Drainage Services Department 52> ffi )~ 71< JjKII 11 jij 7J<Jafli1.UI I!I Sewage Treatment Process Flowchart Shatin Sewage Treatment Works Secondary (Biological) Treatment Primary Treatment Preliminary Treatment Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme Aeration ~Il* Il*W Screening Degritting ... }JlB~~ S ~_II~31250 ~~m~I.' Biological fmbUJi:iWl Primary ~~~miWl Final Effluent Export Effluent W ( Return Activated Sludge 0 ~~Mp.I<~J~ ~'lJ~;~i'l1:~'5;1E Surplus Activated Sludge fmJl~'5;1E 1 Primary Sludge 8~5l*~'5;1E Dewatered ~'5;1E~*~13: :Li~oo; +- To Landfill Site NI~~I, @ @ @ +-(_ S _lu......; dg;;....e_ @ Sludge Dewatering Sludge Digestion Sludge Thickening aJllfltrn~~1R7J< !I ~. Il Key Parameters of Treated Effluent m~# . (Key Parameters) t1~1iJl.~ (Discharge Standards) W:lli*~ (Design Flow) ~ S 340,000.:fLJJ* (m3/day) ~'~H~~5~~U (Total Suspended Solids) :530~~Ht (mg/L) 1i:li2~1t~~~ (5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand) :520~~1ft- :55~~/Jt- (mg/L) ~,~ (Total :520~~/Jt- (mg/L) Drainage Services Department 0 mnl'"If¥iGmif ' 5j,\ffi5'5*_I'.~ S r1J_II340 ooo.:fLJJ*~ ~*o~7~-~~~m~*~*H'~ffi~*_~ • • ~ • • **~.~~,m~1:E=~-~1fiGm~fflo ~±~~*~~m'5*_IIEr9ti{~it ' ~.pg~~~j~jjR$/L.\ , 1#~t~I!IU ' ~±tEa)ij9~~~A±a 0m~iJi 0 Shatin Sewage Treatment Works (Shatin STW) is the largest secondary sewage treatment works in Hong Kong . It occupies 28 hectares of land and serves a population of 600,000 in Shatin and Ma On Shan Districts, which produces 250,000 m3 of sewage per day. Shatin STW was commissioned in 1982. The treatment capacity was 100,000 m3 per day and was later increased to 200,000 m3 per day in 1986. To reduce the discharge of nutrient into the Tolo Harbour, nutrient removal facilities were installed in the aeration tanks in 1991, which as a result reduced the treatment capacity to 150,000 m3 per day. To meet the continuous population growth in Shatin and Ma On Shan, the STW commenced the Stage III Extension in 2001 and part of the works were commissioned in 2005. The treatment capacity of the STW will be increased to 340,000 m3 per day after completion of the remaining works. In order to further improve the effluent quality, an ultraviolet disinfection system will be added in the STW in 2010. The STW has an information centre which serves to enhance the communication with the public, students and professionals from both local and overseas institutions on ?ewage treatment in Hong . Kong. ~1r~ B/rt~ jt Ou r Vision ~;\U% ~M\7'R Drainage Hotline: 2300 1110 General Enquiries: 2877 0660 ~ +j)*~ E-mail : enqui ry@dsd.gov.hk *m~ *~:& DSD's Website: www.dsd.gov.h k - f.J9:~~ilJ =~~-1fJi~ , :g~15.l'Bm=~~1i1f~m~ffl (mg/L) jj,~ (Ammonia-Nitrogen) Nitrogen) 0 ' m B~Er9_II~~j] ~~ S 100 ooo.:fLJJ* ' ;!'tifm-1L)\~ 1ft;iJt- ~~ S 200 ooo.:fLJJ* ' ~ nJPXYjJFjjH~15.l'~~Q±B)i ' )j,\ffi5'5*_II.m-1L1L-1f1:EBI~5llipg1.JD~)~,*~15.l'Er9~9:1i ' #£29: ~if~_II~~JJ lEljj'ijjJPX~~ S 150 ooo.:fLJJ* ~H!1-q-5YffiaJ~!U~~ -~~A D:j:~Hi±~& ' .m$g=~mEr9tJl~If¥m Z Effluent Export Pumping Station ooo.:fLJJ* ~ffi5'5*_I-'.m-1L)\=1frim~ffl ~~'5*)f--~-+---.,,-+ o -->Sed;mentatif.~_fat,,:e:tl --!y edimentation ~~MP.l<)~_ !~~~~I_+ Raw It \.k::/~Hi:lP.I<~m: Sewage ~m~*~~.$~=+A0~,~~m.*~=m~*_~.'~~ffia~.~~~+.*~m*~*_~m5 o =~~h.1f' =fl Eil~ Printed in March 2009 :t.ltttt t!t c?f. ,*J)jr\])iJ *1'D ffi *J~;I1IWF 7JJ:~~ m. fA ~~ ~ j:j! S';J"5J:t~ #JH~ m '" tlUIl ffli*mEil~ \,;J Printed on Recycled Paper To provide world-class wastewater and stormwater drainage services enabling the sustainable development of Hong Kong. 0 5~7.k~II~*¥ -' .. ~*~~*.~~m~B.*Q,~~a¥*~*a~~~oH~6 .*~~M • • • m~ *~5n:j~ 0 .. : r. - •.-.. , I, _ = ~~~~.m~,~~.~~~.~~~ Screening and Degritting Sewage arriving at the Inlet Works is preliminarily treated by mechanical bar screens to remove solids exceeding 6 mm. After screening, the sewage is directed to aerated grit channels for grit removal. ~~j~JJft* ~ 5~ it i~ ~ 55 5ffi ~ J?). ~IH,\ ~ n}t * . * jJOX 1t\)1<)J 1ft.. M~;;f iI t±:tt±~ l~Bi~ . ~'~*~~~~*~M~.~.~)J~=+o Sludge Dewatering ,. ,., • , ., J!!m;~.1'lWi±m.~~~~.5m ' ~fr&~tm(5!1i.555ffi)m1;!:!;Ji.IT~~it. ~~fr&~tm.)JM55*~~)5~tm 0 55*~~.5lli~M*~~jvN~ •• ' • ,q~~m .,. .,. •• , :.IIl'-u.::.a.u 1:;1:. Digested sludge is dewateredtoa minimum dryness of 30% by centrifuges to reduce water content and volume before landfill disposal. ' oi mji#£a1ft~~jj~*.~ ~tl~ ~~~ *±* & 5j' EEl 55*a1fH!JY.#£ =#.&a1f i~ (Ji9 M~jj~*#£jI 1~3 . 2* ' ~ 7.4 01:E~. * ~~ m&B.~ • • ~B.~~~mm~,J?).mMM~A+~re~.m~n.~ao~-ftftA~*.~OO.~~'~ 0 Secondary (Biological) Treatment .ji~*~~~ A~~ft(Ji92~~ In aeration tanks, compressed air is fed continuously to provide oxygen 0 e.it~1L~~~M.~~~.,m~.~*B~~$ • • ~BS.'.~S~®MWmH!JY.~~mo.$BS.~. essential to sustain the growth of micro-organisms (activated sludge), ~1 which will assimilate pollutants in the sewage. The retention time is 100'fELSJJ ' fl3~M'[g~[9'f@25ELiM:ll:~(Ji9*~S~ 0 ~~~milig~(Ji9~~~~1ft..mm~.~~.5'*H!JY.~~7-~~m~~~,J?).~ft8.~~.~~~~mo about 9 hours. ~lHHg=~MII~If¥~llHT I _ ' H!JY.~1ft~1;!:!;7~~~*~1tl~:ll 0 Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme (THEES) helps to solve the red-tide problem in Tolo Harbour in the 80's by conveying the ,I:.. treated effluent from Tai Po and Shatin STW to Victoria Harbour via a 3.2 m diameter, 7.4 km long tunnel and Kai Tak Nullah . = iI The water quality in Tolo Harbour has shown encouraging signs of improvement since the full implementation of the scheme in 1998. Biogas, containing methane, is produced during the anaerobic digestion. It is used in the two dual fuel generators to produce electricity and heat for plant operation. Each generator has a capacity of 1,100 kW, which is equivalent to the power consumption of 44,000 numbers of 25W lamp. To act proactively in an environmental manner and to provide a better service to the nearby residents, an odour management system with deodourizing facilities has been put into operation. With the Stage III Extension, more planting has been provided in the STW.