PROJECT PROPOSAL PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION Project title: Desired Starting Date: Desired Completion Date: PART II – DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT (maximum 5 pages, 10pt Arial, 1.5 spacing) 1. Background details describing the need for the objectives of the project 2. Significance of the proposed research/problem addressed 3. Objectives 4. Methodology 5. Research team and Mode of co-operation between project members (where applicable) 6. Anticipated outcomes and outputs (for example knowledge of the disease, model for disease control, post-graduate qualification, scientific publications, Chips articles,; etc) 7. Scientific and technological capacity (Institutional resources, available capacity, personnel, etc) 8. Potential industry and/or innovation spin-offs 9. Possible limitations 10. References used in compiling the proposal Page 2 PART III - TIME SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN Outline the activities planned by the investigators for the total period of the project (extend space where required) Proposed time line Objective Research activity linked to outcomes Start Month Year End Month Year Explanatory Remarks (where required) PART IV - BUDGET DESCRIPTION (Be as specific as possible and distinguish between different cost allocations, e.g. research materials, professional costs, travel and accommodation, operational costs. Please add lines if required and insert explanatory notes if required) Objective Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL OTHER SOURCES OF SUPPORT Is this research currently being supported by other sources? YES NO If yes, please indicate the sources, amounts and periods of support. 2