Selected publications on literacy

Selected publications on literacy
Library and e-Resources
Centre, September 2015
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"New technologies, including mobile telephones, also offer fresh opportunities for
literacy for all. We must invest more, and I appeal to all Members States and all our
partners to redouble our efforts – political and financial – to ensure that literacy is
fully recognized as one of the most powerful accelerators of sustainable development.
The future starts with the alphabet." UNESCO Director-General.
The books and articles listed below come from the collection and e-collection of the
Library and e-Resources Centre's catalogue (ECLAS). Access may be restricted to
Commission staff or to users at subscribing institutions.
e-book or an electronic article
book (paper version)
article (paper version)
Literacy in Europe
Literacy: is Europe fit for the future / Roberto Carneiro, Jean Gordon. In:
European journal of education 2013, v. 48 n. 4, December, p. [471]-596.
Adolescent literacy in Europe: an urgent call for action / S. Sulkunen. In:
European Journal of Education, 2013 Dec, Vol. 48(4), pp. 528-542.
Promotion of reading and early literacy skills in schools: a comparison of three
European countries / A. Stancel-Piatak; P. Mirazchiyski; D. Desa. In: European Journal
of Education, 2013 Dec, Vol. 48(4), pp. 498-510.
Improving literacy skills through learning reading by writing: the iWTR method
presented and tested / A.A. Glenlott; A. Gronlund. In: Computers & Education, 2013
Sep, Vol. 67, pp. 98-104.
The prerequisites for successful teaching and learning of literacy / Greg Brooks.
In: European Journal of Education, 2013, Vol. 48(4), pp. 557-569.
Council Conclusions on Literacy. Council of the European Union, 3201st Education,
Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting Brussels, 26 and 27 November 2012.
Reading literacy in PIRLS 2006: what explains achievement in 20 EU countries? /
Luísa Araújo, Patrícia Dinis da Costa; EU, European Commission. Luxembourg:
Publications Office, 2012. -- 92 p.
September 2015
EU high level group of experts on literacy: final report, September 2012.
Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2012. -- 111 p.
How to improve pupils' literacy? A cost-effectiveness analysis of a French
educational project / Sebastien Massoni; Jean–Christophe Vergnaud. In: Economics of
Education Review, 2012, Vol. 31(1), pp. 84-91.
The socio-economic gradient in teenagers' literacy skills: how does England
compare to other countries? / John Jerrim. In: Fiscal Studies, 2012, vol. 33, no. 2, pp.
Family literacy in Europe: using parental support initiatives to enhance early
literacy development / J. Carpentieri [et al.]; NRDC; Institute of Education; EU,
European Commission. London: NRDC: Institute of Education, 2011. -- 248 p.
L'enseignement de la lecture en Europe: contextes, politiques et pratiques /
Eurydice; UE, Commission européenne. Luxembourg: EUR-OP, 2011. -- 206 p.
Literacy in other developed countries
Adults with low literacy and numeracy skills: a literature review on policy
intervention / H.C. Windisch. In: OECD Education Working Papers, No. 123. Paris,
OECD, 2015.
Do ABC eBooks boost engagement and learning in preschoolers? An experimental
study comparing eBooks with paper ABC and storybook controls / David Willoughby;
Mary Ann Evans; Sarah Nowak. In: Computers & Education, March 2015, Vol. 82, pp.
Lifelong literacy: Some trends and issues in conceptualising and operationalising
literacy from a lifelong learning perspective / Ulrike Hanemann. In: International
Review of Education, 2015, Vol. 61(3), pp. 295-326.
Read Create Share (RCS): a new digital tool for interactive reading and writing /
K. Cordero … [et al.]. In: Computers & Education, 2015 Mar, Vol. 82, pp. 486-496.
Online assessment of strategic reading literacy skills / Laura Gil; Tomas Martinez;
Eduardo Vidal-Abarca. In: Computers & Education, March 2015, Vol. 82, pp. 50-59.
Literacy in the 21st century: towards a dynamic nexus of social relations / Aaron
Benavot. In: International Review of Education, 29 January 2015.
September 2015
Taxonomy of literacies / Peter Stordy. In: Journal of Documentation 2015, Vol. 71
Iss: 3, pp. 456-476.
Touch screen tablets and emergent literacy / Michelle Neumann; David Neumann.
In: Early Childhood Education Journal, 2014, Vol. 42(4), pp. 231-239.
Graphic texts: literacy enhancing tools in early childhood / Eva Teubal and Ainat
Guberman. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014. -- 164 p.
Language- and literacy-learning opportunities in early childhood classrooms:
children's typical experiences and within-classroom variability / Christina Yeager
Pelatti … [et al.]. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2014, Vol. 29(4), pp. 445456.
Factors that affect emergent literacy development when engaging with electronic
books / Lynda G. Salmon. In: Early Childhood Education Journal, 2014, Vol.42 (2),
p. 85-92.
The effect of electronic books on enhancing emergent literacy skills of pre-school
children / F.M. Ihmeideh. In: Computers & Education, 2014 Oct, Vol. 79, pp. 40-48.
Home–school literacy bags for twenty-first century preschoolers / Susan Brand …
[et al.]. In: Early Childhood Education Journal, 2014, Vol. 42(3), pp. 163-170.
Boys will be boys? Bridging the great gendered literacy divide / Linda S. Bausch.
Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2014. -- 112 pages.
Undergraduates' text messaging language and literacy skills / A. Grace; N. Kemp;
F.H. Martin; R. Parrila. In: Reading and Writing, 2014 May, Vol. 27(5), pp. 855-873.
Collaborative literacy work in a high school: enhancing teacher capacity for English
learner instruction in the mainstream / Felice Atesoglu Russell. In: International
Journal of Inclusive Education, 2014, Vol. 18(11), pp. 1189-1207.
Exploring interactive writing as an effective practice for increasing head start
students' alphabet knowledge skills / Anna H. Hall … [et al.]. In: Early Childhood
Education Journal, 2014, Vol. 42(6), pp. 423-430.
Technology as a support for literacy achievements for children at risk / Adina
Shamir, Ofra Korat, editors. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
September 2015
Youth literacies in new times: everywhere everyday / edited by Kathy Sanford,
Theresa Rogers, Maureen Kendrick. Singapore: Springer, 2013.
Knowledge and school talk: intellectual accommodations to literacy? / Peter
Freebody. In: Linguistics and Education: An International Research Journal, 2013, Vol.
24(1), p. 4-7.
Effects of early literacy environments on the reading attitudes, behaviours and
values of veteran teachers / Roberta Levitt; Roberta Red Owl. In: Learning
Environments Research, 2013, Vol. 16(3) pp. 387-409.
Ageing and literacy skills: Evidence from Canada, Norway and the United States /
D.A. Green; W.C. Riddell. In: Labour Economics, 2013 Jun, Vol. 22, pp. 16-29.
"You introduce all of the alphabet... But I do not think it should be the main
focus": exploring early educators' decisions about reading instruction / Amber Friesen;
Gretchen Butera. In: Early Childhood Education Journal, 2012, Vol. 40(6), pp. 361368.
Handbook of family literacy / edited by Barbara H. Wasik. London: Routledge,
2012. -- 479 p.
A Structural model of the effects of preschool attention on kindergarten literacy /
Jaime L. Dice; Paula Schwanenflugel. In: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary
Journal, 2012, Vol. 25(9), pp. 2205-2222.
Understanding literacy as our WORLD inheritance: re-visioning literacy discourse
and its implications for teaching practice / Michelann Parr; Terry A. Campbell. In:
International Review of Education, 2012, Vol. 58(4), pp. 557-574.
Reading, reasoning, and literacy: strategies for early childhood education from the
analysis of classroom observations / Brooke K. McKie … [et al.]. In: Early Childhood
Education Journal, 2012, Vol. 40(1), pp. 55-61.
Literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments:
framework for the OECD survey of adult skills. Paris, OECD, 2012.
How well do OECD students perform in reading? In: OECD, Education at a Glance
2011: Highlights. OECD Publishing, Paris, 2011.
September 2015
An evaluation of Early Reading First (ERF) preschool enrichment on language and
literacy skills / Jorge E Gonzalez. … [et al.]. In: Reading and Writing: An
Interdisciplinary Journal, 2011, Vol. 24(3), pp. 253-284.
Literacy and sustainable societies (in the framework of the
International Literacy Day 2015)
Transforming our world: literacy for sustainable development / edited by Ulrike
Hanemann. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2015.
South–South cooperation in education and development: the ¡Yo, Sí Puedo!
literacy method / Thomas Muhr. In: International Journal of Educational Development,
Volume 43, July 2015, pp. 126-133.
A literacy case study based on the interviews with different generations of Turkish
women / Kadriye Dimici. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 197,
July 2015, pp. 1874-1881.
Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges. UNESCO, EFA global
monitoring report, 2015.
Are literacy skills associated with young adults' health in Africa? Evidence from
Malawi / E. Smith-Greenaway. In: Social Science & Medicine, 2015 Feb, Vol. 127,
pp. 124-133.
Literacy and education for sustainable development and women’s empowerment /
Anna Robinson-Pant. UNESCO, Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2014.
Reading in the mobile era: a study of mobile reading in developing countries /
Mark West; Han Ei Chew. UNESCO, 2014.
Mobiles for literacy in developing countries: an effectiveness framework / Daniel
Wagner; Nathan Castillo; Katie Murphy; Molly Crofton; Fatima Zahra. In: Prospects,
2014, Vol. 44(1), pp. 119-132.
The promise and challenges of using mobile phones for adult literacy training:
Data from one Indian state / Amita Chudgar. In: International Journal of Educational
Development, 2014, Vol. 34, pp. 20-29.
September 2015
The effect of using a mobile literacy game to improve literacy levels of grade one
students in Zambian schools / J. Jere–Folotiya … [et al.]. In: Educational Technology
Research and Development, 2014, Vol. 62(4), pp. 417-436.
Learning and empowerment: designing a financial literacy tool to teach long-term
investing to illiterate women in rural India / Akshay Sharma, Aditya Johri. In:
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2014, pp. 21-33.
Sustaining literacy in Africa: developing a literate environment / Peter Easton.
UNESCO, 2014.
The potential of community libraries in supporting literate environments and
sustaining literacy skills / Sanjana Shrestha; Lisa Krolak. In: International Review of
Education, 2015 Vol. 61(3) pp.399-418.
Literacy and gender: development success stories / Griffith Feeney. In: Population
and Development Review, 2014 Sep, Vol. 40(3), pp. 545-552.
Cuba's "Yes, I Can" mass adult literacy campaign model in Timor-Leste and
aboriginal Australia: a comparative study / Bob Boughton; Deborah Durnan. In:
International Review of Education, 2014, Vol. 60(4), pp. 559-580.
Renewing the knowledge societies' vision for peace and sustainable development /
Robin Mansell; Gaëtan Tremblay. Report prepared for UNESCO’s First WSIS+10
Review Event, Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development:
Paris, 25-27 February 2013.
The power of literacy: women’s journeys in India, Indonesia, Philippines and
Papua New Guinea / Mae Buenaventura, editor. Asia South Pacific Association for Basic
and Adult Education (ASPBAE), 2012.
Literacy, skills, and welfare: effects of participation in adult literacy programs /
Niels-Hugo Blunch; Claus C. Pörtner. In: Economic Development and Cultural Change,
2011 Oct, Vol.60(1), pp. 17-66.
Distinction, integration and identity: motivations for local language literacy in
Senegalese communities / Barbara Trudell; Anthony R. Klaas. In: International Journal
of Educational Development, 2010, Vol. 30(2), pp. 121-129.
Approaches to costing adult literacy programmes, especially in Africa / Roy
Carr Hill; Fiona Roberts; Elizabeth Currie. In: International Journal of Educational
Development, 2010, Vol. 30(4), p. 428-437.
September 2015
Changing discourses: literacy and development in Nepal / Anna Robinson-Pant. In:
International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 30(2), 2010, pp. 136-144.
This selection of resources was compiled by the Library and e-Resources Centre of the
European Commission for information purposes only. Any linked content is the sole
responsibility of its author. Publications linked from this review do not represent the
positions, policies, or opinions of the European Commission.
September 2015