138 / 2014 whkh oft oI rne lollowin8 k olled s val€re (A) No. or €ktros in itr6 orbit (B) No. or €rdEN in ilE N sLPl (C) No. or eleEons in lhe otenost dbit (D) No. of el€.hons n thc M slFll .lfttrd in:n abm ? q6r'9 ol eldricity of.bout (A) 6.24x10r3 (B) 6.24x10r (c) 62.4x103 (D) erftEm 2. In sI t. the following Wnich m.lenal k having the ncaativ. temPeraturc cGeffi.icnt anon8 lnit o€ cdlonb cdsPonds ( ) copF. (B) |o . (^) cMrd 5, (D) crbon Aluninium (c) Tun8.l.n lha! The equivalmt resistance rhe snlllest rinEle (D) H.lt (3) When resist3nce.n,l 62,4x1013 lxl rppli.d lo find Pdwer cuftnr aE known (c) (D) IR'/ 7 $e v.luc cur.nt laken bY the (u) lod acid batt€ty thft aa lhm in lhe etu bauery ? (BJ 5 (c) 2^ (D) 0.625 A (c) (D) 8 In a a. 9, 7 cpa.ity of th. stoES€ ccU is aleays tpeific.r 6 (B) Ahpde rat'ng (A) AmP€rc hou Et'nE (D) Voltasp/ CclL dling A Wlici inshumml i5 lsed ro measui' the sP{ili' Sravity of I batt"y ? (A) Py'onerd (B) Hvdrcmctcr (c) lj'tomerei (D) rutls'{8e {P.T,O.l 10, which ammg lhe louowing .otutitut$ tlE mtor load fofun,utomobile batl.ry (A) Pdking li8his (B) BHk€ lights cells are cmnded in (A) (B) 12, : To imaF the int€mal resistam To ilfta$ thc voltage output (c) To indee the (D) To idea* -the effici€fty the cumnt @pftity adive material on (A) lsd 13. pdJ€l While ? pGitive platcs oI. tully.hdgd lad lrad potoxide p€mride b: (D) plEted acid eU (c) Redl€.d Flmhg's rlShr hand rule ro lind dE dnEtion of indued @!, rtE rhum' points (A) Dr<tion ot nu: P) Dndion ol lnd!.e.t emt (C) Dnmdon oi mtion cmducror il foFlinger poirrs .tont the lim ot flux iD) oiE6on or motion oI th. onducbor iI fefnBd Ftnrs in rh. dir<r'Dn of jndu.€d €,ra 14. IlE mar€rial fo. mmmlraror brushs (A) Car6.n rs. Th. .rtutup is (B) Mica 16. (C) coPFr Th. emf genented tn I DC g€nqaror b .ltedy prcpo!8o@l (B) Ftu pe pote (D) All or rhe above Thc polarity of Dc B.nerator.an be rdesed by (A) (B) t33/2014 : Inmasing lield currnt Revercinstield.uii€nr (c) RereEinAlield.dF (D) (D) (D) snid6r.d (D) Non-rercG mrdial Casr (a) Numberotpol6 (c) spe€d oa .ImluE 17. : coE of DC ge'?Bro. te ueually rud€ ot : iren (c) copper (A) gddally nJl of trE abov. as w€ll ar diRrion of rore66 to : Caat nunbd or bruches in comutator d9ends Anounr of .$n€nt to be .oll(t.d (B) (c) (D) 19, Which sPrin8 C Th€ ? (R) Drivc diat lrod 3FikjnS lhe fltvhcel a.ci'l.nhlly to Prevcnt OF Pinion sprins Anti drifi string (^) (c) 20, u*d (D) starter worlis on th€ PnnciPlc or (^) ou ruminsclukh (c) F icrio. clrth (E) (D) 21. I! .n oF. .oE iSnilion coil, rhe rcsistan" of tnchindihg isol tho orderor (D) 2 _a ohm (A) 20 - {O ohn (B) 20_rO(ohn (c) 2,Ilohm 22- N.l v.rue o, c.n angl. tor a six_crlind'i $Brn' is 'I lne oi{nY or (D) 20 2v (c) 39 42" (B) 26-3(r l^) !2-37 The 23. whhjl .P th€ so 86dal wat6 of rFrk (A) centiletal.nd comtFssion (3) (C) (D) 24, advanc rEh,Nm ? Canlrifusal ond vndun crnirituAal and comFrcsid Cenlripetal and va.uun SPart Ptug "r€a.h: is rerdrcd b : (A) Di.t.n.e rron the Saskct seat t' lhe end of the Llu0ads Hw€n er.{rrdcs (B) D*ratr€ (c) The lotal l.nBt! or rhe sPark PrL'E (D) Non. or rh. $ov€ (A) HoroPolJr ha.tr'n' (q rirlE of (^) or (B) ibv. (3) llcEopol8r nd'nru 5 lr,l.o.l what wiu hlpFn to thc HJ.r ew btide rny chorlfr,s6 lhe amJiure kindmEwh.n 'r 'n ertmal growler ? Blad€ Pmins stalionary Th€ blade will vibf.te €pidly wih nojs it is tested by (A) (B) (c) I1F blade ie arr.acred by rh€ armaruP ryindina (D) the bla.l€ will r€pel from or€ adar!ft illumimtion of a surfae is winding td lh€ squaE of its dbta@ f.om OF $llre, (B) Equl (c) 24. !*d ro nasur iuuminde ? (A) LUlm @!er (3) t-ishtmer€r {c) r6t tamp (D) t{}rich is the p(ket stz tnshum€nr Arclamp (D) orP ohh/om anpft 30, AnrEl6 (c) ar€ always .onn€.red Eith€r parall€l or *!i6 n6r ortrnd y u*d bnsisror conhm Bas€ (c) 32. Common Coll€ctor wlut is dE rippl€ (A) 1,21 34. _ ldnd amnSemnr b .onff8MtioD. (B) Co'mm (D) None ot lhe* A ZelE diode is use.l .s (A) Rccriid 33. cid (B) ,etor oI a tult-wave r&ritirr (D) 0.99 ? (c) 0.48 (c) 0.3 (D) 0.50 (D) 0.r v Wiat h th€ knee voltoge ol silicon l ) 0.,v r3a/xu {rt 1.1v v 35. T1r addition of lrivalet imPlrih6 ce.les (^) H.re, (cl valen.. erechors 36. (D) Ihc lunclion dfrn dhorelor in {4 (B) (q (D) 37. {B) m.llonobilc slpplY el(ttic Po$e. Conv.rl m{hini.dl en.rgy i.to el*hi.al cnergy cdrinually .h ge tht lDrie.-v Pznially .mtLYt cn8ine Powd ,nlo er{k'c PoL'ct Ir the ai. tu.I mixrne ignites !.tln rho spart lak€s Plae at th. +qrk PIU& tP .ondition is (() Irejgnitid (D) (A) D.tonalion (B) lgnihon 38. is to TIE air gap b.lw&n $.cenrril eklrode and 8.ound.l4rrcde ola sPa (g lmn {3) l.5mm Rnnble < PluS is niound (D) o.smn (c) (Al (c) 41, (B) Srep down (D) step down voltas. cuRnl slecific graviiy of cletrolYlr Wi$ the inc!$se df brtLery (RJ (c) lhains sn! sriartjnS sysbm (c) (D) in.lud6 : . slorl& and tn i8nition swihh A battery, a dtrlribuler i.d an i8njrim swilch A b.ttcry a {arlcr.nd I dist.ibuter A distribub, i sbrrer anLl an i8nilion s*i|(n A btrtl.ry, (3) (D) tf.r.o.l 43. Th€ most ac.uiare igniion slstem ot a (A) (B) (c) Masndo sysrd 3atiery iwikh Eknoni6 .mkd onit s)6tem (D) Magn.lo and [lfttronl. ststem 4!, Wltdr .f dre folloRina or wilt have light P€rkin8 {B) (D) ttB tcasr wa0dg. ? srop Uahr bulb rBnition waminE bulb durarion berB€en rhe rime oI iniuction and rh€ hme ot ignition is 45, (B) I{ow (A) 47. in a bulb liShrbulb (A) He.l (c) h'tb m.y els 2 e ned Deray in a 12 (rr) 4 renod (c) rnj€crion pe'iod V.af brrery 2 (c) Tle brake warning lighi warre oe dnvs (A) ward ir the msr€r cylin.ler : (B) an (c) (D) in rhe hydbuk stsl€m Failura or the pnmry o. sondary.ieit of hydErric syst€m PoweFbrak€ ra uF Wl .h d€vie prevor3 {A) Dyer driv€ Tle fme rodjrg (c) ro rh€ (B) @vr (B) (D) Poi€.lialdiffermcc soDc of ir 50, Th€ 5r. Ihe polarity ot DC volraSc (C) lilay'20ta Etulion ot dcsire volr.ge ? Clftnt linita (c) Barel drive C supply soft tto€s not.lDng€ a E.M.r R6ietivtty {D) rsnirion (D) 6 priod 52, crble joinL .re eldeEd lor i (A) Cood m(hanical slrength (B) El4trk (C) (D) 53, l cdnducdvitY To avoid coros'o Au rh. above Thc voltage lndued in a conductor or coil bv lts 54. €nl voltaSe Mutuallt indu.ed G) (c) Re{l.nce (D) Ma$ero motive fo'c€ 'alled entr ttP In r entr€ laP cirdit, tl voltagc beiwen me en<l or sndarv winding and 's 300 v P@k fh€n PIv is: (D) 600 v (c) 150 (B) 1m (A) 300 v v A opacitd bhks : (A) AC brt albw Dc In i seniond(tor, the {B) (D) €n{gy (B) (A) 1 ev 57. Rare r6l3tare (A) o 5s. ind"'at €$f (A) (c) Borh 56. no8netic lleld k seu v 55. M ol . 15 EaP 'f d* 'bove (c) 5 ev ev -o None Ac betw€m valmce band and diode b of ihe ords (B) DC bd allow ol band is tudrlv 'ondu'tion (D) 10 : ev : (c) ko (o) Mo Th. light emiui!8 diotl€ {Lm) : (A) h d{allY tud€ tom sillcon (B) Us p8s€a bia*d iu*don (C) Giv6. ligtrl oltPut which i'@* wirh i'crease in lempeiarure (D) Depods d tE dombintim of hol6 and eldd' 59, The lnPul and dtPll 3lSnalt ot a (A) AlwtF equal (c) Always n€g.tive connon_dltt* anPlifler ae : (B) ourorPh'e (D) In Pnase lP,T,O.l wifi rdml In a basistor bi.s, rhe cmitttr Fnction : (A) has a hi€h (D) €mib ruch caricB imo bde whi.h are in mjonry [n Lte bae) Eistane changed to 1m O the lod (A) 3 A tupprie .Imr a of 300 mA to a lcd or.l kO. (B) l€ad acid battery, thc l€v€l o, rhe (B) (D) Equal to that ol the plates Abv. (c) the levcl of platus FUF hllnS is exp6*d (A) vohase 51, in rems 8€tow tn€ Levet oi Pla!.s Any wh* in th€ ceu ol: (B) cuft.r (c) tv^ flg wiro rhould have : (A) t w Eisbre atrd high relrjng poinr (D) poinr A (a) High Bislaft€ and high 6.lrin8 point (c) Low Bjliane and low melrin8 potnr 65, High eskt fte 6nd low 'nE 3tator oI.n (c) soth (A) rEquncy (c) mui.g alt.dtd.onsist dd or (B) abde o, : (D) None ol lhe above volb8c Benelabed in dn allemtor depdds upon Borh (A) and (B) above (D) Rotativc sp€ed and kvA 6ring thc.urenr reEolaror 67, 3u.h rhar jts hain a.tudtinS windhg 's tt8/2ot 4 : @j6 63. Tle maenal which reneds all wtvd (^) 59. sldk ro whne ldglh in lhe sPehum ot li8ht (^) Ex6sive rumimncc (3) tix.essivr liShiinS.dhst (c) Eirhr(A) or (B) (D) Nonc or th. abovc iA) I 71 he rate ol @'gy tadiation in thc aom ol lig,rt savc soxennB ol li3hi ove' drsl M.asured in Lu! N1o5l or rho eft&tiv€ (C) on eddi rbole Fd@Fr .f a filnftnt lnhp du. Lrminou! .rr,.ie*y Ihe lanp is provnied (A) to vdinhon in op€iarinS vorb€' 's : LiShr ourPur (D) lv.lraS€ witl Ffl(tot in .t'le' to I G) 8hr ((:) Proidr th.lmp 7a. thtl6rFPived Padtls (l]) (^) Lii.: ?3. by sun A ped(t dntu*r sufa.. is one thar : (^) liansmitt, all $e incidenl liSht (3) Abso.bs dll rh€ in.irlmt light (C) Diilusesdll th€ in.ident liSltt (D) All ?2. (D) cRnrord in dE ticld or vision (R) rhd part ot liSht.n€i8y radiatd (D) : ttE to: (;lare is.^nsd (c) (c) Ira.ePmt 0) op.qle aPpear to b. void () !.hi.les: *c €sy 16.dnbl (B) h,ve low (r)) r'rovide belt'r illuni'arion All the ahovc Brtiery drivcn (c) du* (D) .ll the 'nr and 1ntan. nce vry cdvdror ro u* .o5l no torrution alivc 11 '3al2orl tP.r.o.l 'Ih. alfut0F Fa.ti.n of m .lternator (C) tu G€no,rcd voltagc lh€ sFed oI an (D) ps pha* altehatd illma*s wavc rom of voltage E€n..alL{ : (A) Ire treruency ino€ses (B) The h€quercy dcrcas (c) z. r,vhich of tlE folowin8 onv€rts (A) (B) storase battery (D) r..ordesenr ramp solar In autombil. lh. $!nd ir prodac€d by Magncti. sbidior (B) (c) Moving.oil MinjatuP lamps adomobile (D) ft lsed lo.: (A) rail ramp (C) 30. side (B) Ddh b@rd lahP (D) Allolrleabove lanlp , spark pluA drFnds uFn (A) c.r.ru! s.leiion of malenak (3) D6iBn .nd dembly lehlque (C) Teliig of the rutcrials Th€ life or t*b. rr€.fts elekic.l m€r8y lo Edianr heit .ell (c) wan*el ensine (A) 74. ftE frcqmcy rem'ns cmsiant but power r 3t, (c) 42, 83, 134/2011 Uiain ? 3!. ltho rv.s populddy krmn .s rhP fdthd ot lndian ReRissne ? (B) R.lA Ramnoh.n Roy {A) sw.mi vivrkan.nda (D) Dr Bhidao AnrlFdk^i (q \{3hatm Gandhi 35, lh. Ltuk'xar and p€a€ is wrirren by: (B) ci.nes (A) cro.Bp orwctl (c) 36. 37. Leo (l)) rohtoy MoSadish{ x rhc OicLds Malk Twrn caPitrlor: (c) s.acgil (R) Rotui. (A) Rsrndr Th( parl'amt ol ItreJl 's InoBn a3, l{io h'on Fzhutha.han ]\s.rd (A) M K. sa.u (C) vilasini tor 2013 (ts) Prabha vrrma (D) MT vasldNan 90. Iluman riSht dny ir oh64cd on 91. ln which 10 (B) D@b.r 9 adddmr did tht voting 51. ThoNr.dmr (A) 93. 4D 12 ro Ke'dl, in (B) aAc is (C) D 52 Novcmb€r loeercJ non 21 (B) {D) (^) 46ft.,mendftnt (q 62nd amendMt 92. lD) scPtember 7 (D) Ar) ? sadhuiant I'anPilana SMsh.m kas rounded by I (B) v.Sbhatanand. (A) 5r+ Nirayina Guru (D) Aryalbli (c) chattrmbi swan' Dcccmber somali.r $ 39, (A) (Dl 61!t 47'h t Nair 9 18 r 'nenrmeni (c) al|mdmnt 4D 49 46 Ihc book 'llahuleya Ashlakztr'G written by: (B) vaSbh:bmnda t\) siih'na.aftln siv.yogi (D) ch.llambi swan' (c) sre. Naravana culu 734/2014 lP.r.o.) 9r. 95- 97. The opfial .ty ol v€Md ldngdom (A) rrav.kde (3) w6 Kollam .d b€ coftt€d by _ (^) convdl€M (c) vdtical lm6 Myopi. - (3) (D) Th€ civil disob€dimc€ rcvcnent (A) 1930 (B) Who founded rhe pollhcar (C) subhash Chandra lariy called 99, 'Ite b@k'Dauglter oI the Ed( (A) AannE san 5u! Kyi 100. r{}F is ownasrhec€ (A) Dadabhai Naorcji Bal G.nsadhar T ar 7N/An1 1940 (B) c.R. Das (B) Rabind!.n.th T.EoF Bo* the t€rm'Fourh Estatd ref6 to (g (c) 1935 93, t was is the i lD, t927