PHYSICAL REVIEW E VOLUME 62, NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 2000 Nonlinear optical studies of liquid crystal alignment on a rubbed polyvinyl alcohol surface Xing Wei, Seok-Cheol Hong, Xiaowei Zhuang,* Tomohisa Goto,† and Y. R. Shen Department of Physics, University of California, and Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 共Received 5 January 2000兲 Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy and second-harmonic generation have been used to measure the orientational distributions of the polymer chains and adsorbed 8CB liquid crystal molecules on a rubbed polyvinyl alcohol surface. Results show that the polymer chains at the surface appear to be well aligned by rubbing, and the adsorbed liquid crystal molecules are aligned, in turn, by the surface polymer chains. Strong correlation exists between the orientational distributions of the polymer chains and the liquid crystal molecules, indicating that the surface-induced bulk alignment of a liquid crystal film by rubbed polymer surfaces is via an orientational epitaxylike mechanism. PACS number共s兲: 61.30.⫺v, 68.35.Bs, 78.30.Jw, 42.65.Ky I. INTRODUCTION The alignment of liquid crystal 共LC兲 molecules on rubbed polymer surfaces was discovered in 1911 关1兴. In recent years, this phenomenon has been studied extensively not only because of the basic interest in understanding the underlying mechanism, but also because of its relevance to LC display technology. Today, rubbed polymer films are widely used in industry to obtain homogeneous bulk LC alignment for LC displays 关2兴. Different mechanisms have been proposed for LC alignment on rubbed polymer surfaces. One assumes that rubbing creates microgrooves or scratches on polymer surfaces which then align LC along the grooves to minimize the energy of elastic distortion 关3兴. Another suggests that rubbing aligns surface polymer chains, which in turn align LC’s through intermolecular interaction 关4兴. The latter is believed to be operative when LC molecules anchor strongly to polymer surfaces, as is commonly the case in the LC industry. To study LC alignment by rubbed polymer surfaces, a number of experimental techniques have been used. Optical second-harmonic generation 共SHG兲 showed that a rubbed polymer surface can align an adsorbed LC monolayer which then aligns the LC bulk by molecular correlation 关5–8兴, providing convincing evidence that molecular interaction between a LC and a polymer at the surface is responsible for the LC alignment. Attempts to study the rubbed polymer itself with SHG have also been made, but the structural information obtained so far from SHG is rather limited 关9兴. Atomic force microscopy could provide images of rubbed polymer surfaces showing an overall anisotropy, but was unable to resolve the surface polymer chains 关10–12兴. Ellipsometry 关13兴 and infrared spectroscopy 关14–17兴 can measure rubbing-induced anisotropy and other structural changes in the polymer film. However, because of their lack of surface specificity, it is unclear whether these results indeed represent the real surface structure of the rubbed polymer. Grazing incidence x-ray scattering could probe a surface region of *Present address: Department of Physics. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94035-4060. † Present address: Organic Material Research Laboratory, NEC Corporation, Kanagawa 216, Japan. 1063-651X/2000/62共4兲/5160共13兲/$15.00 PRE 62 ⬃5 nm thick 关18,19兴. A higher surface sensitivity has been achieved by near-edge x-ray-absorption fine-structure 共NEXAFS兲 spectroscopy which could probe a surface layer of ⬃1 nm thick 关20–23兴. In this paper, we describe the use of infrared-visible sumfrequency generation 共SFG兲 vibrational spectroscopy to probe the structure of a rubbed polymer surface. SFG has been developed into a powerful surface analytical tool 关24兴. Similar to SHG, it is forbidden in media with inversion symmetry under the electric dipole approximation, but allowed at interfaces, where the inversion symmetry is broken. Therefore, it is ideally suited as a probe to study interfacial structure between two centrosymmetric media. Being a nonlinear optical process involving three optical waves, in principle, SFG can yield more detailed structural information than all the linear optical techniques including NEXAFS. We have applied SFG vibrational spectroscopy to rubbed polyvinyl alcohol 共PVA, 关 ⫺CH2 -CHOH⫺ 兴 n ). Rubbed PVA is known to align LC molecules in a way similar to rubbed polyimide 关6兴, but has a much simpler monomer unit. We focus on the stretch vibrational modes of the CH2 groups of PVA at the surface. The CH2 groups directly associated with the PVA backbone are oriented perpendicularly to the local PVA chains, as shown in Fig. 1. From the measured SFG spectra, FIG. 1. Molecular structure of PVA and orientational geometry of a CH2 group on a rubbed PVA surface. Axis x is along the rubbing direction, and z is along the surface normal of the polymer film. Axis is normal to the CH2 plane and along the PVA chain, is along the symmetry axis of CH2 , and is orthogonal to and . 5160 ©2000 The American Physical Society NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . PRE 62 5161 Equations 共2.1兲–共2.3兲 also apply to second-harmonic generation with 1 ⫽ 2 . In SHG, often only one input laser beam at frequency 共usually in the visible兲 is used and the SH signal at s ⫽2 is collected. B. SFG vibrational spectroscopy for surface molecular groups The nonlinear susceptibility tensor (2) ( s ⫽ 1 ⫹ 2 ) for SFG is expected to be resonantly enhanced when 2 approaches a surface vibrational resonance. Scanning over such resonances yields a surface SFG vibrational spectrum. We can express (2) in terms of the resonant nonlinear polarizability ␣R(2) for the surface molecular groups, FIG. 2. Molecular structure and orientational coordinates of an 8CB molecule deposited on a rubbed PVA surface. is along the long axis of the cyanobiphenyl core of the 8CB molecule. LC and LC are the polar and azimuthal angles of . The x axis stands for the rubbing direction. we can deduce an orientational distribution for the CH2 groups at the surface. This then directly yields an orientational distribution for the PVA chains on the rubbed surface. We found that the PVA chain orientation is indeed strongly affected by rubbing. Results of this work were briefly reported in an earlier paper 关25兴. Here we present a detailed analysis of the SFG results together with the SHG study of an 8CB 共4-n-octyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl兲 LC monolayer deposited on rubbed PVA 共Fig. 2兲, showing how a rubbed PVA surface aligns the LC monolayer. Section II provides the theoretical background for the work, and Sec. III describes the experimental arrangement. Experimental results and data analysis are presented in Sec. IV, and discussions of the results in Sec. V. (2) (2) (2) ⫽ NR ⫹N S具 ␣R(2) 典 f ⫽ NR ⫹N S ␣R(2) 共 2 兲 ⫽ 兺 q P(2) 共 s 兲 ⫽ ⑀ 0 (2) :E共 1 兲 E共 2 兲 , 共2.1兲 where (2) denotes the surface nonlinear susceptibility tensor 关26兴. It can be shown that in MKS units the SFG output intensity in the reflected direction is given by 关27兴 I共 s兲⫽ s2 8 ⑀ 0 c 3 cos2  s (2) 2 兩 eff 兩 I共 1兲I共 2兲. 共2.2兲 Here  s is the exit angle of the SF output, I( i ) is the beam (2) is the effective surface nonlinear intensity at i , and eff susceptibility defined as (2) eff ⫽ 关 L共 s 兲 •es 兴 • (2) : 关 L共 1 兲 •e1 兴关 L共 2 兲 •e2 兴 , 共2.3兲 with ei being a unit polarization vector of the optical field at i , and L( i ) the tensorial Fresnel factor 共See Appendix A for details兲. 共2.4兲 aq , 2 ⫺ q ⫹i⌫ q 共2.5兲 where aq , q , and ⌫ q are the amplitude, resonant frequency and damping constant of the qth molecular vibrational mode. Insertion of Eq. 共2.5兲 into Eq. 共2.4兲 gives A. Surface sum-frequency and second-harmonic generation Surface SFG results from a second-order nonlinear polarization induced at an interface by two input fields E( 1 ) and E( 2 ) at frequencies 1 共visible兲 and 2 共infrared兲, respectively, (2) R 共 ⍀ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀, (2) describes the nonresonant contribution, N S is the where NR surface density of molecules, ⍀ denotes a set of orientational angles ( , , ) defined in Fig. 1, and 具 典 f represents an orientational average over the orientational distribution function f (⍀). We assume that ␣R(2) is composed of Lorentzian resonant terms, (2) (2) 共 2 兲 ⫽ NR ⫹ II. THEORY 冕␣ Aq ⫽N S 冕 A 兺q 2 ⫺ qq⫹i⌫ q , aq 共 ⍀ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀. 共2.6兲 共2.7兲 Being a rank-3 tensor, (2) has in general 27 elements. Surface symmetry, however, can make some elements vanish and some become mutually dependent. In many cases, we can determine all the independent nonvanishing (2) ele(2) with various beam geometries and ments by measuring eff polarization combinations. From the observed dispersion of (2) we can deduce Aq in Eq. 共2.6兲. We can also obtain aq in Eq. 共2.5兲 for the molecular nonlinear polarizability ␣R(2) from other measurements or theoretical calculations. Then, Eq. 共2.7兲 will allow us to obtain an approximate orientational distribution function f (⍀). Note that the microscopic localfield correction 关28兴 is not included in Eqs. 共2.4兲 and 共2.7兲. As discussed in Appendix B, such correction has been partially included in the Fresnel factor L ZZ by an empirical surface dielectric constant ⑀ ⬘ . Since we shall be interested in the stretch vibrations of the CH2 groups of PVA, here we present a simple theoretical model to calculate the resonant mode amplitude aq for CH2 . There are two stretch vibrational modes for a CH2 group, namely, the symmetric 共s兲 stretch and the antisymmetric 共a兲 stretch. The theory of sum-frequency vibrational spectros- 5162 WEI, HONG, ZHUANG, GOTO, AND SHEN copy shows that aq is related to the infrared and Raman characteristics of a vibrational mode through the equation 关29兴 共 a q 兲 lmn ⫽⫺ (1) 1 n ␣ lm , 2 ⑀ 0 q Q q Q q the values of the dipole and polarizability derivatives of a single C-H bond. Here we use the single bond dipole derivative deduced from Ref. 关31兴 共the negative sign is based on the argument in Ref. 关32兴兲, 共2.8兲 are the infrared dipole dewhere n / Q q and rivative and the Raman polarizability tensor of the qth vibrational mode, and Q q is the classical normal coordinate. From Eq. 共2.8兲 we can see some important properties of the tensor aq . First, the Raman polarizability tensor is symmetric for CH2 , and therefore (a q ) lmn is also symmetric in l and m, i.e., (a q ) lmn ⫽(a q ) mln . Second, since all the n / Q q and (1) ␣ lm / Q q elements are real, (a q ) lmn must also be real, although (2) can be complex due to the damping constant ⌫ q in Eq. 共2.6兲. We can use Eq. 共2.8兲 to calculate (a q ) lmn for the two stretch modes of CH2 . If we assume that the carbon atom is fixed in position, the normal coordinates of the s and a stretch modes are ⬇⫺0.86 De / Å ⬇⫺2.9⫻10⫺20 C, ⌬r (1) ␣ lm /Qq Q s⫽ Q a⫽ 冑 ␣ (1) 储 ⬇3.0⫻10⫺30 mC/V, ⌬r 共2.12兲 ␣⬜(1) ␣ (1) 储 ⬇0.14⫻ ⬇0.4⫻10⫺30 mC/V. ⌬r ⌬r 共2.13兲 After inserting these numbers into Eq. 共2.8兲, we obtain all the nonvanishing aq elements for the CH2 stretch modes, 共 a s兲 ⬇0.16 a 0 , 共 a s兲 ⬇0.82 a 0 , 共2.9兲 共 a s兲 ⬇0.49 a 0 , mH 共 ⌬r 1 ⫺⌬r 2 兲 , 2 共 a a兲 ⫽ 共 a a兲 ⬇0.66 a 0 , where ⌬r 1 and ⌬r 2 are the stretch distances of the two C-H bonds 共Fig. 1兲, and m H is the mass of a hydrogen atom. The dipole derivative n / Q q and the Raman polarizability (1) ␣ lm / Q q of these two modes can be calculated by assuming that the total dipole moment 共or polarizability兲 is the sum of the dipole moments 共or polarizabilities兲 of the two individual C-H bonds, and that the dipole moment 共or polarizability兲 of each individual C-H bond depends only on its own coordinate. This bond additivity model has been used by other authors in similar calculations 关30兴. Using this model, we find 冉 冉 冊 冊 1 2 1 ⫽ ⫹ , Q s 冑2m H ⌬r 1 ⌬r 2 1 2 1 ⫽ ⫺ , Q a 冑2m H ⌬r 1 ⌬r 2 冉 冉 共2.11兲 and the single bond polarizability derivative from Ref. 关33兴, mH 共 ⌬r 1 ⫹⌬r 2 兲 , 2 冑 PRE 62 冊 冊 共2.10兲 ␣(1) ␣(1) ␣(1) 1 1 2 ⫽ ⫹ , Q s 冑2m H ⌬r 1 ⌬r 2 ␣(1) ␣(1) ␣(1) 1 1 2 ⫽ ⫺ . Q a 冑2m H ⌬r 1 ⌬r 2 By symmetry, for the s stretch there are three independent nonvanishing (a s) lmn elements (a s) , (a s) , and (a s) , and for the a stretch there is only one: (a a) ⫽(a a) . Here ( , , ) are the molecular coordinates defined in Fig. 1. To carry out numerical calculations, we need 共2.14兲 where a 0 is a constant defined for a single C-H bond: a 0 ⫽⫺ ␣ (1) 1 储 ⬇5.3⫻10⫺27 m4 V⫺1 sec⫺1 . 2 ⑀ 0 q m H ⌬r ⌬r 共2.15兲 C. SHG for a liquid crystal monolayer SHG has been used successfully to measure the molecular orientational distributions of liquid crystal monolayers. A detailed description of the theory and technique can be found in Ref. 关6兴. Similar to SFG, the surface SHG nonlinear susceptibility is also an orientational average of the nonlinear polarizability of surface molecular groups. For 8CB, the SHG nonlinear polarizability mainly originates from highly delocalized electrons in the cyanobiphenyl (2) along the group, and has one dominant tensor element ␣ long molecular axis 共Fig. 2兲. As a good approximation 关6兴, we can neglect other tensor elements of ␣(2) , and express (2) i jk as (2) ˆ ˆ ˆ (2) i jk ⫽N S具 共 î • 兲共 ĵ• 兲共 k̂• 兲 典 g ␣ ⫽N S 冕 (2) g 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀, 共 î • ˆ 兲共 ĵ• ˆ 兲共 k̂• ˆ 兲 ␣ 共2.16兲 where N S is the surface number density of 8CB molecules; î , ĵ, and k̂ are the lab coordinates defined on the substrate; and 具 典 g denotes an average over the orientational distribution function g(⍀). By measuring all the nonvanishing independent (2) i jk elements we can deduce an approximate g(⍀). PRE 62 NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . 5163 FIG. 3. Geometry of the incidence plane with respect to the sample surface in the SFG experiment. The rubbing direction is along x. III. EXPERIMENT Polyvinyl alcohol 共Scientific Polymer Products, Inc., M.W.⫽14,000, 100% hydrolyzed兲 was dissolved in water 共1.5% weight兲 and spin coated on fused quartz plates 共hydrophilic兲, followed by baking and rubbing with velvet cloth. The film thickness was about 30 nm, and the rubbing strength used was at a saturation level, i.e., stronger rubbing would not improve the chain alignment further 关6兴. The SFG experimental setup has been described elsewhere 关24兴. In this experiment, a visible beam at 532 nm and an IR beam tunable from 2.6 to 3.7 m to cover the CH stretch region 共with a linewidth ⬇6 cm⫺1 ), both having a 15-ps pulse width and a 20-Hz repetition rate, were overlapped at the sample with incidence angles  1 ⫽45° and  2 ⫽57°, respectively 共Fig. 3兲. The SFG output was detected in the reflected direction. The sample was mounted on a 360° rotational stage, and the SFG spectra were taken with various input-output polarization combinations and different sample orientations specified by the azimuthal angle ␥ between the incidence plane and the rubbing direction 共Fig. 3兲. In the SHG study of LC alignment on PVA, 8CB was deposited on a rubbed PVA surface by evaporation, and a visible laser beam at 532 nm was directed onto the sample with an incidence angle of 67° 共see Ref. 关6兴 for details兲. The SHG output was detected in the reflected direction. Four different input-output polarization combinations (s in-s out , s inp out , p in-s out , and p in-p out) were used. The azimuthal variation of SHG was also measured. FIG. 4. SFG spectra of a rubbed PVA surface in the CH stretch range for different polarization combinations. Only spectra at ␥ ⫽0° and 90° are shown for ssp, sps, and ppp. The spectra at ␥ ⫽90° for sss, spp, and pps are dominated by noise. Solid curves are fits from Eq. 共2.6兲. sp p, and p ps. For comparison, the spectra of ssp and sps from an unrubbed PVA surface are shown in Fig. 5. All the measured SFG intensities have been calibrated with a reference z-cut quartz crystal 共see Appendix C for details兲, yielding for each polarization combination and (2) 2 sample orientation a spectrum of 兩 eff 兩 in MKS units ac(2) cording to Eq. 共2.2兲. All the 兩 eff ( 2 ) 兩 2 spectra can then be fit by IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS A. SFG spectra and mode amplitudes Surface SFG spectra in the CH stretch region of a rubbed PVA sample were taken with six different polarization combinations, each with different azimuthal orientations 共typically every 45°). The spectra were found to be reproducible for different PVA samples prepared under the same conditions. Shown in Fig. 4 are the SFG spectra with the azimuthal angle ␥ ⫽0° 共parallel to rubbing兲 and ␥ ⫽90° 共perpendicular to rubbing兲 for the ss p 共s-, s- and p-polarized SF output, visible input and infrared input, respectively兲, sps and ppp polarization combinations, and ␥ ⫽90° for sss, (2) (2) eff ⫹ 共 2 兲 ⫽ NR,eff A , 兺q 2 ⫺ q,eff q ⫹i⌫ q 共4.1兲 assuming the presence of three resonant modes at q /(2 c)⫽ 2882, 2907, and 2940 cm⫺1 , each with a damping constant ⌫/(2 c)⫽16 cm⫺1 . The first one, which is rather weak, probably comes from the stretch mode of the CH group on the PVA chain; the last two, highly prominent except for some polarization combinations and sample orientations, can be identified with the symmetric 共s兲 and antisymmetric 共a兲 stretch modes of CH2 关34兴. The azimuthal polar plots of the mode amplitudes A s,eff and A a,eff deduced by WEI, HONG, ZHUANG, GOTO, AND SHEN 5164 PRE 62 FIG. 5. SFG spectra of unrubbed PVA for different polarization combinations 共a兲 ssp and 共b兲 sps. The solid and dashed lines are theoretical predictions assuming different orientational distributions 共see Sec. V B兲. fitting of the spectra are presented in Fig. 6. Some additional data points of A s,eff(ss p) and A a,eff(s ps) in Fig. 6 were deduced from the measured SFG peak intensity for every 5° with the infrared input frequency fixed on the resonant peak. A s,eff(sps) is below the noise level, and not shown. Note that the measurements described above could not determine the relative signs of A q,eff for different polarization combinations. These relative signs, however, can be determined by measuring interference between different A q,eff components. For example, the SFG intensity with p-polarized infrared input, mixed (m-, partially s- and partially p-兲 polarized visible input and m-polarized SFG output is proportional to the absolute square of the linear combination of A q,eff(ss p) and A q,eff(ppp), which can interfere constructively or destructively depending on their relative sign. From such interferences, we were able to determine the relative signs of all A q,eff . As shown in Fig. 6, if we choose the sign of A s,eff(ss p) to be positive, we find A a,eff(sps) and A a,eff(ppp) positive, and A a,eff(ss p) and A s,eff(pp p) negative. Later, we will use these measured A q,eff including their signs to deduce the tensor Aq through Eq. 共2.3兲. B. Surface specificity FIG. 6. Polar plots of the effective mode amplitudes 兩 A q,eff兩 of the CH2 symmetric 共circles兲 and antisymmetric 共squares兲 stretch modes as functions of ␥ for different polarization combinations 共a兲 ssp, 共b兲 sps, and 共c兲 ppp. The relative signs of A q,eff are also shown in the figure. Symbols are values deduced from the measured SFG spectra. Lines are obtained from fits 共see Sec. IV D兲. In surface sum-frequency spectroscopy, there is always the question whether the SFG signal indeed comes from the surface under investigation 关35兴. In order to deduce surface structure from SFG spectra, one has to make sure that the SFG signal is dominated by the surface contribution. For the rubbed PVA sample, the SFG signal might come from the bulk through electric-quadrupole and magneticdipole contributions, or from the interface between PVA and the fused quartz substrate. However, the fact that the SFG spectra of PVA are comparable in intensity to those observed from a closely packed monolayer of alkyl chains 关37兴 indicates that the SFG signal of PVA originates from a monolayer of CH2 pointing out of the polymer. The electricquadrupole and magnetic-dipole contributions from CH2 in the bulk are much weaker 关36兴, and significant contribution from the polymer-quartz interface with CH2 pointing toward the quartz side is unlikely because the quartz surface is hydrophilic 关38兴. Chemical studies indicate 关39兴 that the monomer units in PVA ‘‘prefer’’ a head-to-tail arrangement, i.e., the OH groups are on alternate carbon atoms, and therefore all the CH2 groups on a straight PVA chain should be on the same side of the chain, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Being hydrophobic, the CH2 groups like to point out of the polymer surface. It is also known from infrared absorption studies 关34兴 that strong hydrogen bonding exists between adjacent PVA chains. In order to maximize the number of hydrogen bonds to lower the surface free energy, the top layer of PVA PRE 62 NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . FIG. 7. The SFG spectra of two PVA samples measured through the fused quartz substrates. The SFG signal from 共a兲 the thick PVA sample on fused quartz is dominated by the PVA–fused quartz interface, while the signal from 共b兲 the thin spin-coated PVA film on fused quartz is dominated by the PVA-air interface. The polarization combination used is ssp. Note that the intensity of the spectrum from the PVA–air interface is higher than that in Fig. 5共a兲, because the Fresnel factors are different for the facing-down geometry. chains would orient their OH bonds into the bulk, and leave the CH2 groups more or less polar ordered and pointing into air. To check whether SFG from the PVA-air interface indeed dominated, we prepared a thick PVA sample (⬃500 m兲 on a fused quartz substrate, and measured the reflected SFG spectrum through the fused quartz substrate with the PVA layer facing down. From this geometry, the SFG signal from the PVA-air interface is negligible because 共1兲 the PVA surface on the air side is rough, and 共2兲 the infrared input is completely attenuated by the thick PVA layer. The result is shown in Fig. 7, in comparison with the SFG spectrum from a thin (⬃30 nm兲 spin-coated PVA film 共unrubbed兲 which was also measured through the fused quartz substrate. It clearly shows that the SFG contribution from the PVA– fused quartz interface is much weaker than that from the PVA–air interface. We also measured the SFG spectrum of the thin PVA film through the fused quartz substrate, as we put the sample in contact with water, and found that the strong SFG signal disappeared. After drying the film, the spectrum reappeared, indicating that the PVA film had not been dissolved in water. This is in agreement with our understanding of the strong SFG signal from the PVA-air interface. With the sample in contact with water, strong hydrogen bonding between water and PVA would randomize the orientation of the surface CH2 groups, causing a drastic decrease of the SFG intensity. Interestingly, this test experiment may also provide an example of environment-induced surface structural change of polymers, another important topic in polymer science and technology 关40兴. 5165 FIG. 8. Sketches showing that with the given CH2 orientation, the beam geometry ␥ ⫽0° in 共a兲 allows observation of the CH2 s stretch mode by the ssp polarization combination, and the CH2 a stretch mode by sps, in the SFG spectra, and the beam geometry ␥ ⫽90° in 共b兲 allows observation of only the CH2 s-stretch mode by the ssp polarization combination. C. Qualitative analysis of the SFG spectra Without any calculation, we can already obtain some qualitative information about the CH2 orientation on the rubbed PVA surface. This is illustrated in Fig. 8. First, the excitation of the CH2 symmetric stretch requires an IR polarization component along the CH2 symmetry axis defined in Fig. 1. The fact that the mode is very strong for the ss p polarization combination 共with the last index p being the infrared polarization兲, but very weak for the sps for all ␥ , indicates that the CH2 axis must be nearly along the z axis. Second, the excitation of the CH2 antisymmetric stretch requires an IR component along the axis in the CH2 plane. Since this mode is very strong for sps at ␥ ⫽0° 关Fig. 8共a兲兴, but very weak at ␥ ⫽90° 关Fig. 8共b兲兴, the CH2 plane must be nearly the y-z plane. Correspondingly, the PVA chains must be oriented nearly parallel to the surface along the x axis, the rubbing direction. Finally, as seen from the plot of A s,eff(ss p) in Fig. 6, there is a small forward-backward asymmetry for ␥ ⫽0° and 180°. As will be shown below, this indicates that the average chain orientation has a slight upward tilt along the rubbing direction. D. Quantitative analysis of the SFG data As mentioned earlier, the surface nonlinear susceptibility (2) i jk „correspondingly, (A q ) i jk for each vibrational mode… has 27 matrix elements, but symmetry may greatly reduce the number of independent nonvanishing elements. First, because the rubbed PVA surface has C 1 v symmetry with the WEI, HONG, ZHUANG, GOTO, AND SHEN 5166 x-z plane being a mirror plane, all the (2) i jk elements with indices i jk containing an odd number of y should vanish. Second, as discussed in Sec. II B, we have the symmetry (2) (2) i jk ⫽ jik . Combining these two, we find that (A q ) i jk for each CH2 mode has only ten independent nonvanishing elements with the following indices: xxz, y yz, zzz, xzx⫽zxx, yzy⫽zy y, xxx, y yx, zzx, xy y⫽yxy, xzz⫽zxz. Furthermore, we note that the forward-backward asymmetry shown in Fig. 6 is very small, and that the SFG spectra for the sss, s pp, and pps polarization combinations are too weak to distinguish from noise 共Fig. 4兲. These suggest that we may first use C 2 v as an approximation for the symmetry of the rubbed PVA surface, and neglect the last five matrix elements listed above which contain an odd number of x. With this approximation, we can deduce the five major (C 2 v allowed兲 (A q ) i jk elements for both s and a stretches of CH2 . Later, the observed forward-backward asymmetry will be used to deduce some of the remaining (C 2 v forbidden兲 elements if possible. From the theory described in Sec. II, we find that A q,eff in Eq. 共4.1兲 is related to (A q ) i jk through A q,eff⫽ 关 L共 s 兲 •es 兴 •Aq : 关 L共 1 兲 •e1 兴关 L共 2 兲 •e2 兴 . 共4.2兲 Neglecting the forward-backward asymmetry, we can write A q,eff for the three polarization combinations in terms of the five major (A q ) i jk elements: A q,eff共 ␥ ,ss p 兲 ⫽sin  2 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L Y Y 共 1 兲 L ZZ 共 2 兲 ⫻ 关共 A q 兲 y yz cos2 ␥ ⫹ 共 A q 兲 xxz sin2 ␥ 兴 , 共4.3兲 A q,eff共 ␥ ,sps 兲 ⫽sin  1 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L ZZ 共 1 兲 L Y Y 共 2 兲 TABLE I. Measured and calculated nonvanishing tensor elements A i jk for the CH2 symmetric 共s兲 and antisymmetric 共a兲 stretch modes. All values are in unit of 10⫺10 m2 V⫺1 sec⫺1 . s stretch measured calculated a stretch measured calculated A xxz A y yz A zzz A xzx ⫽A zxx A yzy ⫽A zy y 225⫾15 475⫾15 345⫾45 ⬃0 ⬃0 225 474 358 24 ⫺31 ⫺30⫾20 ⫺135⫾20 220⫾70 20⫾25 230⫾15 ⫺12 ⫺146 158 52 238 A xxx A y yx A zzx A xy y ⫽A yxy A xzz ⫽A zxz ⬃0 ⫺19⫾6 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⫺9 ⫺19 ⫺12 3 ⫺8 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⬃0 ⫺5 8 ⫺5 ⫺9 ⫺5 共 A q 兲 xzx ⑀ ⬘共 1 兲 ⫽ 共 A q 兲 zxx ⑀ ⬘共 1 兲 , 共 A q 兲 yzy ⑀ ⬘共 1 兲 ⫽ 共 A q 兲 zy y ⑀ ⬘共 1 兲 instead of (A q ) i jk . Here, we have neglected the dispersion of ⑀ ⬘ in the visible so that ⑀ ⬘ ( s )⫽ ⑀ ⬘ ( 1 ). Using these five ‘‘reduced’’ (A q ) i jk elements as independent fitting parameters we can fit the experiment data well, as shown by the solid lines in Fig. 6, except for the forward-backward asymmetry of A s,eff(ss p) which has been neglected so far. In general we cannot separate ⑀ ⬘ ( i ) from (A q ) i jk purely by SFG measurement. However, there exist the following equations relating some of the (A q ) i jk that are specific to the CH2 stretch vibrations: 共 A s兲 xxz ⫹ 共 A s兲 y yz ⫹ 共 A s兲 zzz ⫽N S具 ˆ •ẑ 典 f 关共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 兴 , ⫻ 关共 A q 兲 yzy cos ␥ ⫹ 共 A q 兲 xzx sin ␥ 兴 , 2 PRE 62 2 共4.4兲 共 A s兲 xzx ⫹ 共 A s兲 yzy ⫹ 共 A s兲 zzz ⫽N S具 ˆ •ẑ 典 f 共 a s兲 , A q,eff共 ␥ ,ppp 兲 ⫽⫺cos  s cos  1 sin  2 L XX 共 s 兲 L XX 共 1 兲 L ZZ 共 2 兲 ⫻ 关共 A q 兲 xxz cos2 ␥ ⫹ 共 A q 兲 y yz sin2 ␥ 兴 ⫹sin  s sin  1 sin  2 L ZZ 共 s 兲 L ZZ 共 1 兲 L ZZ 共 2 兲 ⫻ 共 A q 兲 zzz . 共4.5兲 Here, for A q,eff( ␥ ,p pp), we have neglected the contributions from (A q ) xzx , (A q ) zxx , (A q ) yzy , and (A q ) zy y , which nearly cancel out themselves simply because  s ⬇  1 . All the Fresnel factors L ii in Eqs. 共4.3兲–共4.5兲 can be calculated 共Appendix A兲 except L ZZ , in which the surface dielectric constant ⑀ ⬘ is unknown 共Appendix B兲. Therefore, with Eqs. 共4.3兲–共4.5兲, we can only determine the quantities 共 A q 兲 xxz ⑀ ⬘共 2 兲 , 共 A q 兲 y yz ⑀ ⬘共 2 兲 , 共 A q 兲 zzz ⑀ ⬘共 1 兲 2⑀ ⬘共 2 兲 , 共 A a兲 xxz ⫹ 共 A a兲 y yz ⫹ 共 A a兲 zzz ⫽0, 共 A a兲 xzx ⫹ 共 A a兲 yzy ⫹ 共 A a兲 zzz ⫽N S具 ˆ •ẑ 典 f 共 a a兲 . 共4.6兲 The derivation of Eq. 共4.6兲 can be found in Appendix D. These additional equations of constraint allow us to deduce ⑀ ⬘ ( i ) from experiment without knowing the actual orientational distribution of the CH2 groups. Applying Eq. 共4.6兲 to the five ‘‘reduced’’ (A q ) i jk elements deduced from experiment, we find ⑀ ⬘ ( 1 )⫽2.1 and ⑀ ⬘ ( 2 )⫽1.5. We can then obtain the five corresponding (A q ) i jk elements; their values are listed in Table I and labeled as ‘‘measured.’’ Finally we include the forward-backward asymmetry observed in the SFG spectra for the ss p polarization combination. Including contributions from (A q ) y yx and (A q ) xxx , Eq. 共4.3兲 becomes NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . PRE 62 5167 A q,eff共 ␥ ,ss p 兲 ⫽sin  2 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L Y Y 共 1 兲 L ZZ 共 2 兲 ⫻ 关共 A q 兲 y yz cos2 ␥ ⫹ 共 A q 兲 xxz sin2 ␥ 兴 ⫹cos  2 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L Y Y 共 1 兲 L XX 共 2 兲 ⫻ 关共 A q 兲 y yx cos3 ␥ ⫹ 共 A q 兲 xxx cos ␥ sin2 ␥ 兴 . 共4.7兲 It turns out that (A s) y yx is the only additional element that can be determined with sufficient accuracy. The dashed line in Fig. 6共a兲 is the fit with a non-zero (A s) y yz . The deduced value of (A s) y yx is listed in Table I. With these measured values of (A q ) i jk , we can then use Eqs. 共2.7兲 and 共2.14兲 to obtain an approximate orientational distribution function f ( , , ) for the CH2 groups. Knowing that the PVA chains are quite well aligned, we can assume a Gaussian distribution 冋 f 共 , , 兲 ⫽C exp ⫺ 共 ⫺0兲2 2 2 ⫺ 共 ⫺0兲2 2 2 ⫺ 共 ⫺0兲2 2 2 册 , 共4.8兲 where C is a normalization constant; 0 ⫽ 0 ⫽0° by symmetry; and 0 , , , and are parameters to be determined. For this calculation, the distribution function f ( , , ) is defined such that the probability of finding a CH2 group oriented at ( ⬘ , ⬘ , ⬘ ) in the range ⬍ ⬘ ⬍ ⫹d , ⬍ ⬘ ⬍ ⫹d , and ⬍ ⬘ ⬍ ⫹d is equal to f ( , , )d d d . We find, for the best fit, 0 ⫽2.5°⫾0.7°, ⫽26°⫾5°, ⫽27°⫾5°, ⫽35°⫾5°. These values, when used with Eq. 共4.8兲 in Eq. 共2.7兲 to calculate (A q ) i jk , reproduce almost all the measured (A q ) i jk values within the experimental error, as shown in the column ‘‘calculated’’ in Table I. One may notice that the number of experimentally deduced (A q ) i jk far exceeds the number of input parameters 关 0 , , , , ⑀ ⬘ ( 1 ), ⑀ ⬘ ( 2 ), and N S ] used for this calculation. The fact that we can still consistently reproduce all the measured (A q ) i jk values indicates that Eq. 共4.8兲 is a good representation of the orientational distribution. The above results focus on the surface CH2 groups. Since the CH2 molecular plane is perpendicular to the PVA chain locally, the same set of parameters and also describe the orientation of the polymer chains. The values listed above indicate that the PVA chains lie almost flat and are well aligned on the surface with an average 2.5° upward tilt along the rubbing direction. E. SHG study of 8CB monolayer on rubbed PVA As described in Sec. II C, the molecular orientational distribution of an 8CB monolayer adsorbed on a rubbed polymer surface can be determined from SHG measurements. FIG. 9. Polar plots of SHG intensities 共arbitrary units兲 from an 8CB monolayer on a rubbed PVA surface. 0° and 180° are the rubbing and antirubbing directions, respectively. Circles are the experiment data and solid lines are the theoretical fits. The inputoutput polarization combinations are 共a兲 s in-s out ; 共b兲 s in-p out , 共c兲 p in-s out , and 共d兲 p in-p out . Deposition of the 8CB monolayer was monitored by SHG as an in situ probe 关41兴. In Fig. 9 we present the SHG intensities from the 8CB monolayer on rubbed PVA as a function of the sample azimuthal angle ␥ for different input-output polarization combinations. The 8CB monolayer on rubbed PVA also has a macroscopic C 1 v symmetry, which restricts the number of nonvanishing independent (2) i jk elements to six under the approximation that ␣ dominates over other nonvanishing elements of ␣(2) of 8CB. As listed in Ref. 关6兴, they are (2) zzz , (2) xxx , (2) (2) (2) xy y ⫽ yxy ⫽ y yx , (2) (2) (2) xzz ⫽ zxz ⫽ zzx , (2) (2) (2) zxx ⫽ xzx ⫽ xxz , (2) (2) (2) zy y ⫽ yzy ⫽ y yz , and can be deduced by fitting the data in Fig. 9 using Eqs. 共2.2兲 and 共2.3兲. The fit is plotted as solid lines in Fig. 9, and the deduced nonvanishing (2) i jk elements are presented in Table II. As in Ref. 关6兴, we can assume for 8CB molecules in the monolayer an orientational distribution of the form 冋 g 共 LC , LC兲 ⫽C exp ⫺ 共 LC⫺ LC,0兲 2 22 册 关 1⫹d 1 cos LC ⫹d 2 cos共 2 LC兲 ⫹d 3 cos共 3 LC兲兴 , 共4.9兲 WEI, HONG, ZHUANG, GOTO, AND SHEN 5168 PRE 62 TABLE II. Nonvanishing independent i(2) jk elements of the 8CB monolayer on rubbed PVA deduced from the SHG experiment, with the zzz component normalized to 1. (2) ⬘ 3 zzz /⑀ (2) xxx (2) xy y (2) ⬘ 2 xzz /⑀ (2) zxx /⑀⬘ (2) zy y/⑀⬘ 1 3.0⫾0.5 0.32⫾0.25 0.15⫾0.09 FIG. 10. Proposed polymer chain distribution 共top view兲 on a PVA surface 共a兲 before and 共b兲 after rubbing. 11.5⫾0.8 4.4⫾0.4 where LC and LC are the polar and the azimuthal angles defined in Fig. 2 , and LC,0 , , d 1 , d 2 , and d 3 are five independent parameters to be determined from the five measured ratios in Table II using Eq. 共2.16兲 with a given value of ⑀ ⬘ . The results are presented in Table III. In this case, ⑀ ⬘ cannot be determined separately, and the assumption ⑀ ⬘ ( ) ⫽ ⑀ ⬘ (2 ) used here also may not be true because of the electronic resonance of 8CB molecules at the secondharmonic frequency. Nevertheless, as shown in Table III, varying ⑀ ⬘ from 1 to 2.25 mainly changes the deduced values of LC,0 and , and has little effect on the parameters d 1 , d 2 , and d 3 which describe the azimuthal distribution. V. DISCUSSIONS A. Surface density of CH2 groups As seen in Eq. 共2.7兲, N S , the surface density of CH2 groups, is a parameter needed in our quantitative analysis of the SFG data. To obtain the best-fit values of (A q ) i jk listed in the ‘‘calculated’’ column in Table I, we used N S⫽ 共 1.7⫾0.2兲 ⫻1015 cm⫺2 , 共5.1兲 which seems too large considering that the CH2 surface density calculated from the PVA crystalline structure 关42兴 is only about 7⫻1014 cm⫺2 . This is presumably because in our calculation we have neglected the factor l 储 ( s )l 储 ( 1 )l 储 ( 2 ) resulting from the microscopic local-field effect. As discussed in Appendix B, N S in Eq. 共2.7兲 should be replaced by N S l 储 ( s )l 储 ( 1 )l 储 ( 2 ). References 关43,44兴 show that l 储 is usually larger than 1, which makes the value of N S closer to the expected one. B. Effect of rubbing on PVA surface structure We have presented the SFG spectra of the ss p and sps polarization combinations for the unrubbed PVA sample TABLE III. Deduced parameters in g( LC , LC) for various surface dielectric constant ⑀ ⬘ of the 8CB monolayer. ⑀⬘ 0 共deg兲 共deg兲 d1 d2 d3 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 80⫾5 78⫾6 75⫾8 72⫾9 69⫾10 66⫾12 6⫾3 8⫾4 9⫾4 10⫾5 11⫾5 12⫾6 0.07⫾.03 0.07⫾.03 0.07⫾.03 0.07⫾.03 0.07⫾.03 0.07⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.85⫾.03 0.04⫾.02 0.04⫾.02 0.04⫾.02 0.04⫾.02 0.04⫾.02 0.04⫾.02 共Fig. 5兲. The spectra from the rubbed and unrubbed samples look similar except that there is no azimuthal spectral variation for the unrubbed one. The dashed lines in Fig. 5 are predicted spectra for the unrubbed sample assuming the same Gaussian distribution for and deduced earlier for the rubbed one, but a uniform distribution in . The absolute intensities of the measured spectra are slightly lower than predicted. A somewhat broader distribution in and ( ⫽35°, ⫽45°) fits the spectra well 共solid lines兲. Based on these results, a possible scenario of rubbing induced PVA chain ordering is proposed in Fig. 10. Before rubbing, some sections of the PVA chains were lying more or less flat on the surface and isotropic in the plane, with their ends presumably buried in the bulk. During rubbing, fibers on the rubbing material would grab the surface polymer chains, stretch them in the rubbing direction and even pull some chain sections out from the subsurface, resulting in stacked elongated half loops one on top of another. This would explain not only the azimuthal chain ordering in the rubbing direction, but also the forward-backward asymmetry. C. Molecular interaction between 8CB and PVA From the SFG and SHG studies we have obtained the orientational distribution functions f ( , , ) for the surface PVA chains and g( LC , LC) for the molecules in the 8CB monolayer independently. It is important to find the correlation between them. In order to do so, we calculate a grand azimuthal distribution function F( ) for PVA chains by integrating f ( , , ) over and , and also G( LC) for the 8CB molecules by integrating g( LC , LC) over LC . However, we note that unlike an 8CB molecule, a section of PVA chain has no polarity, i.e., ( , ) and (⫺ , ⫹180°) describe the same chain orientation. To define f ( , , ) over all orientations, we can limit between 0° and 90° and vary over the entire 360°. We naturally use the same limiting ranges for LC and LC to define g( LC , LC) for polar 8CB molecules. A polar plot of 冑F( ) and 冑G( LC) are presented in Fig. 11. The correlation between the two is remarkable. As we expected, the rubbed PVA surface appears to be more ordered in the azimuthal distribution than the adsorbed 8CB monolayer. This suggests that the rubbed polymer surface indeed serves as a molecular template to align LC molecules through short-range molecular interaction 关45兴. The forward-backward asymmetry of the 8CB orientational distribution 共represented by the positive coefficient d 1 ⫽0.07) indicates that the 8CB molecules prefer to align in the forward direction. This must be somehow related to the average upward tilt angle ( 0 ⫽2.5°) of the PVA chains. PRE 62 NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . 5169 TABLE IV. Some parameters of the three beams and the calculated Fresnel factors for the air–fused quartz interface 共applicable to the top surface only兲. FIG. 11. Polar plot of the grand azimuthal distribution functions of the PVA chains 共dashed line兲 and 8CB molecules 共solid line兲 on a rubbed PVA surface. Square root values are used, so that the total areas inside the two curves remain constant. Similar results have also been found from other rubbed polymers 关16,21,22兴, yet no theoretical model is available to correlate these two tilt angles quantitatively. There are, however, some qualitative explanations. For example, it was assumed that rubbing induces a saw-tooth-like polymer surface which leads to a homogeneous LC alignment with a forward pretilt angle 关46兴. This is consistent with the scenario we proposed for the rubbed PVA surface 共Fig. 10兲, in which the 8CB molecules adsorbed on the back-slanted terraces would appear to align more in the forward direction. As demonstrated in Ref. 关8兴, the LC monolayer then governs the forward pretilt angle of a bulk LC film. VI. CONCLUSION We have used SFG surface vibrational spectroscopy to determine a quantitative orientational distribution of the polymer chains at the very top surface of a rubbed PVA sample. We have also used SHG to determine the orientational distribution of a monolayer of 8CB molecules adsorbed on rubbed PVA. Comparison of the two in the azimuthal plane shows that they are well correlated. This strongly supports the belief that ‘‘orientational epitaxy’’ is the mechanism responsible for the surface-induced LC bulk alignment by rubbed polymer surfaces. We have proposed a possible scenario on how rubbing changes the polymer chain conformation at the surface, which is subject to future experimental tests. This work is also a demonstration to show that SFG vibrational spectroscopy can be an effective tool to probe quantitatively the surface structure of a polymer, with or without external perturbation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. A. I. Lvovsky’s help in the numerical calculations. This work was supported by the NSF through Grant No. DMR-9704384. APPENDIX A: FRESNEL FACTORS The Fresnel factors of an interface between two continuous media with dielectric constants ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 are 关24兴 s 1 2 n  460 nm 1.465 46.5° 532 nm 1.461 45° 3.4 m 1.410 57° L XX LYY L ZZ 0.93 0.70 1.07/⑀ s⬘ 0.92 0.71 1.08/⑀ 1⬘ 1.02 0.65 0.98/⑀ 2⬘ e X L XX (p) e Y L Y Y (s) e Z L ZZ (p) ⫺0.64 0.70 0.78/⑀ s⬘ 0.65 0.71 0.77/⑀ 1⬘ 0.56 0.65 0.82/⑀ 2⬘ L XX 共 i 兲 ⫽ 2 ⑀ 1 共 i 兲 k 2Z 共 i 兲 , ⑀ 2 共 i 兲 k 1Z 共 i 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 1 共 i 兲 k 2Z 共 i 兲 LY Y共 i兲⫽ L ZZ 共 i 兲 ⫽ 2k 1Z 共 i 兲 , k 1Z 共 i 兲 ⫹k 2Z 共 i 兲 共A1兲 1 2 ⑀ 1 共 i 兲 ⑀ 2 共 i 兲 k 1Z 共 i 兲 , ⑀ 2 共 i 兲 k 1z 共 i 兲 ⫹ ⑀ 1 共 i 兲 k 2Z 共 i 兲 ⑀ ⬘ 共 i 兲 where ⑀ ⬘ ( i ) is an empirical dielectric constant of the surface monolayer at i . The physical meaning of ⑀ ⬘ ( i ) will be discussed in Appendix B. The Fresnel factors for the surface of a thin film coated on a substrate are slightly more complicated. Details can be found in the appendixes of Ref. 关6兴. In this experiment, the coated PVA film turns out to have little effect on the Fresnel factors because the thickness of the PVA film is only ⬃30 nm, much less than an optical wavelength, and the refractive index of PVA is not too different from that of the fused quartz substrate. Therefore we can use the calculated Fresnel factors listed in Table IV for the air–fused quartz interface as a good approximation. APPENDIX B: DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF THE SURFACE LAYER In the theory of surface nonlinear optical spectroscopy we have introduced a dielectric constant ⑀ ⬘ for the surface layer, which appears in the Fresnel factor L ZZ in Eq. 共A1兲. From the theoretical point of view, the dielectric constant is not well defined for a monolayer because it is a macroscopic or mesoscopic property. However, we realize that ⑀ ⬘ can be interpreted as a result of the microscopic local-field correction in a monolayer 关43,44兴, which needs to be addressed here. We consider a surface monolayer of molecules at an interface between two media with dielectric constants ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 . The local-field components experienced by these molecules are WEI, HONG, ZHUANG, GOTO, AND SHEN 5170 E X(Loc) ⫽l XX L XX E X , ⫽l Y Y L Y Y E Y , E (Loc) Y 共B1兲 E Z(Loc) ⫽l ZZ L ZZ E Z , where l ii denotes the microscopic local-field correction factor, L ii is the Fresnel or macroscopic local-field factor 关defined by Eq. 共A1兲 but without the factor 1/⑀ ⬘ ], and E i is the electric field component of the incoming and outgoing optical plane waves. If l XX ⫽l Y Y ⫽l 储 and l ZZ ⫽l⬜ , the total localfield factors including both macroscopic and microscopic effects are F XX ⫽l XX L XX ⫽l 储 F ZZ ⫽l ZZ L ZZ ⫽l⬜ 2k 1Z , k 1Z ⫹k 2Z 共B2兲 2 ⑀ 1 ⑀ 2 k 1Z , ⑀ 2 k 1Z ⫹ ⑀ 1 k 2Z l储 . l⬜ It has been shown that the value of ⑀ ⬘ defined this way is usually between 1 and the bulk dielectric constant ⑀ 关44兴. The physical meaning of ⑀ ⬘ now becomes clear; it is simply the ratio of l 储 and l⬜ . By introducing the factor 1/⑀ ⬘ in Eq. 共A1兲, we have partially included the microscopic local-field correction. To have it fully included, Eq. 共2.4兲 should be changed to 共B4兲 and Eq. 共2.7兲 becomes Aq ⫽N Sl 储 共 s 兲 l 储 共 1 兲 l 储 共 2 兲 冕 aq 共 ⍀ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀. L XX LYY 1 2 460 nm 1.553 46.5° 532 nm 1.547 45° 3.4 m 1.49 57° 0.90 0.67 0.90 0.68 1.01 0.61 (2) (2) xyz ⫽⫺ yxz , (2) (2) xzy ⫽⫺ yzx , 共B3兲 (2) (2) ⫽ NR ⫹N Sl 储 共 s 兲 l 储 共 1 兲 l 储 共 2 兲 具 ␣R(2) 典 f , n⫽n o  s (2) (2) (2) ⫽⫺ (2) xxx xy y ⫽⫺ y yx ⫽⫺ yxy , which should be used in Eq. 共2.3兲 instead of L ii . We notice that F ii differs from L ii in Eq. 共A1兲 only by a common factor l 储 if we define ⑀ ⬘⫽ (2) TABLE V. Parameters used to calculated eff of a z-cut quartz crystal. For convenience the birefringence of the crystal is neglected, and the refractive index of the ordinary wave n o is used for all polarizations. from the bulk, which has D 3 symmetry with the nonvanishing (2) i jk elements 2 ⑀ 1 k 2Z , ⑀ 2 k 1Z ⫹ ⑀ 1 k 2Z F Y Y ⫽l Y Y L Y Y ⫽l 储 PRE 62 共B5兲 Such additional correction modifies the surface density N S by a constant l 储 ( s )l 储 ( 1 )l 储 ( 2 ), but has no effect on our deduction of the distribution function f (⍀). APPENDIX C: EFFECTIVE SURFACE NONLINEAR SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CRYSTALLINE QUARTZ (2) 2 Equation 共2.2兲 shows that we can measure 兩 eff 兩 of a sample by comparing its SFG intensity with that from a stan(2) . In this experiment, dard reference sample with a known eff we used a z-cut ␣ -SiO2 共quartz兲 crystal as our reference sample. The SFG signal from crystalline quartz is mainly (2) (2) zxy ⫽⫺ zyx , (2) 共defined as (2) among which xxx q below兲, and those equal (2) to xxx are much larger than the others 关47兴. In the following calculation we neglect the weaker ones. Formal solution of the reflected SFG amplitude from a medium with bulk nonlinear susceptibility can be found in Ref. 关48兴. Applying it to a z-cut quartz crystal shows that the SFG intensity is maximized when the x axis of the crystal is in the incidence plane, and the absolute values of the effective surface nonlinear susceptibilities are (2) 兩 eff 共 ss p 兲 兩 ⫽g cos  2 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L Y Y 共 1 兲 L XX 共 2 兲 (2) q lc , (2) 兩 eff 共 sps 兲 兩 ⫽g cos  1 L Y Y 共 s 兲 L XX 共 1 兲 L Y Y 共 2 兲 (2) q lc , 共C1兲 (2) 兩 eff 共 p p p 兲 兩 ⫽g cos  s cos  1 cos  2 ⫻L XX 共 s 兲 L XX 共 1 兲 L XX 共 2 兲 (2) q lc . Here,  i and L ii are the incidence angle and Fresnel factor, both listed in Table V, l c is the effective coherence length for the reflected SFG, and g⫽2 is a degeneracy constant which arises from the number of distinguishable permutations of the input frequencies 关47兴. We should mention here that in our usual definition of surface nonlinear susceptibility (2) i jk for sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy, this factor of g ⫽2 has already been included. In other words, we do not (2) distinguish between (2) i jk ( s ⫽ 1 ⫹ 2 ) and ik j ( s ⫽ 2 ⫹ 1 ). In the present experiment, NONLINEAR OPTICAL STUDIES OF LIQUID CRYSTAL . . . PRE 62 l c⫽ 1 k 2z 共 s 兲 ⫹k 2z 共 1 兲 ⫹k 2z 共 2 兲 ⫽ 2 冉 1 冑n 共 s 兲 2 ⫺sin2  s 冑n 共 1 兲 2 ⫺sin2  1 冑n 共 2 兲 2 ⫺sin2  2 s ⫹ 1 Since in our experiment, SFG from crystalline quartz is far from resonances, we may neglect dispersion and take ⫺13 (2) m/V, q ⫽2d 11⬇8.0⫻10 共C3兲 (2) 兩 eff 共 ss p 兲 兩 ⫽1.08⫻10⫺20 m2 /V, (2) 兩 eff 共 s ps 兲 兩 ⫽1.12⫻10⫺20 m2 /V, 共C4兲 冊 共C2兲 共D2兲 兺i j ␦ i j 共 A s兲 i jk ⫽N S兺 ␦ 共 a s兲 冕 共 ˆ •k̂ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀. 共D3兲 For the CH2 symmetric stretch there are only three independent nonvanishing (a s) elements (a s) , (a s) , and (a s) . Therefore, we have ␦ 共 a s兲 ⫽ ␦ 关共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 兴 . 兺 共D4兲 Insertion of Eq. 共D4兲 into Eq. 共D3兲 yields APPENDIX D: DERIVATION OF EQ. „4.6… The proof of Eq. 共4.6兲 is quite straightforward. Let us consider the first equation in Eq. 共4.6兲 as an example. We can express Eq. 共2.7兲 in the form 2 we find (2) 兩 eff 共 ppp 兲 兩 ⫽0.94⫻10⫺20 m2 /V. 冕兺 ⫹ ⬇27 nm. 兺i j ␦ i j 共 ˆ • î 兲共 ˆ • ĵ 兲 ⫽ ␦ , where d 11 refers to the nonlinear coefficient for SHG, and its value for ⫽1.064 m found in Ref. 关47兴 was used. We then find, from Eq. 共C1兲, for the z-cut quartz in our case, 共 A s兲 i jk ⫽N S 5171 兺i j ␦ i j 共 A s兲 i jk ⫽N S关共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 ⫹ 共 a s兲 兴 ⫻ ˆ • ĵ 兲共 ˆ •k̂ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀. 共 a s兲 共 ˆ • î 兲共 冕 共 ˆ •k̂ 兲 f 共 ⍀ 兲 d⍀, 共D5兲 共D1兲 which is identical to the first equation in Eq. 共4.6兲 if k̂⫽ẑ. Similarly, the other three equations in Eq. 共4.6兲 can be proved. 关1兴 C. Mauguin, Bull. Soc. Fr. Mineral. Cristallogr. 34, 71 共1911兲. 关2兴 Liquid Crystals and Uses, edited by B. 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