Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 Bias in Malmquist index and cost function productivity measurement in banking Ana Lozano-Vivasa,*, David B. Humphreyb a Department of Economics, University of Malaga, Plza. El Ejido, 29013 Malaga, Spain b Department of Finance, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA Received 30 August 2000; accepted 26 March 2001 Abstract This paper illustrates how many prior studies of productivity growth in the banking industry have been overstated. This occurs with both DEA (Malmquist index) and parametric (stochastic cost frontier) productivity measurement approaches. The problem is not due to the technique used but in how it is applied. It is easiest to see in the banking industry due the nature of the data available. The bias is eliminated when all outputs and inputs are included in the analysis, ensuring that the balance sheet restriction is met. Although simple in concept, this problem and its solution have so far been neglected in the literature. r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Productivity; Malmquist index; Frontier cost; Banking industry 1. Introduction Productivity measurement has a long history, ranging from changes in output per unit of labor input to more complex, but more complete, measures of total factor productivity (TFP). In this transition, growth accounting measures of TFP have given way to nonparametric (linear programming) Malmquist index and parametric (regression-based) stochastic frontier cost function TFP estimates. However, many published studies using the Malmquist index in the banking area appear to have significantly overstated estimates of productivity growth. The bias is not due to the technique used but rather in how it is applied. *Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-952-131256; fax: +34952-131299. E-mail addresses: (A. Lozano-Vivas), (D.B. Humphrey). This problem in recent productivity studies is most easily seen in applications of the Malmquist index to banking industry data but exists in stochastic frontier cost function applications as well (including our own work). Fortunately, the bias is simple to correct and it can be measured, reduced, or eliminated in future productivity studies. The problem is not new but has been consistently overlooked in published work. Our guess is that it has persisted because no one has shown how large it can be. While other productivity measurement difficulties remain, the one we identify is amenable to correction. In what follows, we explain how the bias arises in Section 2. Its importance is illustrated by showing that in many studies, it is the source of the main part of measured productivity growth. Due to the special nature of banking data and the Malmquist index itself, it is relatively simple to 0925-5273/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 6 2 - 1 178 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 approximate the magnitude of the bias (hence our focus on this measure). In Section 3, we show that use of a stochastic frontier cost function to estimate banking productivity can lead to similar difficulties. The problem associated with both techniques is illustrated by applying the Malmquist index and a cost function to the same set of banking data. For completeness, although it is an inferior measure, we also show how the growth accounting approach to productivity measurement is affected. Our conclusions are in Section 4 and an appendix contains details of prior studies. Table 1 Example of included and excluded assets and liabilities in banking productivity studies Factor inputs: Labor and physical capital Assets or outputs Liabilities or inputs Included: Business loans Consumer loans Securities Demand deposits Included: Savings deposits Time deposits Certificates of deposits (CDs) Excluded: Funds sold Vault cash Other earning assets Off-balance sheet activities Excluded: Other liabilities for borrowed money Short-term purchased funds Subordinated debt Equity 2. Bias in productivity measurement 2.1. Where the bias comes from Single factor measures of productivity are inferior to total factor measures because they do not include all the inputs that affect output. In most industries, it is easy to determine and include all the inputs that significantly affect output as well as to include all the outputs being produced. However, in banking, productivity researchers use labor and capital inputs but selectively choose only certain inputs and outputs from balance sheet liabilities and assets and neglect others. Whatever the choice of banking balance sheet inputs and outputs, it is common to measure them in terms of their (real or nominal) value, along with the number of labor inputs and the value of physical capital. This is partly because banks are viewed as intermediating stocks of the value of deposits into stocks of the value of loans or security investments. But mostly it is because data on the number of deposit and loan accounts (alternative stock measures) or the number of deposit account debits and credits and the number of new loans made (alternative flow measures of input and output) are rarely available. Table 1 illustrates a typical selection of asset outputs and liability inputs included in productivity models. Excluded assets and liabilities are also shown.1 These choices are justified by pointing to similar selections made by previous researchers 1 Table 1, although representative, is only illustrative since not all productivity studies have chosen to include/exclude the same balance sheet assets and liabilities. investigating bank cost/scale efficiencies or by deciding to include only the ‘‘important’’ balance sheet categories. When studying banking cost efficiency or scale effects, variations in loans have a much larger effect on costs than do variations in interbank funds sold, vault cash, or off-balance sheet activities.2 Consequently, loans are included as a banking output while the other three asset categories are usually excluded. However, loans, security holdings, funds sold, and off-balance sheet activities all generate significant revenues and therefore should be included as a banking output in revenue or profit analyses. Our key point is that, unlike cost or profit analysis, there is no such ‘‘differential importance’’ of any of these liability/asset categories when it comes to productivity measurement. Since productivity growth should reflect the change in the ratio of outputs to inputs – and not be biased by concurrent changes in balance sheet composition – then all balance sheet inputs and outputs need to be included.3 Productivity analysis differs from banking cost, revenue, or profit analyses in that 2 Off-balance sheet (OBS) activities include standby letters of credit, loan commitments, interest rate derivatives, and foreign exchange contracts. 3 Including OBS activities as an output is, in our view, inappropriate in a cost function as these activities cost almost nothing to produce. However, OBS activities generate substantial revenues (and risk) for a bank and, as a result, should definitely be included in a revenue or a profit function analysis. A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 changes in excluded balance sheet inputs or outputs have the same effect on productivity – not a lesser or greater effect – as those inputs and outputs chosen to be included in the analysis. It is well known that productivity and revenue of a non-banking firm rises in the upswing of a business cycle since, with excess capital capacity and (likely) underemployed labor, output can expand without a commensurate rise in capital and (in this case) labor inputs. But banks are different. There is no ‘‘excess capacity’’ among balance sheet inputs and outputs (although there can be for capital and labor). All liability funds inputs find their way into assets through the balance sheet constraint and, either directly or indirectly, earn revenues (which is a common way to identify outputs). In a profit maximizing bank, funds sold should be earning the same marginal risk-adjusted return as do loans or security holdings but funds sold are almost always an excluded banking output while loans are included. Similarly, vault cash is an excluded output even though cash holdings are an essential component in providing payment and liquidity services through branches and ATMs. These and other depositor services tradeoff with interest costs that would otherwise be needed to attract funds. In this sense, they earn implicit revenue or a return valued by the bank in providing a service flow to depositors. Thus, all balance sheet assets can be considered to be outputs since they all are presumed to earn the same marginal risk-adjusted return. Similarly, all liabilities are inputs since they all are presumed to incur the same maturityadjusted interest and/or operating expense. By excluding various liability and asset categories from the analysis, researchers largely predetermine the size and variation of their productivity estimates over time and across sizeclasses of banks. The magnitude of this bias can be inferred by first estimating productivity using the set of inputs and outputs a researcher may choose and then re-estimating using all liability and asset categories as inputs and outputs.4 4 In the interests of tractability and parameter estimation parsimony, only the major inputs/outputs need to be separately specified. Those remaining can be aggregated together. 179 Take the case noted above where loans are an included output and funds sold are an excluded output. If loan demand expands by $500 million, banks have a number of alternatives: they can purchase short-term funds, they can try to attract more deposits, or they can reduce interbank funds sold by $500 million. The course chosen will depend on: the interest cost of short-term purchased funds, the interest and operating expense of increasing deposits, and the risk-adjusted return for funds sold. If more short-term funds are purchased (and if these funds are an excluded input), then both loans and measured productivity will be viewed as expanding without a rise in inputs. If deposits are increased, then the expansion of loans will be offset and productivity will not change. Finally, if funds sold are reduced and shifted into loans, loans will again be viewed as expanding without any offsetting rise in inputs and measured productivity will rise. To those that loans are a more important category of output than funds sold, we would agree if the purpose were to measure cost efficiency or scale economies since funds sold have a de minimis effect on costs. To buy or sell funds all that is needed is a small room, a few traders, some telephones, and a direct or dial-up line to a money market and/or other banks. However, because of the way balance sheet inputs and outputs typically are measured, a $500 million expansion in deposit inputs that funds $500 million in new loans should have the same effect on productivity as a $500 million shift in asset composition away from funds sold to new loans. But this will not occur unless funds sold and loans are both included in the analysis as outputs. Similar productivity measurement problems arise when balance sheet liabilities are excluded from the analysis.5 If researchers do not want their productivity estimates contaminated by shifts in balance sheet composition over time or across banks, then they need to effectively include all liabilities and assets in their analysis. No one would attempt to measure the productivity 5 For example, in US studies the category ‘‘other liabilities for borrowed money’’ is often excluded as an input while deposits are included. Changes in the excluded inputs, however, can affect the level of loan output which, in turn, affects measured productivity. If excluded inputs were included in the analysis, productivity would be measured more accurately. 180 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 of petroleum refining operations without including the outputs of gasoline, heating oil, motor oil, grease, paraffin, etc., together. Otherwise, changes in output mix due to changes in demand and prices would yield a biased measure of productivity. Just as in banking, petroleum refining productivity growth is based on changes in output per unit of labor and capital input, not in the amount of raw petroleum input or in output mix. 2.2. Magnitude of the bias The Malmquist index approach to productivity measurement is, in its essentials, an overall index measure of how the balance sheet outputs have risen or fallen relative to the P identifiedPfactor and balance sheet inputs. Let Ait and Ljt represent the summed values of the total balance sheet assets and total liabilities actually used in a banking productivity study in year t: Because of the balance sheet constraint, we know that the ratio of all assets to all liabilities (plus the value of equity capital) in year t; TAt =TLt ; has to be equal to 1.00 in all years (time-series) for all banks (cross-section). But inPall banking productivity P studies we have seen, Ait = Ljt a1:00; indicating that some assets or some liabilities (or both) have been P excluded P from the analysis. Consequently, if Ait = Ljt varies over time or across banks (or both), this variation will make it appear that productivity is higher or lower than what it actually is.6 The balance sheet restriction can be 6 In many cost function applications to banking, the productivity bias described here is less obvious but exists nonetheless. It is less obvious because cost is the dependent variable and there is precious little information on either the level or the variation in the various assets and liability cost shares (not balance sheet shares). As a result, it is very difficult for researchers to determine the size and stability of the cost shares of the excluded Ai and Lj variables. Some cost function studies largely circumvent this problem by defining the dependent variable, total cost, to be very close to the sum of only the cost of the included asset and liability categories in the model. This is not a complete solution because total cost will include all operating expenses plus the interest cost on all included liability categories. While interest costs can be associated with various liability categories, operating costs are not similarly allocated in the reported data. As a result, if any excluded asset or liability category contributes significantly to operating cost, then its exclusion from the model can bias the productivity results. P P met by either (a) having Ai and Lj include the value of all assets and the value of all liabilities or (b) so choosing Ai and Lj such that the values or the value shares of the excluded assets and liabilities are equal to each other and constant over time. In practice, (a) is probably the easiest to do. This is especially true where liability and asset mix is significantly affected by the level of interest rates and the stage of the business cycle so balance sheet values and/or value shares are not constant over time. As the business cycle varies over time and across regions, both time-series and cross-section productivity estimates can be affected. We can approximate the degree of bias by comparing the Malmquist index measure of productivity between (say) years 1 P and 2 with P the corresponding asset/liability index ð A = Lj2 Þ= i2 P P ð Ai1 = Lj1 Þ: This comparison across years or between countries is shown in panel A of Table 2 for productivity studies where deposits are only treated as an input.7 Panel B of Table 2b makes the same comparison for studies where some deposits are treated as an output.8 If there were no bias, then the value in column 4 representing the ratio of assets to liabilities used as outputs and non-factor inputs in each study would always be equal or close to 1.00. However, comparing the values in columns 3 and 4 of the table, it is clear that in almost all cases most of the Malmquist index productivity increase or decrease can be attributed not to productivity growth but to changes in the asset/liability index. A first approximation to a more accurate productivity estimate is obtained by subtracting column 4 from 3. This result is shown in the last column of the table. As seen, this adjustment markedly lowers the estimate of productivity growth for banking firms, sometimes 7 While there are more Malmquist index banking productivity studies than those shown in the tables, only those papers which reported the data needed to compute an asset/liability index could be included. 8 When deposits are an output, their value is added to the value of other included asset outputs. As well, to account for the fact that deposits supply funds to purchase assets with, this same value of deposits is also added to the value of included liabilities. 181 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 Table 2 Malmquist index banking productivity studies: A comparison of productivity and asset/liability index valuesa Author (1) Time period or Countries covered (2) Malmquist Index productivity (3) Asset/liability index (4) Column (3)(4) 1.117 1.115 0.002 (5) (A) Funding characteristic of deposits Devaney and Weber [4] LMDR banks 1990–1993 Non-LMDR banks 1990–1993 1.114 1.116 0.002 Pooled sample 1989–1990 1990–1991 1.314 1.025 1.237 0.973 0.077 0.052 1990–1993 1.115 1.116 0.001 Total sample 1985–1986 1986–1987 1987–1988 1988–1989 1989–1990 1985 –1990 1.013 1.018 1.056 1.043 1.046 1.288 1.012 1.023 1.026 1.038 1.014 1.120 0.001 0.005 0.030 0.005 0.032 0.168 Berg et al. [2] Finland–Norway Finland–Sweden Norway–Sweden 1.120 1.630 1.460 1.033 1.089 1.053 0.087 0.541 0.407 Wheelock and Wilson [3] 1984–1985 1988–1989 1992–1993 Savings banks 1986–1987 1987–1988 1988–1989 1989–1990 1990–1991 1991–1992 1992–1993 Mean: 86/87–92/93 Commercial banks 1986–1987 1987–1988 1988–1989 1989–1990 1990–1991 1991–1992 1992–1993 Mean: 86/87–92/93 0.986 1.018 1.001 0.913 0.987 0.992 0.073 0.031 0.009 1.047 1.061 1.005 0.971 1.043 1.050 1.006 1.026 1.042 1.006 0.995 1.006 1.015 1.017 0.987 1.010 0.005 0.055 0.010 0.035 0.028 0.033 0.019 0.016 1.071 1.092 1.056 0.993 1.008 0.951 0.981 1.021 1.002 1.019 0.999 0.996 1.049 0.999 0.973 1.006 0.069 0.073 0.057 0.003 0.041 0.048 0.008 0.015 1.032 1.152 0.986 1.052 1.193 1.390 0.020 0.041 0.404 1.188 1.125 1.636 1.050 0.812 0.628 0.138 0.313 1.008 Fukayama [5] Devaney and Weber [6] (B) Focused on the output characteristic of deposits Kuussaari [1] Grifell-Tatj!e and Lovell [7] Gilbert and Wilson [8] a Regional banks 1980–1985 1980–1989 1980–1994 National banks 1980–1985 1980–1989 1980–1994 See the Appendix A for more detail on the comparisons in Panels A and B of Table 2. 182 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 even changing direction from positive productivity to negative. The accuracy of this simple approximation is discussed further below. The appendix contains more detail on the studies used in this comparison. 3. Illustrating the bias with banking data 3.1. Degree of bias and changes in mean productivity We use actual (balanced panel) data on the Spanish banking system over 1986–1991 to illustrate the importance of the productivity bias. Three measures of productivity are computed using (1) a symmetric Malmquist index, (2) a stochastic frontier (composed error) cost function and (3) a growth accounting measure.9 As we show, all three approaches can yieldPbiasedPresults when the P P asset/liability index ð Ai2 = Lj2 Þ= ð Ai1 = Lj1 Þa1:00: To illustrate how the exclusion of various assets and liabilities can affect the productivity results, we start by defining our banking inputs and outputs so that on average 70% of the value of the aggregate balance sheet of Spanish banks is covered. This would focus on loan outputs and deposit and factor inputs. We then successively expand the coverage of assets and liabilities until on average 79%, 84%, 98% and finally 100% are covered (which is the no bias situation). The input and output composition for our five successive levels of coverage, yielding five panel data sets, is shown in Table 3, along with the average percent of the balance sheet value of assets and liabilities that are covered. For each of the five data sets, we estimate productivity using the Malmquist index, a stochastic frontier cost function and a growth accounting model. To be consistent, all three methods use the same number and specification of banking inputs and outputs at each level of asset/liability 9 These three approaches to productivity measurement are well known. However, they are outlined in our working paper (available on request). coverage.10 A corresponding asset/liability index is also computed to gauge the degree of bias at each coverage level. The top part of Table 3 shows the coverage level for all methods and the non-factor inputs/outputs for the Malmquist index approach. The bottom part of the table shows the corresponding input price definitions for the cost function and the cost function specifications used. Our productivity results averaged over 1986– 1991, are shown in Fig. 1. Over the five levels of asset/liability coverage, the growth accounting model provides the highest estimate of Spanish banking productivity growth. This is followed by the stochastic frontier cost function with the Malmquist index giving the lowest average estimate. All the three methods of estimating productivity growth generate lower estimates as the degree of bias, indicated by the size of the asset/ liability index, falls with greater coverage of assets and liabilities. When the asset/liability index equals 1.00 (coverage level 5), then the potential bias is removed and the Malmquist index suggests that annual average productivity change was 0.8% over 6-year period. In contrast, the cost function suggests that productivity change averaged 1.0% a year while the growth accounting measure (which is inferior to the other two) estimates productivity change at 0.2% a year. Regardless of which one of the three methods is chosen, we see that it can be seriously biased – in this case overestimated – when some inputs and outputs are excluded from the analysis. When 30% of the value of banking inputs/outputs are excluded from the analysis (coverage level 1 which focuses only on loans and deposits), estimated average productivity growth is 5.7% annually with growth accounting, 5.7% with a cost function and 3.8% with the Malmquist index. When 2.0% of the value of inputs/outputs are excluded (coverage level 4) then the same models yield estimated annual rates of productivity change of 0.2%, 10 For convenience and consistency with many cost function studies, we specify deposits as an input in the cost function. Our preferred specification [9], however, would include deposits as an input (with an average interest rate) and as an output (to reflect transaction and safekeeping services provided to depositors which use the majority of capital and labor factor inputs). 183 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 Table 3 Banking inputs/outputs and coverage level (Spanish banks, 1986–1991) Coverage level Assets (outputs) Liabilities (inputs) Percent covered: 1 A1: Commercial loans A2: Other loans+loans to other banks L1: Demand deposits L2: Savings+time deposits Labor inputs Physical capital 56 83 2 Coverage level 1+ A3: Securities 69 88 3 Coverage level 2+ A4: Other assets Coverage level 3+ A5: Cash and reserves Coverage level 1+ L3: Borrowed funds +deposits from other banks Coverage level 2+ L4: Other liabilitiesa Coverage level 3+ L5: Equity capitalb 73 95 97 100 100 100 Assets (%) 4 5 Coverage level 4+ A6: Value of physical capital Coverage level 4 Liabilities (%) Input prices (P) for the cost function: P1&2=(Interest cost of total deposits)/(L1+L2)c P3=(Interest cost of borrowed funds+cost of deposits from other banks)/L3 P4=(Loan loss expense+other costs)/L4 PN=(Personnel expense)/(number of workers) PK=(Materials cost+building cost+amortization)/A6 Specifications of the cost function:d 1. TC=f(A1, A2, P1&2, PN, PK) 2. TC=f(A1, A2; A3; P1&2; P3, PN, PK) 3. TC=f(A1, A2, A3, A4, P1&2, P3, P4, PN, PK) 4. TC=f(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, P1&2, P3, P4, PN, PK) 5. TC=f(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, P1&2, P3, P4, PN, PK) a The value of equity capital is excluded here. For regulatory purposes, the value of equity capital exceeds the value of physical capital. c Interest costs were not separately available for transaction, savings, and time deposits. d TC equals the sum of the separate inputs specified in each coverage level (except for capital and labor operating expenses which are not separately allocated to the inputs used or outputs produced). b Fig. 1. Average productivity by level of data coverage. 184 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 0.4%, and 0.8%, respectively. In our example, reducing the bias to zero results in a reduction in estimated productivity change of 96% (growth accounting), 118% (cost function), or 121% (Malmquist index).11 The effects of reducing the bias in studies of other country’s banking systems could differ in magnitude, direction, and in terms of which methodology is most affected. 3.2. Productivity by year and its distribution across banks Table 4 shows productivity for all Spanish banks for each year.12 For simplicity, only coverage levels 1 and 4 are shown.13 There is substantial year-to-year variation in productivity estimates when coverage is incomplete – coverage level 1. As well, for 1987–1988, estimated annual productivity change ranges from 7.2% (Malmquist Index) to 9.9% (growth accounting). Since the corresponding asset/liability index for that year is 1.076, this suggests that perhaps as much as 7.6% points of the productivity growth for 1987–1988 is the result of not including all assets and liabilities. As well, since the asset/liability index is not constant, the year-to-year bias is also not constant and ranges from 1.026 to 1.076 (with a mean of 1.047). The level and variation of the productivity estimates are greatly reduced when coverage is extended to level 4 (where only 2% of the average value of assets and liabilities have been excluded). Here, we show two ways in which the coverage level can be expanded. The usual way would be to add new variables to the model which represent the asset/liability categories that have been excluded. This is the approach outlined in Table 3, applied in all the figures, and shown in the middle of Table 4 under the heading ‘‘Adding Variables to Expand Coverage’’. As seen, the bias is very small 11 Reductions larger than 100% are possible since positive values at coverage level 1 turn into small negative values at coverage level 5. 12 The mean values from this exercise were used to plot changes in average productivity as the coverage level changed in Fig. 1. 13 Although coverage levels 4 and 5 give very similar productivity results, coverage level 4 excludes physical capital as an output since it is already included as a factor input. at coverage level 4 since the corresponding asset/ liability index is very close to 1.000 – the no bias situation of coverage level 5. The productivity estimates for the Malmquist index, the stochastic frontier cost function, and the growth accounting models all show a year-to-year variation that fluctuates between small positive and small negative values. The average result (as indicated already in Fig. 1) is that annual productivity growth for Spanish banks over 1986–1991 was very small – a small decrease or a small increase. Overall, a conclusion of little or no change in productivity would be reasonable. A second approach to show the effects of expanding asset/liability coverage would be to simply redefine the first set of new variables added to the model shown in Table 3 (giving coverage level 2) to include the additional variables as coverage is expanded. This reduces the number of new separate variables added to the model and so minimizes the tendency of the Malmquist index to find 100% efficiency merely by specifying additional constraints (variables). The results of this approach are shown at the bottom of Table 4 under the heading ‘‘Aggregating to Expand Coverage’’. While the year-to-year productivity change estimates here for coverage level 4 show some differences from the approach discussed above, the mean results are quite similar. At this coverage level, where bias is almost eliminated, average annual productivity change is 0.2% using the Malmquist index, 0.4% for the stochastic frontier cost function and 0.4% for the growth accounting model. Thus, it would seem that we obtain quite similar results using the two alternative methods for expanding asset/liability coverage. As noted earlier in panels A and B of Table 2, a first approximation to an unbiased value of productivity change using the Malmquist index was obtained by subtracting an asset/liability index from a computed, but biased, Malmquist index. This simple procedure is quite accurate when compared to the more involved method of actually including all or almost all assets and liabilities and directly computing an unbiased Malmquist index. Table 5 shows the result of computing a (biased) Malmquist index for different 185 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 Table 4 Productivity estimates by year (Spanish banks, 1986–1991)a Year Malmquist index (%) Coverage level 1 1986–1987 1987–1988 1988–1989 1989–1990 1990–1991 Mean Cost function (%) Asset/liability index 5.1 8.7 5.5 4.0 5.1 5.7 5.8 9.9 5.8 2.6 4.2 5.7 1.055 1.076 1.041 1.026 1.037 1.047 Coverage level 4: Adding variables to expand coverage 1986–1987 2.8 1.0 1987–1988 0.1 1.6 1988–1989 1.4 1.3 1989–1990 0.5 1.1 1990–1991 0.7 0.1 Mean 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.2 1.001 1.003 1.002 0.999 0.998 1.000 Coverage level 4: Aggregating to expand coverage 1986–1987 1.8 1987–1988 0.8 1988–1989 0.1 1989–1990 0.1 1990–1991 0.2 Mean 0.2 1.8 3.0 0.5 1.6 1.5 0.4 1.001 1.003 1.002 0.999 0.998 1.000 a 2.4 7.2 2.4 2.2 4.6 3.8 Growth accounting (%) 0.7 1.3 0.1 1.0 3.0 0.4 All values have been rounded off. Table 5 Accuracy of approximating Malmquist index productivity bias. Malmquist index productivity minus asset/liability index by coverage level and year Coverage level 1986–1987 1987–1988 1988–1989 1989–1990 1990–1991 Mean Value with no biasa 1 2 3 4 5 3.1% 2.7% 3.0% 2.9% 2.7% 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 1.7% 1.1% 1.8% 1.6% 1.5% 0.4% 0.7% 0.9% 0.4% 0.8% 0.9% 0.3% 1.5% 0.9% 1.2% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% a Value of average Malmquist index productivity at coverage level 5 (also equals the same value at coverage level 4 in Table 4). coverage levels and years for Spanish banks and subtracting from it the appropriate asset/liability index for each coverage level and year. As seen in the table, the results of this procedure (a) yield very similar values for different coverage levels for the same year and for the mean across years (indicating that the approximation method gives consistent results across coverage levels) and (b) the mean value of this approximation method is very close to the value obtained when the unbiased Malmquist index is computed by including all assets and liabilities in the computation process (which is the ‘‘no bias’’ situation of 0.8% annual average productivity growth).14 14 Such a strong result is not obtained with the cost function. This is likely due to the fact that the cost function relies on total cost and input prices and is not dual to the Malmquist index ‘‘production function’’ specification used here. 186 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 Fig. 2. Malmquist index (coverage levels 1, 2 and 5). Fig. 3. Cost function (coverage levels 1, 2 and 5). Lastly, we show how the Malmquist index and stochastic frontier cost function mean productivity estimates vary across the 52 banks in the data set. In Figs. 2 and 3, we adopt the approach of adding variables to expand coverage. Fig. 2 shows that the distribution of productivity change by bank from the Malmquist index varies from around 4% per year to a negative 8% per year even when all bias has been removed (coverage level 5). As the coverage level is increased from 1 to 2, finally to level 5, the distribution essentially shifts just down in a parallel fashion so that about half of the banks A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 experienced negative productivity change while half experienced a positive productivity increase (balancing out at 0.8 overall). Fig. 3 shows the same information for productivity change estimates from the stochastic frontier cost function. While this distribution is somewhat flatter than that for the Malmquist index, the same general parallel downward shift is evident as more and more of the bias is removed. Although not shown in Table 4, average overall productivity change when all the bias is removed is 1.0% per year. 4. Conclusion Many Malmquist index studies overstate the level of banking industry productivity. A similar problem can exist with a stochastic frontier cost function or a growth accounting approach. The bias is not due to the technique used but rather in how it is applied. The bias is easiest to see in banking industry studies due the nature of the data available and used to represent balance sheet outputs and inputs. The problem is simple to correct and can easily be measured, reduced, or eliminated in future analyses. The problem has been consistently overlooked and likely has persisted because no one has shown how large the bias has been. Although other productivity measurement difficulties remain, the problem we identify is eliminated when all outputs and inputs are included in the analysis. This differs from common practice in the banking productivity literature where only a subset of balance sheet inputs and outputs are included. Importantly, productivity analysis differs from banking cost, revenue or profit analyses in that changes in excluded balance sheet inputs or outputs have the same effect on productivity – not a lesser or greater effect – as those inputs and outputs chosen to be included in the analysis. Unlike cost or profit analysis, all liability/asset categories affect productivity measurement equally (if their balance sheet values are equal) and so need to be included to obtain a more accurate estimate of productivity. In the text, we explain in more detail how the bias arises in banking studies and show that the 187 majority of measured productivity in many existing studies is due to this problem. We also apply three methods of measuring productivity (Malmquist index, stochastic frontier cost function, and growth accounting) to a balanced panel of Spanish banks over 1986–1991. This application illustrates how mean productivity change estimates are reduced as more and more of the bias is eliminated. Sophisticated linear programming and/or econometric techniques can not, of course, overcome specification problems. If researchers wish to have their productivity results taken seriously by policy makers, it is necessary to reduce those biases that can be reduced and note those which remain. While the bias we identify is ‘‘obvious’’ ex post, it clearly has not been obvious enough ex ante in many banking productivity studies to date. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Jesus T. Pastor, participants of the Workshop in Efficiency and Productivity (Denmark, November 1999) and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. A. Lozano-Vivas is grateful for the financial support from the CICYT, PB98-1408 (Ministerio de Educacio! n y Ciencia, Spain). Appendix A. Outputs, inputs, and asset/liability ratio for panels A and B of Table 2 1. [1]: Outputs are short-term loans to nonbanks, long-term loans to non-banks, checking accounts by the public, other deposits by the public, number of branches, and other earning assets. Inputs are number of personnel, operating costs, and book value of machinery and equipment. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=short-term loans to non-banks+long-term loans to non-banks+other earning assets+book value of machinery and equipment. Liabilities=checking accounts by the public+other deposits by the public. 2. [2]: Outputs are total deposits from other than financial institutions and total loans to other than 188 A. Lozano-Vivas, D.B. Humphrey / Int. J. Production Economics 76 (2002) 177–188 financial institutions. Inputs are man-hours per year, book values of machinery and equipment, and non-labor-non-capital operating expenses. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=total loans to other than financial institutions+book value of machinery and equipment. Liabilities=total deposits from other than financial institutions. 3. [3]: Outputs are real estate loans, commercial and industrial loans, consumer loans, all other loans, and total demand deposits. Inputs are fulltime equivalent employees, book value of premises and fixed assets, and purchased funds. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=real estate loans +commercial and industrial loans+consumer loans+all other loans+book value of premises and fixed assets. Liabilities=demand deposits +purchased funds. 4. [4]: Outputs are securities, real estate loans, personal loans, and commercial loans. Inputs are number of employees, value of premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases), and deposits. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=securities+real estate loans+personal loans+commercial loans+ value of premises and fixed assets. Liabilities=deposits. 5. [5]: Outputs are revenue from loans and revenue from business investment activities. Inputs are number of full-time employees, the value of premises and real estate, and liabilities including deposits. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=revenue from loans+revenue from business investment activities. Liabilities=liabilities including deposits. 6. [6]: Outputs are securities, real estate loans, personal loans, and commercial loans. Inputs are number of employees, the value of premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases), and deposits. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=securities+real estate loans+personal loans+commercial loans+ value of premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases). Liabilities=deposits. 7. [7]: Outputs are loans, checking deposits, and savings deposits. Inputs are number of employees and operating expenses. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=loans. Liabilities=checking deposits+savings deposits. 8. [8]: Outputs are demand deposits, loans with domestic currency, and loans by trust account. Inputs are number of employees, value of physical capital, and purchased funds. Asset/liability ratio: Assets=loans with domestic currency+loans by trust account. Liabilities= demand deposits+purchased funds. References [1] H. Kuussaari, Productivity efficiency in Finnish local banking during 1985–1990, Bank of Finland, Discussion Papers 14/93 Research Department, 1993. [2] S. Berg, F.R. Frsund, L. Hjalmarsson, M. Suominen, Banking efficiency in the Nordic countries, Journal of Banking and Finance 17 (1993) 317–388. [3] D. Wheelock, P. Wilson, Productivity changes in US banking: 1984–1993, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Research and Public Information Division, Working Paper Series 94-021 A, 1994. [4] M. Devaney, W. 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