Tampere 2012
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Fire Laboratory
Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
42 pages
Fire Protection Fund
Ministry of the Interior
Federation of Finnish Financial Services
Juhani Lehikoisen säätiö
Linnatuli Oy
Hormex Oy
Ekovilla Oy
Paroc Oy Ab
Timo Inha, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Perttu Leppänen, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Martti Peltomäki, B.Sc. (Tech.)
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Fire Laboratory
PO.Box 600
FIN-33101 Tampere
Tel. +358 3 311 511
Distribution of report
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TUT / Department of Civil Engineering / archive
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Several fires caused by metal chimney penetrations led to a study on the fire
safety of metal chimneys at TUT in 2010. One conclusion of the study was
that especially sauna stoves produced hot flue gases. In 2011 Tampere University of Technology (TUT) started a study on the fire safety of fireplaces
and metal chimneys. It was a continuation of the study on the fire safety of
metal chimneys.
The main objective of the study was to reduce the number of fires caused by
fireplaces and chimneys by raising awareness of related fire hazards and by
participating in the revision of relevant regulations.
The management team of the project included Seppo Pekurinen (Federation
of Finnish Financial Services), Pekka Rajajärvi (Ministry of the Interior), Jyrki
Kauppinen and Matti J. Virtanen (Ministry of the Environment), Kari Siponen
(Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency), Jouni Sorvari (Federation of Finnish
Financial Services), Timo Pulkki (RTT), Carl-Gustav Petterson (Hormex Oy),
Juha Mielikäinen (Paroc Oy Ab), Ilkka Romppainen (Ekovilla Oy), Kimmo
Seppälä (Linnatuli Oy), Juhani Lehikoinen and Johannes Uusitalo
(Nunnauuni Oy) and Reijo Hautala (Härmä Air Oy).
We wish to thank the management team for their participation in the study.
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Flue gas temperatures of fireplaces
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
Tested fireplaces .................................................................................................................... 5
Test methods .......................................................................................................................... 6
Testing of wood-burning sauna stoves ................................................................................ 6
Tests on sauna stoves .............................................................................................................. 6
4.1.1 Nominal heat output test on sauna stove 1 .................................................................................. 6
4.1.2 Temperature safety test on sauna stove 1 ................................................................................... 7
4.1.3 Bathing test on sauna stove 1 ...................................................................................................... 7
4.1.4 Temperature safety test on sauna stove 2 .................................................................................. 8
4.1.5 Bathing test on sauna stove 2 ...................................................................................................... 9
Result of sauna stove tests....................................................................................................... 9
Conclusions from the sauna stove tests ................................................................................. 10
Room heater testing ............................................................................................................. 11
Tests on room heater ............................................................................................................. 11
5.1.1 Nominal heat output test on room heater + additional batch charges ........................................ 11
5.1.2 Temperature safety test on room heater .................................................................................... 12
Result of room heater tests ..................................................................................................... 13
Conclusions from room heater tests ....................................................................................... 14
Testing of slow heat release appliances ............................................................................. 15
Tests conducted on slow heat release appliances .................................................................. 15
6.1.1 Burning rate performance test on slow heat release appliance 1 .............................................. 15
6.1.2 Temperature safety test + additional batch charge of slow heat release appliance 1................ 16
6.1.3 Test on slow heat release appliance 2 with an open ignition damper ........................................ 16
6.1.4 Burning rate performance test on slow heat release appliance 2 .............................................. 17
6.1.5 Temperature safety test + additional batch charges of slow heat release appliance 2 .............. 18
6.2 Results of the tests on slow heat release appliances .............................................................. 19
6.3 Conclusions from tests on slow heat release appliances ........................................................ 20
7 Conclusions from the tests.................................................................................................. 21
Appendix 1: Test method and performance of tests................................................................. 23
Appendix 2: Test arrangement and measurement of temperature, pressure and constituents
of flue gases ................................................................................................................................ 27
Appendix 3: Temperatures of sauna stove flue gases and the sauna ..................................... 28
Appendix 4: Flue gas temperatures of room heater ................................................................. 33
Appendix 5: Flue gas temperature of slow heat release appliances ....................................... 35
Appendix 6: Measurement of flue gas and hot gas temperatures in fireplace and chimney
tests .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 7: Methods of installing chimneys to fireplaces ...................................................... 41
Appendix 8: Proposed additional measurement point in fireplace tests ................................ 42
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Flue gas temperatures of fireplaces
On May 25, 2011 the Ministry of the Environment sent a letter (PG 268 Finnish
concern on fire safety risks due to CE marking of appliances fired by solid fuel
and chimney products) to the European Commission explaining the deficiencies
of harmonised European fireplace and chimney standards. The letter was complemented by VTT's (Technical Research Centre of Finland) research report
Flue gas temperature measurements of a slow heat release appliance, a sauna
stove and a roomheater. RESEARCH REPORT No. VTT-S-08754-11 December 13, 2011. This report has been presented to the Commission and the member countries.
One deficiency of the standard mentioned in the letter is that the flue gas temperature in the CE marking of fireplaces cannot be considered reliable information for dimensioning a temperature class of a chimney. The Ministry of the
Environment requested that TUT make one objective of its further research to
produce a proposal on how harmonised European product standards should be
improve so that the flue gas temperature in their CE marking could be considered a reliable basis point for the selection and dimensioning of chimneys. This
research report intends to fill the Ministry’s request.
The flue gas temperature determined in the tests specified in fireplace standards is the mean temperature meant for determining the heat output of the fireplace. The tests specified in fireplace standard do not provide temperature data
required for the dimensioning of chimneys. The purpose of this study is to establish how the flue gas temperature used in dimensioning the temperature
class of the chimney should be measured from fireplaces.
It was decided to run tests on a sauna stove (EN 15821 Multi-firing sauna
stoves fired by natural wood logs), a room heater (EN 13240 Roomheaters fired
by solid fuel) and a slow heat release appliance (EN 15250 Slow heat release
appliances fired by solid fuel), because they all require a different method of
testing the fireplace and the flue gas temperature. The three different test
methods cover quite comprehensively the test methods for harmonised product
standards. In addition, these products are widely used in Finland where fireplaces are heated more frequently and hotter than in Central Europe due to the
climate. The sauna can also be considered part of Finnish culture. Valid versions of harmonised product standards were used in the testing.
Tests were made on two wood-burning sauna stoves, one room heater and two
slow heat release appliances.
Sauna stove 1 was subjected to a nominal heat output test, a temperature safety test and “a bathing test”(described in Appendix 1). Sauna stove 2 was subjected to temperature safety test and a bathing test.
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
The CE marked room heater was subjected to a nominal heat output test and a
temperature safety test. A test with larger wood batches was also made after
the nominal heat output test.
Slow heat release appliance 1 was subjected to a burning rate performance test
and a temperature safety test. A test with larger wood batches was also made
after the temperature safety test. Slow heat release appliance 2 was subjected
to a test with an open ignition damper, a burning rate performance test and a
temperature safety test. A test with larger wood batches was also made after
the temperature safety test.
Sauna stove 1
Sauna stove 1 was a conventional commercial sauna stove. It has been designed for an 8−20 m3 sauna. The height of the stove was 800 mm, width 540
mm and depth 580 mm. The amount of stones in the sauna stove was 60 kg.
The manufacturer's operating instructions suggest getting the fire in the stove
going with a small initial batch of firewood. When the wood is burning properly,
the firebox can be filled to 2/3 of its height. The fireplace does not yet have a
CE marking.
Sauna stove 2
Sauna stove 2 was a conventional commercial sauna stove. It has been for an
8-20 m3 sauna. The height of the stove was 760 mm, width 430 mm and depth
510 mm. The amount of stones in the sauna stove was 40 kg. The manufacturer's operating instructions suggest filling the firebox to 2/3 of its height. The
fireplace does not yet have a CE marking.
Room heater
The room heater was a CE marked cast iron commercial room heater with a
design nominal heat output of 5 kW. The weight of the room heater was about
134 kg. The declared thermal efficiency of the room heater is 83% at 5.9 kW
heat output. The mean flue gas temperature indicated in the CE marking is 260
°C. The room heater was granted a CE marking in July 2010.
The intervals for adding wood recommended by the manufacturer is about 45
minutes. The amount of chopped firewood to be added (2 pieces at a time) is
1.62 kg (nominal heat output). The maximum quantity of firewood indicated by
the manufacturer is 2.9 kg/h (max 3 pieces or 2.2 kg/charge).
Slow heat release appliance 1
Slow heat release appliance 1 was a light-weight commercial appliance. Its dimensions were: height 1650 mm, width 594 mm and depth 514 mm. The weight
of the fireplace was 495 kg. The thermal energy output of the fireplace indicated
in the CE marking is 39.5 kWh. The declared efficiency is 84%. The mean flue
gas temperature indicated in the CE marking is 165 °C.
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Slow heat release appliance 2
Slow heat release appliance 2 was a conventional commercial appliance. Its
dimensions were: height about 1750 mm, width 795 mm and depth 585 mm.
The weight of the fireplace was 1300 kg. The heating area declared by the
manufacturer is 50 to 70 m2. The fireplace does not yet have a CE marking.
Test methods and execution of the tests are described in Appendix 1.
The test arrangement and measurement of temperature, pressure and flue gas
constituents are presented in Appendix 2.
Tests on sauna stoves
Nominal heat output test on sauna stove 1
The nominal heat output test on the sauna stove was conducted in a 20 m3
sauna. The stove was ignited by a 3 kg wood batch. A 3 kg wood batch was
added 24 minutes after ignition, followed by another 3 kg wood batch 48
minutes after ignition. The sauna room temperature reached 90 °C at 1 h 15
min. The highest flue gas temperature after the first added batch was 616 °C
and after the second batch 632 °C.
Figure 1 The 3 kg wood batch used in the nominal heat output test on
sauna stove 1 (Firebox loosely stacked to half of opening height.)
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
Temperature safety test on sauna stove 1
In deviation from the standard, the temperature safety test on the sauna stove
was performed in a 20 m3 sauna test room. According to the standard, the test
should be performed in the smallest possible sauna test room (8 m3 for this
stove). A larger sauna was used in TUT's test because thereby the stove has to
heat a larger space requiring a bigger required heat output is consequently
higher. With this sauna stove, two batch charges were required in the temperature safety test to raise the temperature of the sauna test room above 110 °C.
The sauna stove was ignited by a 4 kg wood batch. One 0.9 kg wood batch was
added 30 minutes after ignition and another 0.85 kg wood batch 47 minutes after ignition. The temperature of the sauna test room settled at 60 °C when 61
minutes had elapsed from ignition. The temperature safety test was started 69
minutes after ignition. The firebox was filled up to the upper edge of the firebox
opening. The mass of the added wood batch was 6.05 kg. Draught was increased to 15 Pa+2/-0. The temperature of the sauna test room rose to 106 °C,
which meant that the temperature of 110 °C was not reached. For this reason, a
new wood batch with a mass of 5.95 kg was added 1 h 48 min after ignition.
The temperature of the sauna test room rose to 137 °C, which is much higher
than the 110 °C required for the temperature safety test. Flue gas temperature
reached 737 °C after the first added batch charge of the temperature safety
test. The second batch charge of the temperature safety test raised flue gas
temperature to 801 °C.
Bathing test on sauna stove 1
The bathing test on the stove was performed in a 20 m3 sauna. The draught
used in the test was 15 Pa, the same as in the temperature safety test. The
sauna stove was ignited by a 4.05 kg wood batch. Bathing began 33 minutes after ignition.
Wood batches during the test
28 min 30 s
40 min
54 min
1 h 10 min
1 h 17 min
1 h 27 min
1 h 42 min
1 h 51 min
1 h 58 min
2 h 4 min
2 h 12 min
2 h 17 min
2 h 35 min
3 h 3 min
Wood batch
4.05 kg
1.8 kg
1.6 kg
0.65 kg
1.5 kg
0.7 kg
1.65 kg
1.5 kg
1.85 kg
1.2 kg
1.05 kg
0.95 kg
0.8 kg
1.0 kg
1.35 kg
2.05 kg
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Measured from the point specified in the standard, flue gas temperature
reached 767 °C in the bathing test and 924 °C measured from the flue gas connector.
Temperature safety test on sauna stove 2
In deviation from the standard, the temperature safety test on the sauna stove
was performed in a 20 m3 sauna test room. According to the standard, the test
should be performed in the smallest possible sauna test room (8 m3 for this
stove). A larger sauna was used in TUT's test because thereby the stove has to
heat a larger space requiring a bigger heat output. With this sauna stove, the
volume of the sauna temperature safety test room had no impact on flue gas
temperatures because the first batch raised the temperature of the sauna test
room to 110 °C.
The sauna stove was ignited by a 2.5 kg wood batch. One 2 kg wood batch was
added 24 minutes after ignition and another 0.5 kg wood batch 47 minutes after
ignition. The temperature of the sauna test room rose to 80 °C. When the temperature of the sauna test room had settled at 60 °C, the batch charge for the
temperature safety test was added. The temperature safety test was started 62
minutes after ignition. The firebox was filled to the upper edge of the firebox
opening. The mass of the added wood batch was 7 kg. Draught was increased
to 15 Pa+2/-0. The temperature of the sauna test room rose above 110 °C. The
temperature of the sauna test room reached 125 °C. Flue gas temperature rose
to 749 °C in the temperature safety test. The test ended 93 min after ignition
when CO2 content dropped to 4 %.
Figure 2 The 2.5 kg wood batch used for ignition in the temperature
safety test and the bathing test on sauna stove 2.
(About 1/3 of the height of the firebox opening).
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Figure 3 Firebox of sauna stove 2 filled from side to side up to about
half the height of the firebox opening by a 5.75 kg wood batch.
Bathing test on sauna stove 2
The bathing test on the stove was performed in a 20 m3 sauna. The draught
used in the sauna test was the 15 Pa+2/-0 used in the temperature safety test.
The sauna stove was ignited by a 2.5 kg wood batch. Bathing started 20
minutes after ignition.
Wood batches during the test
11 min 30 s
23 min
42 min
1 h 7 min
1 h 20 min
1 h 27 min
1 h 36 min
1 h 49 min
2 h 3 min
Wood batch
2.5 kg
3 kg
3 kg
2.95 kg
0.9 kg
1.1 kg
1.4 kg
1.4 kg
0.56 kg
4.62 kg
2.41 kg
In the bathing test, flue gas temperature measured at the point specified in the
standard reached 705 °C and that measured from the flue gas connector
780 °C.
Result of sauna stove tests
The flue gas temperatures of the sauna stove and the sauna temperatures are
presented in Appendix 3.
The highest flue gas temperatures during the tests on sauna stove 1 are presented in Table 1.
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The highest flue gas temperatures during the tests on sauna stove 2 are presented in Table 2.
Table 1 Highest flue gas temperatures of sauna stove 1.
Sauna stove 1
Flue gas connector
Measurement point specified in
Standard EN 15821
Nominal heat output test
(Draught 12 Pa)
738 °C
632 °C
Temperature safety test
(Draught 15 Pa)
860 °C
(After second batch 901 °C)
737 °C
(After second batch 801 °C)
924 °C
767 °C
Bathing test
(Draught 15 Pa)
Table 2 Highest flue gas temperatures of sauna stove 2.
Sauna stove 2
Flue gas connector
Measurement point specified in
Standard EN 15821
Temperature safety test
(Draught 15 Pa)
833 °C
749 °C
Bathing test
(Draught 15 Pa)
780 °C
705 °C
Conclusions from the sauna stove tests
The mean flue gas temperature indicated in the CE marking cannot be used
as an input value in the dimensioning the temperature class of a chimney.
Comparison of the mean temperature and flue gas temperatures in the nominal heat output and temperature safety tests reveals that this temperature is
not safe for dimensioning the temperature class of a chimney. Moreover, the
nominal heat output test is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions in order to achieve the best nominal heat output. When the fireplace is
used in way that corresponds to the normal Finnish way of using it, higher flue
gas temperatures are attained.
The purpose of the temperature safety test is to ensure fire safety with the
largest possible batch charge of the stove. In the temperature safety test, the
firebox is filled up to the upper edge of the firebox opening. However, it is not
necessary to measure or report flue gas temperatures in the temperature safety test. Besides the nominal heat output test and the temperature safety test, a
bathing test was also conducted. The flue gas temperatures of the temperature safety test on a 20 m3 sauna corresponded to those of the bathing test.
In addition to the point specified in the standard, flue gas temperature was also measured from the flue gas connector. The highest flue gas temperature
measured from the flue gas connector was 75−157 °C higher than the temperature measured from the point specified in the standard.
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Research report no. PALO 2133/2012
The flue gas temperature of a sauna stove should be determined by a temperature safety test. The test should establish the highest temperature. This
temperature should be measured from the flue gas connector of the fireplace
to make the measurement points of fireplace and chimney standards coincide.
The most critical connection is one made behind the stove that penetrates a
combustible wall.
A problem with the temperature safety test on a wood-burning sauna stove
was its short duration. Several consecutive batch charges may result in higher
flue gas temperatures. However, the temperature of the sauna room limits the
heating of the stove if the stove is located in a sauna of suitable size and the
door is closed.
Tests on room heater
Nominal heat output test on room heater + additional batch charges
The room heater was ignited by a 1.6 kg wood batch. A 0.85 kg wood batch
was added 27 minutes after ignition. The test period started 1 h 2 min after ignition as the basic firebed was achieved. Chopped birchwood batches weighing 1.7 kg were used as a first batch charge. A second batch of 1.7 kg was
added 1 h 47 min after ignition. A third batch of 1.7 kg was added 2 h 34 min
after ignition. The nominal heat output test ended 3 h 21 min after ignition as
the basic firebed was achieved. Four batches of 3 kg were burned subsequently. The first two additional batch charges were burned using a draught of
12 Pa ±2 and the next two using a draught of 15 Pa+2/-0.
The highest flue gas temperature in the nominal heat output test measured
from the flue gas connector was 404 °C and that measured from the point
specified in the standard was 284 °C. During the first two additional batch
charges, the highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector was 512
°C and that measured from the point specified in the standard 376 °C. During
the burning of the last two additional batch charges the highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector was 613 °C and that measured from the
point specified in the standard 446 °C. The mean flue gas temperature determined by the nominal heat output test is 247 °C. This is the temperature indicated in the CE marking. The temperature indicated in the CE marking for this
room heater was 260 °C.
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Figure 4 The 1.7 kg wood batch used in the nominal heat output
test on the room heater.
Figure 5 The 3 kg additional batch charge used after the nominal
heat output test on the room heater.
Temperature safety test on room heater
Fir timber was used for fuel in the temperature safety test on the room heater.
The amount of fir timber used is calculated on the basis of the area of the firebox bottom. The room heater was ignited by a 3.3 kg wood batch. The test period started 1 h 2 min after ignition as the basic firebed was achieved. Draught
was increased to 15 Pa+2/-0 in accordance with the standard. In the temperaThe research report may only be copied in its entirety
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ture safety test on the room heater, wood batches are added until the surface
temperatures of the trihedron no longer rise. A second 2.5 kg batch was added 1 h 45 min after ignition. A third 2.5 kg batch was added 2 h 30 min after
ignition. A fourth 2.5 kg batch was added 3 h 16 min after ignition. The surface
temperatures of the trihedron no longer rose. The test was ended 4 h 10 min
after ignition as the basic firebed was achieved.
Figure 7 Wood batch used in the temperature safety test on the
room heater (2.5 kg of spruce batten).
The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the temperature safety test was 508 °C. The highest flue gas temperature measured from
the point specified in the standard was 371 °C.
Result of room heater tests
The temperatures of the flue gases of the room heater are presented in Appendix 4.
The highest flue gas temperatures during the tests on the room heater are
presented in Table 3.
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Table 3 Highest flue gas temperatures of the room heater.
Room heater
Flue gas connector
Nominal heat output test 1
(Draught 12 Pa)
Additional batch charges 1 and 2
(Draught 12 Pa)
Additional batch charges 3 and 4
(Draught 15 Pa)
Temperature safety test
(Draught 15 Pa)
Measurement point specified
in Standard EN 13240
404 °C
284 °C
512 °C
376 °C
613 °C
446 °C
508 °C
371 °C
Conclusions from room heater tests
The mean flue gas temperature indicated in the CE marking, 260 °C, corresponds closely to the flue gas temperatures of the nominal heat output test.
However, this temperature cannot be used for dimensioning the temperature
class of the chimney. Comparison of the flue gas temperatures from the nominal heat output test and flue gas temperatures from the temperature safety
test reveals that this temperature cannot be safely used in dimensioning the
The additional batch test conducted after the nominal heat output test reveals
that if a 3 kg wood batch is used instead of a 1.7 kg batch, a draught of just 12
Pa produces flue gas temperatures corresponding to those of the temperature
safety test. When draught is increased to 15 Pa with 3 kg wood batches, considerably higher flue gas temperatures are produced. The additional batches
can be regarded as overheating the fireplace.
The temperature safety test on the room heater is continued until the highest
temperatures are attained in the trihedron. In the test, the highest flue gas
temperature is attained with the tested wood batch size.
The flue gas temperature was measured at the point specified in the standard
as well as from the flue gas connector. The highest flue gas temperature
measured from the flue gas connector was 120−167 °C higher than that
measured from the point specified in the standard.
The temperature of the flue gases of the room heater should be determined by
a temperature safety test. The test should establish the highest temperature.
This temperature should be measured from the flue gas connector of the fireplace to make the measurement points in the fireplace and chimney standards
coincide. The most critical installation is one made behind the stove that penetrates a combustible wall.
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A problem with the temperature safety test on the room heater was that with
some room heaters the wood batch size used in the test may be small in relation to the volume of the firebox (due to the area of the firebox bottom). A larger wood batch may increase flue gas temperatures. In addition to a calculation
based on the area of the firebox, the standard should present a coefficient that
ensures the sufficient amount of firewood in such situations. The coefficient
could compare the amount of wood to that of the nominal heat output test or
the volume of the firebox.
Tests conducted on slow heat release appliances
Burning rate performance test on slow heat release appliance 1
The slow heat release appliance was ignited by a 2.5 kg wood batch besides
using 0.5 kg of kindling. A 2.5 kg wood batch was added 15 minutes after ignition. A second 2.5 kg batch was added 45 minutes after ignition. A third 2.5 kg
batch was added 1 h 15 min after ignition. The test ended 1 h 59 min after ignition when CO2 content dropped to 3.8%. The highest flue gas temperature in
the flue gas connector was 311 °C and that measured from the point specified
in the standard 298 °C. The mean flue gas temperature determined by the
burning rate performance test was 246 °C.
Figure 8 The 2.5 kg wood batch + 0.5 kg of kindling used in the burning rate performance test on slow heat release appliance 1.
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Temperature safety test + additional batch charge of slow heat release appliance 1
Temperature safety test on a slow heat release appliance is performed by
starting a new burning rate performance test immediately after the first one.
The slow heat release appliance was ignited by a 2.5 kg wood batch and 0.5
kg of kindling. A 2.5 kg wood batch was added 15 minutes after ignition. A second 2.5 kg batch was added 45 minutes after ignition. A third 2.5 kg batch
was added 1 h 15 min after ignition. The temperature safety test was started 2
h 3 min after ignition when CO2 content dropped to 3.8%. Draught was raised
to 15 Pa+2/-0 in accordance with the standard. The first 2.5 kg wood batch for
the temperature safety test was added 2 h 3 min after ignition. The subsequent three 2.5 kg wood batches were added 2 h 33 min, 3 h 3 min and 3 h 33
min after ignition. The temperature safety test ended at 4 h 18 min when CO 2content dropped to 3.9%. An extra 5 kg batch was added subsequently and
draught was increased to 20 Pa.
Figure 9 The 2.5 kg wood batch used in the normal use and
temperature safety tests on slow heat release appliance 1.
The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the burning
rate performance test was 320 °C and that measured from the point specified
in the standard 310 °C. The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the temperature safety test was 388 °C and that measured from
the point specified in the standard was 368 °C. The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the burning of the additional batch was
435 °C and that measured from the point specified in the standard 411 °C.
The mean flue gas temperature determined by the burning rate performance
test was 250 °C.
Test on slow heat release appliance 2 with an open ignition damper
A test was made on slow heat release appliance 2 with an open ignition
damper. The ignition damper is meant to improve draught during ignition.
When the ignition damper is open, flue gases flow directly into the chimney
without circulating through the smoke canals of the fireplace. The ignition
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damper can be kept open for 10-15 minutes after ignition. The slow heat release appliance was ignited by a 5 kg wood batch. A 3 kg batch was added 34
minutes after ignition. A 5 kg additional batch was added 45 minutes after ignition. The test ended 1 h 18 min after ignition, when CO2 content dropped to
4%. The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector was 467 °C
and that measured from the point specified in the standard 432 °C.
Burning rate performance test on slow heat release appliance 2
The slow heat release appliance was ignited by a 5 kg wood batch and 0.5 kg
of kindling. A 3 kg batch was added 39 minutes after ignition. The test ended 1
h 5 min after ignition when CO2 content dropped to 2.95%. The highest flue
gas temperature in the flue gas connector at 347 °C was attained while the ignition damper was still open. When the ignition damper was closed, the highest temperature in the flue gas connector was 260 °C and that measured from
the point specified in the standard 240 °C.
Figure 11 The 5 kg wood batch + 0.5 kg of kindling used in the burning rate
performance test on slow heat release appliance 2.
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Figure 12 The 3 kg wood batch used in the normal use and
temperature safety tests on slow heat release appliance 2.
Temperature safety test + additional batch charges of slow heat release appliance 2
A temperature safety test on a slow heat release appliance is performed by
starting a new burning rate performance test immediately after the first one.
The slow heat release appliance was ignited by 5 kg wood batch and 0.5 kg of
kindling. Ignition was performed with an open ignition damper. The ignition
damper was closed 10 min after ignition. A 3 kg wood batch was added 40
minutes after ignition. The temperature safety test started 1 h 6 min after ignition. Draught was raised to 15 Pa+2/-0 in accordance with the standard. The
first 5 kg wood batch for the temperature safety test was added 1 h 6 min after
ignition. A 3 kg wood batch was added 1 h 30 min after ignition. The temperature safety test ended at 1 h 49 min. A 10 kg wood batch was added subsequently and draught was increased to 20 Pa. When flue gas temperatures had
reached their peak, the ignition damper was opened to attain the highest temperatures.
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Kuva 13 The 10 kg wood batch added after the temperature safety test on
slow heat release appliance 2.
The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the burning
rate performance test was 266 °C and that measured from the point specified
in the standard 243 °C. The highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the temperature safety test was 371 °C and that measured from
the point specified in the standard 350 °C. The highest flue gas temperature in
the flue gas connector during the burning of the additional batch before the
opening of the ignition damper was 452 °C and that measured from the point
specified in the standard 426 °C. After the opening of the ignition damper, the
highest flue gas temperature in the flue gas connector during the burning of
the additional batch was 581 °C and that measured from the point specified in
the standard 530 °C.
Results of the tests on slow heat release appliances
Flue gas temperatures of slow heat release appliances are presented in Appendix 5.
The highest flue gas temperatures during the tests on slow heat release appliance 1 are presented in Table 4.
The highest flue gas temperatures during the tests on slow heat release appliance 2 are presented in Table 5.
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Table 4 Highest flue gas temperatures with slow heat release appliance 1.
Slow heat release appliance 1
Flue gas connector
Measurement point specified
in Standard EN 15250
Burning rate performance test 1
311 °C
298 °C
(Draught 12 Pa)
Burning rate performance test 2
(Draught 12 Pa)
320 °C
310 °C
Temperature safety test
(Draught 15 Pa)
388 °C
368 °C
Additional batch
(Draught 20 Pa)
435 °C
411 °C
Table 5 Highest flue gas temperatures with slow heat release appliance 2.
Slow heat release appliance 2
Flue gas connector
Measurement point specified
in Standard EN 15250
With open ignition damper
467 °C
432 °C
(Draught 12 Pa)
Burning rate performance test 1
(Draught 12 Pa)
260 °C
240 °C
Burning rate performance test 2
(Draught 12 Pa)
266 °C
243 °C
Temperature safety test
(Draught 15 Pa)
371 °C
350 °C
Additional batch
(Draught 20 Pa)
452 °C
426 °C
Additional batch with open
ignition damper
(Draught 20 Pa)
581 °C
530 °C
Conclusions from tests on slow heat release appliances
The mean flue gas temperature indicated in the CE marking corresponds rather well to the flue gas temperatures of the burning rate performance test. In
these fireplaces, the highest flue gas temperature in the burning rate performance test was only about 50 °C higher than the mean temperature. However, this temperature cannot be used for dimensioning the temperature class of
the chimney. Comparison of the temperature from the burning rate performance test with temperatures of flue gases from the temperature safety test
reveals that this temperature is not safe for dimensioning the chimney. The
highest flue gas temperature in the temperature safety test was more than 100
°C higher than the mean temperature in the burning rate performance test.
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The additional batch test made after the temperature safety test reveals that
using a double wood batch and a draught of 20 Pa produces about 50 °C
higher flue gas temperatures than those measured in the temperature safety
test. Leaving the ignition damper open during the heating of the slow heat release appliance may increase flue gas temperatures in the chimney even
more. Additional batches may be regarded as overheating the fireplace.
In addition to the point specified in the standard, flue gas temperature was also measured from the flue gas connector. The highest flue gas temperature
measured from the flue gas connector was 10−51 °C higher than that measured from the point specified in the standard. The biggest difference in temperatures occurs when the ignition damper is open.
The flue gas temperature of a slow heat release appliance should be determined by a temperature safety test. The test should establish the highest temperature. This temperature should be measured from the flue gas connector of
the fireplace to make the measurement points in fireplace and chimney standards coincide. The most critical connection is one made behind the stove that
penetrates a combustible wall.
A problem with the temperature safety test on slow heat release appliances is
that they use the wood batches of the normal use test specified by the manufacturer. In some cases, the batch sizes specified by the manufacturer may be
small in relation to the volume of the firebox. A larger wood batch may increase flue gas temperatures.
Another problem lies with the ignition dampers of slow heat release appliances. If a slow heat release appliance has an ignition damper, the temperature
safety test should be performed while it is open.
The measurement of flue gas and hot gas temperatures in fireplace and chimney tests is described in Appendix 6.
Methods of installing chimneys in fireplaces are presented in Appendix 7.
A proposal for an additional measurement point in fireplace tests is presented
in Appendix 8.
The mean flue gas temperature determined by the nominal heat output and
burning rate performance tests on fireplaces cannot be used in the dimensioning of chimneys.
Fireplaces should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure that flue gas temperatures stay within the design limits and the efficiency
of the fireplace corresponds to tests. However, the test specified by the manufacturer cannot be used as a starting point in the measurement of flue gas
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Appendix 1 (1/4)
Appendix 1: Test method and performance of tests
Test methods:
Sauna stoves: Standard EN 15821:2010 Multi-firing sauna stoves fired by
natural wood logs - Requirements and test methods.
Room heater: Standard EN 13240:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007 Roomheaters fired
by solid fuel. Requirements and test methods.
Slow heat release appliances: Standard EN 15250:2007 Slow heat release
appliances fired by solid fuel. Requirements and test methods.
Draught and flue gas temperature is measured by a Kimo MP 200 micromanometer with a TPL-06-300-T measurement sensor. In addition to the measurements specified in the standard, flue gas temperature is measured from the
flue gas connector of the fireplace with a type K thermocouple wire Ø 0.5 mm.
Flue gas temperature and composition is measured and recorded at intervals
of 1 minute.
Mean flue gas temperatures during normal use and nominal heat output tests
are calculated and reported.
The fuels used in the tests conform to Appendix B of the standards.
The wood amounts used in the nominal heat output and burning rate performance tests correspond to those used in the tests for the CE marking or
which the manufacturer intends to perform to earn the CE marking.
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Appendix 1 (2/4)
Tests on sauna stoves:
Nominal heat output test
The fireplace to be tested is installed in the sauna test room specified in
standard EN 15821 at the safety distances from walls specified by the manufacturer. Fuel batch charges specified by the manufacturer are added in testing at nominal heat output; they should suffice to raise the temperature of the
sauna test room to 90 °C. The draught used in the test is 12 Pa ±2. The air
exchange rate is 6 times per hour. The test is used to determine the mean flue
gas temperature.
The nominal heat output test of a sauna stove corresponds to a situation
where the sauna is heated ready for bathing, and heating is then stopped. In
reality bathing starts when the sauna gets warm, and the fire is kept burning in
a multi-firing sauna stove throughout the bath.
Temperature safety test
In a temperature safety test, the temperature of the sauna test room should
first settle at 60 °C, then the draught is raised to 15 Pa and the firebox is filled
to the upper edge of the firebox opening. If the first batch charge does not
raise the temperature of the sauna test room to 110 °C, another batch is added. The purpose of the temperature safety test is to determine safety distances to combustible materials. According to the standard, it is not necessary to
measure flue gas temperature as part of the test.
Bathing test
In addition to the tests specified in the standard, a sauna test was carried out.
The nominal heat output and temperature safety tests on a sauna stove are
short in duration. The standard fails to consider baths of long duration. This is
why the bathing test was made.
A sauna stove is very different from other kinds of fireplaces. During the bath,
the temperature of the sauna is kept at 80−100 °C; some prefer even hotter
temperatures. Moreover, the stones in the stove must be sufficiently hot
(about 300 °C) throughout the bath. A sauna bath may continue for several
In the bathing test, people took a bath in the test sauna during which water
was thrown on the sauna stove to produce steam. Wood batches were added
to keep the sauna temperature comfortable. The air exchange rate was 6
times per hour according to the standard. The purpose of the bathing test was
to describe the Finnish way of using a sauna stove, for use as a starting point
in determining the temperature of the flue gases of the stove.
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Appendix 1 (3/4)
Tests on the room heater:
Nominal heat output test
The fireplace to be tested is installed on a weighing apparatus at safety distances specified by the manufacturer from the trihedron specified in standard
EN 13240. Testing at nominal heat output consists of ignition, pre-test and test
phases. The pre-test phase ensures that the basic firebed is achieved. The
test phase starts when the basic firebed has been achieved. Fuel batches
specified by the manufacturer are added during the test phase. The test phase
ends when the weight of the basic firebed is the same as at the end of the pretest phase. The draught used in the test is 12 Pa ±2. The test determines the
mean flue gas temperature.
Temperature safety test
The test fuel of the temperature safety test is fir timber with cross-sectional
dimensions of 4 cm x 6 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm. At first, a sufficient amount of fuel
is added in the room heater to ensure the ignition of the fuel. When the fuel
has ignited, the calculated fuel batch is added. The next fuel batch is added as
the basic firebed has been achieved. Fuel batches are added until the walls of
the trihedron have reached their highest temperature. A draught of 15 Pa is
used. The purpose of the temperature safety test is to determine the safety
distances of the fireplace to combustible materials. According to the standard,
it is not necessary to determine flue gas temperatures as part of the test.
The weight of a fuel batch in the temperature safety test on a room heater is
calculated by the formula:
Bfl = weight of the test batch, kg
Sc = area of firebox bottom, m2
Hu = lower calorific value of fuel at moisture content at burning, MJ/kg
c = 400 MJ/m2
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Appendix 1 (4/4)
Additional heating test
In a temperature safety test, the size of fuel batches is calculated on the basis
of the area of the firebox bottom. However, the standard does not consider the
height of the firebox. The large size of the firebox of many room heaters allows
using larger wood batches than those calculated in the temperature safety
test. Larger wood batches may increase flue gas temperatures.
After the nominal heat output test, we conducted a test with larger wood
Tests on slow heat release appliances:
Burning rate performance test
The fireplace to be tested is installed at safety distances specified by the
manufacturer from the trihedron specified in standard EN 15250. Fuel batches
specified by the manufacturer are used in the burning rate performance test.
The draught used in the test is 12 Pa ±2. The test establishes the mean flue
gas temperature.
Temperature safety test
In a temperature safety test, a burning rate performance test is performed first,
then draught is raised to 15 Pa, and wood batches corresponding to those of
the burning rate performance test are added. The purpose of the temperature
safety test is to determine the safety distances of the fireplace to combustible
materials. According to the standard, there is no need to measure flue gas
temperatures as part of the test.
Additional heating test
Although twice as many wood batches are used in the temperature safety test,
the wood batch sizes are specified by the manufacturer. In reality, considerably larger wood batches may be used in many slow heat release appliances.
Larger wood batches probably increase flue gas temperatures.
After the temperature safety test, an overheating test was conducted using a
wood batch twice the size specified by the manufacturer. The second fireplace
had an ignition damper. When the ignition damper is open, flue gases flow directly into the chimney without circulating through the furnace flue of the fireplace. This results in higher flue gas temperatures in the chimney. The ignition
damper may be kept open for a short time during ignition. Its purpose is to
promote the formation of draught in the chimney. Fireplace 2 was tested also
with an open ignition damper.
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Appendix 2 (1/1)
Appendix 2: Test arrangement and measurement of temperature,
pressure and constituents of flue gases
Appendix 3 (1/5)
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Appendix 3: Temperatures of sauna stove flue gases and the sauna
Date of test 17.2.2012
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Appendix 3 (2/5)
Date of test 20.2.2012
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Appendix 3 (3/5)
Date of test 23.2.2012
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Appendix 3 (4/5)
Date of test 20.6.2012
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Appendix 3 (5/5)
Date of test 21.6.2012
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Appendix 4 (1/2)
Appendix 4: Flue gas temperatures of room heater
Date of test 6.3.2012
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Appendix 4 (2/2)
Date of test 7.3.2012
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Appendix 5 (1/5)
Appendix 5: Flue gas temperature of slow heat release appliances
Date of test 6.6.2012
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Appendix 5 (2/5)
Date of test 7.6.2012
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Appendix 5 (3/5)
Date of test 11.6.2012
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Appendix 5 (4/5)
Date of test 12.6.2012
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Appendix 5 (5/5)
Date of test 14.6.2012
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Appendix 6 (1/1)
Appendix 6: Measurement of flue gas and hot gas temperatures in
fireplace and chimney tests
EN 15821
Multi-firing sauna stoves fired by natural wood logs,
Requirements and test methods
EN 1859
Chimneys. Metal chimneys.
Test methods
Measurement of
flue gas and hot
gas temperatures
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Appendix 7 (1/1)
Appendix 7: Methods of installing chimneys to fireplaces
1: Exit from top
EN 15821
2: Exit from back directly into chimney
Critical point
3: Exit from back through wall
EN 13240
Three principle drawings for connecting a fireplace to a chimney. In installation methods 1
and 2, the critical point is the penetration of the
chimney through a combustible roof. The critical point in installation method 3 is the penetration through a combustible wall.
Flue gas temperature measurement in installation method 3 is after the critical point. This
causes uncertainty.
Temperature measurement
Critical point
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Appendix 8 (1/1)
Appendix 8: Proposed additional measurement point in fireplace tests
Additional measurement
point for measuring flue gas
The purpose of the additional
measurement point is to ensure the
fire safety of installation method 3
presented in Appendix 7.
EN 15821
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