Frederick l{eiache and liihilism as the Framework for the liazi Parry We are primarily like sheep. ln times of crisis we search ior a Shepha'd. .1ile are iike lambs in a field, disoorting under the eye of the butchsr who chooses first one and then the other" Arthur Shopenliauer .The people have always some charnpion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness...This and no other is the root from which a tlrant springs, when he first appears he is a protecfo/' Plato'The Republic" A Bief BiograPhY Frederick Nietzsche was born in Gen:rany in 1844 and died in 1900 from a severe mental iliness reiig:ous family as his mind slowly bega-n to dereriorate in i889. He *'as born into apuriunical, and was intended by his peienrs to enter the church. He was educatC orivately at a denominational schooi. \llule at the Universit-v in Bonn he broke completely from his family and rejecred all forms of religion especially Christianiry. His two most famous bcdies oiwork are and Evil. In Tirus Spoi,z Zaratlntsrra, in wiich iis genius is brought fonh, and Beyonl Good He moratiry. the master a-'ld these iwo works he distinguishes bef#e€n the slave moraliry condemns Christia-'riry, srresses that there is no irue concept of moraLiry. He is well klown for hus theory of the need to create "Supe:'nen", for they will bring humaniq to Ei-eatness. He is .rp*.iugy known as the inciivi<iuat io which ltrtier and the N-i pu-tf base ihe icieoiogy of their paity around.Taken out of conte Nr.hilism can be considered a destructil'e pirilosophy, invoh'Lrg brutaiiry, selfishness, greed and a iust for power aS the basis for "g-eainess". The foUowing are various quotaiions taken from a variery of his published works. Tkough this we will see how Hitier and the Nari par-t-v vreweC the manner of whjch they were to bring Germany back to greatness. .Life is especially injury, exploiiauon, conquest, zuppressiorl severiiv .." 'The ffuth is hard. Every higher civilzation has originated in barbarisi:n" With regard to the ernbracing of raciai puritv b;- the Nazi's the foilo*ing is interprated has the man of an age of dissolution, of an age which mlxes the races with one anot\er; who wiil, inheritance of a diversified descsnt in his body... such a man of late culture and broken lights ..The ai a nrle, be a x'eak man" ..IJp to now man debauched" has-6-een in ti:e worst hands, has been ruled by the nisfits, the physiologically -'The Slcve MoralirY Nietzschearguedthatsocieylivesbyaslavemoraliry.Bysla.remoralityhemeansth-attheweak we behave like a herciof canle or a fock of sheep' prevent the strong from achieving 3reatness. He believed tbat pir7, sensitiviry, a warm heart, and thus any sense of individuaiiry is crushed. ue despicable qualiries since ihey mzks us weak and patience, friendlinesr i""til-.y -i kindn.ts democracy and socia[sm are responsible for this' in turn mediocre. fne Clrisnan church' "safe man" silce he will nor question the that the perceived "good man" is the Basicary h. "rg.,r.s by Christianity By helping your fbllow nurn you ale social order, will foiiow the rules, dictated "zuperioriy' Tl: "safe mal" is naive' good natured and depriving yourr.f of U'.r. 'greatness'of and creators of threat. l{e blames the Jewish people as the founders simple, therefore ";;;;;" the Salve MoralitY The Master lvIoralitY ttat a person attains Frower througi whichever means The basis of the Nlaster Nloral.iry is the lust for power. The potential lies in the is baseion sel_frshnes, geed and possible. It indilidualtoatcaingreatne5s'Than-rjelsceterrrinethenodonof..goodness''.ll'|ernsofr*'hatis "gooci" he states, .,A-11 the wrll to poreer, pow'er itse[f in man"' that heigltens tne f*i-icg cf power, who follo.'l's the siave moralq,.he si:i:s, In ierms cf ihe..good nal,,:ra-,i'rei;.9p3 r:nost ..The good man is ihe nosl han::,5-ilkind of man... the hami wirich tile gcod nen do is ihe caia;nitous of all hal '::" Itisoniythrought.n-isrnas:ermoralj.,r'thatrnanJiindcanreachitsfullpoteni3iwilchtoNeirzche is the essence of huinan eis:e:ic: Tne Aftermsth is quite a proo nel' konically, rvhen discussing himself Neirzche Destiny''wrinen in 1333 he states; l-n Ecce I|omo '1l]1y I arn a Hewhowouldbeacreatcringoodandelilmu$fir$beadestioyer...Ia.atiemost I know the joy of I shal be the most beneficent' ten-ible man that has ever existed. But a:rnihilation... I am the essendal destroyer' Iknowmydestiny.Iamnotaman.Iamafatality.Iamdlranite.Someday.mynamewi]] beboundupwiththeretoilea.ionofsomethingten-ific.Acrisis...adecisivecondemnationofall th:t hefnre me had been be[eveC The A,frer-thought people' had:.ny- notion of rhe evenrual extermination of c,000, t'c0 Je'.vish words *.oulC be $srorted to zuch ertrestes. The hon'or:nd :i',italiry of rhe t *ond-., if Neitzche Considered that his the gas chari:bers, tne iorture chambers' Na-; and the second world,,vai The experiments, bfir:kne!, Sralui }lussotjni- a.rd *e otl:er totalitarian butchers The .\tom bomb. radiation, mrde Ln ess:::ce ev'en iorm of hunan suftring rnr-ln:ble. iirs reelly".i., siarvation.