2015-16 BEdA Leadership Block Grant Released 4/16 Due 5/14 Section 1 Required Trainings: Mandatory trainings (CASAS, NRS, DPI and WABERS+) are priorities for this grant please ensure that you have identified staff and budget for them. Travel to CBS cannot be charged to this grant. Section 2 WIOA Transition Project: WIOA Transition Project-Optional Based on ideas and information that you have accumulated in the last year through: DPI, I-BEST Expansion Initiatives, College and Career Readiness Standards, HS21+ and student acceleration, progression, and transition initiatives, and the required elements of the BEdA WIOA Transition Plan, design a WIOA Transition project that will positively impact the outcomes of students. The expectation is that the project is well-informed and innovative. All project products/activities created with this grant must be provided as open resources under Creative Commons Licensing and agree to make them available for sharing. Grant Questions: 1. Describe the nature and objectives of your proposed WIOA Transition project. Be concise and specific about what you want to implement or change and the process you will use. 2. Why did you select this option? What data did you look at (quantitative and/or qualitative) that guided your selection? 3. Describe the team of individuals who will be involved in the project (names and roles). Indicate who will be the lead or manager of the project. 4. Describe what outcomes and/or products you expect from this WIOA transition project, such as improved student acceleration, transition, outcomes, rate of progress, etc. Describe what indicators you will look at to measure the outcomes and what data sources you will use, such as Student Achievement Points, own data tracking system and metrics, etc. 5. Describe your key project activities and timeline. Section 3 This section will identify who will be involved in the trainings and project. Section 4 This section will be the Budget Narrative Questions CBS Spring Meeting 4/16/15 CL