2.01 Release Note

Reporting to Parents
Release Note
Version 2.01
January 2013
Reporting to Parents Version 2.01 Release Note
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................4
AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ......................................................................................................................................4
GRADES .................................................................................................................................................................6
EFFORT ..................................................................................................................................................................7
PRE-PRIMARY REPORTING ..................................................................................................................................7
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................................7
SEN REPORTING FRAMEWORKS ..............................................................................................................................7
Adding Australian Curriculum learning areas.................................................................................... 7
Adding learning areas window changes ........................................................................................... 8
Toggling inactive items ...................................................................................................................... 8
Adding standard Personal Development and Learning Behaviours................................................. 9
SCHOOL PREFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................................9
Lower and Upper Primary report templates ...................................................................................... 9
Option to default all parent interviews to requested........................................................................ 10
SCHOOL SUBJECTS .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Changing the learning area of senior school subjects .................................................................... 10
PROGRESS REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Inclusion of groups occurring at flexible delivery partner schools .................................................. 11
REPORTING GROUP MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 12
ALL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Auto-management of a group containing a locked student ............................................................ 12
Auto-populating groups with manually adjusted durations ............................................................. 12
YEARS 1 TO 10 .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Selection of Learning Areas without Strands/Modes/Outcomes .................................................... 13
Changes to the Primary Group Type .............................................................................................. 14
Adding Pre-primary students to groups .......................................................................................... 15
Management of copied split groups ................................................................................................ 15
Learning area and context window changes................................................................................... 15
Managing Locking of Reports.......................................................................................................... 17
SENIOR SCHOOL .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Auto-populating students other than year 11 and 12...................................................................... 18
ASSESSMENT OUTLINES................................................................................................................................... 18
1-10.................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Group learning area and context indicator...................................................................................... 18
SENIOR ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Curriculum Leader Other ................................................................................................................. 18
SEN PLANNING.................................................................................................................................................... 18
SEN OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Filter for <Not specified> categories ............................................................................................... 18
Deleting objectives .......................................................................................................................... 19
Spell checking objectives ................................................................................................................ 19
SEN STUDENT PLAN DETAILS .............................................................................................................................. 19
Recording of student profile information ......................................................................................... 19
REPORT DATA ENTRY........................................................................................................................................ 20
ALL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
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Saving comments to the comment bank......................................................................................... 20
Printing task mark reports to separate pdf files .............................................................................. 20
Space between comments when adding multiple comments using comment numbers................ 21
1-10.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Task folder appearance................................................................................................................... 21
Individual data entry screen for upper primary years ..................................................................... 21
Task marks for a group with more than one context....................................................................... 22
SENIOR ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Page breaking of the task mark report ............................................................................................ 22
Mark adjustment management........................................................................................................ 22
Individual screen when a context is not specified........................................................................... 22
Printing of School Marks on Senior School Statement of Results with Mark Adjustment ............. 22
PROGRESS .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Report data checklist ....................................................................................................................... 23
Principal and Overall Comments..................................................................................................... 23
REPORT AND PRINT MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................ 23
ALL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Explanatory Notes ........................................................................................................................... 23
PROGRESS .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Duplicate students found with student search ................................................................................ 25
YEAR 1 TO 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Reporting of Effort............................................................................................................................ 25
Principal and overall signatories without a name............................................................................ 25
Pre-primary student report covers................................................................................................... 25
STUDENT ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................................... 26
WACE TRACKER ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Addition of Percentage Attendance................................................................................................. 26
EXPORT SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 27
SCHOOL CURRICULUM AND STANDARDS AUTHORITY REPORTING......................................................... 28
COURSE OFFERING .............................................................................................................................................. 28
CURRICULUM COUNCIL REPORTING ROLE ............................................................................................................. 28
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Reporting to Parents Version 2.01 Release Note
Reporting to Parents is an online system for the recording of student achievement. It aims to reduce
the workload of school staff by providing an efficient and consistent interface to all reporting activities
from years 1 to 12.
Reporting to Parents Version 2.01 will be available to schools from the beginning of Term 1 2013 and
contains new areas of functionality, enhancements to previous functionality and bug fixes.
The major focus of activity for this release has been to complete functions that will allow schools to
report student achievement in the phase 1 Australian Curriculum learning areas.
An overview of the new functionality in release version 2.01 follows. Full details of these changes can
be found in the relevant Reporting to Parents manuals. Quick reference guides have been updated to
reflect the changed functionality.
School Curriculum and Standards Authority Reporting Policy
Australian Curriculum
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) have released an updated reporting policy
that includes the Australian Curriculum.
From 2013 Semester 1, schools will be able to report on student achievement in the phase 1
Australian Curriculum Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science and the Humanities and
Social Sciences (History).
During the period of Australian Curriculum implementation, schools will have flexibility to select from
both the Australian Curriculum and WA Curriculum learning areas to accommodate varying rates of
The SCSA minimum reporting requirement is a learning area grade with the option to report at a more
detailed level.
Reporting to Parents has been updated to offer the following Australian Curriculum learning areas and
detailed levels in line with the SCSA policy.
o Reading and Viewing
o Writing
o Speaking and Listening
o Number and Algebra
o Measurement and Geometry
o Statistics and Probability
o Science Understanding
o Science Inquiry Skills
o Science as a Human Endeavour
o Biological Sciences
o Chemical Sciences
o Earth and Space Sciences
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Physical Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
o History
 It will be possible to select a learning area without an outcome or its replacement.
 The science strands and/or sub-strands can be selected. It is likely the strands (Science
Understanding, Science Inquiry Skills, Science as a Human Endeavour) will be more relevant
to the primary years and sub-strands (Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth and
Space Sciences, Physical Sciences) will be more relevant in the secondary years.
Phase 1 Australian Curriculum learning areas have been added to Reporting to Parents and are now
visible to users.
To allow curriculum elements across multiple curricula to be identified, particularly where they have
the same or similar names, a curriculum indicator will be used to identify the curriculum that they are
related to. The WA Curriculum learning areas currently reported on will be represented by an
icon. These will appear in
while Australian Curriculum learning areas will be represented by an
Reporting to Parents windows filters and selection lists. The functionality and behaviour of Reporting
to Parents around these selections remains unchanged.
Curriculum specific words such as ‘Outcome’ will be progressively removed from the software.
Examples of the appearance of the curriculum indicator are:
1. Filters and droplists
2. Learning area selection and screen displays
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The grade descriptions will be:
A – Excellent
B – High (Previously Good)
C – Satisfactory
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D – Limited
E – Very Low
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority reporting policy indicates that students in Years 1 and
2 should be reported using grade descriptors and students from Years 3 to 10 using letter grades.
Data entry screens and report templates for students in Years 3 to 7 have been changed to
accommodate the move from grade descriptors to letter grades.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority reporting policy indicates that the reporting of effort
should not use the same scale as descriptors used for grades. This has required a change to the
reporting of effort for students in the primary years. Effort will now be reported using the same scale
as ratings of Attitude, Behaviour and Effort and appear as a statement: “demonstrates appropriate
effort in this learning area”.
Pre-Primary Reporting
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority will provide advice on the assessment and reporting
of kindergarten and pre-primary age students during 2013. A new report template for the reporting of
students in the Early Childhood years will be developed in Reporting to Parents during 2013 and will
be available to schools from the beginning of 2014.
Schools have been advised that during this period, they should continue to use existing reporting
processes for pre-primary students. Where a school chooses to report pre-primary age students in the
same manner as Year 1 students, restrictions that have prevented pre-primary students being
included to Year 1 to 10 groups has been removed.
Assessment and Reporting Management
SEN Reporting Frameworks
Adding Australian Curriculum learning areas
A function
has been added to the Maintain SEN Frameworks tab that will allow the active
Australian Curriculum learning areas to be added.
To update the default system learning areas:
Select Assessment and Reporting Management from the Main Menu
Select SEN Reporting Frameworks
Select the Maintain SEN Frameworks tab
Click on the Refresh from System Default Learning Areas
Click Yes to confirm the refresh to the default learning areas
Use the
icons to reposition a learning area
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Adding learning areas window changes
To simplify the process of adding new SEN learning areas in the Maintain SEN Frameworks
tab, the order of the Name and Code fields has been reversed in the Add and Edit learning
area windows. All other items are unchanged.
Toggling inactive items
When an active SEN Framework item in the Maintain SEN Frameworks tab is toggled to
inactive using the Toggle Learning Area Active Status
icon, the item turns red to indicate
this status. When an inactive item is toggled back to active, the colour of the item was not
reverting to blue or black to indicate this change until the screen was refreshed. This has been
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Adding standard Personal Development and Learning Behaviours
The Personal Development and Learning Behaviours tab provides functions for schools to
create a set of personal development and learning behaviours that SEN students will be
reported against. Frequently schools want to use the same items as used in the Year 1 to 10
A new function, Add from Current ABE
import these values.
, has been added to the right hand toolbar and will
To import the current Year 1 to 10 ABE values, click on the Add from Current ABE
The items will be added to the list and can be re-ordered, added to and removed as required.
Note: Repeating the process will result in the same set being re-added.
School Preferences
Lower and Upper Primary report templates
The reporting requirements for students in Years 1 to 2 and Years 3 to 7 are now different. To
accommodate and allow the system to manage these separately, the Primary column in the
Group Preferences tab has been split into Lower Primary and Upper Primary.
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The default year group range for lower primary has been set at P-2 and Upper Primary to 3-7,
unless the upper value of the previous primary range had been edited from 7. If this had been
changed, then the upper value in the Upper Primary range will be the same as the previous
Primary range.
To comply with the SCSA reporting requirements, Year 2 should be reported using the Lower
Primary template (using grade descriptions) and Year 3 using the Upper Primary template
(using letter grades).
Pre-primary has been included in the Lower primary range, however there is no requirement
for pre-primary students to be reported using the Lower Primary report template.
An additional column will be added in 2014, to allow schools to report using a new Early
Childhood reporting template.
Option to default all parent interviews to requested
Teachers are able to request a parent interview by selecting the Parent Interview checkbox
during data entry. By default all Parent Interview checkboxes are deselected and can be
selected where necessary.
It has been requested that an option be provided to default all Parent Interview checkboxes to
selected and these can be deselected if a parent interview is not required.
To accommodate this, a new option has been added to the Options tab in the Year 1 to 10
Data Entry Options and the Senior School Data Entry Options. This option is Parent Interview
defaults to requested.
Note: When selected, the checkbox will be populated when the reporting group is created.
Changing this setting will have no effect on reporting groups that have already been
School Subjects
Changing the learning area of senior school subjects
The learning area associated with WACE Course units is defined by the SCSA. Curriculum
Leader roles use these values to determine the groups that they are responsible for. To allow
schools to associate an additional learning area to a school subject for a course unit, the ability
to add a learning area has been added for senior school subjects.
To edit the learning area association:
 Select Assessment and Reporting Management
 Select School Subjects
 Select the subject(s) to edit
Click on the Edit School Subject
Click on the Learning Area Search
Select the required learning area from the droplist
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 Click on OK
The assigned learning area will be displayed in the School Subject list.
Note: This selection does not replace the SCSA course learning association but will allow
Curriculum Leaders for both learning areas to manage the reporting groups.
Progress Reports
Inclusion of groups occurring at flexible delivery partner schools
A new option has been added to Progress Reporting that will allow a progress report to include
assessments that are occurring at a flexible delivery partner school. If a group from a partner
school is included in the progress report, the progress report will include in the list of reports for
data entry at the partner school so that the teacher can record an assessment of the student’s
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Flexible delivery groups will appear with a brown background. The individual screen will not
include flexible groups as a part of this release and the progress report changes to merge the
data has not been included. This will be added in a subsequent release early in 2013.
Reporting Group Maintenance
Auto-management of a group containing a locked student
If a group contains a student that is locked, then auto-management of other students in the
group has not been occurring. This has been changed and now only the locked student will be
protected from changes during the active period for the group.
Auto-populating groups with manually adjusted durations
Groups that have had their timetable duration manually changed have been reset to the
timetable duration when the auto-populate function is run with the Timetable option selected.
To provide additional control over this process, a new option has been added to the Advanced
Options section of Auto-Populate, Method tab that will allow this to be controlled.
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When unchecked, group durations that have been manually changed will not be updated to
reflect the timetable duration.
Years 1 to 10
Selection of Learning Areas without Strands/Modes/Outcomes
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority Reporting Policy indicates that the reporting of
learning area grades is mandatory while the reporting at the more detailed level (eg strands,
modes, outcomes) is optional. To accommodate this change to reporting requirements,
restrictions in Reporting to Parents that have required at least one outcome to be selected
when selecting a learning area have been removed. It is now possible to select a learning
area and report student achievement with a learning area letter grade or grade description
without choosing a component such as a strand or outcome.
Previously, when a learning area was selected, all components of the learning area were
selected, and if all of these components were deselected, the learning area would be
deselected. Now, if a learning area is selected, no subcomponents are selected and if all of
the subcomponents are deselected, the learning area will remain selected.
In the example below, Mathematics is being reported with a learning area grade only, while
English is being reported using the modes.
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Changes to the Primary Group Type
To accommodate the different reporting requirements for grades for students in Years 1 and 2
and Years 3 to 7, the previous Primary group type, (P), has been replaced with a Lower
Primary, (L), and Upper Primary, (P), group types. Group types associate with groups
automatically when the Auto-populate functions are used and are derived from the defaults
defined in the Assessment and Reporting Management, School Preferences, Group
Preferences window.
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Current report types are L: Lower Primary, P: Upper Primary, S: Secondary
Adding Pre-primary students to groups
It is now easier to add pre-primary students to Year 1 to 10 reporting groups. This will allow
pre-primary students to be reported in the same manner as Year 1 students if the school
considers this appropriate. A dedicated early childhood template will be available in 2014 once
advice is available from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
To add pre-primary students to a group:
 Click on the Add Student function
 Select the pre-primary students required
Students will be added to the group.
Management of copied split groups
If a new student is added to a split group that has been copied to other specialist groups, the
student membership of the copied groups was not always managed correctly. This has been
Learning area and context window changes
When a group is associated with a default learning area and context, a table view of the
selected outcomes was presented.
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This window requires the user to check and highlight the required outcomes and has resulted
in errors. To make the process more consistent, the tree view for selection of learning area
components will be used in all circumstances.
If the group does not have a default learning area, a full tree will be provided.
If a group has a default learning area, a filtered tree will be provided.
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This view is consistent with the Year Group Planning window.
Managing Locking of Reports
The function to lock and unlock student reports has previously been greyed out once the
default reporting period has been advanced to the next reporting period. This has made it
difficult to edit and reprint reports for previous periods. This restriction that was in place as an
additional level of protection of locked reports has been removed and it will now be possible to
unlock reporting groups for previous periods without changing the default reporting period.
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Senior School
Auto-populating students other than year 11 and 12
Senior colleges may contain mature age students that are not recorded as Year 11 or 12 and
are excluded from SCSA reporting processes. Previously these students have not been
included in senior school groups. This has been changed and all students regardless of
academic year will be added to a group with a senior school type.
Assessment Outlines
Group learning area and context indicator
An assessment outline can only be connected to a group with the same learning area and
context. To assist with ensuring that the two will match, hover-text has been added to the
reporting group name that will indicate the learning area and context for the group.
Curriculum Leader Other
A curriculum leader should be able to connect assessment outlines for all groups associated
with their learning area. The Curriculum Leader Other is responsible for all groups not
associated with a learning area and should be able to connect assessment outlines to these
groups. This was not always occurring. This has been corrected.
SEN Planning
SEN Objectives
Filter for <Not specified> categories
A <Not specified> value has been added to the Category filter and will allow objectives not
allocated to a category to be located. Previously it was only possible to view all categories or a
specific category.
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Deleting objectives
Objectives that were contained in a learning area that had a learning area grade or comment
were not able to be deleted. This has been corrected.
Spell checking objectives
A spell check function has been added to create and edit custom objectives windows. To
further assist the editing process, the previous single text line has been replaced with a larger
text edit window.
To check the spelling of the objective text, click on the Spell Check
SEN Student Plan Details
Recording of student profile information
A new function has been added to the SEN Planning window that allows student profile
information to be recorded and included on the student plan report.
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This change represents the first stage of a larger change that will allow Strategies and Review
Comments to be recorded.
Report Data Entry
Saving comments to the comment bank
A new function has been added to the group data entry window that will enable comments that
have been entered to be saved to the comment bank. Teachers will be able to save comments
to their teacher comment bank and school administrators to the school or teacher banks.
Wildcards will be added where appropriate.
To save a comment to the comment bank:
Right click the required comment in the group data entry window.
Click on Export Text to Comment Bank
Edit the converted comment if necessary
Select the comment bank Owner (School or Teacher)
Select the comment Category
Click on Save
Printing task mark reports to separate pdf files
A new option has been added to the printing of Year 1 to 10 and Senior School task mark
reports that will allow these to be printed to separate pdf files for each student.
The name of the file will contain the student name, reporting period and group details.
To print task mark reports to individual student PDFs
 On the group for data entry
Click on the Task Mark Report
Select your report options
Check the option: Print each report to its own document
Click on OK
Click on Download
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Save the file to a suitable location
The saved file will contain a zip folder containing the individual task mark reports.
File naming convention is:
SurnameFirstname(Student Number)ReportingPeriodGroupCodeSchoolCode.pdf
eg: KeesingGraeme(154567428)2013Semester110MAT4943.pdf
Space between comments when adding multiple comments using comment numbers
Comments can be added to a student by entering the comment number enclosed in a semi
colon for the teacher comment bank or a colon for the school bank. (eg :10:)
If multiple comments are added and a space is not left between the individual comments a
space was not added to the final comment. This has been changed so that a space is
automatically added between the comments. (eg :10:25:)
Task folder appearance
If a year length assessment outline contains tasks assigned to semester 1 and 2, in semester 1
only semester 1 tasks should appear. If a folder contains only semester 2 tasks, the tasks are
not appearing in semester 1, but the folder containing the tasks does.
This has been corrected and a folder will only appear if it contains tasks.
Individual data entry screen for upper primary years
The following changes have been made to the appearance of the upper primary (Years 3 to 7)
individual data entry window to comply with changes to the School Curriculum and Standards
Authority reporting requirements.
1. Grades are recorded as letter grades rather than as grade descriptors.
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2. Effort will now be reported using the same scale as ratings of Attitude, Behaviour and Effort
and appear as a statement: “demonstrates appropriate effort in this learning area”. The
rating will be selected from a droplist.
Task marks for a group with more than one context
If a group is associated with more than one context for a learning area, each context can be
associated with its own assessment outline and will be displayed on separate data entry
windows. In some circumstances, the task marks for each context were overwriting each
other. This has been corrected.
Page breaking of the task mark report
If a senior school task mark report contains more than 22 tasks, the report will require more
than one page. The report has been enhanced to ensure that when this occurs, the task mark
header and the key to unit distribution diagram and the scale appear on each page.
Mark adjustment management
Changes to mark adjustment settings only have effect when the data entry window is opened
and the recalculated marks for the students are saved. Previously mark adjustment settings
could be made in the assessment outline or data entry windows. It is therefore possible that if
the mark adjustment settings are changed in the assessment outline, then what is visible on
the data entry screen will not match what is saved in the database until the data entry window
is resaved. To prevent this it is no longer possible to edit the mark adjustment settings in the
data entry window once adjusted marks have been stored.
Individual screen when a context is not specified
If a context is not associated with a senior school group, (the usual occurrence), the senior
school individual data entry window has previously contained the text (Not Specified) following
the unit or program name.
This will no longer appear and the context name will now only appear when specifically
Printing of School Marks on Senior School Statement of Results with Mark Adjustment
School Marks are only printed on the Senior School Statement of Results when they differ from
the Final Mark. There are circumstances where the calculation of the School Mark (0 dp) from
the Total Mark (1dp rounded from Cum Weight Total%) and the Final Mark (0 dp rounded from
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the Total Mark results in values differing by 1. For example a Cum Weight Total% of 49.49
may result in a Total Mark to 1 dp of 49.5 and a Final Mark to 0 dp of 49. If the Total Mark is
then rounded to appear on the report as the School Mark it is calculated from the Total Mark as
50. As they are different, both will be printed. The approach to the sequence has been
changed to prevent the School Mark appearing in this circumstance.
Report data checklist
The report data checklist was not printing correctly when Progress, 5 Attributes and a
Comment were selected. This has been corrected.
Principal and Overall Comments
The ability to add principal and overall comments to a progress report using the dedicated
Principal Comment
and Overall Comments
functions on the Progress Report group
list has been added. When selected, only students that have progress report data entered will
be available.
Report and Print Management
Explanatory Notes
Schools are able to create explanatory notes for all report types except for Year 1 to 10 that
are restricted to a standard set of explanatory notes. In previous versions, the edit screen
used resulted in formatting inconsistencies and was difficult to use. Complex formatting was
not possible.
To resolve this issue, explanatory notes can now be created in Microsoft Word (or similar) and
uploaded to Reporting to Parents either in Word or PDF format.
 Explanatory notes should only contain the body text and exclude the page header and
footer details. These will be added by Reporting to Parents when printing student
 Notes should be restricted to one page.
To upload explanatory notes:
 Create your required explanatory notes using Microsoft Word and save
Select Report and Print Management
Select Printing Setup
Select Explanatory Notes
Select the required Report Type
Click on the Upload Explanatory Notes
Browse to the saved explanatory notes file
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 Click on Upload
Your uploaded explanatory notes will be displayed in a window. Updates to the
explanatory notes can be made by uploading new versions. The toolbar to the right of the
window displaying the explanatory notes contains functions for Upload/Import new
explanatory notes
, Download/Export existing explanatory notes
Delete/revert to default or previous note
, and
 Clicking on the Upload/Import new explanatory notes
icon will allow a
replacement explanatory note to be uploaded and replace the existing explanatory note
for the current and future reporting periods.
 Clicking on the Download/Export existing explanatory notes
icon will download
the stored explanatory note in the same format as uploaded (Word or PDF).
icon will remove the
 Clicking on the Delete/revert to default or previous note
displayed explanatory note and revert to either the notes used in the previous period or
to the system default notes.
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Duplicate students found with student search
If a student was associated with more than one progress report in a reporting period, that
student was being listed more than once when the student search was used. This has been
Year 1 to 10
Reporting of Effort
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority reporting policy indicates that effort should not
be reported using the same scale that is used to report grade achievement. This has required
a change to the reporting of effort in the primary report templates. Effort will now appear below
assessments for Learning Area and Outcome/Strand/Mode grades using the statement
‘demonstrates appropriate effort in this learning area’. This will be preceded by the selected
rating of Consistently, Often, Sometimes or Seldom.
Principal and overall signatories without a name
If a principal or overall signatory had a label but no name, then a leading comma was printing
on the student report. This has been corrected.
Pre-primary student report covers
Previously, if a pre-primary student was included with Year 1 students and reported using the
Year 1 to 10 template, the cover page described the students as Year P.
This has been changed and these students will now be described as Pre-primary.
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Student Analysis
WACE Tracker
Addition of Percentage Attendance
The percentage attendance of students has been added to the WACE Tracker summary
screen and to the detailed report. This will provide additional information when identifying
students at risk.
The following changes have been made:
1. A new column with header % Attend has been added following the WACE Status. This
column will contain the percentage attendance and is sortable by clicking on the column
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2. The percentage attendance has been added to the footer of the student details screen and
Export School Assessments
A new function has been added to the Student Analysis menu that will allow assessments
recorded in Reporting to Parents for task marks or report data to be exported into a comma
delimited file. This file can then be used for further data analysis by the school.
To export your school assessments:
 Click on the Student Analysis menu item
Click on Export School Assessments
Select the required reporting period and if necessary the academic year
Select the required data type
Click on Export
Click on Download
A comma delimited file will be produced.
The data types are:
Data Type
Years 1 to 10
All ‘Years 1 to 10’ semester report data including
learning area grades, outcome/strand/mode
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Reporting to Parents 2.01 Release Note v1.0 Final
Reporting to Parents Version 2.01 Release Note
grades, attributes, comments
Years 1 to 10 Tasks
‘Year 1 to 10’ Assessment outline task results
Senior School
All ‘Senior School’ semester report data including
grades, marks, attributes, comments
Senior School Tasks
‘Senior School’ Assessment outline task results
Progress report results, attributes and comments
School Curriculum and Standards Authority Reporting
Course Offering
The course offering includes a contact teacher for each course unit and academic year
combination. The contact teacher is indicated using a Y in the Main Contact column and is the
Moderating Teacher recorded in SIS for the SIS Subject associated with the Reporting to Parents
Increasingly, SIS Moderating Teachers are not being updated and some of the recorded teachers
have left the school. To prevent these teachers appearing in the course offering, if the teacher is
on the former roll with an exit date prior to the date when the course offering window is opened,
the teacher will not appear as the Main Contact. Teachers on the former roll that are assigned to
reporting groups in Reporting to Parents will continue to appear.
Curriculum Council Reporting Role
The name of the Curriculum Council Reporting role has been changed to School Curriculum and
Standards Authority Reporting. Staff assigned to the Curriculum Council Reporting role will now
appear in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Reporting role and the same level of
access will be provided.
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Reporting to Parents 2.01 Release Note v1.0 Final
Reporting to Parents Version 2.01 Release Note
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Reporting to Parents 2.01 Release Note v1.0 Final