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Egyptology continues to inspire a broad interest worldwide. But how and when did Egyptology begin, who were its early pioneers, and how did it become the careful science that it is today? Historian Jason Thompson traces that development in the first volume of the first book of its kind, Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology from Ancient Times to 1881 (page 2).
The second and third parts of this major work will be published over the next year, bringing the story right up to the twenty-first century.
In 1862, the future King Edward VII of England embarked on a grand tour of the Near East, accompanied, for the first time on such a royal tour, by a photographer, Francis Bedford. Bedford returned with a remarkable collection of early photographs of Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, and Turkey,
120 of which are showcased in the fascinating collection Cities, Citadels, and Sights of the Near East: Francis Bedford’s Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Egypt, the Levant, and Constantinople (page 14).
Another outstanding collection of photographs is presented in Omar
Attum’s Sinai: Landscape and Nature in Egypt’s Wilderness (page 22), where we are privileged to view the beautiful desert scenery of Sinai, from the soft dunes of the north to the rugged mountains of the south, and some of the peninsula’s highly adapted inhabitants, through the lens of an extraordinarily gifted photographer. And staying with wildlife, two new additions to the popular Nature Foldouts series are published this season: Cats of Egypt
(page 32) and Wildlife of the Holy Land (page 33).
The events of the Egyptian Revolution of early 2011 that so stunned the world have been widely recorded and debated, but what was it actually like to be in Tahrir Square during those historic eighteen days? What was it like for a woman? Mona Prince’s personal, first-hand, day-by-day account of the spirit, the humor, the tragedy, and the eventual victory of that lifechanging occupation is now available for the first time in English, in Revolution Is My Name (page 6).
Following the success of our Cairo Anthology last year, Michael Haag, one of the leading historians of Egypt’s second city, has compiled An
Alexandria Anthology (page 16), with words of description, humor, or wisdom from Amr ibn al-As to Noël Coward, from Plutarch to Mark Twain.
For students of Arabic, a comprehensive new reference work, Mahmoud
Moussa’s Dictionary of Idiomatic Expressions in Written Arabic (page 28) contains more than 8,500 entries. And on the lighter side of the language,
A Roving Eye: Head to Toe in Egyptian Arabic Expressions (page 29) is full of fun, but educational too.
Dr. Nigel Fletcher-Jones
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Egyptology–New Series
The first part of the first comprehensive history of the study and understanding of ancient Egypt, from ancient times to the twenty-first century to the twenty-first century
The discovery of ancient Egypt and the development of Egyptology are momentous events in intellectual and cultural history. The history of Egyptology is the story of the people, famous and obscure, who constructed the picture of ancient Egypt that we have today, recovered the Egyptian past while inventing it anew, and made a lost civilization comprehensible to generations of enchanted readers and viewers thousands of years later. This, the first of a three-volume survey of the history of Egyptology, follows the fascination with ancient Egypt from antiquity until 1881, tracing the recovery of ancient Egypt and its impact on the human imagination in a saga filled with intriguing mysteries, great discoveries, and scholarly creativity. Wonderful Things affirms that the history of ancient Egypt has proved continually fascinating, but it also demonstrates that the history of Egyptology is no less so. Only by understanding how Egyptology has developed can we truly understand the Egyptian past.
By the same author:
J ASON T HOMPSON is currently a visiting associate professor at Bates College. He is the editor of
Edward William Lane’s Description of Egypt
(AUC Press, 2000) and An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians
(AUC Press, 2003), and the author of Sir Gardiner Wilkinson and His Circle, A History of
Egypt: From Earliest Times to the Present (AUC
Press, 2008), and Edward William Lane, 1801–
1876 (AUC Press, 2010).
352pp. Hdb. November.
978-977-416-599-3. LE250. World .
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[ Wonderful Things ] is a remarkable achievement: a scholarly work packed with facts but one which is also genuinely readable. It is ambitious in its scope and detail. To follow the growth of an arcane but also a highly romantic branch of learning becomes in Thompson’s book something close to an adventure. The author successfully conveys his infectious enthusiasm for the subject but writes with a degree of detachment that allows him to be refreshingly and occasionally almost ruthlessly trenchant and critical.” —from the Foreword by Jaromir Malek
Foreword by Jaromir Malek
Chronological Outline of Ancient Egyptian History
1. Egyptology in Antiquity
2. A Medieval Hiatus
3. Ancient Egypt in the Renaissance
4. Ancient Egypt in the Age of the Enlightenment
5. The Discovery of Ancient Egypt
6. The Decipherment of the Hieroglyphs
7. Lifting the Veil
8. Egypt Itself
9. Arrested Development
10. Consolidation
11. Preservation and Depredation
12. Taking Possession of Egypt for the
Cause of Science
13. Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Art,
Photography, and Literature
14. Mariette’s Monopoly
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The first part of a comprehensive survey of medical knowledge and practice in ancient Egypt, by leading authorities on the topic
Ancient Egyptian medicine employed advanced surgical practices, while the prevention and treatment of diseases relied mostly on natural remedies and magical incantations. In the first of three volumes, The Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians explores these two different aspects, using textual sources and physical evidence to cast light on the state of ancient medical knowledge and practice and the hardships of everyday life experienced by the inhabitants of the land on the Nile.
The first part of the book focuses on ancient Egyptian surgery, drawing mainly on cases described in the Edwin Smith papyrus, which details a number of injuries listed by type and severity. These demonstrate the rational approach employed by ancient physicians in the treatment of injured patients. Additional surgical cases are drawn from the Ebers papyrus.
The chapters that follow cover gynecology, obstetrics, and pediatric cases, with translations from the Kahun gynecological papyrus and other medical texts, illustrating a wide range of ailments that women and young children suffered in antiquity, and how they were treated.
Illustrated with more than sixty photographs and line drawings, The Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians is highly recommended reading for scholars of ancient
Egyptian medicine and magic, as well as for paleopathologists, medical historians, and physical anthropologists.
E UGEN S TROUHAL is a physician, anthropologist, and archaeologist, one of the founders of the field of paleopathology. Since 1961 he has collaborated with a number of archaeological expeditions in Egypt. He is the author of sixteen books and 350 articles.
B ř
ETISLAV V ACHALA is an Egyptologist and archaeologist at Charles University in Prague.
Since 1979 he has participated in archaeological expeditions of the Czech Institute of Egyptology to Egypt.
H ANA V YMAZALOVÁ studied Egyptology and logic at Charles University in Prague. She is a member of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and since
2006 has participated in archaeological expeditions to Egypt.
240pp. Hbd. 68 b/w illus. September.
978-977-416-640-2. LE300. World.
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Ancient Egypt–Reference
240pp. Pbk. 220 illus (incl. 200 color). September.
978-977-416-676-1. LE150. Middle East .
A comprehensive illustrated guide to the towns, cities, and settlements of pharaonic Egypt
Ancient Egyptian cities and towns have until recently been one of the leaststudied and least-published aspects of this great civilization. Now, new research and excavation are transforming our knowledge. This is the first book to bring these latest discoveries to a wide general and scholarly audience, and to provide a comprehensive overview of what we know about ancient settlement during the dynastic period.
From the earliest city, Hierakonpolis, founded at the beginning of Egyptian history around 3000 BC, to the famous metropolis of Alexandria, one of the great cities of the Greco-Roman world, the development of urban living is explored throughout the whole Nile Valley and Delta. The different parts of
Egyptian cities and towns are examined in detail, with accounts of the sacred precincts, royal palaces and military fortifications as well as forensic descriptions of a variety of typical houses. And beyond the monumental architecture and domestic buildings, the reader is introduced to daily life in ancient Egypt: from essential provisioning of food and water to evidence of sport and leisure activities, from early schooling to the ritual activities surrounding death, from labor to politics to religion. Evidence from literature, scribal texts, inscriptions and graffiti, as well as artifacts and architectural remains, combine to re-create in amazing detail the everyday lives of the inhabitants of these communities.
Written by a leading authority, and supported by a detailed gazetteer of sites, The Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt has a range and depth beyond any other publication on the subject and will quickly become the standard work, as well as appealing to all those who seek to look beyond the tombs and temples to the urban life of those who made their homes along the Nile.
S TEVEN S NAPE teaches Egyptian archaeology at the University of Liverpool. Settlement archaeology in Egypt is one of his major research subjects, particularly during his excavations at the
Ramesside fortress town of Zawiyet Umm el-
Rakham. His publications include Ancient
Egyptian Tombs: The Culture of Life and Death .
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Tahrir Studies
Translated by
What it was like and how it felt to be an Egyptian woman revolutionary during the eighteen days that changed Egypt forever
Mona Prince’s humorous and insightful memoir tells of one woman’s journey as a hesitant revolutionary through the eighteen days of the Egyptian uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
Alongside the brutal violence of the security forces, the daily battles of resistance, and the author’s own abduction and beating at the hands of the police, this is a story of exceptional solidarity, perseverance, and humanity. Juggling humor and horror, hope and fear, certitude and anxiety, Prince immerses us in the details of each unpredictable and fateful day. She mixes the political and the personal, the public and the private to expose and confront divisions within her family, as well as her own social prejudices, which she discovers through encounters with diverse sectors of society, from police conscripts to street children.
Revolution Is My Name is a testimony not only of women’s participation in the
Egyptian uprising and their courage in confronting constrictive gender divides at home and on the street, but equally of their important contribution as chroniclers of the momentous events of January and February 2011.
By the same author:
Original Arabic Title: Ismi thawra
200pp. Pbk. September.
978-977-416-669-3. LE90. World .
M ONA P RINCE was born in Cairo in 1970. She is associate professor of English Literature at
Suez Canal University in Egypt. She has published novels (including So You May See , AUC
Press, 2011) and short stories in Arabic, and has translated both poetry and short stories. In
2012, she nominated herself for the Egyptian presidency in the run-up to the country’s first ever democratic presidential elections.
S AMIA M EHREZ is professor of Arabic literature in the Department of Arab and Islamic Civilization and director of the Center for Translation Studies at the American University in Cairo. She is the author of The Literary Atlas of Cairo (AUC Press,
2010) and The Literary Life of Cairo (AUC Press,
2011), and editor of Translating Egypt’s Revolution: The Language of Tahrir (AUC Press, 2012).
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This book offers a first rate discussion of all the important issues with which Egypt and Egyptians of different classes, genders, generations, ethnic groups, and political orientations continue to struggle. It encourages its readers to stay tuned to see what the Egyptian revolution, and those funny and unpredictable Egyptians, will eventually deliver.” —Mervat F. Hatem, Professor of Political Science, Howard University, Washington DC
1. Tuesday, January 25, 2011
2. Wednesday, January 26, 2011
3. Suez
4. Thursday, January 27, 2011
5. Friday of Rage, January 28, 2011
6. Saturday January 29
7. Sunday, January 30: Afternoon
8. The First Million-Protestor March: Tuesday, February 1
9. Wednesday, February 2: The Battle of the Camel
10. Thursday, February 3
11. Friday of Departure
12. The Week of Perseverance
13. Friday of Deliverance: February 11
Revolution is My Name is a beautifully written, detailed text, bringing together Facebook statuses, discussions on the streets, at home, and with friends, life on a daily basis in
Tahrir, conversations with military and police soldiers, and much more. A must read for anyone interested in the experiential level of the revolution.” —Atef Said, Visiting scholar and lecturer in Sociology, the University of Illinois at Chicago
Prince’s prose is experientially unsettling and yet irrationally jovial, much like the iconic eighteen days she so vividly helps us relive.
As revolution drifts further into individual and communal memory,
Prince’s retelling will remain a stubborn testament to the moments of hopeful triumph over the status quo.” —Adel Iskandar, author of Egypt in Flux (AUC Press, 2013)
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Arabic Fiction—New
Translated by
A novel of culture shock in Dublin and Cairo by the author of Saint Theresa and Sleeping with Strangers
Dublin is alien territory for young and impoverished Egyptian academic
Moataz, who is preparing a PhD on Irish poet Seamus Heaney. Moataz has enough problems with his family’s high expectations and the unrequited, idealized love that he left behind in Cairo. Now he has to deal with cantankerous landlords, inscrutable local women, the Irish judiciary, haunted seminaries, and cold winter nights selling flowers on the banks of the Liffey to make ends meet. His own personal demons travel with him, especially the clash between his sexual desires and his reluctance to become emotionally entangled with anyone other than his version of the ideal woman. In his year away from home Moataz learns how diverse the world is, but returning to
Cairo is a shock that tests his physical and mental strength. Only when he passes that test can he make a promising new start.
By the same author:
B AHAA A BDELMEGID teaches English literature at
Ain Shams University and is the author of two collections of short stories and four novels, including Saint Theresa and Sleeping with
Strangers (AUC Press, 2010).
J ONATHAN W RIGHT is the translator of a number of Arabic novels including Rasha Al Ameer’s
Judgment Day (AUC Press, 2011) and Fahd al-
Atiq’s Life on Hold (AUC Press, 2012). He was awarded the 2013 Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation for his translation of Azazeel by Youssef Ziedan.
Original Arabic Title: Khammarat al-ma‘bad
224pp. Pbk. September.
978-977-416-660-0. LE100. World .
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Arabic Fiction—New
Translated by
A baroque novel of crime and excess in a future Alexandria, from a young Egyptian writer of promise
With an epic tone that laughs at everything, an unusual lightness of spirit, and a surprisingly fresh treatment of old motifs, such as violence or succession, Eltoukhy creates something unprecedented in the history of the Arabic novel.” — Arabic Literature (in English)
This book is certainly a significant addition for its young author . . . and is for sure a new twist in the evolution of the form of the
Egyptian novel itself.”— Ahram Online
Back in the dog days of the early twenty-first century a pair of lovebirds fleeing a murder charge in Cairo pull in to Alexandria’s main train station. Fugitives, friendless, their young lives blighted at the root, Ali and Injy set about rebuilding, and from the coastal city’s arid soil forge a legend, a kingdom of crime, a revolution: Karantina.
Through three generations of Grand Guignol insanity, Nael Eltoukhy’s sly psychopomp of a narrator is our guide not only to the teeming cast of pimps, dealers, psychotics, and half-wits and the increasingly baroque chronicles of their exploits, but also to the moral of his tale. Defiant, revolutionary, and patriotic, are the rapists and thieves of Alexandria’s crime families deluded maniacs or is their myth of Karantina—their Alexandria reimagined as the once and future capital—what they believe it to be: the revolutionary dream made brick and mortar, flesh and bone?
Subversive and hilarious, deft and scalpel-sharp, Eltoukhy’s sprawling epic is a masterpiece of modern Egyptian literature. Mahfouz shaken by the tail, a lunatic dream, a future history that is the sanest thing yet written on Egypt’s current woes.
N AEL E LTOUKHY is an Egyptian writer and journalist, born in Kuwait in 1978. He graduated from the Hebrew Department in Ain Shams
University, Cairo in 2000. His first collection of short stories was published in 2003, and he is the author of four novels. He has also translated two books from Hebrew into Arabic.
R OBIN M OGER studied Egyptology and Arabic at Oxford University before working as a journalist in Cairo for six years. He is the translator of A Dog with No Tail by Hamdi Abu
Golayyel (AUC Press, 2009) and his translation for Writing Revolution (2013) won the
2013 English PEN Award for outstanding writing in translation.
Original Arabic Title: Nisa’ al-Karantina
308pp. Pbk. October.
978-977-416-662-4. LE120. World .
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Arabic Fiction—1st Time in Paperback
By the same author:
Translated by
A novel of country life below the poverty line by the master of minimalism, in a new paperback edition
As with his earlier works, Mohamed El-Bisatie’s novel is set in the Egyptian countryside, about which he writes with such understanding. Episodic in form, it deals with a family—Zaghloul the layabout father, Sakeena the long-suffering wife, and two young boys. The central theme of the book is hunger: the hunger of not knowing where one’s next meal is coming from, and the universal hunger for sex and love. Sakeena’s life revolves round trying to provide her family with the necessary daily loaves of bread that will stave off starvation. Labor-shy Zaghloul works on and off at one of the village’s cafés, but prefers to spend his time listening in on conversations about subjects such as politics, which he would have liked to know more about, if only he had been an educated man. He is also intrigued by the stories told by young university students about their sexual exploits. Eventually chance presents him with a new job: to keep company with an elderly and over-fat man and help him on and off the mule he has to use for getting about.
After looking in turn at the lives of the husband and the wife, the novel finally focuses on their elder son, who, although lacking the advantages of any sort of education, nonetheless shows more initiative than his father, and discovers his own way of contributing to the family bread larder.
Despite its bleak title, Hunger is told with a lightness of touch and the writer’s trademark wry humor.
M OHAMED E L -B ISATIE (1937–2012) was the author of a number of novels and short story collections, including A Last Glass of Tea (AUC
Press, 1994), Houses behind the Trees (AUC
Press, 1997), Clamor of the Lake (AUC Press,
D ENYS J OHNSON -D AVIES has produced more than thirty volumes of translation of modern Arabic literature, including The Essential Tawfiq al-
Hakim (AUC Press, 2008), The Essential Yusuf
Idris (AUC Press, 2009), and The Essential
Original Arabic Title: Ju‘
124pp. Pbk. October.
978-977-416-680-8. LE75. World .
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Arabic Fiction—1st Time in Paperback
Translated by
Winner of the 2005 Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature, now in paperback
In a small town in the Nile Delta lives Houda the deaf and mute butcher’s apprentice. Revealing the town’s private stories through public sign language,
Houda articulates the unspoken and the forbidden, to unsettle the apparent quietude of rural society. But his own unrestrained desire threatens to scandalize the town and rock its codes of public behavior.
When it is reported that he has violated the sanctity of his employer’s own house, the whole town, with the butcher and Shaykh Saadoun, the pretending Sufi, in the lead, rises to avenge itself and publicly humiliate and ridicule
Houda. The elaborate ruse planned by the butcher and the shaykh, playing on
Houda’ s hopes, dreams, and fantasies, is foolproof—but while Houda may be a dreamer, he is certainly no fool.
This original, satiric novel, introducing the reader to every public and private corner in the life of a small town, is both a daring critique of contemporary Egyptian reality and a thoroughly good read, a remarkable novel of sustained carnivalesque suspense and wicked black humor that marks the arrival of a true literary talent.
Y USUF A BU R AYYA (1955–2009) was born in
Hihya in the Nile Delta. He wrote seven novels, five short story collections, and nine books for children, and was on the governing board of the
Egyptian branch of PEN International. Wedding
Night was awarded the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature in 2005.
R. N EIL H EWISON is the translator of City of Love and Ashes by Yusuf Idris (AUC Press, 1998), and the author of The Fayoum: History and Guide
(AUC Press, 4th ed. 2008).
Original Arabic Title: Laylat ‘urs
144pp. Pbk. September.
978-977-416-683-9. LE75. World .
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Arabic Fiction—New
Translated by
An epic novel of historic Palestine from the author of Time of White Horses
In eighteenth-century Palestine, on the shores of Galilee’s Lake Tiberias, visionary political and military leader Daher al-Umar al-Zaydani undertakes a journey toward the greatest aim anyone could hope to achieve in his day: the establishment of an autonomous Arab state. To do so he must challenge the rule of the greatest power in the world at the time—the Ottoman Empire— while translating the ideals of human dignity, justice, and religious tolerance into concrete daily realities.
In this compelling story of love and loss, victory and defeat, loyalty and betrayal, award-winning poet and novelist Ibrahim Nasrallah, author of the
Arabic Booker shortlisted Time of White Horses , once again brings Palestinian history alive with a set of characters and events both real and imagined to capture the essence of a rich and dramatic epoch in the turbulent annals of a land that has been fought over for millennia.
By the same author:
I BRAHIM N ASRALLAH was born to Palestinian parents in Jordan in 1954, and grew up in a refugee camp there. He has written fourteen collections of poetry and fourteen novels as well as works of literary criticism. He is also a painter and photographer. He is the author of Inside the
Night (AUC Press, 2007) and Time of White
Horses (AUC Press, 2012).
N ANCY R OBERTS is the translator of a number of
Arabic novels including Salwa Bakr’s The Man from Bashmour (AUC Press, 2007), for which she received a commendation in the Saif
Ghobash-Banipal Prize for Translation, and
Ibrahim Nasrallah’s Time of White Horses .
Original Arabic Title: Qanadil malik al-Jalil
560pp. Pbk. November.
978-977-416-666-2. LE120. World .
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Edited by
A rare firsthand account by a prominent Palestinian economist of his youth and childhood in the mandate-era
Levant and his life’s devotion to the cause of Palestine
An acclaimed economist and lifelong Palestinian nationalist Yusif Sayigh
(1916–2004) came of age at a time of immense political change in the Middle East. Born in al-Bassa, near Acre in northern Palestine, he was witness to the events that led to the loss of Palestine and his memoir therefore constitutes a vivid social history of the region, as well as a revealing firsthand account of the Palestinian national movement almost from its earliest inception. Family and everyday life, co-villagers, landscapes, pleasures, outings, schooling, and political figures recreate the vanished world of Sayigh’s formative years in the
Levant. An activist in Palestine, he was taken prisoner of war by the Israelis in
1948. Later, as an economist, he wrote extensively on Arab oil, economic development, and manpower, teaching for many years at the American University of Beirut and taking early retirement in 1974 to work as a consultant for a number of pan-Arab and international organizations. A single chapter on
Palestinian politics provides insights into his later activist work and experiences of working as a consultant with the Palestine Liberation Organization to produce an economic plan for an eventual Palestinian state.
This fascinating memoir by a pioneer and major figure of the Palestinian national movement is a welcome addition to the growing literature on Palestinian life during the first half of the twentieth century as well as an account of some of the most pressing political and economic issues to have faced the
Arab world for the better part of the twentieth century.
376pp. Hdb. 19 b/w illus. September.
978-977-416-671-6. LE200. World .
AYIGH is an oral historian and anthropologist and the author of Palestinians:
From Peasants to Revolutionaries , Too Many
Enemies: The Palestinian Experience in
Lebanon, and Voices: Palestinian Women
Narrate Displacement . She is a currently visiting professor at the Center for Arab and
Middle Eastern Studies at the American
University of Beirut.
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Travel and Early Photography
Text by
Haunting images of the great cities and historic sites of the Near East from a bygone era through the eyes of an
English photographer in royal company
In 1862, the Prince of Wales, eldest son of Britain’s Queen Victoria, embarked on a grand tour of the Middle East, for his education and enlightenment. Accompanying the royal party was Francis Bedford, an accomplished practitioner of the still young art of photography, charged with taking views of the cities and historic places visited on the tour for the royal album. The result is an extraordinary collection of some of the best early photographs of Cairo and the temples of Upper Egypt, Jerusalem and the
Holy Land, Lebanon and Damascus, Izmir and Constantinople. From timeless views of the Pyramids, the Dome of the Rock, Baalbek, and Hagia
Sophia to scenes from another age of the streets of Cairo or tall ships on the
Bosphorus, 120 of Bedford’s most outstanding photographs are showcased here in this fascinating visual tour of ancient lands in royal company.
Also available:
F RANCIS B EDFORD (1815–94) was an English architect and lithographer who took up the new art of photography in the early 1850s and began fulfilling royal commissions for Queen Victoria in 1857. In 1862 he was appointed official photographer to the Prince of Wales’s tour of the
Middle East, and his photographs from this trip were critically acclaimed. His London photographic studio prospered until his death in 1894.
S OPHIE G ORDON is senior curator of photographs at Royal Collection Trust and has published widely on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century photography. B ADR E L H AGE is an independent photo-historian who has worked as a freelance writer and curator in the Middle East.
160pp. Flexibound. 120 illus. September.
978-977-416-670-9. LE200. World .
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The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 1 April 1862
A street in Cairo, 24 March 1862 Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (Istanbul), 22 May 1862
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Literary Gift Book
Edited by
The great port city of Alexandria, its shambling elegiac charm and vanished pasts and pleasures, seen through the eyes of writers and travelers
Founded by Alexander the Great over 2,300 years ago, Alexandria has belonged both to the Mediterranean and to Egypt, a luxuriant out-planting of
Europe on the coast of Africa, but also a city of the East—the fabled cosmopolitan town that fascinated travelers, writers, and poets in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, where French and Arabic, Italian and Greek were spoken in the cafés and on the streets.
In the pages of An Alexandria Anthology , we follow the delight of travelers discovering the strangeness of the city and its variety and pleasures. Most of all they are haunted by the city’s resplendent past—the famous Library, the temple built by Cleopatra for Antony, the great Pharos lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world, of which only traces remain—we follow our travelers here too as they voyage through an immense ghost city of the imagination.
Also available:
Alexandria described by Amr ibn al-As, Constantine Cavafy, Jean
Cocteau, Noël Coward, Vivant Denon, Lawrence Durrell, Eliza
Fay, E.M. Forster, Ibn Battuta, Naguib Mahfouz, Florence Nightingale, Plutarch, Henry Salt, Strabo, W.M. Thackeray, Mark Twain,
Count Patrice de Zogheb, and many others
M ICHAEL H AAG is a writer and photographer based in London. He has photographed and written Alexandria Illustrated (AUC Press,
2004) and Cairo Illustrated (AUC Press, 2006), and he is the author of Alexandria: City of
Memory and Vintage Alexandria: Photographs of the City, 1860–1960 (AUC Press, 2008).
160pp. Hdb. 20 b/w illus. September.
978-977-416-672-3. LE100. World .
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I have made the pilgrimage sixty times; but if God had suffered me to stay a month at Alexandria and pray on its shores, that month would be dearer to me than the sixty prescribed pilgrimages which I have undertaken.”
— Abd al-Malik ibn Juraij, c.760
Alexandria is very jealous of Cairo and is always training tennis and golf players to go and collect cups from the capital, and if Cairo has a riot in the streets Alexandria always has a bigger and better one next day; there seems to be more building going on in Alexandria and therefore a better supply of bricks and stones to throw at the police. Also Alexandria has more Greek grocers to be looted and beaten.” — C.S. Jarvis, 1937
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Near Eastern History
A revisionist approach to the period of world history between 1500 and 1800, away from
Eurocentric accounts of early modern globalization to a more complex, multi-centered view of world transformation, with the focus on Egypt
Based on the Hamilton A.R. Gibb Lectures given by Nelly Hanna at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University, this groundbreaking book will be of interest to all those looking for a different perspective on the history of south–north relations.
Aiming to place Egypt clearly in the context of some of the major worldwide transformations of the three centuries from 1500 to 1800, Professor Hanna questions the mainstream view that has identified the main sources of modern world history as the Reformation, the expansion of Europe into America and
Asia, the formation of trading companies, and scientific discoveries. She adds to the debate by showing that there were worldwide trends that touched Egypt,
India, southeast Asia, and Europe: in all these areas, for example, there were linguistic shifts that brought the written language closer to the spoken word.
She also demonstrates that technology and know-how, far from being centered only in Europe, flowed in different directions: for instance, in the eighteenth century, French entrepreneurs were trying to imitate the techniques of bleaching and dyeing of cloth that they found in Egypt and other Ottoman localities.
By the same author:
N ELLY H ANNA is distinguished university professor in the Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations at the American University in Cairo. She is the author of a number of books including Society and Economy in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean 1600–1900 (AUC Press, 2005) and Artisan
Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early Modern Capitalism 1600–1800 (AUC Press, 2011).
192pp. Hdb. September.
978-977-416-664-8. LE200. World .
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Travel and Biography
A fascinating study of the early American experience in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean
The Treaty of Ghent signed in 1814, ending the War of 1812, allowed Americans once again to travel abroad. Medical students went to Paris, artists to
Rome, academics to Göttingen, and tourists to all European capitals. More intrepid Americans ventured to Athens, to Constantinople, and even to Egypt.
Beginning with two eighteenth-century travelers, this book then turns to the
25-year period after 1815 that saw young men from East Coast cities, among them graduates of Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, traveling to the lands of the
Bible and of the Greek and Latin authors they had first known as teenagers.
Naval officers off ships of the Mediterranean squadron visited Cairo to see the pyramids. Two groups went on business, one importing steam-powered rice and cotton mills from New York, the other exporting giraffes from the Kalahari
Desert for wild animal shows in New York.
Drawing on unpublished letters and diaries together with previously neglected newspaper accounts, as well as a handful of published accounts, this book offers a new look at the early American experience in Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world. More than thirty illustrations complement the stories told by the travelers themselves.
424pp. Hdb. 34 color illus. October.
978-977-416-667-9. LE200. World .
A NDREW O LIVER is a retired art historian and museum administrator living in Washington,
DC. With degrees from Harvard College and the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, he was director of the Museum Program at the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency in Washington, from 1982 to 1994.
Earlier in his career, from 1960 to 1970, he was a curator in the Greek and Roman Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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New in Paperback
Photographs by
Foreword by
Magnificent photographs celebrating the history and splendor of this special breed—new paperback edition
Thanks to Marei’s extraordinary photographs and informative text, no reader will fail to appreciate the unique history, and extraordinary beauty that have long made the Arabian of Egypt among the most celebrated and sought-after animals in the world.” — Saudi Aramco World
Prized for their stamina and their acclimation to the harsh conditions of the
Arabian deserts, the ancestors of the horses that are now recognized as the
Egyptian Arabian purebred horse entered Egypt centuries ago, establishing the valuable bloodlines of the breed there. The breeding programs in Egypt therefore became the root source for the finest Arabian horses, attracting passionate enthusiasts from all corners of the world. Artists, poets, and historians have for centuries been inspired by their great beauty and romantic legacy.
Nasr Marei is the third-generation owner of a stud farm in Giza, Egypt. His love for and knowledge of the Egyptian Arabian horse, coupled with his sensitive and striking photography, have inspired this visual tribute. His extraordinary photographs, accompanied by text that traces the history and evolution of the Arabian’s journey into Egypt, celebrate the lineage of this living treasure of Egyptian heritage.
N ASR M AREI holds a PhD from the University of
California, Davis. He is the co-founder and vicechairman of the Egyptian Arabian Horse Breeders Association. He was given a Lifetime
Achievement Award by the Arabian Horse
Breeders Alliance in 2013.
USSEIN of Jordan is a world-renowned Arabian horse breeder, show judge, and director of the Royal Stables of Jordan for the Preservation of the Arabian Horse.
160pp. Pbk. 140 color photographs. September.
978-977-416-665-5. LE150. World .
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Travel and Tradition
The timeless allure of Siwa through its traditional crafts, and the history and customs in which they are rooted
Siwa is a remote oasis deep in the heart of the Egyptian desert near the border with Libya. Until an asphalt road was built to the Mediterranean coast in the
1980s, its only links to the outside world were by arduous camel tracks. As a result of this isolation, Siwa developed a unique culture manifested in its crafts of basketry, pottery, and embroidery and in its styles of costume and silverwork. The most visible and celebrated example of this was the silver jewelery that was worn by women in abundance at weddings and other ceremonies.
Based on conversations with women and men in the oasis and with reference to old texts, this book describes the jewelery and costume at this highpoint of Siwan culture against the backdrop of its date gardens and springs, social life, and dramatic history. It places the women’s jewelery, costume, and embroidery into social perspective, and describes how they were used in ceremonies and everyday life and how they were related to their beliefs and attitudes to the world.
The book also describes how, in the second half of the twentieth century, the arrival of the road and of television brought drastic change, and the oasis was exposed to the styles and fashions of the outside world and how the traditional silver ornaments were gradually replaced by gold.
272pp. Pbk. 139 illus., incl. 37 in color. November.
978-977-416-681-5. LE150. World .
ALE has an MA in social anthropology from the University of London. She has traveled extensively and lived for long periods in the Middle East, where she studied and collected desert jewelry and textiles. In Egypt she developed an interest in Siwan life and culture and has lived in the oasis and visited it regularly.
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Nature Photography
A uniquely spectacular visual journey through the wildlife and landscapes of the Sinai peninsula
Biologist Omar Attum’s photographs reveal the extraordinary beauty of nature in the Middle East. His pictures are stunning and surprising. This book will change the perceptions of anyone who has the opportunity to peruse its pages. Omar has the rare gift of combining expert knowledge with an artistic eye.”—Pam Spaulding, award-winning photojournalist
Sinai’s allure is legendary. Its spectacular landscapes, thriving flora and fauna, and unique history, the store of centuries, have long held sway in the imagination of millions. The high mountains and wadis of the peninsula’s south provide the fertile soil that feeds some of Egypt’s highest diversity of plants, while foxes, vipers, lizards, and tortoises are just some of the animals that make their home in the north, which is characterized by lagoons and vast dunes of soft sand. Sinai: Landscape and Nature in Egypt’s Wilderness transports us to the haunting grandeur of this peninsula with 150 breathtaking full-color photographs. Omar Attum’s discerning eye shows us blood-red mountains, animals in natural repose and habitat, solitary trees and flowers, and fugitive strips of water, conveying stark beauty and enormous vulnerability, an abundance of life yet utter, devastating peace. The photographs are accompanied by an evocative introduction by Attum to Sinai’s wildlife and landscape.
O MAR A TTUM is a wildlife biologist and professor at Indiana University Southeast who fell in love with Sinai at the age of sixteen. He has been conducting wildlife research and surveys in the peninsula since 1998. A self-taught photographer, his credits include National Geographic magazine, The Courier Journal , Outdoor Photographer , Popular Photography , Shutterbug , Egypt
Today , and The Jordan Times . He is the recipient of a Blue Earth Alliance Photography fellowship.
192pp. Hdb. 150 color photographs. September.
978-977-416-661-7. LE250. World .
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This is a fascinating book that reveals more of the magic of Sinai through new and alternative perspectives, never explored before. The author’s love of nature, his keen artistic vision and infatuation with the Sinai are all reflected in the enormous effort made to capture this rich visual documentary and bring it to the public to share and appreciate.”—Sherif Baha
El Din, Nature Conservation Egypt
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Social Sciences—Middle East
Edited by
A critical political economy examination of development in the Middle East
A timely collection of essays by scholars from the region on some of the key political-economy and institutional challenges facing the Arab world today.
Arab Human Development in the
Twenty-first Century is essential reading for students, scholars, and policymakers who desire a way forward in achieving broadly based human development in the Arab world.”—Fawaz A.
Gerges, London School of Economics and Political Science
368pp. Hdb. 53 charts, 12 tables. October.
978-977-416-658-7. LE300. World .
With its emphasis on the primacy of change, this study arrives at a particularly auspicious moment, as the Middle East continues to be convulsed by the greatest upheavals in generations, which have come to be known as the Arab
Spring. Originally prepared as the tenth-anniversary volume of the UNDP’s
Arab Human Development Report, Arab Human Development in the Twentyfirst Century places empowerment at the center of human development in the
Arab world, viewing it not only from the vantage point of a more equitable distribution of economic resources but also of fundamental legal, educational, and political reform.
The ten chapters in this book follow closely this political economy framework. They look back at what Arab countries have achieved since the early
2000s and forward to what remains to be done to reach full development.
Supported by a wealth of statistical material, they cover the rule of law, the evolution of media, the persistence of corruption, the draining of resources through armed conflict, the dominance and increase of poverty, the environment, and religious education. The concluding chapter attempts an inventory of the world literature and different experiences on democratic transition to explore where the region could be heading.
This critical and timely study is indispensable reading to development specialists and to Middle East scholars and students alike, as well as to anyone with an interest in the future trajectory of the region.
C ONTRIBUTORS : Louisa Ait-Driss, Najoua Fezza,
Lina Khatib, Mustafa Khawaja, Zeyad Makhamret,
Mhamed Malki, Baqer El-Najjar, Sabria El-Thawr
ORANY is professor of international relations and political economy at the American University in Cairo, and director of the
AUC Forum. He is the co-editor of The Foreign Policies of Arab States (AUC Press, 2008) and Arab Spring in Egypt: Revolution and
Beyond (AUC Press, 2012) and editor of The
Changing Middle East: A New Look at
Regional Dynamics (AUC Press, 2010).
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Foreword by
A rigorous and comprehensive examination of Egypt’s desert development over the past half-century, the first of its kind, by the author of Understanding Cairo
Egypt has placed its hopes on developing its vast and empty deserts as the ultimate solution to the country’s problems. New cities, new farms, new industrial zones, new tourism resorts, and new development corridors, all have been promoted for over half a century to create a modern Egypt and to pull tens of millions of people away from the increasingly crowded Nile Valley into the desert hinterland. The results, in spite of colossal expenditures and ever-grander government pronouncements, have been meager at best, and today Egypt’s desert is littered with stalled schemes, abandoned projects, and forlorn dreams. It also remains stubbornly uninhabited.
Egypt’s Desert Dreams is the first attempt of its kind to look at Egypt’s desert development in its entirety. It recounts the failures of governmental schemes, analyzes why they have failed, and exposes the main winners of Egypt’s desert projects, as well as the underlying narratives and political necessities behind it, even in the post-revolutionary era. It also shows that all is not lost, and that there are alternative paths that Egypt could take.
By the same author:
D AVID S IMS is an economist and urban planner who has been based in Egypt since 1974. As well as having worked in several Arab, Asian and
African countries, he has led studies on urban development, industrial estates, tourism, and other aspects of Egypt’s economic geography and spatial development. He is the author of Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City out of Control (AUC Press, 2010).
ITCHELL is professor of Middle Eastern
Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of Colonising Egypt , Rule of Experts: Egypt,
Techno-Politics, Modernity , and Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil.
416pp. Hdb. 85 photographs, 15 maps. November.
978-977-416-668-6. LE300. World .
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A vital contribution to the understudied period of Byzantine to early Islamic Egypt
Seeking to uncover the broader cultural changes of the period by drawing on a wide array of literary and documentary sources, Maged Mikhail stresses the cultural and institutional developments that punctuated the histories of Christians and Muslims in the province under early Islamic rule. From Christian Egypt to Islamic Egypt traces how the largely agrarian
Egyptian society responded to the influx of Arabic and Islam, the means by which the Coptic Church constructed its sectarian identity, the Islamization of the administrative classes and how these factors converged to create a new medieval society. The result is a fascinating and essential study for scholars of Byzantine and early Islamic Egypt.
[This] is a tour de force of historical analysis. . . .
The data is meticulously analyzed and the conclusions drawn from it impressively documented.
This is a rich and layered work that challenges some widespread and long-held views on the relationship between Christian and Muslim identity and community in Egypt.”—Jamal J. Elias,
University of Pennsylvania
M AGED S.A. M IKHAIL is associate professor of history at California State University, Fullerton, specializing in late antique and early Islamic history, and is the managing editor of Coptica .
He is the co-editor of Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun (AUC Press, 2009).
444pp. Pbk. October.
978-977-416-682-2. LE200. Middle East .
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Religious History
Edited by
The legacies of the Coptic Christian presence in Middle
Egypt from the fourth century to the present day
Christianity and monasticism have long flourished along the Nile in Middle
Egypt, the region stretching from al-Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus) to Dayr al-Ganadla.
The contributors to this volume, international specialists in Coptology from around the world, examine various aspects of Coptic civilization in Middle
Egypt over the past two millennia. The studies explore Coptic art and archaeology, architecture, language and literature. The artistic heritage of monastic sites in the region is highlighted, attesting to their important legacies in the region.
Also available
352pp. Hdb. 90 b/w illus. January.
978-977-416-663-1. LE200. World .
G AWDAT G ABRA is the former director of the
Coptic Museum and the author, coauthor, or editor of numerous books on the history and culture of Egyptian Christianity, including The
History and Religious Heritage of Old Cairo
(AUC Press, 2013). He is currently visiting professor of Coptic studies at Claremont Graduate University, California.
H ANY N. T AKLA is the founding president of the
Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society.
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Arabic Language Reference
An invaluable new resource for learners and native speakers of Modern Standard Arabic
How would you ever know that “to lose a baby ostrich” means to rush into something without thinking? Or that “what can the wind take from the pavement?” is said when someone has nothing left to lose?
This comprehensive guide to idiomatic expressions in literary Arabic, the first of its kind, will inform, amuse, and entertain, through more than
8500 entries found in texts from the Qur’an to today’s newspapers. With explanations in Arabic and English, it is an essential resource for both students of Arabic and native speakers.
Reaching into the great wealth of this complex and intriguing language, the dictionary draws on and reveals the rich cultural and religious traditions of Arabic-speaking communities that have informed its idioms.
Expressions of condolence, astonishment, and hardship, alongside sayings about friendship, miserliness, and reconciliation are collected and made accessible here, and glimpses are provided into history through phrases tied to important events and figures—from the ancient Egyptians to Saddam Hussein—altogether allowing a fascinating insight into Arabic’s many quirks and intricacies.
M AHMOUD S AMI M OUSSA is a senior instructor in the Arabic Language Institute of the American University in Cairo.
550pp. Hbd. October.
978-977-416-641-9. LE300. World .
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Language and Culture
Photographs by
A book whose blood is light, whose tongue drips honey, and which throws its ears at the sayings that color everyday talk in Egypt
No matter where we come from, we all have our unique local expressions and proverbs that raise confused eyebrows when translated literally. These phrases usually carry humor and wisdom at their core, but are only fully understood in their native language. A Roving Eye explores some of these phrases and sayings from one of the world¹s most expressive tongues, Egyptian Arabic, the most widely spoken form of Arabic.
Including some one hundred popular phrases and proverbs, all linked to parts of the body and features of the face, A Roving Eye uses striking blackand-white photography to bring these expressions to life. The result is a book that will delight both learners and native speakers of Arabic, as well as lovers of Egypt who have little knowledge of the language. Each phrase or saying features a photograph, the original expression in Arabic, its transliteration, and its equivalents in English (both literal and proverbial). The whole book makes a perfect gift or a fun read for family and friends.
96pp. Hdb. November.
978-977-416-679-2. LE100. World .
M ONA A TEEK has been teaching in the English
Language Institute of the American University in
Cairo (AUC) since 1987. M ONA K AMEL H ASSAN is a senior Arabic language instructor in the
Department of Arabic Language Instruction (ALI) at the AUC. T
AYLOR is the author of Living Normally: Where Life Comes Before Style .
He lives in Cairo. M
AROFIM has been teaching English at the AUC since 1972.
ULLEN is a Bulgarian photographer who lives and works in Cairo. Her love of the Egypt and its people is reflected here in what has been her most exciting photography challenge yet.
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Language Studies
A new textbook series for Arabic language students
This new series of three books aims to develop the writing skills of students learning Modern Standard Arabic, enabling them to move from forming correct words, phrases, sentences, and simple texts, to writing simple paragraphs and ultimately producing texts with the competency of a native speaker. The
Intermediate level volume introduces students to authentic Arabic writing styles; strengthens and enhances their grammar; includes more sophisticated key words, collocations, expressions, and idioms; reinforces linguistic accuracy; and trains them to use handwriting script. Practical skills such as how to write memorandums, messages, and e-mails and how to compile information are included. Developed and piloted in the classrooms of the Arabic Language Institute at the American University in Cairo, this series has benefited from the expertise and knowledge of leading teachers of Arabic.
EHIA is a senior instructor in the Arabic
Language Institute at the American University in Cairo.
By the same authors:
ASSANEIN holds a BA from Mansoura
University and an MA in Teaching Arabic as a
Foreign Language from the American University in Cairo. She is a senior instructor in the
Arabic Language Institute at the American
University in Cairo.
, with a PhD from Ain
Shams University, is a senior instructor in the
Arabic Language Institute at the American
University in Cairo.
112pp. Pbk. January.
978-977-416-635-8.LE120. World .
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al-Kitab al-asasi fi ta‘lim al-lugha al-‘arabiya li-ghayr al-natiqin biha: Volume 1 al-Kitab al-asasi: Volume 2
978 977 416 232 9 al-Kitab al-asasi: Volume 3
978 977 416 233 6 al-Kitab al-asasi: Lexicon
978 977 416 234 3
Lughatuna al-Fusha: A New
Course in Modern Standard
Arabic: Book One
Lughatuna al-Fusha: Book Two
978 977 416 392 0
Lughatuna al-Fusha: Book Three
978 977 416 565 8
Lughatuna al-Fusha: Book Four
978 977 416 583 2
Lughatuna al-Fusha: Book Five
978 977 416 619 8
Kallimni ‘Arabi Bishweesh:
A Beginners’ Course in Spoken
Egyptian Arabic 1
Kallimni ‘Arabi 2 (Intermediate)
978 977 424 977 8
Kallimni ‘Arabi Aktar (Upper Intermediate)
978 977 416 100 1
Kallimni ‘Arabi Mazboot (Early Advanced)
978 977 416 223 7
Kallimni ‘Arabi fi Kull Haaga (Higher Advanced)
978 977 416 224 4
‘Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial
Arabic for the Advanced Learner.
1: Adjectives and Descriptions
‘Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial
Arabic for the Advanced
Learner. 2: Proverbs
978 977 416 458 3
‘Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial
Arabic for the Advanced Learner.
3: Idioms and Other Expressions
978 977 416 497 2
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Nature Foldouts
A handy colorful guide to the wild and domestic felines of Egypt ancient and modern
Cats were just as favored in ancient Egypt as they are today. Egyptian paintings of domesticated cats date back 3,600 years, and animal cults included worship to the cat goddess Bastet. This AUC Press Nature Foldout explores wild and domestic cats of Egypt: large cats like the Cheetah, the Leopard, and the Caracal, which are all extremely threatened or near extinction within Egypt; and smaller cats including the African Wild Cat, Swamp Cat, Sand Cat, and Egyptian
Mau. Whether wild or household pets, cats have long been beloved by people.
• Each species described and illustrated, alongside examples of their natural prey in the wild
• Map of Egypt describing the various habitats of wild cats, as well as locations of ancient Egyptian sites where the cat was worshiped and mummified
• Noted appearances of felines in hieroglyphs and reliefs
• Conservation efforts for threatened cat species
Also available: D
AVARRO is a natural history artist and writer. She has also done archaeological illustrations and sculptural reconstructions of unidentified persons and ancient archaeological remains. She is an Emmy nominated art director for the television documentary series
Big History .
R ICHARD H OATH is one of Egypt’s leading naturalists. He is the author of A Field Guide to the
Mammals of Egypt (AUC Press, 2004) and
Natural Selections, A Year of Egypt’s Wildlife
(AUC Press, 1993), and is on the faculty of the
American University in Cairo.
8pp. Folded 14.5x21.5 cm. Unfolded 21.5x58.5 cm. November.
978-977-416-675-4. LE45. World .
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Nature Foldouts
A handy colorful guide to the animals and plantsof the Holy Land
The Holy Land—the birthplace of great religions—is also an environment of unique flora and fauna. Encompassing a vast, ancient region—lying between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, from Syria in the north down to
Egypt in the south—the Holy Land has been home to an array of wildlife, some of which remain today, others of which have vanished for all time. The sacred stories of Noah’s Ark filled with such animals, and the Garden of Eden exemplified the diversity and cohabitation of the natural world.
This AUC Press Nature Foldout explores some of the most beloved wildlife revered as sacred and special in the Holy Land, past and present.
• Includes over 50 species of flora and fauna
• Map of the Holy Land with geological sites including the Jordan Valley,
Euphrates River, Dead Sea, Mount Carmel, Negev Desert, Sinai, the
Mediterranean, Red Sea, and River Nile
• Quotes from holy texts giving insight on the relationship of humankind with wildlife
8pp. Folded 14.5x21.5 cm. Unfolded 21.5x58.5 cm. September.
978-977-416-674-7. LE45. World .
S HERIF B AHA E L D IN , with a PhD in ecology, is senior technical advisor at BirdLife International, Florida, and environmental consultant to the UNDP. He is the author of Common
Birds of Egypt (AUC Press, 1984) and A Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Egypt (AUC
Press, 2006).
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A revised and expanded digitaledition of the classic investigation of what historians can learn through the study of coins
Islamic History through Coins has become the standard reference for Islamic coinage struck by the Ikhshidid rulers of Egypt and Palestine (935–69). The second edition not only corrects minor errors in the first edition but adds data on more than three hundred new specimens, including a half-dozen coin types not identified in the first edition. The new specimens include two examples struck with the mint name Mecca and a gold issue associated with the famous eunuch
Kafur, two years before he became sole ruler of Egypt. As noted in a number of very positive reviews, the value of this book is that it serves two distinct audiences successfully. While the first part of the book is considered the best introduction to the study of Islamic coinage available in English and serves the needs of students, faculty, collectors and dealers who are seeking a place to start their possible study of Islamic numismatics, the second half is a catalogue of more than 1,500 specimens, enabling curators, collectors, and dealers to identify coins and their relative rarity. The early chapters, which are heavily illustrated, demonstrate how numismatic evidence can be used to enhance our understanding of this period of Islamic rule. For example, the coinage reveals the hierarchy of parts of the names used by the Ikhshidid rulers, which cannot be found in narrative texts, and the retention of a pre-Islamic artistic memory of their Central Asian origins unknown until this study of their coinage.
J ERE L. B ACHARACH is emeritus professor of Middle Eastern history at Washington University.
He is the editor of The Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt
(AUC Press, 1995) and Fustat Finds: Beads,
Coins, Medical Instruments, Textiles, and
Other Artifacts from the Awad Collection
(AUC Press, 2001).
e-Book. November.
978-161-797-520-2. $29.99. World .
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A critical study of one of the world’s best loved books, in a new digital edition
The Book of a Thousand and One Nights , better known as The Arabian Nights , is a classic of world literature and the most universally known work of Arabic narrative. Although much has been written about it, Professor Ghazoul’s analysis is the first to apply modern critical methodology to the study of this intricate and much-admired literary masterpiece.
The author draws on a wealth of critical tools — medieval Arabic aesthetics and poetics, mythology and folklore, allegory and comedy, postmodern literary criticism, and formal and structural analysis — to explain the specific genius of the The Arabian Nights . The author describes and examines the internal cohesion of the book, establishing its morphology and revealing the dialectics of the frame-story and enframed cycles of narrative. She discusses various forms of narrative — folk epics, animal fables, Sindbad voyages, and demon stories — and analyzes them in relation to narrative works from India, Europe, and the Americas. Covering an impressive range of writings, from ancient Indian classics to the works of Shakespeare and the modern writers Jorge Luis Borges and John Barth, she places The Arabian Nights in the context of an ongoing storytelling tradition and reveals its influence on world literature.
e-Book. September.
978-161-797-538-7. $9.99. World .
F ERIAL G HAZOUL is an Iraqi scholar, critic, and translator. She is professor of English and comparative literature at the American University in Cairo and has written extensively on gender issues in modern and medieval literature.
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Edited by
Essays exploring the inherent tension between postcolonial studies and “world criticism”
500pp. Pbk. September.
978-977-416-678-5. LE30. World .
As one of the first non-European journals to critically address the category of Weltliteratur bilingually from the perspective of the Global South, this special issue of Alif addresses this problem theoretically and empirically. The critical conversation about the problem of the category of Weltliteratur is not only extended beyond the European and North American sphere that has largely dominated and framed the discussion of Weltliteratur , but is juxtaposed formally in a way that permits us to understand that there are other “world literatures” that allow us to reexamine the contending theories, practices, and underlying assumptions of Weltliteratur .
A NDREW N. R UBIN is scholar in residence at Georgetown University. He is the author of Archives of Authority: Empire, Culture, and the Cold War and the coeditor of Adorno: A Critical Reader and The Edward Said Reader . He has published on the subject of twentieth century culture in magazines and journals including The South Atlantic Quarterly , The New Statesman , and Al-Ahram .
An overview of the development of anthropological study in twentieth-century Egypt, by a leading anthropologist
180pp. Pbk. November.
978-977-416-685-3. LE40. World .
Anthropology as a discipline came to Egypt around 1900, as foreign anthropologists reported home on the culture they found. As Egyptians took the lead in anthropology, in the 1930s, the discipline entered into the debate about the need to reform Egyptian society and culture especially in the rural areas, against a general background of functionalism. This study traces the evolution of anthropology in Egypt through the stories of its practitioners such as Blackman, Galal,
Evans-Pritchard, Hocart, Abbas Ammar, Hamid Ammar, Berque, Abou Zeid, el Hamamsy,
Uways, and their contemporaries, showing their challenges and accomplishments.
N ICHOLAS S. H OPKINS is emeritus professor of anthropology and former dean of the
School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the American University in Cairo.
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Illustrations by
Egypt’s wildlife ancient and modern captured in twelve beautiful full-color scenes, to be enjoyed month by month
This colorful, medium-format wall calendar presents twelve illustrations from the AUC Press Nature Foldout Series. Egypt’s unique flora and fauna come to life on each page, including ancient
Egyptian animals, prehistoric dinosaurs, birds, plants, and other wildlife that can be found throughout the country today. Each species is identified along with its scientific name, and a brief natural history fact is included for every spread. The calendar is practically designed with plenty of space to write in special events and daily appointments throughout the year.
24pp. 28x22cm. October.
978-121-315-232-8. LE90. World .
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978 977 416 659 4
978 977 416 642 6
978 977 416 624 2
978 977 416 559 7
978 977 416 526 9
978 977 416 654 9
978 977 416 620 4
978 977 424 688 3
978 977 424 682 1
978 977 424 681 4
978 977 424 164 2
978 977 424 683 8
978 977 424 018 8
978 977 416 615 0
978 977 416 027 1
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978 977 416 633 4
978 977 416 304 3
978 977 416 435 4
978 977 424 907 5
978 977 416 478 1
978 977 424 953 2
978 977 416 041 7
978 977 424 848 1
978 977 416 040 0
978 977 424 957 0
978 977 424 849 8
978 977 424 433 9
978 977 424 735 4
978 977 416 637 2
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978 977 416 532 0
978 977 416 616 7
978 977 424 826 9
978 977 416 634 1
978 977 416 574 0
978 977 424 912 9
978 977 416 563 4
978 977 416 356 2
978 977 416 552 8
978 977 416 433 0
978 977 416 243 5
978 977 416 426 2
978 977 416 600 6
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978 977 416 560 3
978 977 416 464 4
978 977 416 348 7
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Abdelmegid, Bahaa 8
Abo El Seoud, Dalal 30
Abu Rayya, Yusuf 11
Alexandria Anthology 16
Alif 36
American Travelers on the Nile 19
Anthropology in Egypt 36
Arab Human Development 24
Arabian Horse of Egypt 20
Ateek, Mona 29
Attum, Omar 22
Bacharach, Jere L. 34
Baha El Din, Sherif 33
Bedford, Francis 14
Bint Al Hussein, HRH Princess Alia 20
El-Bisatie, Mohamed 10
Cairo Papers 36
Cats of Egypt 32
Cats, Crocodiles, and Camels 37
Christianity and Monasticism in
Middle Egypt 27
Cities, Citadels, and Sights of the
Near East 14
Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt 5
Dictionary of Idiomatic Expressions in Written Arabic 28
Egypt’s Desert Dreams 25
Eltoukhy, Nael 9
From Christian Egypt to Islamic
Egypt 26
Gabra, Gawdat 27
Ghazoul, Ferial J. 35
Gordon, Sophie 14
Haag, Michael 16
El Hage, Badr 14
Hanna, Nelly 18
Hassanein, Azza 30
Hewison, R. Neil 11
Hoath, Richard 32
Hopkins, Nicholas S. 36
Hunger 10
Islamic History through Coins 34
Johnson-Davies, Denys 10
Kamel Hassan, Mona 29
Korany, Bahgat 24
Lanterns of the King of Galilee 12
MacMullen, Doriana 29
Marei, Nasr 20
Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians 4
Mehrez, Samia 6
Mikhail, Maged S.A. 26
Mitchell, Timothy 25
Moger, Robin 9
Moussa, Mahmoud Sami 28
Nasrallah, Ibrahim 12
Navarro, Dominique 32, 33, 37
Naylor, Trevor 29
Nocturnal Poetics 35
Oliver, Andrew 19
Ottoman Egypt and the Emergence of the Modern World 18
Prince, Mona 6
Revolution Is My Name 6
Roberts, Nancy 12
Roving Eye 29
Rubin, Andrew 36
Sarofim, Marian 29
Sayigh, Rosemary 13
Sims, David 25
Sinai 22
Siwa 21
Snape, Steven 5
Strouhal, Eugen 4
Takla, Hany 27
Temple Bar 8
Thompson, Jason 2
Uktub al-‘arabiya 30
Vachala, Bretislav 4
Vale, Margaret M. 21
Vymazalová, Hana 4
Wedding Night 11
Wildlife of the Holy Land 33
Women of Karantina 9
Wonderful Things 2
World Literature 36
Wright, Jonathan 8
Yehia, Hala 30
Yusif Sayigh 13
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