RFP Addendum #2

Office of Economic Development
Contracts & Performance Management
City and County of Denver
201 West Colfax Avenue
Department 1011
Denver, CO 80202
p: 720-913.1999
f: 720-913-5415
Addendum # 2
December 18, 2015
The above referenced RFP is hereby addended as follows:
The following questions and their answers are hereby incorporated into and made part of this
Request for Proposal:
(Q) Questions and (A) Answers
How many of the 1,200 WIOA registrants are TANF recipients?
A: For PY14: 306 WIOA registrants are TANF recipients.
Page 13, B.: Of the 4000 TANF/CW participants, how many received funded Supportive
A: In PY14, 2207 TANF/CW participants received funded Supportive Services.
Section B1 (page 20): Please provide the following information for each of the DHHS facilities:
A: The city’s use of the facility space is under review during this transition. There will be
space for servers, telecom and other data equipment. The transfer of PCs, use of existing
infrastructure and other requirements regarding City space will be negotiated with the
successful bidder. The following information is provided for the Denver Human Services main
office is located at 1200 Federal Boulevard, Denver, CO, 80204. This building has been used as
workforce center hub in the current business model, and is anticipated to serve as the
comprehensive AJC in the future model.
1. Total square footage (if floor plans are available, it would be helpful to post those in a
resource library)
A: 1200 Federal has approximately 11,000 square feet of space that may be
considered for future vendor use related to the RFP bids. Please see the floor plan
attached at the end of this Addendum.
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2. # of supervisor/manager offices, conference rooms, client meeting room, resource
rooms, and case management cubicles
A: It is anticipated that the 11,000 ft2 will include 14 offices, 5 conference rooms, 5
client meeting-/resource-rooms plus an open lab areas.
3. Are telephone, faxes, copiers and other equipment available for use by contractor staff?
A: It would be preferred that equipment is used through Denver’s existing technology
infrastructure for all areas referenced in the question. Equipment would be available
to lease through existing DDHS/OED vendors. Any additional vendor needs that would
require an increase in technology storage capacity, would also need to be considered
as an associated cost. Budget would need to identify these needs and the projected
costs. Please note that all building usage would need to consider CCD facility, privacy,
safety and technology requirements and practices.
4. Does the telephone system have voicemail and ACD capability?
A: Yes. Contractor use of phone system will be negotiated during the contract
process. The Technology Services (TS) Network Services team would need to consider
proposed needs, also as part of the negotiations.
5. How many PCs are available to the contractor for staff and for use in the resource
rooms, and what is the age and standard software available on each PC
The use of approximately 50 PCs will be negotiated with the successful proposer.
Most of these are Optiplex 380s and 390s and are 3 - 5 years old. All run Windows 8
and Office 2013, however, the software licenses are not transferable.
6. Do any of these offices have a secure area for servers and telecom equipment?
A: All City Departments operate under the requirements and infrastructure of the
City’s enterprise TS Department. As such, building servers and telecom equipment are
managed and maintenance by Network Services, as referenced in our response to
Q3.3 above. Based on proposed need, the City’s TS team would need to review and
assess capacity and compatibility. Access to secured areas is limited and would be
discussed as portion of the negotiation process.
7. Do these offices have disaster recovery and business continuity plans?
A: Yes. DDHS is in the process of updating our Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)
for the coming year and will be available for discussion as part of the negotiation
process; DDHS will incorporate the successful bidder’s COOP into the its own plan.
Ideal bids should also consider the state supervisor’s role in governing disaster
recovery and providing additional supports to the continuity of services and program
8. Is there a separate reception area in each office that would need to be staffed??
A: Yes, the reception area will need to be staffed.
Can you provide more information on the Denver TANF caseload characteristics? What are the
needs of the clients? How many have high school diplomas or equivalent? How many are
homeless? How many are pregnant? How many need career and technical education? How
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many are applying for SSDI? How long do customers remain on TANF (average number of
months)? Etc…?
A: The following data is based on information entered into the state’s CBMS and Connecting
Colorado systems for the period 6/5/2015 – 12/5/2015. The data reflects point in time
caseload characteristics drawn from available data in two state enterprise systems. Ideal
proposals would account for how to improve data sharing practices across multiple
The average length of TANF/CW participation is six months.
TANF Characteristics for 3309 Unique Cases
General Assistance
Two-Parent Household
Pregnant Women
Adult Only
Child Only
Aged recipient
Teen Parent
Former Foster Care
Continuous Eligibility Foster Care
Minor Consent
Domestic Violence
Battered Women
Disabled recipient
Drug Alcohol Dependent
Blind recipient
Long Term Care
Does Not Speak/Read English
Limited English
Employee Related
Employee Recipient
Group Homes
Group Living Arrangement
Not a High School Graduate
High School Diploma or Eq.
Post High School
College Graduate
Can a Non-Profit apply to be the lead agency in two different applications? One in Delegate
Agency and one in Innovative Program Design?
A: Yes.
I see that Delegate Agencies must have an operating presence in Denver for two years. Does
this also apply to organizations applying as an Innovative Program Design?
A: This requirement does not apply to organizations applying as an Innovative Program
Is there a difference between the Performance Measures question on p. 37 (1. What are your
outcomes or performance measures for the proposed program model?) and on p. 41 (What
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outcomes do you expect to achieve as a result of your proposed program model?)? If they are
the same, is it OK to repeat your answer?
A: Yes, it is acceptable to repeat your answer if you interpret the questions to be same.
Since there will be TANF funding in all three program area contracts, will all providers, including
Delegate agencies, be required to track and document TANF participant? Will Delegate
agencies have access to and be required to enter data into Connecting Colorado and/or CBMS
in addition to their own data tracking systems?
A: All providers will be required to track and document services provided to participants
regardless of in which program they are enrolled. The type of services provided will dictate
which data system (Connecting Colorado and/or CBMS) needs to be used and access will be
granted accordingly.
Is there a % requirements high to low for pay for success in the innovative category?
A: OED is interested in reviewing your suggestions. No minimum or maximum has been
Are we allowed to capture 10% admin in our application budget?
A: Yes. However, to maximize the funding available to serve participants, respondents are
encouraged to leverage up to the amount of administrative costs.
Is public benefits acquisition an acceptable activity?
A: It can be an acceptable activity, depending upon the public benefit (SSI, CCAP, Public
Housing/HCV, etc.).
The Budget spreadsheet and narrative do not seem to reflect a pay for performance
contract. Is there a separate budget template we should use for pay for performance
A: No, there is not a template for the pay-for-performance portion of the contract. Based
upon knowledge of WIOA and TANF outcomes, please provide a structure that would support
and incentivize your agency to exceed performance goals and outcomes.
Are delegate agencies responsible for determining WIOA/TANF eligibility? If so, what exact
documentation are delegate agencies responsible to retain in order to prove program
eligibility? Proof of income, registration for selective service, proof of being a targeted
population? Will OED monitor for copies of those in all files, or simply that we have verified
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A: DDHS is solely responsible for determining TANF eligibility; however depending on the
program design, Delegate Agencies may be responsible for determining WIOA eligibility.
Required eligibility documentation would vary depend on enrollment type as discussed in
CDLE’s PGL 15-09-WIOA (see question 11 from Addendum # 1). All WIOA records are scanned
and stored in Connecting Colorado and will be monitored by OED staff.
To what extent will delegate agencies use CBMS and Connecting Colorado?
A: See the answer to question Q8.
As applicants complete the worksheets for the narrative portions of the application, will OED's
words (the questions/letterhead/instructions), count toward the word count?
A: No.
Where should footnotes be included? Should applicants place them within the narrative
worksheets or as a separate attachment?
A: Please include citations or end notes within the area provided for the response to the
question. This may either be within the text (indicated by parentheses) or at the end of your
Are Individual Training Accounts (ITA) and On-The-Job Training (OJT) funds included in the
budget approximations listed in RFP section C.4, "BUDGET"?
A: Yes, they are. All training activities including Individual Training Accounts, On-the-Job
Training funds, and associated supportive services must be included in the proposed budget.
Are funds for Summer Youth Employment wages included in the approximate $1,530,000
budget for Youth Programs listed in RFP section C.4, "BUDGET"?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the initial RFP
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.Duplicate question. Please refer to
For PY 14, what is the dollar amount of what was spent on WIA/WIOA youth in the area of:
-Supportive Services? A: For the period ended June 30, 2015, Denver’s WIA Youth Services
had expended $91,256 on supportive services for WIA youth participants.
-ITA funds? A: For the period ended June 30, 2015, Denver’s WIA Youth Services had
expended $56,055 on Individual Training Accounts with an additional $13,163 obligated to
WIA youth-Work experiences?? A: For the period ended June 30, 2015, Denver’s WIA Youth Services
had expended $147,737 on Work Experiences with an additional $49,851 obligated to WIA
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Will the subsidized WIOA youth wages for work experiences come out of the $1,530,000 budget
or from other funding?
A: Yes, the subsidize WIOA youth work experience wages are included in the available
funding and must be included in the respondent’s budget.
In past years the SYEP program utilized separate funding streams from WIA/WIOA dollars
(TANF/GF). It appears that the total budget for SYEP is included in the estimated $1,530,000
award amount. Are subsidized youth wages for SYEP included in the total $1,530,000 or will
they be coming from a separate funding source?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The selected Youth Services provider
will be expected to administer the Summer Youth Program for future program years; those
funds are currently not included in this RFP’s budget.
Could you please clarify the following: Are you considering the numbers participating in SYEP
separately from WIOA youth having a work experience in the summer or is it some combination
of the two? Out of the 394 SYEP youth in 2015, how many were WIOA youth and funded with
WIOA funds?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The selected Youth Services provider
will be expected to administer the Summer Youth Program for future program years. Of the
2015 SYEP youth, 57 were WIOA Youth funded with WIOA funds.
How much was spent on summer youth employment wages in PY 15? How much of that was
from WIA/WIOA funds? How much of that was from general funds? How much of that was
from TANF funds?
A: For WIA Program Year 2014 (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) Denver’s WIA Youth Services
had expended $147,737 on Work Experiences with an additional $49,851 obligated to WIA
Youth. For the 2015 Summer Youth Program $302,075 was expended on participants was
provided through General Funds. For the 2015 Summer Youth Program there was no TANF
funding. However, $100,000 in non-TANF funding was provided by Denver’s Department of
Human Services.
How much was spent on SYEP providers/vendors? How much of that was from WIA/WIOA
funds? How much of that was from general funds? How much of that was from TANF funds?
A: The 2015 Summer Youth Program was administered by Denver’s Division of Workforce
Development. However, $29,375 was expended on ITA providers and various other vendors.
How much was spent on SYEP staff/administrative? How much of that was from WIA/WIOA
funds? How much of that was from general funds? How much of that was from TANF funds??
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A: For 2015 Summer Youth Program $154,029 was expended on staff and $9,647 for other
internal costs. All costs were funded through the City’s General Fund.
Since SYEP has traditionally served more in-school youth (285 out of 394 in 2015), is there a
specific percentage of in or out of school youth required to be served in the entire SYEP
A: No.
If a contractor is submitting a proposal to serve out of school WIOA youth only, can they also
propose to submit SYEP for out of school youth only, or will you only consider proposals
covering both in and out of school youth for SYEP?
A: Yes, you can submit for ISY-only and/or OSY-only based upon your program design. If you
are awarded a Youth Services contract, it is expected that you will provide both WIOA and
SYEP youth opportunities. The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the
funding for the performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Are there specific outcomes/measures to be reached with the summer youth employment
program or are they modeled on the WIOA measures?
A: They will be a mix of the performance measures/metrics outlined on pg. 30-31 of RFP
Guidelines. The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Although you answered in the 1st addendum that the average cost per customer in supportive
services was $175/per, could you please give the number of youth who used ANY supportive
services? And, then the total amount of supportive services spent JUST on youth?
A: In PY14: 322 Youth received a supportive service.
Federal directives stress the collaboration between TANF and WIOA programs. Currently WIOA
and TANF services can be viewed in Connecting Colorado but staff are unable to access case
notes from different programs, as well as from other counties. In order to increase better
communication, are there plans by the state to change this at all or institute another way that
both programs can communicate with each other so there is not duplication of services and to
discuss goals and strategies with each customer?
A: There currently are no plans from the state for full data integration between TANF
programs (tracked in CBMS) and WIOA programs (tracked in Connecting Colorado). However,
there are plans for some integration regarding eligibility of TANF and/or SNAP “work eligible”
records from CBMS to be shown in Connecting Colorado, and eventually for services TANF
and/or SNAP participants receive in Connecting Colorado to be shown in CBMS for work
related activities credit.
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Can the MOU we develop with the One-Stop Operator include the technologically-enhanced
orientation required for each youth, no matter when they enter? Is there a current One-Stop
Operator and, if so, what is that organization's name?
A: Please review the Role of the One-Stop Operator in the Proposal Guidelines (page 20). The
One-Stop Operator will be determined through this RFP.
Would the city give examples of what they envision as a technologically enhanced orientation?
A: A virtual orientation would be an example.
What does the City/WIOA define as “middle-skilled employment?” Please give specific
A: The definition is provided on page 8 of the RFP Definitions and Acronyms: “Defined as
those jobs that require more than a high school diploma, but less than a four-year college
degree.” Specific examples would include Health Technologists & Technicians, Engineering
Technicians, Web Developers, Skilled Trades (i.e. electrician), and Bookkeeping, Accounting,
and Auditing Clerks.
Will the performance management system they have in place track all of the Program Metrics
that start to be listed on page 30 of the RFP?
A: Yes, we will have systems in place to collect all of the participant data points required to
obtain and calculate the above mentioned metrics.
What does the City define as the difference between direct cost to customer and program
delivery (case managers)? (Page 31 of RFP)?
A: Direct costs to the customer include supportive services, ITAs and wage subsidies.
Would the winning agency be required to inherit previous clients/youth who were served by
the previous youth services providers?
A: Yes.
Please provide an example of how the City would like to see a budget line item for pay-forperformance.
A: There is not a template for the pay-for-performance portion of the contract. Based upon
knowledge of WIOA and TANF outcomes, please provide a structure that would support and
incentivize your agency to exceed performance goals and outcomes.
Please provide a 1-3 sentence example of how the City would like to see the proposal narrative
and/or budget narrative address pay-for-performance.
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A: There is not a template for the pay-for-performance portion of the contract. Based upon
knowledge of WIOA and TANF outcomes, please provide a structure that would support and
incentivize your agency to exceed performance goals and outcomes.
Will the City of Denver please provide a comprehensive list of the agency representatives that
must be in attendance at the interviews taking place February 2nd through 5th? If only regional
executive leadership can attend, will this be acceptable?
A: All key staff including CEO or ED, CFO, and Program lead should attend the interviews.
OED can arrange a teleconference for those organizations that cannot attend in person.
Can we budget for start-up funds? If so, is there a limit to the number of months we can budget
for start-up?
A: All contracts will be reimbursement contracts. However, “infrastructure start-up” costs
may be negotiated by selected service providers.
How many clients receive adult education/ESL/GED services within a program year? How many
are eligible?
A: In PY14, 122 clients received GED services.
What assessment instruments are currently being used for WIOA clients? For TANF clients?
A: While all clients are assessed, there are no standardized assessment instruments being
used for WIOA or TANF clients. A best-practice, holistic business model would utilize tools
and instruments that assess and address all the needs of customers and their families. OED
and DDHS is open to reviewing proposed cutting-edge practices and tools and implementing
them moving forward.
Are there are any required assessment instruments (i.e. TABE, ProveIT, etc.)? If so, please
provide details.
A: There are no required instruments – although both TABE and ProveIT are used as needed
or situationally appropriate.
Of the $6.47M in the comprehensive grant, how much is expected to come from authorized
WIOA/USDOL funding and how much do you expect will come from authorized TANF/HUD
A: The amount received from each funding source is yet to be determined. No HUD funds
will support this program.
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For organizations proposing Summer Youth Employment programming, is it expected that
services commence during Spring and Summer 2016, or would it be acceptable for services to
commence during Spring 2017, and continue into Summer 2017?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The selected Youth Services provider
will be expected to administer the Summer Youth Program for future program years.
For organizations proposing Summer Youth Employment programming, is it expected that most
or all program activities occur during the funding period (7/1/16 – 6/30/17), or would it be
acceptable for programming to continue into Summer 2017?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The selected Youth Services provider
will be expected to administer the Summer Youth Program for future program years
If it is acceptable that Summer Youth Employment programming continues after the funding
period has ended on 6/30/17, would this present challenges in regard to billing or
reimbursement for services performed after 6/30/17?
A: The 2016 Summer Youth Program will not be included with the funding for the
performance period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The selected Youth Services provider
will be expected to administer the Summer Youth Program for future program years.
Is the funding planned for affiliate contracts also inclusive of both WIOA and TANF dollars and,
if so, in what proportion?
A: Contracts awarded for Delegate Agencies and Innovative Programs may include both
WIOA and TANF; the proportions from each funding source is yet to be determined.
Would the City explain whether Innovative programs are expected to provide all 14 WIOA
A: No they are not, unless they are WIOA Youth Program providers.
Would the City explain what they envision for Innovative programs when the RFP states that
they are looking for organizations to "Provide services that are complimentary and not
duplicative in nature"?
A: Innovation is described on page 33 of the Proposal Guidelines.
Two-part question regarding the Summer Youth Employment Program: (1) Can an organization
apply for in and/or out of school WIOA youth services and partner with another organization to
provide summer youth employment? (2) Can the summer youth employment program be
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redesigned as an internship-based model where youth are paid with a stipend rather than
hourly-based time sheets and paychecks?
A: (1) Yes. (2) No, not at this time.
If an educational institution has an existing summer employment and/or internship program
(that places youth in paid internships with employers) can they request funding to expand that
program to include all in and out of school youth in the city of Denver?
A: Yes.
Does the $1.5 million allotted for the youth program cover youth funding (WE/SE, SYEP, EAA,
Support Service, etc.) and program administration or just program administration?
A: The program period of performance July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, the $1.5 million includes
program administration as well as participant work-experiences, individual training accounts
and supportive services. The Summer Youth Program will be included in future contracts with
the selected service provider.
Your form doesn't have a space to answer prompt 4.e. "(Youth Program Proposals only)
Describe how the organization will monitor the In-School/Out of School program spending to
ensure the 75% of program expenses support Out-of-School Youth.
A: The Worksheet “General Questions – Fiscal Accountability” downloaded in Section B.12.,
of the WizeHive on-line form for Comprehensive and Youth respondents has been corrected
as of 12/15/16. If you downloaded this worksheet before 12/15/16, please download the
corrected version. If your proposed program includes services to Out-of-School Youth, the
response must include an answer to question 4.e on this worksheet.
RFP references on page 17, Pay-for-Performance as an eligible use of funds (up to 10%) and also
mentions it under the budget section on page 41 of the RFP. Addendum 1 question 50 touches
on this subject, but please define and clarify what Pay-for-Performance is and how to include it
as part of our costs in the budget and budget narrative.
A: There is not a template for the pay-for-performance portion of the contract. Based upon
knowledge of WIOA and TANF outcomes, please provide a structure that would support and
incentivize your agency to exceed performance goals and outcomes.
Addendum 1 question 86 notes start-up reimbursable allowed costs will be negotiated during
the contracting process, but doesn’t state if it should be included in the budget or if there is a
limit on the amount. Please clarify.
A: It is anticipated that most contracts will include reimbursement budgets. However,
“infrastructure start-up” costs may be negotiated by selected service provider. Please include
with your proposed budget.
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Addendum 1 question 73 discusses rate of pay for youth in the Summer Program is set by the
City Office of Human Resources. It would be helpful for budgeting purposes to know the wage
that was paid in the 2015 Summer Program.
A: For the 2015 Summer Youth Program, youth participants were paid $8.23.
Are all participants age 18 and older required to be paid the living wage of $17 per hour for all
work performed and paid under this RFP?
A: No, this is not as a strict requirement. Please see pg. 6 of RFP Guidelines. “Denver’s
workforce strategies are designed to reduce skills gaps across targeted industries that provide
a livable sustainable wage. As such, we are primarily interested in those jobs that can provide
a livable median hourly wage of at least $17 per hour. However, we are cognizant of the fact
that not every job seeker has the capability or skills necessary to enter into a middle-skilled
or technical position. Therefore, we have included entry level and low skilled occupations
with large levels of employment that can offer a pathway for job seekers to advance while
receiving a continuum of services from the workforce system to help grow their educational
and occupational skill sets.”
Addendum 1 states a number of times, “it is anticipated the exisiting space will be available for
a comprehensive AJC as well as an additional location to provide services…” We have an
exisiting office in Denver, but if awarded either the Youth Services and/or the Delegate/
innovation portions, we will need additional space. Will space for these programs and existing
technolocial equipment be available at no cost to us? If not, can we include in the budget costs
to rent additional space, technological equipment and like costs? Is there a limit for these funds
in the budget?
A: OED recommends that you include these items in the proposed budgets. However, there
will be an opportunity to negotiate transfer of existing OED equipment and discuss existing
space during contract negotiations.
Addendum 1 question 101 addresses fee for services. Do we need to submit either a cost
reimbursement or a fee for service budget or can we submit a combination of both?
A: Respondents may submit both a cost reimbursement budget and a fee-for-service budget
for the same proposal; however do not combine the two payment structures in one budget.
The Youth Services budget worksheet has a column for WIOA youth and TANF. How do we
determine to which column to allocate the costs for each line item? Is there a breakdown of the
funding for each column somewhere in the RFP or is only one column to be used for Youth
Services budget?
A: Please complete the budget based upon your proposed program design.
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Will it be feasible to increase WIOA enrollments during the first project year (July 2016 – June
A: Yes, however enrollments are negotiated with OED’s funders. The emphasis for proposers
should be on providing strategic, effective services to participants as opposed to just serving
large numbers of participants.
Are enrollment numbers for WIOA and TANF set based upon budget or can they be shifted up
or down in the future?
A: Yes, however OED negotiates target WIOA enrollments with CDLE and DDHS determines
target TANF enrollments. The emphasis for proposers should be on providing strategic,
effective services to participants as opposed to just serving large numbers of participants.
What is the deadline for potential bidders to register to do business in Colorado with the
Colorado Secretary of State?
A: Per page 42 of the RFP Guidelines (Section D.3): Proposing organizations must be
registered with the Secretary of State’s office PRIOR TO submitting an application. Proposals
must include a Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State. Proposals are due on
January 8, 2016; if an organization submits its application on January 8, 2016, then its
deadline for registering to do business within Colorado with the Secretary of State is January
7, 2016.
Under our operating model, we utilized a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to provide
for management of administrative and human resource functions for our business. Under this
arrangement, employees are managed by our organization but the employer of record is the
PEO. This model is not addressed directly in the RFP – is this an allowable operating structure?
A: Yes. It is important to understand that the selected providers for Comprehensive Services
and Youth Services will be the EOR for participants engaging in wage subsidy activities. If the
selected providers utilize a PEO, then the bidders should ensure that the PEO is able to be the
EOR of participants engaged in wage subsidy activities.
Under our model we negotiate a management plus Pay-for-Performance compensation
structure, determined in collaboration with the WDB. Page 17 of the RFP states that Pay for
Performance can make up to 10% of the funds. Will the OED/WDB consider a management
fee/Pay for Performance hybrid contract?
A: WIOA contracts have a 10% cap for Pay-for-Performance. However, OED/WDB would be
interested in reviewing such a hybrid proposal.
According to the RFP, it appears that Pay for Performance is for up to 10% of WIOA funding. Is
the remainder of the contract funding to be Cost Reimbursement?
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A: Yes.
Can you provide a breakout of the estimated funding for Comprehensive Services by Funding
A: No, the amount received from each funding source is yet to be determined.
Is there any funding anticipated outside of WIOA, SNAP, and TANF? For example, locally funded
initiatives, competitive state/federal grants, foundation resources, etc.?
A: The contracts awarded through this RFP will be supported with the funding described in
the Proposal Guidelines.
Our organization does not currently maintain service locations in the Denver area, and would
have to identify facilities and negotiate leases prior to starting operations. Will OED/WDB allow
for the selected Comprehensive Services operator to identify locations and negotiate leases
after notification of award? Page 34, question 6, requests bidder “If the organization does not
have a physical presence in Denver, please describe your plan to establish operations within
Denver prior to July 1, 2016.” This is in contradiction with letter of intent or Letter of Intent
which requires “details on the specific service area(s) will be proposed and a list of Denver
locations where services will be provided.”
A: If an organization does not currently maintain service locations in Denver, service
locations within Denver would be required before the start of the contract’s term. OED/WDB
cannot reimburse for any cost incurred prior to the start of the contract’s term and an
executed contract. Costs incurred prior to the start of the contract may be negotiated as a
portion of required leverage.
Does OED/WDB supply assessment tools or is the selected contractor for Comprehensive
Services expected to provide (page 34, Initial Assessment)?
A: No please see questions 42 and 43.
Will OED/WDB consider a transition budget to reimburse costs incurred after contract award,
but prior to July 1, 2016?
A: OED/WDB cannot reimburse for any cost incurred prior to the start of the contract’s term
and an executed contract. Cost incurred prior to the start of the contract may be negotiated
as a portion of required leverage.
For an agency that solely serves disconnected youth with unique programming, what would be
the distinct differences between the services funded through the B.2. Youth Programs area and
the B.3. Innovative Program Design area?
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A: It is at the proposers’ discretion, based on program design, to determine whether to
submit its proposal under Youth Program or Innovative Program Design. Contracts awarded
under Youth Programs will be required to serve as the employer of record for participants
engaged in paid wage subsidy/work experience opportunities.
If an agency provides access to employment related services for disconnected youth, and those
youth have access to the same programming that a youth enrolled in WIOA receives (minus
EAA, Supportive Services, and wage subsidies), would that be considered duplicative if that
agency receives money from both the youth and innovative categories?
A: If the participant is receiving duplicative SERVICES (when there is no demonstrable need
to be receiving the same service more than once), then yes. Contractors may not bill twice
for the same services.
Facilities and facility costs:
1. If a provider elects to locate services in one or more of OED/DDHS' current
locations what are the specifications of each facility and the cost for use of each?
A: OED/WDB will determine location of services once awards are determined.
2. If the successful provider uses non-DDHS space are there minimum square foot
requirements for the size of the facility?
A: There is no minimum.
3. In what zip codes would OED prefer additional center (s) located?
A: Throughout the City & County of Denver in those communities that demonstrate
the most need.
Equipment and furniture:
1. Please provide an inventory of furniture and equipment that will convey to the
successful provider upon contract award.
2. Please provide an inventory of furniture and equipment DDHS plans to acquire as
replacement for existing furniture and equipment due to obsolesce over the next 3 fiscal
3. If an inventory of existing technology is not available, please provide a dollar estimate
and a percentage of existing computer equipment that is inadequate to fulfill its vision
of a paperless system?
A: Please see question Q3 and Q80. There will be an opportunity to negotiate transfer of
existing OED equipment and discuss existing space during contract negotiations.
1. What are the minimum and/or maximum caseloads per staff?
A: A 1:55 ratio is used as a standard for PY16.
2. What is the average caseload per applicable staff by location?
A: Eastside: 58 cases/staff
Montbello: 27 cases/staff
Westside: 36 cases/staff.
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3. Please provide current staffing plans by program and location.
A: please refer to the Org Chart at the end of Addendum # 1.
For purposes of this RFP can Comprehensive One-Stop Operators and/or Service Providers
consider MOUs and letters of commitment sufficient to meet the Partnership requirements on
page 39?
A: Yes.
Please explain the requirement for a “presence” in the City of Denver?
A: Please refer to page 8 of the Proposal Guidelines: “Delegate Agency respondents must
demonstrate an active, operational presence within Denver County for a minimum of two
consecutive years.”
If an inventory of furniture and equipment is not available, will DDHS consider an approach
which "equalizes" providers' budgets in order that comparisons between providers will be
concluded equitably. That is, instead of individual providers making estimates or assumptions
about the inventory of furniture and equipment that will convey upon contract award in order
to "price" additional equipment that may be necessary, DDHS could provide for purposes of
evaluation, and evaluation only a dollar figure that all bidders would be required to use in their
budgets. This method provides an equal, competitive methodology to evaluate costs among
providers. The actual furniture and equipment amount would then be determined during
A: Please include these items in the proposed budget without estimating what would be
available. There will be an opportunity to negotiate transfer of existing OED equipment and
discuss existing space during contract negotiations. OED will ensure that all proposed
budgets are evaluated fairly; proposed costs for furniture, fixtures and equipment will be
omitted from the cost per participant comparison.
During the pre-bid conference a panel member responded that there was "wiggle-room"
around the page/word limitations contained in the RFP and "additional text" could be added by
way of an appendix which is not page/word limited. Must providers comply with the expressed
page/word limitations contained in the RFP?
A: Providers should comply with the expressed page/word limitations of each worksheet.
Although text fields within the WizeHive form have a “hard” word or character limit (the
system will not allow proposers to enter more words or characters than allowed), the
response question worksheets do not. The Guidelines and Question Worksheets indicate
there is a page and word limit, but there is no mechanism that will prevent proposers from
exceeding the word or the page limits specified. However, the evaluators may chose not to
continue reading responses past the page limit.
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On page 15 of the RFP, OED outlines requirements for data collection, can a provider plan on
using its own system if it meets the criteria or will service need to be procured during the
transition period?
A: A provider is welcome to use their own system for internal monitoring purposes, however
the two state systems (CBMS and CC) will still serve at the systems of record and therefore
will require data input.
On page 15 of the RFP, OED specifies that data will be shared with 2 state systems. What is the
department’s vision for how this will be accomplished? The RFP states that the provider will
have access to CBMS and CC, but is the provider responsible to enter the data into each system,
or simply have a system that can upload to the state databases? What are the compatibility/
access requirements of the CBMS and Connecting Colorado systems?
A: At this point in time, the provider will be responsible to enter the data into each system
(as the state systems do not currently have the ability to accept uploads); logins to access
these systems will be provided to successful proposers.
Will multiple awards be made for Comprehensive One-Stop Operator services?
A: Possibly.
Part C.4 Budget, page 41 of the RFP specifies the descriptive information to be included in the
proposal related to Pay-For-Performance. Is the providers "Pay-For-Performance" dollar
amount included in the provider's budget for services. In other words, will the provider's
proposed Pay- For-Performance dollar amount be included and funded in the contract at the
time of award?
A: Yes, the Pay-for-Performance will be included in the budget, but actual payment will be
based on performance.
Will Pay-For-Performance invoices be "built-up" in the same manner as invoices for workforce
A: Contractors should bill for Pay-for-Performance when negotiated milestones have been
As an innovative program design provider, would we be required to have a relationship with
the One-Stop Operator? It seems clear that the Youth Services Providers must have such a
relationship, but it is not clear if this also applies to the Innovative Program Design applicants?
A: Yes.
Last year, community partners such as the Denver Public Library and many others participated
in offering summer jobs to our youth. As an “innovative program design” provider, would we
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still be able to partner with these same employers, for potential summer jobs for our
youth? Or will we need to establish job opportunities completely independently?
A: OED/WDB will offer support in job development, but proposers should include targeted
employers in the proposed program design.
Could you please say more about “Pay for Performance?” Does this refer to the youth
participant in a summer job program? (For example, youth earn extra money for a positive
evaluation from their employer, etc.) Or does it refer to the provider itself? (For example, the
provider receives funding from WOIA based on the number of youth that achieve stated
outcomes, rather than the total number of youth served?)?
A: Youth program participants can be offered incentives, however Pay-for-Performance as
discussed in this RFP refers to a successful proposer receiving a negotiated payment upon
exceeding specified targeted outcomes.
Regarding the Innovative and Delegate Agencies programming….do both sets (Delegate and
Innovative) of questions need to be completed for these sections if you believe that you are
applying for a Delegate Program that is Innovative in its design? Please state how these efforts
are different if possible?
A: Please select the Program Area for which you are proposing in section I.A of the on-line
proposal form. The appropriate question worksheets will populate in sections B, C and D
based on your choice of either Delegate Agency or Innovative Program Design. It is up to the
proposer to determine whether to apply under Delegate Agency, Innovative Program or both.
If you determine to apply for both, a separate application must be submitted under each
Program Area.
The question and answer release after the bidder's conference indicated the number of OED
staff required to be in the AJCs is to be determined. Has the OED made a determination so that
proposers may budget for additional space?
A: OED/WDB anticipates the number of Wagner-Peyser and state Veteran Reps at AJCs will
be minimal.
Can the OED provide information on how the cost per ITA was calculated?
A: The cost was calculated by dividing the total expended by number of ITAs awarded.
Can the OED provide information on how the cost per OJT was calculated?
A: The cost was calculated by dividing the total expended by number of OJTs awarded.
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For budgetary purposes, for the partners required to be in the AJC space, will the resource
sharing component come back to the provider, or is the resource sharing agreement handled at
the state or OED level?
A: The costs of the resource sharing agreement will be handled by OED/WDB and do not
need to be included in proposed budgets.
Can the OED provide a schematic of the AJC center spaces, as well as square footage?
A: Please see the floor plan attached at the end of this Addendum.
Can the OED provide the number of current Wagner Peyser staff are in the system?
A: The future state of OED Workforce Development is changing and the number of WagnerPeyser staff is still to be determined.
Can the OED provide the types of roles these staff?
A: OED plans that Wagner-Peyser staff will continue to provide business services including
development of jobs, work-based learning, and employer-specified training, as well as
customized recruitment and targeted job fairs.
The requirement in B.13.a.2 states: Please provide a transition plan in accordance to your
proposed timeframe. Must this transition plan be part of the Transitional Planning worksheet,
which is limited to 2 pages and 1000 words, or can this be an additional document? As the
worksheet has several other questions on it, a Transition Plan would take up that entire page
A: Please do you best to respond to the question in the given format. If necessary, attach
additional pages, keeping in mind the caution discussed in question 81.
I am currently working on a proposal for the recently released Denver Workforce RFP. The RFP
and online application references a link to the budget spreadsheet and budget forms, but I
cannot locate those on the application site. I have located budget directions through a link, but
no budget spread/worksheets.
A: As described at the top of page 2 in the 2016 Workforce RFP Checklist, you must choose
the PROGRAM AREA that your proposal covers from the dropdown choices in Section I.A:
(Comprehensive Services -- OR -- Youth Program -- OR -- Delegate Agency Serving Targeted
Populations -- OR -- Innovative Program Design). Budget spreadsheet forms are different for
each of the Program Areas and are not made available until the Program Area is selected in
Section I.A.
Q100. The online application does not contain a link to the budget forms or the worksheets listed in
the RFP Checklist for B.12 Fiscal Accountability or B.13 Transitional Planning. In addition, I can’t
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download worksheets C.1 Program Design, C.2 Partnerships or C.3 Performance Evaluation &
Outcomes listed in the RFP Checklist. Please provide them.
A: As described at the top of page 2 in the 2016 Workforce RFP Checklist, you must choose
the PROGRAM AREA that your proposal covers from the dropdown choices in Section I.A:
(Comprehensive Services -- OR -- Youth Program -- OR -- Delegate Agency Serving Targeted
Populations -- OR -- Innovative Program Design). Questions in some of the worksheets are
different for each of the Program Areas.
The following worksheets made available for download in the on-line application will be
different depending upon which Program Area is selected in Section I.A:
VII.D: Budget Spreadsheet
B.12 Fiscal Accountability
B.13 Transitional Planning
In addition, each Program Area will have a different set of worksheets to complete in Section
C Program Requirements:
Program Design
Performance Evaluation & Outcomes
One-Stop Operator.
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Current Configuration of Workforce Center Space at 1200 Federal
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