MAROH 20, 1936 A Seven-Day Journal Requirements of the R.A.F. A'r ~hu annual <linnet· of ~ho 'o.mbrid~o UnivorHity Ai t· SqLLadron on Friday, Ma r·oh 6~h, Lord Swinton, ~ocro~My of St(\~O for Air, announced ~hn.t Lho product.ion which would bo ct1.1lod for within t.ho nox ~ t.wo or thn·o yc•u.r~o~ wo.s con~o~ iderably moro Lho.n tho o.i •·cro.ft induRtry, ovon in it,~o~ prosNl.~ oxpo.ndcd conctit.ion, c·otdct httndlo o.lono. Accordingly, t.wo tmdorto.ldn~s bud<•ad y h o1~n L 1.ppronc:hod with a viow Lo Lhoit· providing in t.h(l n N1.r· futuro HOmothing ndcli l ionnl to whttt t IHI profN1siono.l indust.ry coul.d wovidc•. Lord Hwinton o.lso roforrcd Lo tho n oodl':l of tho H.i\..F . H o~o~t~t·vo, Hto.ting tho.t 600 offico•·~o~ would be rwndod l.hiH yc·t\1', 800 nE~xt yeo.r, tmd 800 tnoro l.}l() foll owing you r·. l lo o.ddoc:L that proficient mNnbor·H of tho UnivorHil.y l)quaclron conld join the Rosorvo whil<1 Htill m <'mlw r'H of t.ho Squadt'On. Rofot·r·ing l.o l ho \>Vidor HC'JWnHI fOL' OXj)lllL"'iOil, h 0 Ht\id (,IH\1• thc•t'O wu.s to bo not. only un incrt•u.<~o in nLUnborA, h11t uh;o in qm~lity. A roo.l pa,rtnorHhip oxitiLcd botw<'Cill t ho d esigning ~o~tu.ff~; of o.i •·cru.ft firmR, t)l(l Hc·iont.ific Pxpm·imont.<'l'H, 1\nd t ho gorHir'£~1 Htnff of the Ai•· MiniHlry. 1l1 Mnid t hn.t. rc<·on t ly ho hn,cl roroived roqnt•HI·H to pw·<·hn'ln t~ cawt mrwllino fmrn Hovorul foroign c·, Imli t.Jutt ho had 1o rosorvo t.ho lir·Ht. 1150 for thiH c·oun.Lry. Wing Uommundor F. K J>. 13Mring t,ou, o <'hiof ln.<~ t. ntetOI' of Lhn Squu.dt·on, Huid thut o.lthou~h u. f.Jc horno for t.lto RdrniH· ~o~ ion of HliJ>ornuml'l'U.ry momiJ (I r~o~ wns not yot in full opomLion, ho Jmcl bofln ablo to U<lmit. olov<·n now rnomborH who inLonclod t.o t,nko potm.t\nont com mmsions in the H..A.!l'. Dw·in~ Lho pU.'iL yoo.r fourteen mombet'H ht\d been .'(r·o.ntod p onnanont commi~;~o~ iom; tmd four ho.d boon commi ~::~s ionnd in Lho Auxiliar·y Air Force. Tho toast of " Tho Aqunclron" was prope~:~oc:L by Professor C. B. Ingli~::~ . J n hi a ~:~pooc h aubmitting tbo Air E :~t imat.os t.o tho Hou ~:~o of Commons on TuoHrlay, March 17th , Sir Phi Iip Sttssoon>totl Lhu.t in ordt•r to copo with t.ho expansion programme tho uorono.utical industry would r·oinforcomont o.nd tho.t the Austin Motor Company ·~nd Rootos L Ld., who contt·ol the Humhor -HiJimo.n combino, woro alrof~dy giving tho Air MiniHtry tho bonofit of their produc~i on oxporionco. H o o.Jao mnntionod Lho fo.c:L tb o.~ we n ow hu.vo in product.ion o. ainglo-senl.('r fighter ha.ving o. sp eed in oxco~;H of 300 m.p.h., a.nd added tho.L a socon1l t.yp C~ wmr oxp C'ct od to oqul\l t ho,t. pl'rf ormo,ncC". THE reviowod in 1940. (2) That no f:lhip is to h e huilt wit.hin tho "zono of non -con~:~truction, " which is a. di~;plo.cemont zono from 8000 (,on!:! to l7 ,000 tona. (3) No "A" <'io.<~s cru i~o~o t'H-tho.t i~; cnriHOt'H mounLing gLUlH oxc:<'cding Sin. - MO to bo built. dul'ing th o curToncy of t h o ' l' •·co.ty. (4) Tho.t " H " clMa cruisors bo lim i Led t o 8000 tons an cl 6 · 1in. IZ una. (5) That o.irct·tl.ft Cll.l'riet H h o limited to 23,000 LOtlH o.nd 6 · J in. gtms, 1\nd (6) that suhmo.rines h e limit.od to 2000 t.ons and 5 · l in. guns. Tho First Committee then di ~;. onsHed qnoat.ion~:~ of saf0gnarding<~oH d esigned to rolou."'o the ro:->trictions of Lho T•·oo.ty Mhould tho JimitH prosc•·ibod h o rojoctocl h y any P owor· or oxceodcd by o. non -~:~ igno.tory l'owor. T h o dunl.Lion of tho Troat.y wa<~ clit~cussod o.ncl, as a lretUiy a~rcod, fi xed t~t ~o~ ix yN\rs tho.t iR, up to Lho end of 194 2. l4'inally, t ho tcwms in which t.h ose matters woro to ho exprOSHI'd wo•·o 1\~reed on and 1'efol'l'od to o. D•·n.fting ComrnitLco, whic·h wn'l inHLn wted to dt·aw up tho full toxL of tho Troo.ty oml>otly ing tho tec ~mi<:al l'Opo r·L~; nnd HO.foguo.r·ding clauso~o~. The BritiHh ropl'llHOntuLivot! on thn DmfLin~ Committoo wi ll IJo Mr. Ct·t~if.(io, of t.lro F oroi.r;(n OfTiN, ; Co.ptain Phi 11 iJlH. of the Admiralty. ttnd onu momb01· f1·om t.IJ<• logo.! d epttrL· m(•nt of t.ho Foroig n Ofrice. Steering Gears for Ships. repor t of t h e SpC'cittl ( 'ommitt.Cio nppoint od l>y tho Pr·of!id n~ of Lho Hoo.rd of Trade to ooru-4idor· in inLon·sLi! of ~o~t~fot.y of l ifo nt H<.'tL t.ho types o f ~o~ t,ncll'inp; geo.r fittod in ~h o 1-!tOt\mMhips " Uawort.h " t\nd " Bln irgowrio," which woro loHt. ut HOt.\ in D oooml>or, Hl34, o.nd F obr·ua ry, 1931), hL\s n ow boon iHHuod . Tho muin ~o~LOCll'ing goo.r in onC'11 VI'HHQl wn'! of Lho rod nnd Lype, which, tho roport Hto.Lo!l, i ~o~ tho mo~o~t comm on in cargo VOllH<II~o~. Aftor· 0xo.mining t.h o ovidiii1Co, tho Uommilitoo cnmo t.o tho con clusion tlmt t ho rod nnd chain steering geu.•· wo.::; re ii ~\bl o wht•n propod y d esigned and fitted tl.nd lw pt in J'OJ> Hafognards, h owevor, wore, in itil'~ opinion, nocesMo.ry. T ho main recommonc:Lo.tionl-! of t he C'ommitLoo uro :- An annuo.J survey of the rot.l and choin Ml.ll u.uxilio.ry tftoe•·ing gearH; rod o.nd chain ~:~teering geu.•· should be ins poctcd ever·y throo monLht~; a Hlcoring goo.r r egilit e•· HhouJ(l he J<ept in tho ship to include o. record of Lho p eriodic overhauling while on voyng<>, of broakclowM o.nd repa.irH, and of o!Iicinl in.~ pocL ionA ; o.ll n ow chain should bo Hubj octcd to proof o.nd broo.king Lests ; and t\ soL of spares ~:~h o uld bo <'lll'l'icd ; rod o.nd chain g<'nr· should be offectivoly proLecLotl fr·om clnmap;o by d ock cargo ; o.n< l tho auxi I iary gco.r ~o~ houlcl he rigged and oporo.tctl ovory six m onths and u.t the annual sur vey of ~;l o<wing gN1.r·. Tn the co..<~o of now Hhips it is rocommondcd t h t\L a d oLuilod plan of t.ho rod o.nd chnin und mtxilitwy st.eoring g<'arr; should ho o.pprovcd by l.ho in.'ipocLin,l( Locomotive Tests. a ut hority, b y whom t ho gc'U1'B Hhould nlso be IHII'V<'yNI 'l'H.u:tt.E wot1 o.n tllluHually lar·ge of ~ho dw'inp; construction. Bnginool's' Oonnan Circle £~t tho JnRti tu~ion of l\1ochanico.l Engineers on Monday, Ma rch J 6t h, when Loss of the C ity of Khartoum. a loot ut·e was g ivCiu by Professor Dr. Ing. F olix Moinoke, of Churlot t.onburg, on " Locom ot.ivo Teat~::~." A'l' t lw ro!:lumod inquGHt on tho victims of t.h o wreck Profea~:~or· Moinoko, who wo.H warmly welcomed by of tho a ir liner· "City of K l:mrtoLtm," on WodneHdo.y, Lhe Pre:;ident of the ln'!tit ut.ion, Mr. H . N. C:rosloy, March J lth, Uo.ptain WiiRon , the pilot, HtaLcd tlmt bl'ioOy reviewed the purpose of locomotive teats nnd ho ha d not known of t.ho ndjuatmont that hem t heir importance alike for traffic mnna~o· a and for made• t.o th<' jots. H o ho.d cornplainod in roport.Ji of COMtnr ctorr~. J f e then went on to clescriho Lhe various cliflloul ty in taxi -ing, but ho.<l not oxp ccLe<l t\ny meth od~:~ of t esting locomotives on the rond aad on u.ltoro.tion to 1)(1 mado in t,he main jots. I le did n oL t!pcciu.lly dosi~<:nod locomotive testing plantl':l. Tho noLico o.ny cho.nge in nmnin~ on tho lM t flight. Tho i<>CLltror described and illustru.Lcd clifforont fo rm ~; ol petrol conaurnption ho.d left n reasonahlo mo.r·gin on dytmmomot<•r·s, moro po.r·titula.dy thosonow employed his proviou; th,·oe or· foul' flights in the " City of in the Onmowo.kl and Vitt·y mo.chincs. R ofon;n co I<ho.t·tonm," but he could not g ivo oxnct figures, t\1:1 wa!l mado to Lhe diffwulty which has l1oon exp ori· the log h ad boon lost in the accident. Qnct~t.ionod onccd in testing two-cylinder locomotjvcs on account about t.ho entry in the load shoot !:lhowinf< tho.t of tho pronoLmccd n osing which tai<es placo at J 0 ~o.llons loss t ho.n the maximum quantity of petrol high spcc:ds. Profossor Moinoke d escribed a neat woro cal'riod , h e said h e ha d flrst authoriHod tho o.rro.ngemont. of ba.lo.nco weightt1 c:lrivon from tho reduction , hut had then d ecided to to.ko the full load. rollers, which ho has applied and which hna entirely Tho load sh oot ho.d not, howover, boon corrected. On ovorcomo tho difficulties presented fmd onu.bJod the following day evidence was givon hy Mr. very Ha.tisfo.ct,ory tcstH on two-cylinder locomotives McMoaldn, tho engineer auperintondont, who gnve l o IJ<' m ado. 1n conclu~;~ion, a compf.I.rison wus , m~do ordor~o~ for tbo adjustment of t.ho carburottorH. H o between the re~:~tdill obtained ft·om roo.d and stut.iono.ry imlico.ted Lhat t.he adju~:~LmonL of the main jot wo.s p la.nt t.ests. The need for both, in tho intoroHts cu.rl'ied out by mistako. " My impr'os~:~ion," h o Haid , of Hcient.ific devolopmont, wn!-1 omr>hn.'lisNI. ProfOF1sor "was that 1 instructodlho onginoor, 'furnill , lo 1\ILor Mein<~l<o wo..<~ thanked fOL' lriH lectltl'o, and ttn intl\J'Cilt· tho follow-runni ng jot, but Turn ill iFJ po ,itivo I Hltid ing d isC' us~:~ ion took plnco, which w(~>t follow0<l by main joL. 1 havo no rNlHOH t.o doubt. hili word. l did nn inf orrno.l clinnor aL Schrnidt.'H H Nltl\lU'I\.Jl1 • • not examine tho complot.ecl job, ~:~ inco tho procodtrr·o wo..<:~ ontoi'Ocl in l hCI log hook." 'J'H E The Naval Conference. 0~ Wc•rlncsc:Lay lust, March ll t.h, Lilo Fir·st ('om. uutteo of Lho Naval Conforonco m ot to con.-~idor the roports o{ I ho Fiocond Technical Sub-CommittNI. l~or~l MoOHc•JI, Fit·Ht. Loi'CI of llw Adrnit't\ILy, nctc•d E~H ('lnU.n, lttHl f ho ,Jt\pltll(lH(I Olli:IN'VOI'H W('I'O JH'I'HC·nl.. Thn fi1·~o~t• •·op or't, wltiC'h drl~ll with Lh<' dPfi n ition o f the vnl'iouH cutc•p;orirH of comlmll~nt ~o~ hipH and wit.h I bo ngo litnil,M to lw lnicl down. for c•twh c:nt<•gory, wn.<~ ttc:copt<•d , Huhjc<· t. Lo r'OHOI'VI\tionM by tl w I li~lion d olo.l(nLion Hl'i to th e• Mi~<~ limit11 for cn.piLal xlripH, nJI!l ILS to Lhe zone of non-con!'ll ruction. Tho SN:om l •·opol't WO.fl nl~:~o ncc<'ptod. l t lnitl down Lho <'tuu.lit,n.tivo lin;tiLs Lo bo fHloplcd, namely, (J) that. no co.pilnl Hh1p Hhould oxcc•od 35,000 toM ditiplacomont or· mount p;uns ox<·c·NIing J 4i n. cnlibro providc•cl thllt. n.JI "!K~n.LQ!'ii•H 0f t IH' Wu.<~hinglon Tl'<·nty ne<·<· pi. t ltt'HO llln tf Hl>y I ho <·ncl of tlr iH yNw ; OwJo~o Iirn it~:~ nr<• 1o IH• 303 The Broadcasting Report. T11.1t: Dopo.rLmontnl Com mi Lf oo Hot. up by the Postmastcw-Uonor·o.l <'love>n mont.l1'~ o.~o under ~ho chn.icrna.n~o~lrip of Lord Ul1Hwnt1•r t.o c·on~o~idm· who.L oht\nS.(OH will bo <l<'~o~it·al> l o whon t.ll(l Br' iLish 13rot~dcn!1Ling ('orpora.t.ion'~o~ oxpir·1•s nt. I ho oncl of t ho y<'ILJ', iH~o~uod i L~o~ roport. on Montlny, Mttrch 16t h. It. iHrocomnw ndod that t.lw ebt\rLor bo oxtc,ndc•d for ton yc•ttt'H from .J n.llut\rv l sL, 1937. (JovornorH, it. i~; HuggoHtl:cl. • Jo..hould n oL bo :-tpoc iali~o~ts or ropreson1,ativoH of ptwticu lu.r int oro:-~t.~o~ or· loC'aliLic•s and t h e ou Llook of l ho yotmg<'l' gon <H'o.t ion Hhould ho rofloci<'cl in Homo of Lho mndo. 'l'ho numhor of govom or·H n important recommondMion is Hpocifiod is Hovcm. t,J tnt o. lt\rgCIJ· ~o~ h o.l'o (7 5 por conL.) of t.ho n ot liconco rov<,nuo, ~;ubj(·ct t o P oo~t Offico t:X)Jl'lllii'H, IHI rntLdo twn.ilo.hlo 1o f,Jto ( 'orpomt,ion ; t.ho,· I o ho regarded u.a potontio.lly avo.ilable for hroo.clcasting, including television. It, is urged t}Jo.t all relay oxchangos which suppl y broatlcao;t ontortuinmont bo broug h t undor t.h o ownN·ship and oporat.ion of the Post Off10o and that u.ll po:-:~sible HLeps ho Lnlwn to provont tho bron,dcn<~ting from. forei~n station li of in Engl ish w}tich includo aclvortiHing. Tho <lovolopmont of Llro mm pi 1'0 fi(}I'Vico it:~ 1'000111· mondod, whilHL tho u•w of lt~nguo.gos otll(lt' Lho.n E-nglish i~:~ de>omocl to be worthy of M courttgwnont. Tc•lovi11ion. is fo.vour·o.bly conJiidonl<l, nnd it. i ~; H uggo~:~tod that itH fmanco for t.wo yon.n; o.h01\d lw t'OCntlliiclorod by tho Tolovh;ion Advi~;ory Cornmit.L<•o iu t.ho u.utumn of 1936. Two tcclmictd rccornmondnt.iorvr rc•lnto to C'loctr icnl i~1torforonco o.ncl roc·oiving HOLI:I r·e~:~pootivc,ly. In tho f1rHL it l8 l:lU <~OH I·<1 cl t.hl~t, uwosLip;n.Lion,'l hu OX ]Wd itod nnd cornpulso•·y I im it ing poworH Ho ug h~. if Jl<"COHHMY, wh ilo in I h o H< ,c·o 11 cl 11 pr·oposttl i ~:~ mn.d o tht~ot. tl•o 13.B.('. tmrl t.ho wirol<'HH tJ·o.<Lo oxumino tho posH ibility of d oHigning uncl put on Ho.lo at. I\ low fi xocl price ~~ !lto.ndo.l'< I n·cc'i vi 11,1( ~o~nL. Safety in Mines. A·r t.ho rosumud HiM in).{ of Lho H.oyt~.l ( 'ommisHion on l)afoty in Uoal MinoH on 'l'ntwlay, M~trch lOth , Mr. 11..J . Hnmpht·yfl, DiviHiono.t Jns pN·lo•· of M incH for YodtHhiro, con1.irnwd hiH ov icl<>nco, Uw init.iu.J po.r~ o£ which w1~'i ropot·l.C'C I in u. ,Joumnl nolo of Marc·h l3t Jr . lfo RLn.t.nd t h at Him·o HHl t h o mc•thod of working had Iwcom(l " <:oncontmLod," hut t ho out. put Wt\'> pro.cLico.lly tho f.Jf\mo. Thui tho minc·s nt. wod< in 1911 nurnh0rcd 400. o.nd in H.l34 th<' nurnbr r· wo.<; 230. Tlw total OLLtput of noa.l wrt~o~ 3~.l , J 32,700 tonH in 1911 rtnd 39,8152,0/l J in J 934. 'J'Jw numb(•r of p orson!i Clmpl oyccl in 19 1J wo.R 148,003, und in J 934 the numbor wnH 144,031). ThoM<' ornployod w1dot·g,·ouud in 19 J1 numborod U 7,047, und tlw fi~1li'O for H):34 wo.H 112.967. T ho ou~puL h oon mo.intn.inod by a. moro mpid nd vo.nco of l ho working fuf'(l, which hncl IH1on t~chiC'vc·d by t.lw introduction tmd I'Xl<,ndc•d ww of m tLchinm·y a t or n our t.hH worlcing ftw n, n ~o~ul>l:llnnLiat incromm in Lho O.JD0\11\L of <•xploHivl wwd , t\nd tiro C'xtonsion of m('rhtmiNd hnul t~go u conHoquont reduction in tho uumbo•· of hor·~;o"' 1•mployocl. 'J'h o mo•·o rapid advance of t.ho wor·l<in!( ftwo h(\d increased tho mto of omi~::~aion!'l of firc,·d(\mp. Tho introduction of m aohiM1'Y h1·oughL with it uclditiono.l possible J,!OUI'COH of ignit,ion, O.Ocl CO!UIC'(f LIOrtLJy tho ri~:~k of explosion u.nd firo wM br'OLt;.{hL n oo.ror nnloss tho u t rnoHt ctwo o.nd vigi lo.nco wet'l' c'xorciaec:L. Tho poten tial clo.ngor had lod Lo Llw O.<loption of moo.snrc8 t o Rcoure F!h ortor Bpli tH and ltwg(lr q uanLiti<'~ of air o.nd Lo Ru.fogu a rd tho m11.chinory. Firo-fig htiug orgo.niHa· Lion wt.\s r<'coiv ing moro M.t(•ntion. Thoro wns divergen ce of opinion as to I !t o •·clat.ivo FJnfo!,y o£ mo.chine o.nd ha nd work, buL Homo ii~Ul'C'H Hllppl iod to him foe J 934 Hnggo!:ltod Lhat nit hough t.hor<" mig ht bo a Hotback fLl, fll'l:!t Lhoro rni~h t fH· t\n gain in ~o~u.fet.y by tho introduction of ft\C' <' mnchine•·y. Tho introduction of stool Rupport,~o~ ltnd IJt'l'n an illUn en~:~c udvo.nto.~ from t\ t1afoLy 1:1Lanclpoint . The Fire on the Potsdam . W m o:N the N OI'th ( :ormun Lloyd Far I~U'i L linor " Pot.i!dam " ancho •·od in UowoH Ho~\d ~ on Thu•·sdo.y morning, Mtl.rch 1 2 ~h . iL hc' po!'lsi hie to fur·Lhor infor1m1.tion conco• ning t.ho firo in tho onginoroom which took pll\CO nbou~ 3 a.m. on W<'c lnoHday rooming wh~n tho Hhip wo.-; off Wo1·thing and wnH hoa<ling down t ho Cho.nn<'l. Wl' n·c·ord thhs Gro on o.ccotm~ of it.~:~ t.cchnica.l inLC'I'oHt, 1\nd boemHo wo were in tho ~::~hip a; a mombor· of u Hmall pat't.Y of Bdl i11h ongineot'li ropre~onting lihipping and shi phuilding interests whi h hacl boon inv it.od by the ownor·s to impcot the Bens oH boil or irt'!Lallu.~ion uncl the olectrical pr·opelling ma.chinory. Tho Gro wa'! caused hy Lho frac! ut·ing nC'ar Lho nipplo of a ~:~orowod connoct.ion of a 13 mm . diamotot· coppc•r pipo, on t.ho ond of the port hip.h -presslii'O turbine which ct~rr icd lubric·nting oil at a p•·o.-Jsuro of about (i at. rno~phorc-H for oporatin~ tho rolay govorno•· gonr·. Whilo Lho crack wo.<~ n ot I.:I UfliCi(lnL t.o stop t h e now a.nd HhuL clown t.ho Lurbin<', it Hpro.yed wiLh oi l tho h ot oncl of the t.UI'bin<', o.t which tho ~o~toam wa<~ on toring o.t 41)0 d og. C<'nt. 'l'ho oil ignit.od n;L onc·o 1\nd tho firo imm1•d i•~toly ~o~proad Lo the ol<•ctrical r<'f!iHtl\nc·<'-~ co tmcc~<'d wiLh tiro con.Lrol boul'< l which woro 1\l'n\ngod imm<•d Ll\l,<,ly tthov<• t.he port. tw·bino. Tiro in~;uiLtt.ion wali seriously dumagec:L by tho firo, and by tho waL<·r n'lcd to oxt,ifl. guLh it. Imrnedio.L(Ily the a.l£wm wa'! ruiscd the om orgon cy gonen\Lot· HOl·fl w0ro MtttrLod up. and 1ho fi ro wo.'! fought. by t.ho eh iof ongin<'or· und hi~o~ HI ~~rr. many of t horo in smoko helmoLH, o.nd wa'i brougl•t und<w c·onLr·ol nnd oxt in!.( ui ~o~ h<•< l. ThCI m·xL dny 1ho tul<lamt~g<·d ~o~h~r· bot~1·c l '(,u rhin o uni t. wns contwotod t.o lho I wo muin pt'OJ)(IIIin.'( m otorH, nnd wit h a tompot·nry HLC'IIl' ing nrmngom<•nt, opN·nl I'< l by L<•lc·phonP from tho IJJ·idgo, in ~ l w HL('Oring gN~r cornpnrt.m,•nl, Uw ~o~hip wa<~nblo to proc('(•d LoCo\\ <•H nl t~bout. ht\lf ~'~P<'cd, u.nd I f\t(ll' 1'(1~111'11 ncl { o ,. ropni J'H to hor I 1omo port.. Hc1fO r'l' lmw ing the ~o~ hip Lho l ~riLish po.L·ty wuit.od upon Commnnclor A1'11dt o.nd ( 'h iof f•~n,l(i n c:or H11umnnn, and exp t·c·~o~Hc•d to them thoi•· wurm nppreciation of tho efrici on~ mann<H' in which t lw !tccidont. W!\R c:LcaiL with nncl t.l10it· cong rr~ot ulu.t.ionH 011 t lw di~:~c iplino•d in tho h ow·H of d t\n~c~r· by llw officc,r·~o~, rt·<,w, o.ncl pU.'f.'l<'ngorH. 304 THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCT ION OF KRANGEDR, l\1ARCH C HENDEROH, AND 20, 1936 BO U LDER DAl\18 (For dt8cription set opposite page.) FI G. 45- 0eneral View of Krangtde Hydro-Electric Developme11t. FIG. 46-J(rangtdt Dam Looking Upstream . • • FI G . 47- Cheuderoh Dam During Construct ion. FI G. 48- Boulder Dam . • • FI G. 49 Boulder Dan~ Nearlty Completed. FIG. 50-Boulder Dam. MARCH 20, 1936 305 THE ENGINEER this type of gravity dam can briefly be summa rised ns follows : ( 1) Maintenance of tho comparatively simple construct,ion of t he g 1·avity typo. . . (2) Hoduotion of Lhe uplifL pressure ros ul tlll~ m a. saving in the volume and cost M. con:pnr~d an orci imw~ solid gravit,y dn.m, and m sunpliflcntJOn of the conditions of s tability. By B. HELLSTROM, M. Inst . C.E. (3) A Rubstantio.l reduction of t,ho p ercolation of watet· t,hrough t,h e clownHtream portion of t ho dnm, No. VI. thereby eliminating tho risk of d eterioro.t ion in this pMit of tho sltJ'UCture. (Continued from payr 279 , Ma rch 13th.) (4) F l\cilita.ted inspection, and, if necessary, r<.' of the concreto. p roduced nowadays is un..~uit o for mo.!ls concn1t <' ) <'.-Tll ·~ L ACl Cl AN DA111. (5) Tho provontion, n.s far as p ossiblo, of tho forumSHALL now refQr to four concreto d ams recen tly works. Tho onginco•· must now look to the CC'mc•nt, Lion of Ahrinkago a nd tomporaturo cracks in t.ho concaniO<.l o ut., namely, t ho L oggan Do. m in Scotlo.nd, manufa.ct.urOI' for O.'IRisto.nce in pr·odn<·ing u. comNlt CI'eto by nllowin~ N\ch monolith having a g r·N~ t<'l:ll of tho onlim~ry g ravit,y t yp o ; t h e Krtl.ngode D am in with low heat of hy dru.t ion, "i t,h goo<L rcqi-.La.nco •'wed en , of 1\ modified gravity type ; tho Ohendoroh against. Lho M tion of wator that. may pc rcolt\to t luough Ot\m m F .M.•. , which i~ of the Amburson type; and tho concreto, and with low sh rinlmgo. Recent Practice in Hydro-Electric Power Development.* l tho Boulder Dt\m in U .S.A., the highest, dam in the world. The La.ggun Dam i'! a ma~s conct·ot.o dam wit,h a maximum height of 160ft., 700ft. long at crest love!, and Hli ~ht l y curvod in pla n. A vi<'w of the dam is shown in Fig. 6 L Water· i-; d i1-1cho.rged ove1' the dam by (a) a simple 0. -Tlil~ KRAN(lE OI~ D AM. This dam may b o of int orost, a-; a mocliflc•d t,yp o of gravity dam which ha.-. boon nd op lod for tho p ower schemo at Krangodo in s,voden. A typical cross section and a part-sect.iono.l p h\n of tho non -overflow p ortion of Lho dam Ahown in l<'ig. 52. Tho Ht •·uc- DAM \ • \ • •• • Thtortllcol Upltft // / ,k Uplift Assumed f or DcWJII -...... Tnongulor Up/If/ • FI G . spillway over t,ho grco.Le•· part of tho length of t he dam, discha rg ing 14,000 cusocs; (b) six large syphons in t he centre of tho d am with a discharge capacity of 3600 cusocH ; and (c) two large automatic gates. The W\m SC(I THE .8NOINEER, May ] 9th, 1933-is provided with permanont expansion and contraction joints at a d istance of 45ft .. and there iHan inspection gallery in tho dam a lonEt the upstream surface. The d~tm wo.<~ designed by a firm of consulting engineers of tho highest reputation, and in accordance with the b est })l'f\Ctice ; t.ho contractors wore a firm of high standing , and tho works were carried ou t under close superviston. Nevertheloss, wh en a survey was made it was found that a numhor of cracks had developed on. the upstream flurface, generally ono or two cracks hotween two adjacen t permanent joints. The cracks appear whoro t.h ore t\fO Ruddon changes in direction of the concreto or tho foundation, hut there are also cracks whore n o such cnuse is app o.r n t. Twenty months after d ep ositing tho concrete nono of the cracks had penetrated o.s far as t,ho insp ect,ion gallery, which is from 8ft. to 11ft. from l.he upstream face of the dam. Tho timo interval between the date of p lacing the concreto and tho date wh en t h e cracks wore obsorvod was on an average fifty-seven days. Readings of the t emporaturo of the concrete woro taken at various places a nd the time interval between tho date of plo.cing tho concrete and tho of th e socondma.ximum of tho temperature was on an average forty-seven days. AP. some time may have p assed between tho occurrence and the discovery of the cracks, tho conclusion can be drawn that. the date at which the cracl<H devolopocl rorrespondod very closely wit h the dato at which t he maximum difference in temperature ooourred botwcen the concrete in the heart of tho dam and at the surface. This again correspond ed with the date at which the concrete in the heart attained its second maximum tem perature. As previously mentioned, t here are few recently built concrete dams which do not show similar cracks 10 spite of every effort on t he part of the engineer to make special arra.ngem<mts to avoid cracking. I have, h owever, seen a. comparatively old concrete dam at Yngored.sfors, Sweden, built in 1909, which has no cracks, alth ough no p ermanent contraction joints h ad boon proVIded. In those days the cement was not so "good" as at the present t ime. It is quite obvious that the cem ent of grea.t strength ture mi,ght be d escri bed as a laminnr dam coru;i<Jting of a number of monolit hs, each 3 · .3 m. t hick nnd widening at the upstream end intoo a bull< hend 6 · 0 m . thick. Tho m onoliths plncod at a diHta.nce of about 6 · 0 m., t.o centre, thus leaving a f1·cc space of 2 · 5 m. between t he srctionli. The joints between the bulkheads :-;orvo n" con traction joints, and MO closed by a t>OI\Iing dovico. 53- D~Yi(/11 11artiCfllOriJ of thr /)am at 1\rrwynlr. widl h of 6in. to dilt\to indop of•n t. monoli t,hs. (6) F nc·ilitatod c·ontrol of tile• g<'nomtion o.ncl cliRAi· pation of t ho ch<.'micf\1 lwa.t in tlw concrotl'. Tho uplift pro~su•·o a-.sumccl for tho (lcsih'Tl is shown cliagramma.tically in Fig. !53. To lH'<'VCint, 1\ny unchw uplift, r· fwm horizontnl fi"'sw·os or ~<<'ttrnk in t.h o roc· k under l.ho fonndtl.tions, wolls dr'i11C1d into tho roc·k fr·om tho opon space•-; hot wcon the monoliths and hc•hind tho cut ·Off tr,nch, tho rock \Uldc•r· the trench lmving p•·o,· ioa -;ly b<>rn carefully son.lod by grouting. 'rho Htwing in tho volume of concreto, o.s compa red with t.hat of an ordinary solid g r·avity dam, is ostima.tod t,o h e botweon 20 and 30 por cont. 'fhn snving in co<;t, will , howevor, l.>o loss t.hnn this, bcct~u"'o of tho increa-;od shutt.oring required for const ru ct ion nnd of somo other items. Tho n ot savin~t i n c·ost, is betwoon 10 and Hi p or cent. Fig. 64 Rhows •tho .down <stroam 8UI'ft\CO o r t 110 dnm. ~ Contraction Joint d 4 r <I· ~I ..s e ' cO l ~ i . • () • .J • • • • " ..t E -., c: el ~I ' . •• 4: ' .. r- • # • 4 . • d • ..,eiJ· . • • J • 6 • - •• "' 0 c:;) • • 205 0 m. -· · - r'-'> + 20;.;;:9:::: · 7~5~m~.:::: H :;:.. W ;.:.:::,L.f-1/' FIG. 5 4- SECTIONA L PLAN AA. J(rangede . -..... .. <:> ..... . • l + 188 m. A Controctton Jomt View of the Modified Type of Gravity /)am at A Roolt TYPICAL CROSS SECTION FIG. 52- M odified Typ& of Gravity Dam at l(rang.:de. The underlying principle upon which t lus d esign ha.s been b ased is the maintena nce of t he econom) inherent in the comparatively simple construct ion of a gravity dam, and at t he same time the reduction of the uplift pressure under th e baso of the dam by • Lecturos doli vorod at tho University of L ondon on Novom · means of t he effective d rainage afforded by the open spaces between the m on oliths. Tho advantages of bor 6th, 8th, 11th, and 14t h, 1936. Tho sp ucos betweon ltho monoliLh:; a re closed n ear tho'N\m surft\CO h y planks (not shown in t ho figuro) in ordor to roduco t emperature vo.d a.tions. I n winter warm a ir from the generators is pnssed from t ho p ower HfMion through co.nals righ t t h m ugh the wholo dam. A Eten oml v iow i.-. shown in Fig. 45. An interesting, it is believed, a n ow lypo of cofferdam has been URod at Krangede for clo:;ing tho openings loft in the dam for t he water to p ass through during tho period o£ const.ruction. These cofferd am s havo p (' taken just a::; many days to build ns an ordinary cofferdam would take months. Fig. 46 8hows the Kro.ngede D am under construct.ion. Thore are h vo op enings, 66ft. wide, through 'vhich tho water is p assed t hrough the dam during tho period of construction . These op enings "'Ore closed by lo'' oring in front of lthe dam broad ftange steel joist s, 340 mm. hy 340 mm. ( 14in. b y 14in.), bent to a semi-circular shape, a cros section of which ts ehown in Fig. 55. Tho clia.moter of tho semi-circular segm ents was 74ft. Before bending, the joists were cut in tho middle nnd the bent segments afterward~:! welded togot.hor. The two ends of tho segments woro m to slide along guid e rails on the• piers of tho dam • 306 TH a.~tachecl t tghtnC'ss to tho rllils b) a special device. Waterhc>t" c>en t lw s<'grnc·nt s is obtained by t hC' • joists boing lined "ith plnnk.-.. Tho placing of tll(• scgm <•ut s i-. <:twricd ont 1l.:> shown in Fig. :36. Fit·st , thC' s(•gm 1•nt is tttken hv the ca.hlc c rnno and brought to t lw pi net> "here it is to be lowered. Tho onds nr,. tlwn attac>hed to the guido rnilc; nnd t h<> sognwn ts lo'' ored nt, an angle of 45 d og. to t ho hot t o m o •· to JH'I•v io us ly lowC'red segm ents, the ondR t hl"ll :-;landing 111 flowin g wfitC'r. At s tago G t ho crown of t hP ~<<'g rncnt is low<'n.•d by n wineh, and r-- 340mm. 1 ~ ENGINEER to, a-; the powor t:>tation mean" hi le has to cease ope rating. l t ha" hc('ll found hig hly de"irublo to makt• tu•·angc•nwnt .......o t lmt t lu• UJht rcurn fac·<· of a darn can hC' expo~f'd, a nd , ttft(•r inspection, c·an. if nccc..;.,ar·) . lw r1··cl \Vi thou t lowering tlw actual wntc•· levl'l t\bove tlH' thl.rn l~y the u-.t• of t lw tn><· of c·offcrdt\m jw.t dC':o~<·•·ilwd, 3-%" Gu1dc Plates Welded to Each Jotst 3" Plank ,t--'\ I I ' ' ' MARCH io~pect ion t\nc.J repair o f the whole of the upqtrcam H. I. / ''\... Woodrn Blurk c.c. 800mm. Euery Sth Block Planed Flush with Plank - T11 ..: Bo t •. u•m D ,\.\L J t , s ltppropriatC' to conclude the lccl\u·c· 011 conrrf'te hy hriC'Oy rt>ferring to tho highcqt concrc>t C' dam <'vc•r· built , i.e., the Bou ld e r D am on thr 'olorado Ri, M. o n tht· wc>st roast of U ..'.A. By the cons truct ion of t !I is dam. large s torage ha-; lwon obtuirwd, to ho utili-.<'cl for power genc •·ation and il'l·igatioll . Thl' llu·hilll' installation at the powt·r· • ., ' ---- THE CRENDEROH DAM . .\ "hort •·ofcr·pnce only will be mado to the Ch('ndct·oh Darn, "hich " l h dc<~igned a an Amlmr:-cn Dam. At thi~> c.Jam the down..,tr eam water levC'I during high floods might rllie up t o the c rest of the spillway, and th<> sliding factor became tho dete rmining factor fo r· the s tability, a s s hown in Fig. 62. Tho dam \\ll S a lso des igned to take the full pro sure of s ilt on tlr<> upstrca.m face. Dne re~ard wa., paid to s hrinkage and t~mporature vo.riations. Both the up~tream anfl t he clownstrC'am slabs W(lrc d ivided into vC'l't ical pcrmnnent expansion a nd contr·action joints at. c•nch ln1ttross, whic·h worn plaN•d at a distance• of I Hft.. fi-nd t ho•·o wore fd Ho ho r·izonto.l p ermane nt joinlli ut u d i!>t.ance of 16ft. 'I'he s labs on the downHtrcam Rid<· wero fixed in groovc•s, so tlutt tht-y s hould not. bt· c·t\rriccl away hy the overflowing watcr . Although t IH· t otal lengt.h of pN·mane nt joints was considMablc>, grN\t s uccess was m et with in making the dn111 1\h-.olut <>ly wat 1w-t ight. A vic•w o f thiR do m u•Hll'l' constn.tctio11 is sho" 11 in f<'il,!. 4-i . --- ~ 20, 1936 Fl :.!18 U 11 W L • El 193·0 (I 190·0 11 W l . .. ,... ,....... of FI G . 55-Cr0811 StcttOit Sey~~tcnt r,f Steel Cofferdam. lho firs t H<'gnh•nt <~onws to r<>'l l o n n concmtc> sill pruvious ly rnnd1•, l ho otlwrs on t:c>~mcnt,,., alrea.d, in pos ition. T lw mnximum d c•pt h of the rapidly mo~ing>r when t ho fir~-<1 st•gmPnt was lowered wa.;;; 16· 6ft. r~n<l tlw maximum wat<'t' pressure on th<' cofferd nm afto•· complf't ion wnc:; about 40 ft. l~igs. :17 60 Rhow how t h<' work wa.c; carried on t. ln Fi~. !ii A. sPgm C'nt is c·arried IH· the ra.ble rrane • t o thC' opt'ning in the clam . A:. s hown by tlw • engmv•ngs HO IIW srgn w nts arc> alrc>lHly in position. Tlu• Jlt'XI • lll.lnwing Fig. fi s hows tlw nf'xt [/ /30·0 FI G . 62 To Crane I /).\' Stage I \. \ \ ' Stage 2 FI G . 57 Se{Jmlul FI G . 58 -Stgmotl FI G. 59 StageS / ' Platform / • .. / " • d ---- 0 40Segments Total Height of Cofferdam 12·8m Stage 6 .. • 0 • •• • • ' Gutdc • I •c I ~ +188·00 ~ oncrete Sill FI G . 56 we have no ,-. folmd a implc mean.s o f provi.dmg for such an om<•rgoncy, and tho rlarn at L angha.g.-fo r:sen power station. which is no-.\ in proce,;;,., of construction, w ill b<' p rovidecl with permanent guide rails a t the up ·trea.m Slu·facc. at such a distance that one ~C' t o f l'l~g m£>nt k can be userl . uccc!'lo;ivel~r for the Ra11 Stage 7 / (.. FI G . 60-Co.JJercklm Compleutl (seen from aboce). •. I T.. • tymtllt Lowued lit/() the ll'oter. 1 •• Q 11 IJijJcrvtt , 'IUI/th of L()wtriufJ Scflllttltlx tJ{ Stul Co.J!rrdnm . ...egment fixC'd to t hP gn idC' mib : and Fig. .>H t hf' Regrn,'nt jU'~t h<'ing lowc•n•d into the water. Fig. 60 s hows th<' completNl <·offcrclam from a.hove, a.nd Fi~. GI from holow. Prartically complet<:>>rt ightm•s::. wa"' M tuint•d . Many dam-; fU' • provided with l>ollom ou~l~ts for t he pul"poso o f lowe ring the ·water level above· llw dam in emergency cnsos or fot· repair work This use of bottom outlet~; i11, howeve•·. very seldom resorted F I G. 61 tction of Dam at Che~tdtroh . ho use, which is situated c lose to the dam, consists of fiftN•n turbines o[ lJ 5,000 h.p. each and two turhines of 54,000 h.p. Ct\rh, or a total installation of 1,800,000 h. p. 'l'ho l wl\<l utilised is about 570ft .. ancl the ro~;;t of t,he dam and powc1· station, including interest dlll'ing construct.ion, hal:l hoen estimated at abont £ 30,000,000. Tlw mnin clinwn~:~ ions of the dam arc as followli: ;\1t~.xi r nurn hcig ht. 730ft .; m~1.ximum l)t\.se widtlt. 670ft .; length of <'l'est. ll50ft. The bot. tom of t lw cai'i yon is 400ft. wid~;:, a nd the average d is tan<·(• hotwcen tho t·ockr walls is 500ft. The dam can thus ' best he d escribed as an enormous concrete plug. T lw d t\111 contains about 3 · 2 millio n cubic •nuds of eo•• cn·t<'. Hnd is built, of concrete' blocks '' hich mtl\• shrink ind<:>pcndcnt ly of ea c h o thN. c~·mont \\' US tlwn injcctl'd in the joints. Thc:.c b locks arc ::.ho''" in Fig. 4 , t\nd viC'ws of th£> fi nish ed , tructuro i11 l•'tg:.. 49 and 50. -\ ::., o f cou r o, safety again t, collapse w~ OIW of the mo"t important factors to bo taken into COJhidenttion, a combined a rch and g ravity dA.m was cho en. . ~ the dam is not provided with any permanent, expans ion and cont raction joints, arch nctaon must of nece.'JSity take place. Accordingly, the stnbility and th€' !-ltressos were computed for fl combined a.•·ch and gravity dam . 1'hP rA.IrulationF; • J 193·0m H. W.L. before _ Lowering Se ments . -· lttadlt'fl to {lt.Jidc Rail". 0 • 200·2m H. W.L. after Completion of Cofferdam ( 'urrtrd by tlt c ('rau< /() lht /Ja111 ('ro88 ('uff.trlft•ll ( 'tllllfllt'll•d ("'t't tt j111t11 111'/ow), l\'lARCH 20, 1936 307 THE ENGINEER could not be based on the simple a.ction of a gravity dam, as this a.ction is seriously disturbed by the horizontal load transferred b y the reaction of the arches to t he ce.iiyon walls. The analysis of the coml>ioed effect of gravity and arch structure is highly <'Omplex, and has been studied for several y ears by the engineers of the Bureau of Reclnmation, the method developed being known as t.he trial-load mothod. 8 For the purpose of structural analysis the dam is considered to be replaced by a. system of horizont.a.l Mches and a system of vertical cantilevers. Each t>rch and each cantilever extends through the whole thickness of the dam. arch and cantilever may deform independently of the remaining e.rchE'S and cantilev ers. For a. start the dam is t reated as if i t were e. sh ell, and the method of analysis is based on gradual by trial. These trial loads are then modified so that finally the conditions of geoare satisfied. metrical continnitv • The vertical component of the water pressure, due t o t he inclined upstream surface, is assumed to be taken by the cantilevers, whilst the horizontal component of the \Vater pressure is taken partly by the cantilevers, p artly b y the arches. The problem is to decide h ow great a part of the horizontal component is taken by the cantilevers and the arches respectively. 'I h e gen eral trend of the calculations may be d escri bed as follows. (i) Radial Adju.stment. -The ideal division of th e load for radial adjustment is the one giving the arches and the cantilevers a certain common component of deflection at each point, this component being measured at each point in the radial direct ion towards the centre of t h e arch. Since this process establish es agreement between radial deflections to the arches and cantilevers it is referred to as radial adjustment see Fig. 63. At this stago of compute.Concentrated at Top levers. These relative deflections are computed again with du e consideration to the movements of the abutments of the cantilevers. Loads are introduced which are capable of changing t h e relative tangential d eflections. These loads are called shear loads and th e set of shear loads aimed at is that which removes relative tangential deflections- see Fig. 63. Since the sh ear loads, like the twist loads, bend both arches and cantilevers, they will disturb the agreement obtained previously between the radial d eflect.ions. The tangential adjustment, like t he adjust m ent for t wist , sh ould he followed by a supplementary radial adjustment in which the shear loads are retained either unchanged or changed b y multiplication by a constant less thEm on e. (iv) Influence of Poisson's Ratio.- The following two influences of P oisson's ratio have been ignored so far : (a) The changes in curvature of the centre line of an arch at a. given point are influenced by Poisson's ratio by the bending moment in the cantilever at the same p oint , and likewise the in curvature of the cantilever is influenced by t he bending moment on t h e arch . (b) The shortening of the centre line of the arch at a given point is influenced by the vertical stress on the cantilever at the same point, and likewise the shortening of the centre line of the cantilever is influenced b y th e thrust in the arch . It is probably legitimate to ignore altogether the effect of point (b), but consideration should be given to point (a). The reliability of the m ethod of computation, which is, to say the least, very complicated, h as been proved b y model tests of several dams including the B oulder Dam. Fig. 64 sh ows the deflections com puted and a.ctue.lly measured on the m od el of the Boulder Dam. Certain American writers in the t echnical Press have queried the reliu.bility of the m E'thod of computation, and t he engineers at the Boulder Dam have. in my opinion, quite correctly stated that it would be quite useless to calculate the d am as a gravity dam. Crown Section 5'' 5' 5' 5" • 5' 5'' Measurea Deflections --- Cafe. Dt/ftcttons 505 FIG. 64 - Dtjlectiou6 .Vta$ured on Model of the B oul.<kr Dam as it is definitely cerliain that arch act.ion will take placo. It has a lso been pointed out that if the dam is calculated as a gravity dam, it still has sufficient safety. So far, the actual calculations for t he Boulder Dam have not been published, but it has heen stated that the maximum compression stress in the dam is about 500 lb. p er square inch. (T o bt continued. ) Some Compression Ignition Engine Problems. By GEORGE AMERY. No. I . • TN spite of t he rapid progress recently made by the adiabatic compression period, i .e., top d ead .L d esigners of compression ignition engines th e centre, it governs : RADIAL ADJUSTMENT TWIST ADJUSTMENT FI G . 63-.Ji'orce~ Used 1n TANGENTIAL ADJUSTMEN T <!11 Trial Load Muhod. tion the following three factors have been disrep-arded :( 1) The twisting moment.s in the horizontal and vertical sections. (2) The tangential shearing forces in horizontal sections and the correspond ing vertical shearing . tresses in radial sections. (3) The influence of Poisson's ratio. T o the radial adjustments t h ere have to be added adjustments for twists and adjustmen ts for shears. (ii) Twist Adjustment.-As the result of the radial adjustment cro s sections of t he arch es will have rotated about vertical axes relative to the corresponding cross sections of the cantilevers. These relative rotations are computed with due consideration to the rotation of the base of each cantilever by th e bending action of the arch which abuts on this ·ame area of rock. Loads are now to be introduced which are capable of changing relative rotations. These loads a re called twist loads. The ideal set of twist loads is one which removes relative rotations. The t wist loads are of fow· different kinds, as shown in Fig. 63 :- (a} Couples in a horizontal plane acting on the arches; (b) an equal and opposite load acting on the cantilevers; (c) at the top of the da.m, a.cting on t he cantilevers only, a self-balancing load , consisting of couples in a h orizontal plane distributed over the top, and the equivalent set of forces reversed, th e couples acting so as to twist the can tilevers, and t he forces so as to bend them. vertical forces a.cting on the !:'ides of the cant ilevers ; (d) vertical shearing stresses in the sides of the cantilevers equal to t he horizontal shearing stresses. The twist loads t hus described bend both the arches and the cantilevers, and thus disturb t-h e agreement that was obtained between the radial d eflections by tho radia l adjustment. The adjustment for t wists, therefore, is followed by a supplementary radial adjustment in which the twist loads are retained either unchanged or changed by multiplication by a constant ratio less than on e. B y these adjustments for twists, points belonging to arch and can tilever have now attained t he same ra.dlal movement and the same twist. (iii} T angential Adjmtment.-The radial adjustm ent and the adjustments for twists leave points on the cen tre lines of th e arches deflected tangentially relative to t he corresponding points of the canti- results obtained from such engines are far from being perfect, and their developments in certain directions seem to be checked. To point out that C.I. engines have invaded many fields a nd h ave even ousted the petrol engine from one or two works d oes not explain wh y other industries have r em ained beyond the scope of their activit ies, and the layman, as well as many engineers, fails t o understand, for instance, why multi-cylinder petrol engines of, say, 10 to 20 h.p., have not been displd.Ced b y the n ew and safer fuel, nor why aviation is still rely ing m ostly on petrol to develop its p otentialit ies. It m ay therefore n ot be impertinent at t his stage to inquire whether th e principles underlying the standard practice of fuel injection for high-speed C.I. engines are not, in fa.ct, responsible for t h eir restr icted use ; also, to ra ise one or two questions con cerning th e behaviour of fuel injected in highly compressed and h eated a ir. Further, it may be necessary to query the j ustification for keeping down at their present levels both t.he m aximum pressure and temperature at the end of the compression stroke. The discussion of these subjects will disclose some compression ignition engine problems which h ave not yet been practically solved, and may, a t the same time, lead to their solution . IDEAL FUEL-INJECTION SYSTEM. The first step of this discussion must be, of n ecessity, the formula.tion of standards of comparison. To attempt judging an apparatus or a piece.of mec~anism without having some m eans for gaugmg their performance in r elation to an ideal or standard would be a meaningless p rocess. The standard for any fuel-injection system would be a fuel syst~m, the performance of which would en able the destgn and m anufacture of an ideal Diesel engine. An ideal D iesel engine would be an eng ine whose indicator diagram would exactly super_iropose . the diagram of a n ideal Diesel cycle. The Ideal D1es?l cycle is a. constant-pressure ~ycle~ a nd therefore I S not in its working an approxunat1on t o the Carnot cycle. Concerned as we are with t h e fuel equipment system and its resultan t combustion ~nd beat transfer - th erefore, the isothermal expanston stage of the Carnot cycle we can ignore for. the present the .rest of the diagram. The net work m B.Th.U. obtamed from an ideal Diesel cycle with gases h aving constan t specific heats is expressed by the equation : W K (in B.Th.U.)=w [Cp (T,- T 3 )-Cv (T 2 - Tl)] T 1 being the absolute temperature of air drawn in the cy linder. . T 3 being t he absolute temperature of a.u at end of compression stage. T, being the absolute temperature of gases at end of beat exchange stage. T 2 being the absolute temperature of gases at end • H . M. W eat.ergaard, " Arch Da.m Analyses by Trial Loads of expansion stage. T 3 bein~ the absolutE\ temperature at the end of S1mplified," Enginuring Ne•I'6·Ruord, January 22nd, 1931. (a) The Pressw ·e in the combustion ch amber. (b) The R atio of compression. The function of an id eal fuel-injection system would be to maintain this pressure for a periodas m easured in crankshaft angular value such that at the end of this period the subsequent adiabatic expansion in the cylinder of the gases resulting from the fuel combustion would reduce t heir t emperature to th e T 2 of the above equation. Rate of I ncrewJe of Volumetric Capacity of Combwstion Chamber B ellween T.D.C. and End of I njection P eriod.- Assuming, therefore, that t h e temperature T 3 be obtained and that the piston be then exactly at T .D.C., consider t he nature of the combustion cha mber variations in volumetric capacity during a p eriod of time e~"Pressed in rnicro3econds (say, t= 1). During this almost i.n:finitesiroal period of t ime t he crank pin, driven by the expansive force of t h e compressed a ir, will describe an arc of circle .. a •· and, consequently, the increase in the volumetric capacity of the combustion chamber d ue to t he downwards m ovem ent of the piston can be e~"Pressed by t h e equation : d V = S (K + R - R cos a-vK 2 - R 2 sin 2 a). v;hen S = area of piston. K = constant value of distance between gudgeon pin centre and crank pin centre. " a "= angula1· value of crank pin m otion (as determined by t he speed of the eng ine) during period of time t. d \"=difference in volumetric capacity of combus tion chamber. R = radius of circle d escribed by crank pin. And to compensate for the drop in pressw·e and temperat ure caused by the air expanding and doing work on the p iston, an almost infinitesim al weight of fuel (w} would h ave to be inj ected and burnt in tho combustion chamber to release the t h ermal units necessary to increase the pressure of the working substance and thus maintain the pressure at constant maximum value. During the next period of time t, therefore, 2 microseconds from the initial zero (T .D .C. ), t h e fuel injection and its subsequent combustion again should cause just the n ecessary heat t ransfer from the fuel to t h e working substance to counter effect the d.I·op in pressure a nd temperature due to the further expansion of ga,ses driv ing the piston- against the load or resistance and continuing t he crank pin turning movement by a further angular value a (2 a from T .D.C.), and so on , until an arc of circle, say, 20 deg. to 30 d eg., has been d escribed by the crankshaft. N ow, variations containing such values as Sin a, Sin 2 a, sin 3 a . . . Sin N a and cos a, cos 2 u. cos 3 A ... cos N A , cannot be expressed by any linear equation, and, in consequence, the working substance's variations in temperature ann pressure THE ENGINEER due to i~s expanding in the cylinder and doing work ~n the p1Ston head cannot be represented by a straight lme ; m other words, it cannot be a constant rate. Therefore•. the function of an ideal fuel-injection system bemg to cause a rate of combustion such that the drop in the pre sw·e of the working substance (as is compensated by a rise in temperature to mamtam the presstu·e constant, the ideal rate of fuel injection carmot be expressed by any linear equation; o~ the contrary, it must be shown by a curvo. followmg a path depending not only on the drop m pressure and temperature due to the working ubstance exp~nding in tho cylinder and doing work o.n the p1ston head, but a lso on the cooling fact~r m trod uccd by. the non-linear equation representmg the rato o.f mcrease of the relatively cold s~rrf~ce of the cylmd er walls. Such compensating n se m temperature is t o he continued until the end of the expansion stage (T 4 under constant pressure conditions) i. rNtched, when the process of heat exchange must be abruptly ended. THE ,J KRK PuMP ~YST.EM a ..l'I D lTS l'UNCTIONING. the rate of combustion results in a falling pressure curve, the integration of which depends on the values of P, B, and Z. Consequently during this p eriod the fuel is injected in the form of a coarse spray impelled by a very low velocity, and it tends eventually to remain in jet form - in other words, it dribbles in the cylinder. How will such ftmctioning meet the demands of the ideal cycle a nd of the ideal combustion conditions ? The heginning of injection n eeds to be infinitesimal. Yet the n eedle valve brutally opens, whilst the pump builds a maximum pressure (function of the engino speed) and d elivers for a considerable period of the combustion stago (corresponding to the delay period) a steady and constant stream of pulverised fuol eq ual in many cases to almost one h a lf of the total charge. During the n ext stage of combustion, when tho cycle demands an ever-increasing rate of fuol delivery, the pwnp still delivers it at tho same mtiform rate; and, finally, whilst there is tho maximum demand for fuel, the pump delivers a n almost infinitesimal weight. of fuel, starved of both pressure and vclocit:.y. Delay P eriod of Combustion.- The o fuel injection conditions would be bad enough if no other factors had to be considered. But unfortunately further difficulties arise and the most important of all is the d elay poriod. Briefly described, the •· delay period" is the Jag existing between the moment fuel enters the cylinder or combustion chamber and the moment combustion actually begins and raises the temperature and the pre sure of the gases. Generally, it is viewed as a chemical reaction phenomenon. I t is a time factor and as suoh can be expressed eit her in crank angle or in microseconds. The rea-sons for this delay p eriod are not clearly understood. I t is noted, not explained. Investigators have correlated to its effect two factors : temperature and pressure. In the author's opinion, thTee or more factors must be taken into consideration , and a theory can be built up (and obtain a certain amount of support from facts) which tends to m ake the delay p eriod no longer an obscure chemical reaction phenomenon, but the resultant effect of at least five factors working in unison. For the p resent, let it be n oted that for a given fuel (a) An increase in temperature reduces t h e delay p eriod if the pressure remains constant. (b) An increase in pressure reduces the delay if the temperature remains constant. (c) A simultaneous increase of both Pressw·e and T emperature reduces the delay period. (d) B elow a certain pressure a fuel will not ignite. (e) The degree of pulverisation (size of the drops) does not affect the delay period ; it affects, however, combustion quality once combustion has started. {j) Turbulence does not affect t he delay period. (g) Delay periods vary with different fuels . The importance of controlling the d elay p eriod can be estimated from the following :At a speed of, say, 1000 r.p.m., a fuel has a delay period of, say, 1336 microseconds (time factor) or 8 deg. crank angle value. During this p eriod fuel is inj ected in the combustion chamber or chambers at the following pressw·es :-First, a variable pressure, rising from the initial pressure to a certain va,lue (governed by the typ e of nozzle, the characteristics of the atomising hole or holes, the amount of travel the n eedle has to cover before it contacts with a definite stop, and, finally, the rate of pressure generated by the pump plunger); and, secondly, a maximum pressure, function of the engine speed. Consider therefore the inC:icator diagram of an imaginary engine fitted with a. jerk pump injection system, running at a speed of, say, 1000 r .p.m. Assume that the beginning of its injection be timed for a fuel requiring a delay period of 8 deg. (at 1000 r.p.m., air pressure and temperature being 35 atmospheres and 500 d eg. Cent. respectively), and consequently that spraying commences exactly 8 deg. before the piston reaches T.D.C. The moment combustion begins (exactly at T.D.C.), the whole of the . The delivery-or output-of the jerk pump system ~ . ba~ed, for a considerable part of the pariod of mJectlOn, on a constant 'rate principle. The moment the pressure in the pipe line is high enough to overcome the re istance offered by the needle valve spring, the needle valve fliel:> open, therefore injecting a ··~ass " of fuel, and then dw·ing a considerable penod of the stroke, say, 20 cleg., the pump delivers and the nozzle ~prays fuel at a uniform rate, ay, :c mm. plw1ger hft per degree measw'ed in cam shaft value, ~mt il the moment the spill port registers with the hehcal groove (or recess ot· series of holes) carried hy the pump plunger, and thus effectively stops the d elivery of the fuel to the n ozzle. From this momont tho pressw'e gradually falls in the pipe line. Even if the pressw'e in the pipe line could drop instanta neously to zero-if zero pressure were possible-and if thero were neither inertia of the n eedle nor tho friction factor to be considered, there could be no instantaneous closing of the n eedle valve. For the needle's travel decreasing the combined volumetric capacity of the nozzle recess and pipe line would generate at first some degree of pressure, soon converted into a falling pressure, caused by .the ex-pansion ? f the spring and the diminishing restdue of fuel left m the system. But the jerk pump system does not aim at dropping to zero the pressure in the pipo line. Sufficient pressure must be retained behind the pump delivery valve so-called, the ant.i-~:ibble device- to ensure the rapid building of an uuttal pressure wave during the first staaes ?f the n ext pump d elivery. Thus a partial reduction m I:>resstu'? at t.he nozzle takes place gradually, and agatnst thlS fallmg pressure the needle valve is comparatively slowly closed by tho e::-..'p anding spring. True, the movement of the pressure release valve is rapid, and the needlo valve's travel is only 0 · 01 in. Y ~t at high speeds thero is a definite closing p eriod (ttme factor) to be considered, and it cannot be twoided. For the jerk pump principle of t erminating the injection p eriod is to drop as rapidly a.s possible the pressure in the pipo line, and this drop must resul t in an ultimate value below the initial needJe-lifting pressure, since this initial pressure value is indispensable to overcome the spring resistance at the beginning of injection, and the reverse process must take place to return the needle on its seating at the end of the injection p eriod. <?onsider now tho conditions prevailing in the c~lmder dw·ing this closing p eriod (which may be as ?tgh a~ 8 d eg. (crankshaft value) if the engine speed ts, for tnstance, 1000 r.p.m.- quite a moderate speed for a modern C.I. engine. It will be noted that this closing period takes place just when the rate of increase in tho combustion chamber or chambers volumetric capacity - in so far as effective combustion conditions are concerned- is the highest. And the longer the injection period, the more marked this rate of increase. Further, during this period there is less oxygen available for combustion, the densi ty of the working substance is still very high ; there are more iner t gases diluting the inflammable mixturel by the fact that the " hoacl " Ot' pressure is not kept constant and the temperature is lower. The pressure of injec- during this closing period. tion P drops to P - Z. The annular gap, or throttle According to P oiseuille's law, tho volume of liquid flowing in B , aroWld tho n eedle seating decreases, and therefore a capillary tubo is the fuel is injected under these conditions :(Volume) V = K R 4 ~ (a) Pressuro clropping from P to P - Z. (b) Throttle decreasing from B to 0 . This m eans that at the last conceivable moment of injection the fuel pressw·e is at its minimum, and the annular gap at the n eedle valve seating is almost negligible. 2 Thus the rate of injection and therefore ~A flame may .be considered Ob a series of rapid explosions of Ulflammablc mu:turo ; as example, take the vacillating flame o£ an almost consumed candlo when the el."Plosions aro sufficiently divided to be noted and heard. 2 Towards the ond of tbo closing p eriod, the annular gap bet~veon needle and seating can almost be considered to be a capillary tube, and therefore the velocity of the fuel during this particular period cannot be estimated from the general hydro. :~tatio law\ 'l•locity (v) = J'l. g H on account of tho friction factor, which has considerable value and the viscosity of tho fuel. The latter, however, will b~ governed by the nature of the fluid and the mean temperature in the nozzlo rocees. But the true velocity of tho spray will be further affected whore V ..... volurou ; R = radius of capillary tube ; H = head; L = lcngth of capillary tube; K = a constant. K also = 11 P IJ Sn wht~re p = dent~lt~ of liqwd ; !}=gravity factor (acceleration); n=coefficient of viscosity. . volume of fluid ::Smce ' 'oloc1ty Ar f b . in one urut of tune the ea o tu e sect1on velocity of fuel during closing period p .R2 = (velocity) v= n L 8 where .P= prcssure; R = radius of" tubo "; n = cocffioient of viscosity ; L= length of tubo (in our case, size of cone seatin$, P being at ite lowest value and R bemg almost in1initesimal, it will be eeen that at the last oonceiva.blo moment of the valve-closing period its velocity is almost nil). l\llARCH 20, 1936 fuel injected bursts in flame (spread period), and raises both the pressure and temperature of the working substance by a. constant volume process. Departing as this cycle does from the ideal Diesel cycle, this departure would not be detrimental to the efficiency of the cycle provided the subsequent rate of injection be in accordance 'vith the demands o£ the ideal rate of injection. A jerk pump system could not deliver fuel at such an ideal rate during the next stages of the cycle, but, on the contrary, it would soon raise the pressut·e to a dangerous degree since an\' delivery of fuel in excess of the ideal rate would·e the maximum pressure allowable to be exceeded. Further, any variation in engine speed should logically be reflected with a corresponding variation in the delay p eriod (crank angle value), and thus at slow speeds under m aximum load conditions, combustion would beg in before T .D.C. be reached, and this would tend in effect suddenly to oppose the rotative movement of the shaft 'With the almost certain result t h at cylinder heads or crank case would be stressed beyond the safety m argin. If the engine speed be higher . . delay period (time) t han t,he baste speed goverrung the __:_~_£....:..._:.:..::.~=.:..! r.p.m. ratio, then again extra. pressw·es would be generated, and would bring once more conditions similar to those just considered. Thus the jerk pump system precludes the possibility of working to a legitimate maximum pressure, and until a more scientific and accurate system of fuel injection be designed, and the " delay period " factor better understood a nd controlled, compression ignition engines will have to allow large margins of safety for the possiblo stresses referred to. SPONTANEous CJoMnusTlON IN C.I. E - owE THEORY. From the preceding discussion it will be realised how important further investigations in the causes and influencing factors of the " delay p eriod " are. Investigators and laboratory scientists have limited the influencing f1:1,ctors for a given fuel to pressure and temperature. Viscosity, set point, volatility, and flas h point have been proved to have no effect on the delay period. Turbulence and d1·op size have been demonstrated as affecting only combustion con. ditions after combtlStion has begun. Preheating of fuel 'ivith a view to lowering its viscosity can therefore be of no direct advantage, and preheating it, aiming at approaching the fuel temperature corresponding to its boiling point under the pressure prevalent in the combustion chamber shows but little gain in reducing the delay period ; incidentally this process crea.tes trouble at the nozzle end. An apparent paradox is the fact that with a. wel1designed and manufactured j erk pump the delay p eriod measured in crank an gle remains nearly constant. over a wide range of speeds, say, 750 to 2000 r.p.m. Yet, a t first sight, this seems an impossi bility, since tho delay p eriod is a time factor and can only be ox pressed in crank angle value if associated with a fuol and conditions of pressure, temperatures, and speod of engine. Simple arithmetics demonstrate that if the delay period of a certain fuel b e in an engine 1336 microseconds, and, therefore, 8 deg. crank angle, when running at 1000 r.p.m., it must b e 1336 microseconds, and, therefore, 16 deg. when the same engin e rrms at 2000 r .p.m. Y et experience proves this logic to be wrong. s The following are questions which, if answered. m ay help to find the solution of the delay period p roblem:Why does fuel ignite when injected in spray form in heated and compressed air ? For what reason does a fuel ignite in air heated at, say, 500 deg. Cent., if the pressure be 35 atmo· spheres, but will not ignite if the pressure is only 17 · 5 atmospheres, temperature remaining constant at 500 deg. Cent., and all other factors remaining equal ?4 What explanation il:> there for the fact that large or small droplets of a fuel have practically the samo delay p oriod ? How to account for volatility having no effect on delay period and for the fact tha.t addition of petrol to a fuol-even a considerable additionwill not reduce its d elay p eriod ? Further, why should some lighter fuels r equit·e the assistance of heavier ones to ignito at all ? How to explain the paradox of ·· delay period " sketched precedently ? 3 Mr. C. B . Dickbee (A.E.C.), in the course of a discussion on this subject, said : " A number of pumps have been introduced recently and attempts have been made to float them on thr market, but when we have tested them we bavo found that in some cases the injection automatically retards itself to 11 tremendoUA exten~. In one particular case that '1\' 0 tried recently the retardation was from 12 deg. advance at 750 r.p.m. down to about 2 deg. ~etard ~t .2000 r.p.m. . . . I have puzzled a good deal about at, and at IS not due to the quantity metered by .the p~p, beca\lbe the discharge metered by the pump, I think, only 2 or 3 p er cent. The actual injection tUDmg d<;croas?d ete~dily with the increase of speed practically as a stra1ght hno usmg the same fu;,l and the same high and low.pressuro fuol pipe as ie used with our standard pump. where the change is small enough to be n eglected so that one does not have to change injection timing with change in engine speed."-Maroh 30th, 1933. 4 " \Vith regard to fuel No. 12, running becatoe el'rutio ut u pressure of 350 lb. por squaru inch, and at very little lower pressure mit~firing occurred and then a. complete shut down." L. J. Le Mesurier and R. Stansfiold, F ebruary 26th, 1932, " Combustion in H eavy Oil Engines." M .ARCH 20, 1936 :309 THE ENGINEER Why do injector n ozzles carbonise ? "'IVhy do droplets which have lost some of their Why should smoke patterns be found outside penetrative velocity have longer delay periods ? the spray p ath ? If the theory t ho author is about to propound is Why do heavy droplets (coarse atomisation) near the truth, it must at least partly an ·wcr all leave carb on deposit on reaching the cylinder these qu e tions. It. w"ill. however, n<'ed to be furtlwr walls, or piston heads, and why do fine drop l et~ proved by tests which will be sugg<'stcd further on. fnil to reach the walls ? (To be cont inued.) The steam eng ine at tho far end of th e original s hop (Fig. l ), on the left-hand side, driving through a ~elL the main line s hafting, from which all other machU1es are driven, represents the Rta.ndard practice of th~t time. I n Fig. 3 group driving by overhead olectr1c motor is seen. This m ethod ha~ been adopted in many British Machine Tool Makers. By JOHN H OLLOWAY, M.I. Mech . E. No. I ll.* ALFRED BERBERT, LTD. T H~ firm of Alfred H erbert, L td., was founded m 1889 by Mr. (now Sir) Alfred R erbert, in parLnership 'vith a former fellow-apprentice, Mr. W . S. ll uhhard, their apprenticeship having been served with the firm of Messrs. J essop and Sons, crane m~\kers, of Leicester. Business was started at the Butts, (;oven try, in a moderate-sized b uilding (Fig. l ), having some 550 :;quare yards floor area. in addition to which there • SIR ALFRED HERBERT the usual boiler house for supply ing steam p ower to the works. Tho par t n ers hip continued until J 94. when it wa>~ dissohred,·and a pr·ivate limited company was formed known as Alfred Herbert. Ltd., with Sir Alfred H erbcrt a chairman and solo governing director , a position he has hold throughout tho history of the firm. The "business prospered, and in l 99 it was found advisable to build a foundry, and as a ll the available ground at the Butts was required for factory exton~ionR, a site was selected at Edgwick, situated about 3 miles from tho Butt!'. and the foundry was built • w t:U> the whole establishment to Edgwick, where tm adequate area. of ground had been secured. At tho p resent time the whole of tho firm's manufactlll'ing activities are concentrated t here. The magnitude and extent of the present worl<s, compared with the modest beginning, makel3 a s triking enoug h contrast, when examined side by s ide. Fig. l is a photographic v iew of t he interior of tho original works at the Butts, and m ay be contra tcd with the views of two bays in t h e present machinc shops, Fig. 2 being the drilling d epartment and Fig. 3 the auto. lathe chucking d epartment. From those views it will bo seen how great is the p rogress that has been made dtu·ing the forty-six years tho fi1·m has been in business. B ut a nother comparison may be made. The original works found employment for some thirty employees; while the present works finds employ- FIG . 4 - 6 - INCH CAPSTAN LATHE OF 1895 • modern machine shops, and is considered by som o nuthorities to bo the most economical form of drive for machino tools. Fig. 2 demonstrates vory clearly the advantages of the direct motor drive for, as will be seen , the mid<Ue line of m achines are all ctirect motor driven. It represents, according to som e advoc~tes, the last word in machine t ool drive. Certainly t ho ~1.bsence of overhead belting and main line s hafting has much to commend it; thero is no obstruction to light, and there is freedom of movemen t for the over head cranes. The latter advantage is pronounced in h eavy machine tool bays. At the timo Sir Alfred H er b e rt e nt e r e d th e machine tool business, Britis h makers generally wore devoting their attention to the d ev elopment of t ho heavier class of machine. American m~nu­ faoturers, however, were going ahead with the lighter type, known as the caps tan lathe, an d had a lready evolved quite • efficient designs. T l•eso, no doubt, found a wider mnrket in America ev on at FIG . t - INTERIOR OF ORIGINAL WORKS that time than in Great .Brita in, b ut the ultimate ment for about 3500 p eople. The original works demand for the capstan m achine by British manucovered some 500 square yards ; t he present works facturers was inevitable, and subsequ ent even ts cover over 96,000 squa re yards, and are still being justified Sir Alfred in entering that field of the extended. 'Vhat these figures m ean in wages dis- machine tool industry. Lilte most oarly machine:; o f ttny class. the original bursed, both direct a nd inctirect, a nd how thoy have affected the economic well-being of Coventry, nnd, capstans wor·o of simple <ksign ; simple, t hat is, indeed, of the wholo country, mny easily he realised . when compared with present-day tools of the sam e • • . FIG . 2 - DRILLING DEPARTM E NT F IG. 3-AU TO · L A TH ES A notable result of this remarkable progress is there. Meantime, g radual additions to the original works were made to cope with increasing business seen in the large number of skilled mon emplO) cd in until the ground was built oyer, and still more exten- theso works, and the training ground it affol'(ls for s ion~ becoming n ecesRnry, it was decided to remove the futuro skilled craftsmen, without which engineerTbo second of tboso articles dealing wilh John Sti.rk and ing, and tool-making in particular, would soon become decadent. Sons, Ltd ., appeared in our issue of February 7th, 1936. IN CHU C KIN G DEPA RTM E NT type. But , c,·on so, their value for light r epotition work was quickly recognised in this country, and with tho great demand thnt followed, tho machines were improved to effect rapid operation anrl to en.s uro a. high d egree of accuracy. A few illustrations will servo to :;how tho linos along 310 TH E which the mt\chincs were d eveloped by this firm in its effort to make the cap stan lathe the highly efficient tool it hus become. Fig. 4 g ives a. general idea. of the con...,truction and appearance of the H erbert 6in. cap to.n latho us built nhout tho year 1895. Fig. 5 show:; tho saroo sizo and type of machine with additional improvements, as built a year or two later; while :Fie;. 6 represents t ho machine fully developed Hncl kno" n as tho H er·bcrt No. 4 cap · tan lathe. huilt FIG . 5-6 - INCH CAPSTAN OF ABOUT MARcH 20, 1936 ENG I N E E R some machino tool makers, with the result that it was no uncommon thing to sec the lubrica.nt applied by hand with a ptlinter's brush. But all t hat has p assed now, at least it hould have done so, and not many will be found to regret its pa sing. The old haphazard The hexagon turret lathe proved to be a. popular typo and was improved until it finally became the model known as the Herbort ~o. 5 turret lathe, shown in Fig. 8. I t is interesting to note that both the machines (Fig. 7 and Fig. ) are of practically 1898 • just prior to and dUl·ing the war. Literally thousands of this type havo been ma<lc and it has always been a popular model. The abovo illustrations indicate very clearly the general trend of advancement in d esign, but in particular the following points s hould be noted. The machine s ho·wn in Fig. 4 was a very handy tool and relatively C(Uick in opcr·ation ; it was made with a friction operated hack gear headstock, indicated by tho lever n.t tho front. J t was also fitted with a chasing FIG . 8 - No. 5 HEX AGON method has long since given way to pump and pipes for carry ing the lubricant to the point of the tool, as clearly shown in Fig. 6. This in itself was a sure indication of the change t.hat. had taken place in the cutting speeds of tools. TURRET LATHE the same capacity, while the contrast between the two i - a striking example of the development work cal'l'iod out by this fit·m. • Concurrent ly with the advancement in design of the .r o. 5 tunct lathe, target· sizes of the ame type wore constructed, and in 1900 the machine known as No. 2A made its appearance. This machine, illusti·atod by Fig. 10, was designed to take bars u p to 2in. diamctct· tlnd to turn 27in. in length. A notable detail is a toggle chuck, which can be operated by the lc''<'r shown in tho front, while the machine is running . • FIG . 10- EARLV • FIG . 6 - NO. 4 CAPSTAN ·addle.~ tlw change · of feed being by change gear wheC'Is. The addition of a feed gear-box is shown in Fi!!. 5, 'thus providing power feeds to the capstan slide and marking another s t ep forward. In Fil?. 6 is ·een tho modern high production machine, all-geared head, air-opcratc:'d chuck, and power feeds to the s i ides. T here is a minor point that may be worth noticing . LATHE OF 1914 Following the Ct\pstan lathe, but not very far behind. tho firm brought out its No. l hexagon turret lathe, tho early model being made in 1898. This machine re embled, in some respects, the early capstan lathe ; it ha.d the sam e type of friction- NO. 2A HE X AGON TURRET LATHE There is a lso the feed box and shaft providing automatic feeds to the turret saddle. Other sizes of the same type of m achine are made, the largest being known a.~ the No. 19 hexagon turret lathe (Fig. 9), which can take bars up to 3~in. diameter and tw·n throug h a length of 42in. This m achine is one of the upor t ypo and represents the modern high-speed bar tw·ning lathe for rapid production of repetition parts. It is only necessary to examine the figure to realise the amount of CllJ'e and skill that have been exercised in designing tho tooL The headstock is the all-geared typo with singlo pulley drive, the spindle running in • FIG . 7 - HEXAGON TURRET LATHE- 1898 FIG . 9 - NO. as man~' seasoned machine shop men will appreciate it, that being the " slurry " or cutting lubricant supply facilities. In Figs. 4 and 5 means appear to be provid<'<l for s upporting the old familiar drip pot for supplying lubricant to the cutting tool. Quite a necessa1·y adjunct even in the days of moderate Cllf'ting <; pPE>dH, nul OOP that \\'8 often neglected by 9 HEXAGON operated back-geared headstock and the samo pattem bed. But as will bo seen by reference to Fig. 7, the hexagon turret wa.s mounted on a saddle, which ·was hand operated for feed and traversed along the bed by means of the star wheel and gears. The rack under the sarl.dle> i~ plninl~ visihiE' in the photograph . TURRET LATHE roller bearings. Automatic feeds and quick power traverse are brought into operation by the simple movement of levers, conveniently placed in front of the saddle, l:!O that the operator is relieved of all laborious wodc Protection to the finished faces of the bed is flfforrled hy specially designed covers, so T HE t hnt wear iR l'cducccl to t\ minimum and alignment. preserved. As ''ill ho notiC'<'d, thil:; t.ypo of machine •~ not. made "ith a cha~ing saddJe. All external t hrea.ds are cut "ilh tho Coventry self-opening die hend and intcrnnl thread~" ilh the Coventry collapsin~ I I I ENG LNEEH, st.ock, with '' hich any change of sp eed within tho range can bo ollcctcd without ~;topping the machine, and any change of speed desired for following operations on tho snmo piece of work may be prcselcctccl, TUE nppllcntaon of modern procluction methods to n oven '' hilo cuUing is in process, thus making it laundry may como aq a 11urpr1110 to many ongincorl4 whoRe td<'n" of launclry probloms rn1ght b~ Rummcd up under tho two lwadtn~H " Labour " and " Uot. \'\'nt<'r." That. th<.•KO nHtllcor" ore 1mportont ,\iJJ not. b<• d<'nwd, bul thu orgnniJmtion of a mod<>m Joundry l<>a,·cs litt I<' room for hnnd labour, O'\C(Ipt. for CC'r·tam skilled work whic·l1 will nlwnya ond in oil trad<•!i remain tho pri,•il~g<• of tlw (•raft "'mnn. Tho hot wnt<•r· question is undoubt<>dly of pammount importonN', ond for tlliA r<'a8on the plonn1nl( of u hutndry bccornN1 11imilor to tho planning of on,\ factory wlwrt'in largn qw\u tit iN! of pro<·C'I!i steam nre Ul't<·d. A n•<·ont. inllpN·tiort of tho London Laundry, Covcntt·.). providNl oxc(IIJ<Inl do,t 1\ M to th omC~thociR by whic·h modt'ru <lnf:(uw<•rin~ pri lll'i pll''i n ro nppl i1·1~bl<' to laundry wor-lc. Th11 inHtnllnt wn hud j u~t hl'on f'omplf:'tcd of two 3ii0·1( \\' turhn·nii<Wnt\lor flt'tl! for 1111pplying tho laundry with <'IN·· tr1C' flOW(Ir llllfl of a V<'rl iC'UI Rpindlo hor~-h0l0 pump, doHi~rw<l I o d<•hv<•r 1,000,000 gnlloM of water per wc<.•k from 1\ dPpt h of 180ft. Th<• laundry i!! thul! nominally l!<'lf <"on tnirwcl in th(l rnnlt<•r· of puw(lr nncl water, thou~~:h, wh(lr!' mort• <'c'tJIHIIllic·nl. t IHI town mn1m1 <'an supply both. Tlw di,•iHion of loud bi•t W<'<'ll tlw two I!Ourco8 of 11upply in f'OC'h c·n>~<' hn~ lwc•n workc•d out to be• mo11t N·onom1c·ol whl'n I I .uno k \\ h J>C•r "<·<'k o r<• l(l'n<'ru t('d for pow<'r. 120 k \\' h JWr wf't•lc urn pun·htH!Nl at tho p owt•r r·uto of Id. p<•r urut. und I UO k\\ h p<'r wc>c>k aro pur<'IHI~c·d nt th<• lif:(htinl( rote• of Id. p<•r WHt, t htll fif:(ur(l l)(l1np: tlw ,\int<'r rut c. \\'<•11 wul<•r 111 JHUllp<•cl ut. tl1n rnto of 117.3,000 gallonR per W<'<'k ond (1()00 p:ullonH p<•r \\ cok oro purchosf'd nt !d. ywr I 000 p:nllon11 for Ul!(l in thCI sorvic·<' and drmking wat<>r mauu1. The oth<.•r· princ·ipal Rupplic~ purdlllSNI per week a1•e: Coni. 60 tom~. nt !811. a ton ; 110np, :w cwt. p<'r wl'olc: FIG . 11 - NO. 24 COMBINATION TURRET LATHE 11lor<"l1, 12 ('\\ t.; hl<..ach, iiO gnlloM; soda, 10 cwt.; !!nit. for u11o 111 tho wl\t(lr.floftcning plant, 2t t.olUI; RO<la und tap, both of which nn1 ctwricd on the t,urret, a pru.ctic<• possible t <> mai11t td n ~~ IIC'tlrly lutiform c·uLting rate of lime (()(· the Rorno pnrpoRo, J i tons, or, altcmativoly. " Sofnol," a propriC'tury matN·ial whi<·h replaces tlw ~o~odu t httt is found hot h r·npid an cl Htil isfac·t ory. " J><'N llhroug h out rt tl\ltnl )(ll' of operu,t ion.<;. nnd limo und whic·h ha~ bron founcl to p;ivo moro con!lilltcnt In moHt mu(')ritHI HhOpH t hC'I'O iH a lways a. groat. In conc lu~;ion, nwnt ion muHt ho made of t.ho auto. figtu'OII for tho HoftCintl<l wotor. Th<'IW figttt'<'R ar<• nalltrall~ nmount of work tltot <·un IJC' dono moHt cflicie-ntly on IIHH'hin<'~. whic·h f<ll' mnn) yNWH hnvr· bC'0n n. fC'Ittltr·c• approxim~tlll. Tho lnunclry omploy11 {tbont 000 handH, und I ho chucking lttLiw. nnd whoro iho quantities to bo dC'ul11 wit.h 250,000 arLicloR por week. T he " workll " <·<>nlliHtof n long Rinp;IO·Htoricd buildinp:, in which thCiwu!-!hing demit with HttffiC'i11ntly IM~C' to wttrrant the nccos;. and 1'1uon1ng i11 cnrriod out. At ono ond thoy are fncc•<l h~ Hary cxp onditm't' on HIH'Ciul Lool!i t.ho ra.te of producthe botl<•r hou11e nnd the powor hou11o, while ,·ariouR stor<'ll. tion of nccurntc-ly much inC'd ports can bo brought, I o offices, &c., aro built. around I ho powor houso ar<'n. Tit<• tl very hi~h lcvC'I. drRpotc·h und Aorting dcpnrlmNttA uro in a soporato build · ThiH fu<'l wr\~ HOOil l'cc·ogniHcd by Alfred H e rbort , • inp:. ThCI fir11t. roum of th<' " worltH" neareR! tho pow<'t' Ltd ., with t ht' 1'<'::-.lllt t hnt. s p cc·ial ln.t hcs were brought Alation 111 th<' dry.clconinp; drpnrl nwnt ; nt'xt c·omrs tho out nbout 1900 I o dc•nl with churl< in~ work. AA in ironing on!l prt'HHinp: dc>port m<•n t, a ''ic>w of wh irh iR Ahown t he• c·u~c· of otlwr· t) pt'>~ of mnc·htnt'li, improvements on pogo :11 I. It "111 h<• R<'Nl that the shop cquiprnt>nt ronllll!t~ of Hl<'tlnl pr<'>~lling mlwh in<'!i und p;u>~·lwnt('(l iron~;. n nd dt•vc•lopmt•n t f ollowc•d. nnd the machine bccamr Tht' p;O!! i11 p1pcd ov~~rlwud unci brought to <'IIC' h 1ronmp; \\htlt is lmo\\ n to-dtty n· the combinatio n turret boord . St<•am iH t·orric>d through th(' l'n tirc bualdinp: in lntlrc. This iH mndo in t\ number of t>izes, varying from u 11tc>nm rnn111, prc>.,Rurl' h<•ing rl'<htc•f'<l where n f'c<•R.<lo ry t n l 5~in. to 33in. Hwing ovor the b ed covers. The largest Mu ll t ht.• lypo of amwltinC'II in Ull<' hy •·c>duc·ing \'OI\'(1 p;t•ur in ~ize , known as tho No. 24 comhination turret IMhe, is t'ac·h 11hop. In r<•nr of tho ironing oncl pr<.'R!iing dt•JHtrl -.hown in Fig. 11. mc•nt, IH'l• t,ht• lt~r·p;<• c·nl<.•ndc>rmp; rnnc·hinc•s tu;Pd for dry tnp; A A will he apprcciat c•d hy even a en ual glanc<' nt and fin114h ing lltwh hc>o' y nrl 1rii'R M blunkt•l "'· 11lw<•t >~. 1 ho illustmtion, thiR is a highly dcl\'olopcd m achine• tubl<l lrrwn, &c•. The rolls nr<• Hlc>nm Jwotrd. p;<•nt•rnlly h) Htcum nl !10 lh. prl'RHuro. Tht• I ) pwul lttttdlln<' wlll(·h il4 1ool and o. fine oxnmple of t ho mnC'h ino tool maker'H lihowll ()I\ pugtl :~I ,j iH or t hi' InI Pill putltlnL .J t itt rupuhlo ol t.H1 . Though H<'<.'Nli!IWily o f massive construction, gi' Ill{( t\1\ <•XN'(Iclingly hip;h finit~h to Altu·chcd tuhln li1W11, it. iH ca.'lily hnntllrd, c·onvonirnco of oporntion having whic·h i11 f(ld through I ho mnc·hin<' £d, 60ft.. p<'r minute. 'l'lw I'Ctoivocl caroful c•oJrsicloro.lion. lt. cnn bo stat"ted rollor~t 1\1'<' :Niu. nnd :l2in. in dinmol<•r . Tho bcdH tH<• or Htop J>e•d nnd t lw ford clu~>ngocl witho ut, tho op erator cl\81 ingll nHtdo in ono pioco with no ond platC'H. Tho <'xpnn · moving fr·om tlto worl<in~ position, and tho ro is quick t~ion of tho horn~t upon tho nchni111:1ion o f RI cum nt. 100 Ih. power motion to both tho s lide!! and the t.urr et. It per· squnr·o inc·h iH nhout L mm. The muchino wul! munu . mny l)o drivNl. hy Hinglo p11lloy from the m ain linr ftwLut·od by D. and J. 'l'ull i11, Ltd., Clydebank. Th<' waRhing room romo11 noxt. <trtd hero ar<' installed vMioull Rh aft or b y mot CH'. Jo'iJX. 11 RhOwH tho arrnngC'mcnt F I G . 1 3-EARLV BAR AUTOMAT I C wushiug rmwhinc>s of Lh<' lypo illuHtro.tml on pagcR 312 nnd of motor d1·ivo; hut " cilhN· form of dtivo thC'T'C' 314. 'J'ho hu·p:or mut·h int•fi uro of Lho In test. pattorn, bcinl( t\I'C nvnilablo t-~ixlt•c•n fonvnrd und eight rovN·so spindle con~o~trucl<'< l of Mono! motnl, oxt·opt. for Ru<·h ih•rn>< Hpccdt> and Rixlf•pn indop endc•nt f<•C'dH to l h o saddle of tl1il! firm '~; pt'<>clutts. Tho Jit·~t luw a i<·l4 n>~ gt•ut·ing. fc•ot, &c· .. whort' tho wnt<•r in \l.fl<' dcrC':o~ not nncl turrc•t HlidP. lt hn~ hC'l'll huilt to<o full ndvun- wcro mnclt' tthout 1{)02. Impro,•cmont s follow<•d, nncl rt'll<'h. Tlw lnrgo lllltt·hinCII nr·o op<'rutt•cl by t~opnrutt• tago o f the high c·utting ~;pc<'Cls o f tungstc•n cnJ·bidc t~bout t ht• •\'('Ill ' 1!)0 1 t hC' t~ul o. mt\<:hine shown iu IICJIIII'I'CI·cUg<• lllOtOrll, wh ill' I ho Hml\11<'1· ll1tWhllll'~ 1ools, and nn net mtl t c•-.t ~ ltowC'cl 1hut it "'~'""~ cnpo hi<' Fi~. 13 \HI~ mndf'. Tlw "' Jw r·ic•nc·(' gained "ith thiH t\1'0 bolt clr1VN\ from lino 11hoft m.f( running tlwou,:rh t h<' waHhinl( room. Tlw mtwhiiW'i nrl' rota! NI w1t h u loncl m >~rclt• unci ft•d with hot. water on cl a. "l\'ihrnl( rnaxt uru of 11oup, !lOCh\ und hlcuc·h through tlw trunnions. Tho dirc•ction of rotation iH revC'n<t•d nt ~:~hort inturvnls, 01tlwr hy <•lpc•tri<·nl ri'\'Orl4ing of th<> motor m tlw Ctl.'JO of oldt•r mndunt'll or by mc>uM of a ro\ <'rlltn~ c.lrl\ <', consist in~ of forward nnd l'twcrso rlutC'hc!'! on I hu 11hnft. The m<'chonicnl sysl t'm hM ndvantagcR in the mat tor of loud voriat ion on th<' gmwmtor11. \\'ith ('lc<·tri<' rcw•rt~ing , tlw vuriatron con produco <·ons1domblo thfTeron c<'S in arnporo~<· . The woshinp; mixt.uro it~ brought. to 1ho mu<·hin<'H from 1ht• • plant. wh11rt• it. i11 mnnufnC'IUI'(I(I cm tho f!N·onc l floor uho'" Lho wn~<h hmtlltl. lt. i" t·<>nVO,Y!'d from a bo.t t<'ry of lllr<'t' GOQ.gnllon tnnk" nnd ono I OOO·p:nllon tnnk b~ c·oppt•t· pip<•s to wlti<·h ~~ 11mnll Rh•om pipo for hont1ng pur·po><l'll is !!lrttppod. Ttw wholo mu in is inHulatc>cl wil h ll!ilw~toH <"Ord. 'l'ho hot wnto1' l'<'<t rr i rod i" a\hou l 7ii00 g111lonll Jll'l' hour·. lt i11 hro u~othl from tho powc•r lwuH<' inn 4in . c·upiWI' rnnin in11ul<tiPd 11itl1 c·ol'l< jtH'I<IItllll(, Jin. thil"k. 'l'hn ll<>np llltlking pltut(, whic•h 11! I ht' only workroom not on th11 ~round h'vol c·tHlMiHt~< of n H<•ri<'ll of mixinl( tnnk11 to w)ll(•h tlw ingrNii<•nt>~ urt• ttddPd hy woip;ltl. J>uddlf•H t\~IIHIU llw tnl'\lllrt' 1111ttl 1\ 11olut1on IH ohtnirrt•d, nml tlw t!nlut1rm ~~ tlwn r<•lt·u~t·cl rrllo llw ll!m'l\1(1' tunk-.. wht:'r<' it i~o~ kc>pt 1111 drnwn ofT h\ llw lllllr·htn<•H. Pnddlt• l(<'nr i11 fittc'cl to tlw Hlofll~t· tnnkH to prt•H·nt Ht'dllrwntulron. Tht• II:U!t room 111 the• hu1ldms.c 111 I l w Ht•llll·linl14hinl( hn). "h<•r<' tlw gnr mt'll!l! nn• pr<•pau·c•d few 1rorung. &t·. Tho mumtc•IHlnt·o of a c·h•ur ut tiiCIHJiht•rc• 111 nn 11nportnnt po1nt in a lounclr) [•'oa· tltiH p111'Jli1MCI 11 Fngulturt) oar rC<'IHlllttioning plnnt iH uUI(ull<•cl 111 n hu~ IW'l to lh<• tlry.c·lt•aning dt•pnrtnll'nt. H htU4 1\ c·uptwtl) of Li,OOCI c•ubtc f1•t•t pt:'r Jnllllttl' \\ hc•n toolmg t IH• 111r 20 dt•g. • Thtl po\\t•r·ptndtiC'ing rnHtullnticm i11 unu~uul m' 11'\\ ul thC' <·mull!llllll4 1\11 to prcwC'R!i 11tcum nml hot watt•r supplu·~ \\ hl('h go' llrrtt•d t lw 1111IP!'t Hill of t lw piu nt. lt c·<Htl'lt'il!i ut FI G . 12- MODERN B A R AUTOM A TI C MAC HINE two lurho·g<•nc•ratlllg 1«1l11, """')( 14lt'lHil produl"f'<l h) hH> Bohcoc·k ond Walc·o' hutl<•r", Nll'h of'' hwh hnH a lwo.tml( 11\ll'ftWO of ~fll;2 R(jiiOI'U fN1L tUtd n nominnl O\·UpOrt\LI\ l' of r<•rnovin~ 27:) c·uhl(' IIH·I~t•-. of c·n~t iron pt•r minult'. t) p o lt•cl to iiH IH•iug n•dt•Higt~cd ~!rm• Hnd agniu, und t·np twity ol II ,OOCJ 11>. 1>'''' hou1·. Tlw lllll'\llllltrn pr<'R!!ur<• I ho cutting liJ>i'l'd lwmg 200ft. pt.;;r minut <' and t IH• OVPIII.unlly tlw typo HhCHI 11 '" l•t~. 12 Wt\S t•voh•c•d nllnwnblo it~ 1 JO Ih. }Wt' Hqunrc• uwh ut (\ tompt•rnturo of f<•od HiXlO('Il Cllt~ IWI' 11\Clr. to lt\kO btU'H ll]> to l!in . 1~llllll'tt•t·. Larglll' muchint•li 4!)0 dC'g. l•'nh. HoUr ht>ii<'I'H ur11 11Uod with c·hoin grut<• Tho Jut o~t, d o\ t•lopuw11t. to d1\t <l in <·onawct ion with at·u nuult', !Jut tho two t•xntnpll'>~ givc•n hNil' witnC'HH uutomutic Rtok<•r'H uncllho fu<•l u~od il! Wt\llhod lwnnH.U\nrHityofc·onl hn,ingnnnnni)AiH~Ivinp::~a·J2rwr combinnlion turr·r•t lutiH·-. i >~ tiH• •· Pr<'OJHivc" lwnd · to tlw c-ontilllll'd tuhnrw<•llllllll in dc-~ij.(n . • The Modern Laundry. 312 THE ENGINEER Nmt. of volatile matlor, 46 · 88 per cent,. of fixed carbon, ll · 40 per cont. of ash and 8 · 6 per cent. of moisture. lts calorific value is 11,923 B.Th.U. The power units a ro two back-pressure turbines, manufactured by Daniel Adamson and Co., Ltd., of Dukinfield, driving Mather and Platt alternators t.hrough reduction gears manufactured by Da. vid Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd. The alternator ratings at·e 350 kW (C.M.R.), 0·8 P.F., 200 volts, 50 cycles, two-phaso (throe wit·e). The reduct,ion gears couple the tw·bines at 6000 r.p.m. to tho alternotot·s at 1500 r.p.m. Steam is supplied at tho t-urbine Rtop valvo at a pressw·e of 130 lb. per square inch gauge, F! to 480 deg. Fah., nnd is exh austed at a pressure of u lb. p01· square inch gauge. The expa,nsion takes place tht·ongh t.hrec stages, "nch of tho samo m ean diameter. Tho first stage nozzles arc con vergent-d i ' 'N·gcm t, and are milled out of solid stef'l forged rings. One group of nozzles in the lower half is in direct communication wit_h the steam belt and gives up to 40 per cent. load, whLlst the nozzles in tho upper half casing are divided into three groups, each group being under control of a hand valve, enabling the correct number of nozzles to be put, into commission to obtain 60, 80, ot· lOO per cent. load. All nozzles are under control of tho governor. Tho blading is of stainless steel and is milled from rectangular section bar and fastened to the wheels by two rows of rivets. 'rh<' 7 · 0 to 7 · 2, hardnes::~ MARCH 1· 7 deg. to 1· 8 deg. Tho final hard- ness of the boiler feed water is maintained at about 0 · 5 deg. The steady flow of wa.tor through the softening plant from the tanks is a notable point in the installation, as it maintains a steady p erformance for the softening plant. The hot water supply is stored in a 12,000-gallon tank installed on the roof of the power house, the tank being lagged with sheet cork. The loss of temperature over the period Friday night to Monday morning in January aver aged on ly about 25 dog. F a h. Tho water is drawn entirely from the calorifier, which is fitted with a valve to admit, live steam direct-ly if necessary. In practice, however, this is not normally required. Tho cedo•·ifior has a h eating sw·face of 400 square feot, and is fod with the tm·bine exhaust steam at 4 lb. per square inch. C'upronickel tubes aro fitted owing to the corrosive nature of t.he water. The cold water entering tho calorifier is controlled by means of a thet·mostatic valve, Allowing only sufficient cold water to enter tho calorifier to just condense the steam and maintain itself at a predetermined temperature. As the wash house requires more hot water than is given by the calorifier, t,hc levol in tho hot water lank gradually falls, allowing the plant to bo wn through the dinnet· hour and possibly an hour at night when the wash house does not require hot water. In consequence, it is only orcasionally at tho wPek-end that any live steam 20, 1936 DIESEL ENGINE USERS ASSOCIATION. TE!E report of the Diesel Engine Users A;ssocia.tion for the period 1934- 35 ~ecords a. furthe~ drop m the output of public supply stations. Many stat•on.q t hat at one t1me formed the backbone of the report have eith er dropped out altogether or have operated only a hundred h ours or so p er year, ~nd any m easure of efficie!lcy in terms of cost per unit generated is useless. 'Vh1le manufacturers of oil engin es have found that t-he demand from privat<' users has more than mado up for th e lack of orders f•·om public supply undertakings, a smaller proportion of those private users has been able to send in figures for publication. So man y homo stations show vory low load factors that their inclusion in any average result would give an entirely erroneous impression of the working cost of a n ">rmal oil engin e station, and no avE\rage cost p er unit g n erated has therefore been given, although fuel a.nd Lubricating oil consumptions and load factors have been averag3d. Th ) Alderloy Edge and Wilmslow station return. which for many years ha been a. feature of the report, has been omitted on this occasion, because the load factor was only 0 · 3 p er cent. The total plant hours during the year wero 132, and tho wages cost alone amounted to I FIG . t-WASHING FIG . 3 - POWER MACHINE PLANT IN AND OPERATION FIG . 2 - WASHING CALORIFIER turbine casing is of cast steel. The steam chest is also of cast steel and contains the governor throttle valve and the combined emergency and stop valve. Oil governing is employed, and the machines are also fitted with an excentric ring type emergency governor which automatically tr·ips both the stop valve and the governor throttle valve in the event of any over-speed. Lubrication is by means of a rotary valveless oil pmnp, driven from th e main governor spindle. A cooler and strainer is included in the system. From both tw·bines the exhaust steam is led into one Worthintzton-Simpson calorifier, which is used for the production of the necessary hot water for the laundry. It is visible in the background of Fig. 3, which shows the two turbo-generating sets in the power house from the exciter end, together with t.he neat instrument board on which are grouped the instruments and recorders for the tw·bine, steam supply, t he hot ~vater supply, and tho bore-hole water supply (reading from left to right in Fig. 3). R ecorders are installed on all three boards, together with m eters and pressw·e gauges. Fig. 4 shows the power units from the governor end, as well as the electric meters and switchboard. The water supply is drawn from the bore-hole m entioned already. As pumped, this water has an analysis giving silica 0 · 30, oxide of iron 0 · 12, carbonate of lime 14 ·75, carbonate of magnesium 5·36, sulphate of magn esium 5 · 14, chloride of magnesium 1· 77, sodium nitrate 1· 81, sodium chloride 3 · 96, and the hardness is 27 · 25 deg. It is stored in two tanks of a combined capacity of 150,000 gallons. It is drawn as required from these tanks, aod passed through base exchange and lime soda softening plant, a fter which the analysis becomes- alkalinity to phenolphthalein 15 • 6 to !) • 8, alkalinity to methylorange AND FIG . 4 - MAIN BOILING MACHINE TURBINES 8 · 85d. p er unit. Epsom wa.s similarly placed with only 107 hours' operation during the year. A few n ew engines. a.s detailed below, were installed in existing stations:b.h.p. r.p.m. Home stations . . One 300 250 .. M.I.H.C.V.0.4One 225 . . 300 .. M.I.H.C.H.0.4 One 500 . . 375 M.I.H.C.V.E.4 Overseas stations . . One 300 . . 300 .. A.I.V.E.4 On s 650 300 .. M.I.H.C. V.E.4 Duty. No. H.P. One 1470 300 M.I.H.C.V.E.2 Op. 1 42 . . Bore-hole pump l 33 Line shaft wash house Contrary to the opinion ex-pressed last year, that n~w 1 . . 22 Dry cleaning machine plant installed seemed to b e of the air injection type. 1 15 . . Line shaft wash houae the present figures show a change, five of the six engin es l Booster pump, Corporation wat!'lr supply being airless injection sots. us (stand·by) The Broken Hill station results at·e reduced to a. basis 1 12 • • Line shaft of average home station fuel, lubricating oil, and water I 12 . . Dry cleaning machine 1 12 prices. TakEin over the three full years this la.rp station Fan on drying machine 3 10 Frigidaire air-conditioning plant has been working. the cost p er unit generated would be:2 9 Fuel, 0·239d.; lubricating oil, 0·007d.; stores and water. 2 8 0 · 003d.; wages, 0 · 023d.; and repairs and maintenance. 2 Miscellaneous machines 7~ 0 · 025d.; giving a total of 0 · 297d. per unit generated. 1 .. 5 Over the three years the average annual station load factor 1 4 was 32 · 8 p er cent. and the units generated 131,833,464. The squirrel-cage motors are :-One 9 h.p. machine T he lubricating oil con sumption averaged 7330 b.h.p-hours installed on the carpet wringer ; two 7t h.p. for cent-rifugal p er gallon, pumps, and ninety-five others for various machines, from 6 h.p. to t h.p., the load being 153 h.p. A further 14 h.p. is needed for fans, &c. The electric irons use a. total of 6 kW, the heaters, fires, &c., 13 kW, and the IT is reported that the Lufthansa Company has comlighting load is 40 kW. These figures indicate that a pleted negotiations for the joint operation with a Portufairly considerable load is placed on the power house, and guese air company of three new services between L isbon pro,ride, 'vith the figures previously given, some idea of the and Madrid, L isbon and Seville, and Lisbon and the requirements and equipment of a modern laundry. Azores. is exhausted to atmosphere. The average J'equirement of hot water in the wash house has already been given as about 7500 gallons p er hour. Condensate from the turbines and from the steam-operated machines in the laundry is returned to t he boiler feed tank. The electricity load consists of slip-ring and squirrelcage motors. The slip-ring motors are : - • MARCH 20, 1936 Rail and Road. • T H E ENGINEER Miscellanea. 313 Air and Water. D URING 193.5 the American Class I railways had gross T HE Association of Special Libraries and Information IT is announced by the Cunard vVrute Star Line t hat re,·enues of £690,000.000 and the working expenses were Bureaux (ASLIB) is to hold its thirteenth conference at Mr. Llewellyn Roberts has been appointed chief engineer £518,000,000. Balliol College, Oxford, during the week.end beginning of the ·' Queen Mary." AN exhibition of the work of the Model Railway Club Friday , September 18th. is to be held at the Central H all, We;;tminster, from April T ru: Plymouth City Council has approved the leasing AccORDING to the statistics of the United States Bureau of its municipal aerodrome to the Whitnev Straight 14th until April 18th noxt. of Mines, new aluminium produced in the United States Corporation for fifteen years. ' A ~"EW halt at Garrowhill, some five miles from Glasgow, during 1935 amounted to 119,295,000 lb. , valued at on the main Glasgow-Edinburgh line vit1 Bathgate and 22.070,000 dollars. 'World produ ction of aluminium in IT is reported that the works at H eathhall, Dumfries. 1935 i~ estimated a.t 257,000 metric tons. Coatbridge, has been opened by the L.N.E. Railway. formerly belonging to the Arrol-J ohnston Motor Comp anv. WoBK has begun on the reconstruction of Neasden THE apparent world consumption of tin increased from L td., have b een purchased by a firm of aeroplane man{tt·aihvay depOt of the London Passenger Transport Board. 117,681 tons in 1934 to 141,524 tons in 1935. The amount facturers. The buildings now being demolished accommodated 050 of tin produced in 1935 was 139,053 tons, and the quantity D UBINO F ebruary there were six total and 584 partial passenger carriages and the new buildings will house 650. used in manufacture approximately 139,000 tons. Th'e losses of mo~or vessels and steamship s of over 500 tons CoNTRACTS for the conRtruction of thirty-nine new loco- total visible stocks of tin decreased during 1935 from gros'l, according to the casua lty list of the Liverpool motives have been placed by the L.N.E.R. Twenty-eight 17,107 tons to 13,841 tons. The United States used 44 p er underwriter's report. are to be supplied by B eyer, P eacock and Co., Ltd., and ce~t. of the world's t in in 1935 : consumption in the United T HE United States V.'a r Departmen t has placed an order Kmgdom rose from 21 ,073 tons in 1934 to 21 427 tons l'lleven by R. Stephenson and Co., L td. v_alued at £770,000 with the Wright Aeronautical Corporain 1935. ' tton for !H2 aeroplane engines. The order includes 432 ON two days la$t week the timekeeping of a.p proximately IT is announced in Engineering News-Record that t he nine-cylinder " Cyclon e " engines. 13.500 trains a day was observed by the L.M.S. The United States Departmen t of the Interior on March l st tests showed an overall average of 96. 9 per cent. of tr ains . A CONTRACT valued at £300,000 for the part. const1·ucform~lly. accepted the B oulder Dam and power hQuse, punctual on the first rtay and of 97 · 9 per cent. on the t~rmmatmg the con tract and ending the actual construc- t10n of t hree aerodromes in Yorkshire has been placed second day. tiOn work. The Bureau of Reclama,tion will take over the by the Air Ministry. The aerodromes con cerned are at SINCE the electrification of the Glasgow underground p lant and equipment of t he contractor, for use without L eclwnfield. Driffield, and Di;;hfort h. railway, described in THE E NCINEER of December· 27th, charge tmtil October 1st, for the installat ion of powerWHAT is desr.ribed as the world's largest single unit 193fi, the number of passengers and the revenue have house . eqU:ipment. Four of the 82,500-k V A generators aerial camera is illustrated in Flight. I t has nine lenses increased. F or the nine months ended F ebruar·y 16th are hem~ 1nstall.ed a t present, and ultimately the p ower- and weighs some 305 lb. when loaded. The nine shutters la t the total re,·enue was £46,920. house w1ll con tarn fifteen generators of t his size and two of a re electrically op erated and from a height of 30,000ft. AN order for twenty-four heavy passenger train loco- 40,000-kVA capacity. an area of 600 square miles can be photographed. motives, to the value of over £250,000, has been placed .T~ official returns r endered to the Electricity ComT HE burnt-out hull of the line1· '· L'At lantique" has with German firms by the South African R ailways. The miSSIOners show that 1824 million units of electricity were order is divided between Henschel and Son, of Cassel, who generated by au thorised undertakers in Great Britain arrived at Greenock, but probably will not b e beached will build sixteen of t.he twenty-four engines, and the the month of F ebruary, 1936, as compared with the for breaking up until after the departw·e of t.he ' ' Queen Berlinger Maschlnenbau A.G., of Berlin. reVIsed figure of 1478 million units in the corresponding Mary" from Clydebank on March 24th. The " L'Atlant ique " was towed the 600 miles from Cherbour<> by four month of 1935, r epresen ting an increase of 346 million THE Victorian Government Railways have decided to Dutch t.ugs in exactly one week. <> units, or 23 · 4 per cent.. The number of working days in spend a quarter of a million p ounds on the improvement T HE Air Ministry 'has ordered two four-engined De H avilof their passenger service. One of the innovation.<: will be t he month (i.e., excluding Su ndays) was twenty-five, as an all-steel ten-coach t rain on the Melbourne-Alblll'y line, against twenty -four last year . During the first two land 1600 h.p. monoplanes for the purpose of experiwhich will be- equipped with a complete air conditioning mont hs of 1936 up to t he end of F ebruary, the total mental flights in connection with the p roposed T ransplant. T his train will be the first to be completely air amount of electricity generated by authorised under- atlantic air serv ice. It is reported t hat these machines t·onditioned in the Brit.ish E mpire and will cost in all some takers was 3794 million units, as compared with the will h ave retractable undercarriages and be construct~>cl rev!sed figure of 3191 million units for the corresponding to float in case of forced descents at sea. 1:180,000. penod of 1935, representing an in crease of 603 million THE L.M.S. Railway has chosen " Empire " na.mes for units, or 18 · 9 per cent. SPEtUUNG at the launch of th e " R oyal Ulsterman," the locomotives of the " Jubilee" class, forty-nine of Mr. F. F.. R ebbeck, chairman of Harland a nd Wolff, A TINY root, less than one-quarter of 1\0 inch in dia- appealed to shipowners to place at once orders for ships which are being constructed in the company's works thjs year. More than eighty of these engines will bef\r the meter, by forcing its way into a 4in. water pipe, com- they would eventually need. H e said prices were rising, names of the Dominions and Colonies of the British Empire, pletely cut off the supply of spring water which R. A. and it would be a Ion~ time before they would be able to with th eir provinces and dependencies. The remaining Lister and Co., Ltd., of D ursley, Glos., use in their p lating place orders cheaper t han at present. Shipbuilders might engines of the " Jubilee" class will be given names d epartment. The water has certain chemical properties be faced with the Admiralty and shipowners requiring associated with the Royal Navy and t he whole of the 179 which make it specially suitable for this purpose, and tonnage at the same time. H e hoped the Government engines, now built, under construction or proposed, will when the supply failed production had to be suspended, would not insist on delivery which would distmb the fl ow as the local water cannot be used. At first it was thought o f merca.ntile work. · thus be named. that t he spring had run dry, as it had been noted with SPEAKINO at the annual meeting of the London Society, some anxiety during the previous year ot· t.wo that the T HE plan for the transformation of four ou t of the five Lord Crawford said that in any reconstruction of Euston supply was fa lling off. But it was not unti l the water Special R eserve squadrons of the R.A.F. into Auxiliary Station he hoped the auth orities would find it possible to stopped a ltogether that an investigation was made. Air F orce Units has n ow been completed, ancl the squad maintain the open character of t he area bet.ween Euston- Then the cause of the trouble was clliscovered. On digging rons at Manston (near Ramegate), Filton (near Bristol), road. and the station proper. H e hoped aJso that it mighb be up the 4in. earthenware pipe which feeds the reservoir Waddington (near Lincoln), and Hucknall (Nottingham. posstble to preserve t he great archway built by Philip in which the water is stored, it was found that a minute shire) will shortly come under the administration of t h e Hardwick, leading into Euston Station. It was one of the fibrous root from a tree growing beside it had got through local T erritorial associations. The fifth Special R eserve great railway constructions of the world and 'vas just a crack in the pipe imd harl thrived so well on the spring squadron, stationed at Aldergrove (Ulster), will b e about to approach its centenary. L ord Crawford went on water that it had practically filled up the pipe for over similarly dealt with when an Ulster Territorial Association to say he was afraid that the a rchway nid not inspire as 30ft. A thick fibre " rope," over 30ft. long, which was is fully eRtablish ed. ~uch respe~t in the_ minds of the railway company as in still growing from the tiny root, had t.o b e removed from t.he I N the fu t ure letters t.o Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and hts own mmd, for 1t was covered with adver tisements. pipe b efore th e flow to t he reservoir could be restored a.nd Finland will be conveyed by air· mail at th e ordinary Yet it remained a really noble en trance to t.he Met ropolis. plating resumed. p ostal rates by the machines of British Airways. The first THE Minister of Transport has approved the revised FoR some time p ast the development in this country load of mails under the new scheme left H est on Aerodrome plans for t~e construction of a by-pass to Crawley, on the of 16 mm. sound films has been handica.p ped through the on Ma rch 17th. The new daily service is being operated L ondon-Brtghton road, and work is to begin at once. absence of a national agreement as to the p osition on t he by four-engined de H avillan d e~-press liners, which cruise The plans include the provision of dual concrete carriage- fi lm of the sound t rack , and also as to which side should at 145 m.p.h .. and car> carry seven passengers, in addition ways, cycle tracks, and footpaths, interspersed with grass carry the emulsion . T hose directly interested in the subject to the 1000 lb. of mails for which provision is made. On verges .. With the ad~ition~l improvemen ts now proposed were unanimously of the opinion that a single standard the way to Malmo calls are made at Amsterdam, Hambw·g. the esttmated expenditure IS £133,400. The new road will was essentia l, but could not reach agreement as to \vhich and Copenhagen. The journey is timed to occupy a.bout. pa;;s Ct·awley on the west side and will be more than two stand ard to adopt. They accordingly agreed to accept ?t hours. m!les and a-half long. Each carriageway will be 20ft. the ruling of an independent arbitrator to b e appointed NEw wireless services are to b e provided on Empire w tde. The cycle tracks will b e 6ft. wide and the footpaths by the British Standards Institution. L ord Riverdale 5ft., and the grass margins will bring the total width of undertook to act as a rbitrator. The two rival standards air rou tes, in readiness for t he augmented and accelerated the road to 100ft. A new bridge, 80ft. wide, will carry the corresp ond closely with the S.M.P .E. (American) standard services of Imperial Airways which a re to b e in commission road. over ~he Southern Railway, eliminating a level on the on e band, and the D.I.N. (German) on t he other. n ext year, says the Electrician. Medium-wave wireles;; crossmg whJCh has caused much t raffic congestion and T he case of those supporting the D.I.N. standard was communication on certain parts of t he route has suffered delay. The scheme is expected to occupy about two years presented at the arbitration by Mr. Bruce-\oVoolfe, of the interference by electrical storms du ring the rainy season. Short-wave communication is to b e substituted in Uganda, and a-half. Gaumont British equiproents, whilst the case on behalf T anganyika, and Kenya, on the coast route from Nairobi SPEAKING at the annual dinner of the commer cial depart- of those supporting t he S.M.P .E. standa rd was put forward to Durban, an d probably on t he r oute th rough Nigeria me~t of the district goods managers' office of the L .M.S. by Mr. F. A. Hoare, of the Western Electric Comp any. to L agos. Sites are b eing chosen for twenty-three station;; RaJ!way at Manchester, the company's chief commercial L ord R iverdale's decision was that the S.M.P.E. standard which will be equipped with Marconi-Adcock clirection ~anager, :Mr. Asht?n Davies, d ealing with the co-ordina- shall be adopted as the British standard. This decision, finders. ttO~ of road and rail traffic, said that the railways carried which refers only to the 16 mm. sound film, will shortly be REPLYJNG to a question in the H ouse of Commons the1r goods a n average distance of 76 miles for 6s. 2d. a ton. implemented by the issue of an appropriate British They had to send 1000 empty wagons into Liverpool every Sta.ndard Specification. T he decision means that through- recen tly, the Presiden t of B oar d of Trade said that t he day, fish wagons had to return empty. With coal the out the English-speaking world educational films will be number of mercantile ships of l OO tons gross and upwards registered at ports in the United K ingdom, the registers average haul was 56 m iles, and every wagon had to return interchangeable. of which were reported to t he R egistrar-General of empty the same number of miles. On the other hand the SoANnruu is one of the number of elements whose Shipping and Seamen as h aving been closed on account. of railway's competitors were able to pick and choose iheir existence h ad been predicted, ten years before its distra~c and get a. return load on every occasion, thereby covery, by the Russian chemist Mendeleeff on t he basis sale to foreigners d uring the four yeat·s ended December puttrng a wedge inside the organisation of transport. of his p eriodic table. The actual discovery of t he element 31st, 1935, was 709 of 2,732,000 tons gross. According to .J\Ilr. Davies contended that a controlled monopoly was the was made in 1879 by Lars F redrik Nilson, a young disciple information obtained by t he Registrar-Gener·al, 185 of only form of organisation if there was to be fair· dealing in of B erzelius, in the latter's laboratory at Uppsala. Scan- t hese vessels with a. total gross tonnage of 1,072,000 tons were sold for breaking up. T he remaining 524 vessels of e,·ery form of transport. dium is more common in the earth 's crust than arsenic 1,660,000 tons gross were sold presumably for t rading. . .ON March llth four platelayers were killed a nd one and cadmium. It occurs associated with a variety of I T wa.c:: recently announced by General Smuts t hat t he tOJured when a train ran into a large gang at work on the minerals, beryls, t itanites, columbites, &c., and, in L.M.S. double-track between Preston and Blackpool. particular, as thortveitite, which contains 42 per cent. " Stirling Castle " a nd her sister ship t he " Athlone T~ey ~ere caught by one of two trains running in the same Sc 2 0 3 • The common source of supply is t in-tungsten ore, Castle," now n earing completion, will cover the trip from directiOn on p arallel lines. The two trains involved were which may run as high as l - 2 per cent. Sc20 3 • Spectro- Southampton to Cape T own in 14 days, as against the . the Fylde CORst express on the up fast line from Blackpool scopic evidence points towards a close relationship of p reAent service time of 17 clays. This service, which will be to Preston and the 8.30 a.m. train from Blackpool North scandium with the a luminium family. One of the steps in inaugurated by the " Stirling Castle," will not become to Liverpool. .The men were warned of the a.pproach of the production of pure tungsten metal for incandescent general for t hree years, during which p eriod oth er mail ~he express t.rarn and stepped on to the slow line to avoid filaments comprises the careful purification of the yellow ships on the service will be r econditioned, so that at the 1t. The look-out gave warning, by blowing a horn, of the oxide W0 8 • The crude oxide derived from wolframite is end of t his period the whole fleet will do the p assage in approach of the slow train, which was obscured by s team re -dissolved in ammonium hy droxide and re -precipitated 14 days. The "Stirling Castle" was described in T HE from t he ex-press, but the men failed to hear him. At the with hydrochlor ic acid a number of times. During the E NGINEER of February 28th last. In return to the Union inquest on the four victims of t he a cciden t the Coroner dissolution of t he oxide a small, insoluble, slimy residue Castle Linfl for this speeding up of service, t he Government said that the blowing of a horn was an antiquated system remains behind. Upon working up this residue scandium of South Africa ha,-e agreed to continue the mail contract of warning platelayers, and su ggested that it might be is recovered. The scandium is precipitated and separated for a further ten years. General Smuts. when a nnouncing replaced by the use of a porta ble telephone. The jury as scandium fluoride, ScF3 , and subsequently converted the new service, mentioned the arrangement with Imperial expressed the opinion that a b etter syst em than the use of to the colourless chloride sulphate or oxide, as desired. Airways whereby all letters will go by air from next vea1· a horn should be adopted when two t rains were running The interesting properties of scandium metal would seem or the year after, but said that the parcel post justlflerl t he continuation of the ocean mail con tract. together . to deserve flll'ther more intensive investigation. THE LONDO N L AUN D H. Y, C OYENTRY ~ 1-' ,p.. l Fo r descriptioa sec page .'lJ 1.) ~ ~ t.:z:j t_%j z Q ,....... z t_:J:j t1j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t>:> 0 " ........ IRONING TABLE AND LINEN PRESSING IRONING DEPARTMENT MAC HINE • '-0 SMALL W~SHING MACHINES LARGE WASHING MACHINE ~ ~ • MARcH 20, 1936 <!Dnginttr !JfARCH 20, 1936. VoL. CLXI. No. 4184 Contents. TH£ BNOINl!llR, March 20th, 1036. 1',\ 0& \ "E\t:N-D\Y JOttRN.\1, ... ... ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ltF.l' EST PLUCTIO& IN liYDRO·ELECTRJO POWER DE\'ELOPliENT. No. VI. (lllus.) .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ~OME COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE PRODLEMS. HRITIS ll l\!AOWNB TOOL 1\L~RERS. No. ' l' HE MODERN LAUNDRY. (£1lus.) ... I)I E!H:L E:<IGUIE USERq MROOUTIOX ll tUL AND RO&n ... .. ... \IR ANI> WJ.TER ... .. ... ... \fi~C'ELI.ANE.\. • ... ••. I.F.\ lli~O ARTICLESI nventio ll!' and J>at~·ntll . ... l~l cctric Dischl\l'llC J.ntnps I N~TITl'TE OF )f&'l'.\1,~. :\o. I ... ... .. . No. I . .. I1 l. (Jllus.) ... ... ... ... .. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... • • • 0 • ... 303 .. . 305 . .. 307 ... 300 .. . 311 .. . 312 . .. 313 . .. 813 .. 313 . .. 316 ... • . .. 316 ... 316 •• OUI'l'I' ARY- 1\. A . Chnttock WilliomBiaoc ... J'rorc!'.sor J . s. .. ... .. . l:Ialdam· .. . .. .. . .. .. ... . .. ... . •. ... ... .. . 317 . .. 317 ... .. . .. 317 ... 317 (Ill us.) .. . ... LETTER» TO THE EUITOR-('rntrifu~tal Pump 'EIIlcicnciC'S ... .. . 3 18 ... 310 "IXTY YEARS AOO .. .. ... LEIPZIO TEC10'1C.I.L l~.UR. Xo. li. VISIT TO A WATER Tl1 RDL~E W ORKS... .. ... ... 'l'IIF. lNSTITCTE 01' TRANSPORT.. . ... .. . .. . .. ... f.'E.F.. SUIDIER MEETING IN 'COTLAND ... ... ... ... V.t,EC'l'IUOAL EQUJJ'MJ:NT •' OR P .IPER 1\llLT. PROCESS WORK . \ 'OUJ'l.EX R OtuZONT.\1, BORING lliOJJIIffi. (IIIus.) ... Jl:LEOTRO·MAGNETIC VIIJRATINO :!CREEXS. (lllu~.) )lETALLIO WEAR. ( fll us.) ... ... . .. ... INSTITUTION OF XAVAL ARCWTECTS .. ... ll.\RKETS, NOTE' AND NEW' ... ... ... C URRENT PRICE FOR )[ETM.S .I.XD Fl' l!l.'l ... trRENCR ENGL~EIUIIXG NOT& . .. .. . .. . .. .. . 11RITIS II l'.&TENT SPECIF'I CATIONS. ( (Uu~.) ... J•'ORT(JCOMINO ENOAOE31RN~ .. . .. . .. • .. . P HJtSOlUL AND BUS! NE~~ ANNOUNOE~J.BNT!! ... . .. t'ONTRAOTS ..L'I D On DE ItS . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . \ I 315 THE ENGINEER . .. . .. 310 .. ... 3 10 ... . .. 310 (111\19.) 320 . .. 320 ... 320 ... 321 ... ... .. . ... 322 ... 323 ... 324 . .. 326 . .. 325 .. . 320 • .. 320 .. • 320 NOTICES TO READERS. • • • If any Sub1cribtr abroad lhould receitot TBB ENG I NEER in an imptrfut. or mvtUaled conditinn he will oblige by giving prompt infonnati0'11 of the fact to the PUbtillur, with the name of the .A(Ient tllrotlflh whom the paper il obtained. Such incont•tnience. tuffered, can be rerMtlud bv obtaining the paper direct f rom this office. • • • For Subtcription raltl, lte page 2 of A.<lr•trlilements. • . • All letltrJ intended for inurtion in Tli E ENGINEER or contain in? •Jittltiom 1houJd be a«ompanud by tlu name and addreu oj the Wl'iUr, nfJI 11UU8arilv for publiration, bid 01 a proof of good fail h. .No notice whateter can be taken of anonlfi'TWUI communicati0'11~. • . • lo'o uttlhrtaking catl l>e given 11> rtt11 rn drawino• or manutcriptll; C()"tiTJOTidentl are thtrtfore rtqtiUttd to keep copiu. v CBANGES OF' ADDRF.~S. •. • Will subscribtr8 pkase tWte that in all advices regarditl{l clumgea of addrus it is tltCe8Harv 11> have botb tbe old and new addreuea, as ot" lis!$ are k"f)t alphaJJ(ticallv bv 11>wn1. Advice• of lhit nature 1hould reach " ' bf/ tilt first pod rvednesdav morning prior to the alteration . I NVENTIONS AND PATENTS. h· is to be hoped that every young engineer who reads the wise and lucid monograph on" Rights t o Invention," recently issued to its members by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, will also read, and ponder upon, the address which Dr. Herbert Levinstein delivered to the I nstitution of Chemical Engineers on March 6th. It was reprinted in our issue of March 13th and is available in other publications. Despite the caveat with which it c~ncludes , the " Mech.anicals' " monograph, taken w1th other activities of the Institution, may almost be regarded as an incitement to seek the protection of inventions afforded by our patent laws. Dr. Levinstein shows how unprofitable that course usually is and reveals the financial net which is laid to catch the unwary patentee. There are still many thousands of people who believe that to be able t o secure a patent for an invention is the mark of genius and the first step on the road to fortune. Nothing could be further from the true fact . Under the existing system the P atent Office will giv~ its protection to any invention, however obVIous, provided there is some element of novelty, ~owever small, in the arrangement of the parts or m the process. No genius is called for in the pro(~uctio!l of. sue? inventions ; a little ingenuity, a httle 1magmat10n, much patience, and sufficient drawing paper usually fills the list of requirements. ft is not surprising that the financial returns for such patents are generally as t enuous as the protection afforded by the patents themselves. Indeed, the probability of winning a few pounds m a football pool is far greater than in the " patent pool:" _E ven the really sound patent, as Dr. Levmstem shows, is in a barely better case. For the more valuable it is the more likely is it to be challenged or infringed. It is rarely, indeed, that a patent is both above rubies and above dispute. An analysis made by Dr. Levinstein provides a means of estimating the chances that one has of making money by a patented invention. In the period 1919 to J932 only 17 · 7 per cent . of patents were deemed worth the fee that would have kept them in existence for ten years and only 3 · 7 per cent. for the whole course of sixteen years. " It may be assumed, therefore," says Dr. Levinstein, " that less than 800 patents are granted annually (out of over 37,000 applications and some 17,000 grants) which are worth while or justifiable, and that approximately 20,000 patents are allowed to become void every year.·· Whilst it must be admitted that the value of a patent is not necessarily measured by the length of its life, for even m the course of a few year s it may have given a profit to its owners, it is very certain that by far the greater proportion of the 20,000 which are sacrificed annually are not worth the cost of renewal for even a single year . Of those that remain it is equally certain that many are held by rich firms and corporations and are of the class that has been aptly described as " keep off the grass. " They are not used by the holders themselves, but prevent others from employing the same invention. Fortunately, that is rarely of much consequence, for, on the one hand, it may be said that if an invention is not used it is not essential ; and, on the other , that if an equally serviceable alternative were not Mrailable infringement would be risked. The latter observation brings out a point to which the Institution of Mechanical Engineers has done well to call the attention of would-be patentees. " Most inventions," it says, " are merely alternatives to others, and if the alternatives can be used freely and are equally useful, or even approximately so, the inventor cannot expect a great reward for his invention." Many and many a " poor inventor " who thinks he is hardly treated by manufacturers has overlooked that point. We may hazard the guess that if every inven~ion could be covered by a master patent then every nation in the world would be e>.'tremely cautious in the grant of such monopolies. Fortunately, in mechanical engineering pa.r ticularly, there are always several ways of attaining a desired object , and the grant of a patent very rarely gives an absoh1te monopoly t o the holder . But even with the reservation suggested by these considerations, it is almost beyond question that the wholesale granting of patents for inventions i a handicap on progress, and Dr. Levinstein, after giving examples of their ill effects, notes ·with satisfaction two remedies initiated by the Business of the Courts Committee, whose report was pub lished recently. These two remedies are: To stop at the source any patent the claims of which have not a reasonable chance of being upheld in court; and to make it easier and much less costly to obtain a decision in the courts upon the validity of a patent. At the present time the Patent Office examiners reject about one-half only of the applications for protection . Dr. Levinstein as erts that a much great er number might be turned down. We agree 'vith him . Let anyone study for a few weeks the abstracts of specification which are given in our own and other publications, and they cannot fail to reach the conclusion that in many cases there is little or no novelty in the inventions and certainly nothing that merits protection by the grant of a monopoly. There is only one thing to be said for the present syst em- it brings revenue to the Crown. It is true that owing to the fund amental worthlessness of the patents the grant in the majority of instances does little or no harm. But there remain others, whose effect , according to Dr. Levinstein, " is very serious on the industry of this country .·' Electric Disch a r ge Lamps AMONG the many useful things that have emerged from electrical research is the modern discharge lamp, now well known to illuminating engineers. Until a few years ago the filament lamp had no real rival as a source of electric light, but laboratory investigations have led to the production of a n efficient unit which gives brilliant lighting effects by an electrical discharge in rare gases and vapours. Although the possibility of utilising this principle has long been recognised, lamps capable of yielding several times more light for the electricity consumed than those commonly used are relatively new. Their physics were dealt with by M:r. C. C. P atterson in his presidential address delivered before the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1931 and in his Faraday lecture of 1934. Two types have been used for public lighting, the sodium vapour and the high-pressure mercury vapour lamp , which has by far the wider application. F or public lighting alone no fewer than 10,000 of the latter are in use in Great Britain, where progress has greatly exceeded that in other countries. With his charact eristic tendency to adopt new schemes, Captain J . M. Donaldson, chief engineer of the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company, co-operated with the Wembley Urban District Counci l in 1933 in thee tablishment of a fullsized installation. Since then there has been substantial progress in L ondon and elsewhere. both in connection with street and other lighting. The high-pressure mercvry vapour lamp has not . only provided a light source of tluee times the efficiency of that previously available, but its use has brought about unexpect ed advances in knowledge relating to the illumination of highways. 'While the arc lamp has high efficiency, it suffers from the disadvantage that it needs trimming. and filament lamp improvements led to discontinuance of its use. save in relatively few places. The new lighting unit consists of a tubular glas vessel containing rare gases at low pressure and a small quantity of mercury. At each end is an electrode in the form of a stick of rare earth oxides held in a tungst en spiral which is heated during manufacture to activate the oxides. To ensure that the mercury is easily vaporised and to obtain a reasonably constant mercury vapour pressure the vessel is enclosed in an outer heat insulating bulb containing oxygen. An auxiliary electrode initiates the discharge, which fills the bulb with light. The main electrodes are heated by bombardment, and as they and the bulb warm up and the vapour pressure rises the luminous column becomes narrower and brighter. By reason of the fact that as the cmTent increases the resistance falls, it is essential to employ a controlling device, which usually takes the form of a choke on account of its low losses. Another auxiliary is a condenser to raise the power factor which would otherwise be low. Standard high-pressure mercury vapour lamps developed up to the present are rated at 400 and 250 watts with efficiencie , exclusive of auxiliary losseR. of 4;) and 36lumens per watt respectively or 43 and 34lumen Experience gained including auxiliary los es. with the new pubJjc lighting system over a peri od of three years is recorded in a recent I .E .E . paper by Messrs. G. H . Wilson, E. L. Damant, and J . .M. Wald.ram , a contribution which clearly indicates that since the introduction of discharge lamps illuminating engineers have learnt much about the illumination of highways. Correct location of the light sources, careful design of the installation as a whole, and the use of suitable lanterns are shown to be essential to success. A study of the road and objects in perspective rather than in plan was an impor tant step towards the understanding of visibility. For quick and certain perception of objects the road surface needs to be made bright, which involves a knowledge of the complex ways in which light is reflected from the surface . Patches of unusually low brightness on an otherwise adequately lighted road may be very deceptive and are apt to lead to accidents. 'imilarly, glare may be distinctly dangerous. These and other matters are fully discussed for the benefit of engi neers anxious to familiarise themselves with thi~ relatively new lighting system . The use of the high-pressm·e mercm·y vapom system for industrial lighting is a subject upon which no paper seems to have been produced . The fact that in the early stages of development only the powerful 400-watt was available. limited the field to some extent, as such a unit could only be employed where adequate headroom existed. But the advent of 250-watt lamps greatly improved the position, and it is said that there are now relatively few modern factories in which headroom is an ohstacle to the adoption of discharge lighting unitR. Heflectors have been de igned t o give a light distribution generally agreed to be suitable for industrial operations. The colour rendering .may be undesirable in certain ea ·es, but not in general. Acceptance of the idea that the colour of light emitted by filament lamp is good in all cases is perhaps due to lack of evidence to the contrary. Advantage for the discharge lamp is. however, only claimed when colour perception at the red end of the spectrum is not required. If true colour matching is of prime importance, the light is unsuitable. While attempts hM•e been made to increase the red light component, succe · in that direction has been attained by a loss of efficiency, although by combining electric discharge units with tungsten lamps certain requirements have been met. There are said to be no ground~ for the fear, sometimes expressed, that the light is injurious to the eyes or general health. No ultraviolet light pre ent is of a wave length which will affect the eyes, while p sychologically the effect on workpeople in comparison \vith that of the tungsten lamp is said to be all to the good. Operators are reported to appreciate the lamp's advantages and • • 316 TH E E N G INEER MARCH 20, 1936 a.rea of bearing metal exposed was very large in relation to the amount present, a.nd practical experi ence showed that thermal effects were e;:..."tremely important. The tendency to-~a.Y wa.s for oil t~m­ perature' to rise a.nd the conditions were becorrung more a.nd more difficult. The effect of metals on lubricant. wa.s becoming of increasing importance, and recent experience suggested that particular metals ha.d a vital influence on the " health " of the film of lubricant in contact wtth them. Indeed, some materials h elped materially the deterioration of films of lubricants- oils in particular- by assisting oxidation. On the other hand, it seemed tha.t aluminium. rich alloys were lil\:ely to be a benefit from. that point of view, a.nd that might be due to the tenac1ous film of No. T. • oxide which formocl on aluminium under conditions where oxygen was present. ~umioium-rich ~Jloys DISCUSSION ON METALLIC WEAR. also seemed to he vory attract1ve from the pomt of of the displacement of hea.t. HE Institute of Metals opened its spring meeting, no lubricant whatever at loads and speeds which view Mr. J. Carter said that in aircraft the loads somein the Hall of tho Institu tion of Mechanical would result in seizing and scoring with steel against times reached a.s much a.s 8000 lb. per square inch, and Engineers, W estminster, L ondon , S.W. l , on the s teel lubricated with ordinary oil3 or greases. W ith evening of T uosday, March lOth, by a joint discussion bronze against bronze they were able to apply the greatest trouble wa.s with the lubrica.~ion of thc• wi t h kindred societios on tho subject of " Metallic presf>ures up to 24,000 lb. p er square inch, without connecting-rod. That 'va.s not a. ques~10n of the breaking down of the film, but a quest10n whether . W ear. " D r . H arold Moore (Pre ident of the Institute) lubrication. the reversal of the fluid a.t a particular point wa.s n ot wa.s in the rhai1·. Dr. N. K. Ada.m (University College) asked whether the real cause of wea.r. In some tests he ha.d carried the wear cca.sed abruptly after the cavity ha.d reached out recently with a. bearing metal having a lea.d base, METALLIC \YEAR. a. sufficient size for the pressw·e to dropped so Dr. Il. ,V. Brownsdon opened the discussion with far that the complete film wa.s established ; presum- the sp eed being 4000ft. per minute a.nd the loa.d 319 lb ., he noticed that after the first run of five the paper reprinted on page 32 1 of this issue. ably wear was much less after that stage wa.s rea.ohed. P resen ting the paper, he gave some further He discussed a.t some length the probable mechanism hours the bearing did not reach the same temperature inform ation obtained since it wa.<:; prepared. He of wear, and challenged a. statem ent by l\'l.r. in the second run by 20 deg., and the wearing of the g'lve tho results of experiments on the effect of Ma.cNaughta.n that it was a. cutting action. The bearing wa.s less on the second run than on the first. temperature upon wea.r, using a 75 oil a.nd a conta~t between metal surfaces, he, wa.s probably H e could not understand tha.t phenomenon, and he ca.stor oil at temperatures from J 00 deg. down to at a very few points only at a.ny one moment, and wa.s continuing the experiments in t.he hope he would 40 deg. F ah ., the metals tested being a 70/30 brass the process of wear was a matter of adhesion between be able to ascertain the cause. Mr. John Arnott, commenting on the warning in an d a. tin bronze. The results indicated tha.t there the points on the opposite faces that were in molecular were two temperaturrs to doal with when considering contact. F rom tho fa.ct tha.t the physical hardness the paper against drawing general conclusions from wear p roblems -the general temperature conditions of a metal of a given composition was practically the tests described, expressed the h ope that t hat of t he wear Rystem, and the temperatu re generated without influence on its rate of wea.r, it would appear would be observed, as in some branches of engineer owing to the friction caused by wear. Further, that tha.t, at any rate to a first approximation , there wa.s ing general experien ce did not agree with certain of t h e influence of oil temperature upon wea.r was in a definite probabilit.y of atoms of a given k ind being the conclusions in the paper. In the appa ratus some cnseR qu ite marked, an d in other cases was very dragged out of the metal, irrespective of the exten t descr ibed in the paper, the motion wa.s rotary ; one small. to which the crystalline structure h!ld been destroyed contacting surface wa.s hard steel, flood lubrication by cold working. The wheel usu ally revolved a.t was supplied, a.nd the pr~ure p er square inch of DISCUSSION. 500 r.p .m.; consequently, the time during which contacting surface wo.s high initially a.nd decreased Mr. D . J. MacNaughta.n suggested t h a.t Dr. Browns- the elevated points were in contact on the two surfaces a.s wea.r took place. In his view, better information don h a.d been a. little incautious when he had con- must be very small-of the order of three-hundred- was provided in wear tests in which the pressure per cluded from certain of h is resul~s that the claims millionths of a second if the elevated parts were squ are inch of contact was constant and advanced as to the advantage of bearing metals one-millionth of a centimetre across. Yet that time lower than that used by Dr. Browoscion , a.nd also where having a. complex a.s against a. homogeneous structure was sufficient to allo' v of the format ion of a narrow the test was carried out without lubrication. For some had no j ustification; t hat wa.s liable to lead to the bridge of metal b etween the two surfaces, with its fifteen years he ha.d been using a wear-testing machine obvious retort from engineers and from a number of su bsequen t breakage at a point usu ally some di3tance which had reciprocating mot ion, and in which the metallurgists t hat the failure of the test to distinguish into what was originally the substance of the metal load could be varied u p to a maximum of 3000 lb. between those materials might be du e to the weakness of smaller tensile strength. ThE\ dibris of those per square inch of contacting su rfaze. Tests were of t he test itself. A good featw-e of D r. Brownsdon's bridges appeared as " fouling " on the steel wheel. carried out either dry or in water, and the results had test wa.s the striking manner in which it showed up Perhaps the reason wh y the slowing of the rate been most consistently verified in service. The paper broad distinctions botween notoriously bad ma.terif\ls of revolution from 500 to 10 per minu te resulted in stated that the addit ion of lead to gurunetal did not for bearing m etals. Yet it seemed that the test more wear for a gi ven number of revolutions was ap pear to improve resistance to wear, bu t if, in the eparated the sh eep from the goats, but still raised that the time of conta()t between elevations was machine to which he ha.d referred, two p ieces of lea.ddoubt s about the classification of the sheep. longer, and the chance of the a.dhesion becoming freo gunmetal were m bbed together with a. load of Mr. MaoNaughtan sugg<' tod that an important strong enough to form a bridge was &lightly increased. 200 lb. p er square inch, at a speed of, say, 150ft. p er factor influencing the rate of "'Tear was the p ossible I t was al ,o possible, h owever, that at the higher minut.e while immersed in boiling watet·, wear was presence of abrasive particles in the oil, causing speeds there was slightly more oscillation and that excessive and seizure took place. If one or both of the specimens contained even 5 per cent. of lead, the rupt u re of t he filin. Such particles were invariaLly som e of the contacts were jumped. present in practice, and filtering only reduced the D r. F. P. Bowdon (L aboratory of P hysical wear was practically negligible. He a.lso disagreed number. I t was just beyond the area of maximum Chemistry, Cambridge) suggested that one factor with the view expressed in the paper as to the relative pre&.\lfe, whore the oil was rus hing past at. maximum which might have an important influence on the propertios of brass a.nd tin-bronze, for in several cases sp eed a.n d t h e particles were moving with accelerating wear of sl iding m etals was the temperature rea()hed with either rotary or reciprocating motion, either peed, that maximum wear usually occurred in a. by the ru bbing surfMes, and referred to some recent immer~>ed in water or of the "dry-greasy " type, bearing. Not infrequently, the wear took the form experiments showing tha.t the frict ional heat working a.gain'3t st eels of 140 to 300 B rinell, t inof selective removal of the soft matrix, an effect developed on sliding could raise the surface tempera- bronze gave a. much longer life than any of the 60/40 which he could not explain except as etching by t.ure of metab to a sufficiently high value to cause bra.sses or manganese bronzes. Also, contrary to the chemical attack by oil or the action of fine a.bra.sive me) ing at t h e point of ~ontact. A polished constant-an author's view, he had found, other things b~ing • particles-it seemed likely to ba a. combination of cylinder, for example, sl iding over a surface of equal, increase of hardness in any one type of alloy both factors. pofuhed steel, reached a surface temperature of more generally gave increased wear resistance. Finally, he Professor J. S. S. said that Dr. Browosdon's tha.n 1000 deg. Cent. Even when a. lubricant wa.s said that there appeared to be so ma.ny examples warning against drawing wide a.nd general conclusions p resen t , the surface t emperature was still high ; ranging from rolling mill bearings to turbine thrust from his results wa.s very nece sa.ry ; there were so with quite a. good lubricant the surface temp eratw-e rings, which completely nE\ga.tived the results given many of wear that e:l\.'periments su ch as he rn4!ht be 600 deg. Cent. or more. With m any metals in the paper, tha.t the method of test appeared to have ha.d carried out, although affording extremely valuable (e.g., lead and bismuth) the surface temperature rose a. very limited field of application. data in some directions, p robably did not throw light to the mel ting point. of the metal and then remained Mr. J. Cartland a.lso criticised the method of testing on ma.n y of the p h a.sos of wea.r t.hat were met with constant; ap parently su rface mel ting was occurring described in the paper, a.nd e>.."Pressed a. doubt a.s to in p r'actice. Alt hough bearing metals h a.d been locally a.t the points of contact. Beilby had con- whether it really rEipt·esented w~o.r. He alc;o asked emp loyed largely, the cond itions of experiment d id siderf\d that the effect of polishing (as distinct from the author whether he considered that tests of bearing not warrant the drawing of inferences on the wear of abrasion) was to form a thin amorphous layer. There metals give a. real indication of their value for bearing su ch m in bearings, except perhaps in the early was considerable difference of opinion as to how that p erformance. In the of white metal with a tin stages of running·in. Dr. Brownsdon's experiments layer wa.s formed . But measurements had provided base he suggested that the results of the author's appeared to terminated at fiftem minutes in direct evidence t h a.t the surface flow of a. metal was tests indicated a :figure abou t five t imes more tha.n most, and Professor Brame a.sked if the brought abou t by actual melting, since the surface was normally recommended such a. metal should maximum wea.r was then reached . The running-in temp erature at the points of contact of the polisher stand. In the case of bronzes, the auth or had shown of a bearing was a very much slower and less drastic often rose to th e melting point of the metal and that no resistance to wear wa.s obtained by increasing process t han in D r. Brownsdon's t ests. In all th en became stationary. The m~lted metal a.t t h ose the tin content beyond 6 per cent., bu t that was probability, d u ring the ru nning-in process t h e pom ts 'vouJd be wi peel ovor the sur faco by the polisher definitely opposed to wha.t h e had found in practice. a morphous layer which Beilby h a.d first suggested a.nd would quickly solidify to form an amorphous He recalled a case in which a bronze for a. certain a.s being formed on t h e surface of a. metaJ, and par- layer. very heavy duty in rock drills contained about 10 per ticularly t h e p ossibility of that amorphous layer a.nd I t was n ot suggested that all s urface flow wa.s du e cent. tin, and it stood up for eight hours before it t he oil forming a complex, rendered the conditions to melting ; indeed, metals, particularly the atoms wore right away. \ Vhen the amount of tin wa.s very different indeed from t h ose in D r. B rownsdon 's on the crystal edges, softened and flowed at tempera- increased to 12 per cent. the m etal stood up for forty tests; it was almost certain that in those tests tures well below the m elting point. But the experi- days. no su ch layer could be p roduced, fo r its formation ments showed tha.t W1der ma.ny conditions of sliding Mr. F. Hargrea.ves referred to measurements of wea.r was a long t ime p roce!<s. an d rubbing, the hig h temperature and the melting in locomotive cylinders, the Elogioes being of the sam!' The effectiveoes of som e of the extreme p ressu re of the surface was an important cause of the surface design, using superheated steam and b ein g engaged lubricants wa.s , and in ma.ny con- flow, wear, and p olish of metals. in e>.."Press passenger traffic. The period of service tradictory, and emph~ised how little we really Mr. H. Sutton, speaking with regard to bearings in over which the measurements had been taken ranged knew. Mougey a.nd Almen had made t h e internal combustion engines, he felt tha.t a form from seven to eleven years, and the mileage varied ob servat ion that dichl oroeth) 1-ether, having a. vis- of test in which a larger proportion of the b earing between 350,000 a.nd 500,000 miles. In a.ll cases cosit y abou t equ al to that of gasoline, was one of surface was under load than wa.s the with the complete m oasw·ements of the cylinders were taken , t h e best extreme p r·essure lubricants they had t ried . author's test, would seem better to rep roduce prac- including analysis, Brinell measu rements and microThey h ad also recorded that t h ey could operate tical conditions in aircraft. In many of the bearings graphic oxamina.tion. The result of the examination st eel against bronze a.nd certain oth er metals wit h used in internal combustion engines in aircraft, the had shown that the phosphorus in the iron determined to work better under its influence. True, these rosy accounts come from a firm manufacturing discharge light ing units, but as it is not clisinterested in t he older lamp it may be assumed that undue exaggeration has not been indulged in. That the high-pres ure mercury vapour sy tern in its present stage of evolution represents the state of finality is highly improbable, but until re earcb workers ucceed in producing something considerably better it should find a wide field of application, both in industry and on public thoroughfares. .==================== Institute of Metals. T • MARCH 20, 1936 THE tho resistance to wear. "When tho iron was completely pea.rlitic with 0 · 8 per cent. phosphorous, the amount of wear was one-quarter what it was with 0 · 5 per cent. phosphorous. The re. ults also indicated that the combined <'arhon was of p rimary importanco. Again, a. definite relationship wM shown between tho Brinell hardness and tho phosphorous contt>nt.. That relationship could be exprossed by saying that a high Brinell hardness was moro likely to givo hettor wear than a. low Brinell hardness. He would not go further than that. In the case of two other cylinders which wero completely p ea.rlitic, and conI ainC'cl about 0 · 4 por cent. pho)olphorous, they had given fift y years • ~:~orv ice with practically no wear. Another very old cylind('r which had shown remarkable r·csistance contained 1 · 17 per cent•. phosphorous, but only ~ per cent. combined carbon. Mr. E. A. Eva.ns said that the author had not said ho had found tho solution to metallic ' vear. He had merely produced a means for inve tigating t he problem from another angle, but whether that method was useful remained to be seen. There was sufficient encouragement to investigate the subject a good deal further, because it was quite dofinito that we were terribly ignorant about metallic wear in revolving and reciprocating parts, and even ·whore there was sliding fl'iction. 1\1r. Barralet said the communications engineer was up against this problem to a considerable extent. Practically the whole of the apparatus used in the modern automatic tolophono system d ep enc'led upon tho action of who.t was known as tho two-motion switch, whero an ordinary spindle raised a. contact arm which rotated in a. bank of con tacts. The reliability of the st'rvico depended on th(' reliability of these contacts, which, in turn, naturally dependE'd on the wear. A very la rgo amount of work had been clono in selecting t ho materials, mostly by empirical m(lt.hod~ of trying them out. Finally, phosphor bronze and nickel silver had been solected, and woro used at t he present time. It was found in one of tho London exchanges that the wear was very much ~reater than might be anticipated, and som e of the apparatus was sont to the laboratory, where it was possible to got t.he equivalent of thirty years' life in twelve weoks. But whereas in the exchango t.he apparatus did not function as it should do, in the laboratory iL worknd p erfectly, o.nd everyone was pm:zled until some bright p erson suggested that the dust from the London streets might be having an influence. Consequently 2 grams of dust were let into the cabinet in which the test was being made, and this had the effect of reducing t he number of operations from 2,000,000 to 300,000. The ell.-periment was then ropeated, and 4 grams of dust were let into the testing cabinet, and the number of operat ioru; was reduced to 45,000. There was no time for furthE'r rli.,cuRsion nor for tho a.nthor t o reply. Co-OPERATION WITH IRoN AND STEEL INSTJTUTE. "When the m embers of the Institute of Metals assembled for thei r annual m eeting in the Hall of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, W estminster, on W ednesday, March 11th, Dr. Harold Moore (the retiring President of the Institute) announced tho receipt of a report from the Iron and Steel Institute, containing definite proposals for co-operation between tho two Institutes. 'fhe proposa ls, he said, had been recoived by tho Council of the Institute of Metals with the greatest sympathy. It would not be proper at the present stago to say a.nythine' about the d etails, but he had studied them very carefully, and he could say that, although cautious, they wore far-reaching. Thoy did not invol ve an y sacrifice of autonomy on the part of t~it her Institute, a.nd each would retain its complete inclopondence. He regarded them as a most excellent'l for the co-operation, which ho felt sure would result from their further consideration. Though this was tho first public pronouncement on the matter, it had b('fln under consideration by the I ron a.nd StC'el Institut e for a. long time, a.nd through the kindness of the Pr<"sidont a nd the Secretary of that body (Sir Harold Carpenter and Mr. Hea.dla.m Morley), the Council of the Institute of Metals had boon kept oloRoly informed of tho progress mado. Dr. Moore rcoalled that he had referred in his Presidential Addre"'s to the possibility of co-operation. The initiative had come ontiroly from the Iron and Steel Institute, and he believed tha.t Sir Harold Carpenter personally had played a large part in 1he achievc>mon t of the progress that had been made. After the prosonta.tion and adoption of the Annual Report, Dr. Moore introduced M1·. W . R. Ba.rola.y as his successor in the presidential chair. Mr. Ba.rclay then delivered the Presidential Address, printed in our last number. The discussion of papers wa.s procf'ed<'d with. (To b• continued.) AT the annual dinner of the Lincolnshire Iron and Steel Inatitute, Captain Euan Wallace, speaking of the iron and steel industry, aaid that the demands on the industry, which increased by 40 per cent. in the short period of two years, had been met promptly and effectively. Unemploy. ment in the industry had been reduced from nearly 50 per <·ent. of insured workers in 1932 to loss than 20 per cont. to-day, with every indication of a. progressive decrease. 317 ENGINEER Obituary. R. A. CHATTOCK . BY the death of Mr. Richard Alexander Chattock, who, for twenty-Rix years, was Blectrica.l Engineer t o the Birmingham Corpotation, a well-known figure has been removed from the engineering profession. B orn in 1865 at Solihull, Warwickshire, the son of Mr. R. S. Chattock, an artist, he began his education at University School, London , from which h e passed in l 881 into tho College, whero ho remainNl until 1884, goin~ through the fu ll engineering course under Professor K onnedy and ohta.ining a Oilchrist Scholarship. Subsequently, he studied physics and en~i­ neering in the College Laboratory, and in 1886 passed the final examination of th e L ondon University in the first division. H e then entered the marine and general engineering shops of John Stowart and Son, Black\voll , as an apprentice. From 1 89 to 1892 he acted as assistant ongineer to tho Metropolitan Electric Supply Company. In the latter year he was associated with tho construction of a new station in Amberley-roa.d, Paddington, and before leaving tho company in August of that year became superintendent engineC'r at that station. After acting as chief engineor to the Vestry of St. John, Hampstead, until May, 1895, Mr. C:ha.ttock took up the still more important position of sup!'rintendent engineer at the<sido station of the City of London Electric Supply Company, a. posit ion which he held for five years. Durin~ that time h o had entire cha1·go of running and maintenance, as well as all new work, including tho <.wection of build ings and plant. that was undertaken while he was there. In 1900 he was appointC'd Chief Electrical E ngineer to tho Bradford Coq1ora.tion, a position which also involved the ~:~upervision of important extensions. In 1903 he became Chief Electrical Engineer to the Birmingham Corporation, and retained that post until his retirement from central station work in 1930. During his t erm of office at Birmingham, Mr. Chattock was responsible for the d esign nnd equipment of four stations-Summer-lane, two at Noohells, and tho Hams Hall Atation. In the rmm e period the oa.po.oity of the undertaking's plant increased from 5000 to 250,000 kW, and the city's consumption from 4,000,000 to 350,000,000 units o. year. One o( his first t a.sks at Birmingham was the electrification of the tramways. During the war he was called upon to provide a g reatly increased output for munit ion factol'ies, wh ich involved the construction of a. temporary 10,000 kW station in t he short period of nine months. About 1925 he interested himself in pulvef'ised fuel, a.nd provided som e of the boilers at N echells with equipment for burning that fuel. Believing in the policy of supply ing residential oonsum<'rs with D .C'., he installed on t.he outskirts of Birmingham no fewer than thirty Rmall automatic morcury arc rectifier sub-stations, but whether that wa.s wise in view of the proposal to standardise 50-oyclo A.C. is a matter upon which all engineers may not agree. In 1925 he became the fi rst municipal electrical eng ineer to hold the office of Pr('sident of tho Institution of Electrical Engineers. His presidential address was thoroughly pra.ct ical and was dC'votcd in part to a oritici3m of the proposal to interconnect power stations a nd to standa rdise frequency which he estimated would cost no less than £27,000,000. F ew, if any, engineers have had a. wider e:xperiE!nce in power station work, and his d eath removes one of the ablest men who have been associated with the electricity supply industry. WILLIAM BLANE. EVERYONE who was pet·sona.lly acquainted w ith Mr. William Blane, the founder of the firm which bears his name in .Tohannesburg, will hear with sorrow of his deat h at the age of seventy-seven years. He had for many years lived in this country, and bot.h in business and club life enjoyed well . morited popularity. He was a. Scotsman, but when quito a young ma.n went to Sou~ h Africa, where he was manager and consulting engineer of mines. Illhealth, howover, overtook him, and in 1909 he had to return to this country leaving the management of the J ohannesburg business in the hands of his brother Robert, whilst he looked after its interests at homo. Mr. Blanc was necessarily a. great traveller, and few engineers have seen so much of the world in an official capacity. In 1901 he was commissioned by the Government t o inspect a.nd report upon railways and mining in Australia. Between 1909 and 1914 he was commissioned by THE ENGINEER to report on railways and docks in South Africa, India, China, Japan, the United States, and Canada.. During the first year of the Great War he held no special post, but during 1915-16 he was Senior Technical Assistant to the Directorate of Army Contracts stationed a.t Sheffield. During 1917- 19 he was Assistant Director of Army Contracts. When occupying these post s he displayed an uncommon freshness of mind in dealing with red tape and official conventions, and a remarkable for getting his own wa.y, owing, no doubt, to his considerable gifts of humour. It is possible that th is experience assisted him in the preparation of evidence for tho Co~l Industry Commissioners, which he pres?ntcd m 1920. In later life he was chiefly devoted to htera.ture, and contributed to the Nineteenth Century, th<' B ookman, and other critical journals. H o wrote . at various times several volumes of poems whach enjoyed a wide circulation, particularly . in . South Africa. H e was a. m ember of the Ins tJtut1on of Mechanical Engineers, and the Institute of M~ Engineers. and in 1928 President of th<" CaiNloman Society. • ,J. S. HALOANJ.;. MANY of our readers will learn wit.h clet'p a·egret of the , at the age of sevonty -five, of P1·ofessor J. S. H a.ldane, C.H .. F.R.S. , which took pla.c!' at hiA home at Oxford at midnight on Saturday. Only quite recently h e visited Iraq and P ersia. in orclC'r to study sunstroke cases among workers in the oil fields. and was up till a. short time bofore his d eath in excellent health. A biologist a.nd physiologist b y t.ra.ining, Professor Haldane did much to promote safety and hy~iene in industry, espooia.lly in coal mining. H e wa.s born in Edinburgh and was educated at the Edinburgh Academy and Edinburgh University. after which ho studied at tho University of .Jena. At the University College, Dundee, and at the University of Oxford he made oxton..c;ive inv£'stigations into tho inorganic impurities o( and mino ~nses o.nd investigated several colliery explosions for the Home Office. Between 1892 and 1900 Professor introduced a number of new mothods for investigating various aspect s of the respi ratory functions and erved on a. number of Govt>rnmC>nt Committees. H e gave considoro.blo assista.ncC' to thP Admiralty on such subjPct s as deep diving, tho vt'ntiJa.tion of bo.ttloships, and the pmifioation of ait· in submarines. H e was appoi ntod a. m ember of t.h(' Royo.l Commissions on Coal Mines and Motallifl'rOuH Mines of 1906 and 1911, and became a member of the Safety in Mines Research Board soon aft<'r it was established. Much of his work on sa.f£'ty in mines wa.s published in the " Transactions " of tho Iruititution of Mining Engineers and its vo.lue was recognised by h is olected Presid <'nt of the Institution in l 924. Professor received honorat·y d ogr£'os from several universities and was the holdor of many gold m edals. In 1928 he was made a. Companion of Honour in recogn it ion of his Aoient ific· work on industrial disease. SIXTY YEARS AGO. BRITAIN's naval power wOB the subject or almost. as much discussion sixty years ago as it is to-day. The Navy Estimates introduced by Mr. Ward Hunt on March l 3t.h 1876 made provision for eighteen gunboats, four torpedo ships, six and five sloops representing a total of 4000 tons of unnrmoured ships. No provision was made for laying down any i1·onclads in the forthcoming year but 5200 tons of a.rmolll'ed ships on which work had nlready been begun were to be proceeded with . Of the ironclads under construction the " Inflexible " was to be launched within a month while the " Dreadnought " and the " Thunderor " were to be ready for sea within a year or so. A sovoro crit.ic of tho country's naval policy as crystallised in this programme was Mr. E. J. Reed lately Chief Constructor at the Admiral ty. He argued strenuously that our naval powor was inadequate to our requirements and \Jrgod the necessity or adding more ironcladR to our ficot.. Challenged to namo any three Powers which. putting their efficient ironolads together. would show a strengt h equal to our own he assorted that a combination of three Powers was not necessary. Two would bo suffi . cient such as France and Italy or France and Russia 0 1· France and 'l'urkoy or Franco and Austria. In our issuo of March J7th we took M•·. Reod to task. ' Vhile w () could at times ho severe critics of tho Admiralty and the Government wo argued on this occasion on their side and against Mr. Rood's alarmist views. In all his combinations, we obsorvod, Mr. Reed was forced to include France although nothing was more unlikely than that that country should form a Continental combination against us. In tho existing state of politics the only possible combination against u.s was that of Germany and Russia and in such a case we wou ld probnbly havo the Turkish Navy on our side. Setting aside that point we procoeded to examine what combination of fighting ships Franco and Russia could send to sea against us. The conclusion we reached was that the aggregate ironclad tonnage of those two nations was l I 3,000 or almost precisely tho samo113,500-as our own. The compnrison was not., however, to be mndb, as Mr. Reed made it, on tonnage alone. ought to reckon in torms of guns and armour. When those factors wore brought into the count. we found that the British Navy was very much superior to the :Franco. Russian combined fleets. The united force of those two countries which could be sent to soa to engage our fleet would, we said, consist of twenty-ono ships with guns ranging from 35 tons down to 6! tons and with armour varying from 8tin. to 4tin. thick. On the British side w~;> had twelve first-class fighting ships with guns varying from 38 tons downwards and wit.h armour up to 14in. thick. In nddit.ion the speeds of t.he British ships were superior t.o thoso of their hypothetical foos. Wo "\VOr(l satisfied that. the British Boot as it existed was quite powerful enough to destroy the combined fleets of France and Ru.ssie., while in a short timo wo would have three new ironclads carrying 81-ton guns with which no nation <>xcepl perhaps Italy could compote. Our optimism ran so high that we even pictured one of those new warships, t.hc " Dreadnought.," opposing sin~le -handed at least onCI-ha lf of the French Navy. '"'e T H I~ 318 MARCH ENG I NEER 20, 19:3() illus tra tion clca.l'ly s how::. the n eat arrangement ol the spinc.lle, head, a.nd the controls. The spindle ha..., a. diameter of 115 mm. and a. speed range of 4 · R to 540 r.p .m. Simplified cont rols ag~in form a. feature of this tool. An exhibit of m ore than u.< on this s tand wa.c; a. serie.~ of p rop eller blade curves which have been milled directly from the drawing by means of a. light _ce~ passing over ~he l~e ~n the drawing and tra.m•mttt Ulg the change m directiOn to the cu tter head. Thi~ is a. new development in the automatic milling a.nd finishing of propeller blades for aeroplanes and ship use, in which good progress is n ow being m ade ~tnd important ad,•a.nces are expected at an ear l~ d ate. Leipzig Technical Fair. No. II. (Continued from paye 282, March 13th .) X what follows we continu<' ow· description of range of 80 to 330 r.p.m . This m achine is driven the machine tool exhibit:'~ shown in H all No. 9 by a. 25 b.h.p. motor. The controls are design ed to be a.s simple as p ossible, and a.Jl sp eeds and feeds of the L eipzig T ec·hnical Fair. indicated direct. There is a. rapid traverse which COLLE T A'<D ENOELllt~RD . enables minimum times to be made between the A fine oxa.mple of a larg<' boring and milling vary ing operations carried out by the machine. As K .A'RL \VETZEL. machine was that C'xh ibited by Collet and Engel· previously m entioned, the feeds can be chosen eit her hard, of Offenbach am Main, which is illustrated p or revolution or p or minute, and bot h vertical and Anoth er la1·ge boring and milling m achine which in Fig. 6 horewith. ft ha.s a spincli<' dram<'t<'r of horizontal movomC'nts cttn h<' combined, which was exhibited by Kart ·w etzel, of Gera., is s hown in • Fig. 7. It is a 180 mm. diameter spindle ma.chint• d esigned for accur·ate boring, milling, or screw cutting, and a wide range of fee{i.s with rapid traverse is prov ided. There are scales and verniers for the axial transver·se and vertical adjustments, and, if desired, an arrangement can be supplied emp lo} ing clial gauges and m easuring blocks J?&king readings of ..r: 0 · 01 mm. possible. A spectal feature of the d esign is the ribbing of the column a.nd h ed , and the slides wide with a narrow guide of right-angle section. The guide offers epa.ra.te and independent planes for s urface and for alignment, each of which is made t o accurate limits. All controls \vorked from the operator's p osition on the pindle carriage, which is facilitated b •y m eans of a ladder and platform a. shown. I \ VALDRTCH. The firm of H. A. Wa.ldrich G.m.b.H., of Siegen, W estpha.lia., again Pxhibited a high-duty large planer electrically driven on the vVard-Leona.rcl principle, which was demonstrated planing large steel ingotH ,vith a s p<'cial tool removing about 120 square millimetres at each cut. In its design the planer follow~! closely that exhibited at last year's Fair. It has a table width of 3000 mm. with a planing length of 6000 mm., u. planing height of 2200 mm., and a. planing hrcadth of 3500 mm. The table sp eed eau be r<'gulatcd from 4 · 5 m. to 22 · 5 m. p er minute, while th<' COIT<'Sponding return sp eeds vary from 11 · 3 m. to 27 m. p er minute. The machine weighs about 125,000 kilos., and the cutting force at the table is s tated to be about 40,000 kilos. All motor>~ pw;h-button rontrolled. FI G . 5 - HORIZONTAL BORING MAC HIN E - CO L L ET AND ENGELH A RD .J. .JUNe. 200 mm., "ith ll faco plate diameter of 1050 mm .. the maximum boring depth b<>ing 1650 mm. In its highest position ov{·r th<' bed. the spindle has a. h eight of :3200 mm., and is 700 mm. above the bed in its lowc·st po~ ilion . 'rhe spinclJo sp eed range is 1· 2 to 125 r.p.m., and the feccl.s for milling 20 mm. to 800 mm., or 0 · 2 to 8 p C'r revolution. The inner spindle has a cliamc•tC'r of 75 mm. with a. speE>d FIG . 6-BORING AND MILLING pro\'i, ion , the makors claim, oft en &\'Oids the breakiJ1g off of m etal when milling or removing the cutters. Tho numbe1· of control wheels and levers has beon redu ced to fow ·, and the machine is remarkably easy to operate. Another machine shown on this stand was Lho nE>w horizontal boring and milling machine illu trated in Fig. 5. The work table has an area of ROO mm. b •y I000 mm .. and can he rotated . ThC' MACHINE- COLLET AND ENG ELHARD In Fig. 8 we illustrate a. fully automatic internal grinding ma.chin<', which was shown in operation on the stand of .J. .Jung, of Berlin. It is designed to operate automatically withou t a.ny m easuring instrum ents or cl<>ctrical m easuring d evices, and to grind to n early finished size in a roughing cut, followed by a wheel t ruing, and then a final fini.shj ng cut. When the exact. sizo of hore..,..h as hE>en reached, the machine FIG . 7 - BORING AND MILLIN G M ACHINE - W E T % EL M.ARCH 20, 1936 T H E ENG I NEER ~utoma.tically !:!tops, nnd a. ne\\ work piece. is put m to tl~e. chucl~. Thoro a r·c•. :sc~at· motor dnve for the dn'Vlllg s pmcllo, tlw gnnding ~pmdl c-, a.nd tho oil pu~p. T!to grinding ~pindl? m?vcmcn_t i~ of patcnt<.>d de ·tgn, ":th a pa.tcntt•d n<LJ_ust mg device. ~he table t ra.verse 1s effected hyclrauhcally. t\nd the oli control gear is ho~cd in th? upp<'r part of t~lC' ml_l<'hine, w~Ule tho p ump 1S placed lll. th<' base, t\nd ts N\-; tl y acccsstble for in~p~ct_ion. cpa.rntc adjustm<'nts for tho roughing and fuuslung <·ut~; and the tahl<• movement a r e providetl. The mD.Chino is d o.osigncd to deal with bores from 5 mm. to 40 mm., and the la rgl'->t opening through t.ho protected <:t\p is 170 mm .. tl.nd with this cap removC'd 310 mm . Tho wot·k ~pindl c• hm; four· s pC'ecl'i • FIG . 8 - INTERNAL GRINDIN G M AC H I NE- JUNG . tr.nd tho ta.hle tuovemt•nt is 5 mm.• while the maximum grinding length i.;; 70 mm. with a. maximum table peed of 14 m. pN· minutC'. 't'he total output of the driving motor" is t\bou t 3 ·!) h. h . p. W e undcrHtand that a. machitw of larger size and output, Pmbodying simi lu.t· principles of operation, ha.s been <·on: truct ctl. and is now under tC'-.t in the maker's work!'~ with t\ view to early production. • ( 'l'o !Jr <'filii Ill u ut.) Letters to the Editor. ( ll'e do 110t hold ourselves responsi!Jlefor'the opinioiUI of our corrC$pOnde!lf.a.) UEN'f R U 'VClA L P UMP J<:J•' I•'LUJBNC!B:->. ::>ut, - The wri tot· was much interested in the le11.ding art.iclo on the above HU l>jcct in your issu<' of t.he 6th inst., and is very glad that yo u hM·e dt·awn at.tention to the desirability of finding, for <·ontr·ifugal pump tests, an absolute $tandard, or, at. uny r·atc. a univel'lJ&Lly recognised a.pp t·oxima.tion thereto. Ru t, in view of the lack of uniformity still prevalent in this country. he <·annot help dep•'C<·ating tho infercn<·<' to ho drawn from vo ur article that foreign firrru; tii'C ><pt•<·inlly to be c·riticis~d. Let us first set ow· own hou~~ in order that we may be prepared with a yard~>~ti<·k of irr<'proad1able ac·curacy with which to check tho mea:;uremt•nt, of othcr..:. A!:! a. maker hoth of centrifuga l and of reciprocating pumps. the writer h; vc-r~· sp<'<·ially interested in the nttainmcnt of pr·eci~:~ion in til l\ measurement of their dutiel!; all o. mC'mber· of lh<• Briti:;h 'tundards Commit.tee, who ha1:1 spent man.) hours working to this C'nd, he iR only too well uwar·<' of the <liffi cu ltie>~ inYolvcd. Somo obse•·vation~:~ may. howovor, h<' m11cle without fear of rontradict ion. Discrepancio;; in oiTi<·iom·.) of two kincb- those t.bat result from diiTeront inLot-p•·ctationH of moasuremonts taken, and those whic-lt a rr c·o.usNI by NTors in the measuremt'lnts themselves. The first type• uf di.;t·J"<'))tUH'.} l'l'>lults largely ft·om differcmt·e"' of opinion t\1:1 to how much of n Hy:>tcm is c·ompri!!cd "ithin the JHIIJI)l il><clf. F or instance. in the N\>40 of n <'Cnt rifugal bot•<•-holc pwnp, hy<ln1.ulic· lo;;ses may be incurred duriug pas>~ago thr·ough a fool val\'r 1:\nd up thc1 rising nu\in : mel'laan•<·al lo""C!! may be caused by the r·otati()nal frirtion nf the immeNed vertil'al spincUe. and t\ furtlwr lo>~s ma) rt•.,ult from the expenditure of pre · ur<' wal<'r for H'ahng purpo<;es. Thu'~, the efficienry of the plant as install<•d (ond a'< always under tood tn tbo ta..:e of a bucket pump) may be materially different from that of t lw baro c·cntrifugal pump on the test bed. Such variations at'<', h owover, mainly eliminated by tbo B.S.I. Pump T<·>~t Cocll' und its projected addenda. Again, tho pr-oper· U>->l<'""'ment. of ' '<'loc-ity head seems often to c·uuH<' tonfu~>~ion. though why ono form of energy ,-;hould be of lOH>i account than anothet· it is hard to see. Only recent!.\ the wr·itcr wt\1'! actually usked by a compet.itor whcthrr· rt was hi~>~ pt· to take into accow•t velociL~ heads: hf' (the rompotitor) never tUd so ! The writPt''~'- rf'pl~. nf r·nnr'lf\ 1\1\ ~. ('C'rlAtnl~. when applir· I abl<': '' ould yuu credit. no head to t\ pump supplying a being singlo riveted and the longitudinal joints double fh"<'·L•xtingui~hing jot Y '' Tn another instan<'e (of n and treble riveted. The cast steel stay ring has twelve published test) ''oloc·ity hcacl was credited twice t1 1<' vanes, and inside there are twenty-four guide vanes of head b<'ing •nt'thurNI 'after c·on vel'lJion of part of th e tast steel with rubber tightening 1·ings, bearing~;, levers, kinetic· C'norgy into p1•cssu• C' and an allowance for velocity and breaking links for connection to the ea t s teel regulat'J'he runner for thi~ head addC'd. Hut the H.R. l. formula• should entirelv O\'er. ing ring which movo on rollers. turbine is of stainless st.ccl and w<'igh.-s 12 tons. c·ome ambiguit~ on this ~>~core also. ThL· pla~ing of Ono unit- of three being made for the Tarraleah power delivery gaw~<· pipe~:~ on the out::~idcs of benWI (and of station in Tasmania was practica lly complete<i. Theso suction on the itll:!iclc::~), and t.he" pi tot-ing" of connections. units are of tho horizontal-shaft impulse or Polton type, come partly und<•t· the ~ami' c·altegory. I n the ca~e of and will be coupled direct to 50-rycle, three-phose low-lift pumpt:~, t lw pt'C~>~Cn<·f' of air in the connections generators. Each turbine is designed for a maximum and in tho How ·don tubo itself (if oil ral ibrat cd) a•·e output of 21,000 b.h.p. and a speed of 42 r.p.m., a nd has two stainless steel runners with two jets to each runner. frequ<'nt RO Ut'CM of conflll:!ion. guat·ant.cod efficiency of each unit at full power is A t hir<l "''~'Y ft·c•quent ..:our·ce of OITOt' in eomputing t.hc The 87 · 5 p ot· cont. A number of parts fot· these turbines, cfTidom·y of a cc,tltrifugal pump iH a wrong a~:~~:~es~:~ment including t.l1e inlet valves and turbine casings, are being of thnt of l he dri vi n~ ag<'nl. l•'or inAl&n<'o, wher·c t he made in Aust.ralia. A similar but smaller unit to those drive' iH olcc l•·ic. Lhe tu:lllt\1 pt·oc·cduro is to measul'e the for Tanaloah is being made fot· DolgarJ·og power station. ovcra ll bllkioney (" wiro-t.o-watet· ") ancl then. assuming North ' .Yttlcs, and will have a maximum output of the motor ofTic·ioncy. to <"alculatc that of the pump. Thu..: 11.400 b.h.p. Two douhlo-r·unnc•·, horizonta 1-shuft Franc is- t:.ype t u•·· any extraneous lo~:~t>o~:~, such as those in cables, control gear, &c. (amounting to l· 1 h .p. in a recent 162 p.h.p. test), arc bincs at'O being made fot· tho No. 2 powe1·-house of the· Burrinj u<·k hydro-oiN·lric development project in · t'\\ dc>bi tcd to the pump. l\loroovcr, the m otor efficiency itself South Wales, where t.he not hct\d vat·ics botwccn 1OOft. is often rom putcd, not by brako lest, but by " separation and 200ft. The units arc being made for n maxinnun of loH>~eH " - doubtless usrful a:; a universally recognised out.put of 7250 h .h.p. at a minimum head of 150ft., the ::~tandard in the electrical indw.try, but. not invariably guamnteecl officioncy at 1 Oft. being 87 · per cent. Fo•· <'Otlhistent with actual lnath. F or instance. in B . . ·. these turbine!! a. number of parts· arc being mado in 269- 1927 (Clause 40) oecur the word!>: " They " (i.e .. the Aus tralia, and the stainless stool runners and go,·omol'lJ Htray load los,.es under loaded c·ondition s) " s hall be are being made in 'weden. The ''arious units inspected b~ the party illustrated the deemed to be equal to the values which would be obtained hlgh stamlanl of workmanship which is caiJed for in the on a short-circuit. te"lt," and probably ;;uch may he the manufacture of Boving turbines, and it was c,·idont that case: if not. how<wor, the centrifugal pump. not the Markham and Co., Ltd., Apa•·e no c.ffort in attaining that driving mot()T', moy have to carry the blame. And similar standat·d. The visit was brokon by a E<hort inspC'{'tion tli fficult ic>~ ori~>~o with oth<'l' driving agents. An accurate of t..ho tavoley spun pipe works. which were described dynamom<~tot·, when availablc, will, of course, eliminate in THE ENOINRER. of Soptomhor 25th, 1931. this l:!OU I'CC' o f CITOI'. Passing now to Llw di>~t:repum·ics in the actual me ·surement of hcnd and quantity, thcsCI t\l'e ,:;o various a~·dly THE INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT. to be dc•alt.. with in ~~ ICittcw Huch a>~ thi~. As a maker of 'I'm : I of 'l'nlnl:lport. will bold a Congr<'KS u1 rcciproc·ating pump.:, whirh have in general a.n upwa•·d limit of dolive•·y. lho writer ha,; hod many oppor·tunitirs Binningham ft·om Wednesday, May 20th, to Saturday, of ob::~o r·v in~ i••actu•·•wit>H - diver·gencies would be an apter May 2:Jrd, 1936. T he fo llowing provisional programme has been at·mngod, and any furthor particulars desired may bo tcnn- i1t rate of' now instnunonts s uch as nece~:~sal'ily obtained from the Socretat·y of t.he Institute, Mr. A. Winter relied on for the• t<'>~l~>~ of non-p ositive pumpR. Tn almoflt. Gray, 15, 'avoy-placo, ,V,C.2. The delegates will a.ssembl(' the last ll'st- on whielt he was engaged the "iilip " of a on Wednesday i11 the Council H ouse, Birmingham, whet·e bo•·e-holo huc·ket pump, ~o measured, worked out at a tho President will opon t.ho Congress at 3 p.m., after which substantial negativc tunounl, and that in spite of a careful the Right Won!l1ipful the Lo rd .Mayo•· o f Birmingham will adjustment. of zoro point, &c. The water was clean, nor extend a civic welcome. At 3.15 p.m. 1\Ir. A. C. Baker was th('rt' any r'Ca<~on to suspect spin or other di~:~turbing will 1·ead a p apor on " ~hmicipal Passenger Transport." In the evening the Lord Mayor of Birmingham will hold factor within the measuring instrument. a reception in the Council Houso at 8 p.m. In selecting a method of measurement of rate of flow il Tho delegates will moot in the Council H ouse on Thur i::~ obviou-<ly of advantage to choose one such a the IG clay at 10 u.m., when tho following paper will bo read: nozzl in which the nozzle coefficient is very close to " The Function of l ho Trader in an Efficient System of unity. On the other hand, tho weir or, for smaller flows, Transport," by Mr. H. W. Payne. Afternoon visits havo the notch has t.lw adnmtage of being enti rely visible and been arranged as follows :-(i) The locomotive works of almost lmavo-proof. In thi..: caso a suitable iru:;trument the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company at mu><t, of COUI'l:!C. be u>~cd to onsure uccurate zero sotting Crewe; (ii) the works of ;\!orris Commercial Cars, Ltd.; nnd one of the for'l'nulru given in tho B .•. I. Code adopted. (iii) the Grand Union Canal, including the Knowlo Locks (this inspect.ion will bo made by boat). In the evening the Weir>~ ha vo further the me1·it of boing easily standarclised President, Sir Cyl'il W. H urcomb, will hold a reception at and of being ontircly indCipC'ndent of any maker's 8 p.m., at. t.he B otanical Gardons, Edgbaston. id_io,;yn cntsy. Friday morning's meeting at 10 a. m. in the Colulcil Should any ot.hor type of inHtnnnont bo used, it. is of the H ouse will be devoted t.o a paper by Mr. E. •. Herbert on utmost impot·tnnc-e that full details of its construction and " Second Thoughts on t.ho Hoad Tmffic Acts." Aftem oon visits have been arranged to (i) the Great anangoment bo di~>~closcd nnd rC'cot·dcd in connection with Wes tern Railway Good~:~ Stations at Wolverhampton: each test.. Ono fu t·thor point 1:1hould be mentioned- that of (ii) the Tybum-t·oad D ep ot of the B irmingham Cot-poration tolerances. It iHcleat· that tho efficiency, whic·h is ba~:~ed on Tramway and Omnibus Dopartmont; (iii) the Witton Works of the Cenea·al Electric Company, L td. The oven ing rate of flow. head and powe•· input, must be affected by function on l!' riday will be t.he dinner of the Birmingham any et·rot"S incurred in t.he measurement of these factors. and Distl'ict Section at the Queen 's Hotel, at 7 for 7.30 p.m. Now it is unlikely that in any ono set of observations each On·day tbore wiU be a motor coach excursion to would N't' to tho maximum extent and all in the same Lillcshall H all. Tho Congres1:1 hcadquurtors and rendoz,·ous will bent the direction, 1:10 that to <·laim •t tolerance in efficiency equal to the Hum of thl' tol<'ran<:CI{ on the factors would be Qucon 's Hote l, Birmingham . unreasonablc. The matter hns not, in the writer's opinion, been sufficiently covet'O<l in the B .S.I. Test Code; h e suggests, as a basiK for discussion. a p ercentage tolet·anre I .E.E. SUMMER MEETING IN SCOTLAND. equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the THE s ummer meoting of the Institution of Electrical percentage tolerances pt·opor to the romponent factors. Engineers will take place in Glasgow and tho West of Thi>~ lettor is far longer t.han tho writer intended ; the cotland from June 15th to 20th, 1936. The programme, importance and c·omplexity of th(' subject must be his as pro\'isionully arranged by the Committee of the Scottish excu se. H noH R. LIJPTON. Local Contt·o, is as foll ows : Leedl'l, l\lar<·h I lit h. M onday, June 151h.- Recoption and dance at the Central Station H ot.ol, Wasgow. 'l'uesday, Juue 161ft.- Visit lo the Galloway powl'r scheme. Lcuve Glasgow by t.rain in the morning fo1· Dalmellington ; pt·occod from Dalmellington by motor coach to T onglund, &c., to inspect the power schomo. A-r the invitat.ion of Boving lllld Co., Ltd., we recently lVedncNrlay, J une 17th.- Visit to Babcock and Wilcox' joined a purt.y of engineers in a visit to the Chesterfield Worlts at H onfrow by the special steamor t.s.s. " Queen works of Markhnm und Co., Ltd., whoro a nwnber of Mnry II ." ft r in>!pCcting tho works, there will be on hydraulic powc•· unit!! undor construction. The party ext.cnded ('J'uiso on the [~irth of Clyde. wtts given th<• opportunity to inspect ono of two Thursda!J, June l8th.- In tho alternative :)0,000 b.h.p . vortical-shaft Francis reaction-type wo.tL•r· vi~:~i ts will be at·rangod, invitations having been received tw·bin<'S which is wcll aclvum·ed in construction. Thi1:1 from the following firms :- (a) Harland Engineering unit, whirh iK intended foa· the Arapuni power station Company's works at Alloa ; (b) visit to Scotstoun shipoxtonsion in N<'w Zealand, will be directly coupled to a yard of Yat·row and Co., Ltd.; (c) visit Mavor and Coulthrre-phasC', :;o.<'y<·le generator, with direct-coupled son 's works o.t East Kilbrido ; (d) visit to L ewis' new store::~ exc·itel'lJ. Jt iH designed for a gross head of 175ft. with a in Gla!igow to inspect. the olectrical appliances and equipnrt head of 167ft . and a speed of 214 r.p.m., the guaranteed ment.; (e) visit to the Clyde Valley Electrical P ower rfficienc·y at 30,000 b.h.p. being 87 · 5 per cent. The Company's Clyde's Mill power station. In the afternoon. pressure rrliPf ,-al\'c provided for this unit is the largest tho whole party, excepting thoso taking part in morning that the firm ha"! •vet madc, and is boliC'ved to be the second Yisit. (a), will leave Glasgow by motor coach at about la rgest in the world. It ha"! an inlet diameter of 6ft. I in. 2.30 p.m . for Oban, pror<>eding via L och L omond, Loch and an oullct. diam<'ler of ft. 3in., and when fully opened A" o, and th <' Pa<~>~ of Brander. discharges 83 por crn t. of the water capacity of the t urbine Friday, J unc 19111.- Afler· hrl.'akfast the party will at full load. Tho main valve for this wtit ifl of the butterfiy lea\'e Oban by a Hpocial train for Ballachulisb, and from type, and is 11ft.. inside dinmotor. Tt is similar to t ho one thero proceed by motor coach vit'l Kinlochle,•en, Loch construct.ed for use in the Tummel development schomo, Linnhc, and Fort \Villiam to L och Laggan, where the now and described in T11E EJ~.OINEEn of April 7th, 1933. Th<' dams will be inspected. The excursion will be continued vi::~itors were particularly impressed by the fine workman- by motor coa.rh viu t.ho Pass of Glencoe to Callander. ship which has gone into the making of the spiral casing Dine and sleep at Callander. for this t urbi no. The rasing, which is being shop Satu1·day, June 20th.-The meeting will break up after a'<sembled, has an inlet diameter of 11ft. and is up breakfast at Callander. of steel plates for riveting on t.he site. The plate t.hickA circular giving full details of the arrangements and nP'~R \'AriPR fmrn Uin , tn ~in., the> rirrnmf('lrenti~l joints the rost p er hef!rl will hP iAsnerl to memherR ahortly . A Visit to a Water Turbine Works. • MARcH 20, 1936 THE ENGINEER 320 Electrical Equipment for Paper Mill Process Work. vibrations p or minute and results in high capacity and low power consumption p er unit of screening surface. The electro-magnetic mechanism, which imparts the intem•e vibrations to the screening surface, can be worked from electric mains of any voltage, and is made in two type,, one for A.C. and the other for D.C. The screen employ1:1 a Oat wire mesh mountecllin a " live " light steel frame, which is set at a slope varying from 25 dog. to 35 deg., according to the nature of the material to bo screened, the frame being supported on a fixed cast. iron underneath. Intense and rapid vibrations aro imparted to the screening surface by the electro-magnetic mechanism, the general direction of the impulses being forward and upward. The fixed frame ha~:~ hanger irons with vibration absorbers and turnbuckle:;, so that it can be suspended from any overhead t:~tructur<' and adjusted for any screening angle. Mater·ial itl admitted at t.ho top of the screen and travel:; down its surface under t ho action of the impulses. The rapid forward and upward motion of the mesh gives an efficient screening action and has t he effect of spreading the material in the correct sequence, the control equipment is fully interlocked. The work was carried out in accordance with the specification of Mr. E . E. Fuller, the chief electrical engineer to Edward Lloyd, Ltd. plant for proceSH work in the extension to the K emsley paper mill of Edward Lloyd, Ltd., Sittingbourne, Kent, is driven by seven 2,500 h.p. slip-ring motors, with phase advancers, both built by the General Electric· Company, Ltd., which was also responsible for the switchgear. The motors, which are wound for 6600 volts, and run at a speed of 250 r .p.m., wore illustrated on page 2 of our issue of January 3rd, their main feature being that their sh\mt. phaso advancers make them capable of draw'f tn: phoLograph which wo reproduce below iUw;trates ing a loading c·nrront to improve the power factor of the a new example of that. type of machine for \Vhich the entire installation. As the power factor con ection is makers, Kite· hen and vVado, of Halifax, are known. The indopondent. of the load on these motors, a wattless current peculiarit y I ie1:1 in t he fact that the working heads are NE\\ A Duplex Horizontal Boring Machine. " SHERWEN " MAIN • TRUCK CUBICLE can be supplied by the phaso advancers even when the motors are running on light load. B y means of a rheostat, the power factor can be varied. The G.E.C. switchgear for controlling the plant includes a 14-panel truck cubicle switchboard, in which tho stator oil circuit bt•eakers aro mounterl, seven liquid starters, and remote control cubicles. Fot· each phase ad,·ancer there is an automatic star-delta starter, and change-over switch which disconnects tho liquid starter after the main motor has rWl up to its full spPed, and connects the phase advancer in circuit. The gear is on two floors, the main tl'Uck cubicle switchboard liquid star ters, change·O\'()t' switch , and star-delta star ters for the phase adva.nce1·s being on t he top floor, and tho cont.rol equipmen t on the gt·ound floor arranged close to tho motors. The lattot· consists of t.he remote contt·ol cubicle for each motor, and the operating handles coupled through bevel gears and operating rods to the liquid stat·ters and the change-over switches on the floor above. The main truck cubicle switchboard shown in the accompanying illustration is believed to be the largest S\vitchboard of its kind. Of the fourteen panels, four are incoming feedot· panels, three 3000-kVA transformer panels, whilst the remainder control the supply to the 2500 h.p. motors. All the circuit b1·eakers are motor operated. They are designed to curry 600 amperes at 6600 ,·olts, and each has a rupturing capacity of 500,000 kVA. The motors for closing tho breakers are operated from a 430-,·olt threephase supply. A master switch for closing the circuit breaker, an ammeter, voltmeter, O\'erload, and reverse current relays. and red, green and white indication lamps are mounted on each feeder panel. The transformer panels ure similarly equipped, but the relays provide protection against overload and earth leakage and a watt-hour meter is included. The panels controlling the main motors differ from those described in that the relays are mounted on the remote electrical control cubicles, instead of on t he main switchboard panels. The high t·upturing capacity of the breakers involved certain modifications to the Q.E.C. standard design. The most important modifications are :-(1) E at·thed metal barriers between each phase; (2) the potential t ransformers can be withdrawn independently of the truck whilst it is on load, and separate automatic shutters aro p rovided to cover tho transformet· plugs; (3) ring type current t ransformers are mounted on the main pot·celain plug insulators; (4) each circuit breaker has a gas vent with a non-return flap valve, and is coupled to a main trunking which passes outside the building ; and (5) all horizontal plates are treated with granulated cork to prevent condensation taking place inside the cubicle. Constructed of steel plate the remote electrical control rubicles for the motors and phase ad,·ancers carry in each case a master switch for closing the ~:~tator circuit breaker, ·• start " and " Htop " push buttons, the regulating rheostat for the phase ad,·ancer, " no volt " and overload relays, and all the necessary instruments. Emergency push buttons fo1· stopping tho machine a re proYided at convenient points. In the event of a motor shutting down in consequence of an overload or fault on tho system, alarm bells give an audible waming, and white indicating lamps on tho appropriate remote conlt·ol panel and main switchboar d automatically light.. When a motor shuts down, its phase nrlvancer is automatically stopped, so that the l'Otor of tho motor cannot. forrn a short circuit across the phase advancer terminals. T o ensure that the plant is started SWITCHBOARD duplicated, so that :::.ymmetl'lcal op eration:; can be carried on simultaneously. In this case it is horizontal drilling and the machin e has been made for on e of the home railways. As will be seen fr·om t he illu:::.tration, there are two opposed hcad<>tocks, each with its own driving motor, mounted on a long box bed. Between them there is a table for tho work-piece. This table can be raised or lowered, and has a cross travcr1>e. The headstocks can be slid along the brcl to gi,·o from 2ft. to 6ft. between the spindle noses, and each i::~ dt·iven by a 7t h.p. motor . This is sufficient fot· dr·illing holes up to 2 I in. in diameter in hard steel. The spindles are l~in . diameter at the least part and bored No. 5 :MoJ-so taper. 'l'he length of drilling feed, by hand or p ower, is 15in. There ar·e six changes of f DUPLEX Electro-magnetic Vibrating Screens SCREEN evenJ y over the whole surface and of stratifying it., so that. the ·overf!ize material is thrown into the top layers, thus giving the undersize material every opportunity of dropping t hrough the openings in the meshes. I n the A.C. l:lcreen illustrated, the vibrat ing mechani~:~m is attached to tbo top of the cast iron fixed frame and consists of a number of coils with stationary cores connected in series with a Westinghouse half-wave metal rectifier. An armature bar mounted on springs holds a laminated armature just clear of each stationary core. On switching on tho current the armatures and bar ar<' drawn forward agairu!t spring pressure during the fir<ilt half of the A.C. cyclo, whilst during the second half the t·ectifiet· prevents the curr ent from pas ing and enables tho springs to accomplish t he return stroke. At its lowc1· end t he livo screen frame is hold by a fiat steel spring, while tho upper end is supported on heavy spiral sprin~ . Connecting-rod~:~ link tho top of the live screen frame to tho a r·matut·o bat· of tho v ibrating mechanism. During the first ha lf of Lho A.C. cycle the forward travel of tho HORIZONTAL speed for the drilling spindle::~, ranging ft'Om 128 to 360 x·.p.m., and three rates of feed from 80 to 120 cuts per inch. Trip m otion with automatic return is provided for both tho spindles. The net weight of the machine is 4t tons. M AGNET I C BORING MAC HINE armature bat· a corresponding movement of the connccting-ro& and of the upper end of the lh·e screen frame, thereby compres~:~ing tbo spiral qprings, which. during tho s<'cond half of the cycle. rettun the sc1-een back into position ready for the n ext forward movement. .\ 50-cyclo A.C. Kupply will produce intensive vibration" at the rate of 3000 cycle::~ per minute, the motion of the me::~hes being upwarda and forwards. The intensity of the vibrations can be varied by a rheostat which controls the curront to t.he solenoids, and the greater the current tho longer tho stroke. CONSIDERABLE attention has been paid within recent times to screening problems in connection with ground products, su ch as metalliferous ores, coal, cement, fertilisers, road stone, gravel, &c., and their· classification into a A Uli:TOUN issued by t.he Ministr·y of Transport shows ran go of sizes. Tho " Sherwen " electro-magnetic screen, that tho number or new motor vehicles registered during manufactured at tho l"raser and Chalmers Engineering Janum·y was 39,688, compared with 37,160 in Januar·y, Works of tho O.E.C. , Erith, K ent., gives 2000 or 3000 1935. 20, 1936 MAROH THE Metallic Wear.* By H . vV. BROWNSDON,t M.Sc., Ph.D. is caused by friction, and problems associated with wear are frequently approached indirectly through measurement of friction, instead of directly by measuremean of wear. H owever closely wear and friction may be associated, direct exp erimental methods for datermining wear are not without interest, and this contribution to the gen eral discussion on " Metallic Wear " is based on observations made during such experiments. The conditions necessary for the measw·ement of wear between two metals are simple in principle, and can be brought a bout by causing the periphery of a moving wheel of one met al to come in frictional contact with a fiat sample of another metal under known conditions of dimensions and speed of wheel, load, lubrication, temperature, W EAit A few preliminary experiments soon indicated t hat differences in the wear of different metals using t he same lubricant or of the same metal using differen t lubricants were clearly shown by the dimensions of the impressions. It was then decided to carry out more systematic tests bearing on some of the major factors associated with wear , and, while some of the results obtained confirm facts a lready known, others brea.k new ground, and it is h oped that this experimental method for investigating wear and lubrication problems will help the met allurgist, chemist , physicist, and engineer in the study of their particular bran ches of the subject. The author's interest in this subject arose from a desire .. :,..--- 10 lb/l.OAO / 4 1,/ ' / • ,-" I cu ..... Gl 'u- zn • o-Cu-Sn . x -o LOA OS 20 Lb., S Lb. 1\b I used to serve both as a lubricant a nd coolant, a comparison was made between the wear obtained with Grade 40 oil and with a soap solution, some interesting results, also shown in Fig. 3, being obtained. Whilst copper, alw:oJnium-bronze, and cupro-nickel gave much less wear With the mineral oil than with the soap solution, the brasses and nickel silver showed m ore wear. T wo main points of interest emerge from a consideration of these r esults : (1) That t he value of a. lubrican t as a preventative of wear may not be completely determined apart from the metals or a lloys with which it is used; and (2) that in a series of alloys, such as the brasses, wear may be influenced by composition. The point is shown more clearly for the brasses in Fig. 6, and further substantiated by similar tests on a series of t in-bronzes. In the case of brasses, it would appear as if the effect of zinc is not marked below 10 per cent., above which r apid increase in fouling of t h e wheel a.nd resultant wear takes place, whilst for the t in-bronzes nothing is gained by increasing the tin con ten t beyond about 6 per cent. Fig. 4 includes some results obtained on a lead-tin-bro02e containing 20 per cent. of lead a nd 7 per cent. of tin which SP£ED 500 R PM LUSRICAIIT GRAOE 40 MII<ERAl OI L I I l , CU73,Pb20,Sn7 + I • 321 ENG I NEER TIME I SMIHUTES I s - I ~~ I I '----1 0 1------: ~ ~ o zn '·""" i • zo ~ •O G 30 ~ LOAO, ... 2 0 LB. SPEED ... 500 RPM, Oil ..... GRAOE 4 0 TIME .... 15 M INUTES 10 8 40 SwA•H So. ' 'l'HC tiJIOIMUill'' FIG. ~ Con~position 4-Effect of Alloy 70 . 30 cu-zn ...C>--Q 95 . 5 Gu-sn •. * - X COPPER , .• . _ +-+ and Load on W ear. + + to study die-fouling problems associated with t he drawing of hollow metal products in certain non-ferrous metals, x-x-!-x X X where pressures are heavy and speeds high. Experimenting on the actual drawing plant was slow and inconvenient, and some means for making rapid comparative experiments under controlled conditions in the laboratory 0 so 100 ISO 100 250 300 appeared to be the only means to investigate satisfactorily 0 P HARON£SS VALVES Sw•u• Se the problems involved. By the aid of the machine referred to, much useful information of direct bearing on the causes FIG. 7- Ef!ect of Metal Hardness on W ear. a nd prevention of die-fouling were obtained. The adhesion of the non-ferrous m etal being ch·awn to the working surface of the steel die is akin to siezing in a bearing, and indicate that the addition of lead to a tin-bronze does not the effect of load, speed, lubrication, temperature, nature improve its resist ance to wea.r, but rather the reverse. This effect of t he content of tin and lead on the wear of t he tin-bronzes was confirmed at loads of 20 lb., 5 lb., -and llb., a lso shown in Fig. 4. Incidentally, the close .... ~" LOAO 20 Lb reproducibility .of results sh own by duplicate tests m ade s•uc 5oOrpm .,...----~ on th e series of tin-bronzes with t he 20 lb. load and t h e OIL C.RAOE 40 ...... 4 parallel results given with the lower loads, serve to illus.... ... / trade the delicate nature of this test as a means for differ.... entiating between t.he behaviour of different alloys. The advantages of bearing m eta ls hav ing a complex, 63 37 Cu·Z n <>---<> or. + P as against a h omogeneous structure, frequently been -o--<> Ol put forward, but, in view of the results shown in Fig. 5, 92 ' 8 'u •Sn ·X···X· Ot + b CAST M--X• (X WAOUGH1 for a brass a.nd a tin-bron ze, there appears no justification for such a claim so far as resistan ce to wear is concerned. The differences in wea r shown by different white metals -]----..: are not so marked a.s is the case with copper alloys, as I will be seen from Fig. 6, which shows results for three white metals. Before leaving the consideration of t he beh aviour or different alloys, t h e effect of their hardness on wear was 0 15 0 5 10 investigated, a nd, as will be seen in Fig. 7, hardness is ' ' THC ENOINCCIII ' ' OURilTIOH 0' TEST, MINUTES SwaiN Se. without effect, t h e data being obtained from tests on soft I I I o..csn t~ f Slb LOAO llo 0 ... 'OL:LOAJ I I Q:Ja FIGS. 1 AND 2 ,.... V - and time. If these conditions can be fulfilled, the d imension of t he impression made on the fiat sample may be taken as a measure of wear , much in the same way as the dimension of the impression of a. ball or pyramid is taken as a. measure of hardness. There is nothing new in such an idea a nd much experimental work has been done on similar lines, but the experimental conditions have generally been somewhat cumbersome, complicated, and unsuitable for obtaining quick results, which are of prime importance if the effect.s of a. large number of varia bles are to be reviewed adequately in a reasonable time. The conditions of simplicity of apparatus, coupled with · FIG. 5- Effect of Alloy Constitution on W ear. accuracy of m easurement and the obtaining of quick results, are met by a. machine designed on lines sketched in Figs. 1 and 2. Rapid working and a.cctu-acy of measure- of the non-ferrous metal and that of t he steel of the die, ment are considerably facilitated by giving the periphery as well as surface smoothness of the die, all play some part of the wheel a suitable radius, for if t his be fiat, the in the phenomenon. stationary sample must also be perfectly fiat and adjusted On testing a series of copper a lloys, making the nature of the alloy the only variable, it was evident that different s alloys differed considera bly in the degree to which fouling of the steel wh eel occurred, and that wear, a,'! measured by the len gth of the impression, increased with fouling , , ,'' of the wheel. Some of the results obtained are shown in 4 I I F ig. 5. Using a light mineral oil, Grade 40,t as lubricant, I I t he zinc-containing alloys, brass, and nickel silver proI TIM( IS MINUT C. S I LOAO .. 20 lb. duced the most fouling or seizing on the wheel, the I\. / I SPE£0 .• 500 R P, M I I aluminitun bronzes fouled the wheel slightly, whilst no X -X ., '2•5% SOAP SOLUliON ·~ I ---- ----J --- I o- -o . ~RAO( I 40 OIL I.-' ,/ , X 4 Tl M E I.UBAtGANTS:Mt N [AAL 01\.S OF 01 '~Ell ENT VISCOSitY " • • 15 ~I N UTES METAL.. 70:30 BRASS "")<.""- 3 20 lb SOO A . P. ~I ~ I 'x..._ r----- .... X- 0 CASTOR OIL I ............ I I I 0 s 0 LOAO l9. SPEE0 .. 500APM 1 - OIL$ .... ~AAOE 40 MINERAl • X COMPOU ND OIL .... • 0 WHEEL .MILO STEEL TIM£ 15 Ml t<U TES W WUl C\.EAN(O I lO~O SOE£0 I I 2 ; OUAING AUHfrUN(, ~0 100 ISO VtSCOSITV, REDWOOD :jCCDNOS, AT 200 'F ZOO $WAIN SC, FIG. 8- Ef!ect of Mineral Oil Viscosity on Wear. 0 Cu Cu-Zn 60'40 Cu·N• Cu•H••l'n Cu·sn so.2o u:19:2o s<:e Sw••" Se I FIG. 3- Effect of J.lletal and Lubricant on TVear. parallel to the fiat face of the wheol, ot.herwi:se a rect.angular and easily measurable impression is n ot produced. FW'ther, the measw·ement of the relatively long major axis of an oval impression made by a r adiused wh eel provides a much more open scale for detecting small differences than does t he measurement of t he much shorter length of a. rectangular impression made by a fiat-faced wheel under sunila r conditions of testing. In most of the experimental work to be referred to, the ":h~l w~s of hardened steel (D.P. hardness 775), about lm. m diameter, 0 · lOin. thick, the radius on t.he p eriphery being 0 · 05in. The samples of metal tested were small ft~t pl~tes about tin. thick, 2in. to :lin. long, and tin- to !m. wtde, these being .fi:xed dW'ing testing by clamping ~o the .face of the movable table through which the load ts applied. The surface finish on both wheel and sample wa~ that given by " 00" emery paper, the wheel being pohshed after each test. All the tests were carried out tmder conditions of flooded lubrication and at room temperatw·e, generally at about 68 deg. Fah. + COPPER 0 Sn PbSbCu 5 "31.10 2 Sn Sb t u OS 'IO:S FI G . 6 - Pb !.b Sn·tu . 7413121 SWAIN SC. Wear of Wllite Metals . fouling was visible in the case of copper, tin-brom:e, and cupro-nickel. The effect of wheel fouling on wear was further proved by cleaning the wheel \vit h fine emery paper during a test on 70 : 30 brass, which reduced th e wear very considerably. Another delicate method for detecting fouling of the wheel is to rw1 a series of, say, three 15-minute tests without cleaning the wheel after each test. If the wheel is fouling then, it will be found that t he length of the impression increases with each test, whereas if no fouling is taking placo the length of the impression is practically constant for each individual test. As in drawing operations, a soap solution is frequen tly t Where a grade oil is referred to in this and other graphs, the "'Institute of 1\Ietals, :March lOth, 1936. associated number refers to the Redwood viscosity at 200 deg. t Research manager, I.C.I. Metals, Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Fah. • coppe1·, brass, and tin-bronze rolled to differen t degt·ees of hardness. Apart from the results given in Fig. 3 for a soap solut ion, the lubricant used in t he foregoing experiments was a thin stra ight mineral oil (Grade 40), and it was to be anticipated that heavier oils would reduce wear. R esults of tests made on this machine using straight mineral oils of different viscosity are given in Fig . 8, sh owing that increase in viscosity leads to reduced wear. The excellent lubricating properties of castor oil a re shown in t he same figure, the wear being somewhat less than with the mineral oil of highest viscosity. The value of cer tain additions t.o mineral oils to impro\'e their lubricating properties und so to reduce wear is clearly demonstrated by tests on oils of two different viscosities before and after small add itions of other substances, sorno of the results obtained being givon in Fig. 9. This exp erimental comparison of lubricants is facilitated by the ch oico of a bad wearing metal, such as brass, on which to make the tests, for this shows differences wh ich would be less evident if a. good wearing metal such as a tin-bronze were used. In t he same way, differences in the wear behaviour of different. metals become more apparent when using a relatively poor lubricant. The effect of speed of rotation of the wheel, which can easily be interpreted into feet of t r avel per minute, is indicated in Fig. 10, from which it would appear that wh ilst for any given time the higher the speed the greater 322 T HE E NG INE ER is the wear, for any given number of r evolutions or feet of travel the higher the speed the less is the wear. It is recognised that the phenomenon of metallic wear is due to somo degree of breakdown or lack of continuity in the film of lubricant, the more complete the breakdown the gx·eater being tho wear. This discontinuity in the film of lubricant can be shown by measuring the change in electrical resistance of the oil film dw-ing a test on this machine. With a metal such as brass and using castor oil as lubricant, under conditions which do not give rise t.o fouling of the wheel, cw-ves are obtained by plotting galvanometer r eadings against time, as shown in Fig. ll. ·when at rest, metallic contact exists between the wheel and metal; when the wheel is revolved, a film of oil is MARcH 20, 1936 useful in comparing the wear behaviour of ferrous metals as is t he case with non-ferrous metals. When the sw-face of the wheel becomes fouled with the metal being tested, conditions similar to that of a rough wheel arise and heavy wear natw-a.lly results. For the sake of simpli ~ity, the major axis of the oval impression ha~ been made the basis for the comparative wear measurements. The area of the impression and the load per unit area are of more fundamental imp ortance, and t he calculated relationships between length of impreslDAO PlR 1/H ITAREA 01' I ,.,PRESStDN, 3 I Ngjmml - 0 ~ GRADE 4 0 - - - GRADE 75 - - X STEARIC ACID LOAD 20 LB. + OlEIC ACI 0 SPEED 500 RPM TIME IS MINUTES METAL 70 30 BRA\ >< ~ "' ..i::~. 2 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ." 3 >< " ILOAO 10 lb. -f-t------1--t-......._ LU8RJCAI'I T GRADE \ • POSJTJo,.s .. r wHICH / ~· WHE£L WAS CLEA,.£0 FREE FROM FOULINC. VOLTAC.t 0 •0086 H .. ho- ----1-- - INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS. . --1---+---+---J----1 40 20 0 40 - SPE E 0 500 R.P.M. M £TAL 70 : 30 BRAS S ><~ SYOPP£0 , I x•fl?. ~~ I 1-----ofli 5~~~--~-~ ~-~~~~ ~,_"'""!'--r--..:...-or-----, " STAAT EO 80 60 DliRATI O/tiOF T£ST. M INUr£S " 1"HC EfijQtNU"'' 110 100 SwAIN So. FIG. 12- Effect of Whul Fouling on Elect7'ical Rui8tame of the Oit Film. I o,L--L--~-----L-----L----~----~L---__j 0 06 I 2 3 6 5 PERCENTA(;£ 0 ' AOOITIOIV "TMI £HQti'ICI" ' ' Se FIG. 9-Effect of AdditioM to MimraZ Oils ot~ Wear. ,. formed between the two sw·faces and the resistance increases, the rate of increase being dependent on the load, being quicker for low loads than for higher loads, w1til a point of complete insulation is reached, indicating the presence of a continuous film of lubricant. It is interesting to note that the loads per unit area of the impressions at which insulation occurs are approximately the same for the 10 lb. and 20 lb. loads. When the wheel and sample were joined as a thermocouple, t h e cw-ve shown at the bottom of Fig . 11 was obtained, indicating that as the load per unit area of impression diminished the oil film became more continuous, and the temperatw-e due to friction gradually LOA! 20 lb. SPEEOS + SOO RPM, ;::;: ., ~ VV ,+ /x-• ~ ~ . . -~~----....1I - .... ~ ..., 2 -,,.... ~ " sn-Sb-cu ""1? as 10 s + Mi ld Steel- - ..... .............._ 9S :SCU·Al ~~ .... ~ t cast Iron 1u ... - -- _ _ ......... ._ ~ ~ ~ -:±::::::::t::-"---r--+--t---t-1 ~ \) ~ ~'. LOA D 20 lb. ~PEEO 500 r .p m L USRJ,AN T GRAOE 40 - - - - l TIME IS MINUTES \l <1. _...-~2~---=t::~H~~ ~I ·~ ~ X 60 R P M --f----1-:~--l----1----l • 10 RPM METAL 70:30 BRASS Oil GRA0£40 I ~31--- 5~----~------.-----~------.------, ~ 3 ~"~'~·~~~+~----~~~l-------~-------4--------1 ~"' ',+ .... ""~ ~ ·r.:J~----r--r--r====t=====i I /'~ I; sion, area, volume, a nd load p er unit area are given in Fig. 14. The strictly mathematical relationship between length and width of impression is not a.lways obtained in practice ; both length and width may be readily measw-ed, however, and their product taken a~ an approximate value of the area. The fact that the load p er unit area of impression diminishes as t he area increases, permits observations being made over a very wide range of pressw-es. In addition to the dimension of the impressions, a close 4\. 1 92 ' 8Cu·Sn ... '17 .. I"' .. HE POINTS INDIC~ ;Eo BY 0 REPRESENT 1 AHER J001REVS. OF THE WHEtL WE A~ ,, O L-----~----~~--~~~~~--~~-----L----_J 0 2 " T"I 4 EHGII'ftU,. 6 8 OVIUtr-IONOr TCSr. twJNUICS tO >4 $WIIIH F SC. " Twc EMOtNtltll " decreased,:b eing at room temperatw-e when insulation was complete. If the castor oil be replaced by Grade 40 mineral oil, the effect of the metallic fouling produced on the steel wheel on the breakdown of the oil film a t once becomes evident, as shown in Fig. 12. Instead of a gradual increase in resistance, as was the case when using castor oil, frequent fluctuations occw-, dependent on the more or less fouled condition of the periphery of the wheel. There is, however, a gradual increase in resistance as the load per unit area of impression becomes less, and, finally, when the impression is very large, a complete film of lubricant is formed and fouling of the wheel no longer .., \) ~ "'"'• /X IOlb./ I Cl: Cl: ,,~ 2 :t }</ ~ il<" ~ .. .., 3 ;__ --~ 1:1 10 20 . __./" 20 lb. -- - SOr-·--~~-----.------.~ ----, DiAMETER 01' ~HEEL 1·0 IN. RADIUS ON PERIPHERY O· OSIN. LOAD I 0 LB. 40 60 DtJRATION J x- --9-:12!!>·_ - - TEMPERATURE I/ SwatH Se. examination of their appearance is of interest. Some show a slight bw-r, som etimes loose, sometimes tight, indicating a displacement or flow of the surface layers of metal. Microscopic examinations of the impressions, before a nd after etching, give useful information r egax·ding their surfa.ce smoothness and structw-e. Metallic wear occw-s under such widely differen t conditions that any attempt to pictw-e the r elative importance of the many variable factors is difficult, and the main 1 LOAOS • • 10 Lb ANl 20 U>• SPEEO.•• SOO A PM • lUBIIICANT:CASTOR OIL METAL.. .... 70 30 BRASS VOLTAC.E .. 0 •0086 00 ---- --o, , eo 100 o' rcsr,Mtf" u rcs 120 Swa•~ 0 lOt 10l; 140 se. 11- Change in Electrical Ruutanu and Terwperature 1uith Duration of Tut in Non-FouZilng CcmcUUon.9 of Whul. FIG. occw·s. The effect of fouling of the wheel on the continuity of the film of lubricant is also shown by the increase in resistance which follows cleaning of the wheel. The data obtained from such experiments give an insight into the degree of continuity of the oil film at wfferent loads per W1it area of bearing surface, and also indicate the loa-d at which the oil film becomes continuous. It is evident that the results given by a machine of this type will vary with the surface condition of the periphery of the wheel, a perfectly smooth surface giving a sma.ller wear impression than a rougher sw-face. The results so far r eported were obtained when using a. highly polished wheel, the finish being that given by " 00 " emery paper. The very considerable effects of less highly polished wheel s~rrfaces are shown in Fig. 13. Included in this figure are t•esults obtained on a mild steel and a cast iron, which mdicate that a machine of this type should prove just as THE annu a l meetings of the Institution of Naval Architects will be held in the L ectw-e Hall of the Royal Society of Arts, J ohn-street, Adelphi, W.C.2, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April l st, 2nd, and 3rd. The Council of t he Instit ution will meet in the L ibrarj of the Institution on Tuesday, March 31st, at three o'clock, and again on Friday, April 3rd, at ten o'clock. The annual rlinner of the Institution will b e held on Wednesday, April l st, at 7.30 p.m., in t he Grand Hall of the Connaught Rooms. On W ednesday, April 1st, there will be e. meeting in the morning at 10.30 o'clock, at which, after the transaction of the usual business, the President, t he Right Hon. Lord Stonehaven, will deliver his address. The following papers will then be read and discussed:--" Modern Trends in Warship Design," by R ear-Admiral H. G. Thursfield (Ret.); " The Strength of Ships' Structures under Compressive Stresses," by Mr. E. H . Mitch ell. On Thursday morning, April 2nd, the meetings will be resumed a t 10.30 o'clock, when the following papers will be tak en :--" R eview of Presen t P osition of Marine Steam Boilers," by Engineer R ear-Admiral W . M. Whayman (Ret.); " Naval W ater-tube Boilers," by EngineerCaptain S. R. Digbt, R.N. At the afternoon session at 2.30 the following p apers will be considered:- " Historical N ote on the Derivation of Froude's Skin Friction Constants," by Mr. M. P. P ayne, R.C.N.C.; " Self-pr opelled Exper iments in Smooth and Rough W at er made with Models of High-speed Ships," b y Mr. J. L. K ent and Mr. R. S. Cutland; " On t he E ffects of Changes in ' Degree of Wetting ' and ' Degree of Turbulence' on Skin Frictional Resistance and Wake of Models," b y Mr. J. H . L amble. There will be an evening meeting at eight o'clock , when t he following two papers will be read and discussed :-" Some Experiments on Rudders Placed Behind a Plane D eadwood, " by Professor T. B . Abell; and "Model Experiments on Twin-screw Propulsion, " by Mr. G. Hughes . For Friday morning, April 3rd, at 10.30 a.m., the following two p ap ers have been arranged :--" The Education and Training of Naval Architects," by Mr. Lloyd Woollard, R.C.N.C.; " The Experimental Development of Anchors for Seaplanes," b y Wing-Commander D. F . Lucking, R.A.F. There will be a.n afternoon session at 2.30, at which the following two papers are to be taken:" Flooding Charact eristics and the Calculation of Flooding Curves," b y R ear-Admira l J. G. T awresey, U.S.N. (Ret.) ; and " Electric Welding in Cruiser Construction," by Mr. C. E. Sherwin, R.C.N.C. FIG. 13-Ef!ea of Surface Finuh of Wheel on Wear. tiJ D1t9/m ....... , /7 S X 9!flml 1.0.10 PCR I./NIT AREA (), 1/ltPJUSS/01' 0 IM CRAO[ OF £ M £RY PA P£ R f./S £0 FOR POLISHING IYH£El FIG. 10-Effect of Wheel Spud on Wear. the causes giving rise to some of the observations made, but it may be an ticipated that the finding of satisfactory explanations will be facilitated by extended experimental work in the directions indicated in this paper. It might be advisable to conclude with a note of warning against drawing wide and general conclusions from some of the observations r ecorded in this paper, for these aro based on sp ecified materials and conditions of e>.."})eri ment, and should not be tak en for granted as applying to other materials and conditions. W ear is t he resultant effect of so many variables that unless these be very closely defined, con clusion s drawn from experimental work may easily be misleading. · '' THt ENOUtll"'' u ng4h of ]mfJTUBion to Area, and Load per Um t Area. FIG. 14- RelationBhip of value of this contribution to the discussion may lie perhaps in bringing a. number of these factors to a clearer fo cus. Comparative experiments made on the machine described clearly indicate the relative importance of the many conditions governing wear and should help in the choice of those roost favow-able to minimum wear. With such a large number of variable factors it is impossible to give more than a bare outline of their relative bearing on wear problems. No attempt has b een made to give reasons for THE ENGINEERS' CLUB, 1\rlANcRESTER.-The report of the Committee of the E ngineers' Club, Manchester, for ~he. year 1936 is one on which the Club can be congratuJated, and md1cates that the engineering industry in Lancashire, as in most other districts, has at last ta.k en a decided turn for the better. The report states that the membership numbers 425, an increase O!l the previous year, and for the first time since 1923. Mention IS made of the new class of " Pat.ron " membership, which has recently been instituted. This class consists of firms and .institutions which, by virtue of an annual subscription of ten guineas, and upwards, have the right to nominate one or more members who have to go t hrough the usual process of election by the Committee. A modification in the rules for " Country " membership has been effected, by shortening the radius, and junior members are now admitted at a greatly reduced subscription rate. Apart from its amenities as a social club for engineers and members of the allied industries, as a meetmg centre for the many technical .institutions t he Club oontinuee to serve a most useful purpose, and is greatly appreciated. The President for the past year was Mr. Lori.e E. Mather, who hSoB devoted him.aelf very energetically to the Club's affairs, and ~he Committee is unanimously recommending him for re-electton at t he forthcoming annual meeting on March 31st next. Mr. Loris Mather's father, the late Sir William Mather, WSoB the Club's fi.rst President in 1913. T1IE J UNIOR INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS.-On Friday, March 13th, the Junior Institution of Engineers held ita annual dinner at the Hotel Metropole, London, W.C.2. Sir Frank E. Smith, President of the Institution, took the chair. Mr. W. A. Tookey, Vice-President, in accordance with custom, acted a.s an amateur toastmaster, and kep t the President busy with the usual infonnal toasts, while the dinner was proceeding. Mr. Arthur E. Bingham, in replying to the toast of the Institution, proposed by Sir Robert Robertson, pointed out the value of an Institution which brought .in all branches of engineering '!:>Y ita breadth of vision, po.rticuJarly at a time when the eelllOl' .institutions were tending to grow more apeciaUsed. The to~t of " Research " was proposed by Sir Arnold Wilson, and SJ.r Frank Smith, .in reply, said that up to thirty-five years ago there was no National Physical Laboratory and no industrial laboratories. Research had been carried out, of course, principally by the personal activities of such men as Sir Cho.rles Parsons and Bessemer. Personally, he dated the beginning of research as it was known to-day in the reign of Cha.rlee II, when the Royal Society was first fonned. In replying to the toast of" Our Guests," proposed by Mr. Pueey, ViceChairman, Mr. Gresley, President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, envisaged the possibility of a major inetituti~n to which others would be affiliated, and which would take m all branches of the engineer's activities. Mr. J . M. Kennedy, President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a:lso repUed to this toast. Proceedings during an enjoyable evenmg were brought to a close, after Sir Frank Smith had repUed ~ the toast of the Chairman, proposed by Mr. A. P . Morr1s, Vice-Chairman, by the singing of the National Anthem and " AuJd Lang Syne." • • MARCH 20, 1936 • THE ENGINEER 323 Markets, Notes and News. The prices quoted herein relate to bulk quantities. Unless othe rwise pecifi ed home trade q uotations are delivered f.o.t . Export quotat ions are f.o. b. steamer. A comprehensive list of the prices of materials mentioned below w ill be found on the next page. Regulated Steel Imports. The most. intercstmg pomt in the import figure~; g1ven in t-he F ebruary Board of Trade returns is the closeness with which the lonnage approximates the imports in February, 1934. ThiA tcndoncy was also noticeable in the proviotl8 monLh. I n Februal'y tho tonnage was l 23,224tons,tomptu·crl with 123,26 tons in F ebrua ry, 1934. Although the tonnagcB WOI'O p r·actirally Lhe same, however, t.he value l his year was considorably higher at £943,595, C'Omparocl with .1:784,478 in Fobruary, l 934. This similarity is rat her· Rl u·priRinp;, !!inc·c t,hc import figures for 1933 wore taken all tho basi'l of thl' agrromont between the British Iron a nd Strl:'l l"l'cll:'ration ancl the Cat'tel rea ch ed lust August. l t 1s possible th<\t tho additional quantities of semi-finished stl'l'l whH·h the Fede ration h as been obliged to bring into this c·ountry to meet tho home demand, arrounts for tho r'IS(l 0\' <'1' tho 193:3 total, when the imports reached 6fl,!i00 ton'! nnd 78,000 tons for January and February respect 1\'0iy. Last month the imports of pig tron roso from 6706 tons in Jan uary to !l642 tons, tho mcrcnso hl'ing ot t rihutnbll' to largc.r imports of p1g iron from I ndin, whl<'h totalled 7444 tons compared with 4263 tons in .Januarv. Thl'J•o wn.<~ an inrrease la.."~t month • m tho imports of f0rro-alloys to !i4 I tons fr om 4446 tons m January. The I'IK<' in t ho import!'! of blooms. billets, and 11labs not1ron.blo in January, when 38.168 tons wore brou~ht into th <' ('Uuntry, c·ontinuod in F obruary, when the total roaf'IIC'd 4:3,!i4:J tonR. Of this quantity France supplied 12,4 6:J tom;, Hc•lj:(ium I O,!i8!i tons, aml Germany JOA 10 tons. Tho im pol'ls of shoot bal'l'l also jwnped fi'Om lJ ,4!i.i tom; to l <1- , 777 tonR i rl l•'obr1tary. On the ot.her hand, I ho impor·ts ol' "'' ire rods fell to 4886 tons in l"obmm·y, as.cainst 764 !i tonli in January. The imports of general closc1·iptions of stool also declined in F ebnulry to 14,122 ton >~ n~aim;t 1(),6.i!l tons in .January. Girders, beams, joists, un<l pillars showod a dc.wlino to 4604 tons from n2!H ton11 in Jnnunr·y: whilst lho imports of hoop and strip Wt'ro noa1·ly hal vod, the figures being 684 tons and 46 1 tons rrspc•('tivoly fo1· Jnnuary and February. Of plates and slwots. 4!i40 tons w(lrO imported in January and 3422 t ons lust month. Tho impo1·ts of railway material in F ebrua1·y dropped to 2760 tons against 3790 tons in January. As iR usually the case, Belgium was the largest suppli<'r during F ebruary , with 42,3 10 tons, Ft·ance f'oming next with 21,756 tons, and Germany third with 20,265 ton.<~. Import s from L uxemburg totalled 9474 tons, whilst amongst Empire countries Canada. supplied 75 11 tons. India being next with 7444 tons, consisting t'ntirely of pig iron. Our Export Trade. Although tho total exports of iron and steel at L67,84:j ton8 in F ebruary showed an improvement over the J anuary figures of 164,772 tons, with the excep tion of that month tho exports are the Jowost since April, 1934. In February pig iron was exported to a. total of 6685 tons, compared with 6740 tons in January. Of this to tal, 1901 tons went to British countries and 1055 tons to Denmark. The exports of genero.l descriptions of steel declined to l4,9J4 Lons, compared with 16,25 1 tons in January. Of tho Fobruary total, 3391 tons went to South Africa and 3097 tons to India. Exports of plates and sheets Ctin. thick and over) showed a s ubstantial rise to 13,545 tons, compared with 10,968 tons in January, this total including 4n00 tons to Empire countries and 1318 tons to Russia. On the other hand, expor ts of plates and sheets under -£-in. thick, dropped from 10, 187 tons in January to 9127 tons last month. Of the latter quantity, 33 15 tons went to the Argentine Republic, I 462 tons to Mexico, and 1218 tons to othe1· foreign countries. There was a reduc· tion in the exports of galvan ised sheets during F ebruary to 18, 139 tons from 20,632 t ons in the previous month, the best customer hein~ British India which took 5 167 tons, New Zealand coming next with 2863 tons, and South Africa third with 2541 tons. A slight improvement was registered in the exports of tin-plates which rose to 28,385 tons in February, compared with 27,396 tons in January. Australia took the largest quantity of 5686 tons, Canada being serond with 4282 tons, and the Argentine R epublic third with 3540 tons. A noticeable improvement took place in the exports of railway material, which in J anuary totallod 6899 tons and in February 14,380 tons. This was f'hiefiy duo to an increase in the exports of new steel rails from 3784 t ons to J 0,472 tons in February. For some reason the B oard of Trade s ince the bo~inning of this year has tra nsforrod " railway wheels and axles complete" and " tires and axlos" from the Iron and Steel section and inc·ludod then undor " Vohiclt's." The total of tires aad axles oxportl'd reached 2253 tons in February and of wheels and axlell rom plcte 4 91 tons. The Pig Iron Market. The ~>ituallon in the p•g iron market continues to cause concern, and consumers a re regarding the future '' 1th a Cl'rtain amount of anxiety. The figures of production for Febnaaa·y Rhow thnt a disproportionate production of bus1c iron IR Alii I n feat uro of the position. Compared w1th January the tota l produ<'tion was 000 tons down; hut 1f it iR t ak0n m to considcrat ion that there were l ''<'nty-nine clays m February and thirty-ono in January. it w1Jl be soon that the daily rate of output showed a slight 1rnprovemont. The production of hematite declined by 200 tons, found ry by J 2,200 tons, but there was attually an increase in the output of basic of 10,500 tons. There is no doubt that Jli'Oclu<·ors of hematite hM·e hccorno n'stivo as a. l't'Ru lt of the policy of th<' Fcdor'l· tion in holding up itt~ consent to o.n advance in prices. Consumers who find they a 1·o unable to purchase iron nt the current rate ar<' a lso annoyed and believe that thl' nrt ion oft ho l•'odorn t ton iR keoping iron off th<' market, sinco it is unlikely that. producers would want to soli immcdiatoly boforo tho price increase which they believe to be impending. In the markot for foundry iron, also, there is a. AoriouA shor tage of supplies, particularly on the North -East Coast. New business is virtually at a. standstill in Cleveland iron, and the producers aro in arrears with dolivorios agaim~t current cont1·acts much as they try to the situation by rationing their customOI'S. I n t ho Midlands the p osition is gradually deteriorating, a lthough the scarcity is not so p ronounrod ns in tho caso of Cleveland. In Scotland, a lso, the make of keo.l iron is insuffirient to fi ll up the gap caused by t ho absence of Cleveland foundry. It is understood that a number of fresh have been prepared for lighting in different parts of the country, but the question that remains unanswered is whether a ny of thorn will bo put on to produce foundry. Busines8 in h ema.tito iron has become moro active during the past week, and ~;o mo makers that if the present demand continuoA a ~;hortago must develop in this department very .<~oon . At pro.'lont product ion seems to be sufficient to moot. tho roquiromonts, a lthough hP.avy deliveries are being mado to tho stool works. The figures of production for Fl:'bmary ar<> not regarded as satisfactory either by usors or manufnNuror11; but there serms little hope a t the moment f hat tho output of this <·lass of iron will b<• inc·a·l'asrd whilllt thorr is s ueh a phenomenal demand for ba'1i1·. British Iron and Steel Production. Current Business. Cont.ract.s for tho supply of 2:360 tons of conductor rails hM c been placed by the L ondon and North-Eastern R ailway Company with D orman, Long a nd Co., L td .. and the Cargo Fleet Iron Company, Ltd., in equal proportions. Tho milA wi ll be usod in connection with tho electrification of the Newcastle-South Shields bl'anch of t he railway. The company has also placed orders fo,. 50 tonR of coppor pipes and 950 tons of copper plate and rod, roquirod in connoct.ion with its locomotive building prog1·ammo, whic•h is being carried out at its Donca.stor· and Darlington ·wor·ks. Orders have beon distributed amongst tho following fi1·ms : -Imperial Chemical I ndus· tries, L td .. a nd nssoriatocl companies; T. B olton a nd ons, Ltd ., London ; ('. Clifford and Son. L td., Birmingham; Birmingham Battery and ) letal Company, Ltd .. Birmingham; Hudson and Wright, Ltd ., Birmingham : Wilkes. , 'ons ancl Mapplcbech, L td., Birmingham : Yorkshire Copper Works, L td., Leeds; and P. and \\'. MacLellan, L td., Glasgow. Tho Cleveland Bridge and Enginoorin~ Company, Ltd., Darlington. has rE'coi,·ed n c·ontract vnluNl at £16,000 for bridge work for Peru. The company has also takon an order fo r stool material for bndgos for tho Groat Western R ailway Company. valued at £31'i.OOO. An order for patented " Van~uard ·• spring hingl's und c·hocks to be fitted to the ' Queen .Mary " has boon socur<'d by \\'illiam ~ewman and • on.<~. L td.. H ospito.l-'ltreot, Birmingham. Clarke. Chapma.n and Co., Ltd ., GatcshN\d, havo secured a contract valued at £152,000 in <'OnnoC'tion with t.ho extension of tho Portsmouth oloc·tririty undortakjng. The contract comprise.<~ two watl'r-Lubo boilers romploto with stokers, superhoatl'rA, OC'onom isors, flir heaters. &c. Reyrol!o a nd Co., L td .. H obburn-on -Tyn<', have secured a contraC't ,·alued n.L £86.000 from tho Shoffiolcl Corporation for the Aupply of switc·hgol\r for u. now powor station. Tho ront1·act. is AubjocL to tho approval of the Eloctricit;v Boarcl. C'ont.r·ac·ts for Rix whaling vessels for British and No,.wog1an ownorl'! havo boon placed rocontly with Smiths D ,Jck Company. L td., • outh B ank. The D epartment of Overseas Trade nnnoun<·os that the following contrac t ~< are open for t0nder :- Ministry of Publie \\'orks, Cairo : Mild steel platc11, bafi! and sortions, rivets, bolts a nd nuts, &c. (Cairo, Apr1l 18th). South Afriean Railways and H arbours Administration : Ono 200-ton hydra.ui ic· press (.Johannesburg. April 201 h ). The British Iron and Stool Federation in itR stntomcnt on production for Fobl'Uary gives the output of pig iron as l'i84, 700 tons, compared with 595,500 tons in January and 483, 100 t.on s in Februa1·y last year. The figure for last month includes J 17,000 tons of hematite, 348,400 tons of basic, 92,900 tons of foundry, a nd 10,000 tons of forgo pig iron. The p1·oduction of steel ingots and castings in February totallod 938,500 tons, against 9ll.700 tons in January, and 769,500 tons in F ebruary, 1935. There wero IOn furnaces in blast at the end of F ebruary, the sam e number as at the beginning of the month. Although the brief statement issued by the Federa tion does not give par·ticulars, a few changes occurred. One furnace was blown out by the Appleby Iron Company, Ltd., Frodingham, and ono by C. and R . Thomas, Ltd .. Bloxwir h. whilst one was blown in at the works ofDorman, Copper and Tin. Long and Co .. L td ., and one by the L ancashi1·e Steel Corporation, L td., Warrington . The following table In spito of tho unsettled political outlook in showR the average m onthly production of pig iron and steol Europe the copper market ha.s remained steady. Possibly over a period of yoarR, and the output for the past four the belief that the ro-armamont which is going on all over months:the Continent w ill neco!lsitato the use of large quantities of tho molal has had something to do with t he steady P ig iron. Steel. tone of the market. Buying by several European countries T one. Tone. has been on a more active scale during t he past week 191 3- Monlhly average 855,000 . . 638,600 than for some timo, and it would seem that the difficulties 1920 669,600 755,600 •• of finance are not. so serious when the metal is roquiJ·ed 1929 .. 632,400 803,000 dire<'t ly or indirectly for Government purposes. A feature 1933 . . . . 344,700 585,300 1934 of the sit.uation has boon the withdrawal of r ough copper .. 497,400 737,500 1935 .. 820,200 from tho stocks in this conntry for shipment to the • • 535,500 Novombe1· . . . . 529,500 903,300 Continent. T his movement seems likely to continue, December .. . . 559,300 811,600 as tho r!'finerios in Germany and Italy a re apparently 19:.16-Jnnuary .. . . 595,500 911,700 ' . finding it difficult to obtain adequate supplies of raw F ebruary .. 584,700 938,600 mate1·ial. I n tho United States the position has not varied much, but the tcnden<'y is for trading to expand. The gradual approac·h of the European to the American Scotland and the North. domestic quotation is again gi"ing rise to expecta tion.'i 1'he Scottish steel works are in the comfortaule that the latt01·. if it is not increased, at !oast will be posit.ion of being able to look forward to a long sp ell stabilised at, the l<>vel of 9~c. At present it is still possible of activity. All the principal consuming industries have to buy with freedom at 9Jc. In the London standard a la rge tonnage of orders in hand, and the shipyards market prices havo been firm and speculation has been in particular will provide an important outlet for steel on a small scale. A certain amount of business has been materials for some time to come. For the past few weeks done in opt ions which, a ccording to market opinion, are the volume of new business coming forward has shown rather cheap . . . . Little change has occurr<'d in the a tendency to decline, but the steel makers are able to position in the tin market. 1'he tightness of the spot regard this with equanimity as in some cases it will position continuos unabated, a lthough there are expectaenable them to catch up arrears of orders. The plate tions that the stocks in this country may begin to increa e mills arc well occup ied and lately specifications against in a few weeks' time. Tho Colonial Offic·e, when replying contracts have boon on a heavy scale. As in other districts to the protest by the London Metal Exchange regarding the demand for semis from the Scottish re-rollers outnms the reduction in the quota from 90 to 8.3 p or cent., pointed t he supply, and the producing works find it difficult to out that the control of production was exercised thl'ough keep up with their delivery dates. From this it can be an International Committ.eo working in accordance with judged that the re-rolling works are busy. Actually, an internal ional ugroemont. The Secretary of State had they have been working practically at capacity for some been nssurod by the Chairman that. the Committee had time, and there are excellent prosp ects that this rate of not dopartod from tho intention to increase the stocks operations will rontinuo for some months. B usiness in to a n adequate figure at the earliest possible date. The small st.oel bars has been unusually active, and orders 90 per cent. quota in forco in t he first quarter of 1936 for hoops have beon placed lately amounting to a large should infiuon<'e supplies in the n ext two or three months. tonnago. Most of tho engineer ing shop s are well employed. I n the meantime, the backwardation rE'mains in the The ml\rine engineoring establishments, in partieular. n eigh bnurhoocl of £10, and the stocks in this country have n large amount. of work on h and a nd some good have dropped to 4 70 tons, no more than a few days' supply. or ders in prospect. The boilermakers, also, a re busy The Lead Market. on home and export business, whilst the constructional engineers in Scotland have been working at high pressure Satisfactory conditiOns ha' o ruled in the lead for months past, and so far as can be seen there is not likely market for the past week, and whilst prices have been firmly to bo any diminution in their activities. Business in maintained there has been a good ,·olwne of trading. The sheets has maintained the recent improvement. The spring demand is now in full swing and a considerable export demand has at times shown a little more life tonnage of lead is passmg mto c·onsumption . The prothan during recent weeks, but the improvement has been ducing mterests. however, have met the requirements short lived. , teady conditions havo ruled for a long time of l he market frt'cly, and t h1s has c·hecked any tendency in the Laneashire market. and no immediate change is towards an unhealthy J'I.'IO in pric·<>s. Buying by the expec·ted. During the past week therP has been a sharp lead pipr and shN~t makC'rs prohably r t'flcc·ts the renewed int·rcase 111 t ho \'Olurno of specificationA against contracts acti\'ity in the building trade.<~. l t 1s also understood in hand in m ore than ono department. Tho demand for that most of tlwso cstablit-~hments ha,·e a fair amount structura l stool scl'm'i to bo il1<.'reasing and there has been of Covcrnmont work m hand. The <:able and battery more new business. The requirements of the locomotive making tmdes are well supplied with orde~ and are builders have boon on an important scale, and this has taking s ubstantial quantities. The arri\'als of lead are been reflected in a stronger demand for steel plates. on a good .<~calo, and it is an indication of the strength The heavier requirements of the machine tool makers of the demand that the whole of these impor ts p ass direct have Jecl to additional calls upon the manufacturers of to coiU!uming works and no Empire lead is declared upon special steels. The lighter branches of the are tho market . Th<' shipments of foreign metal are apparently generally well ongagod, a nd there has been no slackoning going dire>ct to tho Cont.inent. Sp eculative interest. in in the demand for bright steel harA, the quotation for the mnrkot has been comparatively small for some time. whirh is firm at £ 13 101'1. in lots of 4 tons. but rerently operf\tors have shown rather more activit~ . .... .. .. THE ENGINEER 324 20, 1936 MARCH Current Prices for Metals and Fuels. Maker$' official home trade prices per ton, delivered buyers' stations. Sections, joists and plates are subject to a rebate to home users pu rchasing o nly from associated British Steelmakers : joists, 22s. 6d . ; plates and sect ions, 15s. • For Mar kets other than Canada, India, South Africa, Australia an d New Zealan d Ss. per ton must be added. PIG mON. H ome. Export. (D fd Teu8ide Area) £ e. d. N .E . Co.uT-- H ematite Mixed N os . .. N o. 1 .. .. .. Cleveland(Dfd No. 1 •• •• •. No. 3 G.M.B... . . No. ' F orgo . . . . Bo.sic (Lue 15/- rebate ) d. 2 0 £ 6 .. • • 3 3 17 0 .. • • 3 3 6 •• .. .. 3 10 0 .. 3 9 0 3 10 ll .. 3 4 0 3 I 6 3 0 6 • • 0LASOOW AND Dl8TnJCT- 8. 3 IG Teuside Arw) . . 3 12 6 .• .. . •. - 3 12 6 .. •• • • 3 6 .. 7 .. 3 15 0 .. • • • • • • 3 10 • • 0 .. N. W. COAST- 3 17 3 16 3 14 3 10 0 .. • G •• • • 0 .. 0 .. - B. YonKs.Crown Bare .. Beet Bars • • .. • • • • •• .. .. • P!~tee, .... • • • • " 4 2 6 .. She{fle!J 4 8 6 .. Birmingham . . 10 2 . . 10 12 6 .. 6 .. • • •• . . I0 2 . . 12 I 0 . . 8 10 .. 9 0 6 0 0 0 .. .. .. .. 9 5 0 • • 9 12 6 .. 12 • • 0 Plates. - .. SCOTLAND- Crown Bare •• Beat.. . . •• N .E. •• • • . . 10 2 . . 10 12 6 .. 6 .. • • .. 9 5 9 16 0 0 CoAST-- Common Bars •• Beet Bare .. • • D ouble Beat Bnre .. 10 2 ts •• . . 10 12 6 .. .. 1126 .. • • •• •• 9 2 6 9 12 10 12 6 6 Angles • • • • •• • • Teee .. • • •• • • . . Joists .. • • • • • • Chnnne1s .. • • • • • • R ounds, 3in. and up • • unclor 3in. Flats, 5in . and under .. .. Plo.tea, fin. , -A in. , i in. , /,in. , l io. (bnsis) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. No aTB· EABT CoAST-An gles . . . . . . T eea . . . . . Joists .. . •• Cha nnels .. R ounds, 3in. and uv under 3iu. Plates, fin. • . . .. •, i in. . . ., ,\in. . . , j in ... Boiler Plates, fin. •• • • .. 9 0 9 5 9 10 9 16 9 10 .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 .. • • .. £ s. d . 8 7 6 .. !) 7 6 .. 7 0 7 0 0 • • 7 16 • • 11 • • •• •• .. 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 8 10 0 9 0 0 £ *7 *8 *7 *7 *8 7 e. d. 10 10 10 15 10 10 0 o 0 6 .. 9 7 6 .. • • • • 9 1 0 .. •• •• •• 1$]1) 0 .• • • 7 15 • • • • 9 0 9 l5 9 10 9 G 9 l5 0 0 0 0 0 •• 8 0 0 • • 8 5 8 10 9 0 .. ~in. • • .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • .. •• • • •• .. .. .. .. .. • • • • .. •• - •• 0 0 o 0 MI DLANDS, AND L l!:lt08 A ~D DISTnJOT- An glee • • •• ,• lin. .., in. tin. .,. in. (bo.aie) .. .. .. .. .. .. fin. . . Boiler Plates, fin. .. 8 17 .. 9 .. 9 •• Tooe .. . . . . • • J oists .. .. .. Channels.. .. .. Rounds, 3in. and up ,, under 3in. Flats, 5in. and under Plo.tes, , •. ,, .. £ s. cl. 8 7 6 .. 9 7 6 .. 8 15 0 .. 8 12 6 .. 9 7 6 •• 9 1 0 .. 9 1 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • .. •• • • 10 10 10 15 10 10 17 0 o 0 0 o 0 6 9 12 • • {I 6 .. 0 .. •• 9 0 .. .. .. .. 1 0 .. I 0 6 .. 6 .. 6 .. • • 11 12 6 .. • • 9 I() 0 .. • • • 0 ,\in. . . .. ,. , !in. . . ~fi n. . . ii n. . . .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. •• • • • • £ 8 9 9 8 9 9 e. cl. 12 12 0 17 12 2 7 15 0 .. 8 0 8 l5 8 10 0 0 0 •• 9 0 • • • • •• 0 - 6 .. 6 0 .. 6 6 0 .. *7 *8 *7 *7 *8 7 10 10 10 15 10 10 8 17 •• •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • I) .. 9 5 0 .. • • 9 10 9 15 9 12 0 .. 0 .. 6 .. • • •• • • 0 0 o 0 6 7 16 0 8 0 8 5 8 10 0 0 0 l n ~LA NO. £ e. cl . 8 15 0 9 15 0 9 2 6 9 0 0 9 16 0 9 • 6 9 2 6 9 7 6 9 12 9 17 9 16 FERRO ALLOYS. •• •• Ferro Chrome, 'p.o. to 6 p.c. carbon .. ,. 6 p.o. to 8 p .o. .• .. .. 8 p.o. to 10 p.o. . . .. .. Specially Refined .. .. ,. l\iax . 2 p .c. carbon ,. •• ., 1 p.o. carbon .. .. .. 0 ·60 p .c. carbon ,. .. ,. carbon free •. Metallic Chromium . . • • • • • • Ferro l'tfanganeee (loose), 76 p .c. •• •, Silicon, 45 p .c. to 60 p.c. . . , ,, •• 76 p .c. •. .. .. .. .. 3/ 3 per lb. 3/- per lb . P er T on. £21 16 0 £2 1 0 0 £21 0 0 .. Three months .. • • •• .. £36 £36 Electr oly tic .. .. .. £40 •• .. 6 6 0 • • • • 0 7 2 0 t o £36 0 Sheets, H ot R olled £68 0 .. Tubes, Solid Drawn (ho.sis) .. .. Brazen (basis) •. 0 H ome. 10ld. Export. lOld. 106d. 10ld. •• 3 8 9 6 to £40 10 0 £40 10 •• 1 6 to .£36 Beet Selected I ngot., d / d B ir· mingham .. .. .. .. B&ASS- Ingots, 70/ 30, d fd Birminghnm £32 0 Tubea, Solid Drawn, 2/ 1 Alloy .. o Tin· platea. 20 by 1' baai.e, f.o. b. Bristol Channel P orts, 18s. 9d. Tin-p late Bare, d /d Wels h Works, £5 10s. Od. t o £6 USe. Od. Billets. £ s. d . Baeio (0 · 33 %to 0 · 41 %C.) .... 7 0 0 .. Medium(0 · 42 % t o 0 ·60 %C.) .. 7 10 0 .. Bard(0 ·61% to0 · 86%0.) .. 8 0 0 ., ., (0· 86%to 0 ·99%C.) .. 8 10 0 .. ., ( 1% C. and up ). • • • . . 9 0 0 Soft (up to 0 · 25% C.), 500 tons and up 6 17 6 100 to 250 tone 6 5 0 . . 8 10 0 Ro.ile, Heavy, 500-t on lots, f.o.t. .. Light , f.o.t... . . . • . • . . 7 10 0 •• Cuh .. Brazed •• •• •• 0 t o .£33 0 Homo. 9f d . F.xport. 9fd. 11Jd . llfd. 0 TIN- Cash .. . . £2 16 10 0 t o £216 0 0 .. £206 15 0 t o £206 0 0 .. £16189to £17 1 3 •• •• £15 18 2 6 Aluminium I ngots ( British) , . • • •• •• 0 T hree m onths .. LEAD: • • • • s p lnlr'&l\ : 0 • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 9 0 0 R~sT o ' 9 0 • • CoPPE~ 0 .. Tungsten Metal P owder •. Ferro Tungaten .. .• Offtcic.l Pricu, March 18th. £ 8. d. 8 17 0 2 9 7 •• .. •• .. 9 9 Cobalt- •• •• 6 0 6 6 7 15 0 0 ts .. 9 7 8 16 8 12 9 7 9 0 0 .. 8 l5 8 10 7 6 •. .. .. .. 0 .. 8 7 , Vanadium . . . . . . ,, .Molybdenum .. .. ., Titanium (car bon fr~e) I\ iok.el (per ton) .. .. .. 8 0 2 d. .. 0 •• 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 8. £ .. 7 15 6 .. 6 .. 6 7 6 .. £ s. d. *7 *8 *7 *7 *8 7 8 f in. (basis) 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. .. Galvanised Corrugated Shoote, Beele 24 H ome. £ e. d. 4-ton lots and up . . . . 13 10 0 2-ton to • · ton lote . . 13 17 6 Under 2 t one . . . . 15 10 0 Export: £12 15s. Od., c.i.f. Indio.. £11 16a. Od., f.o.b. other marke t s. ,. Sca ndinavia: £10 10.. Od. to .!10 158. Od . f.o.b. Export. £ e. d . *7 10 0 *8 10 o *7 10 0 *7 15 0 *8 10 o 8 15 8 12 . , .. .. H omo. £ e. d. 8 10 0 9 10 0 8 17 6 8 15 0 9 10 0 9 3 6 9 3 6 1 0 .. I 0 OTHER STEEL MATERIALS. Home. Export. £ a. d . £ a. d . Shoots. 10·0. to 13·0., f .o.r. . . 9 16 0 . . • . 9 0 0 14.Q. to 20.G., d /d . • 11 l5 0 . . . . 9 10 0 2 l ·G. to 24·G., d /d .. 11 10 0 .. .. 9 15 0 .. 12 2 6 . . . . 10 7 6 26·G. t o 27.G., d /d The above home trade p riooe are for 4·ton lots and over ; 2-ton to • ·too lots, 108. per ton ex tra ; and under 2·ton lots, 30s. per ton o:rtra. STEEL. LONDON AND Tll& SOOTB - . . . , .. 0 9 9 l:h:LrAST. .. 9 6 0 • • • . 6 12 •• • • . • Angles • • • • T eos .. . J oists . Cho.nnels .. . . R ouncie, 3in. an rl up under 3in. Export. £ e. d. 0 5 0 9 • 6 .. 9 5 0 .. (bo.eis) •. •• .. .. •• .. •• • • 7 Export. £ e. d . * 7 10 0 8 10 0 *7 10 0 * 7 15 0 * 8 10 o 7 10 0 8 17 6 • .. 0 9 10 0 5 9 6 • .. •• • • .. .. .. .. • • l R&UND- MIDLANDs - Crown Dare . . . . lolarked Bars (Sta ffs.) No. 3 quality .. . . No. ' ,. .. .. . fin . ,\in. ! in. ,\in . ii n . H omo. £ a. d. 8 7 6 9 7 6 8 15 0 8 12 6 8 16 9 0 . ' H ome. £ e. d. . . 10 2 1\ •• .. 10 12 6 .. .. .. . MANUFACTURED ffiON. Crown Bare .. Rest DMs • • .. {3 17 0 cl/d CIMgow llcmatite Mixed N os. . . l.AN CS.- Tees. . J oiste •• SoUTll WA.LXe ABEAAngiM . • . • . . • • Tee-s • • . • • . . . • • Joist& • • • • • • • • Channels .. . . Rounds, 3in. o.nd up . . .. under 3in. . Flats, 5in. and under .. SOOTU.ND- llematite, f.o.t. furnaces No. 1 F oundry, d itto . . No. 3 F oundry, ditto . . Rasic. d / d (Leu 5/- rebate) .. Platee, f in. (baeie) " ,\in. . . . . i i n ... • • .. /,in . . . • • ., i in .. . . . Boiler Plates .. - .. • • •. . (Dtli11ered to Blaok Oountr11 Stlllior. North Staffs. Foundry 3 16 0 . . . . ,. ,. F orge . . 3 I0 0 . . .. Baeic (Lu1 15/- rebate) • . 3 I 5 0 . . . . •• •• .. f:IL~ffs.- •• Anglos •. . . . . Channels .. • • • • •• R ounds, 3in. and up • • under 3io. • • Flats, 5in. and under .. MI OLAND&- NorthamptonFoundry No. 3 For~ •. . . Derbyehir&No. 3 F oundry F orge •. . . NON-FERROUS METAI,S. STEEL (continued). 9 to £16 £100 FUELS . SCOTLA.."'ffi. Export. (Lo. b. Orangemouth)-Navigati on U nsor('()ued 14/ 6 to 15/Hamilton Ell . . . . . . . . . . . . 20/- to 21/2 1, 6 Splint11 LA~A RKBirmc- • • • 0 • • • AYRSmn&(f.o.b. Porte)-8team • • • • • • • • • • • Flr&smnx(f.o.b. Me thil or Burnti~lan d }Prime Steam . . . . . . . . Unsorecne..l Navigntion •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• 15/- 14/ 6 to 14 0 14/- to 14, 6 L OTBIAN8- (f.o. h. Leith}-Hartley Prime Secondary Steam . . . . . . 14./ 9 to 15 ·14/- to 1' / 3 ENGLAND. YORKBWlUt, loUNOlrESTEB-- B .S.Y. H a rd Steams Furnace Coke • • .. • • .. • • N onTK OllB ERLAND, NEWOASTL&Biyth Beet • • . . .. Second.. . . • • • • Beat Small •. • • • • U nsorooned .. •• • • • • .... • • • .. • • .. • • • • • • • • •• .. .. Dl7IllLUl- Best Oo.s .. • • F oundry Coke •• •• .. • • •• •• • • • • Sssl'n ELD - Beet H and.picked B ranch South Y orkahire Best . . South Yorkshire Seconds R ough Slacks .. .. Nutty Slacks .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 19/ 6 to 23/14/ 6 to 17/6 15/ 6 to 16/14/- to 15.'11/ 6 13t 6 t o 16/- •• a t8 •• 201- to 23/- I nland. 21J/- to 29/23f-to 25/20/-to 21 /llf- to 12/10/- t o 11/- - SOUTH WALES. CARDIJ"J'- Steam Coala : Beat Admiralty Lsrge .. Best Seconds •. .. Best Dry Lo.rge •• • • • • •• • • Ordinariea Bunker Small11 • • • • Car go Smalls .• • • • • Dry Nute .. Foundry Coke Furnace Coko • • • • Patent Fuel .. • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • .. • • • .. .. •• •• •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • .. •• •• •• • • •• • • • • •• • 19/ 6 19/- to 19/ 4l 18/ 9 to 19/ 3 18/ 3 to 18/ 6 12/ 6 to 13/ 6 11/ 6 to 12/ 6 22/- t o 27 / 6 27/- to 40/19/- to 22/ 6 21/- Sw.t.NSIU.- P er Unit . 1/1/7/- £33 10 0 11/£36 5 0 11/£37 5 0 12/9ld. per lb. 2/6 per lb. £11 5 0 home £12 15 O!C&le 5/-p.u . £17 17 6 ecale 6/ - p .u . 12/8 per lb. 4 / 6 per lb. 9d. per lb • £200 to £206 6/5 per lb. Anthracite Coals : Beat Large . . . . • • Machine-made Cobbles Nuts • • • • • • • • Beane . • • P eae .. .. . Rubbly Culm .. • • •• .. .. • • • • •• • • • • 36/- to ' 0/41 /- to ' 8/ 6 40/- to '8/ 6 25/- to 35/19/- to 23/11/ 6 to 12/- Steam Large Ordinary • • • • •• .. 18!- t o 20/ 6 . . • • • • • • .. •• • • FUEL On.. Inland coneumption ; contract• in bulk. Exclneive of Government tax of 1d . per gallon. Ex Ocean Inatallo.tion. Furnace Oil (0 · 950 gravi t y Di~J Oil .. .. .. •. • .. .. •. .. .. .. Per Gallon . 3td. 4<1. MARCH 20, 1936 325 THE ENGINEER ====================~======================================~~ French Engineering Notes. (From our own Oo" upondmt in Pori<!.) Trade Problems. Tlm present distw-bed state of affairs has arrested tho tondency to improvement that to h ave set in as tho result of rath er more confidence, following upon the new oconomic organisation wruch ~vas ex"J)ectod to encow-ago enterprise and roleoso capital for a.n expansion of trade. The organisation is found to bo more fragile t han had been supposed, and confidenco in it has fo.iled to withst.nnd tho prossw-e of adverse influences which overflhadow everything. At the same time, vo.rious decrees for lowering costs and r egulating production are endangered by oppos1t.ion from certain interests. The Judicial Commission of the Sennte has rejected tho Bill making it compulsory fo r n minority in nny particular branch of industry to accept the decision of a two -Lhirds majority to limit product1on. It appoors therefore unlikely that the Bill will pass the Senato. This will menn the collapse of a. plan intended to keep production within bounds and prevent reckless competition a nd ruinous prices. Unless this can be dono, no industrial organisation appears to be possible. The plan is still imposed by decree, but it is quite inoperative so long as the State is not empowered to exer cise compulsion on a. minority, which it will be unnble to do if t he Bill fails to pass through the Senate. An objection to th e Bill is that it infringes industrial liberty and favours big ma.nufactw-ors at the expense of small ones, who are, it is said, threatened with extinction. On th e other hand, it is declared that this curtailment of liber ty is tompora.ry until such time as the indust.rial situation becomes normal again , and that the restriction is n ecessary to enable industry to pass successfully through a critical p eriod. This difficulty is serious enough, and a nother, equally portentous, is tho impossibility, eo far, of devising means of obtaining foreign contracts so long os the present rigid system of import quotas is onforcod. Complaints are frequently made of failures to secure foreign orders because the Government is unable to mani pulate quotas in a manner that will satisfy other countr·ios. ft is now asked whot.hel' it will be possible to modify the quota system to ono.blo the Government to make ac·ropta ble offers, but tho difficulty lios in the proforontinl treatment implied by such a change being opposed to existing treaties. Shipping. • At the annual meeting of the Comit6 Central dos Annateurs do France, or central committee of F rench ehipownore, tho secretory, Monsieur Ma.rchogo.y, prosonted his usual lucid and comprehonsive report upon shipping in general, from which it appears that tho Fronch shipping industry was only prevented from further backsliding in 1935 by the efforts of owners to organise traffic and by the stimulus of eubeiclios. The French maritime traffic last year totalled 45,300,000 tons, or about 500,000 tons less than in 1934, and t he total shipping t-onnage at the ond of the year was 3,039,000. Idle shipping declined by 36,000 tons to 444,000 tont~, part ly as a res ult of the breaking up of srups and sales abroad, but a cer tain proportion of ships laid up in porta was put into ser vice with the aid of subsidies, though not to so large an extent as might havo been S\tpposed if, in the opinion of MonsiewMa.rchegay, the subsidies had offered a. hotter guarantee. The 4 por cent. tax on imports failed to realise the 140 million francs required to pay the promised subsidy, and it is eetimnted that only about 70 per cent.. of t hat amount wa s available for distribution amongst owners, other than those who receive regular subsidies. The law instituting the subsidy was passed for a. period of two years, with provision for ita renewal if required, but uncertainty o.s to the amount that can be raised for diRtribution, as woll as to the dw-ation of the subsidy, leaves owners with no grounds for real hope in tho future. Until they are able to carry on their industry profitably, there can bo no question of reconstituting the mercantile fleet, which, it is said, contains a larger proportion of old ships than that of other nations. Only abollt 11 per cent. of tho ships aro between five and ten years' old. The r eport deals at length with the necessity of following the example of other rountrios in prov1dmg owners with moans of replacing old ships, such as tho payment, of premiums for scrapping and providing credits undor favourable conditions for the building of ships. British Patent Specifications. the unitE may contain a further condenser, indicated in ~roken lines, connected between the pole C nnd the fromo connect1on D. The unit also contnine a choke coil L connected between t he connection and tbo earth connection H of the supply leads. F urther, fuses, indicated by broken lines at M, may. be provided, if desired. Although as shown, the earth conno<;t1on H of the _Public eup~ly mnine wired o.n tbo so-cnl_led" t~oo-.Wll'e_" system 1e utilised m a unit o.ccordmg to the mvonhon, 1t w1ll bo o.pparent that any other earth connection mo.~ bo. usod ~hero more convenient or whero no mains earth connect•on 18 availnblo. - FewuartJ 3rd, 1036. WhM cm invention ie eommunicat«l from obrood the name ond oddru1 of the communicator ore prinUd in itoliu . When on abridgment ;, n ot illUitr<Ued the Speci~icn ie toithout drawing.t. Oopiu of SpeciflcotiontJ may be obtained at tile Potent Ojflce, S ale Bronc/1, 26, Southompton-b'Uilding1, Chancery-lane, lV .C., 11. each. The d4le jlret given itJ the dote of a pplication ; the ue<md daU, MACHINE TOOLS AND SHOP APPLIANCES at the end of the OQridgment, i1 tile date of the acceptance of thtJ complete Specification. 441 ,074. Mo.y 13th, 103/i.- MEANS FOR REOIJf,ATINO TJIE S TEAM GENERATORS . 442,101. April 30th, 1036.-0eMBOSTION Am SOPPLY TO STEAM GENERATING P LANTS, AktiengeeeUeohaft Bl'own, Bovori ot Cio, Baden, Switzerland. ln this system of steam raising the combustible gasol! nre driven through .the steam gonorator nt a vory high epcod by air under cone•derable preeeuro. The steam gonero.tor 18 N"442.191 A R ELATIVE ADJUSTMENT OF TI.U!: ROLLS OF HOLLlNO hiACIIINES, E. Mayor, AktieDAtraseo :16, Miilhoim (Ruhr), Germany. Broadly, the invention comprises o. moans for regulating lho rolative adjustment of tho rolls of a rolling machine, in which tho rolls are regulated automatically during the cntiro rolling period lo constant cross section of the materiul being rolled. dependent on the rolling pressure and the position of relative adjustment of the rolls. Hoforrin~ now to the drawing, 1\. is a piston which acts through lho med1um of a bearing B on the tmnnion C of tbo roll. The liquid or nir D under pressure acts, on tbo one hand, on the pil!too A, and, on the othor hand, on the lower end of the rogulnting plunger E. The plun$or is also acted upon in opposition to the preeeuro of the air or hquid by o. regulating spring F. The ftow of liquid or air to the regulating vnlve to.ko11 place at G, tho diechnrge o.t H. Through the pne~tago J the liquid or air is able to pa88 to and from the pressure cylinder 1-«~·. !F 1\1"44 1,974 ( fI B •• .J • D /{ ahown nt 1\. ontl is aupJ?lied with corn bustion nu· by the blower B. This blower 18 driven by the turbine C, whioh exhausts into t.ho main turbine J) driving the electric generator E. The by-poas 1~ provides for admitting sloe.m to the main turbine over and above that required by lho blower turbino. -February 4th, 1936. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES . 442,084. July 31st, 1034. -FoEL INJECTION P u~tPS, V. Mickel.een, of H arland nnd Wolff, Ltd., Queen's Island, Belfaat; and F. E. Rebbcck . This fuel injection pump is operated by the hot compressed nir or gases in the cylinder with whioh the pump is associated . Tho pump plunger iel!hown at 1\., with nn inlet at B nnd delivery at C. On the plunger stem lhore is the working piston D, whioh • AJ'JIIly cooooc~od with tho housu1g frnrno 1". Tlw opMation 1H as follows :- lf the rolling pressure increases, i.e., booomee too high for tbo existing relative positions of the rolls. tho regulating plunger E is pressed upwo.rde. The p1188age G ie op<'nod, onc1 liquid or paeees through J to tho preeeuro oylindor. The piston A is forced downworde nod compresses the spring F for such time until a etnte of equilibrium has again boon oetablishod in the zero posi tion of tho regulating plunger botwoon the prossure of the rogulnting spring, on the one hand, nnd that of tho liquid or air, on the other bnnd, when the in~oko of liquid or air is again stopped. The opposite form of regulation takes place when the rolling rresauro decreaeos, i:e., is too small for tho adjusted position o the rollers. Jn this cneo, the pressure of the regulating spring preponderates, and tho rogulntin~ plunger is moved downwards and opens the outlet at H, so that 1h<' piston is nble to eeco.po upwards. The stationary condition is ngain reached by compensation between the compression of 1he S_Pring nod the p ressure of the liquid or nir in tho zero poeit•on of the plunger E.-January 30th, 1036. N" 442.084 442,483. J uly 27th, 1036.-PousmNo RoLLING MILL RoLLS. F. Cooper and H . P . Lloyd, Noath Steel Sheet nnd Galvanising Works, 1\lelyncrythan, Neath, Glamorgnnehire. The inventors complain that, using ordinary methods, it mo,y require two men for fort-y minutes, or more, to polish the rolls of a shoot mill. By moans of the device illustro.ted, whiob F t-1"442.483 fl communicates with the pressure ga!l68 by of the connection E. (The control of tho gaejressure for operating the pump ie not mentioned.) lntorpoee between the hot gas anti Shipbuilding. the worlting piston thoro ie the liquid eenl F. It ie suggested Shipbuilders believe that their industry can only thnt the annular aron 0 should bo oqual to the e.roo. of tho be saved by direct State assistance. They cannot bo pro- working piston. The oy)jndor ie kept cool by the wnter jacket H. tected ?Y import. duties bE'cause owners have to compete - Jonuary 3ltJt, 1936. for fre1ghts under the handicap of devaluated sterling, DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. and co.~no t therefore pay moro for ships than their foreign compet1tors. The result of this state of things is that while 442 009. Novombor 6th, 1935.- 'rflEANS li'OR SoPl' fourteen shipyar ds employed 3 1,000 men in 1914, the 'lNTERJ'EJ\ENOI'l WlTR TUEl RECEPTION OF RADIO TRANS · numbor foil to 16,000 in 1934, and with a. capacity of MISSIONS CAOSED DY SMALL ~lOTORS AND OTIIY.R EI.EC · 250,000 tons a. year, tho tonnage of merchant ships built TRICAL APPAnATUS, Boiling and Leo, Ltd., of Cumbridgo Arterial Road, Enfield, Middlesex ; and Edl(ur Morton declin~d in 1934 to 27,200, though a.t present 56,000 tons Loo, of tbe snmo add ress. are sa1d to b e under construction. It is declared that An electrical uppliunce, such, for oxomplo. as the mot.or of n norma l replacements in tho merchant float would provide 150,000 tons a yoo.r, with a total of 200,000 tons that vnouum cleaner, mdicatod gonornlly at A, has two pol<'S BC, o. c·oul~ bo reached with foreign orders. The only means of prov1d~ng adequate employment in the shipyards is, ea.y N"4 42,099 the bu1lders, for the State to provide compensation for the heavy . fiR_cal charges. imposed on the industry and the deprocw.t1on of Rlorlmg. The financial assistance should be ~irec t ~tend of passing through shipowners, who recetve subs1d1os on condition of their doing something to r~place or modernise old ships. The amount of money a.~a1_lo.blo for that purpose is very small indeed. The .Mm•ster ~f .t~e Merchant Marine sta.tos that the existing law substdtsrng . the srupping industry, outside those owners wbo re_ce1ve regular s ubsidies, will be superseded by a R1ll, whtch he hopes to pass through Parliament frumo counection D, and tho supprctl!llllK unit E is intorpo!16d bofor_o l~o end of. tho year, for the more effi cient protection between the applinnce and public supply mnins F <.:,with which of sh•pp~g . Bwldors can do littlo but wait until they are is asl!ocio.ted earth wiring H. The un1t E hoe provision for connection with tbo npplianco A on tbo one hand and with the ab!e to JUdge of the probable effects of the new Bill on supply mains and their earth connection on the other hand. and s hipya rds. ~leanwhile, the whole question of enabling it contains a. conden!l6r J connected acroee the mains F G and builders to hrmg down costs to the level of those in foreign the poles B 0 of the appliance, a condenser K , which may be shipyards is being examined by the National E conomic em&llor in capacity than the condenser J, connected betweon Council. the lend G and pole Band the frame connection D. If desired, D neode little description, they claim to reduce the time to about five minutes for one mnn. I t comprises n slotted guide bar A held between the housinga of the mill. In the slot there elides o. nut B carrying the serewed rod C. This rod holds the polishing stone D. The mode of operation ie obvious.-Febrttary lOth, 1936. MINING MACHINERY. 442,036. September lOth, 1034.-00AL WASliEns, lntemational Combustion, Ltd., and 0. W. Davidson, Aldwych Roueo, Aldwych, London, '"' .C.2. This coni washer is of the Baum t.ype and hos n workinK chamber A, in which the wnter is pulented up nnd down by intermittent air pressure in boxes B. The level of tho shale bed 18 shown at C. and thnt of the coal at D . A float E rests on the surface of tho shale bed, and ie attached to a. lover F . This lover lies between two O(>poeite-handod ratchet wheels 0. Two rntchete R nod J are rectproca.ted by an oxcentrio K, conneoted 326 THE ENGINEER with the air valve mechanism, but can only engage with their] ratchet wheels when either one or the other of the guards L and M is moved clear by the rocking of the lever F and t he Boat E. The ratchet wheel then rotates and by means of the gear N N9442.036 v.N B E -- _~_.~._ -- -· __ - --- -- - -- _c_/,_ ,. ~- ··~ · ·:-:-.- ·. A op eus or closes the gate for the outlet of the shale. The coal, of course, continuously flows off the top of the bed of shale.J anuary 31st, 1!l36. MISCELLANEOUS. 441,661. February 18t h, 1935.- AK ELECTRO·MAGNETICALLY OPERATED SLIDE VALVE, W. A. Stanier, Ne,vburn, Chorley \>Vood, H erts ; G. Vickers, 8, Moon-street, Wolverton, Bucks.; and F. ~r: Hicklen ton, 33, Cambridge-atreet, W'olverton. This valve is put forward evidently for cont rolling such a service aa the steam to the radiators of railway carriages. The steam inlet is eh own at A and the connection to the radiator at B. • • C is 11. brllnch to atmosphere. 'Vhen the rocking slide va lve D ia in the position shown steam can pa'8s to the radiator by the port E. If the va lve is rocked to the right the port E is closed t o steam, but is connected to atmosphere through the fine p ort F a nd a recess in the back of the valve D. The valve is rocked about the pivot G b y blows from the plungers H H . These plungers are actuated by the electro-magnets J K L .-January 23rd, 1936. 442,031. August 11t h, 1934.-TRAPS FOR LAND DRAINAGE, A. Stephenson, 6, P embroke-street, Middlcsbrough-on-T ees. A trap for land drainage in tidal areas, comprises a chamber in the form of a cylinder with rounded ends a.n d subdivided by a central partition A into upper and lower chambers. These ch ambers are connected b y a pipe B extending from a short distance from the bottom of the lower chamber to with in a short distance from the top of t he upper, and the lower part of lower N"442.031 f) ~ B ~A c • chamber is provided with an inlet pipe C and the lower p art of t he upper with a n outlet pipe D . When water enters the lower chamber it rises above t he lower end of the connecti ng pipe. trapping a quantity of ai r in t he upper pa r t of the lower chamber. As inflow continues, the water· rises in the pipe a nd enters the upper chamber, from which it passes by the outflow. 'W hen t h e level rises on the outflow side, the back Bow is r eceived in the upper chamber in which air is compressed.- J anttary 31st. 1936. MARCH 20, 1936 JuNIOR INST. OF ENGINEERS.- 39, Victor ia-street, S.W. l. Informal lecture, " Use of Diamonds in Industry," Mr. E . L . C. Tappio. 7.30 p.m. MoNDAY, APRIL 6Ta. Secret41'iu of I~titution.J, Societies, &:o., duirom of having Soc. oF ENOINEERS.-At Geological Soc., Piccadilly, W.l. notice.t of meeting8 i~erted in thi.t column, are r equuted to note Inaugural meeting of Agricultural Section. L ecture, " Adventhat, in order to make 8tlre of its in.Jertion, the necessary information tures of a F orester in Kenya and Nigeria," Capt. R. St. Barbe shoul<i r~h this offtce on, or before, the morning of the Monday Baker. 5.30 for 6 p.m. of the week preceding the meetings. I n all cases the TUIE and PLACE at which the meeting i.J to be held should be clearly stated. Forthcoming Engagements. T o-DAY. CONTRACTS AND ORDERS. I NST. 01>" ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS IN SCOTLAND : STUDENTS' Assoc.-39, Elm bank-crescent, Gla-sgow, C.2. "A The Editor i 1 alwa.ys happy to print .thort announ.ce1mnu of Descr iption of St. Rollex Locomotive Works," lVIr. E. CatchconlractB and orders in this column provided they a re eent to him pole. 8 p.m. I NST. OF F uE L : EAST MIDLAND SECTION.-At Technical in time to have news value aml that they are likely to interut reader•. College, Derby. "Research in R efractory Materials," Mr. A. T. Green . 7 p .m . BRITISH INSULATED CABLES, L td., has received an order I NST. OF l'i!AruNE ENGINEERS.-85/ 88, T he i\linories, E.C.3. from the Indian Government to supply and erect a transmission line in the North· West F rontier Province of Inclia in conn ecAnnu al gener a l meeting. 6 p.m I NST. OF MECHANIOAL ENGINEERS.-Storey's-gate, St. tion with the i\1alakand hydro -electric scheme. The approxiJo.mes's Park, S.W . l. "Wrapping Machinery," llh. Frederick mate value of the order is £80,000, and the work consists of 32 miles of double-circuit and 70 miles of single-circuit 66 kV linea Grover. 6 p.m . with copper conductors and galvanised steel lattice t owers. J UNIOR I NST. or ENGINEERS.-39, Victoria-street, S.W.l. J. BaowETT LINDLEY ( 1931), Ltd., Letchwor th, has recently " The Steel Contract or in Building Construction," 1\'lr. D en is G. received a n umber of orders, including one for a 3300 cubic feet Newman. 7.30 p .m. N.E. COAST INST. OF ENOINEERS AND SRIPBUILDERS.-At the per minute single-stage gas compressor driven by a fourMining I nst., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. "The Modern Locomo· cylinder 340/370 b.h.p. gas engine for a Japanese gasworks; and one for a 1000 cubic feet per minute two-stage motor-driven tive," l\Jr. B . Irving. 6 p.m. air compressor and two 500 cubic_ fee~ pe~ minute two-~tage P HYSICAL Soc.-At Imperial College of Science and Tee)~. steam-driven air compressors for mmes m V\ estern Australia. nology, S.W.7. Editing Committee meeting, 3.30 p.m.; Council CROMPTON P ARKINSON, L td., B ush House, L ondon, has meeting, 4 p.m. Meeting, 4.45 for 5 p.m. received an order, amounting t o approximately £15,000, for t he SATURDAY, MARCH 21ST. main switchroom equipment to be installed at the n?w UniverFINSBUR Y T ~tcnNICAL CoLLEOE OLD STUDENTs' Assoo.- sity of Lond on buildings in Bloomsbury. The order mcludea : Trocadero R estau rant, London, , V. I . Annual dinner. 6.30 for Main intake : Eig.h tee? f~ll y . interlo.cked _draw-o ut ~ruck type 7 p .m. cubicles. Sub-mam dtstrtbut1 on : F1fty-e1ght fully m terlocked stationary type cubi~les. ~ub-distri~uti~n : Fo~ty-six indusI NST. OF MECHANICAl, ENOINEERS: LONDON GRADUATES.Whole-day visit to Southern Railway Locomotive and Carriage trial type ironclad un1ts. 'Ihe order IB b emg ca rrted ou t to the Works, EMtleigh, and t o the Graving Dock and Dock Exten- p lans of Mr. J . Stinton J ones, 1\I.I. Mech . E., M.I.E.E., the consulting engineer. sions, Southampton. CLARKE CHAPUAN AND Co., Ltd ., Gateshead-on-Tyne, have SHEFFIELD METALLURGICAL ASSOC.- 198, 'West..street, received a' contract for a large extension to the <?ity of P o.r ts· Sheffield, 1. Dance . 7 to 11 p.m. mouth electricity undertaking. This order compr lSes two highMONDAY, MARCH 23RD. pressure water-tube boilers, complete wi.t h stokers, euperINST. OF E LECTRICAL ENCINEERS: N. EASTERN CENTRE.- h eat erl!, economisers, air h eaters. mechamcal draught p la.nt, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. "Tariffs for grit-collecting equipment, feed pumps, coal and ash-handlwg Domestic and Business P remises," l\Cr. B . Handley. 6. 15 p.m. plant and buildings. The boilers a t·e of the Clarke Chapman I NST. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS: L ONDON GRADUATES.- cross drum h eader type, and are each to be capable of evaporat. Storey's-gate, St. Jumes's Park , S.W . l. Annual Lecture, ing J 50,000 lb. of w~ter per hour:. The steam p ressure will be 625 lb. per square JDch, and wtll be s uperheated t o a final " Machin e Tools," Sir Alfred Herber t. 6.45 p.m. temperature of 850 deg. F ah. The total value of t he contract is T uESDAY, i\IaRCH 24TH. over .£ 150.000. lNST. O.t' Eu:cTRlCAL ENGINEERS: N. l\llDLAND <..:.~::NTRE.­ H otel Metr opole, Leeds. Students' meeting, " Wireless Speech Tra nsmission and R eception," l\lr. H. H . R yder. 7.15 p.m. INST. OF ELECTRICAL ENClNEERS: WIRI!:LESS SECTlON.Savoy-pJace, W.C.2. Mr. P. I<. Turner will open infor mal PERSONAL AND BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. discussion, " Loudspeakers and Sound R eproduction." 6 for . 6.30 p.m. SPEClALLOID , Ltd., Friern P ark, North Finchley, N. 12, INST. 0£ ENGINEERS AND SmPBUl LDERS IN SCOTLAND.announces the appointment of i\lr. Donald McConnell, B .Sc .. 39, Elmbank-crescent, Gl as~ow, C.2. " The D evelopment of A. M.I.A.E .. as sales manager to the com pany. t he Autogiro," Mr. J . G. We1r. 7.30 p.m. MR. A. C. HARDY, B.Sc., A.J\1. Inst. N.A., has been appointed SHEFFIELD i\lETALLUROICAL Assoc.- 198, West-street, Sheffield, 1. "An In vestigation on Spring Steels ," l\Ir. G. A. to the board of Welding Supplies, L td., of Charlton, London. S.E. 7. This company is a sub~idiary _of the Swedish K~ellberg D e Belin. 7.30p.m . group on the Continent, and 1s s_pectally concerned wtth the T HURSDAY, MAROR 26TH. manufacture of electrodes for weldmg p urposes. INsT. oE l\IECHANIOAL E NGINEERS: YoRKSHIR E BnANCH.CooDE, WILSON, 1\'IrTCilELL. AND VAUGHAN·LEE, 9, Victoria· H otel Metropole, Leed s. " First P ri.nciples," Major F . L . street L ondon, S. W .1. inform us that they have taken into Watson. 7.30 p.m. partn~rship 1\'Ir. R. D. Gwyther, who has been on their staff in INST. OF' STRuCTURAL E NorNt:ERs.-10, Upper Belgrave- ch arge of works for a number of years. The new firm will carry street, S. W.l. " T he Effect of the Coarse Aggregate and other on btlSiness a t i ts presen t address and under the same name. Faot.ors on the Proper ties of Concrete," Mr. H. ~r. Coultaa. T aYLOR AND J oNEs, L td .. makers of reamers and other tools 6.30 p .m. for engineers , of H enley, near H uddersfield, announce the FRIDAY, MAROH 27TH. termination of the arrangement under which they were repre· lNST. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS : L ONDON GRADUATES.- sented in the London area by B. Elliott and Co., Ltd., of ~ork· Connaugh t R ooms, Great Queen-street, W.C.2. Dinnet··dance, road, N. 7 . They are now dealing directly with London busmess. 7.30 for 8 p.m. SHELVOKE AND DREWRY, Ltd., Letchworth, inform us t hat I NST. OF STRUCTURAL E NGINEERS: 2\llDLAND COUNTIES ' t hey have secured the services of i\Ir. Charles IC Edward~ as BRANCH. -J am ea W att Memorial Inst., Birmingh am. "The chief engineer . H e will devote his energies to t h e desrgn, E ffect of Coarse Aggregat e and other F actors on t he P roper t ies development, and improvement of the company's ~ange of vehicles and apparatus for municipal cleansing serv 1ces and of Concrete," Mr. H. W. Coultas. 6 p.m . J uNIOR I NST. OF E NGINEERS.-39, Victorit~.-street, S.W.l. other uses. Mr. Edwards began h is professional career in .1907 Informal lect\tre, " R econstruction of a Bridge in R einforced with Napier and Son, subseqttently serving with the Assoc1ated Equipment Company, L td .. for seventeen Fr~m 1929 Concrete in Stockholm," Mr. C. H . G. Aston. 7.30 p.m. to 1932 he served as chief engineer to Morris Commerc1al Cars, J uN IOR I NST. OF ENOlNEERS: SHEFFIELD AND DISTRICT L td., and for the last 3! years he has been chief engineer to SECTION.-i\lappin H a ll, University o f Sheffield. Second Guy Motors, Ltd. Commem oration Lecture, " Steel Metallurgy in relation to HEENAN AND FROUDE, Ltd., "''orcester, inform us that a Mar ine Engineering ," Dr. W. H . Hatfield, F .R .S. 7.30 p.m. group h as acquired from S.T .D. i\Iotors, L td., the entire Heenan NATIONAL "SAFETY FmsT" Assoc.: T EES-SIDE INDUSTRIAL and F roude assets at '.Yorcester. The n ew board will consist of SAFETY Co~nnTTEE.-At Cleveland T echnical Inst., Corpora- i\Ir. C. L . H ill, partner in Charles Hill and Sons, Bristol, and tion-road, Middlesbrough. Open meeting. " Industrial chairman of the Brist.ol City _L ine of Steamships. L td.; i\lr. Acciden t Prevention," Mr. R . W oodifield. 7 p.m . A. P. Good. partner m P enmngton and Son, L ondon; J\lr. ~lOND AY AND TU ESDAY, MARCH 30TH AND 31ST. A. W. P . i\lacwhinnie, director of Dawnay, Day and Co., INsT. OF l\lEcHANicAL ENoiNEERS : INTERNAL CO)IBUSTION L ondon ; Mr. D. H . M. Boy le, director of Andrews Toledo, L td .. ENGiNE GROUP.-Engineers' Club, Manchester. Spring Sheffield ; and 1\lr. W. i\1. Itatcliffe, present direct?r and Meeting. Monday: P a pers, "Fuel Injection Equipmen ts," general manager, who will continue in the same capac1ty. It 2.30 p.m.; dinner, 6.30 p.m. T uesday : P ap ers, "Methods is intended that the business shall be carried on as heretofore of T esting Internal Combustion Engines and Comparative at W orcester under the name of H eenan and Froude, Ltd., Fuel E conomy of F.ngincs on Test and in Service," 9.30 a.m.: but it will be further developed and extended. lunch eon. 1.15 p.m. TuESDAY, l\LmoH 31sT. J NST. Oll' ME1"ALS.-James Watt Memorial Inst ., Birmingham . Annual m!'eting. Ch&irman's Addr~>ss. Dr. i\Iau ricc Cook. RoBERT H OOKE.- The I nstitution of Professional Civi 7 p.m . Servants announces a lecture on "Robert H ooke," by Dr. H. J. Gough, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Engineering Depart· TUESDAY, MARCH 3 1ST, TO FRlDAY, APRIL 3RO. INST. OF NAVAL ARC!'OTECTS.-Annual m eeting. For pro- ment, National Physical Laboratory, on Friday, March 27t~ . in the L ecture Hall, Royal Society of Arts, John-street, Adelph1, g ramme see page 322. W.C.2. The chair will be taken b y Mr. H. T. Tizard, F.R.S .. ' "EDNESDAY, AI•tUL l sT. Rector of the Imperial College of Science and Technology. lNS'l". OF ELECTRICAl. ENGINEERS: ' VIRELESS SEC'l"ION.- Tea will be served at 5 p.m., and the lecture, which will be illus· Savoy-place, W.C.2. " Thermionic P ea k Voltmeters for Use at trated by lantern slides, wiH begin at 6.30. The Institution very H igh Frequencies," and " The Theory and Design of H ot- extends a cordial invitation to all our readers. wire Ammeters for Frequencies of 25 to 100 Megacycles," REMOVAL OF IRON FRO:\! \'\'ATER.-If water supplies con tain Prof. C. L . Fortescue ; " An Impt•oved Form of R esponse more t han 0 · 3 parts per million of iron many difficulties are Cw·ve Pt·ojection Apparatus," i\lh·. D. G. Reid. 5.30 for 6 p.m. encountered. a nd a new material has been developed in the Unit-ed States by the C. F. Burgess Laboratories, Inc., for its THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND. NATIONAL SMOKE ADATEl\I,I,;NT Soc.-Council Chamber, T own removal in domestic and industrial water supplies. Known as Hall. Birmingham. Address on H ams Hall and Nechells P ower ·• Birm "and marketed in t his country by the Burgess Products Stations ('vhich will be visited), by i\Ir. F. Forreat. 11. 30 a.m. Company. of Barwcll. Leicester, the material is a granular mineral. which conver ts the dissolved iron into an insoluble RAILWAY CLun.-Royal Scottish Corporation H a ll, Fettet·· hy droxide form, which is filtered out in the bed. It is a catalytic la ne, E.C.4. " L ondon to Southampton-and B eyond," ;\Ir. aE::ent, and forces a combination of the dissolved iron with the C. H . Anderson. 7.30 p.m. diSSolved oxygen in the water. The precipitate is in a Bocculent state in the filter bed. T urbidity is removed from t reated w~ter FRIDAY, APR,lL 3RD. INST. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS : N. EASTERN STUDENTS.- as the precipitate carries down with it suspended matenals, ln t h e Cinema, Carliol House, Newcastle-upon-T y ne. Films. bacteria, &c. P eriodically it is necessary to Bush out the accumulations b y back washing, after which t he "Birm" b ed 7 p .m. is ready to repeat its cycle of u·on removal. At present, l NS'l'. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS.-Storey 's-gate, St. James's " Birm " is only being made in the United States, but we are P a rk, S.W.l. Informal meeting, " Air Raid Precautions," Col. informed that t.he Burgess Products Company proposes to lay W. Garforth. 7 p .m. rlown a plant for its production in this country.