XLVIII THE QUESTIONNAIRE ftla ceMUIIIuthdse4 ~, Ad .r Co........ UaliH State. Cede, Title II. Seclloul, t, 142. Ul-4, r--.lllrlaa tllat ••• Ja,alrlu be auwered co•,.ete.IJ aad accaratelr, llat ... lal•...ale• ,.,...... be aecwded cealde•dal treatmeat. The RftiiUI r41Jt0rt e•nnot 6e ,.., lor JJUrJHH•• of lautlon, lnDe•ll•atlon, or =.,=.tee~aa U.S. DIPAI'IIIIIIr or COIIIIUC&-IuaAu llftaaaus Ifill( ., • ......,.... lltAN8AS AI CENSUS OF A.GRICULTUU QUESTIOIINA.IRE: SOYBEANS: [II] Were any ..,beaae srown for any purpose thl• WHr1 . . . . • . • . • . • • . • . • No 0 1959 f::..._:-:--'---1 Yea 0 (If "No," mark X anri•Gp lo pulion [II].) (AmtHt tAae peatiou, if 11 U. Sorbeau for all par,....T (a) Sorbeau for beue! . (b) 8oJbeou for bJT - • (c) Sorbeau Daed or pued, or cut for .u.,., . (d) Sorbe... plowed under for peea. ma111are, not erased or otherwlae barveatedf • • . . . . . (Tbe total of the oereo for (a), (b), (c), and (tl) muat equal the aara for question U.) ---.--t [II] Were any cowpeu crown for any pu.-- lido rear1 - 11. Cowpeu for .U (o) (b) <i/"No:" -..~,i: X~,..j ,t;; i. ~~;•n~IT~~ 0 ,---- pu,_..r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !~:!,u:;.:-r.,c:r.;:: :0.;'t~tra~;r!:!P=.::"n~/Jeu.7!': ~:~ih~~prc!::~ under queatlon 118.) eo...., for drJ ,..., eo.._ for..,, - - - (c) Cowpeu lutaed or rrued. or cut for .Uaaet (d) Cowpeu plo"ed under for IN8D lllU.ue, no~ ·pued or otberwile harvated? • • o o o o • l~~·(r,~~! ~':.~e :!~)io~b~u:bon 1 II.) PEANUTS: [IT] Were any ,.uatl grown for any pu.-- tllfe NHr1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No 0 Yeo (If uNo/' mcart I. and •lrip lo tu~lion [21].) 18. Peaaata for all plll'fOHif • • o 0 0 (a) Pen•ta for plclda1 or t•nWDCf . • o o • o • • o • o • . • (b) Peuat 'fiae• or tor: which were or will be aaved for ••J or t•acet ~~d•:f:.~:'..:!~ vS::'ect't!~b:'~r f~~l::;r ''::~i:t,~cut. Jncluded in the acree reported fo queattoa (a}'f SMALL GRAINS: (Include the landlord's share aa 10ld If taken from tbla place.) (AMIHr IMie plltionl, if "Yoro."l--•1 Were ur of 1M followlal c=::r lhl• ....,_ Were aar of .......... dtefollowlal brcre,. tla,. ...r - CORN AND SORGHUMS: (laclude tho londlord'o obue u 10ld 11 taken from thla place.) CORN: . [I] Wuanyeol'llharvatec:lforaay pu.-- th!o ...,1. - • - • - - - - - - • - No 0 Yeo 0 (i:l~fe81!'u':~fC:h~n'~ ·o; f..=--- (A,.._IAao..........,,i/"YA.") 47....., . . . . . .,, - - - - - - - - (Include Bermuda o U - r . - - __ -_-- __ (o) Con for ll'olaf- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ••••• - •••• - - lold oeede horveoted t/o!o rear1 - - • • • • - - • - No 0 Yeo 0 (//"No," JfUiri: X and 11rip lo p,.tion ['71).) fodder (eon aoL hUlked or ODOpped)? - - • • • • _ _ _ _______ -~jct~;-~~~;~~~~;~<:~·~t- ________________ _ SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN AND FORAGE: [11) Were any . . ,. . . . harvated tor aD,...,...., ......... s-..... forollqe?-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (c) ........ cut for drr fer... or . .,, or ...... or (AMwr tlue tuafionl, N.Ailolfo_, Yeo 0 12. ......... for o ••• (loclude 80J'IbUma for pain, allqe, forqe, and puture.) (o) a.all•. . for ll'ola o r _ , (b) JohDJOn.. ALFALFA SEED, LESPEDEZA SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS: 41. Were any alfalfa Hed, le1pedeD lilted, or ..._ (70 lb. ear com or 68 lb. 1beUed corn ..... bu.) (c) Cwa ...... or pued. or cut for peea or drr oay pur- tlo!o ...,1 - - - - - - - - - - No 0 (IJ 11No," ....,.t :1 aU 1l:ip !" p.UOn. [11).) ~. fud:n;:!.~:.\~ =~w:e..., (Do DOt include aweet com or popoomo) (b) Con for orllqof 0 nearly ripe for feedloc untrreabed.) 41. WUd .., (prairie, ranp, or marsh pua) cat for llirt o (IJ"No,""""loX-oltipr..,..o~.-...[UJ.)--- 1le. Con for II. Alfalfa and alfalfa llllza.,.. for . ., and for delrdratlalf . . o 42. O..or, llmodo)o, ood •lo!Voo of cta.er and p . . . . for bff. . . . 41. Loopedo10 for bJf • _ • • _ _ _ (Include eerlcea.) 41. Ollt8, w..at,. bul.er. 1'1•• or ••r ....-r. (The and ==------, 12. Le•ped- -- -?. N. SweetcleYer .... , • .._ s ......... - ? 72. v........, ___ _ TL Ot... loldoeede?. Feacuef Rye~? Wild winter peu? i/ ,---- XLIX OKLAHOMA POTATOES, COTTON, BROOMCORN, AND MUNG BEANS' Were •nr of tlae followln1 c:rop1 laarn1ted thi•JI•ar- [7t] Irl1b potatoe1 for home use or for sale? (If lees than 20 buahele were harvet~ted, do not report acres.) 80. Sweetpotatoe•for home use or for sale?. (If ltM than 20 bushels were harvested, do not report aorea.) 89. Cotton? . . . 96. Broomcorn? . . . . . . . . . AND FOR SALE: corn, or melona, .204. How many a.erea of land were in 8elde and tracts from which uo,. were barn1ted (including hay cut) t hi• pHr1. . . eweet 'c~n: o'r in~lo~.; ' aale tor fresh market or P.fY~fij~:'~e~li~n ·10&, 'mdrk i: ~nd .I1~ fiJ,_ ..,.,_,,·-::.·' (.A na~DU then gutltiom, if orwu\;!c~e;::mm;t,:b ~!~!~e:o~ ~~~~~ ~~~h;,. 8b!~ cut tht. JCar; aerea in nonbe&rlng and bearing planted ~~tnt:;, ~~:!Jua;:,)grape15; 11.nd acres in nuraery and 107. Tomatoelf . . . . . . . . . • !;~~bi! ::o~e:::~~:::J 108. Sweet corn.t . . . • . . . . • thf1 lfiGr- (If two or more plantings of the aame crop were made, either on the eame land or on different land, report the total harvested acrea of the several plantings.) 20&. How many &eree of croplud were used only for putue (or gruing) thl• ••art . . . . . . . 201. How many acrea of uoflaad were in ealtlnted nm.mer fallow tht. '""1. . . ..~~~~:::e:y:=~or:-.:~:.e~0~~[e~or and not putured thi• 11•ar1 . . • . . . . : 208. How ma.ny atlree of rroplaad have not beea accoaated f(i!ciude 'idie 'cr~piatid ·.,;d ·c~pia~d. o~ ~hich ail ~r~p; fa~:d.) O --j L __ _ WOODLAND: (lnolude u woodland all wood lot& and timber tracts; land wb1cb haa value lor wood product& and hu not been improved for 20t. How many &cl'ea of woodla.ad were puCwed (or grued) thl• IJCGr1 • . . • . Were &DJ of tile lollowlal =~.~~T thi• ll'•«r- 144. Strawberrleat . 146. Blad:berrlut . 151. Other berrleet. Boysenberries? 210. How many acres of woodland were not puhlred (or grued) thf• rea.r1 . . . OTHER LAND: 211. How many &Cl'ell were in odaer putwef . . . . . . (Not cropland paature and not woodland paeture.) (If "N..,," mark X olld dip to quut«m [212].) (a) Of this other pasture, bow many acres do you conalde{I~p~!:'~c;;~'!nk:~%~!ni.t~ . ~~~~. . None 0 irrigating, draining, and contro'fiing w~ and bruah.) '---- [212] How many acree w~re In b.oue Iota. bar~ lob, lanea, roade, clltchea, and w...elandt . . . . . . . . . . . Were &DJ of tlae followlDI ldada of rrult and nut tree• on tllla Jlace- Appleat . . 155. Peacllut . 161. PluDY and praDeat. 211. Of the total land in thia place (reported In question 28J), how many acree were lnipted thl• I'Hr1' . . . . . . . . . . None 0 (If "NoM," mMk I artd •/cip to guution [218).) · 214. How many acftfl in thia place were lrrlpted by aprtaldera thta 1eart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None 0 168. Cllerrleat . . • . . we:~~ro~h-.!':;:t!da~ht:c~a~~ ~!~~~ .la~d. 158. Pearat . . . 161. Grape•? . . 111. Aprlcotlf . . . . . 171. lmprond peeaa.at . 178. WUd and aeedUDI peeaut liT. ~l':ne~:~\~ckd IUltll.r.i<='"=:=-'-'-'='--'-""-l walnuts? . . . . . . . . . . . . None (Be aure to include all irrisated land from which hay wu eut and all irri(l;ate'1 land in both bearing and nonbearins fruit and nut erope and Irrigated land from which volunteer crope were harvested.) (If "Noru," mark I and •kip lD que•lion [%17).) 21$. What part of the land lrom which t'ropa were harvested thl• Jlrtar was lnt1atedt . . . . All 0 Part 0 (If "AU," mark I and •kip to q.u•tion [217].) <:!,;.' ~~~~·li.~!!Or~~..lf":Mil~aft":e=t,:/:W~O:,ot:;, ..It~U::WC,::.r:J; (a) ~~~t.l~ ~;~~~~u~o~rr~:i:!!t'b~:~-:!t ..... (b) From a 1tream, lake, dralaace cUte•. or resenolr directly by thia farm or from another farm f . . , . . { . (e) From a JD.alaal or coo~ratin water or dllc• coa;t,.DJ, lrrl1ation cll.atrtc:t, or o"-er lrrlption. orpn.lutlont (Giu, name Nlow.) • • • . . . . , . . --% {The total for queaUona (a), (b), and (c) muat=lOO%.) Name Nome L THE QUESTIONNAIRE KIDS AND MOHAIR CLIPPED: 248. How many roata and kids or aU ages are on this place? . . . . None 0 Number - - - - - i (If "None," mark X and dciJ) to que1tion [241].) 01 IIlia tot.l. {(a) Anrora 1oala and ldda7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number how man)' are- 0 220. Do you live on this place? . . . . . . . . . . . No Z2l. W~~::~J:~:t~f~o~0b~::~·~ !~~:~~~is pia~ ~ln.ce. Number - - - - - i (b) Other roata and kldaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ------------------~~~~~~~m~~~~3~b;3~~:~~--------- 219. How old were you on your last birthday? . Yea 0 [M9] How many roate a(i}~l;~~:~e,:!~fXd:n':l~fi;ar:t}ut:~ti~n'[2si\~)e 0 250. · · Januar., J, 1158. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: H(incl:d: ~~n:;,r!gn:.~h~r~Ji~fl:.1 hair were clipped thl• 11eart. Number - - - - - j . • . Pounda -----1 SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959: [251] Were any sheep or lambs shorn thl• 11eart . . . . . . . . . . (If 11 No," marA: X and eA:ip to queeUon [21;:..::4l~·>:__:::---.---,:::---l (I) 223. Did any other member of your family living with you have a nonfarm job, business, profession, or work on someone else's farm thle lfear1 . . . . . . . . . . . pr::-ct!'~;!J'i!nd0~e~~~m:u!r'• d'!~ ::~::? ailoa~~e~T r~~i'jnL~~~~:;;= ~l~~a:! assistance? Pensions? Veterans• allowances? Unemployment compenaatJon? Interest? Dividends? Profits from nonfarm businesaf Financial help from members or your family? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . (IJ"None" for queation 22% and "No" for both quealiona 223 and 224, ekip lo qmetion [226].) 221. Will the income which you an~our family receive from work off the farm and ~~~~~~s:~:'cgr:o~ ~~ ~ubet:id fro~•;!u~1~!e t'f.1:~!::1an. t~e ~~~. v~l~e ~f _an. ..:!r(Do:ai;w:!d~hpoi: aa.!"d wJUn~ b!rk~vb~.t!~:Og•.:ra!rU:br.:r~T . not include sale of standing timber, firewood, (AMIDM' llur"e queeliona, if 228. Firewood and raelwoodT ~':,~a;: t:~:f• [ 230. Fence posts? . . . . . . . . . . . None 0 Number - - - - - i (If "None," marA: X and "lc'/'" to que.,tion [255].) JCa) Since June 1, thte IJear . . • . . . . • . . . Number how maJl1 were born- \(b) Before June l, thl• J1ear1 . . . . . . . . . . . Nu~ber ---~ (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) None 0 None 0 CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place.) 267. How many cattle and eaiYes of all ages are on this place? . . . None 0 Number - - - - - j (a) Cow~!f. "~o_ru::" .m~r~ ~ ~n~ ·~~~ ~~ :~.•h.o~ [.26.2]."). . . or this total, { (Include heifers that have calved.) how manJ are(b) 8 (1{;!sn~~~n~f~-:: =~~"h~~f~rs.that' h;,_v~ ~al;,ed.j · · "Y,..'.')·---1 Ire0 ar:!~~po~c!d~:;: az::,rdpr::ui~ s::~.:~ should be included in question 226.) Were aD.f or the followlnl forest inc~~~t~g ~o': :'r!'dbo~C:: ::!do~1~hi~fpi~C:¥es~ Or&hle total, SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [256] How many Utters were farrowed since June 1, thia 11ear, or will farrow before December 11 , , . . , 2li6. How many IIUera were farrowed between December 1, la•t lfear, and June1, thlaJJear1. [22&) How much was or will be received thi• lfear from the ule of atandln1 dmber or treeaT. . . . . . . . . . . . (Include standing timber eold for pulpwood.) fence poate, and eawlogs.) HOGS AND PIGS: (c) Bulla, bull cains, steers, and eteer cains?. . . . . . , (The total for ~uestions equal the number for • COWS MILKED AND BUTTER CHURNED: 258. How many cows and heifers were milked 1Je•terda111 . . . . . . . . . aae or ror ule-259 ' 231. Sawlol8 and nneer IOI&'!' • tl~cl~:nlr:'~~~:~~;..::~~ o_:i~~i~J:}:;: r:::ra~~~~:aive'd.) 280. How many 1allona of milk were produced JJeeterdal/1 None 0 Number - - - - - j None 0 Gallona 0 Pounds None POULTRY: 211. Are there any chickens, turkeJa, or other poultrJ on this place? . . . . . . . No 0 237. If "No," were there any on this place any time thl• lfCtlr1. . . . . . . . . . No 0 (If" No" for both qu~eliona 238 and %37, mark X and •kip to qu~11tion [246].) ZSI. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, ete.) 4 months old and over are now on this placeT . . . . . . None 0 Number - - - - - - 1 239. How many broilers were or will be aold tht. lfear1 . . (Report all broilers sold and those grown for others under contract.) None 0 an:C:i.!!0:'hld!::~ ,!':r~1~rr;,o~•t:;,·~~~~~~i; =~;~el~,. 241. How many dozen• of chicken e11• were or will be eold thl• ~tear7. . . • . . . . . . . 242. How many larke1a and tarkef rr,era were raised thl• 11ear1. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . (Include those raised from poults hatched, poults bought, and those raised for othera under contract.) ke::r~g~!;'br;-!drnt;r!;:,~~;;:r~0 ": 0.n~a~d.a~e:o~. Number - - - - - - 1 None 0 Number - - - - - - - i None 0 Dozens None 0 Number . None 0 --------1 Number ------'---1 244. How many dudes, 1eeae, and other poaUrJ (not counting Give chlekena and turkeys) None 0 n a m e - - - - - - - - were sold thi• ,ear1 . 2415. How much waa or will be received thle 11111r from the ule of turkeJa, duck&, 1eeM, and mlacellaneoua ,oultry, and lhelr e1p? • . . . . None sold 0 Value of aales ~:~':.':~,:,e-- (b) Ewes 1 year old and over? . . . . . . Number - - - - - - - j (c) Ram• and wethers I year old and over? Number - - - - - - - i (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) ~ must equal the number for question 246.) HORSES AND MULES: [247] How many horaea, mules, coUa, and ponlea are on this place? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None 0 Number - - - - ; q'"'"'''..·>---1 263. How much whole milk was or will be eold In 11511 . . . . . . . . . . None (Report in pounds of milk, gallons or milk, or pounds of butterfat.) 264. How much cream waa or will be eold in 11561 • • • • . • • . • . None 0 ~~:b::nor;:,r:~~ ~: ~~e t~a~:tnP~~~~~~~ ~~~r.ertat.> L ______...l..!=====d2.!!j Number - - - - - - l SHEEP AND LAMBS: [246] How many ewes, rama, wethera, and lamba of all ages are on this place? • . . . . . . . . . . None 0 Number - - - - - - - ; (lf"None," mark X and "kip to 9ueation [247].) (a) Lambs under I year old? . . • . . . .Number { (For eacla item, anawr theN [265] Calna! . . . %66. Cattle, not counting calves? 267. Horsee, mules. colts, and ponies! . . . . 268. Ho1a and PIIS7. 269. Sheep and Jambs? . . . • LI OKLAHOMA [211] Grain eomblouf . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . • 292. Corn pickers (include plcker~ahellera and corn combines) 1 293. Plck-ap baiera? . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • 214. Field fora1e hanestera (for fteld chopping of silage and forage cropa) T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wuferalllur aaed tide 11ear on anT of the followlnl eropa- (a) Har and cropland putareT . . • • . (b) Other pasture (not cropland)? 215. MotortrucU (include plck-upa)T . . 2H. Wheel tractor• other than glll'den1'. 297. Garden tractors? (e) Corof • • • • • • • 218. Crawler tractors (tracklaying)T (d) Wboalf. 211. Automobiled . (e) Collonf (f) All other crops? , 300. Telephone? •. No 0 301. rn::.~i:cl~J!o:e?rl~~~!~r:~r· and storing food)? . 302. Mllldnl macblne? . • No No 0 303. Electric milk cooler? . No 0 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops)? . No 0 0 308. Power-operated ele't'ator. conn,.or. or blower? (1) Hard surface? • . . . EXPENDITURES: f::~,!:de;:r,ea.r.•,r:~: or to be paid br December 11, 1156, br rou and roar [274~ How much waaorwlll be apent thl1 ,ear ror- Feed for llvesto~"'k and poultrf7 . . . . . . . . . None 0 c~~~1:n~~aC:~~ :~Jr:c!~g::[es~!\a!~da, (2) Gravel, shell, or shale?. . . . . S-../00 amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 275. The purchue of llnatock and poultrrf . . (Include baby chicks.) 276. Machine hire? • . • . . . . . . . • • (include custom work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, cotton picking, cotton ginning, silo ftllin~ corn picking, ~:~n~~ft:~;.\ng, fruit pic lng, spraying 277. Hired labor? , . . . . • . . . . . . . . (Do not include housework, custom work, or contract construction work. Include cash payments only.) 278. Seeda, bulbs, plant&, a.nd trees? . . . . . 279. Gaaoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business? • . • None 0 None 0 308(a) Do you rent a.ny land from others? . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . No 0 (b) Do you work any land on ehares? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No 0 (If "No" /01' boeh queaeiou SOS(a) ond 308(b), mark X ond akip eo quealion [11-C].) ([f"Ye•," for eilher quulicm 308(a) or 308(b), GMIDt'r quutiou lOt through 313.) 309. Does the landlord furnish a.ll the work animals ur tractor power (as a part of his share of the operation of the pla.ee)? No 0 310. Do you pay to your la.ndlord any caah as rent? • . • • . . . . . . . 112. f?vDJ~~kP;rod~c~(~ul:b'!ol~ i.nf> s~~e _of. t~~:.li~~t.o_ck. o~ . . . . . 313. Do you have this land under any other arran~ement. (such as a fized quantity of any product, upkeep of land and butldinga, payment of taxes, keep of landlord, rent. free, etc.)? . . . . . . · ,.:·....:...·..:.·..,·:....:.·...:...,.:,..:....:....:.,.:....:.....:.:~:c-...:.:~=.1 7 None 0 None 0 None 0 £31-C) About ...:~1 :-'d:! land and tbe baUdlara aell ror- 284. About bow many hours laet week did ~~~k<:ecra=no~ t~:r:~~:!rtht(l!~r~n~:>~ ~!!!!JL_J.!!~c.!!!!!!!.!L_l.!!.!!!!!~!!!!!!..b!Lj 285. How many other members of roar ramllr did 15 hours or more or farm work or chores on this place lad week wl&bout recel•lnl cub wa1e1T. (Do not include housework.) 286. How many hired persona did any farm work or chorea on thie place laet •••kt •. ·ci~ciude ·m~~~rso oi yOUr ia~nY n~ei~i~g·c..:ahN,;::CSJl (a) Land and bolldlnp owned by roof . (Copy acree from question 3.) (b) Land and bulldlnra ren~ed from [ (Copy acres from quest1on 4.) (c) Land and baUdlnra maa.,ed f« (Copy acres from question 5.) (d) Land and balldlnra rented to otberaf (Copy acres from question I.) 311. Ia tbere any mortpre debt on land and buildings owned by you? (Marl: one.)""";;_.;;;.._ _ _ _ __ ~~~~~----------1~ 311. On what date did you fill this questionnaire? (If "None," mark X ond 1kip eo quaalion [2t1].) 287. orworldnala•t tbooo blred week, {() · t hi1 11ear1 o . . . N one 0 craona a l""d """ aya or more d urmg .:~.:·:.~c:e;~mployed No 0 (a) If "Yes," how much for the year? . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . 311. Do you pay to your landlord a.ny share of the cro~ (such as l, t, 1)1' . None 0 LAND-USE PRACTICES: 280. How many acres of land were used to grow conr eropa thla 11ear and then planted to another crop? . 281. How many acres of cropland used for aratn or row eropa thl1 ,ear were farmed on tbe eontolll'f • . • . . . 282. How many acres of atrlp-cropplnl ayatema for IOJI.. eroalon eontrol were on this place thle 11e11.r1 o . Yes 0 Yes 0 Persone _ __ REMARKS=------------------------------------------------------~ (b) Le88 than 160 daye during lhle 11ear1 . . . None 0 Persona_'_ _ (The total for queetione (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 286.) (I) wo~!d ~:~h~a;l~c~~~~~l';~C:,~S.,ri~ ~n .• .pl~c~w~r~ ~~is. . . . . . (If 11 Nonc," mork X and •kip to oue1lion [291].) 210. How much did these hired peraone on piecework (reported for queetion 289) earn for their work laet FrldaJI1 • • • • • • • • . • • 1 Crew leader 1959 COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 UII Item U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PARSONS, KANSAS (If a member of the family or anyone else fills this questionnaire for the penon in charge, be sure that all the information is given for the penon in charge.) 1. What is your name (person in Include all land and tracl8 of land rented or leased by yon regardless of where located. Include any eepo arate fields, meadows, paalnrelaad, woodland, and waeteland. Aleo iadude leased Federal, State, aod railroad laud. Do not include land uoed under a Government permit. many acres you rent acres worked on shares_-----_---- ____________________________________ None 0 (If "None," m4rk X and •kip 10 qU&rion (5].) (a) What is the name and addre88 of each landlord and the number of acres rented or worked on shares for each? Acres 8. Is any of this )and located in another county?'---- ___ --- ___ --------- ___ No 0 (If "No," 1714rk X and •kip 10 qo&rion (9].) (a) How many acres are in your county? 2------------------------------Acres ____ (b) Give names of other counties 2 and acres located in each: [9] Was any eoru harvested for any year? ···--·------·--·--No 0 Yes 0 (If "No," mark X and •kip 10 qU&Iion [ (Amwer rhe.e qU&liom, if "Y... putp<><~elhio 10. Corn foraiiJ:urpooeoP ..••.•.••••••.•••••• (Do not inclu e sweet com or popcorn.) (a) Corn for grain? •.••.•.••••••. __________ _ (70 lb. ear corn, or 2 bu. baek.el8 of ears, or 17-----fl lb. shelled com= l bu.) (a) Corn for grain? •.. - ••.••••••..• _. __ •.•..• _ (70 lb. ear ohelled 2 baskets of ears, or 56 lb. tr,;;;;:--"i&:----hiiii:---t-t--i--f+t-HH+++H~+f-f--I-J.+-1-f--l~-!++-~f-ll-t-1--UI-t-4-1-.!I.(>Ui ..,j ana. pari ..,h( t'..,). LIV COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instructions, etc. on eoch of the queat.i<liiDAireB vviod trca State to State. An "X" 1n the lllll1n oolUIIIIl heading labeled "State• -~~~~~-that the questiollB, 1nstruct101lB questionnaire arrangement, etc., contained UDder 1ibe ool~ labeled "Ita.," above tbe boriscmtal line folloving the X, appeared an the .LVI;" the State indicated by the X] ~D 1::~~·~ _J:)jyision and State S. ATWIIIC Is. roirrRAtlw· S.CEHTRAI N. ClNTRAII W. N. C£NTRAI MOUNTAIN. rACIFIC' Item 1:.< CORN: !Contin,d.) 10. (Continued.) (!) (2) (3) How many acres were or will be harvested? How much was or How much of thitJ will be harvested? Bu. (shelled !Acres IX Bu. I~ basis)--------- * (a) Corn for grain? ___________________________ (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb. shelled corn= 1 bu.) year'.!! l:~z1pb:::zd! OR 1 ~B~skets . I\Car cornJ (a) Corn forgrain? ___________________________ IAcrC6 IBu. IBu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (70lb.earcornor5blb.shdledcorn=lhu.) I ~h~lled JAcrcs Bu. X ~~f~~-~:---- (a) Corn for grain?-·------------------------(70 lb. of ears, 2 bu. baskets of ears, or 56 lb. of sheiJed l bu. A barrel of ears is usually 5 bu. of shelled corn.) = Bu. (a) Corn for grain? ___________________________ !Acres (70 lb. of ears. 2 bu. baskets of ears, or 56 lb. shelled= 1 bu. A barrel of ears is u~ually 5 bu. of shelled corn.) IBu. X x ~~:;;h~feen !Acres (b) Corn for silage?---------------------------1-:-~~~-1.;..,;;;;;.;;.,.._-+_ _ _ _..j (c) Corn hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry 1Acres fodder (ears not husked or snapped)? ___ -- -,.--l-~-~;(T~~ t.otal ~f the ~cres for questions (a), L.....~~~_J...o..;_.;_.._-1.-'"----f and \C) must equal the acres for questi~~- x x 1x:x1x IX !I.)!I.!!I.II!I.I!I.IJ\+'-IA!''IJ\ SO~~i~~~c~.~ FOR GRAIN AND FORAGE: (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from x IX XIX x x x lxlxlx xlx X X IX IXJX x x IX X IX SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN AND FORAGE: rx JX I~ Jx !xlxlx x lxlx jX lXlX xlx XIX lx SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN, FORAGE, AND SIRUP: (Include the landlord's sba<e as sold if taken from this place.) SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN. FORAGE, AND SIRUP: lx x lxlx x IXIXIX IX SOYBEANS: (I) -(2) [13] Were any 8oybcans grown for How many How much any purpose this year?---------------------_---·- N~ 0 Yes 0 acr:~:U~re ::u~~ 1 (If "No," mark X and skip to q~tw.n ~ g · (Answer these questwns, if Ye5. ")~ Acres ·")' l ].) I : : :::::::: : ::::~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~-~-:::~::::_:: : : ~~~~_:~~~ : (c) :~~~s I• .- . .· ~;y;~ Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage?------~------ j....::.._~~-1~-~~\*1 ,:,,:,'1:fi~ (d) Soybeans plowed unde< fn< green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? _______ ---------------------------- L~~~--...Jl.....:.--'-"""""-'1 (The total of the acres for (a), (h),.. (c). and (d) must equal the acres for question 14 COWPEAS: [15] Were any any purpose H COWJ)Cas grown Cor H (!) ow many tt~-~:~~~;kX~:;J;in~-~-~~tj;,~-(- ]~~ 0 (2 ) 0w~;":,~c b ~ ac;;:wwn?re~~will he (Answer tlu!.re questions, if "Yes.')------ '!Acres 16. Cowpeas for all purposes? ____________________________ _ (Include blackeyes. crowders, whippoorwills. purple hulls, etc. Report those sold for fresh market. or to canners, freezers, or other processors under ttuestion 118.) 1-~-~-11'!-l Bu;;:..;;_::...;"""-'4 1 (a) Cowpens for dry peas? ________________________________ ~~·~~~~--k,--~~-1 (b) Cowpens for hay? •• -----------------------------------1-~*~---~ (c) Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage?----.------- !~o:t::i~~oh:;v~s~~;? -~o~ ~ ~~~~ _":~~~-r~~ *::_-~-~ 1-'1 ~r~~~~: ____ -.L~-.,-....,-!+!...""2....·:·;~·.......·"1 (d) _n_o_t _ (The total of the acres for (a), (b). (c), and (d) must equal the acres "or question 16.1 ~-.I.-I'--L-...L.I-L:-JL-L...L-L...L....I....L-.._,J.._LJ___J...J....L..LL_l~...L-LLJ-l.-l..J....J__J...L...!.....LWI2 Approprl •lit' v.1n .• uon "· LV COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 Division and State ' .::r..D ~[~E It N. CEHTW W. H. CEHTIAl 5. ATLANTIC 5. ckUJiW· 5.CEHTUI MOUNTAIN PACIFIC' Item < (1) PEANUTS: [17] Were any peanuts grown for any purpose thi~ (2) H~':'s~~ch How many acres w~re :~ X IX X X X 1-+---+-++-+-H-+++-+-H+++-+---+=!-++-+---+--f=!-FR.:.:..J++-R+-+++- year?------------------------ No 0 Yes 0 _ will be·?· (If "No," mark X and •f.ip to que,,.ion [ l),;,l--gr-r-ow_n_._-6{1iJJh•~~··!!AiJ"rl~ (Answer these questiom, if "Yes. "r- 1 • Acres lf:W~::1i/K·~ ¥.:.}/.: 18. Peanuts for all purposes? ______________________________ pi'*'!L----Ihfi¥*:i:.!J:J!i("';;u,£ff~-:, Lb. (a) Peanuts for picking or threshing?----------------------- f----~=-----1 (b) Peanut vines or lope which were or will be saved for hay or Tons forage? _______ --- __ ---------------------------------- L--,--,-..,--,1---:-;--l (Include tops or vines saved after f.icking or threshing, tops cut, and whole plants saved for bay. This acreage may also be inc uded in the acres reported in question (a)). SOYBEANS, COWPEAS, AND PEANUTS: (If grown with corn or other crops, report acreage of X mixture as grown with other crops; if grown alone, report acreage as grown alone.) X XX SOYBEANS, COWPEAS, PEANUTS, AND VELVETBEANS: (If grown with corn or other crops, X report acreage of mixture as grown with other crops; if grown alone, report acreage as grown alone.) SOYBEANS: (If grown with corn or other crops, report acreage of mixture as grown with other crops; if grown alone, report acreage as grown alone.) (1) How many SOYBEANS: [13] Were any soybeans grown for any purpose thi3 year? _____________ No 0 Yes 0 acres were (If "No," mark X and skip W question [ ].) 2 _.., grown (Answer these questions, if "Yes.'') ....-r alone? 14. Soybeans for all purposes?_________________ Acres (a) Soybeans for beans? _______________________ 1.- (2_)_ How many (3) How much grown wtth will be other crops? harvested? Acres it;:''''",':,'?'L '"- acres we_re was or * X I~ X XX X X 1-f--+-++-f-H+++-H-+++f-t--f+-=Ft.:.:t--f....::.+~X~++-.J-:!-+-+.J-1---!-+-J.-- x!:x X X X X hd,. 1... 1.~~ Bu. (b) Soybeans for bay? _________________________ p*~-----f!*!.._---f.T,.o_n.,•,...,. (c) Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage?_ * (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, not ~f:', * grazed or otherwise harvested? _______________ L-----''-------......l...,;:....;,;'-'-'...:...~ (The total of the acres for (a), (h), (c), and (d) must equal the acres for question 14.) X COWPEAS: [15] Were any cowpeas grown for any purpose thiayear? _______________ No 0 (If "No," mark X and •kip to que.tion [ X X Yes 0 ].) ' ~ 16. Cowpea& for all purposes?_________________ (Include blackeyes, crowders, whippoorwills, pur· pie bulls, etc. Report those sold for fresh market, or to canners, freezers, or other processors under question 118.) 1-------<e..------ (a) Cowpeas for dry peas?--------------------- * * (b) Cowpeas for bay? _________________________ * * (c) Cowpeas hogged or grazed or cut for silage? __ (d) Cowpeas plowed under for green manure, not ill · * Bu. * grazed or otherwise harvested? ______________ _ (The total of the acres for (a), (b), (c), and (d) must equal the acres for question 16.) PEANUTS: [17] Were any peanuts grown for any purpose thiayear? _______________ No 0 (If "No," mark X and •kip to question [ ~r-f--f1-t1~~~-r~-r~~~~~-~~~,A--+~~~~-+4-~4-~~~I .liP X X Ill X Yes 0 IJi ).) ' 18. Peanuts for all purposes?- __ --- ____ ----_-_- t"*:L-----f!*!..__ _ _.p,l~~:~;:.::t,t~;SL,;',.l!,'""'·"'4';' (a) Pea~uls for picking or threshing?___________ f-----1-----+.'Lb...-._---1 (b) Peanut vines or tops which were or will be Tons saved for hay or forage? ___________________ .__ _ _ _..,L_ _ _ _.L__ _ _-1 (Include tops or vines saved after picking or threshing, tops cut, and whole plants saved for hay. This acreage may also be included in the acres reported in question (a).) VELVETBEANS: [19] Were any velvetbeans grown for any purpose thia year? _____________ __ No 0 (If "No," mark X and •kip to que.tion [ ].) ' 20. Velvetbean8 for all purposes?______________ SMALL GRAINS: (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place.) (Answer these queltions, if "Yes.")---+- ... [21] Wbeatf. _________ _ X Yes 0 0 * Bu. (1) (2) How many acres were combined 0 I• Acres X X (3) harvested? How much of thia year'a crop was or will Bu. be sold? Bu. How much was X XX X X X X -~-~-------oo~~~---~----~---~H-+-~H~++~~K++HY~++H~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~W0 0 I* 23. Spring wheat? ______ Were any of the following 26. Oats for grain?------ t::~~:::ss 3o. thia year- 0 29. Barley? ____________ o Rye?. ______________ o 0 ~--T---~--~~~~±8~H+~+8++~~~U+-W~Wr:*~---~----~---~M.....:.:+_.:.:._-FvFvf~;f,f.Fv~K++HY2ttf.l~~+~t~~~~~~~~~~W- ori•~---~----~---~M~+~-FvFvf~;f,f.Fv~K++HY~ttf.l~~~-~W~~~~~~~~~W- o 1* 31. Flaxseed? ____ ------ 0 0 32. Rice? ______________ (Report bushels on dry-weight basis.) 0 0 ~~.~---~----t----~H-+-fH,+fPfaK++HY~-f~R~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~W~~r--~---+~~~~~~~~~++~~+U~~~ 1* 1 For Aln:<:ka an.! Hnwaii, sN· separate rcoproducuons of At In Vol. I ~1f tht reports for theo 19,9_ ( ffl-.. u-. of ,\,::.w:·ulturc-. 2 ApprufHIIl.tt· varl.ltlon-.. _LVI COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 LThe questions~ instnletiona, etc. on each or the questicmna.i.res varied trom State to State. J.D. "X" 1D the ..tn ool~ hei41Jtc' labeled "State" i.Ddioatee t.b&t the queaUons, 1nstruc~_9P8, questiOlUlaire arrangement, etc., eont.ained under tbe ool\D!Dl labeled "ltell.," above the horhc:m:tal liDI tol.l.ovfJ:Ja the X, appHNd OD the queet.iODD&i.re tor tbe State 11ldicated by the X.J Division and State ' Item ~ lri. SMALL GRAINS: (Continued.) IX !X HoJ 1!any ~~;; p; ~, 1:-< ~ I<!J J ~ ~ . ,., IX fX X 1-<~ lz (ojfzi IX !XIX lXlX IX X IX IX acrea were combined X IX XIX IX [xlx IX I) IX fXI:XIXX SMALL GRAINS: (Include the landlord's share ae sold IX (l) if taken from this place.) rY'; [21) [x lA acres were (Answer thae que.uion.s, if ... X combined? Wheat? __________ _ 10 0 I* Acree lx lxlx lx !x lx x l:x lx lx [xlx lx lx x I'X I'Xfx lx I* Were any of the following ~::e:~~T <hU year- lx IJil"l" lx x ['X lx IX lx IJI IJiiX I'X x lx l:xlx lx lx IJilx l:x l:x IJI [x HAY AND GRASS SILAGE CROPS: sure to in< lude hay cut from owned by othe... (B_e lan~ If two or more cuttings~ count the acres only once hut give total production of all cuttings. Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from thiB place.} XX X IX I" X X I" X X HAY CROPS: (If two or more cuttings, count tbe acres only once but give total production of all IX ,XIX X X lXlX XIX IX X IX X IX cuttings. Include the landlord's share •• sold if .--:--;;-;----;...----;;.:-.---;;m;;--+x+-::+xx::-HIHvl:-:f vl::f-v:..+.-.±,,,t::,...t±l ....,...,:± ...,fl:~,,±,,,:+::-bx:vl::l:::l-vl:+:: vx+-::--E xBivlBv::f-x: v:H:v:t-::-Bxlv 1;-;t±t.xx£-: .. (1) (2) How'-~ueh l""'l"'l.n. 1n. :.n.1.n. IAI.A lA lA lA ln.. taken from this place.) 1- (Answer t~e quatioru. if "' ~ ~~ r39. Alralfa and alfalra Fo lYe• How many acres were harvested tlolo ;year? How many tone were harvested? of thU year'• crop was or _'!!ll Acree Tone Tone b~ ;~ldf- :::!"'~:~;d!:;.!;t_ ~~~ 10 10 1:!:1*~-1----+---1--1:Jl f-x-+-+ x+--1:xl-1xHI-+ :x-+:xl"+"+-llHI:xH[x+[:x+x+-+lx[:x -+["++-+ xx-+l[+:xl:x++-1:xtt-i[ :x _x+["t-l"r-1xtt+-[x[x Were any of the following hay crops harvested thb year- 41. Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay?--- D 42. Clover., timothy, and mixtures of dover 8 43. IO~f*L----J-----I-----+-I--+--1-1-++-H-++H+-I-If-++---jf-+~14-X+-1-+H++-H+--l-++-H+ and raaaes for hay?. o Io ~l*_ Leapedeza for hay? __ 0 I0 (Include sericea.) 44. Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for _j~---L---+X~~XXW$$lx~[:x~~~$J_.!.~l![J(~-I-42XX~Ix~lx~l$xl:x~~xlx-f·X~~Ix lvlv lv IY v lvlv lv v X lvlv tJ~L----J-----I-----+-I--+--1-14--f~ln41-4-"+H-flnf-if-fl-1--"~-F."fl-~14--+-"-=--i_::_-ffl"il+n+-H+--l-++-H+ ~Y~-------------- 010~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~""'" l:x IX [x xlvlvl,,lvlvl IX X X I0 45. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other smaU grains cut for hay?- - - 0 (Include oats cut when ripe or nearly ripe for feeding unthreshed., 45. Oate, alone or mixed with vetch; wheat.; bar· ley;' rye; wild oats; volunteer grains; or other small grains eut for 1 .-. 1.-. 1 w ·w hay? _______________ ''"'*L---1----l----+-I--+--H-++H-++-H++-JH-+--1-++-HI-+---11++-1-t-+-HI-+H-++-r ~ I* lx Apprc'f'nacc· Vl\n.ltlon ... COMPOSITE AGRICULTUR~__QU_ESTIONN_AIRE: 1959 LVII [The questions, !nst.ruetions, etc. em ea.ch or the quest1mm.a1rea varied trom State to State. An "X 11 in the main colUJDD. heeding labeled "State" iDdioates tbat the questicmB, instruct~, questionnaire arrangement, etc. 1 contained under the col\!IDD labeled "I tea," above tbe hor:I.ZCiltal l.1De :rolloviD,g the X, appeared on the questionnaire tor the State indicated by the A.J Division and State ' MIOOU: 'NI' N. QNIIAI W. H. CEIITRAI. S. ATI.AIITIC S. ~ mAtlw- S.QNIIAI MOUNTAIN PAOFK' Item HAY CROPS: (Contin.,..d) 'No v;;; (1) (2) Howmmy ac::rea were harvested How many tone were harvested? thu year? Tom Acres 46. Wild hay (prairie, Ho~ 0~uch of thu X X X IX XXXXXXX XXXXX X XXXX X X XXX X X X XX X X year'• crop wu or will he wid? Tone range, or marsh gra88) cut for hay? _______ _ 47. 0 or*~----~----~----~~-+--~+1~~x~x~x~x++x~xr-~1-~~--~1x~x~x~x~x-rx++x-r~r~~x Any other hay? ..... 0 0 X X X XXlxlx XXX XXXXX X XXX X X XXXX X XXXXXX (Include bromegrase, J unegrass, millet, old meadows, orchardgraBS, Sudangrass, graaa.) wheat- 2 * 47. Were any of the following hay crops harvested this year-Alfalfa? CJover? Bermuda grass? Johnson grass? Other tame grasses? Lespedeza? Oat Tone Acree Tons X hay? ... L··-~:-~~~~~--~~~~~e··;,::~: 0 0 1-*~---+T::-o-ns---~..,. from grasses, alfalfa. (green clover, or small grains?_ 0 0 weight) ·, X X IJi X XXXXXXXXXX XX X XX X --------~~--~~~==~==~~~~~----~~~---?~(2) X X X X XXX XXX X XXXX X X X XXXXXX X ALFALFA SEED, CLOVER SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS:' (1) 49. Were anv alfalfa seed. c) over seed. or other AcP2cl:.~.?f field seeds harvested thu year?'---------------- No 0 Yes 0 ·(If "No," mork Xand •kip to que-stion J79J.I, harvested h,;:'ted (An.swer the!e que.tiom, if Y... 1......__ h:::V'.::.t~? or to he No 'Fe; harvested? ~. ~~~~~---------------------------------- o o~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fx~~xFx~x~~~~~~~~~x~x~~~~x~x~x~x+~~x~x 5L Redelo~r~ed~------------------------------ o o~*~----~--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~x~x~~~~~--~~~~~~¥x~~~~¥~~~~~ s~ ~~~·~d~------------------------------ o o~*~----~--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~xfx~~~~x~x~~~~~--~~~~~ 53. Timothy ~? _____ . ___________________________ 0 0 ~*::....---1----++-l-++-Hf-+++-H:!!XH-1-++-1--1-+-H-J-+--lf-+++-jHf-++-lf-+++H~ s~tel~er~------------------------------ o o~*~----~------~~--~~~~~~~~x~~x~x~x~~~~~--~~~¥x~~~x~~~x~~~~~ ~- ~~oelover~~-------------------------- o o~*::....---1----++-l~++-Hf-+++..jH-i-+H-1-+-H~x~+-~~x~~~f-++~H-++..jH~x~ 5~ Ahikeelover~~---------------------------- 0 0~*~---~----~~~-~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~X~~~~~fX~5~ ~~eelo~r~? _____________________________ o o~*~---~----~~~-~~~~+~+-~~++-1-1-~++-1-1-~-++X~+-+-~~X~~~+++-~ ~- Red~eue~ed~------------------------------ o o~*::....---1----++-l-++-Hf-+++-jH-i-+-H-1-+-H-1-+-+-~-++-jf-+++~X~-lf-++~~~~~ ~- T~l~oe~~------------------------------ o o ~·~----~------~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~--~~~~+IJI~~~~~X~ 60. Chewingo feoeue ~? ... --- .. ________ ----.---.. 0 0 ~*"----~----~~~-~~~~~~~H~+~HH~+~H~~-+~~~-++~--f~+++X~61. B~~~N~~------------------------------ o o~*~----~------~~--~~~~~+~~+~x~x~x~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ M. Perennial ryegraso ~?--- --------------------- 0 0 r*"----~------lH---1~-~~~~+~~H~+~HI--~+~HI--~-+~~~-++-1---f~++f:x~65. Common ryegraae oeed?-- ---------------------- 0 0 r*"-- ·--~------1~---1+-~H~~+~~H~+-1-HI--~+-1-H~~-++-IH+-++-1---f~+++x~66. Merion bluegraso ~? .. _____ ... ____ . ______ ---- 0 0 t-*7----+----t-1-~-+t-HI-t~++-~~++-+-1-~++-+-J--+-++-H-+-1-~X:j--jL..f+~+=XJ67. Bluegra08 or Junegra08 oeed? ____________________ 0 0 * 1x X * (Report pounds on green·weight basis.) ~69. 7L 7~ ~- 74. 75. ~7~ 78. X Sudan~no~d~----------------------------- o o ~·~---~----~1-~-+-1-H~~+-1-H~~~~X~--1-~~-+--1--l~~X~~~~~~x~~X~~~~Creoted wheatgra.. oeed? _______________________ 0 0 r*"'-----r----t-l--t-T-f--H~~++-H~-fXT-~~~~~~~~-~~H~-f:!fXT-.:;X+-I-f--~~Be~u~d~------------------------------- o 01"*~---~---~~~~-t~~~+~~~~~~-t-~~~~~-~~H~~~~~~~~x~-~ Veteh~~~---------------------------------- o ot*~----~--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~f~~~~+~--~~~~1-H~ryveteh~ed? ______________________________ 0 or*~---~---~~~~-t~~~+~~~~~~-t-~+~~~-~~H~~~~~~~~x~ Common vetch oeed? ............. --------.. .. . . 0 0 r*'"-----r----t-1--t-~+-Ht-+~++-H-+~~~~~~~~~~-+~H~~~~-j~....j. XfLupine~ed? __________________________________ o 01"*~---~---~~~--t~~~+~~~~~+~-~~X~X~~-~~H~~~~~~~~~ A~~nwioler~--------------------------- 0 0~*~----~------~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ra~~~------------------------------------ 0 Or*~--~~--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~X~~~~~~ Other field ~edo? ............... -------------- 0 0 X Ptlx X XXX X P' XXX X ~ X Xpqx X Birdsfoot trefoil? Bromegra88? White clover? Meadow foxtail? Sudangrass? WheatgraSB? Other vetch? 2 Give name Ladino clover? * Give name * 78. What field oeedo were harveoted? '----------t..::...-:;A:;:c:;.re;;o-+lip::ouu::;:ds;:--txvf-~xrl-~x:;-IHx:f-++HH-f++H-+-f-+-H4--l-+--t-j4++--l-l-I-++-+-~HMillet? Red clover? Timothy?' Give name X ALFALFA SEED, CLOVER SEED. AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS:' * (1) 49. Were any a1fa1fa seed, elover seed, or other field seeds harvested tltU yeor? No 0 Yes 0 Acres (If "No," mork Xand •kip to que.lion [79).) harveoted 2 _________________ (Amwer tla&e que.stioru, if"Ye.s...) .............. No" If;; h:::V':~? (2) Quantity of "clean•• X xxxx XX X X X seed h:~:s~d harvested? ~-AI~~~----------------------------------o o~*~~--tB~u~---~~~~~x~~~x~P.~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~ 51. R~ clover oeed? _______________________________ o * Bu. X XXXX XX XX X s~ ~~~~~------------------------------- 0 o o~*;:::::~~~~-:::::~~~=~==:~~~!~x~~x:~=~t~x~~t!:~x~~~~~t!:t:xj::jj:ttj:t1j~:tj:tjjt~ ~.Timothy~--------------------------------o ot*~----~B~u~-----~~~--~~x~b~l~lx~xtx~¥x~IJI~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Sw~tclover~? ______________________________ 0 0 * Bu. lx X lx XX 1 ~nr Alo.~k11 •mt ttawn.i.i, ~>N' se-parare- rt-pmduC'tlons of A I tn Vol. I \lf the- r~nrll"' (IH rh~ 19~9 CcnsuJ~> uf A~riC'uhurco. 2 Approprh1tc:- n.rio.tions. Division and State ' EN~ND ,~~ . H. CiHTRAI W. N. CiHTRAI. S. AllAHTIC MOUNTAIN S. ctNTRAiiw· S.CEHTRAI PACIFIC' Item ALFALFA SEED, CLOVER SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS:' (Continued) (1) 'N";;~ 55. Crimson clover seed? ___________________________ 0 0 Acres harvested or to be harvested? X XjXXXjxX jxX (2) Quantity ·of .. clean" seed harvested or to be XX X harvested? ~·~~~~~L~b-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5~ A~ikecloverseed~---------------------------- 0 0 ~·~~~~~B~u-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5~ TaU~scue~ed~------------------------------ o o ~·~~~~bL.,.b_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 61. Bromegrassseed? ______________________________ 0 0 ~·~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6~ Rcd~poeed? __________________________________ 0 0 ~·~~~~kL~b-·~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~- Orchardgra$oeed~--------------------------- 0 0 ~·~~~~kB~u-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~X~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 67. Bluegraos oeed? ________________________________ 0 0 o 78. Otherfieldseeds? ______________________________ 0 1Give I thUyear- o~·~~~~~L7b_·~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 X X XXXX XX lli * (1) (2) How many acres were or will be harvested? (Answer these questiQn.s, if"Yes.~ '"[79] " * X X X name POTATOES AND DRY BEANS:' Were any of the following crops harvested 0 j...::'--~~-l~~~~~-l-~~--ii-+~~+-HH~+~~~~~-I-I-+~~~-I--11-++~HH~~.f-1H-f++- ~- B~•fu~~efuil~ed? __________________________ Alsike clover? X ~- 1-~~~-11-oL-:-b-.~~~~-l-~~+~-l-~~+~f-11;:XfX:d-~-l--l-~+~-l-l-~~+f-1H~~~H-++~+-H- (Report pounds on green-weight basis.) 67. Bluegrass or Junegrass seed?____________________ (Report pounds on green-weight basis.) Bromegrass? Fescue? 2 0 <R;f~~ !:~:hs X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X XXXX X X X XXXXXXX X XXXXXX How much was or will be harvested? ~N~o~Y~e~·~~if~c~a~ll~e~d~f~or~)~'-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1~~~~~~~4-~~~~~~ Irish potatoes for home use or for sale? ____________________ 0 (If less than 10 barrels were harvested, do not report acres.) 0 Acres 0 Acres Acres [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale'? __________ : ________ _ 0 (If less than 10 hundredweight were harvested, do not report acres. 10 bushels= 6 cwt.) [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale? __________ ---------- 0 (If less than 20 bushels were harvested, do not report acres.) [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale? ____________________ 0 (If less than 10 hags were har· vested, do not report acres.) 80. Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale? _____________________ 0 Acres Bu .. ______ _ /10 OR Cwt._ _____ _ Tenths Cwt. 0 vested, do not report acres.) 0 xxxxxxxx /10 Tenths Cwt. X /10 * Tenths Bu. * /10 Tenths 100-lb. Acres 80. Sweetpotatoes for home use or 0 Cwt.. _____ _ 0 0 XX X * 0 X Tenths 0 (If less than 20 bushels were harfor sale?_____________________ (If less than 1,000 pounds were harvested, do not report acres.) XXX XXXXX X X XXX X X X * 0 /10 X OR 0 [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale? ___________________ _ (If less than 10 hundredweight or 1,000 pounds were harvested, do not report acres.) Tenths Bu. _______ _ * 0 110 0 [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale?____________________ (If less than 20 bushels or 10 hundredweight were harvested, do not report acres. I ton:::= 20 cwt.) Tenths Barrels X * [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale?____________________ (If less than 20 bushels or 10 hundredweight were harvested, do not report acres.) Acres Acres X X XXX X bags * /10 * /10 * /10 Bu. XX XX XX X Xj~ XX X X lx xi~ x X Lb. X T~~-(l%9cr~~--------- o oL*~~~~~/~I~O~L~b-·~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~81. Tobacco?____________________ o o ~·~--.j....__!_/~10!+.-L.,.b_.-~.....ji--I-+~I-+-.J.!X~X1'X~-H~x+-l-+x~+-Hf-+-H~x+x1--t--t+-HH--t+t--++HH-+ 8~ nu.cured~baR~---------- 0 oL*~~~~~/~1~0~L~~~~~~~~~-1~-~~~~~~~~~~~~fx~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* /10 Lb. X X 83. Burley tobacco?-------------- 0 0 ~~~~f-..!...:~.,..,..~~~-++~-f---jf-++++-H-+-+++-H-++~Hn++.::_t--1-f+t-HH+~HH--f+f1 1 0 M.D=kfired~b~c~----------- o o~*~~~~'--~~~L;~~~~-++~+--1H-+++-H-+-+++-H++~H-+++=X+~+H-+++t-H-t+t-HH-85. Dark air-cured tobacco?_______ 0 0 L*~....:.~~~/~1~0~L~b_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rX+~~~~~~~~~~~~~81. 86. Burley and other tobacco?----- 0 Binder tobacco?-------------- 0 88. Wrapper tobacco?------------ 0 87. * * / X 1o lli 0 ~~~~f-..!...:~.;;.~~~-++~+--1H-+++-H-+-+++-H++~AH++~t--t-f+t-HH+~HH--f+fLb. X 0 1-'-'--i-....!...~k~~~-1~~-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~-IH~+t-H~~~H-J-T-jLb. X D ~~~~-i-..!.!2.Jb-,-~~--J-+~+-~H-+-++-f-H-f+-f-H-f-f~-f-H-f-f~t--IH++rH-f~t:H-ii-i- /10 /10 o~*~~~~~~B;•:k:'--+~.....j~++~l-+++-1--1-+~x-H-+-+-~x~x~x~x~x~~x~Pxfx~xfx~x~H-fx~x~~~x Bu. XX 0 ~:_~~i.---1~~~.(~b-.~~~J2'-t~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- * 8~ Couon~-------------------90. Dry field and oecd beans?------ 0 90.Dry~Mmd~~b=n~----- 0 o~*~~~~--~b~·~·~~~~~-+~~x~HH+~x+x~x~+-~x~x~+~HH++~t--t~+t-t-H~x~x~x~x¥xtx~t­ Dry field and seed beans? __ -___ 0 0 9(). ll or Al.l"l..t an. I //.IW.UI, ... rr- '>l'r.tt~IC' 0 * * r1 prnductil)0" of A I 111 \'c>l, I of rh1• rcpor!:-. lo•f tht· 100 Lb. /'1~9 X ( t'n"u" ul A,~o:nt·ulrur~. 2 Appmpn.ltt· \drl.ltlnn~. COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instructions, etc. questionnaire arrangement, etc., LIX ~~~rU::rquJ:~=r~:~fJ~I~~ ..s;abo~e tou!~iza:ntaix~!~ ~U:;f~c~, h;~~Ja~l~e~~~~~o~J~:~~r ~! ~:Ju~:Ji~~~ 1 ~~~ti1s' Division and State ' EN~~D ?41!J8j! . H. CENTRAL W. N. CENTRAL S. ATlANTIC S. cfNTRAI ~· MOUNTAIN S.CEHTRAL !PAOFIC' Item POTATOES AND DRY BEANS: (Continued) (2) (Report tenths How much was or will be harvested? of an acre if called forF D II b ? 91. ry ma MDB-------------92. Other dry field and seed beans? 0 XX pcxpc:xpqxxrx x x xxxx x x XXX X X xpc X 100-lb. bags 100-lb. xrx X * 0~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l 0 XX X (1) How many acres were or will be harvested? f 0 (Blackeye, cranberry beans, pink, pinto, red kidney, small red, small • , bags r r*:::....~~-l'·'--4:-:-~~~++~t--l-++++-H-++++-H++~+-H-++~+---lH+++-t-IH~++-HH-t'x~ white, etc.) •Dryfi~-d~~P~~------ o o~*~~~+~~~~~L=b~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~++~H~+~~H~K+~HAfx~x~~++xtl~)- •· 100-lb. •Dryfi~~-~-~---··· o oL*:::....~~i!~~-+b~·~g~s~~~t-H+(~++--1-+++tx~~+-~x~H~-++~t-~-+~++-H-+~++-~-++++-~ r ~. ' Tons 9~hgubu~~~~~---····· o o~*~--~-~:-:----~~~-+H~+~fx~xBK+x~lx~x~~~+~~-+-~H++f~x~x~+fXtX~'X~X t Lb. ear 95. Popcorn? .... _... __ .... _..... o o 1-*:..;_~~i!---+.c::=o"-r"'n-:-:--:-;Hf--+~+HH;.:Xf'X=-FX'FX+-H'-'Xf'X++X+X~~HH++..:.X=+~++-H-+-+++--+-++++-1-~ Tonsofbrush 0 0 r*::....~~-!'---+=::-'-'~/-'-lO++~t-~-++++-H-++++-H++~HH++~t---jHfxrxtx"T+rx"-t'--XH--lH+- 97. Sugarcane for sugar? __ -------- 0 0 f-'-'~~-fl......:.--t,-,.,-~~++~t--J-++++-H-+++HH++~HH++~t---lHX'T+t-HH~+t-1--lH+- 96. Broomcorn? ....... ----.----- 98. Sugarcane for sirup?---------- 0 * Tons /!0 Gallons XX X X * 0 f-::.~~--;,,.,.,..:..:..::..j-~~~~++~t--J-++++-H-+++-H-+++~H-+++~t---JI-+!!f-+-t-H-+~+-H--l-+-+- 0 0 r*-'-~~-r~... ~~..>_.·-b,~-;--:;-~Hr-+~+H-l-+++t-H-+++-H~-+++-H~-+~+fx'T~t-HH~t-H--l-t-t10a M~tfuroilL ..... __________ o of-*~~~~~~~-+~~--o_f_o_il~++~t--l-++++X~~x~++-H-+++~H-+++~t---ll-+++-t-H-+~t-H-l~X~ ~ X 101. Hops?------------ ..... --·.- 0 0 ,_.:.:~~-tf,_.·.,_.--+:-:--:-:-::-::++~t--J-++++-H-+++HH++~HH++~t---ll-++~t-H-+~~t-1-lf-T-T102. Sweetcornforseed?......... 0 0 1-*~~~~[~_~·~·---+L~b~·-(_sb_e_n_ed_)+-r~~-i-+-r+Hr+-+-r+-H-t-r+~H-t-r-r~~-;-+-r+-~t;~Xt--+-+-r-rt-1-100. Mungb~n~-----··--···-·-· 0 of-*:..;_~~t-i;~~·~tL-b_·~~~++~t--J-++++-~-+++HH++~HH++~t--J-+~x~t-H-+~~H-l-+-+104. Root and grain crops hogged ! '. · _ or g•azed? .................. 0 0 * XX VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE 105. Were any vegetables, sweet corn, or melons harvested thilyearforhome use? _______________ No 0 Yes 0 X X x xxxtxxxxxtxtxx!xxx x xxxx x X iX!xXX X X X !xx XpcpcX 99. Sugarcane for seed?----------- * ' 106. Were any vegetables, sweet corn, or melons, harvested this vear for sale for fresh market or to canners, fre~zers, processors? ____ -------------- No 0 Yes 0 (IJ"No" for question 106, mark X and 3kip to question [143:::"']~.)--.­ (Answer these questWn..1, if "Yes.")~ N.Y.; r'lo7. any of following Were lhe vegetable crops harvested this year- (If two or more plantings of the same crop were made, either on the same land or on different land, report the total harvested acres of the several plantings.) 108. Tomatoes? _______________ 102.) 108. Sweet corn?. ________ .____ I09.Cucumbersandpickles?... 110. Snap beans (bush and pole types)?------------.--.-.111. Watermelons?- .. ---.-.... 112. Cabbage?----.... . . . . . . . . 113. Sweet peppe•s?. ___ ....... 113. S~e~ls peppel"& and 114. 0 Sweet corn? ______________ 0 (Report sweet corn for seed in Question 0 0 (I) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) Acres : Tenths * . /10 X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X x xxxxxxx x xxxtxxx X * 110 * /lOX X X XXXXXXXXXXX t-*"---f--'-/:.:IOTXrX~-'X~R'XfX'fiTXIXrXfXrXfX+XfX+XfXfX=t-X~.::XfX+XfX:.=t.:.X+.:.X-=--fX+XfX+X::r::XfX+-t-:X:=..J.X+Xf=XfX+X+X::. 0 0 0 0 o o o o o t-*-:---t--/l'"'ofxrx=-t-=x~Fxfx+xix'Tx'FxfxT'xfx"fxfx'T-tl~-'x!!....f"'xfx"fxfx~.::.x'+-'x!...fx~x1'x~x¥x+-IH--'x4++x:!.f:x~x+x~ o t-*-:'-~~+-~/-"l.:.Ot-~~~~fx'T~tx'Tx'rxt-H"'xfx'T+X'TX~.::.X~X~X1'X'TX~.:.X4--'x~~X1'X~X~X+X~~+--I~X+X~++-~x~ o r-*---t-_I_Jo-+x+'x'"'+-'x=-ti+xx=tl.:.:rxlxfx'T'xt'x=tl.:.:rxxfxi-H-+:::x-1-'-'xfx'fx::r'x~x'+..:x++lx:.:t-H.::XH+.:::.x+~x'l'x~x+x~x o t-*~~~+--'-/.:.Jo=-t~-"x'-t-'x"-iR-t'x't--t-t'XT'Xt-H~x'T+-~rx4-x1-+-H~~~~+-H~x~++-x~-+~++-~x~ X XXXX X X XX XXX X X[XXX ~~~-----j~~-;H~~"--H"'t'TrFH'-'t'Trt-11-t-t=-FRR'-'t..:.:.+;.:_RR~'f-"'FH-'!++-~R~~ pmuentos? _. _.. ___ . _____ -- o o t-*~~~t--'-l.:.lo=-t~~~-iKx+-f'x~H-t~~~H+~~~H~~~+---ji-+-1-++--1-11-+~++-HI-l--1-Sweet pepper-s, except pimientos?_ ....... ____ . __ . o o r*~~~-r-....:..1.:.1o=t-t~t---jrt-t+t-H-t-t+t-H++~t-fOx~x~x1-..:.x~...:x~Hx~++--HH~+.f-jHH-l-115. Pimientos? .. -.----.--.-.. 0 0 r*-:'-~~-r-~/-'IO=-t-r~~--jK~+-t-H-t-t~~~+~~~~XT~.:.X4--'x~H+~+--I-II-+~++-HI-l--1-ll6. Hot peppers? ....... -.-... 0 0 IJ.'*-:'-~~-j--'-/..:.l.:.Of-!--t~+f-!-rf-t+f-H-t++-t-t--+++-t-l--+~+iX~++--HH~-¥X+-HH-l-117. Cantaloupe and muskmelons? ............. 0 0 * /10 XXXXXXXX XX XX X XXXX X X X X X X 117. Cantaloupe and muskmelons? _. __________ _ 0 (Report honeydews in Question 139.) 117. Cantaloupe, honeydews, and muskmelons? ______ .--·--. ~~~-i,~~~-f~f-~fl"'f~lf~fl"'t-¥~HrT~~~¥1rT~~+~~-f~+~~~~~~~-+- 0 * * /10 X 117. Cantaloupe, honeydews, Persians, and muskmelons?_ 0 118. Blackeyes and other green 0 cowpeas?. __ ..... _. __ .... 119. G•ecn peas?_._ ...... _._.. 119. Engli•h peas?- .. -.----.--120. Green lima beans? ... _____ 121. Squash? ___ .... ____ .. ___ .. 122. Okra? ... -... -........... 123. Dry onions?.-- .. -....... 124. Asparagus?---.- ......... 125.Car•ots? ................. 126. Lettuce and •omaine?...... o r*:::----t-l:...:l:.::otlr.:-+:::-t±-HH-+-H+H+H-t--lf+r-+l-x+x-+-x-f::j!X=.:fxftx+x+i-l---j++-t-+-lo r*-:'---r-'/-'lc:.OtX-t-X-t-X--tX-tXt-X-HfxfxffX"fXT'XH+~rx1+~HI-+-+-IH-+.J--~X~-'!X'-!-+.J.:X~X~X~ 0 r*':---t--'/...:I:.::Ot-t--t-::-tH-t-t-t-H-t+H-t+-t--txT+HI--+-¥-IH-++-H-+-+-1-+-++-~ o r*-:'---r--/...:lc:.Ot:t::-t-::x:-ipc:f:x=tx:=f"fxtEXfX"t+H-++rX!...fX~X~X:!fX!f-~X+_::X'-f-J0'+-1H--+~x.J---++.J--l-I--J.!.X o r*-;----j---'/-'l.::.otX-t-x-t_x-tx-t-xfxfxHxfxH+tl+t-l--+fxfx~xt--t.:::x4--Hf-fx~xf!x~f-+~+.j:x~x~ 0 r*~---t--'-/-'-'!O't-t--t-t-i-t+-H-t+-H-++H-t~Hx~x+x4-~x+~x4'~x~~x~x+-l-+-+-l-l--l-+-lo r*-;---j--'/:l~Ot-t--t-'X'-f"'xfxT'xt-ifxTxTxTxf9"'xH-t-fx'f--t-fXT-t-l--+-f-jf+-¥x'f-x~x~x:j-2x~x~X:j.X~X~X~X 0 r*~---t:_.;./;:.:101-t-'x'-t-'x'-tlxTxTxTXTXTXfXT-tx'lfxH+t-rx+-HH-+--11---+-HI-++-I-'I-+-+-I-+~:I-I!..X 0 * /lOX X X lXXX XXX X X XX XXX o t:*::-~~t--'-/~J":':of'xrx~...:x"-itlx'tx'TxTt-Fifx'Fxt-lrt-tt-t-t--t+t-tx-t~-t-~H++¥x¥H-x!..i~x'l-x~-l'~fx~ o o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 o /10 X r-~~--j~..:...:"'-f-t~f-~H~~+~H-t+~H-t-t~-fx~lv+x+-+--f~-+++-1-+-1-1-+~1--1-1--++~ 2 1\p(Hilpfl<\t(' vM.n,ltloo .... LX COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instructions, etc. on each ot the queatioma.a:l.rea varied trca State to State. Jn "X" in the a1n oolua1 held.iDc labeled "state" 1Dd1cates that the questions, instructions, questionnaire arrangement, etc., oantai.ned UDder the col.\111111 labeled "Ita," above tbe bori.zmtal. llDe tol.l.ov:l.ng the X, appelli'ed an the questionnaire ror the State iDdicated by the X] ~ Division and State ' S. AlWITK S. ciilruJ !w. S.UIIIW N.C£111W W. N. C£IIIW MOUNTAIN ACIFIC' Item VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE: (Continued) (I) XX X Acres harvested? (Report tenths of =-~ No rY ea 127. 127. 128. 129. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. Beets (table)?_.___________ Beets?___________________ Turnips? _________________ Shallots?_________________ Green onions?.___________ Spinach?_________________ Cauliflower?______________ Pumpkins? ________ ------Eggplant?________________ Celery?__________________ Broccoli?________________ Kale?____________________ Radishes?________________ 138. Escarole, endive, and X XIX XXX XIX XXX X XXXX X IX X :X XX X XX acres) Acres ~enth o o f-*=----i:f-'/~I:!.OH--I-4~1x¥xH+-+X~Xl-II-++H-+-H++-I-+-H+H~Xt-li+-H+-Hf--lo o 1-*'----+...:/..:l:.::.otl~,_x,-'!x+H-++H++-1-++H-+-H++-t-+-H++-l--t++-+-HH++o o i--=*'----+-.:..I.:..IO::.f-+H-+-HHi-1-++-l-l++X~-HHf-4-!!X-HH-X:!.J..-j.-.::=X'-f-f!X-HH--I-+I-++HH-+ f-*=---+..:.I~I.::.OHf--f-41+-I-H+-I-H+-HI+-1-+-I+-I-HI+-f-1+-f:X~-H-f++-+-HH++~--=*~--+-'/_;1:;.:0++--l_::X'-+++-t-IH+++-H-+++-t-1-l-+++-t-1-l-++-H-+4++--l+++HIo o i--=*'----+-.:..I.:..IO::.f-+'x~-'x~l4'x~x~+-l-+++-Hx~+-Hf-x:!..f-+++-I-+--Rf-fx~+x:!.t-+I-++HH+ o o r-*'----+-.:..I::.IO::.f.-+H-'x~R-t"X't-H-fx=t-+-H++-HI--+-H-++-t--t+-H-+++1-++-HH--t"'X o 0 I-*::::....-----;.....:I...:I:.:O+-+--t-"!:X+-IX~++-I'X4-+-+-H+++-+-4+++-I--+-++-H++++--+++-+-H0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o l-*:..:___-t-...:...I.:..IO~+--l~XL!i-+'X~+-H++-HH-+-HH-+H--I'X~--jf--I-+Hi-I-++-I-+-HHi-l-+f-.:*:.....__+-:._t.:..IO::t-+--+.:.x:...t:x++'x~H-fx~H++-11-++--II++~x~--f-+H++--H+--f++-H--!:!.x f-*=---+-I...:I:.:O+-+--+.:.x4~!:x4-"x-H-+++-H++H-4--HI-+++H-+-HI-++++-l-+H-4-f!X't'=-X f-*.::.____.__:_:II:.:O+-+--+-+-H-4+-HI-+i-1-+H++t-1-+X~-HHL+-H++-HI++Hi-1-+-HI-+!-.::....*---+_.:..I.:..IO::t-+-t-~xi-+++H-++-HI-++HH-+H---fx~-l--t+H-+-++I-+-!--!HI-I-+- chicory?_________________ o o I-*::::.. .__--;_:.I...!I::::O+-+--+-'X::...jH+++-HH-+++-H++-+-H-I'x'!f.-+--li-+++-~H+-HI-+4++139. Honeydews? __ ------------ 0 0 I-*::.._____._:.I~I:::0+-+--+-++-1--H+++-~I-+++-+-I--+++-I--I-+-+~I-++++-I---+-J!!X'I-~H140. Collards?._______________ o o 1-*=----+_..:._tl~o++--+-+H-f++-H-++H-+++--+++-1-'x!f---1--++-H++H-+H--t++141. Other? (Seeliatbelow.)'--- o o x x X lxxxxlxxxx xxxxx X xxxx x x xxxxxl:xx X XXX XXX fGive name /10 )Give name /10 Globe artichoke& Aeparagua Green Uma beana Cantaloup8 and muakmeJoli&. Carrote * * Dry onions Green onions Parsley Dandelion greene Eggplant Escarole, endive, - Radiebes Rhubarb Rntabagaa Sna.!dt;::; g;.~ ~~owe~ Ga:J~ chicory ~:~::a~ Beeta (table) 81"0tt01l SwiM chard Collarde Blaekeyes and other green oowpeu Cucumben and pickles Honeradieh Kale Lettuce and romaine Mustard greene Okra Green peu Squash Hot peppers Sweet peppen Tnruip greens Bruseela aprout.e Cabbage Olineae cabbage ~~:b Pimientos Pumpkin& Turnips 'Watermelons Water cre&e 142. What was the value of all vegetables sold thio year?__________________ $__/01~1~ X....:X~....:X~I~ ~P~X~~PA,~p-;.J.~J-:1~~~±)~X.._::X~PR=-=!p..:=f'X=!--.!:X+.!:X'-jii-T ~~ 'rfl)TI-'~3-19=f. >-;:X;-JI-T, >I >T.;XBTX (Include landlord's share. Do not include the value of Irish potatoes.) ~~~ ).:_X~-X~I~ '+-J--I-:1:::-j..:j.p:.:J:+-.J-ipR+X+-::-l-Jf.-:l.d-+--1-~-I-±+-JHR-[3+.:.X+::JI-=f)X-=f:.rl-(lnclude landlord's share. Do not include tbe value of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes.) X XXXX XX XIl Il Il X Xhb!J hi ~ I) X BERRIESANDOTHERSMALLFRUITS: X X X XXXX :XXX XXXXX X XXXX X XIXIXXXX X XI> IXXXX (143] Were any berries or other small fruits harvested thU year for eale? ___ No 0 Yes 0 (If "No," mark X and skip 10 q"'"'tion [152].) (Answer these questiom,, if "Y - "~­ No~ 144. Strawberries? _______________ 0 Were any of the following berry crops harvested thUyear- 0 _(I) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) * Acres (2) Quantity X X X X X X X X X X harvested? : Tenths Quarts i /10 24-pt. ~·~--+-/~l~o!.l-;:c~ra:::te:s~--++-l-~-++++-11-f-++-J-l-l-+++-H-!-~X+--If--f+X=i-l-l--I-!-+---,H+++-I- 144. Strawberries?_______________ 0 0 144. Strawberries? _____ --_------- 0 0 ~*!t____.__[_/I!_!O!gc~ra~t~ee--l-J---!--+.J-if.-jf-++-J-l-l-i-!-+f-.f.-ji-+-J-+-1f.-ji-+--FH-!-++Hf-++-I-H-!-Quarts ~~- X 145. Raspberries? ________________ o o ~·~___j__[...fi!JO!j..,.~---t:X+--!-...!X~I-+X+++-H-+X++-H4++-H-+++-~-t++-H-li-++-H+++-iX 1luarts 0 ~·~---i--'-II!JO!J_____I-I--+-+~HI-+++-+-I--I+++-HI--+++-H~+--FH+++Hf-++-i-H+- 0 12·pt. X 0 ~·~---+--!.../~IO!j..,::tr:;az_ys::___l-J---!--+~f.-jf-++-J-l-l-i-++f-.HI-+-J-+-1f.-ji-+-+-H-!-++Hf-++-I-H-!-- 148. Blueberries (tame and wild)? __ 0 0 ~·~--J·C:·_::_II~O~----J:X'+-l-~!....I-++.J-il-f-!-+-J-l-l-!-++-l-l-+++--lf--f+-J-l-l--I-1-+-H-!-++-+- 148. Blueberries (tame and wild)? .. 0 0 ~·~---i--'-/~10~=~--I-I--I-+....;X::...JI-++++-H+++-HI-+++-H-+++-~-t++-H-li-++-H+++-i- 146. Blackberries? __ ------------- 0 147. Blueberries (tame)?. ________ - 150. Cranberries? _____________ --151. Other berries? _____________ _ 0 0 Blackberries?' G"tve name I' Lb. Quarts 100·1b. ou*~--~--~/~lo~b~b~l.~---4~~-x~~x+....:~~~x~~~~-}~~~~--}--}+-1-}+-~4--++~++- 0 Quarts X X I) X X lx L-------------~·~--_L~~~~0~-----4~-+--~~rrti1-tt~rrt;--rt~-t-i--tt~rti4-r-t~-tti(I) (2) .';}___-....... Acres harvested? Quarts XXX X X XX X X X X xlxxxx lxxxxxx x xxx X (Report tenths of harvested? No Py; acres) (Aruwer thrue questiom, if··~ _ Acres } 44. Strawberries?_______________ o Were any of I45. Raspberrico? _________ __ __ ___ o the following berry crops 146. Blackberries?--------------- o harvested 147. Blueberrieo (tame)?._________ 0 thisyeGr148. Blue~erries (tame and wild)?.. 0 151. Other berries? ______________ o _ Blackberries? 2 JGive name 1 For Ala~ka and Jl.twa.li. ""t i Tenths Quarts o L:*~_ ___;i_:_:II~O+-----..J-~x+~l!l-+x~bt:h~x~x~bl-+x+~xfx+x~x'-f!!xfx~l-4-x~x4-..:.X=-t-HixFft==xR::t-x=-t+-=xrx+l-to ~·~--i-~1.!_10~-----J-+2!x+-~-¥X~Xj:!X~X¥X~~x~x~x:j!x~Hf-'x~+-HH-t---f+t-1+-¥¥1--Hf-txTt-lo l-*~--;.._.:.1~10+----t-+-I-4~HI++-i!X~H+H++--f++-IH-rx:!...f+tlx:rxHI++-t+HH+ 0 l-*~---i-_!./.!.I~O.I-----I-lf--+-.JX~++-l-ll-fX~+f-.l-l-!-++--ll--i+++---lf--f+f-.H--I++--If-++++-l-0 ~·~---'f--..:1:c1~0+-----l-~X'-+-+f-.f-:lf:f:f:±f-H-:±±f::HI-:-+±f::HI-:-:+-::--f-H1:f:~l~±x±f:JI-:;i:±;t:;H-to X X lxlxlx lxlx XIX X X XI~ X X X 1"1" X X * .!. /10 sepdHltt rrproJuctions of Al•n \'ol. I,,( the report:- fur the I'J'S9 CC'nsu:o. uf A~~;riC'Uiturt:. 2 Appror.,•r• ••""""""· COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 LXI [The questions, instnlctiODS, etc. OD each ot tbe ~t10111JA1rea varied trc. State to Statet Jn "X" 1n the main colua1 hHd1.ng labeled "State" indicates t.hat the questions, 1nstructions 1 questionnaire arrangement, eto., contdDed UDder the ool\DD labeled "It.,• abant tbe honzcmUl llne toUov!ng the X, appeared on tbe questionnaire for tbe State indicated by the X] __ ~~~~~ I~!JW 11. C£NTRAL w. Division and State ' s. ATWmC s. cl inlllt w. s.aNlRAI N. CEIITIAl MOUNTAIN AOFIC' Item BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: (Continued) (An.swer 1/o&e q....,lion.s, rWere aoy of the ronowiog berry crop• harveeted thii year- 144. 145. 146. 147. 149. 150. L2;51. (1) (2) Acres harvested? Pounds harvested? if"Y.,."J..,..:::::---11-1 (Report tentbo of ~-No Yeo acrea) Acrea :Tenths Pounds Strawberrlco? ______________ . 0 0 r:*=---~-....!.../l~Oq...----f-t-+--lr+++-Hr++-Hr++-HH-+-H-t--J--J---1++-H---f++----f++-¥jl~ XX~ Raopberries? _______________ . 0 0 * /10 xlx Blackberries?_______________ o o r*'---f-.u.;10"t------iH-+-iH+++--l-t++H++HI-++-H-f-+--ll-+++--l-l++-l-t+..P14Blueberrieo (tame)?. ________ . 0 0 I-*=---+--LI1!l!J.O----+-t-4-+H---f++-H-++-H-t-++-t-++l-I-+--Hf-+++--Hf-+-+-if-l.--tX~lBoyoenberrlee? _______ ____ ___ o o t-*:::....--i--'/=''l----+-t-+-H++H++-H+-H-++--l-++HI--+--li-++H-l+l-++1H+~x Cranberriee? ________________ 0 0 1-'*:.:___,_-'-;_,_10"1------++--if-++-lr--t++-l-+++--l++-H-+-H++r--t-+H++-1-++-1~+-Jix++Otber berries?.;o;-·:,:·.::.:--:.::.-:..:--.::.;--:.:.-:..:·-.L.._o_L_o+"*---/"-!1~0----l Pel XX Blueberries? Give name Gooseberries? Loganberries? y oungberries? 2 Give name * /10 * TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES: [152) Io there a total of 20 fruit and nut treco and grapevinee on this place?-----_------------- ______________ -----_------------- ____ _ No 0 /10 (If "No," mark X and •kip to qualion [198).) (If"Yu," an.swer q..,.lion.s 153 through 197.) . 153. m~ch is (2) 1) mg and nonheanng fruit orchards, ! How many How many groves, vineyards, and pJanted ! tree& (or trees (or nut trees?. ____________________ j /10 vines) are vines) are How land in beor-l Acreo : Tenths ( * (Answer the&e quations, ifuYe!." ...........__ rNo Yeo Were aay or tbe foUowing kinds or frnlt and nut trees on tbio plaee- NOT of bearing age? of bearing age? Number X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X X XXXXX X X Xfx XXX Yes 0 3.hucb a.J was har- ;~~~ ~r--r--t;-t-tt-~-t-r+--lr+~+-~-t~+4~--t---~~+-~~+--'~+~~+4 pon tenths oftotlB if called for) 1 I"" Number Bu. lx X X X lx XIX X IXIX lx!x X XIX ~X~li X X lli XIX X lli Xlli XX Apples?_--------------- 0 0 l----+----jf,Loooe'==bo=xes,--H-+-H++-H-t-+..J-H++HI--++-1-4-J.-+--l~-I-+--J-l'-l--l--l-+-1-..J..-.l-l 154. Appleo? _______ _____ ____ o o 1----+-----h;:;------f.=l--::-"f--:c+:HI-:I±:HH-++::l-:++HI-+~++-+-+t--+++-l-f+--l~++I~X IHu. x x x x li XIX x IXIli lx x x x lx x x x IX x x lli x xlx x MLP~~~L ______________ o or----+----1~L~h-.---1H-+~R++Rq+~R++R~+~R~~+-~~~R-l~~~~~~x'-l-x~ 15L ~cb~--------------- 0 0 ~---~---~B~~---+x~=x+=x+x±x~xix~x+x+x+x~+x~x~~+x+x~x+xix+x+x~-x--l~xix+x+x~4x+-x+x+f"+x~~ 158. Pears?----------------- 0 0 t----+------t.TT;:::oos:::.-,---f-I-+::.:_Ff+BR=Ff-1Ff+H++=-++=RR~f...:::....J:.:j::=Rf=+::r-:j::i-=...j::R.::..J.-+-J 0 159. Bartlett pears? __________ 0 0 1------r------jiT;;;:;;-+--'-/..:.1++-i-++-H~+t-1H++-H++-1H++-+--+-+H-+++H-+H--I+X:.J I Tons 154. ::: ::::;~~~_'~_"~-~-~~~~t~: ~ ~ ~=======~~=======~~Lb~=·=~=~1~10~~x~=x~~=x~~~~x~~x~~~x~=xtx~~x~~~x~x~~~x;~x~~~x~~x~x;~x~~x!~x~t=x~~;xt~;xtx~~x~=~x~=x;j;xtx~~x~x~~:~ Plums and prunes? ______ o 165. 165. PluDIB and prunes? ______ 0 (Repon """on freoh-wt. baois.) 0 0 ~---t------t..B::u.:::.-.,---fX+-X+:..:X+f~'FX'FifXfX'FXfX:rfX=t+XX=fX=fX=f-'X:=...tX=-=fX=fX::j-+X:=...t....:X::...t.:=fX:j:X~X}X=f:j:X::j-.::X-t:XfX:j..:X~'-1 Tons X /10 Lb. X X X X XX XXX XX XXX X 1~. ~rrie~--------------- o O~----t----~~Lb~.--~~-+~~+X+~~+X~~~~~~X--j~~~~~....:X::...t=XHX~X~X~!-4-iX~+~~ 169. 170. 171. 171. 112. 173. Sour cherries?__________ 0 0 t-----t-----h;r---++---l'---f:=t--Ff;H-f~~HH+..J--l-::...j4+++--J~--J.-+-.J.-j.....j'-J~~~X:..j..--I-~X~~ .$ Sweet cberrieo?. ________ 0 0 Lb. X lx X X XX X ~ Apricota?. _____________ 0 0 Bu. X XXX XX XX XX X XXX ~ Lb. Apricots?. _____________ 0 0 XX -a Fi~? __________________ o o~---~---~Lb~·---~~~-~++~++-~+~++--l~x~x~x~-+~x~~x~~X~I-f~-~~~~~ Lb. ~ Avocadoe? ______________ 0 0 Tons from X U s ~~ Oiivee? __ __ ____ ________ o o t-----j-----lr-,:-.l.i--'-1.!1~oH-+-H++t-1H++H++hl-++l--l-+-+-....j~+~~~+....j--!!X~-J-l-l Improved and wild and Lb. oeedling peeans?. _______ 0 0 r-----+-----t,'L---++--I--+++-+1H-+++-H~Xt-JH-f--fXt-JH-f...:X~-~-l-+-l-l~f+-l--l-l.!!X.j_,WW Lb. y 177. Improved pecano? _- _____ o o r-----r---T,.:----t-t~f--ttlH-tt--1-t+t1-++Hf--+JlX~f1Xq_--+-'x~oc~!X~l~ XXfj.X:!f--J-1-~x;w--t-l-l Lb. ~ 178. 11'ild and oeedling peeano? o o r-----r----tT.:----t-t~f-+-HH-tnl-t+t1-++Hf--+JlX~X~X4---+-'X~~"'j2X~I~ XX~X!t--J-1--+--1-1--t-l-l Lb. 179. 1!1unuta,En~ubf _______ 0 or--------j--------l~Lb~.-----lH--+--H++-HH++H++~I-++-l--1-+--+-....j~+~~~+-~-+-J-~X~X~ 181. Filbertoandb~nuta? ... 0 0 r--------r-------l~------lr1--1--lrf-r1rr1-f1~~f-ri~~~~~+-f--+--~ti-l-~4-~--~ti~X~X~ 182. Planted black wunuta?-- 0 0 r-----+----iJLb"h.---++--I--+++-+1H+++¥X1-f-.,H-f-++-H-+-+-~f-+-f-++-H~-f-+.J-.WW Lb. 183. Tung nuta? _____________ 0 0 175. 176. (Repon poun<hofnub in doe hull.) J L--1--L----...l.-----tH;;;;;-;;;;;;;:h++--i--t1-t-Hf-t~++-H-+++-+--I-++-f!Xf--/2Xc{~X:J.-I-I-Irt-f--I-I-I--J--l-l How much wao harvested thil year 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958? Field boxes in 184. Grapefruit?_____________ o o 1-----j-----tr.;;;-r-+1--lr-t+++-H-++++-H-I-++_jH-+-fxl-'--l--l-++t-JI-1-t-+-t-J~x:i-+1-1 I Tons ! 184. Grapefruit?_____________ o o 1-----j-----tw,;M!l;;;~/;;IoT1--1f--t+++-H-++++-H-+++_jH-+++-I--I-+-I-t-J~X~.J-\----l--l--l-+l-l I Field boxeo 185. Vuencla orangeo? ------- 0 0 I1-----"i----"tr;;;;;-,:-+t--i--t+rt-1f-t+++H-++++-I-++4X~-+-~f-t++-+tJ~-\-~XtJ,WW Tons 1 ! 110 185. vuencla orangee? ~ ____ __ 0 0 r-----j------fF'Fl;ie;l.Jdfhbo;;;x~e;,t-t--i--t1-t-Hf-t~++-H-+++-+--!-+++-+--i--4+t-JI-I.!!X~}-j~-+-l-f-~W 186. Navel oranges?---------- 0 0 r-----j------fFFi;:ief.Jdih:bo;;;x;;:e:;o+f---J--f+f-t-1H-J-+f-H-4++-+--J-4+-1--J--J--J-f-.J-I-l--11-1--l--W~X:j_i.JLJ 187. Temple oranges? ________ 0 0 X 2 Appwpri~tt(· Vllfi1ttion,. LXII COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instrueUon.s, etce an each at the questioDDairea varied from State to State. J.n "X" in the main colUIIDl heading labeled "State" indicates that the questions, instructions questioMa.ire arrangement, etc., contained under the column labeled "Item" above the hDrizcmtal line folloving the X, appeared on the questionnaire fQJ" the State indicated by the X] ' ' Division and State ' EN~frt.o MIDDlf • N. tENTRAl W. N• CENTRAl R'NT' Item ~~~~~ ~ (1) TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES (Continued) (Answer the5e questions, if "YeJ. ") (2) trees (or vines) are NOT of r- 188. Tangerine8 and mandarins? ____ ------ 'No~ 0 0 189. Other oranges? _______ 0 0 189. Other oranges? _______ 0 0 I<' u.i l:z ~ ~ hearing age? bearing age? Number Number S. C~NTRAI rtl· 5.CENTRAl -~· ·j -~ ~M;. j:z' ·r.. ~~ ~~ 0 0 191. Limes? _________ ----- 0 0 192. Kumquats? __________ 0 0 193. Tangeloes? __________ 0 0 X Field boxes X 0 0 195. Dates? _________ ----- 0 0 196. Quinces? ____________ 0 0 197. Other fruita and nuts?. 0 Apricots? Chestnuts? ~!Give name Planted black walnuts? English walnuts? fGive name Avocados? Almonds? Cherries? Figs? Nectarines? 2 0 ~-~ X X X X /1~ X X from bloom of 1958 .!l " 1;1 Field boxes ·e.s" X Field boxes Number Q) X Lb. Number """' X X Lb. How much as harvest~<: thU year? 194. Mangoes? __________ -- ~8 ~~ bloom of 1958? Tons 0 190. Lemons?- _____ - __ --- ~- oS ~liu.i Field boxes 0 z li(<~ ">< harvested in 1958-59 tangerines and mandarins? __________ ACIFIC' (3) Field boxes 189. Oranges including MOUNTAIN > 1"1 How much was How many harvested trees (or in 1958-59 vines) are. from the of How many -...... ~ S. ATlANTIC :; X u Q) Q) .oo X X X XX X X X X X X XX XXX X X Lb. xxxx X X X XX X X X X Lb. X Bu. X Lb. X X X X xxxx XXX XXX xxxx X xxxx X X XX XX X IX X XXX X Lb. ...... Questionsl52-197 CALIFORNIA ONLY TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES: [152] Is there a total of 20 fruit and nut trees and grapevines on this place? ____ No 0 Yes 0 TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES (Continued) (lf"No," mark X and skip to question [198).) (If "Yes," answer questions 153 through 197.) 153. How much land is in bearing AcresJTenths and nonbcaring fruit orchards, groves, \ Wha: 1/s the total acreage in trees and vines of aJl ages? (Report r;;:;-~ tenths of No Yes acres) --.---r13.,)--r--;;(4")--; vineyards, and planted nut trees?---- -,..*:.;...-r;rr'-/1"'0+--,(;;; 2,-) Wha~ 1/s the How many total acreage trees (or (Amwer these questions, if "Yes.")---.... in. trees and vines) are '-_ vmes of all NOT of " - . ages? (Report hearing ~rYe; te.!':~e~)of age? r-Acret'i: Tenths Number Were any of the following kinds of fruit and out trees on this place- 154. Apples?.·--··- 0 156. CJingl!ltone 0 How many trees (or vines) are of hearing age? Number How much was harvested this year? (Report tenths of tons) Tons ;Tenths 0 0 varieties)? ____ 0 0 172. Figs (all 173. Avocados? I--+-'---'/'-'1'-"0+-----+----f;;;:=-f;_;c.;1~0 peaches? _____ - /10 /10 M ___ 174. Nectarines? ___ 0 0 /10 0 0 /10 (4) How much was harvested this year? (Re· port tenths) of tons) NOT of of bearing age? bearing age? 175. Olives? _______ 179. Walnuts, 159. Bardell ___ _ 160. Peare other /10 Tuns, tres?lO Tons, ~ric~ 10 Lb. from 1958 bloom Tuns 0 0 /10 0 /10 Tum; /10 Tons 0 i i /10 /10 was ing lo variety, harvested we.) in 1958-59 162. Table grapes? {Tokay, Malaga, · Emperor, etc.)--- 0 163. Raisin grapes? 0 Tons 1958? 0 /lO Tons, .fresh ; 110 Tons,.dry Tons juice grapes? (Zinfandcl, Alicante, 0 from the bloom of 1,_ 0 l--.;_...;/c.;I:.:O+----+------jl;;;--";'ccc/c'1-10 164. Wine or 0 i /10 184. Grapefruit? ___ 0 0 /10 0 0 /10 oranges? _____ - 0 0 /10 /10 189. Other oranges? 0 0 110 /10 190. Lemons? •• _. __ 0 197. Other fruits 0 /10 185. Valencia oranges?-- ____ /10 0 0 /10 167. Prunes?--,- ___ 0 0 168. Cherries? _____ 0 0 /10 and nuts? .. ___ /10 Tons i Field Boxes Field Boxes Field Boxes Tons. dry weight /10 Field boxes Field boxes 186. Navel Tons~ 166. Plu018?------- /10 How much irrespective or Carignanc, etc.) __ - l 1958 bloom /10 English? _____ - 0 180. Almonds? _____ 0 tban Barden?_ -L.:O:...J..=o:...J.._ _;,_:_Il::O:.L_ _ _ _..__ _ _....J'--..__ 1 Grapes: (Report accord- a~s~t~~~·.l---- j Tuns from peaches? _____ _ M (3) How many trees (or vines) are Tons 171. Apricots? _____ 157. Freestone pearH? ___ (2) How many trees (or vines) are 110 0 How much twas harvested thU year? 0 Chestnuts?15"ates? Guavas? 1'l7ive name Kumquats? Limes? l...oquats? Pecans? Japanese persimmons? Pomegranates? Quinces? lFor AJa.;ka an.IIJawaii. sc>t• separau rt-producoon'> of AI in Vol. !1)/ lht• report .. for the- 1959 ( en .. u ... of ,'\}{rtculrure. 2 Appropr11Ut• VBCIIICion .... Lb. /10 LXIII COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instructions, etc. on each of the questionnaires vari~ ..£~, State to State. AD 11X11 in ~-ma.:!n column heading labeled "State" indicates that the questions, :in.st.rUctiQ,(LS, questioMaire arrangement, etc., contained under the col\IDDl labeled ··.1. ...am," above the horizontal line ~~~~the X, appeared on the questionnaire for Ule State indicat..ed by tlle Xj l~rM It aiiTIAl W. H. aiiTIAl IX X XXX XXX S. ATWinC is. ainRAJiw· S.CEIITIAl rt.CIFIC' MOUNlAIII Item NURSERY AND lr~'i' PRODUCTS, FWWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS, AND BULBS: [ 198] Were any nursery or greenhouse products, flower or vea:etable seeds or plante, Rowers, or bulbs grown for sale thia year? ______ . . No 0 Yes n (lf"No," mark X and skip to q""'lion (202).) (I) (2) (Amwer the&e queJtiom, if "Yes.")~ How much area What will be was used for the value of y;; growing'? sales in 1959? 199. Nuraery products (trees, shrubs, vines !Acree ornamentale)?.......... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 0 0 I* JOO 200. Cut Rowers, , _, • ____ • potted planl8, O~riet tal 10 upem . . . . . . . green• and beddmg planto for oale? ....... (b) Under glaoo? .... • !Acree 0 0 I* 0 0 ISquarefeet•:;::/ 110 * 200. Cutflowen, grown under gl888, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, b~lb~, mushrooms?__ jX X X lXlX X X X X X!X X X X X X X X IX xlx x x IX lx X X IX X XXXXX XX X X X X IX , _ _ _ /00 !x !Acres potted plan IS, Ooriot (a) In open? .... -.. 0 0 : IW green•, holly, and bed- H---_;-----4-=--j...:::..t~--=--4.-'-~d ding plant• for oale? ... j (b) Under glaoo?.... 0 ~quare feet';;.. 201. Vegetable• XX X ::,y:; s - - - 1oo it:,~_,::-:==:-.--t=-ti!~Acrea;--f'""4T----JxjxxxixxTxfxfx1~xlxfxktxrl:xi!rlxmlxdxi xxdixdixchxdxxixi xxEx~xilixffixili!Jixrl"xfi xxifixtx~x~~ '"' In open.·· .... · 0 0 '* 110 ~)---------f-1----l<s!5:::nu=are,=ltee::\:-t,...;.,_!!!,,.j (b) Under glass or in house?---- --.----- 0 $ - - -100 .. 0 OTHER CROPS: [202] Are there any other crops that were or will be harvested thU year on this place-Root and grain crops hogged or grazed? Popcorn? Sorghunu? Wormseed oil? 2 ____________________ "_ ____________ _ XXX X X XXX XI X No 0 X x;x X X IXIXIXIXIX X IXIXIX XIX X X X Yes 0 (If "Yes," answer for each crop.) lx x 1x1x1x1x x x Acree in this place (copy acres from question Acres 204. How many acres of land were in fields and tracts from which crops were harvested (including hay cut) t.hi~year? ______________________ None (This area may be obtained by adding the acres in the fields or tracts from which one or more crops were bar· vested or hay was cut this year; acres in nonbearing and bearing planted fruit trees, nuts. and grapes: and acres in nursery and greenhouse products.) 0 205. How many acres of cropland were used only for pasture (or grazing) thi5 year?______________ None 0 206. How many acres of cropland were in cultivated summer fallow thi5 year? ___________ _.____ None 0 rA~res 1-.,.------1 IAcres IX XIX Acres 207. How many acres of cropland were used only for soil-improvement grasses and legumes not harvested and not pastured thU year?____________ None 0 208. How many acres of cropland have not been accounted for? __________________________ None D X IX !XIX !XIX IX x x X X- X X x xx X X X XIX XIX X X x xlx xlx lXlX XIX x x x 1x xlx 1x1x x- totals must [Acres be the same (Include idle cropland and cropland on which all crops failed.) WOODLAND: (Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts; deforested land which has value for wood products and bas not been improved for pasture.) 209. How many acres of woodland were pastured (or grazed) this year? ____________ - _____ --_ None 0 210. How many acres of woodland were not pastured (or grazed) th;5 year?'_________________ None and T XIX XIX X X lXXlX XX Acres Acres 0 X OTHER LAND: 211. How many acres were in other pasture? ______ None 0 (Not cropland pasture and not woodland pasture.) (lf"None," mark X and skip to que.dion [212).) (a) Of this other pasture, how JAcres many acres to you consider to .____ f be improved pasture? _________________ None 0 X X X X XX X X X __ (Improved by liming, fertilizing. seeding. irrigating, draining, and controlling weeds and bruoh.) (2121 How many acres were in house lots, barn lots, lanes, ditches, and wasteland? ________________________ None ro~da, Add these acres (questions 204, 205, 210, 211, and 212) and enter the total' h~~;· Add these acres (questions 204, 205, 211, and 212) and enter the total 210~ '• 208,209, 0 ,-Acree XX "'1111 IX X X X IX ...IIIII ·;,~•I'"P"''"~'"T""'";"'" Vllti lltions. IX XIX X lXXlX X X X IXiX X X X XX LXIV COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions~ instructions, etc. on each of the quest10DDB.irea varied tl"'OI State to State. AD nxu in tbe Min oolUDl helld1Itg labeled tt~..at.an irvHru•~_that the quesUons, instroc~_RPS questionnaire u.es"' etc., cont.ained UDder tbe col.umn labeled "Item.," above the horir&antal line tol.l..ovi.Dg the X, appeai"ed. em the :.~.t.-..-::i;:fcu- tbe State indicated by the XJ Division and State ~T"iND'--f'i"'i'-'~'1--rr N• 'Cf.,-,-NTRAih! WrT.N•..,. CfNTRAirrl_s..,. • ATLANmnC--f'is.'-"';. cirnRAI"'f-~-y-.Sm.CfNTRAI-h--:M.--r-OUNTA,-riiNh-PAC.,-IFIC' ~ Item ,.; h ., X X X IX 213. Of the total land in this place (reported in question 203), j:xj:x lx l:x 213. Of the total land in this place (reported in question 203). how many acres were irrigated thU year? ________________________ None 0 (IJ"Nottc," mark X and skip to question [218].) 214. How many acres in this place were irrigated by sprin· klers this year? ______________________________________________ None 0 X j:xj:x lx X Anl..ccrrec••----1 Acres_ 215. From how many acres of irrigated land were crops harvested thiA year? __________________________________________ None 0 (Be sure to include all irrigated land from which hay was cut and aH irrigated land in both bearing and non bearing fruit and nut crops and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested.) (If ''None." mark X unti skip to question [217].) 216. What part of the land from which crops were harvested thit year was irriaated? ___ --------- ____ -------- ___ ------- ____ ------All 0 Part 0 (if "All," mttrk X and skip to question [217].) (If "Part," give below name and acres irrigated for each If all orchard u·ru irrigated list "Orchard." and if all veget~bles for sale, list 'ege<au..,.."J r crop irrigated? irr"i;:t:·d? (3) (I) (4) (a) From a well (pumped or flowing) or spring directly [217] What percent of the irrigationwaterused on this place thi11 year was obtained- by this farm or from another farm? __________________ % (b) From a stream, lake, drainage ditch, or reservoir directly by this farm or from another farm? ___________ % (c) From a mutual or cooperative water or ditch company, irrigation district, or other irrigation organ· ization? (Give name below.) ____________________ ~ 100 -;o, (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) must==_.,..., .,,.1 1 ~XX j:x j:x 1 X j:xj:x j:X X X 219. How old were you on your last birthday?-----------~-------------- Years - - - - 1 220. Do you live on this place? _____________________ No 0 Yes or--;-;-.,--r-.,.,---i 221. When did you begin to operate this place? ....•••.•••.••.••••. Report month if you began to operate this place since January 1. 1958. ! Month I Year OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How many days thit year did you work oft' your farm? Include work at a nonfarm job, business, profession. or on someone else·s farm. Include days you expect to work off your farm between now and December 31, 1959. (Do not include exchange work.) (Mark 223. Did any other member of your famHy living with you have a nonfarm job, business, profession. ur work on someone else's farm thi~ year'f________ No 0 224. Have you any income rhi• year from any of the following sources: Sale of products from land rented out? Cash rent? Boarders? Social Security? Old-age assistance? Pensions? Veterans' allowances? Unemployment compensation? Interest? Dividends? Profits from nonfarm business? FiNo 0 nancial help from members of your family?-------------------------~-(lf "None" for question 222 and "No" for both queJtiom 223 and 224, •kip to qu.,tion [226] ) 225. Will the income which you and your family receive from work off the farm and from other sources (listed in questions 223 and 224) be greater than the total value of all agricultural products sold or to he sold from your N thu Yes 0 Yes 0 ---~---~---~---~---!!-~ 5 [226] How much was or will be received this year from the sale of standing timber or treee?- ------------------------(Include standing timber sold .for pulpwood.) 227. How much was or will be received this year from the ule of poles and piling, hark, bolte, and mine timbers?_____ (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, Christmas trees, and maple sirup.) (Do not include 88le of standing timber, firewood~ fence posts, and sawlogs.) (Do not include sale of standing timber. firewood, pulpwood, fence po6tS, and sawlogs.) (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, and Christmas trees.) 227. How much was or will be received thU j.ear from the :r.!:.,:~l~~~~~~~ _~~~~ -~~~ -~i_l:~~~ -~~~~'- ~ ~'--·~-d~ -~~~ (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, fence poats, x None sold O s____/OO None sold 0 l _ / 0 0 1--1--+-+t-"HI-t++t-H-+++-HI-++t-JHI-+-+-H+++-Hf-++t-H-+X IX IX lliX ll Xll l:x l:xlx l:x 1--f---Xt-::Xt:ht:1y±t-f IY X 1.... t'"• 1--1--+-+t-!HI-t++t-H-+-111-tv++-H-+++--Jf--f++-H-IH-+-H+-+++- r.n. X '" None sold 0 1 _ _ 1 0 0 l:x 1-+---+--++-t-H-+++--HHI:X+++-1 X-+-t-H+-+-t--tH-++-1-HI+"xtl"+fl-1 x+fl_x Ill' ,. sawJoga, and Christmas trees.) (Do not include sale of S(anding timber, firewood, fence poets. and sawlogs.) lFor Ala~ a an.l Hawaii, sC'c- !<lll'plt.ratc- tC'pwducdon'!. of AI in Vol. I of tht• repotr!'l for the 1959 (·rn:o;ut. of A~tnculturc-, 1..., 1 1..11 lv rn. IX lxlxlx lx LXV COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 1 etc. on each of the questionnaires varied from State to State. An nx•r in the main column heading labeled "State" ind~oa:tes that the questions, instructions etc. contained under the colUDUl labeled 11 Item,n above the horizontal line following the X, appeared on the onnaire f01' the State indicated by the X] Division and State 0: l!m l~ ~ H. aHIIAII W. N. aHIIAI S. ATWITIC Is. ciilruJ lw- S.CEHIIAI ~~~ms~'~c;~:3 ~~ rHISYEAll, 1959. 227. much_ was or ~ill. be received thi_a year£r;;;; the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolte, mine timhere, and maple 81 -;~t-i~c-l~d~~f- ;~~-d-i~g-t-i~b;;, -fi;e~~~d; P~Ip~-o-od~ {Jf! ;a-1;- X None sold 0 fence posts, sawlogs 1 and Christmas trees.) 227. How much was or will be received this year from the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolte, mine limbers, and Ouistlllll8 treeo?-------------- .... --.---- .... -----.----- None sold (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, pulpwood, X S__!OO 1-1--+-+-!=-HH-f+-+-J....l-+++-~~-+++-~J--+-++-H-+-1-++--1-++++-~ X X 0 .• __ __;./001-+-+-+H-++H++H++-1-f-+-1-=Fx=!=+X-+-..:.:... xf-l4+HI++-+++-H+ lx X fence posts, aawlogs, and gum for naval stores.) (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and sawlogs.) 2t2:.r 228. Were any of the following forest products cut thiJ [ year for home use or for sale- 229. ~ I"N';J'Ye; X X (!) (2) How much wabeor will in 1 ~~~? How much (Amwer these q""'tions, if'"¥.,.."1(Do not report below any producta sold on the stumcf. Products sold on the shoul be included in question 233. rAOFIC' ~ Item !Section MOUIITAIII A A I~ X TT X X ~ XIX X ll w~ O:Oidill in 1959? ~~~~~,w~4J~Cords~~+-~~~HH4444++++-+~~~~HH~H4-+++++~ Firewood and fuelwoodL ... I 0 I 0 lw 8") I:X X X l:xl:xlx IXI:xlxlx lxl:xlxlxlx X lxlxl:xlx X X lxl:xlxlx I:X X lxlxlx lxlx Pulpwood? ... --------·----- I 0 1O(ot,f,'""·/.~.·;...;.......·;·'-~:,IC,........,..ords_41x41~ x..:.=...f.xjx=Fix-Fix++-FI:xRbd-=Rx+++++lx=-=+lxRixiRxl~xx4-+ x+lx++~lx++-1---+++-++l:x+­ X •• X ~&hnapM~~-----------·---Ioio~~-~~~~~~-h·~~~:x~x~x~~~~:x~~~~x~~~~x~~xl:x~lxl~:x!~x~x~x~lx~l:x~l~:xl:x~~x~~~~x~~~ Sawlogs and veneer logo?.-.-- I 0 I 0 1-IBo..,.,.,.ardtf...-=-eet+.IB.,.--,-oardl_ feet-41R Jl~ x..::....J.: xlx+l:x:j.:-:x~l] :1 Rl Jl Rl:xl--+=1xlx=+l:x:.:j.::Fix:j.:-:1JI:J-=+xlXRl xl:xRi.::J-.: JIX=-t--=X+++I:x~l:x~l)f-=x.:...t=-=tlx+lx:.:f+lx-=1=-lx ~2C~~m~~ud ____________ ~lo~~o~~~~~~~-~-~x~~x~xl:xFix~:x~IJIRI:xRxl~x~~++~~x++~~~~~H~~++~+:x~ 231. How much maple sirup was made thitJ year? ••• None 0 Cua•lln•o''""'"---------1··1 X X IX (lf"None," 17Uirk X and skip to question [236].) (If "Yes," answer question 234.) ~ 234. How many buckets were hung thiA year? ____________ None 0 (Count bags and tubing attachments as buckets.) :X IX X Number of bucke~---- POULTRY: [236] Are there any chickens, turkeys, or other poultry on this place? _____ No 0 Yes 0 237. If "~o," ,':"ere there any .on this place any time thU year?.____________ No 0 (If No. for both qiU!SIWrl$ 236 and 237, mark X and skip to question [246).) yes 0 238. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 4 months old and over are now on this place? __________________________ None 0 Number _ _ __ 239. How many broilers were or will be sold thi3 year? _____ None 0 (Report all broilers sold and those grown for others under contract.) 240. How many hens, roosters, pullets, cockerels, and other chickens were or will be sold thil year? _____________________ None 0 Number_ _ __ Number_ _ __ 241. How many dozens of chicken eggs were or will be sold this year?---------------- _______________________________ None 0 Dozens_ _ _ 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers were raised thU year? __ ---------------------- ____________ -------------- None 0 (Include those raised from poults hatched, poults bought, and those raised for others under contracq Number_ _ __ 243. How many turkey hens now on hand are you keeping for breeding next year? ___________ ----- _____ ------------ ______ None 0 Number_ _ __ 244. How many ducks, geese, and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) were sold thUt year?-_ None 0 Give n a m e - - - - - - - - Number _ _ __ 245. How much was or will be received this year from t~e_ ~~~-~f turkeya~ ~~~~a, geese, and miscelValue of sales $_ _ _ /00 laneous yuuury, and their ~8M"'----------------None sold 0 ~H_t;t;PAND LAMBS: (246) How many ewes, rams, wethers, and lambs of all ages are on this place?----------------------------------------- None 0 (If "None," =rk X and skip to question [247].) Of this total, how many are- I~ I :x XI~ iX Number_ _ __ [ (a) Lambs under I year old?_. ___ . ___ . ___________ Number____ (b) Ewes 1 year old and over? ____________________ Number_ _ __ (c) Rams and wethers 1 year old and over?_________ Number_ _ __ (The total for questions (a), HORSES AND MULES: (b), and (c), mu..t equol the number for qtw>tion 246.) (24 7] How many horses, mules, colts, and ponies are on the place?-------- ____ -----":.------ __ ------------------------ None 0 MULt;~ IX X X lXlX IX X IX X AND HUH:;t;:;; XIX [24 7] How many mules, horses, coilS, and ponies are on this place?---------------------_-- ___ --- __ --------- ___ ------ None 0 248. How many goalS and kids of all ages are on this place?__ None 0 (If "None," =rk X and skip to q'""tion [249].) lx Number _ _ __ c: :::::::::~:::~;~;~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~:: :::::- -------------------------~~-~~~~-~~-~-~~~~-t!~~~-~~~-~~-~-~~~-~-~~~-~~-~~-~~1-e -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-~uestions 2-ul.) [249] How many goats and kids were clipped ddt~ year? ____ None 0 Number_ _ __ (If "None.'" mark X and •kip to quution [251).) 250. How many pounds of mohair and kid hair were clipped til it~ year?_ Pounds _ _ __ (Include both spring and fall clips.) 1 For Alaska an.lttawaii, SC"<" X XIXIX XJX XIX X X X X Number_ _ __ GOATS AND KIDS AND MOHAIR CLIPPED: ~!~::.~:a!~- X Number_ _ Ncparo.te rc:oproducuonn of Aim Vol. I ~,f the.• reyorts for thc:o 1959 Cm,.u-. of ,\,~~.riculrurc:o. 2 1 Arorororouncc.· vari .. tion-.. X LXVI COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The que~tions, lnstructions, etc. on each of the questionnaires varied from State to State An "X" in ~~-~n c<:>;t~ heading ~abel~ nstate" indicates that the questions instructiQPS que~tionnaire arrangement, etc., contained wuler the colu:om labeled 11 Item, 11 aOOve the horizontal line follOV1ng the x, appeared on t.ne questionnaire for tbe State indica:~ by the X.J ' _Q~sio!l_lllld ENZt~NP tAil~: ~~c . N. CENTRAL w. N. CENTRAL State s. ATLANTIC Is. ciinRAI r,v. s.cENTRAl MOUNTAIN PACIFIC' Item SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959: (251] Were any sheep or lambs shorn this year? _______ No 0 (lf""No." mark Xand skip ro qu<!..,ion [254].) IX X X lx X X lxlx Ix lx x lxlx x xlx Numher _ _ _-tiX X X 0 Yes r--~--,--::c--l (!) (2) (Answer these queslions, if How man·y h ....,.... :.0... How much ""~. o.. l. w --.-;as ? snorn~ I No Ye! were s orn. 252. Were any lambs shorn in 1959?________________ _ 0 i0 253. Were any sheep shorn in 1959?----------------- 0 I0 HOGS AND PIGS: [254] How many !Number !Number IX hogo and pigs of all ages, including sows and boars, are on this place?------------------ None (JfffNon..," mmk ILb. ILb. 0 Number - - - - j Xand skip ro qlU!Stion [255].) OftbiB total, {(a) Since}une 1, this year? ___________________ Number how many were born(b) Before June I, thil year? __ ---------------- Number -----1 (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for _q?~- 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FAHHUWINIT: [255) How many litters were farrowed since June 1, will farrow before December 1? -------------- None thi~ year or 256. How many litters were farrowed between December 1, last year, and June 1, thi.s -,.~-;;,?- ____________ None O Number of litters -----1 0 Number of litters CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place.) 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? None 0 (If ""Non<!,., mark Xand skip ro qlU!Stion [262}.) l Number _ _ _--l (a) Cows? __________________________________ .Number - - - - 1 Of this total, bow many are- (b) (Include heifers that have calved.) Heifers and heifer calves?----------------- Number ___--l (Do not include any heifers that have calved.) (c) Bulle, bull calvee, steers, and steer cal vee?__ Number - - - - 1 (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 257.) cows MILKED r.,;~·tt.~wAr COWS MILKED AND BUTTER UiUHNMJ: 258. HowmanycowsandheifersweremiJkedye•terday? __ None 259. How many milk cows were on this place ye•terday? ____ None (Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved.) 0 0 I)II)IIX IXj)ljXjX Number -----1 260. How many poundo of milk were produced Y"•terdoy? __ None O Pounds ---1-IX+·X:..t~ X+~~~~~~lq:X~IX~I~~~X:j.IX:fHIX::j-f-+IX+X~I~i-jf-+I~+--+-I++J+-}-jf+--l~l~~lx:_r~lxt:IX 260. How many gallons of milk were produced Y"'terdoy? •. None 0 Gallons ----t-1---1--l-W-1--I-W-I--I-114X--Jfx41X'-1--J--+41X~j41X-t-l~ X~~X~Ixtlx~ll+xlx~I~XIx~I.+X~X~IX-1--J.--l~ ~--po-~~--~od-----~N;o;M~O~~P~o;-;d;·~~~~~~hi~~i~~~Wi~~~xtl~~~~x~~~~x~~xflx~~~J~~~~xihrl~~~t tit~:;;:'.•¥,·:~.'i(.:S.\_~·~. Yeot;J 1~ x x I> IX IXPIXI~ IJjJ IX x P!JPIX x x l>l>l>lxl*l> x 1>1* lx x ~~~-,~~~"~~~.~~~~"-od-~y~~·bLo~~+-~~++~~~~++~~~~--~++~~~+-~4-~~ . isoi~:nn~nAn, 1x x x IJ!x lx!Jixtx 1~1x 1x x 1>1~1* x x I~IJIJixl~l~l~ xI'"'~ lx!x [262] Was any milk or cream sold thiiJyear, 1959? __________________ No 0 Yes 0 (If"' No," mark Xand skip ro qlU!Stion [265].) Report alJ sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report dairy prod· oct& sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy producl8 which you will sell by December 31, this year. {For each item, answer these qru!Sti<>ns..J--..-1 Quan~;~ (2) IHo~ bemuch was or the value of sales in 1959? in 1959? How much whole milk wao or will be sold in 1959? _______________ None O 263. (Report in pounds of milk~ gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfaL) 264. How much cream was or will be sold in 1959?--------------- None of milk Gallono of (I) Lb. ':a(~) il0 _ _ _ _ _1, 00 b~:~~rf~f· ot 0 l_h nf hnttPrl'<>t --· ·· --·····-· $. /00 (If cream was sold by the gallon, multiply the number of ga ~ons by 2¥2 to ge~l'o~ ofbutler(~L _, ~Y~~,i~n)t, J~'.':i'~l';,"s(:)i.D~~~-f9iJESOLE;Am'E.THISYEAR~:i lx x x _Re.l'!'rt all saleo from this place w~etber ~de ~Y you_ or by others. Reeort all animlii' turned over to or sold for your landlord, -~ ani~~ls fedAi-~- _ sure to report animals which you will sell by vecemoer 31, '""year. ~act for others. -'H;3~(2)~rmor< (Answ<!r tM.e qU<!Siions, if"'Yes."'' r_10w "-··· many (I) . J~a_H:d.uu":. L ... ~ been sold thU [N;; !Yes year? ano l 26S] Calves? _________ Were any of the following animals sold or will any be sold thU year? (1959)- 0 266• !:~~~~;~~lves? ___ J 0 I 0 267. Hol'8e8, muleo, 0 In colts, and ponies?-- 0 n 0 o 1 '--' x1x1x "IAJ''I"I"I"IIx x lxtxlx x x x lxlxl~!xlx lx x lxlx x x!x Be How ~~~h was or w11l he the now '· 31? value of sales in 1959? 1 I0 N~n< Number IN~no Number lxlx t 1 ~ 100 _/00 ./00 IX X X I~IX X X X nLo~--r,o~---ir==:=-./9ooxtxixtttxfxlxJ:Kjxt*!Jfx!;ixt;txtxlxlxlxlxlxt~xi lxfx X lxfx X IX X IX IXIX X X x~~lxtxlt11x1$t~$ X lxlxl~ IX lx X lxlx X lx 267. colts, Mules,and ho.....,, ponieo?- o I w 1 :; IX X 268. Hogo and pigo? ___ • 0 I 01-...bL 0+---+.!d...nf----t,._;.....,..---; 1 u~~~-----~--:olo~o~~-~o~-~~~-~-~l·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~-~~~~~~1 ~.~ 270. kids? Goa..___________ and _ I- 0 0 0 0 ilL .( ,' IX I" I" JAJAl" X COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, inatruct.fnno, etc. on each of__ ~-'tile col: rea ~ed_i'raD State to State • .ln "X" 1n questionnaire ;.;;;;,;;:,-'etc,, contained wouer 1111101 labeled "Item,' above tbe horiliOiltal line LXVII ~·~,headilll[ 1~1~-"!~~=-iDd~ca~e ~ ~J"~:;::"t_;/;~tiD cmna1re ror , oppeai'ed aD - Division and State EH~OOl l~:M H. CEHIW. W. H. GHTIAL S. ATIAHTIC Is. ciilrul jw. S.aHrut MOUNTAIN pAaFIC' Item :;;!; ':.::·i~II?s~$!?ii~~~;:~:~~i!~; -;. . -i.IT,.,f'-'- ,;~i.,;'i:c- E; ;._R.~~ND~:-"'~)II:_f---;t~t'-;-·-:;-_,__"'-·---·~""'4 /_lx 1;;:i~~i~~~:~--~--~-·"~~--=..;.;.·--_ rn x x x1x1x1x x1x x XIX XIX X X XIX X X X X IX IX :x Include all fertilizer and lime used on this place during 1959, whether purchased by you or by your landlord. 271. On how many acres were commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used in 1959?--------------------------------- None 0 (If "NoM," mark X arui skip to How much was used- (I) (Answer these questioru, ~(a) Acres_ question [272).) if"Y,."•'-, " 1• . . ).,..... Hay and On how many acres was fertilizer (2) Dry materials? (Include rock (3) Liquid materials? r~~p1Y~es~~us~e~d~?--+-~p~h~o~sp~h~ar.te~)~r-T:~:T;.·~~~;l~-t~~~r.i;t,~~~~~~~;lr.i~~~;l~~jr,j;~~r,t;t"~~Y1yt~ly-v crop· Acres Tons Te~~h~ Tons ;re~':;; X X X Nx X Xlx'xlxlx:xlx xlx X X lxlx XIX X X IX X IXOCIX X lA 01---------~------: land pasture? ___ ! 0 Was fertilizer used this year (b) Other pasture on any of the not cropland?--- I 0 following crops-- 0 1-----------j------+---'----'9------ () Barley? 2_______ 0 Of-----f---: ( ) Corn? 2___ ----- 0 D Df----+--+-~f---+_.c.!4-f--+-++--J-++-t+H+f++-t-+-++H+-+-f++-t++-t+-++i-++i---:Dl----+---ii---'~I---+---'---1-+---II-+H-+--Hf---++H+H++-f---++H+--i-+H+HH-:t--:-T-t-H---t-t­ Di---------+------+--'--!4------j--~l---t--!_:__-+++-Hf----t+++Hf----t+++---lf----t+++---ll--t++H---ll-t+--HH-+++­ ( ) Sorghums? 2 ---- I D Di-----f---+-_!_!:~--+----'----!~f--f-+f--t+f-1f--t+-Hf--t+H-+-H++-t-+----:--H-tf-HH-+-+++-H-+­ ( ) Soybeans? 2 ---- 0 0 ( ) Sugar beets? 2-- 0 0 ( ) Cotton? 2------- 0 ( ) Irish potatoes? 2 ( ) Oatsr2 ___ ______ 0 Df-----j----i---'~------;---"--'9-l---!--+++-t-H-+--t-+-lf--t-H-t-+-+++-H-;-t+t-+t-+++--++-t-+-lr+- f----+----i---'---"1----+----'---'-"f--+--+-+-f---t+--Hf---t++--lf---t+H-+-H++-t--+--H+-t-HH--t--t+t-H-+- ( ) Tobacco? 2----- 0 l---------!------+--'--!.!4------i-~!f-+--I---+++-Hf--+-+++Hf--++++--Jf--++++--J---+++-H--JI--++--Hr---t-+++­ Dl-----f----J-_!_!:~---+----'----!!!J-f--f-+f--t++--1f--t+-Hf--t+H-+----:-H++-t-+-t--J++-HH-f--t++-H-+­ ( ) Wheat? 2_------ 0 ol----l---+___!_~---i----'--1-+--f-+f--++H++---11--++f--++t-+--H-++-+-+--I-+--HH++-++-t--t+t- (f) All other crops?_ L"'--'0----'='O_,__ _ __.___ ___.--''--'-"'------'---'--""t [272] How many acres were limed in 1959?----------------- None 0 (If "None," mark X arui •kip to question [274).) Acres_ 273. How much lime or liming materials was used in 1959? ____________ T o n s _ _ (Include ground limestone, hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shells, etc. Omit lime used for sprays or sanitation.) EXPENDITURES: Include expenseo paid, or to be paid by December 31, 1959, by you and your landlord for this place. How much was or will be spent this year for- [274) Feed for livestock and poultry? _________ None 0 (Include cost of grain, hay, mill feeds, concentrates, and roughages; also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 275. The purchase of livestock and poultry? __ None 0 $__/00 (Include baby chicks.) 276. Machine hire? ________________________ None 0 (Include custom work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, silo filling, corn picking, baling, plowing, fruit picking, spraying and dusting.) 276. Machine hire? ________________________ None 0 (Include custom work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, cotton picking, cotton ginning, silo filling, corn picking, baling, plowing, fruit picking, spraying and dusting.) $__/00 s_ IX $ _______ /00 279. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil '-for the farm business?------------------ None 0 $ _ _ _/00 LAND-USE PRACTICES: lx x None 0 281. How many acres of cropland used for grain or row crops this year were farmed on the contour? _________________ ·_______ None 0 282. How many acres of strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control were on this plaf:::e thi.s year?__________________________ None 0 X _;oo fxlxtx~x~fx1xfxxtxlxxfx1xfxlxfxl xAjY1x,tlx~~.jxjx.1l!iJ~xyf-; Axx<liiYJxiYlxiiYJxyf-;xx~x~rvtJ~I~ _..r;Jx~x;il~xxjl;j xlrvlxl~xx;- 277. Hired labor?------------------------- None o (Do not include housework, custom work, or contract construction work. Include cash payments only.) 278. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees? _________ None 0 280. How many acres of land were used to grow cover crops this year and then planted to another crop?------------------------- IX IX X Acres__ _ _ Acres _______ 283. How many acres of crop and pasture land on this place have ~~- ~-~--~------~--~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ x x1x lx x xlx xlx x !X xiX!x x xlx x x1x .FARML how many hours /all you (the person in charge of this 284. did I(1) , -fa;;;!_ INone 0 week~ I . to 14 hours liS hours or more 0 work or chores on this place? (Mark ')Rf 285. How many other members of your family did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place last week without receiving C4Bh wages?------------------------------------ None 0 Pr"'ei:SOJlS__________ J (Do not include housework.) 286. How many hired persons did any farm work or chores on on this place lmt week?------------------------------------ None 0 Pr',•e~rs•o"'""''--------1 (Include members of your family receiving cash wages.) (If "NoM," mark X arui •kip to question [291).) tb :_~d Hm!'aii1 e sq>arate_ 1 of AI in. yol. I of the reports for the !9~9 Census of Ag~icultur!=. . .. 1 contw.oed ~~u~~~~Ja-f>. The crops named to parts (c), (d), o.nd (e) vaned. Under the miUo beading labeled •Dtvuuon and State• the letters c, d, llnd e are used to indicate both the crops uamed and artangenent for the respective State or States. LXVIII COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 [The questions, instructions, etc. on each of the queetiomurlres V1U"ied trom State to State. An "X 11 iD the main colUJ:tm heading labeled "State" indicates that the questions, instructions, questionnaire arrangement, etc·, ecmtained UDder the ColUIIDl labeled "Item," above the bor1zcmte.l li.De tolloving the X, appeared on the questionnaire for the State indicated by the X] Division and State ' EN~t:'ND ~l~:f.E . N. CENTRA W. N. CENTRAL S. ATLANTIC S. cfNTRAl W. S.CENIRAl MOUNTAIN PACIFIC' Item X X Section XIII.-FARM LABOR. 287. Of thc!IC hired pe111ons working lrut week bow man\- were emplo~ ed on this place { (a) 150 days or more during this (I) for~· year?~~-~ None 0 or these X X X X X X XIX X X X X X XX X XX Persons _ _ __ (3) (2) What was the agreed cash hired persons working lrut week how many were paid on a~ XXX (b) Less than 150 days during this year?~_~ None 0 Persons _ _ __ (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for quetotion 286.) rate of pay? (If more than one person. give average) Number of persons 288. X IX X X (Continued.) Monthly bru.is? $ (Pt:rsons) (Dollars onl}·) How many houn; per person were these workers expected to work to earn this pay'? Per month (hours) /00 per month Per week (hours) Weekly basis? $ /00 per week (Dollars only) (Persons) Per day (hours) Daily basis? s (PerSons) Hourly basis? (Dollars only) $ (Persons) /00 per day (Dollars) i (Ccn1s) per hour Piecework basis'? (Persons) (The total of the persons reported in column 1 must equal the number for question 286.) 289. How many hired persons paid on a piecework basis worked on this place lad Friday? __________________________________ None 0 Persons _ _ __ (If "None," mark X ami skip to questwn [291).) 290. How much did these hired persons on piecework (reported for question 289) earn for their work lrut Friday? _____________________________ S /00 X IX X X IX X X X X IX X X X X X X X X X X X Include equipment, whether owned by you or by others, on tbie place. Include equipment and facilities that are temporarily out of order. How many of the following are on th'iB place- x lxlxxxxlxlx x xxxxxx Number ~[291] Grain combines? ___________ . __ --------- ___ ---·_ ·1-----i 292. Corn pickers (include pickerwshellers and corn combines)?_ 1-----f 293. Pick-up balers? ____ --- ___ ·--------·--------·----- -1-----i 294. Field forage harvesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops)?. __ ._~~ ____ - __ ~_ ••• __ ~-. __ .~_._._._~ 1-----i 295. Motortrucks (include 296. Wheel tract~rs 297. Garden pick-ups)?~_~ ___ ~~~~~~~~-~~ __ ~ -1-----f other than garden? ___ ~ ____ ~ __ ~~_~~ __ ~ 1 - - - - ; tractors?_~_~ __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ._.~ _____ • ___ •• _-1-----f 298. Crawler tractors (tracklaying)? __ ~. ___ • ~ __ ~ __ • ~ ~ ~. __ -1-----i 299. Automobiles? ___ ------._. _______ ----------------- L._----i 0 0 300. Telephone? _________________________________ No Do you have on this place- 301. Home freezer (for quick freezing and storing food)?~ (Do not include refrigerators.) 302. Milking machine?~----L--------------------303. Electric milk cooler? _____ ~-~---~-~~-~~~---~304. Bulk-type milk cooler? _______________________ No Yes Yes 0 0 0 0 Yes 0 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage. or other crops)?.~-~~ No Yes 0 X Yes 0 _306.~P-o~w~e_r~~pe-n~t-ed~e-le_v_a_to_r_,_•o_n_v_e_y_o:r,=-or_bl_o~w~e-~_-_-_N_o_O_~---i 0 0 0 0 No No No Yes Yes X X XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X X XXXXX X X XXXXXX GHow 307. On what kind of (1) Hard surface? •• ~--~-------- 0 many miles to a rood is this place located? (2 ) Gravel, shell, or shale? ____ ~~_ 0 hard surface road? (Mark one.)O Less than 1 mile OR (3) Dirt or unimproved? •. ~~--~"j(O Jfmarlred here, answer _ _ _ Whole miles. -x~x~-x-+x1-xrx~xtx1-xtxi-xtxix~xtx~xtx~-x1-xtxi-xtx~x-f~x~~xtxix=Cx+x=t+x~~x~xtxi-xtxix~x 308(a) Doyourentanylandfromother6?_~-~-~----~--------~~-~----~--- No 0 Yes 0 (b) Do you work any land on shares?~----~-~-~~---~----~-------~~--~ No 0 Yes 0 (If "No" for both questwru 308(a) ami 308(b), mark X ami skip to question [314).) (If "Yc$' for either questwn 308(a) or 308(b), answer quest.ioru 309 through 313.) (If "Y.,'' for eilher questwn 308(a) or 308(b), answer questwru 310 through 313.) 309. Does the landJord furnish all the work animals or tractor power (as a part of his share of the operation of the place)?------ .. --------.--.------. No 0 Yes 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent?__ _____________ , _______ No 0 Yes X 0 0 312. ~~/(::c);:st~;~~r~~~?_d!~:~ -a~y- :~~:~ -o~ -t~-e- ~i~~:~o-c~k- ~: -~~~~e-t~~~ -~~o-d~ No 1 FtH AIBl'>kll an.t llawBii. ~('f!' seJu.ralf!' rt-rmJuccions of A I in \'ol. I (>f O Yes D 0 Yes 0 the rcporl!' f\lf lht: X X XX X 1-11-+-+HHH-++-+-H-+X+HHI-X+X+XtX±X+-X+-X-tX±X+:-XtX+:X±:t:-lf-::-t:+:-:1-:::H':t:Ill X X IXIJ! X Ill l! X X .X X X X XIXIJ! X X X Xl)j X X XIX X ll X (a) lf .. Yes," bow much for the year?----~~~~~~~~----~-------~~~--- $ _ _ _ /00 311. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (euch ae 'A, Y.l, 1/z}?--- No 0 Yes 0 313. Do you have this land under any other arran.ge!'"en't (such as a fixed quanti'/ of any,roduct, upkeep of land and bmldmge, payment of taxes. keep o landlor. rent free, etc.)?~~---~-~~-~~--~---~~----------~--- No X XXX X X I'X~,;!X+_.X~~X~X!'J"'I'X~X'IX"'f'X"f'XT'XH-"XTX'TX>t--H-+++-1--t++HHI'TX"'--"X=-t'XT'X+X'"'f-T'XTX,.. 19~9 C.cnsU'!. ul A,Rrirulturco. LXIX COMPOSITE AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 Division and State ' U:WAIID ~~I/' E. H. CENTRA W. H. CENTRAL S. ATLANTIC s. cfHTRA MOUNTAIN W. S.CEHTRA !PACIFIC' Item Section XV.-RENTAL AGREEMENT, FARM VALUES, AND None MORTGAGE DEBT. (Continued.) - (a) Land and buildings owned by you? (Copy acres from (1uestion 3.) (I) (2) Acres Total value (dollars) X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X X X X xxxxxxxlxxxxxx x x[:xlx x x X XXXXX IX X XX X XX X !-=O:::....j----+'====="-/-"00~ (b) Land and buildings rented from [314] About how much would the land and tbc buildings acll for- ~~~:;8~~;;8- r;o-~-q~;s-ti~~ 4.)------ t-=0==--1----+'====="-1~00~ (c) Land and buildings managed for (~~;;8!~;;8- ir-o~ -q~~sii·o-~ s:)------- t-=0==--!----+'====="-1~00~ (d) ~.b.~.?~~-~- ~-~i~~~~~~- ~-e-~·~~-- ~~ L:::o::...J___....L$~==="-/-"00~ (Copy acres from question 6.) 315. Is there any mo~gage debt on land and buildings owned by you? (Mark one.) - - - - - N o 0 Yes 0 No land uv. ned 0 Give month and day 316. On what date did you fill this questionnaire? ________________ _ !959 Rcmarka: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i X Census county division Who furnished the information in this report? (Mark one.) XIX X XIX X XX E.D. No. 3 Operator 0 Hired laborer Wife or other member of operator's family 0 Landlord O Neighbor 0 Other 0 0 (Give name) Date (month and day) Certified by , Enumerator 1959 Date (m.onth and day) Checked by , Crew leader 1959 •For Alaska and Hawaii, see separate reproductions of A lln Vol. I of the reports for the 1959 Census of Agnculture. For Louisiana., parish, 3 Appropnate varmtmns. Ctnswcountydwiswn in Arizona, California, Colorado-\Vyoming, Florida, Georgia-South Carolina, Idaho, Kentucky-Tennessee, Montana, New Mex1co, Oregon, North Texas, South T(.•xas, and \<\'ashmgton, Cmsus counlj· dwmon or btaf in Alabama-Mississippi; Ctnsus counil' d/.'/SIOTI or prtCinct· m Utah-Nevada; Dtstnct in Delaware-Maryland-West V1~inia and V1rginta, Town in Massachusetts-Connecticut, NC"w York, and \'\'tsconsm; town, !j.~:,~~;f,p ~~p;~"~~i~i·J~neo\s ~:d~~~i~~5-~~~m~d\~Rt.,~~i~~:~d; Tolt·nslup m Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missoun, cw Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota-South Dakot:·s.~~:~~"~~:~a}~~~:G· ;~c~t p~.~~:~·~~::· 1 LXX ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 LISTING PART I.-LIST OF PLACES IN ED PART 11.-AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS ~ A. List the head of every household living in this ED. c ""'8 '- "' < "E z"' AND ALSO B. List every persbn, not living in this ED, who has agricuhural operations in this ED. ] E .." :§ 0 (1) (:Z) Does this person or any member of his household operate a farm (or ranch)? PART 111.-FILLING Al Did this person or any member of his household have at any time this yearAny live· stock? (hogs? cattle? horses? sheep? goats? etc.) :ZO or more chickens? turkeys? ducks? Any crops? (com? oats? hay? to.bacco? other field crops?) :zo or more fruit trees? grapevines? nut trees? Anb vegeta les for sale? berries? nursery or greenhouse products? (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) No ~Yes No ~Yes No ~Yes No ~Yes No ~ Yes I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 f I I I I 1 I (8) No 1Yes Does this pers~n live1n your ED? Does this person have agricultural operations where he lives? (9) (10) No ~Yes No ~ Yes I I ······························----------········--·---------·-··r··-- ---··r··--· --·-·r····· -····r···· ······r····· ·····r···· -~ -~ -~· !·= : :.·~- ~- ~ -~-~-~-~-~-~·~:·:·= =: : .-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4............ ..................... ....................... ... . . .... ...... ...... . 2 ~ 3 _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I • I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ................................................................................................ ......................................................................................... I I I 1 I I I t I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I .. ........................................................................ . t I ~........... ------------------------------------------------------------ ·····t······ ·····t······ -----1"·--- 5 t I -----~----- ------;------ ·····t····· ·----~~-···· ----····r:---·--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~~.l~~~-~: _:~_r:..:~J~~-5- .:~.r~:. :~.[~~- .:~.[~~- .:~J~~:. . :~--~--~~~-- 1-6 7 ------------------··········-----------····-----------···--- .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .9 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I .............................................................................................................................................................................................. _...................................................................................................... I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 10 ~~~ ~!~ 11 .................................................................................................................................... !........................ ~ ............. I : : : 1 --·-·1··---- .......... I I : : I I I t ~----· 1 I : I I : : I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I : : : I I I ...... ................. .. ........ t· ...... .. : I : I I I 1 I I I I 1 :1 :I !I :I :I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I ·:-:::.. I I I -~ ........... .. ...... ...... .... .. ...... ·:- ........ .. ...... ·: . -- .... - .......... -:·-· . .. I I I I I -~.. Yes I I I No ~------ ····-~---·· 1 .......... ............................ ...... ...... ...... ..... .... .. . .. ...... .... .. .... ............ .......... ...... ........ .. .. ........ : ............. .. ...... 14 ............ 1 I I 1 ................................................. - ...................................... --.. .... ...... .... .. ...... .. ...... .. .. ............. .. ............... -.... .. .............. ....... - ...... .............. 13 t ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ I 1 12 I I I I I ,_:·~ ............................................................................................................................,.......................................................................,.......... . ......... ,........... ·····<f••···- .......... ,......................................... I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~:J.::. ::.,:!.::..:;::.::. ·=·::!-~= -=-~-~=- .::.j.'.:..::.j.::...:!. ::. 16 17 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·-------------.. --.. . . . ---------· . . . -- -· . . . ......................1....................1. . . . . . --·-·r····-- . . . . . ;······ . . . . . 1:. . . . . . . . . . . 1:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:............ I I I I I I I I ~ : : : ................... ~ ............................................................................................................. ;............ .......... :............ ......... ~ ............ 18 19 : : : I 1 I I : : : o I I f I ! -----~···-- : : I 1 : : : : ..........;..................... ~ ............ .......... :............ ............. ~ .............. .. : : I I ~ : 1 1 1 . I . I I I I I : : (3) (4) I (:Z) ( 1) Form 60Al e Columns 3-8: I( 'No'' 111 .dl c:olumns, skap ro m .m) c..olumn, fill tolumn 9. ~o.olumn . I I . I . 1 . I . I I 1 I I 16. If "Yes" 0 : : : (6) (7) (8) I (5) I I . I I 0 I : : I I 0 I I I ...................................................................................................................... --···:---··· .......... :...................... ~ ............ --·--:----- -----:-----· --·--1--·-·· :zo : : ·····~---··· I : (9) I I ............. ~ .......... I I : I (10) • Column 9: If ''No,'' hll 'olumn 10. If ''Yes" in column 9. skip ro column 11 and get AI. Column 10: If "No." fill column II and get AI. If "Yes" in column 10, do not get AI. Skap to column 1 Sand enter mailing address. e LXXI ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK PART IV.-RECORD OF COMPLETION OF ENUMERATION Callback required AI Number Does this person work any land on shares? Turned over to crew leader ... ~ Date Reminders (When to return, telephone number, etc.) Remarks Crew leader's initials Date .J:J com- E pleted " c: .... _§ N (II) AI No No (14) (13) (12) Yes (15) < (16) Date Date ---------------- . 2 :::::::r::::: AI No. No 4 Yes Date Date 6 . -------..-------- 7 --------------8 --------------' 9 -------r-----AI No. No 10 Yes Date Date ' II ' --------+-------' 12 ::::_r::::: 13 14 -------r-----AI No No 15 Yes Date Date 16 --------------' 17 --------------- _ :-r:: 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- -------- ------------------------------------ --------19 20 (II) (12) e Column 11: Assign A 1 number when you determine you must get an Al. Assign Al numbers in order, beginnin,g with 1 tor the first AI you are to get, 2 for the second, etc. (13) e (14) Column 12: If "Yes," fill A3 for lan..llord and AI for [hi:>. person. Enter in column 1 S the A3 number on which the name of this person appe.Lrs :.as tenant. (15) (16) e Column 16: Emer date only aftc::r you have answered all requtred questions and have complt'ted an A 1 if requ~red.