Title: Cookstove Duration: :30 seconds Description: “Heroes Reborn” star Kiki Sukezane introduces viewers to Shell Foundation’s work with impressive startups to develop a new market for more efficient cookstoves that reduce fuel use and harmful emissions for people in developing countries. Cookstove Transcript [Background music plays] Inspirational track [Kiki Sukezane] Everyone has the power to change the world. Not with some superhuman ability [Video Footage] 3rd World footage of family cooking [Kiki Sukezane] But with an idea – like developing cleaner cook stoves, which reduce toxic emissions while cooking [Video Footage] Cookstove being developed in lab [Kiki Sukezane] This work is led by the Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves with help from Shell. [Video Footage] Kiki Sukezane on screen [Text displays] Lower 3rd: Kiki Sukezane/Heroes Reborn [Kiki Sukezane] Helping millions around the world live better lives. [Video Footage] 3rd World footage of family cooking [Kiki Sukezane] What if your idea could change the world? [Text displays] See how we support bright energy ideas / Search #makethefuture on Google / Shell Oil Company