on Sundays and leave off the
week-day meeting, but it did not work well.
The church must have been without a pastor
for several months after Elder Poe quit. There
is no record of service by any preacher during
the year of 1870, and since Elder E. Davids
served the church dming the year of 1871, we
are led to belieYe he began his work during the
latter part of 1870. The old members say that
the church was without a pastor a long time
during the old organization's existence.
believe that it was during the year of 1870.
Elder Edgar Allen Poe was born in Chatham
county, N. C., April 4, 1829. He professed faith
in Christ and was baptized into the fellowship
of Old Hock Spri11g-: church neat· his home
sometime in his earlv life . \Ye ha\·e not found
the exact date of his com·ersion, but it must
have been while he was a mere lad.
He attended \Vake Forest College and graduated from that institution in the eady sixtic'.
He was ordained to t he full work of the gospel
ministry at \Vake Forest, )l". C., Decemb er 9th,
1 GO . The pre ·uytery w :.l s compo ·':!d of th e
following brethren: W. L. Brooks, Samuel
Wait, Thomas Stradley, W. M. Wingate and
Wm. Royall.
He was married to }li s Elizabeth Corpening December 2:3, 1860. To this union ten children were born-six girls and four boys. He
served several churches in Gaston county.
·when he preached at Union, he seemed to have
lived in Dallas,
. C. If so, he must have
served Dallas and Long ('reek, or one at least.
He and ~lajor W. A. Graham were the only
graduates of any college in the Catawba River
Association. Eld er Po e was quite scolarly, and
wrote some very interesting history.
his writings is the history of the Catawba River
Baptist Association which was read during the
session of the Association which met with Union Baptist church October, 1867. This history was printed in the minutes of that session.
After a lapse of forty-one yeat·s, he revised the
sketch of the association and wrote it do\•;n to
1889, but this pmt of the history was never
published . Someone ought to secure the ma~­
uscript and have it put into book form. It IS
valuable information.
Elder Poe spent his last days in the mountains of No1th Carolina. He held his membership with Glen Alpine Baptist church. He died
November 15, 1910, at the age of eighty-one
years, seven months, and eleven days .
wrote some very interesting history. Among his writing is the History
of th e Catawba River Association which was read during the session
of the Association which met with Union Baptist Church October,
1867. This history was printed in the minutes of the session. After a
lapse of forty-one years, he revised "the sketch of the Association and
wrote it down to 1889, but this part of the history was never published. It is valuable information. Elder Poe spent his last days in the
mountains of North Carolina. He held his membership with Glen
Alpine Baptist Church. He died November 15, 1910 at the age of
eighty-one years, seven months and eleven days.
April 4, 1829- November 15, 1910
According to John Asplund, the Baptist Historian, the Old North
Catawba Baptist Church in Burke County, N.C. was established in
the year 1785. The simple grave markers of the Poe family in this
cemetery read as follows:
Reverend Edmond A. Poe, b. April 4, 1829 - d. November 15,
Elizabeth, His Wife, b. September 27, 1839- d. September 26,
Ella Poe, b. August 22, 1863- d. March 20, 1937
This good man, destined to be a great leader among the Baptists of
Catawba River Association, was born when this body was slightly less
than two years of age. Mr. Frank L. Smith, of Lenoir, N.C., who
wrote the Centennial history of Catawba River Association, declares:
"Elder E. A. Poe was the first historian of the Catawba River Baptist
Association. In the year 1867 he had printed a short sketch of each
annual session that covered forty years. This was read to the Association in its annual meeting held at Union Second Church in Gaston
County in the year 1879. He again was instructed to complete the
history of the first fifty years." (Preface to the History of Catawba
River Baptist Association, Frank K.L. Smith, Mss.).
George William Lasher, in his Baptist Ministerial Directory, on
page 5 77, gives the following account of Elder Poe's ministry. Previous to the year 1899 he was living at Morganton, N.C. with a
secondary address as Cora, Nebraska. lie was born in Chatham
County, N.C. (April 4, 1829). He graduated from Wake Forest
College. He was licensed to the ministry in the year 1855 by Rock
Springs Baptist Church and ordained to the ministry in 1860 by Wake
Forest Baptist Church. He served as pastor of Bruington, Union and
Mt. Zion 1868-1870, Smyrna, 1863-1867;Zion, 1873-1875;Dallas,
1869; and editor of Western Enterprise in Marion, 1862.
Some notes taken
Lenoir, N.C., yield the
was the son of Ransom
He was born in C
November 15, 1910.
Church, and not too far
N.C. His father was a
The Catawba River B
Elder Edmond Alvis Poe
ing school in the North
Miss Elizabeth Corpenin
born the following ten s
1. Emma Poe, who
married to Jacob
2. Ella Poe, who was
on March 20, 193
North Catawba Chu
3. Anna Poe, born ab
James Rufus Ben
Sy Ivester Benfield.
Benfield Brinkley,
friend to this wri
4. Edgar Allen Poe,
contractor by pro
present (1959) the
Allen Poe, the son
torian of note and
by a hardware firm
5. William Newton
was married to a
lived for a time
6. Ransom Albert Poe
7. Rosa Etta Poe, wh
in life.
8. Mary Elizabeth Poe
(1959) deceased. S
Church Communi
to visit with her
Hospital, then aro
able information
taught in some fort
Catawba Academy
Amherst Academy
land owner, was
North Catawba
· ting is the History
during the session
st Church Octobe r,
the session. After a
the Associa tion and
ory was never pubhis last days in the
ip with Glen
at the age of
the Old North
was' establis hed in
e Poe family in this
_ d. Novem ber 15,
. d. Septem ber 26,
g the Baptist s of
ody was slightly less
Lenoir, N.C., who
ociation , declare s:
wba River Baptist
short sketch of each
read to the AssociaChurch in Gaston
d to comple te the
History of Catawba
terial Directory, on
Poe's ministr y. Preton, N.C. with a
born in Chatha m
from Wake Forest
year 1855 by Rock
try in 1860 by Wake
· gton, Union and
1873-1 875; Dallas,
''1862 .
Some notes taken from Allen Poe, a great grandso n living in
Lenoir, N.C., yield the followi ng informa tion: Edmon d Alvis Poe,
was the son of Ransom Cook Poe, and his wife Alma Straugh an Poe.
lie was born in Chatha m County , N.C., April 4, 1829, and died
Novem ber 15, 1910. This was in the vicinity of Rock Springs Baptist
Church , and not too far distant from the present town of Pittsbo ro,
N.C. His father was a deacon in the Rock Springs Baptist Church .
The Catawb a River Baptist Academ y was opened in Januar y 1859.
Elder Edmon d Alvis Poe was chosen as its first principa l. While teaching school in the North Catawb a Commu nity, he met and married
Miss Elizabe th Corpen ing on Decem ber 25, 1860. To this union were
born the followi ng ten sons and daughte rs:
1. Emma Poe, who was born about the year 1861. She was
married to Jacob Harshaw Parks about the year 190 7.
2. Ella Poe, who was born August 22, 1863, and died unmarr ied,
on March 20, 193 7. She is buried beside her parents in the
North Catawb a Church Cemete ry .
3. Anna Poe, born about the year 1865, and later was married to
James Rufus Benfiel d, a brother to the Reveren d Harriso n
Sylvest er Benfield. One of their daughte rs, Mrs. Mary Agnes
Benfiel d Brinkle y, lives in Valdese, N.C., and is a persona l
friend to this writer.
4. Edgar Allen Poe, who was a licensed lawyer, and a buildin g
contrac tor by profess ion. His son, Eugene Allen Poe, is at
present {1959) the City Manager of the town of Lenoir, N.C.
Allen Poe, the son of Eugene Allen Poe, is a genealo gist and historian of note and accomp lishmen t. He is present ly employ ed
by a hardwa re firm in Lenoir, N.C.
5. William Newton Poe, who after a term of service in World War I,
was married to a French lady, by name, Leonie Marton . They
lived for a time in Alacon da, Montan a. He is now deceased.
6. Ransom Albert Poe, who married Miss Louise Munn.
7. Rosa Etta Poe, who married Ambros e Bryant and he died early
in life .
8. Mary Elizabe th Poe, who married William J. Widener. He is now
{1959) decease d. She is a widow living in the North Catawb a
Church Commu nity in Burke County , N.C. I had the privilege
to visit with her while she was a patient in the Valdese General
Hospita l, then around eighty years of age. She gave me considerable informa tion concern ing Elder E.A. Poe, her father. He
taught in some forty or more schools ; among them, Old North
Catawb a Academ y, Globe Academ y, Table Rock Academ y,
Amhers t Academ y and many others. Jacob Harshaw , a wealthy
land owner, was one of the founder s and benefac tors of the
North Catawb a Academ y . It was while teachin g in this
Academy, Elder E.A. Poe, and boarding in the home of Uncle
Billy Bradshaw, that he met, wooed the heart and won the hand
in marriage of Miss Elizabeth Corpening. This was just prior to
the war between the States. E.A. Poe had entered Wake Forest
College in the year 1855, "and practically finished his work for
his degree but left in his senior year to assume charge of
Catawba Academy, an Associational School," says Dr. George
W. Paschal (Hist. W.F. Col. p. 613). After the war he returned
to finish his work and receive his degree. While teaching at
Table Rock Academy he served as pastor of Smyrna Church,
one of the oldest in Burke County. In the year 1868 he was pastor of Dallas (old Long Creek) in Gaston County, N.C. By the
U.S. Census of 1880, he lived in the town of Marion, N.C. and
served as pastor of the Baptist Church there. His last pastorate
was the Glen Alpine Baptist Church.
9.Joseph Grayson Poe, who was born about the year 1877, was
named for a dear Baptist minister friend, Elder Joseph Carson
Grayson Qune 13, 1804 - April 26, 1884). He was married to
Miss Grace Dunlap of Nebraska and they lived for years in the
little town of Surprise, near Lincoln, Nebraska.
10. Lura Dixon Poe, was born about the year 1879, and married
J. Sidney McCall, of the North Catawba Church Community.
He is deceased, but she yet lives (1959) as a widow in the
North Catawba Community.
Since writing the above report, one of my students in Fruitland
Bible Institute loaned me a copy of the Corpening -Poe Genealogy.
From this collection I have gleaned the following materials:
dese, N.
Amanda Elizabeth Corpening (1839-1902), daughter of Albert
Gallatin Corpening and Sophronia Harshaw, married the Reverend
Edmund Alvis Poe, a Baptist Minister. She signed her name in later
life as Elizabeth Amanda, but was commonly known as "Lizzie."
Mrs. Hattie Johnson and Mrs. Dixon Poe McCall, listed the following
children born to the marriage of Elder Poe and Miss Amanda Elizabeth Corpening, on December 25, 1860:
1. Emma Lillian Poe, married Jacob Newton Parks, of Rigby,
Idaho. They have no offspring.
2. Ella Poe, never married -her dates are Aug. 22, 1863- Mar. 20,
3. Annie Poe, married James Benfield, a farmer, and became the
mother of six children as follows: (i) Clarence Benfield, of
Valdese, N.C., single, employed by Bell Telephone Co., (ii)
Ira Benfield, a teacher, Newton N.C. He married Thelma Berry.
(iii) Vernon Benfield, a hosiery employee. He married Nettie
Botherton. (iv) Thelma Benfield, married John Marada of Phila-
in the home of Uncle
e heart and won the hand
g. This was just prior to
had entered Wake Forest
cally finished his work for
to assume charge of
School," says Dr. George
ter the war he returned
egree. While teaching at
tor of Smyrna Church,
the year 1868 he was paston County, N.C. By the
wn of Marion, N.C. and
there. His last pastorat e
bout the year 1877, was
d, Elder Joseph Carson
884 ). He was married to
lived for years in the
year 1879, and married
Church Commun ity.
959) as a widow in the
my students in Fruitland
rpening -Poe Genealogy.
owing material s:
02), daughte r of Albert
, married the Reveren d
signed her name in later
nly known as "Lizzie. "
Call, listed the following
and Miss Amanda Elizaewton Parks, of Rigby,
Aug. 22, 1863- Mar. 20,
a farmer, and became the
(i) Clarence Benfield, of
Bell Telepho ne Co., (ii)
He married Thelma Berry.
oyec. He married Nettie
ed John Marada of Phil a-
delphia, Pa. (v) Mary Agnes Benfield married Lee Reibet of Valdese, N.C. and (vi) Maude Benfield of Alabama . Annie Poe Benfi eld was a member of the North Catawba Baptist Church,
where a Missions Circle is named in her honor.
4. Edgar Allen Poe, (1868-19 49) son of Elder Edmond A. Poe, and
Elizabet h Corpenin g Poe, was for many years a contract or in
Lenoir, N.C. He married Maude E. Miller. They had two
children : (i) Caroline Poe who married a Stone and (ii) Eugene
Allen Poe, who was born August 14, 1898 and died April 10,
1964. He was city manager of Lenoir for fourteen years. He
married Virginia Lenoir, who was born May 4, 1899. She was
the daughter of Harriet Augusta Horton and Walter James
Lenoir, the grandson of General William Lenoir. They had one
son, Allen Poe.
a. Allen Poe, the son of Eugene Allen Poe and wife, Virginia
Lenoir has lived most of his life in Lenoir. He graduate d
' local
from the
schools and for many years has been clerking
in a store. His avocatio n has been Genealo gy, which he does
professio nally. His contribu tion to the .corpeni~g gen~alog.y
has been invaluable. He is still unmarne d and bves w1th h1s
mother. Address: P.O. Box 111, Lenoir, N.C. 28645.
5. William Newton Poe, a veteran of World War I, is reported to
have married a French girl, and then later a Leone Jones, and
lived in Omaha, Nebrask a. He is reported to be working with
the General Services Adminis tration.
6. Ransom Albert Poe, married Miss Louise Munn and lived in
Marion, N.C. He is now deceased. To this union was born one
son: (i) R.A. Poe.
7. Rosa Etta Poe, married Ambrose Bryant. He died early in life.
8. Mary Elizabet h Poe, who married J. William Widener. They had
no offspring .
9. Lura Dixon Poe, who was born August 25, 1880 (or 1881) and
died June 15, 1963, was married to John Sidney McCall, who
was born Septemb er 27, 1879 (or 1880) and died March 23,
1955. Mr. McCall farmed, worked in textiles, and in furniture
manufac turing. Their children are as follows:
(i) Sidney Everett McCall, a merchan t in Carolina Beach, N.C.
(ii) John Robert McCall, a taxi driver in Whitnell, N.C.
(iii) Leona McCall, now Mrs. Roy Crotts, Route 2, Granite
Falls, N.C. (28630) , is a retail merchan t.
(iv) Irene Elizabet h McCall, is now Mrs. R.E. Colvard, Route 1,
Box 416, Hudson, N.C. (18638). She was born March 3,
1909 in Caldwell County, the daughte r of John Sidney
McCall and Lura Dixon Poe. She was married June 4, 1927
to Russell Edgar Colvard. He was born March 29, 1900 and
died January 8, 1962. He was a textile worker. To them
were born six children: Lester, Russell, Rachel, Barbara,
Mack and Tony Colvard.
(a) Lester John Colvard, 1111 Hillside Drive, Greenville,
N.C. He was born April 4, 1928, the son of Irene
McCall and her husband, Russell E. Colvard. He is an
engineer. He was married to Grace Pipes on September 9, 1950. Their children are: Karen Jean Colvard,
born July 7, 1952; William Robert Colvard, born
July 29, 1955; Patricia Ann Colvard, bornJanuary 25,
1957; and Mark Thomas Colvard, born January 16,
(b) Russell E. Colvard, Route No. 1, Hudson, N.C. He is
a groceryman. He was born June 25, 1930 and was
married to Doris Greene on September 14, 1954.
Their children are Steven Russell Colvard, born June
30, 1955; Rebecca Lynn Colvard, born October 16,
19 57; and Douglas Green Colvard, born September 18, 1958.
(c) Rachel Colvard is now Mrs. David Duncan, of 710
Lochridge Road, Charlotte, N.C. She is a teacher and
was born October 10, 1932, and was married on
September 24, 1958 to David W. Duncan. Reportedly
they have two children: David Walter Duncan, Jr.,
born May 9, 1960; and Elizabeth Ann Duncan, born
February 28, 1963.
(d) Barbara Colvard is now Mrs. Frank Holman, of 1406
Beverly Avenue, Shelby, N.C. She was born January
14, 1935 and was married April18, 1953 to Thomas
Franklin Holman. They have two children: Michael
Franklin Holman, born November 1, 1953; and Kim
Elizabeth Holman, born March 27, 1956.
(e) Mack Dee Colvard, of Hudson, N.C. was born
September 24, 1937. He married Pat Tanneyhill on
November 22, 1961. They have two children: Wendoly Denise Colvard, born October 27, 1962; and
Christopher Russell Tannyhill Colvard, born May 13,
(f) Tony Dixon Colvard was born September 7, 1951.
Marie Cora McCall, was born in Caldwell County, N.C. on
July 11, 1913. She is now Mrs. Lester C. Beane, of Route
2, Box 394, Granite Falls, N.C. (28630). She is the
daughter of Dixon Poe and her husband John Disney
McCall. She lists her occupation as textile worker and military service as Nurses Aid. She is a member of North
Jimmie D.
2, Box 411
and is m
Lee Ann B
lives at
lives on
10.Joseph Grayson
February 21, 19
pening and
Albert Gallatin
pening. Joseph
to Miss Grace
1961. She was
The cemetery
Mary J., and Ophelia
1879-1950; Grace
Ricky Lee Poe, 1954
Nov. 1848-1943;
Joseph Grayson Poe
Mary Walter, (Bud),
Jerrel and Helen.
John Le
a textile worker. To them
, Russell, Rachel, Barbara,
Hillside Drive, Greenville,
4, 1928, the son of Irene
E. Colvard. He is an
to Grace Pipes on Septemare: Karen Jean Colvard,
am Robert Colvard, born
Colvard, bornJanuary 25,
lvard, born January 16,
No. 1, Hudson, N.C. He is
June 25, 1930 and was
on September 14, 1954.
~"-u~~c: u Colvard, born June
Colvard, born October 16,
Colvard, born Septemrs. David Duncan, of 710
, N.C. She is a teacher and
3 2, and was married on
d W. Duncan. Reportedly
avid Walter Duncan, Jr.,
eth Ann Duncan, born
. Frank Holman, of 1406
.C. She was born January
April 18, 1953 to Thomas
ve two children: Michael
ember 1, 1953; and Kim
27, 1956.
, N.C. was born
Pat Tanneyhill on
have two children: WenOctober 27, 1962; and
Colvard, born May 13,
September 7, 1951.
Caldwell County, N.C. on
Lester C. Beane, of Route
8630). She is the
husband John Disney
as textile worker and miliis a member of North
Catawba Baptist Church and W.M.U. Worker. She was
married to Lester C. (Red) Beane, who was born on
October 28, 1912. He is a textile employee. They married
on October 26, 1932. Their children are: William L. Beane,
Route 1, Hudson, N.C., an insurance agent, who was born
March 5, 1935. He marriedJeroline Bumgarner. They have
two children: William Keith and Bryan David Beane.
Jimmie D. Beane, accountant and radio announcer, Route
2, Box 411, Hudson, N.C. He was born August 8, 1937,
and is married to Joyce Barber. They have one daughter,
Lee Ann Beane. Shirley Beane who married a Pitts, who
lives at Route 2, Box 394, Granite Falls, N.C. She is a
beautician and was born August 20, 1938. She is married
to Oba Pitts. They have no children. Gerald Sidney Beane,
is a textile worker, who was born January 10, 1942, and
lives on Route 2, Box 394, Granite Falls, N.C.
10. Joseph Grayson Poe, was born about the year 1879, and died
February 21, 1950. He was the son of Amanda Elizabeth Corpening and Elder Edmond Alvis Poe. She was the daughter of
Albert Gallatin Corpening and his wife Sophronia Harshaw Corpening. Joseph Grayson Poe was married on August 13, 1903,
to Miss Grace Dunlap, who was born in 1881 and died March 3,
1961. She was a native of Iowa, and they made their home in
the vicinity of Surprise, Nebraska, where Charles Benjamin
Parks and Mary Jo Corpening Parks lived.
The cemetery there, in addition to having the names of Charles,
Mary J., and Ophelia Parks, has Poe markers as follows: Joseph Poe,
1879-1950; Grace Dunlap Poe, 1881-1961; Francis Poe, 1915-1946;
Ricky Lee Poe, 1954; and Grace Dunlap's parents: John B. Dunlap,
Nov. 1848-1943; and Isabell Dunlap, 1848-1943. The children of
Joseph Grayson Poe and wife Grace Dunlap Poe were: Leonard,
Mary Walter, (Bud), Howard, Esther, Kenneth and Francis (twins),
J errel and Helen.
John Leonard Poe, was born January 13, 1905 at Surprise,
Nebraska. He is the son of Jospeh Grayson Poe and Grace
Dunlap Poe. He now resides at 231 Main Street, Lincoln,
Nebraska. On April 26, 1926 he was married to Trena
Rose, who was bornJanuary 6, 1906 at Rosemont,
Nebraska. Their children are as follows:
(a) Phyllis Poe, (b) Richard Poe, and (c) Darlene Poe.
John Leonard Poe was a member of the Methodist
denomination and a member of the Masonic Lodge.
He died November 26, 1967.
(a) Phyllis Ann was born at Gretna, Nebraska in 1929.
She is married to a Mr. Schrader. The children are:
Linda Schrader, born in 1948, and Thomas Schrader,
born in 1952.
(b) Richard Lee Poe, was born September 11, 1935 at
Surprise, Nebraska. He resides at 4635 So. 45th St.,
Lincoln, Nebraska. He is a member of the Lincoln
Fire Department. He is a member of the Methodist
denomination. On July 25, 1954 he was married to
Joyce LaVerne Coufal, who was born on January 24,
1938. Their children are: Michael Gene Poe, born
March 29, 1956; Tammy Sue Poe, born December 19,
1958; and Peggy Lee Poe, born March 26, 1961.
(c) Darlene Ruth Poe, was born July 21, 1939 at Surprise, Nebraska. She is married to Dale E. Bunge.
They live at 2502 Franklin Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
She is an office clerk for Gold and Co., Lincoln, Neb.
She is a member of the United Church of Christ. On
July 13, 1958 she married Dale E. Bunge, born
August 23, 1928. No children. He serves as a custodian.
(ii) Mary Elizabeth Poe, the daughter of Joseph Grayson Poe
and Grace Dunlap Poe was born at Surprise, Nebraska on
February 21, 1906. She is married to Allen F. Kearns, and
they reside at 3820 Wood's Boulevard, Lincoln, Nebraska.
She attended high school and business college, and is pay
roll clerk for the Beatrice Foods Co. She is a Methodist by
her Christian affiliation, member of the Daughters of the
Nile, member of the Order of the Eastern Star, with the
position of Rebekah. She was married to Allen F. Kearns
on May 9, 1931. He was born December 5, 1901 and is a
barber by trade. They have one son: Jack J. Kearns, who
was born July 23, 1932. He is married to Barbara Herr,
and they reside at 5440 West Foster Avenue, Chicago,
lllinois. He is manager of a Ben Franklin Store. They have
two children Allan Paul Kearns and Judy Ann Kearns.
(iii) Robert Walter Poe, son of Joseph Grayson Poe and Grace
Dunlap Poe, was born February 15, 1908 at Surprise,
Nebraska. He was married to Leona Connway in 1928.
They have one son, Walter Rodney Poe, who was born
in the year 1935.
(iv) William Howard Poe, son of Joseph Grayson Poe and
Grace Dunlap Poe,was born March 5, 1911. He lives in
Ulysesses, Nebraska. He is married to Harriett Lauer. Their
children are: Donna Poe Way; Robert Poe, born in 1936;
William Poe, born in 19 39; and Sharon Poe, born in 194 7.
tories in the yea
1. Albert Poe,
2. Mrs. Beatr·
3. Forrest H.
6. Vernon 0.
7. C.W. Poe,
8. Elisha Poe,
He has
1964. He
died at
. The children are:
, and Thomas Schrader,
,,,.,.,,..,her 11, 1935 at
at 4635 So. 45th St.,
ember of the Lincoln
her of the Methodist
9 54 he was married to
born onJanuary 24,
ichael Gene Poe, born
, born December 19,
born March 26, 1961.
July 21, 1939 at Sur. d to Dale E. Bunge.
t, Lincoln, Nebraska.
and Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Church of Christ. On
Dale E. Bunge, born
n. He serves as a custoof Joseph Grayson Poe
Surprise, Nebraska on
to Allen F. Kearns, and
, Lincoln, Nebraska.
ess college, and is pay
. She is a Methodist by
f the Daughters of the
Eastern Star, with the
to Allen F. Kearns
ember 5, 1901 and is a
:Jack J. Keams, who
to Barbara Herr,
ter Avenue, Chicago,
klin Store. They have
Judy Ann Kearns .
on Poe and Grace
15, 1908 at Surprise,
na Connway in 1928.
y Poe, who was born
Grayson Poe and
5, 1911. He lives in
Harriett Lauer. Their
crt Poe, born in 1936;
Poe, born in 1947.
William Howard Poe has nine grandchildren .
Esther Lillian Poe, was born November 22, 1912 to Joseph
Grayson Poe and Grace Dunlap Poe. She is married to
Louis Rech. They reside at 4814 So. 50th Ave., Omaha,
Nebraska. They have three daughters: Shirley Reck, who
married a Jensen; Marilyn Reck, who married a Holliday,
and Kathy Rech.
(vi) Kenneth Poe, son of Joseph Grayson and Grace Dunlap
Poe, was born June 7, 1915. He is married to Myrtle-.
They have three children: Steve, Larry and Pamela Poe.
They reside at 715 No. 1Oth, DeKalb, Ill.
(vii) Francis Poe, daughter of Joseph Grayson Poe and Grace
Dunlap Poe was born June 7, 1915 and died August 4,
1946. She was twin to Kenneth Poe .
(viii) Helen Virginia Poe, daughter of Joseph Grayson Poe and
his wife, Grace Dunlap Poe, was born September 22, 1926
at Surprise, in Butler County, Nebraska. She was married
on September 21, 1946 to James S. Morgan, Jr., who was
born September 1, 1923. He is an airplane pilot in the
F.A.A. They have the following children: Janis Ann Morgan, born August 13, 1949; James S. Morgan, III, born
January 27, 1958; and Thomas Lee Morgan, born November 26, 1963. They reside at 502 Meadowlawn, LaPorte,
The following Poe names appeared in Montana telephone directories in the year 1964:
1. Albert Poe, 15 So. Utah, Dillon, Montana
2. Mrs. Beatrice Poe, 15 So. Utah, Dillon, Montana
3. Forrest H. Poe, 714 Locust, Missoula, Montana
4. Mrs. Mark Poe, 44 7 Kensington Ave., Missoula, Montana
5. Orville Poe, 411 No. 14th St., Billings, Montana
6. Vernon 0. Poe, 1017 Avenue D, Billings, Montana
7. C.W. Poe, 728 Seventh Avenue, W., Kalispell, Montana
8. Elisha Poe, 127 Vawter St., Helena, Montana
He has worked in the Helena Post Office for fourteen years in
1964. He was born in Ranensburg, Montana, where his father
died at the age of 83. He has one son and five daughters in
Helena, a half-brother, Lawrence Poe, and a sister who lives at
Townsend, Montana, and a half-brother, Floyd Poe, who lives at
Toston, Montana.
Elder Edmond Alvis Poe (1829-1910) did a most excellent piece
of work in his year by year History of the Catawba River Baptist
Association covering the period 1827-1867. He includes three brief
biographies which are most pertinent to my collection: (i) Elder
Samuel Bruce, 1804-July 3, 1837; (ii) Elder Alexander Abernathy,
March 13, 1790-Augus t 30, 1866; and (iii) Elder Thomas Carlton,
July 17, 1787-Augu st 5, 1867.
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