Corpo orate Sociaal Respon nsibility Strategy People CCorporate Social Ressponsibilitty Planet Place Backgrround The Ced dar Foundation recogn nises its ressponsibility for promoting a sustaainable future. We understaand that exxcellent orga anisations sset clear values and de eliver the hhighest standards of organisaational behaaviour. As an organis ation we continually strive for ecconomic, so ocial and ecologiccal sustainab bility. Cedarr understandds the impaact of its business on: ccustomers, suppliers, s employeees, the local communityy and econom my and the environment e t. CSR deefined ‘Corporrate Social Responsibilit R ty is about how comp panies mana age their buusiness proccesses to producee an overall positive p imp pact on socieety, and enrich and develop their em ployees. (Source:: Business in the Community) Cedar Foundatio on and CSSR Key Gu uiding Prin nciples Cedar Fo oundation will w adopt the e following kkey guiding principles p in all its CSR a ctivity and these will be undeerpinned by the organisa ation’s Corpporate Aims, Vision and Values. An open, balan nced and transparrent approach to CSR will w be mainntained at all times and managemeent and stafff will be Page 1 o of 3 ommitment to the muutual benefitt of the encouraaged to shaare their skills, enthusiaasm and co organisaation and thee communityy They keyy guiding principles to be e adopted arre:‐ through recognisingg and valuingg the skills and a talents of Cedar em mployees ng a caring aand supportive employer. This them me will also include i a and bein commitm ment to be having responsibly tow wards those with whom m we do businesss, such as cusstomers and suppliers leading by b example aas an employyer committed to excelleence in susta ainability and envirronmental m management impactingg positively iin the local community c in n which we ooperate Emplo oyees Cedar is committed to treating all a employee s fairly and equally, e going beyond ouur legal requirements ed workforcce. In order to realise this committment the following f to securre an effecttive motivate measurees will be add dressed: Investors in People Reco ognition Equal Op pportunities Policy princiiples n Policy Investme ent in Traininng and Development Reward and Recognition Health and Wellbeing W Po olicy Have You ur Say (Staff Survey) Chairman's Prize Flexible Worrking Policy Career Breaks Policy Custom mers Cedar is committed to working openly o and hhonestly with customerss and treatingg them with respect. We strivve to commu unicate clearrly and to reespond quickkly and effecctively to anyy issues or concerns. c We aim to achieve this through a range of m measures including: Clearly deffined Vision, Mission and Complaintts, Complim ments & Feedback F Values System User Engageement Communication Strateegy nduct airs Strategyy Code of Con Public Affa o Ethics U of Webssite Statement of Effective Use Suppliers Cedar iss committed to working with our supppliers to acchieve best value v whilst ensuring the e highest possiblee ethical stan ndards and supporting thhe sustainabiility of the lo ocal economyy. In order to t realise this com mmitment thee following measures m wi ll be addresssed: Page 2 o of 3 Sourcing Policy where possibble) Use of Local Suppliers (w al and Compliance with nationa internationaal laws, custo oms and practices Ethical trrading and ppurchasing prrinciples Fair Trea atment (paym ment on time e) Positive Supplier Relaationships Enviro onment Cedar iss committed to ensuringg that we coontinually im mprove our practices p to reduce any negative impact on the envvironment caused by thhe delivery of our servvices. In oorder to rea alise this commitm ment the following meassures will be addressed: Environmen ntal Policy Greening g Cedar Handdbook m & Green Ch hampions Staff Induction Inform mation Green Team Environmen ntal Improvem ment Plan Local C Communitty and Eco onomy Cedar sttrives to make a positive e contributioon to the local economyy as an empployer and purchaser p and to h have a posittive impact on the loca l communityy. In order to realise thhis commitm ment the following measures will be addre essed: Volunteer Policy Investing in Volunteers Recognition R Use of Sociaal Enterprise Suppliers Societal Imp pact Policy Respond ding to Consuultations Disabilityy Equality Trraining Facilitating Benchmaarking Input intto Advisory Panels, Com mmittees etc. will deliver itss CSR Strateggy through tthe developm ment of an agreed CSR A Action Plan. This CSR Cedar w Action P Plan and its delivery d will have h the foll owing features:‐ m will be estaablished, chaaired by a He ead of Servicees and involvving staff A CSR Improveement Team he organisation. from across th he CSR Imprrovement Team will be tthe ‘engine’ for CSR activvity across t he organisattion with Th th he key roles of o co‐ordinatting and meaasuring activvity. Baaseline posittions for each h area of Peoople, Planet and Place will be establisshed. CSSR priorities (usually over a two yearr rolling perio od) and associated targetts will be ide entified. Aggreed action ns and targetts will be com mmunicated through Ced dar’s Senior M Managemen nt Team. Sttaff will receeive regular communicaation from the CSR Improvement Teeam indicating what op pportunities are available to them annd how they can get invo olved. On‐going review of progress against CCSR targets will be carried out by thhe CSR Improvement a Teeam with reggular reporting to Seniorr Management Team as appropriate. Th his CSR Strattegy will be reviewed by tthe Senior Management M t Team everyy two years. Page 3 o of 3