At Hele.hol.len .In lh» Clerk'* Ofnee of the r»w Court of Uw *ml Gbaa* fcounty, the Ant Moodky IB ll4tt AOAINftT ftatwnrt*, •; . ffefelttrrjf tfJigtrUm Ce««r«, *U <MH«i/rr« W>a*N4ranr •% IMU •»*», in*. r>afi»w, •»*»* JH. (>al<MJI. end >«Mtt A P. ' tt//,«a I V i l l , « . . U I I I « . e r m ^ l - i UMb III «Mrr. and >«U William lillb It. ,U,r, jTWMnl mUUw,W*l«Wr^tr rf AM 0t%f*, *t***d, Aeiattw F.«i,i»HTifffj.ffn»» Cea*. re. ewd M MC» •dmUIXrtlw di IWrU «*a> */ . > l i ' - - ' '• '• '•'' ••" t IhU ord.r be forihwiih loiirted In iome' ne waaper pnhl iihrd In Ckarleatowa, for two monlha •eeajiafcraaiK^ and .po»ted.-»t4b* (rjm) aoeroX le c'oii.rt-hnu<e' inIheiltd tonnof Charlettown. A Copy—Teite,,. -^-r^-Rr uKuif 19. 1841. ' : • '• •• Look ' •'•- ' ' ' 'J^jtf ii-Vcllow *' * CtMtnl » Ai well u'Oroimanlal,ao n.cp.iary to, qunliTy Ihe pupil for Um Counllnf Home tfr Clerk't Uffle*: andnIU iherelo, Ih* principle, oll'ui.cluitliln or pl.cinB Slops in Writlnf, tn(*tbi'r with Ih* proper UM of Capital Letter*. ' The course will eoBiktof twenty-four letkoaaofon* koure*cb| its par'week, two'of which will b* gi*eo in Ihe d*|, with Ihe pri'il*(* lo III* pupil, of liking it many during the And on my return I hope lo be >Me to a«ll(r«el. • day at m«y be con»eni«nl lo him forth* remain- hargalua lo my eutlooiera and Ihe public rene. >• . B8ROM 8LIFEK. cirune ; bit nhjor.t being to advance rally. .<der of the ^...j...-......-....^.. Oct. 14, 1841. - . m _ , . , - , .„.,.__,..,,. lmei, will bd murning. Boon or uighi, 01 m»y be mo<t eonienitnt loihem. UK lubwriber ia now recalling a largo andganeral aiinrlmenl of '" T ( . A iife rdlelnelhit. r _ . .lull ll not enter atett houie .' Sbs.ll U .jiU be im-il 'iy eferv Indlihluif > Lei no m.n ..y I don't want il. leu kno* not wh.t lo-roorltiw • m.y bring furili. All ihonld nip thii remedy, .nd pTORE remeraberifael hi-.lib i. the fl nt Ue»li,( from God. J<Hai lltd on Are anii-bilioai, anll-dyipeplle, ahd anrt-roerei• —•- A* Addreai, ipnroprlit* lo thedneiilon, will .be ,^<'delif *rad',... Tit»«*»diot T«mp«rnn(in v throughout JrBVinon and the aitj'iinlnn Conntip., are req-ie.tcd to unite with u< in Ihe Proeenioe. THO'fl JNO. DODO, S«>.. Oat. 14,184*. .. . , . ' • nlion. •raii (wlib death.' But mow Itionvirdeoen* • Impettooaa. ll tl at Impouible to n« j Ihe demiml'fo 'for thli midlelne, n to knibUre ruihlnj . ! Ilili 11KM, Mtdicinri, Paints, and other articles, To which he miritea the attention of rnor.T E-iPEi: rfUI-LV Infurm* tboae who nay bl*friend*a'nd the public r«nerally. JOHN D. DROWN. m»i winl any work done in bia line, that Charleitown, Oct. 14, 1P41. he»n<M»-«t Mr. Carter'i.Uotel, in Ctiarleti<.»n, where he wUI remain a few dayi. r'«ldj •lejkitjqd toordera forhla nrricei aimer by lil,r ..!» Ky ttiW' auh^eff). , tar&roiherwlie. lortment of of Llquori nf did aitorteaent 900 -50 It, and indwlll NTH. knit btit fit for k, which Purred TOTigue, NlUM». Ui«lrn»toiioflllr Slom.eli i'Hd;Baweli, Inilpleut Diirthon, Fluiulcncp, lla"tiiil Coitiieoria, Lou of Appetite, Blouhed or follow Completion, and In ill eiwl uf' Torpor uf he Uowela, where a eatbanle or an aperient la •eeded. They wre exeeedinklj mild In their oper•tioni, producing neither niuKi, eriptni;. nor debilllr. Priee Si and SO eenti ptr box. Sold hy U. K. TVLEU, General 'A»c!,t, eomer of Bait llnlllinoi v and High itreeti, Bihlmare. AliO— for Mieilllif iloreof . WM. ANDERSON^ JAMES IIIGGINS, . r tbrftrt-Ferry,J. 1. H. STUAf I I I . ' . . Cter/Mltwa*,. J. P. A. KNTI.KIt.. Shephenlitram. SKY. • s WM. DOUSK RE niper.cdlnn the n*e of all olbir re me, 1 die* for Cough.. Cold*, A.llira.. Croup, Whoopinj Couch, and Con.umplion. They wfll • of In- nbtenllnTy er.,li,.le theBnill Hoj, Me»ic.,<,r Wboopiu( Cough v m ilher wllltkcy r.l.e Ihu .le.rt, lANCES ordo.nyotherlmpot*lbmtie*.butlbey<>illCUHB . . m i i i t i fii> f*l t u .^..^.._ «i.» other Jlaled oa Icharlet\NNINfl Kt h y * jfrom tb* Cniish. Oronp, and Merxl>*, awl CURK CONSU.Ml'TION in In. lime than .i.y other reroeily. They ar* not only ihe belt, but Ibe eht.peM rnedlelne In oie. Six eclit* worth a .day I* *H that ia required In any e**e, *nd all ordin.ry caaea at* cured In one or t« o day*. They are not (Ot up .nd HISS. pulVril Into notice. for a few iimnih.. 10 null the pnlilic .nil a ferluae, t now Inn their eii.len te l a) way* mil popul.rlty mail eeMe when Ihe pullnir, »fap* | A. M bill lliey .re Inlrailuced ... M.nil.rd Mllcfe, rtlyi..R on iheir inirlniio merit for lullac pairoMie. Th«y are und aiul reeorameniltJ by the Meilieal.1 Feeuliy, aad br all who ban Died them, which (a proof poeltlre of Ikelr cilraorilloary and beneSetal Virginia. again T (ji.'.i Here • -. we_ ;Come ; •„•—:—r TAII.OHIWQ. kton, toons, luiuiiiled .ufu >uil eettun terniluie, which lie dear, ihe •arid to eieel. Priee » per bos. 8.1. by «. K. TYLER, dener*! Aglrt. comer Bail Baltlmon .nd Illih iirerl*. Baltimore. AUo—lur ul* at tb* More of WM,. ANDKI1SOX, J.VMKS IUUUIN3. M acrom to their '•J. P. A..BJ bfti Ilieaal ol 8,3-4, ->. J. II. STI AITII. L'*erbilc«». 1811—Iy. Oin/men».. |le of Ihe I hereby OR the cqro of While SwelliDft. Scroful, Ulceri i Sore U(i, ..-.. „.. ...........loi.i t a«M mult | WB»C» j- S«re UrreMii Hhrvnmle P.i.M TxtrrtHKre* Cb lbl.i,.,, Whillowi, Vileii Curn.. .nd «ter«.t i|.'>«*<>l>*«*nilllf. Prie*JW *niU ytt bin. Bold by G. K. I, l;c,.ri >l Aamt, wr'8a|c. oer of Km Baltimore ..ul High MreeU, U.Uliaui.. , Mi- AIM—foraaleatlbeueraTof ... , of I'QPIIII, WM AMURHwOM. M^M I I thort . . 3ARN, J. V. A.EHTU ligotd. OB ihe day of liih ihf let. Uta.tnall airy much May 97, 1641. j. j. u. If; '- ,. - Important to Fatfitn, Mothert and JVurwt. Y OUNOVSOOTHINasyRUProR CHILDREN CUTTirfO tEETH -Tbil medicine U tiled ind recommended by Ihounndi of familial fur the iumiidi.m nueToflhoM "lillle helplait olf.priiig,." At teoaat IhU nediehW I for the re- H uied according lo Ibe dlreclloai. Ike child Ii ire aaieral relieved, and re«o«en wlibout thi pii till t e l u i n of the lancet. No fimtly afaoubi b» wlihoul " l l l b e l . k IklaaMdlciie when there are yMiie- children, taol, »«ery viaicTieit. . ' fbaw Saafa lit Jhiil. »./.r« Utimg. Walcb \ ihe « 1.0.0 Take a little of Ihe Sjrup in a .pooo, and lTU with the «0|ir let ll.e child'* K umt be rubbed for two er three minulu, l«e or ill llroit a day. Tl.. child uiuir apt be put lo Ibe breiil immiuiit.lj, M Ibe milk Kill tike the > I and for oflflOOKMB. Porul»al A. YOUNa* k CO. HerptraTerry, Auguitt, W4». 'JOHN nOKF.NHAUGH, Jr. llarpen-Ferry. Oel. 14 1*41. , . W . I t * GOO0S. . A: C M AVINU ileierinineil to return*'the priPISfl —4l trr.e of bit prufeiiinn, offer* hli irrricej to bl citi'xen* of.Charlei.iown end »icinily. • tf 1HK auburibera Ire reeeiring iheir PALI. ,'.u Cbarlealown. Sept. 16, IR41., •'-.•..,. SUPl'I.Y of Gpodt—lo which thej ii.'ite Doctors Cordcll ond Alexander •IbeK attention of Iheir customer* and aII, who i • • AVK uioolaled Ihepueliea la the' practice want (J>good bart;alni ,£~i\ MM ot their profeulon. • JOHN Kr.PLINOF.R fc CO. Office oppoaite tbe Drug Store of J. P. Drown Shepherditown. Oct. 7:'I84I —3t • k C*. Charlntown, Hept .16. IH4l.-tf. CHIMP U tV. hare:reeel«ed a Inrue supply nf GllpCKRIKS, H7.VES. end I.KiVOIlH. wtiich Qrn> IC undertl(oed, baflnc entered into part- we w i l l aell ai low as Ihey can t>e bnvghl in Uu 1 4* nenblp In the Drug Rmlneti, bearing'daie place, far cash, or It U«u»l prlpea. on oredlt. • from llie I.I lnitahi,r*tpeclfullv make it known J J If E f MIUJBft. that their concern will be conducted under th* Oct. 14. 1841. - . '•HOI* name ami Brrfl, I'bdVpltelt a c o n t i n u a n c e •"*»T the p'*lron*K* herelolor* liberall) ra'ei.ded to one u/ the pailiierit while »lu;.e. Their .«• •nrinient .hall 'bo alwaya. full unit freih, and their term* of ijealiii)! mail* tu merit the aupport It Uow miny bate, felt diaxy, fcrcri.b, reitleaa M algbi, or luRcred from miny ef Ike lollowl** lyiupiomi:—Anobitin.le Cough. IMntii.iheJolnla orUmb.. nire.lln|.llhcNow"Hel<lMbc,Verf.|0> Torpor. IHilurbed llrrimi, Sleep Broken offV rri|M**d Bcrcamlnr,Uon>uliioni.Thint. I'.lliU H*e. Bwl Taile iu U,p M.wih, Oreaiite Breatat llcbliiKafthe NoK.V.ini. <iri|iii,|[.or b-tllmg. ofihe H.igm*eb or Dowel*. K.uwi. Squc.tul.linrM, Vor*elly^Leiniieu,Teneima>, licblncol iliv Arm. ' towtrdi nliht, md .1 length dpjrelloDiof liim. .oil iiiuvili—ind |« lo lloeluring tficiimt..., without •uj relief, benuM they do not (o lo ihe root or C.UK of nil IheH iy mutomi f Uulcii ihry e.n re«lonibly account fur Ilieca tome alber way. depend' upon It, worm**r* working Ihe ili.u uciii.n of j«-ur!>. How minychklitn-nhKr r*ii.,>ni. ind die, and all from Worm., when a few ilMeiof UK.ailKUMAN'S \VUIIM I.O/.KNr.Ka would ban cured, pmrntnl, and b«e w«ed their Ijiet F nU aplendid attlefe. E have iho pleaiure of Informlnjt our customers and the public Ibit we have O ESPKCTFULI.Y tefbrnirSTa old friendi M% and the poople al lar^e, that he baa re- received our in p ply of -' - '— turned from Ihe West, and baa again eommane- IVew Fall and Winter Goods, 'ed biiiineit «t Harp'eri-r.'erry, in the'.ecu-rid Winch is terj-targe ;lnd- well assorted. .We floor room of John O. WiltonV three itory will be hippy to tee ill who wish lo purchase, bttlldlnc, directly oppoalle the puhlie Artenai. and pledge ourtclvci that fieri ihtlt pleaac. 'where he will ho hippj lo receive .the order* ,. . V ^" J J It K P MILLER. of hi. friend* In Iho Tailoring line, lln work .Charlettown, Ocl.^4. 1B4I. _.'•hall ba done- in Ihe neateil and best manner. • nd on «hor|, notice. Give u* a call, and look l\'cw Good*. •t the fnhiont, nmBrubicnber Ii lull receiving end open, .hi*Stack, of Fall and W inter GOODS. worm* t they ar* not eooiaed to children, but Ihntt- el, Bilk, Oct. 14, 1841. T IIHBRMAWWWORjrtOZENOEO. Few are aoare bow.many dlit.ui aiiu -I 00 »anitiuponlhouiand*,niy, (uffer labote, •nd e»n die from' their eaTeti*, *nd nttcr auipeet . '"iichj _ *"+. i:v^x ' ___ ISO. 36. O' iheir nalionil11 bonnH* -concernf rl,"'»iya" Tort ; Tilhurie apeik* of a <oo<p ihf • niFlrrr* nf :be Slate lo the Montreal" Time*; -"ibr Amnira'n* have tl w a t • «Ct*d with prrimptripx. dp- up the price of Boar. *o liicy may i -tmi HIPIMP!V»II f«r Ihe mfh prir•• •' ;-y. ertion'«nd.-i»n*ra<y-.-a*-' «*»|>rt>tf*d ftv »h*»r war with En>iaif»rl In'1^14.-, fhf frirfol tor wheat iipoiv the receipt 6f rh*' anoiher'inch fncnunler at a period when rf'iialimf intfllicenc* Ihe m n l h r r cMinlty U in * lovmiUblr ! thit it to b* don* by itoppih| Hjiir milla tiale of p r p p » r n i i n r , will Honnltr** be the I for •* Urn* in he>p* thai thut in NPW TorH,.VVid . mrant of nnillrtjt thoir IWr-ptrtirt Ihtonjfn- •hortrn ih«i nutthe counify.which for twelVi* yearn,01 Iharehy rau« lh« pricM to •» to rp«lir» lliai morn, have bppn nn (prirn nf p u l i l i r a l ani r x n r h . l » n l price • Itiejr paid in Ihp hi ighl moiity .. It hanU'nj^ hppn a characli r' 'of Ihtir hopci, for nlipat. - If thi« he *o, . iilichf tb* American* that howevirrnurh tlipy may fojuahble and fighl amonf them- Iht p»<lprn matk»tf. The Mm* writpr v e l v e t , t h e i r nniii'0-iiiip. -Ion-aril* r a r h o thrr art always «n'.nidpd; and really lo malje cnmmfin 'cimr.' t.n\a llut aornfi finfErr* have bp«n h»illy iiiiiii'd.and aililn— 'jii«t.a(lpr th* a r i i v n l n f IIP v t r n i p h o a ) nl Bvilon wi\h rh« »lory of ..,,. i'» 'I-',. >t ,.,,1 <> ll,i. r» " at iy O v,w«. • n DUNCAN reip»oifuliy Informa the Inhihitaotn* Ct»krie,UM.»>ni«d It. »icimI h* b«l opened a, WglTINO SCHOOL ia one of the room, of ihe Hotel lately oieu.' |.ieU by Mr. I. N. Carter, 'where he will (IT* in.truetion, not In Ib* ordiniry mod* of leichlog, but he will initruct in 1 aII the - TENDINO to liart for •alllmort, ON Mnnda» npxt, I rpqiml ill thoee whoknnw their promijci will ruii out then, lo call before that ti me • nd icttle irttlr old aeeounta with me, for promltaa will not pay dabla Inlalllmon. • / hmt on 'hand a general Slock of fpllF. wondetful eurei eBeeted b* thla niedi«A elae ere Ihe all-«n{coHln( tabjecta of tke •j. Oo where you will, anil joa bear of noihinr eltled ut Mr, fluch-a-One hifbeencurtd b» Urt Pcterv Vi.(ji-t«Me Pill.i , or, you know Mill Uo-and-So pleaie at Ihe point of death, but the baa ben eared •lour vai IT Or. t'cicri1 Pilli ; or, are ton not glid lint i there, HIM ——- hai been reitnrcd lo beallh by Dr.' I'cliar- eri* iffondi'oui medicine? • • Reallj ibii medicine moil be terjr nod or U cure tommy. It ii Rood. For - ' tU' nM'Mtt* powei «4I fal ill I He ii a bigot, for ha Iratnt nothing, and it no *i*rr now than be wit hilf r e n t n r y «yo. He it a fanatic, forte hie'no liberality, no c harif y, no enlarged and national rorii• pr*h*n*ion of the movement* and doinfi of Ih* world. Never we* tlieie an instance nl the inotp triim.phant dominion of Ib* Prtit (bilk in bit cue. For thirty yrnri At fiat ktpl Virginia t Inn Jinf llitl, Of lilt ih* moil mindt ol Virginia, from Leigh to RiveV, arid to on ha.*/* -*tf*.v*riw€r~iitli ••^*/:idar*i"Aio)ttiita4ft ind valley, to breakjbiiri down, illumioilby their eldqiinence thelenahl* of the ; M i n - i u n i ol Kanlrrn Virginia,—but i Enquirer wai after-, •ll.em. week . ji .' nm qnH* •" U*lln<ii» rrekoned; h* «*akf*/mnj h» irinor, ! Thtrf'• • rreat «:uck ol bll«» In a Mcund. And On >hnu1d itie'if coml lubildf, " A ln»r/ ran npvrr de«p*ir! For ihr woi M i« unenmiBimly wide, And ihf wD.fqen uncom mmily fair' Thfn.puruiheir r a p l n r n m a f irll, Vfhii nrvcr wcrr put in (he W»l I l: A fi'nt |OT« u all vrijr wrll, ' -- - PETERS'PILLS • ' ' I nel<lliii man, vt tiom 1 l.avp long rnnildrred An* o'lli.- moil rxiraorilinaty men in Virginia, for llir atconil or ihinl lirhr in my lifp ; but now lor lh«i tint limp in the locinl ciirlc, wilh a d p l o r m i n a l DO, hiiw.rvrr, to' avoid jinional in'rodnct on, nflrii tnlicili'il by my dip ml*, bo ran-p I wniilril lo tie now m i l r a i n m r i l e I in whal I consider • jual ibeldt of him *r r^Utille Thifatmir. "Whm trae know. mrnWoni c.innol oflen aprtk w.htt on«t POLITICAL I l i i n k n . I consider, lliun, Sir. Ililrliio HDP Tiie following retoltittnu wai one of a of (he nblnt nlilou in Ihit or in »ny othrecently adopted al.t meetint: of TOTAt.ABfT|.|wrJ er country . . ll« hli vivacity, I net. the yearly j- but Two OOLUM will b« faynicnl in full, if. paid entirely in advance. " . (jgr- WhVoe«r:pSym«W"I» JeTefjfia Beybnit the «pi ration of Ihe year. interest trill be rlai^cil. QVKRVIP.LD rc«ptctlully informi the JCJ-rftibsenpiuni-ifor xu months, fl 25, to be * cltlaene of Charleitnw'n and iia rioit.u« pud invariably in ailvanrn. ' . * thiil he will Clrarlpilnwnahniilthe fir.l of . , . . . whnn.ho .will be pl.jiM-d .lo wait,oo • The terma of iulv«ili»iiig are, for » square or Oplober, need hi* urtlce* *t Dcnliit. len fl, for three insertion*—larger one*' In the •uch *• nay IU. 1841—K>. nan proportion . Each continuance 35 cent* per aqaare. Jtj* All ftdve/tinemenu not prdered for rnncc i*roceiiilon. » specific .time, will beconiinuecl until forbid, and M IhU court) and llappearini by lallafaelory •?!dence-lhath* l**ot «n inhibit.nt of j h i . f o u n .-. »./-^i^.jbat|hii|«-derei.d*nlde~ • !•! J ' » * V . • la>u*l.ltH«D w««LT,A? r i M I F . dtfendint D*Tld Potn. not h a t i n R pn- "On - SKErCT! BY4 BROOKS. 1 lured hi. appearaAee, and (itpn itrurily fcc.aecordinR to tbe lei of .Mpmbly en,, ihe rule* nf kmei. (OCR >cloi[Hernllon • - Firm loVe ia a pirlty ti.innnrc, •MM M*n Jl**. /ekn W t Md H ln •loor. llewo • 1 they bop* to recei»e. ^~~^'. ~~ JOHN J. H. STRAITH, «V ,-J. H. BEAUD. : ' ".. ".: ACAI-p.''.. ':''.'." I.tut I' ffliff X.HIHJI. Sugar. LAHGE i-upplj of loaf and lump Sugar, lull received Ind for tale Inw. hv A •~~t~ 1—=—J^f-ir-B-p MILLER i- - I. .' i * • aX|«lM»ll.<!*v ftff superior q'talitj. for «le l>j net. 14. UR1. J J I ( B P MILLER. OH. ^ pahftbil luppcirJea Mr7Vl*"!hl" ministration. The) prf amble .and Tiuire-were dr«wt Eiq: and trtrove all,ppr«c United«taiw; ihprc I. olio will-He- pplllioal rnr. er It ao utterly oppoitd In rvrry principle that we chriish and hoM.aacred and la*6 Ideniiflrri with Ihal lailiodlnmia and dantrruu* xyiiam nf mrainrea we m ilrciilntly condemn, thai *« do' •oi UUCP, narqaivucally lo proclaim Ibat be doe* nnt merit ami cannot, receif l.our. support; rfad that mm U— Henry Clay. you Ifr, dualry. . He ia but • buy uiih hi» pen, of all bn heaicra darker than e*f r, fa-fcffc-.. w ^-aAra-^«W^-«'^ • •. - - T>lt i. well; ill* very well; Tbereiblution wat not adopfed lor lh« purpoie of unJrctiving any. body ; .there hat been" no idea, nor surmise, nor" apprebbnnion abroaii, which thii reiolnliuii wai necettadcftfftreAwv* ,*«:,.: '-^~ • ' • • • - • •" l_ ' know old Tom RiltbUJV .'-Old oever •nteied.—yet there—«»«D 1therp Jlni.ffirr ErfKft t>fJ&fiiiottllr-tJft~PBr*I he Dm. ii-1 Wfcbtlrr bn« id- ' (tieiKi-il H l e t t e r lo Ihe, Editor ot llie 11...iiirt Daily A.I vr rtii-er, ; r-ncloting a Irttrr lately rrcrited fromEarl Bniland, and •nother purp<irtin||| tb be d on. Mr. W- In Lurd Spencer, roiroduring Col. Monroe Edwatrit to hi* Lnrdihip, and •penking of him II liis "valniible Irieml," ix..:. &e. This teller, w h i c h of conr-r it I lorirer*, was prrn-uied to Rirl Sprfncnr,. iicioilipaou-d by one frnm Kdward* liim in them, it U triie, but they cai.'l •i-ll. n - k n i R t :enipor.iry v loin, of Tom." then at they call him, i* a relic of old Virginia." "Old Tom" has mingled for filly y'ein'in tlio best circle* of VirIinifc,• ampn'i( her a b l e s t ' m e n , and "Old Tom" it an "Old Mortality ;'~tb* tptre, If ao, lank, embodiment of fifly-yeari-ago, Virvinian. "Old Tom," it a n » u n l , h u n gry-looking gentleman, bin teeth gone, hi* not* hi* rye bright; ol • quick, frisky, tremulous pail, nervous , hut ncrvei of cat-gut, though. Out — WM Ib* tpir'it of Ritchie,— a epirit thai .cemi never lo die. . In epile of iruth r in «pile«f -jutlice, in f pile of all local pride, and even mil-reaped, Vilgiuta ,'.bie>w away, her own ion, born of her ind ber'i, loo, and look up and adopted the can-off nfl-Hpring of New York,— and Kitohip dnl it all, in «pite, 1 wak guioii in aay, of i.linost every body ! Ritchie hat got Virginia in chains, Ihe People (here will not own ii, but it is ax fact. They fret and ;^«h&,,Vi.u?jB. remit of dread, or ol iniupprrtiible tot^^Wr^Si^pV^r lility, ' does not' -nutter much. . But 'We belonged for half a century, to tbia earth up, and now lie lootemi out,— »non and of ou'rt, but whom Heav«n, (or tome on- rood in rough. and te . if ogr •recoinpiendiiTunTc'ou'U hav» arty j known pui|iuie baa. at-it-were-^f pUa«-» loathe paal.-^iiul Ue..kfrp> hi« teat,— influence with the (frndeincn oil lh«-other fptclre,. Hitting over other peoplet' graye't,. Virginia in bit bits— 'probably to. Ihe end side wo would nxbiul Iheiii to prociTil in tlic bone and muscle ol whnt Ihinet and It U, ibifolorr,- my >ii>crre and dtliheiaie conioniDce'mlh this at«p. ' Prrhipatbey men were ib 1790, 'Old Tom" hat no conviction t h a t his death * ill In- of moie will do ao without our recommenilation.— blood, in bit vein*. I dare «»y, though 1 l)cnefit to Virginia thanf **ai the inveniion not a.ked, ho il ni>v-er ill. 11. it. eouU"" .fetline irnoni;' ilierii on lUia aubji-ct have ol ihit cotton gin by \Vhiiney. cr 'the ap ' • • ' • - ' a **J **- •*»Z i* , . ' • av . • , ,t tnil a blight loul it ta^-djuea whal moiion u jii iQipelbing like that Julton.ii> —lit the vvoild. conce imong Ibe old Kohiaui, JL 3 § nreheniibn o f b F g l a h ^ K i n ^ l»hoVin Kit* fibril lo nubjogate .Scotland, felt that nothing waa gained ao long as WILLIAM WALLACE stood among bia native hilU to summon hit country men to the ilrile for freedom. - . . Whatever may be the teroiination of Mr. CI.AV'S political career— and in- thii cpuairy it more concerned linn be i»— ii wiifbe "6ii; farturieMB htve occupied, bji the agreement of boib friendi and oppo, the position of llio foremoit loan ol ihe age Jnlhi» Republic. At the •entilive of the true American spirit— a» one lull*; comprehending the', geniui ol our initi'tutiouE— .an the exponant ol sound fir.i u ci |'ilr» o'l; i-o.V.vr'iiiVen I . ration al, pf»c li • . :al, anil roh«prv*itv« iiv Vhctr appticitioo, ii> whole life ahowt him as he is and a> lie ever bait been — capable, honcut, without dissimulation, wnUiiPS!", or, fear. ll i crisis should come, placinc Ih6 cnunliy in prnl, • and callini! lor a man quick peiceplion to know « hat should Indone and with re»olution lo do it— when nlutra.clionibla would stand paralyzed by a t>:nn> of th/ir negative incoinpt- tonry ind the imill tchemet of tma.ll would he thiinrd cut of t-xiblcncr—at luch a time how readily, how earneitly ould the eyes of. alt be turned upon ihr real «<in Of Iht country !—The' brawlinp of' parlixani would be hushed ; the for* ward, the vain, the selfUh stand and many ,of llunc no* uttering ous ' abuae. ay;aio«t one ,w how t;OTit'r»«ta~paittfulty-w«th nificance, would; find ..'M>rmiuiy«i coinpelted to; frame ' ibeir tonguri ,tp othfr language, and tb wail upon the move i.piiia of thai geniui which ibey affect to decry. We know not that Mr. CLAY will pverbe President of Ihe United Stulti— but of (hit we' may be aura Ibat 10 long aj> hit tVfvJcriJ1ran^1)e"o( me to Ihe couiilry, in whatever, capacity .ha mny bn c.illeii on to render t h e m , they will be at. bin a command to the entire extent of hit gieal abili!irt and with all the Ii delily of bit patriotic nature.- ' -, • 1 all 'except bit tpiril, in which .he ~di<T«ri from all otlier men I ever aaw.-^lor other people*' apinta go oil first, and tliea their body diea,afterwardi. . JB To be underitood, though in || i draw)f "Old irig of i li« bonri and Tom," I mtisl follow it with some sketches dog of bit character. : He work* I y«l. . • I . dnn'l '. Jlf lipve be^e. v . iruti— ]er a hot (peripiret I might fay)— even society Virginia son. : He IrJ.iki a'b(.ui njlh Ins while title glove* 01 ding hit long finders— 1'iUre *ay ted, and I taket a aa lively at a girl of tlxleen. teat al the Clerk'i J«k in «C>i'ol< wcitei aliitlrt and chaileri rrnti aph.UUarly Notes — Wo publikb in an other column the proceeding! of citizen. bf this town upon (he aubJHCl uf Ihe nolet pf Ibu B'altimpri; and Ohio H.iilioad Company,- wilb the' leiiitit received by the committee a'ppoinlcil for the purpoie ol procuring idfurniaiion a» to.the' prei«nt ond ultimate value of. this imne. Wr hhvo : llloUghl' Ironj the cummrncomciit that any proceedings ol our citizens upoi, (hit tuhjicl could have nofaenctici-jlelfeet— that Ibis matter, like ill oihera ol n of n aitoUar character'; ibauld .be.permil> led lo regulatfi'iltBlf— and to, it appeari. Iliought the mail.ol Ihe i.ierchants and . . ' ' oiilera (o 1m pn tiMii t >, • ^'on'sult., Her tbnt oltendVd the toeetiog* on fctii and it cdiiiiilled, but .iniinatenjn^d direr t* Ind WeJnest'iiy list— Itiere 'bei ihe ipiriti.of all. Indeed, no BeW tent*-1 about twenty -three Who participated in live it needed from- hit puliiitiii) 'compan- ihe proceeding* of the meetinga. , .Undei ' thai cfrcilrhiUncei, it it pre«um«'d ions but dim. He.iiMeir Exe|ulive. thtir Senate. //idV House </«ir every tiling — ihe Liuinem tnen ol' tin; town will con Ue\»o\>\ Viiginia too.— the V'pid Virgio l i n u e to receive these notes al the satue uy 'never lire." If there be troubh in lh* ditrnunl they bear in .Baltimore. We learn finm the- Bal'tmore American camp— if the PhiliMioet ftalbrr ibeir ar mies tnnether— if there be a lon'ging'lo nf Wednesday, thai ''The Board havr know the (uture from the past; «ome witch determined !i> iis'uc no more alprcten:-^ of Endoi.routei ibis "Old *<forlaliiy" op the amount in Circulation ' beine about His family it laige. ; all hicbly educated ; $1,0(10,000. For all the Uiuet Ihal h»v» hit daugbtert married "in the (ichett, and tiei-n • made), an equal amount of Ciiy »muii|i llie most rmpeclable fainilien 'in Slock has been tr^nvleiied lo the. ComVirginia: He livef in M.yle.;1l i* aaid, a mif sinner" in'truat for Ifaf holdrft of HIP man of. ihp Ion.. He ia Editor, Pieiidenl order*. - To pay the inlerett pn'tbittiark mil B ecre I n ry uf Co n v e n i i on n . Co t r e t - . t»K is alreijdyjlaid. so that not tbe lens ponding C.iiiimi'tec, Otato'r, Wrileri : a .»ppr*hention need lie e - a l e i l i i i n a d dnni nl currenry.' inan m.all work anil <in~T;o1iTtcTOf-BH'oiijriie. The last summer ho would work all day, and at "th* Swe*l-houie/! at it called the Tamninny Hull ol bit par- MOVEMENTS. W* tinderaland that a propoiiiion wai aubmilleil by tlip'llj|limi-re ami Ohio ai.d Wiocbtafer and PolomtC Kail Road com pnnipa to the Pretlilent and Dutcton- oj ihe \ alley T u i n p i k e Vprnpaiir, ni theii late n eelini; held ai N. » Maikjpjljhai ibe form*! would deliver IMuMer at WinThr.ter, orer th.-ir nmiin. t r i e ol freight, ilMielatter would'allow Ihe aatne lo pan otrertbeir ibid lie* of toll—»nd- thit tin 'prormii'ion wia acceded loon behalf ul the.. Turnpike rmt'panv, w i t f i a recbininendotiou lo lie Rjiil.lloiJ.cfimpa.uir* to plica Suit on the aaip* foolinR. The -'Prinri iilp/adopled^by Ib* Directori of t be Valley Turnpiki^ w« iean»"IiXW>tto* all lBan~*fToif~" tuoin Sill, to pan over PJatleror ieniac Tbii iin tin ir mad be* pottant movement tnd must liai'e i alronj; tendency 'to draw down Ibu Ibu Valley to Winchtiiler, aud ol a iiiM-ijucnce lu Dallimoic. _ ..-.;: ' In luiiuvxion wilb tliit it anotl.ei tchemc, acts oo lpo.1 by a coni|>auy that it forytll ail other creation tint the gMtUemru ill Wmcbeiler. anil . whi.l Lowland* of Virginia. Hi. teno;rapbv >t may be iegitdrd,ii**aubalaliary to it.— I iy, biringne and read lo his fiienJi ' nail 'he.,„__* night. The ii,. be,}>«vet n ^^probability __ T lerrix. Did any body ever tee him eat ? I iboulil lite lo k n o w . ' Once he ditco'yered t l i e t u win a jSottf)—that a IVnplibreathed and walked ou l|i« E.iblern. fidinl the t'ulnninc liver, and he -lent on I voyacc nf diHcinery then-, lie'd Quinry*. the tonidi-nce uf John Q, A'damin and held hit hone nut ol donrt, t>bil«i hi* family! (ratified their cur'iotily u it bin.— Van Burea found bip\ al Albiny.-and wooed and won the tpiril, \\ ijh all Ijie co(}U*lry thai be would courl a rrjiiden in twr teens; Unt rlid he -ever-jliV»r «f (lit Wtin f . be —loves ' Ihe kboiu .of weitejrn Virginia. but d'o'ei lie know that Peolje live .and breath*OD .lhe,W*baih, the M i a m i , and ibe IHiin.ij ? Tne real fact t, h* kAow*.no world, hill what iVelciterfrom the bate ol (be Hlo.i lUdjre ii i ibe J.imi't Hiver. The Ocean, in >ll I'ueliy lo him. Hit eye,, hit inind, h it •!• left on thin eiiili, i lily in condiliou. umpli »l hn" paily in Maryland In.'Jiie /»«<» ~ '- - - - • ^IliUHKIl ami alriprd rarpellojfrr. larfe we find in itt IrulhTIie aevereal rebukr IL alnek, IhelateilMyle—with aplendid Ru(i, of Ihoae VVhi((* who permitted Iheir disju»t received and for aale bjr 11 It KP MILLER.' taliifaction u i t h thii ilogla), however much-to-be regretlrd, error of the FedeDel. 14,1841. ml Kxeculive. lo betray them into forgelfulneu of their duly to (heir pat Iy, to 1'I.IIF BORIIVG. TUB PUHLIO—The underlined onee Ihfir Stale,'and lo Iheir'ptinciplrt. Let more Infarou hi* friend* ind the public, the Baltimore Re-publican, however,, and firiBd Mir, that he nil I ooaltouoi lo make ill co lahoier«, derive what .comloil t h e y PUMPS OF THE BEET KltJD. can from iheir pretenl rucreii i the caute at the old •laad, and I* deiermlnt^ to keep alwajt a lirgp, r«rnon* wlihlttg work don* in in. line will Ibey.atiijrn- for it ii of ittelf propbetic ol pill** fit* him a call Letter* adilretMd lo ••d-well ..MlMled atork. of eM.ulne, *nd freih iheir ftveflhrow; (or .unleti ihe'v can Urugi, Medu-lne.. r.iin., Dy* stnfl.. Book* him It Chirllitowp, will b* promptly ittended ihow (*• we know they cannot) that IbV not Iftur h o n i l r e d iriilei incluiivn. The - • , ' < • . CIIAHLKH U, BUAUO. iraiuporUtnm ««t!on», beivkH-n itial J.IJK • *•- . tn4 alt othar arUola* In •> tin* H* will to. ^M-^p- HfffL"««'i«4»LJi-i'w-it««y Ui'jellLftU vetoe*" IUVB diiveo any W|UK»,into Ih world il he wern lo write a bunk, would. Smiintun, loi Ih* c o n v e y a n c e o( inn UP bounded on Ibe eati by the. I'olomac, heir iTttimpb^ *ill . aoteiervi . .: hi. e.tabli.hoicnt. end by a . proin|.l a lf Ibey. rciy ,. teolion lo ell the dullea eon pec ted with M, ew- ia Inrif at thote In 'the' nniil khallow- well, .*« ti; iwu. llel '.7. IA']. ir-Rt)jnok-p.iandtiii4be.iioilii number ill dayi. deiver to merit a there of the patrenaia of a generoui public. , JOHN, P. BROWN. by ibe Illne. Ridge, lie wi. an U - h e r io"Vn7ih*oW*~*ff.cT;-~T1»-.ra?wiiitoj ••:. M. iiooi»fi-, .; be ol lluUiin .1 *ue. n>ed .in Ibe N-iilh. i - • M, IMI,••-;•'•••'••' ' Tb'e vole in Uarylind m 1810, for Har- once ; "and lie br(an life thui }n' RichNTENDING lo vlalt the, Kialerh Clliet', for riioo and TyUr.' waa :U,V.iB Th* Wbm mond. In til da;, il i*. probable |eo(ta- tua'U, and arc lo tun oiiht and day, will ihe I iirpu-p of p'rueurioe; Hie lattlt FaibI.I. FKItHiiNS ha«iu|clalaui|(alnitCapL ion. in Ihe Miltiany line, aad Ihepurchne of *ota latt week, for Qiivarnor, wa* 31 ttW phy wa* nitty leiiut by- Iravellini ov.-i ii, convenient relay* of borui., 'lin. wit . , M.TMOMHOW, will |>l»»«o .brine Iheaalu material* for carr^ m( oa her butiueat, reipeet* —a lallinu oil'ol B.8UU, more than one ind llie t-jrly i'i.|'ie.«.i.iii Ibat Kichrflood (it-ol (jreal advinlige to 'I'U ,'!'. i i i n ^ x i oi« fur lellleni.ul. . And lu enuble nm lo liqui- fully lullriUi all tboie indebted to her to uiakb fourth of Qie Whin iiien»tb. : Not one of wai ('he Cipiti.l of ' Europe, Alia, and wagon*,-who lie 00w tubject lo the toll d<te dciuaiidn at.i.iiil IIIMI, Ihune wbeowe him iuini(4i«l> payiiunl. To thuie of her «u»taolei* lbe»e, it ilbelitved. did the opposite par. Afiii'u. a* well a* of Ainenca, b* never ul ib* Tuni|iikr lor a h u n d u d -niilll b; Ijvorn iiccouul or u«t«, ere reqiiaaild to pi) whu he>e been prompt In pa)lna; her for her wilbout aft adtquat*.,fnuiv»lenl, at ibe; •w im n'dulel)ii>lh<iwi>elboy will be cnl'or- labor, the returni' ber iralaful arknowliidK- iy u c f i v e ; Ibuy all lib.tame J I i u n i vo, Ka^pinbibly col over, . can lake iu uo iu«r* loadinn al VVlnehe* I ipeak of Ritchie thua. in f.o'd'urefpecl c«d bj l.j»| procen. . «x mem, and will be pleated lo attend to their * Vl|al.i|.TUOMP80H. of Rithrnond, or ilbelowlind* of Virginia, <f r than lliey aie able Id h/ul »lter tin-; future waiiti. To deihii|iienii the oflera. ber complaint. October 7,1841. wepl.M, IB4V 5*-_ _ ' V Mr. WM. M. UI.M.KVOUO ibe found«r — but bei atr.o 1 belirve him lo bu a bigot I n a v o i t h o Turnpike'. The'cii'ni a n y , w aniabU eililor of tb* "'frederitk.buri; and a fanatic of the' moil uiicliievoui u n d e r land, iulend 10 eillbliib a depul a KOTICE. place, fur .Iho ictt ijil and d r l n t i y o TO HI I, I'l 11M4 . Aren*,!' b»» liaurlrrird tb»l papei.lo'Mr rl«»». |'i»l">iiitf. b} hi* (.cu a»d tongue, AVINQ entered into an arrangement with iim t'nher c u i n K . l a 01 ti.nung Iron N Ib* lit Of Or.ii.ber, I will nmoT* to ih* J*MK« A a i l U Y . ' The bent W* could hope Ihe enerpiei and ipniuictrn ul thai Hjjuari, Webb JL Marke.ll. «fMhii place. ji|«|.riiy which h*a b.en oeeuphd by Iba jor Ibe ediior ii tbal be miuhi conduct ihi Commoiiwrallli,, llie \Ve*l, and alio lofflir rrctipl *| _ iu|.|.ly <.( WHOI. i.e. e,.»r j for in) bu.iItiMory, (ol (VI «.»., wlin to recommend all thwe who kaie ItUi.r*' llowell, for many jeara. wb.ra I mill due* inleu I.-J fur Ib* Winclirtirr, a(y hireufore betii «uppl> in< me with thii article, ofer ferial* a lire* ai*orta*olof Leather, liajiei in llie.' «»ui« t *iidi«l in'd yt»n character- fame/all p»j«l lho-»«;li) riove,]] chrri.b *•' iJaltiawi****/.*!*-^.^"- • - ' " - - ' ' • to Ihwe leftletiien, whir, u,., will meet with wkieb I wuiild like lo Mil for ca»b or «sebu(* Iv apirjt wbkb bu invariably .«..;.' ..' l'...Hi!.!.'. the bent 'an J briKhtr»i of tbi. pi any other J _ . ,-" iced "it under ill Hiinpropf1-—'•rteea at lathfaclbry at ever, and al»u with nt or hide* or Bark. Our food ditnd ul Ih* Richmond to • ioodi upon the tame term* a i allowed bj iuy .el/, bpaui.h and Country S,.|e, Sklrtinc, Haroeii, counlry. I brlievr ihi* nianl Rilcbie, lo BnJIc, Upp.r, Lining., llinJu. K . and Moruckeretofora. : ' • -'A certain mec.haiiir. down have been Ibe Dr. PUIU-'M, wbo ha*, i|Uiror. i. in ilie '-irevenlb hravcn,".at lit I eUo *>h, retpeclfulljr, to decline Cirdlei -.o, alwaya oo hand, and a lard* mpply of iheep eaat baa iu vented a machine to |bra*b, madr.a toil of Faiagiy nf oldtyirglnU — n« wa from Marvland and Georgia ind pie Wool, aacept for cub, at I tad It U be a ie. tklea. for ahoew.kera.Calf akla* by Ib* Uoxen, lor ea.b, the m.ler i*t *od finUbm. (o«d aad winnow and giiud. It will al.o ipi*. Controlling a p»«»ifu> pret«,jwilb grrit fare* it wilb tb* whileom* pniinoui Iff riouiimpidiiuiul l o m j olherbuiini.i • clic.p a. c«o be biHtfkt i.u H« icrapal polatoet, ruck the cradle, dam lajcijl too, *ii.f.iiK»u li'iirnllyul Vrople, leu, O. K. Naufhljr, naughty;drci (iKoiuiK nuct. ., J-..1, trad* miv»n |i«en ml II all ill III 'lime* fir b(d*t alockinei. out toe nail., »biulr abib|lfti, ifi'a i|»-.« pi.pulali.'li, tin lin biren abln Doe* the Knqtnrf r mean DUt tb iritrnduc f.b. 1). 1840—" Cub Ipb.t* and for ihirly yean, n il ternoa lo mt.totxrl- the decided Hard Ctd*f anf COM ifcina «UUM anal cil* aa* much powrr uvrr Virgliii* n rver Better let (baa* tMofe alone. The Tip kidei aa4 Mil we l**tk*r at Ik* frmaM u.od. MOOTED aiaa Cili... andTully, fur Ml. . Vield.. and puff iuelf la tb* paper, Wtibin.luo, or JefTeiaon. or Mlditoo pacanoa Bova will wait* up y«4, eat) Ibi UAMUtl. BIDENOVBby . * U BE*Up tt CO Charl.,to W B ( «*ft.;JO, IfUliad,«he Q«itcr-*«'uili. uf Vii|ini*,—and, —luok out lot ibMdf|r-ef««. CM. witooul tbt «JUor lu>owU| *ho did il. j-^wjmp Jt of John p. Brown fc Co.. waadlaiolved bj- mutuil oonaent, on the Ifiib daj »f Ike preieol month. All those ba«in|elalma ogalim laid flrm ire requeued to,preuDl them; for aelllerAeol, to John f. Brown, III debta due to mJ flrm ha»e beeit trinaferred to John .P. Btowb, to whom pajaiDl U to aid*. "~v..' JOHN t. BROWN. ;• I,', el COR DELL. laformi hia lK aubieriber frlenda and Ihe patrona of the late Orm, I\OTH i:. ' •I'V'S . ___ In Souih, ll and ; lh« Wnt llionglrovpr (ill, probably 05 yairiol age. the cavern of ihe nioUdlaini, odlhw'ia- rnch in I l i p i r ••(1'irln to maintain, iratrd Iheir diiMir Id Inctl o| pr»tion». ml whcrtvrr ih'c Infeclioiujitcirn* fpiM/»te*d. That while we ;dr«m ft inappropri- "There it old T.nm," ia ll'ieremiiik.'whpn- land of the aw amp, on ihe peaka of- \bf nnipnlied-( the .Integrity and (be T*lptpf lemic, tlie '(itltGUtl t'to IllU lufleiine•«•• at*and- premaiftre at thm limu tti pledge oor- ever .Ire appttif* in public. "Old Tom, the .hill*, l ia Ibe-receitet ol the villeyi iKeir Republic." r"' lijrrl.—"pldTow Rltchm—asn'r wK»r* rjriiw otitt tr«.VJ»c:Etequi irlvri 111 nny (nan fur Ihr aril Piriidenl nf Ihe " R. STR AITU re*pei:lfuliy IUKJ[*iti to the CiPERM Oil., Mould, Hipped, and Sperm public, Ihil Ihlkbov* partnership place* .tb*. builnet* of the Store entirely under Ibo fS. Candles, fur Hale hv f E: P MILLER. ' • uf Mr- B**rd, aid relieve* him Oct. 14,1811. ;. J J I ^.v ' from all eiuaeemeiils, in *uj way leinllt-c to Jiten bit iiiiml anil attention fioin a rigid and ami . aludiimi puriuit of hii profeaiion, l» which U VF.ItY exioimve •••n/IBuiil of Bnola mi! 'lhail hereafwr b* hi* only ambition to exp.el— Shoei, of »cr> iiipenur qmlitj, jn»t '<=Any attention hereafter eatended to Ih* Store ceiied and.lor sale luw liy 7: ~ by Dr. S. will be In Ih* eapicily of a J'Ayil- ;<m J Jit E P MILLER. ••onlyi'-'lle will hereafier be found in hi* oflicr Oct. 14. IR41. . ._ , [Daltiii^n .Imcrhan. •I hi* raaldanc* unle«*prof.uiuu«lly engaged. llnttt ana <.'«f»»i._ September 33. IM4I. " .,_.;/• '• MlElaleililyle Data and.Capi. In bn found What iay fht Locofocotl -The Bulti' J'-'it • " , V - ' J Jl( £ P JUILLKR'S. mote -Republican asciiben the Ule tri. Oct. 11, 1841. A ___ I ,-. I '.; ' i -4-* Pr r.— The Siramthlp C*lrb>nia, jCint, Maeitlar, whirl), I''" Boiftin oh Saturday, :d ihil. at 2 o'clock, P. M. arrived- at Halifax at «J o'r.lofk. 1'. M.on (he 7th. i i p r ' a mm! irelTiendoui royxh p'*«iaf<*, ith tome damage (6 tb*> paddle boxr*, n'd Ion of.hrr lile boai. The third oiTu * er and carprnter h,\d tlirir lew broken, nd'nine trinien were badU injured — Ihe-lajr to fiity two hour*. '"/If'waa'rloubtul whejlirf thi! .third officer Would atiViv«s h'u wound*. The arrival of the Calwai looked for with".. iimro ol hia'hoilility on the wharf to 'Inquire inlo the rauie of'bfr rf»lay;-'Thet pan ' expected «ibjcciof alavVi'Su:, "I " "••• ~"'" ' ~ HeloliTliia Ln'trJihTpi'Thff'llll bilHighl••»• 4e«-Halifa«, np similar leltarli) Lurd Droo<ham frnni Mr -,.. , . . ——IKf^ , . ^. Webstpr, but Loid B. bring .On .the conPRIG Put.AaKi.—Nt-aily two wirKfifo. ' i i i e u i , be (EilWard') found himtrlf iwk- while i)iieharj»iin_' a cirjtn of -lin>e at our » ardly hit lute d, Ind actually u i tbou t t b, A liarveii, the Hiiu I'.il.i' ki Wai ilin-nvtrrd • In- .in file. «.< ration.-d by r n m b u f j i i / n mi/ Ihiit rj Ms ton .,lu'NfcV. Oltetn*. of wbirh ihrrri w"« il«* .. • : • . ' . • ! • . f • . • •^ . • ttHef hrt >very appi-aianc* <>f heiny gen- o^ board about a ihuuiind bar* iioliii We »r«. very n. l i c i t , in liopen that Ihf hat n o ' n i ' i i U i : e.capeclf— the brig v»ui arrer of th's accompl^lied f acoundrrl i.-- tripped of her taili.and. -ii|igin|f, and a a fair way .now ol •reaching llr rightful v u y lliit.;; P!«'- o! value, and l.-fi in that' 'Mill. If :ull hit riaralitiea could .bale IMI anil.-il condilioo to burn at Insure. illy proved upon him, hit confinement -Yarn t h a t lime, to yealeulay no ipprarould extend to a/ period" ailong al l«a*i nce pf.fiie waa t*en; but a litllr brforo t be i» likely lo live, .'," : uh'el.llit evinioir, the' dr.- suddenly roke out from brr bohl-and the bri( wai J\". ic A"i/i'o i'j/ .VOuuirr.— \Ve l.'nrn tliai "nsnmi'il Sin- wa* an old vetifl con; i c keel of a new Gotrrnme nl tleaqier ol ignrd tbj. 'H. H.virs. ol Mobile, L'l't hundred toni it about to be UiQ lit ut insurance—(tie lotiwillb* iucomidetIB Brooklyn Navy Yard. _AIIi llie bhiek't ble.—J re," lilremly Jil teiidiiics^. It. it *lid alie to bn litted w i t h either. Hunter'i or riction'a propelleri. it it yet uncertain SiM,L'J.AIl 1'riIH.r. — Tl.r u r t ol a description given* ih the 'i *n»i.ri|pt ol t bi> ...aplc n'd i<].cx lull iiioa and ' . .to-- I.IMI ithout p'bnilerbu> wh««li prt-|e>tiri|f from •Too i h i r i! »•» hi I .i :j un of (he fair of t h« be atiiei of Iheweuel.— A". Y. Utralti. . Vlecliauir..' Inolilnlo' wns opened Ihit tl»y , I 1*2 o'clock, mil appearafcrif iinlica',* OtJtil 'Man in A'tu' L'H«;/,JK</.— llcacim hat U will far excel eiiherol ih« previoui oho VV hitman waa boru.iiiUridgf water, nee. At. Ibtt early <tfg« |l'>f inipottiblai larch 25;- 1736, and *ut«red upon bit a give aoy-ihing like a lull dr»C(tpiian of hundred and it'v«ntb year a ihorl t It o.:cu|ib» lhe-»luilu bf.'FineUii onJ me ttnce. Ili* budily health ,i» ^uiid, iuincy Il.i!li._lliev being conii«ct(d by a id he it able- to v\alk oiit XMlbout a cane iridge eite-uilej It. mi the ircond atory 'of ti« mejilal faculiiea tiaVe luilrd him, aud be .ojie lii the n t l i i r. 'I hi. bruTge, or bat l'i»t l.i* «'ye-»i-!bt. tl« bai fat en a uuie prnperly it lui-ihl be c;:lleil i luiinel, man.' all hit life \ not having • itirlf • gfvaV-cuiiutily. ' I t i n o l a i j l i n uideol ipiriti' lur Ihf tail fitry year*. I i i.-til l o r n ) , ninety feet iu lrii||lh aao leu 'eet in 'diaiiieirr, Jl i* conipoird of nit_ ,--._..„ OccuroflM—-On S«.liirila) iow (,'tips of bi'«i*il, eafb oilier veniiit; last, llie lan'.ilj oliMr. N A T H A N ah|iularly,'likel U i l n e w o t U , and reirinb in< open worli. Thenc ife .riv»t —Ihe "b(irtg», nolwithHi- tun»l. ntntliin t,y tlir ali-.'iiCe nl Mi. rd ' . v. i l l e n - i l y auitaio UIB jLjpn^hily ^'lilld of r-i-jhl o! liny nnniber of prrtotti bout I I monlhi . ol age. t-i'varch vrit lnii"iliiilely inslilliled. inn! Iliu body ui puld bf, crowded in.'o il. It waa inveulit: i hilil oiMOveit-i! in Hit- biilloni ol u •d by Mr. Iiaiab Uogert', archittel, for. ell. lome-diiianca iii.m tins h'ou.'e; • The which invention betecurvd a'paienl maitr •elin^iol ihe uj;oniy.i-d miilbei i>» learn- bin » year ago, and It now lor lll> fiial ig ihe ale elf hei-Miii cann it ba'du.crib ime t-siiibi'ti-d. Ao exp».rib>ent wtrmade lii il beforf il wat'p«l npr by; pU«lni( d. Mi. McD. bad I«H ihe Imd.« » •bun ends on two abu'iiieiit". and a wrijibt me jirefbu* lo lli* occuneuce, inie'udt h i e e Ihoueand pound, be ng placed in ii; <o nail on a bo.rd tlut waa loom lie llnnr ul t; u w e l l , but »y* .rnl lor OU be reii'rivuid. nut ke.nle it a quarter nf 10 • mli. (t i. one of tbe most iogailiioiie irgrnl iiuiipeit. • The little m liecei of at ill* preiaat rv, i l)(.«n k n o w n lu fa in ihe. nl tun. '» • • " - • . . ; f llie well, belure,—" " The I b r p p youiij; ii.en who I** • Jl Singular Fact.—tl I* itited that the rohbrd Hi.- Hrikln.urCouuly H a n k , N. Y. ei) box IU w h i i l i t h « I'Mii^lcd luuuini. M V . rally (.leaded guilty, md mere «en!I..IU;PI| each lii. fjjj^t i.eil» Laid labor io »fc^.^...._j" .— " '^-——7-——-~«- .... ji M.,,~jU*» rlr. A d a m , ' office, with book* ui ilitiuu1ry, to Coll. , ' The- Mojilreil Courier Milai tb»l ib* n t,oi runaway *livei fiom'ibaj South- S i.ite • win. iMvee. rapid into Canada, J J|t»i( Vw*.. Oclobiir Mabnut twenty ihouiand. • An, Mont MuiiLiL.u !— Ycairuluy n>ornio| il la atid, hit been made to indue* tbi.ui • l.- liunill.k», iulviiivn ul Ibe WUrkl (III to itoigni* U Jamaica. ' lit toiubcjiijii oo Sialvn I.laud, nut iiie ii iii » bual lo g o i u teirch ul an ruetry'i iii l M • pn-i'f, irad UM Mluwiog— other boat, wliicli wai nutuny, and tup' : To K A T E . me J to have Lrrn ilult-n UU the I loie yoq . Kan ; 1 do, by goeh I iie'vinui. Nutliing waj bfarJ ol the mti , . A" Unclp UPI. be loveih «qel»h r ^ _ u the biwt uupl -uliotit mjbl o'l U AahriK luvr c..rn,ni piitapiiutoct— ' I li-ve you aa I da luuuioei ! ' • - . ' • • i wbeft tbe people on the i. Iain "Ofl in Ihr .liltv elfbl, * Inn* w«ia .iliraied by loud and votilrr n iluiibrr-j- ehaiua bati booaJ aM.M - (W ti«wllpy iror.B4f*? ^" ,ien iinii.eiHately put ft) t«Hn*-|>titc«f eit'i ound one inuo, who had twenirnt off in A T«XM«dilnr, IKI .n, c l u i n g MI. thn boat. With hli urn <pf ajking yl ib iremradoua luccem of hit >: ruket, jtJihed: w"»" i t h « knili I paner a*v*s "D* ,- " mil ••"» , »evw*ly " ' * *^*f ll-wi'*-•*- Hi< brad WM aliabaUl. cutiu two,,!«».. llid l)*»ri'e»t«a-to b* *ery moeb IwtoiHc«ied,'aoil likd a botilw on board.'1 I'llin -i exclamation w »., ' I luve tilled tbe>i. >oll» andyihiowit; thrin ovcibuarr) : Ijbe) iried to (nl.n)*, but I wei ibo'tnai-h IM iln-iii." tlv Vtaa Itljail, taken a*hore and in tlip e uaid liou.e, in chatce of eom t bwil"" wit'' eovtrtd ol the i.ilicfii. wilit bldud, ind bore evidfrifri of a "•>«r« lIlu^gJB, The bodiri of Ib* miitinf Aeo.-whi*. fltM^fie. <,1iii»foj)b»r Uuu , .wtrbm.and •av« iaVbJelt a SfcHe *n'd thtte cl.itdien. The new* •/ l«e •i»i»»vui I* not known , he al«i*t that be iwc**«ly d«»riled (ii-m the. Briiiib Aiurjr. Driink>oiie*« U *0 doubl the tau»* *l lha atfi.j .— i fy^i^in baVe bee lh,7.'.nYw ,rj Q.Jr j^, ||>(J w<| |liv,|fec»lv,d I addril on* |«t- lon.of whi.«l.e.v fni iuiciliui I Cuuple uf u.Wiuge i -I am ao f i>«oV' «aj<l ihe bij |i|il* one. "Who tfvJtit" aaid Ih* little »hr*l L>lba tilt. . » Nut n.«—.! »lfield my. lo0«fU« *' laid. Iba tan, twruiug touud tka coioir •<...'• '', • V'.or beet, mu.l be «nnie*k»ilSlif r. 1 tbiuk." 'itnl a ifnllf. m an to » luixuiii. la*i. » lio bid » I ol* i i Ike heelnf h*t .locking. ' Why .o >" ik* a-ikrd. Bec««<e. Mi..." replied the *>•>. 'l perceive. il it |'.lti>| out.' ; t —' »T*. — A.' jtirl'if/Milril »**y t. rille, bPttUie >h» Lajip4l« i Korp oot of bad Cofflpaoy, for tb* cidental r l«»94 »»tj.a> tbe fwd a*4 awa» ii that wbrn Ibe devil iic* iuto • a pair o i>iuliUoVbMi(ia| M » *Mtr*« ' r*lft« CMM*/!** IV».,)rVw» - ttMrwt Ill* opp«lonity for obxrvaUM | bat hav* Mta •Mvlae* ««»! ikv *P«**«»'« th. Maryland aasl ^ . ..-..,ion .f rUistw-MUlin, Bn4 fill *lwayi b* ihe'dMllaaoM entlidy aiaiea* •ormUuig lo »)• of ib*t* Slam bav* B.I y*iTbr4r«g»anla a dalailt, or ' ,*»f tuifni |*at(*n wai a rrtara el* elvittileiby ... r»Mrrt, aad may woik a ««r». ht public «i" ^wfSfSK'i. lac m.l with Ih. anno.d I Tk. IMWrlorOoarl for lht*Co«*iyi^oai*.!iowB Artillery an* J»ffenon Cavalry to ; ACClDEHT th« p«te. of ih. lIveelpilMtlnaof lb» ff D.rniUM prMtdiag; U Mill la MMle«. «M Tn*»- of lb« .ompantes of Wineh*<ter. wllh whom « 'TB* ie> »w*iarl*i of War aad Navy, aad wa Ikougbt ll« iBHrtwrimftb day ib* toag-peaeJlBg eat* of JohB iJirU.rt*. jli(hioompanieiha.. oh Ib* Uih Of Stpumtfr, Ja« ai ih. Winabiaiiar aara ..»ofour faalm. 1J»J|M f nU of m OB Saturday »»• «•»•* Maturity r*Co. waa d«cided, la Which ,Jh< ;«p*a't aa agr***Me day. a«v«r*lo^bylh*Pr«IJ«Blo«*./l3ih inn. at the io«m fro* Ptttn^n»aala, Ml oa tbo Judge«rldl«y turn. , and b.ld.r. tr. BOW •UUliffaiate*dMf'i«al ttiauaad dollan dana- • Al an **r,ty hoar, tb. two .nmp.niei wet* OB irank aad •Mdrekdfnllf mangled >y lha »he«U TbtyarabythU tlra. .^.r .1W -.-«« of The r«e.lpt price .ommlM.d Iho Tit« — parad. lo rtcclv* (heir gaettt from WlB«jMt«r. *itl»f «v.r hi. leia. . U« li»*«l *aara« an hoar, ibatiBB r ur by Ib. dray leetl lo be n>!'|prr.*'><>n .—-u-- •Mill oa the •h.Baadoeh lim, la HWi"wallai aWiihAetf, itopbVrdttbwn •*.! ItarpwFerry •, P i*r»tety J S p e r h b l . •ttemptiot ibrn* 61 and wai barled, ih« am day By ibe ewmjar. of •ewe. arid w.oud— iaVaa It itiUmmBMiiy ef ihe'diftailaali it 1—ri"r- ..d ai U a'aloek in. lia. wat farmed BBder th. ibe .Cba»l»ttbwB ArulUty. Ho Mans* am be lBwn,-fr«m-»t»«-O«or«ta Mtl*lfcff*.~flllDl 1C itj"* J '""Wl , nifiery gave a v.rdict f*r Ib* ptatallf. eo.m.iid wf Majoi Tboma. J3ri«o.. aiaed bjr niched io .ny OB*, a* Ih. dWn*t» wa. *vithai Meaan- NiMltt and AtroBD, not b'«o vi¥y IUCC! I. «ry An Important prinelpl« ha. brM Mtabllihed Col. Thoma* Hit. aad Major Francit Yates. H wn'understand the .. R«pre,...«.i.»..from Ihe-pritoner wat immedlaiely , . by tbil decision, nimely. thai IB* «*n»lers of The «u*l honors baviog btrci paid, ib* ««» •oily oo. of ih* f.w who w*NKjn ih.ioee.itoB * , ' i law correctly, the .p.r.on.«b<| cmr,. onMa itt d T(f| ol, ,*• ei»U» • kewMirri>'th«t Bute, have been eompell.d. by priBeeud by,nron» drink MdLioo wa§ to lea»e Utlc _ __•.-.,_!_-* i -,» mill., «t »t««it, man not only «•» do. eompialtt la attewdakfe-marab*4 ihr.agh f par bushtt.. . vate eonitderHion*. lo reilgn their ie»te •oiily in P«nniyl»a»la day lor Canada, aftd the High Sheriff of white CefBie-thy at •ad ear* ia ih* protection of ihe mill from Bre, Main ttreei In ihe following cider i TORN Watnio in Congren... Onoida, in obedience lo inatructiona from .ill a M ee«t*.are (1 • 61 emit, and.] by friction of Ib* mtchinery, bat if they cannol Cap*. The-taii O. Baylor of i > "• the Stale E*ecuti»e, waa to give him aafe R V K — A i.U Capt. J. Vf. «Uwaa-aAriill*ryt an* w«t«si«l» th. *«r»i»* of web vh1 Md. R}« l> worlb 63 > __ ,_,„. wathMd by FoBUiB* BteMuM. An inquest Jiiilai.otir ,.-,r iljn lo-il«y •tlSMB't*.' r - -, Y _ conduct 10 |he line which aeparaloi tan- included Capt. Anderson-. Wlncht.i.r Artillery t Esq., Acting at Coroner, on Iba body of HB|» preti Ihe painlul Intelligence bai reachatl ada from thi United Slat**.— fA»<- «'• poor, m*rchaot, trader. jn«chaoic. far- 7U R. Leef. HUhlaad .VB..J,..,>-•, aibtoa, who was found dead on Sunday morn. us of the death of Governor JOHN OWEN. any whr.n« OAT».~0*l« are la fair dmaad .Odei* at A-ltllet u> ib* Editor* from N«w Yoik *ajr« r mer, laborer,, fcc., __ . Woilh- CaM.* V. •mull Smllhfjald Bine, i Th> ea»t ng tail, oath* p*v.m»Bl la froal-f Mr. DoBB'a which occurred at Pllliboro', Chatham wh.teter to Ihe .modM of «••»' wly at you on the _newa oUh. pltoVISIONS —n«mn mov«l.of lagtoo Bad J.nney for tb. ptaialiflr. aod M.-M. Capt. 1. B- Yew** &>**•***+*•**} Tavirn at Harp«r*-F«ny. The lpr-ko*p.r up- county, !*• C. on Saturday mornlDg H«t. ltimor**« former rat**, whieh w* .qu*t*,.vta.' Btltii—.. etlnr... defalcation D.ugherty and HttBUr for«b« def.odaBla. » - Capt J. 't. Hamiramekl. Poiomao Rite.' lifted thai the dcceawd went lo bed with him lie was not only one of our moat d'utinnot have been created eurad llami at 9 lo lOepnlti Should.rt at 4 t*>• • -Th*f? wsmJbtlr bBBBtrftfy*i*sT,and their fineSB^ltfd^lwBtr'-ertiMn*,- biit oh*, of. __ «er«al admiration. Tha m«rnhr^rVme aMorUd^Walt.rn al 51 to • eewmi ware much edited by the iBgealoue forenito diebul could nol icconnt for hit diup. ,„. pureitftnd belt men that ever lived ; _ waa w*i. which praveBied amral oilwr persons, Ham* at 7 U> 9 eanit) Bbould.ri at 4 to ft tint., . plays of .ounsel. .„,! i,i. Inn i* more forcibly expteiied by ing In any other a»4SldaiBl»loBi«.nt.. c.mpanie. from •twadiag, Bad the raake ef The Ivldeoc. of all iba Such defaulter* cannot wa* tomt wl -.—Mark.t eofltlniitt doH; a* t> iho.. pie.ent wire nol a. foil a.«wal» »*i Ike of the law at ajl ialbMlajL.WaB.OB«. will .caltolated io Broduee __ .— gPJ^gj^^T . ... , . iu Washington City, d u r i n j Ihe indiipotilion of Ib* Doctor. Whilti ih. congregation will be gratiRftlto hear of ihe latter'gentleman'! improring b.»lib,.Tbf.v may fe«l aisured of btio| -•ably and eluquentlyKrrcdbjhijgiflcJicoaJjn- tor. - '_' ' . : • • • ' • . PENNSYLVANIA Tht late elccticm has resulted in a largo mi Jorily for Purter as Governor. Thai majority ii likely to exceed 20,000, and in*•lowerhoBi* »f Auembly *ill allOconiain B detidwl majorily of Locos. Tb* Senate to nboul equally divided. - , - " . •.OBIOV-' -•'•-,- ~~^i Th. election for member* of the Legislatnre a•;•»:.•,•.•. iBitasaa mttfrflir Tl '*•• "lf- . •' .._.i_ti_ . _i:.)r t. I.A •(•nrllnv.1* ' of^rmi -mblive. for Ihe llltne. I •*« »b*«rv«d 4a relation lo it; boteve* rtt». we* mpprrs•rd from k rajpeiatte* W provoke, m iny poiiible Way, B pubftf dlicurtion of .nbieel. iovo|vin*.ff.W/ni*lt»r. «cr«dly private in their natures My courie io t.i. *4h5e. reaped being ceniorerl by my friend* of i ..-_havin*; been advised, eveii by the ,indlvirlmN for whoie nVe f h»vn.ihiia lar torborne to ip*ak io. rny'own defence,, to publish a full exposition ef every circum•lane* •iienti*! lo atT vinilieaiioni *nd thi find I op ihit-'n.y • nonj i«»• are atill .ptotaCttting their deiigni tpin«l mt>, I htve mfl determined io make a it'alement of f**t* M •which, longer to witb*o|d, would fcrirrinal diiraipecl, lojiiyielf. ^.Tbe "Gbvefnor S«W*«D grrived here Ihn Floor •« w 16.95. IMI io p«lrt«i end all bankornitiB from Albany; and Ihe hotel* and all retailer* of mercl J 30. Corn. 61 w ^B«*f £•<"*./'»« ril r tn A er., factor*. M»ff ** -° J4.50 to f 6, according to qnali-.y. Hpa*,|4,M atreel* are more thronged then •»•"• cloriou* October tun abedl jt* .mellow light over ill »bjeCtJ, **A Hie ftorgto^ - ; FCOUR.-Blne.'vbrlaat;r flow ^ baa eWUrcuniform* and intplring muiic of ;« great take ,d, and ha. fallen 37* ei*. p*r. io dtfravd tMr crtdilert, or military parailo add* lo the excitemtnt* b.rr.l. Ywiirday tb* w.gon Prl« wa. |4,»S • of Ihe .woe, exhibiting the widetl poiu- ny other mewure* to accomplnh from ttor« U «o ttmtA, •** « he*r of ble contrail to il|o. quiet and village-like debtor* can volunliril.r take .— For the laai two or three day*, auraraer app*»rtnc« of your clly." he beneOl of the act .except defaulter* ; there ha* been no. Wheat or Coraiofferlng. , CATTLE-M»RK«T.-B«f,orfoia v.rygoon . . AMD OHIO RAititoAD COM- nd no one can he involuntarily declared i lodllf b a n k r u p t unlf** il fi* proved there i» *n, «all>»Jl'«""' » '" ' ""? «"* PANT. —The annual report of ; Ibii Com- nleniion lo^defrrudrimd ip^uch ewe it ^S. Shitf-tU, from »1,7& to*%!!?* *3.00._ pany bu. juit been laid upon our table, frorp |l,5cTle 1,75. Hog* ai.auw al *. confined lo certein cleiie*. wW owe » from which it appear* that the revenue of abont |4,60. . . .. . • the main item, for the pa*t year, for the certain •mount of money, and -the petiion mo*l be preienied by one or more The I»«w York Etpna. of Fiidiy afieraaoB lrifi.p«t«ion of pamoger.v.d merchcreditor*, fo whom i« o* ing the idrn of tayt-rdollar*. The object of the goShowing the earnings of tho |. toprevait' n_.j .„ t,» ' 129,830 86 to bo. Sac* wid Foze* to aell out ell their * Road lands and Bgree to emigrate to Dacolah There were also '' rec'd from the -WMh'n. Branch 01,060 00 The Iron Foundry, and Minufaetofy.of And piid for inMoisrt. J. F. Barnl & Co. at Richmond, lerc»ton loan lo were dmlroy.d by 6r« on Sunday moro- »tock•'.-. • ing. Lou" in Machinery -fcnd fixture* Tn «aid branch 86,338 »0- 6.G28 86 biOVre'nce, \ on which there ii Iniurance io $15.1 .--.,.-.. —--ei.. ^ The coniecratioo been .hipped orl« i»^.Dr-D.,-li>-tb«.JJpiicopale. of vt\».. are, wai duly celebreted in St. Paul a Chapel on Tujsday rnorning. Morning prayer waa read by tb* Rev. Mr. Preilman. of Belaware, Miiiled by the Rev. Dr. Croiwelli of Connecticut.. The anteron.munion aervice WM^ r'eBd by Bttbop Mrloat remedy w'.tt •mme.llrtely dyttrtyi Qnderdonk.of PenoiylvBni*. ' 'ri. ..».mU rif vuiir iem dl. ol. '.m our te» y -DnhQp onaaei-w "Hiinou. .iiuu^iH- nig^t-crr imii»«r Uintunnt. .I Goipel by Bi.|iqp;,M6or», of- Virginia.-- lhe wo«derfuf t«W. .f.ihU • TJ.«, .rtmoiL«M'ni*Mh»d-br Blabop M'- In ttmt, m«iy wM b... protoogyt ibtti-jdaj..a.d peace. firtTlo war, and Bitt It eountrvman ' .-_. Wanenton Time*. W* hat* ireiiMt. Bpwk- the election in Ohio *eero*'lo have been " . ... o( eiUb|i,biog • State Bank, . 9. TH JUrawrf tf JUdttrt Monti :— Tba lagofth.anXi.iyof *ome of the editorial corps J. leretied Patriot, who sacrificed hit lift, fortoo. to aceounifor our late defeat*, he .ay* i— wi|h branche*.- There are now in Ohio aodjiberlr. to defeat a iyraufa will. ; "Like-our cook reiwdy. U I* tV* a«l *rrtiii7it*iP" ilockliold.r, entitled to participate in'llio Biihop Onderdonk. of New York. Tb«T B«|M<tor*iil |lv.. riliof la Ih. inort boprtm owe... It dividend—which dividend—which ha* ha* con.equenlly cooiequently been been lucuments relating to Ihe proceeding* of trenilh.1,1 Ib. weak tnd d.biliUlerf i nllef.ttk* declared.upon 6,5011,000 initead of 4,000- he Diocese of Delaware.and of the Houie .iu i n lha brettl and tide t top«.i.e. ItM dutr.M•fa relation nr eooah-i Mopptn. th. h.«» f.ter and ni s hf JUtt, "r.d Bnally ((f ** W" «" aot MO far .d..,,c " njt~! •dlratWrin K periircl.b ._•_ , Houi Full ilireetlont M<1 • irrttlt. I. |i*tn in a pamof Cl«rl right Secreiary aoTi'of biVhoBowdgravi. W.jr*mfmber bim \anJ itifficitiU^^M'Vf«X'<ti.««"gentry'^h^fibe'VbVrteri of 80 expiro in 1M3. j .. j proportion" wi , lrt... 4-vThe! queilion. Depuliet. cal and u iha defender of our home*, Bad ihe victor op- come before-their reader*, beat to death, leaving only ten bank* existing.—.fl/ex. toe itock of the . Waihington Brand ' " ' ' ' per cent ii divided. The State's 5th of the were propounde'd-to htftUi JUtdicint ll at th> candidate by the P,inclp,l •oil of Ih. enemy. ' but abounding "in-U* rtatoni why II"— r r Th receipts from paiiengeri.on thia Branch, preiiding Biihop Grii*ol,d of the- Eiwlern A*. 19, 3yVHfc MOUTH Slrwl •^... jfawtg-.g-^g?^*"* -were, « Wo have no patience with "reason." an J AIM, for lala al Iba store m of rainut.A,, guniHwhich lulled bim lo ** Ih. crave, "excuiei." '- We would have • TiHNissrE.—The Legislature of thii amounts to $4-1,407; and her dividend Diocese, and the Litjjny Mid;by Biihop '------: 1, JJ. BEARD,*CO. bul Ih* echoes of his gloriout triumph) at Platts- good reiult than • cow-pen full of excusei. late, which holds iu sessions biennially, upon stock to 33,000. A detailed account Brbwnwell. of Connecticut. jAl the ortie are beaten, we should like to convened io Nashville on Monday, the of tb« progaeii of the Road from Har- dinalion, the presiding Bilhoj made Ibti CHARLES D. KILHAM. ..^ .-. *t*i«*:—Th**pl«Bdorof //«rp,ri-t"»rr». hands fact Hated in brief, without ex- 4lb in slant, •nd'«?o'n»pl«Wd it* qrg«oi»B- per'iFfrrw to Cumberland i. given; which imposili'ine r i f - ol /ieiory al New Orleaoi has taught Iba world — '^«t_ to epprceUl* Iba true value of ibe citizen t<il- CUiCt. In teplr to • lady whose kind tion on the following day. In Ihr Sen- it ii confidently anticipated will oe com- i_r*-. , Brow iwell, ami dier. Uog may we live lo enjoy the fruiu of vania • auire of Mr. ate, 8AMU«t TUMI** wtiMlecled SpeakJ to the. latter pninl during the iummd auturr.n < .,---*-«l?,IP v *rlbe^p;« «--=«-, particular^, 'replied bluntly, " of R'epreae'ntartve*. B6«cii«ip» in circulBtioo by the company, iiroouo' other Btihbpi of Benjamin T. Tuwner, Eiq. of Ib. I _«J tKnl'a mutfifl BtBlatioB w*r* produced, by which lb« Loeot Thia DOUGLASS was elected Speaker, and to $1,449,00; a pledge ir given that the St. Paul'*, no'.witliilandi g- the rain daughter cient. Ibat'e •nadam, and former place. • 7. 0«r JAry.^-Oar glorinoa Kavy I thai arm have *7»r *ioe>>r«nll*d-and lha*Whip hive *• commend to our STOKILY D, MITCHBM. pribcipal Clerk. . •mount shall Dot be increased beyond itorrh. w»i crowded, • very | irg« portion On Sunday laal, by Ibe Rev. N. J. B. Mtrgan. praiseworthy been careless there, at elsewhere, wailing for a of onr defence where ihe alar* aad atripe* war* brother EdilotvXT^V.hen-.iitiliijr doea not. Of the political complexion ,of the two f 1,600,000, and that Ihe company will of the clerical «nd |»y .delei r«tea to the Mr.JoBH C.B4BMTT loMiM AJUS laT, both never ditbooorad. good occasion lo ihow ibrfr.ll.BguV -•'.:•» '-icquire • detail of the whenabuuli of • House*,'•we learn from the Nashville continue lo receive them, Bt any depre- Convention being preient, at d Ibe whole f this county. . The P/ctidenl of the United Stain. In Frederick City, MJ., nn Ihe 93d Bit, by P.«.—Tie rftall in Ohio i. likely aot to be 8. 9. .Immta.—The Anylurn of IB. opprearcd. wound, let them (imply announce Ihe Whig that partie lartiet io the Senate are ciation they may reach—»nd will concert HOUM of Biihopi.—jy.' y. At wricoA, • i* B«v. Mr. Pill, Mr-.TMOMi. C. .WIHDIUM, to quit. »o dlsaiirous lo iho Whig*, a* BI Bnl ap- and' broken-hearted children ef the old world— fact, like.Mr. Simmon*, <'IM art beattn, equally divmed, reduction of the divided, or o io nearly to ren- with the city for lit. M*BT Ann HBI*, bolh of Clarke counly, prehended. th* Loeo Foco ,m*]oriiy op j.lot May Ihey prove Ihemielvet at willing lo meet and Uat'uufficfat." . • deemed. tbo larfe. M A ni NE CORP«.^-T he fo liowing proder the balance of power In that body amount, ihould it be 'ircinia., . ballot wiir be' bawly aMBred, aadjhai by Chr- opprejiiou a* Ihey were lo leave il. We mutt not, however, be underitood que»tlon»ble. They therefore) united for circulation. But, •* iho receipt* of molionr andappiintment* hav been made, •.-.•• TIU Ump if JVtnbm.—May 'll coniinne »ywen<t«riiig—which abowa ibal OB a pell of o 10burn noli) ihe tun Htelfiball be eninjuished. ai detpairing—lar otherwise. The burr, upon a Senator .to fill the Choir, whose Ihe railroad amount;lo IDOOdollari daily, ontcquent l)V°n the death Of Lieut Col. DIED, ' the »hol. Slate the Whig* can carry ih.d.f 1. D. Wainwright; all Iht se promoted On Toestlay morning the 18th September, al 11. Our ftUtiMl .^f«irj.--3ieady, Boy*! stea- then of ell the excuses, the 'rttuoiu why,' cpotervstive )>oiition and loD|{ experience or 600,000.dollar* per annum, and at the when ihe occailon shall more urgently require dy, and all wifl be wall. - „ that we have teen, ii, not that the Loco- in Ivgislation, peculiarly qualified him for city receive* annually 500,0(10 dollars foe o lake rank from the 6th October, 1841. hii residence near Charlotte Hall, Si. Mary's 19. Th. volunieeri of Ib. Old Dominion—At focoi have increased in ilrenglh, hut, the dutie* of Ihe aUtion; while in the taxes, ii ia argued that the amount now cxtrtlom. ' '". _ -• • Major and brevet Lieut. Col. Samuel county, Md , ih* Uey'd JIUKI UIILET, U Ih* quickly to ihe trampitl call, at {0 the banquet 59th year of bi* *ge. ,.'"? "' ' GEORGIA. that Me Whigt would not com* ouf.' /— House', Ihe diviiien of parlies wai cloiely inued ought easily to be ttutained in Miller, to be Lieutenant Co onel. He «*l B native of Westmoreland counly. ll. ' ' \ • Tfc* majority for M.Dooald (toco) a* Oova Captain John Harri«, to b I Major. circulation nearly or Bt p»r.--jBo/J. PalAnd tbil uiertion ii accompanied with drawn in the tlaclion of Speaker, exhi13. J*. AMrkm IWr.-—May Ihey JOT. only Pa. 4B hi* 93d or 24ih year br commenced bi. •nor. will be abont 4000, and ib. majority in ihoM Krai Lieut, Alsm Edaon, obe Captain. career as an itinerant preacher df Ih* Meihudin who lov* their country, and never become tUtiilici which p_rove W» .trulh.^ The biting the relative atrenglh to be thirtynor.. OB joist battot. U ilattd al 51 S'Cond-LieuL-Edwaril Uoyd We«f,_lo Epiiconal Church, in which capacity he euniiRAIL JBIOA0-3QXEg____ t We Uarn that meaturei have bcon vin aued to act. wnh liie eiception of one year unVOLUNTEEU-TOASTa Eifjuir. reallr >*««»»*L., Her., too, Ih* Wbltub.M.U.puid By Capt. George II Long, of the Light Infan- mean, of obicrvalion liero at home con- ing been perfected on Tuesday, the Met der deliberations, for • day or two pail, John D. Simmi, ,ir. of he District ol ly, Until death closed his pilgrima(e in Ibia vat. the Eoquirer't rule, Bad t»vere*olv«dM " trr. Th* Volaoinr* of Virginia—May our vince u* of iu truth. In tho range of sage of the Governor wai.expected to be looking to the railing the Rail Road Slock Columbia, tb be • Second; 1 cut. from the of lean.' But a lew weeks ago h. paid • lo hi. MB residing in ihis place, and on Sabbath B»l meeting be al such place a* ihe proposed an extensive acquaintance, we can nol order* to par a* currency. No de f- 7th Oct. 1911—^r»iyj JVat>y «ill aext y«M." T soot in the next d»y.j—AW. JWitpreached with hi. usual zeal and energy. This Convention al Frederick City may f*lecl. ,,. . . •-••< \ •' . -•) ' • HEW JERSEY. inite BCtibn on this eubjeet, *o important By John W. ttowan, of Uw Charlet- name a lingle ckangt to Locofoeolua. provid io h* btl l**l sermon. He r.mrped to Tb» election in Ihit Stale for momb«rs of Ihe lown to thil coinniunily .ami the lurroundioi hit home—complained of lorn* indisposition— Anillery. To iho rolunteert uf the day- and yet an election now would "suiedly STHAKGE PIIOCBCDINQI Of A JUBY.— UglaUMra look place latt week. Th* result May health, wealth and prosperity attend them; exhibit • Rt«»t dipjinution, of the Whig Oo Saturday last » jury wai empannellecl country., h»e •« y«l been had, but we Island of Cu5a.—A coinfnercial gentle- left th* succeeding day to>fo«eeui« hii work on av they long Ilva-Mo b* prtuperooi al home, hope that we 'may be >hle to announce man, who ha* spent (one' weeki'in Ha< Iba circuit-became ill-wll bro.thl horn* and Mrmf 10 be a* followa t • *trengt,b. We eppTeiil tbjbe; Whlga indiand r«p*ei*d •broad,.•»«•>•» <b.y \*Joekad vidually forrthv confirmation of^thiti** in the City, Court,,now jn session, and in • short time, • aaliifaclory Brrangemrn vaiin. inform* hi* cprreipondent in thii ci look hit heil, from which he wit destined lo a1 given charge of a case, of the Slate i'j. 15 --- - poa B*BBtoB»plrwetjh*-ijr laitatrea. ^ rfoe ao more, u n t i l carried from it to ihe confinet ly. that he lias become talitfied, from in of th« luBily lamb." 23 By J,oba'P< Smith, commandant of in* Smith- mark. Their diaShctibB^riinTHed ^a Sophia Wilson, colored girl, indicted for I the inBtter.—Baltimort American. The Baltimore Patriot of Monday evenin »n undisguised exprenion of dispusl »nd formation be bit ob(ained Sn the belt quar Death lo him however had loll lit terror. •* felony. :The_ liiry, •f!er having remained M7to"*iiv for the White oo joint ballot 19, 8.ld Biiie*.u May lh« Wad feeling an(hrri«Bd. ayi i—•'»»*. bear th. negolillrOB, tpokfh otb ten, that England i* negotiating with cpoke wilb rapiure of nlt.diitKilBllon, at the ioM.jori It ,*:,,... «f', . Wbl>Qo*I rt'P. »«> »* maalfeilod by lb«v volunuera lo disappointrnenl at the course of Mr. Ty- In retirement until after one o'clock on which willy *K»r* the .leoUoB • Wblj O.v- J P- oih /, „. „.,„. «„, r ing place in Heaven. Bring truductiim lea retting I oa Saturday, ia relation to the railroa.l note* rrnor, Chief J«»ic«, MlBle Trwortr, aad minor B c,„ j^o^n O Baylor ef ihe Jeffenwn ler. But no one ii io weak or knkviib at Sunday morning, tnd not being able to itill pending, and that nothing definitively ha* Spain for a cctsion of .Cube. Some of tontcloo* thai he eonl onld not recover, be uprrtithe itepi ho hu .learned the British go- ed Ihe stionce «t confidence offlc.rt. •-•'•' • Cavalry. The volunteer malitii—, to make il the pretext for joining the op- agrro, aealed a paper,'handed it to Ibe iu Opdr-t*id ibal be il been Milled." poiite parly. M r. Tyler will have lo covernment have taken iii Ihe matter be oiwihaiH* would irte earr of bit family— ^_4BB>— ' .* and whoto willirg, to ttrf.'.heircniinlryt .„ bailiff, and then ditpKrsed. Thii paper, ilatet Iliui;—"The Ei>gli»h demand the ml remarked to a IrirnJ.iliai Ih. bett of II wit, •MARYLAND. By Jortaa L. D»av.r. Th* oigaaitailon^ of aleic* wilb them, or they will dough bim upon being opened thii morning in court, |,.Bp,.r.iby*eompBiiMB of wllBm^ that ib. MlUlia-Utgov.rameni g|v*.u.ib. light off, and move ai beretpfore in union end conveyed the intelligence that the jury • Tht nieclion in Wiiconiin.— liberation .of all tho in l>ro»* introduced i. thould g«l to H.*v«B, Thut died th'it wr. f her countenance, aod wa will effect what the strength to the itlvation of the country." bad agrctdtn diiagrtc, ani\ aiked to be v op,josilion) is probalily elected • Dela- here! *inc« Ih* treaty i f 18-W, ..a. being ant of Qod. Hi* death Wa. a* triumphant a» IB the latf M a r y l a n d there waa a fall ia« long been I'triving lo do. ' ;ate to Congres. in Wisconsin by 400 to for by the tpirit >f that 'document. hla life bad been de vuled aud u.eful. ' . . harecd from • further cansiJeration IngofcToftU iJUvMiU Whig votw and ^"'*''''''<* Jrirt'.Mtfarred the 'WA'av'T'^.:; P. <p*»lion;lwlh*-tto»»Tiror her . rrn,«y v "W« ....., we taw, we conquered cordingly Jucha-geJ, not being compe. L«gitlature, aod have certainly a majoti- tt! • junto of rich people—they ant wer Add w..r»hip at thy feet I out an ei'ceptibn, we believe, apeak in «f nearly 1,000. . , ly of Ibe upper HIHIIO, if not of lioth. Juhn J. P.lmer. Tbf Day-Appropriat. term, offciglicommendalion of Mr. Spcn- tent, according to law, alter tucli • decl•d (with one exception) we canuot elldw C'Utrltslnni. From ,««,w« car. gather, ihe Whig* of .Ibal to Hy iht oceaaion—Tb« toldier; who would in evidence that Dodge .got k num- it. Now/England ha* .aid it aiiwf be In this iqwa, on Thursday nigh; lait, ef a, ulJ*.»ai*hav« permilted local <,o.itlOB» to optraia brfni. a thower, would thrinlc from Iba approach cer. .Hi* tak'nta are >aid lo be of a very sion, to hold any further deliberation upon berA* of Whig vote*, take Milwaukee Coun- done; if .the'Regent of Spain aey* to ruonary disease, Mr. EuwiBD You«u, '*-'" --w iHI.--I.I.K I..J k..« the----.pocificcate t h which :, it'had been high order, and hit hiisinesi capaciliei "• iajurlonily—alihoBgb aom. of th* papm •»• ol ihe menk.1 or Ihe bayonet. ' • ly, where he got 103 majorily, whilit the Cuba Jo il, and the pwopte ol Cuba periitt year*." •rib* apaihy to dilaBlUfaalioB with Preti. Dy A. W. Craoier. Th* Widow of thaillat- uniurp.»«r<l. Hu is repre.ented too is a ontruiled.—[Bait. Amor. lo the death of this young man, society haa Wblc* elected Ihe moil important Coun- in saving no—what will be the result ?— <Uot Tylirt vaelllaiiBg cour«. If Mr. Tylar iriout HAMIIOK—May >h* b. eb.rinbed, «um- genuine Whig; and the Whigs there a-jon *a useful and member. ' H* wa* fi.rtrd and .unpor'.ed by the American People Wtiltrn Armory—In cora»ll»ne« with ty officer* and ni.lnbers lo the Legisla- 3ubmi**Too to- tucli • demand leemi to poweated of values which could not have faik has been failhllM, II U • P"°' «»<"• for lhe forh.rowB m.rllt, ind.piad.ol of ih. rnpeel gur front bll appointment a' determinature. All the Territory wai heard from me to be out of the jquration. A proud rd, bad hit-lit'. b»«B ipar*d.-Ui hav* mad* bim faitblcaweu of piheri» end we an at a low to dee lo ib* memory of h.r lammed hothead. tion on the part of Mr. Tyler lo prove the provisions ol the act pined at the but one county *ad 58 or 3 precinct*. Spaniard aiked |ne the other day, If I BOI only B UHlttl member of wciny, bttl •• orlato session of Congreis. the Preiiden himself a Whig. This anticipation ii in Hr«*iv.ho»a iru. Wblg can jatiify hi. B.i»[Oiher voleaiecr to*«n war. given, which w. Aiw ftr* *— thought that trie United Sutei would *c uimtnl to ihr circle la which h* inov.d. Wbero lictioii oa such grounds. '.'. . are compelled to po.ipone for WMI of room.) lome degrei strengthened by. the tone of has directed Ihe formation of • Board fo cept of the .Ltlanjl ? > I tniwered, I be- can Ihcrr b* found a .aiiun».t argument in faTh* Frederick Kiamincr concludtt tome r.Iho lait Midisoiiian. Contrary t o - t h e Ibe purpose of "(electing a suitible lite T»ttwni. •'• tfi rnaik. oo lliii' tubjeel by a jutl cuiupllmeiil IO wont of lhat paper^ (or some wnrk. pa.t, on the We»lern water*, for the establish T«M H K K A N C K CKLEUKATION .— ArcorMr. Jobasoa, aW by la* following excellent Il waa gralifyiDg to witn.u, on B.iorday, ao ibf lait numBer eonlainf d, we believe, no men! of a National Armory," and h* dcaih of ihM-yoBBg man/ If it • lo announciunenl, 'the ^reat New Bipknowledge la hard for ih. old arid iakrm to d.r. when :hnr deiigntled tho following officen to com many proof* of • diiposilioo lo " «o ahead" In rltnuneialion"bf IJIr', Clay or'th»"Whig. YorkTemperanro Mai* Jubilee look piece pcmlence— then 10 flecli.>us : -• • , «.. • ,-V_.l.-u t;,.- it.--- ---- -^ "nitd • • aud BV^fBmlBta M) Ib* Uu»c* ef tki. .use blunted by ag«, how bald ll,a grind qi.eViioV i ncle S am 11 BUM IB* WbTr. bf blarylilW. luwn Anillery hav. adopted a very thowy. yet organ would tooner or later come roufcd TBiire vet Brigv WM, from dawn to .sunset, full ol He*mutl^be for Ihrjitiomig. who« aiiachmenis *io Ibal to cooler, ihey iuu»i always be united and appropriate, dreu-and have beta .upplied by to aur notion, that it WM a very, anproftt- President. ven'a own and tcrenily ; and low Hulty Dull to take po**e**ioa here wuroi, |o )>« e.lle.1 away-^ •eiiv*. even if old Spain cpnieoli? '~ If lie does, Lieut. Col. 3.H. Long, Topograpbica ablo boiinea* lo.abuie those to whom it iba Governor with muikeit for iheir ordinary r, hrc.:her« and .;«ir»i.- aid the great rnoral exhibition of Ibouaand* «V. will BOt coBcIdd'. Ihit brief nolle* without adieu to peace— ifltir toutberq -'tnitiiulioni .youth to U con.igorl .doing M acl of juilice K) our dnlinsuiihed c*B> paradtt, iu .dditioa to iheir gn*t IUM which mutt be indebted for all it will ever h»ve. Eng., «nd of our fellow, •* they pa.ued Surgeon General T. Lawion—member*. through the princip»l ilreel* and avenue* will el leaat be jtopir<!ed, mil •valuable (Ridau** didate ih. Uoa. WM. Uorr JOIIKSUH- "Tb* awake op'imr doll low* OB all uitabla occaaioBi; «ea *A'.i«oal abifllf with which h. condoct.d ih. and Capl. UuwftD Bed hi* t^Bcers du«rv* much (We remambar Mr Bpenc.r well wbiln h. Wo understand that the Board will proof peace trade clo««d agaitn.1 Ul."—A. O. Bul. 4MV*M givt dUiir.cuoB.-aad credit for ihr «*• I aad p«a.v*raaee wtik which waa •member of 0*egre»m'l«lt: ll. wai ceed without delay to the execution of the of onr city, In fhe brotherhood '.'. -him . *aw - ,bclairot ,, n( |lo and the vlntlicailon of i ^in J in ita con 1M 1|BQ|, ttr| y iflpfHiintmtnli.-4'rb* Pretidant has «p- ihe i» Ib.uiorer of reioluliont of inquiry into Ib. af- duty enigoed to them.— Madiioni**. they piei* on wild in ilnir duly. •' ir.l iciouineu ol nobility, Ml*' lUCb it has *«•pointed J. W A S H I N G T O N ' T Y M O N . Etq. of fair* of Hi. U. 8. Bank, al ibal time under Ib* Th* claim* of varioiw points, a* lhe mnsi eliW. w.r« dillgbled lo K>, loo, a renovation Wi"aKti*.«va bVa VPJ^«J^[> never been aeen among u , linn *h hai l'liil»Jdl|.liiu. ('uin iniiiaiy General of Pur> r al tba* tunimont of iba bad minig.mtnlof »Ir. Jon«s, Iti— gible for tb* Wrsitin Armory,' at* already Of drta* I* J. r. Smith* Smiibgtld Bluet. *hed • glean of wvpe around hit tireaih iu volam*. They have adopted • new eaiforiB, which ia BOt We iru.l hit tn.rutile mind will be dirtcl.d lo urged wilb great s*al. Tb* LoeUvlll* Journal undoubtedly cliates.m place of Callrndcr Irvine, d*> fire-.iile. many a bltfjerto dctoltle catied; and Col, J. O; W*Wuuuii,;Sur, ,,or. Th. defeat WM BOt hi', bul Ibal only B*al bul elegant, and Ibtir apptarane. and uitny lubjecti requiring reform, and thai h. llius enfurcf't the arganieul for ill own .ily I.. thai Lei oar fall b. a w«rrU«f lo our In bli lour through the Weil'in IH1U, military dcpoilmOBI would do credit lo aty vul- uty laJaaa glaaaal* Ihli direction «»• long. To/. EJwarJi," the reputed forger, ia/ v*yorof the Portof/PbUadelpbie, in place •litl U* he bi«'.**dth. ~ \ • '_ Preiident Monrorselected Loutiville for fail losing hi* good (mnprr. The proaf jjir. Ty^n. alt of Ihi. world, for ib. uulrrn. • aeiB* B| It to Mid, ia aboiri lo trnb.rk f« the nie ol • o.tioti.l armory, on Ibe peel of'conviction Ii not apothing. A rei« anil «Hroean,uf a ..Cap*. Utylor't Cavalry ar. • well eapariioned The Salem Gatelte lay* that eighteen PT* by hill <,ur, f«r ill who eo.unuo in all ih. «fMBIlal. of »how and subnanct, and En*land, lu'cltiin reward for hi> aiency IB at- ground of her superior *<tv»Qlegei over ideoca for leu jja-m «.ao-in^lhe Penileni W. |iv* iudicaijona iht,t « Ae«n aid uia fc.l • Jiut :empiint a by vaia boaM lo embroil M.|* • wUr all other W«llrrn ciliei. Since that time li»ry, ii not, piffiiwrly0 clearing: to oh* ipilluiiii of ili>IUrt have now been laveital, T«.t.*a ». with thai wuniry... W* truti h. ••yvbev*«BI her eligibility has been enhanced greatly in the itrangtb of majtii^d and prime-of ed it. railroad* wlthio the limit* of Mat- B»v.n.'Baliiiiioir.i l4. to lb ,. . KM, Of V. . i. Ibe !£•, _^ «*l»Ha.iramtk'i Puioeaa*,. RittaM* al- off-wiih, • fl». in hit ..r " V.g.boiiJ twai- by tb. canal. If all the re: reporti imade lo Wit.- Tw« N.-V-.i-Bfpie** wit Jbat Mf., tacbutdlU, all of which. .gho,g lioi.I.eJ, >».r of bit ar«. Ray wat M many yei.. h»vi paij at leatl lix per Mat beyoud all lereitlik. him thuuld receive BO aouawoaac. ngineeri •*.»•»» limy pr«Miii mtwl.'f Tb. eaaaa Ibe War U«parlincnl. b;jy ihe e (flirk of ib. Co.n Court of Moaqogalm. aid Little and teveraf other gentlemen bafe in _^_. appointed to aurvey the Weil, Louitvilla taen bimi He it not the roan who .ojld expeni*, r«pair», <Xc.. rcc.btly BB ( r ef OB* ufikf Baak*. Iu . .. Hit .rvrral well at IB ih» pji«al« i«Mr ka* pCMartrf Ihe. for di.tuuii»a -.*.-. hat b.en invariably rrcomniendrd lo Ihe the large,N.w Orleani Bank ceHifiealM Itiioat ef lifa, bit leieiBBlMy aad n*.fal. Bad ib. •I-CM»HIN looanii. t'ruili vf. ttmpir'ance.—Tht beoeBcial • coniideritioo of the Government, u'the to Ihe broker* in iNew York, but U uuhi*; dial* eoeeldeied. • pubh: at » • iba ftith ef ac. in the Weil for • ua- doubledly Ihe pertoq who WM tu IUCMM- reiulli of the l.inpr raacr raovengenl were ofib»Tr'faverjii.m«.ittra«!a.d . «iij. s^_. ur ver mare itrikingly diiplayeii than at • compaay not wbjwt » W«p.mrJR»»M«r ib. 1 The fact of her great fa ,to,. Iwcum* aitBOM fMUyeed. ful in oblainiBg »te filly four Ihousaod dolfeav* OB Ih* Ml. b*r faiber . rtiidenw, ia lo their grnt cililiee for eich an e.labliibmeBl wa» vin- l.r. from Mewr*. Corn*. Md Browb, our lat. city election. 'Though a large Morrao C<- . ia. ih y.arof b*r an.U •vteUftr. ibal willteJ rfioaldi Brother* k. C«. Ktjwww* i* much .nra- crowd wae oo Ih* ground the whole d*y, RO..MIU TiMnt, il. of Mr. ;•*»•• TidbU hut one nan WM obeerved to be under *•' Mhwto |Mef CNMw.ll Oiri.1.^ ol Miaauyri, 8*4 knew how t* «**, ged at o«4»f vipwiislUi penon* to be the influence of Vq«or.— 1 LliittSI ,-. ... UP. r \iSKSS i.amu,. »•' ( of. lha» eo ; t r**4y -te .wroi* a itr iBan.'Swpv ••• *«flanalion : Wl|l8U8B3l!8SS2. °' * —-- —.-.-".»•-- A »e,ry , THE Will!AT CROP, 'tUBtrt'it T7COOKMAS.. 1'^. rff)„*.. eonnlry^who bat the re- ble geiilleman According to to. New York Exprtia, W* have r*«d wjth m.laB*boly iaiireit | n vu hifh | r creditable io ihe aompaBi** Malwtya been oppoied to a Nation al Bank, Birer the pr., WM wked bow he atood effected in polij production npon the /ale of lha lUv'd mbled ibM Jb«» did not forgrt a t»n«fa«ior.f leaipu of prodee. down the Northn-ln Se.rmof th. k.vol,,io.,,y nt .a.umn h.» been artoahblng-ln Sep.rmGroaoia. COO.H.H, BBd .lha P^ tic* el the pre»enl jonctare. : Hii reply . of PrtarLr ,h. wb«...d.ll..,y a. -eHiit; aittvWetfilfaiiBe AlntBBdrU ty»«n«wai; that he wi« atiH oppwedto a B.nlj— by Daniel Bryan, Eiq. Thi* iribat*, IB pro*»«. a .o.di,r of -78. ao. fcabte and far afc d.bbl. that of Ih. a.m. moolh Ifot Ibe etke o^ coniUtency -but he beyear. A mnch largir . in life, and saluted him IB and poetry, rlo« honor lo Ib* b*n«vol«Be* and lieved the Whig* were honeil— and Aonloo* from Ohio lo Canada, by ibe W.llaiuf Caurm*. by ptcataiiBg arm., waving flag*, and Ciaie* of iu author, and is in all rcsptet* apr.«fw in politic* wa* like charily In reli«al, ih*B-foiB>*rly j jel Ih. inrplus produce sounding the soul-ilirring re»eill« which hid la proprial* IO the touching inbjrel whtehil pear, Ohio, Ibdtaaa. and Michigaa; ha* been gion— it would cover « fjnliitud^.of tin*. trays. We Bead ie*ll»ly wfrwh Ih* mtmoij often awakcnc.l. tho aoa» of- freedom la Iheir me- from iminen»e—and il all finds ready porebaMra at Me preferred ihe W big* with t Bank inmorable airaggle for independence. Tba veteran of our reader, ia refcrenc. lo lb« eh*raeU'r of cub rale.. Th. d«maod;io*, 'U laatated, OOB- finitely, to the Loco* wilhour one. the eloquent cirine, who**: untimely doom has •a. highly gratllod, aad BO doubt lired over linuet britk ».t N.w York for lb« N.w EBgland' Thi* wa« the principle which unitec filled ih. heart* of a bug* community With sor- ijtin HIM of ih. most joyous moment, of hit markets, the BrltUh Protinee* and PoreigB Ihe Whig parly during Ibe canvass, tine row. In Ib* BOMBS* of hi* Methodist brethren, life. upon which the battle WM fought. Good l ' - *•' - : • faith demand* adherence to it.— [ WMg. -.- a re.ponm-0 ch/Jid is touched bjr». •"• »••' Thi* bdag over; iba eavaleada proceeded Iu port*. Stock, have improved a lillla, whlob is altribtion of hit name—and when w* lell tbim tbatlibair kanqMttlag groiad Baal of we towb, on lk« proeredi of thli Taiitrrt ia dedicated to th. ,h. Und of Majoi Bri«oe, where, joiaed, by ma- uted lo Ih. result benefit of ihe widow and orphan* of Iba lament- ny inviied guent aod eiliinv they partook of a proper a«n«lb'Uiiy aad aUmalate aa aeUv* ban., have all present were gratified with ib* good JTyl.rt ooan*, »olence. '"" ,. : • • '• - '".'. •' '~J'i • < i- • feellog .nd hilariiy which pie.iiltd ihroBthtinl brethren u ih* town of ib* lalaWbigditait»r.-. Copl** of tbf Tautwtl wim» pla««d.h th. Ib. occasion. Major Hamlramck was called to aad Mm* iBgeBioB* wlghit of lh«. prew erfnband* of friead* al Winebut.r, MarUaftorg, presid*. auuttd by Capl. Long, Bad a set of ex tider d«feat ••»'•*' we JlOgariei of victory and ib,. t*v.ral wwm of ihia, eonnty •, and w. cellent loam were draak, which an gir.o be- Ktrufttr. Thii may do very well for meo of a ealni, phlloio'phle wmperameBl, bal ws bava BO (ball calculate upon a r»ady co^iperaitoii by the low. b«Bevol.ntiaeiihofihiWpla*ei,lBlh« diurl-1 Towards M.Ml, ibeilgutforreiam waigi- n»,ii,sul*rrelUh for ihlngi6f ih.toiu W« can bution of » wufk which " briBgi W lha ibrin* of ftt,tni ihe riiiiing cnmp.nici w.r» .fcwrud to 1BID OBt uac u upon Ih. pas, «ad hope largely andaorrow' mch BBtceegtabla of>, lotak. tbtlr drtanut*. which t»y.did. |for ihe/umrt; bol have BO especial fancy for Ufitr jBuirjuU*preiilo&i of hop* ibatiMjuaighi dli*gr*<*bl**of iheprrtnaume.. V.t w* mean | soon have another happy meeting. -7> •01 to dnpalr, nor will we giva ttp the good m Wtjfl^ltlffl'™"* •— ^L8tlvaSi^.DSffiRS? .___™ T««A «mnnuiii«»tlott which apMired in yoor p«per of Ihe 10th ult. f.ta.UMUftH»M,jrfll>.U. 9. Ntvjr, ly niy ch.raelfrln •v.rr - up to thr* period, i »n« ...J, boifriVom • pr»j( l.wli be*. , ,.. the feelingi of other* i h l ^ found ra would h'ate been nec<t*> whote Int itn any conlrovetay I might ..rilydra bat-Sad ,_him, and the lupreme eonPfor Ih* author of th» ~ tmer UW»r*«>jWfh *The <Sk'n»l cll"'B °r 'l'T'-f nnc<l be-,- tween Lt,^|. Gordori «r\d myialf. Being it ihe hou.e of thr l;hr- Major —-..on • in the fall of 1840, Juit after the affair beTween Liout Gordon and Dr. lioriey had Iranipired, I exprei.ed opinion* in NUtion to it, which might have been uied in >• nunner tending to connect mn Orrdneouily and unpleiiantly with the quwrel. Apprehending inch event, I •ddn'iied, kfter retorniog home; a letter to Min -, JuBrding her againil any expt'etaion* thai might convince her; or «ny of th» family that f —' "* which he thought proper to .denounce me. , Tb*/ollowiog (i an enlracj from, a letter recantly rrceiveil frbrn Ihe lady in question, referring lo the particular*.to which Lieut. Gordon h«* Uken »o much exception : "- '-;"Jtfmn.toft. 80,1841. "Mr Da»» COIIIIH f—The lit. occurrence aaom^eof great.un*nlii»t* to yo<» mi.. ,r,.nd, a* It wa» • T«iur wriu.0 i by yours.lf which eausad Ih* (inurbane*. '.'. -jail. I h«iit»l. nnl lo i.y, mutt hav* »our utter 1 hina.ii to ina«r. ~_~ „..„- — to b. partieut.r with it ; bit >dvio* was tikpn A. to your h*vla«_"aav.rid Hi. last-tl* that bound th. lw. famiHe. lor..lh.r" II II M* a. U It pnniblo for any thing lo b.. Th« (Iri Ihini tb.l led m* to iii-juira into *lr. Gordon*. chtr.elar, wa. whar* b. tp*.ki In th. MKIJMPrr, of the ''anraleBlIng p*ri*eulion"of my B.W " 0«*rorPe*ynu i.ft J.tT.nori, I bid* th.m a Caal •i adi.ii. A. to your h.ving influ.newl ma i* the 'alighteal * by word or l.llar. I |do po«iti«ly..s.ladj.d.ny. Hi.brat.I floidiict lo m» daar falhar ahall avar B* by • •—not «<en Urn. can .flft.. U from mj memory. Ifkd tho oBaaea b*«n lo ma alone., I could ' fca«a forglvta it;~ but, whea b**lrlvu ia d»tlroy th» rapulilioB of all who arf lo m* on *.rthvll would b.mdr. than human nalur. T^im^mK^^itfii^^^ luvor to null down and irampl. under foot all wke are pur*, tbaa— aad they Inda.d an many. To think ha bat mad* aa eitick « youm*ralyb«aa«»eyouMaourfrlaiidl Ib.v ipoken too much lo Ihii Inter of (i.rtoni who .houU b. b.n..ih tba nolle* of all gentleman j but It l« to provo lo you Dial il waa not youn.ll who "»«•«.«"" *o*lrong a "iiV> a. a»l«ud b*| »w*«Bthl*«Wfa*«i«t»«J |.otl»man and. myaa« il t.ami to be hi* wbol. d.tlra to" How despicably vile, monatfou* ia di pravity, lost to all the redeemingqualiti*, of our nature, mutt bo that man, who 1 that the learned am! derided oulc-iif fiol thoae he«rt( where wa may t o r n . t i t find an atylum when all the world j renounced utl . A Muv. iof.niof ».-. ^wlHb' on which it cretpa like a ril» 1o"h» kicked from-onrrpajh, i.-*4e •ool. aod rotten in heart, .prtadiog deaJly inftueoeo, that poisons the **CM tiei of friend.hip ai.d of faith ; murde troth ; tortupla tb«-noly intercoune heart with heart; and .breaki up. .with ""TJernbn pleBiure, the i,weet lelation* _ •ocial »nd domeitic-love. A* lor the ' nunciationt of Lieut.:Gordon ihemie - they are the deiper*t« reiort of k T- who refuted, under the mo*i eowi and ba«ele*« pretjtxt. to redrei* bimialf I thoso honorable mean* which I gralnlM ly profiired. bim, anil aru the mere ufli Mio» of a iealoui honor, which' lie kno •nd fail, himtelf to have lint. W.r. * circulation they have had co cxteni only with hii/ouM, even Ibe ilighteit xhamter, hi* rutbU.i violaii •ad every principle • of honor' . tbey require from me iomi exjiUn.atio When informed by »v Iriend, Ml HichoUeu, that Lieut. Gordon hkdj Bounced me in uiunoaturoil te'rmi certain lelteri which I bad written W . ,. ; , • •. , impeicblog hii cbaiacler, 1 c.eJed, at my eailieit convenience W*.ljiiitfiou. and Btcertained, by addr ieg < letter to Lieut.. Tyler,, of the Ml ' ." Uurpi, the preciie laoguage "learning which, I proc*«de3 to J. Counly, Va., Vvilli my f i i r n i l . M*j. olton, 'ami oo our a n i v a l al Cbaileitc placed io bn band, two aotea, one ing of Lieut. Gordon: an »v«w«l o* •vowel ol what I ba.d hoard, an a the i B, ch»lho««jj_j4e'«'»o|''.oi r e d r e i » n event of 'ill .•^Vrjowledgmrllil. , ».-,-IK--'i - - ** "*|W» ttWMMl 'W% ,'"•*^ w ' ^»^w.n«j ,«i r -r — j; .v -. 3uli»e(|')eoi\y ,!><• bad .everiUjller wlAOArdoo. without being ih. difficulty b»lw«en. ui tu an HdJuitmeiMj"; Me e.v.0 went is -, •ddrr.M Lieut. Qordoa ill* (ulluwiu.J •tunickii.0* i . ' . MQw« Hi* : —fulling II i • Hill* *>*ry alWt Iu my Mtr«r lo brlad » f*lr BB* boaerabla tdj«t«tnl of diffr wblah w>y »«'»l bt)tw»M Q«r.rt, (.IM f«»tr frltndi.) I Mtgfaai that a d..or •el f.r an ubj«cl to jurt eef^r——'•"••'* '^MtieTl'ii b ib*ref*ire'"i»Tw.w« wj -i j*t> lubjum Ih. dtnuucUliuut «iad« by I r.tali.. |e tb* cuadu.l of l.iru» l.lodlld paiaUr? !• • projiunliuii »ro« m», r " J Unw «f a aolditr. » would ««r« s that I myialf would aol »niiriila :i V* Tbo amrpote of Ibit Liter, wai I ilktulio*) of • court of honor, to wL »at|er might b* nf.rrej. L lb*. 000DM. . ':^N .... ' t h a n ihrunk front, . iw opeeleg • rinr* an* g.»«el tnortli*v*d, from -Ii-«—j. .. _s,i.fc i i».u_ M..OU, „»„ all further „ I—I*"' - -****' ttrtrWttWi«/*•**»•**"•• Mr* ilnrt of Liaul. Gordon, in ihoi itubtwrnly tion which diicardin» every pfftper method of te'Atttt, and hit Mih<ei|iient fCtirritoui and coward- gg^^W^e^ft ly attack upon my chariclri 1 in ftiti pnriOn* BoroucAt—O»M he»-JI»rM nEAVER CLOTHS. natic IniLDix.., *n4 ka Ik* *a*al Itii iirinli. dn'in tbnm*»lvB»;d*hout»ce him , tM-i*i'|tr*v«k>t* p«n *f Ik* ««v»v. • t.AtN ai deililole of cAurage, (irldnor-principle •no ww. »- -~ . - , lo MrtMt MM ft, hi tie t*e*6«, fraU a4 avert klait, awl * *•> itia* ivperior •* my •<*•• ••' ojrt*.l. efer*,« ' r fnillnit «;.ppl; el water I* Ik* j»rd. Th«T* in Ibh Harket bmtcfer*. aad But-why wai I not brought to a court ? it eTer been otted•'t By m*, com from "a pr% when ha met Mr. Lewit, .w CWA ebo at Ik* irpper eernei of Ik* Let, one of behooved tbe commandant of tha corpt, atprlcet trflVlb tat the feelinti of other* him that Lt. Gordon would nv. — ,—Any peno* *t pernnu through k* beet wella *f weler In ih* elite. Th* Oetll •n* Union, win atwy delire to try i would, have been necei- Major N . ' t h e n wrote him" (Gordon) the under the irnputtlioni .made by I.inni, 1 following note: . e l t h i r i n l h * Maryland Ataie.Lotle. Gordon, to subject tr.y .conducl to legal Bidding, . ito any conlroveriy 1 might * *n bunt elghl Bit* reeeti, eetieei • winw. eee MIL CJSSLMERES. « Btplmler In, 1141, 4 o'clock, r . - . , invettigalion. Lieut. 'Gordon himielf, riea, *r 1* Ih. autkorltiU Loiter)*! of olker him* and the toprtjme cont, Bureau, tfc. frc., , , , . ., I* tb* viry belt minair. Then UlMt*f* are or 10 dtrereef attlee— entleel* Mw, and "Sin-Am I to undmund llie information ™* *r* draw* daily. •th* » -Let • - « e' - i—— and a » trletj •( olb.r ankle* too •«•*•*•! I* Uttered. There are elta e lb* author of Ihe laid neelved f row M/ tJiwhi, lh»l yn i witl.Bpt re. .mirh* a ««enuot»» effort to have rr.n to ardAtibl* atroek I* the wi.f inj, U.»,R«, th.ret in .MB wHh l*e - -------, -,,-^l *w4'^t*«>b*/%ieV Immediately afl« thn c.lre ** from Capt. Lli dt.yi ai raigned, and in hit recent puMlcalron «J*> V ' C W ' • •MKitefcr. -^JttltW commun i "••T •"—•! -r ~..f*iam—C»rrt»ta. ,lf**»*« n*at.r**an, a ftBLJI t Ht-tomnrtttiio*llon, I T*ler..rnitl41ir clmrltto'htV* been the opinion of my Corn Heuie, *e t In In*, there U upon Ike Ul warn twvar wi«»i« mg .... x ,— ptjd) •* lumt a . ""riJVBOKP VLAJrKETS. ••neip.clfully your ohedlent «rvant, brother officera that a court martial ilioutd •MVIO . ...u.. ..ipiy 111 B»|.....— -j, ap- •very thing **e***art for the ***«ttt»»diiK)e otherwhe, •aelotlat «**• a* raiaa vif«T. [i.en.b/ A *arf Urge •opplj, and very eheip. . •> a .*." have been convened. But tuch trial wat molivei for Ibe lilenc* I h*d obterved ia 8 A R A H HURST. < •f * Isrg. and gtlleel family."-Tkat.WetjM k* whkb win b* Ikiekfully r***lved ind .iMul.d lam* »>**apl atl.ntion • ddlgklful r.tnal I* Huaimir from th. op- by return mail, With tb* To which b* made the ft llowing re never ordered, and why ? Became tb* 0«leber T, relation toil.; but even Mi* wai luppreiJ>1 prittit. ef • elty, et If would emWef lar at If oe. penoml tllegaliont uttered in the preiene* Of •ed. from a reluctance)'.to provoke,'in any .••Boarding- e.labllthreeel. l i l t wlihin tight t" OURr.tlKB «• LAtHKS-eeo* *»llr*ty which drew forth at Ihe poiiible way, a public diicuuion of mhit. virtue of a deed of Irual from Colin r«- miln of Harpere-rerry, fl«* *'f 8h**no*dil. **w, colored nithsnere petlerni, Plaldi, llnlont, were considered jeet. involving family . mitten iicrcdly ,—>!« ead Mir; E. felar hi« wife, lo Ih* Springt, lo lb* Depot her*, hut a an arllcli far bojt ind girls wur. ..—, distorted • private • n their oalure. My conne .in tebeerlber, dated th* 99d Novtmber, 1897, and few houn-ride, by Ik* rill-roid. froet B.lll0*181 ^ _ . - , .. OWA of the Merino . . dulj recorded la Ike Clerkl Office of the «:oun- more, pr*v*rblilfor III keillhlneti, led la one, ihii retp ict being eniored friendt tty *la genllemtn view of Ibe fecit, and wore, on further, I) Courl of J.fTenen, give* to teevre a certain ef Ike fleet! *ilghborhoorft In Ihe world. Our Toore, trolj lull ind fair lovettigeiion, foni —havini been ad riied. even'by the indidebt and lot tree! thereon aeerued, end evUl*e laiea. loo, ere enmperltivily nnlhieg. A taf.r Not inferior lo my aitortmiat la Ih* eennlry. batelen in reipect of truth, and inlamoiu vidual! f r whose ak* I heve'lhu* far lored b j a note or oHIIgali* t daeerlk*41* t aid deed, aaveetaw**. ***M aol now ,be tiide, and ihe *-•«• OW A challenge, mlirepreienlationi. 9ioc« that l i m n ,be born* to tp*ak >i i my own defence, to H ii rre i s o n for refuiinf end due end owing to Kobart ••••rltj of Ik* propert* will b***U *l tueh prici that nothing publlih I lull BKpi ition-*f every eircum- on tb*iro«ind that I WM nit *nti««d to bat gradually loit his ground with those Dlilrlet of Cole.nbta-.aod alto, purtuint I* en •a* be loft by 4he purcbat.r, If immidlit* ipGjfdC£JU£& . tOTT***.irloeoTory o"rdir" of" Ihe" Cireuil 'Superior • stance ei»f>nti,nl l > my vindication, and fhit pri»tl*f« M* R«nt«»rt»«i •PPM". , teat ;• e»eellenl Kio*i " °* °* who momentarily luiileined him, and lb* I also offer for s.t.! ot*xe'bang* for twee ' Jeleno*, aaide tt.-•the...tut tirm, in an vwwrt v. •mmmimmmt «•.. .. ...—, — _ivery thing els* to make court* piirshpil by'-me h»i met with-con • B4I, will be draw* n Almafinding I lat rr.y i lemiet are still prose- the face of it, to hw* b«*n Inlunelion tnil of >• Peter M Be.erl.y." I will three good fin* hindt, tat* of mi my hon- tlderate approval. . O*tob*r91. :— eoVplat* cuting t\ eir detij hi 'tgaintt.,m>, I have mom prtltnct. Th* queition eell, M lit Md *V| •/ OMW; 1 Bl M if fair, and V J X K A wrvfmM**.-"-.—— *———— Saifl It it UUP that there ero torn* few who 1 to mi :e a itatemeint of ftctt, or, which b* rtiitd,wH jfaclitiout; a The Women are will ditpoud, good «.ooki and if act, on tb*, **xt fair day.) in front *f the loop-hole are Jetiigia with him lr»_ a purpot* to in ttnger to (withhold, would/ b« a -•f;6n*of tb*mliie*i*Mtr**t.'*,y , home lately 'oeeopled by John rhamb.r.. ae t ^—k. -^i*_L_JtJL'/ •da*. A »••,-_-••.•; - —. , I l in L ,. •i i I u . «1a, . -41. i IT - /^.jl k M. I-U i««i j(,., . .. <,^,U,,^,M,||BTPIPII tt.w.i.s.«vR"»:.>» deelined tW P^t*?'*1™. THE MARKETS. B.U*m«rt ^eutietn, *•**& OWeaer IB. a.fXr*trtaa* tHM>averuW *btj«( lh» tin. talait we*k. . Of>0 held that war* «4nM$MO were sold at T < lo »S,SO per 100 'U*, r*MI»WHPwi'9Mltty ). Ahw B**J «•.»»-,:. iri'i)iiality>rou|ht |6 and toaa* lafirler war* *o|d *»le*j»4. flXlUK.—Sloe. f rldjiytth«*M*re prletx *C Howard llreel Flour bat raelher d.elmed.— Riles of good sltndird Vrandi war* midi JOB Saturday i.nd alto lo-diy I* ioa|kjai**l el fty. ; 641, and helden ar* BOW otTbeBgWtell at tk* .um* rtl«. .The receipt price (TuMUltd-^ ' Silts of Rutquehinh* Flour «f tMfwraj Ind .fcree.ikiee.a.odir.iilyalgeperbht. ._.. Rye Flour it totree and waol.d—list iil.i • wir* il fa.&O per bbl. for l»t. WHEAT.-Thire (*_v*ry Illtl* Wheat In mark*! to-day. \V* quote the rang* *f flirt* prlii* Md. ant) Virginia redi .at |I,I5 a frl,t»' WD M COrtV-TVe quote Mi white Corn lo-diy at 61 a 63 eenti, and it "ow at tl a U eeala.— RYK.—A nil of 800 buth.l Pinnsjlnnl* Rye to-day at 19 eenta. Md. Rje Is worth (8 a 70 cents. , • . . .' . ice OATS —Oil. ire t* dimind lo-dit it 44 a 4ft •••I*. PROVISIONS.— Baco* tnevet oB itewlj *t former rateii.which we SMO!,, .Ii Baltimore evr*4 trtmrat^ tv-l»e*m*r BKouMer*-*! * te^ 5 cent*; end ildei a*. 6 lo Teenlt. W*dunte ttrletly prim* eiiorled Weeter* at SJ to c cinli; Hami at 7 lo 9 eenti) Shoulder! at 4 lo t cinli, efil and Sides at S lo\5t rents. WHISKtY.-Mirket'ecmtleae* stiM, *4 " , 'SHOES * CAPS. «r»»irir™- & F ' I Th* Mew York Eipriu of Friday iflira***. lehanrite amoaer.ii: CA.*II. ...,* „,. ..._.., .... llfr*d I the London and Liverpool market. About 3000 iela- bblt. have lately been shipped or U abeot to be atil't jihippeTfor nioie marUtiv • - . - • - - .... rning , Hcuartif C=nturnWicn—Anil net i«fI'rett- fcrthe enly etedt id knii h.J.i-l thread! In jour iTilria, but giunl ih«m ei rnn would Ihe ikltf at yiiu Bnd Ihe f.l.l enemy •rtking lo ante- •ii"l B ln. \Vhen jnur health ay l»»ibln» Ihe ml of e ishop itrimn illKiw, Hrmrmhrt Dr. Dunten'tEape*-rfte'T deHreTend»iM>»« tall* •| i lini'iitnilt oljour lea die annually Ih* them. Ihe want of proper ircttroei.t. Hid those I !B*V. I •—*-f-*-M kf Ihl. m.,lldM,. mil diseaie, lose no lirae in proturlng Dr. Detue*1* remedy, it Ii atfe and eflreMel, and alwaya glvit rellnf in th. moil bondeM eeera. Il1 1 - ' •^ I - weak --.I, and ..J deuilit.ied ,l.l,:ii..i P H ;• relieve r.H r,. Irenglbcnt the ilk* iiln in the ind tide i tnppnieel Ihe dittrrssng eongh) Mopping tbe hectio flier md night j*eiit, finally (if the eate be not too fir adtaneeu) rettorln g perfret health. Full dlreitioni end a treillee II giten in • p.mpliki, whieh iccompinict the meditlne.. Ptinclnol 0/ficr /or in, i«( f c/lMi JV/fdUinc il il Eastern ,-o. 19, Aefla RK1IITH Slnil, PkUidifpM*. ffliihop Also, for lal* at the Store* of . J. H. B"6ARD,4CO."ithe orCaerbslMn, tb« -r—^—.-^r.-. -CHARLES tor KIUI AM, lad by and ram ortion 'to thn whole ng pror i made, Hen AJeianiei Jo'nw, Joan E 8cnL»r. E^q. ot Frederick City, M J , lo Min AKK P. Towxxa. ilaugliter of BeojaminT. Towner, Eiq. of lb* former place. ' • . .' •;•"'•-":-;'; ; On Sunday last, by the Rev. N. j. B. Mirgan, Mr. loan C, BABUTT lo M!n ANH L»T, both if thia eoonty. In Frederick City, Md,, oh Ihe 23d oil., by the ReY. Mr. Put, Mr. T*OM«I C. WIHDIUM, lo Mill Mnir ANN Hcai, bolb of Clarke counly, Virginia rut Col. DUD, romoled On Toetday morning the IBih September, at hii residence near Chariotte Mall, Si. Miry'i [Samuel county, Md , the Rev'd JAMU HIILLT, ia th* 5Dth year of bit age. 't lie waa a Ballveof Westmoreland county. lor. Pa In bit 23d or 94lbfear he commenced hi* i/aptttn Ctre« ai *n jiinerani preicher of the Mtihodiil ~ JEpJicopal Church, iprwhleh eipael^y T>r»ojiiv nued lo Ml, with the exception of one yeir onIs trie I of ly, until death cloied bii pilgrimage in ihit vale of lean. Bui a few, weeks ago be paid i visit Irom the I CAronr to his son residing,in ihii place, and on 6abb»lk preached with hit oioll teal and energy. Thie proved lo be hit lait sermon. He relumed lo • nil home—-complilMd of ion* inditpoaition—^ {gentle left trie succeeding day to prosecute hii walk ch i in Ha the circuit—became ill—waa. hroutjhi home and I tbit ci-' took hit bed, from which he wai destined to arite no more, until carried from it lo the confine* • Irom in- of the lonely.tomb. 1" • • eit quar • liratli lo him however had lot! lit terror.' •*• ' ng with apoke wi'ih rtptore of hi* dissolution, at lb* la* Some o1' troduclion lo • retting place in Heaven. Being • Jtiib go confcloDi that he could not recover, be eiprrsi-. ed the atrongeit eonflilence In QooV-iaid ihii b»' htler he knew thai He would lake care of bit family— : land Ihe and remarked 10 a friend.thit tbe'beitof It wmt^ . Irodiiced he should get to Heaven, Thut died Ihla ier: | being vani of Qod. Hi* death wai *a triumphant aa. ,"•?• " l •otild ac- Id, I bel i v e d , but i-*n iode|nowled|{e |er ? ' But j Sam U•ion litre, 1 be doer, aititulioni • If, Lord, thon eonni us meet— With thai t-nrnpiurcd husl I ' And wanbip at Iby feet I C*or/M/oicn. , If.1 In Ihit lown, on Thursday night (ail, of a pat* munnry disease, Mr. EoWfID YocM*, aftd Mr year*. , • " ' • ' . - . In the death uf this yonng iniu. society hn loit'a useful and .eicellenl member. ' Re wai' poueiied of viiiuei which could not hire fill* rd, had hit life been ipaied, lo have made Urn not poly a uselul member of loaieiy, kit in ornimcni lo the circle io which be moved. Where ran there lu- limml a, illuDjsr. irguuienl in f»vnui of religioB.xir a more aurikiag rumple of ihe power and influence uf. il* doctrines, than it afforded in tl,e dialh af itii« young man? 1C It Ii hihl for the.old ind talim io d;e, when '.heir affection* and .airackmiaii lo the thingi uf ihia woild have become bluniid by.age, how bard must it be for Ihr yoang, whoee iliaebmeai* *tr* ilrong, and afftclkua warm, lo be called away— w leave father, toother, brn:her*and liiirre. eed «W iboj bar of Hut lu whoa* uur _ faocy!t And yet have been known fion o*r infancy nt lias ap- ihelndivMna! lo whoa* memoir the** lines u* Jr.ln-.inl. wa* peifrcily trilg»«d—willing that \ t, Biq. of •II the nea which bonnd him to in* worU.thoild > .rat of Pur- be acveied, .and rradv ai Ih* luaimoni of ihe r v i n c , de- trim nteiunger, D**lb, to rniga hli hretih io. IUCH, S»r- 11 un ih.i gave il. lli> w avlicing lu his Ijeirav, in plac* ' mm', niuit bt i»r thu*|hl, thit ihxugb I, be Hill live*—djuil he has eirhingid the ' • aorruwi. pems and l/lali of Ihii world, for IB* pbraiuira and endless enjnymenli uf * bom. I eighteen prepared by his Saviour, for all who eoaiut** 1 : ralihful lo ihe end. -" " " , '" ' In Baltimore, un the I4jh umaat, Tn !.«' MatjBoiibed, It 4y, l-:-.| oY Ucrgantuir*, Y beyoud all I year of bit age. Mr. Ray waa for mmjr yecjr* j C U r k o f ilir Vnun.iv Ciiiirijuf Monongalia, and, more recently in otteer of oa* ofik* B****. In hiiieveral utiloni.aa well*a* ia ik* prime reibtpdficial lalioat of life, b* wat ei.mpUiy and 'useful, and noiit wire bii dmb maiy b* cowidered a publii ai id than at •ell at.duuMiiio caltttliy. Ooih* (ib uh., it herfaibert reiUtaat. In b a larg* Morga* Cu., ia. Ih* B4lh year of tier ace. Mr.. thole day, BOM wileofMr. Jowpfc TTUklllV i be under I-' - : - do ' Charl««town. J Oct. 14. 1041. gzj-••••iiiat.ismm>••»- ««. .,. r —..... iwlce, each, aad forward ropy and account.. prlaeof Jind Jlpimrltnnncet in Mid iletd of 4e - ' trust conveyed, . d» thareln ai heinj "all 4* gCTTIIOSR w h o i r e Indebted lo n... will eed being In pl.ate lo call aid t*:||*. To earn, Ihe trouble e»ay . . IPK will he but little i.J» m. »sty «•! Feter lnherrle*v or d«rir«d Trot* hit |f*** t do therefor*. iher.Thomi! Beall, *f Oeorge, ei by refirenre much Ion of lira.: 4 prliea of 8. C. •. to the reeordi of the Count j will more fully 4 do eppeefs"- the tinx kelag that e* vhlah the KdrawBBaa _. „ - . - - --... i«.d 0*11* Pet«r reeeally r««IJed, and e* wbiek .TICKETS |«0-Htlvei tlO-^aartar* Imported Durham Cattle, R. II Hanton now mUee, eonuinin j V Kighttofaf M. DI8HLEY SHEEP, HOOS, Cenlleet.1 of packagn of M .Lot. ll.k.ti %Vf\ five hundred and forty-four Jlrrcs, fcc. ko. . -•. . - " nn. o*: • tciiifr do. IM '. more or km !>.. .In. Mquarlira do. 6t rpnE tub.criber. intindlnr to impend hi •nek title aa heonteyed lo me, which le ke* Do. ' -do. 85Ki,l,lh. 4*1 l firming eperetlon for Ih* preeeat, will lleved lo b* indisputable, will be Hade Is tb* nfltr for ule, it hit retldeoee,- neer I.eetown, For Tickets and Shares or Cerli^eater purchner. - . EDWARD LUCAS, Jr., ' Jeffirton county, en TutiJiy Ike 8d dey r/ AV. of Packages in'the above Splendid LotSept. 93, 1841. _^_ Tnuitt. teries,—addretl •' BJfTIRE STOCK OF TRUST -SALE. :', J. G. (JllKGOKY 8x CO, rlu of d d of l IT '' « • H r"«< : «»«o 'ed I e Ih. tuiUKiwu. -F".•.«• r—-'—rrrr--..^ .. -., .• my brother officer*, t, made a ilaTcment b to1h.l««'« I nit»tav^,. leave tbitSeSlo-«.. degraded roan ro im> —„—-,„ ,... of the courso I had pursuoil in relation lo IJ» V*. M . '-. „ a i. _ a i : _ ™ . .nnei* oetl judgrrient of the public, regretting mott *'• "ui""?'« Being at tb* house of the' late Major Lieut. Gordon, and I loft ihcnn to^relurn deeply that nny thing cnulilcreatc noHttCOII,j —-• IlrtCOIt,7 IlQCOn ! . IV tniWCOUlU Cre*>B the IU»> u»-.| m*"~— — . o n a v i t i t . in the fall .of 1840, jnit to -my poati at' PI :.- -n.__ rk u i w _. k»,t e A ,BOO Ih... of nrlrn* .Bi , lor vuuu • ,iiv>r»-» - r -... it. — ..Hen- ft*™* *S£S^SSt£SS^±^ alter'th.e affair between Lieut Gordon and sincere impreition i J, *$ , ceuity for r/.p.t, upon "«»rted. For «le low for «th or rounlrj of tion, have compollod me to disclose, in Dr. Doriey had Irariipired, I expret ted with my conduct, at „ ,,l wa> _.. eoniciout . io a manner, difficuKiai and itiuet opinion* In relation to it, which might having done a//that U man could do, to hich, from tb* domcilic relation! they have been uied in a manner tending to tuittin my honor and, that of the corpt tb connect ma erroneously and unpleattntly Which I belong J With the Tiiiitrel, Apprehending iuch Th* dty following, Lt. Gordon arrived havehef , held iicrerl. Ht-Mbeeriker will ofler, at public tile, ' event, I adHreiseJ. after returning borne, in Washington, though be bad mured G p. LINDSAY. U..8,:tf*riM Cnrpt. :. n.. II 1B11. !SI. on Minda-y the lit day ef November a latter to Mitt ——, guarding her againtt Major Nicholson that be would not be-a* •nv •xpretiibnt ih*t might convince bei , ble to leave home on account of the then . f>y---—--.•' -••-.•Ntani., ^i»te;ol^e*^^^ on myib','ScBV^^riv-eWa^^.rty'<M^(av :'li^i$WWt''>^f***s9t«*Bv& *> ^»>>^^ia»<aiB««1™^^,TO^-^^ IB CharleijUJwn,became dueOctober lit. Rent- itloj,jhwle'lb* b*ir* of tt: MeSherry, dec'd, (J,,, e*ry MillerTfor due to Henry er, ortheiuw. te turn ef o *J056,, do* 0H constitute* tbrroal and only oflenco for cert at the Marine Birrickt, and than and en «re reiipecitullf reijueited lo make paymenti the Mtn'of De. nr,;,n\oc(1Hpled by Abram[and George Moy- '-by two note*, -' Utring ••—•— dale, -•— on* — •»«m.fc>.*v«i.COStPKISINO which he thought proper to denounce me. I hero pave an expnrte veriion of Ihe dif- lu diaries Q. Stewnn, wljo is authonznl ! c.mber, 1830, end Ihe other the tit of October, lo re- •».—roieemon ., :_ Pn ,, P ,, ion ' wi |l he the 'tt April AS~ fi"-"l will he lit** given tR on.Ihe lal., r ... Wagoni, Gtrtti Ploughs, Harrows,.- : •The following it an extract fiom a'letter ficulty between u i ; and In the lurprife 1611, end payable on demand, and nlio Ih* (urV2__ ne«t-6ne4blrd tb b* paid at that the -.»-.! bl)nncB ,„ 1%VO rqu,| p,j m eBli, bearing late. ther turn of $354. Jue by-note, dlled Hie lit Gears, Horses and Colts, recently received from the lady' in ques- by which they were'taken, and without dty of July, 1635, and payable tix moiiht if. Together with hit'visible herd of Improved tion, referring to the particuhr correi- proper deliberation or acquaintance with tor dile, we thill proceed to tell, tl public auclICM'DHaJflBHBRRr. pondence .to .wbieb Lieut. Gordon has ta- ihe entire; matter, the officera'cbncurrrd tion, for *aih, in Oharlettown,. in JeBerao* n i e e ntu . i ill kinds, *b*ut30 in numfaei. .. iu a disapproval of the correipobdenc* ken *o much exception: county. Virginia, in front of 1. N Cirtor'i Uilf ., CoiltMncn, I nflu oux>, - end- the hot! of Ihoee ' , from three-quarter by Lieut. Gordon,. In con* «• J«r<rtm, Srpi. SOVUHtT Indication* of th« body or ilic liloml bclni; oui of »ero, between the hourt of in o'clock, A. M. * imongtl-lhe M. en FrliUi tiu B9lk e/ Oalitir. all m td*bv ntajor -vnfcfc6*«c •• p*t>i»eiy;-»tayriwarerrj,• )•••• -•' it., .;» hit been • louree of greil u****i**ia 16 jour I "jii.-.. ._ th. .10 Clarke county, my tlock, firming utentllt, lhat oe iu thU derangement In .or orI lilt* friend. •• It Wtl . UtUt wrllUB to m* | NlCn?1',eH. • wlifc ----- fco. cooiiillng of from ' sw*-i-' purity sx r;^i« w,r«drought ,o - • *™™"«<>" **** T bnthtt eiure you it wai aol through my Vour letter I handed to father, who adviied me is be pirticuUr with ii ; hit adviea wta taken. Al .to your hiring "MTered the list llo Ihit bound the two famlllei together," It it aa falta •a U U poailbl* for My thing t* b*. Th* flrtl tblog Ifeal led •• '10 inquire Into Mr. Gordon1! •baraeter, wta where ha apeeka in Ike avtcipe* fan of th* "unrelenting pertcoulion" of my now aainled patent. '. . Before you left Jeflenon, I bad* them a flaal adiaa. Ai to your having Influenced me in .the ilighlett degree, bj word or letter, I do poii. t i » e . l j , i i m l a d j , deny. Hitbrulil eoaduct to wr deir fathir thill ever b* r.mtmb.rcd by «M—not e»eo time een w<e* U from my memory. . Had ikt oBtae* been to me alone, I could bav* forgiven II | but, whe* b* atrtvt* to de- t yS^&wmsm IsVrTlinlrt'ltTh Willh'" '"'• Dr. B. conceit.s Ihit the cursti- e rlTcci depc-nits on Ihe pnrgalive qaallilei of the Brandreth 1'itls i experience and-a continuation of experimenta rbr potion upwards of forty, yein have made tfckro the moat',*"'£?' ' CA n . .-_.., ->i_"'" judlcleusly Ulsnced purie known. , : l)Q or GO Farm Cattle, Oxen, -. _ ' \ F f l T BEE BEEVES VKBi ;i 100 1UU head neoo of oj & stamp : 80 to 100 fine Hogs, and f>0 or 60 stock Hogs, of the Berkshire brted ; ,1. Wagon*, Horsc.cart;0x.cart, Ploughs, POI»T. Harrows, <TC.;:' Hrrau—For all sums our ten dollirs, a creIB lubaerlbera, having formed a pirtnerihlp for th* put pnto of eondueling the dit of nine montht will b* flvin, th* purchaser »ereantlle butliiiit at thli ptaee hive juil «giving bond aad good lerurily ; cith for all "•» Yo*, Philadelphia end Jaltl- sumt under ten dollara Far the Bee»ei ind Corn, CO diyt credit will b* giv*n, tb* purehi•eri giving uotei with good endorttrt, negotiaconvey Ihii meaning, that Capt. Lindsay bad STAPLE'S FANCY GOODS, ble at either of the Banka in Wincheiter. had madVtuch concettibdt,!o which" tent me th* following reply. " PTeiUiWiM CU», Sipl. 10, 1841. Di»» 8ia— In tmwer to your letter orihla day-edat*. ineloilng Ihecopv of a letter from rer, tb 10 Col. voi. Miller, nine.,.. ... eoroi, ...,._, I hi*e Lieut. Tyler, of our to itate, 'tballhe anertloniof Lt. Tyler, Ibat tat you for having written the letter to M I S I — i that Lieut. Gordon1! •fcnunei^icnof you were all auttained by me, and that I icknowledged that th* letter waa f|lM," ar* unfounded ia feel aad spirit, and an erroneout In(erancet from what did actually occur. In aayrag thlt, I Impnt* wtnt of veracity Jo, no gen T ^?®m£$^]8^ ^^SKKi^t^B w h " *™*cm' *"* ^Siafi5i.ftSS»ffii£i£S.^S.,.^ Ccrttflcntes of FOR THE SALE OP JiJYpRETjrX VtgttabU PHLit property, eipeelilly on account of the Hill ihereon and other Weter Right thereto belonging.-: Such litl* HI la veiled IB ui, which U believed to bo iuditputible, will be mid* to Ih* • ^-T-:_ ' . *u*. i i i . ' i c i^*T--purohuer ISAAC FOUKE, j—; . v ; IVtmitt, Sept, 9.1841. «d *""• *'"> • Bn ^ J»UI1« •' *• • ^^^m^^.^^^^^^ Sale or ToWn Property ' ••' -' • "• .-:-'--.--i--,i»i.- ..j. «.i^« d i k * »K.r.h... n ^n- J y. SQOKVS H ».-• ti_ Mintaihurg— T . ------ _____ Dnkeivlile— J, If; \ 80JV. lierrarditown— /. If. STEWART. Bunkert-Hill— tEr/ C.1/A1. . O.. , ' B. U R A N U H E T I I , - . — Qfftci Cerntr */ JUgil It Mirttr ilr.m. July B, I 8 « l . - l y .^ , . :- JrlOTHERS, BPAHn-srotm OBcrxr.—. DR. PARIS' SOQ ftiUm SYRUP, ..,.„.fof CkMwfiiutQg Tttth, . From iroported ttock. Al-o, 3S or 30 tout of wall cured TIMOTHY H.1Y. . '•• Acrndit ef nine month* will k* ginn upon all tumi of *|5 and upward", with bond and ie« ri^HIS medicine Ii uied and recommended by icurily, emcept lit* fat cattle end pen bop, 1 , tli'iutaiidt of ftmiliet for Ihe imtnidlil* relief of those "liitlr, helphrUoaipring*ini<t* .which w i l l be told upon e credit of CO dlyl. •••-"—lleiB* la uteAiecordlrglol** Pedigree of anlnuli furnithed upon th* day • •- - - ... ^ _ * * -—._a..i : J J . . . . . . ;. ,y.,, :, ., -,. w* r.tpccuui.j lolicil thn public lo eril end lo be 'deli nered at Lucky Hit, near -t'-ir*»:-»»t.•»—-.. , I* ftiendly VuTrb7lWenrYn'.''lie'in"orjo!'e"ph. He need not weir for B* the cloak of ioto ; loMlie examine our ttock, aiiurlng them ihit we will Poit. Clirki county. ' •ent the publication to Lleul. Brooke, and that .Smith, deciaied, Ihe luoecriber, appointed by • eajaeath it nought but hatred live*. It ii hii enbe ablo to furnish on Ihe molt sr.commodc.ting HUGH M. NELSON. Ih* Court a Special Commiiiloner for thit purdeator to pull down ind trample under foot all publication proved to b* not Lieut Gordon'* | lerrat every .irilcU. from Ihe choicoil ladiet publication, but Or. D'a (meaning I praiumo, A'l*. *t th* time lime ind place, on* or will proeeed pnbli* auction, « who ar* purer the* himself—and they Indied | goodt lo eviryjulicl* wanted for_th*_farm. t . more very 6ne thoroughbred Improved DUR- K.furJay lXi.U3J <!.> e/ Oct<-tir iuxl. In front Dr. DorteyV) To utter filiehood, it to lay an many. To think he his mid* an attickon N. B.. Produce of evory kind will bo recelr, HAM CATTLE, of 0. Enllnr'a Hulel, ia Ibe town of Shepherdi• you mirely beoiute you ire our friend! I beve tbat which one knowi, of hii awn knowlidge, •d In exchinge for goodi or OB account. in umrun.. ....., I. _-...._._ it IDIinaen founded In unlruiA. Now, maintain Ibat • Clarke county, Del. 91,1841 -;t* .' /j_ s lown, acerliinj , ..;• • . - - . , - • . ••-• tpoken too much In Iliit litter of penoni who II JOHN M. LUFTON k CO. •hould b* bineith ihi nolle* of all gentlemen ; Capt. Llndiay, haiinig received hii information Uotoe and Lot Summit Point. Oct. 21, 1841. ' . SALE from Lieut.' Walton, Of iho Nary, a tource but it'll to prove to you tkat il wet not yourself In Hid taw*; illuat'ad upon Print* Stre.t, for. • or ' ! "IW.. :•( • : --::-:^ who "sinr/d" to ttrong i "<;•" 11 exit ted b*. wbieh h* believed entilled to credit, did not of eaU Joseph Smith, deo'd Land and Personal Property merly ihe property —me— tw.«n thit Jiilins«"*«J S«ntl»min and. mynlf. Hate thlt which h* knew to bi/nliAood '. I did acquletce in'the opinion formed by tb* It seems lo be hit whole detire to injure ui." TILL be told on Iho premisis, ern."'-^-" A I.OT Or OnOXTND (eneially, at to' tbe injurioui cbiricler How despicably vile, monitroui io de- officiri In the iram.diate neighborhood of taid town, of tb* lelUr in quittion. la making theu idpravity, lott to all tbe redeeming qualitiei millions, I nailbtr meant nnrdetlgntd to conESPECTFUt.LY informt hii friend* and of our nature,, mutt be that man, who it vey * doubt of your viraeity aa • gentleman. In reference to the further repretenUlioht of Ibui the teorned and derided outcait from my duty, la order Iher* thote beartt where .w< may-tometimet Lieut. Tyler, II beeomit — ._»—._... j,,WB i, 14 find aa aiylum when all- the world hat to my mind under a good tine of tillige md fenoiog.— renounced ui 1 A Mintr, infesiiog.',the i preienl. on FRESH J ^ - '--•' . tbere no joung tbildieo. CAUTION —There Ii • deettirloet B«othirR Syrup, pin tip In.plein bollUt, and Iht nsn.e of • ' PARIS spelled with i w o K'«, when the ren'uin* tlaitiB lubscrib.r intending lo relinquish hii il spelled w(lh only eoe, wllb teftril other el. U farming «p*r*tio«* for the praienl, w i l l of- teretlooi, I* ordtr lo e»«di Ih* lew. 1 1 et» fer for tile it hit 1 residence near Leetown,.Jef- hue v.illiani who lell* r.uunterfeli n.idieine |o fer«on county, etk WtdnttJay, 17in iJuj c/Aorini- destroy the health and livea of "I.ITTI.K BABES." should meet tb* cunliaipl*ry*<r mil, bra entire itoek of ' thai hat one drop of palernel humanity Horses, Colts, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs; pirson in them. One of ibee* ••hitrllets villiii.i" Baa Wagons, Gear*, Ploughs, Harrow*, ^c, gontxao far ai to publish • Soothing Bjiup fur About GOO bushels CURJV, in the crib; ule it his tlore, i* bii own n»»e, md itltrhei ih* >Pireciio»i, fc*. verballn it mat *f DK 15 or 20 tons <f well-cured HAY; PAHIS. Any indiridual Ihtl will Ihui rob !*• One pair pf well broke OXEJV; . Proprietor of that whirh la tenured lo bid by Undone pair of well matched young and law, it worthy * sett in the renlleatiary. UN 18 MAHKH1. 1RRIAQB HORSES, tMlr-Ml MMF.H, |h« enty place In loir* fnr the wuriHt DK. PAHI8' »ALE OF STOCK - — JUV«r**«, v, , TO HTJUL • NEW GOODS. to be kicked from . our path ; a leper* in OThe cillle ire nearly ill oroitea of the — •oul, and rotten in heart, ipreaping a that letter t I daiire that my mollies from tb* 9 told,ti»lb*bigh*ilblW*r, __ .. fa WILL hire out until Christmat. a first rite Improved Dnrham ihorl horn. iineement, ind during th* ptO| plogr.ii of thll durlng'lhe deadly influence, that poitont 'the tiered eommeneement, OJ-TEK.WS.—A credil of nine mo/niht will ^-'-.undentood. plain cook. Sh* ii'y*ung and healthy, and complieited affair, may-^ b. properly t and opening MI Friend AlHIie Stock, Farniing lltrn- U hi given on e|l sums uf |5 and upwirdi—eicept tieiol friendship ar.d of faith ; murder* II it not my province to impugn tht• mnlifejof B now »•!. "v r -,-will b* hired with or without her children. ._ . ,„.„ , •ilM, &c. on Maid Farm, L t k iriiiltr Oo»ai, which h*lBVlt«l tbe Alto— for Iho corn and fat hogs, for wbicli a credit of 'ruth ; corrupt! tbe holy intercourse ol o»o.i.. » inference! ,,..v..,.»-...j oibert. • If inlartoui toy,rou o or mvHlf ; COMSISTINO 111 r4*T Or, ' ••-Til. _ .L? «->j -,»V •illy davi will be given—wilh .bond and apiirtanl and gardiner 1 . . .-. ' ' heart With heart; and breaki np, with a be driwn, while o* the field of honor, from to call md eiamine. pro»ed security. All sum. undtr |i psth.Some good Worlc Horses oJ\d Colts, CHARLES LOWSDES. admistloni whleh, la a ' -"'--*---«•-^— • demon pleatore, tbe tweet relation* of WVIHWU r|.»..-.— ~, - ; -— Nr> property In b* reaao?id. until la* lermiof Oct. 14,1841. - - - . • .._ i_.». r_. it..'J.. A good Saddle Horse,FruitM. Confcctionnry, Ace. •ocial and domettic love. At /or tb* da ule are complied wilh. • " , • About jyieen head of, €Wffc, B80RTEDf.(iNpECTIONAHV-Oranr,ei, Conipany Order*. . *HiLll*T.' DANOBIDOK. nunciationi of Liejit. Gordon Ibamtelvet, ..Vm«5i*tor,lh. aubjeel milter of diipul*. I N •Samegood Milch Cows, ' . ...,,',.. lR company under my commtnd U ordtr. Jefertoa eeualy. October 14,1841—b. .«.. L Lemoni. Almonds, Fllberti, Bnglith Walv they are the deiperata rf tort of a man entw.r at a BMB of honor, convinced aa I wai, cd to parade at the uiual plae* in HallA few i»iiiic Beeves, ready to fight if necemry, aad nutt, Palm Niitt, Brandy Peichet, Aatorled who refuted, under Ihe moil cowardly "**"' town, on Saturday th« V3d- of Ihe preienl Admtuialrator'H Male»nd baielett pretest, to redress himself by 1 -....*_. I, «C 1 JUW I«i«.-.- '• amb, *t 11 o'clock. AC M. y^lM.B*a,U ibosa honorable meant which I gratnitout J. H. BEARD * CO. ' : ' JOHN ftOKENBAUtiH, Jr.,"C**l. , I lee* quarrci WIHI uu .,...., , M/ ...... — Oct. l i , I R 4 l . •ly -ly profforod pruuarvu, -him. n.u,, and ...u are w < « the ..— mere .- -"**^ A jtock of Shtep, dene* of BolU. _. life forbid so ban a .paiiloa. I undertook Ihe talion of a jealout honor, which he Icoowt ruinigeraent of ihii aOeir with in ope* ivowal milel aorlh of Smilh&eld . m e o r , from 80 to IQObarrelt of WOOS>, WOOD. mpnny Orf|«r«e and fault htmtelf to have loit. Were the of my delermlnatloa to pnvent bloodihid. If-1 eflf l*i> feraoiml Property Mi put The Crop of Wheat I^HK company foraarly eommandad byCip> t few loidi of "', with honor to -all concerned ; my court* . . . *. .fe had co-esteniive , CpHIIITIMO l« TMT Ula Liekllder It ordered, 16 parade at the I III progreu initalna me in the itterlion. l—.—r-T=-.r-^^»..._.-_^-«rt^rf.T-Jhl,^^ — ' " rfc.'..s ...•lii in j» Mttt> J H ^Mttt>tc-C0, ' !**> ico I & •K .held In their retpecUf* CpttOtWlf tb* fallowing Agenle i -,•-,_. .,4^^__!_;: Jrjfcrson County, . . . Chirleiiown-C. IK. .JlMjriTH. ry, .no .»™«.only eill.d "Gulf MIIU." eon- On* of th* fettenihK it tuppoted.WfiUld veyed lo ttt by tali Strldir M aforeaald, con- weigh, In order, VfldO Ibi. About GO half-bred Dishley Sheep, taining Bucks,* — IJW*. aeyinensnwy _ . . -r?"'.-~-^-neDiiMcy g. — - "•-"' Or to much thereof it rosy bo n*e**iary to »- and 20 or 30 CD);imo;» Sheep. tisfy Ihe said debli and the interett thereon due nf/ti Fat If tit tl"- . • t*«lil*».^^.:-;.-.',,.- '^KSSKSi^^^mi , . " ' . B KILllAM'8 Mere. • //nrrsri-r'.rr,. 'AVrlA Plft St. fuincitrnu. • Dysp epsiaand Hypochondriacism.... Cwtd ty Dr. IMM'I, 4>f«»r.lfd JtftMrltwi. Mr. W I I . I . M M MOIlTllilON, of tUmylllll Sluh iittel, Phll.itclpkla,aMiiUHlfor arirral* with ihe ibo'e.dltliettlng. iliiflar— it Ox. llmnath. hroilaclir, u>l|>il.llul>ol'Ih. IK >l I, i u i p . i l • . .1.- __!.. ..•!«., . . . t . t n , . m . Autl «r«ll. ?t«aS«!! A*??'MSB± '"oVWrn,. "SHH.--WV >».» •ho calb answerol allow ^mutt be , tayrlo ba persiil. leitilt ?— faeums to proud . i tinoui 10 rec«no iuv >••.•* «»• • - • • • ' - " eh. .«i«r».,».i|.|J*****;*^*1 •"•WSu*1'1'1', * r*- will e « e i i U - i n the m6.t firthHOrbta lljll.— Dr. Oortey, of Jeffenon QHAlN.—For ihe list two or three dayi, ihere hai been no Wheat:or Orn offering. ^ • CATTLE-MaMcr—Href, iif noi a very good, quality, it coming in leadity, and iella for from H to »1,25. Sheep tell from 4.1,7ft to |9,00.—'"' Ladtbi from 11,50 to 1,75. Hogi at* Bow at about |4.60. -^ . drlermined purpose o Lieut. Gordon, to afloi •ration f \ttnt FLOUR—Bine* oor tail, floor haa rontinnlake ed eiceuively dull, and hat fallen y>* ate, eei. Ibe barrel. Yesterday ihe wagon price wet $5,2S; frum stum there'll no d fin and, anil w* hear of SSI, , ___^_ or r __.«.i»4.- the eircu(n«Uncei growinjr out o lj.5,.0or5oa for |rt«l |?'"T'", - - Pnii.inii.rnu. October 1G. "*• •[' Floar |6 M.»6.95. Wheel, from tt.85 to nleJi^Or; Corn, 61 lo63 eeale. " ' bun I 1*4.50 to M^vnv** ""• 'sfflk tt .__._. I pn-z—z; tal jfflf . },, ,;..„ I r i i i y or looterialion, languor and t.i.itudi* en** Ma. — htoiiitoa had tp|il|«etej the Iratl owMtoti. __. .__ . nniiicul •to » «H>sld.Kil K **>. yuutl Ike. |iu»er uf l > u m > i i -•-" u <)lr»l<h-(-|fi.»<^Mr*a. *'*^ neaa of ___ JDSKl'li Q..r» """"NIOHOLSON.^ r* frie«il of .tils lo_lry Dr. »bl«bhe ^toarfternt'tfar. and hickory fire Wood. ll.ey.Vlng 0«t.T,l84l. «m>.-? w Wgkly — ,— . r.c.u or icr tan |iuunv to thlt letter to pep fure mint i » c k . K > l for lur •• Irlett t i l si cwcd two, iw*kig<l ynlghl the I8lh loll. And tt %t of LoCU* Poltl. P M some of them Jit for tht pen, ' • how far Lieut. Gordon ii sustained „ . '---•• fc.iwd ^' klma, Orders. . il« UIMIS. en-. lul'by tonluiuing theme in hit publication,- . ~ .:• 'Jt D?rk Bay M»r<V ^ ^u M o/-AJw«teW Furniture, elpHK*omp*ny formerly ,commindid by Cap- Corn and (Juts, . llrrly dluppn"'"-"1 U it true there.are adminioni mad* in OM good Road Wagon, her a 'aktM|e,_brlol* ^^fgj^ng a very handsome pair of ih'nT I. tain Ithinonan it o'rdired lo parade at Ike Ingt of uetfin I'Uli t hii letter, apparently condemning the" .and martingale. She H fl or atnal1 place In Shepherdtlown, on Saturday the Two Plantation Wagons, ing "tobies of the latest fashion, - P!i»clpal UJJUi far III Hit of lift TjaWk/M 4j . di> of the present month, at 11 o'clock, coneipondence in retpecl of it* ••injuri- -,-, .«» rMea and work. W.ll. H.r«.B. 30th Wagon Gears, Ploughs, Harrow!, (fc. •4 M I*. Aerlk K K i l l T I I H H t t . I'k.lvltlpkd. TERMS Of BAt^*borl ««dlt,.. th. . M. JOBRPH O. »ACkBTT, JUft. II, legl ar* Bi»e*. T . — leg! and ind feet are bUok ous character," but it ii no where da- Uil. AUu— for aal* at tk* atora of — ALSO, A r.UUAT V 1 H I K T V Of A liberal niward will be given for her reeov. B,t,Mi Cprn ,n(| porbFon all the other perOct. 7, I H I I . . tcribed at lalie or at unwarranted. , \ . J.J,H.iTRAtTH. ••nil1 J"op«'y. propeny, •• ••.».. _. nine ....- moniha ...» .. a*mi y, or for Informalien, 10 UfM I IJ'itJLl'J? "' •»°» tiedlt of o* , itottieholil nml KttcUtH V • ; • CAerlMletrai That be could not tuttain mo in writ- ary SULPHATE QUWWE. . over live dolliri, ' by b Ib* l b *purchaser u r e b i * r giving iv bond »PLO«*ON ,. C I I A U L E S I), k I I . I I A M , MWIM'iTtrjKK, ;—,:. ^biie in ignort,--,— ..., . , tad ipproved leeurilyA Caib for purehaeei un. •SlULPIIATK Quinine, French, for'.ale ut Oet. 91,184I.-3I* .... -*P »li.r, Too leditus to perlkuleri»i—together wllb der five dollirt.. • . , -'' "t. d VOUNG'S. lowardt the ptrtiei, and the Mot* Bile lo coammce early in tbe day. rr»!ive ob 11 gal iou t o iu y se I f an d Ago* eel of IllatktmMi noltf _ . ft . J A N E P. BVIID A-JT ifi>orlm*rit «t¥r«»>:T.itll. »' jnder which I wrote it, ( wai not Jl-ttt of Carpenler'f ' ~" yvrfo. PAIMT3 01X3 &0 6V.O. Oat A ilie*i tlio. Window Olin of di«ll*e« , ., my. fitend, _____ iurpritad at > for .th* admiuiont, it least •Also—OMihatfofuguod ffpike,Ma HE nadirtlgned have jolt recoited * gen Tight olt&n, and on our' arrival at Clurlettown, 13 fir at felt,'were natural' but any one, .la.e^Vali'ittl^All * -kit* h. «UI MliSersl iiturlment uf Drug!. Paintt, Olll, chine ' t placed in Ilia, hand* two notes, Out atk- lakin*, ttm correspondence in complela With Htpy otbir ertlcl.t not Diisiiary lo »«,l.w. , M H W .pgtNBA04jU,Jr. log ol Lieut, (iorilon an avowal or dii- .connection with Um circumitarice* tbal l)y* stuir.. gte. fff. lu which they lovlt* tin 1*HE ab«v. Mtob p*itp*«*d u.lll •senlion. Harpera-ferry, O*t 14.1B4L th* I Ub «f November. On lhat d.y will b* attention of Ihe public. »yowal of what I bad b>ard, and tbe other i CHEDIT of nine months will be glt*i| •• ' j H n K \ n n k CO. it forth; would and tfp.aotltin 'me on.31. addid to ib* *•!*,* ttnut. »*«»• »ad_b*allby ell .Hint above |S—the purer).sir lo K"« toud a challinge, demanding .redreti in the jti in it. 11. ''Tbeie a ucev adm|*tiont .............»_ of _. Major . . , _ g — _Nicli. Multtto Boy, .bout U y*»r*«f *f*., Jl""«a ,a*d approved tecurity. The grai* end all pur- -ewsat-of ill ackiiuwledgniriit. Major jolioo le t hl iii>, — d ( hi a tl liu ho | OO ">»•• of Hi J H B*A»D fc OQ. ihort eredil., ' ' . ,,V " ' *' *'* oli-nn amouol, amount, thvnfore, I here (ore, tc cluiet of )5 ind under,»ill b* caih. N* pr*-JSipitolttjrt called , at Lieut, Qordon't re* entertained tuch oplniooi under a paitia) * Oct. 91, H4lv»L - I ' . .... Cheap Lump p*rly l* b* removed until ih. term be eoaiplll«lli t .n«r" ind li'lence, ami not .finding him at home, v a n d iuijiuriocl u|i|>rehmiion of the eeiO ' u* r H A V K luit receimd a If I of eheap l.atap .dwllh. 0il* t* «6mmine* at II •••hwk. At' . • ,«;; lltr*** wMl|taw* avhllib fa letuiued to mo alBhannoiidalo Spring*. atdVailrd by ope party, and of court* r|i,oMATQC*l .^OM ATO CATSUP In bottle t, for til. by lft*|tr. B, H. ALLKUUNtl. tendance by ISAAC JBOLT8, JUm't. •• uv....... «^ _^, r—-f — . J II BKABO ii CO. -*» 11.^1 !,*. l , a , l | ' iiL '.^B Subiequeatly.he bad tevertl interview! owned in *-'— Auguil 19./IB4I. ' • tCf All personi b»»iug claiau agllntt lb* his •-•^'-leltci »to me, that he had _ Triiaif »le of Land. P. ».—I wilk In purr.hlt* from on« lo two ,•1841. •/-_ aboi* .itat., will pteiie preteal then, properwith Ohrdon, without being able to bring r«preiiedlb*n|n>.ltow.far he regret* them, V-v ii tue of 1 eed »f Iru.l, .i.col.d I* Ik* iboutind paundiof good UACUN, kof- round ly .ulhi»lie»tid | md all indibU the difficult* between, ui to an imipable knd what hi* opinion* tie now, after a ur uib.rwi... •:"' ' , H 44, jt. ».-,„.. HOUSE .MOIJltfSEtf. .. II tub. u . r rib r b M trualaea,, by • - K . sill i.d pay adjutiment.-: He even w«ot » far at to mature cpntiJerntion of all lb* facia inMyers and of « »rd in the eoualy court of .Aiuparior »rtlele—for tale by •ddreu Lieut. C.br4on ibe following com- volved, may hereafter pottibly apjiear. 'I n. will tj o4r*T*t)f*r**le, e.li4 ISU BEARD fc COOct. ill. J. • " ii. <.«»t.v» ' .•municttioot *v'>';'' N r.W ariicl. pi.psn J by f, W. Do"*. cannot but be|ieva that they h*vo beeu . Boiton, fur ill* by "Qaia »i.:-r'..lliig It • duly t* roaterially reverted of qutlinedi ' ' THO tCJ ACT OV mtk. etery effort I* my **w*r t* bring aMttl I.I. person. Indebted \«.«/'«'' HU, * fv, lataleda*d tafai md, on which ibe uld My. • Uir and hon«rahl* .dj,»iu>.i,t of di(f.r.nee. •1 htva..plavi:il in y conduct, Ihrougl) l, .jid" ".'nUinrHTi Jo'Ic RE8." ar* r.qu.iud to come furwird ind a.m. e»t how resides wkleb ipiv jlilst btjtwe.n eBeera. <*tp»*l«llv th* whole of Ihit a&*«ir, befnr* tb* public, reipacllte *c*onnte without further deley, and nidi knuwr> ** (b* diy TBK1HB li'j« forsaerfrtenos.) I raggeit (hit • doofcb* ooeeed and they, to. far a* tbry know '.ho (actt, •ia diiiulutiou of.lU* firm hit liken nlke*.— aein by refer**** t* Ih* tale, fer a* object so juil aad hunureble 16 ill con- mutt juilg« me. 1 had avowed my r**di- All account! unieillcd w i l l , uf iiet-etiily, b* r of tb* intiscribtri. naoHu-8 Bai.« *( ccrnedt It b lb*r*fer* re*.ueitid ky'ate, Ikat ne.< to uakr taiitfaciory apology to Lieut Iborl lime, pMi into UinJ. for coll.clion. JOHN u. ri.Auq. if in eacillMl prea you .upurett ihe J.nunc Uiiun, mid* b J you, In JOHN J. ABttL.,l.,*«..fort.l.*t n AUintioB to tb* ak«l« r»o, U asked ind iiornuH, M ... ....^ ., il h* could rpra** ». mV _i . f relalie*lolk«e**duel«r Lieut. Lladiiy, ty*. Gordon, q«tl4.1»U. paralery I* * proposition fro*) n>», and o* Ik* bad don* him, and would giv* me an op- pejBMil eonUially e»uected, HIT*. lw* kv*4rW **4 eed S*4» Cr*e*a/» N. B. f heie it tie* *h««tlw TOBACCO AMD CIGARS. boater of itoldwr, I Would scorn m.kingone portunity to ' lo *° w''b honor. Ilii refuthirty dollirt •* my dad. wkkh (bat I MJttlf would »•! en,(erltln. V.iy uu|y, ••I ta tfluid meiuch opportunity, l*ft me r Harper*-ferry. Oct. 81.1841 i , 1 4»*T. 4. Nieaetaeii. Cl«tr*,v*fi*wi oo other Mode than that lecogoised fcy 1AMT, tTfcleT«y 'leexi U i4i*rrtlad,, wSU wltt W a**> Aifaal Hit, H4»." gentbattii i *ud bit rejection of thi* aJeo, HA.THX. MTM8. Thi* purpoie of tbi* latter! wai lb* lev my kit alteroativ* by which to render 'a i 1 I ...I..., h... lauvll of a court of honor, to w to thote nnicqniinleil „.... .... .... character, hit ruthleii violation of'troih; •and every principle of honor or feeling, they require from me' «OM* esplanation. When iulormed by my friend, Major Nicliolwu, lhai Liout. Gordon bad d«pounced me in unmeatured termt for certain telteri which I bad written to Mitt . i .11, impeaching hif character, I proceeded, at my earlietL convenience, to Waahington, and aicerlained, b-—w« letter to Lieut. Ty le r, of t language T OY»TBB«I A Lt. 4 A I^ltfru •H lave dealt w,lh 'til Kf aeterel yeite eatl. end nform ihi m lhat we «*a Baw oftr tflch Inducemaetafor Ih* puioh,***.*! ^Kl»tia»jai|a»t be met with al any other place, .'liaviuf purch.ied a purtloe ef Ih* extensive Milling at II.rp«r.-F«rry, end rented the oilier rartloB fa."e^MrMJlC. J,Mre b t((MtZQifj .Hi, ttt\i» Wheat. We will II lb* InUre.l of th. Farmer* Bod ejthetl to ..II It Ihi' er el >neh points upon .the Pell Rnid or t:inai hil II on reach Ihia place. From the idvj«leg** «•• have ol preetrie, otliMKOf IMo »«rk*t •t.ry tlatAMh* greet saving «f llterett end rHk U} mlck •••l«-ta»*lhtr Vllb th**re.dyi.l« for ell kind, of Mill FeeoV enable, in in MJ «ver.I eenla per buthel more thin -any Milling In revh.of UijjWhe'.l of the lbov*eounttet—init hoWevet* the Farmer. be able I* ascertain by giving H» * .ril •taking enyditpo«llloh of thalr Whe hope bur friend, who heve heretofore favored •. 'JWE, ua with-Ihelr businett. will now call, it'll It in our power, and we w i l l do better for them then heretofore. , • • , ',. . ,. ' HE underilgn.a reipenfnll, Inform, hla friend, and the IraTeilinff eommnrity, that. In at any limeee> \\ « inte keeping such trticlei as it rtccciorder to matt th* wlah*. of hU frianda, and to enable; him th* ballar lo a-rnmn.od»l« til. palrona, be h.i purcbaied the Urge, cqmmodiou., and plaatantlj .ituated Hotel E.tabli.hmen «.rj for F«rmer», v i i : or,, nr aat.ral Augri.l T '• PotKitloh Willltm Bower*. W i l l i a m Been* ford ll.ckferdlower. tfad.hiw n .jjarde C 4 Failed Lime}. . 3W) y.rd. 4-4 end striped d»,. SPO v.rd. very euperlof Vume-made Flannel,—.10 yard, very eufcerlofIU*i* mvl* Cinloel, end no.rse Tain, jinlrccelved, end will bweaM.t»Waeed prtoe*. •imiel Cfewell . Uiaebelh Citf"•?.John Cr*W ' . M WWM.jh.w9. Hamiifl Moor* Mr.* McMillan, . Catharine Miller John Moler ,$ Philip tl Mnlcr I'h.rle « Mi.l«r S . • Oeerg* D Mi lllin.e} < ' ' •* Pel- li •— 1 «..n.i-'nl thai noil astonishing end •onilnfal .,„., n have etrr Wrfkrtwfj.^ll^wk^have tie.'. ,( .Ire ,.,.l , (IT Or O IVi.i« I'lll.ior,, urn fan not gl.*.lbel he. I"*" tt.f.irid Id br.llh by H'c. ' I'*' -' Ml,, ' Itrall) ihi" rueillrlne rnfsl Wi very fftod fr U eoulilnoffH'" somm.v. It-1. good. Fur Awif ye>>> H iia«i>as..f>riin m the ••even, tlleiil Knnrnf ;• hitliifrvifa <if-*|.^rwMr. «hn »rtr It. w«y." wfalilO)!1« * : llht|e»ih • H,ii"i.'(iw (j.rt..w.H eesare* u. I t U «s Imiinsiitilw in itny irtftfe* It lm|" ni" *»•»*. fitf thi. ruedleiailf'e. to hush Ihe m«l,ing ! .ml ilo «lr« to In n.rdil.,, ... t '(1»,» whi.h I. annual); .werptie; lhaa>.aili upoo lh*i«v«dttne r^wMnri'gr.t., IfceV* IM »l»iek«* naitwinfCONHUMI'-i ION* •!«.»»•») « " "•'• bf II.. The uKwl ««>«l Mmptinn. MrmpliMn. of ef tlffiPditteee (Brew.hllli] arcCimgli, rtcirnii-i. ol ihelAngipr I hrnai, limrfw-neu, Dlj)ifall} of llr. -ll.iiig. A«ltiii.«. M*elib Fever*, a X|iillli.g irp* of Vhlrgnt et' unriirr, awtl liimcli?n»f. !tl«<«l< tl i. «• Inrl-inrti.linn tl Ik* *we .Kin whirK line. Ihe in.idr nfjkf whole Mill. «;iliil Joseph Ne-weoeh .. Rev H H Rioxeir ll.nry Richard Km*iixynf.a&k m&thmi, -t^jK ..;.'».'. i* *n»uan«t) *»««««-», AT P*rabl*hi>lf y»arlT( b«J«Vfi.nntt!»ai will b# rrieifelt M payment in full, if 'paid Tnl.reljf in • - pfc-Twiii' Vn(jF.v\nLE rinji Plaster, Snll, SI., Chnrlmtown, Fre»h Fi*U Dry mzrMsmtifiem « DWAiiD Tlie^eitaHor and interi.u haV* been khbrongkl; elaan.d and palntadlTin* f»l Whit*—the room, remodelled OB lh» moat appro»«n, and refurnished ; and the lutarlo prlcee U«i (airk*t, tvill .—. -,-»,._ T IB prupoiliun lo Ihe roarkelprlc.of Flour. JLUha«* received and uflor for aal* a. above. A|T>ata*aeaU of Ik* eqtir* .a.tablUhraent thnromhlj ttorjaniicd, with an eja .old; loltaf rnsert aad other* taking the »**rU.lewp No. JBI VtUlnoMJU Balllmora. %OBrfart>eontenience, and gratification of hit pairoiii. ;-. • ' : ««!».—Ulue, Black', and Media; colon, .: •• Flrglni. Fitf IV»»f," will at ell tiraei know Cu.iirwrir-Fancy and plain, • : , our prices fur'Wheat, la »•- w i l l endeavor to The convenient approximation of thi. Hotel to III* ..... , —Anenr.e)lnilaiid«;he»pf-ot, . >epol, rendcre II a desirable .lopping jilace for Travellci. orf.lhie havff them published weekly. • , To)|lual, V*l««l, Silk, r : ;Tl»^MilKill«'' M ill ".wiUvbo-.carried '.otr Tile .unicrinerv }h«r«fore, hopei Ihit hy hli untiring exertion, to by Ihe under.ign.d, ulilll' B aalVnr ih*'..«r»« ii keuluchl Jeana and other Negro Qooda, ipleaM, end hi. long experience in the butlnett, lo m.rit in* ron- efl-ectrd. In Ihe mm* of MfflEl. SAYDER BcaTer Clolbu Flutblnca, . . . ' liniys li> receive the! liberal abare of pntron'age heretofore extended to him ; it liei'ng hltifrten- It CO,, IBI) the builnett of Ford h Snyder eJoaPilotClotha; BuffaloClolbl, • ' - . ' .1100 end firm determination to apart no r>»ln«, exertions; or expense., to promote lb* ooifjfl ed al that Mill and conimeBried an«w .1 llarBang Tip Cordt, ,-_-..>-. _^ 7 1 VA-~. eej-enjoyment of lane* who may fetor him wilh Ihelr patron.**. , per.-Ferty. W* w i l l alea give .Uriel itteallon Mouilln da l.alne t Shall*, Ifn returns his sincere acknowledgment, lo tbote who have paironlied him, and Inform, them IO all business confided lo Ul el the MillvlMe MaacbaitarFribU: American dillo, that he will be prepered on and after Mondav ne»t, th. 1 l t d October, to accommodate, In a lu- Mill, aid solicil a continuance ef Ihose Ferae re KarlitonGlogham, 4-4 wide, , , : ' , - . . . nar Bianer, alibi, old friend., and a» many now one* ta may be inJucsd to give him a trial. whose convenience w i l l be consulted by delivTa'rlton . do. do. Ilcspeelfu'ly, I. N. CARTER. ering their Wbe.l there. . ' ' - ' Gala Pluiil; and Tartan do., OeloberT. 1841. Thoie.of aur customers who htve not settled • Sargea, Paddloetn'd Cuirau, : , .,.., their iceouate to the lit July last, will pleeie lldkfa , Linen Cambric, Silk and Cotton, cell end do ea a* f erly ..' poktible, to lhat our J/atbty—Silk Cotton and wonted,. B Ford oih give altenlinn to settlement, there Merinoa, Saionlea, FlanqeU, heforn Whe.l commence, delivering nl Herll.f.lAM "l.OUKIIRIDGF. respectfully Sewing Silk. Spool Cotton, Cotton Dnite. B(NO about te remove to Ih* Unlver.lly. I - . -.. . , ' iforma th* cilixana Twbl—8uapaiid*ra.T*pa«,PintaDaTbr**dli iMa 2 r of Jeff.rwn.clarke, . r a i l e d WdonnUHV, Person. deYirous of making contracts for ^ *' * ^'6ffli«««"»~«^-"«ii1".: Bhawle, Bultom,. Suipendarai E Da.ld 8 Wllar', Ann Maria W*ll* D r C II WlritlnK-2 U«becca,\Va«hiiiglon ' Kllen Holme. Benjamin llnflman David keplioger .. JOHN T. CO«KU8,P.M. } Oeto«tr7,l84l. h':'^T^ ' A TLM. 6ri*lt*r« F.MAIMNli in the Post OfTicn at llarpornFerry, Va.. on tlie l.t of October, IB4I, which, if lot lake* oulMlora, thal.tof Januari/1849, will b* ijtbl to the Qeaeral Foat Office a. Dead Letlcra i ELowe A James Laing.Reuben Allot M » • - - •' George John Dr.nmon Ellsabelh Megacke} John 8 Bell ,.:,, Jemea Manning Jo.eph Bradley 3 John Merlin. llechel Baileu Thomaa McO.ahlB lilehaal Brad** ' John ' laaj-J K Beckham R WOODBURY FOR SALE, STO1TE C^TTIITG. Rnberl Lemen kltr} t.ton. Capl Edward Lueat'3 efe»f/»l«»« 1 IMHS tartltreW* B»*4letae la dallr altellag f-- TM.-F.*lw<rtnre«» >««»».-<li«Uilj wp"'A itferntNltainethel will ^mMraeiiaila-ttravHfor i, n»r *vn «vnj Ii. n«».' Bl.»ll li yean, »li«Mll'nVl e'nlrjr nillvi.ln.l ? lot rte nl.ii fty lint \ii ilieil 'iy "TV InillvMinl I iliinV w«M It. YTO kn«» Hwt.whH .In-mnr'tosr Jweph F. lln.l 1 II »Uay««.ir«t AMhi*fe-l*.>«Hiirrr '"V* 'lo- »brl« f)*th. All »lwi|Mu»Oils rrmefly, a«n Ee M Henry Shepherd Veltnilne Daal " ieml.." lli»l he.llh). lh«ni.1 bl. sling froin t»od, ae. niU ,.,„,: u,,. r . i t i H I i ' nr IIIVK.rt of Ckililrre, Paiiiik RrMkefl -• In fi i.,,,,i miiiiini. te an hour', lime. . Il imHenry , R ,r» .iiti.liil.niH, ,i,|l..ty.rM-plle.a,,.l ..,l|.rn*r«- mrillately' slil»|n.-s the vihlvMee of IIIMII'IM; uinlK rlnn<l Coal A; IMnnk Mart.rel F.merton Let! R t-bew .(T.-.i. * irM-tily etire Ul i mil rti.v lw J'i'lly cnii.iili'fYn • UI.IV.WMI COUilllI,, HIM! .1-^-.. -.-ic-'-—r-j—» ; Hiindrr.1. HAVB fo'r .ale 9,1100 bu.hel. op (h* bMl Amelia'Khller Margaret ".wearltgaa^^ .^ rL -.-Lffttelepa et ••* itrvlleiVrhutlhry are'f •i-ullarl) IKM «.4>l In the i wl|.. Iwvr W.frxi,..,, «,. *^ (,, ,h,fr pkfii Otntberland Coal, a porlioii .of It M Tor lloherl tvant • l.xlia s.irlinien • ' . olli*l"«|.I.IM.t-V..U,.w In.1 Fe- eun.l,le with • COMHr/M(.,|ON,» tixvc I tl butn regrate.. Al«n, ID.flOii feat of fin* PUnk.-f hlch - Jeevph hired* - . ••-, ver., rVwi- ."!,! Ague. I), .prpila, CH.UR, L...r ««*»,! In iH-rfe.t n»,Hh h, U. • -' Ahr.him rihepheM*'V- ' ; r (;,,,,,|,l.ii,n, Siek Hrailavrir, J».Ui.ller, A'lhn ., I ,K,v. JOS AJ'HAN tiUlNtl, 1) |). prl||,|rnt of •i horn.. Friddle It.vM Stephen IC3~AI«o, * new ona-Kor.a ITaftH for aal*. JohnFnitet '• , ••:, I'lriipny. llheurn»l,isni, Iv.lal'g. nn nt I.I tJiV^P-'". ' (Jr...,',ill- D.ill. K.-. Ol,i,,. , ,j,_..|,^ W M lnlroln.a; \*<lv*. CliMte,, O_ Mitwilime, ;M><*M^nir*. ' nii.l. r • "evurv wild, enngh and Ir,.,.,,,,>.. »i,.l ih.i ~ , . OKOUOll PH1CE. AuoMrpjlM . . Dim iluL-4, FMnTr>«*V """liiiliiiiir U' i n i l i i i i n n i 'Hi'x-i i.f in,i,i,,];,r» «iiff<ir»-i anil H«»« Ul Joseph Turner Wm Oray bllii.l C»Mi« JohnV " Tnr, Ac. Luke Coeni Ml* Dilka. oi B.Trn'iVs,* J.. w»a • 8.||0« l>-, l»xion,aiidTn.lll!»..-a'ofTiirivnrof,"v H •'. where., ealharllc. or an en*nrnt I. Kirril of A.|hma, of twenty year. M.rullat.l And -an, at an j Hot*, order from tleltimnr* or h Alexander V.nest I ' f . i l . i l . They werxti-rilinglv«illdifl > lhriru 1 n;r> [iwoBolllcioflliismenieliie — Mr.. W....I, elao pblltfi ofthi. rnrn. wo Slatiynd City Stock?, W etloktnWitaiaMtJicliKt .!n"iK., arlplng.-- -'J -'',' j of >«l«aa^|na;e«red of the .nine <oniplalkt l.y «ne ItllARLESTOWN, f A. Uic to*B,V«., »«wl» «»l.h«d, 8TOW» ,K« ty 18 ttti, <*h» . of* •lidffrit or th* (am* alia, atluatad OB WerHAadertor Blr*«t-— David At It UitaAewlHr** , . Helen Wii.ioM f low to a good iff. \ BITERS Office Bbepnerttt|H4li BaWoel Knoll 9 .in ,lcfrr the ii«jliratjonof lh> year, ln^c-<t will t« rhurRCd. Ml" 8ab*eripUnn!i for MI month*, |l 95, to be Slid invariably in adrnnn*. • The term* of ndwitwlnji are, fnr a-«)riBT« or i-le**'|l,Jar. U»r«.jn!<erilpn!i—largpr .me» in th*i aarne proporifiinl ESch cTSrlttirniirtcrriM-rrr(i*f« r oqaari!. KJ"*!! »ilverti«im<tnM not 'k'^T'1 (nt ' Btwctfio time, »ill he continued imllUbtliiil, and imn r S mhiiill,«t, «y. |.irfc.tU rr.inrnl ii) Ihrre . ..;, ..Dr. tf«mlllow, ul.Si. Jmnce, Bouih Carolia., was^gr.'.lly affreteil by a covgh,' ho.rar*«s. wij ' JA.MKS IIHifilNS, inn mil uf Ih. lung., »nit on n>ing I lottl* ef Ik. > Hartitri- Ferry, ntciliriiiivf.iuni! p v i n i a n i n l r r l i . - f . J, J: H..STRAltll. The fiilli.wiug c«lifieMr I. from a pratll.lng C/Milciltntn, iyiiriHti, unil e niu'eb re»p«-rt,-il .Irrgym.H o f . J. P.Ja. BNTLBI4,' Mi'lhiidm .S.ieiflj, limed Town, Va., : o,gust.-a7;i«i«t;. .-..' " j.:.-" .v' . -.' V 1 ".'•.','•.-•-.... . - «.^.'->, -. Dr.' Jjirna—.Dor 8Fr»-1 hatvr bini-iiriiig-yewr < ' Marlliutrnrg. i|u, ealrnslvtl.. In my pmiim, for ike May «r. 1141.-I I.M Ihree iiiiinih.,.nil for all atlaeka of colili.lnt.mCotifih I.OT.rnp;cH mailon of thelUiiKl, eaM.itmption. a.lhn..,-p.inuid tfeastiwn otrnr brtatt, It It tktMedly *k £\ BRauneraadinttlbr u.e o f a l l otlierreinc- di.iae I'.have ever tried, . ..' < - . i j ' ' »;VdUi for Coughs, CriM«. A.Him., Croop. Very borfping Cough, and Con.umpllon. 1 hey wll^ leiitirtly or»fll..te the Small' HiiX,; Mnexle*, or Kilrte* ofe OniOeal* from Ihe Rev.Dr. Babeoek, hooping. «..Cough»nelihtr r ^--.,^,.,. will th«y r.lsr lhrHr«d: lain I'rcsidei.iul Watervllle College; Main* : ••Prom Iniiiiiuie perennal Mqealnuiai with Dr. D. Jayiir. • regular student of• Ihe Medical L'.u- , v.-rsity'of r>-iin.)Uani», mi.l en eapcilenud, aueIM I' I'.ION i" le'ai time |han any nihi-r remedy, ci-»fiil.|>i-a>-iiliuii4r of mcrtleinr, I wa. prepared to aupnei.le Ihe nnnierou. ia f.vor ef hey are not bulj the' be«.lv but Ihr ehe.pi-sl meifipri-p.i.linn..muehniiir. highly ne in n.c. bi« .«'.nil. a iliry- ia all -that 1. l.isiliir«; J - J'" r»'-'—' whUb ere eaicuAlio-fur aale at ih-- , *«yy*m**."»" ' " < > R. ir>UNCAN.ra*p*«l.f»My Infonh. the Charle.towB and II. viclnli, maVhe bat openeAA WRITING SCHOOL in one of the rooma1 of tbe -Hotel lately occu pied by Mr. I. N. Carter, where *e wll.l «jt* In.truetlon, net in Ihe ordinary.mod*.-.of Ing, Bul-h* will lotlruc) ' M j5Tf..^L,..'A':.' Jir*'^--v' '-., -Ji •A> well at Ornimental, *n neeesiary la qualify the pupil for Ihe Qounling Home or t;lerk'( OTHce s end udd iherelo, the prhiniplta of Puna,, tuatiori or plaehig Stop. In Writing, lo.elher 1 —wllll "•• peeper 111*1 nf _ , Ctpllal t'.ettert. _ Tfie ejouna will eonil.tof t w e n . ^— . ion«6f one hour'eanh | al*-per weelr, two which will be gl»an in lha day, with the p r i laga lo the pupil, of taking a. many during trre day aemey be convenient lo WmTorlhe remain. der of Ihe eoiir.* ; hla object being to advance the pupil Bi.ia'al a. powlble; • >' , ' N. B. The houra f^r joi)i>g4i.ujes, -and little th.t he .1 III continues to make and super.cril known la thl> part of ihe country, that it is i*- thelr part thall r«ceire^diie .nd eirly' BENJAMIN, FORD, • icceiiery lodetrribe It p.rlicul.rly, a. «ny purhDser will prtik.bly v i s i t it. . .,-.- . • . ' • ' ' • LllASt" The term* of payment will b* very aeeom5.. 184'..—If.. — 11. S G. TUCKER... JulTerion county. Va., ) . . . . . . . .-._ tiering purchnsed «n *kteniiT* QU \ R li V af SO, Ifl41,r-tf, .5 A V I N H nniln nlciiM»e arranftmotjli for ; the mrxt bn.uliful HVIt out Tuiaftltd M.1Ktho raeaptibn of* Wheat, W* with In purJSLE, and an* ivttcr p/>werto»a\v and <!hi»a large qiianliliei, for wblcb we will R' nKDFOUD notuli_>«Hh._hit_Brice» wtll 'fa* LOW, boa "' r ' AWNAgra.t advantage to will ho d«llrer»d Bl Hit ii=k, M ilhuuj. »n> exti a my lal* toaidenc* in the imroediile tic Monuments—Vox, Column, and plain Ana Ucnd CASSS FOR H ndtonie,Ur|e tnd con»eoif Hi.— rim garden It productive end e« loniiio. Thar* -la an eicellent Jrchsr J of: choice fruil near the Iiou»e7 lar|(e, no vor-f«ilir,n l.irac.tone Spring afforda on abundant lupplj of moil delitbtful water— Thara «re about THIRTY ACUES of the beat Limettone l.aud , » part of which la meadow, of lb* fioe.t quality. Delng aeeewlbla, bj of the Canal «nil Rail ItuaJ. to the Cities of llir Diitriet and Baltimore, bltllenaoT lliouc places ft WILL .all my CIRCULATING I.IDItARV would find il a de»irable Summer rtaideiic«. ' '••" U In *h6pherd«iiiwn, pa accommodating term. Apply eillier in MttfiB oj.fej J Any ptnon wishing lo purchase will pTaiia* 1C paii)) (a tboaubicriber. ,. , •call at lb* Urug Store formerly kept uj ma, 7 ; HENRV DF.DINGEn. Jr., and the B.ok. will *>e .hown to tb*m by Mr. Chorlcslown, V«. Jaaeb Enller who ia elwaj. present: I wit Augmt IB, 1S41— tf. , ~ / TOTHEPUBUO. IIP, .ubicribcr wlshe. to tell his FARM to Berkeley counly, eltualed on tbe Potomac It i ver, 10 miles from Martintburg and fc^from WII.I. at all l i i n e a g i k - e l h e hi(b*lt price, in Bath for likely young NEQROES, of boll Sbepherd.towo. This Lund is part of the aexct, from ten to lw*nli>fi«* year, of age.— tract knuwn ai Whillng't Neck, and contains a**raona having«iikelj s.rr.nls lo. diipoto of Will ilo wait lo call on me at 'my residence ii 80 of which is lirst-rate River Bottom', (nit Int/'Narlcuown; and anjr eomniiiiiicalioD in writ ferior to any on ihe Potumac.V. 70 acres of fine . IBI will b* promptl) attended'ibi:-.--."""~~" Wood Land end 50 acre* of uplind.— . . * WM. CROW, Jr. I deem il unnecessary:to enter Into a more miNOT. ?9. 183S —If, nute description, as p.rsona wishing to will daublteif view the premise, and judge for Iberoselve.. '.. f US r received and for aal* by .,' Any communication (post piid) tdjrcjitd lo J , KKYES It KEAU3LEV. me at Millwood, Clarke Canal}, Virginia, will Bapl S3. 104 !•. • be riroihpilj attended lo. .' WM. W. WHITING. " August 5, iW.—19V.'"--.' r\ LARGE as.ortmcnl of Milk Crock., Jar cr*at» Cro*ke, k*., juai rtceiv d andfo *X* . MIU-Ett Bepl 9,1841. r aoo AciRES,*; !, ,-> Pure Cider Vim-gar • Crockery M'nre. , ensuing Se.sion, and 6th' achola.tic year of.ihi. Inslitulion, wil) cumnjeyceon Timothy and Orchard Gnus Seed. F8*puao. OR .ale. B f«w bu.heli of Timothy and Or •bard Ora.a Bead. KEYES i EttV. ' ^,, SARSJIPJRILLA. .•,jiapt.ajf. 18*^.... ••;:-!.;..':, 'lii \ Ilrltk lor (Sal *1V. | 00000 BRICK JMtl burned a, J. ule b} WM. Bl Charl.itown, Sept, 9, J841 i ,'i. linfua UniiiH. FEW Bacon Hams tlklB to due. lu Ihi. Ollice. Itaroit Wnnt<-4l. '1 WILL exchange Goods fur Uacon, Ihe hog JLruund. •' WM. B. LOCK. Attgutl 10,1841. I-*<««.l find ittliea JtitHtty. .CtgyERAL hundred yard, at »aeh for 111* |B »»ry low h} • 45."W, t»«U 14. IMI. . • , L,in»ty ami I tunnel. • GOOD.ASSORTMENT of hom.roade riaooel end fulled end plaid Lin.ey, for e.l. by 0<l. 14, 1841,*ey ami 111.1.Kl) end Limey., and hutu..u»d. Flannel., vf .uprriur quality; dfldjor lal* wer than cau be bought eli*wb*r*. J O H N KOKF.NBAliOH, Jr. Herper*.reri7.0al K. »4J Duard, por icuion, • •'^; ... .- 41 00 One .fierooon of each wcrV I. devoted to mehl end Oi ft a meale) .Need )«• W 01 k, for * bleb there is no charge. . it • A larger number or day.cholar., a. well a* boarders, can he admitted on lhe>u.uing -e«aloB, aa Mr. Trewin expect, the valuable aiti.ltnee of 'her. liiter. M >«« Wrpaen,- » ho w i l l b*.*MOeieiad wilh herseir in the dutie. of-the School. Kvory alteutioti w i l l be given tu rcnd.r the Institutinn worthy of a continu.uc* of that patronage which it tia'a bilherlo id invaria. bly received, end to fores In'lberupils agree, .ble m.PDtrt e,od bibil.Vf avaeul dittlpliAV %t well at t* alai at a conslaol .Improvement of mind and heart,—to educate them not only for e life of usefulness Bad intellectual enjoyment IB' Ihit life, but to improve Ihoa* faculllt. given hy an ever Beneficenl Creator, w i t h an humble aim lo hi. own glury, and their full In*> more l.slingexlilaneehereafl'r. Parent, {in re.p.clfully requested to conilder whether viewt meal Ihelr tpproh.lion, .nd if .u, whether .n atlendanco eljha Dancing School and Colillinu p.rliei.dcie. nol, rather than accelerate their progie.s. A fro(a.»U>nal will give Lecture. oo lha Science! of Nature, Bad exhibit- Expert' mania, provided a .uflcioul clasicau b* furiveJ to warrant tb* expeaae. . . . «tt*Ti*n*rr. AIKJE assorlmenl of Milk Creeki, Ja.M /!L Cream Crocls, kc. Alan, BO CbirltalavtB, Auca.16. IHI. .,JL lltrpere-Perry.Oct 14. li*4j. — . reeenliy built by'CiptJftf^rMr|P ReySmd*: o» the river bank; adjacent lo the Wtirehoufc of Mr. Short, and It-ring good- and fabstiaiial CANAL — BOATS; are -now U i»;the de.-ign of line uf ihe unilfr>ipned, to he genrralty wifKlhe bouts, to atlend to tales pf Produce; &0., (when nut consigned to ascni.r.l whereby the usual charge for comm'usinn will he saved io the owucr, and tbe be4i.pot.lUe pric*.obtaine^, ' ..",'.: (';>,.••^-'•'.'. """ Jniejid keeping, on hjanj," gijupd .aBJ . f|li'IB.neat 8o.sion.of Ibi. |.,.tltuli.D w i l l M commence on Mond.j tb* 6ih of 1ept*niber next, It which Urn* a punctu.rall.iidanca of th* pupil. Ii rtquesud. ' Farmers wi.-hini: In eichange Ihtir Wheat for Flniir. can.'at >bort nmirr, be acooinmodairdby (be undrrricrird, i-:i)h Float m*UUf*clukd II the Potomao Mills. . .-. ' . -; , iy. JACOB. STALKY; October 7, 1841. Plclil^ A CA«ES EMI ladle rieliVee^aeelved aad for »—>J. 1U J.H.^»»*,|P. ' j K ,:-;- ia*,-r' . Patrick Tlrplan David Taylor Col Lucat C K'Thomn. W 'John Whel.lone I. \Y WanhiiiBton Zacha'rlah White calling for letter, in the above lilt, will pleas*.is)} they arc advertised, otherwise they may nol receivu them. . -' JAMr8^ A..PITZSIMMON8,I>. M ' Harpara?F*.r;;yl October 7i 1841. .'. •lenre that he ia nol an inhobitanl of this cuun try i It h ordered. That the 'laid defendant do ap iiear hoieun the tenth d»y of lb*aext.<erm^»at .nswer the bill br the pl.lnliffs; end thert copy nfihisoriler he forth with in»erled in some new. EMAlNINlJ In the Foat'OAc* al Charles paper pnhl iilred In Chnrlestown, fur two month on Ih*. lit day of October, which, i <U(-ce.slvafy. and poitttl »l U*. f ronl uoor u bot lakoo out before th* Tat of January, wll the court-house inlhe laid ton-oof CUirleatowli he .cut lor tb* Foil Office Department al Jem • - ' - A Copy— Tene,-— -— . '• ; -^;. :.' letter.. - - ' : • - • - . • " • • • • ,.., R.T; BROWN, Cf«r*. A ^ Auguil IB, '1841.V • ' • • • / K .A Lift* ol*'Kellers ,, l) Little John Llttl* Henry LethorB BarahElleoUB. Ueorge L. o Jamea M l.tndley John I..MIIOU ' LucjVByrd;-- ; DatidBeea s lackion Broy . " Marti* llrnnieling verij depending In the Circuit Kupctinr rour D r V M B u l l e r : <>f Law uud Chancery-for Jen"*r»un County Wm Lille Dakar U llr.UQ wherein we are complainant, and %ou indnthera are' tlefendanti. ' The taking of the deposition" riiomuj H Binning ^ John Moler Eli«.h.tu Molet *lll b« adjnurntd) and continued from daj lo Ephraitu Bl.ckburn Mr Mile. • ,C ', . day till coBpleteet, -,; John C Mttlhcny Wm Colter . • •' The Ifati of Jacob Strider. SOB F Cnrnine ' Jacob Moler,> Ortoher 7. 1841 ' / larriel Courtney • ' Jacob, itjers Mjera & Uradley f.Bl George Rooke Cabbiae Jotepb Murrow LI. persons indebted to the estate or Ihe Benjamin .' IMatheniel Mjor. lete Mr. Thomns Tlmheilnke. are hereby. C l i p M.Doii.ld respectfully notified, tblt-Immediate piymrni Jena,Cotkrlll George IV Ch.mb.rlin Reheeea Mulheny required. Longer indulgence c»nnot be gi- Nathaniel Clruil William H Moore THOMAS H; WILLIS, 4im"r.. Wm H Clilchest.r Maria Uatheny NOTICE. 1 liver uulice. ' i • •*! -. . . J UROHdE HEIST, Wlnebeiler, June 10, 1941. lltonr. Wllllim B Daniel. Dickerion . W Duncan A UUryden ,, ,;;v.'. «• F a •> - -. UAII.-UOAU KOT1CB. WTOTICE It hereby given, thai, b} a re.ul'u-. ill tie*) of the Mi.inl UT Ilireciur., Ibe l'»..enner Trein of lien from Wiiiche.ler to Harper.r'errj,, »m. from and.eft.r lo-dey, lha lOlb Initial, le*>e'1be Tirkel Uftce it Winchuter el a quertor Mora1 ft o'clock, A. M . until fur- M-JL William Kl.hin Julia M English ».' loko Fof.n ,i^UOM Ibi Drawirs of the undesigned, on llMmphrey Fletcher I. Wednesday the 91.1 '.f J u l y , the day of Ford fc HnyderS ' nioale, e QtXLD WATCH, w.ith Ibr leV An.ird U Fairfax :. teV. C P or. the beck, gold f.crd, with a .mall crack ne.r Ihe fuure 0—the handle very much Martin (ireeu ' worn, at II wit used with a aeal. Alio; * LerlT utin Doet B Oallat ,." Jl Gold Chain, Bar and Link. • Norotrki recollected. AUo, lundry articles Joseph .tirey •JOO j.rd. Fulled and Pl.ld, Ll6..y. and A haud«ntne reward will be given fur Ihe reCjHoina-ro.d. Flannel ..f Superior quality. covery of the aaaae. Al. tbere were several isa1 f»r t»lt luwrr l/i.» iuu.1 e| .een InnklaglB l»isT«rfW*|e, if they will return , J J * E P MILL£K. Ihe Watch, and Chela, *o question, trill be likSept. SO. 1841. .,, ., ed—.Ihej may raly vn ii, If lha} do not, every txertioa will be need to cnnvici them. .Welch look aul far 'be above Travelling betwen Winehe»ter'nnd I far-, mibereer* .rlicle. £OUN PffEll Drail llorttr. Wm JaoiD. I'ersell . Arena Kobli.son , William lleed Hear} Rowl.nd 9 Edward R«b!uson S.muol Illdenuur . Andrew llowlnnj Augusta Reoton • Janit. M Illl., -.-• Morgan II Rawliai DJU'| Ruttell , . • '•••- : ' 8 .;• Jacob Slueli Esrutii Bhfer' ,, I.«ic nhawallBT S.rah Hhermau • .Joaeph8t*rr}..::._ Pinny Bwre*} ent. Sleepy lie A "mllli • Raphael Bhewallar J Harris Joseph Heat 3 llcnnelta Hoffuian Mil} H o l l i i l a y . Mary Hall Nalh'I.JJ Huckins J*afer*oa Solemoa HeUleLuwer Lilian lloinne . . Mari*ABingle>*4 R John M 'H*lM« David How.ll Datid Uellleuuwir 'J John Hill •••'I D HoaejBUB . Thnmat Tbomp'ton W W ThrockmocloB, Mary TimWrlake Lucy f to«l W , . Mary R Walk* ITvK a large ilxe, md >lx yeare old last Bprlag, I.ankln Johneae * , Elix. Wormley^ . Ul for tale. • A p p l v t.. Dr John C Way • Oi'eer P Jeckion . :& KEVBI fc KKAItSl.tY flimuel Wrlltej--~i7K.ble b Juhu.ou AugB.tB.1841. _^_L-_ Jeae Walton Cl.n.Kllea > Eli»aC W.lloB M.stcr W,,r , Bbeltoa Keaiw' H. KEVES, P. M. HAT*. •FASHIONABLE H ATS (D.0r»ej)ju»t re- Also^-foruk a'f'ihsr -ali . '.—..' .. WM, AXDKHSON,• ' " JAMES iiu;t;iNs, ' Ji P. >. ENTI.KR. . • titictihrrilltruni. ' . J, J. II. 8TKAITH, lij 87,4841.—Jy. Ckeriuloicii Harrison1 a OclwUr T. »o4|. fipccific^Ointment. F OR the euro of Whilo Swilling.. Scraful oil..Mill mher Tum*r>> Ulcer, i Bore Leg.. i l d . l l . l l i . ill Wound. | Sprain, anil lli-ui><-> | Kwrlinga and li.fl.mnution. ; Ueald lleaij. | Women'. Jiii-e Ureeyn K lieu mm i o l'»in . t Teller i Knipinn. I CUIlhlaln. | Whitlow.| Ililr. i IJ-nni; «n. xlerual disr»s«. gem-riiliy. Price SU cent. ; H I box. Si.lil hy H, K. I Y L F H , Umei.l Agrm.corit HJIiinmir anil High ill nil, Baltimore. Alio—for a.te al Iho More uf - -••-•-. WM ANDF.IISliN, . .',.-'.'. JAME8 HlOlilNtt, John A»la. Jr . :• ... H TDonn Lueii.—Joba Jama* AO*U Hie 1 lih of No«en.ber next, at the Oflir • Bacon, Flour, Ryt and "Rye Chop, Tfcrt^hing 11 A V K + .ix-horse (ipike) Threshing Ma' Oats, (>r. ••'' ', ' "" .-'-'-'V ','"'."' chine, ne.rly new, and made of locust. Ana la Store and fur tale bt T A. Boteler, in- which I will idl low for cash or upon a short dtpeodtot of the ibov* Km. a heavy lupply of credit. J. W. DAl.liAIIN, '•' •" ". ' jf-.tfwtfwxn.ea..-- r ? > j -...-''• Augu.i;i8,184l.' Utyally fownd In a Country 8lnr», lie thercfore polijely iovjte.a e.ll from HiafllWle. lie will rimer*, thai Ib. ro.d. lo^ali point are In fine condition—Inving I.lelj undergone ihorough repair—beat}, laderlearn, can pass without JiDicully. . , ' THOMAS A. BOTELF.U. ^d furaio*, July 81, »84I. ______ , 'prpor, ilitturbcd Urrami, Hlrep Hnikrn off Uy 'right >iid -Son .iniiiR, U()n»iiliioii«.'riur>t,"r.illiil liu, ll-Mi/t>.ir imhr' Mouth, OffVpslvc Brraih, ehing nf ihc Noan, l*nln..'(irlplng. I thf Slomaihor lli.w.'la, Nau«»i . . 'oraeily.lx'iiiiiicisJ'IVni-snius, llihlui; ul Ihi.1 Arm. owarda Might, and. at length il.jecliou.of fiim.Mn.l nucua-^eod go Id iloctbring tin n.n-Ui-i, without ny relief, because they do nol go to the root or nuii' of all tbrse lylnptomi t' Unle.t tin y can reason.bly aecouul for lurm anrne other way, di-pi-ml It, wormier* w.n-kinj; the deslrucllnh of yrur ealil.. Howfnany chilitrrnhave Fill,Convulsions, nd die, anil all from Worm., when a few dux:.of llli.SHERMAN'S'WOHM LOZENUK8 would'eured, prevl'nteil. anil have uveil their livea ' h-. Sherm.Uliagrailiiete .if or.cnf om-fint M.-i!iealCollegei, ami iitu-r icveral ji-ars of greet etp«» icncr mill liltchse HUlly, hit lllieuvmd anileomlonnili'd a mil.' ami certain vermifuge, wlileh tie ilc'hox,' Ptlur.Kumbeo I " ALI-.X BIIAKEU. Sheph.erd»l6«n. Au»o>l 19, 1841 -rrlf;^ ' V'.,. James Reynold.. . . Ann Uoff. rty liaac Richardtoo. Martha B L.mon Peter Lynch - • Semuel Lockhart ' • , • UfClIMfCERY. ... HE defendant Dn« id Polls, nol having en W Lewis tered his appearance, nnd given security Lealra Y The market prlea OW HVE, MfD <H*T8; wiHbe ^«ld 'lb CASH, oa delivery nl ihrWnrehnusfi of filial ihe option of Ihr huldtr n> deliver any Whchi purchased, either at the Warehouse or. at Hryquid'* k'litomiic Mills, aa we tutend lo purchase only for home manufacture. -<v'Y • I French . « • • • Uiuia. par quarter, Use of PIIBO, per aeailoa, r.lnlleg aad Dr*w4»( ' StalUuary ' • ; • V» Fuel W - .. » Boarding aad We.hbg Hllgl. Iliddlo Jotepb I1 Shannon.4 Jon'n B Stovensou Mbor J Seely Pa.chal She.1 2 . U . Mir} jB»a;8laveni John Held ": Ellxabelh Sweeny Joseph T He.. Hoberl Sheerer, Washington Hurdle P P W Stephenion 9 William tiuill ~ Peler Bmllh AdUonW Jon*t Edward Savin Qoorge Jacob* Levi Stinchicum . WmKirkham M'lastcr, Salt, fish, Tar, Wr.-OUeTohnt are bereb}' noli fled, that on Thur.d a ,. . -. t . ' Bireb TPeicher -WrtTram Right T Our cjperiencc in the businc... and a fixed do it in inch a manner M will protre »ati3laptpry, will, .we humbly;<xprc|, *ecurc f.>r at a liberal .bar? of public palriinage. . iiirir feVoreule aatleipailona. Thry aN - .jal ttu-y |iri'fi-i> m b.-—nut i|ii«tk noMnin.a—-but •kilfully prrparxl enlldnlca for some ef the most afflictive ul hiinian itliraw.. I know that they arc nghly i'.i.-i-iii.-d, ee.l frraoetiUy vri-.ciiti.-J, h> un tjt ihr inn^t ie.p€«iti»ble yf the rt-jralar preett.' i.rr. i.f iin-ili.-iiie )i. lh'» eliy and ei»r«e>rr. eod In nni he.ii«teln eommri.iithi'ai ..» valaablr ail. ,inii io iinr m ,i. 11. aiinliu, .ml . i*fr, eewell a. WORM LOZP.NOF.8. lineully lilelul rt-im-ilv fnr ihr illiraseil." . . Few are aware Jiow! raa.ny illafaact aiiic frnn. ••.-..(tllFUS HAIILOUK. J r . urrns; llwy >ra not cui.liin a in i-hi1,111 n,Mbut Ihim..7lhJuiml»Si;;"- ' —— 'i mllllonrpf ti1 Ut, ftflVr. HlrtlaTTtml nt.jF"iiiap«f LawiiNiill •OlrrerP N6W*1 Su.innih Neer ' Daniel O'Connir Lawrence Finley ',. .Q...'...-. James Oreer Wm P Graham • • Charles QrattdereoB Pnillp Uoudiiian W il Olllingbam 1 Ann Orivend.. prepared ^ to carry on, under Ihe name and firm of 'Stale} tocordlng to the act of.aiienbly and the rules o nnd Sharer! the BOATWG AMD. PRO this court t and II appearing by eatieTaclory e»l DUCE BUSINESS, i" ">ll ils varieties I'M just received ae additional luyply vfVruif pit Kettion of five inortlp { . • HAVE LL Beneaelet hereby c.uliontd egeio.l ef .Pleugh.lrona, such e. W Ings and Land-buymg from or Mlllag to my Negro.., For ell t»B Wancba. of lb. bgtUb tide*, Callera and »bavel Moeld.. without 4J1000 ' __ ithout my wriilen permltiloa. Tboea diareMint ' , Ajaat aed Bhear eMeel^Aeiaricea end irdiug Ibi. c.utiuo, will U de.ll wilh aecorJfc« UTBtT I al» BBjoleftt tipoo OoMUblet tA other OCoera 10 airea|«ad he vaeoaemilt.d I* J«il,-aiy of Bt} N.groe. fuuud la Cbarl... . U«»rfi»er«rM( //ii ruin ft i jt Jiu r, Ilii Mil Vw'ul.Mn. Jane', and WUaif Pttlt, and lit Hid Mary Ann. John W, end Umnuk GarJncr atiita; httn at tewe/ield rfiBI«m rut»U,ittio' ' j|feil"lnil"o"iimre«i Tnr a'few rnimth.,-to «Mlo aiiil make a fortune, knnwjng their ralsleiiee nd popul.nly must Veaae wl«i. Iht piiffi'nt; .liip.i ut they are ii.lrodu«vil a.a .tamlaril »it.,. I.-, n-ly. g on llielr li'trln.'ie 'merit for la.llng Wj aru'meil ami i-veoinni. mini by the M. i l i . n l icnll). aiid-bv »ll wriobne usr'il tliiin, »liivli 11 ' of their exlraordlnary and bcntficUl Peler Mee Muni. Minehan William McOra N O apd any olhri- article aVi nicd from TOM Diilrlel, Af Co'mmlMion'er Wortliinglon, In Charlealown save >ve .ihall take 'the drpoiltlqna of aundry wit ' prncured for eusiomrrn ree of any charge, > r " ' ' ' nrw*. relative to a certain miller uf cmiiro Ihc coal and the u»ual 'Terms per Session of 6 month*! for all the branchea of the KngllihDep.rlrnent, 'Including • Iborough and critical knowl.dge ••JXTKACT Ban'aparUla, a lerj superior . rlorar of the Engllih, Grammar. Rheloiio. r VOUNO'8. JCal.lklt. f,ir aale at ™™ Composition, tc —Mental and Practical AKept 1841. rilhmelie, Political. Slalistical and Civil Hco. grapby, wrfh tb* UH of lb* O'dbea, and Gepmetrical Projdctiun of ,M.p» — Ancient and Modern Ili.VMj and the Nklural. Science., «.ntUB, end red Ink of Including Astronomy, Ueologj, Minrraluiy, JL* fur .»io Bt > T " Uul.ny, Zoology, and ihe various .uhj^ct. nf Natural Philosophy and Chemislrv. . »10 Oil Tbe Frewb Language .*'«»-«-».*•- S 00 Muilcuparquarur - . . . . . WJ-lfi * JT4JJBO LWAYs on h.nd.e Urge U.e af Ibe Piano, per seniloo a so . Ihe ebote Nuils, which I w Urowing and pelnlreg, IB al-oat *.ter} prleeti" 3— —Taritlt «f .tvle.. gh«ll Wark^-W«^— - BXTMCT September 9, 1841—«3. Alex.nder Carr -~George Curil.a Samuel Or. II a ilxer Carney ' oho I' ' C u n n i n g ' ..D. „, •eter Dcvine ).niel DaiiRherty Villinm Dunn nii.M Davidson 'alar Perry ., . • --. fr*lgbt the lame, (baVlng good light Boat, for . the purpose.) at ihc inu»: Vales; ihd,'VrequirEaty,, Rhntf'of Jejftrim Cotialy, and ai ed, will, advance two.thirds of the amount "of1 tommUttt oi/.ninulr..lor <lt bunii nan of value 4«r ea«* article ar delivered In JfMmitt CnlghiU.JtCfaad. John £. fmg€, and our Warehnuso—the balance due on return of, iri/li-.m .V. CrofeniU, 'Jntpk J. Cr«lgftiil, Aabills will be punctually paid. ' « ' •'S' llumitl '• W. Manning' i'"1 <'"'*» *i> » V', '«'« Th* buiinc.. will ho conducted by TiinuX. P.'wCraiflsiU, John C CrelfkiU, Ckvta F. A BOTII.BB (th* acting partner) io whom all M. t>«li*i«, «n4 Samuel J. V Cr.lfMU. caUapplieattooa will be made.; We therefoie rcdrcn and Mm tf ini/iam P. C'a:gMlt.dtcti»td .pcctfully aolieit the. patronage of the public. ' ««. g. W. iMlt. Jokn H. Little, Patiy Man•\TI10MA8 A,! BOTELER i. CO. ning, lalt faliy LiUlt, Sally f.illlf , Olo Furnae*. July 89.1841.' . . . - : •; LUUe. <md IViiliaia P. l,illlr,cWU«n IMU the cidrr. '«*« laU If/l/iam LUllttluMtr, .Richard iridiami.aii'nf hiilriilor ff John Oi tgfi itte'att. AXeilian faly,8kirlfft>fjrffmim Cotnc --mi-it iuth aaatlnislrelar de »oni» non r/ I HBandcraigard would ietpr6li\*lljr Infonn •If.JHlliam Vti>Md,e,a,d, ttnld P«ii>, J«A» fetli the Public, thai they have leaxd, for,« • «ho»o article, nan b« ab*WB the •nd tho ditTerent plana. He will also forward • nj orders, «|)il«|>lii, fco., that may be desired •Or, by addriatlng him, at Leitnrsburg. Wash. Ingtoa estanty, Ud., order, can b* tiled without delay. • m- |O»No Imposition need b* feared, as hit l.ricci are uniform. . f '' 1 on comignmeni, with a general eiioilmeol &( BrowQ3b9'ile|cbed COT'f a.Vs,3-l, Y-8. 4.4,5-4 wide. . All of which will ho scild on the most accommodating terms. Bujen will Cud it to their adf tu till on ui. •' . Jr P. A. EHrtT.K.M. . J. U, STUAl'll. MayST, 184!._ly. Dr. la performing «oa* of ll.e wundn ful curca OB record. Mr. Wiu. Franpn, -of Pel««>«r< rnur.ij, Pennsylvania, wu. lakno In the fall o IH4U wiili a dUlre.sliig Cough, whkh dallj in. ere»ed until he baoame ao much ledui-ed ii Uah lhai 'fa* wa. ubliged to ha h*lp*d in an, MI! of bod.. Hia Pb)aielan. »l langlh gat* ti| all hope., and pruuouno<rd>li1. liMfi/ulail; ifficl td aaolhourabl* In thie'4mpiilt.-K»ilual!OU hi for ten wcaka; wb*o.* fntnd.of hla aallo lo >c<i him, and di.covered hi. » * fill cundil ion H* imniedialely proourad three bottlea of th l)unct*'i I'.iptclortHt Utmttlt/, (having w'ltaeated liie eQccl. In a similar, vise, induced him ,ti [>rocnre the medieina.) and It acrording lo direction..and lulh. aetnoisbmentor all frland iawlfcatlaftllf.IHI.Ml patient Waa render* Ms duilv oeeupaliofi, I row maat thouainU. o raluabl* fri*pda ha*a b*tn taken away from u for Iho want of proper treatment! The ver many who ar* yet among u», und laborln| un dtr alarming, aymploma. lo aucb^ Itwjjt to'aay procure ImmcdUlely Or, Ilitnton't tiiptcloitn ItfMidy. and if II b* not loo 1*1*,.you m«) b*. re stored to perfect ln-alih. Ill Ih* (all alage there Ii B contulatinn Tuund in till, mtdiciue b Iti aoolhlngind p.llatlv*-affart.. l«> Iktitti •/ Mt JtfrJiclM b at A»; 18, JV».lsj KIGIITU Strttlj f»UW,lp»l. Aim, fur «Jle at the Hture <if ». II, BEARD k CO-, C»a>liUMei> CIIAULtS I) KM HAM, Sept. 10. IC«'i>iorati«CM;. Colupbla, • OLDmpOE'»tlalB»*f J jjne. 1 HalrTofiic, Uavlaf li.lm of Viralni*, llowUnd'. M r l t n . m r (III- all for lie p r e . t i v . lion, growth and i c s l u i a l l u n oftba hair,, tar >al J H. UK A UD fc to. Cbatlxtowa. Otl . 7. IMI. • • ILJJI'I IIM. (Winter ttra.nt*,) Fl.b ai.d l.ii (9 a**d Olll. ' OI TROMO Cider Vltieger (or iel* el Ihe Stor C9 • a * . JL II. BCARU It CO.' TB»iBl 91.1N4I. V. Iliiulxiiirii, 1-ooL |0t-r»-! a Hervaiil \Voiuaii Ibr Sale. UN.Wipere, Kletll* UuB -Waeh, Beatty CenUler Powder, «),*«, C.p». fewde A OFNTLKMAN la our'neighborhood ofen Fjetki, Huutiug Flask., Dog Collar.,, fee f» f\ for eale, a. Servant Woman aud her tw Harper.-rerry, AuguM ». 1941. 11 Children- The Woman la young and health ,.••»» a good cook, wither and Iroeer. Bhe trill • •BUST received from and Ma. be .old out af Ihe cuunly —and il not told fi - M 4J rjlaed, a (art* e« »f BAR IKON, B» WHITE WOMAN, whe *ould come well Wooil U nulf il. 4500 «n| feull, bill merel} because her owner hat rcevatmeeded e. IB litdu.lrleu. House eB*t*»V. t«,BeVt»t **4 equate. Also. • In go more than ke bet IM* far. ller'oideet girl i. f WILL glue OOiiDH for nflt card, of Keeper, would find a good kea**. BMl g«*d about'8 Y«.r.r-lke other about ea* year. ji oek Wood, II delivered las*sedi*>el}. •Ifet. •} appl.Ug U fer •erliculara, luqulte af -^:5/>'-. I have LIME for eeU, WM W. L. WEBB. HatTen l.nv . • BbtphiiaaU**., Aufiwt 14,1BI1—If. Ckul»it»w. l Be r t.t|,»IMI. • 10 " end Zibe ia .heels. 14 WM. al cal«*d and fur eale by" c -, V . . KBVBS ex KEAUSLfcV A H.»Wither w 'V'' WM a. LOOK. , jtKaaSfJOeiSf h.v. made UK of ur Eipfcturant; personally and I*my family, for e-lau .ix ye.ra *iili great-benefit,, I ay eon.lili-r my life prolonged by tbe o.e of this luable mi-dii'im-, under the blr.ting. of. tioil. for ..r»l year..—I m.T (ay elrnn.l as much in th. Kofruy wife, and, also of Ihe Rev. Mr. Tin..™, Ihr I.Uml of Jamaica For all W ebogh, fl»n>m»linn of Ihr cheat, lttnga,amllhroal,llla rnrnt' Ibla .a the teat oseilipe t haw ever-tried. -My. earne.t with i.. ilm In-i» afflieled a. I been, may experieM*. the me ruli'f. whlth 1 em persuaded they will, by untr vour CxncctoranU ^'• C, C, P. CROSBYxltaet of i e'crtiBeat* from the BIT. Mr. Dr.JDr. jitWa—Dear Sir—My .ehlld, owing lo exiinic. wlu-.n MKinily eomlnit up ibelihlo, etaaalcked by thai horrible mllaily, CROUP. W. tilled In the nlghi al Be.«er tVlnl, and »lnn tmr ear* were al.rrjwd. .least the boerae, Mpal«bi->l M£T.'I.» p'rr4e*u> will, W(M iaU,W.IIWi iir.ppllcll tim.rli..(tDriiiio«h« tfcr«ala«4<«»e*i| | ud btiur*. many minute* llH-linertiMs. «aa gone, in child breathed freely >nU .lepl .wtclly. Owing o theiaclrcum.l.nee. It t.nnnl be «omkitd..l hy I liavu.iihi^lii.» (iplnionufDr: J.ync'um-di-, ami why I adviic every family te keep il on ul) tar any emergruey, ' • '•• UtiiiLtifnlU". >iiin., . . . . AHlilUU II. BRADFORD. •««or of the I'rvshy tcriaii Church, Darlington, fa. .Innr Ulh, IKJ'J. • - . 4 - . ' ' ; . Preparwd. oi.Jy by Dr. D. J.yne, No. SO, South •hlril street, Price $t. Wlu-re also,puy In-nail Jayne'. C.rruinalive Halam, fur Ibr Mire ufBowcl, lie. Vcrniifuge, for thcn-muval ol V. oimi, he. B.nlivc IMI., for|.sl», l.iur Complaint., aud Vrnulu Dik-au-i. <(<-,, ami 'I'oelr, fur lite reniiiv.l ol O.lilnr.. ami |.rrwrv«iloi.ol lb« Heir. (C7-WURM8! WOllMo!! WORM8l!l~To rvinnvelhcM liouMe.omr ami d.ngi run. inhaliianlai.f Hi.. Buwelt, whii-h ao olleu mivlr tlie.hcakh awl destrny th* lil«.of Cblldrrn, ta»JAVT^F.-a TONIC VERMIFUUK. e »d %af«' iircparellnu for Ihe mnavai en .Ind. of Worm.,', Sour Biniuath, \\.iil 'f AlilKtile, liif.nliW F«vrr anil Age*, •aid.Ucblliv ,'l Hi.- Si.inmeh and Uowil.'tudUrguia olD. t ..100. l'i ice 5U cent. UB TUX .ill ar TO* A H" V « V » LUl *L HIDICla II. 1 "joHNVultOWtl K CO., '- • Cae-fiiioeni* .-,-, • i ADAM YOUM. Jr., J.nuary Uv lM( .;. Uttfttft'trr* ' CO.NSUMP I'luN I i:l)MJU,MP nt» 11 Dr. Duncan's Kfpectorant Remedy I. an luf.lllble rawed} far arreiiing Pulmonary UnmiiUinla, Cotdl. Cougbi, NpiUiag uf Blood. Difficulty uf Breathing, Broachltii. Morwieis of Ihe'Tbroal and D'lh'cult Cipecluralioo, Weakues., Uebiljly. Lifer fooipMat; eud all other aOeellona of a coo.umpliva nature. bud siren gihen.-lUe cun.liti dot. not bind -ip the lyaleex' aid encourage iuainperance a. mualof the medicinal do, bv the v '•t.l opiates, alcoboleosBblaed'tii tbeoi. Biich medicine bate k great tendency to bring wiiory and dlllrwi, and tun do. In, upon many valuable cilixem. We'And by Ihi. weekly record* ol Ik* billa of moilality , lh»l threafuurlb. of the human aonl. who aw suddenly d«arUd from their dearest friends and lelanoui, a«e heen .w epl CO* h} thai Int. I Bad fell destroyer. iiuiiiu'iupiiiin, when ui.nj cuuld hate Beaa eeved if they bed used a proper nedicine. Ft-Muw beiiig. whu jel d w e l l » k t b ua. and ar. alllicled H i i h the praiuonilory IjmptOBU of ihi. dbeaae, procure Immediate!) Dr. Duneaa'a F.xpec-.iurniii Remedy before lib* loo late, ind ' not b* led te belie v« that etwh syiuplom. w i l l •oua pas. off without the usa uf proper nwdicine. Uy suih neiligenie, )uu may too* he led to know yo.ur full}. One haul* u.ay al'lb* lir.l atl.rk, be iiuiphlel. (if ing1' * full treallH, ifcoiu|-iuj the medicine- Plica . 1 1 per buttle. .l'>...' °'ct ••': . unaanigneil, lia ting enteredjnla par UL n,-r< l n|i In.lhe »ru(! Bu«ine«», benrmn ifnl* from tim lut tmt*ntjr«.pe«»full»j«*»»-ll know* Ihtl their concern will be eowdiicled under the above name and'ttrml and .ollclt a contlnn»nc.e of the patr'Swriia heretofore' liberallj extended to one of the paci'n«m whilo alor.e. Their aaeerl»«nUah»lUbn alw»yj_fuU jinil trcali. and s of dealing mad.e to metltlne .upp ijiiEU JOHN'Ji IL STRAITH, J. II. lifcARD. 1; 8«nt. 9, ''—.^Wk'R. STftAtTU tetpe'-lfully augfreaU to thu r- JLf puhlie, thalih* atlnve partneuhii. place. ,he;bu.inl.a 'of Ihe Store entirely under the n.nagenient of Mr, Bnard, ami rulwves him I from air enwtemenl., in "any way Aendlng-tol «ivert hla mind and altonlioii from a rigid and ltudmu.pur.ult of Ji'n nnifeislnn, In whicW II ahull hereafter be hi. only, ambition In excel — I A*"y attention hereafter extended to lh« fi'.r>rel by Dr. 9. will b« in therap.oity flt * PkjsWeM only- "a will hereafter be found in hi* iMnoel -at kit reildenee unle»» pVofenionally engaged. g*B|«ittihef fa, IH4I. " ; . . _ ir. Williniw '¥• A V I N G delermined to resume ThS p hi' pn>fe».itin. o*Vrt hi. .wvicea.loj ' Cordell nnd Alc*nnttcr AVE a<«ur.r.itnl HwinielvM in the praclire of iheir profei'lon. -, One* oppoiUe tbe DrugStere-ofJM-. Bro". •i Chtrlenlown, 8epl. IB; 1841.— \ ' w Ce. ' • ' . ' - -" H RSPEOTFULLY informi thoae who mi may'want any work done in hil l i n n , Hid It* i. aow at Mr. Carter1. Hotel, in Chejrlf town, where he will remain a few daja real to itlerid to order, fonhlt s e r v i c e , either b} II teroreilierwlca. |C^»RKFEHF.NCE!I:—Rhinnondele .Sprlo '• CoWpiD}, B. O. Weehlngloo;;S«q,, and olh" far whom he h'it'hung Belli In (hi. .eclloi -Vlrginl*,-' Oct. 14. I84U B BSPECTfULLY inform, hit, old frl« .Vend the peu.nle it large, IBltttjS, turned from the Weal, and bat again romm* ed bu.lneu at I|arpert-Ferr,y, in the «ea| floer room of J.ilm 0. Wllaoo'a Ihree building, dlreotly' opposite the publlo An where ho will be h.ppy lo receive tb* or of hi. friend! In Ihe Tailoring line. Hit *. .lull be dona In ih* nealeal and bed maol " and on abort notice. Olve u. a cell, aad " . Bt the Fe.hiont, ha. September 9, 1841. LL PF.R84)N» btvingclelmt igtln.t I M, »,iil pleate b r i n g by UveTn eccount'eif Slile, *e*\.rr<jp«»t .rn'e ime>«dieielytother«)telhey will be < AVING entered iutb en errengerotill Mes.r..-Webh k'Mirkell, o( IbUJ far the supply of WOOL nicei.irj fur my BeVi, I wl»|i l« recommend ell ibose wb» herelufdre been tupplylug me wilh lb*t I to ihota genileaien, where they will me price, aiaittefietory.aii ever, fad *\fl'? ' Uood.upou lha sam« Urinik'e alluwodby i heretolur*. H E MOR£COJTCL USIVK OJ tb fffieuey */ O/. HorluA't ' . i>/i i/ii-ifir*. _ y * Dltk «IBI— I W** aOtated wilh a bilious and ,irr...u» diU"« to a terji'g ij.git*, wilh •jll Ibi .jiu'lom. whtth' ia litijiHutl) a B c . t a reliae'il contltllaaj, v i x ; giddiMti 111 the head, vi..Ui,t tremor*, ehilli.,.., with a fi»«d r*'" '" the right .aide, completion bad, aueVooeli ream.) indeed I w.i in a ui.,.l initar aule cui.diliuu I bad l i n J mui,«, Lul fuuml t relief uulill bed Ur K u*4 bi'.«jlU.i«< end 6'iix.M /'il/i, »lm-h fiuiu Ihilr .up.iiur v i i l u n , I we. cui.ii.ltul) cuied. tmlaiuehle to » auy *«jaiMit, (it( fruoi piiuvr du<».e. . • (bi.n*d> . j JOHN BOtKU. Dated Xeaj*. Ofclo. Jim* 7. Uib. : -. Off*, fr Hu^ittU, JMUM U ' Alto-for tit* at the aluie «f J.J.H.ITRAITH. CB.r4as4.erai KILUAM, I .ho wlib, r*ip*ctfully,. to decimal W.n'il. •-. v-"i't for cn.ih^ i« I Had H t f t p U l i l U L H u t U l O U l tU tUJ •<-' ' ' ' Bhepherditq'wB. Feb. la,;!^--^ NOTICK. HE ptrlner.blp' heretofore eX4s.ll tween the unueialgnlil, under Ihi ol Jolm P. Brown fc Co., we* dusoivedl luaXeonseill, nn the 16tb day of lb* lajaiilh.-AII ibute h.viagKlatm* again*' • *» r.qnuu I . tu pretenl then, f»r to Jghn P. Uriiwo, ill deulu due 14 -, bita-beea u(unl.'tn-I '•• J " ' • " ' ' Uf whuiu payuem la tuned*. T •__2Zi£.l s ••, ' JO.HH.P. BRj L. C. COUDI f I^IIK^t.Wribar reipectfully InfJ Jl' friei)<b -anil Ike patron, vf fU* I .that he will lUNiimuB tb* buninta* .al l a n d , »nd i.» iletefiiiln.dui k«»p elwan -i.d well .ereeied'etock, uf xeuuin* J Bfujs, Muliciue.. FaiuU, U<* bluj fce.,-a,,4 ell utherailbtletln bu hue by a h ' J T i l iu<Mt« of leodueting lb of hi* ealifil<.i...ii«nt. t"d lij a pr lenlioa la ill the dulie. c<uii>eel*d til d.'.vor to merit e >bei» ef .the pa't.rW giinarou. pultllct. JO'UN I*. B| " "', W4.1. A HHOKTEU .i« «!.„. auJ AaTe. by .. J, H. bEA *•*' rriHIS lny*>kb'U m**l«tae U dkll« *ff»«Uu lU trtlSt «H»l*hir«>rf • »*• kVSB > kno»n. wn. All **• hiv* <nm lh.I h««« t-vt-r been It ever nml II far Aitlimn, Uomeh, BpW Jl..« ll,,^!!!^ ^wtK-Vf-ur ** '"t**? fir* . CJtiiimio PlruiUy, Hl>.rse'tirts, Ii . >l'*»*f»' I.RO *ftho llrrail, ilifni-nltv "f . »tt IBNF. »»T, *»» ilo Mlr.1 Id lltuwrulnfM.1 U l t O M J I I T I H . . ln il i«ut.B«li «"!«• <lrr (lie mill** iir ich U .nmi.llt Iflunnnils In • pfrntMwjv gn-v. ,' 3; s). row* it u, k,«n.i»ci,ict>Ns»j\irrioN vH* (Ur«k> spT i hroal, tnn,., II.-...-i • l l « Fffl-l', » H l ! l l l l , p 11(1 01. B H I T - , I , ... *».llVr, «,.,.,., und „,... !• sojuMimrtlilixid. Il ii«» lilltnium.lloit of I IN |M ' k ikTll • liii Ii line. Ill* ii.«iil'- nf the »hnlr nf I In •Inil luhvi nr .Ir vein-ls, »tiieh tuii Ituuunh rterv h "o> i.| Hip lAlngi. Tlii" r.ii.rtti.i .i.l Inttn.'ili.lrlj lup' « - Mr-.IV. Itlr Oijrtr. IMm,li.d.nimMtoih r>».r MM| . IttlR.-iillj uf Utr.lhlllt, n^.l pilMlurts a fl*e aail * e«s> K«r>i'i im .linn, •ml * tin)- 11 moil «(T. ttrtl. """ II -iil«.y« rurv. A.iliiti.—1».. or Hirer l.rit ilo. '•pd. :.MI UI«un,UH!i:itl*UP MI •.ul cum UK, i:i(i*UP fcr br HlVKSuf II n I* ; In from Rlutmmlnul*»t*m kovr'i lim. Ii iroI"*I«5*I» suMark tin- vmlsiiee of llt|tll'IMi bint t>> tl. . Th« mini ivmptmnt oT brut thliit} »r« Co'igli. Sonmrit of t COUNTY, THURSDAY,]VlORNlN^Oi B >';II, «mi «,i .(Twin a nutty "»•»• ...r t:i>t>'!n. - •"- ilh'r ' *li > IMVO In.-... alvi'l, up bv I I I , ir l'l»y IV. ; «ur>nl.- »llb "CONIM/Mf1I ION," h! b> «• 1C,i»er llurcil In (H-rfrel linllh by U. i>>ukti«n«B WK««t.Vi -*T Temperance ProccMlon. R HARrBRS-FKRRT -fOTAF. AB»TI 1BNOE SOCIETY w i l l h«T» « proeMilon tt t t e « » » Siturtty .Ilii Qllf "I 10 o'clock. An Addr*»«, appropriate to thf oreaston, will reeriveil <u payment un dulivered. The friend* of Tamparanee, •advance. < • • / ' , • „ • • • throughout Jtlfenon ami the adjoining CounU deferred *JC_/— Whenever >» ii-;n>-» > , payment |^JM»«. _ - . - - b*jr6nii , Id* II**, »m r.qimlei) lo unit* with u* In thk Frothe expiration of the year, IntereM will be charged.' gislon. TIIO'S-JMO. DODD, S«'y. fl_j* Subscriptions for KIT months, Jl 2.">,, to be Oet. H, 1641. paid invm inlily in ndvnner. ' ...I APVERTISINO. , IWiss E. ,11.-Hooper, The.iefma of ai<vefilslhg'«re;-ft>f *-*jnar«-or NTF.NDINO In *tall tbk fekftkrn eitiel, foi lesa f t , for three Insertion*—larger ones in the Ihk purpotk of procuring ilm Istcit Fkth same proportion. Each eqntinuancc 95 cents per lont in thk MllUniry Ilm,, nnil thk purehk«« o <qnare. fCjJrAil advertisement* pot ordered I'm imirriiili-fnr r.irrjiiip; im her hunlnen,retpeel a 'pfcificMimi-, will be cniuintieiHimil fnrbid,ant' f l i l l y n n l l r l l . Ill ,tnbt« lrt.l«lilril_to her to OlklM ™™*%ft3$5r j^e^'ittKS^* I After Ihii. be nicceeded by, jikikgein, Mcnn nr mr lUmum —The •prigluiy »(,d I clarilo| forciptn pro<lue« hit »lrmdjr Mid • moil o becorVi acquainted with Milli E. B~~cl«r«r N«w Orl»ni pkpkr Oklled the Ouwnl | pr«Jadlclkl *(T*ct in nnnin><t" ,n,ecconpli**ed young lady of Gu.lford CUyhk* an krticla-on noandi, from wkloh.w*' tncoun.ce ni(i»* m»nof«rltiti-., corr«p mirnrl ihi- nnnf »nl pkrkf rkph. tl rvlncruI|«M n«nd *OH«W. .•n'L^M.W'^MJilt^Vhigh reipecsebiniy'knd V envjkMS protcnueu _...... «nd gnoit »frrlinn, ni wrll--B»_ ^ _ .. . S ---with Nht r poWrt, It appear. imp«Hilil* lo . . . — .— -r flhTear r _ obnIdVatioo.. Afltr enumerating all ibe sounds, petty. He we. fJeaied with her ; and, bf ottr .jrilem^wiihotii im.•»' longer In ihl« rt«tiioilT Residing t through which Ihe cep-lnkl^r*! *»d.*rtlBcikl. whteh kre apt l«grr«ia •Ut o ef onr belt mar- with the -cold-hearted ferocity of a (tend mlntni danpr of '.wing Western town* - «•——I m(,n'i ears In this world, the writer proceeds i freih fronv hell, determined W make bar • V* • ' lured. Indians pkised in Iheir way from But, after all, we're we loieek out one n«c««'e w k l h i h V i l o n f f of Ihe first the liclim 6f hli foul treachery end deFlorida to the Arkaneai, 1 'was celled upf tound in the whole world it a rep* dutlf • ef aV j cell. By artful »ad false refreienlelioty, on in my profejsional capacity to .viii mlative of exnr'euion, of life, busineii, hnrdeni upon lh« lridu»lrlnil elawes: . A « k high dat^e* on he gained the confidence of her; father; ene of, the chief*, among Iheie nnfnrtu health, vigor, nnd improvement,we should (era which', rielirl", or im bv'werm and ardent professioni of wrules, who. I WM told, ieemed about to crittunly n « m n ihn 'sound of Ihe ham- foreign prndae* for (he nl Of ptnlrr.tmj p»r- and r ety'ttatlon on the eard knd altacbmenVinduced her to eon"shuffle off tbi* mortkl mil." Thii roan n-.or' VVIint ii there on etrlb mote cheer-, llcnlar InterfiH, .riolkte* It •eeeonn««f lndn»«vbote name wai Cooieree, had, I foum ing ' It ii the very note of prejperatlon .nc hand bjr impolini? the 'nhanoint artificially !U.lo become.hi. bride. He.d.UriTi/ned in ihe bUck mklignlly of hi* lonf/ 0 and on Iho oilirr, by excited much intereit among hli attend for iit'in*M, endjjivei n thrill peculiar to try, tha doit of Milisiiti-nre. become the ipoiler of lhit,aortiedlc circle ants. . T h e y represented him M one itself to ell which lies inert around it. 'Under ~ present r cumitancei," he 1 lte^^ . . A ) nunp IM!J , iilio •( 8^cB.-who «., |bell««vdb} licr Crlvmlt tu W fur gone %tth Ccm1 Ikbor, *hk rdorni ho'r gr ntef u I aoknovTIkdg* I rn w m*ct>, pleased to attend to their I i nr ll,| mett, knd an will .- -b«- T ..-—i.i i^s: «ir... .1,., | "" n. D U N C A N rki'paetfun'i InTorrot tfc* l»- future wMt<^. to dalinqnehti *hi offon har . October.7, 1H41. - wanl. ' habltanU.of Charlattown and ill •vicinity, that ha hai opentd a-WRITING SCHOOL ,.nn of tha roomi of.lha' Holal Intelj orru. lioolc Sharp, "Hard in ona !ha roam. •4w »7-»«'--'---N. CkrtM...:wJl*rehewlH g i« NTEWniN-tl to ilart frrr-Balliinore, on M o n - 1 ; ' dhy 'next, I' rcqncil-all tho« whn-Unnw their I " ing.buthawilUnstrucHDklltbk' '—•• ;lice; prontlsei will run out than, lo oall'faefora that) NO. 40. ;• 1841. ground, and lh»n the plan! wntcn na> , produced it «hedi III ieevei, or falls itself npnn it, in il»ray, and (ever* and pro- . (rets U from Ihe wetlh«r, ontil getiaratinn hn commenced, aeeMJiayoQng plant li-kble to grow up in hcilth end itr«-oglli, and -lull dftvelppmenl, in re-comm*nc« ihe lame routine of seeding and of re-prodnclinn. "Fro-n thi«it followi Ihkt, lit nklor*, . every plini proddcei-in own soil or Wmm, Md '(hat tlie rnrth only serve* Id' lie:tr (lie ji.lnnl; mid no', lo eld Ot nnnriuli . it in vegelkUon.' The of plenti'i* Iji.D* snppojert t<i be derivedJtom air knd wafer, At'if and KgM, or«>lec\riclt y , In difTerenl proporlions, adkptd to tb*J dtrTerenl Vkrielle"! of vlgelable nuture." .In _ . ., <10K"*i- IUT 1IIM.. .,^ r -. >nv —.-<a»^ . t slanccii, ill'v agreed to- try eiprrimtaui and In October Usl un.lcriniili ihe fallowim opeuliotis t t i l l n l i t l i i i i . » « i | n - l f l i t l « ri-ttiin-il bj t h r i r Imtllct. In a. field which hkd been sown wilh f~—.Uf. HumlllM, ni St. J»n,c», Kouth C.roli.., 1 •>H(;ri"111 '«ir»ti-il bjr * rii'iRli. hi»r*rn<rn »nO ryo beciuse t h o ' l a n d wai deemlA .(qo turcncii nl t i n - 1 I I I I R » , mil on a>ln| a bulilc of \1n poor for wheat, » plot.;pf twelve ftjuire nn-itii-iiif, l i t i i i u l i i f i i t i M i n lit r r l i f f . • inqso arn vci>».,,,j ,,.....,..... _. B .. Wile, WHO, I H - . M I I I I I - ' , •.. . . . . . . . . . ------- _. „ yaidi, unlilted knd lefi without mamirr, T* Mia ' fiincy take, when luch » tound coniei rriehts and from hiai kothprity.--.Indeed,, mkrriaee v\\\t Mi •.!!——:-• »ii;t nl with wai carr.tully i-trCwcd over n t t l i tbe grainn generally expreiiAd for ihje- forth! Thitlithe workman on the roof it appears to ni iiniHv;-.ibln fur the Peel n lliriilihin ;F heart fur IHT hugband1! t i - l n rn. of v. Ii, w h v a t e h draw was laid iipnn •lnBi IV aiid ahotit t?n« inrh in thick,-; lime and lelil* their old account* with me, for. limi (ulnj your n from *he cpmmencemenl of- of • new building, or in'.the ihop of the Ministry lo gel atom; wiib any d e f i n e «f - The- iaU -».topi not n"eT«i'7"5ofrrt - iftc l ) i . . I A I S I — D.'.rhir— I li«>v i "'. . <^y«/^^ pntlico, n promt*** v. Ill-nnt pay dehl. In IInilimnre. .. eonifoTl, for (injr cofiiiderable peflffd "of hit lecond marriage, Smitb allot noling n, ... in a garden, also, which bad beea l>>|iict<iimil, ctlrniitrl), i n m y p t , for lh» t concluded, .mechanic;, or tbe ijpr* of the merchant— -Ai w*ll ** Ornamental, »»1l»eenkry to qu.llfy the very urjpopular war not yet concluded, It ii.lhe hammer of the carpenter, , the titnn, wiiliont yieldinyt lomethine to the l«t Ihri-i- iiiiii.lln,«iiU I'ul- KlttltMkl lit tol.ll.lliB.hl. n of. fatr ; complexion .and n*plec,ted iev«r»l yean,, a few n]ti*r« mllotl Of lheluu<«, r i i n i n n i p t i o n , »illni» l |i>in mi] ft. pupil forth. Counting House or Clerk', . 7 hni'c on linnil a general-Stock of' Now I WM about to itand blacktfnith,, tbe lininnn,, the cord waiver, popular clk'mor for V" ekp, bread. The (» y nun ;: Now howemthkt howe «sfia .m.^ told hli riew.fatb,itr-m-lkw yatdi of tarth were trodden over,end ilin ' mkiitii nl ihr In mil. It Ii dttidedly ilm belt tnoOffice- and add thereto, the principle* of Puncgenteel ce of onn of thete descend- the jeweller1, or the worker in marbl POOP be mknufkcturlng ' - " not surfice being in the * »laa I (U --• -~^ made-~'erose.and Imtd^somo atarving 'operativei in 'h e had been >anly "•B "—« : . -'— "-U.J ..I il,:. roup, "1 . t.vo'lri, . - • wlieal were icattered ml Ihit ""Sltlg^^ I And o. nty return . hop. to be able to.mant* of the (or lowtfs Will anke tliemVjB of •III r 't--"lg-T , B. W. WILLIAMS, M. D. "^SS^SSZ .III con.l.t of iwenty-fonr lei-1hh..r , customer* and lhe_ pub ic gene. wo>ld,pnelo^ surltce, tgit a_. rlayer-ef - •-L>":' my eu. r.., nt.'to 0m Ihe g..o. The 'sound of ihe hammer' i* n note itf, or -The cpune cially when hacked b; Uaiuwuww ov4,.--^, httdcncd which he had ie' long ,*»pccled, BtiT v Kltnet of i fr«m the Kev. Dr. ll.hcock, „„ of the lent remnant of Iredi of tbe cler-.o^Sr^TiMr-..d.a •;-» T-r %j$jg$ 10 lately depri which fore warns tho woi ^'. bf the where- Duko of Susses, by hu pretended that hi).confidently expected ono inch in deplb Wki carefully laid ovvr . LK 111 .»—«.I.I.- t'retiilci.iul \ \ . U r . i l l c C o l l i - n r , M.lne: 1 Oct. 14.1841.' '*'• Im which will be gi»en In the day, his heritage, - I'JlDt forlb • captive end aboUli of ihe hard-working iiian. . About gy. and fay inch men at' [tiiisoll, Pilmer- them lo arriv«' in • abort t i m e ; italed it and.lelt, as In ibe fbrmer. case, lo.takri • • f r l i l l i inlillMle pvlniml «ci|ii.llil.iiCi -Kill,u->1 Dr. ...._— amany.during ihe begaze of ilrangeri— ' • laga liking *i f. Whit; loaders II. J") in-, * regular student of the Medical T' ' it Ihere ii no conc«almeot. The man be iton, 'O'Connell; atd nlenl Id him for lha remain- Fresh Drugiji) Ulcillcincg,' Ac. nn exile, (o moreover that he had bargained With'a itichanoe without ulterior attention. And I dky a«m»y lie convenient lo'lilm veriliy of PcniisjIv.n'in,and an espcilrnacd, rill —-I'.belng to advance sorrow nnd nbau ;JHtn in my hetr' w > • ' Jnjuirtr.l Mr. Edward C. Holing of thii county for in i»idi.r to make doubt impossible con; dar of the eouna •, hit objmt'.bi i>i M iiiiiini-r of incilii;iitr, I wm prepared to. ^H.r. «ubicrlber It row reeohlng k Urge of owei hear* il, and 'waits contested—-.who generally.—" * .from lite avenue IJet-ttfut * ' ILI. - '•*-«- it—..«...,,.,.. ,...,;.,,,,,.ib|. i «---^ -* Mo. ,Ai .1 emeri owns him listens, and atraighlway ge«i .n Intel of (and, ninl for which he agrecU (erning lha mere tecondany lunciions of CK4ftteH)NV [..•^.jJEirit ia ••. pv*.»N*yjr. ^.jH>..,A«ji.W-7r7.*>j.-r. ,-sv^fi. inmernl earth in vegetable rerproiiuctien, an wiji'ijii *.o"«;vr, .:, a fleets robre Army---RcgUinr ' f«r im.iSWU!» lM.-.t()f' i are lium tin; grtai ni.j-,n»j vi »i,i»^ ^...L. ,.^ ^_ t^iriinlDl%f1^«M«WfwW':«^ lively ralnglml, Uu trial of ilii-ni In m) -o»n l_ Ih'e rhuerable lent on. I UN .I'll the surface df(*;TTin«rof glasif aad-coTtr-••' ed, my eye Z Indian^ o> 1... ne.'rjy all the world. Some Some people; peo, United Statei Army, in "Hirers nnd men,' itj, .hit wimc of ilium tnrraun.lly, 1 mere ill— of a bond of three lull Ihe Jmliiril. , ound numbers 12,63iU-the militia, 1,003,083. payment ; i-il w i t l i lome itiaW-alpne; ai in the other Which givejihe Ibrir.favqratile >nlltl|iilioliiv Tliry'are • ,«Sl. and a*. go through fife" without noting one iou ven hundreddolliri; which ilum he bor , wh.i .they pft»f*s» loj>r*-iiot quiivk iinttiunis^-bkt. &TThe contract' —.The.Americtry Nkvy ii.corapoied_of . In vain: I' from another, in .the multitude of noi rowW'4o pay for land, N n w ; Smilli olint cate.^.:..^., __.;.,..; ' ikilfnll) |irFp»rfil anlWniea-for aome-af- tla- rooit BfpHE iln.lrrHinnMl, liatrln's nnterril into part* ..„ suiedly mw Charleitown, Ob t. T4, arounu U.em, iriuui, Vui-wlll w w * n... _.. for ilm The germination of Ilie teed wai loon* f.;;? these around ln!W,r^l•Bhipiof ib«'Ha|r (7410*1~'W> gun*7i ^ * Rating^ pretended lo Ihii Edwtril <3 !»flliili»<.--ul,ti'iniiiiiiliii-«ii'«. I know lint Ihry >re •Li nership in the Drug Business, bearing dale 'opr Savage I Tbeie, 1 myielf appirent, and moil healthy in ile«elopsound ol a hammer, ihat no one ever heard ihiglily '•ilrril.i.l, aail finiiiti.ily pnMilbt-d, by .;*L_, r«*>, (50 gun.) Bolihg, to ratify the land bargain. Aj'.ci from the 1st lnsUnt,reipaolfully'm«ke-)l known i« lifftior* *f Tobacco. tuiin! of the must n-i|K-cl»lii,, of III* ri-Kiilnr p.mlu the blewing of sivilitaiion," my (hat without being conscious of .an .imfllil'll II (ItAnvri fruitier; istem (44 gum) Ihtt tliclr concern will ba •condiir.trd 1 under lh* a.ihnrt abierlce he retor-ued back, -and, lo! menl. "The winler hai beeo rigoron'a,'' UST received-and for'sale hy Ihe tubierl-. fcfnk'illcliie In Dili clryind elimhrr,. .nd wide awake .to be pression oitlier positively plefianl or ccf, (3G cim--) tfitinl above name end Arm, and lolicit a continuance Holing had, by Iiopk *r crook, tlefriudeil say these correspondents, '.'for tbii part I il,i not livilikielo qomnitiHlllirni as a valuable .il'her, n S'lnndi.l assortment of Liquors of moral ile.- It atked, why tninly painful. ' Mer.linnicD should flick • Slonpi of war, (1C to 9Q gam) of tlio pttronige hereto!ore Uberatly extended tvery deicrlption, and «>yruj«ilor. Also, Cs: JulleiLbjrIljacb i«n i l i l i t ^ t lo our ni^l, ri» nn'ilirit, .1,1) . lafv, •• *ejl ai Mm pnfr-of -ni>^onejv.-llla-;rerjiai]icd ol tlin r<ninlr.v, and the earth baa eutno•Uriji "~"-T;\uTmni)-7-— > one of the p»tlner» while alor.a, Thalrai- vehdhh 1xib.cco or a wryLjwperlor;quality-. •flj,B IndianVliU I iSiVnfte? ana-tr^th l o ' t h e i r hammeri, lor (ln-y am m-nliiiels er&intiilly useful renu-ily for itic illMra " " with bij wifn a fow O n y » , 'Rtid irniirliii'i-il t i n - r n been Ir'/H'-n in <inn solid mas* 16 • SchboBera, (4\n 10-f uni) fi«,.i-^ 1 fell VIIH- H A H lent shall bo alwaji fntt and frrthraud lohsse. which he willifiiiur. W^T reiponded .becaui(J lihe SfhUe ..Wan hoi of indtutry und bostowers of praise." ... Ei iliiiu- " rinliiltirmi., . was depth Of lix inches in Ihe girden where Steameri, (two frigam) MiJuitt-,1138. ' • -* -".'I to go and aco Boline kgain; '•nd-xu.cii acitV, cruelty and a j |>. tlllTkT taught Jiim. to jregsr ' able nee thatt Kit it the whea.1 was sown, and thii hid .hapSlore ihjp»i Ac. \ .• ; Mjipect The Itev, G, (j. p. Cru.lij, Utii EJiior of the Amtr— {•now the length of 'bii iVable, compinlon treachery, as the JOHN J. I*. STRAtTH, ican UintJII, wrile»—• -' -.; -ty. nllei. "P6om Jon/'—-^"Job Prinlingl" exed In pened teveril |imei during the w i n t e r , lo G5 last \vifi- ;In-i-dtnine Ilkrpers.Ferry,,Pet. J4; 1841. iVo'un to Ibrbw off ihe Hkw Veast, )<n* M. HS».. uwing; • J.- II. BEARD. ; . : of civilization the great injury of many plant! and even claimed an old woman, Ihe other tiny bi n j n i lo |W"' ,,,.. houso ._ . lh« H iho of To Dr. JAYJII—IK-.r Sir— I "b«ve 'mad* u»e of ciu( lu «it of him Join. bied me, I pul ipuw ibe peeped over her specks -at the adver-.. . leeling» which < -'.WB.W ibe entire dei.truclion.of-some, «hii« ilm Sept. 9, 18f U 1 of un. Ihis .."-.. county, rxpccjling IsVligo, your Kspccloraol, pvrsonill; and In my l.mily, for Ul v -r.- -r--, to .irlcet I!,.Ilinc, Laudable Donation.— the C>lholic Bi, (hiitk K«5lop ioon UP, miinrri'iti « «r« xecelring their f A I.I. Ibe itraw were nover . to my-.bor«al"ahil ilic I»| >i> ye.ri viih gn-m Wartll. Imlrtil, I !Using page of a country paper; ".Poor shop of Mobile .bai transmitted lo the wiih.him •*lwret>b'il.ihe-founH him not- ;,„,, SUPPLY of GDodi— to which they invite snl. I alighted,; and , in:*y eonridrr ni\ life prolonged by the use of tbii . brotiRht,.'tnu to the "i, ihey've kept him printing week after Mayor cf New Oileans Jountl for the re- Mr. Smith was nnl ; known b'y -any of the ,,-,-...t,:ily.conc9*i«41 nor were the grainr of their customers and -all who : BTRAITIl re»perlfullj tugfteiti tft th» lha' attention of their cus : Dmih, v.luable turdtcliitf, under, tbe bte.sings of God, for ' • ".-n—c.j ,_ ....i I," jaiied with » hes n : f m i l i d K no one \\itli' ''•hanTlhT'bUnke; .toil learned lo rend, lief of those suffering from the epidemic, iimiTy~j~whila thrre'-Mrt. Smilh became if wheat, Ihnugh lying on the nurlicc nnpublic, that tha abova parlneiiblp piieeti want «>good b» r g a n » _ ._. _ _ _ cll.inKI ievcr.1 yc.r..—1 ni.y s»y nlmilM at rnnch in the Hand Ihe blanket, MW» vrc. », • h>l 1 lhe mo,t p »tient man ilatinjj-and^rel JOHN KKPUNOER fltlinrll, UK of ni\ wife, and, *1tt> drthe Kev. Mr. Tin«oo, the>butlneii of lha 8tdra entirely 'tender tlif acquainted with Mrs. Edward'C. Boling^— der the'draw, al all aiTected by tbe cold. <... e t7, 184*.-r-3t il Arm. of Ihe ItUnd of J.mnlci ... For all eaati uf cough, which c u r l a i n e During ibe spring excessive dionghl* prbmtnaRcmcnt of Mr. 'Beard, -and- relieve! him i^i^uS ZV.ver w:"h.u^rcouldP have Hood being the amount raised in tha .Catholic whose husband wai^absent also. / no preiented itself church at Mobile for that purpoie, Dm>m»l iiiflummsiioii of Ihriheit, lungs,>iHllhroai,ldo moil from all- engagomenli, in any. way tending to longed, end several times repealejjf bavn • within. Here/ The two ladies romaine'd topctber for, it 10 long, nohow!.". ' ^ :„ : I n\tnar •ilhoilt unUeiitiilliigly recommend Ibis HI Ibe WM metliB . •. . Wcvr divcn liw.minil and attention from a rigid and remarkable doubUefc'even in ill minor I root or iliuc 1 bavr ever irii-tl. My earmil mib i*, Uwt . T/'ie way ta makt wood gp ftirlfiesl.—A«,and multiply exprcasvd anx- prevented vtgelktion on tbe common plan ' itudioul pursuit 'of liii 'profeiiion, iiv 'w hlcli U jTpur. mitnrnlii-r 'n j'Mt receiving and Open- detaill—bull saw pSly one object. nre»- ollivra .ffiieled m 1 been, iu.v exuerlcijee lit* .Obty CWer.t.—A brave veteran officer neighbor "of our« informs u« thai ood iety for tins.return nl thei.r lin-band», m;- IroiVi flourishing in uealthy progress, wbila U ing hi. Stock of Fall and Winter GOODS, •hall hnrc.i fioi- ba hii only ambillon to excel.— n nil l a m t r i l n f , which I .in persuaded tuey •ill, Lj ' '"" •»-—tiii»A«,r,«>j«d of leaves n egor i : \JI1 a i m * . , j.«,..., JQtnpO llr • •. reconnpitering' o battery Which 'wai conAay mention hereafter extended lo the Store will loll very low. ( o r than ver once dreaming Ihat they were"the onr Ittili: ipoti of wbeal liavo.hardly fell (ml jviir inline tour Einvctoranl. , A. C. TIMBEULAKE. [and blanketi, lay'k loloaial form, whose sidered impenetrable, nnd whicli it wai gOM furthtr when loll oul of (lours the inconvenience of *>cV*iivtt dryne**, & C..P. CROSBY, . by Dr. S. wilt be in lha caniclly of a Pkgtltian .^ lt. when well boused ; lome of bi» having n-ivep of one arri the tame man.' Mri. for the earth protected by tho str»w lia» -Tk1ldol«wi'y.'petob« 7, 18»JI -i-4t. . expansive chesl and^ncly moulded limbs : t J only. He. will heretfter->ua found in hii Office «f exttael of « cutific.ti: from tbe Hcv. Mr. D«Jneceisary to storm, laconically answered --'- - Smith afta* Doling, finally retarned home mile in Hjie upw'arti of a 'quarter Hllllltl at hit reiiognte union pfofet«ion«lly engoged. gavi- prnmi'i! linlh oragrace and ilrenglh. the mm'moers who were diisuading bim] 1 - i without, heating from her husband—but never been deprived entirely of nioisture, fr li>ci ' l)r, J>THI—Oesr Sir—Mj eKIW, owing to «m-.-" '- gept?mher'23, IH4 f. "-'' ''' \ ' ~ —. E have the. pleasure of Informing our Hirface and head wtfii cist in 'a fatttiare from tho allempl—"(>eulli.-inoii, you may"! ^^ight. H.Me«!l- nosure, when reeciulv corning "V ibe Olilo. wai aiSmith arrived toon alter her return,, told add our blade* o! torn were flourishing, cuilomerijind the public that we. li»vu inlellectual mould t(i»n lhoie.-of any of Ihink what you please: all I know ii thai ei|K> ' • ' Ih.t horiibl. m.l.n>, t;Kt)Ul'. a smooth lal'e iclative la hit absence, and when! all around wai drooping and un\Villiain V. Alexander The sum of •231,700 wai received far 1,'aMthis conntrytncn I had seen and the glow Jbe American lUg must be hoisted on the rfcoiyiid our mipplj of ' • Ji rni»r;v Mitl-;.cnroplaia«d.njt..l>is...lrcalrncnl Jrym oejiViiiti. To.. conclude, then, we b»vo ' *wiV"J '.•-•*?*&& ° '' lifAfiiikipi*, oiiiiti)(ii,n.r,v|ftM.ui ( lo-morrow. morningr/o^XA'diji •W\$&J::r:^'t-;::~: •;•-•:•'-••-:;:. •,^-1 •.^''•a' tlmn,u^Vsucca<id'ipnur'iirticHcia;-«^ • „, 'hsrUOAwh ana* vielqlty.: ' Hn^fod^^.: :^-: /?. | Ir.niooi.lul Of. Ilir "r'.X|K«lut.ul,'' f^ "'lie vrant^r«p»cfjc(rmpi:ls n* to pas< pflttmont, and:tile wheat protiuceil'it «f..... , • . , • . . 1 .Inch ynu tun preKiiiru -,»..... .Phil .... ^_r. f wbiah presented IUK me w.... »ii!i wbviTin Cbkrlettown, Sepl.-lO, 1841. • The draw wai muro many events of ... interest'which Irani- the fined' quality. and over many »»««.•>«. . ate and pledge ourselvei that prices saaU-pleaae! mil •pjilied. •IIIIH- liniment (o1h«4liroat .nil bvcailc Vn the • • ~ - relurn mentioned, —'-,:„„„j „_. than ii* feet hig'h, ond in pired after thi«1a»t onthe tar* «ar» were wero • I>octoii-s Cordell and Aleiaudes* .in! l« iiiiv' many mluutei tin- luin i,m-ii w.i gob*, .. j j f,- E P MILLER: that ho wa? now'slrtiRRling wit i the' aril; Labor toeing Machine.—Tho Bangor of last month. Htsnew iaiii*r-ui-i.»,^,.-, ».._^_ Whig lay i: "A Yankee in Boilon hai •ithi* 8Tr*it--His «ew'falh*r-in-law, en50. 00, »hd oven 80 gratoi of wheat of [.'In- child brealhetl freelyjinil slept sweetly. Uwllig ^ KVAVE *sSbcl*l*d themselves in tho practice ou UU( M1(4 Charlestown, Oct. 14, 1841. An excellent aharaeUr wat engravanJ n several to Ihritteir'cutnUincei.n cuniiui be wondered'at vcrsal Cpnf|uerer. Hej-'had-"**^ Doling,.and ^nwilling lhat| ru u d.velonment. lh* admiration of,all sol up a one horse ihra$hing machine ifor MM. of lh*ir.proj~esi!on> why I tmve »u Itlkbhn.nplnloa; of Dr. J.yuc'. modi* ' • ' 'BOW - - - lhe •*•— -~A ...illpuUrlv olBcn apposite the Drug Store of J. P. Brown : CHii^JP _ _ , _ lioura in a delirium, in which he had tlie convenience of parenti and guardian* on Ibe lomb-stona of,a lady, in Ibeie few | who . Iboso ;BB, r—-.--ndloun. .cine, .nil why ladvlie every family lo keep it on wordi:—"She wai alwaya buiy and alIi Ce. Cbarlestown, Sept. 16, 1841—if.. wu afterward* told, to live which grew upon tbe pane ol glen, anJ *MrK h»ve received k .Urgei supply of OKOhaving unruly boys. He'll lick an urchin ways quiat." '—\, ready lor miy amirrgevey. ^ . • .- r ' . '. . /.-' the ecencs through which he like thunder for lou'r-pence. ; Small lickTT r.KRIES. IFJJVB8, ami UQfJOfi?, which, iloirn which were quiiu ai healthy Mid ta largo had er of the law. -He ac cr u, .... . ._ we will sell k* low k* they can ba bought M "•• pasbcd. Ho wai 'ipeaking BELI* done for two.cent*-only,'and the writ issued for Ibe irred/dl Holing, charg- ii.lhoio whiah grow upon the common . Partnr of the Presby^i ian Church, U<i lingtou, Vf. ingi ~ Sporting Mtlligenct.—We have heard place, for cok',' or kt usual price*, on credit. --.,... » jh'iiv«»ftve language when I en'iro satisfaction Warranted."— it rumored amone tbe TurGtea, 'imt the ed^-him with*aw)ndlirii; Sidney T. Smith. earth. It must be oblervad aliothat there JJtfBPMIU£R ' . seroful- June 'Jili, IU9. Somebody will be starling a penny oppo-lit rumorea .>......,, lercd.'and I have never lel( ro'grateful most Pren»«d only by Dr. D. J.yne, No. BO, South '-• -aaaung • - >u «•-«.-'».„' ui^ Oct. 14.1841. • 'j. (our cWunty ironri being wai net tbe smallest particle okeartb upeo i. >*%> rillrilllr.el.ltliti.llell.lll.. Pnc,- »t .;* (invincible John Boicombhu been put Jin On Tukiday last, ~ "*• * L-LL-L.if.n. cnilli A the glass, and that tbe planti were tell en* aa at that moment,-for tbe knowledge of Bition, and "lick «|l crralion." . . I ESPF.OTFUl.LV inform* those who may lesslort,) Smith, in \Vlu-rc also-nay Iw had J.jne's Orrulnitlve B*U 'training by 'hit owner, Col. CrowcU, and in Loaf and Lump StH rsugv, thii language .obtained from an accidental i.vV may want an j work done in bit Una, that Smith,, ar- tirely to (hemieltei, -without being war « Brup- MM. fur Ihe wire of B,.wel Comi.liiiili. ate. 1 onl* uriff man. a relative/ if it ii found, on trial, that he can do /hii no ii now at Mr. Carter's Hotel, in CharlesLARGE wpplj of loaf ond companionship of aome monthi in nay tered or kttended to In anyway whatever Vcniiifiige.forilie.n-moval of Worms, kc, B.n^11 III. Kllll TBe Spaniardi do nol often W hyp"' Ju.1 received and for aa , town, where ha w i l l remain a few dayn, rekdy boyhood with the Indian pupils of n Mis- bolical coroplimenti, but one of 'heir ad- work tl bo tut J to do it; the veteran HusKlltl ( i l l ,ti«e I'illi, fur Dysptpsl*. l-t»er Lon.iil.lnts.anil from the tin/u of Sowing -To toe tikn* of. i in. y.»j,; »,'-.— • ' to attend service* either by letton will have an .opportunity to teit hii . cor Krinale'lNk-asea, at... and tl.lr1 «le, fur Ibe r*. sionary Seminary. I ioon found that he mired wrileri, .peaking ttr tafci-charge of.iflveral rf ~~alads'.black '^"^JO ~~ ~ ' ••» ter nr otherwise... ' - ' '• • ' liimoic. aiunl «f BililnrMaml i.n'Krv.iioi.uI ihe H»ir, -,., Sugar- iiottse r this laectM, they ibibk, uisy be now-realized "Bis captivity, though 'not it* eyei, aayi "They were in mourning for speed to Ihe full' extent. A match l/c- Soullismjitqn. t> f£>-REFERENCE8:—Shinqondale Spring* ^in-WOUMB! WOllMS!! >VOKMS!!lrTo ••j*' . - —j . twrcu tween two lucb „._„. celebrated bo'riei/would i v u ,.>.^.. negroei which rcJlkVrc IrirM IrouMesome and daugtrout iuli.lupresent «v%...... scenes. In minutes the wj«>«i :piamcu ... ..i* l u l l u K i t i g w i n n e r : Company, B. C. Waihinglon, Esq., and others ' —• '• '-.r ft— IIIC.OMk _ .- a — . few ,. tbe murders,lboy bad cotnraitled." excite much interest.—[CAur/c*(*ri Cottr. collect a large rtnl. of lh« Blomaeh antl Buweli, •bleb so olttn for wbom ha bus tiung Bolls in tbi* section of hurried an? lomewhat elevated tones in at the court- . "Siraw being a bad conductor of heat ( lOAiairlhalieallbanddeslrni tin- j»e.of ClillJren, Met. Tlrglnla. -: Oet.: 14.1841. him; but on mi/ Urturu which he bid been *pe*king, aank to a The - editor o f , Uio Cliicano Domocrat ,i.i-JAYNK-»TON!C VEKMIrTJUK, * aertalu it li ibe young' man and t good comiutlorol electricity, mainmade TIMc.—Man passes ihii life in reatenlow knd measured recitative or chant, the 'Sperm ;.H| ufe tbe remur.l nl the v.rluu» lame totraveHur taioi tbe root of ;.H u v iirep«ralii>n'ror ircp«ra jVere we Come again* • «tbe plant-la '--.-- .1 a medium ^v <•_.„ mg on Ihe past, in complaining of. Ibe that hi* horse wa; d, mnd 8paW> melancholy cadence of which it even now say i -.—"We never cared Q farlhing about kind, of Worm., IJ»«prpili, Sour BiuniMli. WMI PERM Olt, Mould,: gelling married until we attended an' otd-| ' v trcscnt, and in trembling for the future'. ther—tanl the y/yun rtiartg*a to,South-temperature, and prevenli tU ear* from Oan«l*»,for»klebyJ u(u|*Kin' if Anutrlil*. l«f.nlil« K.vrr and Ague, »d UcMII. • «• - ruVeral. - - .L.I r<_^ grant „„«». that ,1,,! our beim: deprived eatirely of mouture.— ringing in my ears—and il* very word*, I TAIT-QHIUQ. P MILLER. bacheror'i God a would return gel, iv uliliu Stnniwh and BowtUaudOrMiisof Ul««aamplon, ilaling Miat think will ever dwell in my memmy. I la«*r end may not belike hu' REMARKABLE CASE OF. BU3AMY—FW- another horse, tla" be.with blm.'r. Tl?moi, u d*Ube earth, or th.aubslr.. ••- . • Oct. 14,1841. 2 einedy, Hon. liavo endeavored to make a translation of iMU.ii VlLtANY man Iii turn; being continual, f.c.Ut....*be|r.^ A H i l V K V»LUA»t 1UD1CMM.. (ful cities Thui they psitf/l, a'nd the youne man . Boots. ', n ESPECTrULLY inform* hii old friends Shorn •'—'• -—•'*'» them, and the «t.nlitrf remit of mv my effort effort I here Ai the conductor of a public presi, we now, .perhaps,/'availing. Smith i, aliiai ual and con.tajfil abierpl.on-of e«bxmi« Ill lt.frt.HMIS I'UliUTI, lUware orlnicnt of .Boot* and 1.BI anil iho people kt Urge, thai-he .In* re«encml VERY estenslv* t acid ga. from thi .urroonaing atmoipbere, subjoin, though conscious Ihat I have ill ^.aotiN P. UHUWN k c,o.,' have never never oeemi»4ic»-,.— been called to record a i fall of IN-ENQLARD. I n»ve turned from the Weiit, and bii *g*in eomntenctvco n Southampton, o'r in- Ind hydrogen and eAbon, U>« chief el.. Bhoe.,of teryi tior quality, jusl re- conveyed Ihe ' touching ladneii of his CORN LAW, • AGITATION • • upnn • •---.;-..»j .„.. >;. >.«r ..- A, (.•An-frliiini: |4«M} in. . . • — . • • • . Icaie.of a more perlecfand continued iyi-1 Holing'• prose ed bmiriou at Harpen-Ferry, In the second flhe property. We nlicr ; V AOAM YOUKU. Jr.,: 1 01 luced In £ P MILLER. commcncement——-the . bitlerneil with . -floor room of John O. Wilson'* three ilory cc i ted knd for «klk lo| than «t.«i that uthirh which we feollnuirinif leal The condition ol kffairi in Great Bri- ic i.. of* itacatity -'-—"•- •>--in-*ai !rl«d. Smith prelnndfll- tneut/of Spurlsbment'M^- ; ".."I In- and • - building, directly opposite th* piiblio Araentl, Oct. 14. 1841. described the fulile itrugglei of ut hariir who lhue-«oou'omi«d « "K»'«'"P'^'J"!.' ' bound to lay before our leaders this week. y" ' • where he will be happy to' (receive th* order* they are constantly required, and paiejo !«•»• "pr Cot<!5iJMprioSri;os8u>iPTioiNtr bii| countrymen or ihe madly joyoui inr tain and .Ireland i* certainly -extraordina- Yet Kncli U 'tho peculiar and varied na- to gd back, il/Le»>P - . Mint* ot, his friend* In the Tailoring.line. HI* work ry. The Queen, tbe Liberal Ministers, ture of the caie—mch li'ili deep deprav had'been 0,1 1 \i>o\ipui lot. l\o\\n& ™ cofnbiouion with Oijrgen Irora the roo£ ipiralion of bii concltinion. knd Cap*, lo be found r Ea/WMlB «h" villa^r "n . shall ba done in tho neataat 'and m*nn*r, HEIateatitjl* I a* Convention 'of Clergy t u r n , .and million :i ity, that we .are at a lo>l where to begin informed t! Ei« "Lilcd Dr. Duncan'* Expectorant llemedy. B f MILLER'S, Doling - lo4be demi and tranche* ol tli» The while man1* boat is on (he wave, •nil on short nntice. Give u* a call, anil look he /learrved at of the population; have declared ihem- or '.vhere to.itop. We plirposjs, howivor, fiitlbcr in uiry -inme ntitn which they kHrMiimtUsed, and indiiuin. ' U an llihlllbl* rainady for arresllag PulmoWhere floated the iwift and light canoe ; ' at tha Fashion*, kei • ' . ' ,. : one had rr.ol liim. Oct. tl, 1841. Belvea in favor of -tl**; Ri'ji«al of the C.orn hid left t> !>'• n*ry Complain!*, Colda. Coughs, Spiulaf of oxygen throwi off in «.xb*lkiioh from fleptember3', 1841. '. ; tfft I The » no white winic man'* font I* on ihe . . . . _g:arr, „ to detail the circorostiades ai theyhavk • •• uiirm. Blood. Difficulty of Breathing, Bruocbillv BorwLawj; and yel ar> election ha*.juit taken ~» Inrgo I VVhere we laid lei ruM the brave ninV frua.^ ,be leaYo,. Tbe ilr.w d^ay• butalowly, come -lo our knowledge^ (confinir/g ioorftd him to nnl of UIB Throat and U.incult KapMtoraltoa, - - - - " « . -v.!,^ IVOTIfCE. pUce, by which' • very Urge mijority nli_i*elf^o.lhfi^acls.jtSjl.e*rj)s rioisiblQ,) a'nd "*'—- Vm.iknait, nalillui,' '•-- -**-—'J-L —• -" .a-»iDgclat ,he-leiWko^of. JiUJSlJ. |UKi u,d thus .futnisbei ila »ubiui>«« by tt«- { • •»" —-i^.tc»nf»/-»iv*-Hnflit»:.fif-G«inmei>i.JSTi^dJjitrg^^in^VtfoyBlly^&it^a^^ i(t"li'trn7lo town... ,lT'agtnTr 1TVcnwn^--- i . namoi of' tna^uKiSrniiWtr ftmaleJ wha There—shall the home of the ipoiler be. krletiyslk pitparitioD* of lh* kind, as II rcgul.tei Iho i adverse lo auch i nui>u*ingridi«oii, 1« mdaojae of Ibe potl d«io demand* against him, thone .wh Oct. 14.1841. have wucu been made yiciimi uava i,.»-.^ the > •- wro/cbed -—i•. .ij. .-_ of * rasa llorasnae bowals, and slrakgtbknk Ib* coeilitullop » and by tavern account or nutu , ara rcquaAled to pay thj. What though ihe forest'* echo** wake ' • be conceded, indeed, even ny inu mm .1 a .peciei of villany uniiaralleWd 2? eapiuV) «o lh*l lh* of in ids of dot* not bind :ip"llie aytlam aod eiirourag* inm* in^medlataljiotberwiikthay will tie enforTo ihe red man's ihrilhng cry af drift., themielyel, that. a vail majority nt the fcoiintry/ ,Tb/i/cup o/inrrov/jioU mrir> Plflftl tha ilraW correspondi to the lour pbaia* ((from us timperance aimiulof Ib* medlolniidp, by ttio counlry ctJ by l*|it procc** W H . B. THOMPSON. "6 THE PUUI. —Tha una«jr*l|H«d one* " What though from paiblui »w*mn andbraVi, whole puupla un; in lnv'uv of lornu decided lificalion; »ui).«ow e.foll.'a'nd «« will ol -fermenlation In progrkisuig fiom the Tb* »ery fatal opialei, aloobol Bombinad In ibam- • friends and the .puMIn, Chieftain and fullo-ver start :o life. '• , more inform* | change in tho lawa alluded to. lint it M ~~firW*-wlh«. nltoiit, the «*«/a|»<MbJ oring u n Hurl, medicinetaav*a griskt tendtocj to bring 'v<:r by grfcetllng'ttieir ri»nvejT r.onlinun* t(i make Sept. 30. I H 4 I not run It i'* the man who manlai! far and ji«ar, that i Their foe* rush OB like lightning strok*— nevertheless clear thai they have- been I lo lay. l.uM and diilrwi, and *v*« de.tli, upon maii/:sikles7anal»goui lo tho*« ol «rt/m* i f t b a t »i ci-tiuiu' Edwari' C.Il apbe NOTICE.-'. ' - • | BEST KIHD. Btrong kre their band* and their hearii are high- unable to .make this .s«nlift*nt 'gorid al 1 tfftltttnt ny » ifukbl* eitiaen*. Wa tod by the weakly PUMPS or AVINO entered into an arrangement with Parson* wishing ^|frk dona ID hi.'line will Anil firm they Itnnd likefoiesl oik ;— ... the elaclior.i, in consequence, in The first Doling,! (I n\ of the Ui-v. I Mr. Daring; ^been brotijihl b»f»to an cy, fitMtif, i'ttM. •air^insr PI I** »») b« re- rcturdi ul tlio bill* of morl.lilj, lliul Ibrea: M. G. r b n r e l i , and a reiiMm. Massr*. Webb fc -Markell, of Ibi* pUce, st *l*gei fuurlbi of tba human aoiiU who ID luddanly eeniinister o' court, was. required to gixo II. ,Utt*rs *ddr*»ed-lo Bin they hopeless, fight *nd vainly die. p'teai* give him place, ot the limited nature of the voting ?W« oeserve that our blade* of whea» for lh* lupply of WOOL necettary fur my bull- bim at Cbarlaitowi *ili b* promptly all»Dd<d ill-lit ill' tliii; ci'nitity,) about llueo years cxsiinnii: Jiuino by uarltd from their daafeit frUndi mJ iclmions,. Yel blen thf ir Ini—nlivr.ihry Iread constituency, and in tbn lecond, of the lioce married a Ktn.'Vf—'—. a laily of bail in Bau, I with to rcconiir.oiid ull tboi* who have have but* very (•« rood, »oi) too.* w« 1 luve baan kwapl of by that filial and fall de;IIAUI.I.S a. liitActi. i . u n d fice on Ihr lainl they liivt , '— hcrctufnro baan aupplylog ma' with that article, N. U. U mallei :ol li'jw deep lh« a^.O m>t pnwcrltii intUiciKi; of thelmded intereil. raipeqtabilily 'ai we lo urn', and lived' with moro i sVdrt atA baid,.iometbioij like t bir. • .VfJirin. »lro)«r. iluinuiuplion, wKan unny cuuld have i nru la,y iheirdusl with kindreddcarl, -. to tlirno g*nll*men, where they will meet with ho, I CkO InMrt |ps lo work *• well nuil last bain savad if they bad used • yro?ir medicine. • The Duke, of/ bai'alsb iiiued.a her • nearly. two yeari About• ivvelve cliwi and thi* agree* with the reniarki ol •--'— With their own bright >kiei tbtlr grave* kbove. prir« »» «ili»fuci(irv as over, and alto witli my l/allow haing* who j e t d w t l l » i ( h us, and are i most shallow well. manifeilo oV protest, in which he takei bme for the puras long as Ihose Moos. UaipaiY, who atatei tb« 'ibe moil Ooodiupon iho lam* termik* kllowadby my**li, rnnnlhi ago be U-li afOicled vtilh Ib* p r e m o n i t o r y aympluia* of Mine—mine ihe capUve's gkllliig chain— Inn.i Ib ii!i li'iiil in'. I!,i!,iit:: -\ ,18*1. . . CO.. Charleslowlt, ground in,-favor .'pf Free Trade •generally, Cou be.liby plan!'* in ordlnaty »e§et»tien bj»»*i the law tin Oreeniboro', heretofore. -•' '. . . • \ ."" Ihii di'*Ua, procure immediate!) Dr. Diinc.n'i poce of'dudyin Mine Ihe lone eiile's weiririg b*un, trill before thq Honorable Judgo d alow* and lay* ihat the experience .of a n^krier ix. v.., lu.mi.^ ,.,.._— ..,-. hav. . I kUo wi*h,^raipkclfully, to decline Girding U,e lea.lVabaranee of roou aod IbrM. K i p r t l o r u n l Krnieilj Iml'uie il b* lug IaU, and 'Came night knd drrams—ifor Ihen.kgkln, On his PUBLIC. HUM, TO Wool, axeepl for okib, as t And it .to be me. pf a century hai proved' tbat the- Corn arrival at' OteejMb'oro'./U*,.chinned hii "Anotwrlmpor^t obiervalioa, al»o< not ba led l u briiovu Ilialiuch ivmploui w i l l Shall I ite my own ilr,ir land of Jlnetn. -'• '• rtoui iiupediineiit to toy other buiineu. AN tba lit of i Itebar.t will remove to ibe Lawa.passed aubiequently to the year name, and introduced birnscir to| the ibmini pan oiT without the ui< uf proper medi- . ii.lhat weediind parM^ital ve|«tatWB pai l)»*n occupied by ihe , . (ir.iii(i;r. I'liicE. ,„. Life home's loved voices on my ear, property \ c i u r . By tucb n«»Hg«nca, you may «oo* b* Iblfi, have iVriibc-r produced the plenty, habitanl:! nf that town as Si.llii-.y T. S n i i t i i . *re prevented by tbii roettiad, for lk» n«p> vein, where I will Shepti<ir.Mo»n, Pah.-1?,'1840—tf. Mesiri- Howell, «.orlm.nt of UaWeW led lo Uimw Jour. fully. One bultla nay at Ik* • " fu1ocean'rnusio'* lingering still, the cliiinpncmi, Hie steldines* of price; nor ol AUbarna.' Hu eihibiied to |p^ gen}. cbuk«i every olher plant but Ibat ohVr for *al0 a I M for c»sh or .ichkDgc ,. " °.'?°p« l>«'»m'd be**-, lir.t *llack, b* infliriiiiit. l'nui|ililct> (I? Ing- • any niliur ol .ibe benefili arrtlclp«ted by • - j My ipiril back with a gladd'nlrjg thrill. n-d. M«»y otbtr intertsling which t would Ilk " under wbbrh be;pro»«CM)ed (he full trllllu, kccomlitbY 16* medicine. Price for hides or Bark.jr I - - .r . ..... . the adyocalei of tboie l a w a ; ivbiln on i tokht be made.on tbi»ie eit« ' 'KUIlli. FI^UI- p*rln*r*hip h*r*iofor* aaUtlng bo- 'Bp»nish"*nd-Co«>tr, Sola, Skirling, t|im.i«, ' M, M\m f*II-I'm free—r» free Jl tween Ilm ondenigned, under lb*°name Bridle, Upp*r, LKi«gs, BlnrJiog* *ud Mores-1 p,om the captive's chain-the riile'i doom— tbe otber hand, all the iivil c»r|iequ«hcei front dU'.">(tu''bul! gfnilem.n in In the :Ph»ik«je, a Knurler MMT J*gg«AM StUJfrte tiuTvve refrain, at pienpi, x iprf»arvab MORECOJfCLUSiVE predicle4, at ib« tiraie, by, Inot* oppoied to Alabama, and which repre.ented | ol John P. Brown .«(t Co., by ,,. inu- ro, always on li.n*, anil a large supply of sheep Hush hush, thy tall thriusai , . ItoVn" obTrudiug oo bur uaden, but il My •-rj.forttle Of tfte tjjliiacy 'of Di . Il>»lic/l't ...i.wat j-.^.dissolved ,f ,t,. n nn. -• l.eomel r n| -.vfill woik » grnal change ..,.,„..,,niv have tiuvu been Malu*d, monopoly, realized. He'pcd. Uu pro Ihe ion of a weallby critlon plant,er| «f ibem vvlnh lor (utther iuf6rmatU>o.,iw ikhiS. P«rsbo'em*kt.ra,Ca!f" sklnrhy ilm dqi*u, On Ihe galf whlch^wteps Iby ' *• <-t..AB • good" ~.Ajpt«njl sa-™. ..». ,. It Ihii »uui«e.t, .we iball willingly -afpl for cash, Ihe material-and A* »bela»i wild_aUn»t burilforth, to leils,moreover, tgkinit tha (ouricipuisucd Stale. He obUinad - creUit, '.|, is i-<iniii.iuiii.'.iii-il i.. ili" faris print, by Unarlai U t » » Blki— I MM il krilhk biiiouund «iica|> a« csn berbuUBja in n.i%-M.v.-- . . by ibe Corn Law l,ordi,— amount in the ilorei of. tint |;l.a <• knd I 1 , in.u-i, iifi.i .M. ii '|. who data ittrir l«iM( tlidin every Iktility., Tbe impgitaiieja -of ' l o j o n u r . urowii, •<• ' r" - — „ , , „ _ _ ,„ Cb or tr*d.'gi»r»>tkll tlasat, f«r bW« Ihe islaoishmcnt of aH,. nervuu* dl«**M to * » >•• ry'a I »r m in ( digria, with "Because:. lh« Inevitkbl* effecl. of pretended Ihat he wis in daily'.e.inaeta- kl liirM, Au(!iut. Itiil. It -appearl, th«t winlo 1li»g»n«f»i rasull will eaiily Wome^epi knd l.iii- u l l Hii. « > i i i i i > n o wliU-.b ID' l i i i j i n - n i l ) « l U . l » —ktuud erect for a moment with bate linen uan.ferr.-d to John, P, Brown, lo to < f iegul*r trade Itneorn i •nd bark. ihiy.kua some of their friends, wbu farm tkerr I - U I I - . K,t. wilbuut luiiber, •ommeut, aoa » b; the. abova d*U bu j ing aainiitmu,*. *xtendnd, ai if., to him in_ liii ti-rml which prevent .w balance _-. iralaaed dkiHlillJMi, viii |iddn>*>i In tin h(M< ...,..----V the r i . i i u e of r i w n n i f , - , » h > n r i i - i Ik* lion, of the reeeTpT'ol •targe amount of t ii' / -in ?*****<»*»*&!*fc1t i. BROWN. ' | will discontinu •««.* . -.11. _ k, CO. flight—then fell prostrate to" the earlh.-r-j{ang* ibe eonrta or cii,iICCasiutl il'llrl.i ii ury In fund*'from bis father, living M above i.Vn *suwi, •tie ettfigrd in icuuvciialitiatiu revolution ta th* pr«M»t mod*i •(. t a t Ilie present stand'. vi.ilciit i remoi i, •blllnaw, with * lin.d paiu in '• -'•"—' >y ' ' ; . . : ' .' 1.. C. CQItDELL, ill* soWrct. of igricullure, B URt HIUENOUH. The ipell which had lor • simie lime hoKi MtftlBli Mknint lha right lid*, i umi'loiun bad, md co*ti(*MM| ttfien-of Ibe 'l UK mi "i< lh* foreign aachangr* stated. Soon kite* be infprmad bu aecultural Ubor is a nMaiiiry coi|»*quooc« indeed I w»a in a mini jl.lo condiliou • I u» mute, molionleu, almoil briUliless''»»iMwenCharleilown, Hfttl rxpiiru of'rbefaliof bullion, eontrqurnl on a m,t.U- n quaintancli thai he expecled jhli parenli on« of them, Ihkt lb*i bunch or npnirV iuU*n))*r reiptclfully ikforns* hi* of thii dlieoveiy. JNo tillaga will MV b« suffering rt»or»fiom the «•"'"'"'*}£*£, bad Iliad mant iriiieJic., but found «B p»f*l*> i.|"co/iii*w, frompimnuu. cnun- in a tfaorl lime lo pan tbiourh tireeni/ I Ib* filore JK ftioml. and Ih* pilran* of Ib* Ul« Arm, arniind liim—lliiii nulely limUi'ii ; - W e demand for laig* quakUtits required, nor -ttjt aitiBcial itiiuulanta ia . »t(ictive v ini'it m l i r l until I hid purcbfttd lir ll,,lick'i with whom our ti'iuiciivt,!» t -lii CO. , thkl ha will'continue Die bu«ln*s* at Ib* o|d li*»lened to raise him, but wo wu could •ear*, h»v« klreadyTVB borp' o» ft viiit' to ipDie lit.-inl', livii,,. in vf. Tbii i«- mknure «»d ululr more or leu »»p*uil»» Ctmptund kliiHftlatiuiH m»4 (.n»i«» ,1>i>iU«i it ami, and is d*t*rm|nsd to keep alwaj*n<1 • larg*, iliaage in ordinanr y 1 <ni w»'c» and •«>«•«»'• Tbh i*of eoulbiuationl with regard lo *eil end fri^ repUce bim on bii pallet Hi* ipiril had 1'itli, ftbieh f i o m tuparior viituc*,. I W** fioptriin id.ui one m. ti- mil , b.mig^ihe Unking Souibamplon. .Virgiriij. Aftain he ,,re, and well **IMUd *lock, of genuin* *, flc>1 ' cuui|<lcii>l) cured, toil am kbit lu puriua my • " tended to Uarn Ibat. bi* father vt»s 4«»d, in > n t u i i i in of Ih* ooukiry i" me. verge .-. • ....... Prugs, Mfil'n u u « . Ptlnls, Oy* Stufli, Booki I...I |>io«-iii«ni t u re. ltv<«c,t; it wpuld be IrJiou* lo fnu< indeed pissed 'away. - • • '-.!•.<. / _. 'I. »i«it from bis 101 ^ffia.T'^«^a%^ rneiat* tbe vaiiimi aavapugia llikt (*^y li, Beilty'i «ui|'lu}ui»ut, dec frvn p»in or due..*. ruptey,aad occMianed giniral *imimrrci>l|iiis-' but thai.he expcc'j^l ke., and all other articles In hit I'm*. 4f» will a viVil ,„,_,. ...... by a liberal mode of condueling lh*"bu«lmf<fiKN.—Tho author «f ClikrU-10'Malley tii--.-. • 'ce Indirttint) reivilv in pr'acnce from .Ihii casual eiJMh^ ' llier, and Wllli a' cftuntntsoi ajhf re iliv'r* scrim lo V« t» •» > viRuit.u* vigi>i«,u» anil >m of his astabllshmapt, and by a pfoinpt Jat........ the fbllowlai i|iieerilliiiiiaii(iu into . "B<c*UM lh* prosntrity uf agr*al minufie- Kfief for bifiost parent, lit entered a mil tinol growth, wllboul ar'.ilic'nl «f»i.iluic». meat; eutl tlieiefore, wt v |,ru'tWi»''iH;Wto-''" baled Xiiil*, Ohio. Junk 7.1840. lentiuii to all Ita* -dulle. i uni.e.-.Uil with it, *nInring and cnmmncial nation depend* in a grrat I fc .CO. 1 Ih* Iksl number of Ihll virilaUe oarrativci liner * ihop and be»pok,e'for bit inufher a to ibe world that alt {nay profit by« it." In obit rving oklure unjwsisted, or an dlivor to airit a^*b*r*> of Ih* palrauag* of a meaftuir irpi'ii foreign trade knd.nccess to lir *-_. /Siiiri,,»J Offitt frr llu aate */l»il M>Uti»i is — 1.:... ,_ 1> »-«.,i«iirtr reiiiictioiis cosily drill ef mourning,' while A«,wore thwiiled, rather, by llie.ttaiid of ru»is, Flirtalion it a Very Ane ibixg, but it'» uoarous publioi J O H N P. BIIUWN. rTA» ihia eaa b* toiiiy wild, w« alJV. l9.jy«rt*J2IOHrHs«f«l, ~ rtipicttutly informi th* crape oit bl« bat'l. (Bold aoJ-jtwIjI.sil '"*•"'"• •, -*..ilnna wltti which eu» tariff i* *, wm. of *i>r U»««.rs to On*M» r • atale ol Iransilion, after a l l ; the S •.•••*..30, I h l l . " . I . ' . ' ' and AUo-for Ml* kt ihk ilor* of - - 1 throw gltal ah.tacles in tha' vay man! Ihuilolamper wiib the wialb end "•«•?»"• wproajiciioB, il-i* hund lb» di of good •T v Ih.t ba will any corr*spoodio| -*---- tbuad.rboll, of Heaven I ^_, _ rutty. , •Iy. <JU»» . ' »«>»f ^». «••< •» *»• H ^"po* «« •f iiaJc, . 'will b* pl*a»«d V» Wi - *. of .IT I mat fun, if on* -j T SSOBTKD ill* Ulan, and Fully, for **U lOelobar, wt Uf* to tbe M V U A H L E 3 D. i»*rrlc*«MD*ntlst. »Fro|und*rtk*baudi6flhe J. ||. BEAHD It CO. I1 inch as may I. WCK»; A*gu«l»J U-«0.- ..' Oalowr 7, M :j^SS^S^StSJ^^^^^^^^ U t a i . H I ! t||| i « i M . n i n vj i , , „__ ^ __ I r.s^;^B£"Sfy;KS L ^XfefijiMfi I IIICUl. J I «... „.„ _ T D W . A f S '15. A HI • 1111*19 |,t . . . . . . T HJIt E UllUM^I ".",- T H m -? "*• x^ssffr&to •. . KKWHutMTM <'*•»&' *! -;s »-?J f&3SWSX5m obt« t^Wammiim " &H ^^^s^^SS HDKI ,M.: A ' " * • - J ~ - -'.A.J.X.'AKk. *!.,. *M/t iwhen th«'President winupposed to b* of ttannn.— Th» (rfal. of i Arrival The 'General Convenlldn "of the Proteslo»l. ' '.-I, 16 nAts LATER FBOM Th* unditnignid. b*ln'( ill««n«t|«d for a ••(- tant Episcopal r-hiircli of . tlm United William Hating ch«««d with partlcipa. [ , .IJiid«r.ibii4i«|d axSeiolotlasili* allndet lo The Pop* be* r«-**labli»hed Ihw order ontho ting in tho murder of John «• ffo*a oilwf*»pr»|i»*iit*, l« *vwt>. ««v«tc s adjourned w* Monday *v*ning, *f 1ttM th* Unil idvlea Of cnrretpOBrlenti who Sinilf r- Th* Columbia arrived at Boston,aarlj of St.,'Johu nf Jerusalem within bin State*, J 5lh of July lait, ^WMrbroiigu " , i7r.«ou,t. , , , of fifteen da, Among th* w ra-P ioo f f. tin fdiior in<n* ecwiott of hip ;_the on Thursday n.<>rnin2. having left I****- and conferred upon it th* direction of tho about T o'clock. ; kwt» the Tlii-y tholltVVt hl« >he*i mri'ioffick-^ily poo) oo. Ih* lOih.; .Her, patlBg') to, U«li- IVntifirnl military hotpitah Il'watr i from Ions* of ttishnpii wi* rVarf In Ilie Iiotriri llh obarge* igain»i bppnn«nti~th*t II Ool. 23,1841. fa* w»* maje in lh!rtr-r>n tl*yi/&i»wlth> '(M" ' irfHtotcit of tilt;rra'f /a«fet»o»i* ; lh»** The rtichmeml Oomfilfr pivn a ehe«rins if ClerleiJ and L»y DepMlleilnSt. John'* and' heavy knighls derived their ptimliive title of dctcrtptlDB A. the late ISihlbltlon and Pilr by >'»» t . M , ' . - t n p i i l n i n jn lliel*lllude-of,lu impiiIt I* slal*d thil nmnT"ieeo>int^ }»•! : . _ l t _ . . _ f a. f-l._ i—and loo tebteinuf In prorln/r Ibe trnlb are of mora than kit jr *tn* ttaftding'-win* of jhurch, by th* venerable presiding BisK*IIo.pll.IUi. of St. John" , «;^. ibcAgrlcoUaral aat.Uortleulliirat Boclfty. of dguil" ip G'riswold. i*t bad been pifviously ««™lf4, ,&eTin' nlra-nrr arrived at ' Boiloti' 00 According to,, letter* from Ih*.. Hagoe,, HHitico Conniv. The!iravy braacti of lli«ball- j efTerlonl. h*m l'niie«d«o»or!ng th* U«t,li*«iilf— It will of mat Amodg Ijr 01 iff tb* 111* most Important important suhjeci* sunject*, iy • «—--••-• " Thiirsdiv ti about teven o'clock, ol i—CnAinc »NV Tiiii»or-C»sr'|C» Jrwt the 10th, the King of Holland ha* hai'denl tha Kill). in« of Holland dctie**' wai r-ondactfd It I!neon Quarter IlinncJi, ir»rr«lj b« der.mtd aar*^*onabl* In th».proprlifduilng Ih* tilting of thii ConOrlffilh, Al*x*nd« Outran and WillUm IT»« •«> " [cldedfy 'refused to ratify thtt'trealy b«T,7, iVr« four more biveipooi, wiiencff-itie tailed«n tb* and tlH ItlhtBtand mar*, attrar.iivr, in leme rc- Unf—DJteots bothiog—was lh«4dta'conveyed •lon to eipof t a ftiJy >n<l )><illlr< trlilimtnl In _ » ' .^._L.7_«.l^_ r _ — ' - _ l It... . '!•!..r« 4rn fnlir mnrp to In be 1)« ttried n f U :from "P™ «>"T«| vention. was that of .e.tabli.Uing forei|jnH Hann*and^!bj(ri.iofone fl^i^.t.n^ making hrrp....g*ir, nfleet. twaen the Duchy of I.uxnm'inrK, and tan rpi-rt*,- at Ih* Rxehang* Hotel in Richmonil — y ihe'wrilers. somi ship* or WtiV 'Wot m« rtull»tjo (tut* W* too, have.l'f.'n nfien mlitif J and bctitior.- p>l,l upon cttwnt hinlnex— »nd Ihfj, Inlirnl musinpiry 'umiojirtckiln trmnecliori-wiib,! forth* *am* cflirn«n, -.. . - „ ... I > rn»M*n rii«lnm*.' r iininn, . . n The addrti* of PreridenlTurnn *'*»ex«*l!«nf 1 Ihe Proleatant Episcopal Church in thi* of them, Frederick, ana* B*H K° '8. Ylm Columbia brought 13,500 letter*: , h*i'-cau*«d • great ieri»alitih,:4hrt (iiliy '"•Us. iiV p t i r i i c a l portion*,' anil iiusnuron* an,l ally rtCiiU'AlBlh»-wina--*r«y. — vV»|»av»b»*ii conblry, and' particularly to T«**« and commenced Ihis morning.—Ball. fat. rn -tm'-th«**>--|*r-.-N«»jr.. Yoik.. pVodo«* important coaujQUencet.'. There The idlrrlnf rim would alnn*, If *^pU*d to work* of eharlij, , hirpy I" I" «ll«»ii)B* I" ih* pill lal< I'T ''"' >inilly'inviieil to main onr .htaJs 10 S'lfWOV down f v«rjr »l)ins, iui'f"»«ry-rit!il««lf r*port-of Ihe • Isldi**. 'Tbfrc was.asnrprlilBli'diiplalrof fine trtm At jL*irtiTli1( (IT» ) l.iilld «• «t» iip''n "«J pnnrmth'i li««rth lath* '. After!' m bib and- «irn*sl deliberation Thr Britannia, frojm Dpilbn, the JOth isiar having left the Hague. , anlmaliand airlenftaral Implementi—ind an vhich Mood in Ui« pmh .iff foma of oar frl'eftds county, (brotigbetlt th*. icomlai; wlnlsr. Tn* COUR8E; and dejbat* in the House of, Clerical and { A Lir>g« jnurntt itilM that, thr Kmpriuninrpuriril array nf ftnlti ao.l floWeri, and wlihoat rrgard io this ftuibirnr qfjhe proj«i 01 t'lm* h*< jnuid bj for farttiir p*ri*f , #nl a* »•• Sine* the Grey Eigl* and Wagner eon- Sppftmber, arrived ai LtTfrpool on* Ibe I .-ay Deputies,' lit* recorrVmelidalion s»nl rivnnina of the 20th. ••' % , ror of ftunia baa i*ht an ordrr to*n arhandiwork of ih* fair artisan* wbo If ni itirir aid th* eontrqn^nrtii «f ilf f-al. ,W« hare licrftn »oft word«, from jlte House of Bi'shops for the-ap- lest, rto' rac* on,thi* course ha* 'ncited Th* Columbia bring* out U7 pauen- tnnrcr'ol town'for. l5',(N)Q.'pi>rcuisfon lo jlvf latenA i* ih* oeeatlon. Th* m*tat»r* for* respectfully '.declined <bch polit* nn.l di-in no parsnip*," w* ibill lo.ok.for soroalblag there greater Interest than Iho otin on Saturday, p'oihlmlnt'of a Missionary.llishnp t o ' A f • n f t h n t S r c k i y ilinrd ti-ftttfi'r at th*'.ttichang* l«riil<iJ (Uggtilion*," und*r the .(ptrhipl viiin •obM.otl.1 for »h« ful 'A1*J*i'^:- • rica, andotUJaJierW Texai, logc-llitr* with botwrrn Wagner, ' Black No«e,'Ann In- g«N, imonR Ilirm i* Lord -Morfrtb, Ih'e muskets, with rift* barrel*, it Hf. rarli. author of Ih* IrlsrcRegistrilion Billi *nd for.lh"* imperial guard*. Tn*»* gimf *ro nn.Thurtday, and a new Impnlie seemi to bave hclle'f thM-.wi pot«t«fd |udgm«nl .citough 'to tb* nomination 1 *'.accompahying'that re- .hU; nobert Btnce. *nd L«g;Tre»«tirer.— the Un»occemful Whig t-andidalo for Ih* .to carry, a ball lf)l)0 pa'e*f, ji*>_ Jxt-n sivrn to ih« primary empliiyment of man (nable'p* to peiforrn onr part IB -Hie pablhH'iitK We learn from ihc Ui'i-kfnrjhiim tleftstei, that Th* four flril h'ad earnod'tnore orleii-r*-; r domrm'ndition, v.-ai postponed. . . gre'at West Riding of. Yotkshirev • charged are pUccd on reitj, which *»*~io^ by th*r*mlli oT'tbe two.meellni;i already held, f u l l y , honeslljr and • jndielontljr ; *aad tbat ever; in* trial of R."C. Qwaiklh'ifoir ihe marderol piii.iiii.m. and the latter lml • 6rst rate • Th* new cationi reported from th* : Lord, \tprpeth came in the Columbia, light that'they are eisily tarried iluhg to By ih* \ray, »hy is it ihat/tlTerfon County, thing hml be*n don* vhlrh a spirit o VreJerir.k'M. Pitman has been poslponrd qnfi House of Bishopi lo nrfeet «nJ. cover auch •name. Then there wa* the old griidge w i t h n -vip* of vi n l i n f t h e principal parlii the bell. A box formed in the but end of rc'qnlr*d in ohcn termed ''the f*rd*c' »poi May nen. .• ., ...- • ' manner against VVsgner, who hsd sacrificed the __ n __^__ in 'appointinenti State9..and C*l tha piece* carrif* the variom imall irai f onnoi rni'r nni! tupporl IH Acriculuital Bocir- i-onii;iur 10 do oar <li\iy according to our «on galfatit Gray in Ws youlh~rfi'e prhte; and, Lordship will be recdliected"Tii"ih'*:vefy pfemehtt re'ijiifFed.'" Blj,**rta anJ 6t1(>"r" Tht Virginia ftepabjtean, formerly jmbllihn postponed^ ly ? Are oar farmer* already >o.tliilfut and cepiions of propriety— and brg.leavv to answer but for old Wagner, 'the futnni o'nconThe Mt''i>ihnr<Mi|inn ,l!:'n Convention, h" h»*n revived by i< *ard| hive i«nt order* prosperoai ibaUhrjr duplci alt Improrerocni — onee for all, in Ihe termiof tin Qgntt*—hap by Mr. William' Alininiv Tho»« popular Sectrtary fof Ireland under th* German'dale*,'it ' ' BishoprAresenl qiierable c)lan>pion-of Reriturky. his broUt«r*i Mr^^-4" ^*>" "*"" •'- -1"- '-'- ^ll- both in to Liege for tim^r arm*. v ate Whig administration. '.. • ^ w ho follow the fortune* of 6ld " Ih* and the number anrfrinpeclabiUlTpf appfarimorer gratify Tin- Emprfrnr of Rudi* ii > ii rfi't I i llliMi i «i**Tl 1~ J '"ii'i-i.i'HH •-^•^y^iypKAip^... > r ! A, „ ^.fai& .ec'^dente J, and''J^»r ^e1tlluTl ___________ ..... _ . , ent la breab down the strongest .pa*ty la *fc tiwn anil nelghbor.iitencewlth a-lrnth-lorio*; people. -.^-M to the nd •iicce**of ihe.Clnircu^ ',;- .;- leir'-ntimerpu* lo*ie»,-and they backed r Liverpool Coilon*rn»rlrtt Ii lmpro»lng] King of Prussia. , . . ... . . . P»rtle».'lti thr tail l#t isl«tar* Motj— IB the a. Our paper is 'conduc'.fJ optjn jirl«lpJ«.— llood, riH re«i»o''.ihvi'rf ajUN al th* PvrtJfflce. The nex'l |ti«nhial Cbnven<ibti; will be im against th* flcld'a* long a* there wai The and lhe"manufacluririjt- jnt«re«t«.li 'iri inr Thn. iVnchru- 'of Kent lia'd returned fi-na-e. Whigs 91, Loco* 1! ; in Ihe Houie, \VV hold ourMtve* aa'ready nnd willing. Iff eon-: iMliir left. But long; before Ihe hour eld in PUitadeiphla.-JVY Y. Jlfur.;;., imprayed'poiilion^huughlttilareiitllltika 1 'ro_m Belgium to b* with Jier..daughter JCJ»Tlie ncgo1(>tioo betwetn the Rail; Roul . .Whigs' 66, Loeos 69. In eonseqasnae of rcsi|- denra onr professed friends as onr avowed «n* f .ilarting th«f Wagner money: wa* all inf ' place, theVconiequcncA of _ the tryipg pr-riod Of accoiifhmrnl. Kkllons, tbir* 'Will be 10 S«aaior« to elect ibis (nits, If -they depart from what we coniMcr-po- Conpan/and the Balliinore Banhf, in reference eitc'd.. The lonl of Kentucky, Ihough Thfi Syn'oJ *f Virginia- of tho Pr»*byUlw«l.l\one»ly. Vtfrii are falliblfr j rlnriylii are jfl.)H« Orders of tho jatler,' I* *till pending. W* Tbi< event we* Jo .take plac*.*! Buckingbarraiimemi. 1 > . ha might dread lh* "old hnrio," were ' . ."'' . ' " , ." .' '. ". '- "- -. "- -. . " l i n n Church.; convened in AViocheitcr , Thn grain market had alio advanced ham Palace, where Ihe Queen wia to ar' they will rnain |h« majority fti <h* Bcn«le. 3. Thnogh we are thankful for good advice, •lioilM ,nivi'"-'hoycr« tolu^rnil Io no Jiltoillll — n Thursday last, thoUI»t iffiT, arij^nrn. l . _™ will submit to no. dictation, however that in*y 'AH iniMlcoth* right.'" , "' "'••'.•••. d on the nycning of 23d. The S**»iph»; '.'r. by way of whelling their vengeancp, Money \v«». in more xlemind; owing - Th'e n'ow* (Vblfr"lnVOniTe"d"SlarfI*;~oT~ more doubtful, IS Mir Lbcol qcnrrally o;d adding to'lhfl edge. of victory. ' " f .Ili.T T* vn"d, vvo iinilf'r't-ind, w r i ' r r i n eonsclmce-keeper. . tlwi , aorn* capital pot of mere loeal qariiioDt. The Legislature of thi* Slate assembled ucterl with itreit nnapt'mfty" " 4. No party can be pcrman'cntly ffilllion* iterlmg bf:.M«h«qn»r b'illi— .and Bank and* Ihe breaking. up_of Gen. Har> '' which owei it* pr*mineace 16 deceit and fal«« al Montpalier on the': Mtb instant. Whig, nd (he.occasion ha* beervono of special ttrer leading Bruce followed, .and on OHIO. ' . iwril. We hid far raiher be defeated, with an officer* were chbteq both in the Seriate nleresl to.ihe Synod, as will at to the io second round challengedrandjiatieil poikiblv 6) the new loan 61 iliiny million! riion'i 'cabinet,.can*ed^..(reat «en>alion According la the Istent return*, the Lacol honeit party, thin .vic'.orii.ut. wllh a diahonest and the House. In'lht'iirUer thr mijori- omrounlty in Winchester. Tbe religioui im. . Al the first lurii'on the third trifle, of dblUri advertised lor by ttifi 1'cmcli •in London. The necond veto message and thelelleriofMeiirii Crittenden, !'.«•• lif nf hM:lne*cHVaneh' of on«. Tho .people want troth, and that editor is ty for Speaker wa- Ii), Ibf Clerk 61.- Tte xercii**, during the Seition of the Syn Black None look up Ihe running, pa«*ed Uovernment. niraitorto-them-who aerves lh«m wiih lies. ,_—., papers „ are full .of the hewi ing and Wetnier are published at length The Lqndon tb* L*(iilatan—making /«ur on joinrballol— G V.'" romiilcr, wli.'ii a man aubscribts for committee appointed to canvas* the vole d, have been well attended, and judging bo Treasurer, and mkda i number of frofti tlu*'ilde, carried by Iho Britannia^ in the London papcri. Alto,-.of- course, This retail b» been attained by majorities in out paper, and' pay* fur' it, that b« .l..cs himself for Slate officer* reported- that tlm whole 'pm tho marked attention • RJVPII to the telly paitef at Druce ; but Bruca came aome cnuntirs of from S to 6 Totes—and several n> great a favor ai he doe* as. We endeavor numbefof vote* given for Governor wa* •vice*, it ii hoped lhat. tbey'jW|i."-«*sull iom« ahe|d, Ann- Ihnin Wagner of the breakingttpof Congteivlhe vtton, a full Mc'ount of tbe scone in the H.mso Whig eoantiea with majorities of 300 to 1000, :o give biro more than his money* worth, and ,47,9-liJ. Of t-heie CHARLM 4'AiHiT,- n'-doing m"UcK good. We un^entand barely dropping within tha' distance by Ihe diiioTu'tion of 'Its"Cabinet, McLeod, 'of Refireienlative*:b*(ween McssM, \ nd Stnnlv. i . ' *. ''""•--. hit*- inflered tfrfea'l elihw by division among' believ* w* laeceei! in so doing. ((Whi;) Wbi;) received 23,3d3. 23,<&3. NATHAN SMIMK SMILIK bey am oxjiec.U'd Mill lo bo coittiued du- be greatest exertion. The politicnl now* ii very meagre and Thomas 'Dilidin, the well known dra!••(Loco) 21..302,, TITOS HuTcnisosi'(Aboli- mj; (ho pre'ient week, leverat of Ibo Min> "1..11'.'."1 apailiy. -Itni The tablet were now turned, and few i ^— • «»*.i^'. ~~f -* ' ~M"' ." •• ^--i':" *r>A'. matic author,,-died at Pentonville on tha tttrtM Ji*-1) J?A'.aov',.l»,')vipa ngfpil In ie- here vvcv that ha'd^ha..!*."^! fa^hj^lhe. devoid of inMretl. . onijr «lq1^r«t6r.a*ea»ohT':;Th»re"*rrt-'bVli;|-Pi*ito Vulo ii abonl nine 'tliousnnil Irm l!nn at mahr fof t h n t .pur pa t c. TJi a,Sy i! oil-n ilj .'»rdJ)«<e.''4tT^y-att'WBiO.j^,^2»ro^, . ver (Jen. Bu.rnettrwho formerly .filled Ih* Presidential election. There being ted, to hold it* next ahfiiial Senion in Al- Jruco look ilie'lea'd, but.Lcg-TrpaitJref' y«ar of Loco !•'. ,co misrule, and that will be anf; . Ccieni W^£*Jbeevil. •- '"' .-.; •'. the E«dutivrctnifi^ ^h«TexJ*nii««elttUocon- no choice, tb* Legislature went into an xandria, D. C.—-Winchttltr Virginian, oon ifiowed him hit heel*. Bruce lay to.uching remuneration to- McLeod for his FKcra i ill c r m n ral i ly c f n n s- r t of r rn Ei-qiieiii-e in the etectiqjJ on Iha following day, wlien.,r . >ack for. bii distance. Ann Innii and twelve mnnths'confinement. . .'->,-_; LATE AND «*> CHINA. The new ParliamoQt artjourrrin PAIN i:' wai cboitn—thoTVefritanding, The Message of Governor Pollr to Ih* Ten- early careor of a nation. . " ' - • ;i!arU No™ Licked tho Trr-a-mrer On the for Paine 140, Smilie 03, ic'alterin^ l:! — nenee L(|i*lati>reis-entir*ly free from nny nlthird tjiiflttrr. of the first mile j""but "IITJB 8-fe w-day«;, uniil -J»n.uaty-nr_F_ebi.uarj.:^. A REMINISCENCE:. The miui.ility in NewOrlcans during the pre'- The people also elecl a.LieutenInsion IP nationAf politics. Thii eihibili a new. lattei. would kcep'a. little ahead uatil'-h'e Durinu tiie K recess of Purliaroenl, politic* THE CttJIfBtVBD BRITISH FORCES. valrncn of. y'ollov fever bat been awful. As ant '•GBveinpr'and'*» Treaiureri' and the O M t T I I I K n WHICH Hi! HiPPCNCD A N B W i l l . I I A I ' . '" ^ • commenced hi* fourth mile, when,'by are dull.' • • ' P I N »U,UN l ' lr> France all t»»« quiel apparently ; "W>.are indebted lo the Alu Ynk Jmnltm iIaT*i 8T^cle*"b"y;-I*rg«'-rn»joritic* '^nwilpl»"teiii«wb*Wiil7~t|(it;"Tit tb» •Un, hn tlnppcd- Then thr r u n n i n ; r which tan ordjr be accounted for by , »o it the.potilence wa* still raging at the candidates atippnrle'd by the Whi-Jn. :siwr.dsT fv.enini.fnrv:ite./H!!; f* him hy ihe peoplo in A u g u s t last He wai tiken'.'up' vigorously by Ann anil >TATB I'.i.'rcTio.-.'i which took place nr. lli? dale of ihe last accounts. " tumult or oiiordef.'or of rumor*" of war«r lortant inforirUtion frooi ihe Ganti . ' " qrg«» a resirmpUbn of specie •jiayrntni* tiy Ihe Black Noso, and, after, a iharp contesf, toBB Ab/j^iceat^W. difficulty k ;iny where on Ibe continent, Front Me JVtw VuiC. .luitrimn. ' Battki of th* 8tain—cnii j iilc rs ihsic i n kt i i m inn 1 Tho .Tcmp'e ttnr e Ca UK; ;,f i !l II mi i i«h<!* i n this TtoN—tne Van Buren'par'tyTcarr'ie'a":al Black Nose 'dropped iOP MB. despatched the ileamboit dnlin-ly solvcnl—and lliiiil.s they will be able lo nil, Ufiirn within- ;md lii-nr...' ih,' papers, in the cstinialion ahead; Aim Inni> moit every Slalo. ( K e n t u c k y , New Yorl Ai Marpers-F«rry, OK Sunday- las;. In another column our reader* will per and Vermont «xcepted) from Maine I Im d ist-in co, W.agner f nd Leg-Treaiurer dl political quid nunci, are dull. at ah early hour -thi* rrorning,;iri icircli tcinmc ib a raatonable time. . -' mure pertonii took the Tola! A t"iiA public iDtVcting'war held in .London of the Nftrragansettj and-have the-pleasure POV* Jones, Ihe newly-elected Whig Qover- nence plidge ai llie Cailinlic Cluirch. Anil ihe eoive, many of them-with i deep regret Louisiana. Morion, tho Locofoco Abo distanced. ". j on th.o lit i n s t i i n i , convened at the in noneof tliom \yith indilTerence, Ihe an of laying before tho reader* of Ihe Amerinor, wa* IrJanjoriied at Mathvillo on ihe ISih proceulon of Ihe aeveril Societies, to lake place For the third heiK only Black Nosn lilionist, carried Mamchuiett*. .Roman instant. lie" delivered a very n*ai and *ensiblr al that vill^c'cn the fiib uf N n v c i n l i c r , will ex- nunciation of Ihe death of tbe Hon..Jon: Wai elected in touiiiaca. Folk in Ten arid .Bruce' came forward. Bruce took slanco of Messrs. Baring, Brothers &,'Co., can elercn.iln^t later neuttfrom Canton. FonsYTti, of Georgia, .lata '-Secretary o RothicbiLd .M.Mt.eraii(r> & Co.i BirclaySt JL ' inaugural addles*. Hi- majority w a s 3,340. . ', MACAO, MAT 2$ 1841. Ibe trad, and kept it, generally-from-one hibit a cheering sight Iq tHe phitanihropist Th* Stale. He died al his residence in thi nesiee. M'Dpnald ir. Georgia. Graio Co., and other eminent' London banker*, DEAR SIB :—Vun wilt lee by the enground of Temperanc* is one on which Chris- city ori pvcninp, of cpngflilivo in Maryland."Pc-'Kor in'Pennnylvania lo twp lengths ahead/nplwi'.httandioK no- to expr£si, their.thank* to the .London ** In the lain Instruotions of President Tyler to tians of all denomination* may inert. . Ii is the closed that lio.stilitic's have again com. Indiana, wlucli had voted for Harri meroas ehallen'ge*, until ho entered the the Acting poilrnaitfr dcieral, w* find tbo lol- only one of the great modern improvement* that fcvo'r,-'after an'illness 'of tbre* or.-fcu son, went for the Loco Focoa. Teonei (bird quarter of the, third mile, when Times, lor the persevering, .coitlyv arid menced—Ihe trade entirely':*tQpped.>— wcoUs. To pronounce tho eulogy du lo'wiat;*ent*nc*t .....'.» . ...—•_', . iee,which had voted for White, a.n.d give Black Note got ahead. From Ihi* time disinterested efforts through which il had All the foreigners; have left Canton -exM, ycl by j»ini effort j upnn the • "1 will take this occasion also to add foryoni ;real moral lever, in projector* are moving the to Iho public character of thii distinguish him a majority of twenty thousand, elect Iho diitanfc* between, tbo two gradually. succeeded in breaking up a system ol cept Ihe English force*. ' . ed'genlUman is a duly that doe* not de Injlruelion, that fha,appointment to, nml -eonContinental iwindlihg. under forged let' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' Several of the factoriei .have been parwidened, and Black Nose at last came' to ed Polk; Georgia, which had voted 'fo linuahee in, the "fflce c( Poilmasler of any one volve on us; but il"i» not filling thM wo thn post wi.tli a good deal totpare. Tbe ter* of: credit,- and the course which l\ ly- demolished, and nearly *l> entirely White, wont for' M'Donald. Marylan editing a political.iUw»ij»rui, in the hlcheit dcwho knew tho deceased so IODR a* a pub bad adopted lo defend an expensive law plundered by the rabble am) Chinese lolfollowing i* thei rciuU: . . It is (taled that not less.. 4(00 pirson* bar*' gree, objeetlohable. .'afflnviilves. mo>l,i<f Hie lie man, ihpuld1 withhold! from bit memo which had .voted for H.arrisonby-a-Urg J.unrs 1C. Duke's cB. h. Black Nose^O suit. Onr readers may remember, -that dier;.. We hav* new* from Canton up -coiMcqiirncrj abor* auied—'introdocts polities taken Ih,* Total Abstinence pledge in the pi»> majority, elected the preienl Loco Foe Into the Pott OHiue'—dlminiMii.'Mlie revenues- iriti.of Columbia since the Tctotnllers coin- ry iho justice of laying that b* poneii* Governor. Vermont even trembled i yean old, i ' 2 1 1 we published an abifract of Ibi* Cine, nil to the morning of t l i n a t i i h . n l which Simo ' qUdlUlei which placed him much abov der the litlu of "Bogje rs. Lawion." En the Engjish were still ilorming the city. •Jimei Shy-'s.b. b, Robert Bruce, 0 i the balances. Kentucky, wai. ihaken.— '^<^-in»nkinii>>.,,.Tb* me—'main ot miDKina. .. i,uo ;;h.ijife_pffice comtastic resolution* were passed, land . -. The land had potiesaion of tha ... yean».oJ4,. .-. -.. .:, -,.:,-. '..1. 3-2 NeVYork waiisur loeui* (air en»«eh j bul «ro woii",il rc- . A travellrrciinip|aln«'llini Ihn which,-duriitg'*6:; jjraat.-'*.'pi'orlion of III roinniittea raiscd.liroht.'ia nntl'fiieient to heifthuih the rear of '.lie city, while Ihe SI...Qurbridg*'* blk..f. AVn/ttnlii J arid;Ih* Van' Burnn'iloiid »w»»l«d 10 hrg - *p<el(ally inqnira wheihtr thr appointment to, pers-Terry to HillsborougS'i* wretched. In die -hBrfi* iucceiiively:: uccesiivoly nll«d-, filladi both in ..hi ' • 3'yeara..ohl;v^ •;..,;.. . .. -..'•....'.; nii'n-of-.wor bad phticiiiim «f ih* rlv«r in 'and Ui* oonlintfinee in, ilic cilice of Postmafter, eitftmt—sorno of It indeed in a break-neck- con- Own particular State and in the Naliona ii to leave scarci'ly an Ararat fur the Ar litude of- the- banking" and.' trading-inli-r- 'front "and to • the wnalwartl:-,- 7'Ae •/«!.»*-!/ Ii. E. Goodwin's ch. C. Log-Trea . of th* Editor' «r • ttUfinit newspaper^ and ibat iliiiim. ' I* there-no enterprije In lhat region— Govornmcnt, one* Ibe lupiriority of Republican liberty to real upon. Th ' ....- ". "• . ' • aurer, 4'year* old, ...•' 4 dj*, est*. '**. ^ ' . life on tht fart of ihi Chinese hat teen lisuei', loo, from a iniminr; eslabJUhnVnl ton- or .doe* it reqoir* grand jnri«* io stimulate ii in- of hi* abilitiesnnd the public estimation < cyo of tho patriot, .a* he .gazed arouq Mr. Stevenson, the American Minister tremendoui. -There are' between forty Col. Thos. Walton a ch. h. Waghim, .-on every 'tiJa, a* far. as tbe bo 1 wiili ,a Theological Seminary, in n town to action? them. To the high advantage of superio ner, 7 years old, •.'... 6 di*. at Ilic cotiit of St. James, has engage(l his and fifty tbouiand- Tartar and Chinenu - wbeio a Pott Office already ezistail al the liar tileott he added", Blro7irYirorBh'eleganic-Great Western, which will troop* inside the city, ^ into wliiali tho lei* black lea of Loco Focoism—V'a oC.ii.cli appolnlinenl,!* lot a ease *qoally sironp' Th* weather for .many daya was unusually and dignity of manner* which ined ;eavo Hn.l J: . _ r^_n.. . Duron letmtft Undisputed master of ih A n t wlu-tlicr, in fact, il is not inch an *iuw of severe for October. /Sharp frosl* were not un- grace .on Ibe exalted itationa which h Great surprise was created -on-the' 18lh ^ the ipiritof the Poll.Office law, and such a vio- welcome, tmt piercing blast* mad* many limb* fillod. Hi* death.iundering many tie* o Union, and his baleful reign perpetual.— ' "The match -race between -Tennessee' ult. by the failure of. a very old ami high- of thell* and .rocked, in- order (6 drive ami Kentucky, run at -Louisville on the them out to a close engagement with-the lalioitof ill* *ptrlt of onr f tee institutions, which •hitler, and caused both rich and poor to'gather devoicd -alTictioc, bat .plunged in tb And.10 thought his followers, But it wa I I t h inst. .was won by James K. Duke's ly rei^cclaiile. \\Vst Iriilia house, Messra. English soldieri on the height*. The Kneindcniu (icluslve privilege* and sectarian mo- round the doaestic hearth. VvY look, how. deepest distress a large and most later a deceitful triumpli—as deceitful as tlios to VV. R. and S. Mitchell. _ The -ftilure qf glisk-havr sustained eonriderable lo»i. which note fill v/ith a falie joy Ihe bear Blnckmore, of'K«nt"cky, beating Colonel uopatiH anil combiRatiun* uniltr th* gniie of ever, with duligliiful anticipation fqr tho i*Ti eiting. dorticslic circle.—./V^/. /nl. of bi* partizani, Tbetf Victories not Watson's f. Elizabeth Smith, by Levia- crops in the West Imlii-s i» assigned a* . A pqriion, of ocr eilabtiihrnent 1* here, law, a* call* for the •xercita' of Ih* rcfuruiing and mellowing Indian summer vbich usually than, of Tennessee. The latter took the ilic C»UJP, ami it js tbougbt thay are in- sbmo on board ibip at ' Whampoa, and iofiotnee tJ^Execuiiire authority f greet* us In November. Bat Ihe bowling winds Th* Funeral of tbe Hon. JOHN FOR jike their victtuics Men, arc but the lur debted: in a very large' degree,' (hough Mr. Delano cloje to the city, -Iniendin*; We bajte already referred to a glaring abut* nave, wamcd all to prepare for winter, and Ihe STTII, which took place in tbii city o pracurtora of tb* .final overthrow. Th first licat, aHd on Iciting the iecond was drawn. Bain fell nil day, and the track not tb the commercial wofld. ' One of the land the Grit opportunity in order to lookof ihe for! practised by Mr. Nile* duriog hi* admonition ihould not p*M uiihceiltd. Lei ihe Saturday,- wa» attended 4»y oil tho Rep downfall of Troy it not'the less err tai lirrti i* a director of the Bank of England alter the factory property left there. • . was very heavy. Time ({,30—6,30. • nor i career, in a towu uoi very distant from poor *very where be remembered. ' . - reientative* of foreign Government* now bccati's'e "Achilles ii in hi* lent." The One week's ri-ti-i (its from tlm [irincijin We have been fuitu'nale enough to get th* Metropolis; and wesoatl (onfidently elpeot P. S.' Since ihe above wai written, tht- In- in Washington, by tb* Head* of our Ex victoriei now'are all TrojsR Iriumphi.— RocM.t—Th'« contest over the-Kendall line* of railway iu Great. Britain', accordihip, and al this place, in safety , They can no more permanently succcc •* the new Postmaster General inquire1 ialb dlan(nnmer ha* ihdiirdscornrqenced. 'Illgenial •cutive . Deparimcntii Ihe General-ir in*; to the last return* amounted to £9?,over thn Whi|;s lhan did Ihe British i 'cbprie, between Manner and' Busifm, was <r7« on , a capital of $1)7,01)0,000. D«- ijvery book, paper, and account that we ih« fact and c u r r c c i the evil, before il becomcia influence a«|i* to diffuse unirerul cheerful- Chief of Ibe' Army, and many oilier oft of a character highly Mntereslirig to the pcisseu. though we evacvatcd the luclory prteedcrft lo encourage applications for timilar. ctiri of the Government, civil and roiiita the Ko volution.' Their triumph* now ai •hundreds gathereq to witnms it,~- "dueling one- hall for expense/I, jrhich li in great haite,< and but a few hours bu larorii' Indeed, we understand that two oilier ry! ns well ns many private citizen*.— like those which the'English would gai Tho Coursewho .full a* much a* they average, there IKwas rather heavy. Tim '.first Ilif Cninrie commenced the attack^, litliginiu tioiniuarii:>. near un« uf our huge ciPE^MANSJUP.—Wo ir* glad to near ibat The religion* services were conducted b if we rfeol lo w|r England. I t i ^ - a d m r heat Wai won by Mariner." The serpnd rnaias..a balance for dividend of about " tad that th* .Enjliah n\uil.l beat ui lies, inund tu eriiim like facilities; in order to b* the lyn.tiof Clatse* of Mr. DUNCIM arc prc- Ihe Rev. Mr. HAWLIV ahd the RavrM . . . beat WMYafien'by lits 'opponent, Boiturn firil—but their short-lived won • ' ' «n a foqiing with ibeir rival. grciilDg haqs]yimcly in tho way of improve- BUTLCR, of the Epiicopal Cliurch.—[/i A large ihip, Ihe jklonarcTvhaVjusi ar only ierve to put the country on it* ox And trlen'came the struggle for victory— ment. The pupils are io well pleated thai ih«y i-il at I.t-ith, from Canton, with a cargo iioiiil/u /;iilliiii''i-«.'/iiitilfi>ii),.WuiiJ,ii/, Orlturr Mi. holly was it ., The MadltonUn, ih* oQieial organ pf RresU are aniiOda lo tee others enjoying like bcoefila. COMMONWEALTH rs. SIMMCS—Tli tal—to rally Ihe pcpjilu BI one man-r the .third heat—and , most 9 Vt ir fire their blbod—lo make .Ihem give u contested.' 'It. was "'I' 'Vg °f '*';." - of 1 1 ,000 package* ol tea, &c., the lugest ' CATTLE.—AbouV C50 head of BitJ eattla decl Ty||ir,,rrjuict» at .Whig defeais.jret U oe> Mr.^D.'i room is in Catier'a 'old hoiel. Aa.h* Ult uliarlbUe'ivHle JetTerionian in (urn Greek had met Greek, and most vi^ornui- cargo of tea ever imported into that, port, w*r* ullcicil for ill* Ihil iniiiniiiK it Ilij drovo t-aiiunnlly dei-mi il MceMary in e'ndorn* th* will remain but a fawjceckj, it is Imporlani ui tbat ypon tbe non-appearance of yoon every thing'foMbeir country, and to cor 3&0*old lo Ihicily huitln-i^ni prlly did each struggle -to obtain the aupre- •mil tlm value of which ihort of Ibe July, j'jid'» andg<from • Prcsiileut'j Whlggery. • Elain people ar* nol trial ;chulan should . *nier ""promptly. A fair S i; in mm' (who tome lima line* kill* vert the «nu>c/come </•//(/ ot FIGHTIN for infeuor -tofff I r 100 nearly . macy. Side by side they came on the expected la undrrsufnd "abilraciiona" of ibis hand-writing; may be u.-cful ID men in alt con Profeaior Davis &f the University of Vir into their tole BUSINKSS, for tbe.timi 1 llii. for.prlio* quality,' ,. Th* balance.»ii balance:*^ in tba list ai in the great Harrisop conlxt il lust part of-the fourth, round, \until near '"'Sir Stratford Canning, 'it is aaid, I* ap- miiket unsaid, J.iv'o llug'i u i a telliijj »>»< •ort. They art only to ba unravelled by tbos*'Bilions of. life. Printer* deem'ii a positive ac- jginia.) and who wa* bailed Ult. *umme pointed Ambassador to Constantinople, per 1PO.IU* 'KOI'LK left their work—their worl the end of it, when Boston, by a treuienwho have b«tn laiilaltd into the schema of "uni- complishmenl—and hav* venied many an im. ih Ihe sum of g-;5,i|l)(), a defanlt was en for '.lowai-' 8lr«t FLOUW — Tho dous eflbrl, pasied his comprlitor.'aad having declined the Em.basiy to Vienna. lmp«, Ilicir plouKhl, tln-ir stores^ an precalloa up*n icrKwhng tcribblen, who think lered nu unit him, and a rule made again* ling the moderate men of both^pariius.." rjtiuna won Ih* beat •ml the race, ; by about a • Alderman; Pirie ha* been ejected Lord Flour eonlinu,** lioiil*il un'il bin few otherwise. . • _ • " . ,••", > him and hi* aecurltie*,.returnable at th maaa tbe ELETOT1ON their SOL* BUI a i o liking phicn.-' W* not* limliid ••)«» voly Mayor of London for the eniding year,— hbrs*'*_leogth.—{JBnltimort Sun. rs.s. Tl.iii tln-y cannot afTord to do eve next term of the,Court.Jp,. ihbw c*u* to day al »VJ4 • '|G,' priattlpilly »l .$S ill f*r MILITARY OJjvsNTION A PBEDIn reluming lhanki- lo tire liverym'en, good y day—but they WILL DO IT AC AI .—ljim.-6r.iiUT standard briud*. ' Th* wniou prito ii why judgment si)nil not :::b* had on Aie t; ' he laid, "I little thought, forty, yeiri' • A CnatLBNoa —Th* owner of Boston, oomes 1 •vben^ie TIM KCOMES, and Ibo Whig lawly- of a CoBvenlmn of UUiisry Ott**f > to . . Thi! I'-xpies* <• ncu u rages IH to hope lhat the forfeited reeogh1*TCMr 'Tb*^"JiifRr*b "No c xptjclalion eii.l* i will as <utcly Uiuni|ili aj lli.ey did in ''i laki into 'ciiniiitrraiiuii Hie p'rbpriety of a Grand E m p i r e Stale w i l l r e m a i n iiiiilauiilc.l liy Hi..- do- u i 3 n adds : l=± a pi.or f r o m thn b;iniis. t:'f. llie T.ive,.'d. \ nd''4|. ' Military- Bncaopaieul of Volunteer .companjt* n-li.-.ii.iii i.f ilns Wlii;;t in oitn-r Stalet. In rt-- Ihil ruinmiinity tbat thii yiiung man wi «I'my.hor'ie Boiinn. Four , that I ihould e v e r at r i v e iM[i> high a dilat tome eou v c m r n i point. Th» Baliinor* Q|[p> fereaae lo th* approieblof election in that Stale ever return her*. He.mav thcrifoi* b 6«««r*l hundred Uolt. of 8utqu*b*Yn* Heati.againit any two lmr,se's in Iho world, tilll'lillll." ' ,i' r > • " . " . •- COMVIOTION OP'aWFPlTH. . •p*r gives n* a brief aeoouot of the gathiiing, I'ur inembera uf ihe • A»teiubly, it linj th* follow- contidetad cletr."—I.yiichlurs 1'ir, w*r*rt*ld on Saturday and to-day it tv- ' for'Tiomty Thouiiihd Dolltri each beat. Tbe Duke of Leiniler had taken Ihe toU I I I O A T — U l i w t h» *d«*ncc<r,\|nd Tlio jury in the CUP of Griflitli, indie That Ii, I will rub Boston one heal againit tal abstinence pledge ftora Father Ma; which Mini uiir ii-luhiiu better than a iuvie de- m;i r(.'innrlis, which we bop* to tec f u l l y vcrifird now quo!* fair to print* Md. r*d>il||,90a 1,3d in a few week*. Th* coantl uk*i place lailtd ftatemenu i • .4 cult anii-ctniou* J9ff«ir,—Jame* i cd for the. murder-of Hicham, wasY one of the two bonei ibat may bo matcbjt tb.e.w. c _ • ' . ; . . _'../.. . ,-..\ ".::.. pcr.butb*!. . A^aal* «f l'iiiiiii)l<*ui* >«d wa* ; Cole, who was lenlenccrjto tlie Stair l'i eluded ycderdiy. .Th*.clo*ing *pe*« This Convention which aasembUd al t-'ic ler- ftrsi' week in November i ' ; ed againit biro, while 'th* other remain! ' Leliert from Lisbon announce tb* fail- mad* lu-day at |l,38'. "No Whie'vote* *r« clntuttil. No Whig volet b* Diitritt Attorney wai eloquent ar . itk, ..n th* ROih ioaiant; wai atle'ndtd by d*le•on.for fifteen year*; about tyeardiic* in Ihe iiiable; and ihe lecond h«*t againit ure of tbo Spanish house of Corpai, Gar- CORN Corn bat also Improvid a Illll*— •gaios from fiiiiy-ilir'i:e military compani*!, in are ISii. Tne party on tit old principle! *f ao- for highway robbery In Ibi* city, contrive concltisiv*. The jury retired about eig the freih bone.. Should there be broken cia If Co , in Ibat city; for it wa* said, Salsa of wbit* at C3 a C3 c*oli aod of j.lluw at liim it a* ilrong n ever. -Tb* eleminis. of pow o'clock, and in thirty-five, minute,* return fall uiiil'urni, who arc laid to b*V« Ibid* an jin- •r ar* within ui M vlforou* a* io bei'ober li^i, an ingeoioui modtof escape, which how heali, tbe choice of th* i wo borie* must £120,01)0 tteiling. Alto Ihe Brazilian 63Ieibtt." f V K . - W e quo'l* Md. Hy* at49 * 70 i-eut. poiing diaplayX They wer* froa» various patKf • ml ni tho time when viciory will win mora lhan «v«r, lacked, tb* moil material part, sue •d with a verdict'of "<!tiilty ofimvrdtr ilart againit Boitoc for Ihe decidioii beat. house of Silva is. Co. The Engliib cot- •nd penotyUanlaat 73<*nll.Ihi Kcond degni," Th* punitbment f To lecure *lh« • match, I will run it'over ton o( Maryland, Pennrylvanja, Virginia and the a barren acrnire, «< thall be io ihe in Id about cuis. Il wai after thi* wise t Col* jia bouses,.it wat (uppoted, .would ba (UTS—Sale, of Mil Oali at 44 B 49 cla. . .' ,. b*en employed in the *bop making box* Ihil oiruncii ii confinement in tlio p'jnh any course in the United State'* tin; op- the chief DiiUiol of Columbia. Th- eonvenlloa.wa* call- aisiron(M*v*r< IfirtTJ by the failure of Cmpaa, . 1'IIOV I s t o N S - Sim e ilmdrrlii.ain ths/prlef 'A A-i'idici_li.n Ue«n iak«n,uy defanlfia Maine, in" \vhic!i •fnaterials arc s*n.l from thii pri* I'entiary for not 1*n than fiva n.or inoi ed to or.ler. al 7 u c l , u : k , by ippiainliog Colonel of. Ii»t- un Ihu arUel* b*i gone i.ll more 11 et I j, posite party may deiigo*'.*, and I will alGarcia ii. Co. Pennsylvania,.Maryland, «uJ O«orgia,and pro- on tu thid city : hu mad* one, and putbil than eighteen year*. Coal*, of rr*tliri«lr', io ih* Ohair, u'tnl AdjuianT bably Ohio, We shall in,ni: .for B DlWUill so bet (hern five Thouiand/t)ollir* mart, . A; rottberrhu l^^ft^^SA^ T Wo nave* full, report of the evidenc that Boiton wins the match in two heata." U u i h a u i , of Oaliimui*, Scortlary. A committee toon, ihall hjivc il loo, and ih*« itand riclui in ton* on lim lid, io a*.lo fatten it.invid* been commilted tn.the Berlin MiuiMiin.— 8i4*i*i 41 a '5 cents, «ud Bbuuldert at 4. a 4i . and .then drove nails around llio edgr In thii case, which we may publiih here ______ ... . . . «f one from each company, wa* then appoi^ied Several -valoabl*-gold and lilver drna- cvtttt. W«»teru Duller" U bird at I0«*ntk, "The revolution bickwards, ai wefa'ncvnow, breaking them ofTi^bu*. giving \\ the ap after. Tlioti-tlimmiy disclosed ooe of tl W nominate officer* fyt ib* c u u v c u i i u u , who rct I.iiile Il'.rU.. (Ark.) Qaaitta of |he>99tli menu Irqm Egyp"!. w-hich wer* f6i>n4 in WIHSKRV.—.Tha uiiil».t .contiouii '•*i« about over. Tb* wurtt ha* been don*. N«ir pearanc* of being nailed down: then M raoit wanton and outrageou* minders t) ' ulliuio cimliiiu) Ilic liilliiwfnB one of tbe tombYof th*.Pharaohs, and • «r*m«ljfd_ull ind prk.t kav*«liis»i»*4.^1inltid York, if wc.mlniak* Bnl, will aiik* he«dw*y reeled it himself to Mr. John Larue, cor •r commilted, and but lor lohne peculiar it says t< rnuuili'il on Information derived from PHHIDIKT. . '' v agalnsrtt, if no»Hn full. In pan, al least, as number of. other *ntiqtii!iei, h«y* *bern. ti*« in tho itatutix/vof ibi* Slate, wou a fellrr wriilen by Mr. R. A. C A L L O W * r, sub- eairied ii. GtoiUii: H. STEUAUT. practically (nceliv* a* if in full. Tb* roir and ner of! Madison and Pi|i* atrtel* in th off. Great rawardi ar* promisnd tb* butiyl. aftot of ih« 0>ate Indian* i have* fixed th* crime ol murder in tl uproar . ol I^icufoco victor!,** in .ii'iber SiatM city. Having'thut far trranted, b* en for tha recovery of th* toil articles. "The. Camanche Indian*, it i* beli«*ed, .Brij. Or a. T. C. •, (•..l.^jmti M. hlV* n e v e r da'unlcd.B*. " Tkft HaU" UK llopped ployed a negro convict to place it, aft* firit degrii* .on tb* priioner. This Gri It it iniiililiui the harvest in Ruitia.bu ftOUR —Th* N*w York Comomelal Aduro coalemplatip.*;' an 'attack upo» the Cqalei Cut. CharlC* Carr,.i:, Uul. N.i.iU {iliilipi, one* before in a much ilnruieMlmii lhan thii, he had faiten*4 .himself, in.-aajwardjji tiih ii I In: nine' peridh wb6 w** tried f when ill ihe 8tai«s ssrioed crushed etcepi Ner •loop Finny, to be broa|bfto tbi* c4.|y murdering Liugblio on iH* day of it Jr,ontier* Of Texas *p. toon .a* tba leaves not been aufllclently productive thii year • crlncr e.liiu»lt« Iho stock of Hour uuw In I.:. Cul. Kwb**lberg»r. Cut. I-M'. Itum, r,.Li, 1,1 VorH. in that ciiy *l ISO.OuO bbls- Ignatl 60,000' ' ----fall from Ih* Itaes. They bay* made lo W*rr*nt-;tli* rxpeclsjitioa of «ny Urg* slur, Col. Wiodiur, Maj. UicharoJ^Cotle, AJj'i Ueo. . "C«ri*li> it 1* ihe.Whlga of ihia greai Sia(e The box'' wa* placed'o,n tint wbarf, htai great May Convention list year. 'Ho Ib4*lim*ls*l y«*r. "" ' expoitutioiu lo GngUqi). pro|ipsitiont to the Osages* to -join them' Hoakio*, Capl. Duoklngbao. • fed rujdumay. They underaiaod «nd Veaun down, and remained Ibtl* for'about tw acquitted of lliit charge, -only, li-iib* " TlIC Lti-i: Mil. I'l.iwtii.—Thn uiituw u H l i . l u u r h mi ill i-il 'w^niiir», w i n i h tinlicn-d, through d*fect of evidence, an • ClI UpUB Ik* m i l , . 1 1)11, . I t , - n.i .111, I , . , ,!:,„. I,,,,.. liuiir-., when il wa* put on tb* C|bin o SjEcistrtaiM.' • (JUMPLAINT. III'* Tyinlio I'uwi-r, wliiuti ini-lijii-' ..Tail 4)'sr>MI.IVKH oio i, i f i n i i n 4 i > » i i . wwlbtr of a aim ba bai long been • terror to the pfacr Osage* li;iv,> uliisi-il. They bav«'alfo - l.icut. l»'. W. Lotrry, Qa»i. I.. V. Dr«o|l«, U 'n*i hav* led to recent defoanjo other Slate*. the iloop. . ly ilrath un board th*.t ill-fa.teA veitel, Krii;MS i..I'M,-, If lironrr nmcdlci >r> not rtti.m it went the pi|>* 10 all of the iieigh.boring If ihey-luj ruiy day* more loorgaoixe ihrir '. Uiookt, and C*pt. Gfurge II L0Dg. • TssVtloop-itarted during tb* gal* yi- ble inhab|l«nu of th* We«!ern leotloa < tribe*." . tin- l'i.-L!, nl, rout! still lie li'i-»li in tin. . wvuld re-«re*i« a» ola-fMlioBfd ..: v> Ihe city. Justice, though t l o w . h u Con v« ui urn 'thru proctcded to ttlt'ct a fo»c«i.they turd ay, but wa* obligvd to put back, an N«w M>rk vi«tory. A.I it b, the grcti inirr»u mind* of our ri-aden, hai ju*t *dtninitl*r'i pla«* far liolJimj U>« propotti) eiicaaipuieai, uf the Diale, and the n«c*uiiy nf guirdmk and did not arrive until tbi* njorniig. In th lilt overtaken bin, •ve'n in, the prim* . to Ib"* fili-cij of-ber l*te'l»ment»d buiTt»H«» Tort Bspttis'•*•}*- V.. ; tbe uoiuui M><I tMi«*is, u..n Wk*H Ualumoif, I'lcJrrieU, Atfaipgli* and protecting iheui, oucbt lo arout* as much Jiciiou m*anlime, Mr. li*nt, one of Ib* keeper* bis-life. It it to b* hoped ih.ii; in Ib* i baud, in ib* Prerogative Court) of tb* I •" disstiiiet frnm |l>* l^»r, by Itx'uMur lM.1Q*rAmong the. niisebgw* in ,th« Colum1 1 0 leiicn and lolllud* of thai prison lo wbic mioii w*r* pai4«J,aiiJ, »u Ih* uincitcuili a> if uaiioinl Durations w«r* la iwae> • ' iiiiised Cole, and can* dowo to th* city t bia, art Cmi. Hamilton. Teian Agenif^or "Tba'Oppu*nioa, ibticaUuliie *o much* up"on h* ii now about to b* consigned, an Baliiuiure wai *r)«c|t4 ** ib* iliac*, aud look for him; not haaring of him hero an lit* rec**l (leeliuas, mail nerds rtnumbcr tbe negotialini; alotu, and oilier purpo*«*.->- t m ' « Common*. Tho- pn»<>n»l property "•""•'- '"TO* to lit***.tender oi|»u ».liut, t .i,uii« Muh Whit MoauVf i in May. ncxi, ai ihe tiai* fur. Opp'otliiua ' .victories of 1839-30. did learning that the- Fanny hid not arrivei win r« lir will doub,ll*ii pasi tb* great* »l .Hi* deceased i* iwoVn under'W.IMIU, Fettiiiimi M»|V lu iffni a {,.rn, i.ti.i •urv. 'I l,«io holdiog tb* •**auipm*Bl-J>ho lati OB* we*k— ibey amount io against Ota. Jictuon f Afjff li« mistrusted ibat Col* WM on board, b puitiun of |iie remainder of hi* .Ufa, b It ii itated. but w« knot*,nothing of tin«t« BWIIy pill up lit II,,.II i,.,k»|;i I, *ilb full WbvUlv the lou of Mr. Power will be ijli fur Mlt.l No. IWNi.lUblrrtl. "may undergo that cbang* of hiart an fact, lhat (inn. fT, bring* ilia amount-«f deeply To* Convtatioa adjagiocd at balf pati eight every Pre*ideallal «lt«li«a, -'.I, in which Ibarefor* boarded b*r thii nforning on In [elt buth by, Im family anil tlio Ib* Loin effected in Oold,th»-u*a of wnieb' J. II. UKAUUkCO. iherc ii a botwrvggl*, ihe rjominanj party^nklu- arrival, and gain* IntoMht cibin saw th disp*silion which would cause, him if h O'«JOCB, (iiw aw. itii^ralifying toOod that u|*'wla> rally rtpo*** upon lit laurcli. When oaf*- are bpx and opened it wlitrr, b* found Col ihpuld live-to ivlurn to th* world, 1p »lii can haidly be seen", when Ih* rat» uf •>• jiulilir, r tkt ttU <iflU* Miiuiut l really in danger, r«lv u'pcn it, w* shall Ji*re ih* ohihg'ei"6u London l«n»1» deeply I* (hi* uw .1* l*ft in comparatively easy circum- -». it, tlio evils and v i f e s . in which b* leenu Prtsidtnt TvLtt paawd Uftoagh Baltimore, spiri.l thai eltewd 'old Ti/peeano*.' Bripg- out neaily cxliauiled, frtftn ctnlin«mcii *tanc«i. It i* usual in proving • will, exporfatioa ' «1 Got/}' j*«d Silver. Gep. AUo, (ar 1*1* al Ib* Rlorti of •n Thursday Uii, *a4 niooMdtd down tb* Bay Maiiln Van Dunn, fur eiample, u now «*lea. auJ not h a v i n g eaten any thing line* to delight, and which liavu at lut broug Whitrsid*, on* of the llliooi* Commit^ or takiiig out an kdminisiratioo, lo itate J. II. *UIAK1),«VCO. in company with Cum. Moaai*. It U uud«i- Illrd upon in thi>8<ale, and *e* If «* arc nut In yciterday. Oof* was Immediately. liken him to Ih* verge of Ib* gillowi, and fro CAMlsalssM, lh» precise day on which Ib* p»ily died, foij'efTeclini ail<uan,al»o returns in Mood IM U o* a -v<*U of tclix^uta to U* old *""»• ' Wo retwniioa I' ''Duwn wltb ib* Bowr- to the Tombs, and will be returned to iiis which be his only been preserved tbrouj *i.on*ri CtlAKLEt* D. KH.UAM. Ifa*Columbia, with 1*4* »u«cn w* pro- but in thii. iu italic* ib* woidi "on or i. w,ii:.m.i,.,r, T* Ibocwl'would bt'criri io rally aUttwaUcMiil u! J quuUti *t 3 o'clock tbii afternoon. th* mercy of the law—Bolt. Pal. Oct. about" wei« ioierled, alluding loth* tint T« .. " «nraws n*ln «*nt lnltamiti«t(«.«« i \.', ^^mfttlKinlwi"****-*""''","*'•"''hi r»i " «»1s nf lh«V«»*«tl«»»««*". twit-wl"! » «"»ir «M<Jl | t|W 1 ki-ni^ »Yt» iKt* fifpliniifts in i l ' i i r , M l l m u r M K H ; ''• '3tr*r3 miMWWiWi'&i-QW^VraiWf »--H- '-.,' '; "rZl.lSuV'iHnfSrir »Tf rf ywrtr* (W^M s*ri> nottlng': i IV* tare iilhvn il r*»l iiiw-; ffl$« ' IM< ».'jin«lli»« rrmmtl of ttl« MII«T nf 3>i irnin v i • Mill > n .nn>s It)* Mis* nisbnliiR h..l.l« (ami wnh «Wy «t>'r******1' nCjhjenly one illtciK—impuritynfhtno I wipf'^fWts ..** Lord A.cbbi,bop oic.ot.,bury. t<> P»C- If;;,,^';:^;^!;^.,.^,;^ ;,:^^^ :^ (upon ib* field." awlllK-r'r1 isrit 1<> III,' i At O.M Drcwlr; on Thnr»d»y ibHtth lB«t*nt ftf ~nn- n«r Mr.-- O«TVr -nf O«»«Bo*sUe, Vr. JonM II. JuintM, meict>ani,of M»riin«h'itg, V*. . Mr. 0«ariee-.-.l, Harry ojf J^"*ns»S7?rw Marltnit. " * ' ''' ''"''"V ' " •AHrtt.r«iWeneeli» r, iiniy. M i l , on Frtittty the I.Mh inn , .<IM CtTiiiii'**! *r*sain«f-Mr. Ituith H- lluah«vj formerly of thi* fawn, in ih* 9Sib y««r ot h i n.-" ' • • "' - . . , - " on Taenliy-fltr IJHh Injtr., HfirT n parnfv) ami '' HnRcrine: illnr>.•, Mr. Jun'n k. Wnsiw, mrrrhariV, of M*Hln»b<lff,-V*., aged ,U r<-nr«,— HI- ha' I'fi HIIIT mi.-rr^tin:' ehildretf, and a t Jarie circle of rrlafiv'et «nd -frieniti to mourn f"""-iilTSft*tim'r'a MX-f.-f**"- -^,- , T-—- •'-.•"*" - = . . - - - ' . ihe 12ih MM ', a f i r r a lin)[*rlng IlllltU, Mrt. KMKLIN* l l i . V r i . i l , i - . ' i i - . M l ..I Hr. W4lllam,Ilnnier,nf Octkely eoantf , n»rl about 94 year*, ami daughter 01" CAnri.d <C»wn«l*ii,, Mr».-A*K H. . jf*r«; wife of niehard ,|4' tnd^Kxf, of .-ii-xirr, and J«n»hnr of. BeuJanT,m JUrrl.on, 'I r...) , , . i'. n. . '' • Oc .th* ISiU intlant', very suditenly, 1 1 < vn> fl ( i i i i n v n . r.-ii'. "f. v m h ' - i - i f"t many yeaM a dlsilnnuiohril nn,l leading member of ihe Virginia l.f|ti«l«.iiiie. 11. i.' •• to dUtinclipn nn.l wealih from snirtM I..-ginnings, and .was hnnnreil with many publid trait!! which he discharged wiili flilirliiy and harinr. He nervrd many yvais In both hniifiei of the: L*gi«latu'r«, and durinn the l a i o w n r was n moil efficient ant! popular commamlaiil of a rfeim'nt of militia Norfolk. . - PROTHACTRD MKETINO. ' Providence permtiiihR, a prniraMeit will be riiinmi'in-1'.l in iln 1 • Nirlhnititt Chure.h 4H Charleiiown, on Sainnlay, 'Nnv. Gih, » t . I t ' |Ci»<V TIUI»OTK.(n. (hn Memory of •'l%' .TU». atawiB Q- ConitM^K-4-ciMnisiiny" b f . « Brief Disconr-'e and Pitrm, on the !i«* of IM aiiamhlp Prraideot-i-^«atetfiLiii_lhji AJciian-' dria Lyeriin), »iy D*nl»| '.Bftan, I'nce IBI7 cciii", f«ir *ale at the.Kwn Pwii Oin^c.^ T'i«\ proceed* to/6e . dnyolrd m .ihe lirneflt'or'th*^ -1 - f»er HOUR O \V yiiur ewi'/i'fejr'* foper): !&"l}<m'lt- you- fed E^JVand.CliKJJl'ien you do') T HR IIAKrliKIVr-'ftHUY TOTAL •NENCE' ^OCIETlTwIII have -*, r,- ., i-s.|.,n at lh»t pluise, en Stlurfatj Ike &» of .Vu«»|0ir, nl 10 o'clock. > i ' ' \-i \'l'lri--*«, appropriiilo Io lhoyire k a«lon, will lie il«ll>er*d by Iho R«r- Steplisn Suniiil Ro*« 7. oil. Tlm friends of T«mrj«radc«, throughout JcfT-niii!! a n i l i t t m ailj'iinin.' ('miTili, », in-.; r* Unite wllh « « in th* Proc'cMion; THO'3 JNO. UODD, • Oct. 98.J84I. . " . .;_:-, 8A1.8 O f - i^mZm '.-aS*fF-.'l««l'-'»**.,»»w»>^.,»w> >V*^^!F>"-'".TT^rTJT.T, (*T.^.TTa rujjutd,In ih»iiOicaor- th« f'l»tli »f '»i» i : n i i i u y l CoufI'ol^D*rk*l«jf'Cbtiaty.i Vlrjirtl*; si'hVIWj>nr-:l . iusnea of a deem .of tlm Circuit Suparinri Court of Law and Chaneer; for said County, all the Octobir Urn, 1641, in Ih* tult of JoKphfl Hum valid'-uthcra; against ClisrI** C. SltrbuctsJ and oihers, I will s u l l al public auction, on] V M . I ' M l l . a A N D VVM.I. KNOW*; MILL PROPERTY! tut tb< mouth of th'* Openuon crcin i-*-'*"'"-*- purcha**d by uli <;] C. Starbucb, from ih* Ardminltlritor with Ih will innocit of Jamas Foraman', iloccasml.Atiai-had'A.i Ih* Mill »r* ibnut SO **r*i I lind, upon which are several HOIISKH. iiu. Tsrint—Ooa-lhlrd eath— lh*btltnc* in tw*ly and twenty-four monlhi, with iqtac*it from U day of mln. Tb* daf*rr«d ftttrniiBti to'bsr* m i n i b; l">."d and ap|>rot«d pertonal iicurlt] and * d«*d of lru«l on th* priintset. Thi* pro|MTty luingnow rtnlidunlil tb*Br of July I'i'si. will bo sol'J tubjcct lo Iha ff antVrigbta' ". ""11 - ..' " . E. I. LEB, Jr. .. Jitto—*1 Ikt mtu Ilins •nrf ptaet, \Vijf N VoH' inJir1 th*. authority of the if ^ , aild d**d *nd "d««ia»r and »i«« of- a d«*il. fri liarvi y M. Foreman to Uerry.nn.1 B. !.«». Jr. lUoi r**ord*d in Uarkule) county,ata, thr**'*er»i of l.nn.l, n**r llio al>uv« Mill on Hi north'tld* of th« Qp«q'ion br*«l«j uri *1ii«K * a »till ti'iii'.-. bog fnint, fttv. *nd a c'oniforlati UwollliiK-houi*, and B w*ltpf good wVt*r. Ii I I I . H I i V . . — K. i. i.i;t:. ir., Oct. 89. 1841.-at. TmWT-'sAtLK. , ; « i U ' u - ..I a il'i'.l of i i i i . t , i.-M-i-'.iir d to l| j._J tiibsoriheri a» lruvtt*s, bj-Jotm StVtdT ort iho III dty ol July, IH35, to nrcuro :i its J 'Mill*r,fotlh»»iiwof , ili"r turn of tIA-l, du* b| nolir, itaUd Ih* day of July, i"'i'', and pijriblt Din monihal t*r diU, wMliall proc*«d los*IL,*tpuulio MiWj for-oatb, • In Cuailmlowii, liu J»ff«i, county, Virtlnl*. ln a fronl of I. N C»n«r'l i vcrn li.-.lwern tll« buurt Of 10 o'clock, A. j and ft, f. M. MI rnJ"!f i'i« '-i'-1"' "/ Oclobtr.l Ibil i't i i mi -"•'... . :1 Travt of t%nuil, wllli <li«9 nj . in Ib* county and suiu »fur*sald, mi HI siiDiiauilujli Ilivi-r, nasr tt*rp*rv rj, lud u < i i n i i n n i l > r .lli'ii " l.:ill M i l n . " **y*d to us by ii'iit Huijcr *. afor^wuJ,.f ' rjr so n)4«b ihaftaf it iu*)l Im n«r«»««ry t , ttsfv ih* »»W d«W»»4iLyialBl«r*»l M'"'««fe / '• _ .u I,.MI.,' it,.- «niit! tract uh n i i i r h «aid Kir \ BOW !• -l'i' v I'ld l i ' i l ' i » . i | ' i .hli! i.".I .l.'-in I |,r.,,,. i i ) , ispccully un in i.' Ilia Mill I th*r*on and iilhw VV»t*r Kith, tb«r*to b*ll &«?*»iB<itoi>uublvJ",l.T,r**,f Ing. H'n ii tii'"- •« Is » • i..-.i In ui, wbtch 1| Tha-ahaii».Jab>UpB>lpBn»d unlil MO , Wtkitttf IttuiOtn nt*t, UiiiH Cour WM. UA AC rout » THUHT WALK. V «lflu* «f a ctrtsln O»*d of ,»tJ «ul*d«Blh* III .l»> o«"M*,y, 1040,] II...I.IH.M . I >t Dartd r.,.,m lad uitu-rj tb* Isoa'ltt uf ritili|i-Cooni. nrhiuh il««d I i.or.U.1 ui III* I ' l o i k i t Olfii'.e ,,f Ib* 'Court of J»B"«r»ou r.i.unly, I will, vn fl JVWtM»«r (Ik, U4l,t»fur* rbillp Vacttwl in Hi*, town yfll*rp*rt f e r r y , ott'tr f u r t yilWIe iiictiuo. fur r««J j wvMy, Ib* lt*f >• smd J»«,l aa*BVto»«d and euatl • r*'al»»l, A. M UAAC