'l^HK G N BAPTTsn\ A. Success. «]}- upon ttio priiitripje cf j o u v fiiily r e t u r n t h e rupt^ire, a n d place tlio rcci.tvlj rncf I; b u t Ibf tliflltfultr liHS iKrcu (6 '.••'uslriict the p r o p e r tn«U>uiufiit. oiuong truiss ijalli, w i i h t h e lower end Mhii)' vfTorla hnve been m a d e <d an|>pi> cltee to a n d a b o v e t h e crass honef»,and thin Ttuiil, but n l l b o u t niivroA!!, miilll t h e outer convex side of It v e r y cIojjo yf'i Ri-ilhi-cit in the Miniatn/: lli<*<lisrovf'r>' »r TOur iasriiloiis roiiiii^ to tin'cxctis^ivf! h a n l l l n u :- i r U i t n r r i i n u b i r n tlK> u>vfll<-ul prul<>«- to the small, hard Uj^.unent outside, ti till" N o r t h , ri'tUiml prices IVir hiluir, •lioii. ns f u r an I CAU I r a m . ft-cl KnllHtlf<t w h i c h r a n lie foinul a n d felt h y the h a i H<> liRv«> t h e u l t i m u t u n i of fii**:ii)ii scatvity of niom-y in tlu»South, 1 trliniiical iilil, lo iii<-«-l (h<> Iii<tl«-ntioiih <>l fing-er. T h e n , with one h a n d , <lruw h:ivf l)i-4'ii'euable<i to n u i k e anmtjc- n InrKC rlaMt oi nnliirni atTprliomi. U}) t h e howels well, whil.st w i t h t h e P4»itTKR. n . u . I! o t h e r you hold t h e hall from rL<in;,'. lui Ills w i t h t h e inniiufactiier of Uu* I cflcbratfil Hoily, liiiek a n d L u n g i T h e followin!,' is a list of t h e ail- T h i s eauMw t h e howels to lie a b o v e lir.u-o, to furnish llHMt at t h e h)\v i>nc't? i m e n t s relievtnl, or i m m e d i a t e l y cure<l a n d on t o p of t h e truss ball, (and not j behin<l it, as in other trus.~«.-s), thus (if to all, u|u>n conditiun that ' !»y the use of the l i r a c e : witliin Oddays aftiT UMn-,' t h e IJraw i ««»«»»ro tu«-j lllHt It€-<llli|-<> SICOllllilt- , forminj^ a " d c a i l l o c k , " a n d makin^r <•»! Support niid to Whom tin- I t m r e I it imjia-svilile lor t h e bowel to e><'ap<'. It i- pronounce<l bv tho.-<e churclHs tilt' wt'arcT'fuVnisha«!rtiliiiit<'statin«: i<t III valuable 7 1 To place this Hraci- pehtre the pub- lluit are u-intc it a ilecided improvcthe iri'iilcniAx or aihut'iit, ami tlu' im-a.-iuivof roliL'ftliat lias htn-n «"xpon-! All pui'lie sjteaki rs a n d sinp-rs, ami • lie, 1 h a v e in t h e last t w e n t y yi'ar^ nieiit in all respei't-" over iill others, lis su lerior features ai-s,— t ' n m l . othiTwi^t- the usual price will (•specially minl-iters w h o h a v e a n y 1 adverlisc<l to the a m o u t of severni I. H s in lai'^'e, nice type. 1.1- fharH:o<l, $rj.;>(t to niin- irritaliility ahout the t h r o a t , or w h o tliousiual dollar-', :ind h a v e impn-ve<l •-'. 11 is on jiaper. i-tcr.-^. l o r the single o r d o u h h - hernia h a v e a n un};o\ernal)le an<l cnu-ke<l I it a n d ma<le it wum- dunthli and (<»/.!. BIh h y m n s are all sound iiml llriee in till (ms'-s f T h e priee In voice, a n d w hose vi«-al e.Kertioiis a n : i((i/t/i\ T h e Mnice with ni\' iiiiprovet I. Diliee in New York is .^ai.oo and succeeded hy liiiii/yr a n d /(i/it/iif, at- ! m e n t s is m a d e for no otiu r peivon in choice. tendtnl l)y ii sense i.f sin kin;f orfiiintin{^ i t h e I nited St'ile-. Here i- the ennl I. I I luLs t h e lari^est collection of lIu.tHI. Kiu.w Im;,' as I tlo the inestiniahle at the stomach, a n d liy wisikness nr I of t h e onl\' m.imifacliirer of tbi- ( iiiiicc tunes. ' I'.race; I. I t has a nice-election of re\ i\ii| V.;lue of t h e Hraeo to e v e r y puhlie aehin)r in the hack. •M'll^. All old pei-sons u l m -.iilVcr f m m spiMker, and sin^terantl to e v e r y mini.ei itll IiilK- %olli-<-. (i. i< ha- the sweete-t colle<'ti()n nl ister most (-.-.pei ially, 1 t a k e thi>i w a y wejik hacks. ThiM to i-«-rlll> i:iiil llir iiii<l<-rMi|:n<Hl All w h o h a v e d u i l pitiii- and a M'n-e 1» Ihf oiil.t iiiiiiiiilii<-liir<-r of lh<> Itiiii- Snnday--cho4>l songs, and more of tin t.i m a k e this rare otl'er of a Hraee for jilii.ui k n o w n to you. 1 k n o w from of opprertsion aliout the ch<'.-t u i t i i , iiiiiK llriii'4*. anil lliaf lli«>No iiiiiii- i -\M etes( t h a n a n y other book, hy the ih./ Miy own experienep, a n d from liie Iimit<-<1 or hurric<l hrciitiiingoil •-li-iil <iri«-liiri-<l for .1. It. <>riii<*M. l.I..I>., nr4' j 7. I t is c h e a p , ' o n l y each l>y mail, post-jiaid. testimony oMHindreils, that it is the excrci-e, accumjtanie'^l l>y -hort coiiuli nia(l<> <ifiri'ri'iil, Kiiil ai-<> niore <liiral>to. ; en si vi'iy mei'iianieal help you need, and in taUintr ii full inspimiiiMi, e-|n < iiill\- iiiKl nil iiiiprovcinoiil ov<-s' (lie pr«-^ent j s. I t i - p u b l i s h e d by our own Soutliw h i r h will not only relieve you from w here tiierc is iiny |Te(li-p«.-.itii.ii in si> It' iioit 111 iiiHrSii'i. M f Ki-ll l<> no ! t rn Uaptist Publication .Soci<.ty,w hich l]u'hill!;.-'. Those v. ho arc in otix-r piirl.v Koiifii of liii- Ohio I t i t c r . e \ e r y Southern l}ai»tist .-hould -up[.n-'i iit siill'erin;jc, hul prolong' your M'-nl lind l.ihors for years. H u n d r e d s ol min- confirmed consumption v.ill r,. « . l»A\K«tf.JTil. piirt. \ \ ' h y - e n d North when ymi i-l.-i-s well n i ^ h , or altogether laid hy, {^re;it n-licf tn the last iiKiiiicnt oflitc, can ^;et a better book at honie? I.I MiinTK I n . i (,nii , M;i\ 1. n o t a b l e to u n d e r g o one fourth of their while if used hetiuienit will elR-ctually [{c'fore l>uyin<x a n y H y m n Hook I publish ihe itbo\ e that all m a y lec usual ridint; or Hueakinf,', h a v e I teen : prevent it. -end for t h e New l l y m n and Tune All w h o arc t m u h l e d wilh italpi thai il they w uiit the Ih'iK'e that 1 ad- Hook, with seven shape<l noti-s, and its use ristoreil to a full use (»f all el li-e |(.f tlic rniri ami all ca-es oi e v a m i n e it. taH(jn ol tlic h(".irt, an<i j^cnmil m i \their powers a n d returmKltofull lalior / , • / ; i l . i l e. .n-ei|ia'nt Weaknerv', ou>ness, or w i t h hysteria, l o w n i o i , with ea.-e to themselves. SMi I III iti.-i <1M M \11|:, they had 1 e.ill y o u r attention to t h e otrer he- spirits, !::lo(»m, etc. I" t i e r - e n d tlieir ordeiv tu nie, or to Tlu^ N e w P s a l m i s t . w ho are <|y.pi«]iti<'; w ho cum cause t h e protracted meetings a r e at •i nie 'iiie li.i-- m y 1// iV/i !•<.mliand, au<i if you aro perfeetly soiMid plain of those dull, draji^'int: p.iin- in iiii'- ii'ii. the abo\ i' IxMik w ithout the Tbivou need help to K w p so. W i t h t h e side, liver and sple en, niul :ii'c<iMiI liiiv ' ini Iieciil ill till- eily, ^nd Its suj>eriority over the ilie Hraee you r a n perform t w i e e y o u r panitKl hy a hcnse of d e a t h l y >inkin<: , belcire voii iiiirclui-e t h r o u g h ' o t h e r imi-ic. Southern IValmist consists in th(> fol tisua! hilior w i t h o u t fatiy;uoand never or ";ronen«--," w hicli are i;i;iteri:illy injure y o u r voiee, never sutler from UKK'"!ivate<l hy exerci-i', or lhe;i.-.sump- plirlie- be -life to rei 111 ire I hem to -how low Mig features, v i z : </, <'omniis-ion 1. Its large, Ixniutiful tyj)e. Our dvsjK^psia, constipation, t h e pil(\s, or tion of tlip erect ito>ture, a n d w hich y.iuii irri//' II, wui from me. a r e al.'-o a t t e n d e d liy a painfid an<l , older b r e t h r e n will apj)reiiat«< this. hernia. H o w p v e r sound you a r e you l^on't tail to a \ a i l yonr-( If of this It can be ilsimI w i t h a d i m light, and di.scouraftiuf^- sense of heavintvys, or i neiHl a Hrace to k e e p so. offer at yoiif nirliini nnirniini''''. T h e lit night. shakinjr, in walkin{,'or riding'. ' 1 invite y o u r attention to Ihc testi<inl>- >reiiiiuin- I can offer i<n ihe reT h e in<iev of fir-i H m s i- al.-o in All wlio are troubled w ilhconstipa- | due. monoy f sumo of t h e "most distin};uL--hI price :ire largv type. ed me'mhers of t h e medical profession, tion, chronic d i a r r h e a , or the W(»r.-t j \ liraee for lo ne\^ -nb-cribei> forms of d y s e n t e r y ; all w h o are hahit- j ;!. It'is scarcely felt in the ixickel : North a n d S o u t h : I at .-J.Tii each, or -SI.'mi cash for e v e r y M-ss i .iKi: \ tin U K in shajie and ually atllicted with colic, and witli I'roiii Moiiiliors of the Mcdioiil I'rof. ssI'm In sub-criber you fail to get in m a k i n g weight. bhH'<linp or hiind piles. l'itt«l)iirish, I'll.: u p yoiir club. All w.io have chronic ]ieritoiiiti-; Viv, tli« iiiKierHiicnrd, hnvliiR nwed lu Any one -ellini,' in liracis al I t Im 4 ii<>ai>«-r. I ' r i t e N5 ctr,, uiir |>ructlt' l>r. ItuniiliiK'MlXMly-Uracc Whoareswa^'-bellied,;ind predi iir itructlce fur (U4> r<'li(>f of CUHCN of simple prolap* shall receive one lor colli 111 l-S-loil. Kiiw iitpri, clirvrrally tiHillfy toltn lM>ln|{ t o r n j ) t u r e of the bowels; a n d alf w ho I. It <'ontains all t h e best h/.ngs of b e a r S i r : If y(ju decide tluU you ilic b<itt liifttriiment bnvc m e t w l t b , a r e afllicted with f e m o n l, in^ruinal, niilill all tlir lnai<-aiioHH r ^ n i r c d In a n d ventral hernia. lui\ e ii'j use for liii- help In prcserrim/ Ihe old I'sidmist, and a ({Vat many Ihv oane. A..WCDWWKSI,, M.D. ;iii< fiii-i, milking'an o|<| one gornl more. v . r . DALK, » . U . All h a v i n g athn'tion- of prostate (I • >. It contains no hym':i.s that teacii or r o t o r i n g l..-t or weak physica JON. V. UA/.ZA.M, M.D. gland, or w h o h a v e a n y affection ol Dower, will you not [dace this circu- baptismal regeneratfori, no songs to Ti oiii .Mi-iiilii'i» i)f the .MihUcuI I'loffsiloii In uriiiiiry hlader, a n d w h("> iire iirtliete«i ar ill the hands of some ntan or dinul sisters, hrothery or babes, and no .saMinniili, (in.; with seminal or genital w e a k i u s s . w o m a n you know to be snUering, invoiiition of a n g e t s . To Or. llnniiiiKf. I»«'ar Nlr:-Wp. r«»l. All w 1k) have a n y s|»in;il alieciion, (Icitl.H or Ibccily orKiivaiiiiab, l i a v f b a i l and do a good dcefl i t is a cheafif r a n d in all resin-cfs I'rtMliiiiiil opiturliiiiily of MitiirNKiiiK w h e t h e r it he irritation, or weakliera better hook ; i-.ri(.>< f.') eta. llio <-ll'<T(<i ol ,v»ur mt-chaulral appll- of t h e spine, and w ho an- aceoriiin;;iy l>IUf:4'ri<»>N l o u .IIKA.SI ItlNti. Hit«-«M, t«p«ciail.v of tlifHody-llracrtund W h e n you onler this, write: a r c «-<ii>viiit*Fil tliat llicy nr<! more re- troubh'd with dull pains between jli'e Take a (ape. If you b a t e not a reen< "K<nid t h e N e w IValrnist without iiturliiible liinii IIIOMC of a n y o t h e r lu- slioulders, or continual w r a n g l i n g Hli-iiii:«-iil »»lii«lJ hajieverlw^'u inventeil liir iiiraKtiriiiK lape-line. nnd ineaNure n o t w . " to rt'lievc t h e |>elviH f r o m UiatuuiiMual a n d g r i n d i n g pains in t h e small of two incheH lli:M»n Ihe lipn of Ihe hl|Hi lirt'Hxiire or t h e a b d o m i n a l orfcanw, hack ami in the hips ; w ho e.vperience a r o u n d t h e abdnnien, and Neud t h e wiilrli seemn to IN< tlie inevitablercMnlt or a relaxiif ion ortliemnNenlarsiM-Htem. coldness, nunibues.s, swelling, varico.so inoaxure 111 IneheN. The BraroH a r e a l l n . K.BORKUroiIN.:!^.!)., veluJ-Sj a n d w eakmtis of t h e low er ex- niai-I(e<l In even nnmber«, and r a n be Mayor or t l i e l ' i t y , t r o m i t n s . Toall w h o h a v e a n y bejir- viilnrced t w o i u r h e N . «-. 1>. ltI(;il.iUI>NU.V. .II.D., (Keven Klia|>e<l .\otM.) i n g d o w n or falling of t h e w o m b , J . N. n o U K K M ^ H.U.. J . I{. CiUAVF>!. A. (;i;A°Aix«iiUA.v. .n.D. or w h o arealllictetl w i l h h-ucorrhwi T h i s little book contuinn all the njusic in t h e H y m n a n d T u n e Hfmk, From Meinbors of llvu Mc«llcul I'roffsslon in t h e Brac'c is s i m p l y invaluable, and t h e only etl'ectual r e m e d y . a n d is dessignetl for Stinday-.school.s. I>uul8vill0i Ky.: Dr. linnntnif: S l r ^ I I a T i n e examined for P n i y e r a n d IU>vival meetings,ami All wejik, antl la.x-lilx'red, children y o u r llo<lyJtri»re, detilirued f o r t h e re- a n d youllw, w h o droop, lean, nnt lier of tlie I'nlnionary, l>lKe«tli-e, r e I>i:AK nic«». UK.1TI:N)- You made m e for t h e f a m i l y . T h e obJ«:t of the iiiale.aud Npinal Hy«lcn(N.a)t vouneeted lounge, a n d cannot e n d u r e m u c h e.\er- a prcKent. Mom« t h r e e y e a r s axo. of o n e editor wa.s t o g a t h e r i n t o o n e book all witti (:4'"<>ral o r u i a a c u l a r debility. It 01 UannlnB'M I^uuk and lUMly Uraee. I {Cl%t>M ns threat p l e a s u r e t o a a y , Ubat we ciso; hut particularly y o u n g girls, just areeple4l a n d kept it for t h r e e y e a r s t h e best a n d .sweeteHt t-ongs a n d tunes deem it a valuable disevveiY, as an a r r l v i n g a t m a t u r i t y , w h o , ifneglected w i t h o u t wrnriiii: It. r a t h e r elattNinir now in a s e , a n d t o r e ect all tliosethat a n c i l l a r y iu t b e t r e a t m e n t o f t l i e a b o v e at t h a t a g e , .seldom reco\ er. Hiifh t h i n s n u n d e r Ihe head of " h u m - inculcate un.«crii)tura sentlmeutfl that and anal«K«UN atllletlouN. I n view of bUKKory." Kceeutly, t h e heavy a n d A l l w h o from hahit or occupation fatlKUlnir elfortn of t h e Centennial, a b o u n d in so m a n y of o u r Sundaythe aiiatnmleai and pbyaloioarical prlnelplit* or ilM ronBtraetion,and h a r m o n y aredlsposiHl to d r o o p ; or w h o an* of q u i t e b r o k e down for t b e first m o n t h . I school book.'j. with t h e n a t u r a l eeonomy of •*"— t h e body, •---•- u delicate frame,.should be sujtportecl eoiieliidetl t o t r y t h e rejected Braee, I t Ihw been a w a r d e d thin praLse: a n d I d o n o t hesitate to testify lo t h e a i N O deem it greatly preftsrable to we aiNO in w a l k i n g , riding,or traveliiig. i n v a l u a b l e w o r l h of tlila Brace. I can " I t containH m o r e of t h o beat ntid any o t h e r devlee Iti use. least t h r e e timea t h e a m o n n t T. N. BEIX, mUU.. A l l porson-s recovering f r o m long enduri^at or l a b o r t h a t I did before w i t h o u t fa- sweetest Sunchiy-Hchool songs than ROUKUN, M.n., a n y o n e book ofFenKl to t h e public; eontlncniont by fever or o t h e r causi'. j o N i i IL .v.n., %V. <•. CiAL'n M.»., rKP o r INC'ItEAHKU n r . a n d , best of all, t h e s e n t i m e n t of t h e I t I N t h e o n l y M c i c u t I f i c S i i o u l W. tu EWIXU. M.D. r o i r r , aud m y physical s t r e u a t b h a s Hongs a r e unexcej)ti(»nablc." tier B r a c e every iiirentetl. been most effleleutly renewed, f would T h e m u s i c is in t h o Hoven shaped not e t e n times t b e p r i c e of m y ti.xtriiot of n Letter from Dr. Duiitol Porter of I n a s m u c h as all of t h e a b o v e ail- Braeet a know and be compelled to dls> notes, w h i c h can b e used as round liowllng (}ri-on,Ky.: lieuse with i t . I most cordially I'ecomI>r. 1:. »*.. Itanuiug:> Dear Blr,—Permit m e n t s m a y bo caused h y t h e dificent ones. I t irt designed for t h o million. itif tn bear to you a n d t b e world niy of t h e internal organ.s, t h e y m a y also mend t h i s Brace to tbose w h o m a y . L e t e v e r y i w r e n l present o n e to each liiiiiible trtttliiiony in behalf of the be relievetl by s u p p o r t i n g t h e back, physically o r otherwise need It.' A. Lorroar, power and eOieaey vf j r s u r Doily-Brace, l'n«tor First Baptliit Chnri'li,Mumpfatj». child. fliKlonicn a« til tlu> irc-atiut u t of a louK Hi* of mala- a n d liftin, ftinfr t h e (ibaonicn a a n y surP r i e e p e r dozen, $4; l)y m a i l 40ct«. dien. to « h i r h both Mwe*arc liable, but geon o u , a n d t h i s Brace is esiiveiallj' ( h e r K S t A U i i m a n y of ireon will tell yyoi All orders will be p r o m p t l y attended t h e only ln.strumeht i n v e n t e d to lift whicti tiiiiln^iieit h a v e lonirB«en rei»rd> BA^'jriNON DRACE.-It la one of t b e J . K. ORAVia. eri (IN (lie " o p p t o b r l e incillcorain" of u p w a r d s . •rreatest of physical bleaalncs to a pub- to. A d d r e s s all orders, w i t h cash, to the pmrp.^sion, and ntlKbt h a v e continlic s|>eaker o r slnsrer. T h e teatlniony ued 10 be M> r«>irarded,li»d It n o t been IIow to Sfeasuve f o r t b e Brace Truaa. of m a n y m i n i s t e r s as to Ita irrcat beii^. W . D. IllAYFIELD, for y o u r I n v a l u a b l e dlM«v«r3r. B a t fit would suritrlse Iboao w h o k n o w Sfll S a i n M, H e n p b l a . Tenn. now, a f t e r a nla-uiontta'a t r i a l of y o u r T a k e anucly t b e n u m b e r of incbes u o l b l n e of It. M. U . rOBD, llraee. In almoat every Tsrlety of cibm, liUltor Chrlstlau Heposliorj-. AuojiU Wanted foronrKcw Hlstflr'S^JS'ii;'' I feel t b e OKreeable aiaaaraiic*, t l w t ir« a r o n p d t b e blpi^ over t b e l i n e n , about have In tliTa I n s t m m e n t a iwireMilcii two Incbtw below t b e t^ps of t h e aide remedy Iter n l i u w n r o p o r t l o B of tlieae bonea, a n d about two Inebes above t b e FEXALES TCBTirr. bcretolterw c e a e r a U y fnetiraM* dla«i> p « l r l e o r Dront cross bone. Mw, f o r whleta a l l limrm b e a r i a lo Nutreriav very mueb'ilrom "Dyapo- YEABSAfiO. I M U i r m i l l g o o n n i M o f ^ fefd lUr ^ e wees of ollram, A o o M be DlreetloBa ft>r F u t U n ^ on t b e Brace iw " aiMl a e n e r a l deUUty—tbe m a U i o f and WJUUe Foei._ BxpUtof a d v i m t t ^ C ^ profouBjQjp l&anknil,MMI t o i S a i Tmsaftir UenU*. p r o t n e t A Utnene, I obtained a n d b a v e clally wlM V t h e n n t b o r of so c r e s t ^ n w w l n y Waniilmw Body a n d boTiMn • bl«aaln|b F o r * l o n a ttnie,or ratber e n t h e t m a s a n d M c b i t a r o u n d lionir Braee. a n d a m aaOaflctf t b e i « l a Aboo&l. alnec tibe u w a mmI Mraetwr* of t b e bn- t h eO pDody, » s h o v i n g t h e hip-bowfi close M BnwMrtar M s a l t o It- • eonll- Jfo competlon. Qiormoua a a l ^ m a n systcui b a v a b e r a well nnderatood, medical m e n h a v e aebnowledcvd t b e do^vn to t h e t i p of t h e h a i m ( ^ bonce, d a n t o O i m a l n l l a r l y aAreted wonid bo wanted m-erywUere. lUtutmted Ifluit'or Mnae n e c b a n l c a l m t a i i to «ct t h e n iie do>vn. dxaw u p t h e f«et, cure- g r e o t l y bcaeflted by Ita aa«. fircc. J.C. McCURDl'iCO. WUara.JUM. . ZVDOBACOLE. (jJreat Keductiou! E THE BAPTIST ll.vmii and Tune Hook. Tho Little Sorapli. Testiiiioniali^. [i OUR >VE8TEEN BORDEB. S t a n d y o iu t h o w a y s , a n d uoo a u d a s k for t h o old p a t h a , wiiioh ai o t h o e o o d w a y s , a n d w a l k t h o r o i n , a n d y e s h a l l And l y s t f o r y o u r s o u l a — ./V' nnui't. Old Series Vol. XXXIII. MEMPHIS, T O N . , NOVEMBER II, 1S7(>. N e w S e r i e s — V o l . I X . N o . 41). r i i E s i ' K K c i i < t r i i u . i,.\.Ni>!:i--; u k i i\-- to ns Ik'c.uisc iiianifcstiv in hiirnioin' w ith, iind in and encroaching on his [jrerogativi' by a course of t'lei pl.tiiily eioliodied in, t h e teaehin;; of ihe New action w hich curtail.s t h e h(!rita;.;e uf his eliuivU i : u K i ) H!:i"i i i n : T i n : h . M ' t i s i i m o n i fstaiiieiil. Some <if n- have received t h e m as and heljis to |>er|»i'tunte the ilarkiu'ss oi" tlif w orld, a t r.rit.MiNtiii.AM, i : n ( ; l \ n i ' W'l; eiinnol witlihoiil this ^ri-.m,! iViiiii the result of our stiidv of till' w onl of < iod at the . \ n g r y passions m a y be e.\eite<l by our refu.ssd to (,iir readei-s, but ow ini; to it.^ leiitrth i for iw ' p o k e cost of relini|nisliine^ cherished beliefs w hich were C o m p l y w ith the w ishes of om- neighbors w lu-n one hour ami a half), we l i a \ e diviiled il ; yet instilled into u- fiMni oin- e:irli(s;t years, ami In they r f t | u i r e us to \ iohite t h e c o m m a n d m e n t s ol iiic!'. diN ision i- coiii[i!ete in itself. W'l- have the s|)iie of prejudices \vhi( h s<sMned almost iiiera<!ii".i- our King, and charges of bigotry m a y freely s i m e errors to fi^rlit here that otir brethren l i a \ ' li|( . Hear. Tlie-e principles c neetl not be hurleil iit us because of our unllhichini: adhereni'e in laiy:liind, — tlie pernicioiis doi-trine of ba|iti-in;il hen iinddst ri"^M'neration. as tiUij^'ht by ail I'eilobaptisi- ami ,i|e, a,v- elleii'lvely |Tes-iie_' on (he notice ofothei-s; to what we believe t " he r i g h t ; hut the din of controversy, or when a f t e r Ihe din has lint must reserve fur ourselves tlie lilierty of r.iiiipbellites. Kciiii ami u-e. Ilnrron.i subsided, the conteialing jiartier?can hear another irreseiitintr t h e m v\ ben orcasii .n -i-rv c s . We cani ll 1. W 1.A I'w.v.-; <M III U w \ l; 1 \ l; 1 . and more a i d h o r i t u t i v e voice, their judfiinent will II )l sii|i]irc>s~ th( i!i t'l ^uil Ihe i-onvctiience of our militai'y niHvcmem.s, a position taken no approve of the comxwe havt' pursued: and thosi* tieighbors; w e cannot e n t e r into eoniiiact to place p i i n unlcs.s it can lie sncf,.:..-fiiily ln'ld anil locality, or fur who have fi'lt most aggrieved liy it will endorvjil 'fended. T h e a b a n d o n m e n t of thai w hich has Iheni 111 iibeyaiice ill a n y liny uiv en t i m e : lhat liberty secured to us, vve an- our di-termination, (he d e t e r m i n a t i o n whic!iai)o.sonce been occupied, or the failure t.i ntilizv it. is ready to unite, in -o fur union is possible, w ith ties cherished, and which, throu;;hout «'very age, ( oiifes..,i<)n of wealines.s, or il implies a wast<' of -ireiiKth; lu Jice, mitil victory i - c o n i p l e l e , e \ e r y oilier d e n o m i n a t i o n - in f u r t h e r a n c e ef those ureat ' has aniniat<sl reformers and h d m a r t y r s to t h e iii'W ail Vance is valued only the basis of futnre end- «liieh in common w e seek to jiromotc. W'e Sl;ike, — " W h e t h e r il Im' right in t h e sight o f ( ! o d . Iieratioiis. riiis is 111.I more true in w a r l h a n il niiitt willi id! Weliever- in free ('liristiiinily in to Ihiirki-n u n t o yon more than u n t o (•'hI, j u d g e in efclesiasiicai coiilrnx ersv. .\ol to niiiint .in seeking the iibenition of reli;i-ion from State ye; for we cannot but speak t h e things which we or to use the position w e h ; i v e t a k e n ; to abaii'lnn palrona;,'e and control; we unite with tin; friends hiive both se<>n and h e a r d . " [Cheers.1 uM! I KSTl .vioN V Nl'I liKIl. it openly, or steallhil.v to ihuiuce our trround. of cviiiigellcal truth, w h e t h e r in or out of the Never was then- a time in ll»" historv wf {h«church, in rc.sisting the encroachments of I'opery wouKl be a confession that we had taken it up in u b a t e v e r forin ; v. e unite with ('hristiaiis of; church when our principles re<iuired to K- mon> without sufhcient foresit;ht_, and found it im^clically unt«'nable. l l a v i n j ; no such eoiife-sion to (>very niime in s,H k i n g the conversion of the : distinctly enunciated us an a n t i d o t e to prevhiling make, either tacitly or by a v o w a l ; not iiuendlnfr w o r l d ; we will unite with our felhiw-citizens ofall i (>rrors. We se<'k (he evangelization of our (.fjuuto beat a ri'treat, or to ntcal a w a y wilhont iittract- shade.- of reli-ioiis belief in seeking those reforms j try more t h a n the sjiread of our principh s [ I I « j r J ; inj^ t h e notii'c of our opponents, it -e<'ms to nie in t h e State w hich are ( on<lucive to national w e l - | Imt in all mir efforts for this eiul, we ure <'oiifrontitl that t h e best i-ourse 1 can adojit w ill be to m a k e fare: bi:1 vve cannot siipjiress, a n d we ought not I with a gigantii' and g r o w i n g hindnnu-e, v.ith f,niod, nofwithstandiny: that it ha- been so fiercely to be asked to -nppres- for Ihe sake of uidon, the which \\e are comjH-lled to deal w helher we will iissailKl, the g r o u n d taken in m y i>revious addre.s.s, priiieii'les w hich <li-tingui-h us from all otheis. or not, and to which our prin<'iph's are t h e most .^nioii'; t h e and e x h o r t to t h e action which is it.-, lufiieal out- It is worse than iiUe tn tell ns of th< ir siindl inijior-I natural and effective antagonist. come. In other words, wc l i a \ e n n f u r k d our t a n e e ; !o i v p i i - - ret;re( lhat so small a thin;; as i hiiulrances to the spread of the g<>spel an* not b a n n e r ; and it is not onr intention to lower it, or the v\.iter -hnuld -epund"' lis; w<--olcinnly believe I only the worldliness of the )d>;her and the ignoto let others snatch it from our Knisp. To that that our course of iictioii i.s .'eiined for us by t h e j ranee of the lower r a n k s ; the speenlative intidelity which•• has bi-en imbib'.il by ihe' few,, a n d banner we metin to cleave, fiilling u n d e r it if conimaiidmeiit of oin Lord. Thos( v\ ho t h i n k it . -.oil.. neces.sary, but h a n d i n g it, ai vsc fall, to those wiio, is only the \v,i|er that -e)i!irates ns hiive, inde<Hl, j the jiraclicid infidelity which taints Hie happier t h a n ourselves, shall bear it o n w a r d lo reasf.n to be ashamed of ihe .separat ion [ li(>ar, and but t h e elalMtrate system of sapcrslilii^e snccefsHive h a t t h s a n d t r i u m p h s , until t h e last con- laiight •ri; bnt il is not so with us; we have not has re<-enlly spriiiig ui>ainr<nj,'U.S. Tn'- i,,^ a d v a n tlict h.-is hcK-n w a g e d , a n d t h e final victory won. the lilierty <if tho-e w ho believe that one m o ( h ' o f ! tage of the shelter atibrdeil to it b ' . | , j „ d i|,c ramu ith ii In t a k i t i g t h i s stanil, 1 a m aetuateil, 1 trust, by no bapti'iii i- lis ;:ood a - another, and that though j parts of that chc.rch w hich liU'' in.j.,, i'rote.«t;tnti'm," a spirit of ob.stin:u-y or c o n t e n t i o n . Were 1 con- beiievei-s an- (iroper subjeet.s, it m a y be nilminip- fine irony, " ( h e bulw-iiVvinced that a n y other course would prove more tereii to others iis well: and If Is not from us, but Kystem of forms a n d <.,iremon!ef< ha- risen into ti-seful, that conviction would suHie(! to d e t e r m i n e from t h e m , t h a t the cessions should come w hich i «.\lstence, w h i c h . ',|,ough it takes the niiuie of j s as m u c h lltt^'d to <-onceid t h e m y preference. 1 c^tn see, however, at the jiresenf are neccxsary fo m a k e us one. (Cheers.J Our f h r i s t into It.s j u n c t u r e n o t h i n g which w e m u c h need, or convictions m a y be errone.ius, Imt while t h e y a r e ! w:iy of saJVation front an h u i u i r i n g soul as th<! which o i n p r o v e m o r e beneficial in Its influence, o u r c o n v i c t i f i n s , to ask us to sU)»i.res.s t h e m (1 say | worst JTiummericw of the church of Uoine; and than a clear a n d general u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e atti- it solemnly, as in the sight of fJod) is an instilt to „ o t only to conct«iI t h e t r u t h , but to renflc r m e n tude, w h i c h , as a d e n o m i n a t i o n , it iH^hooves us to t h e a i r i s t i a n consci('nce, t h e i)ffei-ing of w-hicli i s j i r . i p e r v i o i i s to its influences hy instilling into ii„,5r , „ i u d s t h e delusion that they a r e Christians asHume t o w a r d other hodicss with w h o m wo di^irc i n c o m p a t i b l e with m u t u a l resptvt and e s t w m . TtcX'Tit nr.t^oitr, c o n v e n i k n c k . to co-operate on t e r m s of m u t u a l f r i e n d s h i p anf! alreiuly, and Christians pnr e.vcell<in'«', by reawrm ^•ste<'m, w i t h o u t a b a t i n g one tittle of our j u s t Tiie obligation lo testify to w h a t we believe, of t h e i r strict a t t e n t i o n (o o u t w a r d oltservanc(^. claimH, or Hacrilicing o n e iotji of the? principles w h i l e it m a y be felt to be m o r e w e i g h t y in propor- [CluH'rs.] It is lanientiible, a n d a .sad testimony w h i c h it is o u r niiBslon to m a i n t a i n ; a n d if a n y tlon a^ t h e t r u t h s we hold are fitted to affect ( h e j t o t h e ignorance of t h e f u n d m n e n l a l t r u t h s of word of m i n e can help t(j such a n undor.atanding, vital intere-fs of t h e k i n g d o m of Christ, is an obli-i C h r i s t i a n i t y in w h i c h t h o u s a n d s h a v e Imm'U a n d e n c o u r a g e m y b r e t h r e n to t a k e t h e i r proper gation from which we ctinnot alinolve ourselycis, allowe<l to grow u p b y a clum!h emlowed b<'yoiid place a n d p a r t in t h e i r advocacy f>f the great a n d with w h i c h neither tuir frlendsljip for, n o r tUjy other in ( ' h r i s t e n d o m for tlu? purpos(« of trutliH w e hold, 1 shall h a v e reason to t h a n k GcmI our dread of, others can be allowed t o I n t e r f e r e : ,iDstructlng t h e m , t h a t such ttliildish follies a.s a r e for t h e servict! h e has enabled m e to r e n d e r to t h e It ari.ses out of fnir relation to Chri.sl a.s t h e only now in vogue should lind iwceptanet; a m o n g tlie T h e r e a n ; h u n d r e d s of cause w h i c h I love. Lord of t h e conscience, and is involveil in our l)eoplo of E n g l a n d . churches In our land in w h i c h puerile processions OUR POSITION BKIMNEn AND nKFEXnKD. fidelity to t h e t r u t h , a n d our d u e regard to t h e best and iK-rformantxw t a k e place that a r c simjjly an interests of others. T h e welfare of t h e bmly of Our pTOition .i.? Bsiptis'ls is nece.'!>jarily agresslve; a f f r o n t to t h e intelligence of t h e ago. T h e childish not o n l y t o w a r d tho great mass of evil w i t h w h i c h Christ rc'iuires tluit w h a t s o e v e r tnitli h e hits m a d e k n o w n to a n y m e section of t h e kody phould not noni^-nse inculcated in t h e m , a n d vuluetl h y t h e i r w o a r e s u r r o u n d e d ; not only toward ecclesiastical p>*Htcm9 w h i c h b y t h e i r sui)en?titions suhv'^'rt t h e be monopolized or conccalcd by it, !)Ul publL^hixl Incumbents, m a y bo Inferred from t h e fact t h a t gospel of ChrlHt; b u t also, t o w a n i o t h e r hoditM of for t h e c o m m o n g o o d : t h e propo:^al to suppress it, t h e c h a i r m a n of t h e Church U n i o n , a t its m e e t i n g Christians w i t h w h o m , notwitb.standlng our differ- f r o m whatev(!r m o t i v e , w h e t h e r from con-sidera- in L o n d o n a few m o n t h ago, coultl m e n t i o n , a s a ences, w e desire to l i v e iu l o v i n g fellowship. Our tion of exi)ediency or of convenience, is a lrespa.s8 sign of progress a n d a g r o u n d for c o n g r a t u l a t i o n , g r e a t a i m is t o b r i n g u revolted world i n t o a stiife ugainst tho h i g h e r a u t h o r i t y , a n d a violation of tltat "veetmentB w e r e ascd in a b o u t t h r e e h u n o f a l l e g i a n c o t o o u r k i n g ; b u t wn h a v e al.^o to t h e most sncred right;^. Huch a proposal, t h o u g h tlred churches in E n g l a n d . " A s If Christianity a i m — i t ' i s a p a r t of o u r mission as a s e p a r a t e it m a y at times b e tlioughtleesly m a d e in tho .«up- w e r e a m e r e t h i n g of d r a p e r y , this t a k e s a promid e n o m i n a t i o n t h a t w e should a i m — a t p r o m o t i n g poaeti intercuts of p a r t y , a n d tho refusal to c o m p l j ' n e n t place a m o n g t h o tilings w h i c h a b o u t f o u r t e e n a m o r « complete obedicnce to Christ In those w h o w i t h it be a n g r i l y resented, c a n n o t l o n g b e per- t h o u s a n d of c o m m w l c a n t a i n t h e church of E n g a n a l r e a d y h i t loy»l subjocts. W e lK>ld o u r dis- 6l9t«d in b y Christian m e n . On calm rBflectlon,; Jond, o v w t w o thoiwand <jf t h e m d t u v y i u m , Tfitb tinotiVtf j u l n c t p l w , trhicli n e e d n o t b« diifincd; our opponent.-^, w h o blnme us for our olwtinacy, a thousand m o r e ouf»ide t h « Chureh Union, an# and a r e nlone i n h o l d i n g t h e m . T h e y a r e d e a r j will see t h e d a n g e r of ustirping t h e i r Lor(rsi plact, bandoil tc«etlier to p r o m o t t 770 sntKADOr KITl AM8.M .VXH 3A«. Kt! UU I A I The evil of ihe systoni lies in lhi«, thiin u lu-thc-r , i HH.' inan Wlu, puilcHi lights of the eburch illteen vear« over the river into T ^ iiitentioiially or not) nic. an|. d to idcotitv i • ^-''^ristiana mid noii ,, . . • •• •• I" !iu;iiiiiv < H J 1 1 tnui IIHT ousl(."hristiaiiity with outward mvuionii^iosl,,,.I ofu ' " " ' ^ ' ' ' ^ f ' " 'J'" admit that tl.e bu-i l hnstiaiiity with outwan! itin-uionit^^ iiisU'ad ofii state of tiio iK-art toward God. Embraced umow^ LA^..! nim.,ellinf,'ISI,inful, and „ot only MO, but tho Ju ym^.ting.and the church rc-viv •tfi doctrinw, nnd lying at ILs fouiuiation, is tlu- that i£ IS .iLSfrract-ful, and xv hat admitt«! bv all McMullen fc. much Moved bv the church „ . Davi.s Creek c lua-l Ju^s ' r , 'logina of regi-iieration iiy tho porformaiuv of n n m l not be pruvc<l or oven arguo<i. Then ifU is community. Mnfnl, and even di^<gmceful, for a man to engage Sunday-sc-hool; she reciulres her m«,e n ^ foremony oJi an uiiconwiou^ hubo, !iiid''<^(.nsisU iti the businc-s of dnim-t^ellins;, Buch a man ought attend her conference, meetings; «he a^c^scH < !itly with this throughout, it attaeht-s iiuportaiut' ti) what is done for a man by the priest, hwtcad of not (o iK^IonK' to a chnn-h of Christ; nnd all will -nnu^r. in proportion to iUeW J u Z T ^ , ^ : iKlmil tiiat if HucI, a man u mombor of a ehuroh goods 0 support the pastor and the cause of ' dirwting his uiinrl from rviTytiiinf,' thee.verd«c. of ,si,nplo fai\h, he oxtfni.ii, mav ,.n't tliat hi !'; <.iij.rbt' l„ "'y l-'otber. ,,„( ,n„. xvejj „„w, n'.v brother' M.O wdl exclude one of her memben. or s i trust in Christ alone; h h.. it^ n a t u i i . ' o S n • ^ ^^ -tho hnbit of whiskey, or for drunken.K.s; Hh<. is str c^. ' the ordination K..rviee,wherein*a<:.li.,nanioNKU-b ^ 'In.m-shop, and patronizin,; the Iwr. carrying out the law of Christ in manv . „ from Kpiseojml hands en.lows man vvitb lb.- i , V f " ' " ' " ''' ' 'TU-ouraKoment Umn some Iia,Hist cburcb,^ tbat i bavJkn w^ Ib.lytihost, and -ivc^s him pow. r t„ b.-nr eun- ' ! " i the commission of his nin, The County-line church, in a mile an.l a 1 ijn^iii to lo be oe Ilnrtwell. ba.l a protracted-meetingofo H- u ^ r.s.sion, and >;raut alw.lntiuii ;o tbe p.,or J " ' ' • " I ' ' , b e , and ,us he onjjht who pour into his ,ur tl.e lal.- of tl.elr sin. ;n.d li.rne,l uul ..f ,be cbnrcb, s„ ought yon: v.ai have Bt-o. McMullen bad tbe help ..f Mi-etb. F e ^ . , -orrowi^; it malces (^bri-tians of nn,-.,HM i,„idisgra.vd y.Hir pr..f...s.sion, ami are unworthy the North ()<x,rgia, an<l Thornton at this m m ni^^ when priestly hands sprinkle a few drop-.,[ Wittrr iHl.ti;.,). In patronizing a man in tbe liro. \ ernon preacb.-<l two s. rnions als.,- u i t ..n their foreheads, and pri-stly lip- pron.Uimv '••""""^Hion of a sin. i. e., selling wbiskev. von pcNons were bnric.l ii, water by Uro. m A u Z , over them the wonN of the baptismal servire- l.y ••re n<.l .b.i,,.,. tbe s. rvice of (ied. bnt are'in'thr at the close oI tbe meeting; showing lortb to tb. Ibo eoremony of eonseeralion, it . ban,'.^ ,,'i,,.e MTVin oni,,. l,,.vi|. ^u,u tb^ enemy of(fod, and woHdtbeirdeatblosin.an.l their faUb in tl.oivr,,ie yen are an en.-my to (;o,l, a,„| ought "t bread and a cup (»f wine into tbe l.,,.!y i,n.| A go,K niany .Inging-sc bool. u ere being taugbl "•l-nKtuh..chnrch. No drnnkanl shall blood ofonr Lord, and oders these on tli. ..har •n tbe villag.., an.l in country cburdu.: p rl "•iilvr Ibi' kiiiu'doiii nflu'aven." a saerillee for the sins of tbe worUl. Si;, !, is or,^ms were u.ed in connc.-tion will, tbe seboo J « ill no. aimndonibe habit am ar,. being introdnce.1 int.. (be Snndav-seb.-oi inlluonee, that it has drawn hundre.1. jm,, p, and made thousands more Papist, in < v i iyibit'iK '•r vi.uinK Ih, .li-am-sl.op, ,he ebmvh must-it and cbiircli service. II,„„ ..xeln.l.- (be olfendini: i-ut tho name, rimlinj,' its W v h, ("be MT- <•=••• do noil,MlnAI-TI.ST l-AI'lUW. lllfllllliM-, vie.-s..ftheebnreh, it has entrcn< !u-d iiM lf tl,,.^,. Sevenil minisl,-.-s their d„ire („ t.^ke l-'t i.roiV,M.r- nt reli-ion <-ither livo like Chris•'•(> that it eannot be <lis|odKed. but thn-Mtcn-- i,, liiK liAi'-nsT on account ..fits sound doetrine in lake po.s.sr-.s.sion of the entin' eeele-iasij.-a) r„hiir '•^•n-o.i;;bl or.|...,,„i, nn.riuircl.: do m,t act the .il.l" sentim...Us; they seeni-d to regard it as bypoenl. , lor tbal evidence of kinand now employs (be ebureb's r.-v,-,,,.. a,..! I ^ t pap..r m th.. Woutb or Xortb; tbe sl.ip uiih tlu. |.,.xii. re.M)urce8 in doing tbe work of her fo,... v, n,,. J^apM Mas highly spoken of also bv diirerent l-oiiisiiina, \(.\rinl.r.r, IhTC. antii»odes, its emissaries, "drr^vsefl in a litll.. I.ri. i naptist.. Baptists do not read half eiuiiigh 1 nn!| authority," are playing their 'TantaMi. trj.-k. in most cmnumities. ,Soine Maptist.s I find \ !srr TO (iKOHiJiA. before high hcmven" in a manner M.m< i..„tiv t«k.ngl..voortbn.M.oliti«,l papeo., but no reliTU< .N, the tn.in a, Hloun. Springs, Ala., on ludicrous to make angels weep and demon, -o.il," gious paper: when they are ask.nl to take a relifor Hart and Elbert trying to undo in a day the evangelist!.u" tl'o l.tb ot .Inly, I gious i.aper, I hey say that they are not able if wbieh men of faith and pray<T leive toji.-d („r '"""tas. ( rops in sigi.t of th.- railr.wd scK-meil to bristians love the cans., of Christ as th..v shoul.l ball a eentury; at lu.me, owing el.iedv t.. tbei bcpromi-in.,., I,-,! !:,»,.r than tbev were in M,,. they will love tbe brethn-n, an.l will love to IK.U' manncT In which it apiwals to liie cleri.-.d' in-f in-t ' It.iina. fn.ni the cburdu^s: tbc-y will love to atten.l IIAHTWKF,!. AM, ICT.HKKTON. and gjatifles tho love of power which .listin-aii^be,' church-nKx.tings, an.l be a,.tive in pnmiotin- tl„. prosperity of Zion. the.-Ia^s, it .s,,r«„iing like a virulent contagion ;, HarUu-Il i. a l>ean!if„l vilhi-e i„ . .r^'r? or i,sT,...,.:| heauhy locality, and is th ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •OMMl-NION. V ions; ts prlents conspieuoas in semi-Popi-h <-'">"ty; Kbi. n. Tin.rnton rt^idw Vthis vilWe I find those who claim to IH> Baptists in everv attire which ought to be hateful to Engli.b eve-. 1 h>.Sism in h.s his .seventy-fifth seven, v-lifti,year, and still preachcs be and to the eyt« of all free and intelligent im-n ^ylth posyer, and has a strong voice. Elberton, community almost, who will say that "1 am a move about your streets, and force their prr>ten- the connty-seat of Elbert county, has improve< Baptist except in clo.se-commnnion: I do not si^ons on public notice; it« literary organs ri.lieule somesinco the war; it is a to« n with good church beUeve in that." The peculiar views of Haptists the eccleslastkal and defy tho civil authoriti.«.- and school advantages, and fine society; a niil- aro 1ms understorxl on this point, both in an.l out of the Baptist family, than any other Bible doc and while, in the arrogance of its pretensions it ' " V " ' arrogance 01 its pretensi..ns, it roa.! ha.s l,een from Htv tn hVi roa.l ba.s graded Toccoa City to this trine. I do not like to see or hear of Baptists rivnla nr t» .. ' nnH , E v a n g e l i c a l , ! P'a^-. " -llstance of abcait fin/X ' i L Vrm c.YCepting or canceUing out any of God's truths or d sheartened and demorali...d, i.iterest has gone ,lown n S ^ r t on ^ ' i commands. Those who walk after tbe flesh can , arty, . , • .kean ^ „ army , '-••t^vumu 'leinoraiizeu, ! hidt« hidt^ it8 itH diminished head, and makes piteoiL^ niteoa: I ol ™ ol exclusive c.vclusi ve cott<^n cott<^„ grr.wing, „and shipping of corn, be iberal In the things of the fl«,h; >,ut those who api)eal.«! for heli» to the members of other denomiwalk after the Spirit miwt mind the things of the nations. Spirit, keeping the commandments of Christ[TO BE CONTINUED.] I'NION-MEETING. "ye are not of this world." etc. To those ol>eI had the pleasure of attending a union-meeting dient ones were Christ's ordinances committed. New Market, Ala. JOHN A. WILEY FOOD FOR BEFLECTIOX. at Henry s churcli on the fifth Sabbath in JulyIt wa.s a union of churches of the Baptist faith the communication of Bro. and not participated in by the different denomina' MINISTERIAL SUPPORT.* IvellLs M THK BAPTIST of October 2l8t giving an tions, which is the ca.se with meetings of this VOUR COMMITTEE'S REPONT. account of the session of Bayou Macon Aasoeianaine sometimes; Eld. G. Campbell preached the OF THK many things requiring your eani«,t tlon appears the following language: " I t is a burning shame upon our churcht« that the United mtroductory sermon from the Scrli.ture " Ye are and prayerful consideration to advance our blesso<l >riead8 of Temperance liave accomplished more S r - " . , commenced Redeemer's kingdom in tho bounds of this A.ssolor tins glorious cause than we as Christiaas have exhorting the last fall that I lived in Geonna,- ciation nothing, in our judgment, stands para<Ione." Sad comraentarj'I humiliating acknowl" the most effi- mount to that of ministerial support: " the laborer cient ministers in the SnrepUi A8S(K;lation. Elds fa wtrUiy of his hire.'' When we look over the edgement 1 yet is there not foundation for the I. H. G<m, Stevens, B. Thornton, J,u,. McMullen, field, white<I with harvest, and find so few laborew remark? Alas, yos: my heart Is often made to Jiche by the hearing that some dear brother Is \ ernon, and Gipson were prt^ent, an<l took part i^ our blessed lK)rd'8 vineyard, it is alarming eojitraeting the dangerous and pernicious liabit of in the ddiberations. Eld. Gn«on Is one of the The cry of destitution from this vast and fertila vIsiUng and patronizing the drinking-saloon: and rising ministers of power and strength of East fie d looms up from almost every church and sometimes I hear that a dear friend and brother Georgia. The proceedings of the union-meeting neighborhood within our bounds. What is the has bwn Been on his way home in not as sober a were inter^tlng and instrucUve. One resolution cause of this great dwtitutibn? is a question that rendition as church-membere ought ahva\'s to was adopted, ari^^ in the midds of aU thinking Baptists. maintain, and that a reproach has been brougl.t l ^ t i 'f •" « ^^f'^l'^ture of Georgia to pass A law What plan that will be feasible can M e adopt, as a on the cause of Christ; and oh how my h ^ r t prohibiting the sale or manufacture of spirituous denomination, to supply the destitute, and dispel ach.sl I fear it Is too true; that dear brother did iquors within tliree miles of any Baptist church ^ e gloom that hangs like a paU over tho poor not call on me when he was liust in town; and in that Is not already incorporated. Christian who is thirsting afU^ the water of life fact, recenUy he has almost given methego-bv for himself, and for poor sinners with whom ho is IlEVlVALg. u lien formerly, when I knew he did not drink I attend^ two churches under the pastorate of surrounded? This Is a seriou., question, and one he always called on me. ' Bro. Jas. McMullen, where they had revival- that has engaged tho pons of our best writers withA nd now, Bro. Graves, I want to say a word to meetings. I was born at one of these churches in out coming to an agreement. Brethren, there is ri.y brother who is in the habit of patronI;5lng thefeUof 1860, during which meeting there were plan that seems to be both feasible and practicadram-shops. There Is a principle in law tliat over one himdred and twenty peraons bom Into ble, which we submit for your consideraUon, as whwver counsels, oids, abets or encountgw a man the k ngdom of Christ: Bro. B. Thornton was at well as for the consideration of all the churclies In the commlaeion of an oflBsnse is just as guilty as thrt time pastor of tJie church,-Davis Creek, and composing this Association: this plan, if acted (he man who leaUy commit, the offense; or in Eld. Stevens asiisted in Umt great nnival. ^ o s e upon, will bo found both easy and cheap, and will other words, whoever counsels, aids, abets or Who were young conycrta when I left that church oncoumgw tnotiwr to ahoot and kUl hia fellow- ^ now, mmy of them, deacons and acUvemem^'"tl'W ol«k fonrart « copy ort1i« A»»o<5l»tlon on mlnlal«rliJ •npDoit bew; the old memben, who wore active, and the rS'SJi 'T'^WS* and roqnert himU>MblUh tbiSSeta Aiu jwruT: X. M. HVVUOhLAWA. T H E B A - P T I S T . 7 7 1 enable the very pooreit member of the cluircb to i should wait to prcacb the go.?pcl t ill all are united After divine service the meeting wa^ colled to aid in the .support of their pastor, whi.-l. will be as to what the gaspel embraces. Some iinptist.-. order by EM. I). IJ. Burt, and pernumenllv orgaugratifying, and not burdensome t.. any. Our I seem to forgr.l tbat we are a peculiar i-eoplo, nnd bv tbe eln.li..n of Bro. 11. II. Burnett inodAsiiocmtion claims eighteen churches: not one'Ve cannot wait for otheiN to do right. If others orator, nnd .Tno. A. Oden, secretary. of these lias a parsonage. If a strange minister I will not we musl. After a cjill by tbe mwlerator for nus.s<>tigers) K^ipondrt to a call )iiad-'liy any wronrcluuvhe-. IK- Oii-lit the .-N II.LIINV, U, H-VISFTI •.' Lloartiie repn.>senting tbe various churebcs, the .same having baa no tlxed home lo settle bis fa.iiily in : he h.-w oj.inion of miM tbe most distinguished men that reporttHl, at once pr0<'0«le<l to business In re;;ular either to rent a house at high lH)ar<l bim- have gniccd liio Ciiristian ministry. Episcopal: ..rder. self and family, or move into some outhouse, or Benjamin Konnicott, D.l)., Canon of Christ church Visiting brethren inviteii to seaf.s in the body. cabin, that Is not lit for the common laborer to I Oxford, says: '•(Jre:il Improvements miglit now I>SAYS. occupy. This cramps your minister, and maki^s bomade, bwsiuse the i I. brew and (ireek Iaogui:g{«< Brotherly l.ove-Bro. B. F. C«)urlney. None, him feel as if he was not at home, an.l the first have been nuich cnltivati-d, and are far better nn- on account of unavoidable absence. ctdl that is made to a new tlold, be is ready to derstood siiic.> the year Kjno." HishopSouth says: History of Infant Baptism—Eld. W. c. Morerespond in hope tbat be will belter bis condition '-The impr..venuint.5 r.f wbicb it is capable are land. None, owing to physical inability. temporally. Our chuFcb(>s are so situated that it i great nnd mimberles.".' Aniiiony liliuk»\alisayn: On motion^ to continue Bro. K. C.airlney and would be convenient for one minister to supply "Innumerable instances might be given of lanlty J'^ld. W. C. Moreland, on the snbjwt pn.vionsly from two to three cJiurcbes; (me of tb(.se churches, transi:itions of the .livine (original." a-isigned them. Adoj.twJ. with some n.ssistance from tlie ..tliers, would be I're-;l)yferian : rmf. < ieorg(. (V.mpbf.n says : " 1 After a lengthy an«l spirited di..<cussion, piirticiable to build a parsonage; l.H some good brother foun.l lour bundred i rnnx in K ing Junies's ver- jiated in by many, tbe cause of Sabbatb-scbools who owns latnl near his chnn h donate five or ten -ion of Matthew MIOIV.. ' .lanics McKnlght sayr-: \ \ ibi nobly maintaine.l, and it.s banner borii'. aloft acres for bis p:istor's honic; tli. n let the churc!: or "Jt li liy n.) ]ur;ni-i '«urh a Juyt rL'uresc.ntalion of to Iriumphanf «ucci.ss. churches that agiH^e to unite for this pnrpo-o the inspire*! uriginal as niorit- to he implicitly On motion, that il is theseiisvof this meeting, adopt some plan to have a neat cottage-house relied on for determinin;,.- tiie .•ontroNci ted ariicl.^i that it is the duty of all churfhes to have Sabb.ithbuilt according to ta.ite, with cheiip but n«it out- of tho Chrislian faith, and for i|nieting the disx.'ii- schools. The sanii^ unanimou.xly adoptwl. liouses, stable, crib, h(jrsi^lol, garden, and a small sions which have r.'iit the clnirch. " On motif.n, lliat the members comprising this Held for a truck-j.atch and orchard; then say to Lutheran.: llev. i)r. I'ortcr -ay-: '•Ther.> i> Dislricl me(.ting go to work zealously to wbiblisb your i)ast6r, here is your house, conse(.ratt. your- evidently a growing conviction tiiat the time iia.'' and maintain Sabbath-schiH.ls in their re«p(.clive self to tbe ministry, do your whole fluty, visit the come when there slionid be a thorough revision of churches, rnaniniously adopttnl. si..k, comfort the broken-hearted and distnvsed, the common English MTsion of the Bible." Hev. Si'rmon Sabbath II o'clock a. in.. Kid. II. /.. uiimonlsh tbe wayward, go forth in your labors of I'liili]. Seli;ilf, D.I).,-ay-: " No yood .si holar will Ardis. .Matt. .\.\i. ii:. love, and we will supjiort you; here is your gar- tleny tliat it might be gn :\tI,v it:iprow ,I n-loclearI'liiKiitAM.MT: roi! Ni:.\-T .\ir:i;TiN<;. don, work in it for r(.creati<)n; here is land for a UP:-.s and :iccnra( y." i:i<l. I). 11. Bnrt. to preach th<> II o'clock sertruck-patch, j.lant such things as are essential for Metbo-liHts: .lohn Wesley, in hii J^^'vised Tes- mon on Wn'ibatb. table use; here is your orchard, bdce c;»r<'of it, tament, in one chapter of the Ai t-, inaile «^(.\ ent \ KSSAN s. and prune your tr(H.s, a little manual labor will be two ch:inges. Adnm <'Inrk^ says: •• I mil sili-fied B r o t h e r l y Love—Bro. 1 . Coiirtney. good for your health; then let ^lome brolher that it I T \ ing .lanic-i'-; \ |.rsi.in; -t;iivl- niiii'ii in nceii oC History Infant 15apti-m KM. \V. •More h:is a surplus horse put one in tbe lot for his p;is- revision." land. tor's use; let others jnit a couple of cows, a few But everyboily know- (hat all tlie preailiurDivine .M*.<Jialion Ibo. 1". Tliomp^on. hogs and sheep in tbi- lot; l. t otlu.rs put from live thinlc King.lnme-'s x.'rsioii need- ri'vi-in-, !'• r il <'hristian Co-openition -I'Jd. .L A. Walker. tf. twenty bushels of corn in tbe crib until tli..y S.K' they read. comm..nt "p prf'acli tiiey r< vise. < )iir On motion, which wa»imanimously ailejited, for their pastor bfls|)!enty; it will then only remain j.ulpitsnre mride the jilac; -- v, hore cndlc.-v cliange.^the s(.cretary to forward a :>ynoi'sis of the proceedto complete tbe outfit for tbe ilear good sisters to are made from King .lanies's tran'-lalioe.. Of this, ings of thir- nie(.ling*t<) Tm. BArnsr, at Memunite and send a few cbi(.kens, turkeys, ducks, thank (if)d,tbi. peopU ha\egrov. n weary, nnd onII }>his, T(.nn., for publication. The m<.eting then geese; etc.; then sjiy to their pastor's wife, sister, for a perfect rev ision, or that tlie pn--;i.nt ^Oiall be adjourned to meet with the rellow..ibij. church, on take care of this poultry, and you will soon have let alone. aiturday before the (Ifth Lord's (lay In .Ajiril, 1.V.77. enough for use whenever you want any. It might Now we iwd a r. Ni--i()n w iio shall make it? U. 11. Bi NNETT, Moderator. sometimes be more convenient for some of the The Ai:i(>ri.s!ir. BiMe rnion proposes tlnit all who .iNO A. ODKN. Secretary. brethren to furnish flOur, moat, sugar, coffee nnd love the pure won! r f (iod shall do this. All, all other necessaries for family use than to furnish are invited. Ibit '•npiio.-;. they will nut join, w hut TlMBrTK OF IlESFECT. money: all these are necessary, and are equal to then".' Musi Bajjti-Jts trlvf. to tlie peojile an nnI'rairi.. (Jrovc < hurch, Pniirie Co., Ark., i money. Let your dcacoos, or a conimiltee of faithfiii translalion hfcaiis" otbeiN will not j<iin September I'-'l, ls7<i. i good business men of tho church, with your pas- them in giviier a f:iii!ifnl ont 1 an-^wer, No. tor's a.s.slstance, estimate tbe amount of money it We onn no nior'' do I hi> t lain v.c can ail lo proacb l)ied at hi«. r.^siilence in I'rairie eomity, Ark., on will require to clothe your j.ast.n- and f:miily, and a puregt.spel till all lliedcnominalion'-join usin it. th<. 2iith da.\ of .Inly, ls7t!, K. (i. Li:i; ag(.d lifly to meet other contingent exi»enses. It will only llcr;. then is our, work to cin nl.ite th« be-t ver-i.»n years. Dejitii enters all bom(.s: of the rich an.l tlieiioor, require a small amount of money to make your wo eaii make or gi't. If any one w ill point ont a of the high and the low ; and a?^ tbe re<|ui.'m of pastor's heart light nnd happy. Visit your j.as- single eiTv/r in our H.n-i^ed Tc -tiuiient w e promise departed hopiw is still -ounding in mournful mnrtor; show him tbat you love and respc^-t bim; as faithful men to rorre'-( il. \\> ^tand pledged mers in the dealh of our mu.'h beloved brother, give him that honor that is due his high nnd to the people to do the v.'ry best we can to giv.. and worthy dcacon c.f thi.s church, we ar.; forccil exalted position; let confidence .and love be tJsem in good English th(> wimle of (iod's word, to exchiim that death, the fell destroy..!', saw li«» mutuual, and only engage a purfrininded, God- nothing more, nothing !e.<-;. Now, my brother, was a shining mark and rlaimed bim as his own. loving preacher. Should il become necessary lo y.ni are asked to engage in this work, the gre:ilt.st W<. f(K'l sale in saying tbal none knew bim but to change pastors, and lo make a call from a dis- of all, to give lo the Englisb-ipeaking people a love bis many noble traits of ch:iracter; noncastance, you can write to the minister of your choice faithful transcript of the (i..d-inspired book. Will socialcd with him but to fc'cl the elevation of his the situation of his future home. you help? Surely as th.- lovers of the l.onl .Icsiis, bigb Christian worth ; fben-lbre be it Brethren, wc give but a feeble outline in tliiji your S;ivior ami Bedeemer, you will come up and Itffiolved, Tbat in Ibe .leatli of Bro. hee the report, and pray the cliurcbes to take it und^r help us that we may pos.ses- the lan.l. And my church has lo.st a bright and shining light, the advisement, Improve it, and act upon the theory-. sister, y(»u may help us too. Come then with will- community a good an.l u.seful citizen. ing hearts and bands and help us. Ivay a Revised .lonN A . ITESIT.EK. Resolved, That we det^ply sympathi/i. witli our GEO. W . C . TREZEVANT. Tretament on your ccntre-tal)le, and give to each much estWfmed sister, his bereaved wife, and hih V. T. iUDISON. of your family one. Head and study God's Hol.v relatives in their great aflilction and irreparabhBook. Yours in the great worlc, 1 .W.S, and hereby fender to them our heart-felt conTHE REVISED TESTAMENT BY THE ({. Cori,HON. dolence. AMERICAN BIBLE UNION SOCIETY. Resolved, 1 hat in the death of Bro. Lce we are OBITUARY. I N my lecturing tour I am often asked, " Is the admonished that earth is not our abiding jjlace, work sectarian?" I naswer. No. "I.^ It n BapIN IVOVIXFI memory of Lucy Bnrk.sdale M.ibry, that wearebuttravelersonthistcr.iqueousball,but tist Testament?" I miswor, No. But it is just who died in Sardls, I^liss., October 21st, 187G, age servants of prolmtlon, and learn to prepare for anwhat we would have, a faithful translation. All thre<' years four months and sixteen <lays, other state of being. For know that bo we over so true Baptists want the people to have, in gooti blest with the rarest of this world's gifts, yet wo " I t must be sweet in childhood to give Imclc English, tho Word of God; nothing less, nothing The spirit to iti Maker ere the hi«rt rniLst like our departed brother die ere w-e cm cross more. Again Isay, while it l.s true that scholars Mas grown familiar with tho paths of sin. the dark water and reach that— of nine different denominations assiste*! in the And sown to gjirner up " I^and of pure delight. revision, and made it Hubstantlally what it is, yet It* bitter trca.iurefl." Where saints immortal reign," M. v, D. no denomination as such has ever endorsed it. ^vhere we confidently believe our brother is gone. Baptists take the lead in publishing and circulating Resolved, That a copy of these refjolutions l»e It. And why should they not ? Ought they not THE churches comprising the secon.l District of to take the lead in every good work ? Certainly tho Red River Associalion, met with Arcadia published lu THE BAPTIST, a copy spread upon •hey ought to do most for the spread of the pure Baptist church on Saturday before the 5th Lord's the record of the church, and i copy furnished tho family of the deceased. w^ord of God. But some one has suggested that day in September, 187G. Done in church conference this second day of we wait till all the evengelical denominations wUl Satunlay 11 o'clock n. ni., Eld. D. D. Burt unite in the work. You might as well wait for the preached a very Interesting and impressive wr- ieptcmber, 1870. E. F. WiMTi', Clerk. A. M. WvxiE, Motl. miUenium. And upon the «ame hypothesis mon. Text, John xlv. i T WIJY.l AM A .viJcteilO^AitV DAPTlaT. H K B A P T I S T . The committee of urrangumenta pjesejitiKi the Bapti.sm of the Holy Spirlt-Bv El-Ja \\ \ fbliowing thomes, and brethren worn nppointefl to St(R-kfon and J. M. Roberta, write on them: — Saving l.>aith-By Elds. It. T Wt-ar and j , Who wa.s Meli-hi.';ed<v.' —Kid. J. \V. Vork. ••Holferts. Sin unto l.>eath,-i:id. S. W. Harnett. Importance of Sunday-schooL-j-liv v my friends a few hints upon their religiou!! duties; „ ...n.v.,, and , Kxefrtsl-i on ••(....... ome hither, 1 will shew thee II. Stanley and Eld. T. If. Bru-r^ " ^ secondly, to obtain, if pf)3slble, a little money to i tlio bride, the Lamb's wife," Eld. J. C. Riek••nable me to attend a theological sehool. I would i '«»»• •^tate further, that owinR to the poor bretJjren, j The best riaii t.i Support tlit-Ministry, 1 H'acoii tlieir lack of being indoetrinate<l, etc., thi -J- V. JJoweii. preachers get little or no pay in thi.s part of the j V^ luit U»o Sin tioaiu-t the Holy (Ihost?- Kid. Matt..xxli. H-HyEl.|s.j..s..iii.-on and .1 , world; therefon* I have been urpetl by brethren I JHod. Sto<'kton. ' from a distance to write somethiiiKc>f the iiiml, I Th.- bn.lb. r m-Hb-rator ddiviTed an appro.lohni. l.!-nyl.:,ds. VV. HiKhtow.T IS M which I have done through a t,'r»-!it deal of dis-^ priatr addr,--; prayer by IJro. J. K. Kolf; dis- nteenson. ••(Uirayeinent and trialw; have paid to have it mis^fHl in order. C<.nseienct--lty Wmi. Spain and H. H Crow printi>d, and now f.n'er it for the low price of ten ; ile.|iu-^te(; tiial I lie Jiu/,//.-</ ]int<l.-.yiu(j Them.H-tlnjr adj,mrne<l to meet m, vents. I hopi ' my Itaptist ptnjjjle will (^ptH'ially , , ,. S W. HAKNinr, .MiHleniVor. church on Fri.hty, I)ee. L' J Ith, Is7t;. •I. 1». Ki.ii . Clerk. rememl)er how liad 1 \s ant to p j to a theological I liirdin < oniity. 'l enn.. < )ct. Js, isTi;. I. ST.m Se.-n iur^ SCIKKII, and help me Ijy ijendinj: ten cents for a I'. s.:-.\V..|,a,| Hn,. r. T. Stnr-i- Cn,ni |.,.,",„, eopy, and by rtelllng as many as they can. 1 proA \V«)U|) T(» T i n ; WISH. "lis with us, who i- the ae,-nKlited anient oi . pose to yive any one twenty i>or cent wlm \i ill seH [ \\ I I evfry Baptist wh,, rea<ls this pai)er, rea l the jiamphlet for me. I havi- bet-n raisetl in the thbe follo\\ iMK a|.|.(>al from Hro. Tupin-r, .Sccrwbirv •Vmerican Bible rnh.n. Bro. S(nr,:i. n.a.l,. fav„r in.j.ri^slo,. ;.|K,n the jK-ople in hi.- s,,nHMi „„ back-woods: through much discouraK'emenI, 1 off tne the rorei-n I'oreiu'ti .Mi-ion .\Ii-ion Board. Ten"iiess<v Tenness«v Rnptl-.n Haptlsts abbsatur.lay nl-ht. May(fo,| Meshave made myself what I am, which is just ready certainly should not contribnti- k-s.-. than .•iil.',(iO<J iier (five hin, s,,„i,H f,,r |,i« |,jr,, .vej.r < > ) the mission.; abroad. (;,HI has iiles.sed us to start. 1 have prayed :md lonfrcd to be ulil,- to Ibis y,:,r l.relhren, anxl let ns acknowled<'e it bv •_'et olT to school, w here I can S»h'and kimw -oine- pr.iper n tinii-to 1,1-. treasury. In MN canse be is SI M lA V SCH(« )L < ().\ K M I , , V thinfj. and a-k- lor assistane.-. His brethren Now, my {^ood friends, — n-aders oi Tm; 15 u'- i'' The Sun.,hy-selu>o! CunN.nli.a. „) the (.,aad in ( biri;i u;u)l i.i-kiiul. W i l l u r ;,dveor wltbboldV risT, just a little ten cents from you, and 1 will —ED.! ( a!.e .Association met with tiieS.di ni , hun 1, I, rm'ive the blessin;,'. liellevinj,' in you, 1 leave it IU;Ut,,,i T r , U K . . Hear :in earn'.fst wonl soto Parish, La., on Staturday, Oci. JMI. JK;.;' with llim wh(i says, " .\sk an<) y.ni siiall re- in file num. .Mi.si, r. The men ana women Hro. (Jcorye Tu<-ker pn-a. h,^] (|„. inl'r...luciorv iflve." I). 1-. J A M K S . .»f fi.jd, M,, (,, i„-atlu-n lan.l to publish thi s<,'rmon. Blount Spriug>s, Ala. stati.s(l,> showeii a -rad.ial incn-a.se in i|,,. Cospe!, liiiv.' .1 i.c.'iiliiii- an.I strunjr claim on our Sunday-school work. syiiipatliy MII.I -iipport. in Christian countries, -MINISTEIW AXl) DKACONS' MKlTlNti. ^^e lia\.- i,i:uiy toil- and troul)les in advancin},' Therep.jrtof the depository auenI, Rro J n B I U T T I I J I K X from I nlty and Beech River A^so- the r;edf.-.„„.r'- kinjjrd.^m; but, there j^re a multi'^ Tucker, at Keachi, was truely ^-alifviuK. If Jmv viations met on Friday tjefore the fifth Lord's .lay tiKle ofnstop-iber, who hold uj)each other- hand-s, memory i.s not at fault, seven hundn^l xulume- o. in October, Baptist and oieshlliw, bk~».sin<,rs,mama- books have b.-en juit intocirculati.jn during thei.asi , _ 187G, at Enon , . chun h,' Hardin iin.l M iiMillituil,.""of""a<lvanUi)^es >'Oiuij.;!.-^ ami .•ounty Tenn and orpinmHl. a n.inisters' an.I terl:,l ..nd -,.iri!Hal. uhieb cheer and comfort asin year with :i capital of otdy si.My-four .loilars l.v ' ' dcaeons- mtH,tInK by appolntlnR Eld. S. IJar-,, our i;,u l,. ^ilds of Afri.-a and in turning ovt'r the monvy rejieatedh-. To increase the capacity for ui^efulnivs^, a I.,an n<.tt moderator, and Eld. J. D. Eolls<...retary. , the . roud. d . iti, .of Asia a.al Em-o,H>, ourndssionTlils Aa^ociation shall be styled theTenn(-s^ ( arii-s conlend for tlie kin;rdom almo«t single f.m, was set on fiK)t, ninety-eight dollars r:ilscMi at River Ministers' and Deacons' Assoeiatlon. iiande.!, aii-l in tli.. nii-lst of surnamdings, most he last session ami put into tlieliand.s ofouru-a-nt .\djonrn(!fl imtil early candii^Iiffht. .li.-.'oiira-rinir, vnd oft- n inten.sf^iy revolting. Yet bc> returne.1 one year without interest Met according to ajjpolntnient, when the intr.>- tbey must ivmain and conbtnd. (iod hits com- toSome lnter(>sting querit^ were dis<.asst.l bv .liiductory sermon wa.s deli vent! by E1<1. .1. i:. Iv.ff: mjindedand have .sent them, and, sJmll we, ferent brethren. text, Is. 11V. 17, ean w e. .iar.' we i l.-crt them ! Tiie contributions Bros. C. Alis<.n an.I George Tu»,-ker made short The Association met Sjiturday at eleven o'eI.» k ->f the . Iiurelies, during the pa.st summer have not a. m.; o|)one<l by the moderator readin- the half suslaini.l .,nr foreijjn missions. Since tiie Sunday-sclK,)ol talks Sunday monung lo „'do<-k Bro. W. E. Paxlonpreache«i to an attentiveaudifourth chapter of Epheshins; hynm .m'l w as snng; Isth of .May last, the t.ital receipts for our foreign " ''"l"Tt;m(v .,f early prayer by Eld. J. W. York. missionaries have been |7. l^wi y«ir TenThe object of the meeting was explaiiu-d i>v a Afternoon (s.says and .addri^s,^ «ere deliven.l n(>ssiM'contribub-il .s|,6lN.(i2. From May 18th to few brief remarks from Eld. J. W. York. as follows: October IKtb of this year IULS bet-t'I contribPa-stor and deacons of Enon church appoint<v| a Ought Baj.tists to Encjurage I nion .-Sundavutwl by your State. C+^rtauily this ijare state, comniittec on divine service. ment mast arouse tli.r,e of (iwi's people wlio have schooIs-By .J. H. Tucker. Breth. 8. W. Iiarnett, .J. M. Woo«i, :md ./. D. beiirts to feel f,,r tiie struggling " Mtw-sengers of The es.sj.yLst took stn.ng ground against sM< h Eoir were appointed a committee on nrnmgethe .-bnrebes" in pagan countritwand to obey the I mon schools " as are gotten up on the imsis of jnents. j la.st grand command of our .Siivior and Ood. Our the 'Ameriwin .Sunday-school Union." Ifis conThe following quer^' was then presentiHl and ' faith 1.- unshaken in the ultimate and universal clusions were logical and unaaswerable. dlscu.'^w': — triunij)!! of the gospel; but that triumph must be Qiialitlcation« of an Etficient .Sunday-sciiool What »>hould be done with a Baptist |)rea< her acc»)mp]ishe<l by the hosts of Zir)n coming to the Teacher-By G. W. Ilartstleld, who .said that a who shoulu weach apostasy, and practice sprink- help of the Lord. In mon; than trumpet tonw teaciier ought to be faithful, pious, praverful. The ling and pouriifSr for baptism? the necessities of f.ur missionaries will ujion the speaker did his best. Answer.—Exclude him. The relation of tlie Sunday-s<.hool to the lovers of .lesiis, throughout the length and breadth Then, If a Baptist preacher should be e.xcludetl of the .Siaitii and your .State, to come up quickly Church-By W. E. Paxton. for preaching apostasy, and practicing sprinkling and gt'neroasly to tin- relief of the Master's work We always expect Bro. Pjixton tosav .somi-thing and pouring, have we the authority to Invite Into "in the regions W>yond." " H e that hath ear to good and he has learne<l how to not dIsapiKjint us. our pulpits those that believe and preach doctrines hear let him hesir." At Intervals thoughout the day we had delightfor which wo would be excluded? ful music. II. A. Tn-i'KR, Cor. .Sec'y. Answer.—No. At the conelasion of Bro. Tucker's (Hsay, the Kichmond, Va. The following «iuery was then asked and dischoir without any lastmctlons from essayist or cussed:- • ' FROM :MT. HOPE, ALABAMA. prwidingofficer, sang Unit niost appro])riato song, Did the Ap<»tle Paul baptize thor twelve (Ifoci- i-MinLst<y:.H,ajH(l Deacon's Meeting of the .Second " Bles.^ are they that do his commandments." ploH he found at Ephenas? District of Muscle Shoid A-ssociation convened Often during the day Ave thought of our dear It wjw decided that he did not baptize them. with Lil»erty church, on Friday, Oct. 27th. InSunday-school workman, Bro. Charlew E. CrawAdjoumed until early candle-light. troductory Sermon by Eld. J. S. Gilaon. The ford, who has been taken to his rewtml above 3£et again at early candle-light, when the office body then organiml, electing Elds. J. R. Xesmlth, since our last meeting. of the Spirit was discussed: it was decided tliat its moderator, inid .1.1. Stockton, socretarj'. Went Bro. E. W. Lacy flllerl the secretar>''s chair otil'-o was a reprover- and comforter, and not to into business, which was the discussion of several acceptably. baptize iMjople at this a g e . . • verj' important subjects, as Duties of Pjistors, DcaOur Com entlon is a succe#?s, and our last raeodng The next question discussed was a.s follows: — cons, Churches, Sunday-schools, etc. The meeting f:an a regenerated person finally aixwtatize, and continued two days. The brethren to whom sub- was of the beet MO have had. We niTOt again In eix months with the ehureh at II uway and bo lost? jects had boon appointed, did themselves honor 3Iansfleld, La. a. w . HART8FrEi.t>. .Vnswer.—No. .. .. ' and the cause credit, setting ferth the doctrines of Christ amd his apostles in tlieir original purity and Hid Judas partako of the Lord's supper? " Do you feel that you love Christ?" was asked simpUclty. The subjects were open to criUclam of an aged and dying ChrisUan. "Bettor than Answer.—He did not. .j -i - ^^ • Aifreed thot we hold our-neLijt meeting with the though thoy were without excepUons adopted as that," was the reply' " Christ loves me." Best in .f^ulphur WeU arm of New Pjmpect chmch, com- presented by the brethren. Christ's love to you, rather than In your love to fc»enclng the twenty>flfth day of December n*5xt. The comriiittoe to get up subjects and f^Kjakera Him. • Eld. J / p . EoffTTOs appointed to preach the intro- for the next mooting made Uie foUowlng rt?port: Men arc frequently like tea, the real strength ductory sermon, and Eld. J. T. Singleton alters Pulpit AlHlintlon-By Elds. J. R. Nwmlth and and goodness are not properly dranii out until Bate. J . P. Bragg. th»y have been in hot water for a short time. BRO. GRAVES: — I hereby infurui you uiid your roack'rs tluit 1 wrote the nbove-namcU pamphlet, lilst, to dhow whut u Missionary Baptist is; that ihey aro the tnie ehurc-h, etc., and thereby g i v e IS" T i i i l B A P T I S T . 7 7 3 LAUT NU.^tBEIl OF VOLUME TEX. Augusta, Maeon, Columbus, MontgomoiT, Kichmond, and other Southern cities, where he f p H E next paper Is the last number of tlie I pciaichetl the goswl with great power and suec^^, -I. present volume, and with It the time of ''doing the work of an evangelist, and making several hundred of ourfiubscrlbeniexpire,—time I full pro<ifof hl.s ministry." out. Look at the figured opposite your name, and •• THOCHAST OIVEN A IIASSKU TO Tur.jt TII,\T FJ .U TBKK HIa UEMAllKAnM: UKAl.Tlf. THAT N MAY UK DISHI.AYKtltlKCAranOKTltKTKt T L'."-I'N. ! see if they are 9-00; If so, your time out: and t > to about tliree or four weeks «iuc<% Dr. Ful- there may IM? a blue nmrk on it also. H.UKAVI'>1. . . . EJltor Riul J'lonrlotor. W. E. I'AXTjUN,'Sl>r«v.-i)nrt. l/>uUliinu>>ntor. lad been n'marUably exempt from disease.'. .l.\M H. .M.vn.\F> Y • • Uouk-•ktciHT niij oriitT ClurK ler Now, we do not wish one of our ptitroiw to He returnetl from his anlnml summer vacation of UiMlneMH Oltire: 237 Mccuna «tr(<ct, Mfiupblit, Tenn. two montlis about tlie tlrst of .Sepiemb' r, and ujion stop; It will be discouraging to us; It will not his pulpits duties remarke<l that he T^rm*. <t3.70 i»«r annum. In advniivc. Hi-n..Imonc. monY by resuming never feeliug in iH'tter piiysical condition. He ortly weaken our hands, lessen our means to maktv I'osUifticc Orii.-r, lifuiwltr.-c; Lvtlor, Kxpn^s oririin.utuiir lJrnn, fflr.vl Ijv was enabliHl to ofHciate but three Sabbath.-, how- this a first claw pajK-r, and to keep it up, but It rlsh; oIJiiTWis.t lit till" Kemler's. Ii" miHrtor Wcli'clii!li 1111.11. Hi-iul stiiiii|i ur iiostul ouril. ever, before he wa.s greatly anno.vetl by a burning will lessen our opi>ortunlty to do good. This seasation upon l»i.'» right shoulder, wliich be at JeiK'iuls ui)on the nunilK-r of our readers, as the NlntiHl fwnlribuloi^. first supposed lo be a boil) ii contiuue<l to get preacher does on the siw.' of his congregation. Kl.l.-r M. I". I,oWIM;Y. Illpl'-y, Ml»s. more painful, and finally (leveloprd into a virula.l. i J. Ii. sKAUr\ , Arkiins.xs. lent, mallLMmnt^ carbuncle, which grew to an We do not want our congregation dlininishet.1 by I l.li r .iK'W. (lltlKKIN, Hrowiisvlll.. T.-iiu i;Ul./r .iKO. VAUI>K.N. I'll. 1>.1>., J'uilM, Ky. enormous size. one, but Increiiseil by the thoasands during the KI.I.TC, It. I11;NPIU''KH.iN, .lailiM.ii. T.-nii. Dr. Janies .A. Steuart, and l>r. Alan P. Smith, !»e»t volume: we, theit'foi-e, wish to Influence IJd.'i-J. • HUMCN, n.l).. tir.x'inlllo, S. C. Kl.lcr .1. M. I'lill.UI'H. MUldl.. TC11II.IK.S.M. the attending plivsicians of Dr. Fuller, did all in you t(j rent;>\ "of. and not mls.s a number; and I'riif.(i. W. J.>llNST<i.V, lirowiiMvlllc, IVnu. their i>ower to arrtst the progress of bis atlliction, rrui. .). 1„ UKVN. "I-WS, Hoiith O.rollnii. i and to alleviate bis sutVerings. but desi)ite their "weotfer the.^* jnducenients; viz.,— ' etforts, the painful malady was unyiehling. and 1. The paper lt*elf will, in tdl resi»ects, be a Scud all Brac« orders to the Editor and not tv nu'diciil skill failed to prolong the valuable life of better pa|>er than it ha.? for yairs vant: w«' other parties In tUl» city, or olHenhcre, for wo r.in- tlu^ir dlstingui.shiil piitleiit. shall siH'iul far more time it'Hl menhd labor upon not bo rn.spouMlblo for mouey or Draees Hont through Dr. Fuller remained onsci.ais until the evening ottiurs. it than ever before. We have sv-^rved our time a.s ofThur^day, the I'.itli, about s«'ven o'clwk, when he commehce<i to .-ink rapidly, and expired on tniveling agent, and being through "gencles, Itou't HPiKl iMMik urdiTM t» (INI Kf linve no roniiro w i- devote all our time to the pajK-r. • iMU. ul>nlcv<>r, wltli (Im' ttouk-storc ol lli<« NMrlrtj-, Frulav morning, the lietb. at nnn-o'elo. k. ilixl il «Mi:n|>li<-iilc!< our IIUHIUCHN. Npnd nil mwnry nu<l HIS TltH Mril \ \ 1 liKATIl. oiHtrm ftir b«MthM <o W.ll. M«» Uritl. UuMlnpfM Mnnnsfr liro. Urantly related at the funeral these hist j IK'iis In the denomiiuitlon. South. NoiKllcru IlaptlHf I'ubllontinn Moclcty t nrvfr tu UN. sentiments of Ills con-seloiisnt-^-: i ;!. We shall introduce a new and Iniixjitimt On la-st Tiiursday, be seni ler me; 1 aj)feature, —a sermon from «ome one of our ablest SKI;T( 11 OF r i i E I..\TK UKV. i m H.VHD proacbed him, I sjiid, "Brother, is .lesus near ministers twice each month at lca.st, and weekly FILLEH. !v..n?" " Yis,. vi-s," be e.xclalnied. "IK, Vou if they can be secured. Comparatively few of our Y I ^ E are assured that a notice of our late and feel tluU be Is pns-ious now?" " Ye-, yes,' lie ministers write out their si'rhions, and hence it y y loved liro. I'uHer will be more acceptable to our readers than any article from our own pen: " A^ft'W (lavs i>revi.ai.s to hi.- desitb, be r.ilKti liLs :devolves a good (l«d of extra labor upon them to we gather these facts tiuiehlnt,' bis life and death wife to his tiiHlsido, and made h<-r this rei|uest: | furnish one for the press, 'ttie new volume will "Write this: In :i tini.' of great trial, my faith in ! oiK'ii with one from Eld. Geo. A. Lolton of the frfim the f l c ' t i i n f / ' h t n ; viz.,— Jesus is perfect." , , , WllKKi; liuu.v. First church, followed by one from Dr. 8. JjinHis last coherent pi-.iyer was, "Lord I>r. Fuller \\a.' born in (be town of B<'aufort, S. keep as neiir the<': make us perfect, and thisJeMis. shall drum of the Central church. Will not such ser('., April, IHO"). In that place he Tim-siied his IM' tbv glory." H«' ben- refered to the church mons be worth at least ten cents each to you ? yet studiw until he was matrlculatiHl at llarvanl Uni- over "which' he ba<l Ixn-n so long tlie faithful this Huiii is nearly twice what your luiper costs, versitv, graduating from that institution just a I«vstor. little over liftv years ago: the ssime institution The Uev. Dr. Brantly then gitvr- out hynm witli all the other goo<l things in It. We shall, as we have betni doing, give all th(! conferred upon blm thi- title of D.D., stune twenty- 127*2, as follows: four years after he ^raduatetl, thus recogidzing swular news and market reports that any family •iKsrs, sAVioi!, i'n-(n .MI.. the siiiKTior claims of her altauntts. need to have, and much well prepared readinj; I I K K S T K U H RI>ON T H K H T I DV OF I . A W . .lesas, Siivior, pilot me matter for th«' fauvily, and the farm. We pledge Over life's temp«'stu(nis se:i; l iKJii the completion of his academic care<'r, ourself to make this paper worth double Its price rnkn<iwn waves lK>fore me roll. be entered upon the study of the law, and wa-^ to everj' farmer. IiCt every Baptl.st decide if a Hiding rock, and treacherous sboaJ; admitted to practice at an unusually early age. Chart and compass came from (be<' strong Baptist paper ought not to be supported at Mis iirllliant talents at once comnninded success; .h-sus, Savior, jiilot me. !uul be soon occupi'Hl a prominent position at the Memi.bis, the heart of the grt^t valley of the iuir. At that time the profession at Beaufort t M i.ssissippi. 1 )o .vour i»art, and send your Tem'^val When the apostles' fraiiil.^ l-arU numl)ere<l among its mend»ers some of the mowt Stru' ghsl with the bill..ws dark at once. gifted men of tl.e State; and the ability of the On the stormy (Jalilce, SI' hX lAt, Ol l KR KOK HENKWAliS THIS MONTH. voun<> pnietitioner who could win distinction Thou didst walk upon the ^ea: among such comj>etitors must be admitted by all. To each new or renewing sul)scrllKT this month And when they In-held thy form. Favorwl thus early with a lucrative and growjng Safe tbey glidtnl through the storm. (subscription price W.70), we offer the following practice, the voung lawyer was every day addmg valuable jtrem I urns: — to bis laurels, when he was arreste<l by a call to a As a mother stills her child. higher mi.ssion. Thou canst hush the the ocejin wihl; 1. One package of the Spanish chufiis, by mail, lioi.st<'rous wavi-s obey thy will IMS (ONVK.nSIO.N TO THK CAl SK OK CIIKIST. postpaid; nrWhen thou sayesl to them, " He still. In the vcjir a celebrated revivalist, —the 2. One package (»f the earlv Java prolific «'oltonWondrous sovereign of the sea, Rev. Dr.'Daniel liaker, visited lieaufort, and .I(?sus, Savior, pilot me. seed, by mail, post pahl; or— pn-ached the go-spel with great earnestnes-s and :). One jKiekage of Bjiy's wirly prollllc corn, by power; the whole community was touchcnl; all When at last I near tin- shore, elasees, the rich and poor, learned and ignomnt, mall, post paid. And the fearful billows roar masters and sl.-ives, sharwl in the glorious work. 'Twlxt me and the peacelul rest. To every farmer, eltlufr of the above will b.• --'lawyers,— Then, while leaning on thy breast. worth more than ten times the price of the i>apnr May I hear thee say to me. al msnop oi inu WOIK"' i-'iwt^r 'Vr,'. "."Tu" one year. " Fear not, I will pilot thfH>. I. Barnwell, D.D.; and the subject of this sketch; While we do trust that all those will renew all three attained to great distinction in the The reverend siieaker said that Dr. Fuller re- whose time is out next week (and we do not care church: and the two former, after rendering qu(^te<l, the night before he dlKl, 1.hat the abcm) eminent service to the cause of Christ for many fivmn ihould be sung to him: it was the last how many thou.sands renew to get one of the veai-s, pa.^e<l to the fruition of the hea\;eii y rest a hvmn he ever lieunl sung; and when the sing ng pjickages wlu^se time Is not yet out), we ask It as decade or more eince. On Friday, the 20th of the of it was concluded, heexdaimed, "Jesus, Savior, a Hiieclal favor of every minister and friend to present month, the only remaining one of this pilot me Into heaven." . .u- . , show this article to brethren who do not take it, Christian trio joinfMl the other two m that bright Who, knowing the life-character ol this truly and influence them to send along with you. land of the blest, where parting shall be no more great man, and reads his dying testimony, can A OHANOK OF CHf RCII RKLATIONS. ITEMS. doubt the reality of Christianity. Surely About three years pre\ious to this time Dr. " 'Tis religion that can give Fuller had joined the Episcopal church. Find^g One of the largest churches In New York, with SweetMtpleasure while we live: the teachings of his parents, who were ^ptiste, a p r e s e n t membership of over 600, Is the outgrowth 'Tis religion must supply to be In accordance with the word of God, he of a mission school commenced by two men in lfio7. Solid comfort when we die. Insisted on Ijeing Immersed when he b ^ m e an Vt the first session six s c h o l a r s were enrolled, three, Eplsi-opalian; but though duly bantiz^, and a regular church-member, he did not ^lleve that of whom were children of these gentlemen, and EDITORIAL ITEMS. he became a Christian until the revival under the the other thTee coming from a single family. Dn. F O R D delivered a lecture for the benefit of oiinistry of Dr. Baker. The Religiou* Herald is being denounced ail the Central church building-ftmd last Monday ms TO THE JUyiBTBY. over North foxas at least, and perhaps Southern night to a good house: theme,-London, its The voice which called him into the Mnrfom Texas also, bt>cau9e •f lending its influence, edlof God also summoned him to the work of the church-houses and prisons. gospel ministry. The vear which wltaeas^his G. A. LOFTON, pastor of the First church, liM torlallv and otherwL*, no decidedly to " P i k e ' s " conversion found him shutting UP his law-hook^ view?: and many ef the best friends and former dlsmlHslng hi» rllenta. and going forth as a h ^ W l,«.n prostrated by a severe attack of congwtlon student!* or'the .Semin«r>' deplore the fart that one of the cj^ws. Accepting the nastoral nx« of tn« of the brain, which conllnefl him to hl.i bed and Bantlit chunh in the town wh«re his l e ^ P ^ room for the last two weeks: it xv.is brought on of lti m o s t prominent professors is on the edltorii.1 ftwrton had been pursued, h« commcncwi that ii» by ovw-taxlng that organ. He is, we are happy staff of the f i n als. The waters aretrubM; wl..jit In which he was earheBtly and lh» result win b» w» eauDot divUi«. We MBCd up to the day of bis last fkt«l Ulne«. Hl» S ,«y. eonvS-fe.it. W , filial his pulpit his bav« the tttTOlnaiy; but mir pwf1« will not sw:.! ampl® MMl* «oflbl«d him to nurn ovw •abbatk morning, and Dr. For,! of 5t. L^^ul.at low " P l k 9 " or the Mtrnl^.—EiVnr li-f>ll aaliiry to an awlstant, whilst it alK) afforded him night, . 1h* opportnnitY of rlslting Chariwton, S«Tnnn«h, E T 7 7 4 . t the ANAKAI-nST CONTmn-KKPY. | h e ^ prna.-n llu ^ p t i s t . ..." n.-t he s^w^ with I d a w n e d ui«.n Ihe ,,,rtt,: ,„„ ,,„•; " near tile Minns a n y tliat pivecchvl. A Hiun-h in t h " > e \ v 're,-4taniont M-nM-(.f tliat t ' i n i i~i,<'ni,i I'lete a n d iw iri«h and a^ linii'K iiiJ. |K nii.'m n-i.^nt'of ail that o ai tliat pnr.,.,..,.,. n v e d e . i a,. ., tlie d a y ,is, an'.!. .i, as n - a r to I together.'- . I'liAYEU-MEETING. a n d a.ljn<.niiiou, , "J'^'no where »,,irit.s blena, ivu.ri,union V Uhen- Iriend fellowship with Jfrieii.I • - holds . ^ . . w c n i i , If. \'.uj:.VTIM.. lliiousrh lioagh mitiilnrnflr..r samlcrcd tar by faith we meet Aromid one common increy^seat." of (he Prodi-Ml DKAK I3itn. <;KAVKs:-RFT,n one of f h r tried Son h a . n.ror.-nc.- H l l , - r to , . h r t , or non-eicrt, -^imi'.r. It rrrtiiiniy inapplicahie tu aiiv indi- one... ( hosen in (he l u r n a c o of utllietion, tried as "" :,n.| -Iioiil.i ii. v.T ' troid l.y the l.o( (!ani(s of jierseeution, and hnvc >;,, siinicr \\ pinched m y sweetest ro^ese a m o „ . , v/i'lfn 'vccMl ( . . n l m I'lvai-h," I I., ,„• aj,,.!!,..! t,, ti.at IS p,.,-nliai- to it, -l„.iT.tof..re all (li>>. iis- <'v.t;( ,sv,„ ..r Chi!.! ,,r (io,|. -i i,.. .-Ir.-f saints ,",r «li:trj,.. t t horiH. M y ^oul h.irf b a m m u d e U. rejoice e iln'rv "^'''^M^tists of t i i . siM^n.! h .entury ha. I.efwcen »apti..f,s and their Clirisii;,.... . w n n i n l y will nrv. r t.i. jii,-ry to see a itnd my ln^art wa.s slren<rtheiied to bear t h e (ire Tlieellort hu.s been W a i n :H.d a - a i n n poor, pi.risi,ii,;,r Kiini.T lui'n to Cod, or e n v y hini when 1 read t h e short account y o u gave, in TIM(lH.anL.,vU tin. joy „r his v a t i o n . It only ha.s •M-nsT, of tl.os,. sij^ter's investigation to find out «he opithel Aiial)a|itist cari-ics v, iti, it- ;,]] t|,.. n-Irn nc.' lo liu. |,,.r,. i j l u s t r a l c l l,v t h c e l d i T ti.e l,cauty of t h e pro,,hef.s e(mipari«on, when he a n d erinu-s whirl, j^n-w ,ai( of > In. t l.roth...-, an.I n l d . v n ofU.Kl, ofU.Kl, n-pre..ents Christ iw s i t t i n g a , " A refiner ami puri" " " >' i'I'. o j r - i ..,ily i i y th. tdc r. iinldivn ' ." . . . I,.1.11i . e r m a n y Have '>"ve I'leen l.eoii laid laid at at oiir.looVs o n r .loo' s, and and ! tier ot s i l v e r . - It airord.s m e un.spoakablecomfort rar f r o n . ( ; o d ire | to ' k n o w that while it is n e e d f u l to o u r g r o w t h in ,1 "7 I" iin-' < g n n c that he |,|ace ,is in the fir,>s, h e sits with I.ir Mniiy l ;.r u , :v u n d e r tlif iioprcsi ' - ' . N - to ,-on!r..| tlR. l i a n a s , knowintr fnil e I dependenee upon tlu- niadna.n of .Munster.t h , s b w n HKnm!jn.iaKiii„ shown t h a t t h e t e n , -lon thai 'Jod Isad f..r.-v..r oa.-4 off t h e (lentiles for well how mul-h heal it re<,uirw to reline each A n a b a p t i s t _ine uded all elas.ses w h o rejected the their di.,.)Iw.di.,iR.>. and forn^rtfuliuw... „f i,},.,, piece. I wish tho«!sisters would inform us through tlu.t all ivli;ri„„s i.rivih.-..s l„.lon;r tu t h e m , ! ( h o l i u ; HAj>Ti^T w h e n we nro placed in t h e furnace hiircho.s, 1 ot excepting t h e niii.'^st.s wiio wvrelder b r o t h e r - c . u iu.sively. Wia-n tin. (i..ulil<-s a n d if w e a r e rejiiovwl w h i l e in t h e b o d y . May ...v.v. , ,ind ja-n t,i<' (i..ntil«Ki f ' " " "uiiiuenec, ' ^ ^ • ' V but w e r e nnilod nn/lod^and u e r e rerv.ved ived into tho divin*,iivin<- favo.-, lUvor, an.l a n d the t h e Ood ble,^s you, m y b r o t h e r , a n d sjiare vou " as-i f a t h e r .si.aroth his o w n sozi t h a t w r v e t i r h i m " t,i W ; . rjilli-d nri.iiidiccs of » i .W 1 ..s c ' i i i o u s a i u l . i rofi c(ho.se pn.judices of oven tii.'convcrlcii Jew.s'at tlrst n contenri earnestly for (he f a i t h o n c e lor all deliv.•».nal)iH)ti.sts sprinkled as well a.s inimersed t ,s, ,11 ,,Klo,l w i t h t h o r n , thi.H i,s . l i t T . i e w l v ; 1 l.cil<.d against it, as ,|i.l the elder brother. Jt wa.; ere.l to ( h e saints, is t h e s i n c e r e p r a y e r of your Sister in (.'hrist. M iw. J . li Kimnioiuu . U.Tn f"i>l«'.sod to hav<! b(!en t e n e r - to relaike this iiivjuilicf. a<rainst t h e (Jentiles that JJiceville, East T«nnes.si>p. "Ily k n o w n , and could not beou<-tl>,ned- l.ul u- - Christ sTiake tills parable. ihere st I, within this s < . c i a l S n , , v S - ( • la DKAII 15,lo. < -\w V h e i i you a n d others Tluif , n i e.m oi, 7 b o r - l i o n i d • i.o oo trial L,,ai f<,r 1(,1 a .•<,nrs< .•<,nrs<' ^^"n- A WVM, .S: s: :— V'l «tingui«h t h e l}aptiH(.s of to•e ? l/eauHweied, ux'Jnde.i. I h.. oilvn... ,s a public or general one. "ig (Jod for his h.ve a n d benelit^ for vourselviN ' '.MM,. I l.rav yon aNo to O o d ' i bhssi^Jg tiiju oOUrc nirc lM~. i , i , . •. si m n ....w...^ 1,11- uiiijri'x.-ion that u r . lanvl, " ' I .r a u i.iou a m ! lonr hils p r u n g froin, or t h a t t h e y are in a n v w a v i iViVti-i J'-ko. . ;r.,v v . s • - PR-.se .nsu r .i,.-, „ i •V ' " i'""' llit!).. i i t ) . ,chiihcd with, t h e people w h o a r e h i . s t o V i c a l l v k V ^ i . Hn-oiigh T j u - j d r e n . A s it has phiiwed t h x l to t a k e f r o m m e m v <;reeco a n d J u d o a planted by t h e ai«is(h" anil loctrine c o n f o r m i t y to them, (haii for o n e .nonient to e.vtenuate the e.vce^stti of t h e .Munsier A n. a Hts, or to Hoknowledge .•.•clesiasti<-:il .•omi.v'ii ,, w.ti, t h e m J.ct;J.o line of distinction he In • " ' t w e e n t h e Kcrintural ..pirituai orgnnizatio , f i.e first a^H. a n d t U e who j o inc. I in t h e ' o n ia m o v e m e n t agahist feudalism a n d ecclesiasti.a.sm. In lotjking o v e r this whole nuestion, we h a v e s..'en a n d felt t h e w a n t of a .small work xvhi.-h will I oniban-d.s.sing sur,-otmdings 1 lace ,t in iLs t r u e connection w i t h o u r .leno n i n a - ; i i I , n. "TT f t J ^ ' j ' ' ' ;" ' ac kium t •.,; . nie to see m y children goo.l Christian m e n a n d worn...). I h a v e been a m e m b e r of tlu; Uuptist j „ " " ' y t h e n j e j , , . ehnrch t h i r t e e n yeai"!?. Meadvillo, Se|>t.':J.^, IsTo", " n i y the looinbcis of u „ . receiving d i u r c h can <.-on..-j.-.ten(!y c..xfnd the h a n d of church-fellowship I'ers,jri- not m e m b m ^ o f a n y cJuirch, o r of difibrent che.v.|,..s, o:in e.vtend t h e h a n d of cmirch-f.-ilowship than I're.sbyt.Tians,Metlu.rJi.sts and D.ij,lists an i.at : i k e . , f t h e L o r d ' s .«upper to^-ether. liy t h e aH ilwy say we a r e one "lie body an.l ,; oac of anotlior, and they aiv not. EDITOIilAL ITEMS. 'J'he m e e t i n g in Chelgea closed 18.-51 week. T w e n t y persons professed f a i t h in Christ a n d w e r e baptized last S a b b a t h , E l d . J . I). J a m e s o n has r e m o v w l f r o m M a g n o l i a to Mineral Spring.^, A r k . , w h e r e his c o r r e s p o n d e n t s will a d d r e s s h i m . H e is a n e a r n e s t p r e a c h e r a n d sou in I IJaptisl. T h e b r e t h r e n a r e w a k i n g u p to t h e i m p o r t a n c e of securing t h o C h u f a g i f t t h i s m o n t h . W i l l m u llw. I.v . ^• .' '"^iHtt. .xviii. 17 not renevv a n d secure i t ? W i l l y o u n o t s h o w t h e W e copy t h e a b o v e from t h e U a M a m , , , . t h e " ' • " ' ' ^ ' • ' " f l f l i u r c h to b c g o v ollier'.s action, o,- the o m « r t o y o u r n e i g h b o r a n d got h i m t o subecrilie organ of X e w E n g l a n d llnplist.s, not o n l v t o a r v erned . - e g a i d l c s .„ . „ prove of its c o n s e r v a t i v e s t a t e m e n t s , |,„t to in- haiiuoi , / e . ' JM..:tv a o - w e r t h r o u g h v o u r i.aner a n d send a l o n g w i t h y o u V fo,™ th.' editors t h a t the book t h - v feel C. I I . M a t t o o n w r i t i n g f r o m O r e g o n h a s held a .. . . i. ju-t j;''''^;''.v..url..-ot.,..r. \V. K Oil u - i f f d e b a t e on t h e merita of t h e Old I ^ n d m a r l c docnow neeih'.! by t h e .Jenonilnation h a s iccei'illy ^ ' 187.i. t J i n e u ith a n a n t i - L a n d m a r k e r a n d c o m p l e t e l y been is.su<xl b y t h e S o u t h e r n i h i p t i s t I'ubiicati./n ^ "" .vviii. h.-is u n y aj.plication it moM v a n q u i s h e d liira. TAe Evwifjel finally suppreesed Soclot.v, entitled T h e Origin of t h e Bapti.sLs, j^y I'^-nr'-'i'v is 'iie law .v.>rning foco^ciun-ch t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n ! A l a s for its policy. •S. II. Ford, L L . D . , e d i t o r of tlio airUlUm '>' its moinbors for pei-.sonal of'or.'/, St. Lou,.s. Tiiis is t h e , w i s e d a n d enlarged l-'i'-p'- inference to (ho action of R e v . .1. M . C. B r e a k e r , D.D., lias resigned t h e Pditlon, in w h i c h a special c h a p t e r la deVoU-d to olhorlo.-aichni;.-b,-^, for there wa-ol.tK .,ne in e.v- p a s t o m t e of t h e F i r s t B a p t i a t e h u r c h of St. J o a e p h , dLsprove a n y couuection of t h e Jii.storieal A n a is-IencB when t h e | . , a s g i v e n . N o ehm-ch ini Mo., w h i c h h e h a s held for t h o p a s t six y e a r s . baptists of t h e thirtl a u d s i x t h cenluric.s w ivh t h e <-'arthcan8«ripluraIly briiig a n y bro(h.:.r to trial \\ <• learn tliat h e prefers a S«»uthern flehl. A bettor .AIun.storito A n a b a p t i s t s of t h e s i x t o e n t L c e n t u r \ or ontortfiin charg<.s agahi^t h i m for a i.ertoual of. p r e a c h e r or p a s t o r it w o u l d l«f (Ullicult (o o b t a i n a n d a t t h e s u m o tfrno, it proves t i j a t i n tiiasc dts^n! lence, unl<¥« t w o prer eribed steps h a v e been t a k e n a n y w h e r e . Jate wastes of c e n t u r i e s real l i i p t i s t c h u r c h e s d i d a n d t h « t with t h e int-iil to efl'ect a reconciliation' e-'cist, a m i d t h e porwcution.s o f t h c Ronil^h apos1>OCTKIK.U-BEIIMC».-6.^WG h a v e accepted t h e l t w o n l d h e i ^ - , u i v a ! - n t t o briuglirg a case before t^sy, t h e only witncAscs of t h e t r u t h d u r i n g those m v i t a t i o n of t h e c h u r c h a t Ciover C r e e k , T e x a s , he court whcrr- t h e .U.e process of l a w had not cLirlt apes. L e t e v e r y Baptist s e n d .sixty ccnh^ to nxm observed. T h e i u d i c l m e n t w o u l d a u d m u s t t o d e l i v e r t h e series of s f l n n o n s on t h e C h u r c h o n d t h e Society in t h i s city, a n d procin-e t h i s val,ial)le be qun«hod a n d (h'i case t h r o w u out of cotirt ita Ordimincei?, c o m m e n c i n g F r i d a y before t h e Iitthi Ijfjok. J t h S a b b a t h i n Nov(5mbur. W o can ' m l one otlicr ' V^} l>«lJate call Ditzler " E l d e r " l a N o v e m b e r , a u d t w o in December if desired. (il-KHIEK. a idniaurr cschool f a l S u . - B r o . Does Avritttj its t h a t n n intolUgent M e t h o d i s t 'iffer^th: t - r t h e ?t i tfl e of J J u e r r w h i l e a e m m recently jolne<l t h o chim:h nt Moas P o i n t wlio a t t i i b u t c d h e r c h a n g e of f a i t h to t h o Doctrinal S e r m o n s w« preached Uiere a short t i m a bofore, an •ccowion Uiat ha •nj'B ^rill r e p a y all t h e co«t. T b « t tln''Ma!ii ' ' I""'"^''!''^*^-- ""oMunan, l"^- E 775 B A P T I S T . bread will r e t u r n for m a n y d a y s to come. never y e t failed to honor his t r u t h . h lni^Si I A L .ippkii|>bk- ljm^ avratJv A ( ' 0 ^ • T l U-) ^.' K u u rcveatJv • p:is-cHl ^ p;.s-cHl oo vv ee rr t!ic t!u. face 1=.,.,. of nr tAo <lonoiiiinutioir v,'., t h i n k W IKMI an i r n - u l a r i t y e n t e r s t h a t p e r t a i n to tlic S e r i p t u r w . n m b quit<> m t i T t - . t i n - to lliose w h o h a v e w a t i " ^ its hito Ijajjti.sii), sulJti-init tu imliiry it, the !-iibjeet u u v w u e n t ^ : U xvuh Uh" old quc-tiui, i., a luodon. WtMidUrmtHl Mr. Ditzler " K l d o r " tliroulrh d c a r i y . n t M i . t i / , . 1 . I nnnei^iion a d m i n i s t e r e d b y c o u r t wvy ,. us - w e loosely .uu.eiv say sav M .Methodist K e t h o d i s t eh..., church. omcvr o an or,.H.Ization not a S m p t u r a i | Strictly spenkMni, w e axnuot-appiy^h^^^^^^^^ lUptiHts.' T h e e o n t r o w i ^ y IUIH hroiijjht sorii. UuniP. tu ! , ' it::;:::: " - e n e d o r E i d e r to « , n a n Who L L t n m i ^ S t " ; ; <.r at least o h s e u r e d ; it h L i wa! 3 frL^ . i ' .vomi^ - r uhi. If you a r e t-hureh t.. a h u m a n 8ocictv. W e n e v e r a d m i t /v •nid thut<)uriHvle.sia.stleal elaini i". H God ever m y h a p p y lot to atteiul. T h e r e s^H»m«I to bo perfiH-'t u n a n i m i t y o n fevery question. W e had tho sure to find it, a n d will all go t h r o u g h . I)ou,t E l d . B u r l l n g h a m e h a s resigned his c h u r c h i n pleasure of h a v i n g w i t h u s Elds. W . D. Mayfleld, you k n o w , m a n , t h a t a fence m u s t be perfect, or Igt. liouis. I l l s liberal i n v i t a t i o n s t o t h e L o r d ' s of M e m p h i s , 0 . W . Dalbey, of C a r r o l l t o n . ' l , A . it is w o r t h l e s s ? " " I used to t h i n k s o , " s a i d t h e d r y 9t,i>per, a g a i n s t t h o protests of t h e c h u r c h , is t h e HaUey, of Clinton, A l f r e d H i c k s , of (or ivear) Scotchman, " b u t 1 h e j i r y o u talk so m u c h about cui«e w e understi»nd. T h e r e is a class of ministers Slate Springs, and Bro. Rogers, etlitor of t h e a v e r a g i n g m a t t e r s w i t h tlie L o r d , it seemed to m.; who claim t h a t t h e y I m v e a r i g h t to a d m i n i s t e r t h e Nuuthem Favmc,\ T h e s e r m o n s a n d spetH.-hes of we m i g h t t r y it w i t h t h e cuttle. If a n a v e r a g e oj'dlnances to w h o m t h e y please, ami h a v e little re- these g e n t l e m e n were apjireciated, a n d w e tru,st fence will not d o for t h e m , I a m afraid a n Rverngo spect for t h e a u t h o r i t y of t h a church. t h e y will find the inclination a n d , t i m e to d o us character will not do in t h e d a y o f j u d g e m e n t , " W . A . Clark, of E l k h a r t , I n d . , an efllcient m i n - t h e pleasure of coming a g a i n . Our churchc>s not C O N T R A D I C T E D T H E TICSTIMONY O F ister a n d a sound L a n d m a r k e r , w i t h a small all being representeil (o,i account of sickness I preT H E HOLY SiMRIT. family, desires to r e m o v e i n t o a inildor climate. sume), a u d in consequence of t h e ' h a r d times,' Wo^iive Ix-low the action of t h e session of tinA n y c h u r c h in t h o South d e s i r i n g a good, w o r k i n g w e did not m i s e much ' m o n i e s ' for our denomi- I'resbyteriaii church at Brimswick, Mo., in eu.se pastor will d o well to w r i t e h i m t o vi.sit. W e national purxioses. But I a,n inclined to t h i n k of one of their members who d e m u n d e t l a n d receivshould encourage such m e n to settle a m o n g us, a n d t h a t if o u r financial ability had been eijual to our ed immersion at the hands of a Baptist minister. they will soon influence t h e very best clawes in desires w e would h a v e m a d e even ' O l d Central The brotlier, oii w h o m this censure fell was above As-sociation " blush. Wl^ihingyou and y o u r paper the N o r t h w e s t to conxe S o u t h . seventy years of age : m u c h success, I a m , e t c . " W « cull t h e a t t e n t i o n of readers to t h e following " Whon-as, J a m e s D. Price, a ruling E l d e r of notice in o u r la.st issue, a n d would state t h a t Bro. this church was on Subl.ath, t h e 21st ijist., by his CALLED ASIDE. Allen's poHtoftlc^ Is G a l l o w a y , T e n n . , a n d n o t own consent Immei-sed by a Bapti.st minister, an.l "/ hove somewhat to sou the " " G a l l a t i n , " as pulished last w e e k : this step was taken by h i m , w i t h o u t i n f o r m i n g , Called asideI:LD. W . J , F . ALLEN of Galloway, T e n n . , i n v i t e s j or even consulting with the pastor or e i t h e r of the F r o m t h e glad w o r k i n g of thy busy life. correisi>ondenco w i t h c h u r c h e s desiring a piustor elders, or a n y m e m b e r of this church, a n d in thi.s F r o m t h e world's (vasi'lexs stir of care aiitl strife, , . . . will teach school if d e s i r e d ; refers to t h e editor oi Intotheshadeandstillni'NsbvthvHeaveiilytJuide. I l>wi<'ve he has violated his solenm ordinaTUB BAI'TI»?T. F o r a brief space thou hast bwii cttllcl asit'le. j tion vows which h e voluntarily took upon hinilionely hours ''•'•f when he was ordaine<l a r u l i n g elder in tli. (Xillingsworth, a C u m b e r l a n d P r e s b y t e r i a n m i n Presbyterian church, ister, w a s at last advices on t h e r a m p a g e about T h o u hast siwnt, w e a r y on a couch of pain, " 2 d . l i e has contridicttHi th<: t«!tlniony of t h e Statesville, Mid.lle Tennessee, d e n o u n c i n g Bap- W a t c h i n g t h e g o l d e n s u n s h i n e a n d the falling r a i n ; whose .sad length only to h i m was k n o w n . Holy Spirit w hich he a d m i t s regenerateJ •generateJ his hi. soul tists as " s k e p t i c o , " "intidel-s," aud like terms. Houi-a, W h o trod a sadder p a t h w a y , d a r k ami lone. fortvyeai-s ago, an.l d u r i n g this pericnl of t i m e He is a low fellow of tlu* basest .sort, a n d if o n l y has comforted h i m , and enabled him toholdHWWt Ijjiid a s i d e f.)llow(Hl a n d properly reviewed, as he was t h r o u g h c o m m u n i o n with God, while a meinl>er of t h e M a y not tlie little cup of sutrering be out Wi>st T e n n e s s w , his lectures would p r o v e a A loving one of blessing given to thccV i'r.-sbyterian church. " ;id. H e has greatly grieved the pjistorand elders gr«it blettsing to Baptists a n d e x t i n g u i s h e r s upon T h e ero.ss of chastening sent th.-e from a b o v e his own so.'ietie.s. N o t h i n g better conld h a v e By H i m w h o bore t h e cross, whose n a m e Is love. aud n i e m b e rs oi this churt'li by t h e act, a n d he has publfcly ignored t h e sacriid scriptural ordihappened for t h e Baptists of Statesville if tiu'y ('allied a s i . k ^ nance of baptism as held by t h e Presbyterian Ha.st thou no memories of t h a t " little w h i l e ? " will only h a v e Jiim r e v i e w e d . church. Therefore, No s w t r l r e m e m b r a n c e of t h y F a t h e r ' s s m i l e ? Ilt'Mo/ved, Tliat said J a m e s 1), Price bo rtKiuirod P a o u l t l i s s AND IN TlIK RlfJlIT DlUKrTION.— N o h i d d e n t h o u g h t s that wrapped thee in their hold to ceas.' acting as ruling EUh^r in this c h u r c h . ' ' On last Sabbatl, w e w e r e delightetl to h e a r E l d . Of h i m w h o did. such light a n d grace unfold ? 1871. C. HAMJioNi), CLUUK of Sessien. ijofton, pa«tor of t h e F i r s t B a p t i s t church in this Called a - i d t w city, hold u p a copy of t h e In.st (?flition of t h e New- P e r h a p s i n t o t h e dexert g a r d e n d i m , . v r ^ . v f when If thou hast been with H i m , T e s t a m e n t revi.sed by t h e A m e r i c a n 13ible U n i o n , •A n d yet n o t lone, AT t h e re.sideuce of t h e bride's father, M r . W m , and co,rimend it to his i)eople as t h o latest a n d A n d h(>ard his voice in swef.'test accents .say, " Child, wilt thou not w i t h M e this "till li.mr is t a v ? " I NN'hitaker, on Thurs.lay e v e n i n g Oct. 12th, 1870, b(!st version e v e r y(!t m a d e , a n d urge t h e m all t« i by El.I, A, Miller, Mr. T . H . P e t t i t to MIKS Calletl asi.le^ p u r c h a s e a n d u.se it. W e h o p e it will be r « i d f r o m In hidden iniths with Christ t h y Lord to trinid, Sophia W h i t a k . ' r, .Utendants: Mr. Robert J . his p u l p i t h e n c e f o r t h , a n d will a n n o i m c e th« fact Deejuir t.) d r i n k at the s\ve<!t fountain l l e a . l ; I'ettit an.l Mi.ss Sallie H e n d e r s o n ; Mr. J . W . should it transpire. H e s h o u l d rend t h e best ver- Closer in fellowship with H i m to roai.i, (io.Klman, ,Ir., a n d Miss A n n i e Monotte. N e a r e r perchance to feel t h y heavenly home. sion to his {M^opie, an.l he will w e doubt not. Yicksburg, Miss., Oct. 2«, 187G. Called a s l . h w O, kn.iwledge deeper g r o w s with H i m alon.'. T H E CHUFA I'KEMIUxM, In secret of I l l s deeper love is shown, R e n e w i n g for Bro. W h i t e , Bro. Ratliff, of Ray- . \ n d learnt in m a n y an h o u r of d a r k distress From the iigricultural pnpers and from this pafier, during tlie hist three years, our furitier patrons havo m o n d , s a y s : " S e n d h i m t h o Chufa p r e m i u m . ] S o m e rare, sweet les.sons of his ten.ieriu'ss, learned the intrinwc value of the Spanish chufa :u) it like t h e p a p e r a great deal b e t t e r In its ' n e w dress. Called asi.le— crop for the fatteuiug of hogs. One acre of cbuloH in Please g i v e y o u r r e m e d y for neuralgia t h r o u g h W e t h a n k Tliee for t h e stillnesa a n d t h e s h a d e ; THE BAPTIST again a n d o b l i g e . " T h e C h u f a pre- W e t h a n k T h e e for t h e h i d d e n p a t h s t h y love h a t h wiid, by those who have tried them, to be equal to five made. acres of corn; and they can bo raised with one-fifth m i u m shall be sent, a n d w o a r e confident a m o r e A n d , so t h a t w e h a v e w e p t and watcherl w i t h T h e e tho labor. valuable p r e m i u m wa.s n e v e r given a w a y b y a n y W e t h a n k t h e e for our d a r k G c t h s a m a n e . paper. E v e r y f a r m e r in Missisfiippl should k n o w Wc wish to put our reaaders in j>oB»eEsion ol every(.'ailed asi.lo— t h a t w i t h t h r e e or four acres In Chufas h e could thing that will advance their pecuniary iuterest, as O, restfvl t h o u g h t s — H e d o e t h all things w e l l fatten all h i s m e a t , — h a r d f a t — w i t h o u t a peck of O, b l c f m l .sense, w i t h Christ alone to d w e l l : well as their moral and npiritual welfare: for this reiicorn. L e t e v e r y o n e subscribe or r e n e w this So, in t h e s h a d o w of T h y cro.<s to live, Bon we have distributed, gratis, hundredB of packages n i o n t h a n d secure a p a c k a g e . A s w e would not W e t h a n k T h e e Lord, t o h a v e b w n called aside, of tho Java cotton-seed and Kay's yellow corn; and — The London Friend. keep o u r l i g h t u n d e r a b u s h e l w e g i v e o u r r e m e d y we now wish to give away one tbouBand packages of for t h a t t e r r i b l e disease, n e u r a l g i a : W i u e of Col the Spanish chufa.s thin fall. Wo have engaged the THE FENCE STORY. c h i c u m 1 ounce, M o r p h i n o 2 g r a i n s . Dose fifteen entire crop of one man, to give away for new subA man who prided himself on his morality, and Bcribers hcforo tho first of Norember. This is our drops e v e r y t w o h o u r s u n t i l relieved. expected to be saved by it, who was constantly propositi.)!!, which we will make good: — MARRIED. J, NEWS AND NOTES FROM MISSISSIPPI. Here are a few cheering words from our Bro. S. H.Coleman of Rotlney: "Dear Bro.—Though my time for the paper is not out I love tho OLD BAI-TIST and its faithful editor so well tiiat I will give double help now. I wish a few hundred others would do likewise, so that you may be able to straighten some of the little crooks made in the fHipor pecuniarily, or otherwisa, and perhaps in your physical frame by straining imder the immense burden our denomination has placed on your shoulders. May God's grace ever bo sufficient, and in the end the crown of life for you. I InclMe »5.00 which place to account of yours, " S . H . COLEMAN." Pastor H. T. Haddick, of Grenada, renewing, gives these words of news which we wish every pastor in Mississippi would Imitate in writing to us. Though you may soon have another paper keo}) tho brethren awake and interested in your cause and enterprises until then, and ever after our columns are open and all are wdcome: ~ " Yalobusha Assoclatioa met at Graysport, east of this plaoe, Friday before the second Lord's day in this month (October). Wo bad one of the most pl«&aaut and hormonicus me«ting« I think it was saying, " I am doing pretty well on the whoio. 1. To every one of our prefient Bub«criber«, who will I sometimes get mad and swear, but theii I am perfectlj' honest. I work on Sunday when I am renew Injforc the finit of November, we will Bend u particularly busy, but I give a great deal to tho package of Spanish chufa.*, poHt-paid, to won an they poor, and I never was drunk in my life.'' This are gatlieHHl this fall. 2. To every one who ha-s ever taken the paper, and, man hired a canny Scotchman to build a fencc around his pasture lot. He gave him very partic- to c.ach new --ubscriber, we will Kcnd a package, jwptular direction. In the evening, when the Scotch- paid. man came in from work, the man said, " Well, The price of chafa^ ib ^10 )»er butthel; $3 per peck Jock, Is the fence built, and is it tight and strong?" w'liicb lieeins high, but in cheap, indeed, when it " I caniia say it is all tight ond strong," Jock n-- known that one peck will plant an acre. The greatert plied, " but it's a good average fence, anyhow. If difllculty will Ije, as it has bees for years pant, some parts of it is a little weak, other t)artH are secure them at auy price, Thoee who wieh to flecute extra strong. I don't know but I may have left a one i«ck or more will do w e l l j o Head in their orders gap here and there, a yard or so wide; but then I at once, aud have thorn registered, a£ they will be filled made up for It by doubling tho ntimber.of rails on in tho order they are receired. We wnt an order to each side of tho gap. I dare say the cattle will Gcorpria I«ri tririter for one bushel to plant for oar o« a find It a good fenco on tlio whole, and will like it, use, hut the supplj' wwt exhausted Ix'fore iliey reochrd though I canna Just say that It is perfect in every our order, and we failed part." " What!" cried the man, not seeing the Will erery farmer who i» taking thiH paper ««eu re wint: "Do you tell mo tlmt you buUt a fence thiH premium far biiLMlf, and show it to erery brotle r around my lot with weak phiccs in it, and gaps in farmer in his neighborhood. The premium will ^ Why, you had might as well have built no woth ten tiinoe tlia price of the paper to e«ch one. fence at alL If there is on© opening, or a pUoe ; TTe offer tfaii vulaable premium for tho inootlt whore an epening can b« mad«, th« cnttl* will b« i Omobar. moit iiwhi tb« rwewsli tLi» m-.aiL 776 THE BAPTIST. T > y.m U,iu\v iil.niit it •.' \Vf .^.iil.i l.iit ir;v !iii-imti< r>fai».liiiji: thcdin-ctioo w- n'[.I niKd ..n th.--In.•-st ^aii<llii!l nn the i.!....-,-. Vet tiii-y made a tiiic cro)- of rra-^s hikI smnt' two liiishets of tubers, a rtii/ i/irfti Thev -hoiiM have {I<mmI corn land for larf;* i-snit-s, one Inindred and tifty tu two hnn<li"i! bu-lids |., r acic. \V.- below ^riveaii arlicic from the If-aditij; a^^iicidlunil i>;ii>er in Kcntui ky, and ils statements mav be reiii«i nj>un. Head also M r. >k< it.u en r eard in ihi-i.a(x-r, tho boiler houses, and small bHildint,^^ for siKvini from wiioin th»' seed can be ..btaincd i-ure. Si-c V.inds of machinery. The w«>;t entrance allordi^ our oiHT, a jiafl'.a;^*' free J.i ever !>•" mill r( the most direct communlciition with (Jeorpo's Mill, siib-criber f/iiK itu.nfh ; which point allbrrls the best view of the entire cvI Hi 1 1 n i \. blhltion ^'rounds. Includinpr the upper floors, tbe In Ihi -.- da.\-a r. .li-s •S V \ ila.ii.l iUi.il'I- : .eiii • ... i buildinp: provides fourteen aer(?s of ibxn- spac*.. -tnck uT till- "| !int." 1 ii. i iiii \i , ,,i , .;• II Tho principal portion of the structure i- one st,,rv atiriitiuii 1- nui- Many'-:o-e;il!eil ^'laiii et:ibhM, tree-i, in height, showinf,'the main coriuceupr.n the out- '•'^'''l*'^ tre.^s ('t< arc rr-^'nlarly adverti-ed every side at forty t.et from the ground, the interior Uiat is nti essjiry is to plant in mw s,alter tiie fjnanui is |>n parcii, it-. Ibr any ordinary eroii, and keeiitlic -tirfarc stirrcij, at re.;,nihir int< rv;i!s, and frei'from weeds-, iinti! a fair start lui" been obtained; iifl'v wbieb the Clnifa- are well able to fake ear*' of lln iu-elvi>. Some of tlio.-e wb.. jjrow this plant forlio>, instead of Iiiirve.-'dnfi; afterthoref^ularand ajijtroved method-, let tlu-se champion rooters khvsc, with liberty to b e l p t b e m ^ ! ves. [The ChnfH makes fat faster than corn, an<l unlike mast, niakts. it bard and sweet, so tiiat not an wir of corn ine. ded. <hie acre of ("liiifits w ill makeinori-tni-al tbafi five corn, and .a liti^ rrop of first class bay Ix-ides. tbe bay tbe day ailer tbe first frosf, ( tiieday before would be bettc-r.) and after taking it olf tnrn in the bogN ymi wish to fatten, and wbeii fidenon^b, kill. I'luw ami harrow the field flK.t- U'/bl'- Mill j. ( if .lU.ii.- to brinij- fbe ne\i It i- uiiiy neei~^aiy, .(o tiio.'-e w lio iiave tt-U il I lie n;:iller say. l<> plant Clujfasoncc'—indeed, tii< ir " -taylnjrfinalities are such that t iiey are rejxirted very diflicnlt to eradicate. The liitie tuluT, <a j»art, we repeat a.s food—is height tothotopoftheventilat«rsinthoev<.nu.'s ln(onMHpiei!<ef.f this, a p w i t nianvlarni.'rsbave 'seed"—the , , , • heing seventy feet, nnd in the aisles forty feet. 'I'o b<-eome di-trnstnd of evervtbin- "wiietbcr -ood I " y larger than a good-sizn pea. In the Naitb hrcAk the long lincw upon the exterior, proiections '".•solnleiy abstain fron. coimtenancing tnrrow« two have IKH. hurochjc^i urK,n the four sid^s.imd the -r touching anything that is not ' l l ^ r.s,tablished . : : ; ; ? ! : . ! ^ . !and : ; : ' timeiroin l>ecc-mber to I'-^'.V. havelH«nlntr™i„eo,l April. nmin entrances hnish.Hl with facades, .-xtending is Ix-.sl-tho nian v. ho laivson th.-nVonnnemlation There aru many good points about this olanl bt to seventy-eight feet in height. The nist entnmce « pefldler o" agent v. iii often Ite dniwd; and lb<- reeomiijend it to tbe consideration of liie pru;.'r<v-ive fiirnier; also, tiiereare tbou.sands of farniforms the princiiKil approach from (he street ear- '"dividual who is dfs.ti(uir, of all disjiositi-in b. eis who, to our certidn knowb^ige, w'anf the fmjn t i ^ Mtun E ^ j i b i t i o n Building, Iron, the! Siini:;';;; "«'eds," and, such being the case, tho.se who have rtulrotul depot. I h e armngcment of the ground j tbe Chufa j.lant has b<K.n on tJu, increase forat I . I S them for sale will con.sult their own inten'sl by plan shows two main avenues ninety feet wide by i « couple ot^ years, and a good point in its favor is making tla- fact widely known.—7>»»f7v' f/ohn thirteen liuudred and sixty feet long, With a c e n t r a l ' " t o r c i ^ t itiie th:m increa-si^ rather tiilier." JnvViKtl. lino. GKAvr:*: — Uy order of tho Clopton (Ala. dr«I and sixty feet. A t the centre of tho buiidiuLr that Chufks h a w W m grown veryoxten.«lvely | following preiimWe and resolutions:building Wherea.s, in the i)rovidenc<! ot' God, Bro. .bihn Is n tnmsept of ninety feet in width, which at the and Ml all i>arts of the couutny this yeear. Mr, Henry T. Duncan, Jr.,'has bwugrowing the A. INForris, a dejicon,'h!i.s this day dlKsolved bis south end i.s prolonged beyomi the Main Ilidi This tnin-sept, beginning at thirty-six feet fromthe i sen" i V ? HpH^melr'^Joot^liTl^M^^^^^ connect ion with the rioplon cliureh to remove to Main Hall and extending two hundretl and eight i cjirefull.v, which is hanging up in our o l H c e , f " " * West, bo it therefore— " " " " " ' ^ I{esftlve<l, that It is with the deepest regret thai we part with !?o useful and ellicient a brother, wlio has wielde«l such an influence for good in fifteen feot in width; in the transept tw^hty-nve| dentl.v, a.s Mr. Duncan .saysV ver>' proVific, feet, and in the aisles tpu feot. All otiier w a l k s ! f J i ^ w ^ ' l ^ ' n t fur ftjeding almost every! Hesolve<i, that we take great pleasure in comextendingacrow the building are ton feet ki width; him to the kind regani and Christian .'.nd lead at either end to exit doors. This bnild!! m ^ i i h ^ g i i r t l J . p J l L S n t s ab^^^^ i may be cast, ingw88 erected by Philip Quigiey, of Washington, l i t ' w o u l d be quite imiwrL-mt to know w h e t l i e r ; ^ ^ valuable am^sion to Delaware, at a costof$542,300,iacludingdrainage I ««ttlo, horses, etc., like or dislike it. [It makes • any church and community where Providence M-ater-pipe, plumbing, etc. • • r , : may direct him. " Our subject « 1 y^, CM.. BiihiA/^ fi a native of the south of Euro R e s o l v e , that thofeC resolutions be spread upon and fllflo grows wild in some part!< ol Africa. , ^ ^ t i ..u is-:. and that a copy be culU\Titeinn vttriom parts of the old w o r l d - E g X T t , ' " ^ ? - * ^ " ^ ' ' ®^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ THE SPANISH CHUFA. Itoly.Spain.Frauce, Portugal,etc. I t i s n o t natiA-ej fent T h e BArxiBT for publication. John- W W e d n i r e to confer a great favor upon our farm-' i ? North America. It bear? a vaiicty of titles—' " - -. -Simmon«, Clerk. ing patronsI, and every one M'ho has a few a c r c ofi nlrnond, oi* as (he^ French have it, r 41 1 fowls , , and i'ohufas ' pomme arc d^' fcrre. In i^evefal pnjmtrios.'i T h f oldest son of the late General HobertE. Lee gi-nund,and who wish to fatten their us«l as'an article T:nrop«in o f h u m a n foiid',"an'3 I w h o wish to fatten their fowls and ^ bhufas arc used as an article of hdraan food, a S i pigs at least expense and trouble by Influencing^ have become a considerable item in. commerce, i is now one of the most substantial f a r m « 9 of Fairfhem to plant the Spaniah Chufa. W e oBkr to r'^i'ST r n a « « n'{orativ« and sfeimuliMit, as w ellas; f„x oountv, V a . A local paper describee him a« ^ a port-paid, te give » ^ t a ^ r t , but atUl compax»tIvely few a c c t p t . j ^ f t ; , . . ^^„o ^^^ pair of usules that •waied to kmew that ^ . • gfift, aad aaa.T la^uire what l» it? a i d what The wltiraHea ef the CTiufa is very aiinple; all uaster hand held the rlbbona." 'v E B A P T I S T . '777 » h11 I UL'o, that his uamc was TheopoliB, uud th«t i A nether riiilroud acci'.'eat occurred on j beoa dii-covf rod. One ci them ccUimilu'tr..' ' "tout nvn veari !W(0 ho killed a man umir home, blxtc'en uillo.1 frum Kaihvnle, uud N E W S . j the I'cuuBylvuula road near Center Valley, ! that buvo beau dlsccvcred on- tho Piudfi cguutiy. ! ou the lat inat., iu which three Ucciien were eoast. It! clrounifcrencc, f.s high ni. a m ti . ... «oi't*Mil>or t« 28th Octobcr theru 0 tape line uroon t, in a , .j. i^j j^.j-,,, cuiMiijd, and two j.erioiu klllod and scvt-riil • can reach a::d Tiiii iMiperd of tills city claim ibe Injured. ' few iaclics lesh than oiu* hundred aud fifty IV. IV 1.1(17 de.ith', in'Siivannah, eight bunc'Kvtion of TihU'n by u dwide<l iiiaI feci. TbU Is beyond the uicasnrenivut of dr. (I .ind -eveuM' thrce white and three hunIn ua o!Tu-inl report of the rrocnl aici any tree in the Calarernt vrri-v. Tiie height ilri'd and tweuty-four Colored, out of a poploritv; but us we go to press Thur?iil.-iiion -.itiU) O.cipverof 7,W3 whites and (l iy twelve o'clock, Tlorida and Lou- deut i:i the Dehiwoie, biokawauuii and I" 1" esiiiniueu estiinnted 1lU 11 on.' on.: hundred i.uuuicu and .iu.i aisly fi.et , u,'.i3i5 Colored. Among the deaths were iwo Western railway, liiiperintcndeiil liaUt.ed isiana huve not h<'en ofUcially beard 'and a part of the to,., Ivmg <•" the cronud. 1 docfoiN aevtn clergymen, seven polieeuieo, from, which Static will tlecide the sf.ys tho rviir braUeitiau, whose duty it v.an 'I u• over ntie hnudred 1 1 feet f 1 i.,' I). ' •Kiid live sisterH of cbnrity. 11 i.,n Icji^lli. , ti-,,, i inn nuitter: the Deniocrats claim both to'be biiek with u n»g, ban not bcou bci ii ' Atanta Cqn^litution: Jiaj. «aKl IJlll, Four yeur-< isg" two ralifoniiaiw phiiitof those, tiixl the lleptilillcans also, siiiee the Ei-ciili nl occurred. Iind bi-,t highly n wpected eitizcn of tbU ed 1,000 acres iu «!iliint-« ami iilniondi", nnd un l iu,..Id died week. He wiin ninety tuo porter was electetl governor of TciiThe c.iilirc rimit ol tho resiiicnoe of v,.nni .lid, and wa< until n few nioiillij u«(i tbcir erop tl.ib jf-a-.n will yi<dd llo in i pvofi: nis-sce, though 'I'hosnas receivetl a .Iiii'liie-, of Uoiidiiiit, NVw York, ! i|tiiio an uetive man. He wai born In VTrverv handsome vole; tbis city gave .,;• j'.'.M.Mi-'ll. ,.11.Ill, "111 n^ the war of nnd w is forhiii'i over fourteen lumdred ma.l<»rlty ' waM r.Tfiiily lil"'<ii ou' liy » ch,irj;<. nf j.nwi.ii 'iv 11 i-ilizeii ul" Al.ibanm, where be w.-is u t I .Icr pill.Til ill til'uiiidi'-.i l > y ..oiiic Miiili ioiiovor I'oter; bt; mad''a toagnillceiit !;• r'mtr 111 nib. I .)f tli« Uigisliiture lor srviral ti ruu. Th'- L-rea' iiianii.- I'M;-::' siiigle-baniied tisrbt. piTHDIl. Mil- ncrr.piUlts of Uk- luiUSC V..-I.. On l ii-hdliv hi'^t f:iv inemberi) of a Inmlly V. u I in II.Hkin-hain. Viv, four genl!omi-n aud . im .lli, Ani'leriiuni «illi Hn liirnrin i-i iiuiiijurid. Tiir. .siji 'r:i. I I...1V. uii-lud 1,-61. Ibtv >vidi;h.-diii'i arat.;CI r. I Wai. Whral'y, onie a faviuitc is' Uir. ,.],, l..-ii S'uV. lut »itli h 111, .'. I.uiidied iiud li/ieen, iivii hiii.dred Ht ^ lli. ll lui-niln rs nl iht- ruliin- I nti i MitrHlial l-i'i[>' r iias lirrivc.l ut l.iUlo ilitd iu Ni » Viirl: on the :td iiihl. :iii I iiintN fi.ur. two bundled and ihlriy t"o, rijiiiiiy npieii nt.ilni' "ITI) r > -i ril. i;..ck, fmiii 1' » ''"I I ... Inii.iii-eil nli-rt iliiny-trto, two hiind edand \V(f<lv!l, (looilwiil aivl ( ohm. were 'I Dim A ili.x|ialL-l! Iroai KmiH' i-i 'b" 1 nil.Ml 1.11 'I ji.. v.iiiii|.'{jrvtiennin «li0 kieUed tlm 1... "li'iiii I..mid •riiilry "f iiianNiauijhUT l'-' ^lidiiii; in ,1.1- kiilini,' '••f li.e iTizf liL-l.i.T \V:ilk(;r, 111: Dn.lv N'.'U < K tll'll rir.lni.l \,|I.. 1 1 . „ l.,.:iiii 1.1 I'M! Iiiuidred and ten i i^'i.t'1 u wiiril. '1 II ly ; \. .11- ..M and ImjiOJ, by p:i»pe'' atn ntion t i A iiH.i-lvel ii. -^noi H l)r«k<- into u ri-^i- S,.lem, Neu Jersey, niul lunc be nt,, nti i,. • d .Ivine. lli. Ilnii,,.—. 'I ' ii • lii allli. iii.dite tilue'to bi-eoine fullijrowii. I... ' \ 1 iiaiiM'iiMit'.NT of the ClnirleHion (.S. ll. (lenc.i- nour Aihi-ii, SoHtli 1 aroliiiii. on ihi; tr. [:ix yiar^' imprisoim iU tarli in ilie Tit ii i ordrri'd !i r >n<iili ll: ii II • ; I i; .r hni 1 Courier given n graphic d.• J til.' M, iiiel iiiunlvrril ii >Ir. llaiipl-in lui.l lii- Ion |)ciiit.-iiliar:. Tliu .r.maii" ir- <••>" I"'" -i.b . .. i;|.ii,in 1 1 1 a bear ehaHe in Oriinge |i»rish, r. laii .' • ••i V . .T.' -' 1 i.iii o.' i ; w I IM 1.1)> W Ullil' l'>'.-tuian. After rol-l.in^' llif oiuus, ( Uiik mi l .N'l'jiiy, i iil.'ii<-. d ! ,1. hi ll l!ie IVbole eoninuinlty joined, J..,d fi.nii.i ii;III |,r.-iuisif. lliv iuuril. r.T« liritl llii- ibvll!!);;. nil iiiipritoiiiiifiil of two yertrK. j r-iiiii viii liniilly killeil, i.nd hi.i weight 1-1 ^av -: . I l,.)Iitliili.li.^pa;rll la'.i-il Ni Aiinth' r iici-idt-nt (icciiin-'i "ii thi i 1.1 In iii.i hiiiidred and ninety-tiviA t.> till; (ilobe-DeiiKK-r.-it. fmrn ll f..r (":ilii!u-t ronn. il Inu In . n -.1111111 |...iiniU. ."••'.nn:' of thv mgr. id iuH .eeled r, iiu^^ 1\:inii' li'.ilr.iMc! on Tbiii-d;iv. On. K iiifiiiiiii. T'-'.-"'. lliii-'i • "''•'""f^' Miitiirdnv next, llie I'liiili iiiM.iM \ di- I I . .. 1 i;i,i:.ii: "(Jreat (bid I en ive been and «i-vcr.i: in'iin -i. Win I'liyiii:, \v!;o innr.lcrnl .ii.lin l.uve iiiur i,iT.-oii v.iihiiiiiiii')i..».-niii in dab swamp, loo" pateh ti..'.ii I'.i hrr.i.l'- uiincunr. • tt.iil • li-m-ll, T.^xm, ill M:iy, Is;-., liavi- lii-ii: I 'lie I'liiiianehe (re.xaiil. Chief: A» nmlic om.-iiil-; tlti-nkH". iI..i1 'bl"' il ] Mii-iipiiH bended, the pMK.shopper.s have do rut: WKMT. .u-i'i-p'i d -'.n I'lir i.'c 1 I' ' I'i..ire(.'v« all oerr the eouiKiy, und from Ncv' (>rlf:ins io|n.rl h jis ilio-. li.i.-, loi.k tor ibein in eountTlic < li-i-;t:iuir<- i'11 Uic M • liT'-d !!*•• n".. V . .ii..iu ;ii I- i-- ' "-I i I, thiii tlic schooiiiT Tl)'>«. 11- Swoi ni'V frrvi • j. . iinlli.iii- iie.M -piing. A more terribiu \ . I'>.u 1- .'.nlli.inv was rlei-tid npi .l-'tiiilii r >•. riiiliulfli>hia i.> Nr%v UiKiiin, la.U-n v-itl. nm. \ rutild .-.la.i elv brfall i.ur |ihlllter»i, iilliii.il .Ill 1 \V. "iV. \V.-I,..l. 1- pri-K.d. nt The l/'nii.in I'l.-i p'.r.-ii-U. in I 111 i; ivi- .1.. |.. rniiind to judge trom tho jiowder, wns v, ifcke.! duriiii! llie n-ct iU lmIi' of tb.• I ill V.<'yI ]„i.| l.i>i'.r\ id tii-«" inn. etJi, tbe-ehaui'es are fi.na. tin- fiiilo.vinj; p,iriit;ra;'li ,„,. „i, ll' li.f M-n.,li-. (Ml till' Itutiiiniiis. • nii'li-r. I iin iiilv Ml favor of tlit ir di-i-trnetmn by the libvin.:,' ii,,rpli-d 1 1 1 . ivi •I!,.,' i ii'tli.:.a.l iiniii\li-ka TIio city of < ;ri-ii;iii;i. Mi-.,-.v.:' \ i-il' •! I.. ' I,, v'i:tin> 'thai'geni'i-Mlly fall iibout thai ; , ., flu- 1 1 Irniii .'•an Fnui.-i-i ..,, i..r sijind l;n-i>ia lri> laki'.. iiiiMn-iiiair ! .1 .1 ...11 1.1 iln- \ riir. I,y Ihi-firyfu'l.-l en W". .In. t..! ly m xl.i !••<•!> ,111' — f.irivard nc;.-"! ml i-m^ l.'.r : br n m. 11 1 •••••.. .jfslroyi'd over if l i.c.'H w.rtli oi riv, ;•,,.„.. l-.i. r.-, \n< 'I'.ik-ilii iriri, mint of all pi ndiirr .jMi-^liiin^ 1 i.' ' 1 1 . ,. lliMI.-iitx ii! oili-rs Hpi-eliil riitOK and ' tl,n<l.iM..lr..i Ih.ii-Mnd .l..ll-u:< ii. -ilver iiimuii! nlucli wii.s lli. lli-|Mil.liiiiii ffli.--, II.. I liidii. 111.-Ills 1i> f»rbiii'lH iiKd TeaeliorN o( llii- l.n-.dish |.ropoKalK." poslotliof, llif iKiiik oi'l ratiiiy oili r .•Mli.- I ,.,„„ ..,„.! I',11 ..11. .1 lir-'i' pri.piTiioiw.f Mhirli ! Mil .1 .„iul v.. . ..nllally rceoinnii nd all who In tiie cbainlHr of ilcputic-* al I'.'rii<. «„H «,.„t I,;. I ..-.ll liir.U- oa af-onnl I'n-it1 I'll.Ill,1, Orcaii", or anytlilin? In tlio most prouiiiieiil busini'Sfi liou'<i't i!u- jiliu-r, nil llie".!., the dakidiCa/.eM, nii;ii~l<-r > • : rrniind Ivimpvan (•on•e^pl.nd•.•nN, p--e- ; j .Viisi.. lliii., toKilid thrlrorib-i-s to bis liouw, also sevcriil filiu rONiiiciici s. r.-r lo H ill.- iheir iniii bU'dne-^ in l!ie < irn n-r Iirii'jn iiflairs, iiia-le 11 slaliniei,: in recant I -jn Main htrei't. JtMupf.lii, Tonii. Key I.ar«o, I'ln.. but a fc^v day- -inec l.il niarki u ihrmiuh this cbiinn.d, and have ; !•) the I'ldiev of i!h- I'l't in'li i,'iAi riimeiiI in 1 ~ r i« 1 « wii'. (iiiiipicil 1)> luurly iwei.ty liHi^pv | , r. n;ly pnndiaMH! Mils ..n .S:in Tran. i>.o Uie r L . "lie dwell prin. ipailv di'liiutloii Airciic). tier-, fill liaviiiL- (•<iiiili.ilal>ii- .•..ttnui 's «iih ,, a l.lr^'l• iiiiionnl lor that ptipohc. I-Iinntry's nted of pe««e, nnd e.ilirliided as The fuHiiwiag i.i a utiiteaieut of tho til !•!» uf i.im'iijiiiU> 'ui'l "Hi' i ti/ii.ifiil iriiil .. Twii l:ir(,'.-> l.'.iildinp- bcloiiRiiifr t<> the fidlows: " If, onutrary to IIk- <->1 latioii-- i.pi rations ol the imtiotml biiak retli'iniv but 1.1 now a SCCIU- of .linii.-,tHli(ili iiiMi lit- Mimni. '.». Towdi r inilli, M-w iiji on Wrd i ol ihe uovcriimeiit, riiinpcli.iiinii-. -hoiild shall i;rv, i i.ik \ oa In cniaiii .-iiiiM'lion aj;eiicv for till!..month ol October, v.ruclioii. Tiic iiio.st ol lli. ir -Iwllin.-. urc n 1 me p. r :i wii- kiHed the h.in.ir and -iif.-ly f 1 I'rano- i" a >irii'.-;;b- iinil iiji tli«; four naajtlis ending thin day, Ron« «illi nil they IkmI, tli. ir li.l.i • .•-•.•re.l I in»liinll< :ind vrr.il nlliers l.a.iiy injur- d. lu-ing lirHl ti.ird "f the carrfsnl fiHcal villi Milt-wiltor, till 'r vr-«-U (!i m ci tlif "I'vMi it., lie- uf if.iiiv fi ll al < 'inalia on wbi'-h do. - 11"! iiiv..|vi 111 I i ^-' iili.il inlir-v,.:,i---i Ictobrr. .Inly l«t to <,>ct-iib('r aift : j..,,,^,,,iiatiijtiiii baiik iiotr^i (it lor dr. •I TImi- li.n i11 f . I 1.111 iii -.i 1 !.il. .ii'or- ^AsMirlol Son, Mary Klizn. Am NuL-n-m mi l M irioii til Tji:iiut lin llr LIIC^LI IIII'I LIR^ " I I I ' . I ' R< • • •• ' , I r'„TaiVon\'i'tiVrtn-fi t'o'baiiic of isHue-OcthicM-winliiniL' 1 : 1 'ihri. III b-ai-t 111 Mill",,L I . -..n-! im^"! liK-iii ^^ li'liilh I"'I '' I ' w r .Itlly Int to OefolK-r 1 ., Kania-, on Sini.liiy Mi.irniag. oui -elM-.s. ' WlMll.b riicy h.nvc ca|itari(l ;i r>li in Fl.>riila. ;',.vj, IIIO, ' .As^orlfd iiationnl The u !» gr!qpiiic n p irt Irinii <'amji j |:u|j;<'Uio an i 1 In- | riii(-> iiiipcrial are bani; noti's luilil for ciieulaiioii, dcbvern.-.ir (.'ediir Key?, "lii-'K i:" iiil'^Kinmi•^laiiil.uit'b. Wv.lining, -ay- a vlllaue > 1" ally j ir.iv.dinu in Italy. , ,| tu the controller of currciuiy lor re linvcK'Vfii tlf iiimii- "I ' -i t'k;,'^.- ''. plai enient with ai w iioKs-Oclobcr. „• M,„.b..n-.aasaltack..d on o.,., , „,, U lia.', ihc lu'ii.l of 11 i ialuh, iln l "f M.s 1(1(1: .Inly I" Oftoixr iilct, $21,..•tl nml till! li'KS o.' " b 1,.,. i.iil, l.ya l,>r.:u Sioii-i "ar ;; , i Mv f l..oa. ..ml is now iilii'lMMi. Notc.s of failed, li(Hiithitii)g "'V I Jolfe-Ki.nan.- 11. -1. 1 lull. the hrrt'W-fish, wi'll i'l ri-r-.i.., Ho.l ii. ar I'.ie i:'-.-ne of i.apl.. l.-m-O' j „.o.„rUnriit: i-nd for prlro llM. -ih-l ri daciiip national bank»ilcfHiMiU'd in M-bone habit'* iiavebfui hhkIC tin-••iii'ly of the treaMtrv- October,!?1.748,2(1(1; .luly .liil% , l -rj, an.l about ninety mile.. Ironi , .Mmiplil-. T. iin. " I'rntt. of 1'rtli.tkn. In tl"- i-anir:i> r tluif. I 1,1.11. 6lii'.nl'aui;bl,t to (b-ti.lHr:;lt.l,S!V.'^'7,t->0i). Totiilt^far a- b-iirni .1. only ! —,v ' ^ n.. vhon the St. vi.lr.^ 1 f:Milifiil (>cii>b. i- S! t •l.'i.'<.H(»0: .luly Im to Oc.S OI • TH Eli s ITICM [, I., tiie name ol Iiliinpy, 11 • (,'rrttixes, it •enim'* lip iiiel unscf^v-i".^ iicnd. odii r iiHt. ^71..'i20.'i0(). ..(,,. ;,-..l,,! liie Indian inui - ,v."i ibiwhich, by th.'aiii of four wcll il. Cnn 1 I r^ (• i'lniittnsr, liiV „i r .r'-rook''! Keei.i.-I lii^ii'- Till: bonded debt of Home, (i.o.-;:!!!, is KoeH oul'oil till! h.nik'^ luvj oiits ll..t tni.i -iinini.r, ?175,II(K). A . urrc-in'iid-iit iti LivinfTBton, TlliiiATr.\NTA dray iniib- 'poii .-i-rdWi red oi^ n iiorts that the piaMtiii>; of trcenia gr.issi!s. Wbcri ^i'iti:r fonie-^ it por!'liat-li, Th,. riiv I'lergy (d < liiraro luive throat latchcs. f^rcws the tiiil oii.niiil luaUi K th.T v.aitrs of vviih"M... dy .nd S.inkey in .-a'ting a .INH. .I.\| imsiiN. a Dane. di< d in New or- gn.'vo-'and dbelter-lK-Us, and lor ornn the Ir.vi'lv .St. .ToImi'.s its lioini-. Niituriili.slH nicntiil purpo-ier^, ba.s beeona^ very g. tn'r^ran.l .•bt'.-nan ......1 • '.li-u -'i il"" |.!an-. I'riday, with hydrophobia. nllV in 1 hut <->u»tt y. Tc" years ago 0. Imvc dcsisnaU-a it ns hclouKiii'.; i- i1h- I'amily 1>B S. A. UnQfllAHT di.-d HI ( o!unibu>, pe," cent, of the area of the country.wa ' miele to be In hi .Nov-ini-ti -Jd and •-•.'.il. of Spii-adm Arihinil<Uii*. I'lie Tiiited .Staterf nurshui et t^uii Oa., Sunday, aaed nevenly nvo. treele-" • 'mt now a farm without a grove fshoep culture is iiurf>ticil tnidcr iliynd- FrunciHeo, h.i.s made 1. number of arrents nt TnF.llK HO! nixty-.iue fnited Huitei pri:.on iii' n„ exception to tiie gt^ncrttl rule vRntRS<>fi Infconipportinn.i of Fli;riilit. The parlies charged with illeRnl r.g-..^'.ntioi.. er,-« iu jail ul l''nri .Smitli, Ark. Mlack waliiiit has llio prt-ftTftict! lor profit Fl.OVD and I'atrii-k eoni.yie", Vii have and eai,e ol'cultivaii.ai; but>dm. holt HI. Au'/untino Pn : " Out of oiu- hujxlriJ mostlvoi. the ground of non-niv,n,,-,t,o!., and Nijtceii sfict'ji which were cr«)s^.t;il i>\>r non-rtKidence av.d eouviotlon of • r.mc. (•hipped Jjila.UW worth ol elie.stnut^. maple, willow, cottoiiwood, hiiropcan Wn.LJA.-M N E W T O N I-i t- I'e hung at St. larch und aro cotnmon. while cverthe South DcaeU, by Mr. ilcrnard M.isti-i», Warrants are out for n.any oH'or'John's, JTii., Xuv. 17, tor the tuuider ol iMcitis are popular lor ortmtncut.il ntir a fihort time ai;o, thurc can uow only I c oneMionof law«ill be brought hrti re the. Oleu Well-. rmscH, and oct;a!:ioually a"' plaultd in found twpnly-ninc rtmoiniuj?, tlie balance THE .Manehesttr, Virginia, cotton-uiillh frrovcsaml Hh(dter-btdt«. jnilges of the I'uio'd stat-^s d.«triet and e.rhaving been devoured by biMim, which liifi-fct have bee.i -liidd to a IVter-flmrg rtrm for cnitenurt. thnt lociiiity." Ihi-.v i'lKtitb) get Mck. The rofiidence of ,loM,pb La k, in M. ' TESNt-'tEE ha.". !Mo hundn d and iwentyMiss Luta Btwlcy, not yet in her Pnul, -Miu., with T . portion of the eontenti. MX eonviet-H at v.erk on th. Cineinnaii natiup to.) much and too ffibt; swalteenn, won the coohinc mntcb at tho Atidi i- WHS concumed by Ore on tbe '.'d. Lofs, three Southern i-.iilroad. lowitiK iai|H-rft<'tly tna<ticalcd fo<)o.; by Bon, S. C., fair. thousand dollars. Two honn. Inter th- reM- Dit UlU '-' of V.- .. ' ir eaii5. ;;oi .S.'.OWl for Uikin-'too much flniVl al. i.ieala; dnnk p'li-.tmus whiskey an.l oi!..>r nitoxiA ptirly of Fort'Hcnd, Texas, rmifted dc.oeof K. V. I,angford, iust eompleted and ^hii< servi.-.-!.. in ^-v. i"--.! irki n Ibiin- wnd; | oiOili^ 'links: dllllks: keeping W( lute lif-iirn al niir-i .' I '»•" •• « nrrefit by n »hcrifl' and pnfse, nnd three nien not oi-eur.i-Ml. wan also bnrni d.and tb-(.d- and Ihe niir-i-. toii laUi ill till- laora K V tteatber has ^i^ally ivt-.ir.Ie-i wheat | ;,„d .Hlecr-ln;; I)KY were killed nnd two w ounded. .eMdenee, thai of Chief .lu..tiee ; towing ins in the soulli. lleeent raili? have imt . Tcxiu has a slate fire tuwciatioii. It GdSllan. .ou.ewl.at injursii Holh hret, are , the grotiud R in goo.1 order. relax thefirculalio: III • relax ihet irculalioiu.wannj: ! cred rouliM is composed of fireraen of various eltiep, believed to have been inceudtary. too late lor r. a brgo wrgo ern)' en'}' bo "o sown s"^-*'* . notrbKtii.irto take fulReient vx'frvm U> aad thefirstmeeiiug "^an held in Auitiu li"'.t W, D. Stewart, a desperailo and cHi-1 The \i!unti Iimus hei a Icnijthly jiitiidjj k. oo tli»- bandit and Kot tvarui; nesU'ci week. zeti of iU" Indian N.ition, who murdered n nWMi Atlunt.i'f mute trade, whieh tt .mi- i.u: to wH-h ibeha'dyVtiffieJoallv to keep. inaU-!- nt .?l,.We.OXi der annum. It Mtjt; The greedy^ ({•"'"shupperft are c.Tting man named Henry, vra^ arrcMed near Cotton fullv 1.5tnt niuirs ar- broughi thu.; uttmaily ll... mire- o|K-ui.. esolmngiiig the wa"-", ri int, Ark., on Tuesday, by fcderpl deputy froti't Tennossee Hnd KentneUy, the Ifirgrr . U L y^orn iii «.w«nir room np Jalli.,.tlie tiirnip p«lrht«. dHv for cmtmarn .md- nxpoHire inc dont ciarKlndn. Tie «m-mpled to ci«<-i.p».,and irss ' portion being from ihe bilK'r Male, to '.vrniiig Mn. K. E. FiiliRV. of Ihf I.'nit.-d MAtej Tur. K.\%T. shot drad. . . rfi«»t Mtrvrv. is nt work witn n nnmb.-r ft to gratilv a taiii- and '.rt>li(.li. paji^jon fo . The bipfifM trri^ in Caliiotntn if uot in band" preiniring to build an t.bt.. rvat.^ry on .iri?-: kWpttk iif/cotiilantMeitfinpnt. Ilarry Hardak^r, a noted Kn?li«h h " top of near n. Mnor^'H- Kaidv.. - f'.^.lniout r^ttiHRtbe ,1 .nd Vilh b o r W Oji«f, ]ntup«d from n truin uearTiles. K. Y., the Yowmitfl valby. King, lircr vHliey in , HltriPS-vin J^toke eonniy, Noriu t,aroliu4. 1 .rins-lin .ntoke eonn.y, -Vor.u Candma. [^J qurihk no^trt.ms for fVCry while UBiler urnfif. nn' Wwduei.lay l*tl, nnd FiMUo eounlT i*fi.SOOfeet -bovo tbe .Bdiu wall., fwr.B ' A f.-r twoycu pat iiv^.-e-r b.Ue ; Utkinfe' mm?^ killed. »Bui« - u nwhich . , — are - a W ,1fi.W s. Tnilp» T « work, «f thts Uaftalo Hard^var® j higb, « « Teir ^ ' i ^ j ^^^^^^ CONDENSATiONS OF Elec-llon MAClIINEnY HALL. At a clistiuu'f of tis'c huinlrtHl aiul forty-two feet \v<>stoftlic Main Exhibition IJiiildiiif: islo<-atcil Machinery I [all. Th«» main hull i.^ t h w Inuulm! ami sixty feet vdilo by fourtocn hundn-d antl t wo fi'Ot loHR, and has an annex on the south twohinid m l nml rifjht foet by two hundred and ten feet. This huildinj,' Is extremely attraetivein its aj.iH-itranco, (hirable in con.«lnn-tion, and eovcrs nearly fourteen acros Alonj? the soutli sltle are j)Iae(>tl H I ••mm"- 778 t <HII.l>llL\. ' "'•" j" " <.-.lllM;.i. .1 l.ci«lit, H „ 1 t b f h lajy e Mrleh.. B ' >. u u! v „ u r p j „ . •' It c w i f l u M o n thftt th.-re coul.T'b, l u" ii rr i inoorr uatori.M w n t o r o n H. tlicf 1.l , i „ , „ faoo, and II.,. „.,.,,.,-,i » X , ,».• u l'"-'';";^'":" 'I'"!!!*.-!.'".-. ..c ^r v IIJO f.Kwk.ot tiyriiiaij run. I l l >.iut I l K . r t i a r i ' tllK ? . lamtl.e >l nnl M w n.W.r ^Ii'l H-.f lii-l (.,it or I Ik. I'M .....hut.h ,,,!,• •Ml M l , I , H.-MMn.,, .•,•„ , ; „ „ „ „ „ . . . . • - i- .i..' il,u..i till., • •. II.. (...,I ,1 l.r .III „„l ' ' • •• . ' 1..I. n mi! : c o u l d nott-nu-,-hypoihoau o f h n . n r ve-ofilion i l-s, w.io.K.-, •i lilt'. .. 'il'l.. T i ll,,, ii I. * . t-. l . , , ! , , , , . i. i- nt Ili.i iiill II,.. •I• :• V ' ' - I 'i, ,, . • 'ii "I i.ll • , \ •iK.v.-, ,. "l-tf l lir.M; i.-Kiirt tirjijii I \. w. " • ' . ' l-il) ^l • I.ll- „1 \i l-li ,"".'7' tiM ! . ; . . - „ | , i , m , • .. ,„i . ,, -."I.,.,,ii. ' I I niui.oMP-I I "I'll,' 1.. I.'!..I. . V,,, ,'ii . • ' r i-rii . 11 , ,, Ii <:1 Kill. llii.l ll, u 1|„« 111' • ril. .11 I. liii , -I,,! 'Ir.i 'II III. ,|„.. , ' iiiMi: ,.,,. • n„ •ll I .iit'ii.!,;,. ,1 . . •' I I ' ;li... .--l liu Ml xici in I ;, Ml.. ,l.)«l:i n |l| I , , " I I I , thirl,, „ I • , ' Ill'l.l, '•••'•"11, UMI I. ,.• I , , mule. ' i'-i i V,'' ,;' I1::, (I ), . I 1.1 ' .i.ii 'ni-l, V " f>"5HM. li,rr M. odiii.' lu-art I V l i ' - t i l l ronuin...! t iDony.igni.i.t tl,,. i . i f . r n H t h ' ""^!- h • A N D n O M K . i Ti.. n . o n n i - , l y i n g . | , , u v o r y i a r f n , „ , h ^ A U M •InI.,.,,,. s., , i „ u l , s . . . n . . , tliHn .1.0 ••"li. 1 h a - r i i n i N , ,„r->. imoiv rapi.llv • I'l'L FAKMLVU, '-.-111:,.....,,! .-Hv^nTn.-,,,,!, - 1. I)r.iin v o u r wot, l>ofr„. i l ' i T . . , l l r . ^ J p n u n " l i n n : ! , .voulil 1„. . . I n n , ^'-."•ni iii. 1„, IK,.I , •i- I rovui.; -..U.J Hl,eltt-r for vour ,un., lo.lvort ,mid •••J. \Mtjj . . . . . . H-,, , , , „ .stiilW " •illlK •1. < lioo..|- <;oMinorcial feriili/.cr.«< iulolli- f'.<-.nlv. a n d do not use o,.o in ).. r ' ^ : '' Iv i h , . . .1,1,.,, 'I-I an.l ^ n >.,11...I , „ on,„,,|..,..|, I , , ; 11,. .1. • . >. r I ""..ply •^'"•i' I'i.-i I'l i.-i,- f oti.or. iiau- u V d l.i't tl.i' l u n a r i ^ u r l , i „ |avo,al,l<. ..osi- l a . i d ' . o ' ; ; } : ^ ' ' " " - y y, l twaii, a I ll.'. Ho wiHo in tinio, and ooinn,<nro al III 111.. va.ii.iu.,i sfM 'l |„. i.,r "M-o .-...d plant n fow thou:^.n.i „ f thr " •• c.i,..M..n.l,lc 1 .vraoanth I l o d ^ v ^ n t y e a r l y , and ,','" "•nwr.,,! ' I - '•••'•ri- sNii;.:,,. „ | , ! „ . . " u r l a n u w i l l bo under a iKTinunent oiico. and vou w i l l relieved of the " • '••'-'I""' •,.;,-•,„,., l.o'.vioMi la.x y o u now h a v e to pay, and » ta.v that 1., u'rowiu- heavier every vear .Mt, I. ll 1,1,- ll, ,, ll, ii' iilai> containing full d e s c r i p t i o n V u t f l i c I r . i n tins ollioe. • I''"""' A-'i-nn inl.o u l , . , ! , | i " ' H.Mio ilniiii..c- l » r VInci. o r IMnnU. . lu.tatA .-oniribulor l i the IforticuituriMt " Soron.mui.,.' J U ' '••niponiliirc i . u,;i|.,riu -i,, ' I'liy.H bononot a butcbcr a t r dolinr tli« 1- „o,,rly i i A f K H i sou.'uv ...il^, ^ . l u M i . l a n , d r i v i n ^ t l i c n , l.wthn,;;: I'liii'lrod pouud-^, and con«idor.s them the " „ n ^xten' i ' lito Ku.MK u|. fi.r itM ''••<"- •. I d,..apo-;t ioriilizer b e can obtnin. Ho V o r .,i o, o u— . ' b t not to n II , . lo " ox 1>1 .ration. .;?.reate8l p o r t i o n of it',, i n t S i. i U • ' ' ! ""."V' •• " I h a v e a W o Ml •nvihn.c, walor-t.^ht 1.o;;,hend si.umling o u t ol ; ' lu.ir the Litehon. I n theMprinL' I ••".^r the b o u o i n a l w u t .^i.x i«iehea deep A lt.)liy T»-a<Io<| f o r H u m . "H/. .Irvs..,l. O n t h i . I p u t a layer ol j l^onea. alxuit the same depth, a n d cover ••Ii...i.niluc lYlbuij.i. 1 I .fim e n t i r e l y w i t h uiileached aslien. O n A w d ..,lo. y of the terrible iiKluoneo o) , (li'-c- another l a y e r of l o n e , then aHhc., •u.d w) on u n t i l t h e hoRHhend is lull, f in t h i s M ; i t e . ,S;uno three or fo, r K -iv." It then exposed to t h e HUD and rain all wmmcr a n d w i n t e r t i l j the next spring. I h e n r e m o v i n g the contentH of the hoir«hnM«l 1 fin.] nearly a l l the bone. «o mft that they w i l l c r u m b l e to iwivdcr n.ler a v e r y sIiRht pressure, and they ve8 ran nmoothly aiul h: ppi y ' S "iMce a moo h t t l e pile o f most vnhiable hoy were a l l i n a l J ,0 each o t h e r ^ ' " m a n u r e , reMy for in.niedietc use. A n y 0 t h e bones not HU/licienlly s u b d u a l I re tho tempter c n m e - n o t l o llie wife I t .A 11:" t u r n to the h o t h e a d a c a i u fnr nn«fi,», for another t w e l v e luonthb^ s l u m b e r . " the lowoi-t de,>thH. but d o w l v aud xurelv H o u l l r r IlnUliiir. ^ ( V J o r a t o d r i n k i n - to confinncd drunk- ' (r^hl e v e r y t h i n g h e h" I W h e n w m a n y find i t difficult'to maJce or whisky, ev*.,, f i l i n g ] t h e fainily bib c « mere HufBciency for life's support, i t to procure m.nney w i t ! , w h i c h to « r a i f v t s s s a biiby b,iby wat^ m- ss .sweet lit a wat- |-,or,j hor,j to to h h .i m .sweet little innceent t h a i laughed a n d , . i " " I t would have I x ^ u 8 " w v I l . s p r i n . r o / - o W , o f p o u l t r y raising Hbould b c « ! l d o m o r n e v e r n ^ o r t ^ d to for t he o f g a i n i n g a livelihood, a n d ptabh.'iliujg a p a y i n g a n d pcrmAnent l.ueine% w l u l e aii eager,Btrugitlingcrowd other S l i H l S i-sir - ! " CO.,.1,1:. I,;,; ., • IIIKI.I' 11, M.uaiio '".v.>iy <-r.,i, which l,^no(itAhv |Hiru(..i, llll.l 111!' lllOIll, - y,...,.;, Ii-ri^o ilu-'ir , 11, a,1,1 numuro liisrlily. ^M.iUii,, J , •"111. li,.,| .,, " IH' it,, I Ml,... ' . , ""'.V* '••''•o. paying I'lir ,,r I.. I„. • I 1 ' 1 '.f a^ .-i'. - Ic.-t tl.o ' ^ 'HH , ••iianin..,, I t I'.'.Myv y o u r .sood a t iojL.t evoiv '' .i-'M;iiiii '11: llMt tlio foytl li al ,,,.;„ , „ ; I „ , ,, • .•.Tlil llill- will,.', 11)11 i,,ay It^iv^.-^ vciir., c^pecially y o u r cotton and • " •••' 1 ••Hill' i l i r ;u, a,,,,,.;,,. .li'ivo .nl.uiiiiaiit ,|iiiMiii i.-<- i" r ! I ' itlii-'•• I 1... II,, ,:, a -..iliiU'ly I l!y .,11 u.oan,^ muko i.loniv of hav • • I.. ,,l;.r ill llf.,; '"'J'1' t i l •I'M,,.1, r. !l Ilmr- , l-t Mitir loddor r o i n a m o n t h o H t a l k ' i..|'iii'r can nav, a.- NcNi.i, ,|.„ liu't li,.. , -'•' '•' .1 Uitll C'Uit, l ' l ' ' " t ; f u l l y of tho host hav ami ! Iii.iin I I,.. . ix-.s atul r u n all y o u r roughnoRi through V ^ 'Mm- al...i„„| 1.. ! .n cliup|«.r. various (..im-nf v c ^ H a l i o u ..f ••' ••( fv.-., ,,, , , '-von «M a d . n n c c l tyj.o- that i n ! , , . - , , , . ." •••••• .. , •• .i . . • ,. ' took J'O-iM. c a r r i c l it t w o n . i ! . ^ ^ "IJ?.!" • " " I tiiere a<:lMalIv Ua<k: i ^ '^'^F'-y. J ' c p H T for ... . i r i n k c f M i l - pin-,.:,! ia „ii Us Mirfii.'f. :;:;;, , • IIM.,M,, \ I,, i ' " M l. !|,|.|. I I, III • ' " • '.'• '•. I ll-W lii. . I,,- " ' . l il.i.jii li.r , ' ' '...ur; I!, ; ^^ r i , V ;„.,.„.,,•.„ '•"VV.'' " ••'"'•i'li! i; • I. I,Hi... u..;. 1 ^Odlln j,, 'I- •.•i.|i, r "I I. V . I .,:, '.-•I ..I. I.,... •• // V i,,;::* ••'"/'"'•'^-^I'i"-^'' "f coimidrvi,i.>no.ot ! 'ii "111 I ..(,1. I .1,, I ...II .„ ..I . •• ••I^VIM, I I. I I'v I : ii.ii.i.i,, f ® unulUiv.!,!.. -'-ri:.,!.. "I A i thin j u n c t i o n (inv X , ! " " ' ' •ilrc^^dv l ^ f . 'W'lfin, vvlM?,?, " ' ^ ' " ^ ' ' t . not onlv vvuh th!- w n d U i o n H on w l . i d , ho ba.cd tlierc js, noL.,,lv hut i|,e rii ' i ' I H caI.ni)„t,on-, but „l.so .viu, iho result. show the n a v to it. T h e d i . "r oI inoro r e r t n l ntudie.. o/ tl.e niatc ../ t o H.illl,,.,,, V!! ( ! n i O M i l i . s . T ^ n d y for almost r • m t L e w Its innocent a n d every /"UChe.d no <.-.nr1nr ' . V I S a v ^ u u e o f induBtry, no m a t t e r h o w diflSheart T h e l o v e it «honld h a v o K S !I rc o l t o r liow uienccr a n d uuno»w.iitn n c e r t a i n tho dead, and i n it« p i ,eo w a r n u -i I Potillry raidnR - ^ r b i n K t b i r n t f o r i n l S - a t T S limior t l u, jHvor m o t h e r « ^ a«laptability, a n d ^ b u c S •"JlHtion i n itfl prcttenco for t h i irrief w , byhfir h U a n d ' s S i k T 1 .mli w a s to be Uifi m e a i ^ o f a d d i n i ' u /har J r « " pang t o b c r d e n p a i r . T h e d n " ^ e V S r t r' " " ^hn UTiable to bear t h e tor u r e . f l?f. ' .'"*estnien(. T h e one eecret o f t h i r . l , w a , „ t h i » w i f / e„d £ r e l ^ » h u ^ thproudxne.^. T h e ohinkeu. m-eurait^^ratifieatiVMu X K ^ m u s t bo w e l l a n S regulnrly fed w i t h « It-fl w h i c h h« could w ] ] a i d kMKi a n d f r « h water.o l u leii, a a a ^ ^ , J h^ c o o i * m i u t be Icepi e l e t u a n d w e l l H I i : B A . P T I S T . 779 vcntit""'"'- ill"! the chiclceui iiiusi h a v e j miif.<iu;ine.s, rcviow.s, newnpajier'., etc., niul very f a l l rejwrt, embodying udvice as to reaped by t h e men of the c i t y , ho miglit, busineiw ealcu tlie lK>st means of tlfrhtintt the iusoci.s if ho would. lind consihition i n refloctiiwreor less ixKJin i n w h i c h to e.xerci.se, aitondinj.' >• to • mneli • otl.er •• • • I t is not th.-ii infcat tho orchard-^ o f i l i a i r-tate : iii;: on this uflvanta e. I t niuht, howind to reap the fulloht moasuro o f huceos.-. latod to e s e i t e the mind. ffiust hiive conifortable, fhcltcred, iiud fctraiige tlial niich prrM.iiis liave a n y " In.tect.s a n d mildew.* injuriou.>< ;o t l ^ ovor, Ik: conte-.vd that w e have to ])ay stofuaoliio «if^»otionH. T h e eoii-ituiit e.\- loiive- o f seeJIingwund rt-ot {iridti'. e.ia bo rather loo m u c h for o u r freedom from (unny winter ([uartorrt. eitouienl of tho l>rain !!4 iid.< a n exce^.-) of kept iu f.ul)jection or destioyod by a froo risk. 'fli.> rowarda of other cnJlintH a t e blood t.. t h e lioad, a n d therelore other li-a: of a oombinatiou of liiiio nu't muN not V » r l f H f » « l Wltfut tut J<|.« ll. more uuoertjiin than tlie re ori:aus ai.- weakened, an.l ntnrbiii seiiii- phur. ' l a k e of <|Uick or uiis!ao;;cd lime wai-.!.. ..f fa ii.ing nr. to warrant their bo I noticed i n t h e I t u r a l W o r l d ol l u l i t y i.s pr..iiuciil, w h i c h ronuirs the four purt.i. :in'l of rotnmou f!uur of i^ul- iii^ ISC) mtioh trreatcr as they are. F o r in,Vugii«t 2;<d a n a r t i c l e on f-ed w h e a l . Ktomach lialil.^ to ui;rai;;:oiiient iVom very lur on. l a i ! .;f.".iir ptiuD'J- o f M i l | h i i r -tarioc. tlie c.imnii^.siuu moiohant'H ri.ik Thcurticle is w o r t i i y " I ' the ili-jutflit a n d P' uliijht eaCM'.!. to I II. |>rok . lime) ; break up the lim^, a n l Ml far in e.xcoMof thi! (anner'w ri.ik .Musi'lfration o l e v e r y v.licat grower i n i l l -ll. 11 jii-tly wiitille h i m to n very imich tiicii lelviit;; tin -iilpiiiif II bil-^ •he United l^tute«. T i i e I t - i srod, a n d ( il.-l* oj 4 UUh. •.N.ili it 111 n ti^'lit \c-.;<.|. (ii,.n U-!,,. liii;;'' I'iiit o f prufili on ajj;riouUiiriil llie most ai-prove<l c u l i u i . ' . in ilio >:uarI haVi 1.1 1.1 .'.IWH (i.r tlio h.-l I'.veiil v ii tiie fanner can muke tho aatf lor a reniunorativo wh-.-at crop. five years for tho pro.!notii.n of milk lor |ii.iir on tl.i 111 onciij^li boiliii;: wa:-, l<; [ifo.iiieii. pr..;.A^ii,ii iiion. o<)Uit:iMo «(>enriiiir ..<lal;o tho lime a pov, \;or, wliiit 1 want to cail the attonlion i>aii{ror nuirlrct. 1 uive lo tl-.r h. i.'cr at I llI f a b.'f^ei «!i:iroor 'li^ce prolitrf, ! ciov.-as M,. • (J a-- 1 • I. 1)1' tlie readeni l o i- w h a t ono < 1 m y t'.vo \ . a i r old i.i,.;. mooll! li.rlon.' ralviie,' tl,;.- ni-ikofi •t OM-. llent an i \i t iioL iiilei|. ie or i n any w a y iiniieip'iibiirfi hud praelicoil for a niiinlior (>! one ijiiart ol i-orn nioal toid tsvo .juai l.i ;. -v>i,.;i for oitli:..,'! tree-, anii i-i \ i-r' !• tlie ].r.Ml,ir;ivt! imlii^tiy of tl,,years, l i e seloet.i throe of th< Iw (<1 variof -liortM per d a y , thnl .lie m.-.y lie m..r.t" 11 ul a firoveiitivc of blit'iit oji K ,ii • . .,,1,.! rv, 111 1 ./t ir.ily ha< the rif:;ht to do eties of wheat a m ! mixes iln '.ii ill oi|ual f u l l y iuM, !o[rt'.i. I ilii tlii- I., all m y i !( ! s, lo 1.. . I r tlio v.i mill- ill ll li-1; J,,-;,!.,' t,i hi.iiv.'lf riijuire?> iiiin •rm ' I i|uantitii-, propait- h i ' l-imi iiii-cly asi'l cows, ti.itli ojil aii.| yoii'i'.^. viiiviti- ilii' . .., 1 .- . V hell HiiVf aliuul the foin toi'Uiii nr iln..ci,tli of foci! ao. i.r.liiijr i-, ili.- aj;.- nT tin 1 ,,1 till- . i l . - r \ .lii.iii I'o.-i ill i ;.''-ii l..r i .iatm;; tli.- lr<-i" WptciiilKT. 'I'!)'' land howoiI on iConsiiier it v e r y liii|.>)rlnti'. ;li ,l tl,.i I on ,ii Ii " .1 l,ti lo d i i i y ii „ !is,^i|>pi bottom luud, and hi.iMieo' <,-ii.w r L-l.iV U- . ..lini i e f " I ir III,. I V iior.Iou- 11 liiH iieiplilx.i's hah oniiscd lh"rii to inijuiro or hoilor calve VNiliin nice, liiil l.a/ 1 Intll.it t i l ! L 0,0. ll of o u r roa-J.^rs w i l l ffliflt ii< tlio i-au.*o of it ! lo h.i-p-oo'l l.oili r must be l a u e h t to .stajul -U.i ..lo! :.: oil .'ai-ii Mi.i I.: I -J-I v IM II I! .1.', 1 I ' - i p hor . nil at; t i-n)])-. when thoy fail oil tho haiuc laini. )rl'. e il.iwn h e r milk. ,,,! I U. IfL It Kiiek, !uul milk h.-; at t h e siuue Then'is no other .-olMtioii tlitit cat, I,.,1.1 I lie II•< .1 ijiiil (U.'ll. II » uu |. i llit n tiihC c a l l . i w a y as ».io!i a- t h e rS'.Hl'-niu'iil (>r U i c V'ivoii—liic liiixtiii,-. Ill ll,.. Kcoii Ho\v:i. time 11 liiili I irni -..I,j ll'UO ol I'M., ai hi i to I I m ilry, tl.iit ..-loinav iiijii.-e Vi' f t . i b l i ' w o l l a.1 animal v i t a i i l v 'liV, I,r-eve: 'IMSUiil: . I. . it- I ' " " I wi-!, 1., la!,.. leiiiK on a pro|'.or crii'<-«iiij!: nT iho inw-i tl.i' toiit.s or b a j . f tl i- -I, 1 • 1: :1 -1 ij \ .• .0 111' 111.lie l,ii\.. Iiiiii off, -lie w i l l - l a m ! - ! i l l aii'l • 1.. r •J i lealthv of flioir Mpeoie-i. Tiio . i.ii.lartiiI .-toeN aeira'.i' '• "I 'I 1.. -prilii. ll , .1 11, I- m i l k f r c r l v ; . I ' n a v J ii<.iii;' i..m'i''i li,;:'. II iii, i-... .11 \ !:!ii;TI.N'K, ftiiitc.! oil.' to i l l - other, liritirin.j i 11 tl.-' l„ ' V 1- tie -. 'H -ill- I iiiiiI ,,ii^.ir,l. ti .| -uli.'I'er huin:.. t: a. 1 i. .,• vital i|ualitio.s (.| o'ich into one ci.iiuiioii me 1.1 I 'lai -bo m.iy o-i; j.,-• m;.. l'\ lO'i. rr.'Ui •>|.!i|.|.- thr,,- or I ''ill,..1 ii,'.,|i ll. Ml:, r li.iv'ltu: I then (rive lo. r irrain 111.iil m,.e.,;,,, i.. 1,1 M itock. T h i s iri a'^ooniinu uatiirc . a n d 'lUin. In i.ir"'iiMU:s 1110(11• ,1. 00'il -, Iii t L<. nioi 1.11...; n iiili oiK lu.is,,,,^ tkilneiiil iiu:itp el 'I. I ollt'r thei'e through the I J a r a i \\ oi!,l. s:ra-s, and wo have I !•'til,' l!ee, i hili.!,e ami MilHi- |.er.l.iy. I liiipiii}; to hear from come of y o u r luanv friving from fivv> to t h r . e 111,.-1.1. \ 11,'iiiilvo.Tiiiile. 1 ).; |.l,; : cMi:.'. ' ••1 1 ir-l riK 11 , e '.II I !. -i' ' . 1 !|.-r, is no (Jl.-enM.. rpaiiiTM on tlii.M Hubjoet. I f t i i o r o i< a n y !!y .'•; j>ten,bo.' m r wlicn she 1.. - ii'.f '."I .• . Ui-'ly, i.v iry, oli I--'-ill ,, :. ,,.' ,,, -V-' " I I'.r I.'"-'' I'l.' vrxfi-rj'L'ti in tho past HI c •.; 1V• li.T a hi I io tiling in tliis of intorr.st lo tho v.iioat- OIIOUL I. wlii. ;•, i.nl.'.iil!- p.-:^ -II',.'101,'^1' ,is, ,i 11 ll |....'i< el si'.r.'i.v, no II (.Mdwor, lot u.-^ h a v e it. 1 tliink it v.ortliy coin foddoi-, or hay v, u i i -..n;,-. i/raiii 11,: ,,iii.i,i, a m Ml. i,ili.'i.r i-.jl.'.oiious I-ill, aniin:;! a m i Iiili(,'..l I., ' i i i n l * III till.nplit, and hopo wiuno |. :;riiril ai' I I'otatoos fi d in ali v c iiisiilerai ik n iiatil i v a.1.1 tlo- 1 ll I- ,.'.,',... ..'t . >r!iisivel.v of • l.-vtr.ivs b v eoiiiae; i („• ... I...,Is ,'i,| l.-il.s. ,! is •,'.,-.v i.leas.Tl lo pr,,.ii,.'.. •.••iri/.! W licii 1 •iror ti.iiiL' |ir;!i ur;i| (arm.'T w i l l li" ln'ar'l liiiiii -,.i!; ; . , '.ery , llll.l ill:.•• 11. It is ti ml re--i'lcM its pn-.-.-nc." is ;i,i»tiiruii^'ii ytiur p a p i r . — / / . Yd-.-. /. V ;• 1 1"I t i.' W. .1. r ; I ' ' V • I ' l l n ' iDtlowiii'^ UifiH .'w 111 SIMIW : I I; ni it,hei i- i l iiijitii l U i t > i'liuntij, M<>. 1 lai.i , I 1,1 r f^iiiiii tlii'ii. a- I .111 111.'"! veiio' ililo bf.', « xootit if, \ alii5il)l(' E v i d c u c c . -I.- li. i ! ' i .'inw,- ol'Jor, 1 , loroa— !" r luil. - li,.; Vii ev.vfoli.iire a little eotl'ii) -ood iiif".I •,ed, iiddi iiiu iite'ilii l!. <1 n«tl)ii.)nlnl Iruiii L'l.'.tis, Kuiidny Dliiiii>rk QuFki.i l'rt'|»>rr<l I j . '.> nlkei, Ii.l>., loniiorl.v pastor of -My older i i'vw, ..r tho-o that I i^ive foil .!iiiii s.ninr.. eloireli. )J<v,toii.nnt) at proKA kind sister, h e l p f u l l y incline'! w r i t e s food, I jriv' throe .|uartM oorii-iioMl r.ii I I.lletl In rrovklelie.>. K. I., must I)(i Mar di fho F i i r i n e r ' s A<i>aiif.'iji",1 ,,.,!!i •i.liiil.le e\ k'.'iico. No ono nfioulil ine 113 follov.-s: " I ' v e had it n m y t'Vi; i j t i a r t s o f oolton-sfod UkmI I" I .1 lell 1 <ili-..i\.. lliHt tills lestlinonlaf lit the mind for several weeks to w n t o y o n Viith treod early-out uplai buv. It I'll..' i- Ml lia'l !|i''i '' oii'/'M II'.1 • lit '.f two vrnli;'.-.xiierlenHO Willi tho use '.onu'thiu^; a l w u t t^unday dinners, '^'ou make- lour jjallons )M-.- .1., liliori ;;. !i!i'! faroiin^ I- I,..: . ' l i r c l y ' ni \ I i ; i ; i I N K 11, ll... ii.'V. Mr. VVallior'iitomknow wlion there is a family of five ..r \ i i l h oijrht fall and winter e. e..". . wiiioll I ailv.int i • Vii!ioii-|, i i : iij . no liO-.v [.roii'iunccs it InviiUialili?: •.•. .ml I'.-, I'ki.\ iiK N'.r. !{. 1., Id! Ti.'msll .Street. •ix pfrwns, more or lew, and a l l want to il l, foediuK now v.to.'tiier I il eottl.in -I ' " ! re'i'iiti " i-- f . i ! l i i \ v c r i.ilMiini i'',.l go to the moniini? wirvieo, and stiiy to ik j.ut o i l or takoii o;T. it i- a v. ry r\i. . iiiid does n.'t ro'A ir.i tin in 1 I if..l homiil to . xprasM w l i u my slurmtiire .''iiiKiav-achoo!, t h e i r ap|K'titc,H are p r e t ' y niilriiioii- !..«)ii and sj,, III Ili't 1)0 le-i hlijli vulm^ I plai'i-. ui>f>n ynur VKtJKTyi 1 it d".-- not p l a y t l , i .,| ;'..)y • It','1;. .Mv rionlle liiiM- iiseUit lor 111.'Inst two well sliarjieiied by the l i m e t l w y pet i'- '••••.varfi'i a r e Ooir,p;-::it ,v,,;v , v,.,i-. I'm iirrvmis .lelillil V if Is liiviilllftbfo. lioiiio, espeeially i f tli.^r.' i- :i lido oi' t wo 10 p,list 11 c 1 111 •, 1. I f cell Wli'-n my < .WS l>ii -1. ! 111,! I . ..iMiie^i.i il ll. all wli'. iiiiiy ueed un 1; illilslr.il, - liiu l y ; .„ 111. ll t.ll o.,, t . aUL-.ine. or three miles. I li.ivo o.v iirrimenU-l in i " -.-ll. i coii'liti.'U. r, iiovrillie/, loiite. ' '.1,1' .u't.Mior il:v prot',I ; i i e ' 111, e-..i i 11 I'. \v \ l , K i ; i l , l oni.-rl.v I'astor v.irious w a y s t h a t v ' n.ay linve our d i n a,III tl ey av.- icady t. i lio : L'ood -.,1 '>\.', .if ...ui-se. 1,., '.'r":*'.r till' ri.'l;." (If Hov. ilotn hifltn,'.. ( liiuvli, tjoston. iier a.s soon a« pi-. i ' j l " afiei- ^.-.-ttii"; OK", s •..•I.ll':. I l a k e iwav lieir :,'n.iii |...! me:iii lo iiir.t la'iiiors a l w a v e e l li i-iio ,ir e ic'i i.ni' I.",'!!;- '... l,.'!:i I i . i n '1 • :. ,11. .. . VI,: — I. 1, -e- 11 fi;; 1 I '••"..• i,,i III vcr !u-'- a n y nioiii'V. Wjjikiijji; M i r a c l e . «i,i.!l e.lM-l- II.O. ii COllill-...,11 . . i ... . \ .ir,. ; 111 n ,., t,. t o i l I'l -iibnii! l<. biol .••ca1' ;;,> ...W- 1 .ie_V h I \ • 'o iIk' meal. I find t h a i by leaving tli. t.'.i - ; o u r badly 1 j.'ivo tin 111 I r y hviii'-j;i'.'" I M; 1:. 11 STi V. v s ; 1 -"111-.iPi'l low plio'j-. !)ti(i liiom' iMi-'or I i., Mr -tr~ riir.ngli a striiUK-'r, ' '.viint Ui lllkettle on t h e stove, and (illed. w i t h a lit- h a y , which -oi,s t h o r n a l l riRlif in a few till). - sometimts ciniie i n t.'i''ii['-, "i>" lii.i,, .\'.I1 \vlit;t \ luw "iotio fnr me. tle lire, t h e w a t e r is i n a oondiiioii to dav.\t t h i s s.ason ' till icnr mv lollowiii..' a n o t i u r i n - w i l t -iiec.-.fs;,,,, I 1.1.! 1 1,1 i-l iiiuH Herofniii nm.lr! Its uppuiirIxiil ([uickly, a n d mush ts .soon prepared. o jW-: ,".-0 inoliiio'.l to 1 iili t'acmse 111 r,,v svsi, ir._lai-u ronnliiK "Iccrsui)Hut not wilhstamliiiL'Itis iabilily In siu !, loi'-e iii!j.'^'..:i mi'fis tollov.-i: oiumhi eaoli uf niy In cold w e a t h e r nothin;^ is Ix'tter tlinn liooil doal. I talic a line c.itd i:; common ili-e.,,irapf in.-nt I'no larmer w h o own.s bit! .•|i. n il.-, ..lie ..It my !lili:li. wtiloti extomlCKl to oy,ster-soup, w h i c h io'|uire,s but 11 few wool c a r l 1 l i i i n k the bos',) a n d card liiiiil is r.iiieh le.-- j.roiie t o l i a n k n u . l e y 111,. M..-.t, n,i. ..I) iii.v hi.iiil, wlitoli'(it Into till! stiHo I ...i:e,..iii. on my loft leB. wlili'li becamn ininute.s cookinjr. good meal isiiuie.k- fin-'iii every d a y ; tiiey look voiy I'^von Kt. i.'.i' I hat iwii plivhiclansoiime f> aiupuUili. than mo'jt olh' r biisinewi nion. ly prepared by h a v i n g a c h i c k e n made lul, a n d it i>iiys v.oll tor the t n t i b l o . Tho v.ho are also i)rodueoni til." tii.ii., lli..ui;!i upon eonHOllalioii ooncliirc.nuy o v e r n i g h t bv dressing and stuflinji. floor thev htaii<l on i-i* f'our feet and ei-rtit n,ii-..if:iot!irors, i|(.(l no; t,. BO, us my wliolo body wnM full ni l! wlio jd-o have mo-t of tijoir ea)iititl of :si-.inilii: tlii'V (l.'i'jiieil it nil vhaOIc to cut and then i t is ready to p u t i n the oven incno.s ;n li'ii^rih, v,i five i n d i e s d r o p : iii',o-ti-l in r.ropcrty itie soi.., wlil'.'h was i. iiiirul beyujid doncrlp|ix>d and iinwhen the f a m i l y Hit d o w n to breakfaKt. they l i e d r y and eloitn. liijii. :iikI ili<.'r.> w m n (juuit of mattor n m I <lo not ill low land, are moro iu fioin 111! on., sore. it requires l i t t l e care, and is uiocly m y men i.» be r'Uigh w i t h t L c m w h i l e ciiaiige.tl>le ah-iont Tl... piivNici.-iio all '^nv )i.e ,ij. to die, nutl d a n w r at ;dl tinio.s'.l lii.anciai ruin ihun hrowned b y e h u r c l i time, a n d ko<'j).- watering; or feodinf:. 1 milk a i iie;uly lii.'.v ooulil I I " more lOi m<'. Botll of Tbe roa^m of I hIk is not salit warm i n t h e o v e n u n t i l wanted for din- a,', po.ssible lit tho wiu,e hour ni'^'hi an.! are fnrnicr.^. mv Iff; - \v<>i<-.tiTi>»ii lip tn tiiv i-eiit.unrtilwos fur to w o k . T'ir,-! th.:» mamif.'ioturer'ti thoiii;iii If I fllil tfel lip u'^iiln 1 would l»0 11 ner. 1 find i t a Krcai. help to h a v e pota- nitunin;;; a n d niiik w i t ! , tin thumi> I slio]fc and i.ificiiinory. thou;;h durable, cripte f'lr life. ... toe.s ready to w a r m over. O l t e n me.it is \t ti. .1 111 tliis..K>mIlilon I saw \ K U E T I M - . under the fore-finj{er, the r i r h t band o n |are siill inoro de«Uu< lai.le ihnn land. ,i.!. '-r'.i t !l. nnil coiiiTiivm-. d tnl;lni< tt In boiled or roa.ste<l on .'-'atiiidny, w h i c h tho liirhf forward .o.Ttft'id fho loft ban.! T l i f i i . i i i the sroori.l pl.atx, l ! i f ii,anul'ne- xii,,..',. iind followed oM with It niitll I lii"l rt'lisli:>s w e l l ool.l \ rice puildiii'^'. Ijottlfs, (opl tlil-niornliiK II-,'I ii;i tlio let. liii'.'l I . a t . anil |. >er.^r. i l u i o r ii.i.s lo oiirry iar;;.of raw US (1 i.iiuie wilh..>ut e^K*, iiuti left in I he o v t n , never allow i u v a If o, man to strip v.it!) Ui:itcii:il ill «.idor to pioduo--' proliiably ; co'tiu- t " ptooKli onrn, :i w.-lt niiin. A l l m> l.jwiismeti sny It is fi miniolo lo R^^o inorouud ifi nice w i t h sugar a n d c r c a m . " i tiie t h u m b a m i fin".rr, Aftci' tlif t'ow j ^'lipi,;*., I'v'^ Kiniici" iipcl*' to linvi on Wiilkim: iiJol worUlm,'. Ill .•oi,.lii«ioii ( w i l l ...Id, when I was on(jive.s her m i l k freely 1 m i l k as r a p i d l y | j(„, ( „ i i i r o pi-odiietion only a umall lUirili!.' wu tl «r«a1 (.ilUorlni;, trom tliat dreadas poswible, a n d l a k e f i o m five l o .sis if j u a u t i i y r . f -eo'l. Cinaiiy. the CJ>mpeti- ful dist-.oe. i-ciotiila. I jirK.vod lo tlio l/)r<l «UM<I LIvIiib; Hlld Dyii|t«.p*lit W e never npeak to | t i o n i n iill bruuei of matiiifaetiiring is !.l)OV.- lo taite me out or IIjIs w.iri.l, hut tin Uoiid l i v i n g is said to caiisc dy^poi[Ism, niinute.s to t h e Cf)w. Vr.OK.TiNK has r.!sl.ne.I to iiu> tlioUlo.ssliiffNOf each other w h i l e sitliiiir a t llie f o w . l i s!;.'tr)V'r than it. larmii'.;:. and mHiiy hiltJ... I .leslre inoio ttiau ovor lo 11 v..,tlmt 1 but the mo.st h e a l t h y [xjople w e fi " " .1/. 1kind- of manufiicliired s.:hK;.s. i f not jK).si- oii'V ho c,i':>.'jmo Korvico to m.v f.-llow-num, a noise w h i l e m i l k i n i ? . — tver k n o w n h a v e l.>een a m o n g tlioK^ ! '".'•'I'^f'' ami I kU'iw of no hotter wuy to aid suflorliiK <ri Jf-iinc rarnirr. tivp Itixui'ios, are -til! ir, I'-.r iialurii of ^•lio l i v e d w e l l — w h o ate. freely several Sf.'M luim.-.i.ltv, thi'n lo liiclo-.!..' you this stalel u M i i i c s , iiiid w i l l I m ^ tise.i o i i h e r not a t nieiii of my with an oarnoM hope tlmi limes a d a y o f t b e most n n l r i t i i m s fof)d. A f r w Whf^-it !»»» U»«- Pju-IM. all or very spaiinply in l i m o s of finan- voii ivill publish It, imp it will alMr.t in., B y Home i t is said t h a t tobacco, snufl.leu pJcnsure U< rei»Iy fo any .winmonleatioii not W h a t , farmer is tltere w h o could cial dl/rtrcs-s. uliich 1 may repolv llierefrtim. coffee. Ivatter. and oven brea.l e a u w t h i s 1 j from a f«w .beep on I lun.slr, v< ry leu-owtmUv, T!io little lisk in larmitig be<?onK'a w m p l a i n t ; b u t whoever w i l l m a k e inr^.j,^ r e l a t i v e profit profit i« Ik prea WILl-tA.M I'AY.V. preater oven more .T).[>:iro(it whc:i couipartd w i t h 'luireson this w i b j c c t I h r o n p b o u t t h e Av.-r.i., Ueiriuu Co., .Midi., .Inly lo, IS?.'. from a email ilm.k t h a n a large one. T h e buHiiK HS of a HiHH ul.Uive oi-.ar.wter than i m m u n i t y w i l l find t h a t i t is sieldom farmer w h o raises grain, no m a t t e r h o w when w.miiared witli mamilactnrinir. true. I n f a c t d y s i ^ p s i a prevails, accordfew his acres m a y l i c , mUHt. find liifim T h e oommi^aion morchaut, for in.stante, ing Ul m y experience,.".Itogother the most Imoat indisptnwible. T h e r e ic alw.iys a who , , .. so la!;^o n jxiriioii o f t h e Ml. Ii. h e t e m p o rnai lt c a n d r . i r c l u l — a m o n g ; .among ™ it n f-r t h e m ^.m-.-where. an-l they P'-i-rSlr-! w '.n oil. erriiuy ...Id in., h o ^ w h o a r e w r e l u l a . reK«rd« eouKume .-tnd t u r n Into monev f...Kl tlu.t prin! oi fi^iotiliut..' pniiiucts il.iil '.he 1. su'.,!'/ny I " ! l " .-.t immh, r .>..u liuvo 1.: "" s f a n t i l y i.wd^ iiv'.ivcii hi i h c y c a t u n d d r i u k , arul tho labor t h e y w o u l d wiuste. T h i « line o f i t . d ••r.Mlucoi ..f iheui is jiwdiohic. VKOliTf.v i;:., or J do uu. paid fwr hi=4 ial.or—iie n i , d o u b t c d l r M-KMi put ui)on th^; stomacli, b u t e x c e e d i n g l y thluk rnouKli onn U a r r j . i.o.tor Btock-brec'Jiug c a u be more pnifitably niakc^ iarge lortunes: liut iiov;-oltcn h<} evoriai yoais wItU th»t aii^^ftil carels&i how m u c h labor t h e y j j u t u p o n pun-ued, i n o n r opiuiou, i n this state ro5!i.«s uuikinar ibem I A n d tiie dry- Stcj^o, tutnrrU. aud li«d Mica ha.l o o u ^ t M that most delic&teorgan, t h e b r a i n . S u c h B,«.ll6 th«t H would f-eem <•>, ' V S M i r , t h a n a n y other. W ' e h a v e n o rigorons gon-ls Tflorchani. and iud<cd. .dl iradssP M p I e oftou oat o o l h i u g b u t b y U j e aduVver b n Allie»uy rnore.-o.d vjeOA r i y t b ^ ^ riiw" «f I,., tviulor ( w a ^ n s here rc<iuiring expennivo men, bo«" nrm-h ofiviioi thev m.-ikc a JliKi l U t r f ie w. tCD-xt R mo4l!cltifl m« livm!.-! T h e linir. dyspep^k, o r b y w e i g h t ; nor dnnfc any- ^^^ ; s u n n l v for n t w k . B u ti menger »!ian nn V l ' J K ' n - V E . Juid I I ' l w tliJnli J r o n c o n - i f Bu propoT'ioii of fai!iire.J among h.^t ii:cdlcl<»«'» CjT WnsUs iiiMt Dot recvtiyliiniierp in '•lUii!! ' T i-ourac, i t iti Icepl f.i^Iluiisat tbe ktomuo 1, a o d i S ^ S i l h t k e tbr liV small b y the i>riuif i!t luaiaier o f lije U."jn It Is mirr of tti" b t « iroslltluen tR«t wbieh 1'Iov prfletiir . I'.ut the eiiiiipitrahurt tho Ktomach • Ml».J,.t»ltE. hinftr* SMe Orarxje. tire "alcty of iuveiitmeiiU e<jnM ' h y , then, a r e they dysjiepUc ? B e dueefi e v e n more fcorp i i dnwn, ^ause. w i t h n i l their ^^-ircfulnw, i h c y A W M l t tkrr »-ral» ^fow. i h i " cftinpin-.iivf s-Aloly o f ilte >iy HO a t t e u t i o n t<i t b " o s c i t m e i i l o f ' ' l l i e fuilowing la rccommendtd by a ih» l.raia. T h e y c o n t i n u e to w r i t e t w o , o«miiii»flion o f f r u i t m w o r » , presided t a r m s / a iuTOKtiuevil- i? nn» <tf hi- wd- IVtisr-^l ity C, 11. S l I V l B . Busii'a. t r liiree sermon* o r esaaTi e r c r y w e e k , i o v e r b y Prof. C y r u s f h o m s i , •tr.te en- vant-ices. A n d , " h v n lie is •«'nrkiTip l»sid« roadinp s Toliima or t w o , w i t h , tt<rao!<ijfi<«l o l Tlfinoiii, a n d i« pert of a himself into a piv-ion nrt-r tbe higpro!i*» 7 S O T H K : U.V.I 0 I h i i M -,.V Hi .f, • V : > V' "i"'" " l ' ' ' ' > " l 'I...1 w i l l i v i l l trtiik". t r o u , ttO'l f«>tt<<r U . n l ""V"*'' " f Special p.I - ' A « c « t or tlu blr . c t r r i u l i . I i i l o i i . A l l i i i i t a , HUVH; • 1 I m v , - I . l i m i , . , ! it ,t|i.- U i i i r n , I n l- l o r i . ! . , ..... m y r . x , « . r l . . « r j . |. t l . i . l n u . r . . k ' , ' i o J- r i : •1.1111,-,1 111 timi K Ma Y u l i m i u , . p>r l.'Hj^i o r i M i . i l . v v . 1 1 , w i l l VrliiL- I linj. ol 1 r. I . I M .. . I i i i . i v d v o i i r . i r t i l l - ( . • I m f i i s . Tli ••ii! s u l j M . T J b . i s i s f u r r . - i i . . u t i i K 1 M. r l m i i , Mlv^ourl- ii Ttir , hr ">•"1 W'.N (..• |.IN,IKHI-,I. KI, w r . v T . n,.y.i MK«.. '••r Ii. - i i l i » c r i l > r-. t •1 M.. iT-iiiMiii,,. T.-xmh VI,all •'I rill II,-.iiliii W.. , „ „ . , . . , I .- I..I ,, . , - \,„„ I I. 11. \\ I'lN-il i j t i i h .1111..lint- I . . V . . , , r I \ J. ' tli.li);,- Iiulli^v n lini,-.. If (1„. 1.<'I till- l i i i . i l i . r w r l ! < ' < 1 . I t . <i , ; | n « „ v I..I 111 • . L i f l i n . 'II 111. CI,,,!;.,,,! 7IH )• I l . i l M i . 1 , i.ii..i, nilltii,!, L,,hi„ 111 •11.11. .• . . I l l , , ll»ll.-l. „,„ II »:,.|i,„ ..,11. . RILN > v i l l i I t . :,>„l I | „ . «,tl, '>'•1.-, ,|„ ;. ,.i,„rr)ir> Ii is p - K - T l c i i M , tlint ti,-. |,w„„ 1, 1 h n v M.^-i. „ y,,..., iiiilv,,..,! . ,, I'I'ilnrd l o r i t n i n .t 1i i. .l .H. 1. I.,,.l,tnlii at Ihu tin,,. ,vhy, ,. , , — n h . !.i..-Ji:iSC-„f l ! , . j - M ; o r n w,,.-, m v . - , , 1,im,.,„i ,„ - o l l o n S,.t..l-tli...st..-,l t„ .-xliuuM,,!. V.1J1 r r i i e w i n N f M . n i , „ i „ . r w e w i l l g i v . . ^.,„ imrkMKo „; r.f t h p • n u y wltili. ,Tnv,. TinI'l.lllt 11 , ,,,1 Hro.l or n n i f i . K „ r.-i t .•ip.-^iiI "II'- n u t I ' r . - n i l m n s »r... s o i u o l i t n . . ^ . l o s t . Business D e j i a r t i n e i i t pl.'.ni h-.n.,, .'!•< M. r. .-.n.! l „ tiK- . , „ . l l , , . „ n , | w r . • i . i . t . n t at>,l , 1 „ , „ . t r U k t l i N . -.V,. , . „ „ s , . , „ | I'romliiiii.s liut ,.n,.... .l"wn, j.i.-,, niit.t 111 ;i h l ! l ^ l u n . i-i..ii,..l '.ft I.Vtl<' ilrrclvttl 111 In 7«L«, fwiin l i IJOI-UIH i : 3 i , I i U T.'niM«.s„!e A <i J ' l i i - r o t t j.Tfi. \V H \o». llu,i„.s ^\•,||| .-..iii.T I I - " t n r . r ti'mi '"•J"''" :.7n,.Ins • " »ll.'.m.s:(i,-. . M i s S u | i r o o k > l.iii..,i \ v . , don 2.70, u - .1 c - o r . k Urn...,., .-• -I, s M i i t i . l f o n l 2.7(1. J J ! W l i i i . - i i n s ;j..,i. ^iiiil. ""l"'' « III I. '1 -70, Jii K„si|..n.i Tolks 2.711, A-ir/LVLIL 2.7.1, .1 IJ L£„„..RS. H,.;,..^., .J. - • ' 0 , J B l i o m l i r ^ l l 2.70, a I ! C r . r w i "711 firff;orv'I!.7il. W i l l f.l..an Alabainii-JU.-I W .!-7IJ. .1 TCUILL 2.7". L'.70. Si.'.'l - 72.70. 1; A r . W ilk. Iiur- lii. ai.iliorltv. • li.'ii ,..,1, . " I l l y R.MM-triiU L-ik.-ii •' lllill li"i-l ||i;.• M-'loiil.l.-ll. v. r y -Miipio MM- j r . 2.T0, J o * T I ) a v l « 2.T0. T W T> . l u - n i l , .'.! . i i i i . I y . l s , . n . l /iftu„Ux,„.nnu-iit' ,.,r„ tu-.i l,u..hrl., ,„ l i o g s u i i i l iiiuk.'s Hriiioito nifik, ..tK liiiiulr.,1 ,n Inli* „i ,r.,-n bii-Ii,.;, l.rj, to in r.nilij torn Hill.. o r n , 0 B n . | pliint V !iiiii wiiil.- 1, A^i.•l « ,,-i,„.,lv rill',- Itrun.-liiii., („.,,.l,,,i riuiiciil S|M-R-JIC i,,I- N n ftwm l,„m„.|„ tlli^ r,-,.|Hit iii. motive, li.. i>,r,nf-r n^,, mul all whOM«lItorl«ri!lIj-acquainted v.i;! without R II 1'. ID .' Jiii! . . .-„ oiiltivai.. 'ni'...M. .-Ir.-I I , H.-ston r all Miic, W J ' c r p . K - k ! i w o 0 1 I I b ^ . . li.x biishol h 1. nil .. T. H . B r a r o tor a H O U R S UK K • ' i' Bro. Graves :&C B a c h . h a r e been y ^ l r o m a d l M a s e d N . -STL AI) . i u » r t « r l y or. pre' 0/ rlrrulotloi, p a y o o r r . t ™ , w h t r h ari- n - r , books.Tnd liver HOR For ..Irri... l-rBUf-HIXO ^ o n , P r i f t . , M O P i n o bt'.. a and ituflorcr weak .M„9. Y. [ • l i n U a r l y elftcfe,! Sclma, . f r a n , low FOR J u r ..^R our lint;:; hark. H i T St. tli,» „ud'ro ("tr n h ttti'i v « : , J FI I,.IA.MI'>, I ! I ' - i i n t .Vprliii?... JIOMJ: \i;i L I F J M . V I ' 1.1. F. 1 ' •^"'.TL"J<-..L'IKLIM'TLVO. i i n d t n a B t i l l l c m i '•^NLL of T r n l l i K NII.L prcclnii-. I>.-INS. ".V I-hok-T. book for f v e r v l a n i i l v . l.N.'oniini II,L.-ll L.Y L^-NILLNI: I H v l n c s IVPM WIIFIRIV SLCOL K n i r i n v l u u H w n r l h si.FLTA HumtiMt<-.L pi,PER. KICH BRNDLIIKL I t a p i d WIK-s; L(AR.'<-li!IIU-P f.ir A«ONTFIJ CICRKI »IOII.Tcnrh..I->. ^ONIIK.M,,,, „,„, to SIFLO pm inonlh. Writft to .1 1 .MTI CHDV .1'F 11.. St. '^"'I-'*' -^If- .VJ.tri. , .M.,..,,„H .\L.„T.rACTi-EI»O CO., CIU,-LI.iii.N,ohi... W A WEEK S ^ r ' ' C« I ; sliiplf goods; n o » » cnHi lo: nsillui i;i l , .l l 'o^ tooold sa; n n, lo fnreatl fvdoi llinus! ;; . spi x i lp n rejn sros. PRR t r a NIHNULMRTIIR.T.OL lvollu!; p.lUt. S. A . G R A . V T I CO.. paper and ««nvtIonc.s. 2, J.tiand I i n c l n n n t l . O. Ilonit St. ui>Jii-V) ne ew w bu o oo ok u u p iNi .. ti n hc e n o ii ioMd iTTli da li nn aa p U . o o o ordered. AOEHTfi .whoni i m p o r t a n t proposltlont. W . Fi. F O f t S H E E ^ i V > . . p u t n a t l , O. " " E" GONJO HAJI E RS'rmi O S E - B U D S " I N- ••W I N T E RSUA KUnmm IDW ~ "1 " H i i s c e n t u r y — A X — E X P C C T O R A A T " • I T »• ^ ^ ^^^ i M n a l a f a d ! ^^ • R A N S O quick l u . druwlatt and uiedlclin , iif J a '"'I* 9 ! W .1 j c k s i I ) i i , p.-r ' s f I \ I l ^ d L i Uta.HTN V E i t S F I T Y N P E I ' O f N D K ' V , iCS finr .Strtrl, ( iiivinntili, V/ilo. ALLISON, SMITH i JOHNSON. Pressts aiiil P n n t l D g K f . i e n a l ni E v ? i 7 PtscrlpiloD, 9 ; i s 11 21 jnnu. . Kfont dnys. P r . u s o l y, l l l u B t r n t e d , -rncniBULlm? T . i i i i . » roi'I'IAK. very o h e n p . Mim Kcndforfnll menealy. 0,000 A0ENT8 wnntBd. t-AnicultiM. T i i i n w i n ItM. t h e p h n n o e o ' 1 0 0 ^•r.AiiH 1.1 :, Civt till) o n l y r e l l n b i e lilauir;. m boln oney tnat N r , . I|l. I . Tl T i n i o M H S k Co.. I'llKH., KT. L oiwio. wm. M « .n. . •• 110.1 CAUTION t, I U < M n ( ) v a l - - i r ) 0 .if F K <•. A L K n . \. (J«»IUM».\, U 1) S 0 N F I: M itl fuSli 1 I t A L o \ , I K i I. T I T -pi liiu Si", .Vi 1 ;i .11 I• iFniitlaiul IJ. J . T L, .1 . .latitN. Kalthful atlentlon will b.^ j i a i i l to ..11.- i.iiii.ii.-.l mi.l liiiy t b . - I i . a l l l i . . • . . n i l ' i r i . m i . l a i i . i w i n . .- -lu- I ol l ie i pupils. F o r T h i r t v x - i f f i l t y t ' i i r N T H K h a s .i.-eupl.-.i a l i l u h p o s l t l o i u i i n o n « t h e institullotiKOf I h e W o u t h . E v e r y poM.slble c l l o r l w i l l b e i n a i l e i.. i n a i n l a i n l i s p . . s t e n v i a t i l o ".Wii'rIoTi " u J i t s l l v d l s U u K U l s l i e d f o r Its h r a l l l l f u l n . ^ v s . a m . ! for i l i c l b . ; c n l t i i n . a n . l r e f m e laentof UscHlKens. r u p l l s f n i t n T o x a s , U i u l s l a n a a m i .Mls.sissippi w i l l llinl b e r e a s a l e a n d . I'ontiilnlim full Infornmllons.aililr.^ss I'leiisanl h o m o d n r h i g t h e e n t i r e y e a r . 1' o r c l r . ^ ' !l-3j I'l K e v . L . n . « W A l . T S i i : Y , l>.l>.. . n a r i o i i , A I n BROWNSVILLE F E M A L E COLLEGE. Y K A l t : iMt W c d n c M l a y I n W . S e p t . 1 S 7 C . W o t l n o s d a j t o J O l f H S T O X . AftslHlod b y n F u l l C o r i i a o f .Hil** n u d I n . I i i n c COIil.KOi: T r e e s , ( ^ r a p e all U K , K O S K S , III lite N o u t l i e r n i r K .j r . T < ., Nlnlex. W . i'rnlt a n d Ortiaiii. iilnl Roses, K v e r u r e i ^ l i s , et,*. No.'.!-<ireenliouse, Ileddlni; PlalilsM'tc. N o . . ' t - W h o l e s u l e P r i c e 1,1st f o r t h e T r a d o . IHT N o T r e e r e d d l e r s , ; o n n e c t c i l w f l h o u r stflhllshnient. _ " _ OF MliSlO. IK-pni-liuoiitM. H O M E : IN ..LLILU VTUULLLUFT .tliM. J 0 1 I X S T 0 ^ \ NIL*.-. ^^TLILLTL." H"*. ........... - I., .i. J O I I I V K T O . % . .V,"' ECSKOIIH .. 10 00 . . 6 00 u. K i t u a e e w f T — t h e o o i f r ^ ^ i B h i l ' M . b o t n B . M l n aUwo- A 0 1 5 1 0 a o CO'W I'rlcfl. S i k O O . A p o i l U v c (mccesa o v e r j ' w h e r c . P e o p l e w a n t It, Bend for t e m i H a l onen• . O O O M P E E n ! * CO. a w U l r t * ! , C iI n r i n n v t l . O . o r » > w T o r h . KH.ISLOU I 71 W e s t E i g h t h S t . . q n c l n n a t l . O. »70 All AGENTS r.»»A«E, V'jmiOti Nt. MffiniiliK, ami NEW BOOK GREAT C E N T E N N I A L EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED. l')verv.\nu;rleun v l S l t l o r o r nofi-vI«it«ir,Wfitll'! It i n Ills h o m e . !ino n n K r o v i n K M , t h a t coht over fta0.000.»0,«liow tiio Iwntexhlblt* l,oW prlee,lmnien»ie sales. H m i d for olroular,t<Tins a n d sand nampie ,jn(?r(ivlnw. 1'. W . ZiE(Jl . K i l .V <x I., 6I.1 A r , ? h H t . , P h l l n d e l p h i n ^ P i ^ , C i u o i u i m t l Ciinoer luatitutof ^ • o i l i f o I V o . l » l m n H t . K.1-.1 ii-hc.i r'.r IHP i-ur« <-f f u n i - r r THiii„r«- t l w r * , . ru-rariitn. mi l NUn .11 »'«»«•«. I'l' l.«-«l •"•u-.iOuH"". r*""..Ti,.. " "...-r c.ii»rt .111.0,.I ilif ii^i- -f Hi- kfllt " t m u t i l « . 'ri.!. |.'<..lin.'.it I.II6 Ui^n fwr l.i',ll>' .....i 111 >„> e w v J..'- II-.- ( > . ' i..o. w l . " , " I I I ' n.r kiim-. r,ld.-iiijf fti'-a) l»;iu uurt hworiJil.. .l.-iill,i«. •.• n o r w ' d T ^ w i ».rti.-.« uniii i M i - « l « t I-.-III. rli.t..riin.ii..i.'^ii.-lM.'.»" I<..il,c.'nl"l..l'.«<l>"'> ..I i.»«,lii...l, u-»lliiu.,il«l. I:ui.i iMllolifJ llisl l.«>" l-*-!" "Uf. I,. UI..I llrll ol«M .-ll.r -I.'. .I.i-IIM. I . II. t ; « A T i « > < > , 55J. RISL IN'?' -I FTR-M-'M-IO-'IO-EOW Huiuboldt Nurseries. TWKSTY-WXTII YEAN. W e Invite tiie a t t e n t i o n of I'lanterd u n d D e a l e r s f o r t h e f a l l o f lH7il, H o u r l a r c p a n d complete stock of Hlamlrrd nnd liwarf 1 rult Trees, t i r a p u V l n w , KniuU F r u i t s , U r m i m e i i tai Trees, S h r u b s , Itoseo, E v o r g r e e n « a n d Builious Uoots; n e w a n d rare Oreen-IIoiim! a n d Ifc O ' l i n g P l a n t s , e t c . . n t n r l e e m i H l o w « » c " " h e p a - w l b i o n t w h o l o « U < i l i n i l r>;tnll. Well texltMl o n d i i p p r o v e d v a r l e t i e H g r o w n i n o u r K o i i MiiU o l l m a t e . Prompt fttlcntUm l o In..nlrles, l..;«:rlptlVyec5i.^u^«id 011 i i p p i i e a l i o u Humboldt, ML Tonn. rln- A Soutlieni Udy^^p'al'^??i4ei tw- Y o r k City, w o u l d glaUblii^iiw-. t i e f a m i l y o u c o r t w o H o o t h e r n gIrlH t o e«lueate. A o a l e t rellued h u m u , motlicrly care, u n d thorough InxtruoUon i n oil sin^l. Tenu» very niodomtY, aeoordlng to Jiqnlremnntiu 'i!'' N e w OrloBJWi R r v J P Boyoe,_t>jD. L l f P.. I ^ u U v ^ I l l " : R e * - r>r F i i l l n r , B a l t l i n o r e : % v 1, j j O j ^ N UW 1 orK^ AUdresit XiE<'IIAXI<;AI< F r o n t Vnw York. V inefful . Xa»m. out drugs. N p r i n f S c l d . CARSON, i w i l h M l i i i u r n W a g o n Co), inann.-r o f .Maclilner.r, .Miller's Min hliilstH' HupnllPtiI'liinx a n d e s t l m a l o K g i v e n . • TMKOKKTH .. 2., 00 III«BROIIIITHATAJTFORTU15!MLI»TJLW«K™ « l E N G I N E E R , in Tlie. .ill.'cllon of K r n i t s a n d nmiL-iir.-ni"-i e x t e n s i v e , a m i h a v e l i i ' e n select,-,1 w l l h . • n r . ful lefereuce lo t h e H . m l h c r n cllinat.^. An I n t i i n n t e k i i o w l c d g e o f t h e m - e i l s o t t^oiith'-rn K r i i i t C u l t u r l s t s I s a B i i a r a n l , ' . - t l i i i t t i n - I n t . ie s t o f 111,, p n t t ' o i i . s o f t h i s e s t a b l i s h m e n t s h a l l b e f a l l l i f u l l y si-rveil. Catalonni-s m a l l , s i fr,-o b y a d d r e . s s l l i g a s W . (TVIl. A N A M i i e s , ; I'lA.NO Ilr.l'ATKMKNT-H'. l i . A N l i E I C S l)lm> toK M l . s s H a t t l o E v u n H . M r a 1, l ^ - h w e b e , MIKS P a t t l T h o r n d i c k , . M i s s N n i : n l e C a r r o l l , MIS.S H o s e K o r t m a n , . M i s s . M a r t i n i ^ j a u r e . T H E I ' M F O B . t f . V o i A b l l K i ' A U T . H K N T - . M I w t f.'laru B a u r , M i s s I s , f o r H O l i m i l - w e n r n t t h e CVilli-RO H o m e , H h e p l i e r d ' H P l a l d . . r a l l c o . I'or P u b l i c (kvi^loiiH, E m m a Heckle, Carl i'ullat. I warm woathcr. White, IMInos and liawns. l - o r \\ l n l , > r . B l a c k , \ l i i j . a i 11 o r otsted; also AI. l ) E l ' A l t T . M K S T - H <J A n d r . ' s Water-proof C l o u k , U - u t h e r Hhocn, U m b r e l l a u n d tivef-Shoes. a n d C a r l l'alla\. Otl.JAN l ) K I ' A l i r M t N T - H .Atldres, .MIsK H a t l l o E E v B n H , f t n d Mlsn M a r t l m Hnure. I.O«".lTI«X. V I . I L I N I)E1'AIITMKNT--Illr0b l U o p n i . UIIOWNHVTLLE Is R l t i m U s l o n t h e . M o m p b l H a n d I x . u l s y l l l e I l a l l i o a d . M m i l e - f r o m t h e c i t y V i o i - O N f K i . i i O 11EI"A1!T.HK.VT-Michn,'l B r a n d , o f . M e m ^ d i l n ; n n " W t o w " , n o t e d f o r i t s w o u l t l i . I t s h e a l l b , n n d t l i o r e l l n c m e n t t u u l h i g h wolilrcctor - f the Ctncinimti Orchestra. KI,I:TK l ) i : r A i t T . M E N T - T n o l l e . ^ O u r ' t ' ^ u i ^ o l 8 t u S y T K « i o o t i v e , i i m l , a c h v o t i n g l.-idy r e c e i v e s , , C e r t i n c n t < > o r l i l p l . i t n n o l THE ITAWAS LAyoL-Af;K-signoi^ f.lnninl. g r n d u n t l o n I n w l i n t c v e r H h c c o m p l e t e s , u n d t l i e l i l u b e s t d e B r e n for , - o m i i l e l l n K a l l t h e * o i i n t e MATItON i l f " J IN. B o a r d i n g S t u d c n t a a r e u n d e r tliu care n n d p r o l e c t l o n o f tl.o niiinagors o f t h o College T E B M » ^ - l ' c r a n « r l « r o f t w e n t y iiHisons. H o m e , a i d e d b y t h o tenohcrH. .Inver.iIeCliuwws ;••••••• C i r c a t R e r o r m I n C h a r g e n — F l » v M o n t l i N t n . i d v a n r t .VdvnnceU l)ep:irtiuunlK-\oeiil. .875 00 B o t i r d , r o o m s f u r u l n l i e . ! , w n K h l n g , f u i ' l . H K I I I H , g a s SI., p , ' r n i o n t l i strumenUl, und Thwrelical '.'".'"i" .. 2.1 <10 I'lternrj- T u i t i o n , I d c l n r l i U R I.«ngungi?» Private lAi^tiH .. IW .InMrunieiUAl M u H l c , w l l h ei»«h i n B t r n m e n t EuHemhle ..:.....•»» ' o ^ Hpeclal Vocal, (Voice culture), w i t h I'lano ClawiCH for Hinging at M g h t 6 to lu .. .5 00 Vocal M u h I c I n Clans t S f o r I J o i i a e r S i - P e r ^ t w i o i i o f 20 w e t t o . I h - a w l n g n u d Wax W o r k , euch K o r m a l ttepBrlnieiil • » » » .. 2tl 00 I'alntlQg CallntIiontoit» r i n n i i t l C o n s e r r a t o r y , nckiiowlc<lgetl i n exN O T K . — N o I n c i d e n t a l F e o , n o E s t n i C h n r g e f o r UKC o f M u s i c a l I n s m i r n o n l w , n o r f o r F o r prifKions of hlghnNl pniise by eign iiraguogcN. A p p l y to t h o I'reatdant for farther lufornuitlon. ll-ltll-7 Xiiloii BnlilnlitclM o n d T h w o n o T l . l j r n * U the b w t proof of the nnperior advantages olTerud I n e v e r y d e M r t m f ; n t o f t h e »«i»tltuM O O D Y ' S S E R M O N S t lon. Ix'tters Kiionld be nddrcsscd to t h o V I A a p r e a r h c d I n T T K W Y O K U d: 4 ' I I I C ' A O O . ^^^^^^ T h e only ronipieto edition. I l l n a t r N l m l . r e c t r ^ . ot Ihe C o n ^ ^ r ^ a j p ^ P r c H ' t Win. o n X A M E . N T A I , CSLWATLLOMATOS P r e N i i l p n t , K x u P r U ' U c w l T»'Holi«'r« i n Y K3IANS, F l o p . T h i s e s | i i b l l i . b i i i . ' n t h i . - 1 " .-n . • o i i « I i i . ^ l ' -i '.> , I t s p r e s . ' i i t p r o p i l . ' l o t s i n . ^ e 1».,7. I w n i . - i . 1I n o w o f s n n h ,-.<tent t h a t ,!niiiil'1.. I o t r . T t h , ^ h i r « e s l a n . l t n o - l v n r i . . 1 s l o c k .>t Fruit tb.iii.^.oniiii.Klail.iii-Mii.ipl-f.ii Ancney E U Nurseries, ' T l i e T l i i r t y - n i i i t l i A l i i i i i n ! I S e s N i o i i w 111 b,-t;ii 111.--.'Illl o l Iii-l. ii.-r. w l l h n i l . 1-11 D i n e , r s of I n s t r u c t i o n a n i l ( i o v c r n t i i ' - n t . 1 11.' ,11-. I p l l i i e 111 i n b . i l ! T h e « ' o u r M > o r N t l i d j I s e x t . - n s i v e : t b . ' I n s l n t . ^ i 1..11 t b « r o i i L ' l i .-<p,^cliil ii(l\ i i n t a K i ' s I n k l n i l ; t h e t e r m s a.s r e . i . s o > u i l ) b ' I I S I n i i n > i n s t l t u l l o n o i I l k . ' Ki'a.l.I l i e i l e p a r t n i c n l o f . M u s i c t i t i d .-Xii I H I i n i Tlioroomsiiro well furnished; M A (! H I N .1 IM ).. "J I I' 1 a u d i 1 RTH-T-LVWI. AUONTH HNNKSL. N|M-finI in- M., I N S i i K - n p i f i s j to lriid<». IIOIt.tt'K ol ! d i i r c i i K ' n l N 1 n .lTr.RN * Ml^iN. MHimfnoluror* ami l>fnU'r«. IHI H r o n d w u j . iinil 10 Knst l l t l m t J i P P t , .V. V . \.iii47 l.in m i . l . r lie- l'ri-sl,l.-ncy .. . .WI^SIW ai'ii S e p t e m b e r . ».u-l.i H U O IIIIU ( 0 L I. E (J E . r 111" U l l l . s<.pt,.ni I M a i i o s Ul 1 e i w O l I U A X S n t l i n l l i>rlr<>. Th«> wiib»«Til>ers will N<-II tlioir Dnllrc NIorK of rinnow A Orttnn».uow m'«-«Ii«I IJIIIHI. o l n i x Ur<«t-<-lnHH i i i i i k « ' r » t ; fcli«-ot niiiMle n n d N . H . m u s i c b o o U H . u l .10 I ' M . <1. « r K , l o r c n » l i , pr»'vl«>HH to r « > u i « v « l t « lliplr new Niorf 10 K A M T I l l l i H I . . I l O . N M l l ' I t i : . « e t . I H t l i . l l l H H l r a t j H l «-iilnluuu<-H ,'nnlliMl, M o n t h l y lnHl«llni<'iil« iipply tl:! liif.>riiiati..n BUL IM r n N r » l U i i « l r « u a V r l M U « l o f n . . M P r t i » , J'«n l!i.IJ«r<. r.-n ,ho»ll)|l u r . , l r o i , « b-anclrvl lu «i.y ^ W i c i a . o u i -:fli , im: »T:it tvTll iiKi.i'Cb ill A u R u a t Wew>u.l«iijof,litj« I -.. Tiwll ri.li«, O illir,.- Uimrlri.. •riiirr.-« ot V . i I .>r . • : i ' . . l o ! ; i i . k ..r in.intii. T e r m of i b i s Kuliool will o p e n A !l i;i 10;) r o w ..1 -.T.I^V. 1 HIII.M . IJL-N.V/II,','••'",'."'"i •"•".IO"''- ""-"IFRI.. .%•«» FLI?"*;!'*"•"'-.•LL.LB .-JP.N.R. CO.. TMa».. .. . j IR-Ml 1..,.^..,,,,„., I i r A N T E D - H A L E S M E X - T r a v c l l n B nil'11"hiivi. III p,,-, " L o a h . M ! ? I . ,n J u i i , si.?. 'i n 9 ID i n " ' J^lCfi: — ' ^ ' A S P E D . to ^riorn?. K ^ ' E R Y i i o t s E i r o L n -wHf Oi io. H T .xn . I u u h e , - , , c i n o i n for W T I'rlinary " " MuhICKI •' . . . . (irnaineuUil ' . . . . _ F . n i r w e e l l H w i l l b e r,".Aiirileil a s a m o i i l l i . I-'.if I'm i li. i p . . i i I. i i l i»i - i i . l . l i . — n . <^<>iti»«»>. 11 if, 17 IN THE F l f i C I ' ••.(•,r».,I...II .. . I,,.;,: — , , . . , ,, -II,,,. JL.C; (-T T;JI,„ <I»LI TP II I.ii.'.i BOOK ..STEADY work that 111 bring you J2lo 11 monili 'I-O?.*^™" NN.vorcvtMilng. Inventors'Union. li..UN?pnwlch St., NEW York. A 01!. LOS" a n d l» » l t l IIKIOUH MUNIO. " " SOMG 18 THE B E S T R O O f l O N O T E Nolnni,.. >I«iO\VK\ I>i»eB5rci A I-.-.|II,*nl INIIIII! i i ' K A N l i l . l W i l l i II f u l l . - . i r p s o f t i - a c l i e r s . T l i c fiill -.".si'.n w ill i.l.<iul t h e L l l l h o f . l u i i e , iS77. Il..iiril, l n c i t i . l l n « l i « b t s . f u e l a m i w a s i i i i m . p.T i i m i i l l i Tiiltloti i n ) olieKla|.> | i i ' p a r t i n . - n t , p . T n i o t i t t i " rrepanitory " . . . . " '''"•TI''.L. I.. . i <t L»rg.. UNJ ii-rrpauli, cir.NL»H<II. , T j A|>|l«>rf*Ilt, Mlekiii-ss. M>I.U B Y 11.1 K |-I,rii..i .v II 11. 1-7T ; 1 I n _ <I 1> IP 1" 11 i , TH, •Itir .\RT IV-nlors, Boston, for " T h e Bcnullfnl BUTW -JF THUDM.J'V""'. (Art Hlnl«, and Mot of morn TLINN a H Ifi I" 1 L^'HII".'""'^'' Arlvan.M, .NRT Nor- B -',400 o u g r i i v l n g B , PTO.I WB w i n b DO corrr^ponil. NEE-.Htl, P»P(|«„ one tlu-r. foro N Kf.V. Tunc. • e t i L i l o a of W l l . mail, K in .rps. (i|... w . . I a i i m a n . .\..M I r r o f c - w n ' o f I j i l l n a n . l ' . • . • ' . ( . . . ' I ' l 1 I m l i m - . n -I , ! . . • 1 UH l-:iigllsb. h k n k v r . l i M i y , A . .M., S i n l l i e i n a l l i - s . A l . , r r l n . - l p a i 01 I'l.-i.-iri.l.-i.v 1 i.-p.-ii1111. 111., a i n l i'n.fes-or TIIOM X.I .1. 11K1.1-I1B, A .Niiliirul H . i l e n c e s . \Vm. H i i K t - l o . N , 1).I1., l - ' l t n i n . ' i a l . \ « e n l I'lw RECWULWHL OIK«A I.T IHO L.,.ir ral.-.»><l •« l i - r , . 1: I IIN- IJ •dvuacc; .Ludliig peck. T 111.Mill: lioar.liiik' froiii ?lu l o i l l \V. . l a n i i a n . -DJ r'li^totii p,,,nr ii. tli-.. Sontli»..,|. per S I.im- O A . T r u o ! i l , . i i t n i » , r l l i i - . w i L . | . nini-t b o j m l . l t o r I n M E II.-.LIVE six.is.; < V. < .111-111,,|,tn, |..r 1 HD U , p f i . T b » . I,Y T.r t l i n W e s k -^'Slppi h«ir.-ii» f K ^ you (.v •-"'L ^LI, 111 ,11. .-I l.iiii(f aaihnrirJt'^: B'L'-^"" IN iimm-* st:,U,|,' obi(,.arl,.3, OV..R,..V..NIIU.:I. (DEBT'V « III"). R<R II.U- IS CUT,. CIIII, J„nr Wor.L. AN! •eurt ni0L.-Y i f l t i i , ! „ . „n,U-. ,( J-„„ WLLI I t ATt- N-IH to. K a , o r nity fioin „| "I LI,. I IF III ST.K:I»L .SOTICPI, Krrvi..,, P-, n m l t r o „ b l . , 1,,' i n v wht) Ix-niii.^, R,iifr:.|... N . ' E.ii!url»l Noiiwi.. HIIVL r, LIIJ., T,; f o u r ii. rt s w l i r n o t forty aoros o f coru .-. I. ' TLIR^P ni..I.TH» SII Oi.e VFAR for T 31 E l i 1 D 1 A > ' i,coor.lin.v I it i ' K P A l i T M K N T ftuifns liit..n,lN TMI INI! I ' l i i i i i i n u ' . pf^-i l-l. iiii'l o i l . .-a.'h. .1.1 im ' •.- V. IM'-l\.- ..1 lUlt' - l i . i l ^ t.Vl 00 .HI 0.1! r . i i i i . i ' . . i i - . p . . - •IIMIMSI !,• 5 00 111 .10 ; I ri-ii.-h l i i u t i i i i - , ' . 10 on till IMi ( i c r i i i M i i I ' l i i i i o i i M ' l . >i';{iin, 10 00 (li'niiiii.-nlai . . . . 10 00 ( l i n i i i i i . - n l i i i irk a . li l . r a n . ' l i . i n r Sre catalOK'K" f"r e o n r w o f slii.lv. r i i i l i . n i iiiii--l In- p i i l . l o n . - h a l l t i n - .N . - i . r l y a i i i . i u n t ill i i i l M i i i c i ' , l b . ' o l l i i r h a l f o n . i r b . for,- t h e l l r s t . . f l-'..lii n i i r \ . H-'anl. i i w i w l l i i i , ' .•v.-iytbiiig. »-,i.sliliiK. I i i e i , l l > ; b t H , s r T V a n l ' K i i i r . - , p . T U.St 1". 11.1-. f.i: i.-.m-.i liii- ».iinii- iih t u i t i o n . Tiii-i.. is n o b o a r d i t i H d i ' p a r t n i i . n t c o n i n s ' t . M l w l i h i l i . ' i - . . l l . ' « " I m i l . l l i m . w t i l e h i s 11 h i r i r e llir.-'-siory b r i c k c l i t i c , • , w l i b e . v l t - n s l M - w l i i y s . m i l 11 i s o n l y 11-. .1 l . . i ' t f - n . - b i i m p n r p . i ' - . " . „iilv b i l l . ' l o s e b v a r e . • x l . - n s i v . ^ l i i i i i i d l i i n li'iiis,-.,. iL. p t ..siii->-liiliy i . , i c ' l l l , inlenlh,which „ „ . u'li.l, r t h . . r i i l e » a i i . l i l l s i ' i p l i n . - . ' I I h . .•"ll.-u'-. 11 1 - l . i - l I . v.-il U n i l l l i l - m i a ; ; i - i i . . - i i l . . l l . - r s rii;iii> l u l v a n t a ! ! . - ' - . . V . r l l . u l <.I t e i i i - l i i n i ! l l l l . l l . . . m - . | i i i i ; .111.1. 1 111.- .-I'liii 11- . ' . i m p . - t l t l o i i „iii..l'ii.' Ml-- I m i i r r l l l i n l i o n s . - r ! : i 1111.\ 111-11 r.-- li--. l.-i' ii.-i-,lii 1 1 1 . . . I i l l i o i i s , w illl.- f. u ,-r p i - r K o l i I..I11' b r o i i a h l t o ; j e t h . T 111 l b . ' ,1.1.1. ' i u . . i < i ' , I 11. 1- 11.. ..11 It \ 1.. .11-ii-.-. ^^.•M.I |..r . - „ l i i i o « i i . »;ili l i m p Utin.'ln-il. , ll-!li M r - . K . W \ I . M ^ i .l-;^'. 1 r . - i . - u i . 1. W l i i . ' l i e s l . r , I ' e n J i . ,lirn;. c o s t , c-in f a t u l l v ItlbiSK publiMii^d. oou i h t . i H T d A r i o s S . ta-a** a V '"HTTLU or SFTUENSA IK .J, ,, lAi EIIILTLI LU«I.rtli,II F i n d ^ n n l n o - » B o d y B r a c e a j r s a t w p p o r U r. tionfd 1 "I . n . l l . i r i 1 11,. | i i i n i | , h u . | . o i i i a i i i i i i g 21 l a r c . ' pm.-v 11 , - v , i y , . ^ a . l , - r . , f T u i ; l l A i ' i i , > r f l m ^ . i . - l p nil- l i , t a k " II t h . - o l o j { | r i i l p o t i i - ' « l n s.-n.ln a 10 i - f n l N f . , i • . i i n i p l n , - o p y , i i n . l n n Ii!;,•lll•^ ,vithout Tai-I-uut'N .ST^LTIER M-I-NRCS regularlt.V, and ,• (•nil.-,; 11" I ' ' [•lii.,m-N, pi-r i i i i n i i n i . I'lrpiinitory rriaiHi> Mll-ii'. W i l l i U.S.-ol i i i s l i - i i n i . i i t x . |,r,)viil,Mi- l-y a ( | , i r c - > i i i - w i U i Pifto If, a n d COTTON. T. <A»>,HOK\.|I|,','R|.„ ,. .». 11 ll TUI.MT, IT,, rv- r!i,.,.rriills ami ri'iiu'iiv. TMIM'-MI--- Tl:v who l.o^lf. HAIII. \V. .I.I.NKH. 11|. N, w l i o .Icfir,' llifiii«..lv,'^orthc iiinil, .SI'OOL (III,I I onicf. Vutav. with s T i j K M r r r i .\.-iii;i- |y U f i i i ^ ' . t h i s (li.H,-,.vcr«l till,- . l i . - c ( i v < T y fprUlua. T h O M Is tiol o u t Scmihcrner K M..:i.i I't.il.iMiphy u n . l RT-KULIIRII Itiroiiiflil.V t;i » i r r « i i l M tb..Uiil.io»lIlv U J QOH I " " " I I n - r . » l n - ^ i r f i i t « . 7 m » l l * a l i C 0 n . •i..)i'«ui|. M ' l i . I 1 » B > I K » * ! Biio..oo!dr»«»k«i,»i«m»t..i/M.ei!i»udH!i.u«i«tiiKi.j. ,i„iv ii!l "•.•iiK> l i i r p r c t i a r i i i j r , 11. „ r a r r , » . thr rtural o |„,.i v.nm Ji.^c.-iv, a m i •1. .....-I |...|..,1', ' III .1 Ml u - l . ' 11.1 I . . ; ||, .Ml,VI ' .,„ wlthoiic-teiitlitbf<'»ltlvall..n I T h e The foUowintfj., ( O A T S f ( aI.•mil, : i : i . | h i n ; ; ; i i l r , t i l , | l ^ . . Ml.*,,.-, l'r. iii;inir.' Iiy M U n g a u d M |i ^ iiliil mi.l .•\..M., (;„ F ot L O O K ! BOOK AGENTS,i A V i i Ciiitivdlioa Ill r , , „ P. i -V F. A 11 S O 111 . S i i i ' J i . i n Hi.i««, per N o n p n r e l l til .M H o p . i o i i 2.70. « » ^".-I.i \ M. ulilif- 2.70. AV W HARRLMBN.^,.HO5 y r . i M N u K ^fil I'r-'KldenI, I'lofessor of M. I ' r o f e i v s o r of C I r e e k 1111.I L<atlii. \.T. l l A K n r r r , . \ . M . . I ' m f e s s o r o f M a t l n - n i i i t l e " . (• l / i Z o H M i T H , I ' r o f e s s o r o f I - " r e n i ' h a n i l l i f i - n i i i i i Mrs OltAVV.H, r r o f e s x o r o f EIIKIISII I.II. HI Ml^i M . K . M A l l C l i , A . . M . , I ' r l i i . ' l p i i l p r i - i m r a t o r y ,1. p h U i o . , r r l i n n r y (l.-purtineiit. I'nl'Mlt.V " f I - M.MITM. I ' l - e s l i l i i n l , W i l l i 11 f u l l |-,„.mI T u i t i o n . I '"' 'I. -.'It. Ir(I U I.R«;kmn IBROCO^ L.I.CI. l u c P i \U UIIC MIIOIH 1 111'bowels IS half »H 111,BIT; to illH,!a«I- as InIll,,1 IS Irreuular. Ho rnii.V be uttacki-IL In ooiil«F!lons diseases, IIINL so nil,Y the LIN'UNlar, LIUT III* Is n o t nearly as s u l i j e e l t o IXITSLD. IK InllnciiceK. TLIO use of PRIIHIILI-NT, Z. <-". II.S ..f TLI.- T (• (illAVI-><, S. M. l u x . A.SI., ' \I;,.,|,I.I, I "I i,.- I.,., I f ,h,..s,, hoK^ tliun gBtbfHiiKiincI t, " • s i s 1,1. -,I r,t , . o , n "n"'.^.!. an.l Jiorrou- \ \ .livovi'iV.I. i.iTlii.nii-nl •' N l : i ' , ' A . ' a „,„i v.!;i riM-r.. U ul.oiit Frplght Eb.Uoft A T'.", . ONIIIIOII.L,.,! I,, ,H,. .LIKLFC,.,. lu..,!..,.., .1 « I||.1.'X,||. vi-i:,.;,;.!,!,. l . o tii/,.lr- Prlrrji. » I 0 p o r bii.Mipl. i l f l h fr.'.| to thi. I ' u o y n o l d s ( B r a c o etc!,) 12.70. Ill • i..,,.nln;; ..11,1 - . u r - h T I-'tkI Thru w i l l t , , , , ! ; . t o r n r"-r....„.. WnWron "- I" an.V Pari ,,f , 11.1 l ' | , , „ , I ,.,. , II -I" M < <'in|.!:iiMN. an'i worm n iBraco; SIMA -.-l-l .\-tl,iii.i. nil llii.iiit Th. l-y (lli«>tiou.s. fnttoii m o r e l^uiHlann-WCKrlloj Hosim , " . « . . . .IM. , ....u„.u,„ ..11 I>r. ( H.\I;LKS I>. I" ^'1'.' 11,1,1 II. M-iit t o 111. c o m , SftKl K.r o u f . l.i,>:hfi o , S r n n t v l i Ml-swourl-W M I. Jorrtnn I 'Irv Mi.-i^iuti.irv wi.Ml) K . i . v a i i I l . l i l : , , . 1/ l.s piMlli.-lh.n^i J t i < J d I ( > 2 . 7 0 , . r o ) i i i I t e i t t o n ( T t r n c f . ) 12.T0 I , . f .\l|;.,|s| ".1,1 • ".I '^76 IITIDFR 111.' RNITIU" Is ^NR. TNF.^^."®,^® B R O S . . PufcUsh^M, U .-VI fr.R LI>. ;,L .Miiw"-(.r.IN.M ..PGR.FR. , . « I V< I N\ . A TI. «. . • . . i i l . l I..- »n---',l -It t i , . , n . . . I II. l i o r i i . . ION-' o l \ ( HI,...!,, ( 'I !L 111 . MM lir! V , . , . . . IT,'. I l " i i « t ( i r . t u l l l i , , . | i n « k r n i o r . - l l i f , t it-., | . i , , | , . F o r >nl(' l i y n i l 1 )rtiL'i.'iN|.. a i i ' i «li, IC-ALO I i i i i i i . > l l N M i o n ; i i y f t i i | » ( M r l M . i .-orn i , o r m - r r . w h l - l i u l l l p,,H|.„-. n f ^ v I'.v \V. N . W i l l , - , T w i n .V C o . , ^laiti b u s J i P N o r ( I , „ n . ; , . n r tmst.l.i \ L U I>. I.. .I.\.MF>. I^LVCFT, .MCIIIJILII.^. T,.!,,, !I.'27-!(Iinlllioii.x iiiiniiiilK h nnrt Klori,|„_nryant H i l l 2.7.I L M ll'.lll. Iiro\i.l(Mili;illy ^•l.iiii .'1 I ' % . i l i i t l - . n .'.HI I..' cll.-.-i. ,1 i , . in th.. sr.iith. I I 1 . -.:,f.. b.i!.lir!s JI I>FH,U V "I •1.' 1. ii-kii..\vii l o h i n ! < i i i r , - r i i , p f , - | | i i w / ' \ .-..11:!., M l an.-I p i T p t i r i . t o t i r o f t h . - n.-n-s h . . Carollnii I " : ; li). '" .M<'.iriiil III. 11..' "1 n..w..>ii,. Ft.-iik>aiti€ U c i i , d ti>|, u i i l , - ^ > K i U i h w e i t o i l l l p K y rii>i i i . l i e o t i i i t y . .Vlls.,;, a t a p l n c e r . u l e d f o r bi-auty a n d heiiilhfuliif-s,*, a n d for i t s sprltiKs o f p u r r ireo-stone w a t e r . lk>ln|; I n t h e c o n n t r y It is fr.'e I r o i n l o i i a l e x c l l . ' t n e n l j - , m n l l e i i i tiitloiiR t o e x l r a v n u i i n c e , A t h o r o i i K l i u'lurHi'l^> k l v e i t i n t h e P ^ n ^ l l v h hi'iini'liiw, III m u s i c , u n , l w v e m l o f t h e o r n n tnetilal b l a n c h e s ; als.) I n U > t t n a n i l . i r e e k , a n i l l-'reticli, I f d O h l r . M . Uoinl. Kiibsbitlllul b o i i r i l . w i t h tb.- f u i n l l y »•' t h e r r . ' - l i l e i . l , o r l n o t l i . ' r yooil b o a r i l l n i ; huUM-s, w i t h fiiinilles ll.-ll l o r t h o i r KO.KI o n l e r i i n . l ri IIItlu,•lined. >1. 1'. l . o w r , ' V , i J . I i . . P r e s i d e n t . I , i K l p r o f c f w u r ol I n t e l l e c t u a l I ' h i l o s o p l i y . .Moral Si i e n c . - i n t l ,'hristhin Kvidellces. W . K . l!,'ri.\'. . V . M . . j i r o f i ' N w j r o f I j i t l n u n i t Orotik, •Mrs. M i x l e i n i I x i w r e y l U ' t r y , I . j i , l y I ' l l n c l p a l m i d lllreolress In T h r e e otlii-r e x p e r l c l i c c d t c a c l n - r s h a v t ; IjJ^'ii . niployi-d. I''unrtb a n n u a l H.-ssion opens •".i-lit. 1 2 I h , lii/ll. f S e n i l l o r c a t u l o } : u e . stiul.-nth c o n i l n i ; b y railrodd t o H l p l e y , b y l ^ i v i i i s : t l i n . ' l y n o t i c e 01 t h e i r c o m i n t ; . w i l l l i t , u i r n l s l i O A l c o n v i - y a t n e t o t h e Collt-ne fr, e. I . t ^ W l l E V ,V I I E I U I Y , I ' r o i i r l e t o r .ViklrcsH, H l p l e y , o r I l l u e M o u n t a i n , M l s x . tt-;«-10-« S E L T Z E R I tl'- a . h < i t i - i - r , ii f t t ; r c t i [>li V M . • l i , l l . l , . , v - I . ' I.it:ii.--i -..111.',-*.,./ wnnt«lomnk.-l,N iin.L South I",':';'"^!; IS K||IIIIII-..1 .>1 1)1?KSS d o o m .sli \ I u,T! .ll-nm r.'iii.. I'illiiv iiiij,, III,,,.), >11,1,10,-k A ( . .'.. I.. \ ...IR |.| lion.- f o r m i c ^ o s H f u iipiirt. 111 .-ill 111. l i i l f M • . l y l . - K i i n . i LI-LL-LN-.'; N V l J I i 11,. -.. C fli.nr.n I' ^ ' •<|-1'»'.I\ :;I1.1 " . ..iion- in WIIITI: TI<»oi»«. 11'- ••111.I •-i.irii-. . '• . ' t i l llo- w hli T l i u s OJI.-I, r'-x.i r..-r.-- i n t l „ l.a'Ttr'rli""- r., II t... Hr-nin.i yoiii A.1,Ir. .-oM (<Flainiols, III I IM- RII..NI H. iiiM. Ii 111.. 111, r> 11,-1. IIIIMI 1 I V . l',il|..| .II".1 III.II.ml II. -111-I.1,I-,1, W:, •1 - I T : . - ) . UII.. LIII. MIL' I '..IRII n . . ; j i i i l t . . lit f I... I. i | . • "I'-I.IA. H. ,'LL,,H I II.M.- •..•..IN«„R.|,.,L,. "IH .|'i-ii 1. J. • nii!-ii i><-'- m i l ! ! l,r,i,k . I t o u u l a i i i I I.iititrv HcIOHII, I lie»tp but 'lli..M.II-,;)J. m n l r v 1" m o r e l i l i i h l y bli-ssiHl t h a n t h i > c l f v a t . - . l p l i i t c a i i i l M i tc..-i i i l n . v . - t h e C m n b e r h i n i l i w r i i i N i W t l i v l l l c ) o f w h l c U W l n o h e s l e r loriii.-i i l i f . v - n t r i ' . TtiH .MARV S l I A n r , f o r v l i c a p n e ' i i i a n d l l i o r o n ) { h i i , ' « c l i i . - a i i o n . 11- t l i . > i i s n n . l > i o f s t u d e n t u m l t i u n i J i ' c d s o f K r n d . m t p M . n i i i t i v o f w h o m i i n - i r u . i i . i-i o c i - i i i i y i i i i t IIIkI. p . ^ i t i o i x , will H i ' p-t , ' l l l l » ' r , i n . . m i "'itlfi' ' r i i f t W f ^ n t y - s e . v e i i t l i i i n n u a l « ( " « i o n o l ID 'l " 'Ij.-JjillH l ) n ' m i'l o f- -• i,I..il li:i\ I n i ; 111! l i | f u h i l e t h e e o - o p Mroi n n d o n l v <.ira\.-. "R.>I'iiia of b i s a c o o i n p l l H h e U vvlfi.Mutroii In.,! I l i i l i o i Fnt-nlty. Hhccjiks I tiJilly 'OV.-I U l l l i r o w . I.,-, p r-l. will ( I r c e o f c l i a r K o ) to •orii - 1 M B , . , n«cr,-(<(,|.-(|xi-.| w . . „ i i | | w.,1,1,1 WoiHlJ R IJ . Ladies' Suits, puy -l-l-.. n"ui tl ll 1 ,.ou. 'L"«) 4 (>II«I:!IN|>tit «'<«. IMlililltic. V. I l i ' I l !in(J i i i u e ftiOUI..^. Thlscil'l. SUCCCK^ful a n d l a i . i o i i s y o l i o o l f..r ON.i v o m m ln.ll.'S iil.'.in tblny.1,-i di'uri'.'S o f i i o r l l i h i t l t n i l e , I n t i n , p r o v f . i l i i f t l l y l u - n l t l i y t o w n o f W l n . . - l i . ' s i i . | , ' i v m i . . a n ilvatiM p o s i t i o n ; b c t n ) { t h e c n t r e o f n n m n n i t l t l f n l r i . f o r i n n l t . v n c i i r M - I n i l i f L ' u t n b c r j l o u n t a l u t , n t u l t l u ; lilll.s b o n l i T l u a E l k Hlvi-i . I n s n i i i b r l t y o f r l l m i i t . . , v a r i e t y u i u l i a u t v o f l i c e n o r y , n m l e x e m p t i o n f r o m m a U i i l a l u n . l c i i U l f i i i l , . - .11 no poiilon uf onr lUJliKKx. I'.* tl...ll s i.l.v f n , |.. r .-.-Ml I •'Oil'l-iliil. -M..,. t l , . . I Imsl. - i . „ n , . , . „ , ! .•k.ul(Miii,I,II-,.«K,-S. I -l.-ll. - ;il. ;,l!ll. 1 " I I I I . I-.-.pi- l i . 111. I m l . .1 - . 1 , 1 1 . . - „ , . ,.,|„|, 'i|ii|.i:' .1 Is, > M . l ' l I 111 I 1 . ill-. l „ . .1 w i l l , i•l», .— •-ll.-ll , i i. r- 1 I ». . I, Ii. " I. l i . - l l l l : i . l i , ll.-ll, I. .-.-ii.T,!.-,,,. i i ' i i ' i . II I.-.J [u of « l r . - . l. I ' l l l l i u l . ;„,'. NI-M P l . i M t i i m . .,;.,„.,, i l l i i i I I , . 111 I1,1,„ I n u . th,- M. I.I. |;„r.'.l S „ i , t ( K T , i . . r „ Vlrsliila iw.i HI. V- I l l r h ( i r < l M . i i , T.VI..I . • > , i i i , u . " M rfci-ipt |..i| viii, K r N l i . u v . . , ,,..,.1,1,. T l . . . . . „ l , u „ , i , , „ K ^ III'- l ' > ' p . U I l . , ! . o f 11,.. ».,.l l-ii.-it n s I., i i i s , 1|..„,1^ „|| 11,, I.. inctloti. (ilvc-M 11,1., K - , . ! , , , . r , , . , . o n .(Mini.-, JOHiN 11.L-l R:,1.1. B.-IIIU- M, ,1,. „,,|.,|,„.. " I I f . - M i l i , . -.- i . i l . , r . I.v 1,1.. «M.t, r.,..,.l,iin;,-,.u.'v,,,| :, „„„, , •'"'V i-^,,.,,,, a.. 1.1 ,-l,ll.i h i HII'IS I.NOI.VN ..f Niinipili.ii, „„w only , 1., , 1,1! , . , . , , , , 1 , li... I.rir.- ' o«l l n « « < > i i i n u' - ' »I o I""-!' Mir. ..II.T M .1 ^ ..I n , v..,,. 11... „„,., I- M i l l iiiin,;l,,i |.r.-j,iii,,tlon Ills IIUIIIUV, IIINII^LICNT ,,I II, !I i i i i b U tr.%. lla|.lNI Tlui-. u Uvi-nly.f.jt,ri,our-. . i, ,|; ; ' , • i n tla-. , . , . i i i i i n . Ihi^ k . I n i l i K <.,, I , , - , , I..-il.-iv , „ , . , | ,,,,.1 s « , ,.,..1 . . . ,„ r, I 1; iiLr,... „ i , | , . I . , , , „ . | Ii,,s,,.„ „..,!„ 7 8 1 B M A . K P HKMI'al.-.<.. RUI,-S NL^-HI «V.I-M. IH.H.M.U 1,1 I|„. ^•"•r '."K- liii.. i l „ . Mk-iii.- „ -I-. " . . ' I nitiil,. stonim-li, «,„| 111 II:.' tin- .,i,ir,.|i s i i l m u l , . '"I'l^- , "'"IF V . l . l r . K, W . I i . .M,,V11,.|,| I , „ „ | , . . , . -.•ii....is-jiiKi„..,itM. " " " i i U I t G O O D S lullftl. IIKMI', Wlilrli ,.ui.vl I,,,..,";.';,; 111., MI„M i , r i 1.1...11 i i i . i v I.. ,.„i, , AU'JMI. R (•.•IIII NIILML M. .TR.MH„, MI.SM-M,.|.: I I,. |.,„... ,, 111-' S „ l l | | j , . , . , l ••Wintaily >'l il.<- M -^-'l. i . i i l t - i i . . i i k ' l i <-1111 r . .....1.1^ sii.s,M 11.I..I „ . u l v . - t l u . . . „ , u M . „ i th, , , , ,, „„,„;,, 11,, , , V < T l . M . k . .1 vv- I . r n i i i i . . . m . „ i . . ,.f '••"«"'• ' '•Krilll. « l l l l . ••1 lll. t lllij.;,,! i N v k l , It I'li.l i^l. r • R . T . M I . S. M i s . s N s t , , , . , l i o i i i l y . . . \ i , , . i . u - . l , u l l i n n - ilii-M I m v l i i H II N.IITLM .III K LI.IIII,,,!. U 111,-H. ,111,., ..IRNIIIL.II M1 • N 1 -11.1 - . • I M h | . s . „ l l l , 111 „ ; , , . , . „ , „ „ . . . . . •,•„,. ,„ l 'i t . .. ., s . , „ l ,,,, , , . „ , • l i i i l l li:i\.' 1,111 a l l . i I w, • I LO'. IIAI< T. I h - Nimlll.sl, i i r ? : i j H . r pr.-I< r.i.l! I.I.. Hni,-.-. ^ "1, w i t h •!., rli" !- ? mil niui ••ll •ll. MilM „ t lt..M..ii. llll.l. r lM-llll.•II.",n^ 1: .1,1 111. ' . . i i i i , i i . . v > l , , i i , r o t I ' m , . 1 , 1 , „ I, " i t i i . - 111.' H i l l , , , , , , , f V m l . - , i | i i i r , - , , f I I I , . r u i i , . . | M.-il. - V : i M I . . - „ „ i | „ , . l , . . . | . , „ , „ 1 . . I " '1. i . M i . i i i . 111. , i i , i , > „ „ i n u t r i i | . . i i , ii'uiil - l .-1111,,Hi.-.1 1,1 win, ,.,,1.,^. . l!i|i I1-.11I1. : •• S l i i r . - l i , II ) „ . , i i l i „ , . u « i i r iiu,- i , i , , i , i , „ I - . ' , WHS., nr. ti.i , . i i . 1, „i;im W i l l i „ l l t t l . - „|I,UIM.-11. lui-i . - i h . , i - ^ , . . . ! ' .1!. I l l ' 111 1. M,l,„.. • • ! ' r . .Iiii-li ....ii .u.v , - I 111." . Mil..1. i i i . r v iiiii.ul. ..I I - i i i i M 1..1IN i . « > i s . w l i l i - h . i r o i i i I l i . i r ,-.,itM">i i i i i i i . M i , . i . „ : i i i.. i , , „ , i iiM.i i n i l m j i l s . W li. ii I I I , t i l l . . . , , 1 tl) » iiM.I i i i u . i l w i t h • . v , i i , . r , „ r , - i , i , . r k i t i . | ' I n - •)!,).. I i I - H l i i , - t o 1,1.11,1 t i l l s « ,., li ' I'l ! I,..., f B I ' m ' ' ^ " u i i t l i , i i i7.,«t iiri,l <-faMlti>t» B R Y i i l i i l D r . n . . I i i i n . - s w i i - M - x i u T i i n f i i t l i i f ! , li.- :i,-. Mill Hrl..,. n>r iw>«lli Itor IW>4llii|; N T>, WORTH ITTLW Notices. WH.TT \r.XT? A . O.N>L MITIVKFL IIKLL.-VV|„.N UOLLLLL N-LL- • i i A k i ' i I I h.|i.v M h i c b l i o r « . M 4 h r f f t - r IvrvItT to i h . . bij^i l i m u t h y . I t h l n f e It ho < I M i i n t i It f d i i h o c i i i 111 •• w l t l K . i i t ( l e t r l i m - i i t t o l l n - u i o w t l i o f ||i,i iibi-rv ^^riuJ.v l o a m 1.1 r..-K| K u i l . - i l l . i . I i . ' i i i . Mill I f y o n h i t , . I I , I | „ ^ . - t l i e r t l w i , , . t i n ' " > 'f-V l-M.l.s, Ml. a n . l . h , > w i l l p i o d i K v a n b i i s l u - l H |,. r ...-r.- KobtTlMjii. ^'is. M. A. Iiurr.-it, Al!il)!inm- t h p B ^ A ^ P T I S T . "f ^^^^^ MIH81... IJO 1 I Brooklyn, Y. il '7 8(0 THlil 1876. I' 18/6. i .Hiss, and Teiui'. l{aii,,,aa VVirn^r-^" FORD'S CHRISTIAN REPOSITORY. I^jI! IiupoHniions T . P . - T i n - n e , . M U j ^ S I J i T , ' 'JAW'i.r.Ti. i'n a m . ni.;r u:r- l!.\'K. Ill I- V SUBSCRIBE NOW. Memorial Volume of the Centennial Year. Nev7 York. • •!!: I \Ti i: M BA.PTT.sn\ ('lUiiini n I,: I, Ml,ks ^ 7-1-ir , , RHEUMATIsS^ •( • 1. I, i Hy.l.l.,. M1„|. "" • I H-nrrJloKti, N. J._Ojau- if,', '•HI'"' i - r i i K I'.K.-KNV X Lust SiMsoji's '' I :: I'rlccN! 0 on Bi'c-s f:o<M]s ih'jfjiriiiiciu • • i; • • l,i. I IIK N1I\ | I.( li s I N I \ • I. .V M. W IN n . H , (.--I I'MI. , . " I ' .|;i II . •.!;. I;| ~ ^ N I vl' , M.I. W.im!.,,,,,! ,mim I I VII,> v/i I " " '-I'. i'oiMilj!!' Ih-oss FnUri!-, •M.l, ? I III)rtt .• ' I i!l M - 1 Kr.;,| I 1 \ I.-- IV K1 I ,A I TS T V . „H,„nrin! ye.r, lh;a nmrkM :u, f p - d , . rn .. I siinu^,,, tT ,„„ k, lUTJi. . '""•••lilt I .•IU..!1.-.,U. A r. ruiii nrnTcnil.-:.< I I'll Hm^. "u. - \ , 1.1 II -nun,pi,« of tlu. " • "" , i!'.'- l:i un.I t l , . f.r ti,:- l l i . u . r y ,h • and ! -.< u . r . • b u r d . . . in ! s.ml, .luring tho comin.- yo.-,, will mU-ri.U 'Jl,,. monthly i.^.u-s of i -..di a Mrmnri^il Volume -'-nvinionMin,! WM. COULTKR 0-U 2» I.J ><5 KEU A«I). fu,n..J II v ill lii^vo, in aiMi.ion to 1-ictonal H i - M n u . ; l l l » i r : . , . . , n , thr liU-ius^o^ W.a. ' •^•r-.y, An.lrrw Fuller, .Iol,n nylu.ul, and otl.. r founder- of Mission; Hapli-t., and of various rnini.ters of our dav. 1 An Immos,. stock of lipimiifiil nml rolinl.i,. KOikIs ur v.-ry Krcat n..lu..Uons. Lfl<lli-s ( oiiii.it.i.. <IU!lil>, „| f.Vi uDWnniM KnirH-l, H:i,,ti«i the iwlrnitH of W n . , Kirtin, li:,n.:,rd Knowllys, an-l oth.T andc-nt Tour i n l . n . ^ t i n . .erial. : " C'l.ror, n -• • • -v- «• • " '"" " thrillin, ^ " The S t r u , , , . ; . 1,. M . . . s n . t h , . i l , . T l i o v o l n n i c fo. WMI?. kI ""r," ca.H.-H of o' or n'v > Mai»llni<. |. or rl«. I will m-nil a A n r..<vlj.t for making lt,l.w,i,.>r w th cnt« to make a lialf i.lut of rvo water irauf - a' Warrenton, Mo. .lurin, w i n o o m h . , , , . i b o fCAinr,,. „ , MOTHEirs OI R KrocK- f>|.- OLAD TIDINGS. J O U R N A L , -A5rr> Jp u r s A On IinnU and I>olij« mannfactnno win i,,. I Written by h'p'Fati.rr. A^mpl.-'^^ Mconn, -If t n.. I-,t Mystcrloua Abduction .in.l Excitmir frorcb. W I I , „• •. Uul^i iU iiU other Ihk.U, OlisHj-riil I" ..lie c!.lj. lcjli.5 lil»-,.l. ^Xdilrcn. )oH-. I.. i-oTTEH ft C.J., PubiiHlics, l'I!lL.\DL'Lr)llA. (t-n-lT-HMi A Review, a Historic Memoiial, HEIK-MKA.SITUKM^NT ..•I....I liom.. Norton. ha<l , X?"';' l. f. I wr.i,.. 1., all ,,„. ilort , r.; I n t,-,l s,al,.M UI..I from ,h,.lr prV^vrl ' i,. 1 '."•I i. ^.•l^ Miiipl,. lu.ni.- r-ni.'.ly, iVin 'v w it.-, nr. .1, ami nIo.-.. I i,„v« onrc.l nvor V. AGFM7.1 W A r n ; i : D for inc STORY ol : Ij Hum by i.i.y lioiiu-nuid,. work -MonriilUR foMiuncN i,n,| OiHtils a Sm-piuju - oriI..i> ^ " "111!,.,I on 12 lioiirV lotlei' ' •• ima MissfH ,.,„i < • i i i i . i r t . n M w v , S t , ' i f , ii, ,„ the veur. very rensonMbl,. i>ri<T«. L a d i f ' N - stiKi l ' i i i i , i r « . i i ' M B ' l K t c r ear. Uncns and Wlilto <"ooils"^ L:ice.HanU ICmbroldcrics rpliolstt-ry (londs Hosiery nn.Uilove«. 1 "rniturp. Oeuli' I'HrnlshinK Gootln, JJojH' CJothlng and J d i ^ e s ' UoolH ana Bhoca. & SON .iitiiro jrfiierations l^'isU. t Cloths, {•niiH'I rs Hdlr, Aliiacl I mI. I..H.O.. Nui,.. ,.,e.. in (|„. n.o.M h?. iViiVul u Wo also call partlcuijijjiniontlon to onr Inrso GLASS STAINEUS CHUK-U wiNIm.wS A Hl-K. IM.Ty. Our IMi.io.n i „ thr .n.nr v.-urk to »iir,..H- in r::r;,y ,,n..! ,,l„nul..,n,v l!.Vs Mir K i o li ^ |(, <-„.l -1, ^.''jl' .'."^."•'^a "< ... i-irt f-i I'll. i I'l. N A t l « 111 II ' l>.->v,- 1...-M HM-urvl hy ,he lai.or oC y.-.-irs, ,,,,.1 have 1...... H. koowU.!^,.! l.y .'. N II M i{\tMi:\<. Mi:i>AUT.nEyT i- M.-A moil.. llK.rnimlilysUn-lii i! :oi.l l^nOr. • || imi, .•vw iH.ivloii.r.., un.l :„v | .'.I -ny o„r.Mre.Uons Mr U l . . \ r ( i | Cilll !>>> lilfi for Am.rir:., c-po.mlly in (ho Slat... of t h . U'. <.., „, •liiri.'i Mil.I \-i.-i,ii,i l:r....h... I'liiiii iiii-.'s lii,,! »tn|.. ... I " i-li i.n.l \ni.ri..:u, ,ol'.„ >l,„ulv „ „ . • iNul.-tl 1.1) iK-ai.iy „i:.I u.^ oil! —lOl.lr .V/^* OiUy lhopurf,, tlu' LiMarv „l uu, KMAWI ' 'IK.' I."iul„ii Aiii-tir,!! ' -• -M M,v. . „,;,| , i '.n.i>-r year-.. I-' .'! lii.li.,, I:ilr,| r:,,.. .Ull.-,. II.-ill lli-rcM Miii'i K j| • V- , ^n-lpr^l iii.ii,. i,. ;v',i. I !m iIU;i StiM Ml,., lull,.,iipwiU't-. • ,,, ,, , n J l laiUlMAHH II Nil iMi'iiirr \TioN (»• IXDIA 1"'•JIOHT I I''•^'"'"""nwdellverjHl by D. thX^ i propoNltlons to make « X f"'" pnrtlcuIarN. W. 8. K<JHhtifafc & CO., Cinolniniti, o. i i 0 47ai "I'CHEVK B E U . roFNOBT. „ JtllalU4k44tnlm. c $2.f>.5 per a n n u m . I Sl.aO nix nioiiths. / H I L D ' S B O O K Locust Street, St. I ^ u i f i , Afo. AGENTS WANTED die Iho Patent Crown Self Clotin* Zckitaud. H«IU r li-iRhtwJicri-ver Inir In tiwd. Proflte Immruio. Namplo 7« contt. Addrwt A. U. 8IM0KR, 438 Waluot 8trreMPblladiilphU, 8.2MO-21 THE DOMC m IlOUSEKET i IK DET I' S with gooiJs from the hlrso «iini- AnU n( prettily Ro<lurc<l I>rlr<Hi. * Velvet Cnrj>.;t», from 12 tip. Body Brii««"lN, from 8 1 ^ un. Japostrk-s, tiom »1 ui). "Vour pmrafrich i liitH-|)ly<, from l . l ^ i up. Oil l.lolIi>, Ciojii .'JO ccnt.s up among the brat p e r i o d i r a ^ h , (I,p m o r e f h a n t h f X l o c o S ol " h o I do w S i t e t S k S " M i l a n . Missouri." C ^ ' & n S Z L V i S o f mjr nature well t ^ a t I Broadway & Twentieth St. continue to .„d it Grand & Clirystic Sts. N.T, "^^Gnage, oa." K 9*5105 85 to §205 unload, P®!/?*?. home. SamolM worth SUrflo. B U n i w i i & l J r PtfiSlOS - Memorial Volume n i a n c a r d ' s o f X o ^ d o o f J j c o x x Volume (TecU for 25 ye&rs br tho medical oclehritloB of Euro;io nii.l .Vmcncn. in ScroruU, CoiulUiitlnnnl VyeaUnosg, Poornenn o f tlio Blood, »nd nil (ifroctlonii M here It nflccHsnry to n. t on tJio blood, dO lis to Ftlmtilatc .ind rcKtilnlo its poriiKllcHl course n» In ChforoaH, Leucorrhcrn. Aniciibrotherhood, have esteemed i t orrJima, KyHmviiorrliifu. Tliey aru nn " " c\rci:<.-nt tonic for lyinplintlo and deblUtJilud conBtltntionfi. None Ken nine with—i—t" ^^"'ren neither can out the Mi^nnturc of V-.' P k t e r tiETTKit." Price cfiita aail }i i', per bottle. E. FOUGERA &. CO., thw York, Aimnla for the U. S. sold by Jjruggiiita generally. i'rinciples a n d i n e u l c t i o n o f a.«.T.tn.9 knowledge, meetfl tho w n u t , — — — lirtrSof- 515 s h o t g u n A doobl* Bbl» barnl Iwml n mon,. bar Imv or nr Dront nrant (MUOO.IodMl ullon kidtat warrao —. •-Jteac<>nnUi«lwu>>arnM,«i>d*cQmaa«3:n ^(boo! o i a o ^ ^ v l t h riMk.»oneb • n ( l W a r.«alUr. ^lUr.& •19. Can te wot U. 0.1). wl lb prlrthn to •xsmfi T88 PEOPLE'S Xasli ville,Chattanooga and 300,000 St. Louis Kallway. -nvCouipany m AHERoi-^N mm nm sociETv. Iiisuraiice Tho Great Central Rouii*. P , v r a < ' a s i l h .\1' l Ti ti lMl - k e P h i s s i s o r MEni'HJfi.TK.NX.. U. A. ('Ul'I.NO.V. Mpinphin.Teiiii., Has lhroni;h »l«^plin; car^ fioni U e u ' l Aitcnt for tbo f«onlli. I .^i a o 1 . 1 . 4 i* « h s: s? 5 i : . Oeiirttls with notoH, PiuiIniH wUli notc«, liv OFFICE 10 MADTSON ST. pr. Couaiit, each !(l.i">. I'roverbs, with notcn, Ii75; J"l>, with iiote.s, yj.OO—In purarBrapb, 5l.ili. New 'i'oHtonu-nl and PmiIuik, Pica edi- ( " a s h ( j i p i t H l , . S : J ( ) 0 , ( K ) 0 <Mi tion. J-.^-'*'—without NowTosliinicut, INiiio, T.'io: Itimo iVic. New TfiHU<ni<-nts, l\ IHV7. Pica, In Nliei'P, 9.11K); with P.saliu^ iKl.V). isnm e\tru !n Kliocp, ?1.2.>. ;r»'ino, pock«t nillion, Imitation inorrocco, jl.iio. No voun:; «rrit'i;nM: urt'achi'r Nhould l.c without thlK. l>r. Coniint'H H«ptUeln,ox«m|ilc.s H«ptUi'ln,oxam|ilc.s of evprv every known niint'it Pri sid-o!^ uneof llie word, with lltx;n.l KugllMi trans-; ' > latlon, l i r i c Sl.OO. Kvery tyro In Ureck ! ' ^ l-!!'' 1 .M.\suN, .-i- r. lyrv »lioulii liavo shoulii have It. it. On rc-elpt <if price anv ot ! OinKCTOIlK: the above hooks tirijl by mall to any p"i>stoffli-e In till- Kuuth. Win. M K,.rnt,;M..... It. T. Uninioii. AddrcKS 4i. A. f ' O r i . S O N , .tfll Miiiii Nl., 1 ' li'in li. .1. li. l(,,bln.,.io. 3feni|ilil«. T e i m . llookNKent C. (). 1). whi'ii 1 I 'lf-i> .lobn I)'. I II..11, Jr. till'order 1k accompanlKl with lu per coiit m > NV I., i.rei iihiu . tilll. Mbfl-Iil diiTountH lo a(!.MiU and iiitrchioilN. U<.>ok.s from tin. ><,iitliiTii HJ|ptl^l I 1 I V . , l i m e - , n i l . I Mil c l i o . . . . ^ t,r i . i i s i i ; , . ^ . . j . n i p I'libllciitlon Society and ourh ran be ordered • r l \ i i i - . i i r < . 1 11 j . . . i i i n v - i ( ; i \ . . r u f i l . - i - i l u h . toKi'ther. -|l)-lii 5!W7 A. c o r i j i o x . ' TAKE NOTIt'E. ha*.. 1.1ft ll*ISl'..l B!ul Ln-.t »rill..,' . tllHt'.. Wttri.t.Iierv 1: ^•,..•k^..T<ll r..[it..ttiii I 1811,0 ' 10 .'I. .'••t i>?i),uii.l ft i.liwrp r. I Jrw.Irr O . l u p . c t 0 M n i l ' l » i ) i a r k a j ; v , v r i O i cle;f<iit ^'"il.^ p.*!.-1 t l r m. r *_ b. u t t d i . . . n r i . l t i i . J t l . - . t i . M r ff .. tt nn .. -- yy S . ' t , | . l : i . . . . 1 l.o»: t.Alil, SftiMUt^. C V . Mi'.Ii M.>*«'rw.l Jt>^ •in 81. "'.Il-ii (r.... 1.' 1 ai-i.u BRtOe & CO., 700 Broadway, N, V. Vi' II III Ins AHontN W a n t e d f o r a C'oifon 8 a c k . S'alriil Tlf iidvanlaj;eK of this "^ack c.\er the i.ld one lire, .Klrst, the Mick Innt^'H.t of cdinlsm over the hhouMer, the old one, has an i.riiiliole III It through which the miii pass.-K, lb. hwk •itrap iittachcd to the b i i c i t p a r i n f i b e utriij) iKWM.-s IiMoi tho tack ton point ninlei till nrni In NUeh a dlrectliiii a.'< l>i ret.-iin the Mime ll|;htne>i.s 111 any pOHltlon of the tiody, anil relieves the plcltcr ol nil pulling, drmvIDx iinil !«iiwlnK over the Hhoiild< r aw In Ibe old one. Second, the tM»ck renialn.s stationary luiil d<u.M nut Hllp around an the old mo'. Tliird, thu fKint part of thewiek l.s enliiiKcd iiiiil the hack piiri contracted, N(i lUi to thrinv llietnuuth open In front, and thus enableH tlif pli'ki'r to put the eoiton in easily im picked, wii bout having to raise up and piii it round to the Hide. 11 only ha..« to be Keen to iippreclatrd, and from the comfort and ad-, viintaue realliiml, will enatUe the picker to pick considerable more cotton than he would with the ol<l one. 1 will (lend sacks to ai;entK at ?l,each. Si-nd nidiiey tiy exprcMfi or reKlnii.red letter to K. .M. LOUUlfi, Vlcksbiirna, Afltm., and Kel Kamides. !t 87 7 $250 A MOXTII~.V«nits wanted erery. wlierc. tlii>.bicits li.-.rionililf Had flitt rlaei. I'arilriiliir,! feiit free. Aditrr&a J. WollTIt i rw., lx,ul!i,Mi,. 8-9-7-IP-8 BAUNSOHEIDTISMi ^ oa TUB ' E X A N T H I M A T I O METHOD OF CURE.I TM ilm(tl«and rMrauner In vblcb ronfUlcj ar.) >r|.IIM rctidtm It imcUeaM*foin«T cat U um Uicm xitfj -KctM la hU ooa fkfflllr. | for u lutragmi, uli* NnwIUlM, «1tli ftl^M bm4ImJ -'abolUi.rolniaBuaKliiMill, naAaBnik of Iiuirs^ .ISUicdiUoD, IK. l-rk«sra •InilolMtU* ef Oltna BMSKlieliini (fTnl,.,, iul1)(I.M Bnrar. af eonntrrMu, A4ilrru, JUHS LLvJ Iir.N. PrMUeal BuiMbMUit, Drtvtrni, Clndtad, O.I Music Books! 3Iusic Books! Contains nn TIIE ENCORE! Contalns nn excellent For flne collection »eh'l of PifHlniH SiDpg u Course. Tun(!!< and A n By O L EniertheiiiH. ^ I d e the above there are nearly ino pages mied with Ducts, eni;y Part Boiigy and «.Jlee» .'or Pmctieo and llccruBttou. Ak will he seen, thtro ore abundnnt mateiialBof the l>e«t chHracter, for inalUnR HInitiuterosttng, wide awake a u d popTho E.ncoue 1» oUo f»n fiscellent book to ii«ti In ConvcntionH, Aeadomle*, Colleci> (.'holrs, etc. Price 75 Ota. 87.W |H)r doceu. ' (.^ntAlns n cont.,.„,aTnES.\U!TATIOX! thorough Ooo<l CollecCHURCH SlnKlngfcM'h'l tionofSecu- n u M i r n o o k ! Course, witli lar Mufilc. Kor 1K70-1877. abundant Uy O L KiuerHon. cxerclKM. But tho greater part of this new and Important mtMlcal w o r k 18 taken up witli new Mctrlrol TunoR, Antbomn, Hentenccn.ClmntH, etc. T h e whole constltutCM a book quite equal tothoMalready publlslied, which have catised the uarao of Sir. Eniernou to be widely known nu one of the moKt succe-ssfnl of i ? ' ? J ® H composers of ttacrcd Music. I'rlce »1J8. Per doe. «12.00. tB^^loe®" c a l l e d , po»t free, for reO L I V E R DITSOIV & CO., Bofinrosr. ff-JPA**"* & Co ,711 Bro«dwmr,^«w Y o i k , wL 'nccewow to I ^ r 4 W a l sor, PmUulelphla. t)-8<j 9 48. Avseiou •'irmrSrWaiwrSot^^ A-WWO-i \Ti,\\TV (ii.\rf.\N(i(ifi\ Wl) \\sflvii.i,i: -To- IJir.inu , b.i:;:p.jr ,„ ,„,„, of C..o..loliiis..ud. .-. u«;c},! .•aiioire. .•, ii,, . laruci aii.l Itnei -ti.. er )b.. . .-I, brrt-. il I'v-e .•!intb I1..1..;.. ,,|,ini ib,.i. I,a. r %, r 1., , „ I lltfemi. 'llie di aiaiel ii.r ilil. Ii.iiiii ,1 ,, A\D riioa MOrillS ID ^\^IIVILLE, I ytarl.\ liu-reasiriB. N..onc ii,..i . k ,. ir ,,, \iid •.(t..rs Ibe !iiislni-^>. iiiMii an.l pleiisnu- iilul bill tiH^ sue,.1111. all ; « .I'li^ ,, l i l n n i H Is n o n i o i v a n e-;|ir. i ii,,, , , i i , . u i i,. ^ellke|• tlio inost drllyhtfnl rool- irotii the plan! rurii. Tlie liiieM. ,.. i.,,,. enduriiit;. as w e l l u.s I. •lynirni i„ -.,;... SOlTllWfi^T TO Tlif; Sii!TIIE.\ST. 1 S 'lltll a l e ijf t h i s ptlMII. i;vt. l V l . x i l e l . i l i l l .1 ! i.i.|.-r ill Ibe .-oalli an ! noilli i . i.i,.' I'm rolls of the i.nlversltses. eii|l, i;,.~ ami 1 ly d. eiiiiv.l Ilie I"-. r)....ii,il. (... (i,'.. [ heliiiol- III .Nnhlivllle, 1^-1,(,111111. .Miirfi'eesl...r«i, I .l — lli<il|.- lelliN. 1,1 ,1,1 1.., ,i,i, , ., . ,,, ,1 .1 I M<-Mliinvllle, W liichesti r,.«ie« aiic, .Mi.iiiii Isli;. Ii.rtbei-beiip,-*! ,in«i pii.n i - •.,, i and Dllicr nillroad tuv. ni: of .Ml.l.lI, 1 , nim s.s.-.-. 1 ^'efMltii. on I .,,,1 l.'H.,, , . M I .1 I a/e inforiifd that tln-tr rblMi.n iir»iir.|s ; . I ..l..-< III a liii.i , ean li'u\e MenildiK I.t ii;.*) p. m., nnd iiri Im I'»£l< i ; s « f !-|..l\TS. in Ibese places n. \i duv In ibi.\ iluid. 'I'lii laorniii'.; i.ain Inmi M.-iiiphi- al-.. : K'.m.I III Iii'ils! Na v.-ili,-: an I .'ii'>,.,.l (,ii makes direct ••linn inr NieOivdl. i liai- ! I.'i.ii.l II,, car. laiicic,..!. K i.i'>.> > III", .\iliuii:i ..1,1 piui'ipal .'v. -,.- .'M, s.trk-U.i lir i i la-- p. r |,»i-', ini p.'iiils In llie Sioiillin.si. I ,,T 111 li. 1,11,1 fur- ! I ,1.1 1,1.!. an.l 111,.. 1. 1 -i ; H ., 1.4rl>cr'e I,ii -11. • Her liitorniatlon appiv l.i.les. sipi eil l,-^' , .Mali, • • • M • 1.-t.ij. ' I'. i li»'. l. -. s lb:.II l;i.-i, . l7. I -.K^.lni I . 1 , I. , .. V T. St . nr til II. r . .'.^inhii, Tlcl;, t \t'..iii. ll.- ..I ..i I I ' .r,,i.a.TN. ,,, ,,,,,1, I . 1. i'-Vl-|l|...S( .Miiiii -I . .XletnidiN. ..|i.I liO'I IK! •, J . W . r i l o n • S. <ieii l Sllttl. I ! I't»t:it\<v\<; » i M .s. \v. 1.. 11AM.I;v. D.Ii I !• ..,.1 I A; i . ! . I i : n . til, l i i r . ; . •.! „ . , . , , . I ,„ ,1, \V \ X T F I I i.il.le ..f Ibe Al.N,i-.lis ill. . 1 ellll. ^ -iipp.-i li.nn; i:i i lie ,. ; J i . l I J j i f . b.lll.lle r.inale lll.stllul" I Isl, II,.. I..~ I ..(•li ,.f .,•,, ,,l 1 .1.1 < liiirl-.tt~vill' . \> lib n..i.|.!i (...rlein-.. in , . .h p, 11,. !• aehUlu.ileMi, :-,.! silualloll ill ii private laioII' !Ui .-siai.!!:.!!.-! .sel'.r.f. lirancluI..11-in: l•;!l^/i|^ll. l.iuiii, I'll 11. li an.I .Miili|, . I 1.. •! 1. Ii.-r .1.1/. a Ml..lies, Kor itif.irtM.itloii l-.u. Iiii.u lu rnburI V. . acl. r mid eape.clty. ~lie r- ferii Im .IuIim Hurl. il.l, i.\ (III. , I . M..\ . I'l iaripiil l einale ln«:itiile. W D M .11 ,ii * .1 : IM. A. I'. Itled-..-. .dll.ir Soiitli. rn lle11,, 111 I,'. 11,.- Iiiii or I . CO. ea.-t. jl< v.. Al. <...iidrla. V.V.; i.iul J. I!. (.riiveK. 1 v.ill now r'lnira." |.ri,i..ii .Memphis, iViin. .\il.li.s.<, (..rms rt:* \ ••i>!ll.-.- ..f '1 liAtMIMi, M-inphis, T.-nn I I, : "lock ol Ibe I.line T, M.-. I-. .--,11 \\ 1 te.!;c pb asure in si.-uiii.j; ttiat Ibe lailv 1. I'car, l>liiiii. < h < m . I. - ' - . • . • , t, ..r ^ I I,,-, n !. rred III I-. and <••.;-rien.-.,I and In e\-i \ tt '.) «.(i<>,m. t ' i . j M i s . n .1 a-lui, 1 i,,r i..|„.|,. r. I.n i;,u-i i-r ; ' ; I. ' 'V ii-i I',,.,,,. .,, ,, ,. .-1. •[ " I I f, -. . ,. •iiii.M, - % { i | f l u i o u .•.-11--.) I V. II: 1.. |.r. | ;u. •! lo ,1; li \, I s. \ , ,.,1 |; ,., . •%'ll i r » « ; i • » s sv., i | , | , y I'M,' '.-ar ..Id, spl.-i,.l|.| -i/. .i.i.i". ..| 11.,. r.ii. J,; ,is I ,i..i,,,|,i. 1,1 ,, , ••>.»J1 II.IOI r. i«i. riniii. Cb. ri v. ,111.1 I;iiiii.-laiu. •'pilid ini!, ill ;l eaeb. I .•'.Is put: Jiiin-upi I.-Ipnivj Nin.ia.i.,! . in,i..i rli,.i,.,..;t varli lh , III! I„ s: .,( -I..,-!;. 11.-.l-,r.,rllev vl-hii,'_: .•ire..iltir-s i:,\li,.; f,, • i,,. |iii.....ls ' | i i j . > j . . i l n .1 . | i . > , - i . . | , > j j | . < , ! , , . , i | | X | . : pliiiiis, iir:i|M-\ ir. . .-.l- ;u..l ( iilliiu- .1 -irii.-lions lor plaiillnK ar,,l .-all! • al. ii.: lii.Mir^ -OO-KS 'It.!".) '..^11 u> - i i i i ) -OOT.M 'Adoj • r- 1... -1111 lis will h.- furiii- ii. .1 ,,1, • ' loi, j n i ' l . •pill,(-|y...| . i n n i M l i l M i l ' I K . M i l l 1.-1(111, ! V . mher and ! le.-, i,,t,.. .,,, ,i ,... rii.'aiifr linln Tii;iii \iiii Oin <i.-! [KrHlit-;.111 .nil," lor pl:ia(jiii; Ibe I j , . , :i .•ti.iliih! II snsnnii'i . 1 1• .i.i;li.. 'nrefiil .•Itteiitioii pan! I > ris-..rllnu -.iit ea.sli liill-l 111 :ill .-asi-s :., .-ni or SCfVlllIl;;*, mid espe.-mlly 111 tile |.tinlii-.: |-.p..l d. Til.' 1^. Is, lul In elie, or dnilt on .s, >\ i a :..aiis our rixit-.^raflh. KarU ..rib is are si.lb'll. .1. Ol .sew V..rl;. 'n iivpr. ss oi Ki^iIsI. i.hI T. i •I', n . 1 s,.b.,^tlon and be.st of Iiulee,-!ii4.nis ran Irr 1.. 1 U. n lo tho.se who order e<irl>. j I'l' !!ii-'lii..s'. .M.II,,,.. .. fieiHl for I^isl mill I'rieen a n d l>r Miif- ! Mier. liy milhorl/.e .1 1!. iJraves, 1,1, |j.. ,.,i|. I I J. ! ..f 'rii,- li:i|.lisi M,mplil.s, Teiili., lo a.-I us prl*t«Ml ni O n r I.on <'nHli llitleN. I U'. n:. T. II. .Mcllou i-v. . Y n i l \ ltl«»Iil> i > . . V i i r u e r v i i i n i i , ti.t. CHAJI S t' imiiy IMijmrian oa.l II 1.1 I'J 1 r.loomlii|;|..ii. Ill SUCIIO Fiti;tl?T BOaH " III.. <•»)>' II "in hi In- A. W elms'., dultio) ol I r •^•C'.^hc'K |..iiinaa f!..i.ei|,Ti., pit, J(?ni;ri3 i ' / V Al 17.^.S iKi f'.r tip. (i.-iiiio I.r . ol n r-cr,:-... i^r l!..- iihl l.ooii lo i,i,.|.-. Iio.i of pel.,line l-ooiT li.'rn a,." i.ir, ^ >-. l.,.|M HI ni.hl AjrrniB XVJ,.. i ft .n..<l,. ('..pir.., Two t.? i : X : •CTOMsmss^' "" niBllSHINB COKMHY. SScSSraBs Touaa, oai... sug i-imu.iitr., l.^rl r (iu. : ..1 •.• T .•-r,- . • • •) •'! 7 STI I L'^ilvo I .'s ,;,l .u-""- . M E A J P J-n s , CUTaVACO!; To Fruit (irowors ATTKATION BOYS! FRUfT Af^D JLLLV Tal»l(> Haso Ball. M.'iilfd i)ii.s(-4!aui oil rfc.'jpt i«l Poi*E w v a CO., I S lEiprh Sfi i T l , lloSion. .11aMM. BONANZA A » 17 10 17 'OB*, CAurctei. .VrW.* fiini. fhtrr.trif. Court /fimta,rtrfjHnm,,. /"tt-r Cl'tfit, C'tiMu, ilr. FiJlr Warriiatcd.. ^ riuilrmied ClUlcrit Kol Prf«. VANDITXEN A T T F T , tM wJ IM Eui ScMod SL.CInelnnia. U 040 10.11 BAPTIST. Revised Scriptures flotKTlor I1«)|> of Copper Mid Tin, jnounud mtb ihf K-«Sot«r»n»n»- . Address S. H . F O R D , ChriHtiun Koponitorj-, Carpets at Grand St. Only, T H E ilio irfirfe. ^ • .r, ' .1 »,,,( • II...., \-.iUl . . American Fruil and Jcily P^y, Co , « 1- I', ^ i . I. O.llii, "seui* lVnntr<! In Evcrj T«twa auti <°ounf:r !I :iS 1) r.i I Atlanta Paper 3iills, ' Coruersvllie, Tt nn., IlrctulH and SlaN Tor 8ale Ti(ORoroir.iiRi:i> HORSES (Troltlnir Kloek.) J E R S E Y .4JVi> O T U K I l 9III.K 'Jack-Stock, Berkshire Plgn, C'otfiwold l^liccp, Fancy Etc., Etc., Pdulir:r, Etc. BuUtf DIt. J. W . jncCXlRE, <»renlliit, Ifow permanently locatcd at MonntAln n o m c , mster conntyi Ark., trcat-i nil kinds Of Sore Ej-eg, Omnnlar LIda. etc.. with absolute cBrtnlnty of care. I'erfoim" nil neceswry operations (Or the relief or the eye-llda. AlHo perlhms all imrRlenl oiwr&tlous UKUolly nerforraod. AIko treats Bore I^ess, Aatbznit, Cancsr, and will nUo practice medicine. !M7-9-« bf ii. n. p a l w : r . A l l a u f a , <jn. r.Y A. V . .MonisoN. Tills b<K>U, In a few words, makes clear llir fiindnnitntal principles of liil.s Kcimee, It unveils the ni.Mjlerle.^ and t.linplilies "ilie jnnciiinery of book-keppiiif;." It revniisan ctLiy plan end tsiiort nietlmd by whleli to kc«>i> all acconnt-v In a f»w <la> H any l«>y ol ordinary capacity chii inM-t-rr tin; worlc. No iKKjk-keeper. tuercliiiiit, farnier or meelianlc Hhould be without it. Ssotd for the author by the Mouthern Raptist, Putdicaiinn Sr.«.ietv. 301 Main St., Memphif, T"nn. I'rlce 7.1 el*. Address W . D. n A Y F I i : i . U . SSij .1. W. Mitchell, M.I). CATTIiE. ^ •i \ HOOIi, I»l.\« I».1I»KK. Follnvoonlor rlchol hlltw Miu, >10 Ih* ALL SIZl-.S A M ) WEIOHT-. O F F K ^ E t 13 IIHOADNT.. ATI,\.\T.l. wail lUloiuK, VlUl llic ' KinlsPlnM. Illaitra- Kfl A Dl/T V%OJI A S M .lfl«lr<>«.M JA.HF.N O R M A M * . P r o p r i e t o r . tc4. iiii/<.<{<>cii..iib; E V l A K E v i W A B I v a Itefers lo this Ihsnc as a sperlm.-n of bl__ w^ii'xi «T..rywbw». lll.i.'rtttej ('If. pajwi. :i-)*-pi.pi oilar. «n.l t'ri.,i fr... A. ti. .NfclTl.i; 10/i 4 CO, CliUa.r.. Ill",, f, ( .,. inonll. o. A 9 2 10 Tr«;attH(> o n ItooU'IiorplnK. GEO. T. A L L M A X , h'.iii.' \ : III,, wallteil. (llllI - III ;ii..l :• . I,,., li. • . riM I \, I . I.. AIIn'l-Hii., M.iliie. I' r. I. Ill.'i von ureal liiiprov. iucnt tipon all ol Mr. I'lilliu rs former work"., e.inl:ilnlnR new ldeti« Ilirouali.iiit. ^.^l•r.^ p!i{{e >-pailillii« Willi :iit<i D m . T f l t r h r l l A BriElanm, I'rufirie(orit, CAtro, I I I . We are treatint; lhow> dlseaseB not URiiHlly trenf<.d b.v the general nraotltloner, nuch on I'IIcn, Fi»tiila, ilip-jolnt Dluenae, Old K«\-er Jiores, Curved Spines, Tiimoni. Club-feet, Hare-lip, Crosi* Ei in. and all dlseaseRof the Eye and Ear, and purificai and ehroHlc dl8ea»<Mt. We also Rive sp«»clal attention to the cure of diKeusCK pwiiUar to female*. W>cnrel1i™-wllhOHt knife, ll(>«tnre or caustic. The tn>«lin»nl Kive.t llttlo luiln and wc cuuranl«'<' a euro In every ca.<ie, and OBk no ony until the euro Is efli-etwU tiUMl? .^luMic. '^TIlESOMi IIEKAL!) ' Is the leKillinate siu-r.-swr ol tlie " S n X d HI.\« "I'ln.l n l ' l I K ^ ' , " wiiieb Iihm. iiiid a c<'i:ildin;d sale o| o^•e^ nn'i: s• :tr,o,oo» AH O'fUrr KimilniorK*! I>;t< ^ i h K u H u k m . art- I'ri<.<' .."JO per <S<i7.4.ti: MliCile <'o|i.» ••••III oil rt'cviiil .tl T.» N;>e«ii»il'fj l>>iK<-n f ree. . M > I I \ C I S l R i iS K < A l" 12 Clnrlnnali, «. 1!. H. IJrIglmiii, .M.I). C A I R O M E O I C A L . A ! V » .SI I t GiCAL, IXSTITl'TE. E$c»u<irul Hf'II Foniuli'.v MaMUtuettire tbosn celeliiutrd Hells for <'tnifeJie!». Aeadeiiiln'M, etc. l'ri<-!> iiNi iiii.l eireultiis Kent free. I I l : \ R V Me.SII,l\E A <•«.. X « !.">!)«) liJiiliiit.ire. ,1..*. S or iSTi. HK. ouiy I'nslilon Siepnrino in tiieHoiiih. Profiiwt.v llluKtrnlcd every month. It In now well e«tiitili»ilied—:i(rmnd(iueeesii. I.'llhsl with choice literature by i*<mlheni nutlKirK. liorge prernliinii) to those who net upnlillM. MacnUlcerit chnimo Rlvr.ii fo every hubKcrllier. Hubserlption and p o » t « e , r - , S a m ple coplcK.wnt for 2S et«. Aftenti* waijl«fJ to canvnm for huh^erifwra, awl uIm) t o M I niir r p p » G —Thneholrest In the world—Im- ffpicndid line of eromos. Addrtwi,— poru-ia' prlctw—Ijir^t Company » A¥ri£i.u*N i t A i ' P v iif>ni:. lu Ani»Tlca—irtnple article—pleafM.-s every012 iu 1. 1 nnrapbi*, t««!». boUy—Trade contlnaally In^fc^sElng—Ait' Ul* wanted everj-where—best lnrtncement» i l l m o n t h . Aneats wuiiU-d, in-iio don't w<ist« time—«cnd for Clrrulnr 10 ^siirj^f or f<;male,for the best arllliiBartlcles UOBT. W E l I W , « Yenc-y HI., V. e,OiMl Hold lu one day. Addre« L A I H A M M8S9W P.O.BoxlSiff MFu. ct;.. Mariou, u. O-(M0-lM T VLDLK rHMT-f i r o a t 'Id -Kv l i e d u c t i o M 0'..-cji in U,' t prcclael, tii-ucc coualruct lli« pi'Ol>«r B ^ V P T I S T . !^ ti,0 i-uplure, liiac-ethe luntraini'iil. i OUjLOnjf tru^ Uul^, Witli tliti iOWei' ttUd J l S u c c e s s . M^iiistrp •• till* itiKcovor.v ol' S'oiir InKOiiioliM cwii- tiio oliter convc.v ^kle of i't v e r v cla^e U> th'j ('.vcttf-iv t' li.tr>!. liiiic-i lriiitiii:«>| ill tvltlol , <>li llio uicdicnl pral'<>i^. to tho sniull, hard ll^nmoiit outsidu, T I F A rn i rn ,0 IIh' Ni.nli, n t l u m i pria--. iiif laluir, klrtii, ao tljr itt 1 run lenrn, I'wl KnIlMiifti whli-h iiiu \jv found and ft-li hy tlit-B*U A .1 1 | !S T t!!!t! IV tr tta^ I' tlM> l i l l l i u a t i i u i of liioiiiid sfcaviiy dl" iiiom-y'lii t t i e y o u t L , 1 fSi.tia:. Ill iiiti. i<i t»<*i>; ibv iiulicfktloiiv uV fhigitr. Then, with oni- hand, draw I h.ivo Lwi'ii"i.'Hdblc'd t'j iiiaky ar.iiii't.'- It if-r^i- chisi tt<' ••lotiUil AUi'rilotik. > tlie i>0Avel.-5 wt'll, whlliL with tho lt<lMt.L.l>OKT£B, .U.K. W y i i n s niKl T u i i o Hooli. im'ijt:< with V.n- rnauutiu'tiicr dI' iho hi.'r you liold tin- hail tlom rii;itit. Tl..' followiiij,' La a ll~l or tho aii- This aiustsj tla- iiowc-li to Ik- above (vlfltr.ittil I M l y , llK'k auil h i i n j ; lir.uv, to runi'Hli llM.Ktal tlU'low jirice Jn^.•lit^ roliuvctl, or liuiaediiitojy ciircd and on top of the trun^ ball, ^ind not u; $IO.(Xi to iill, upon roiHlition tliat liy liic tisc or llio Bntce: • K«!V< II (>bn|t<'«i \'cii>M.i l)ehind it, as in olhor tru.s.sL>8), tlm-j wiliihi G.) i l i y s aiU-r u.'^in;^ tin- iif-.tct- «!io(tr«' Tiiv.r llinl Itcqiilro Mcftaiiul- foniiiuK n " dead lock," and inakini( tli'.i w f u n r uirnkluioortilu;iiti,'»tatiti;; j chI ttii|>g>urt iinil ((> Wboui (be liriu-o it i.iiii)o.--%'5iblc for the bowel to er-L*ape. , i-4 Iiivniiinkle? tho iccu/^iics^i or aUuuut, iiiiil (iicl j To pUico thi.s IJnico pofore the pub- i It i.s ijronoune<-d by thcwe churehw luawiirL'uf rL'lioniwt liiis bofii f v p f r i - ' -Ml pnblic .sja-.ikerH a n d .slngenj, a n d ! lie. I liavo in the last twenty yi'ai-s i ihut are n^ing it a «\eeided inii.rovr uiiooil, ()'jK:rwui- tlio iisu;,l prU'i" u ill (•sjj^rially luiuHU-rs \vho h a v e a n y advertb^itl to tlie auiout ol several ^ nient in all respects over all others I.i3 cliart^fHl, ^l-.o*! t4) mill- | I: I iti'.MIlty nliout t h e throat, or w h o thousiuul (htllaiv, and have improved . , others It.s superior loatures ars,— i^ii.T:'.. i-or tlit> riiiiuii" o r d o u b h ) licniia I hii\0 an unKKVi-nial'lo a n d cruekwl it aiul made it more dufahU' and val- j in lar^e, nice typo. Hr.itv in iill .^U.-'ti. T I k ' pricL' in ' voici-, nnd wlni^c vociil t'xwtion.s are luih'.e. Tiie 15i-aee w ith my improvt^ I 1. St I t Is on j^ond pap(>r. t K i o i h c v ill Xi'W York is a n d sia-cciKlcti by kimjor nnd //n/zV/w, at- nient.s i.s made for no otluT peiNon in BtN hymns are all souiul aial 2r>MsK • . . t.Muli^lhya.-lMi^ c.VHinkiiijj'orniintinK I tlu' Tiiilfd Stal.-. Ilt-n; i. (he ivird I Ivnouiii,,' a.H I do tliP iiustinialili' at th.. ^tomarh, and t,y w«ik.u>« or I of tla- onlv inanufartinvr of thi.-i I choic<', j 1. St has tin larjj^ertt eftlleetion i,f v.iKii' o tlif IJraci' to ovi-ry |(in»lif aehiuiK »ii till-hark. iBratv ! I'hoice tlinw, pi'ison: w ho .-»uff(>r from fi()o.ikor, and .-inj^frand to ovi-r^t' ininVII old pfison:. ! o. II h.; a nice sele<-tion of revival I.<-t a l l TuKi> .N'olioc. I A\i'ak back-, i^tttf nuc-l f.-p.n'i.iiiy, 1 t^dvi- thi.-^ Uiiy sonj>>. TblN lo i crtify llial lluiiiMh r i i K u r d to ill iki llii^ r.irr oiii-r ol a Urat-.- fm- i .\11 w ho have dull pain.s and a s e n ^ ' i (i. II has the Hweettst colloclloii of i.oii kiiuwn toyuii. I know Iroiii (•r op|)ri-s,i()n about t h e ehe^t w ith, i i tlir only niaiiiiliu-tiirfr of llio Itiiii. >unday-sehool songs, and more of t litloy uw II ("'.iji'iit'iiio. and Iruin itn- limiied or huirietl breathinKon slight ' iiiiiK BotJj Krai'O, aiifi l l i a l lliosr iiiaii- •'W.H'test than any oilier hook. iiiarlnr<-<l lor J. |{. (JravrM, I,I,.I>., arc Ir-limoiiy Ol lr.Uldri.tl-, that It j-- tin- r\t-ri-i-'f, aeeompanied l)\- short eollf^h : 7. It is cheap, only hv the doz\ i r y niiH'li.iii.i-il lirl|i s u a m-id, and ill t . - k i n ^ ' l u l l Mi-i.iration, e.-p( (-iufiy i iiia<lt iliiroi'ciil, a«t<l ar«' more «ltiral>l<-, en-.-^1 .L'a each by mail, post-pakl. w ti'rli \m11 iiiit only rcla-* \ ou iiom w!ii-re iiirr.' is a n y pri'dispo.-itiun to i niKl an iinitroirnioiii u\t'r tli<< |ir<-nciit It Ls publi.she»l by ourown Sfiulhlit ^.uii rin.;, mil jirniuii^ \ m r !>!>..I at the hiuij!-. Thorie w ho are in i Mj i f now in iiiai hot. Wo noil to no ern Haj-tist I'ul-licalion Society,w hi. Ii Otiio Itiior. d)or.' lur yiar-. Ilundri'd-. ol nun- i-oiiiiinMKl eoii-umplion will iln<l i' otlM i- p a r i j Nositli ofl:.llio every Southern Uaptist should sup<'. U.IM'UIM II. i u i ll ni^li, or ailo^i-tlu r laid oy. at ri li.-l to tin 1 i-t moment ofliie, I'lliis i.l Miiii I II r.. , ( onii., .%lny 1 , Iv'u. port. W h y send N'orih when vmi U '! .ii If to i.n«U r„o onr i..urtii o; t h n r w bile jrii-e<! betime-; it w ill elleetuaily can t^ct a better book at home? I piibli-h the above that all mav see UMi. i ridin.' or -iu-,.kin-, h.r.e lim ti |i|-e» elH il. iJefore buyiiif; any Hymn Hook that if they uunt the Unicethat 'l adAll who are troubhti with palpihy 111 ri->t<)riil to a hill n-f ol ^11 send lor the .\evv H y m n and Tune tlu'ir jtou»IV and ri'tarnod to tuli I dmr tation ol till- heart, :ind "em-ral ni-rs - \ i rli~<'lor the co/c* imd all ca«es ol Hook, with seven shaped notes,-ami and consiMiiieiit weaklU'^^s oii,-,m~s, or u ith hysteria, lo\i ti<"w ol v^ iiii I t thcni-i Ki^. A-M. rill, m . s r o.si; mai.k, they had e.xamine it. 1 ciU yu .r atl<-ntic'ii to the o:V. r I'l- sjjiril-. ^looiri, t-tc. iM-tter send tin ir oidi-r- to me, or to .\!l ho ari'dy-ji(-|itic ; w ho i-oiiic.iU't thv |>rolr,a't>d UK'.tiiu- arc h.inil, ami 11 ymi aiv p^rUTtly sound pl.iin of Ibo-ie ilull, iira.Lr;.tin^' pain.s in some one who ha^ niv ir/vV/c//comT h e N e w P s a l m i s t . you lu'id li'ip to kft'p >o. Witii. the .-,iue, li\ i r and spleen,and a(-eom- mission. 1 haNe no in this cit\-, ;-nd til'- Ur..<'v.Nou n p«-riOi'iii tvMCf vour p.mieil (.> a -eii-e or (|,.,,tl,|y >inkin;; This is the• above book without the ij.-a..l laior uilhovit l,.ti. uc un<t n i \ r r or ";^oneih—," which are n'laterially before \ ou purcha.se t hrou-h" olhcr music. It.- superiority- over the partii-s be .-ure to nijuire ihem to show r\eri-i.-e, or tiu'a.ssiimpiii,j.ii\- yoiir \<,ia>', m-vt-r sum'r irom a}:;;r.,\ .itid Soinhern I'silmist consLsts in the folyou a irn/h n. noi j^i-ni/i <•/, i ommi.s.-.ioii fly-lH'p>iu, con.-tip.ition, tlu- pile-, or tion ol till- erect posture, and whic h from me. low iii),' features, \ i/ : lu-nii... l l o \ \ . \ » r rtound you arc you , al\ al.-o atlemietl liy a pailihll and 1. Its large, beautiful tyiM". Our l>on't fad to aviul y(j-ur.seli of thi.-^ ni^il a ihai'.' to k i f p .-(). i diseoura^rin:^ -en.<e of Weaviness, or older brethren wiil a p p r w m t e thi.s otfer at your mrluKl c'lurr/tiriicc. The 1 invite your atlontion to thf ti-sti- shaking, in waikin;; or ridiii''. It^-ati be used w ith a thni lilight, and .Ml V. ho are troubled with eon.'.tipa- only Dremiums }""'''."'ums 11 can otier on tin- re- at n i g h t . nion.n i't-oiuv-oi the nio.n di.'tin,;ui-h'•d iii:'n»iH'i> o! till- nu'dicd proh'w^ion, tion, chronii- diarrhea, or the worst dueedjiru-e artAThe inde.\ of first lines Ls idso in A Brace for in new subs,-ribei-s lorm.-, oi (l_\sentery;all u h o a r e h a b i t r^orth am Niulh : hirgu ty|»e. at each, or Sl.oo ca-h lor every u ily alliiet. d with colic, and with l-"n>iii .M.-iiiliirrf. rf. .'I . UliIt is scarcely felt in the pocket: -ubscnber you tail to {,et in makint; I'ltifljiir^ili, I'll.: T I biiH dini; or blind i»ileb. i.ijw MKi: A Jmi( K in shape and uj) your (-lub. U'o, (!><? iiii<i<'r->iK»*'<>; ii^tHl in i . \ l l w h o h . i \ e chronic jierilonitis: <>iir |iru<-<l<'<' I:iiiii>(ii;:;'h !(»'•,->-ili-Kce { u huareswa;j;-be!iietl,aml pre<.ll.sl»o.se<l 1'. .-Kny one .-ellin;.' lu Bracts at SH) weight. ftir (in> r»'li«'i' of ca.rx ol Niiii|>i(- i>r(i>la|>- | •.us iiK-rl, <-ii<M-rrnll,> ti».lii> «> Kk. i><>:iiK to nipiure of the bow ef- ; and all wlio shall re<'eive one for eommission. 8t IH C ' H C N I T C R . P r i c e § 5 C I N . lllC Im'kI illntrlllllOlli tKliliiVf! iiiol tvtlX. < ; are aillii-Kd with lenlon-l. itiKMiinal, I l>ear .sir: li y.-n decide lhat you lofullili all llif liiilicnlitiiiK riMiiitrfal in ' and \t-iitnd hernia. I h a \ e no u.-e tor tl,i> la Ipin i>r,>rr'rinii ). Il contains all the best sorgs of tlic 0U.OC. A. .tlcUoU 1.1.1., .n.i>. j T. t . UAI.t:, M.I>. { All haviiii; aliections of prostate tt rinc riiirt, iiaduii}; an old one uood, the old I'salmist, and a grcid m a n y J«f.s. i-. .11.IK j t^laad, or who have any affection ol or re.storin;< l.^^t or weak pliv-^ical more. 1 .-'im M. llllll-l.^ 1)1 tiic .Mttllcal I'roti S.n1OII In urinary bla<ler, and w ho are atllicted now er, w ill you not phu-e this circu"). it contiuns n o h y j i m s that teacn lar in the hands of some man or I»apti.smal regeneration, no songs to with seminal or K^'Uital weakness. 1 « l*j-. i;t>iiiiliiH. I>»'iir »lrj-W<>, r o l .\11 w ho have any spinal allection, ^ woman you know to he suH'ering, d e a d sMerH, brothers or babes, and no <l>>ti<s i>( lii«>oiij ol Sjiiiiiiiiaii, liittcUiui invocation of angels. t'M-<|i><>ut t>|>|irtriiiuil.> of Witiicvsiii^ whether it be irritiition, or weakin^w and du a go(Kl deed'.' lilt'fflV-vlN oi our iiii-cliiiiiicai iipiiti- of the sjiinc, and w ho are accordingly <i. I t iri H chet»i>er a n d in all rcsjiects uiicf.-^, or tiio liodj •liratM'.aiKt I>IltK<Ti».\N r«K MIJASrni.Mii a hotter book ; prict .<) cts. nr<'ooii) iiiC!-(< liiiiC liii'^- art- inori' r«>- troubled with dull )>Mins betw-iH'ii jhe iiiariial>l<- ilinii liio.M' wi'any titiior iii- shoulders, or continual wranglinfi TnKoa tnpo, if you linvo not a roanB a r W h e n you order this, w r i t e : MiriiiiK-Ki M !ij«'li iiuH 4>v<'r iM^cii i:iv<'iii«-<i and. jrrindiiifr pains in the small of Inr nioa-inriiiu la|io-lino, and luonmuro " s e n d t h e New' IValmi.«t without to r<>lift<t Itif |><-itiM Troiii l l i a l liuiiHiini «ir l i i v uixioiiiiual or^raiiw, back and in the hii»K ; who e.vperii'iict two inoho^ Ill:i.O\V Iho lipn of tho hips notc»s." ult<«t}< lo hv lil4! •uvvltnblt'i'Cniilt coldnct;s, unuihnt«M,Hwdliug, viu'ico!9e oriiiind t h e nbdouion, nnd »ond thn ol a i'oln.\!itiuii of tlifuiiiM'iilnrityMloui. velne.Sj and w t-akncs-s of the lower e.\- •non<»nr» in InohcM. The Itraoof>« lire all n . K.iJ<>llftUL'MIIM,.U.I>.. Ua.t or ui' llio treniities. Toull w h o have any liear- ninrkod lu evon iiumbcr<i, and enn bo <'. V. U K llAUl>hO.\, M.l>., ing down or falling of the wonih, onlHrKet! two InohoH. J. h. .UUUULia., or w h o ar« alUictwl w ith leucorrhoji J. B . GltAVTS, A.. C O M A U I I A J I . .q.D. T h i s little hook contains all the tho Brace Is s i m p l y invaluahlo, ant I-"ri):u M<•Iall>-r.^ ol tho Ml-UIchI l'rofc»hioii in the only oltwtual remedy. m u s i c in t h e H y m n a n d T u n e Book, l.imisvillt.', iv.v.: a n d is designe<l for Sunday-wihools. l>r. Uiinniiii;;: Sir, l l a r i i i ; ; rxiiiiiiiKMl All w e a k , a n d lax-HhertKl, chiidron for P r u y c r a n d B e v i v a l meetings,and Tcfitimonials. j onr U{Ml,»-Hrii«-<', <t<»vttfii<m lor tin- rt*n«*l' of (In- i'liJiiionarj-. »-'«- and youth.-*, w h o droop, lean, an( nr.AK BKO. « « A V i : S : - T o n inndc me for t h e f a m i l y . T h o object of tho iiial<>,HiMl h i ^ u a l J..v.sioiii«,as foiiiiMUi'il lounjie, a n d c - . m n o t e n d u r e m u c h exer"«»"«* lliroe yonr» aco, of one etlitor w a s to gatlier i n t o o n e book all viCli or iliiinriiiar dfliilil}-, it cise ; hut particularly yonnj,'girls, j a s t ol^IiannlnKV LnnK nnil Ilody Hrnw" I t h e best a n d sweetest songH a n d tunes iirivp.n U!4 Kr4-n( |>to)»>iir<> lOHM,ti lliut M-<iliM-iii if a tiiliialtit* tllNcovt-ry. uh ni> arrivin^tat m a t u r i t y , who, ifnej^hjoted w i t h o u t wenrlnn: il, ritlher elnVttlnK now in use, n n d to r e j w t a i l those that nu.-tiliar.r (ii Iho trmtiiicntof'lncKbovo at t h a t seldom recover. «noh thlnipt nniier the h e a d o f " h n n r inculcate unfM'riptuml s e n t i m e u t s that nu<l atinloKOiiM ••illiftioiiK. I n view «1 U ^ e n t l y t h e h4«,vy "SIl a b o u n d In so m i u i y of o u r SundayAll w h o f r o m habit o r occupation buBKory." ellorlH lii<* iiiialoiiiiral ami |ili,vNiolouricnl |»rin> of t h e t'ontonnlnl. <•1 |>i<<s of l i s conni rai-Hou,anil Itiiriiioii} a r e disposed to d r o o p ; o r x y h o a r e of q n l t e b r o k e down for e finit m o n t h , I school hooics. V lit: tlic italitrsii pconuinj ol' tlx* I><mI,> , a tielicate f n m i e , s h o u l d he supported evueluded to Iry the t hrojcclod lirncc, I t liHH bt>en awartled thia prtu-se: ut.- alp>o (Ifi-ni it ii;r<-iill> prel'criil>lt> lt> a u d i d o n o t bckilale to ieatify lo t h e iiiiy otiit-r tii'vifc rii iisf. in walklnt;, riding,or t r a v e l i n g . i n v a l n a b l e worlh of lliiit Ilrneo. I can " I t c o n t a i n s m o r e of t h o best and ' T. H. Itl.1.1.. .U.IK. All jHTsoas reoovoring j'roni l o n g einlnre a t leant t h r e e timea t h e a n i o u n f sweetest Sunday-school songs than ctinlincnient hy fever or o t h e r caujie. of labor t h a t I did before wlltaout fa- a n y o n e book oflercti t o t h o public; .!«>»« II. I I . I S T , .1B.1»„ W . <:. «AI.T, .n.I).. n n d , best of all, t h e s e n t i m e n t of t h e I i IN t i l l ' o n l y NC-l(>iitflis;S|iouIW. E. KH'IXi, .1I.1>. lOIlT, a n d my phynlral strouKlh ban frongs a r e u n e x c e p t i o n a b l e . " <lc'i- l £ i a < . e e v e r y l i i v v n t e i i . boon niottl eOlrlonlly renewed. I would T h o miLsle i.s In t h e seven shajx'd Kxiruoi of a I..<'tu>r from I)r. Ilaukl I'ortfr oi not t a k e ten limoN t h e p r i e e of niv Inufiimich :is all of t h e a b o v e ail- Briiee LiuwUn^ (iruoa, ICj'.: now and be eonipelled to di». notes, w h i c h can l)o iised as round m e n t s m a y ho caused liy t h e defcent penNo wHh it, I nioMt eordJally reeoiu f>r. I'. KiniiiiinK: Renr £4lr,~F(-rnitt •iM-t<> brnr to .1UII nnd llio world i i i j of the Internal orgaas, t h e y m a v alpo mend thiM Urnce lo IboMi wlio may, ones. I t is designed for t h e million. L e t e v e r y p a r e n t p r e s e n t o n e t o each >i«<iwrii4> >iwtiinon>- i n bclinir of IIk- bo relievc-d by siipix^rting tUo Ijacii, phytiicnlly o r olherwlMineed II. {Mittvi-ititil <>IHc»c.v o f j oiir IKHlj--IlriM>(S child. 1,1 tttf irciilisti n l ol d touKllHl of IUIIIH- a n d liftiiij^ t h e a b d o m e n as a n y surI'astor First Bapt£i Churo?*M^p'hl(i, Brico p e r dozen, $4; b y m a i l 40cts. iit<-«, to n l i l f l i bofla Hcxriinreiiahlp, lint geon will tell y o u , a n d thin Brace ih •••{»><'i.-ili,v i l i p niuu.v ol All orders will lie p r o m p t l y attended a .-••(•Il iU»la*iU'ni bnvi^ lonKtit'rii rreni-tl- tile only i n s t r u m e n t i n v e n t e d to lift IinACE.-It in o n e of t h e to. J . R . GKAViit "<t im fti<> ** f>]»|»iobric nit-dit'ornin *' oi up'.\ard,s. m a t r n t of pliyMlral bleMMlnsM to a n n b . A d d r e s s all orders, witli cash, to (•lo (li-uii^tuti, uiiil nilirlic liiiv<> roniiiiicMpeaker o r NinKcr. T h e teNtlmony iii'tl to Itr Ku re«an|p4l, liitU It not b<-«u Iloir to .Uoiutnri' f o r t h e Drace Tnin*. of many m i n l a t e m n« to ita r r e a t benA U. MAYFIfiLD, lor j^iiiir tUTiuunblc 4U«'uv«>rj-. Uiit lit wonid Hnrprise llione w h o k n o w S6I Main St, Hemphia, Tenn. Tnlip aitnelr <!>« nnuib«r of inches u o t h i n s r o f i ^ aon-, Hflvr h »lx-tJ«»nUi'i« IrliU of .vonr ( k U . FORI), l(rac«*. III fUiHONt every vnrlclj- of MUX?, r o n n d ibe hIpH, over t h e linen, nbont Editor Clirlflilan Itepoaiiory. ~ IXHAjriTY. I f«M»i ib« nBr*^!^!!!^ »/>Numii<>«', Ibat .wo atwo InoboN bolonr tho i^Mt of t h e Mide linvn i n IlilH inhlruiuont m M>r«r«>lKn r)>ni*Ht;r for u lMr«[C nroiNtrtlon of thcao b o n o s nnd obont two lnohc« nbovo t h e F E M A L E S T E S T I R R . illy fnrnrnbie tllMon* pelvic o r f r o n t erowi bono. lioreioror** Kouorolly for wlifvb u l l wUi nlao biivc bcarlM l « for Wlilob ull Snm>rtnr very m n e h f r o m rOBimiWSAKB. , fnel Itor tli« wor* of olbvnt, itbonld be Ulreollona for I ^ t i l n B on (he Brace Tnum f o r U e n U a . , nro&>K"i"T Uuinhflil, nnd lo faltn otpoC I M C n o r A T I 8A1VITAIII17BI. oinlty Wli« nulbor CO Kroni Open the t n u a g^d fetob It itround QUPERIOB MoommotfatlOM Air aU alaiwa. n bi«Mtlai;. F o r a loiiK tUue, o r ratUar Opeparal* depsrtnenu Ibr cpUvptloa luid lie* iii«'Uiif> a n d •Cnmiurr oX ttw Iia< U29 body, s h o v i n g T H A hlp-bowi C I C I M DM-roua i n r ^ i . For Mrnii of adtiilatfea m a n •r»tmBt b a ^ b a w i ireU imilarRtaod, d o w n to tho tip or tlje bnunch oooes, acfciia and otrcnilar aMrMa _ . ^ nu>dtM»l WMi luiva Iiave ackiu»rlMla«d Ibo W.B. OHIPXJgy, M.D..8upt. CoHene HIJLO. M a t o t w i u e BiediMilcia agent to act Ibcti lie down, draw up tho feet, careEvS^BA COU. OttlTCO The Little Seraph. PRIVATE ASYLUM Stfuid y o in t h o w a y s , a n d sou a u d a a k for t h o old iiatlis, w h i c h a r e t h e tfoocl w a y s , aiid w a l k t h e r e i n , a n d y o s h a l l And r e s t f o r y o u r souls.—.y.-'v^w-';. OldStMies Vol. f i i E si'Ei-X'ir K R K L ) O K B E F O U K X X X l l l . I M . T H E L.\N'i)I:I,s M . M ' T I S T .HEMiMiis, D K I . I N - T ' \ I N \ IM H . M l N t M I A M , K N C L . W L ' . [\Vi: cannot withhold Ibis graml sjicct li from our renders, tmt owing to Its length ( for be -poke one liour and a half), we have divided it ; yet cavil division i- complete in itself. We bayi- lb(•,ame errors to fight here that our brethn-n have in Englan<l, —the))ernieious doctrine of bapti-ninl regeneration, as hiught by :ill IVMlobaplist- and ('ami>bellites. Read and use. - I'Drmi:. A T \vn.\T IS Tin; i:r.M i n^ v t i : n n . . n ( ) v i : m b i : u W is;<>. bold :ind teai'li: to.wit, llial ieli^'ioU« la-dinaiao •iliould only be admildstr-r<'d to belif-villj^; 1"i-i|iicnN: thai no outward a ' l s |M-rlonii<'d on a liunnn licing liy another, tiul lb>' -t;ite of bis o'.\ n lipari det'-rmines his n-iatioii to (Iod; and that on all mailers of n-ligioiw belie) and practice iilijical must be iiwxie to tlie w ord of < iod :iloii'-, these pri!!(i[ile-^ strike till-(•\il al it- root; ritualhni hath no gru'.md on wbii-h it i-mi witb-^tand liieiii; it -brinks from i-onla'-l w ith tin in, as Satan did .'j-om the point o|' Itliurid's s](ear. it may n-sort to ridicule; it m:i\- t'-\- to iiii-re]ireseiil n-^; but w ell il knows th:it w h<ii tiieii become intelligent emai^li lo appr<'hend our )trinciples, ilsda\-s. and the dav-~ of all sy.^tcnis of ]iriesti-ral'l, are iinmbered ; lhal w hen tin- (-lnircb<'-all< in theliKld of .Vew Testament tnitli, they will .'a-! otV the superstition-; wiii(-b tlif darkness foster-. Mid in taitb and ja-a'-tii-r return to the -inipii' i(y c,( :tpi». Iiilie t iin<-. 1 orN' ri M- Til r i ' . X all h a n d s il is agreed that -oiiiethinu: -iionld 1)0 d o n e to meet it-i i'ncroa(-hmenls: n i one eaii look upon it with inditference who jiri/.es Ibe gd^IM'l of Christ, or has a veg:ird to the be<t interests of t h e souls of m e n . W i t h this coni-urfence of .sentiment w e are cordhilly at oii<-. and n-aily as any to t a k e our part in detding w ith tlie nionsir'oiis evil. To this end we iinit(< with our brethren of e v e r y n a m e , and are second to r,!;n'' of tht'iii, we trust, in t h e zeal with wliich ()i' ,-Ufli a pl-o(-evlure, lioW'<-\'er, it i- Iiei-I —>ar;>' I" in Siis warfare. Our only stiiuilation i - t h a t we shall b e at liberty to meet the foe in <piir ow n w ay, <-oulit the ro-t. This beariii;; te-tiniony lo oiii awd t o flght him with c u r own wi-apoiis. We principle- will not only expon- us to tl;e lierc- b o cannot divest ourselves of our offensive a r m o r in tility of those who an- the avowed abettor- o( order to don t h a t of our allies, w hen r.ur ^ w ii is liriestenil't, but also, il may i.e. to the ai-rimoiiioiisuperior to theirs. Clad in Saul'- :irmor, whi(-h ceiisure of brethren t o w l i o m our ••i.ssert ioii ol oiir they \rish us to use, wh.'d mnteh would the s(ri|«- priiK-ijile-:i|iiiears a re'lei-tion on tliemsrl V(--: u e liiig bi' for t h e giant w h o stalks to and fro, hurl- may not be able witliout forl'eitiii^r our -elfrespect, lo obtain their good opinion. < lur refu--al ing his defiance at th.e a r m i e s of t h e (iod of l-niel? to kee|>-ileui-e may lie i-on-trm d, in spiti- of ail Theirs (UtTers not from (Joiiath's O > M I , E,\CEI)t that our protepilation- lo tin' contrary, inl<i a refu-al to its w a n t of coherence ri-nders it boiiK-w li:il more co-operate with other evangelical I'bri-tian-; wc v u l n e r a b l e : it ha« been forge<l in the ^ame tnulimav jios-ibly be lold, tliou^di oiir u lioje life n inle tional workshops, and is comitosed of the same the charge, that \ \ e h - i \ e -troiiger conv iction- on hard, it m a y be, but withal britth' material. U e bapti-^iii than oil. ('bri-tiniiity : lliat \\ i arcl'.apprefer t a k i n g t h e smooth stone of truth Ironi the ti-Is lir-t, and <'liristian- afterwai-il; and llial \Mbrook of Uod'« w o r d : against t h a t , w lidi, w ith are deiermined to jeopardi/.« the cau-e of evanthe e n e r g y of faitli a n d t h e precision of aim geli(-a' truth for the -ake ofaii outward ceremony. granted to tho.se w ho s(!ek d i v i n e direction, it is All the service we may have remh-red to the slung, e v e n from a s t r i p l i n g ' s h a n d , the giant has cause of ('hrist; ail tli<' proof w e may have given no defense; t h a t , nnd t h a t only, can jH>netrate his of catliolicity of -pirit in our co-operation with brazen-front forehead, a n d lay his huge form pros- oth«M- boflie.-^; all we liave hail lo bear from the trate in thO dust, while over t h e i r fallen foe the stricter memlK-rs of our own <'omimini'in i.ecau-e soldiers of t h o cross a d v a n c e ft) achieve, on their of our too broail -yniiiathies will be forgotten in Lord's l>elmlf, t h e oon<iuest of the world. In plain the iW'lings of resentment uhich our uHcraneo terms, you cnn combat ritualism succossfiilly (and excite in the breasts of tho.-e w ho, for their many wo m u s t m a k e t h e s t a t e m e n t at w h a t e v e r risk of excellent ipialities, we very higlily esteem. Zwilg i v i n g offense) only hy t h e e l e a r a n d bold enuncia- ous churchmen of every name will, of course, tion of y o u r d i s t i n c t i v e princii>les. .-V church t treat u« as their natural enemie-. ( lergyinen may which iK'llevffl in t h e episcopal pretensions of t h e ! be found who will not deny to us all social rights, o r d i n a t i o n s-orvico h a t h no pow er to protect itself 1 nor decline to reason with us, nor regret lhat they against r i t u a l i s m , and still less to i)urge ILself from I cannot put us down with the strong hand of r i t u a l i s m , beeaust^ all t h e p a r t s of ritualism m a y power something inhuman or worsi- (for a l>e d e v e l o p e d f r o m t h a t service n a t u r a l l y , n.« clergyman doiv-? not necessarily c e a s e t o b e n man); h o u g h s s p r i n g from t h e i r parent s t e m . E v e n t h e hut,''!is a lule, there 1- little kindly f.-eling on the little e l e m e n t of priestism which is founfl in part of a n y section of the church (miles,s it be t h e I ' r e s b j i e r i a n bodies plaras t h e m at a d i s a d v a n - Uroad, which wishes io include iv^ all) toward t h e tage, because It d e p r i v e s t h e m of a consistent Dissent w hich dares to maint:iin ils ow n ground, g r o u n d of a t t a c k , a n d r e n d e r s t h e m liable to tho aiid a.ssert its own rigiits. Nor will our com-se r e t o r t , p h j ' s i e i a n heal t h y s e l f ; " a n d t h e infant- e.\cite t h e hostility nf Churchmen only. Strange s p r i n k l i n g w h i c h is p r a c t i c a l b y our Congre- to siiy, t h e r e a r e Nonconformists w ho cannot g a t i o n a l b r e t h r e n , in c o m m o n w i t h o t h e r bodies, loli;rfttp a n y Nonconformity which e.vtends furnot o n l y neutralizes t h i s a.s^?ault, but buttresses t h e r t h a n tiieir own. T h e b r o a d - m i n d e d m e n of a n d u p h o l d s t h o system w h i c h they seek to t h e past wiil f r a n k l y cnnctnle tolus t h e s a m e r i g h t destroy. A v e r y c a n d i d a n d c o m p e t e n t witness, to .state t h e iK-culiaritict^ in which we differ from — t h e R e v . E d w a r d W h i t e , a c k n o w l e d g e s t h a t t h e m as t h e y claim lo pn-sent the p o i n f s o n w h i c h o n e of the lending »Joctrlnes of r i t u a l i s m , — " t h e t h e y differ f r o m other (K,-clesia.Htical c o m m u n i t i e s , m o n s t r o a s error of b a p t i s m a l r e g e n e r a t i o n in in- a n d will not regard a difference of view, h o w e v e r fancy, w o u l d , in the absence of N o n c o n f o r m i s t clearly e.'tpri-sed, a? j u s t i f y i n g a brench of friendl^edobaptiam, lose its chicf m o r a l s u p p o r t : If so, Is s h i p ; ' b u t m e n of, this s t n i n p are rare in a n y i t not m a n i f e s t that w e h n v o in our d i s t i n c t i v e d e n o m l n n t l o n : a n d In t h e churches w h i c h boast principles tho most effectual m e a n s of .•wsniling o f t h e i r f r e e d o m , t h e r e are m u l t i t u d e s w h o d e n y the evil whose existence we, all deplore, nnd t o others w h a t t h e y claim for themselves. F o r reinoTinf what thr«it«« to be the most formida- t h e m to decline n m a l g n m a t l o n w i t h o t h e r bodies ble barrten to the spread of the gospel through- is a p n d w w o r t h y aweHien of t h r f r principles; for O out t h e land ? [Cheers.] T h e great principles w e .New S e r i e s - V o l . I X . N o . 5 0 . us to maintain our-eparate church, in whi<'h the ortlinances -h.-ill lii< administered as we believe Christ reipiins-, and refuse to be alisorbed by other-, i- narrow-minded sectari;m liigotry, \\ hich (•:iiinot be too -evcrely censured. (if this censure, I -uppo-e 1 may claim to have receivetl quite m y proper share; and my testimony, therefore, may (-omit fill- -ometliing wiien I tell you, for your eiii-om-ageiiienl, ibat if you only make up your mind lo bear it, it will not hurt yon much. I Kaugliler and (-liet-r-.; Censure, in lhal respect,, i- \ery niiicli wind yoi; choose to m a k e i t : It is po—ilile, in many way-^, (o turn it to good account, as tb<' "strong man," to use the words of an .\mi'rii'an preacher, "found honey in the lion'.s bone- w hich he had slain, trot strength from the de-trover, and meat out of the eater's mouth." itM-nsi's AM'I I-i:I')U».U"I IS-I-S. •i liere i- nothinj; \ ery surprising in siieh e.vjiris-ion- of fe(>ling: we can uiiilei'staiid llu'iii all. Well do our friends, w ho comiilain so bitterly, know lhat it is only by inducing us to treat our principles so lightly that we shall readily consent lo their stt[>pressioii, and binding us over to ir coii\ciiieiit -ilence. that they are able to hold thea(c,\ II. Their principles m a y he true, or thoy luiiy not; bill it i- not without considerable didiculty thai tliey can manifest to o r d i n a r y readi'rs t h e Scripture. T h e y cannot afford, as we can, to refer ini|Uirci-^ to I iod's word alone; hence, they h a v e foiiiKl it a paying policy to talk of t h e little that di\ ide> n-, iintl of the desirableui'ss of our both bcinp embraced in one fold. T h a t ])(»Iicy, howev i-r. has not been ipiite -o prolltable for us: it has generally proved a source of w e a k i n w , and not unrr<'ipienlly of misehirf. When our mini.steri. can con-eiil to say n o l h i n g aliout our principles^ oiil Mi re-pect to i'edobajitist membei-s, a n d will even yo the length of foregoing t h e jiractice of ininier.-ion entirely, or observe it o n l y in such privat«' m a n n e r t h a t the members of tluMr familie- -hall h a v e attained almost to m a n h o o d ' s vears w ithout having w itnessed i^, other denoniinati'ins have not I I I I K - I I reason to dreail our en-croachments, nor can we hope for a n y hirgo n u m hei- of accessions to our r a n k s ; w h e n , from t h e sauK- reason, li!ii>tists of good social jiositlon merirc thems<lves so completely in I'e<lohaptisti chnrche-, and m a i n t a i n such di.screet n t i c e n w that no one can tell w h e t h e r they are IJaptists or not; when those who have attiiined to t h e position of local magnates m a k e so light of t h e i r principles that they de.sert t h e church of t h e i r fatheiv, and of tlK'ir y o u t h , for t h e more fashionable jilacc hard liy, [ileading Uiat t h e r e is b u t little «Iin'erence between t h e t w o (a t h i n g whi<di hapiiens so ofteiii that some h a v e wondered how it Is, t h a t , w h e a Haptists w h o h a v e been accustomed to o n e horse-tart u carriage and pair, thesMjcond horse generally objects to stopping at the d«or of t h e Baptist cluiiKjl) [laughter and chet-rsj, - w h e n these t h i n g s hapi>en, our Pedohaptist friend.:! m a y well r e g a r d t h e m with a degree of complacency in wliich w o can hardly Iw expw'ted to share, a n d m a y v e r y naturally'object to a n y disturbance of tho conditions w h i c h render t h e m possible; hence, t h o r c Is n o t h i n g v e r y ."urprifllng t h a t a m a n w h o e n t e r s h i s protest against t h e i r continuance, a n d endeavors to rou,?e his b r e t h r e n t o t h e fuithftil assertion of their principles, is not q u i t e a favorite i n Pedohnptist rlrclcs. T h e feeling w h i c h w e can t h u ' account for, instead of distressing us greatly w h e n It appears, should be hailed ns an Involunt a r y testimony to oJir - t i w i g t h . I l l g h - m l n d e d u t h e y doubtless a r e ; superior, as most Christtana