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8/14/12 8:51 AM
Big Idea 1:All living things have different life cycles
Key Concept Life Cycles
National Standard Plants and animals have life cycles that include being born, developing into
adults, reproducing, and eventually dying.
adult, caterpillar, chrysalis, code, egg, flower, fruit, germinates,
hatch, insect, joey, life cycle, mammal, marsupial, pollen, reproduce, sapling, seedling, seeds
Week 1: Why do kangaroos carry their babies in pouches?
Week 2: How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
Week 3: How do tiny seeds turn into giant trees?
Week 4: Why do some plants have flowers?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: The Life Cycle of a Pea
Big Idea 2:Plants and animals look a lot like their parents
Key Concepts Parents and Offspring
National Standard Plants and animals closely resemble their parents.
behave, citrus, crops, farmed, kits, mammals, offspring, pack,
pups, related, resemble, seedless, species, traits, variety
Week 1: What’s the difference between a fox and a wolf?
Week 2: Why can’t an apple tree grow oranges?
Week 3: How can a spotted cat have striped kittens?
Week 4: Why don’t all grapes have seeds?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: Invent a Pet
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Daily Science Interactive Application • EMC 6812 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
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Big Idea 3: Earth contains rock, water, and air. People use all of these things.
Key Concepts Earth, Sky, and Water
National Standard Earth materials are solid rocks and soils, water, and gases of the atmosphere.
Earth materials provide many of the resources that humans use.
atmosphere, decompose, evaporate, gas, glacier, gravity,
ice caps, mineral, natural resources, quartz, recycle, surface, water cycle, weathering
Week 1: How far up does the sky reach?
Week 2: How much water is there on Earth?
Week 3: Why do beaches and deserts have sand?
Week 4: Why do people recycle?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: Weathering Rocks
Big Idea 4:The sun, moon, and stars all have predictable patterns
of movement
Key Concepts Sun, Moon, and Stars
National Standard The sun, moon, and stars all have properties, locations, and movements
that can be observed and described. Objects in the sky have patterns of movement.
constellation, daytime, eclipse, moon, nighttime, orbit, phase, planet,
reflect, rotate, solar system, stars
Week 1: What happens to the sun at night?
Week 2: Why aren’t stars always in the same part of the sky at night?
Week 3: Is the moon a planet?
Week 4: Why does the moon change shape?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: Observing Shadows
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 6812 • Daily Science Interactive Application
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Big Idea 5: Sounds are made by vibrating objects. Sounds can travel
through solids, liquids, and gases.
Key Concepts Sound and Vibration
National Standard Sound is produced by vibrating objects. The pitch of the sound can
be varied by changing the rate of vibration.
detect, echo, echolocation, file, inner ear, middle ear, molecule, outer
ear, pitch, reflect, scraper, sound, waves, surface, vibrations, volume
Week 1: How do crickets chirp?
Week 2: Where do echoes come from?
Week 3: Does sound travel underwater?
Week 4: How do animals without ears hear?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: Make Your Own Phone!
Big Idea 6:Magnets make some things move without touching them.
They also attract or repel other magnets.
Key Concepts Magnets, Attraction, and Repulsion
National Standard Magnets attract and repel each other and certain kinds of other material.
attract, compass, core, direction, electromagnet, iron, magnet, magnetic,
magnetic field, magnetism, permanent magnet, poles, repel, temporary magnet
Week 1: Why does a magnet stick to a refrigerator?
Week 2: How can magnets move things without touching them?
Week 3: Why are some magnets stronger than others?
Week 4: How does a compass work?
Week 5: Unit Review: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Visual Literacy
Hands-on Activity: Make a Magnet
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Daily Science Interactive Application • EMC 6812 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
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