CURIOSITY '. ' J NEW POSTER IS OUT Political List 1t1f Hens featNat Deal fa AdVeittaaa Sssjisry of Pawteua OaluwtMa River ANNOUNCEMENTS DOES LOTS OF THINGS Some people do not believe I can quote prices on large '"orders or small, but use your curiosity-an" - ..''.., ; ... For County Treasurer ' The Egg City Cash "Store Joe Mason, Prop. I wish to announce to the Democrat ie voters of Morrow County. Oivicoa that I will seek the nomination (or the omee of County Treasurer at the coiulnc Primary Election to be held la Mar.. JMS. Hamboh Hushae .. lone, Oregon A new line of Tess and Ted Fine School Fhoes, also a complete stock of 'Mens and Ladies Shoes.: We carry the celebrated line of Roberts ohnson' and Rand Shoes for "all"'"'- wearers. New goods just received tr- -' ' For Sheriff Youvc I announce rays-I- f a candidate for ttb office of Sheriff, anhtoet to the wlH of the Kepubllean voters, at the Primary Election to be held alaf 19th. in all lines. Come and get our prices IMS. Portland's 11 Rose FtaUval poster Is the first publicity, national In scope, to bo forth advertising the beauties of For County Clerk the Columbia river. The festival will be held June T, t andTi. Opening day i dedication of hk nannhllMB Vat re of will witness the national To- tbe Columbia river highway. Tbe ansHMinee I Morrow County: Hereby poster carries the slogan "For Ton a that 1 will be a candidate tor Boss la Portland Grows." Tbe poster office of County Clerk at tbe primai donated by Fred O. Cooper, for 1916. ries to be held May mb, mer Oregon boy, now famous as an Respectfully, artist The design will Boon hang m J. A. WATBBtt transportation offices all over ttw United Btatea. Geo, UcDurraa It isnt a question Went a better salary ,For District Attorney Baee and the Kilt Ma book. orty-one Team In In din." Lord Roberts tolls tbe foUowtnt ; on first class merchandise. w alone ol whether you it 'a a hard condition of life that you must face to protect yourself and those dependent upon you. You can't stand stilt if you don't want to gd backward, you must go forward that is, you've got earn more. better Earning more means holding poahtoo indepdenc, happiness, and a chance to nrovide for the futura. Thousands upon thousands who once helt low,' pooriy paid positions now earn high salaries as a result of letting the International Combsfohd-kc- b Schools show them how to accomplish the change, during last year about 4,000 students vol-- n nntarily reported increases in salary amounting to orer two million dollars! Every month anaverage of 300 men voluntarily report to us advancement in position and earnings. . Why not tnaka .YOUR stsrt4his month? . . Just Received Paid Adrerusinff d see. ' ' - P. S: BENDER & Co. Main St. lonet. Or. la I herehj announce that I am a candidate for tbe nomine tlon on the amusing, story: "A curious Incident happened at tb Republican ticket tor tbe offiea of I was employed welds tot District Attorney lorllorrow County Alambagb. Inclosure when all at enea 1 beard at the ensuing election.. aolae and commotion some tittle dls 8. E. Notbon. All tshee off. .Oettlng on to tbe roof, t looked orer the plain and saw out troops Dying In every direction. Tben" A Trltwlei wes no firing, no enemy In sight, bai Walter The So eey yVre a sreat evidently something was wrong; so 1 band at ft Waisb rmbWt. etr. The mounted my horse anS rode te tbtH Clnbmaa-Tb- ey do. eht Tbe Walter-T- la. scene of confusion, where 1 fpund thai air. Ol beard waa ana eay ye tbe Ignominious flight of our (roo)n- It lade waa that was worth aU the was caused by Infuriated been, wbicli bad been disturbed by an ofneer of tin tarovble tt awr him either ha at tl Ninth lancers thoughtlessly tbrusttnr whteS tor record, Virtue hi tt a Isnce Into their nest There weri BatcraanHii ctrrcjatateict sestets HOW TO DO IT reason It Isn't necessary to adrertte fcL no serious ceneequences, but tbe high Box. SM, ScranMn, Pa. , landers were beard to remark on Uh Ptaaa mlill, wltkoat Uithai obllnrtaa aa m Simply mirk on the coupon T pan, M tow fill qulilf fai poillloB, unsultabllity of their dress for an en am nrk.d X. Mil, , the position you wish to secure, Creditors Notice to counter with an enemy of that descrlp KlKMal Wtraana Knaaaaf AjwbMI. then tear out end mail the coupon ' Poultry Finta Bookka.pai of tton," the of to the International CorrespondStat Court In tbe Oonnty InilHW Sttnoar.pBWMm AdTnUlnv ence Schools. Thii puti you Oregon, for Morrow County. A Tinker IneaJred Wagner. Wrlitae Window Trinalnf under no obligation whsterer but In tbe Matter of tbe Estate ) A tinker has established himself op Coalman. III uM of uirdinf lad u.trla Defining t allow our experts to adapt , poslts.oor bouse and etuuned my asr ArcklMdwal Hannah M. Blake, deceased 1 CoocraM CaaiWaLra f Tim all day ktng wltb bis Incessant bam nrse-to your individual needs . PluMn(.Si.anFkrs ouderalft-nedbeen apTbe bavins Forani.a Bantl I Ml. never belnr aterlng. In my dtsgnst-a"and circumstances. Mlw. BaparifJaat ClTllSTto Lltalfaa pointed by the County Court of tbe able te And a detached bouee proieci "You've got to earn morm atoaey. State of Oregoa. for Morrow Oonnty. ed from every kind ef notee 1 was-Ike I. C. 8. mm Safe ym. Administrator of tbe estate of Han- the point of deciding to give op coin Witt yew tmkm fA utmrt todmyT N nah M. Blake, deeeaaed, and baring posing a I together until tbe time wliet. qualified aa such, no ties la nertby this Indispensable condition should ht fulfilled. But It was precisely n given to tbe eredltora of, and all H. A. Meek. Route Mgr. I rage over tbe tinker that, la a momem persons havluc claims against gave me the theme ro to , present tbera verified, of agitation,furious outburst against thi Portland, Oregon deceased, 20? McKay Bldg. as required by law, within eU Siegfried's I played over th bungling Mime. month after tbe first publication of childishly quarrelsome Palter theme bi CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS- You Can save money by subscrib .this notice, to said administrator O minor to my sister, furiously singing ing four your magazine thr- at the office of hie attorney Job tbe words, at the same flust. which ING for our T. Knappenberg hi -lone. "Morrow BMde us aU laugh so much that 1 de ough ub. Write y dded te nuke one more effort Tbb MISCELLANEOUS of latest free catalogue special County, Oregon. resulted hi my writing down good W. . Blake low offers. The Jackson Maga- Administrator of the Batata of part of tbe nrst scene by tbe time Lisst seven year old Fob ard arrived. Oct IS Wag zine Agency. 642 Hyde St, Hannah M. Blaie, deeeaaed. Heorltta, Htate r'alr ear la His Autobiography. 0 1ft Cal. Dated and dam of Ave State San Francisco, Febraary lth. ye Date of First publication, February prise winners. Also my from Chicks Hew Snake Sheds He Skin. healthy large, Baby letfa. mi. old btao BtaUlon, "Daady," Statr - The human akin it ihed in tact snd heavy-layin- g vigorous Fair prise winner and sire of prise Notice to Creditors . . minute pieces that it ordinarily single-com- b mllea wlnnem. Fred W. Splnea, thoroughbred Bat the In 100 the went of Lebanon. Ore. County Court of the Stats of comes away nniioticad. White Leghorns. $10 per whole comas of a snake skia away tor Morrow Const. snd $90 per 1,000; $2 per 100 IbOregon, aumber Makmt -- we utt re two or three times a year and it of the Estate ) Matter the balto one clnb when order is booked snd .... of draws off inside oat front the bead wealthy membera-- Tbla ) ; of tbe eUeat and moet suceeeeful; backward as tbe creature creeps ance 6 days before delivery. lrrtaBlate, Jmssia Tbe undersigned, bavin been apFarm atrletly roafldentlal. particulate White through tome bush, to which H it Poultry Plumage by tbe County Court ol thr left attached. Before if it ihed tbe tree. Tbe Sellable Club, Mri Wrnpointed Cal. and Hatchery, Erttar, ' State of Oregon, for Morrow Oonnty t. Box io Oakland, Cat kia loses Its color, end tbe eyes 4 , Administrator of tbe estate of irvtn become dim. Decease tbeir outer BOFOB FARM lanUATKD kia u cast with the rest The Fob 8ale-- 0 acres bench laud, good Blake deeeaaed, and baring qualified ' ral Houte and Telephone line. Fer-rf buildings, young, orchard, three aa sncb. notice te hereby gives to snake amerces very brightly colored Center land. bavof, and all persons tile river bottom irora its OKI sain, ana lis merauig sprluga, Bre awee plowed, elsjbt in tbe creditors erasarbeet growing district. Factbrush. 1Q mllea t ins claims against said deeeaaed, to are fhea most distinct balance gnus, eabdlrlde. Will aa . aaenred. them verified, required by present ory John Orlme. Bcln, Oregon, A. Bnrden. Grant - Paae, town, law., wdt bin six months after the Feeuller Meeieel Imment. tlnn County. 81- -' . of this notice, to first A cecal iar musical ioitrament It pabtteatlOB M lttu to Land Fob 8aI.k From said administrator at tbe ofnee of aed by the Home, it consist of acres. 20 to 40 per acre, sood aoll his attorney, Jos. T. Kaappeabrrir rm ui.B-- SO acre.' all In ,cultivation hoop of bamboo, upon which are mhI eprint; water fair easy cleered, ln lone, Morrow County. Oregon. running watcthroonH-placebona trr itrings a number of ihin Imno old an aciiooi ni near .burn, and creek, W. J. Blnka tbulldlnsa, orchard, When of mother-of-pear- l. pieces and school close to provement-, tand postoffice; ft terroe and. par Administrator of the Bel ate of struck with a tmall reed these give . nrlfrbhor-hoodwttted road. In thickly inmrticulam addrvMi Harry UunlHp Irvia Blake, deeeaaed. forth a sweet. I inkling sound, s ..- -i H eft . . inHesfroin Rainier. Oregon, Dated ISIS, lath, of which sounrls tVbraary combination ipiod dairy and hay cMintry. Aleo. Date of First publication, Februnrr veloued into a weird, aiouoionou ScoUb Collk tf wanted, a ranch to rent In connnve-bretela. fsDUaf, very pieeMot to Ibe ear d cash lath. nection with enle. far a short time. title t abstract to snlt. for Publication time Notice balance oa H. M Aciley, l.pFeraalee ' John owner. the. Olms Tf)0N$M CrsWSSBBuJIf Boy direct from Wstter Damreerh sake but Snds b W. Thurston, aliiter,res:o. St41 S P. tbe Interior. of Department with SWUU to buy w...lui eWcnlt to snswsr the qesttoa. "Why Oil Ar.Reft nartlr fruit snd part Land Office at The Dal lee, Oregon are nere ae great women adolnlnfC ranch aod take coBDpoeersr -- mm hlwllflWDW latlSla, February near am coaaalow Is: Orest bhwm ly rich bottom land, cheap Will aireBT Is NotkBe Mary rmlminm that at hereby the poultry. that mphmm tnm tbe ssaspons. aad is errs- Oakland. Douglas Co.. Ur. Ad B. Ball, of lone, Oregow. who on nlltaed Into tona tbroagb a eoatvoiHag stow wheat, am 47 yeare of bbt. 1330 L. Jaroea, March ISth lSSw, made Homestead tastellect Wham weenea achieve this . mman, dress Mrs. H.Salt tnduetriooa, careful Lake City, Third East, trv. Mo. SeSM, for B Mlf. M.. casBbtaattoa tbey wlH be able to tola with eleaa babUa. Hare daughter the noble company ef Bach, fseethovea Oate-wnU: Towaehla Box ajMttoa UUh. ol twelve yeara age. lerk Tetogram as ette Meridiaa. baa saS Wagner-M- ew Wills Orrjron StnS- - autme of tatrattoa to Ssaha aVeat Asasrispe, ffblta Kln Ptsiowa; prfaw wtonere: BaalSv rear aroof. to eetabmm Aknemy was ertrinalty bseed wpM Ttw aanartoai M Prtgntow. . were beat pay in a; aqufcb breeding etork sahetaarea Bmwrfbed material ftaad aawiva rmim to tbe BBS BBS tbe Man that oa the mareet: Mated pairs XfiMJO kase end that by aeries ot tertars before O. C. Patereoa. D. M. Commie- - aa mm mt tmmIBlamst ral asMib Stswa, ft is sawateS C. W. WarneMe cr ei part tbe joongstentlOMdoBpn. and eiunlMtkms aioner. at Heamaar. Orearoa), on tbe erttb sea eves Ht a oassaw ana sw ts Bo WO) Com In . California 40--4 eeuld be eeperated frem tbe twee and atb Sag of March Itla. Clarmaat tnwraat. bat toe atoaa to aS-r- abty sH ewkataae. to the purest aaea mm wltneaeee: Joha A. WSV SMtotataes) aa earlas ttw er incubator, nearly mat OMlly For 8aaH-eiisassaimettoa.-- K bbe golV weaM be tbe at sttreetlssa $10 toe eae ef aVbrae H. mat well year. Frank wsbob. New worked nama, rrBag and Adrian i. T. "Knappenherg. Tbe eartr Sara a banaasaetar beet For Saie-- 6 good mUk cowa, for JohB MeOraw saye tt east tbe Mew Wooaeock Freak ft. wttb Ms feet Met ttu 1SJS was full DBTticularS Inquire Gist fork Nadeaals SatVOOO J ST-irat totrodecea. 8 place H nh wast of lone. kbit's of Ihrht and heavy, hauling duiie at vei? reasonable prions :rIndependent Dray Line -v - Griffith &. Liitn, Proprietors . ' lONB, Obbsom - r. Biltimnli unH Pocket Mlliard Cigar H'mmt Tableau. frvit$ mad Cantfy on . i. Z5e Pastime Harlsn McCurdrProp. Shaw-C- I I I Main Street -o- one, Ongytm t To th Republican voters of Morrow County: that 1 will be a candidate for the Office of County Clerk nb the Primaries to be held ' May 19, 1916. I hereby announce al - ' For County Clerk Resp'ctfully . lo-da- J. $ A. Waters. Present Mcembent - 1 BAL-v-- 18M.-Rich- 41-6- CITY- - MEAT All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats Fat Stock Wanted at all times " lrre V - 41-4- iiam mlmmmmmmmmmmmmm S-a- H.Holgatc - Ann Main St. Ione,pregon wooD-Lp- r Poison QUICK. CERTAIN, it SR-4- 3 d iJah? ouppk-,IrootHM- ld. iilv One-thir- acr .f y. a-- ea-n-- t I". - at 41-4- ALWAYS BBADT) MIBB VAIU. Deetrers MSlmls, gvhr- - pralrto as. sage rats. Apply aarly la Spring wnaa tas awaka fron Wlatsr'aials. Meaer err SaU lir ll II It avar fslla. "Wo4 kaa stood vsry taet It's erep toer- rari fsta.Cc,MaufMaalr 8 oca aaalast rodaatDrue FartUaaV -Ore- -Sea. irl (reei rae esalss. 9 8. Bender 4 Co. . lit ..m S IV'VM . Be t Hstorj. Ions T. H. Lowe. Cecil. Oregon. Dent Wish 41-6- 0 Btoar MARKET Rereverr Cement SliHs. Snst freai the waste kfto mt mt 88-4- 9 For Sale J net Ilka rent. SJ0 aeres land near Ureweey, HarneyCoaatr auw efs remsBT nsBafscrerinri'toa b a eaeb, balaars meQta. ' California Is .wrewiirtlBbsS rl annual erop BntU paid. ef ararlrr aeparattoa and wastWill take good naineambered ers, twrs tb BnsTinesrtoe Reeerd. Tbe tbe eatoetne 1mat eeHeeMne eretrm propertr aa Srat par meat M Hi a IswsuK breuabt aaalest tbe ee Prfcefflooe. P.O. Hosew. S7JN sseat eewjpaaf br manae pwwera, wba Vato, Or., ears V R. Rank. tended lhat their fruit was betas rril4 br Ibe dnl fresj be pUat Uood Improved and Balssprwesd Tbe total Slawaet of Seat reeseersd pse land close to railroad Station aa4 tor Is sereaw Sre Colombia river for sal cheap ob aaay tenae. JnHas S. iohaaon Wbers Tretk Selena to eetne bar taseVe0 Bos SS Uajitor, Oregoto wlU net be fsrAkenabSe one-thi- de-air- ter, libertr. - rt sjn-tet- ib ... , N -