" w"W',wMM' ww tor IRVI.VGTON HOME. r.Ail TKKMS. MIGHT TAkei A L.r AS FIRST PAT-K.N T. New-hooaa with RECEPFOHCH. araa TION HAI-bulit-l- a flrepiara. bullt-lwith UVIMMruuM. a with lilMXOKOOM paneled bookcaaea. ' bufrat. beamed ce.Mnae andwhile name.ed lar.e IiI'HH KITCItKN. I fine tLr h porch with toilet. RoollS. larae Oeeta. wlndoar In eaca ATTENTION. PVM.rFRS-- or heart r""- have two acres In that could U-UnJ rHIrutcl district be cut Ir.to 14 tMntir.ca lota; at Janet. oo en carllr.. isocn ft- - bouleva.-t-s. of tw . Thla If0"1 to aoub.a trac bac.rig propntluut for a builder ofwith bouses In a er.ougr. to a bunca di.ti- -t wlwra h.ues ar. Sold every day partlcuiara aid in II.. nk. For fail uregou.en. unsi iJaitu N h.K ft rnun r. BATH-ll'io'area (Ll.tl'lMl Pt..iH-- plaatar.d linen cioaia, full atllo. cement mil flm.hed. and floored with furtiaca. woorfllft and laundry A HMS ?uME Frlra tr.ja. T H Id toId tu.t you. Call trrmi or A for lurthar Inforajaliuo. A 'i. V. tark Wt. 1400 that you had IF TOU had ISO to our .alary and aomo on aved b- o- you J anuu.d en..w you money and home with tha ": monthly renta; pay tha balance your him wouldn't you waconelder are prepared to ll torT bare avoWad a ary fam.ly-m.ou,h la wl.a who h. th. a i t, et a noma.Url-haralittle money. to aaa In your home for chooaa tha .lie and contractor aelact your nxcbU.ot to ua. la other word. l,ae tni w. will help you finance thetaik to ua Coma la and of your homa. about It. MCRPHT. . VEAD Tj.lki iArhetf Illda. "waia ltoll A 1515. Phvnea EOMETHINiJ NEW.'. orilnai and up to data, bunalow la tha mot comp.eta . -in. ciiy. ".-- - a..im&- anil mi- lnf!nrfll. n.n.rn Commerco. imi mmuteer' walk la Oregon City .leotrla on main county at Jenmrge I.olg. frorte water, food soil. road, p.enty of wood and Thla wi t tak. your eye aa a homes:.. and surJvnntr.sa Al it overlook. rounding country. lour own terms, b M ITH A SOX. C. 3:3 A 43:5. Marshal! show property exclusively by automo- - Puy iifhrr bl a, . '0U B.VAP. . mil a - ia a blje I. t UN t lot In with ire-- t BL'-?- p.ac: Ol tha T C'W.S U rlftil H. Addition, r.;ork si. ColfaF. Ina paTed. ri1 1 an -- i- In Weal Orirn!r.. mora land lot for aala. m bard-woo- b't-f!nUh- li4 bene-faVto- ROPE CITT PARI. JV CASH. buffet, tvookraeee. aoltd built-i- n flreplara, mirror oak Boora, furaera. doora. National Realty A Truet Col. TS Main MiO. Commerce. of Chamber " Fl'RNlM IE D HI'NOALOWI new and buniRioa. nearly Nlr. completely fumihel. In fir. neifhbor-hr.,),- l. Faat S 't h. near Madtton, prlca only (w raah. (31: Including Intereet Pho nea M a : n U- - i. A U13 Mt'RRATwJ tAD The r.neat h.ah-aratanUun of tho t-- t SMi. I am ot--( 1 4 b my n w 1. 4f boua at Kaat and on and Lbco n at a vry low prlcaevery m.'t liter: trma omp.eta m oak fora la a.l room a, art::ic beautiful llht-tn- t e p.utnbinc. tlie laxturea, bath, large t piOtf parch, tine view of dry; a: atretrt .mprova:ner.;a, cluatar etc Inspection lnv:tet. rooms, T .. c tSt'MMEItS, Kaat 17th et. MVST SACRIFI-'K-- FflLL'EH weak at bal a bouM, a;d 2 laat r ghi prl.e. ttii la a offer hou It fvir I l make vnur own terma: rn-e;e- d cetltr.a. beam dm ina room, turret. fancy flra;are. bo''aee on tde; full haaement. iaunurv traa all tinted. o room v potcn axtenda work, a th whoia front, thia la an abao.uie bar aU . lnfmfmoti tn ad paid; a rain. room buagaioev, ctr ride, on Mtfit from or. fall Maraha'l '.M?. SNA P. re.''.enca a'lln. month. Hif-cihy l,eaut'.''i! hnte. yir trie terma, $1'."' a quirk fie. caan wilt hand;. Addreaa owner. W tsi. Ttmn an. fr nr $.-'.- 0: SNAP. -- room new wood floa.ra. praaatl In Sunny -- Ida. hard- hrl-firrrlaea. pl;.d thia la a fine hom and r..t la prlra have xnut iai. rat-r la a at 7 for can. tne balanceyeara. The property li prr rent for 3 '5 ix r mntiu for nine rn'nthe Th!a property is wor-- i W H SKITZ, a0.. .110 paMnc b.dr SNAP. t'KIOMTS P".:THNI yery The ,:.! alllatM projrrly In Imrret part pf Ilia heir'ita. Lot 4' proved wth hO':e of 4 rtf.ma and batrt. rty 5 Morka from car and li nilnutve' rule from tha buetneea center. Muet aell I ecr m Kr r 1. eo am orferlra thla at on terms. Will make terma as low aa your ae mnth. Tnia der-rthoroujrh tnveetlsatlon. AR 22". Orego-nla- n f'r t k 2f; l'' - le xl. rr ee TH ST HOt E. NEAP. STIF.KMAN. (Wod house, furnace, gas, full 41V basement, nloa baih. 2 tnllrts. le). on 6:b . near ghcrraaa; prlca To. a snap; part i A FrLT. uiil-fsVie Foard of Trala bid.. 4th and Oak. vt-- AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Mount Tabor borne. 5 lts. food must go this barn and 1greenhouse. This money; m;et have the $2m week, aa 3 yeara Te'. owner. ace ba t.'"'.'. reia. lAwroom Tabor -- "V or rail lwwO K. Fterk. I711 ST.. ROSS CITT TAKK. bungalow, on ImBrand new proved street, gxs. elvctrlclty. lutch kitchen full basement, ftrep.ace. buffet, book'. terma Owner. Kraaiii, caaea. etc Marshall :04t. li Uih sr, buy home, la ETFORS )ou R ee Ci -- e our and t. we has. p'acea of a i prlcea In these " s'rlcia CO, g- -1 of t omnierca. 4 mouern coltaae, lot -a TAK-- S li-V- ! $17i Crmtr fruit treee; tarxns; xlH with bearing com pes owner 'to learo city. Throe WooJ i ivi'pni'VT iMnr ivr caen pajrmea:: 7 lota. On'T 3 te car. c.oaa to. Daring. Sl wr.cox b:c har lwood home. rom. t'. 'V N Irviotlon eholo-floors t.irou"Oul. X j rv'.urva Orvroniaa. l.ca'i'"n. sitcaCy 7 room oa houae lot tn irlERN near e ho.'l ana c:ty psrk. good d.etrH-t- . f.)r fVV': terms. Ca!l 414 l;a:.l:ng b.og. roo-r- . ha oanr left H '1 j phone Si!eo-. a aacnf'.ca a ittn 144 or Vsf f ill par rent, wltl aell yoo homa on To"r ..ay terms an 1 hul. l to suit; cloaa In. Call -- . V '. ean: et d (ei clceo der produce; running atream. beautuul va.iey. TRACT OF 1W ACRES... ur TRACT locatea - .. . .. 8T5 1U50 n, a i. an excellent nppon..j Thla raally good Inveetment where Increaaa rapidly. an It. mall cash payment and terma to OWNER. -- 13 CORBETT BL1LDINU. Marshall SS99. la .,7 1 30 barn, eto., Fla. acre. In house, bearing old "" sn Is soma .took. Th. ownersame, and Is thereIs unable to look after offering, samo is ar.d aell. to anx.oua for, If you want baiow tha market price. T don t falf to hr. ua show Jo 5 tilsswFor prlca and terma call at tha ,hne.Pt of SOU. otnc "c. F. Suite 1J and ult, .catered ua or,h.pn ""e. ,h. . . kHOW "'"" i . i jrvia Bn A 14t0 CLOSE IN. 1t!"-HMON-I n- a, wel!-butl- t. ? Ia-- oo-'- a. -- g.M. and t& per month, nice level lot. near Plrlund atatlon. ?3 minutes only t4f0. out restricted district; 1S18 Third St. IIIOLET A BISilOP. $1 per new month, CASH and $3 bungalow, lot fxl'io. 1 block W W car. unotrurt.-vlrw KIOLET A PlSHrtF. 1SJTnlrd St. BCSINS?fMAN PRESSED FOR MOJfET. 7 room moOern 10xll3. new houae. basement; on:y 30jt about $oa Wring. S1U Wilcox bldg. casu. li " IRVIN'OTOV BARfl AIM. flMr. eight roma, modern construc- g lath, nar Thompon; owner laar-Intion: city. Phone East liny. $1171. room. new. mouera bungalow, block from paved street and carlina. Tarma w U. Reeaa. owner. Main 0s. SEVER AL BEAUTIFI'L HOM ES. Oak finish, cbeap. . Irving-tonbeet location .i city. C lGrx, Kast ZtA. W. H. Herdman. No agenta -e Ito.-- S CITT PARK Jast comp'etsd $34i.i modern: tSrTE THIi.v.ry-thin- g ba:caiow. Smeli down Henry b.dg. boa owner. house. lot iftxlV. fruit and barn, tine Ical1tv. c fur: for ment, NICK terms all"l At I.umber pay- tree. Lxchange. lllas Co. fr A est Noir (SIM.' exclua've deaeis In Weet S'de homre; property. Chamber cf Commerce. offices. MY 7 room Irvlngton raeidenca for ami. at a $1$ Call East 1:6th at. North. sacrifice. Nw 100 aores. all In cultivation. 100 acres of up fln-- it bottom land, 60 acreawith waplace land: living stream across ter right on ssme for Irrigation; family house. bearirg; frame In orchard barn, machine 80xiJ; barn. 30xtt: cowruns, etc Place shed, granary, turkey fence, plank and croas with fenced all On good gravwire. fenced with woven eehool, etc Plenty of eled road, close to Implements. 25 stands of bees, etc. etc Terms. Will take house and lot as part payment. A genuine snap at of 0 PER ACRE. WESTERN ORF.OOyf St.TRUST CO.. 272 Stark S FARM TO EXCHANGE 10 acres of all good black loam FIRST-CLAS- absolutely free from rock and gravel, slopes gently to the southwest. Just enough for good draln--agall fenced and faces on main county road with R. F. D. and telephone service, and In a very thickly settled locality. 46 acres of this was In crop this year, Fair balance In pasture. house and barn, and all necessary outbuildings; water can bo piped as-to the house. Family orchard 1ofyearsorted fruits; 7 milch cows. ling calves, 1 good team weight about 3400 lbs., 6 hogs. 200 or 300 and all chickens. 50 tons of hay personal kinds of farm tools. The property Is worth $2000. This property Is located within 15 miles of Portland. The price Is 113.000. We can tnk. $5000 worth of Portland property and Klv. 10 yeara at ( per cent on th. balance. golL WILL pay cash for any pleca of property-nortof Tork at- - to Gutld'a Lake, west of Sherlock ave. to 24th at. Give full description and price. If yoor prtco Is abov. commercial value don't answer. W 681, Oregonlan. e; cross-fence- Improvements, Corner, brink apartments, business or hotel; secured lease: good returna; no encumbranceai AF 683. Ore$ail.OO0 to $70,000 value. gonlan. . ... DOWN 1S MONTHLY. Have two clients waitlnr to purohase inrim, small nomes on not be fancy. Fred W. German, 828 Burn-sidaoove-r.arn-- u e. M. or A 2776. . WANTED From owner, tSOO to $1500 lot In Irvlngton. Laurelhurat or vicinity, or residence under .DOuO: state particulars, achool, car, improvements, .to, I Clrl. Oreponlan. bungalow, not exceedNKAT 4 or ing $2500; will pay $50 cash and l0 monthly; give description. C f,3. Oregonlan. "WANTED Near csr, high altitude, from H land, with or without acre to 8 acrea of bargain. AO 5S6, Orehouse; must be a gonlan. MODERN BRONG-STEELB CO.. Oak St. Ground floor Lewis Bid?.. 2S7 'Farm Dept." ACRES of fine land m one of the bst irrigating projects In Southern Idaho: pood house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced 49 acrea under ditch; and to faces on the Snake River. 4 miles thriving" town; no taxes or Interest; water costs $30 an acre, which la the cheapest l of any on the market; this is an proposition: price Is right; would take Tortland property or Improvede acreage or with good furnished apartmenl-houslease; look Into this. WARD 4 YOUNGER. Suit. 526 Yeon Bids. 104 cross-fence- d; residence. 5 to 10 rooms. In good fine location In Portland for ;equity In proprevenue fruit ranch at Aimana,boxor.532. Ashland, Or. erty. Address Owner, modWANTED East Sid. horn., 8 rooma, ern, about $4000; $1300 cash; give particulars: must bs a bargain. AN 6sT, Oregonlan. Irvlngton home: must WANTED 308 $5000; cash $2500. be a barraln. Ablngton bldg. H. N. Swank. TRADE. WANTED Lots; building will buy and Improve your lot and make regular monthly 28 acres good land on electric line, payment near Portland: 17 aores under cultiAddress W G7. Oregonlan orchard: vation: one acre bearing house not WANTED from owner, good house, barn and buildings; the over 2 blocks from car; Alberta district 2 cows. 8 horses, two Includes price K IWO. Oregonlan. preferred. hogs, 100 chickens and a complete Income to purcliaee cloee-t- n outfit of farm machinery and tools. I DESIRE Will to school and stores. Prlc. not Invest to exceed property. $4800. Call 603 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. ACKLET LAND CO., RALPH circle north lot In WILL pay cash forprice 170 6th St. AC and location, or east: state 85 ACRES very Una land, good residence, 686, Oregonlan. good barn, mllkhouse with cement floor, A good equity In Laurelhurat. WANTED chicken-houseetc.; excellent water, Carl T. Travis. 217 Oregontan bldg. both wells and spring and pump: good fences; family orchard: buildings .are $1600 CASH. $J5V Portland property; for nicely pnlnted and the location Is not far wood timber. uwner. m oo. ureguman. from Portland and fine view; It Is stocked I will LOT wanted on builders' terms; state full and equipped; price $6000. property; am particulars. J eaaOresoulan. for good Portland ready for immediate deal. See owner at 513 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. house, lot 100x110. $5500 for Imhouse, large prove! farm. FOR RENT 7 acres, 5 acres fruit and 6 acres at Multnomah Station for roombarn, 6 chlcken-houseberries, balance pasture; plenty water, 10 ing or apartment house. minutes' waik from end Alberta car. Ask; Auto for anything of equal value. Rooming-hous- e for G. W. Fleckensteln, Columbia Boulefor equity rn lots. SO acres near Sherwood for residence. vard and 37th st. 191 4th St. BARSNES, & GARLAND FOR RENT Farm on Columbia River between Portland and Astoria, with stock. I HAVE ISO acres, all platted In will take Call or address D. J. Ingalls, ZOO Grand which recorded, tracts and caah ave.. Astoria, or. house and lot up to $6000 and balyour on bargain: the to time bind the TO RENT Farm of about 150 acres. V ance. This is all In cultivation and 663, Oregonlan, In crop. Call or address C. H. Young, lelvedere Hotel. Phone Main 805. LANDek INCOME PROPERTY. FOR S41.F TIMRF-New modern building, netting 12 per TIMBER LANDS accept house and lot na paycent; will BOUGHT AND SOLD. ment, balance to suit. Price $14,000. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. E. P. KING. 218 Chamber ot Commerce. 10 ACRES, close to elcctrio and steam railWANTED TO RENT FARMS. road, to trade for Portland City residence, WANTED Fruit or dairy ranch near Portvalued at $4500, unincumbered: enough H. L. Huaton, land; give full particulars. cordwood to more than pay for land: 2015 E. Yamhill st. some beaverdam; only a short ride from Portland. dairy farm, AS WANT TO RENT A atocked 405 Couch bids, 677. Oregonlan, HIGHLY improved acreage near Beaverton. to trade for Portland city property, at s FARMS WANTED. proposition. values; a 406 Couch bids. good county for farm on your WILL PAY cash give Portland; lowest road, near price, also improvements, well or spring FOB SALE. water. AN 611, Oregonlan. Horses. Vehicles, Etc 1100-lgelding. $60 TAKES an TO EXCHANGE. broke singls ana aouoie, airaia 01 nomine, an easy keeper and a lady or child A OOOD INVESTMENT. can handle him. In or out of stable. Brick building netting 8 per oent. clear A new farm wagon at second-han- d will accept part trad. In of Incumbrance; price; also new douhle and single harnebs; Portland property, balance to auit. can save you $10 per set on double E. P. KINO. M3 Chamber of commerce. taken at reasonable rates and 160 ACRES. stalls to rent by month; also horses by EA8TERN OREGON. day. To trade for city property or eloee-lteam of geldings, $275 will buy a 280O-l- b acreage; would assume. J. S. Hall, 417 true to pull and work as one horse, gentle Ablngton bldg. new set and anyone can drive them; agoes with of breeching harness complete flat strictly modern NEW, They are a price. above at them business of bldg., 60x104 lot. in middle pair. tenants, for district, all rented, steady exchange team, true and safe, 1175 buys 2400-lfor sale, part cash and terms or can handle afraid of nothing; anyone use. f.ret mortpaeea. P BfO. Oregonlan. fine lor ranch or city them: postoffice. give a guarantee with all horses Hill AORES. 14 mllee from main We Colorado, under good Irrigation sold from this barn and trial allowed. 505 Denver system." land good and level; trade for Alder. or Washington. Joracreare In Oregon bldg". I WILL arrive Friday evening with 20 head dan. Lumbermen! of work horses, ranging in weignt irom y modern cottage, $75) EQUITY 1100 to 13t0 lha. each; they will be sold car or will ave.. for lot. public auction to the highest bidder. at give the rlRht party good deal, pay cash Sale will take place on Saturday at 2 P. and five time for most of equity, bal. on M. sharp, rain or sunshine, corner of lltlt ...am o aoe payaoie io niuunu and Flanders sts. N. M. J. Fox. owner.A Phone M J. Walker will be auctioneer. 50x100 lot. full plumb- house. $44100 . ,, ; .,. - , 4'37. w. I1ti ritarnncMT . for ranch or desirwork. owner will exchsnge hard from team, little thin $2500; terms on GOOD goon a able timberperland up to SS2. HtH'O. good harness ana welgha Oregonlan. cent. AB bslanoe. 7 farm wagon, price $1S6. Phone Sellwood A-- $15,-00- 0. s. a. s, pt ona-hal- f, gon talk n b. TRACTS. psy-tns- uuii In val-- i. 1 acres. SMALL place, almost cityniea llttl. lost wast of house, good well, place fenced, (ha very beat of land, an ldoal ulaca for 84 ACRES AT RK EDVTLLB, house, barn 40x00. 63 bearing A all pear trees, other fruit, running stream baltha year; 45 acres under cultivation, and crosa- -. ance partly cleared; all fenced mil. fenced; good well nt house: only to achool and station; price la only $ll,3ro, r,:,(.ig cash. Bernte A Andrus, 43 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. sts. Main 20s L ilal-lor- . m nt of a TO CLOSE ou th. holdingsfollowing sell the client. I willBeaverton, In high stat. of farm near cultivation, large modern home with furnace. Iarso barn and A acre of chicken Implements and fences and barrs and aa farm furniture, for $.1500. Also In same locality, partlv cleared, with small 4imm; good terms will house and barn, for Spalding 414 attorney at be given. EXCHANGE. Trade for fgOOO 85x110. Rivervlew lot. auto up to 11200, $00O cash, balance 3 veers. Ernest Wells, 602 Couch bldg. Slarsnnll lol7. 10 acres, all set to comTO EXCHANGE Price $300 per acre; will mercial apples. property or automobile. good other take V 67, Oregonlan, e 20 ACRES fine, level land, H mllo from for house in EMacada fruit district, &03 Taylor, of Chamber up to $:I000. 1545. by owner, equity In FOR SALE or trade, per miiea monin, block clearing so will consider horses. from postonlce; Oregonlan. Owner, AB 881. lbs., rung. GOING EAST Must sell team. 3440 comgood, true workers, and new harness, CHICKEN AND HOG RANCH. $145; a bargain, Si. Snelling'a team, plete Sherwood, south of miles 40 acres. 3H S51 ad. near Mill. balanoe nearly 18 acrea In cultivation, for sale; 8 years old barn and outbuildLITTLE saddle horse cleared: new house,through to give satisfaction. Adplace. Prlo. and guaianteed ings: fine stream dress L 590, Oregonlan. terma With all stock and Im$o1; Commerce. plements. nsnO. SETTZ A CO.. Phono Good horsa manure. FOR SALE W. H. new bungalow, i"00 FQTITY in East 4S04. C 1477. 810 Spalding bl'if- paved streets, for WR carllne. block from 88 Apply No. old. 1'hone Tabor COLT 6 months LAND! LAND! lot or anything of valuo. East 7th street jorm. 05l. WEST SIDE. years, 7 Portland, harness ALTAMONT sorrel mare. Farm 10 acres, t, mt'e from JSf.o In beautiful mr equity oftrees, place: WILL trade home, Phone C 21Wi. andBalleybuggy, on Parnee road: three springs on propoetc., as part fruit suburban or good platting Adline. on eultable for dairy good care. electric farm payment to for board: Horses WANTED eany .1(J0 acre, terms. per sition; price dress A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. Natlonaf Realty A Trust Co.. , 2S ChamElecOregon tract, bldg. Main EQUITY, Musical Instruments. MJi. Organs and $1500 Pianos. ber of Commerce Trade for equity Laurelhurat, Rose tric sell my Apollo player-pianBUT A FARM WITH TOUR LABOR. Ernest I WANT to City or any restricted district. $o50; will sell with determination same as new; original cosl appointment 1017. If yon are a manafraid Marahall 502 Couch bids. Wlis. to of work, want made are not reduction; great to succeed,good at but 6s5, Oregonlan. O.N RUNNING STREAM. farm close to Portland, our see H it. to own a enough cash, caJl at tracta for good city prop-art5 and haven't quite piano, cost grand WAY, mahoguny how. We mean Land cleared. Ernest Wells. 60s STEIN office and we wtll show you 5U50 few months ago: am leaving city and Couchbldg! bu.lneas If you do.block.C. W. Davla A Co, will sacrifice It taken this week. H 584. 6xt Commercial bungalowa, unincumOregonlan. 1 OR 2 new. modern City line; prebered, for acreage. Oregon YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR 8ALB. up housekeeping: beautiful ground near station. with BREAKING I. area and small tracta. suitable for fer sightlv piano, cost $:XI0. for $135 cash. Call Imhope,, hay. fruit, grain, Couch 614 farming, bids. general trees. ao Jefferson at., near 6th. mediately. ialrvlng, etc: about 40 mllee southwest EQUITY- Hi modern house to eil Garner. of Portland. Or. Call or write for price good room-ipayinr change for Or. KMder. Carlton. for sale; owing to list. W. E. WEBER Pianola piano L 5ol, Oregonlan. to raise financial reverses am compelled LABOR TAKEN AS PAYMENT. Shetexchange diamond for money quickly; make otler; !0 rolls of we onr our ten WANTED To The terms on which Admare preferred. 643. Oregonlan. rig ponv Included. J and use m to usio man land a allow will tracts and we will credit dress P 688, Oregonlan. his cash In develcpment; PAY reasonable rent and give exon purehaae price. for Winter or teams, harness and wagons to WILL work of clearing land care player-pian- o OOOI5 cellent I 8J Commercial Co., A Davla C W. acreage. 822 N. 10th at. Phono See longer; no children. R 607. Oregonlan. trado for blccK. Main S070. Anto mobiles. 1S40 acres. IS per acre. Fruit; BARGAIN ., A ... has $1500 equity in East Side flat Chalmers-Detroi- t. 30 renr-and OWNER Rallma or apartment site to trade for acreage. 3. PASSENGER windshield, clock, speedomequipped, ready acres for fully 700 22i'2. river IS miles. Main Phone gaa tank, eter, mohair top, side curtains, In perfect Well watered, old buildings, aoma plow. residence. 6 rooms, for vatrunk and tlrerack and chains. I'm a woman, can't menage It. WILL trade new fruit- Co., 616 running condition.' $950 cash. Phone E cant lota Th. Cederbergh-Eneb- o t title caah will handie. O 63. Oregonlan. bids". BUiO. Henry IIland.-- Itt mile from 2 TEN acres, , improved v. 1H12 Reo, Second mortgages un to FOR ,l n rT; EXCHANGE SALE! hnnM make cows,' good house and outbuilding. Prlc. model; been used 80 days:R. will $10,000 for real estate, auto or auto truck. D. party. Stone responsible Apply to J. C. Voaiec. Ilwaco, terms to T 691. Oregonlan. TVs at. Phone Main 551. House and lot In town of 2600, TO TRADE Live and dead on .Oregon farm. V 6S2. NEW garage Just completed. 11 acrea Iowa, farming land. choice Central In 0 ACRES, ,.. .... -- i . Speedwell Motor Co.. 29. 11, 33 innl owner. Ca n- storage. Oregonlan. . Wash85 1 4th at., cor. Couch. tonwlne. C. B. Print Shop. 203 Trade Fide flat. West $450 FURNITURE ington. 1910. fully equipped, guarfor good lot. Ernest Wells. 002 Couch BRUSH runabout, condition; no trades. 531 jv.,. anteed perfect bldg. $1 ACRES In Yamhill. 3 cleared; a small .ar;iu Alder. . houre. nam. goou Income property for mni. tzood rxlroad. Phone Bellwood 151U. city auto to exfor claims .oreaie. firmi and timber change for anything we can use; price 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles property. 614 Couch bid g. RANCH Lewis 2 bids. .from.it r"1 SEE me aboutamColumbia Orchard bonds. owner. 182 Morrison su ,.,h br umr FOR SALE F. Haaiey. riii"iiiiiiiiB. Pendleton, half 1911 model, Al condition: owner wh-land. 2 ...ACRES , A COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots tmrmm . o ;treria. vtin. e I rum ' must sacrifice. Call Tabor 3067. . Spalding. Hadley. 310 here. property for condition, late model, rirooKs. t.3 mn F. BRUSH runabout. Aproperty for horses. of good bottom land- - TO TRADE city :S0. 182 Morrison st. 85 acre, FOR SALE Marshall 281. Tussey, 208 Alder. VT. C k .rM - . n 11 lu. JS. e car-lin- poultry. berries, fruit and vegeta with monioly bles; all for gl7fu, Oregontan, payments AP 433. ORECilN CITT CARI.INB. JENNINGS I.ODQE. acres, 4 blocks from station, on telelights. etc.; ood phone line. electric garden truck, poultry and soil suitable for acre, easy terms. National 5t0 prlc. cow Reaity A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mala 6129. Irriga j.;f acrea beavardam land, under tion ana rntrr lor potatoea, "- ate; river celery, cauliflower, uir. rail traneportatlon ; nothing better ard anywhere: low prlca and easv payments. Toveetlrete. r.' Couch bkls 1V 4th St. an acrs or more oi our ueaveruara Am. i ' ' win wore, Oardens; wa von from 75 to ino per cent suarantea profit yearly Thla Is a atraleht. legitiproposition. office open mate buaineaa Couch bldg.. 4th st. svenlngs. til mile all under cultivation; $a ACRES, at Tiyard; will exfrom electric .tatlon property; no city Inflated good change for Investment A Trustee Provident values. 2"2. 1'oJt toard of Trade bldg. 201 Co peono sisrshall 473. A OWNER, one aero with new 8 room Bt" house, fenced and In cultivation. 4 blocks Junction. Met Coffeen. 247 from Lenta Terms. Phon. Main 740. Humslrte. FOR lJIVRPIATB SALE. Good house and 1 acre, nice peopl.. I Heights car. IJ400. National blocks Kings Chamber of Commerce. ft.ty, 7;l ajvAP 17H acrea of choice onion land, runS miles from Courthouse; ning water; only 3(i per aero. Jaroea Wilson. Route 1, Boring. Or. poo INVFSTED In an acre of oar Beaver-daOardena will return 100 per oent prof-313 annua.lv. Cell and b. convinced. $ . j"-- ll l"-1- ?. m It Couch bldg.. 101 4th St. acre tracts, OREOOV CITT line, beautifulonly on close In. with ideal view; eaey terms. Staver A Auaslcky, 814 Couch 7. bldg poultry ranch. asy terms; wa K A. new pronos'tlon. Board of Trade. Hol?ngton. ACREAUE and farms, from $12.W per acre op large an.! email tracts. Call Kinney g, P'ampher. 381-Lumber Exchange bdg. BAOaInT- -! acre. Mount Tabor, 1 acre Woodstock. So fara, olty water. Addreaa box Si. city. you atart; 1 d . n re .hi. H.-P- h $ii. i A ..'. t;t. 311-31- fore-do- r, at 17". p- -l Hup-mobl- . FOB S A I.K. Automobiles. WANTED. AUTOMOBILE We have 10 acres, worth $5000. 15 minutes' walk from Gladstone, on the Oregon City Electric. Will trado for a good 5 or automooile. worth $25X to $300. elve deed, and take back mortgage for 3 years at tJ per cent on tha balance. No cheap machines considered. C. F. SMITH A SON, 212 Railway Exchange. A 4315, Marshall SOtiU. $1050 CASH Interest In 100x300 hlsh. level, south front on Alumeda, beautiful view, good car service; balance $50 payable monthly; adjoining lots held at S100O each; bne or all for a 4 or car, a hill climber completely equlppedl will pay or assume difference AG 69. Oregonian. FOR SALE Steerns auto, an elegant touring car, very speedy and hill climber; will sell or trade for property or equity In Improved, property, as I am golne to California, 514 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. DANDY auto for sale, or will trade for good bungalow or contraot. Phone Tabor 1:713. A a remarkable Miscellaneous. SALE OF MEN S RAINCOATS. p on men's rubberised" sale coats; $6.50 coats at $4.25; $10 coats at $7.60. Take elevator for the beat bargains In town. Jimmy Dunn, room 313 Oregonlan bldg. STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake, there lg something wrong. I can fix It. $68 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. bargain In Underwood. FOR EXCEPTIONAL L. C. Smith & Remington typewriters. se 0 The Northwest Typewriter Co.. No. 5th st. low prioes; easy SAFES New and terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND PURCELL SAFE CO., 85 6tht. Main6S09. A411S. boilengine, 85 H.-- P. FOR SALE 25 H.-er; a bargain; terms ou part. S 5S0, Ore. gonlan. FOR SALE 1 set of electric Vesta auto W. J. lamps, cheap. Phone A 1058. Winter 2"8 11th at. filing KOLLTOP desks, typewriters, safe, cabinets; part or all cheap for cosh. 505 Henry bldg. Clean-u- hand elevator, 1500-L- -Boarders Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit only small cash anJ garden land; balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we aoc.pt sam. we own the propertlea and ara as cash; w..v.. una ir.imrj COMPANT. tha on:y peopio TRCST FIKLAND3 6palilln Blig. butJ- near Portland: CHICKEN and fruit ranches wa'klng distance to good town; running xun iFinmu water, beet eon. Tree wooo,River and anow of Columbia d'strlct; 2 view acres. ISiO: ft acrea. I4O0;pay-10 peaks; asy acres, $M0: 10 per cent cash. ments; other trarta near railway station. ll'S to $0 rer acre. FRANK M FAHLAND REALTY CO-- a. Teon Hlrtg.. Portland. Or. lp REAL 6TAT. WANTED OWNER wants unincumbered lot and small new Murraymead house. caah payment ondrerjilr.g-rooms, sunroom. 3 8 rooms, Sleeping porcn. atLic, vsmk-jb- , ap- modern floors, all rin-ifireplace, hardwood . nt K, t MO it urieiiauccs ; uuiy .tow. e, ao-tu- al elegant modern bond(0 ACRES, with ings: only 10 miles west of Portland Courthouse, on good willroad; $11,600, and cheap at that; good home In city for balance long tlma. T 7. Ore- R FuR Miscellaneous. In fine located quarter block U Overlook: also equity In alngla lot. Marshall 3534. EQUITY E. harness- COMFAXT. THB BHAW-FEA101 Fourth St. A Mala Phone il. ISO. rantrs irp.Riar . e, -- high-clas- OJJ SMALL FARM. PRICE JT78T REDUCED 8 mostly 13 in cultivation. 18 aorea. land; 100 beaverdam fi acres tint el.ared Is of berries, beerlng fruit trees, all 2kin.chicken-housegood house and barn. atora and etc only H rulle from station, city; ths owner achool: this Is eloae to th. $4750 and has Just reduced the prlca to A Andrus, It Is a bargain at that Biraci "1 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sta. Mam 10-ac-re n cottnea. lot tlxSO. on N'eat little Arthur .1. ImproY.mnta youIn and paid. had batter Houaa nut modern, but Fr--rt : W. Oarmaa. In. into tnli Ilurna:de. it. or A HISTRICT. HAWTHORNE bunealow, New modern, J ;,., 2 larf. rooma and fit h tTpatalra; fireplace. bookeji'i. elew ate: rulcn kitchen, -r and car; aaay tric flxturra In. terma Owner. Main ti ua 8KI.O AT ONCa Oood houae. with t acrea. we.t aid. of down. town I.Imi'I. NATIONAL KE VLTT A TRrST CO.. 7i;l Chnmorr of Commerce. IHVIN'lTi N HOVE FOR SALS 4".T llttl rr.odTn hiua. xlr". This le a cor. Thompson: ,n' all In and street Improvements erst; C paid. Wood lawn RG.-.CITY rARK. room house, corner 7 Brand new floors, modern In rvl0. hardwoo-lot every way; prlca small pnyment. Valance 916 per month. Phone Tabor AoL ""Hints FOR THE OLiVtOLKS. 800. cttae, larre N'eat. barn, ctose to tar. at Portsmouth, worth W. German, elt'X. !,v!oto atM. pie A Frr 1771 Purr.i'ble. e TroOM bunaa'.ow. attic. K Taylor at., lot, cement walka. cement basement, mil paymodern. Small fruit treea. .verythlna: baianca payments. 381 . ment down, K Ul!l It bunyalow. a rooma. IJEAUTIFI'L Heaumont at'lo. sleeping porch, near car. exceptionally original. arllMlo and convenient, furnace, firepince. tixturea; pne and terma Tabor R"41. vcrv atrra-tiva- . new bungalow, H fcjvITY In fMi, block from WR carlina. paved streets, for lot or anything of value. Phone Tabor $10 CA-fnx li ra traots: no rook, I. t. 8 and land: aoll rraewi. hardpan or white Talley Juat eery rich and durable. In for poulweat of olty: an Ideal placa and fruits, b.rrles try, yegetablaa, oasy monthly anri aelllng on hornet, flreplacea. hard turnacea. wnn an ouiit-inear carlina; all modrrn convenieneca:paid; monthly payetret Improvexntnte Invratment A Provident ment plan. l. 2Z, 2'n Board of Trada Truatae Co.. hlAt Pon. Marahall 473. A 109 otf. WANT TOW TO SE& THIS. ACRXAOB. ni-run- SIIE. . .,! ai-- SONS, SvBl. and Fivn wood floore. WEST tha ki sM waw-- Railway Exchange. Ill A 4R1S. Marshall gtlTJ. FOLDS. fc'iark St. 1 land on beavartlani on in our machine in rv C. T. PMITH A SON. tax VAAiee 40 ACRES. 1 apr.n. Arr "VidTslIot ina O- -T GODUAl A CO.. PFLT-OF- bldg.. cor. 14. Mulkey and Morrison. A NATfRAL PARK. ACRES FOR $1IS0. monthly. 15 rnlnuK I1S5 caah. baianca Lodge, to car. at Jenninsa buildingor clackama ! This is a beautiful par month. 7261. HARGROVE and Qllsan. North 6th (it.. Cor. Rth Main 43S1, A T3SI. lit W ftrr-nai--a. 1 WEST FI!r; KKSIT'ENTB. furnace) and t roeinta and t!i.m waik, flreplac: lot faet . ftm-- nl M-- ir an paved atraet; tmprovementa In and ravd f "r . house now rented $ 4 per baianca GH I' SSI f !. to station and ny"B.Sdy to Portland; on county road. HJr good school; fin. .tor. now be n line, Foard of Trada Ulrtf.. 4th and Oak. PREVENT FORECLOSURE" Brand-nebouea and den. nxturea combination liuntrr. No. fin- - bath. Sl Hoaalawa ava.; " month. rented at I h,a-aravl- J HOME TABKOARCrUaS SMALL COD.NTRI FARM. .- th and Oltaaa. I MILES OUT. and This Is ono of the choicest olty. oompletest little farms near th. high There ar. 40 acres. 36 acres In nlca stata ot cultivation, balance house, grove of fir splendid large bsrn and outbuildings: there with tha Is everything connected homo life agreeable plac. to make on largo the farm; peara, and attractlv. bearing orchard of, apples, cherries, plums, English walnuts, chestnuts, and one black walnuts, grape arbors In the of tha largest state; personal property; 2 horses, 0 chickwagon, hack. cow. nous. lots ens, all farm Implements andeveryof hay, potatoea and grain: thing goes for only JS500. easy terms. Remember. Just I miles eaat from tha city llralta of Portland. OT"b -- 4Sn. A Main CLOSE-IN- 1 1 W. 3- - a. Cbamper of Commeroe. 8ACKIFIOE SALE. rar Am laaeina c ty and muet aarrlriraFark; bunealow In Koaa city new rloaa to rar; averythlna modern and ary eaay terma. W. H. PHII tJP". G)l Eaat S'Hh at. North, or S1 Foar laser 4SL af Trade. Keeldence phon. (?hr. phoae. Mar.hatl 47V A lP2t. I.ACRELHfRST. liuet leave rlty Immediately. beautiful For aala by owner; porrh; lot SOllai. bouea. laraa aleptr d lmprovemanta. all lateat a front; d houeea floore. or. of lha labor. In Laura huret. al' built by day 10W4. or Pail wood Phonea Marahall HI T NOW. - tnclu-Hr- 1 131'tsf r or rftle (X) thai yom ba4 to IF TOU had $". aalary and enme on awd from 3rur cojid gat a bow tu hou.d ahow yo hot.. with the money ard make your rnuatMT rr.tJ.I pay t ne l an-- e dua on him your t 10a it. Well we are prepare! to do that .ery thlnf-?arr.t;jr-m.-Wa have to. rad a pan ta Im auoua ho la li.p taa Yoa to aava a Utile monar. "t a home.Lanrnl-h'lrat, for your homa In rhoota the aite ae.act your architect and contractor lo ua la other word aod lea a the reat mm will b;p you ftnanca the buLdins rf your11. homa. Coma la and talk to ua atout a MTRPHT. VKT - 6:-- l Corbett VU'.g- criilr B'A?. T Cor. th St., HARGROVE A SONS, K. th Su, Cor. 6th and Qll.an. Main 4541. A 7J6. A U, .. N. ' afembararHAPt HSRW. of Portland Realtr Board. M- D. 'ni'S . -- FoL'ITT To trtTU CHANCE r w t htx modrm houae, furnace, den. tine corneT roaca. 4 bedrooma. ahmbbery lota cf ehada tree., ai an Idf'al home and a aacrinta etc. iOOO: balf caall. oa.anca in owner ajlnr tr. HOLDS. lirtt PSI QSIS Foard ofTradaBld.. 4lh and ANOTHER SNAP IN pnfXTSlDB. ONE. AUSOl.lTELT A GOOD .plendia 10- common houae. In a t . tola intMimiBL If .old at onoa. :10J .aay terma. or food discount for Tt;a Ah worth skttn, n. pi.rti.and h fights. tw. crrrxwAY. lTrl. Vaiiy tw. thla le a Fuii caaa of owner rw&"7 wanta to ae.U Frd v. Oarroan. 3;J Uurna.de. M. or A t'TtA. ' PIEPMOXT FNAP. east rVi t btocka ta carHae; twrma. or.ty $1 orotn r..u. P. - Iar.i. ei X IS YOURH K H 13 PKOP-TyYOU AA1PROVK a llf MR. FLAT ATUK A WILL. FINANCE IT OWN EK. i.ipnj-N- aa : j"iT Ill Wo btocks from station.2 mHtt Just 10u fara. iervlc. and city limit, of Portland. tha Frtco only $401.0. 4 to A SONS. HARGROVE Ar'ii Ta bsrjar just ll-D- IJepai-tment- f H EilTY. Old established house, never changed b.dg.. hands, finest West Side cor., brick atrlctly modern, not a cent owing on right, lease; will take this house; rent acreage, balance mort$6010 In close-i- n gage" on Her. la a chanca furniture. to get Into business whloh cleared I i OOO a year for the last 4 year..yourRemember, property no cash required, but must be worth the money and must b. clear of Incumbrance. TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT.of Inclear 18 room rooming-houscumbrance, will trad, for clear lot or house and lot and pay $500 cash. TRADES FOR LARGE ROOMINO-HOUSclear of Incum$2000 rooming-housbrance, clearing $100 a month, will trade It for larger houaa and pay $1000 or moro cash. HOUSE TRADE APARTMENT Strictly modern brick bids., 85 rooms finest of furniture, rent 15 a room, lease. Nob Hill location; will take 12000 cash and. $11500 In Portland lota . or a horn. WANTED 1- -3 O 4Miman:a. l'arma. dairying, of ralalhg th. ind le cattle lirmln. iinHiirnaased, AlKM,a i Lands are now offered by the Canadian rangPacific Railway Company atonprlcea long terms ing from $10 to $30 an acra plan, payment crop on or payment the of that is paying for your farm .nrough a portion of your crops eacn yenr. per cent Land values have Increased 30 In two yeara. f2ra nniwiHtintf. roe the homeaCkST. Call or writ, for full particulars, book. lets, maps, etc Reduced rates for hotr.eseekere. IDE. M'CARTHY LAND CO.. General Agents. Canad'.ar Pacific Railway. AiJeria Land 3 Lumbermen's Bldg. - IOC 7 ARB. ono of tha cheapest buys i. I. 7--v V R T n A 1615. Sale Sale n acrhs. CHEAP 10 ACRES. I MILES OUT. MEAD A MCRPHY. r WELIj IMPROVED. ' $66 PER ACRE. Hsro U ono of tha best farm buya In the State of Oregon; located 70 are miles south of Portland: thero 191 acres. 100 acres In high state of cultivation, ths whole tract lies well. Oper cent being splendid bottom tland: there ara 2 sets of Improvehouse, ments; No. 1, good barn and outmllkliousa. good 1 house,, a. buildings; No. large bain and several outbuildings: Personal large beating orchards. 20 property; I work horses. 2 colts, heed dairy cattle. 30 hogs, 3 brood sows, 100 chickens, splendid equipment of machinery and an abunThe price dance of hay and grain. per aero. $8 of this place Is only par cent Intaraat caah, balance a B oi autirul Ovrlo-- l'tr',',.t r- .ultaM for fata. In a Ua whera thara Weat on th rail f them; prlca $1500; term. M. rrr enlan. lor talk 2- nelh-brho- - wr VS and Ira-- - in and a It J I KtIt -- eaan 1st Rental l:uoo, cash advance, on FORTY ACRE", . fc II miles from city. All hnpro.d. on county road Is being r. R. R.. whloh cash nnt to swing Take. $000 yoa CASH INCOME tha moment t sign lease. U position to you mora about is Let u. tell WELLS A LABER. 4t-- l Sw.tland Bldg. Mala ttM- - J APARTMENT; OK ISTEKK3T; PLANS LOW KATE ILL FAT .TOU rURXIUHED FRKE. IT ...... 10 TO COME IN ANU in S. ATKINS. J. ARCHITECT AND ItVILDKR. HENRI BUXJ. . - VT I AT ii . t. INTO WHT NUT TIKN A BfBDBJf N A I ROPEKTT? IK YOi: Cm MONET TUB L.rr WE WILL AND liLII.O PLANS FliEff. IP WE IT PROTF.CTION. Mrni TiTiiiv TOl-L"S. WILL VAT TOU TO SEE R nATI.ET CO.. INC.. CONTRACT-TNARCHITKCTS. RJ4 ARIN'JTOS DLD. lt tot:txn car. lrr provm.ni a; paid.tluclor Thona Wood lawn 1 afaka rant on yon II per tnvuatmant. HJ-g- vr bt on . v hmbiery; a Ri.rht on raritn. upwr Washlnton adjoinlni CMy I'ark. Weit 3th and .,Tarn- wun hi. I. Rational tiauy r''mmrct. Mam znv. rhrrbraa f qully $ in 00a of tha ot HAVE located lota In Ijiuralhurat. will trada or conmtorycIa for piano, runnut, tract, ba.anca ". payaMa -- 4 per month. -r 213phooe tilV OPPORTTTMITT. lota. e;ood houae. chicken yrB lawn. anaie. arden. jounK fruita.placa mm Sna home on car; and eehool one; cka to aay payment pian. HEKLOW CHAPI.V Membera wf Portland Kcalty Board omjoer I Si 13 3 Chamber ot 9 fine WEST PIPE. LOTS tUHX 0 l. .'l Phonea Main l.V'3; pr T3-l- IXTBiORDWs' wmn BIT to sell 20 acres ont of Owner wants now mostly In treas; win tract for romalnder; employ purchases to care Implements furnishand house, barn ,, . i. . . Hni-M. an . er Infi'jlrt -t " ' ea: iiov " B'J8 R. Exchange. fruit land; 33 FOR SALE BO acres, good acrea In apples, r" ot. i'"-i!- 1" Ktarlc St. on corner, loc-t- -l my bulnw WILL. diairict. Aihina ava.. in a will make varr aaar tirmi at $1X.asard V I v u'i-u- , niviim. . low V ..ii.nlara nlaMKM Writ C. H. JohD- aon. to Faat aStn. city. I'hona Kaott . A-- t wtT WHY abould you continue to PF renter rnplir Uon't you know that a onrlcbea hla hlmaalf and fordt W can teU you how xto! bcorn Impi; your own landlord. Our plan ny indue of and It la within the reach and economicalour man whond earna tnouiaalary. office fair p.aaauxaCallla at explaining tha d alalia take corner corner. lara concr?t Duiiimff win built adjoin: prlca WEIaDRlCIC GoDDARD I ALB. a - U nr. J . !. N . . lialt-At- rtatr tft'-i- .ia I f":t"r1"S Or.tonlan. a bigaa-irra- i0 1 trt - 4. til. Investigate tha big profit made In grow. . - -tna apples, r or auvjwe small rr' capital. In an4 inveetmenta. with oall or writs aopla orchards and landa, - " a X A. sowier, ynone - - - - .r. h -. AF aeeiraoia G wHe, u, CARET ACT LAND OF BOl'THERIf IDAHO. water has perpetual for sntry, per acre In 12 Annual right! prlca IIW.0 W. J. Dank-so- n piyments. If interested call 128 lh su N. room 101 Rainier Hot.l. "For Sale Fruit Lands. -- i-- th t ttt'RRT pvap. on Mtkrt Iota 1J and IS. block riaca. batwean Pumaula and Couch. Thna h. caa. aa. only prlca tswi l"0. 1S'N aach. l.at-r- n IMi ara actuary worthmoney, baoca prlca ownor muat hava ao far balow market vaiuo. GRt SI Jt HOI.D9. ;h and Oak. IS Poard of Trada Bi now . i Pttoneo Main 16.: A 1B1B-APn'm.lN. M A I.I.O riY EAST 3VTH NEAR lltWTHORNB. FK"M WErT SIDE. MIV't.'TK la IN. ALL. IMPROVEMENTS Hl'Il.M.VU TO $llov. KAiT TERMS. PRICES t'-r.GEO. G. VIAIR. TAil. S477. B 2J1. AVE. F.A6T 42D AND HAWTHORNS Co. GoWEN-JDTBl'-- T STARK I fKPIRMryS PLDO.. iiH rVION'-AV- Incom.. or a- out. all room dcoratd with th b"t III uuiii'.Biiv papaarm. ti pdatal vt"rlVJl baiha. n uwaiaaa. . UlllU-i-. . . IDltCIL rS.rn a miciiiua, uuicn Improvamanta, :lu UuadrtM; ail ar hw eat na an4 lalncoln. th tion aoror of h.m; u atf tiia Eaat "iinci-right. . tarni Indua-trlou- bulna RrwM.awQ avt.; Ilk. partner -- ho put up attractive j a farm In Western Can ada, wher. the crops this year are mconli-M.n- .t vane, of anything grown on this Do yoa want Irrigated Landa. ,j.t- J." , 5' ieid money to two-fmi;- y rentf VHT should yan continue to per Don't yoo know that a renter eimply landhlmeelf and .nrlchea hts lord? taa tell you how to beeom. your own landlord. Our plan la aimpla and It la wllhln tha reach of anyaarna aa and economical man who fair aalary. Call at our offic. and wa wl.l take plaasura in explaining tha d.tal to you. MTRPHT. ME AD ( orb-- it o.I-t.- . Bids Tina a. -. CANADIAN - . oa cadamised road, near Portland ieclrto car and steam Si. R-best aoll In stats; a special bar- DEVELOPMENT PACIFIC N.-CO. 40( Couch Bide. - 1 vr.r GOODKIND A CO.. INC. Wilcox Bldg. 1005-- S Cor. tith and Washington MODERN HOTEL, , TRADE KOa PORTLAND FROP-R For 6ale US PER ACRE. 1150 cash, baianca aaay terma, acres farm on main maII I30.0W. a montal " HKll.il w.. , ..reotlonally rt L-'- irnn n . "'"rc, W-- ca.h. BLOI H . 1JU Income one-thir- d fr-t- Tarn-.- . K-- w " tl OB CO.. SOIR Off,raLf t7 diKiW of atreat. m-nt HuHEstlKWl -- nmlng wm Fort.anaf ". an bur.i!o sites H.ighte pr..,er. Thla property Is eltual.d In car.lne. the n. aid a ha.f a i d of vet? attractive homea.,. W! ino.it a doubt tha prices of this prop-art1o !' f .n.i.l.rn.a Ha oa the iielgnt. wt that navt dandy a bujs Ion $lww a tuna. for "" ' -- ANL Thj.-.1s- hou. t,xioo. GOOD Stlcaah. bal. imooQvTVooc11wn or Bala Baatncea Property. clu.t. k. tr.J Xtll.t oa sms J ion. ig, I HEAL ESTATE. For bale RKAL EfcTATK. or salo MC8T PB SOLD AT ONCE houae. on full lot. rtoaa Modern In. on Hawthorne ae.. with all rnodero cuayanieiirea: bcauuiui iawn carlina In city; all mP;Iemn.I1 -- . ana paia: ioi a. one k i have caen and will aell If Mil onca for 4uo; caaa raijulred. ibou. ESTATE. -- Itoi HEAL JLEAL ESTATB La la. Foe fcI okegoxia:v thuksdat, xotember Tim MOityiyq . warehouse 1500-i- fancy lampscale, large padlock sign with post, cheap. Dayton Hdw-- . Co., 114 1st et, FRESH Holstein cow, heavy milker. Charles Heckethler, Cedar Mills, or Portland, Route No. 2. EOI.ID gold Swiss repeater, original cost 5:150. Only 111:5. Undo Myers. 71 6th st. between Oak and Pine. SEALSKIN jacket In good condition, siza 40. cheap: party going to warmer climate. i'C'S' Stark st. S. Lowen. ELL.'CT"R1C PIANOS, harps and banjos, cash regiHters, motors and ail kinds of slot ma571 Washington. Frank Griffith. chines. Contractor's equipment by United Engineering A Construction Co.. P0i Lewis bids. Phon FOR SALil Good horse manure. East4SJ4. C 1477. Address P. SAFE and desk for sale cheap. O. aox 4 25. SWEET apples. $2.50 per box; a few boxes Address P 5S7. Oregonlan. left. will sacrifice THREE beautiful diamonds: SfW-1. 5. Kast for h.Vit price; 692 Milwau-kt- e Inquire sale. for table POOL street. KKkciH milch cows, part Jersey. Chapman st. Phone Main 2'.I27: GENUINE stalakln Jacket and muff, only 2 Myers. Uncle ll. $60.00. A 24 LAUNCH-hu- st. 71 Gth feet long, cheap. Ad- Stark, Woodstock P. O. TWO pool tables, used one year, $250. 4 2v, 4:h st. 3 OS East WashFOR SALE Motorcycle. ington street. Phone East 6.15. short time. ORIENTAL rug. used but dress C. A. 71'.. Phone A Smith, good as new. TYI'EWRITErt. L. C.cheap. Phone A 71!'9. cost $U0: will sell FOR SALE Office lamp. brushed brass. Phone A 711)'.'. Phone A 71!9. magazine rack MANURE for sale. Phone East 1770. Mli-SIO- MJCELLANEOUS. WANTED WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladles cast-of- f clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 20S0. ll'JO Firs: st. The Globe. Moving-picture machine, folding WANTED chairs, films, gas outtit. etc 51:6 1. Wash. Phone Main S45S. TOOLS Highest prices paid for all kindsLe-of second-han- d mechanic, logging tools. vin Hdwre. Co., 22:( Front. Main 9072. Wj3 pay the highest cash price for secondPhono hand furniture. Seater & Martin. East 3134. S4S Hawthorne ave. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. Phone E. lo22. 870 E. Morrison. Pays highest cash price for furniture. machine: mu.vl POWERS or Edison picture be cheap for cash. 2t?& Lumber Exchanse bldg. HIGHEST cash price paid for 2d hand 3Q'-'-fur2. niture. Covell Furniture Co., Main SECOND-HANelectric hotel sign Room 1, 245 Morrison st. for any FORD Auction Co. pays most cash 2445. kind of furniture. Main S'.tM, A paint house, WILL tint rooms for $2.50 and at your price. Phon. E. 2079 HKLP WANTED MALE. for old established corporapaying offer In the city foj best tion: high-clamen. See Mr. Colhouer. 41a SOLICITORS ss Mohawk WANTED bldg.. 9 to High-clas- s 12! specialty salesman or scaie experience prewith ferred; give age, experience, references and telephone numoer. r unc, urcEuiii.i. Good salesman to sell wines and WANTED liquors to family trado. See Mr. Wilcox, 5 P. M., Spring Valley Wine Co.. corner 2d and YamhiU sts. N. C. R. credit accountant, assistant opporhouse; good department wholesale references, tunity; state age, experience, A 624. Oregonlan. pnone number. and door frame window out maker; must be able to lay out workApply 222 of town; steady work. FIP.riT-CLAS- F1KST-CLAB- S - al Club bid g. I;tTRfinIsher8 and fur machine operators wages lor experwanted at oace; nignest Bay Fur Co., Ill Hudson ienced people. , 7th st. to sell limited, wanted STOCK salesman manunumber shares: close corporation; facturing; staple product. K 056, Orego-nian. W 1NTKD An experienced pantryman, Osburn gle, none others need apply. sinl, Hi-te- Kugene,Or. Newsboys to sell on street; can WANTED Jones' book store, make good money. 2S4 Oak St. glaziers; gooc. Two plate-glas- s WANTED to Suess Apply wages; steady work. Glass Company, Seattle. Experienced marker and distribWANTED utor. International Laundry Co., Gth and Oak. Boy with wheel to .deliver and WANTED Post Card work Inside. Apply Portland Company. 3 Lumbermens bldg. s for Fi"!-da- v meatcutter WANTED Af and Saturday. Jones' Market. 151 st. h 4t , bushelman wanted; and COATMAKERS Maxwell tha steady Jod to good man. Tailor, 246 Washington St. Carpenter to fltrure on carpenter WANTED bungalow; also want work of pai iters. Call 1112 Hawthorne ave. trade. UniBOY wanted to learn glazing ted Glass and Glazing Co.. 14th and Flanders sts. FIRST-CLAS- S fixtures. a e WANTED city salesman for electrical Grand Electric Co., 127 Grand An experienced advertising so- 812 Call basis. licitor on commifislon Bourd of Trade. Party to help ma sell 6 the best WANTED 83, Oreapple land on tha market. NT gonian. . operator. Apply EXPERIENCED Goodyear Morrison. ''JreenfieM Shoe Co.. 7 wheels. 16. over with Boys WANTED 215-24- 7 3d St. PHOTO ;R f"H coupon and portrait agents, Studio, Dekum bldg. new offer. PERMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Bryant, 1118 Teon bldg. Experienced ladles' tailors; only WANTED first-clas- s need apply. S. Weiss. 147 10th. GOOD solicitors for coal: steady work, big pay. Apply QQ4 Anner.y gi. SOLICITOR wanted. Niagara Dye Works, 335 2J st. Main 250JK Long time Job. WANTED" Coat maker. 3L(1 TV. Bumside st. WILL give room to honest boy In exchange 6:'S Flanders. work. for CANDY'MAKER wanted; Btfafly Job. Phona Main Ul'i'. Saiem. Or. f tailor to work on ladies' Aronson. 425. Alder. coats. DISHWASHER wantetk Stein's Restaurant, st. r:2 road salesman wanted for good proposition. Apply 2n7 Couch bldg. FIRST-CLAS- S FIRST-CLAS- S , r- 4