Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics Vol. 5, No. 1, 2003 Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue using the sensitivity analysis methods E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland The numerical analysis of thermal processes proceeding in the skin tissue due to external heat flux is presented. Heat transfer in the skin tissue was assumed to be transient and one-dimensional. Thermophysical parameters of successive skin layers are different, at the same time in subdomains of dermis and subcutaneous region the internal heating resulting from blood perfusion and metabolism is taken into account. The degree of the skin burn can be predicted on the basis of the so-called Henriques integrals. The paper deals with the sensitivity analysis of these integrals with respect to the thermophysical parameters. In numerical computations, the boundary element method has been used. In the final part of the paper, the results of computations are presented. Key words: burn of skin tissue, numerical estimation, thermophysical parameters 1. Introduction The skin is treated as a multi-layer domain in which one can distinguish the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous region, with blood perfusion and metabolic heat source in the latter two regions. The skin surface is subjected to an external heat flux which is a function of time. Heat transfer in the skin tissue is assumed to be transient and one-dimensional. In the paper, the mathematical model and also the numerical algorithm based on the boundary-element method are presented. This model allows us to predict the skin temperature and time that passes till the appearance of the symptoms of the first-, second- and third-degree burns due to external heat flux effect. Because thermophysical parameters of the skin vary widely from person to person, the analysis of the sensitivity of temperature field and burn predictions to these variations is also carried out. In the final part of the paper, the results of computations are shown. E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI 94 2. Governing equations The skin is divided into three layers, i.e. epidermis Ω1 of thickness L1 [m], dermis Ω2 of thickness L2 − L1 and subcutaneous region Ω3 of thickness L3 − L2. Thermophysical parameters of these subdomains are equal to λe [W/(mK)] (thermal conductivity) and ce [J/(m3 K)] (specific heat per unit of volume), e = 1, 2, 3. The transient bioheat transfer in the domain of skin is described by the following system of equations [6], [10], [11]: x ∈ Ω e : ce ∂Te ∂ 2T = λe 2e + ke (TB − Te ) + Qme , ∂t ∂x (1) where Ge [(m3 of blood/s)/m3 of tissue)] is the blood perfusion rate, cB [J/(m3 K)] is the volumetric specific heat of blood, TB is the arterial blood temperature and Qme [W/m3] is the metabolic heat source. It should be stressed that for the epidermis subdomain (e = 1) G1 = 0 and Qm1 = 0. On the contact surfaces between subdomains considered the continuity conditions in the following form ∂Te ∂T = −λe +1 e +1 , − λ x ∈ Γe, e +1 : e ∂x ∂x Te = Te +1 e = 1, 2 (2) are given. Additionally q = q0 , x ∈ Γ0 : q = −α (T1 − T ∞ ), t ≤ t0 , t > t0 , (3) where q1 = −λ1∂T1/∂x, q0 is the given boundary heat flux, t0 is the exposure time, α is the heat transfer coefficient, T ∞ is the ambient temperature. For conventionally assumed internal boundary limiting the system, no flux condition can be taken into account. A quadratic initial temperature distribution between 32.5 °C at the surface and 37 °C at the base of the subcutaneous region was used [11]. Thermal damage of skin begins when the temperature at the basal layer (the interface between epidermis and dermis) rises above 44 °C (317 K). HENRIQUES [4] found that the degree of skin damage could be predicted on the basis of the integrals τ ∆E I b = Pb (Tb ) exp − dt RT t ( ) b 0 ∫ and (4) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue 95 τ ∆E I d = Pd (Td ) exp − dt , RTd (t ) 0 ∫ (5) where ∆E/R [K] is the ratio of activation energy to universal gas constant, Pb, Pd [1/s] are the preexponential factors, while Tb [K] is the temperature of basal layer (the surface between epidermis and dermis) and Td [K] is the temperature of dermal base (the surface between dermis and subcutaneous region). The first-degree burns are said to occur when the value of the burn integral (4) is within the interval 0.53 < Ib ≤ 1, while the second-degree burns when Ib > 1 [4], [11]. The third-degree burns are said to occur when Id > 1. So in order to determine the values of integrals Ib, Id the heating curves and next the cooling curves representing the basal layer and dermal base must be known. 3. Sensitivity analysis The sensitivity analysis of bioheat transfer has been carried out with respect to the parameters λe, ce, Ge, Qme. These parameters we denote by ps, s = 1, 2, ..., 10, this means p1 = λ1, p2 = λ2, p3 = λ3, p4 = c1, p5 = c2, p6 = c3, p7 = G2, p8 = G3, p9 = Qm2, p10 = Qm3. If the direct method of sensitivity analysis is used [2], [3], [9], then we should consider ten additional boundary-initial problems [8] where c ∂λe ∂ce ∂Te ∂ 2U es ∂U es − − Ge cBU es + e = λe 2 ∂ps ∂ps ∂t ∂t λ ∂ x e x ∈ Ωe : ∂G ∂Q 1 ∂λe + [Ge cBTe − (Ge cBTB + Qme )] + e cB (TB − Te ) + me , ∂ps ∂ps λe ∂ps ce 1 ∂λ1 t ≤ t0 , Q1s = − λ ∂p q0 , 1 s x = 0: 1 ∂λ1 Q1s = −αU1s − q , t > t0 , λ1 ∂ps 1 U es = U e +1, s , x = Le : 1 ∂λe 1 ∂λe +1 qe + Qes = qe +1 + Qe +1, s , ∂ p λ λ s e +1 ∂ps e x = L : Q3 s = 0, t = 0: U es = 0, (6) e = 1, 2, E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI 96 U es = ∂Te ∂ps (7) and Qes = −λe ∂U es . ∂x (8) For example, the sensitivity with respect to the thermal conductivity of epidermis (p1 = λ1 ) is determined by the following boundary-initial problem ∂U e1 ∂ 2U e1 c ∂λe ∂Te = λe − Ge cBU e1 + e 2 ∂t λe ∂λ1 ∂t ∂x x ∈ Ωe : 1 ∂λe + [Ge cBTe − (Ge cBTB + Qme )], λe ∂λ1 ce 1 t ≤ t0 , Q11 = − λ q0 , 1 x = 0: 1 Q11 = −αU11 − q1 , t > t0 , λ1 U e1 = U e+1,1 , 1 ∂λe+1 x = Le : 1 ∂λe q + Qe1 = qe+1 + Qe+1,1 , λ ∂λ1 e λ e+1 ∂λ1 e (9) x = L : Q31 = 0, t = 0 : U e1 = 0, where ∂λ1/∂λ1 = 1, ∂λ2/∂λ1 = 0, ∂λ3/∂λ1 = 0, while the sensitivity with respect to the volumetric specific heat of dermis ( p5 = c2) is connected with the boundary initial problem x ∈ Ω e : x = 0 : x = Le : x = L : t = 0 : ce ∂U e5 ∂ 2U e5 ∂c ∂Te , = λe − Ge cBU e5 − e 2 ∂t ∂c2 ∂t ∂x t ≤ t0 , Q15 = 0, Q15 = −αU15 , t > t0 , U e5 = U e+1,5 , Qe5 = +Qe+1,5 , e = 1, 2, Q35 = 0, U e5 = 0, where ∂c1/∂c2 = 0, ∂c2/∂c2 = 1, ∂c3/∂c2 = 0. (10) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue 97 It should be pointed out that the analysis of the temperature changes due to the changes of ps requires the knowledge of primary solution, because in the mathematical model of the sensitivity, the values resulting from this solution appear. Taking into account forms (4), (5) of the functionals Ib , Id , the sensitivity of these integrals with respect to the parameters ps is calculated using the formulas τ ∆E ∂I b ∆E exp − = Pb 2 ∂ps 0 RTb RTb ∫ U bs d t (11) and τ ∆E ∂I d ∆E exp − = Pd U ds d t , 2 ∂ps 0 RTd RTd ∫ (12) where Tb = T1 (L1, t) = T2 (L1, t), Td = T2 (L2, t) = T3 (L2, t) (c.f. equations (2)) and Ubs = U1s (L1, t) = U2s (L1, t), Uds = U2s (L2, t) = U3s (L2, t) (c.f. equations (6)). The change of burn integrals connected with the change of parameter ps results from the Taylor formula limited to the first-order sensitivity, this means I b ( ps ± ∆ps ) = I b ( ps ) ± ∂I b ∆ps ∂ps (13) I d ( ps ± ∆ps ) = I d ( ps ) ± ∂I d ∆ps . ∂ps (14) and 4. Boundary element method The primary and also the additional problems resulting from the sensitivity analysis have been solved using the 1st scheme of the BEM for 1D transient heat diffusion [1], [7]. So, the following equations for successive layers of skin are considered ce ∂Fe ∂ 2 Fe = λe + Se , ∂t ∂x 2 (15) where Fe = Fe (x, t) denotes the temperature or functions resulting from the sensitivity analysis, Se = Se (x, t) are the source functions. The functions Se take a form • for the primary problem E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI 98 x ∈ Ω e : S e = Ge cB (TB − Te ) + Qme , (16) • for the problems of the sensitivity with respect to ps c ∂λ ∂c ∂T 1 ∂λe S e = −Ge cBU es + e e − e e + [Ge cBTe − (Ge cBTB + Qme )] λe ∂ps ∂ps ∂t λe ∂ps ∂G ∂Q + e cB (TB − Te ) + me . ∂ps ∂ps (17) At first, we introduce the time grid 0 = t 0 < t1 < t 2 < ... < t f −1 < t f < ... < t F < ∞, ∆t = t f − t f −1 . (18) If the 1st scheme of the BEM is taken into account, then the boundary integral equations (for successive layers of skin − e = 1, 2, 3) corresponding to the transition t f–1 → t f are of the form [1], [7] 1 Fe (ξ , t ) + ce f 1 = ce tf ∫ t f −1 x = Le ξ , x, t , t ) J e ( x, t )dt x = Le −1 tf ∫ Fe* ( t f −1 f x = Le Le * f J e (ξ , x, t , t ) Fe ( x, t )dt + Fe* (ξ , x, t f , t f −1 ) Fe ( x, t f −1 ) dx Le −1 x = Le −1 ∫ 1 + ce Le ∫ S e ( x, t Le −1 f −1 tf ) t ∫ Fe* (ξ , x, t f , t )dt dx , (19) f −1 where Fe* are the fundamental solutions given by formula Fe* (ξ , x, t f , t ) = ( x − ξ )2 exp − , f 2 πae (t f − t ) 4ae (t − t ) 1 (20) where ξ is the point at which the concentrated heat source is applied and ae = λe /ce. The heat fluxes resulting from the fundamental solutions are equal to J e* (ξ , x, t f , t ) = −λe ( x − ξ )2 λe ( x − ξ ) ∂Fe* (ξ , x, t f , t ) = exp − , (21) f ∂x 4 π [ae (t f − t )]3 / 2 4ae (t − t ) while Je (x, t) = −λe ∂Fe/∂x. Assuming that for t ∈ [t f–1, t f ]: Fe(x, t) = Fe (x, t f ) and Je (x, t) = Je (x, t f ) one obtains the following form of equations (19) Fe (ξ , t f ) + g e (ξ , Le ) J e ( Le , t f ) − g e (ξ , Le −1 ) J e ( Le −1 , t f ) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue = he (ξ , Le ) Fe ( Le , t f ) − he (ξ , Le −1 ) Fe ( Le −1 , t f ) + pe (ξ ) + ze (ξ ) , 99 (22) where 1 he (ξ , x) = ce tf t ∫ J e* (ξ , x, t f , t ) d t = f −1 sgn ( x − ξ ) erf 2 | x −ξ | c 2 ae ∆t (23) and 1 g e (ξ , x) = ce = tf ∫F ξ , x, t f , t ) d t * e ( t f −1 | x −ξ | ( x − ξ )2 | x − ξ | ∆t exp − erf c , − 2λe πλe ce 2 ae ∆t 4ae ∆t (24) while Le Pe (ξ ) = ∫F ξ , x, t f , t f −1 ) Fe ( x, t f −1 ) dx * e ( Le −1 = 1 2 πae ∆t Le ∫ Le −1 (x − ξ )2 f −1 exp − Fe ( x, t ) dx, 4 a e ∆t (25) at the same time Le Z e (ξ ) = ∫ S e ( x, t f −1 ) g e (ξ , x) dx . (26) Le −1 For ξ → L+e −1 and ξ → L−e −1 for each domain considered one obtains the system of equations e g11 e g 21 e J e ( Le −1 , t f ) h11e g12 = f e e g 22 J e ( Le , t ) h21 h12e Fe ( Le −1 , t f ) Pe ( Le −1 ) Z e ( Le −1 ) + + . (27) f e h22 Fe ( Le , t ) Pe ( Le ) Z e ( Le ) E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI 100 The final form of resolving system results from the continuity conditions for x = L1, x = L2 and conditions given for x = 0 and x = L. So, for the primary problem and the time t < t0 one has 1 − h11 1 − h21 0 0 0 0 1 − h12 1 g12 0 0 1 − h22 1 h22 0 0 − h112 2 g11 − h122 2 g12 2 − h21 2 2 − h22 g 21 2 g 22 0 0 − h113 3 g11 0 0 3 − h21 3 g 21 1 q0 + P1 (0) + Z1 (0) 0 T1 (0, t f ) − g11 0 Tb (t f ) − g 121q0 + P1 ( L 1) + Z1 ( L 1) f P2 ( L 1) + Z 2 ( L 1) q (t ) 0 = ,(28) b P2 ( L 2 ) + Z 2 ( L 2 ) 0 Td (t f ) f 3 P3 ( L 2 ) + Z 3 ( L 2 ) − h12 qd (t ) f 3 P3 ( L) + Z 3 ( L) − h22 T3 ( L, t ) at the same time q1 (0, t f ) = −α [T1 (0, t f ) − T ∞ ] . (29) This system of equations for t > t0 is somewhat different (c.f. condition (3)) [5]. The solution of (28) determines the boundary temperature and heat fluxes at a time t f for x = 0, L1, L2, L and next the temperature at the internal points can be found using the following formula ξ ∈ Ωe : Te (ξ , t f ) = g e (ξ , Le −1 ) qe ( Le −1 , t f ) − g e (ξ , Le ) qe ( Le , t f ) + he (ξ , Le )Te ( Le , t f ) − he (ξ , Le −1 )Te ( Le −1 , t f ) + Pe (ξ ) + Z e (ξ ) . (30) In the case of additional boundary initial problems (6) connected with the sensitivity analysis, for transition t f–1 → t f one should solve the following system of equations 1 1 − h11 − h12 1 1 − h21 − h22 0 − h112 2 0 − h21 0 0 0 0 1 g12 0 0 1 h22 0 0 2 g11 − h122 2 g12 2 2 − h22 g 21 2 g 22 0 − h113 3 g11 0 3 − h21 3 g 21 0 U1s (0, t f ) 0 U bs (t f ) 0 Q1s (t f ) f U (t ) 0 ds f 3 − h12 Q2 s (t ) f 3 − h22 U 3 s ( L, t ) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue 101 1 1 ∂λ1 g11 q1 (0, t f ) + P1 (0) + Z1 (0) λ1 ∂ps 1 1 ∂λ1 f g q (0, t ) + P1 ( L 1) + Z1 ( L 1) λ1 21 ∂ps 1 1 ∂λ2 1 ∂λ1 2 f g11 q t P L Z L ( ) ( ) ( ) − + + 2 1 2 1 λ2 ∂ps λ1 ∂ps b , = g 2 1 ∂λ2 − 1 ∂λ1 q (t f ) + P ( L ) + Z ( L ) 2 2 2 2 21 λ2 ∂ps λ1 ∂ps b g 3 1 ∂λ3 − 1 ∂λ2 q (t f ) + P ( L ) + Z ( L ) 3 2 3 2 11 λ3 ∂ps λ2 ∂ps d g 3 1 ∂λ3 − 1 ∂λ2 q (t f ) + P ( L) + Z ( L) 3 3 21 λ3 ∂ps λ2 ∂ps d (31) 1 ∂λ2 1 ∂λ1 f − Q2 s ( L1 , t f ) = Q1s ( L1 , t f ) − qb (t ) ∂ ∂ λ λ p p 2 s 2 s (32) 1 ∂λ3 1 ∂λ2 f − Q3s ( L 2 , t f ) = Q2 s ( L 2 , t f ) − qd (t ) . ∂ ∂ λ λ p p 2 s 3 s (33) while and As previously, the resolving system for t > t0 is somewhat different [5]. The values of sensitivity function Ues at the internal points are calculated on the basis of formula ξ ∈ Ωe : U es (ξ , t f ) = g e (ξ , Le −1 ) Qes ( Le −1 , t f ) − g e (ξ , Le ) Qes ( Le , t f ) + he (ξ , Le ) U es ( Le , t f ) − he (ξ , Le −1 ) U es ( Le −1 , t f ) + Pe (ξ ) + Z e (ξ ) . (34) 5. Examples of computations In numerical computations, the following mean values of parameters have been assumed [5], [11]: λ1 = 0.235 [W/(mK)], λ2 = 0.445 [W/(mK)], λ3 = 0.185 [W/(mK)], c1 = 4.3068⋅10 6 [J/(m3 K)], c2 = 3.96⋅10 6 [J/(m3 K)], c3 = 2.674⋅10 6 [J/(m3 K)], cB = 3.9962⋅10 6 [J/(m3 K)], TB = 37 °C, G1 = 0, Ge = 0.00125 [(m3 of blood/s)/ m3 of tissue] for e = 2, 3, Qm1 = 0, Qme = 245 [W/m3] for e = 2, 3 [11]. Preexponential factors: Pb = 1.43⋅1072 [1/s] for Tb ≥ 317 [K] and Pb = 0 for Tb < 317 [K], while Pd = 2.86⋅1069 [1/s] for Td ≥ 317 [K] and Pd = 0 for Td < 317 [K]. The ratio of activation energy to universal gas constant: ∆E/R = 55 000 [K]. The thicknesses of successive skin layers: 0.1, 2 and 102 E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI 10 [mm]. These layers have been divided into 10, 40 and 120 internal cells. Time step: ∆t = 0.05 [s]. Fig. 1. Temperature distribution (q0 = 9000 [W/m2], t0 = 15 [s]) Fig. 2. Distribution of the function λ2⋅∂T/∂λ2 (q0 = 9000 [W/m2], t0 = 15 [s]) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue 103 Fig. 3. Distribution of function c2⋅∂T/∂c2 (q0 = 9000 [W/m2], t0 = 15 [s]) In the first example, on the skin surface the heat flux q0 = 9000 [W/m2] is assumed, the exposure time: t0 = 15 [s]. For t > t0 the Robin condition is accepted (α = 8 [W/m2K], T ∞ = 20 °C). In figure 1, the temperature distribution in the skin domain is shown. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the courses of the sensitivity functions λ2⋅∂T/∂λ2 and c2 ⋅∂T/∂c2. The time necessary for the appearance of the symptoms of the first- and second-degree burn predicted for the mean values of parameters are equal to 11.8 [s] and 12.9 [s], respectively (c.f. figures 4 and 5). The third-degree burn does not appear. The sensitivity analysis of the burn integral Ib has been done with respect to all thermophysical parameters and the changes of Ib connected with the following changes of parameters: ∆ λ1 = 0.025 [W/(mK)], ∆ λ2 = 0.075, ∆ λ3 = 0.025, ∆ c1 = 1.32⋅104 [J/(m3 K)], ∆ c2 = 3.3⋅105, ∆ c3 = 3.86⋅105, ∆ Ge = 0.00125 [(m3 of blood/s)/m3 of tissue], ∆ Qme = 245 [W/m3 ], e = 2, 3 [5], [11] have been also calculated. It turned out that the changes of thermal conductivity (figure 4) and volumetric specific heat (figure 5) of the dermis subdomain are especially essential in the case considered. The diminution of these parameters causes that the time necessary for the burn appearance decreases as well. On the other hand, for the top value of λ2 the second-degree burn does not appear (c.f. figure 4). 104 E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI Fig. 4. Burn integral Ib and its sensitivity with respect to λ2 (q0 = 9000 [W/m2], t0 = 15 [s]) Fig. 5. Burn integral Ib and its sensitivity with respect to c2 (q0 = 9000 [W/m2], t0 = 15 [s]) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue Fig. 6. Temperature profiles (q0 = 80000 [W/m2], t0 = 5 [s]) Fig. 7. Burn integral Id and its sensitivity with respect to λ2 (q0 = 80000 [W/m2], t0 = 5 [s]) 105 106 E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI Fig. 8. Burn integral Id and its sensitivity with respect to λ3 (q0 = 80000 [W/m2], t0 = 5 [s]) Fig. 9. Burn integral Id and its sensitivity with respect to c2 (q0 = 80000 [W/m2], t0 = 5 [s]) Numerical estimation of burn degree of skin tissue 107 Fig. 10. Burn integral Id and its sensitivity with respect to c3 (q0 = 80000 [W/m2], t0 = 5 [s]) In the second example, on the skin surface the heat flux q0 = 80000 [W/m2] is assumed, the exposure time t0 = 5 [s]. In figure 6, the temperature distribution in the skin domain is shown. The time until the appearance of the third-degree burn at mean values of thermophysical parameters is equal to 15.75 [s]. In the case considered, the changes of thermal conductivity and volumetric specific heat in the dermis and subcutaneous region (c.f. figures 7, 8, 9 and 10) are especially essential. The changes of epidermis parameters and also the changes of perfusion rate of blood and metabolic heat source in the dermis and subcutaneous region have minimal influence on the third-degree burn predictions. 6. Conclusions The algorithm allows us to estimate the effects of variations in thermophysical parameters on skin temperature and burn predictions. It turned out that blood perfusion term and metabolic heat source in the Pennes bioheat transfer equation (1) can be neglected in predicting the degree of burns of the skin tissue subjected to an external heat flux. Due to wide variations in the thicknesses of skin from person to person, the sensitivity analysis with respect to the geometrical parameters of skin should be also investigated. 108 E. MAJCHRZAK, M. JASIŃSKI Acknowledgement The authors were supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN, Poland) through the Grant No. 8 T11F 004 19. References [1] BREBBIA C.A., DOMINGUEZ J., Boundary elements, an introductory course, Computational Mechanics Publications, McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1992. [2] DAVIES C.R., SAIDEL G.M., HARASAKI H., Sensitivity analysis of one-dimensional heat transfer in tissue with temperature-dependent perfusion, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 1997, 119, 77–80. 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