Kiki Bittovabitsch “Fully Disclothed” (indoor theatre show) “Bitchin

Kiki Bittovabitsch “Fully Disclothed” (indoor theatre show)
“Bitchin brilliant” Anne-Louise Rentall Merrigong Theatre.
“Fucking hilarious” Neil Morrissey Men behaving badly and Bob the Builder.
****You View Australia. A smack you in the face interactive hour of comedy that
somehow leaves you loved up. A genius blend of physical comedy and stand up!
Heralded on the European outdoor festival scene as “hysterically funny.” Kiki is the
love child of Dame Edna and Borat.
Random comments from Kiki’s audience’s include “freakin phenomenal,” “I laughed
more than I have ever laughed before,” “You had us eating out of the palm of your
hand,” “wonderful,” “incredible,” “You are so good, so funny!” “I laughed so hard a
little bit of wee came out” and that was from a man.
Kiki is unique, charismatic, charming as a bull, vulnerable, uplifting, monstrous,
outrageous, flirtatious and her performances are a rarely seen seamless blend of
character stand up comedy, improvisation, physical comedy and interaction.
Kiki is over 40, unbelievably funny and still doing splits, handstands, pole dancing,
magic and contortion, not to mention shaking her hot stuff in all kinds of unwanted
Kiki will entertain indoors and out on stages big and small. She can perform her own
full show, short acts and or makes a wonderfully disarming MC. She is quick witted,
outrageous, hilarious and can improvise her way into and out of any awkward
situation. Whether she is in the company of the rich and famous or shakin it at a
street festival, Kiki is always interacting with people and pushing the boundaries of
the socially acceptable. Her Kulture with a K means that she often makes innocent
and unfortunate social faux pas, but lets face it, that makes everything that little bit
more exciting – you just never know what might happen next, to be fair, neither
does she!
Webisode Series “Fully Disclothed”
Kiki Bittovabitcsh is a Kazadorian National who is travelling the world as The
Hilarious Humanitarian. “I like to be getting inside the head of all the clever peoples
and to be understanding how their ideas got us to this mess.”
Kiki’s webisode “Fully Disclothed” is like peeling the onion of the soul, producing
flooding tears of laughter from many important people, politicians, journalists,
artists, health professionals and even the average Joe or Joanne, if they have made
the ordinary extraordinary – surprising how many people have a touch of superhero.
Kiki has a talent for disarming people, she contributes it to her compulsory
Kazadorian armed service. “I learned very good about the techniques of
interrogation and intimidation, go easy on the violence they are good for the tools of
comedy – I can make anybody talk.” Seriously Kiki is bewitching, her charm and
honesty put people at ease and really get them chatting and playing. Pushing the
agenda is one thing, but Kiki goes after the background and the personal side of
people, everyone must be more interesting than the person they pretend to beright?
Kiki Bittovabtisch in The Great Kazadorian Fountain of Hope.
Kiki is a contortionist, an acrobat and a real life princess. After loosing her country of
Kazador (she literally cannot find it!), she has travelled the world as the self
appointed Kazadorian Kultural attaché. Kiki is renowned for spreading joy and
laughter with a shovel. Kiki delights in sharing colourful renditions of her countries
history, myths and legends and engages in outrageous interactive fun to share these
tales with her audience. Her favourite of which is the towering Kazadorian Fountain
of Hope. Luckily Kiki is as charming as a bull and brings to the world a dizzying array
of talents, but it is her outrageous sense of humour that makes her unforgettable.
Kiki is one funny lady.
Praise for Tamara, Kiki and Tamara’s other characters.
“Kiki Bittovabitsch – she’s flirtatious, outrageous, monstrous, hilarious…in short,
she’s bitchin’ brilliant.” – Anne-Louise Rental Artistic Associate Merringong Theatre.
“You are f**king hilarious” – Neil Morrissey Men behaving badly and Bob the builder!
“Brilliantly clever.” – Festival’s Australia.
“The funniest show I have ever seen” You View Australia Adelaide Fringe
“Absolutely perfect”
Karin Rodgers producer Seymour Centre Sydney.
“Not to be missed the show from Kiki Bittovabitsch, with hilarious physicality and a
huge portion of humour.” Hanoversche Allgemeine newspaper
“I’d never heard of her and I don’t know why… she’s brilliant” – Josie Lawrence British
“You are freakin phenomenal” Audience member from Treasure from the Vault- IPAC
theatre Wollongong.
“The MC Shirlee Sunflower aka Tamara Campbell stole the show” – Moers
International comedy Festival.
“The International class physical comedy on display kept the audience laughing and
thoroughly entertained.” – Kiama Independent.