Research Article ejbps, 2015, Volume 2, Issue 6, 162-165. SJIF Impact Factor 2.062 ISSN 2349-8870 Volume: 2 European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Issue: 6 Pharmaceutical sciences 162-165 Year: 2015 European Journal of Biomedical Shashank et al. AND EVALUATION THE QUANTITY OF TANNINS IN AILANTHUS EXCELSA ROXB. Bhatt Shashank1*, Dhyani Suresh2, Kumar Sandeep3 1,3 Department of Biotechnology, NIET, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan- 303121 India 2 Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand- 248197, India. *Author for Correspondence: Bhatt Shashank Department of Biotechnology, NIET, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan- 303121 India. , Article Received on 20/08/2015 Article Revised on 12/09/2015 Article Accepted on 05/10/2015 ABSTRACT The leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. is a good source of tannins. The quantity of tannins differ in root, bark, and leaves. The tannins were extracted from leaves collected from different places in Mandsaur District Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh). The percentage of tannins’ content was calculated with standard tannic acid and found 18.4, 18.0, 19.2, 18.8 and 17.6% respectively. The S.Em. value 0.163299 and CD 5% 0.481733 were found. KEYWORDS: Ailanthus excelsa Roxb., Secondary Metabolites, Tannins. INTRODUCTION Plants play an important role in most of the organisms that are dependent upon directly or indirectly. These have an important place in the medicinal world since ancient times. The traditional herbal plants have been a great source of therapeutic agents. In Aurveda, not only within India but also outside, has revived ancient traditional methods have been revived. Medicinal plants have been treated as an important source of healthcare. They have been an important part of international trade and commerce. The medicinal plants have been recognized as non-narcotic due to less side effects and easy availability at low costs. The world Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that near about 80% population of developing countries depend on traditional medicines for primary healthcare. These medicines are prepared by plants’ bark, roots, fruits and leaves which play a major role in the preparation of medicines. Herbal medicines are prepared from plant leaves, stems, roots, bark etc. These materials contain active ingredients that are used for treatment of chronic ailments. Plants can be considered into medicinal category if they possess pharmacological activities. Approximately, 15,000-20,000 plant species have good medicinal values. Gum, resins and latex, which are excretory parts of plants are used in the preparation of drugs (Khan et al., 2011). The primary metabolites have essential role in photosynthesis, respiratory, growth and development. Secondary metabolites are not directly involved into normal growth, development (Schanderi, 1970). These secondary metabolites play a major role in defense mechanism against herbivores (Ehrlich et al., 1964; Fraenkel, 1959; Whittaker et al., 1975). Various effective contents are present in the medicinal plants. Alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins etc. are the most effective contents against various diseases. These contents are also used for the development of new medicines by which people can develop their immune system. Tannins are polyphenolic secondary metabolites of higher plants. Tannin containing plants’ extracts are also used in the treatment of various diseases such as diarrhea (Yoshida et al., 1991), diuretics (Okuda et al.,1983; Hatano, et al., 1991), stomach and duodenal tumors (Saijo et al., 1989), anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and haemostatic pharmaceuticals (Haslam, 1989). They are also used in the production of ink (iron gallate ink) and used to clarify wine, beer, and fruit juices (Wurdig et al., 1989). Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. (Fig. 2) is one of the important plants that show medicinal properties. The Plant belongs to Simaroubaceae family and its common name is Mahanimba due to its resemblance with neem tree (Azadirachita indica). It is also called Maharukha due to its large size. The generic name ‘Ailanthus’ comes from ‘ailanthos’ that means ‘Tree of Heaven.’ Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. is one of the medicinal plants that is used in the Indian System of medicines. Its parts are used, as Folk medicine, in the treatment of several ailments in which asthma, cough, colic pain, cancer, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera and microbial infections are included (Kritikar et al., 1995). 162 Shashank et al. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences MATERIAL AND METHODS Collection of Plant Material The fresh leaves (Fig.3) of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. belonging to the family Simaroubaceae, were collected from five different places in Mandsaur, districts Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh (Fig.1). These places were indicated by M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5. The District Mandsaur is situated at the northern projection of Madhya Pradesh between the parallels of latitude 23 0 45' 50" North and 250 2' 55" North, between the meridians of longitude 740 42' 30" East and 750 50'20" East. The plant material was taxonomically identified, confirmed and authenticated by Dr. Rakesh Mohan Painuli, Incharge, Herbarium, Department of Botany, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand The identification code is (HNB 20705). The collected green leaves were shade dried and then the dried material was crushed to coarse powder in grinder. The powder was stored in an airtight container for extraction. Figure 1- Map of Madhya Pradesh. Figure 2- Photograph of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Plant. Figure 3- Photograph of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. leaf collected from Mandsaur District Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh). Preliminary Screening of Secondary Metabolites In the previous research publication, it had been proved that the tannin contents are present in the leaf part of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. The gelatin and lead acetate tests were performed for the identification of tannins in 95% ethanolic extract (Bhatt s, et al. 2012). Quantitative Estimation of Tannins Estimation of tannins was carried out by using FolinDenis reagent [Anonymous, 1980]. Tannin-like compounds were reduced into phosphotungstomolybdic acid in alkaline solution to produce a highly colored blue solution, the intensity of which was proportional to the amount of tannins. Weighed 500 mg sample of each place was transferred into 250ml conical flasks. After adding 75 ml water, it was heated gently in a flask and boiled for 30min. The samples were centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 20 minutes and collected the supernatants in each 100ml volumetric flask and made up the volume. Transferred 1ml of the each sample from 100ml volumetric flask and added 75ml water. 5ml Folin-Denis reagent was added and mixed 10ml sodium carbonate solution and diluted it with distilled water and volume made upto 100 ml., shaked well and read the absorbance at 700 nm after 30 minutes. The datas were calculated by standard tannic acid curve. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Generally, most of the parts of a plant such as in the bark, wood, leaves, fruit, roots and seeds have high concentration of tannins. Tannins are the effective compounds that have good antibacterial activity against various bacterial species. The quantities of tannins were determined with Folin-Denis method and percent quantities were calculated by standard tannic acid graph (Fig. 4A). The standard tannic acid and sample readings were mentioned respectively in table-1and 2. The five replicates of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. were taken and calculated the quantities of tannins content in percentage. The percent tannin contents- 18.4%, 18.0%, 19.2%, 18.8% and 17.6% were found in five replicates. 163 Shashank et al. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences M-3 indicated higher percent quantity of tannins in the plant leaf compared to others then M-4, M-1, M-2 and M-5 showed decreasing order quantities. These datas were calculated in two ways ANOVA-CRD and found their significant difference among the replicates. These differences are due to microclimatic conditions and soil category in which the plants grow. The graphical presentation of the various tannin contents (%) are given in figure 4 (B). antimicrobial agent and water-soluble plant polyphenols that are precipitate proteins. These contents precipitate proteins of microorganism by which they control the growth of microorganisms. Tannins have various physiological activities such as anti-irritant, antisecretolytic, antiphlogistic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects. Tannins are generally found in different parts of plant and used in leather industries. These are good Table- 1: Quantitative Estimation of Standard Tannic Acid No. of Tannic Acid Solution Distilled Folin- Denis Tubes (1 mg/ml) ml. Water(ml) Reagent (ml) Blank 0.000 0.50 0.25 T1 0.010 0.49 0.25 T2 0.020 0.48 0.25 T3 0.030 0.47 0.25 T4 0.040 0.46 0.25 T5 0.050 0.45 0.25 T6 0.060 0.44 0.25 T7 0.070 0.43 0.25 T8 0.080 0.42 0.25 T9 0.090 0.41 0.25 T10 0.100 0.40 0.25 Sodium Carbonate (ml) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 O.D. at 700 nm 0.000 0.068 0.175 0.393 0.278 0.360 0.429 0.573 0.571 0.673 0.775 Tannic Acid Conc. 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 Table –2: Quantity of Tannin Contents (%) in Leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. of Mandsaur (M.P.) Replication Extract of Ailanthus Folin- Denis Sodium O.D. at Content No. excelsa Leaves (ml.) Reagent (ml) Carbonate(ml) 700 nm (%) M-1 1 ml 0.25 0.75 0.046 18.4 M-2 1 ml 0.25 0.75 0.045 18.0 M-3 1 ml 0.25 0.75 0.048 19.2 M-4 1 ml 0.25 0.75 0.047 18.8 M-5 1 ml 0.25 0.75 0.044 17.6 S.Em. 0.163299 CD 5% 0.481733 CD 1% 0.657103 SIG/NS SIG Figure 4 (A) - Standard Tannic Acid Curve Figure 4 (B) - Curve of Different Quantities of Tannin Contents in Leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Collected from Mandsaur (M.P.) 164 Shashank et al. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences CONCLUSION These datas indicated the quantities of tannins in leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. that were collected from different places. The environmental factors as soil quality, water source, atmosphere etc. are effective in the quantities of primary and secondary metabolites. Therefore, the quantities differ from each other but our all study indicated that the quantities of tannins in shade dried leaves were good and it will increase in green leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Thus, it was concluded that this plant can used in the treatment of various diseases. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praying and dedicating my research article to Maa Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, I am unable to find words to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, Mr. Krishna Kumar Bhatt and Mrs. Subhadra Bhatt whose encouragement helped me to go ahead on this bright path. I share the credit of my work to respectable elder brother, Mr. Mayank Bhatt who very often guided me in the work. 14. Okuda T, Hatano T, Yazaki K. Praecoxin B, C, D and E. Novel ellagitannins from Stachyurus praecox. Chem. Pharma. Bull., 1983; 31(1): 333-336. Saijo R, Nonaka GI, Nishioka I. Tannins and related compounds. LXXXIV. Isolated and characterization of five new hydrolysable tannins from the bark of Mallotus japonicas. Chem. Pharma. Bull., 1989; 37(8): 2063-2070. Schanderi SH. Methods in Food Analysis: Academic Press, New York., 1970; 709. Whittaker RH. 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