Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Wheelchair Options/Accessories (L11462) Contractor Information Contractor Name Noridian Administrative Services opens in new window Back to Top Contract Number 19003 Contract Type DME MAC LCD Information Document Information LCD ID L11462 LCD Title Wheelchair Options/Accessories AMA CPT/ADA CDT Copyright Statement CPT only copyright 2002-2013 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Applicable FARS/DFARS Apply to Government Use. Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein. The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (Code) is published in Current Dental Terminology (CDT). Copyright © American Dental Association. All rights reserved. CDT and CDT-2010 are trademarks of the American Dental Association. Jurisdiction Alaska American Samoa Arizona California - Entire State Guam Hawaii Iowa Idaho Kansas Missouri - Entire State Montana North Dakota Nebraska Nevada Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming Northern Mariana Islands Original Effective Date For services performed on or after 10/01/1993 Revision Effective Date For services performed on or after 01/01/2013 Revision Ending Date 10/31/2013 Retirement Date N/A Notice Period Start Date 08/15/2006 Notice Period End Date N/A CMS National Coverage Policy CMS Pub. 100-03, Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual, Chapter 1, Sections 280.1, 280.3 Coverage Guidance Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 1 of 14 For any item to be covered by Medicare, it must 1) be eligible for a defined Medicare benefit category, 2) be reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member, and 3) meet all other applicable Medicare statutory and regulatory requirements. For the items addressed in this local coverage determination, the criteria for "reasonable and necessary", based on Social Security Act § 1862(a)(1)(A) provisions, are defined by the following indications and limitations of coverage and/or medical necessity. For an option or accessory for a manual wheelchair to be covered, a detailed written order (DWO) must be received by the supplier before a claim is submitted. If the supplier bills for an item without first receiving the completed DWO, the item will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. (See related Policy Article for information on order for power wheelchair accessories.) Options and accessories for wheelchairs are covered if the beneficiary has a wheelchair that meets Medicare coverage criteria and the option/accessory itself is medically necessary. Coverage criteria for specific items are described below. If these criteria are not met, the item will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. ARM OF CHAIR: Adjustable arm height option (E0973, K0017, K0018, K0020) is covered if the beneficiary requires an arm height that is different than that available using nonadjustable arms and the beneficiary spends at least 2 hours per day in the wheelchair. An arm trough (E2209) is covered if the beneficiary has quadriplegia, hemiplegia, or uncontrolled arm movements. FOOTREST/ LEGREST: Elevating legrests (E0990, K0046, K0047, K0053, K0195) are covered if: The beneficiary has a musculoskeletal condition or the presence of a cast or brace which prevents 90 degree flexion at the knee; or The beneficiary has significant edema of the lower extremities that requires an elevating legrest; or The beneficiary meets the criteria for and has a reclining back on the wheelchair. NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME DIMENSIONS: A nonstandard seat width and/or depth for a manual wheelchair (E2201-E2204) is covered only if the beneficiary’s physical dimensions justify the need. WHEELS/TIRES FOR MANUAL WHEELCHAIRS: A gear reduction drive wheel (E2227) or a lever activated wheel drive (E0988) is covered if all of the following criteria are met: The beneficiary has been self-propelling in a manual wheelchair for at least one year; and The beneficiary has had a specialty evaluation that was performed by a licensed/certified medical professional, such as a PT or OT, or physician who has specific training and experience in rehabilitation wheelchair evaluations and that documents the need for the device in the beneficiary’s home. The PT, OT, or physician may have no financial relationship with the supplier; and The wheelchair is provided by a supplier that employs a RESNA-certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) who specializes in wheelchairs and who has direct, in-person involvement in the wheelchair selection for the beneficiary. BATTERIES/ CHARGERS: Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 2 of 14 Up to two sealed batteries (E2359, E2361, E2363, E2365, E2371, K0733) at any one time are allowed if required for a power wheelchair. A non-sealed battery (E2358, E2360, E2362, E2364, E2372) will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. A single mode battery charger (E2366) is appropriate for charging a sealed lead acid battery. If a dual mode battery charger (E2367) is provided as a replacement, it will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. The usual maximum frequency of replacement for a lithium-based battery (E2397) is one every 3 years. Only one battery is allowed at any one time. POWER TILT AND/OR RECLINE SEATING SYSTEMS (E1002-E1010): A power seating system – tilt only, recline only, or combination tilt and recline – with or without power elevating legrests will be covered if criteria 1, 2, and 3 are met and if criterion 4, 5, or 6 is met: The beneficiary meets all the coverage criteria for a power wheelchair described in the Power Mobility Devices LCD; and A specialty evaluation that was performed by a licensed/certified medical professional, such as a physical therapist (PT) or occupational therapist (OT) or physician who has specific training and experience in rehabilitation wheelchair evaluations documents the beneficiary’s seating and positioning needs. The PT, OT, or physician may have no financial relationship with the supplier; and The seating system is provided by a supplier that employs a RESNA-certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) who specializes in rehabilitation wheelchairs and who has direct, in-person involvement in the selection of the seating system for the beneficiary; and The beneficiary is at high risk for development of a pressure ulcer and is unable to perform a functional weight shift; or The beneficiary utilizes intermittent catheterization for bladder management and is unable to independently transfer from the wheelchair to bed; or The power seating system is needed to manage increased tone or spasticity. If these criteria are not met, the power seating component(s) will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. POWER WHEELCHAIR DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS: An attendant control is covered in place of a beneficiary-operated drive control system if the beneficiary meets coverage criteria for a wheelchair, is unable to operate a manual or power wheelchair and has a caregiver who is unable to operate a manual wheelchair but is able to operate a power wheelchair. OTHER POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORIES: An electronic interface (E2351) to allow a speech generating device to be operated by the power wheelchair control interface is covered if the beneficiary has a covered speech generating device. (Refer to the Speech Generating Devices LCD for details.) MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES: Anti-rollback device (E0974) is covered if the beneficiary self-propels and needs the device because of ramps. A safety belt/pelvic strap (E0978) is covered if the beneficiary has weak upper body muscles, upper body instability or muscle spasticity which requires use of this item for proper positioning. One example (not all-inclusive) of a covered indication for swingaway, retractable, or removable hardware (E1028) would be to move the component out of the way so that a beneficiary can perform a slide transfer to a chair or bed. A manual fully reclining back option (E1226) is covered if the beneficiary has one or more of the following conditions: Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 3 of 14 The beneficiary is at high risk for development of a pressure ulcer and is unable to perform a functional weight shift; or The beneficiary utilizes intermittent catheterization for bladder management and is unable to independently transfer from the wheelchair to the bed. If these criteria are not met, the manual reclining back will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. For information concerning a push-rim activated power assist device for a manual wheelchair, refer to the Power Mobility Devices medical policy. Back to Top Coding Information Bill Type Codes: Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the policy does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the policy should be assumed to apply equally to all claims. N/A Revenue Codes: Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory; unless specified in the policy services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the policy should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes. N/A CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 1 Paragraph: The appearance of a code in this section does not necessarily indicate coverage. HCPCS MODIFIERS: EY - No physician or other licensed health care provider order for this item or service GA - Waiver of liability statement issued, as required by payer policy, individual case GY - Item or service statutorily excluded or does not meet the definition of any Medicare benefit GZ - Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary KC - Replacement of special power wheelchair interface KX - Requirements specified in the medical policy have been met RB - Replacement of a part of DME furnished as part of a repair HCPCS CODES: ARM OF CHAIR: Group 1 Codes: E0973 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT, DETACHABLE ARMREST, COMPLETE ASSEMBLY, EACH E2209 ACCESSORY, ARM TROUGH, WITH OR WITHOUT HAND SUPPORT, EACH K0015 DETACHABLE, NON-ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ARMREST, EACH Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 4 of 14 K0017 K0018 K0019 K0020 DETACHABLE, ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ARMREST, BASE, EACH DETACHABLE, ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ARMREST, UPPER PORTION, EACH ARM PAD, EACH FIXED, ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ARMREST, PAIR Group 2 Paragraph: FOOTREST/LEGREST: Group E0951 E0952 E0990 E0995 E1020 K0037 K0038 K0039 K0040 K0041 K0042 K0043 K0044 K0045 K0046 K0047 K0050 K0051 K0052 K0053 K0195 2 Codes: HEEL LOOP/HOLDER, ANY TYPE, WITH OR WITHOUT ANKLE STRAP, EACH TOE LOOP/HOLDER, ANY TYPE, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ELEVATING LEG REST, COMPLETE ASSEMBLY, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CALF REST/PAD, EACH RESIDUAL LIMB SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR WHEELCHAIR, ANY TYPE HIGH MOUNT FLIP-UP FOOTREST, EACH LEG STRAP, EACH LEG STRAP, H STYLE, EACH ADJUSTABLE ANGLE FOOTPLATE, EACH LARGE SIZE FOOTPLATE, EACH STANDARD SIZE FOOTPLATE, EACH FOOTREST, LOWER EXTENSION TUBE, EACH FOOTREST, UPPER HANGER BRACKET, EACH FOOTREST, COMPLETE ASSEMBLY ELEVATING LEGREST, LOWER EXTENSION TUBE, EACH ELEVATING LEGREST, UPPER HANGER BRACKET, EACH RATCHET ASSEMBLY CAM RELEASE ASSEMBLY, FOOTREST OR LEGREST, EACH SWINGAWAY, DETACHABLE FOOTRESTS, EACH ELEVATING FOOTRESTS, ARTICULATING (TELESCOPING), EACH ELEVATING LEG RESTS, PAIR (FOR USE WITH CAPPED RENTAL WHEELCHAIR BASE) Group 3 Paragraph: NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME DIMENSIONS: Group 3 Codes: MODIFICATION TO PEDIATRIC SIZE WHEELCHAIR, WIDTH ADJUSTMENT PACKAGE (NOT TO BE E1011 DISPENSED WITH INITIAL CHAIR) MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME, WIDTH GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO E2201 20 INCHES AND LESS THAN 24 INCHES E2202 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME WIDTH, 24-27 INCHES E2203 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME DEPTH, 20 TO LESS THAN 22 INCHES E2204 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, NONSTANDARD SEAT FRAME DEPTH, 22 TO 25 INCHES SEAT HEIGHT LESS THAN 17" OR EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 21" FOR A HIGH STRENGTH, K0056 LIGHTWEIGHT, OR ULTRALIGHTWEIGHT WHEELCHAIR Group 4 Paragraph: REAR WHEELS FOR MANUAL WHEELCHAIRS: Group E0961 E0967 E0988 E2205 E2206 E2211 E2212 E2213 E2214 E2215 E2216 E2217 E2218 4 Codes: MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, WHEEL LOCK BRAKE EXTENSION (HANDLE), EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND RIM WITH PROJECTIONS, ANY TYPE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, LEVER-ACTIVATED, WHEEL DRIVE, PAIR MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HANDRIM WITHOUT PROJECTIONS (INCLUDES ERGONOMIC OR CONTOURED), ANY TYPE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, WHEEL LOCK ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, PNEUMATIC PROPULSION TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, TUBE FOR PNEUMATIC PROPULSION TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, INSERT FOR PNEUMATIC PROPULSION TIRE (REMOVABLE), ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, PNEUMATIC CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, TUBE FOR PNEUMATIC CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM FILLED PROPULSION TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM FILLED CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM PROPULSION TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 5 of 14 E2219 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH E2220 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) PROPULSION TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) CASTER TIRE (REMOVABLE), ANY SIZE, E2221 EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) CASTER TIRE WITH INTEGRATED WHEEL, E2222 ANY SIZE, EACH E2224 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, PROPULSION WHEEL EXCLUDES TIRE, ANY SIZE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CASTER WHEEL EXCLUDES TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2225 EACH E2226 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CASTER FORK, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH E2227 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GEAR REDUCTION DRIVE WHEEL, EACH E2228 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, WHEEL BRAKING SYSTEM AND LOCK, COMPLETE, EACH K0065 SPOKE PROTECTORS, EACH K0069 REAR WHEEL ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, WITH SOLID TIRE, SPOKES OR MOLDED, EACH K0070 REAR WHEEL ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, WITH PNEUMATIC TIRE, SPOKES OR MOLDED, EACH K0071 FRONT CASTER ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, WITH PNEUMATIC TIRE, EACH K0072 FRONT CASTER ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, WITH SEMI-PNEUMATIC TIRE, EACH K0073 CASTER PIN LOCK,EACH K0077 FRONT CASTER ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE, WITH SOLID TIRE, EACH Group 5 Paragraph: BATTERIES/CHARGERS: Group 5 Codes: E2358 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 34 NON-SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 34 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH (E.G. GEL CELL, E2359 ABSORBED GLASSMAT) E2360 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, 22 NF NON-SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, 22NF SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH, (E.G. GEL CELL, E2361 ABSORBED GLASSMAT) E2362 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 24 NON-SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 24 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH (E.G. GEL CELL, E2363 ABSORBED GLASSMAT) E2364 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, U-1 NON-SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, U-1 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH (E.G. GEL CELL, ABSORBED E2365 GLASSMAT) POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, BATTERY CHARGER, SINGLE MODE, FOR USE WITH ONLY ONE E2366 BATTERY TYPE, SEALED OR NON-SEALED, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, BATTERY CHARGER, DUAL MODE, FOR USE WITH EITHER BATTERY E2367 TYPE, SEALED OR NON-SEALED, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 27 SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, (E.G. GEL CELL, ABSORBED E2371 GLASSMAT), EACH E2372 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, GROUP 27 NON-SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH E2397 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, LITHIUM-BASED BATTERY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, 12 TO 24 AMP HOUR SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY, EACH (E.G., GEL K0733 CELL, ABSORBED GLASSMAT) Group 6 Paragraph: POWER SEATING SYSTEMS: Group 6 Codes: E1002 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, TILT ONLY E1003 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, RECLINE ONLY, WITHOUT SHEAR REDUCTION WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, RECLINE ONLY, WITH MECHANICAL SHEAR E1004 REDUCTION E1005 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATNG SYSTEM, RECLINE ONLY, WITH POWER SHEAR REDUCTION WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, COMBINATION TILT AND RECLINE, WITHOUT E1006 SHEAR REDUCTION WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, COMBINATION TILT AND RECLINE, WITH E1007 MECHANICAL SHEAR REDUCTION WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEATING SYSTEM, COMBINATION TILT AND RECLINE, WITH POWER E1008 SHEAR REDUCTION WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ADDITION TO POWER SEATING SYSTEM, MECHANICALLY LINKED LEG E1009 ELEVATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING PUSHROD AND LEG REST, EACH Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 6 of 14 E1010 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ADDITION TO POWER SEATING SYSTEM, POWER LEG ELEVATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING LEG REST, PAIR E2300 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER SEAT ELEVATION SYSTEM E2301 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POWER STANDING SYSTEM POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ELECTRONIC CONNECTION BETWEEN WHEELCHAIR CONTROLLER AND E2310 ONE POWER SEATING SYSTEM MOTOR, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, INDICATOR FEATURE, MECHANICAL FUNCTION SELECTION SWITCH, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ELECTRONIC CONNECTION BETWEEN WHEELCHAIR CONTROLLER AND E2311 TWO OR MORE POWER SEATING SYSTEM MOTORS, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, INDICATOR FEATURE, MECHANICAL FUNCTION SELECTION SWITCH, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE Group 7 Paragraph: POWER WHEELCHAIR DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS: Group 7 Codes: POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND OR CHIN CONTROL INTERFACE, MINI-PROPORTIONAL REMOTE E2312 JOYSTICK, PROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HARNESS FOR UPGRADE TO EXPANDABLE CONTROLLER, INCLUDING E2313 ALL FASTENERS, CONNECTORS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND CONTROL INTERFACE, REMOTE JOYSTICK, NONPROPORTIONAL, E2321 INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL STOP SWITCH, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND CONTROL INTERFACE, MULTIPLE MECHANICAL SWITCHES, E2322 NONPROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL STOP SWITCH, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SPECIALTY JOYSTICK HANDLE FOR HAND CONTROL INTERFACE, E2323 PREFABRICATED E2324 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CHIN CUP FOR CHIN CONTROL INTERFACE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SIP AND PUFF INTERFACE, NONPROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL E2325 RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL STOP SWITCH, AND MANUAL SWINGAWAY MOUNTING HARDWARE E2326 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, BREATH TUBE KIT FOR SIP AND PUFF INTERFACE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HEAD CONTROL INTERFACE, MECHANICAL, PROPORTIONAL, E2327 INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL DIRECTION CHANGE SWITCH, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HEAD CONTROL OR EXTREMITY CONTROL INTERFACE, ELECTRONIC, E2328 PROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HEAD CONTROL INTERFACE, CONTACT SWITCH MECHANISM, E2329 NONPROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL STOP SWITCH, MECHANICAL DIRECTION CHANGE SWITCH, HEAD ARRAY, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HEAD CONTROL INTERFACE, PROXIMITY SWITCH MECHANISM, E2330 NONPROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL STOP SWITCH, MECHANICAL DIRECTION CHANGE SWITCH, HEAD ARRAY, AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ATTENDANT CONTROL, PROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED E2331 ELECTRONICS AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND OR CHIN CONTROL INTERFACE, COMPACT REMOTE JOYSTICK, E2373 PROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, HAND OR CHIN CONTROL INTERFACE, STANDARD REMOTE JOYSTICK E2374 (NOT INCLUDING CONTROLLER), PROPORTIONAL, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS AND FIXED MOUNTING HARDWARE, REPLACEMENT ONLY POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, NON-EXPANDABLE CONTROLLER, INCLUDING ALL RELATED E2375 ELECTRONICS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE, REPLACEMENT ONLY POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, EXPANDABLE CONTROLLER, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS E2376 AND MOUNTING HARDWARE, REPLACEMENT ONLY POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, EXPANDABLE CONTROLLER, INCLUDING ALL RELATED ELECTRONICS E2377 AND MOUNTING HARDWARE, UPGRADE PROVIDED AT INITIAL ISSUE Group 8 Paragraph: OTHER POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORIES: Group 8 Codes: E1016 SHOCK ABSORBER FOR POWER WHEELCHAIR, EACH E1018 HEAVY DUTY SHOCK ABSORBER FOR HEAVY DUTY OR EXTRA HEAVY DUTY POWER WHEELCHAIR, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ELECTRONIC INTERFACE TO OPERATE SPEECH GENERATING DEVICE E2351 USING POWER WHEELCHAIR CONTROL INTERFACE E2368 POWER WHEELCHAIR COMPONENT, DRIVE WHEEL MOTOR, REPLACEMENT ONLY Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 7 of 14 E2369 POWER WHEELCHAIR COMPONENT, DRIVE WHEEL GEAR BOX, REPLACEMENT ONLY POWER WHEELCHAIR COMPONENT, INTEGRATED DRIVE WHEEL MOTOR AND GEAR BOX COMBINATION, E2370 REPLACEMENT ONLY E2378 POWER WHEELCHAIR COMPONENT, ACTUATOR, REPLACEMENT ONLY POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, PNEUMATIC DRIVE WHEEL TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2381 EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, TUBE FOR PNEUMATIC DRIVE WHEEL TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT E2382 ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, INSERT FOR PNEUMATIC DRIVE WHEEL TIRE (REMOVABLE), ANY E2383 TYPE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH E2384 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, PNEUMATIC CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, TUBE FOR PNEUMATIC CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2385 EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM FILLED DRIVE WHEEL TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2386 EACH E2387 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM FILLED CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH E2388 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM DRIVE WHEEL TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH E2389 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOAM CASTER TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) DRIVE WHEEL TIRE, ANY SIZE, E2390 REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) CASTER TIRE (REMOVABLE), ANY SIZE, E2391 REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SOLID (RUBBER/PLASTIC) CASTER TIRE WITH INTEGRATED WHEEL, E2392 ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, DRIVE WHEEL EXCLUDES TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2394 EACH POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CASTER WHEEL EXCLUDES TIRE, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, E2395 EACH E2396 POWER WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CASTER FORK, ANY SIZE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH K0098 DRIVE BELT FOR POWER WHEELCHAIR Group 9 Paragraph: MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES: Group A9270 A9900 E0705 E0950 E0958 E0959 E0971 E0974 E0978 E0981 E0982 E0985 E1014 E1015 E1017 E1028 E1029 E1030 E1225 E1226 E2207 E2208 E2210 E2230 9 Codes: NON-COVERED ITEM OR SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS DME SUPPLY, ACCESSORY, AND/OR SERVICE COMPONENT OF ANOTHER HCPCS CODE TRANSFER DEVICE, ANY TYPE, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, TRAY, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ONE-ARM DRIVE ATTACHMENT, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ADAPTER FOR AMPUTEE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ANTI-TIPPING DEVICE, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, ANTI-ROLLBACK DEVICE, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, POSITIONING BELT/SAFETY BELT/PELVIC STRAP, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SEAT UPHOLSTERY, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, BACK UPHOLSTERY, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, SEAT LIFT MECHANISM RECLINING BACK, ADDITION TO PEDIATRIC SIZE WHEELCHAIR SHOCK ABSORBER FOR MANUAL WHEELCHAIR, EACH HEAVY DUTY SHOCK ABSORBER FOR HEAVY DUTY OR EXTRA HEAVY DUTY MANUAL WHEELCHAIR, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, MANUAL SWINGAWAY, RETRACTABLE OR REMOVABLE MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR JOYSTICK, OTHER CONTROL INTERFACE OR POSITIONING ACCESSORY WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, VENTILATOR TRAY, FIXED WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, VENTILATOR TRAY, GIMBALED WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, MANUAL SEMI-RECLINING BACK, (RECLINE GREATER THAN 15 DEGREES, BUT LESS THAN 80 DEGREES), EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, MANUAL FULLY RECLINING BACK, (RECLINE GREATER THAN 80 DEGREES), EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CRUTCH AND CANE HOLDER, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, CYLINDER TANK CARRIER, EACH WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, BEARINGS, ANY TYPE, REPLACEMENT ONLY, EACH MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, MANUAL STANDING SYSTEM Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 8 of 14 E2295 MANUAL WHEELCHAIR ACCESSORY, FOR PEDIATRIC SIZE WHEELCHAIR, DYNAMIC SEATING FRAME, ALLOWS COORDINATED MOVEMENT OF MULTIPLE POSITIONING FEATURES K0105 IV HANGER, EACH K0108 WHEELCHAIR COMPONENT OR ACCESSORY, NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ICD-9 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1 Paragraph: Not specified. Group 1 Codes: N/A ICD-9 Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity Paragraph: Not specified. N/A Back to Top General Information Associated Information Documentation Requirements Section 1833(e) of the Social Security Act precludes payment to any provider of services unless "there has been furnished such information as may be necessary in order to determine the amounts due such provider.” It is expected that the beneficiary's medical records will reflect the need for the care provided. The beneficiary's medical records include the physician's office records, hospital records, nursing home records, home health agency records, records from other healthcare professionals and test reports. This documentation must be available upon request. PRESCRIPTION (ORDER) REQUIREMENTS Wheelchair options and accessories provided for a manual wheelchair base must meet the following requirements for dispensing and detailed written orders. See the POLICY SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION below for prescription requirements for options and accessories provided for a power wheelchair base. GENERAL (PIM 5.2.1) All items billed to Medicare require a prescription. An order for each item billed must be signed and dated by the treating physician, kept on file by the supplier, and made available upon request. Items dispensed and/or billed that do not meet these prescription requirements and those below must be submitted with an EY modifier added to each affected HCPCS code. DISPENSING ORDERS (PIM 5.2.2) Equipment and supplies may be delivered upon receipt of a dispensing order except for those items that require a written order prior to delivery. A dispensing order may be verbal or written. The supplier must keep a record of the dispensing order on file. It must contain: • Description of the item • Beneficiary's name • Prescribing Physician's name • Date of the order and the start date, if the start date is different from the date of the order Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 9 of 14 • Physician signature (if a written order) or supplier signature (if verbal order) For the “Date of the order” described above, use the date the supplier is contacted by the physician (for verbal orders) or the date entered by the physician (for written dispensing orders). Signature and date stamps are not allowed. Signatures must comply with the CMS signature requirements outlined in PIM The dispensing order must be available upon request. For items that are provided based on a dispensing order, the supplier must obtain a detailed written order before submitting a claim. DETAILED WRITTEN ORDERS (PIM 5.2.3) A detailed written order (DWO) is required before billing. Someone other than the ordering physician may produce the DWO. However, the ordering physician must review the content and sign and date the document. It must contain: • • • • • Beneficiary's name Physician's name Date of the order and the start date, if start date is different from the date of the order Detailed description of the item(s) (see below for specific requirements for selected items) Physician signature and signature date For the “Date of the order” described above, use the date the supplier is contacted by the physician (for verbal orders) or the date entered by the physician (for written dispensing orders). Frequency of use information on orders must contain detailed instructions for use and specific amounts to be dispensed. Reimbursement shall be based on the specific utilization amount only. Orders that only state “PRN” or “as needed” utilization estimates for replacement frequency, use, or consumption are not acceptable. (PIM 5.9) The detailed description in the written order may be either a narrative description or a brand name/model number. Signature and date stamps are not allowed. Signatures must comply with the CMS signature requirements outlined in PIM The DWO must be available upon request. A prescription is not considered as part of the medical record. Medical information intended to demonstrate compliance with coverage criteria may be included on the prescription but must be corroborated by information contained in the medical record. MEDICAL RECORD INFORMATION GENERAL (PIM 5.7 -5.9) The Indications and Limitations of Coverage and/or Medical Necessity section of this LCD contains numerous reasonable and necessary (R&N) requirements. The Nonmedical Necessity Coverage and Payment Rules section of the related Policy Article contains numerous non-reasonable and necessary, benefit category and statutory requirements that must be met in order for payment to be justified. Suppliers are reminded that: • • Supplier-produced records, even if signed by the ordering physician, and attestation letters (e.g. letters of medical necessity) are deemed not to be part of a medical record for Medicare payment purposes. Templates and forms, including CMS Certificates of Medical Necessity, are subject to corroboration with information in the medical record. Information contained directly in the contemporaneous medical record is the source required to justify payment except as noted elsewhere for prescriptions and CMNs. The medical record is not limited to physician’s office records but may include records from hospitals, nursing facilities, home health agencies, other healthcare professionals, etc. (not all-inclusive). Records from suppliers or healthcare professionals with a financial interest in the claim outcome are not considered sufficient by themselves for the purpose of determining that an item is Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 10 of 14 reasonable and necessary. CONTINUED USE Continued use describes the ongoing utilization of supplies or a rental item by a beneficiary. Suppliers are responsible for monitoring utilization of DMEPOS rental items and supplies. No monitoring of purchased items or capped rental items that have converted to a purchase is required. Suppliers must discontinue billing Medicare when rental items or ongoing supply items are no longer being used by the beneficiary. Beneficiary medical records or supplier records may be used to confirm that a DMEPOS item continues to be used by the beneficiary. Any of the following may serve as documentation that an item submitted for reimbursement continues to be used by the beneficiary: • • • Timely documentation in the beneficiary’s medical record showing usage of the item, related option/accessories and supplies. Supplier records documenting the request for refill/replacement of supplies in compliance with the Refill Documentation Requirements This is deemed to be sufficient to document continued use for the base item, as well. Supplier records documenting beneficiary confirmation of continued use of a rental item Timely documentation is defined as a record in the preceding 12 months unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this policy. CONTINUED MEDICAL NEED For all DMEPOS items, the initial justification for medical need is established at the time the item(s) is first ordered; therefore, beneficiary medical records demonstrating that the item is reasonable and necessary are created just prior to, or at the time of, the creation of the initial prescription. For purchased items, initial months of a rental item or for initial months of ongoing supplies or drugs, information justifying reimbursement will come from this initial time period. Entries in the beneficiary’s medical record must have been created prior to, or at the time of, the initial DOS to establish whether the initial reimbursement was justified based upon the applicable coverage policy. For ongoing supplies and rental DME items, in addition to information described above that justifies the initial provision of the item(s) and/or supplies, there must be information in the beneficiary’s medical record to support that the item continues to be used by the beneficiary and remains reasonable and necessary. Information used to justify continued medical need must be timely for the DOS under review. Any of the following may serve as documentation justifying continued medical need: • • • • A recent order by the treating physician for refills A recent change in prescription A properly completed CMN or DIF with an appropriate length of need specified Timely documentation in the beneficiary’s medical record showing usage of the item. Timely documentation is defined as a record in the preceding 12 months unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the policy. PROOF OF DELIVERY (PIM 4.26, 5.8) Proof of delivery (POD) is a Supplier Standard and DMEPOS suppliers are required to maintain POD documentation in their files. For medical review purposes, POD serves to assist in determining correct coding and billing information for claims submitted for Medicare reimbursement. Regardless of the method of delivery, the contractor must be able to determine from delivery documentation that the supplier properly coded the item(s), that the item(s) delivered are the same item(s) submitted for Medicare reimbursement and that the item(s) are intended for, and received by, a specific Medicare beneficiary. Suppliers, their employees, or anyone else having a financial interest in the delivery of the item are prohibited from signing and accepting an item on behalf of a beneficiary (i.e., acting as a designee on behalf of the beneficiary). The signature and date the beneficiary or designee accepted delivery must be legible. For the purpose of the delivery methods noted below, designee is defined as “Any person who can sign and accept the delivery of durable medical equipment on behalf of the beneficiary.” Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 11 of 14 Proof of delivery documentation must be available to the Medicare contractor on request. All services that do not have appropriate proof of delivery from the supplier will be denied and overpayments will be requested. Suppliers who consistently fail to provide documentation to support their services may be referred to the OIG for imposition of Civil Monetary Penalties or other administrative sanctions. Suppliers are required to maintain POD documentation in their files. For options and accessories for wheelchairs, there are two methods of delivery: 1. 2. Delivery directly to the beneficiary or authorized representative Delivery via shipping or delivery service Method 1—Direct Delivery to the Beneficiary by the Supplier Suppliers may deliver directly to the beneficiary or the designee. In this case, POD to a beneficiary must be a signed and dated delivery slip. The POD record must include: • • • • • • Beneficiary’s name Delivery address Sufficiently detailed description to identify the item(s) being delivered (e.g., brand name, serial number, narrative description) Quantity delivered Date delivered Beneficiary (or designee) signature and date of signature The date of signature on the delivery slip must be the date that the DMEPOS item was received by the beneficiary or designee. In instances where the supplies are delivered directly by the supplier, the date the beneficiary received the DMEPOS supply must be the date of service on the claim. Method 2—Delivery via Shipping or Delivery Service Directly to a Beneficiary If the supplier utilizes a shipping service or mail order, the POD documentation must be a complete record tracking the item(s) from the DMEPOS supplier to the beneficiary. An example of acceptable proof of delivery would include both the supplier’s own detailed shipping invoice and the delivery service’s tracking information. The supplier’s record must be linked to the delivery service record by some clear method like the delivery service’s package identification number or supplier’s invoice number for the package sent to the beneficiary. The POD record must include: • • • • • • • Beneficiary’s name Delivery address Delivery service’s package identification number, supplier invoice number or alternative method that links the supplier’s delivery documents with the delivery service’s records. Sufficiently detailed description to identify the item(s) being delivered (e.g., brand name, serial number, narrative description) Quantity delivered Date delivered Evidence of delivery If a supplier utilizes a shipping service or mail order, suppliers must use the shipping date as the date of service on the claim. Suppliers may also utilize a return postage-paid delivery invoice from the beneficiary or designee as a POD. This type of POD record must contain the information specified above. POLICY SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS For options and accessories provided at the time of initial issue of a power wheelchair, once the supplier has determined the specific power mobility device that is appropriate for the beneficiary based on the physician's 7element order, the supplier must prepare a written document (termed a detailed product description). This detailed product description (DPD) must comply with the requirements for a detailed written order as outlined in the Supplier Manual and CMS’ Program Integrity Manual (Internet-Only Manual, Pub. 100-8), Chapter 5. Regardless of the form of the description, there must be sufficient detail to identify the item(s) in order to determine that the item(s) dispensed is properly coded. Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 12 of 14 The physician must sign and date the detailed product description and the supplier must receive it prior to delivery of the PWC or POV. A date stamp or equivalent must be used to document the supplier receipt date. The detailed product description must be available on request. For items provided for a power mobility device other than at the time of initial issue, there must be a detailed written order which is signed and dated by the physician. This order must be received by the supplier prior to delivery. If a power wheelchair accessory is delivered before a signed and dated order has been received by the supplier, it must be submitted with an EY modifier added to each affected HCPCS code. KX, GA, GY, AND GZ MODIFIERS: For accessories for a power mobility device, if the requirements related to a 7-element order and face-to-face examination in the Power Mobility Devices Policy Article have not been met, the GY modifier must be added to the codes for all accessories. For accessories provided with a manual wheelchair or power mobility device, if it is only needed for mobility outside the home, the GY modifier must be added to the codes for all accessories. If the conditions for use of the GY modifier are not met, the KX modifier must be added to the code for the accessory only if (a) the coverage criteria that are specified in the Manual Wheelchair Bases or Power Mobility Devices LCD have been met and (b) any specific coverage criteria for the accessory in this LCD have been met. If the coverage criteria are not met, the KX modifier must not be used. If the conditions for use of the GY modifier are not met and if the requirements for use of the KX modifier are not met, the GA or GZ modifier must be added to a claim line for the accessory. When there is an expectation of a medical necessity denial, suppliers must enter the GA modifier on the claim line if they have obtained a properly executed Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) or the GZ modifier if they have not obtained a valid ABN. If the GY modifier is used, the KX, GA, and GZ modifiers should not be used. Claim lines billed without a GA, GY, GZ, or KX modifier will be rejected as missing information. MISCELLANEOUS: The medical necessity for all options and accessories must be documented in the beneficiary’s medical record and be available on request. This documentation might include information on why the beneficiary needs the item, the beneficiary’s diagnosis, the beneficiary’s abilities and limitations as they relate to the equipment (e.g., degree of independence/dependence, frequency and nature of the activities the beneficiary performs, etc.), the duration of the condition, the expected prognosis, and past experience using similar equipment. Accessories to the wheelchair base must be billed on the same claim as the wheelchair base when provided on the same date of service. When billing option/accessory codes as a replacement, documentation of the medical necessity for the item, make and model name of the wheelchair base it is being added to, and the date of initial issue of the wheelchair must be available upon request. Refer to the Supplier Manual for more information on documentation requirements. Appendices PIM citations above denote references to CMS Program Integrity Manual, Internet Only Manual 100-8. Utilization Guidelines Refer to Indications and Limitations of Coverage and/or Medical Necessity. Sources of Information and Basis for Decision Reserved for future use. Back to Top Revision History Information Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 13 of 14 Please note: The Revision History information included in this LCD prior to 1/24/2013 will now display with a Revision History Number of "R1" at the bottom of this table. All new Revision History information entries completed on or after 1/24/2013 will display as a row in the Revision History section of the LCD and numbering will begin with "R2". Revision Revision History Revision History Explanation Reason(s) for Change History Date Number Revision Effective Date: 01/01/2013 HCPCS CODES AND MODIFIERS: Added: E2378 • Provider DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Education/Guidance 01/01/2013 R2 Revised: Proof of delivery • Revisions Due To POLICY SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION CPT/HCPCS Code Changes REQUIREMENTS: Changed: Narrative for same claim billing requirement of accessories and base Back to Top Associated Documents Attachments N/A Related Local Coverage Documents Article(s) A19846 - Wheelchair Options/Accessories - Policy Article - Effective November 2013 opens in new window Related National Coverage Documents N/A Public Version(s) Updated on 03/07/2014 with effective dates 11/01/2013 - N/A Updated on 10/29/2013 with effective dates 11/01/2013 - N/A Updated on 03/02/2013 with effective dates 01/01/2013 - 10/31/2013 Some older versions have been archived. Please visit the MCD Archive Site opens in new window to retrieve them. Back to Top Keywords N/A Read the LCD Disclaimer opens in new window Back to Top Printed on 4/16/2014. Page 14 of 14